Hello and Welcome back to Mexico City. Today is Wednesday.
and this video is my first video in Spanish. Probably my last!
I don't speak Spanish. I have never learnt Spanish
Only German at School and College for 7 years approximately
For me, Spanish is extremely fast, very fast, especially in Colombia and Cuba
But in Mexico, I understand Spanish better
I have been in Mexico City for 4 months approximately
Oh my god, But my Spanish is getting better
yes, 4 months, fantastic
My favourite places in Mexico are Mexico City, obviously, also Puebla, Atlixco &Tlaquepaque
I really like magic towns, understand?
because they are very colorful, they are very beautiful, lots of architecture, lots of history
fantastic, lots of beautiful
my final point is food in mexico, oh my god
food in mexico is very delicious, fantastic, amazing
I can not live without Mexican Food!
My favourte foods are Mole Poblano in Puebla, Cemitas in Atlixco, Salbutes & Panuchos in Merida, Yucatan
Delicious! Obviously Tacos at El Pescadito in Condesa (little fish!)
okay now we're gonna
talk English this will be a lot easier for me and a lot simpler I
apologize for any to any Spanish speakers out there because I know that
was awful but it was an attempt I'm trying my best okay so I hope you
appreciate that and the main reason I've done this video I'd have a bit of fun
but also to highlight just how important learning a language is when you come to
another country it doesn't have to be you know fluent Spanish as long as you
can learn the basics that will really help you and there is a fantastic way in
which you can learn languages by using the sponsors of this video by talking so
you may know that I am an online English teacher with Italki so what better
person to tell you what about it. Italki is a convenient and affordable
language learning platform which allows you to speak to a native speaker who
will provide you with personalized one-to-one tutoring whenever you want
whether you want to learn a language from scratch broaden your vocabulary
improve your fluency or improve a language for a specific reason for
example work study or maybe you're just traveling to another country I talk it
is by far the most effective tool as you get to speak to a real human being and
learn the language that the locals use as well as learning a language Italki
allows you to connect with different people all over the world allowing you
to also learn culturally ideal if you're nervous about traveling for the first
time my talking is significantly more affordable than offline schools or other
platforms such as rosetta stone which can cost up to 200 US dollars for a
beginner CD the great thing is from this video is that you can get 10 US dollars
in our talkie credits with your first lesson purchase by visiting the link
that's on the screen now or by clicking the link at the very top of the
description below enjoy so thank you to Italki for
sponsoring this video it's clear that I haven't used Italki to learn Spanish
as you probably just witnessed earlier in this video but never mind
so yeah the thing I just wanted to talk about in this video is the fact that so
many people talk to me and say that they didn't enjoy their experience in the
country or they didn't like it they hated it whatever and you know what
primarily the reason that they didn't enjoy it was because they didn't make an
effort with the language learning a language in another country when you
travel is so important because it makes you feel welcomed it makes you feel
comfortable it makes you feel like a local especially as you know I'm living
in an area of Mexico City that is you know it's not particularly a tourist
area so every day I'm speaking Spanish some days I don't speak English until
maybe four o'clock in the afternoon when I do an English lesson perhaps so I just
wanted to wanted you to keep that in mind from this video that it makes your
life so much easier it makes your travel experience so much easier and you know
what I actually enjoy speaking Spanish with people even though I my Spanish is
diabolical but you know it improves my experience when I'm in another country
particularly when I'm here for a long time so just keep that in mind I don't
know what happened to my voice there but never mind so thanks for watching
there's a few more videos coming from Mexico City before I move on to taxco
and Puerto Vallarta I'm so excited for some beaches yes wonderful don't forget
to like comment and subscribe and also don't forget to check out I talk you
link or I mentioned earlier thanks for watching and I'll catch you later
For more infomation >> MI PRIMER VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL | Sponsored by ITALKI #ad | Traducción en Español y Inglés. - Duration: 5:44.-------------------------------------------
Flor Marcasoli y Lucas Velasco cerraron el ritmo con un cuartetazo - Duration: 3:19.
Luis Jara y la pregunta sobre la mejor animadora con que ha trabajado: "Claramente la Kathy Salosny" - Duration: 2:34.
Agustín Casanova demandó por una suma millonaria a Fer Vázquez - Duration: 6:38.
"Soa Ledy" y "Tía Maca" regresarán: Pasapalabra iniciará nuevo repechaje con los mejores del año - Duration: 1:34.
Xiomara Herrera y Hernán Arcil sufrieron fea caída en plena presentación en 'Rojo' - Duration: 2:18.
Empresa proveedora de cuidados médicos en centros de ICE enfrenta cientos de demandas por negligenci - Duration: 1:50.
'Honestidad' 'La Voz' calienta motores: espectacular promo y concierto en plena calle - Duration: 4:01.
港澳珠大橋順利通車 惹來某些國家嫉妒不已 英國人酸澀 - Duration: 10:39.
自從改革開放 以來
我國經濟飛速 發展
尤其是在基礎 設施這一方 面
讓世界其他國 家稱讚不已 。
我國的基建技 術是非常高 的
也建設了很多 的世界級大 工程
被很多國家稱 為基建狂魔 。
我國又完成了 一個世界級 大工程
而且也攻克了 一個難關
港珠澳大橋正 式通車
很多國家的網 友非常眼紅
其中英國人的 評論讓人生 氣
結果讓美國人 怒懟。
港珠澳大橋正 式通車
讓國人激動不 已
而且也非常的 驕傲。
我國在修建港 珠澳大橋的 時候遇到了 很多的困難
這是一個艱巨 的工程
很多國家對我 國也不是很 看好
覺得中國不可 能會成功。
這件工程的困 難程度是很 高的
畢竟是世界上 最長的跨海 大橋
特別是在技術 方面。
當時荷蘭的建 橋技術是非 常發達的
覺得這件工程 的困難量很 大
所以也不認為 中國會完成 。
其實就像這些 國家看到的 那樣
中國在建設這 座大橋的時 候
的確面臨著很 多的困難
尤其是技術上 的難題很難 解決。
所以我們國家 曾經就向其 他國家尋求 幫助
比如說向荷蘭 購買他們的 專利技術
但是遭到了他 們的拒絕。
最後只能依靠 我們國家自 己的科研人 員
經過這些工作 人員的不斷 考察與研究
在八年之後終 於完成了這 座大橋
而且質量也是 過關的。
雖然我國經濟 飛速發展
在世界上的影 響力也越來 越大
但是很多已開 發國家仍然 瞧不起中國
在他們看來中 國仍然是一 個落後的發 展中國家。
特別是一些外 國人
沒有認識到中 國的強大之 處
有時候也會詆 毀中國。
港珠澳大橋正 式通車了以 後
這是我國強大 的又一有力 證明
也是對這些瞧 不起中國的 國家最有力 的回擊
向世界證明我 國的建橋技 術是非常好 的。
港澳珠大橋正 式通車了以 後
很多國家都非 常的羨慕和 眼紅
甚至會發一些 不友好的言 論。
其中一位英國 網友就表示
建橋時間不長 質量可能不 好
說不定什麼時 候就倒塌了
如果大家經過 這個橋的時 候要小心
最好穿上救生 衣。
這樣的言論是 令人氣憤的
連一些美國網 友都看不過 去了
所以回擊:上 次颱風的時 候就是有力 的證明
中國的橋樑建 設非常棒
人家在努力發 展的時候
你們英國卻只 想著脫歐
難怪現在發展 成這樣。
對於英國人的 這些言論
在小編看來也 只是酸溜溜 的嫉妒而已
你們怎麼看? 10月2 4日
中國境內首座 連接香港、
珠海和澳門的 橋隧工程— —港珠澳大 橋
成為世界上最 長的跨海大 橋
其設計壽命為 120年。
我國建橋歷史 悠久
無論是建造設 計、
我國均處於世 界領先之位 。
在位於河北趙 縣的洨河之 上
橫跨著一座距 今已有14 00多年的 古橋
擁有數項「世 界之最」。
1991年被 美國認定為 與金字塔、
艾菲爾鐵塔等 齊名的建築 。
這座古橋還流 傳著很多神 話故事
至今在橋上都 能找到。
就是聞名世界 的趙州橋
還被中國文學 作家茅以升 寫成文章《 中國石拱橋 》
入選小學語文 課本。
由著名匠師李 春設計建造
距今已有14 00多年的 歷史
是當今世界上 現存最早保 存最完整的 古代單孔敞 肩石拱橋。
趙州橋橫跨3 7米寬的洨 河河面
橋體全部為石 頭
當地人也稱之 為「大石橋 」。
趙州橋橋體包 含一個大拱 和四個小拱 。
大拱由28道 拱圈拼成
各道窄券的石 塊間加有鐵 釘、
每道拱圈都能 獨立支撐上 方重量。
大拱兩側各有 兩個小拱
宣洩洪水以及 增強美觀。
趙州橋各塊條 石之間用兩 個「腰鐵」 相連。
趙州橋還流傳 著很多神話 故事
走到趙州(今 趙縣)
一條白茫茫的 洨河攔住了 去路。
河邊很多人上 爭著過河進 城
而河裡只有兩 隻小船擺來 擺去
半天也過不了 幾個人。
魯班為便利百 姓交通運輸
在河上建造一 座堅固、
美觀的石拱橋 。
仙人張果老與 柴王爺聞訊 而來一探究 竟
兩人施用法術 企圖讓橋樑 倒塌
但魯班還是徒 手力頂趙州 橋。
在趙州橋路面 上
清晰可見兩條 被磨亮的車 轍
相傳是柴王爺 推著三座大 山在此路過 所留下的。
趙州橋石欄板 望柱上精雕 龍獸和花卉 圖案
浮雕上有各具 神態的蛟龍 形象。
趙州橋距今已 1400多 年
經歷了10次 水災
8次戰亂和多 次地震。
仍屹立在洨河 之上。
趙州橋被濃濃 的秋色環抱
吸引眾多遊客 到此遊覽參 觀。
很多人可能會 想到阿里的 拉昂措
然後聯想到瑪 旁雍措或者 是岡仁波齊 。
我第一次得知 拉昂措
就是它與瑪旁 雍措和岡仁 波齊之間的 複雜關係。
拉昂措是西藏 阿里的鬼湖
藏語是「有毒 的黑湖「。
它與聖湖瑪旁 雍措一堤之 隔
命運卻天壤之 別。
瑪旁雍措是淡 水湖
拉昂措是鹹水 湖的。
西藏的鹹水湖 並不多
除了它還有一 個就是色林 措
它是西藏最大 的湖泊
也稱之為鬼湖 。
這兩個湖泊的 水都是人畜 皆不能飲用
同時湖裡面也 幾乎沒有生 物。
如同是一個「 死湖」。
就好比死海一 般
只是拉昂措更 荒涼
周圍沒有植物 、
天地之間一片 死寂
仿佛是高原的 絕境。
比起色林措「 簡單粗暴」 的惡魔歷史
拉昂措顯得曲 折複雜
實際上它與瑪 旁雍措是兩 個相連的湖 泊
冰水堆積物堵 塞而演化為 內流湖。
但二者之間有 一個相連的 河道
位於吉烏村所 在的河谷地 帶據說就是 兩個湖泊之 間的相連河 道。
聖湖的水終有 一天會進入 拉昂措
鬼湖的水就會 變得十分清 甜
人間會獲得空 前吉祥。
相傳瑪旁雍措 里的兩條小 金魚發生了 衝突
其中一條金魚 招架不住鑿 了湖底通道 跑到了拉昂 錯
這條小金魚從 此黑化
導致原本也是 清甜之湖的 拉昂措變得 黑暗
從此變成了人 們口中的」 鬼湖「。
藏族人對於這 樣的傳說深 信不疑。
且湖泊深度至 今仍無法測 量出來
使得拉昂措變 得更為可怕 。
但關於拉昂措 的傳聞多是 神秘色彩。
第一次看到它 的時候
我的藏族朋友 米瑪告訴我 它實際是神 山岡仁波齊 的小情人
與瑪旁雍措也 是一對姐妹
但因為和岡仁 波齊之間的 關係見不得 光
於是與聖湖瑪 旁雍措隔開
且這個小情人 也永遠看到 岡仁波齊。
只有「聖母之 山」納木那 尼峰陪伴著 它。
也有說法它是 羅剎王的聚 集地
印度古代《羅 摩衍那的故 事》中誘拐 美女斯達的 九頭羅剎王 就住在這裡 。
這裡經常會發 生不吉利的 事情
湖面更是無端 興風作浪。
為何西藏的拉 昂措會和印 度文化結合 在一起
這源於是瑪旁 雍措的關係 。
它不僅是藏傳 佛教的古老 聖地
也是印度教的 聖地
相傳是濕婆神 的住所
因此每年夏天 會有許多印 度教徒跑來 瑪旁雍措洗 澡。
雖然不少旅行 者在前往聖 湖或者神山 岡仁波齊的 時候
都會經過這條 鬼湖
但它依舊不受 待見。
謠傳有遊客在 這裡遭遇不 幸。
為了鎮住拉昂 措的妖氣
湖中心島上曾 有僧侶閉關 修行
湖附近也有一 座寺院。
這裡不會出現 朝聖者。
作為西藏僅有 的兩個鬼湖 之一的色林 措算是一個 狠角色了。
色林措在藏語 中的意思是 「色林魔鬼 湖」。
相傳湖底里鎮 壓著一個大 魔鬼
是被蓮花生大 師降服。
這個魔鬼原本 是居住在堆 龍德慶
每天以吞噬萬 千生靈的魂 魄為樂。
但被降服的大 魔鬼再也不 敢興風作浪
只能聽從大師 命令每日於 湖中虔誠懺 悔
且不得傷害其 他生靈。
所以即便色林 措也是「鬼 湖」
但它比拉昂措 充滿生機。
湖邊不僅草林 豐富
秋夏更能常見 野生動物出 沒
湖中小島也是 棲息著各種 各樣的候鳥
整片風光環境 顯得其樂融 融。
也不知道是不 是魔鬼的虔 誠感動了蓮 花生大師
它成為了高原 高寒草原生 態系統中是 珍稀瀕危生 物物種最多 的地區
也是世界上最 大的黑頸鶴 自然保護區
萬物生靈在此 繁衍。
與拉昂措的蒼 涼相比
色林措就是野 生動物的棲 息天堂
儘管湖水一樣 是人畜皆不 能飲用。
但「生命力」 旺盛的它是 比拉昂措幸 運多了。
一個是西藏最 大的湖
一個是深不知 底的湖
它們都顯得默 默無聞
不被遊客所熟 知。
與拉昂措的蒼 涼相比
色林措就是野 生動物的棲 息天堂
儘管湖水一樣 是人畜皆不 能飲用。
但「生命力」 旺盛的它是 比拉昂措幸 運多了。
一個是西藏最 大的湖
一個是深不知 底的湖
它們都顯得默 默無聞
不被遊客所熟 知。
Question 10 - Mark Patterson to the Minister of Transport - Duration: 2:40.
Sin querer queriendo: Mica Viciconte trató de "abuela" a Nicole Neumann - Duration: 5:58.
No me acuerdo: Concursantes de Rojo olvidaron la letra en homenaje a compositor de "Felices los 4" - Duration: 1:52.
Daddy Yankee, imparable: logró 10 récords Guinness por "Despacito" - Duration: 2:56.
MISS UNIVERSE 2018 TEAM AMERICA - Duration: 12:43.
hello I'm a pipe and welcome to this new video which many of you wanted, we will know all the candidtas for the American continent for a total of 28, remember that for this group there is a maximum of 6 which are your favorites?
she is 22 years old, mimde 1, 70 cm his eyes are brown and blond hair is a student of nutrition, takes acting classes and is passionate about dancing she only speaks the Spanish language
Miss universe aruba
is 20 years old, is 1,82 is a German model from Aarubana her eyes are green and her blonde hair was awarded as the best of the best world 207
Miss universe bahamas
she is 23 years old, measures 1.78 It is a dancer who plays the piano has a deep love for animals Danielle plans to form a nonprofit organization that will work with animal organizations around the world speak the language of english
she is 26 years old and is 1,80cm tall has a degree in management and organizational studies she is passionate about gender equality and pretending to use her voice for women have a more important position and be more confident she is fluent in French and English
Miss universe bolivia
Korean Fire Noodle Challenge [ESP/ENG CC] - Duration: 1:48.
Let's start~
The smell its good but is strong for my taste
Yes or not?
I need water!!!
(My face of regret hahahaha)
I'm okey:)
(I need to think it seriously...)
This poor soul can't handle it anymore hahahaha
Cut! Cut!
It Happened One Christmas - Movie - Duration: 1:50:09.
Mộc Nhĩ Ăn Cùng Thứ Này Còn Tốt Hơn Đông Trùng Hạ Thảo - Duration: 3:44.
No pudo más: Esposa de Rodrigo Herrera fue internada en la clínica - Duration: 2:14.
Dave Grohl afirma que Marilyn Manson reemplazó al grunge - Duration: 4:15.
Halloween Torta/Cake ENG.SUBS.(Grga&Klara) - Duration: 11:19.
4 bags of chocolate pudding powder (200 g)
200 g of sugar
200 ml of milk
1200 ml of milk
Cook on midddle heat, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes.
200 g dark chocolate
250 g butter
600 g of chocolate biscuits
Coat 24 cm in diameter and minimum 8 cm height
transparent (or aluminum) foil
Finish with foil and allow to cool at first at room temperature and then refrigerate for several hours (best overnight).
3 bags Creams for Chocolate Cakes (195 g)
310 ml of cold milk
170 g marshmallows
lace the marshmallows in a microwave-safe bowl and heat them for 20-30 seconds.
तेरी रेहमतो का दरिया - कव्वाली ख्वाजा गरीब नवाज़ - TERI REHMATO KA DARIYA SARE AAM CHAL RAHA HAI - Duration: 15:10.
Uomini e donne, Lorenzo fa infuriare Maria De Filippi dopo una bravata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.
Uomini e Donne, il trono classico si sdoppia: due puntate per 5 protagonisti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:34.
U&D, Andrea Cerioli 'punto' dalla Rapisarda: 'Essere tronista? Ciò che desiderava' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:02.
U&D, rivoluzione al trono classico: forse aumentano gli appuntamenti in tv | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.
URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - AASHIQ HU TERA TALIBE DIDAR HU TERA - Duration: 8:14.
Are You Finding It Hard To Get Traffic To Your Website? - Duration: 1:51.
- Hi, everyone, we're in First Page HQ,
I'm here with Kieran, a digital strategist of ours,
and we're going to be talking about negative SEO.
So, first question, what is negative SEO?
- Yes, so essentially, negative SEO
is quite the opposite of SEO.
So, SEO is ranking organically on search engines--
- Yeah. - Being on the first page.
Negative SEO is essentially any tactics
to kind of push you down the page
or the rank you currently are.
- So, like, what?
- Kind of, essentially, like an attack,
like someone hacking your website,
trying to make sure that you don't appear
on the first page.
- Okay, I understand.
So, uniquely, we've been getting quite a few
of these inquiries lately.
How does one protect themselves
against negative SEO?
- Yeah, essentially, when you look at negative SEO,
you kind of want to understand whether you've been attacked
or if something actually has been done by yourself.
Maybe you didn't index your website properly.
- Right.
Really, to protect yourself,
there's no really pro-active way
other than really having a secure website,
having a campaign that is,
or SEO campaign that is actively trying
to do positive things.
The moment that you realize that you have been attacked,
there is more of an active or reactive sort of approach--
- Right. - Which essentially
is making sure when you go in the search console,
trying to disallow some of the links
that are linking to your websites.
But really there isn't really any protective measures
to be put in place.
It's really more of a continuous effort
that you have to do in order to protect yourself.
- Okay, got it.
Well, Kieran, thanks for that.
If you wanna learn more about the world of digital,
we'll be doing these videos weekly.
Check in with us again next week.
'I Absolutely Love The Art': Denver Tour Wants You To Love The Art Too - Duration: 2:10.
Handbag Tour ♥ Luxury Designer Bags ♥ Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton || SugarMamma.TV - Duration: 12:47.
Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. So this is a subscriber request video
and as you can probably tell it's a tour of my handbags. You guys have been asking
and begging for this video for a really long time to be really honest. I was
really nervous and uncomfortable about making this video. Necause I didn't want
to be seen as recommending that you spend all your hard-earned money on
designer handbags. That's not what I'm about. Me personally I love beautifully
made handbags and I actually reward myself with one handbag once a year.
Depending on whether I've achieved my goals. And these aren't just financial
goals but they're my health and fitness goals, my personal life development and
personal growth goals. Any other sort of aspects of my life that I'm really
trying to build and improve on. And if I achieve those I then allow myself to go
and buy one beautiful handbag. Which I have planned and prepared for throughout
the year. Researched and most importantly saved up. Whilst I might use my credit
card to pay for the bag, to collect frequent flyer points. I'm actually using
cash to buy that bag. I will never borrow money to buy something like a luxury
good that just appreciates in value. Please understand these are the rewards
from my successes. And I always prioritize the achievement and the
success and the personal growth behind me. Before I rewarded myself. Alright let
me share with you each of these bags and the story behind them. Alright starting
with this bag here. It is a leopard print bag by Dolce and Gabbana.
I found this in the store and absolutely fell in love with it. I'm particularly
fussy when it comes to a leopard print bag. And it can look really tacky if
you're not careful. Now I did some research online and I managed find it
for about a quarter or a third of the price. On a second-hand website, so it's
been a fantastic buy. It's a really great size, it's great for traveling I can
throw a jumper in there, my bottle of water. And it's really comfortable. It's
extremely well made. This handbag is about five maybe six years old. The next
bag I want to show you guys is actually a state of escape bag. Now these are great for young
families. Because you can throw them in the washing machine and they come out
pretty much looking pretty much brand-new. And they're also vegan, they're
neoprene. So there are absolutely no harm or cruelty to animals in these
whatsoever. And they're incredibly light, they fit a lot of stuff and they're also
great for traveling. The next bag I want to show you isn't actually a hand bag as
such but it's my overnight bag. And this bag has got to be about I think 10 years
old. This bag has been around the world with
me. And it's a great bag for taking onto an aeroplane. It fits so much, but it also
makes me feel quite chic. Now I was quite young when I bought this bag and my
parents contributed towards towards it. As part of my birthday present, and I
love it. What I love the most about this bag is the history behind it. I'll never get
rid of this bag. But also a Louis Vuitton do the monogramming, which really makes it
personal. So I just adore this. The next bag is this Celine bag. I can't remember what the
style is called. And I bought this through an outlet. And again I got an at
I think about 30 to 40 percent off. It's a fantastic color. And one thing you'll
notice that all these bags are, they pretty much most of them and neutrals. Or
if they vary away from a neutral color palette. It matches my capsule wardrobe
collection. Because all of these bags work with most of the clothing in my
wardrobe. Which works really well because when I'm in a hurry I can quickly grab
something, I know that it's going to work. The next bag is a bag I again bought
secondhand. I think I've got this one on ebay. It's a Louis Vuitton. I think it made be
call the Thompson bag, and his style is actually no longer made. If you want this
bag I will link as much as a bag that I can find it's very similar to this it's
not the same. You'd have to find a secondhand website. This bag is a
designer bag it cost me a couple of hundred dollars maximum. And
it's great for walking the dogs because I can put dog bags in my mobile phone, my
keys and my wallet. And I have two hands-free because it's across over. My
next back is my Chanel 2.55. Again I bought this secondhand, and this bag has
got to be around about maybe eight years old. It is still in style and funny thing
about this bag is has actually gone up in value. I bought this one the
Australian dollar was really strong so I paid roughly around $4,000. And I believe
these now retail for over $8,000. So it's probably one of the few bags that
actually has not just held their value but she's going up in value. And again
this is such a timeless handbag at never goes out of style. This was actually made
in February in 1955, which is why it's called a 2.55. And I love the history
behind this bag and what the criss-crossing
represents. The chain of the of the nuns in Coco Chanel's orphanage where she
grew up. This means so much to me. And whenever I look at this bag I think
about how exciting my future is, and the things that I personally overcome. The
next two bags I actually pretty much bought simultaneously. I was going in to
buy one bag, and I ended up walking out with two. Again I paid for these in cash.
But I saw a very rare opportunity to buy something I knew it would be really hard
to find on a second-hand market. And when you know your bags, like buying research
my shares and investments. I knew that it was a great buy. So I actually bought
these two simultaneously paid for them in cash. And it was after achieving a huge
financial goal. So it was a big reward to myself and again I I always knew that I
was looking out for two bags in this color and in this style. They are both in the
caviar so they're really durable. I'm really careful with these because I love
them, as I love all of them. So i'm particularly careful with this one
as to where I put. And on that note of taking care of my stuff. All these bags
are stored away in my closet, most of them still live in their soft bags. And I
always make sure I regularly clean them, and if they need to be fixed
or altered I'll take them to the boot maker immediately. I really do love, value,
use and appreciate these bags. The next bag is a Louis Vuitton bag. Now I had a
bit of an incident with my original black Lou Vuitton tote. Which was very
classic. All the glue came out of the bag and went all over my jacket and Tom's shirt.
It made a huge mess I went into Lou Vuitton. And they immediately took it off me
apologized and so there was a fault in a line of these bags. They gave me a credit
note which was more than what I actually originally paid for the bag. So instead
of buying the same bag again. As I was worried that that would happen again. I
decided to get this one instead and again this is a great bag I can wear it two
different ways and it's a really nice fun summery color. That goes with most of
the colors that I wear in my capsule wardrobe. The next thing I want to show
you is something also really special. I'll never forget buying this bag and it
is a Gucci disco Soho bag. I bought it in Paris. It was the one thing
I'm a allowed myself to get in Paris. That trip was a really special trip,
because it was a trip that I took Rocco to Paris, because I'd never been there
before. And it was an amazing journey and experience for Rocco and I. Full of many
testing but bonding moments. And this is the one thing I allowed myself to get.
Buying bags in Europe is often cheaper, because you get the Vat
back. You gotto make sure you know how to get the vat back before you leave the
country. But again this by using this opportunity in a strong Australian
dollar at the time I actually bought this at quite a good discount. The next
bag I want to show you is actually a bag that Tom bought me. Now Tom is not into
designer goods at all. Thinks handbags are a ridiculous waste of money, and he
really blew me away when he bought me this for my birthday this year. And I was
amazed at how well he picked this bag. I actually love it. I think I've used this
bag pretty much 80% since giving it to me. It's navy blue I absolutely love
wearing navy blue. Again it's got two straps so I can carry Rocco and have two
hands free. Or I can just un-clip it and hold it like a tote like
this. It's got zip locks in here so I can keep the sections thing zipped away
safely. And again it's just really classic and I
wear a lot of navy blue so this really works with me. But I yeah absolutely
adore this so thank you Tom. The next thing I want to show you is a
bag I actually got in Lebanon in Bay bridge it's made by the prisoners. Now
what they do it they have this special program to help
I guess educate and give a greater opportunity for success in life. Once the
women get out of jail. But they teach them how to make this bag of these is
particular to have been crocheting and stitching to make a whole range of bags.
It's a fantastic program an initiative by the government and also by Sarahs bags
who actually makes a whole range of these. And I will link in the video
description box her website. So you can see all the other bags that have been
made by these women. The next two handbags I'm about to show you. Are actually two
handbags that are now for sale. As part of living minamlistic lifestyle and the
journey of minimalisim. I realized there are a couple of bags that I don't simply
use. And they deserve to go to a better home where someone will love
value and appreciate them. So the first bag that i'm going to be selling is this
Lou Vuitton one. I bought this from the Lou Vuitton store in Capri it's a
fantastic bag. It just doesn't get used by me, and I don't feel right holding
onto it. Now this bag is a fantastically well-made bag. It is really
beautiful. It's a timeless piece they actually still sell this in the store
and I will be linking in the video description box below the website or the
account. Where I will actually be selling this bag. Along with it will also be this
Bally handbag which I've had for a long time. But again just doesn't work with my
wardrobe anymore. So if you're looking at picking up a new handbag and you're
interested either of these two. Make sure you click on the links below. And
then the final two handbags that I want to show you, are two very classic ones.
Two different but very versatile black handbags. Every woman needs a
fantastically well-made black handbag. Now the first one is my Chanel Leboy
phantom handbag. This is a great bag again it's so incredibly versatile. I can
wear it as a crossover, over my shoulder or I can double off the chain
and put it over my shoulder. I absolutely love this and a fantastic size. Great
for going out or just simply out and about during the day. Love this one. And
then the final one is my Givenchy nightingale. Now this handbag probably is
about maybe eight or nine years old. It took forever to save up this bag at the
time. But it's just a really great casual bag. It's quite slouchy which is very
different from my normal structured handbags. Again a really versatile with
two different straps which I can unclip at any time. Great size and considering
it's leather and there's a lot of hardware, is actually quite light. And again I love
this bag I would never get rid of it. It just works with everything that I
need and want Now before I end this video I want to remind you that I've
already made you that wardrobe tour video that you also requested for so
long. So make sure you click on the card above here so you can watch that video
as soon as you finish this one. I also want to reinforce that I do not
recommend you spend all your hard-earned money on handbags. Make sure you buy what
you love, value and appreciate. But take a balanced approach.
Make sure you have prioritized getting out of debt, staying out of debt. Having
emergency money, investing, putting some money away for your retirement
either through super, your New Zealand super or your 401k plan. But make sure
you prioritize your financial health before you reward yourself with these
types of luxuries. And make sure you do your research, take care of these things.
My mother still has some of her designer Gucci handbags from when she was in her
early 20s. And these bags are actually still in style. Because she's taken such
great care of these bags. They actually still look brand new. Now I really hope you enjoyed this video. Make sure you click on the video
description box below. Because you can see links of where you can buy some of
these bags. I've actually found listed some websites that you can go to where
you can look at these bags. And find them at a discounted price. Because if you buy
them pre-loved you can save a lot of money, and I have absolutely no shame in
buying something that's pre loved. Especially when it helps save money, that
I can contribute towards the thousand dollar project. Alright everyone have a
fantastic week. If you haven't subscribed already please
make sure you do. And make sure that notification button is switched on.
Because I have the shoe tour coming up next. Caio for now.
I Rant About Halloween... - Duration: 9:46.
All Hallows Eve
Spock day? Wait, I need to fix that.
Spook day
Competition to see which neighbor has the most inflatables
Whatever you call it, it's actually called Halloween.
Also, everyone celebrates it.
Anyone who's not mentally dry, at least.
So, let's rants about it, cus why the Hell not? There are some stupid things, so let's rant.
Ok, so let's start off with the main thing.
Trick-or-treating. So, you dress up as something, or someone, presumably much cooler than you could ever hope to be.
This even includes sexy costumes, also known as costumes.
And I really want to try out these sexy costumes someday, because I really want more people to pay attention to my big, juicy tits.
Also, since they get the thinnest models they can for the pictures of the costumes, I always wondered what an obese model would look like.
Me wearing one would also answer that question.
Anyways, you see some of these other embarrassing not-sexy costumes, like look at this.
I hope you see that in your nightmares
Okay, that one's an exception, because it's all actually amazing. If that costume were a film, it would be nothing short of a masterpiece.
Just kidding. When Thanos snapped his fingers, I wish he killed the guy who thought of that costume.
The problem with most of these costumes is the amount of care put into them, or lack thereof. It's really pathetic.
I pity the fool wears this if you're white.
This costume, as well as many others, shows the worst part of them. The masks. Even when I was, like, 10, I didn't wanna wear the mask that came with this costume.
Look, this mask is so bad that even when I was 10 I hated it.
Obviously, I thought that these this will do something.
Because I was 10 and I was stupid, but look at how bad- These are supposed to be staples.
I tries to fix it.
"Fix it." You can't even fix that, with actual staples
You know, I would've scarred my face if I wore that. Look at all this amazing stitch work in here.
This is so stupid.
Good job, guys. No wonder this mask is retired.
It's like it's just gone from existence. No listings on eBay or Amazon or Party City or Spirit Halloween. It's just out of existence.
No one wants this shit. Speaking of badass horror pimps, Jason Voorhees-
I'm supposed to be answering the door for trick-or-treating tonight.
While those little bastards are waiting for something they'll never get, here's something else that supports the idea of why, to put it eloquently, Halloween masks succ hard lollipops.
Why is the hockey mask a circle, you may ask?
Well, I'll answer it the same way I answer the question of why schools still teach social studies or why YouTubers use so many jump cuts.
I don't know, although I can't take an educated guess. You see here, it's made by Rubies.
That's the same company that made this awesome inflatable Boba Fett jetpack.
Or at least I thought it was awesome before. And yes, this is real. This actually happened to me.
I'm not even kidding. It was this year.
Anyways, by far the worst offender of bad mosques is this. So, not only does it have like just a stupid strap, it's a hard mask.
It would've been cheaper to make a more accurate one. Morons. This thing costs, what, $30 at least $40.
And it doesn't even have any eyes. It doesn't even have that cheap kind of mesh. They just completely gave up.
Look at how pathetic that is. The most famous part of Spider-Man is his eyes, so why would they- OH MY GOD!
What the Hell?
I don't know what happened.
Anyways, the most famous part of spider-man and, you know, the most iconic part other than his logo is his eyes.
So, why could you not include, again, that cheap mesh at fabric in his eyes? I hate this so much.
I look like the Joker.
I don't need one of those stupid masks.
Wanna know how I got these scars?
Yeah, I do wanna know how I got these scars. I don't know how I got these scars.
I'm gunna take this stupid hat off.
Okay, so this stupid kid won't leave me alone, so let's go tell them to go away.
Screw you kid, you're not getting candy.
Is anyone there?
Am I naked?
Where the hell am I?
Bất ngờ QUÁN ỐC NGON RẺ CHẤT LƯỢNG NHẤT HẺM QUẬN 1 - Bán ~1.000 con HÀU MỖI NGÀY I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 40:29.
Ultralight fishing: How I use the toy - Duration: 4:03.
Fishing again?
Where are you going to fish today?
Eee ... Who are you duet with?
Plus the water is cloudy
Hmm ... There is Mas Lanjar
The water is cloudy.
Yesterday my lure was eaten by baboons twice here, always miss
This is repeated, but the water is cloudy, it was clear yesterday
Try toys
You can't get the fish if you try toys like this
we don't know what happens while trying something
Eee ... this is your toy
Seems good
actually it is an assist hook
But the jig just arrived yesterday
Apparently the fish want to eat
The fish is fierce
Selca first, the bait is successful
I, if I try toys like that, never get (fish)
Oh, I see
More comfortable using a spoon
Yesterday you uploaded it
It's really good there
IJO DAM is indeed good potential for fish
Wow ... great
Well ... Your cam action is broken
Finally you use a cellphone,
Already ... the important thing is to be able to record
Not bad
Joss, baboon to the edge
take a photo first, don't release it to poison the group
I closed my face first, embarrassed
It is okay
Closed first, right?
Closed tightly, all eyes
photographed first, invited by selfi
Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i GLX Airco Stuurbekrachtiging Trekhaak Elektrische ramen Nieuwe APK Inruil M - Duration: 1:07.
Carabao Cup draw LIVE: Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham set to learn quarter-final fixtures - Duration: 7:13.
Carabao Cup reaction Chelsea have drawn Bournemouth in the quarter-finals and here's what Gianfranco Zola said: "There are no easy games
"They did really well [against Chelsea in the Premier League] and were unlucky on a few occasions
They should have scored."Carabao Cup draw Arsenal and Tottenham will go head-to-head in a festive north London derby in the Carabao Cup quarter-final
The Gunners and Spurs have been paired together after their respective fourth-round wins over Blackpool and West Ham
Chelsea's reward for seeing off Derby is a home tie against Bournemouth. Middlesbrough beat Crystal Palace and were handed a home game with League One Burton and a significant chance of progressing to the semi-final
Reigning champions Manchester City play Fulham on Thursday and the winner will face either Leicester or Southampton
That game was due to be played on Tuesday, but was postponed following the death of Foxes owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha on Saturday
CARABAO CUP QUARTER-FINAL FIXTURES Interesting, very interesting… 22:10: Well what do you make of that?! London derby between Arsenal and Tottenham was the first out of the hat - that will be a Christmas cracker! Those fixtures will take place the week commencing December 17
CHELSEA vs BOURNEMOUTH MIDDLESBROUGH vs BURTON ALBION Not a great reward for either side
Carabao Cup draw: Express Sport brings you LIVE coverage of the quarter-final draw It's time! 22:07: OK, all the post-match waffle is done and dusted
We're about to learn the quarter-final fixtures. Standby everyone… 'I'm proud of my players' 22:04: Derby boss Frank Lampard on Sky Sports: "I'm disappointed
I think we deserved a draw on chances created. "The difference between the sides was they scored three
actually we scored four didn't we? I joke because i'm proud. Talking to their staff they're saying we're playing well
I respect this club, I don't have to talk about this club. I'm proud of my players
" Odds, odds, odds… 21:59: I suppose we'd better see who are favourites to lift the League Cup… sorry, Carabao Cup this year
You won't be surprised to hear that Manchester City are 2/1 favourites with Chelsea narrowly behind at 9/4 with Betfair
Still waiting… 21:55: I fear this is going to take a few more minutes, folks. Sky know we're at their mercy and right now they are deliberating the difference between Chelsea and Derby
Could take a while with Jimmy Floyd explaining. Result 21:54: Middlesbrough are in the quarter-finals of the Carabao Cup! They've beaten Premier League Crystal Palace despite making eight changes
The result doesn't bode well for Roy Hodgson's side, who have games against Chelsea, Tottenham and Manchester United coming up
Numbers… 21:50: Here are the ball numbers you need to look out for: 1) Bournemouth, 2) Burton Albion, 3) Arsenal, 4) Chelsea, 5) Middlesbrough/Crystal Palace, 6) Tottenham, 7) Manchester City/Fulham, 8) Leicester/Southampton Once again it feels irrelevant telling you that because I won't be revealing the draw in such a cryptic fashion
Latest… 21:45: Middlesbrough are leading Crystal Palace with around five minutes remaining
Tony Pulis doing what Tony Pulis does - crush dreams and keep clean sheets! The conductors 21:43: Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Jamie Redknapp will be pulling the balls out this evening
I'm 28 and still find that sentence hilarious… Obviously you won't care who is conducting the draw because you're stuck with me! I'm back! 21:40: So tonight's fixtures are just about done and dusted - and what a night it was! Chelsea were pushed to the limit by Frank Lampard's Derby while Arsenal just about scraped over the line with a 2-1 win over League One Blackpool
Spurs eased to a 3-1 win over London rivals West Ham and will join Bournemouth, Burton Albion, Chelsea, Leicester, Southampton and Arsenal in the draw that is fast approaching
Manchester City and Fulham are playing tomorrow night (for some reason) but will obviously learn their fate tonight
Evening. 21:35: Good evening folks, and welcome to our Carabao Cup coverage. We're less than 30 minutes away from the quarter-final draw, that will take place after the conclusion of Chelsea vs Derby at Stamford Bridge
With only eight teams left in the competition - this will be one of those blink and you'll miss it occasions
So pause The Apprentice and get ready for a bit of Wednesday evening drama!When is the Carabao Cup quarter-final draw? The Carabao Cup quarter-final draw will take place following the conclusion of Chelsea vs Derby tonight
The draw will be conducted live from Stamford Bridge on Sky Sports Football. Tuesday results Bournemouth 2-1 Norwich Burton Albion 3-2 Nottingham Forest Wednesday results Arsenal 2-1 Blackpool West Ham 1-3 Spurs Chelsea 3-2 Derby Middlesbrough 1-0 Crystal Palace Thursday fixture Man City vs Fulham Unknown Leicester vs Southampton
MI PRIMER VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL | Sponsored by ITALKI #ad | Traducción en Español y Inglés. - Duration: 5:44.
Hello and Welcome back to Mexico City. Today is Wednesday.
and this video is my first video in Spanish. Probably my last!
I don't speak Spanish. I have never learnt Spanish
Only German at School and College for 7 years approximately
For me, Spanish is extremely fast, very fast, especially in Colombia and Cuba
But in Mexico, I understand Spanish better
I have been in Mexico City for 4 months approximately
Oh my god, But my Spanish is getting better
yes, 4 months, fantastic
My favourite places in Mexico are Mexico City, obviously, also Puebla, Atlixco &Tlaquepaque
I really like magic towns, understand?
because they are very colorful, they are very beautiful, lots of architecture, lots of history
fantastic, lots of beautiful
my final point is food in mexico, oh my god
food in mexico is very delicious, fantastic, amazing
I can not live without Mexican Food!
My favourte foods are Mole Poblano in Puebla, Cemitas in Atlixco, Salbutes & Panuchos in Merida, Yucatan
Delicious! Obviously Tacos at El Pescadito in Condesa (little fish!)
okay now we're gonna
talk English this will be a lot easier for me and a lot simpler I
apologize for any to any Spanish speakers out there because I know that
was awful but it was an attempt I'm trying my best okay so I hope you
appreciate that and the main reason I've done this video I'd have a bit of fun
but also to highlight just how important learning a language is when you come to
another country it doesn't have to be you know fluent Spanish as long as you
can learn the basics that will really help you and there is a fantastic way in
which you can learn languages by using the sponsors of this video by talking so
you may know that I am an online English teacher with Italki so what better
person to tell you what about it. Italki is a convenient and affordable
language learning platform which allows you to speak to a native speaker who
will provide you with personalized one-to-one tutoring whenever you want
whether you want to learn a language from scratch broaden your vocabulary
improve your fluency or improve a language for a specific reason for
example work study or maybe you're just traveling to another country I talk it
is by far the most effective tool as you get to speak to a real human being and
learn the language that the locals use as well as learning a language Italki
allows you to connect with different people all over the world allowing you
to also learn culturally ideal if you're nervous about traveling for the first
time my talking is significantly more affordable than offline schools or other
platforms such as rosetta stone which can cost up to 200 US dollars for a
beginner CD the great thing is from this video is that you can get 10 US dollars
in our talkie credits with your first lesson purchase by visiting the link
that's on the screen now or by clicking the link at the very top of the
description below enjoy so thank you to Italki for
sponsoring this video it's clear that I haven't used Italki to learn Spanish
as you probably just witnessed earlier in this video but never mind
so yeah the thing I just wanted to talk about in this video is the fact that so
many people talk to me and say that they didn't enjoy their experience in the
country or they didn't like it they hated it whatever and you know what
primarily the reason that they didn't enjoy it was because they didn't make an
effort with the language learning a language in another country when you
travel is so important because it makes you feel welcomed it makes you feel
comfortable it makes you feel like a local especially as you know I'm living
in an area of Mexico City that is you know it's not particularly a tourist
area so every day I'm speaking Spanish some days I don't speak English until
maybe four o'clock in the afternoon when I do an English lesson perhaps so I just
wanted to wanted you to keep that in mind from this video that it makes your
life so much easier it makes your travel experience so much easier and you know
what I actually enjoy speaking Spanish with people even though I my Spanish is
diabolical but you know it improves my experience when I'm in another country
particularly when I'm here for a long time so just keep that in mind I don't
know what happened to my voice there but never mind so thanks for watching
there's a few more videos coming from Mexico City before I move on to taxco
and Puerto Vallarta I'm so excited for some beaches yes wonderful don't forget
to like comment and subscribe and also don't forget to check out I talk you
link or I mentioned earlier thanks for watching and I'll catch you later
My House is Haunted *ACTUAL FOOTAGE* - Duration: 16:58.
okay this is terrible I'm like dripping sweat I just got out of the shower what
was the point of showering I have this hunch that somebody is living in my
house and I don't know if it's in the attic if it's between the walls if he's
literally just hiding in somewhere that I never looked I can't keep looking and
making the person in the house suspicious or upset with me
and so if you discover them they might become violent okay this isn't even like
arranged right first off hi guys welcome to my channel welcome back to my channel
I know as soon as I you know as soon as you see the title of this video or just
you know me talking right now you're just thinking Oh like I get as I get
this it's October it's Halloween oh you know like this is not some scary like
haunted vlog tober thing this isn't because Halloween's coming up this is
something that's really happening to me and I don't know if it's just me going
crazy and doing weird stuff or if something is happening I don't know if
there is a ghost in my house I don't know if there's somebody in the Attic
all started with you know weeks before this I was showering and it's like the
same you know practice you know turn on the water turn on the vent hop in the
shower and then I would come out and then I would see that the mirror had all
this fog on it I was just thinking like this this shouldn't be happening I
realized the vent is not turned on wouldn't be such a big deal but then it
kept happening and it creeped me out because the house has shifted so I can't
close this door officially to the bathroom so Olivia comes over she
searches my house don't know what the point of that was because we still
didn't go in the Attic and we still didn't summon the spirits to see if a
ghost was here so I don't know I mean I did feel safer
whatever little bit after that that this curtain and my house was lifted up and
it was kind of weird because I looked as if a cat had been there like where my
cat's used to do but I no longer have cats and we don't really tamper with
that curtain but I know didn't think anything of it put it back whatever then
later on like day or two after that the curtain is back to be messed up I don't
know maybe I just need to go on a ghost hunt in my house I don't have no way she
bored me Murphy we want to talk to you and ask you about working with Dakota
Fanning what was it like a skirt up get my computer out okay so let's see what
it has in store for me okay bustle so authentic has an article ten unexpected
ways to communicate with ghosts let me see Ouija board push that seriously no
you guys push that over to acts like that no meditation see this is why I
don't meditate my friends think I'm lazy or I'm just not in my head correctly you
know no it's because spirits can come and infiltrate your mind use a mirror Oh
am I gonna do Mary Bloody Mary's
like as much like as entertaining as it would be for you guys of me you know
being chased by a ghost and holding the camera panting it's not really fun for
the person who's experiencing it I'm not I don't know if I can entertain this
idea of going into a mirror scrying is this scared crying hold a
scene Oh asius eons ago I said hold a scene and had like a gift gift thing
with it I was thinking make a scene like I was tall great at making scenes I can
make scenes in public very well
I've been confused and kind of creeped out so I didn't think too much of it but
I kind of noticed it and I brushed it off and I was editing my Pilates video
but there was this moving orb in the footage and well here you just blot
watch it I mean it looks kind of like whatever like you can just brush that
off and that's kind of what I did and I've edited other footage recently but
then I edited this footage again and it was in the living room and I had
the same type of thing like this orb move but if it moved like it did the
last time but it's not the same thing where it makes me think it's like
something to do with a ceiling the family you know what justjust look at
I don't know if that would be a disaster I don't know if that would be a disaster
I don't know if that would be a disaster last night I heard shuffling that didn't
sound like little animal paws like a little squirrel or raccoon up there it
sounded like somebody was shifting like a larger animal like a human and it was
just so subtle so brief I don't know what that means
and then the curtain was moved again this morning I took another picture and
that creeped me out a whole lot it's like I want to get to the bottom of this
but I'm too scared to get to the bottom of this like I don't want to contact
someone like it was there it's you know the cops to look at my addict or the
person in my attic or the ghosts over there in my living room like this is
just so creepy and exhausting
all these unanswered questions got the best of me
so I created this I don't know if it's going to not work because it's homemade
like this but I figured how can it not be as good as in the song purchase ah I
said a prayer already and I know the rules um you think you're supposed to
like candle I'm not familiar with this I don't also know from my research I
shouldn't be doing this alone but I don't have anyone you know up at this
hour or like brave enough you're available
soon I think I'm really crazy yeah
yes I'll put that here and I I don't know if you like start
with it here um yeah um I'm hoping you guys can see what's going on like so
we're like
I don't know if I'm having a like really high anxiety right now I don't I don't
know it just it felt like maybe it's like the bright light for my ring light
then are the candle fumes and I'm just
I don't know why the weird feeling says I can't explain it but also it could
just be in my head because I was you know this one blog was really
informative and it said if you are by yourself then you may not produce enough
energy to you know attract any spirits and you know they could say like if you
know if you can it might be like twenty to thirty minutes it's been a while but
I'm gonna keep trying so there's that and then also there's if you're like
once I do overpower and then I think that's like the anxiety that's coming
over me right now I just I gotta keep trying
yeah like it doesn't make any sense I mean the house looks normal nothing's
creepy like I said goodbye if and so even if that wasn't in my head
there's no I didn't do it that long this is crazy crazy I make like I do like a
look like a candle here this is like look at this like oh gosh it's hot it's
like a little cinnamon and nutmeg candle and then I think oh you know there's my
old Domino's thing there's like a steam is like still crust on in this little
pen no I'm like that was yeah okay this is crazy I'm crazy
that don't say though there's nothing to explain that because um subconscious
people like pussy both acting like that's powerful like that power um okay
go to go to pen
this is so cold okay oh it's still recording
Halloween Torta/Cake ENG.SUBS.(Grga&Klara) - Duration: 11:19.
4 bags of chocolate pudding powder (200 g)
200 g of sugar
200 ml of milk
1200 ml of milk
Cook on midddle heat, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes.
200 g dark chocolate
250 g butter
600 g of chocolate biscuits
Coat 24 cm in diameter and minimum 8 cm height
transparent (or aluminum) foil
Finish with foil and allow to cool at first at room temperature and then refrigerate for several hours (best overnight).
3 bags Creams for Chocolate Cakes (195 g)
310 ml of cold milk
170 g marshmallows
lace the marshmallows in a microwave-safe bowl and heat them for 20-30 seconds.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V EXCLUSIVE Leder/Panoramadak/Climate - Duration: 1:08.
Preview: We Will Lose Everything | Season 5 Ep. 6 | EMPIRE - Duration: 0:46.
Son rediscovers his scoring touch to leave Pochettino delighted - Duration: 2:57.
Mauricio Pochettino heaped praise on Son Heung-min after the South Korean shot down West Ham on his 150th Spurs appearance
Son bagged twice at the London Stadium to book his side a Carabao Cup quarter-final place against rivals Arsenal
Fernando Llorente also found the net in a 3-1 win for the North London side, but it was Son for whom Pochettino reserved special praise, having failed to score in the opening months of the season
"It is so important for an offensive player to find the net," said Pochettino. "He was working hard to try to change that situation and of course i am happy because that is going to give him very good confidence, [to] trust in himself and always it is welcome when the offensive players start to score
"You feel sorry when the player works so hard and Sonny in the last few weeks or months he was ready, in a situation wanting to work every day to try and change the situation and you feel so happy and proud
"[He] never gave up and was always fighting in every training session, always with the best face and being professional
"And when the player gets the reward you feel so happy- that's why when he came to me we hug because I share the happiness
" The game in Stratford was Spurs' second match in 48 hours, after the 1-0 loss to Manchester City in the Premier League on Monday night
Pochettino made 10 changes to his lineup, with only Davinson Sanchez retaining his starting spot, and the Argentine was pleased with his side's display
"Very happy in 48 hours to play two games, competitive, Manchester City on Monday and today a London derby against West Ham - I feel very proud
"The performance was very good, I am so happy. I am so proud because some of the players are working hard for their opportunity and of course to praise Sanchez for playing two games in 48 hours
He is very strong physically and mentally. "The effort was fantastic."
'백일의 낭군님' 한소희 "애아빠, 나와 김재영 외 아무도 몰랐다" - Duration: 4:44.
last week it was over a hundred so 70 is a great improvement for round here how
are you sister react laughs she's like Ellen don't die on me in your sleep good
morning I have gotten dressed already I'm really willing it to be
winter yeah I'm willing it to be winter because when it becomes a winter I'm
going to Disneyland actually I'm going in November I don't know if that's
technically winter or not but it is October and it's actually kind of hot
out I don't know how out there today it is
like 70 degrees today or almost 70 degrees today and first most people that
would be late cuz that are hot but last week it was over 100 so 70 is a great
improvement for around here my face looks so bad right now like I
picked my like I didn't pick my nose but I picked the skin by my nose and then
like there's the spot that I picked the other day and down here I was picking
again basically I've just been picking my skin hella bleeds all the time but
update on the handful Istres see the red spot in the middle my hand that is the
only blister knock on wood I don't know Oh up here that has popped because I was
very careful this morning when waking up and I did not rub my hands actually I
rubbed my hands together once and then I felt the pain of my skin like slipping
around and I didn't and I quit rubbing them okay so there's a little bit of a
blister on my knuckle but that's okay I don't think I have plans to do anything
last night when we went to drop off bread I was at Graham's house and we're
playing with buddy and he is chewing on my sweatshirt and everything Julie so do
you have energy to go to the movies again this weekend I was like nah
so cuz I was supposed to well she wanted to go again this week but I have PDE
tomorrow and another doctor's appointment tomorrow night and then I
have that noscope on Friday in Walnut Creek so that's like three hours away or
something anyway and I'm not looking forward to my
doctor's appointment tomorrow I guess I wear like really heavy clothes but
they're gonna catch on to me if I do that but my weight has dropped not too
much lately like maybe about a pound which is not good since I was this
beginning weight but it has happened and I already know why it's because I eat
vegetables that I had the Grandal idea why ate some vegetables and be like a
real person but for me vegetables make my innards bleed and then they make my
innards not happy and so then my innards are like and when today just all your
food so yes and then last night I don't know why I don't just walk during these
times these and I were talking about my lack of social skills because she is a
kid in her class he's kind of like me but like more and she was yelled up by
another teacher and he just started laughing about it and the other teachers
weren't really mad and I was like same man same cuz sometimes I understand why
people are yelling and then I react the way like a normal person would react
like crying or yelling back or whatever but most the time I don't understand why
people are yelling like when I was just doing gymnastics and everything like
coaches would yell and I would be like and I would just start laughing and like
everybody would get really mad about it but it's not like I was trying to make
the mad I was just laughing cuz I didn't understand and how are you sister react
laughs I don't know I still really don't know how your sister react to that
situation like are you so just stand there and
because then I was after a while when I realized laughing wasn't the right way
to react so then I would just stare at them and that would make them even more
mad because then there was no reaction so what are you activists to do if you
can't talk back that's being rude well anyways I need to like get my day
started other than the fact that I got dressed I probably should edit some
videos and like charge the GoPro and everything there's no like I'm gonna go
swimming or anything well I'll be I don't know but see you later
I'm outside now I've decided to paint my nails
it's October so I figure oh my gosh my head's not even right that this orange
looks fine for my favorite color is orange so I used to paint my nails with
this all the time my mom was always like Ellen that looks so hideous yes that's
what her voice sounds like no it's not and then this Froy toes it looks black
but it's not it is like is that called metallic whoa your Dyson I don't know
I'm painting them outside but I figured Wow and this could go horribly wrong
because I can't really grip things all all right now bye
you know you gotta do what you gotta do I haven't painted my nails for almost a
year now I know surprise but
I talk about this a lot on my Instagram and stuff but I haven't really said
anything about it in the vlog but I haven't been sleeping very well lately
like if I stop there that statement is like well die your teenager like
teenagers don't sleep but when I I can't lay flat on my back because I can't
breathe when I do that and then we're pretty sure my body's forgetting to
breathe in my sleep which is terrible because if you don't breathe you're not
gonna live for very long but yes oh my gosh this is terrible
right poor toenails look already look awful so like a few nights ago I guess
that was two nights ago now I went to bed and I I propped myself up so that I
didn't I don't fall onto my back when I'm sleeping and when I I woke up at
like 4 o'clock in the morning gasping for air because I had slipped down onto
backs I didn't prompt myself up very well that night and my body was freezing
cold like to the touch and it was just terrible so that's what's been happening
with my sleep that's why I'm well that's not all the reason why I'm so tired but
part of it so we're when we need to get in to see that doctor about the
autonomic nervous system doctor because hopefully cuz your autonomic nervous
system is what can is what like controls your breathing or whatever when you're
sleeping and well it controls your breathing when you're awake too but you
can kind of s consciously breathe when you're awake and so yes we're gonna deal
with that everybody's like you need to get a sleep study done I don't want to
get a sleep study done because you have to get all these things
hooked up to you for you to fall asleep and I don't sleep well with things
attached to me and I thought it would be nicer to paint my nails in the Sun but
I'm like I'm starting to sweat so we're gonna move yeah basically right now the
only way that we're dealing with my sleeping problems or my breathing
problems in my sleep is just with my positioning when I'm asleep but that's
not really a good way to go about it because obviously it's not foolproof and
I flipped onto my back a couple days ago this is another people were saying how I
should let's see like I should I should be on oxygen and I'm sleeping well
that's not gonna help because well it would help if I'm not oxygenating well
when I'm asleep but it's not gonna help because I'm not
oxygenating because I'm just not breathing at least that's what we think
is happening I really don't wanna I die I normally never talk about the fact
that I get like cold and don't breathe in my sleep sometimes because I really
just don't want to have to deal with yet another thing so like the doors are
opening ghosts but my
while back because it's but I hadn't really noticed it for about a six months
or something but my mom had come in to wake me up and I was cold and not
breathing and not responding to her and so she would like shake me and stuff and
then I would start better I would like and wake up but she's like Ellen don't
die on me and you're sleeping I'm like I'm sorry but yeah so we need to deal
with my not breathing in my sleep thing I really just don't want to so I just
want to talk about that at my appointment tomorrow and I weighed
myself - whoa bug really big bug I weighed myself today I think I already
said that miss lug I don't know I just repeat myself a lot and I ramble on and
on but I pretty much like nobody's really home during the day and most the
time I'm too tired to drive anywhere and I so I just talk to y'all instead of
like talking to people my nails are done but they look pretty
hideous like this is I can't really grip things if they just look terrible but
that's okay my toenails look fabulous though because I can do two hands to do
them and it allows us to show you them but tada my teeny tiny feet I don't know
what time it is it's like twelve something so I'm gonna go inside and I
ever I just want to take a nap I'm just really tired all the time so bye not
much happened but I did remember that last night we were talking about my IVIG
situation again and I'm watching TV in my bed but so for the IVIG situation it
is not happening any faster than it was before so my mom is going to call my
doctor because she has his phone number because that's the one good
thing about her working at her school is that pretty much all of our local
doctors she has been the key oh I made my chin late again oops she has had
their children as her students and so she gets their phone numbers and they're
like call if you need anything she's like okay so she's gonna call him today
and see like where we are in this process but if things don't get moving
any faster where we might just decide to just make the drive to San Francisco if
it in the next few weeks like if things don't get moving but um and then my dad
was like y'all realize how often you'd have to drive over there so would be
every two weeks for now and then once a month for the rest of my life for the
rest of eternity and that we wouldn't necessarily have to drive over there for
the rest of eternity because they do have a UCSF Lake satellite thing in or
affiliation hospital in downtown and Fresno but um yeah and it doesn't
necessarily mean that it is going to we would have to stay in these system
system because we could eventually get transferred probably I don't know but
like we couldn't get the started sooner rather than later because I'm not doing
anything right now like I'm me and y'all we just hang out all day but if we get
this going we'd like to do it before I start online school or something because
then I actually have things that I need to get done in the day and
my head is killing me right now I kind of just slip there's something stabbing
me in the back of the head I don't know why I massage in the front of my head
cuz I somebody more hurts that's just causing more pain in the front of my
head like I'm gonna cause a bruise but yes and my dad is like really irritated
with those people at the local place because the girl who deals with
insurance like never calls him back and
my chin is continuously playing snail there's blood all over my sleeves lovely
um I don't think I have anything else like I'm just tired okay
just oh gosh probably look like um that snapchat filter when I go like this oh
you wanna see something okay so I we didn't know realize this but I did I
wasn't able to like move my eyebrows up before cuz I was like this I feel like
what are you doing the snapchat filters where it says to raise your eyebrows but
ready she's a lot of focus I didn't do it and that's like we never realized
that I didn't know how to do that but nope oh I didn't activate it in the I'm
so in the past like I guess it was two years ago and my headache started that's
all I realized that I couldn't do that and so then now that I pretty much just
me myself and I and y'all hang out all the time I took it upon myself to learn
how to do that oh yeah so anyway it is like two o'clock and I want candy but I
shouldn't eat candy cuz candy is bad for your innards and my innards aren't very
happy right now anyway so we probably shouldn't do that
and I'm sweating so I'm gonna put on a t-shirt and turn on the fan probably
have a fever again but you know life is unfair and all that stuff so me
it's nighttime again I always forget like I found my
everything in the morning before pretty much before like 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock
or something and then I fell them another clip like 8 exactly it's 8
o'clock right now let's see yeah it's exactly 8 I have a good mental clock but
there's afternoon I got like a real confused and I couldn't remember my name
where I was and I was sitting right there and through today but that has
nothing to deal with right now but it's supposed to be an ear but it's a foot
all right looks like a foot but it supposed to be in here but today was
it's mental World Mental Health Day or something like that and I think that's
what it was called and um I keep losing my train of thought today it's like if I
don't just word splatter it all out there I'll forget and well I can't
remember why I came in here either but she's watching me right well anyways
goodnight bye thanks for watching what's a was it
It Happened One Christmas - Movie - Duration: 1:50:09.
(Ep 1) Lets Play Clive Barkers Jerico [BLIND] - Duration: 14:03.
Śmieszne filmiki #6 🔥 2018 🔥 śmieszne wypadki - Duration: 7:45.
[Eng Sub] ASMR Turkish Delight EATING SOUNDS | No Talking | Mukbang - Duration: 6:00.
Hi guys~
Turkish Delight Part.2 Fruit flavor and pistachio flavor.
I bought the Turkish Delight I liked last time, but I tried another brand's this time.
It's so sweet!!
But the one I tried last time is better.
This one is too sweet to eat much.
Thanks for watching!
Korean Fire Noodle Challenge [ESP/ENG CC] - Duration: 1:48.
Let's start~
The smell its good but is strong for my taste
Yes or not?
I need water!!!
(My face of regret hahahaha)
I'm okey:)
(I need to think it seriously...)
This poor soul can't handle it anymore hahahaha
Cut! Cut!
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