Oroscopo di Paolo Fox, 26 ottobre 2018: le previsioni del weekend L'oroscopo di Paolo Fox del weekend e di oggi, venerdì 26 ottobre
Partiamo però dalle previsioni di ieri andando a ripercorrere cosa ha detto l'astrologo per eccellenza
Ariete: all'interno della coppia deve ritrovare l'armonia. Detesta i ritardi. Migliorano le cose da novembre
Toro: cambiamenti di vita importanti dovuti al transito di Urano a maggio. E' un po' seccato per alcune situazioni spiacevoli
Gemelli: devono fare i conti con dei malesseri stagionali. Hanno una marcia in più
Cancro: bel cielo per le relazioni e le amicizie. Leone: belle notizie in arrivo
Giove cambia da novembre. Vergine: cambiano le cose da novembre. Se vuole avere dei risultati deve agire ora
Bilancia: sono un po' frustati per una situazione lavorativa non molto delineata
Scorpione: cielo importante, delle soddisfazioni sono in arrivo. Sagittario: bella combinazione di pianeti che aiuta nel lavoro e nelle relazioni sentimentali
Capricorno: non si lascia trascinare dalla correte. Acquario: è un periodo di alti e bassi
Non brilla. Pesci: sono molto amati in questo periodo. Previsioni oroscopo di Paolo Fox: le stelle di oggi e del fine settimana Paolo Fox svela a I Fatti Vostri l'oroscopo del giorno e le previsioni del fine settimana
In aggiornamento… I Fatti Vostri, 26 ottobre: oroscopo di Paolo Fox di oggi e del weekend Le previsioni del weekend e l'oroscopo di Paolo Fox di oggi a I Fatti Vostri, venerdì 26 ottoibre
In aggiornamento… Cliccare QUI per leggere le previsioni dell'oroscopo di Paolo Fox di ieri
For more infomation >> ✅ Paolo Fox, oroscopo del fine settimana: previsioni di oggi, 26 ottobre - Duration: 1:59.
How will the Job Application by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Duration: 4:04.
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Príncipe George começa aulas de balé e se apaixona pela dança - Duration: 2:08.
Joelma ironiza foto de Bruna Marquezine e web cai na risada: ''Zoeira, hein'' - Duration: 1:51.
Andressa Suita ostenta jatinho particular do marido e aposta em bota grifada de R$ 4,5 mil - Duration: 1:52.
Oi, sumida! Laura Neiva exibe foto deslumbrante e Chay deixa comentário - Duration: 2:44.
Rinbow Six Pro League - Season 8 SEA's Champion Xavier E-Sports Interview - Duration: 6:38.
For me E-Sport is definitely a sport
but we need to seperate those who play for fun and those who play to make a career out of it
the problem in our country is that many people denied to accept E-Sport
it's because old generations couldn't catch up with today's technology
they are slow to adopt new things
it's easier for us to adapt to new things
to learn or to use new tech
one day they might change their mind but it takes time
the major issue is that
under age kids tend to get addictive to smartphone's game and not focus to their study
that's the big reason why people don't give video game a pass
but most of the time it's because thier family didn't give them enough attention
I've played since the first day until now
have you ever had experience in competitive level before?
I've some. I won Overwatch's Thailand Tournament in 2016
before that I played CSGO
but I feel that it's too repetitive
that's when I found this game
I like the operators and thier abilities
so I gave it a shot
and got hooked immediately
to be honest
I've never heard of this game
but when the game had a Free Weekend
my friend bought it for me that's why I played
that's when I met ProducerBoom
he asked me to join the team
this game is totally unique form others
it's really rely on team work and more realistic
the game has so many dimension
wall and ceiling could be blow up
the operators has special gadget
it's not your typical run n gun game this one you need a brain
my role is the one who break a gun fight
kind of an aggressive play style
how does it feel to won SEA title?
it's feel great because at first
we didn't expect to come this far
we aimed at fifth or sixth place
this is beyond all our expectations
why you think why the team success then?
because we work really hard we practice a lot
we studied our opponent figure out their strength and weakness
and what's ours so we could fix it
how confident are you in the Japan finals?
not really we are new kids on the block
this is our first time to show up in this level
other team has more experience
but we'll try our best
SEA title didn't mean anything at all?
for me it's nothing
this game is very tactical other team have played for a while so we can research them
if we played long enough others will research us as well
is there any way to prevent this at all?
the truth is that we must fail
the only way for us to be better is to lose
so we could improve on things we miss and be better next time
no one could win forever right?
what's your take on E-Sport debated in our country?
I could say that Thais are conservative
this shouldn't be an issue at all
we got tournament we could make a living so why this isn't sport?
that's my opinion
this has going on for too long
people love to say that you get nothing from playing video game
as I mentioned there's people who play for fun and who play for a living
if you are E-Sport player you need to have responsibility
you could get warned or fired just like regular job
what your expectation in the future for this game?
I hope this game would get noticed by Thai's player
so we could have more team to play with
there's not so many decent team around
it's not challenging enough for you?
yes indeed
this game has so much potential
if they keep update the game and add more content
I will continue to support this game
as a E-Sport athlete
and as a player as well
ភ្លេងពិរោះកប់សេរីម៉ង - New Remix 2019 - By Mrr Thea [ TCD ] - Duration: 3:36.
ITALIA vs SVIZZERA, AUSTRIA | Confronto Militare (2018) - Duration: 2:31.
Military Power Comparison
Italy vs Switzerland Austria
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
CARNIVAL in TRINIDAD! We be Limin'! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 196 - Duration: 33:41.
Soccer Football Bin TrickShots | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 11:09.
Welcome to soccer football bin Trick Shots Park Edition!
Obrigado (Thank you in Portuguese)
Why the swings call the swings?
I do not know.
I do not know either.
The Swings shot !!
СПАСИБО (Thank you in Russian)
NAMASTE (Hello in Hindi)
This is boring, is not it?
Who do you imitate? haha
I want to do something else.
1 · 2 · 1 · 2 · 1 · 2
1 · 2 · 1 · 2 · 1 · 2 · 1 · 2
Let's play soccer bowling battle.
You kicking the soccer ball from top of the slide to hit the pins.
Transparent pin is 1 point
Red pin 3 points
If you hit the yellow pin, you must drink this lemon!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Avoid all yellow pins and hit all pins!
Let's go! Namaste shot!
What is a namaste shot? haha
Eh! What? Wait a second! haha
How is it?
How is it?
How is it?
How is it?
Aahh ー ー ー ー ー ー this
You had better drink it now. Haha
Muy rico (Delicious in Spanish)
Huh? What do you mean?
All clouds, give power to my right leg!
Heal shot
Vamos amigos! (Let's go friends! In Spanish)
Maraming salamat po! (Thank you in Tagalog)
That hurts. Lol
I can not play soccer. But I can play billiards! I'll do it!
It is 10 points.
สวัสดี ครับ (Hello in Thai)
What? Lol
Muay Thai kick!
What? Lol
Thai kick? Lol
Please drink!
Here you go!
One Namaste.
I like sour. Haha
OMG! This is sour !!
This is sour !!
Are you okay? Haha
Maraming salamat po! (Thank you in Tagalog)
사랑 해요 (I love you in Korean)!
Ooooo ♫ Ooooo ♫ Ooooo ♫
JAPAN ♫ JAPAN ♫ JAPAN ♫ Hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! (Soccer team Japan's theme song )
Ah! !
My sister Ran was caught! I have to rescue her now!
Rescue Shot!
Take this!
I did it!
Are you ok, Ran? Untie you now!
My name is Detective Conan! (Parody of Anime - Detective Conan)
I gonna hit 10 pins. And avoid all the yellow pins!
Lemon kick!
What? Do you wanna hit lemon? Haha
It's too much !!
You Spilling! Cheater!
Do not Spill! Lol
OMG! Lol
You are drooling.! Lol
You can see my tears, right?
No haha
What !?
It's real !!
We all got seven points! So the battle is draw !!
It was a good fight.
Yes, it was a good fight.
So ...
Wow This is Ponegliffs !! (Anime - One Piece)
I think this rock make the ball easy to bounce.
Ponegliffs Shot!
This is not Ponegliffs. haha
謝謝! 謝謝! (Thank you in Chinese)
ASANTE (Thank you in Swahili)
What ?!
Are you ok ??
Who did this?
You did it?
You did it?
You almost gave me a heart attack!
I'm scared
What is your purpose? What ??
Why you put the ball in the trash can? Why?
I can not understand young people these days.
Sorry lady. This is to show you my apology.
Wow! This is Pokemon Chocolate biscuits!
This is nostalgic!
Ah I'm feeling nostalgic with this good smell !!
This is delicious !!
And Pokemon card with it !!
What can I get?
Necrozma! !
I do not care !!
Pokemon Chocolate biscuits? I do not care !!
Why you laughing? Why you laughing?
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry LOL
Who did this?
You did it?
Thank you for watching!
How was our soccer football bin Trick Shots?
Winner of Beyholster is ...
Next giveaway is ...
Mini Soccer ball with our autograph !! Please subscribe and comment below !!
See ya !!
Let's trash garbage in the garbage can
Let's bring the ball home!
Anticipazioni Beautiful, puntate americane: Bill in pericolo di vita, Brooke al suo fianco - Duration: 11:37.
PC-lamerit 0x80 - Duration: 15:17.
Lietevesi junior high school November 8th 1996 at 17:51
Now there's some folks comin' in!! So excited!!
Damn, did we forget to lock da door??
I already unlocked it, 'cause the party's gonna start so soon -
FUCK! Go drive 'em out right now, and fuckin' relock da door!
Ya can only get in at 18:00, period!!
Hey, Mega, calm down...
Well, I can well go relock it -
Don't bother, it ain't so important anymaw.
Especially now that they're comin' up the stairs already...
Besides we already let the local lamers in the hall!
Well, if it'd been up to me, they wouldn't be there!
It's our fuckin' party and our rules dammit, and we promised -
Now, that's gotta be the first time ever man, yer appealin' to that we've promised sump'n to the grownups -
Who fuckin' cares if it's da grownups or who we've promised to! IT'S OUR RULES!!
Oh, it's marack and other ELC membas, hi...
'Twas forty marks, the ticket price?
And ten marks back...
Ain't we got no money for change in the cash?
Nope, it's still all empty!
God-fuckin'-dammit doodz, yar screwin' all up right in da start!
We should have sumthing there to give da change for fifty marks!!
Well, I reckon I might have a few coins in my wallet...
Then stick da coinz in our cash then, dammit!
Err, I maybe could pay first, 'cause I've even got some coins...
Allright then, ye can pay first then.
Where in da fuck didya put da badges, DiCKiNSTASiA?
I took the box to keep it in the computer classroom until six o'clock -
GODDAMMIT, bring it back here!! We need it RIGHT NOW!!
Well, 'twas ye who said that -
That's nuffin', I reckon we're bit early too...
Right, it's just the ordinary start hassle for any party...
Are ya gonna release any prods, by the way?
Well, the ELC dentro's still very unfinished...
But who knows if we like make some quick partyprod over the night.
Da deadline's then gonna be twelve pm tomorrow AND WE AIN'T GONNA STRETCH IT BY A SINGLE MINUTE, DAMMIT!!!
Yeah, right...
Phew... here's some badges for y'all...
So, grab 'em on the chests and get to the hall.
It would be a more data-secure solution that the organiser sitting at the cash storage delivered the badges from under the desk.
Well, guess we trust enuff in ELC...
Still, it is reasonable to follow the good practice in every case.
How many badges didya make, Dickie?
A hundred...
And ya think that'd be enuff?
Well, it's just a small party we're organizin' the first time!
It's good if we even get the hundred!!
But we actually even told the headmaster that there'd be like two hundred blokes.
We should indeed prepare for a visitor count far greater than one hundred.
Well, there's just one hundred badges now, no can do!!
Fuckin' yes can do!
Ya could like start makin' some spare badges already -
Well, let's see if it starts to look like we're actually runnin' outta them.
At least we should print the badge templates as soon as possible.
Ye can go print 'em if ye reckon it's so important to prepare -
You are the one responsible for the badges.
Well, in that case I decide that we shouldn't print any more badges afore we know that it's not gonna be in vain!!
By the way, we've run outta ten-mark coins again.
Right. Who da fuck got da idea to set da ticket price to fuckin' FORTY marks??
I guess it was you who suggested the compromise between thirty and fifty -
Fuck's sake, if someone pays with two twenty-mark bills, we ain't gotta no change for da folks who use one fifty-mark bill!!
Well, let's hope that some folks used coins too...
Hi, have y'all got any soda to sell?
No, we don't! Go to buy it at da store!
I could like pay y'all two marks extra if y'all sold 'em here!!
Yeah, they sold coke at the infodesk at Abduction too!!
Do these look some Abduction facilities to ya, dammit!?
Well, it was in a school too...
Guess we should've some fridge here to keep 'em cold...
It won't matter to us if they're cold or not, as long as we get soon back to play!!
Oh, I see. Well, we ain't got soda for sale TO FUCKIN' GAMER CLOWNS,
go get it from da fuckin' store!!
Allright then... sorry... where's it at?
Just walk right there to the paved road, then right towards the centre where y'all see the bus station and stuff.
The store's then gonna close at seven o'clock, so y'all better leave now...
Allright, we leave right now then!
I should get my coat first...
We could maybe buy some twenty sodas from the store right here,
if they're actually prepared to pay extra for 'em...
Yeah, especially if the store's gonna close soon!
I don't reckon it'd be worth it, we would maybe still run outta 'em...
I doubt that! Besides, we need caffeine too, to keep us awake here behind the desk!
I think it's BOOZE we're gonna need over the night...
We prohibited alcohol in our rules!!
Have ye ever visited a party where the orgas would've followed the no-booze rule?
Asm, maybe -
Right, so much for that exception.
Da rulez are for da visitorz!!
Da boozerule's there so that the orgs can confiscate da booze from da lamers and drink 'em!!
But we actually promised to the grown-ups that we won't booze here...
Wowww, it's the C.O.P. guys here too!!
Well, we reckoned we should come if there's a party in our old hometown...
But didn't ya promise that ya never ever come back to Lietevesi?
Well, that promise was just to raise the spirit in the ritual...
it doesn't matter so much anymaw.
Right, we knew it was all just some theatre play for ya!
But if WE are ever gonna promise that we never come back to Lietevesi,
Absolutely. We must hold on to our promises!
It was fifty marks, the tickets?
We've outta change once again.
Well, can ya give back from a hundred?
Yeah, we've got plenty of twenty-mark bills...
I could actually use coins so there'd be some change for some time...
Okay, well, that'd be really welcome now.
By the way, has the Amiga 1200 worked well we gave you?
Affirmative, with extreme perfection.
I am currently using it as a BBS machine, among other occult things.
And yer gonna use it too as the compo Amiga?
Allright then.
So, we should maybe wire up our computers and finish the demo...
Please do. A cULT oF pOWER level Amiga demo would indeed be extremely welcome in the compo.
The deadline's gonna be at twelve, right?
Well, we've just got the final touch to make, we're maybe gonna finish it tonight already...
I reckon we could bend a bit in C.O.P.'s case, so that we get the best possible Lietevesi demo in the compo...
Yeah, right...
The change issue seems extremely problematic.
I recommend we could raise the ticket price.
We fuckin' said it in da infofile, that da tickets cost forty marks!!
We could still add an exception to that rule.
For example, fifty marks for those who do not have the exact sum.
Well, that sounds reasonable...
Yeah, maybe that's still okay.
Are ya gonna make some note paper for that?
Affirmative, I can do it.
Yeah, I guess nobody who's got big notes to pay with would run outta their party budget with one extra ten marks...
By the way, have we got some shifts for bein' on call?
At least I wanna get out for booze at some point!
Yeah, we should have some kinda shift system, especially once we start gettin' some true elitez we really wanna booze with.
Yeah, it's actually quite retarded to have all the orgas behind the desk all the time.
But have we even got booze?
We never tawked aboot makin' any party kilju...
Fuck's sake, we're orgaz here, dammit!
If we need booze, then just check everybody's stuff and confiscate some!!
I assume that the majority of boozers is currently outside with their beverages.
Right, I don't think the inside-lamers got anything!
Except for the C.O.P. guys maybe...
But we ain't gonna confiscate from 'em, they're so elite!
Right, maybe it's better to wait until there's some more mid-lame folks inside,
and then make a kinda CONFISCATION STRIKE!!!
But I need booze like right now!
I think we should check the lamers' stuff right now so that they know who's the boss!
Allrighty. Are the ELC guys lamers in this case?
Yeah, they're all some fuckin' megahertz clowns who have no respect for da C-64 or da Amiga.
Okay, I'm gonna go confiscate right now!!
Behold: LAZERCODE and FUCKSUCKER have arrived!
It seems all the old Lietevesi scene is comin' to our party!
Well, ye gotta support Lieteversi parties, 'cause there ain't been one in so many years...
'Twas forty marks, right?
Yeah... and I hope ya've got da exact change!
Yeah, I do...
Okay! Not nearly enuff people have it...
Here's the badge for ye...
I could maybe enter my prod in the compo at the same time.
Oh? For which machine is it?
It's just a four-channel mod, to the music compo...
I thought ya were a coder?
Well, I'm also a musician and graphician, at least with fake names...
Okay. So, have we got da entry forms?
I believe DiCKiNSTASiA is the one responsible for them.
Damn, I fuckin' forgot it!!
Fuck's sake, go print 'em right now then!!
It's so fuckin' awkward that we ain't got da official GENERAToR PARTY branded entry forms!
I could write down the entry info even on a blank paper maybe...
Hey, Dickie, ye should also print some of 'em badge templates, like two hundred more!
Indeed. We only have maybe ten badges left, and it looks like the party is going to be surprisingly popular.
Okay, okay... I'm gonna print some of 'em too...
Take da key so that ya can open da computer classroom door.
Oh, yeah, right...
I could also go with him so that we could get 'em maybe quicker.
Here's the entry info now on a normal A4.
After all, it's just a mod and not a demo...
Okay then, maybe we can do that this time.
But DiCKiNSTASiA should then copy da info on da official entry form by himself!!
To get some punishment for his screw-ups!!
Hey guys, I got this kinda bottle confiscated from the one ELC dude!!
That's all ya got?
Right, nuffin' else...
I said ya should've waited a while before that...
Well, that's Pöytäviina, so maybe that's enuff for starters...
But maybe we shouldn't drink it just yet.
Go tke it to da computer classroom so we can booze it away sometime later?
Where's da computer classroom key??
DiCKiNSTASiA got it, he just went there.
Allrighty, maybe I'm gonna follow him there then...
Err, well...
What da fuck's it again?
Can y'all come to check, we've got some problem with the network...
DaRK FuCKeR is da network responsible.
I assume he shall come soon, if you dare to wait.
Well, maybe I could say sump'n aboot it too...
I could maybe take a look as well.
Let's go then. But once Kassu comes back, could y'all please tell him to come to the hall.
It seems like yer usin' the same IP address as somebody else.
But y'all said we can choose any address from the range, and I took the one that ends with 234!!
Well, ye shouldn't choose sump'n somebody else has chosen!!
Well, how do we know who's chosen what and what not?
Maybe there should be a list of the reserved IP addresses on the wall.
Yeah, that'd be good...
But should the list paper also have like the official GENERAToR PARTY logo??
Maybe it is vanity to start making one for this purpose.
Yeah, let's not go to that bulldung no matter what Mega said.
Just use an ordinary blank A4, dammit.
Indeed. Besides, we have so many other tasks we have not yet managed to accomplish at all.
Like what?
Like showing demos on the big screen.
The party has now been officially open for over an hour, and there is no demo on the screen.
Oh, yeah, right!! Well, I can put some tuff stuff in there!!
And I can show Amiga demos if you run out of good PC demos.
Oh, it seems there might be some need for extra workforce over the infodesk too.
Well, we actually have a few buses a day if ya could read da timetable -
Well, I ain't seen ya at parties dammit -
Okay, let's teach to da little lame-o's..
I'm fuckin' cENTURiON of H0RiG0.
And that's UEbeRRaSCHuNG of H0RiG0.
It seems that this party's gonna end up TOTALLY FUCKIN' SHITTY!
Just what we can expect from some nobody-losers like that!
Yar free to not come to parties whose orgacrews ya don't know -
There was an invitation over da boards and da net, so we're fuckin' comin'!
then we're gonna DEMOLISH THIS PLACE!!
Hear that! We're gonna make sure that yar not gonna organize this party anymore next year so we won't hafta be there.
Well, we ain't gonna repeat this next year anyway -
Well, there they went. What's we gonna do next?
Actually we wouldn't even been able to sell a ticket to them,
'coz we've run outta badges...
Well, here's some more templates now!
Well, that was 'bout da time, dammit.
Now quick makin' da badges so that we can force 'em to buy 'em!
We should maybe have some scissors to get 'em apart...
Where could we find scissors?
Well, go look in the computer class closet, and if there ain't nuffin' there,
then maybe there's a closet in the teachers' room...
Can we use this to get to the teachers' room too?
It's the fuckin' master key, I s'pse so!
I wonder if there should be some protective cover there...
Well, maybe we could use some transparencies to cover it with...
Some glue would be fine too...
hey, maybe I could go check what kinda equipment we could find...
Allright, okay, ya take da responsibility for makin' da badges.
We'd need the shiftlist fuckin' quickly now.
I wouldn't bother sittin' here da whole night arguin' with all kinds of cheap-ass elite doodz!
Yeah, and I also heard that the MAHTI members are here too, and they're boozin' outside...
Gosh, the MAHTI members!
I wanna get to booze with 'em RIGHT NOW!
They've maybe even got some kilju, so we could get some more to drink besides the one bottle of Pöytäviina...
Howdy-ho to y'all too...
We heard that y'all folks would've got some disco here.
This ain't no fuckin' disco, it's a demoparty dammit!
I'm hearin' the kinda thumpin' beat that it's sure gotta be a disco!
Yeah, that's kinda all clear that.
Don't fuckin' go there without tickets!!
Well, how much are the tickets then?
Forty marks! Or fifty if y'all ain't got no exact change!
Fuckin' FIFTY MARKS for some fuckin' shitty school disco!?
Forty marks if y'all ain't -
We ain't gonna pay nuffin' like that!
So, come back like tomorrow?
Then we've got the intro and demo compos y'all can come watch for free -
So, it was tomorrow -
Well, we're here now and not tomorrow!
So, we can't even go take a look what it's lookin' like over there?
Who cares, we're gonna go there nevertheless -
Fuck's sake then.
Could somebody stay here if we go to haul them outta da hall?
I can stay...
I can also, we should make enuff spare badges now...
Yeah, it's indeed a disco here.
But they've just got some computers there.
Ye could like call it a "Pentium disco".
Yeah, we already saw what's it like in here.
I'd call it pretty damn shitty, there ain't even fuckin' chicks in here.
And we're sure not gonna come back tomorrow and check again!
No, we ain't!
Yeah, we're already going, godmmit...
What aboot the two doodz from H0RiG0 or whatever it was?
I reckon they already went outside.
We should maybe get somebody to stay at da front door so that nobody comes in without a badge unless they plan to buy one.
I don't reckon that'd help, the folks would just say they're sure gonna buy a ticket and then they wouldn't.
Yeah, we could like create a kinda security team who throws away da folks who get in without payin'.
Could we get out like now and ask some MAHTI guys or some other loyal doodz to get in da team?
Yeah, absolutely!!
Allright, let's go then.
Who's gonna stay at the desk in the meantime?
I can maybe stay...
I also wanna get enuff of these badges made...
Okay, good.
Let's get the confiscated Pöytäviina and get out.
"The real party is outside", as they say.
But they're like comin' to OUR PARTY and rage around all drunken,
like with no sense at all!! Look at 'em, dammit!!
Looks, it's Mega, the old drunkard!!
Do take some kilju so ya don't need to be so uptight!
*glug glug glug*
Well, I'm so pissed off by the organizing that da situation demands booze...
And a party ain't worth nuffin' if da orgas walk on two legs!
Seems y'all have a flagpole here too.
We've got a Soviet flag in the MAHTI mobile, bought in Russia -
Don't fuckin' bother -
Take another draught of kilju, that's sure make ya nice...
Okay then.
*glug glug glug*
Uhuhuh, ya should've been here a while ago, when da Doomrapers folks did blowjobs to each other on MahtiMobile roof...
Ya mean for real, on that van!?
Uhuhuhuhu... That's so tuff!!
Yeah, usually they hafta wait to like midnight afore sump'n like that starts to happen,
and it ain't even nine o'clock yet...
Yeah, we'll see what's gonna happen this night!
I'm sure CWU's gonna get helluva fame for organizin' a party as tuff as this one!!
Yeah, the party's been worth Lietevesi dignity so far!
And y'all even got to use this school!
We couldn't back in eightynine...
Yeah, right!
Is it already seven years ago? The C.O.P.
folks didn't have parties at all when they were in charge...
Yeah, the C.O.P. folks be a kinda fallers-in-between.
I guess they're finishing' their demo again, instead of boozin'...
Right! But y'all CWU folks be the elitest crew in Lietevesi like ever, for real...
Yeah. It's been like hundreds of years since there were folks as elite as y'all in Lietevesi...
Maybe ya could tell it to those doodz who wanna get in without payin'...
Ye mean the H0RiG0 guys? Cent and Ueber?
I bet they ain't gonna believe it afore they've gotten totally wasted-drunk with y'all...
I think it ain't generally not recommended to try to organize a party before havin' boozed with Cent and Ueber first.
Yeah, and multiple times if possible.
Whaddya mean?
They've got this project, takin' part in every Finnish party they see an invitation of,
no matter how offroad it is...
And if they reckon the orgas be lamers, then they always try to spoil da party.
I think we should've known 'bout this beforehand...
Y'all would know if y'all had been visitin' parties for a bit longer.
I don't reckon any standard-level sauce is enough if a PC lamer doesn't wanna look like a lamer in their eyes.
Yeah, that ain't enuff, ya need like some whole-night deliriums for that.
But once y'all get to do it, y'all like eternal brothers with 'em,
even if y'all never made no Amiga demos or nuffin'.
And many other folks also trust H0RiG0 in determinin' who's elite and who's not,
so y'all better stay friends with 'em!
I think that sounds like fuckin' moronic!
What have those doodz even done on da scene?
Well, at least they've boozed with all da elite -
So, ya mean H0RiG0 ain't never released no prodz or nuffin'?!
Well, they are in the Amiga scene...
Yeah, they've made some demo for the Amiga some day.
But that's not what matters here right now.
Yeah, what matters is that they exist, and they spoil everyone's party who they ain't been dead drunk with.
Okay, they may try to spoil it but THEY AIN'T GONNA MAKE IT!
Right! We've fuckin' got all the spiritual creatures and magickal powers of Lietevesi protectin' our party!!
GENERATIoN PARTY is... (hic)..
gonna fuckin' keep in order dammit!!!
Fuck's sake, have I drunk too much already... I'm feelin' so puky..
But hey, PARTY ON and so on!!
Christian Herger, fattorino a Riemenstalden I Follow my day - Duration: 3:05.
3 mächtige Suggestionen für mehr Geld – wow! - Duration: 6:21.
✅ Paolo Fox, oroscopo del fine settimana: previsioni di oggi, 26 ottobre - Duration: 1:59.
Oroscopo di Paolo Fox, 26 ottobre 2018: le previsioni del weekend L'oroscopo di Paolo Fox del weekend e di oggi, venerdì 26 ottobre
Partiamo però dalle previsioni di ieri andando a ripercorrere cosa ha detto l'astrologo per eccellenza
Ariete: all'interno della coppia deve ritrovare l'armonia. Detesta i ritardi. Migliorano le cose da novembre
Toro: cambiamenti di vita importanti dovuti al transito di Urano a maggio. E' un po' seccato per alcune situazioni spiacevoli
Gemelli: devono fare i conti con dei malesseri stagionali. Hanno una marcia in più
Cancro: bel cielo per le relazioni e le amicizie. Leone: belle notizie in arrivo
Giove cambia da novembre. Vergine: cambiano le cose da novembre. Se vuole avere dei risultati deve agire ora
Bilancia: sono un po' frustati per una situazione lavorativa non molto delineata
Scorpione: cielo importante, delle soddisfazioni sono in arrivo. Sagittario: bella combinazione di pianeti che aiuta nel lavoro e nelle relazioni sentimentali
Capricorno: non si lascia trascinare dalla correte. Acquario: è un periodo di alti e bassi
Non brilla. Pesci: sono molto amati in questo periodo. Previsioni oroscopo di Paolo Fox: le stelle di oggi e del fine settimana Paolo Fox svela a I Fatti Vostri l'oroscopo del giorno e le previsioni del fine settimana
In aggiornamento… I Fatti Vostri, 26 ottobre: oroscopo di Paolo Fox di oggi e del weekend Le previsioni del weekend e l'oroscopo di Paolo Fox di oggi a I Fatti Vostri, venerdì 26 ottoibre
In aggiornamento… Cliccare QUI per leggere le previsioni dell'oroscopo di Paolo Fox di ieri
from Yangon to Inle Lake can be reached hours in three forty minutes by plane over
Shan mountain plateau below rectangles of peasant fields
highlands here and there forest areas landing town town ji further on
regular bus to the village of Downsweh he already standing on the lake
free boats on the pier in abundance
Inle from Burmese is translated as little lake it is located on
900 meters above sea level the size of it
20 to 6 half a kilometer depth ranges from three meters dry season to
5 in the rainy season when and why people settled on the lake
the question on which there is no exact answer yet most likely it happened in
eleventh century a certain group of Burmese was forced
move sushi to water to protect you raids warlike
Shan tribes residents inle call themselves Inta which means
sons lakes they build on hammered piles
reed bamboo huts roofed and float in high-speed boats
the first thing that strikes inle This is an unusual method of rowing practiced.
Inta not locals sit at the oars they stand on the nose
sampan and twisted willow twisted paddle with amazing skill they wield
rowing convenient because one hand remains
free you can handle fishing on the move
tackle fishing is one of the main activities inta
then we rode through the villages of Inle attending workshops
workshop talk about the life of residents and it's about how they adapted life in
on the water visiting for free naturally in workshops
there is a shop and souvenirs escape visits fail
weaving workshop lotus silk is woven here
extract silk thread from escape this plant when we arrived
the girls were chatting like fun just behind the seen tourists immediately sat down
for machine tools silk thread making process
interesting but laborious therefore lotus silk products pretty
blacksmith forge here hardware
fishing knives tackles and other stuff again shown
the whole process blacksmiths even do everything by hand
the women we acquired here are very beautiful carved knife about which I tell you
I'll tell you separately
tobacco factory here we bought 2
dollars for a pack of 50 cigars bargained three packs
50 for five dollars
exchanged money
we were drunk with tea
chips and gave a dozen cigars as a gift
when we entered the workshop we saw clearly children question how old is this girl
our guide Omasi answered 16 and seeing our astonished view clarified for us this
ok nothing illegal all local tobacco necessary for cigars
grown under mandalay and wrapped its leaves are some kind of tree
growing mountains around inle
our guide and Omasi made us different the villages
but most of all we remember 2 one and called Burmese Venice at home
here were multi-storey well painted and with satellite dishes quite
it is possible that some of them were under tourists but the general impression
it was Venice that produced but the second village was simpler
much more beautiful and heartier we called her fishing lodges here
there were small one-story water was black black transparent calm and such
what was visible lake bottom houses and trees mirrored in the lake
immediately washed washed and sailed somewhere and the local fishermen were immediately grazing
here they were guarding their fit possessions dogs and pagodas everywhere and even
whole monasteries and
but our first day trip ended and we swam to our
the hotel which is also natural was on the water
Andressa Suita ostenta jatinho particular do marido e aposta em bota grifada de R$ 4,5 mil - Duration: 1:52.
✅ Paolo Fox, oroscopo del fine settimana: previsioni di oggi, 26 ottobre - Duration: 1:59.
Oroscopo di Paolo Fox, 26 ottobre 2018: le previsioni del weekend L'oroscopo di Paolo Fox del weekend e di oggi, venerdì 26 ottobre
Partiamo però dalle previsioni di ieri andando a ripercorrere cosa ha detto l'astrologo per eccellenza
Ariete: all'interno della coppia deve ritrovare l'armonia. Detesta i ritardi. Migliorano le cose da novembre
Toro: cambiamenti di vita importanti dovuti al transito di Urano a maggio. E' un po' seccato per alcune situazioni spiacevoli
Gemelli: devono fare i conti con dei malesseri stagionali. Hanno una marcia in più
Cancro: bel cielo per le relazioni e le amicizie. Leone: belle notizie in arrivo
Giove cambia da novembre. Vergine: cambiano le cose da novembre. Se vuole avere dei risultati deve agire ora
Bilancia: sono un po' frustati per una situazione lavorativa non molto delineata
Scorpione: cielo importante, delle soddisfazioni sono in arrivo. Sagittario: bella combinazione di pianeti che aiuta nel lavoro e nelle relazioni sentimentali
Capricorno: non si lascia trascinare dalla correte. Acquario: è un periodo di alti e bassi
Non brilla. Pesci: sono molto amati in questo periodo. Previsioni oroscopo di Paolo Fox: le stelle di oggi e del fine settimana Paolo Fox svela a I Fatti Vostri l'oroscopo del giorno e le previsioni del fine settimana
In aggiornamento… I Fatti Vostri, 26 ottobre: oroscopo di Paolo Fox di oggi e del weekend Le previsioni del weekend e l'oroscopo di Paolo Fox di oggi a I Fatti Vostri, venerdì 26 ottoibre
In aggiornamento… Cliccare QUI per leggere le previsioni dell'oroscopo di Paolo Fox di ieri
How will the Job Application by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Duration: 4:04.
think and grow rich in hindi & urdu aj ki hmare video ka hamara topic ha nokre k leay
kasy darkhwasat de jay.think and grow rich in hindi & urdu by napoleon hill dosto is
videos series main me apko think and grow rich book k tamam topics ko step by step cover
kro ga think and grow rich ak ase book ha jis ny
boht sary logo ki zindge badal de or think and grow rich in hidi urdu read karny k bad
unho nay boht sare dolat kmai think and grow rich napoleon hill one of the
best top seller book ha jiski billon copies sale hoi think and grow rich in hindi urdu
series me complete topics or napoleon hill kay jitny be experiences hen
wo share karo ga.think and grow rich in hindi urdu me lanay ka maksad ap logo ki zindage
me change lana ha. is say apko andaza ho jaye ga k ak insan kasay
apni soch kay sath apni life-changing la sakta ha or apny apko dolat mand bana sakata ha.think
and grow rich videos series mein har us experience ko share kia
jaye ga jo napoleon hill nay apni zate zindage mein dosry logo say seekhy.
napoleon hill kay mutabik insan zindage me asane say successfull ho sakta ha agar uskay
khyalat positive hun or apni zindage ko asane say badal sakta ha.
ap agar kise be motivational speaker say kise book ka pochay gay kay best
book kon se ha to wo apko think and grow rich by napoleon hill he recommend karay ga.
dosto napoleon hill think and grow rich ka musanaf ha jisne is book ko write kia hai.so
hamary sath rahay ga or is video series ko enjoy karay.
Snap Wrapples Clap
Funny Tema and Mama play Hide and Seek with toys and Tema ride on Sportbike - Duration: 3:07.
Funny Tema and Mama play Hide and Seek with toys and Tema ride on Sportbike
폭스바겐 T-크로스 3개 대륙 공개 '압도적인 공간' - Duration: 3:03.
폭스바겐, 2019 T-크로스 공식 공개..SUV 라인업 완성 - Duration: 6:27.
Selamba Aku Habiskan Satu Dulang Nasi Mandy & Maklouba (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 5:42.
Okay, I am currently in Johor Bahru (YAY!!)
My tummy was growling just now. And my mouth is craving for some middle eastern cuisine.
So I searched on Google and found this place called, "ZAITUNA Restaurant" 😃
Zaituna is also known as "Buah Zaitun" in Malay and "Olive" in English.
Right after we find our table, the owner of this restaurant suggested that I ordered their "Set Dulang" (Tray Set).
Look at how big the portion is.
I was thinking of just ordering regular meal for two.
This set can be shared with up to 4-5 person.
It's just me and my wife 💏
Nonetheless, let's see what's in this set.
There's Half Chicken.
There's also some Lamb.
And there are TWO types of rice.
One is "Maklouba" and the other one is "Mandy".
This set also includes a pitcher of iced drink, and some soup.
And here we have green chillies.
Those who'd like an extra kick of spiciness may bite into these chillies.
I actually can't wait to try it! 😃
Supposed to order for two. But ordered a set for 4-5 person 😅
I'm really intrigued with the chicken.
It's still hot by the way.
Look at the bone.
The bone is already... Hah!
The chicken falls off the bone so easily 😮
It tastes soooo good 😭
I'm putting some "Sahawik" on the rice.
Gonna try the "Makluba" rice first.
It's been so long since I last had such a great rice dish.
The chicken is super tender 👍
And they even cook the rice with spices imported (from the Middle East).
Certified DOPE! 😎👌
No wonder the owner wholeheartedly suggested this set.
They say it's one of the Best-Seller menus and a favourite among Zaituna Restaurant's regulars.
(Crunchy sound of fresh chilli). Umphhh~
Their "Sahawik" truly is an appetite booster.
Because it's spicy. With a little bit of tartness to it.
Okay, now I'm gonna try the lamb. Paired with the "Mandy" rice.
Woooo~ Look at the lamb.
It's crazy tender~ 😮
The rice is very fluffy.
And the lamb is super duper soft and tender.
The meat separates so easily 👌
I don't know for how long they cook this...
...that the texture of the lamb ended up being so incredibly tender like this.
I can honestly say I'm really really SATISFIED with this "Set Dulang" 💯👌
The portion is huge. You can share it with 4-5 person.
This is truly AMAZING!! 😎👌 (*Full mark from us both).
Okay, we've tried the "Set Dulang" just now.
Really huge portion and definitely satisfying.
Since I'm not full yet, I have ordered a lot more dishes here 😄
One of them is the "Zaituna Mixed Grill".
It's a variety-combo. Three of the components are Lamb, Chicken and Meat Cube.
And this one is called "Arayes".
There's also some appetizers, such as "Falafel"...
..."Hummus", "Mutabbal", "Tabbouleh".
And this one is called "Fattoush".
These ones are "Samosa".
There are three different types and you can dip them into the garlic sauce.
And we also have some bread, Arab bread.
You can eat this Arab bread with all the appetizers before.
Such as Hummus. Or you can eat it with some Mutabbal. Up to you.
There're so many dishes and I don't know which one to try first.
I think I'm gonna start with the Hummus.
Tear some of the bread.
Umphhh~ Hummus has a creamy and rich taste.
Okay, now I'm gonna try the "Shish Tawouk" or grilled chicken skewers.
They use a generous amount of spices.
Amazing! 👌
The lamb is often eaten together with some Hummus.
Perfect! 👌
The "Kofta Lamb" is super tender.
The spices they use are imported specially from Lubnan.
Authentic spices of Lubnan.
I'm gonna try the Meat Cube.
Okay, now I'm gonna try the Falafel.
Let's wrap all the ingredients into the bread.
Hmmm~ This one is a new taste for me.
I've never tried Falafel before.
I should have ordered these appetizers before the "Set Dulang".
But it doesn't really matter right.
Okay, next I'm gonna try the "Lamb Ribs Grill".
Woooo~ This one is PERFECT 😎👌
Those who love lamb dishes, should come here and try this Grilled Lamb Ribs.
I forgot to tell you that I ordered an Avocado drink.
This avocado drink is super thick.
Another drink right here is called the "Blue Lagoon".
There's a slice of lemon inside.
If you wanna eat a lot but feels quite stuffy...
...drink this zesty one and you may continue eating after.
Okay, now I'm gonna try the "Grilled Chicken".
It's super tempting-looking.
Absolutely scrumptious~
Okay, I'm gonna try the grilled chicken with some garlic sauce.
Eating here has been incredibly enjoyable.
I can try so many types of Middle Eastern cuisines.
There's Syrian cuisine, Libyan cuisine, Yemen cuisine, and etc.
They also serve other types of food like pizza and burger.
The portions are great.
And the quality of the ingredients they use is tip-top.
So for those in the Johor Bahru area or even Singapore...
...should definitely come and eat at ZAITUNA Restaurant.
All in all, the food here is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! 😎👌
We rate this restaurant 9/10 👍
😎👌 Padu Beb! (DOPE!)
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Too Good to Use - Are You Hoarding Stuff You Never Use? - Duration: 9:18.
Too good to use.
What do you do with stuff that you have that's too good to use?
That's a great question and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask A House Cleaner.
This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question and I get to help you find an answer.
Now today's show was brought to us by HouseCleaning360.com
and there's a whole bunch of people there
that can help you with different things that happen inside your home.
Whether it's your irrigation and your sprinkler repair, whether it's your landscaping, maybe
it's gutter cleaning or window washing.
There's a whole host of people that service the home on HouseCleaning360.com
All right, onto today's question which is from a house cleaner who was trying to help
a customer go through a bunch of stuff, and do some hoarding removal.
She ran across a particular, peculiar problem.
The customer was saving a bunch of things that are too good to use.
What do you do with those things?
All right well, the truth is most of us, most of us are guilty of having things that are
too good to use.
If you come to my house right now, I have four sets of dishes.
I have a set of fine China that is too good to use, we only use it at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It's too good to use for the rest of the year.
Don't ask me why, it just is.
It was handed down from somebody else.
All right the second set of dishes that I have is a set of dishes that is too good to use.
They were my husband's dishes when he was a bachelor, and when we got married we bought
our own set of dishes.
We didn't buy our own set, it's a long story.
Now that I started I better tell you the story.
The story is, I didn't have the money for a fancy wedding reception at the time, so
I was going to have an open house inside my house.
In order to rent the dishes, they were going to be a dollar a piece or if I broke them
I had to replace them at a dollar a piece.
Near where I lived there's this great big store, it was a pottery store, that sold all
the exact same kind of dishes for a dollar a piece.
Instead of renting them for a dollar a piece, I bought them for a dollar a piece and then
if we broke them, then I would still have them.
We have that set of dishes and we retired the set of dishes that my husband had when
he was a bachelor.
Now those are too good to use because these other dishes are just clear glass.
They're clear glass on colored, what do you call them, chargers, decorate any plate.
They're great for holidays, for birthdays, for every day, for whatever, they're just
glass plates, they're awesome.
They've got a little decoration in them and they're fancy and whatever.
Those have become our main plates.
Then when I have the nieces and nephews come over, I have a whole set of plastic dishes,
so that if they drop on the floor they don't shutter and break.
We can eat outside and have picnics and stuff like that.
I've got four sets of dishes.
Two of them are too nice to use.
Now in all the houses that I've cleaned over the years, I've run into gobs of people that
have these huge, really expensive China cabinets.
Inside the China cabinets are things that they have that are too good to use.
It's fancy China, it's silver, very nice like little goblets and candle sticks and gravy
pourers and serving spoons and the silverware dishes themselves.
They've got these big ornate boxes that the silverware goes in, just all kinds of things
that you have to dust and clean and polish and wipe down.
Then every year near Thanksgiving or Christmas, you've got to pull all these stuff out and
re-polish and wash and get it ready to use for the holiday.
Most of us have stuff that is just too good to use.
In some people's houses it's their house itself.
They've got like these runners on the carpet so that you won't get the carpets dirty underneath,
and they have covers over their sofas and their chairs, so that if you sit on them you're
not going to get them dirty, because that's too good to use.
Who are the special people that are going to come use these stuff and when are they coming?
There are a lot of people, a lot of us are guilty of this.
We have stuff that's too good to use.
Now when I got married, my sister, bless her heart, she crocheted.
If you know crocheting, it's a little tiny hook and it was like a number 10 size hook
with this very fine thread.
She crocheted me an enormous tablecloth.
My first instinct was, well don't put that on the table because it's too good to use.
It was a huge table, I didn't even have a table at the time that was big enough for this tablecloth.
In all the years I've been married, I've never had a table that was big enough for that tablecloth.
I hate to say this, Jenifer if you're watching this, I'm going to cry, because I hope you
never watch this, I hope you don't find out, but I've never used the table cloth.
It's still in a tight gallon Ziploc bag folded up because, number one, I don't have a table
for it and number two, it's too nice to use.
Now I've got to find somebody that's got a really nice table that can honor this tablecloth
that Jennifer spent enormous hours creating.
I didn't want to spill any food on it, I didn't want to ruin it, it was so nice.
I was going to save it for special occasions and for the time when I got the great big
oak dining room table.
You know, that never happened, the table we have is a round top and it will hold four
or five people and that's about it.
We never did get the table and I've never used the tablecloth.
It's too nice to use and I don't want to ruin it.
What do you have in your house?
What do you have that you're hanging onto that's too nice to use?
Is it some particular clothing that you're saving?
It's a dress, it's a pair of jeans, it's a purse, it's a pair of shoes, we all have stuff,
we're all guilty of having stuff that's too good to use.
We're saving it for some imaginary special occasion or an imaginary special person that's
coming to visit that then we're going to pull out our finest and then what, they're going
to get it dirty, like what is that?
My little sister Julie had this great idea a couple of years ago that she was going to
use all the stuff that was too good to use right now right here in real-time.
She started wearing the fancy jeans and wearing the nice purse and wearing the expensive shoes
even though they were everyday activities.
What happened was, she got a lot of joy out of saying, "I'm the person that's special
enough, I get to wear this stuff that's special enough, because today, today I'm alive, today,
today is the special occasion."
If you're going through a hoarders houses and even hanging on to stuff, there's probably
a lot of stuff like cheap plastic cups or cheap plastic food bins or broken toys or
whatever, there's probably something they can throw away with no regrets.
The regrets are hanging onto things and paying for storage and storing things that are going
to get passed on down to our kids that we have never used, so to our kids they have no value.
They had no value to us because we never used them, we never created an anchor or a bookmark
in their mind that, "Hey, I'm keeping this because this was really important to my mom.
It wasn't important to my mom, she never used it.
It was too good for her, she never used it.
It's just stuff."
Then you pass it on to them and there's no value for them either, but they hang on to
this stuff because they feel the obligation because you hang on to it.
Then we create these generations of hoarders.
The reality is this, if you have stuff that's too nice to use, you're good enough.
Pull it out and use it today.
If you're not going to use it, find a new home for it.
Sell it, give it away or donate it, because right now we're in a place where all of us
have too much stuff.
If you look at the storage units around me, oh my goodness, they're popping up like wildfire.
They're everywhere now.
People are buying and renting these storage units so they can store all these stuff.
It's their family's stuff and their relatives stuff that they've inherited.
It's stuff from previous relationships and previous marriages that I don't know meant
something to them at the time, but it doesn't mean anything to them now.
I promise it doesn't mean anything from here through the future.
They've moved on enough to take these stuff and put it in a storage unit.
If you're going to put it in storage unit, take a picture of it, hang onto the picture
of it and let go of the stuff.
Get rid of it, sell it, give it away, donate it, I don't care what you do with it, but
get rid of it.
There's no sense in us hoarding stuff and hanging onto stuff, because stuff is too good to use.
If you're not going to use it, get rid of it.
My suggestion in the vein of organization, tidying up, cleaning up, it may spark joy,
but if all it is a spark, let it go.
It's either a part of your life or it's not.
If it's not part of it, move on, because as you're evolving, we all evolve every day,
we become new people.
As you move forward, you're not looking at stuff that's in the back, we're not looking
at stuff behind you.
That stuff had meaning 20 years ago, it may not have meaning now, so give yourself permission
to move on.
All right that's my two sense for today and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Lewis Hamilton: Is this the REAL reason for Sebastian Vettel's poor form? - Duration: 2:33.
Lewis Hamilton: Is this the REAL reason for Sebastian Vettel's poor form? Ferrari appeared to have the quicker car during the first half of the season and Lewis Hamilton and Vettel were neck-and-neck at the summer break. However, the Mercedes man returned reinvigorated and won five of the next six races, leaving Vettel trailing in his wake.
The German has apparently been preoccupied with "family problems" which may have led to him surrendering the chance of a fifth world title. According to Sky Italia, a source close to Vettel said: "We can't say anything more because it's his private business." Hamilton can win the Drivers' Championship this weekend in Mexico if he finishes seventh or higher, or if Vettel fails to win the race. Ferrari are reportedly frustrated with their main driver for his failure to deliver any silverware in his four years with the team.
Italian Media have been highly critical of Vettel over recent weeks as he has not achieved a podium finish in the last two races. The negativity has got so bad that Hamilton has stepped in to ease the pressure on his rival with an emotional Instagram post. "I feel the media need to show a little more respect for Sebastian," Hamilton wrote. "You simply cannot imagine how hard it is to do what we do at our level, for any athlete at the top of their game that is.
"It is expected that being humans we will make mistakes but it is how we get through them that counts." Meanwhile, Mercedes boss Toto Wolff wants Hamilton to focus on helping the Silver Arrows win the Constructors' Championship once he has wrapped up his individual honour. "The US Grand Prix confirmed what we said before the race: this year's Championship fight is far from over," said Wolff. "We have a battle on our hands and we will have to keep pushing to win both titles. "We know that it is not going to be an easy race, but everyone in the team is focused, motivated and determined to keep the pressure on until the chequered flag in Abu Dhabi.".
唐嫣罗晋被曝婚礼年初就已筹备,嘉宾名单太意外,许魏洲是伴郎? - Duration: 6:31.
Scary Car Attack | Little Red Car | Halloween Songs For Kids | Cartoon Videos By Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:11.
Scary Car Attack - Little Red Car
Soccer Football Bin TrickShots | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 11:09.
Welcome to soccer football bin Trick Shots Park Edition!
Obrigado (Thank you in Portuguese)
Why the swings call the swings?
I do not know.
I do not know either.
The Swings shot !!
СПАСИБО (Thank you in Russian)
NAMASTE (Hello in Hindi)
This is boring, is not it?
Who do you imitate? haha
I want to do something else.
1 · 2 · 1 · 2 · 1 · 2
1 · 2 · 1 · 2 · 1 · 2 · 1 · 2
Let's play soccer bowling battle.
You kicking the soccer ball from top of the slide to hit the pins.
Transparent pin is 1 point
Red pin 3 points
If you hit the yellow pin, you must drink this lemon!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Avoid all yellow pins and hit all pins!
Let's go! Namaste shot!
What is a namaste shot? haha
Eh! What? Wait a second! haha
How is it?
How is it?
How is it?
How is it?
Aahh ー ー ー ー ー ー this
You had better drink it now. Haha
Muy rico (Delicious in Spanish)
Huh? What do you mean?
All clouds, give power to my right leg!
Heal shot
Vamos amigos! (Let's go friends! In Spanish)
Maraming salamat po! (Thank you in Tagalog)
That hurts. Lol
I can not play soccer. But I can play billiards! I'll do it!
It is 10 points.
สวัสดี ครับ (Hello in Thai)
What? Lol
Muay Thai kick!
What? Lol
Thai kick? Lol
Please drink!
Here you go!
One Namaste.
I like sour. Haha
OMG! This is sour !!
This is sour !!
Are you okay? Haha
Maraming salamat po! (Thank you in Tagalog)
사랑 해요 (I love you in Korean)!
Ooooo ♫ Ooooo ♫ Ooooo ♫
JAPAN ♫ JAPAN ♫ JAPAN ♫ Hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! hi! (Soccer team Japan's theme song )
Ah! !
My sister Ran was caught! I have to rescue her now!
Rescue Shot!
Take this!
I did it!
Are you ok, Ran? Untie you now!
My name is Detective Conan! (Parody of Anime - Detective Conan)
I gonna hit 10 pins. And avoid all the yellow pins!
Lemon kick!
What? Do you wanna hit lemon? Haha
It's too much !!
You Spilling! Cheater!
Do not Spill! Lol
OMG! Lol
You are drooling.! Lol
You can see my tears, right?
No haha
What !?
It's real !!
We all got seven points! So the battle is draw !!
It was a good fight.
Yes, it was a good fight.
So ...
Wow This is Ponegliffs !! (Anime - One Piece)
I think this rock make the ball easy to bounce.
Ponegliffs Shot!
This is not Ponegliffs. haha
謝謝! 謝謝! (Thank you in Chinese)
ASANTE (Thank you in Swahili)
What ?!
Are you ok ??
Who did this?
You did it?
You did it?
You almost gave me a heart attack!
I'm scared
What is your purpose? What ??
Why you put the ball in the trash can? Why?
I can not understand young people these days.
Sorry lady. This is to show you my apology.
Wow! This is Pokemon Chocolate biscuits!
This is nostalgic!
Ah I'm feeling nostalgic with this good smell !!
This is delicious !!
And Pokemon card with it !!
What can I get?
Necrozma! !
I do not care !!
Pokemon Chocolate biscuits? I do not care !!
Why you laughing? Why you laughing?
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry LOL
Who did this?
You did it?
Thank you for watching!
How was our soccer football bin Trick Shots?
Winner of Beyholster is ...
Next giveaway is ...
Mini Soccer ball with our autograph !! Please subscribe and comment below !!
See ya !!
Let's trash garbage in the garbage can
Let's bring the ball home!
Ten Little Monsters | Halloween Songs for Children | Kindergarten Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:47.
Ten Little Monsters
Oh wow look at all those Monsters
Let's count them..
1 little, 2 little, 3 little monsters
4 little, 5 little, 6 little monsters
7 little, 8 little, 9 little monsters
10 little monsters
1 little, 2 little, 3 little monsters
4 little, 5 little, 6 little monsters
7 little, 8 little, 9 little monsters
10 little monsters
Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho 'worried' as insider reveals awful transfer news for fans - Duration: 3:24.
De Gea, 27, will be out of contract next summer and Manchester United have the option of a further year
But The Times say Juventus are willing to play a waiting game to get their man - just as they have done in the past
A Manchester United insider told The Times said: "De Gea played against his future club on Tuesday
Juve are an expert in intelligent deals. "If United don't sell him in the summer, Juventus will wait until the end of his contract
" If De Gea leaves for nothing it would be a hammer blow for the club and their fans
The Spanish keeper has been a rare bright point throughout a difficult few years following Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement
Juventus have a track record of signing up players for free. They did the same to get Paul Pogba in 2012 - then sold him back to United for £89million four years later
This summer Juve held out to lure Emre Can from Liverpool. De Gea has been a long-term target for Real Madrid but that move is now off the table after they signed Thibaut Courtois joined Chelsea
The Times say Juventus, who have won the past seven Serie A titles, are now in pole position to get him
Jose Mourinho praised Juventus' transfer policy this week, suggesting they 'are not happy with what they have', 'they want more'' and 'they hae a big desire to have a big future' - a clear dig at his own employers
But Gary Neville thinks United's problem is more their lack of organisation rather than not spending enough
"After the game against Juventus, his comments - some would say they were honest as when I saw the two team sheets before the game, I thought they were two completely different worlds in terms of players," Neville said
"But it is not just money, a lot of money has been spent on that United team. "The reality is the recruitment has been poor for four or five years
There has been no consistency, strategy behind the recruitment. "You have three or four different managers and different styles of managers' players in the same squad, where the club should always sign players that fits their profile
"And then if the manager leaves, you will always have players who believe in the club system
"At the moment, I do not see that, you have a collection of different players from different managers who believe in different things and Jose is trying to work them into a unit and he is finding it very difficult
Easy Last Minute Cat Costume: Dollar Tree Gold? - Duration: 11:26.
hey everybody welcome back to my channel so this week's Dollar Tree Gold is
actually on this cute little cat trio comes with the ears the bowtie and a
tail but guys I took a step further every product I used is from Dollar Tree
so if you'd like to see how I got this really quick fast cute last-minute cat
costume then uh please keep on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe
to my channel hit that notification Bell bookmark my page i upload a video every
single day of the week let's go and get started
it started with our dollar store Halloween costume I did pick this up
with my local Dollar Tree and it comes with a little pair of cat ears a little
bowtie and a tail and then all the makeup I'm going to be using to go ahead
and do my little cat costume is from the dollar store so this is a complete
little dollar store Halloween tutorial okay guys so they did have let's see
they had a unicorn a also had a little double set so I think this is really
really cute but I mean especially if you're broke my hope that sucks oh well
I can get that fixed up but especially if you're broke or if you just don't
want to spend a lot of money on my Halloween costume then you know you can
just go ahead and you know grab something from the dollar store there we
go that's fixed I'll do a little better job of fixing it up but I'm excited too
this is probably what I'm going to be actually go as for Halloween so let's
see now
I think that's cute okay and then we have the little tail so that's adorable
okay guys so to go ahead and get started with this little costume I'm gonna be
using the color mates compact makeup and this is in the shade light and I'm just
gonna be using a brush to apply this so this is pretty thick it's not like a
almost like a grease makeup so I mean obviously you can use your own you know
foundation and stuff like that I just wanted to make this as dollar-store as
possible so but the LA Colors pressed powder and this is an ivory from Dollar
Tree as well so gonna be using a powder brush to apply this
next I'm going to be using the LA Colors contour kit once again I picked it pick
up all this stuff at the Dollar Tree so okay I actually really do like this
little contour kit I think it's nice especially for a buck
next I'm going to be using the profusion natural palette and I did get this from
my local Dollar Tree so guys everything is from the Dollar Tree
there we go so I'm just going to go ahead and use a brush to get start doing
a little bit of exaggerated I make up when I do kind of like a little cat
shape I am going to use a liner and all that but picked up this medium matte
brown shade right here I'm just going to start kind of winging this out a little
okay guys next comes the fun part we're going to do some liner I'm just going to
be using the color mates liquid liner and black I really really like this eye
liner it's really easy to use it's a felt tip so and it's really really black
it doesn't dry matte but that doesn't really bother me
I'm gonna do exaggerated Cateye
go ahead an add a little bit to my inner corner just to exaggerate that inner
corner a little bit I'm just gonna have been do the other side I'm gonna go
ahead and I'm going to be using the diamond cosmetics eyelashes in bold
these are very fake looking which is fine for this look so and then I'm just
also using some LA Colors lash glue
okay guys so that is one lash odd I'm going to hurry up and put the other lash
on it and we'll come back to the brows and finish up this dollar store
Halloween look okay guys so I have both lashes on I think they really make the
eyes I just love that kay guys I'm gonna go ahead and use the same little
profusion palette to do my eyebrows just could be using the darkest Brown in here
to gently fill them in a little bit I'm sorry guys if you guys can hear that
talk it means playing with her toy so I'm sorry you know you can definitely
add whatever you would like you can add spots you can add anything I just wanted
to go with the kind of a classic little cat but you can go as extravagant as you
want I just wanted to do like a really easy last-minute little Halloween
tutorial from the dollar store so because guys I know what it's like not
having very much money or time or knowing what to go as so okay just some
basic brows okay guys let's go ahead and start adding some cat features so I'm
gonna go ahead and use my same at color mates liquid liner and I'm just gonna
start with some I think I'm gonna start with a little nose
really really nice tip for doing some I'm fine work okay
we're just gonna go ahead and fill it in
obviously guys if I was doing this with other products that wasn't just dollar
store I would probably be using a gel eyeliner to do this so um I think it
turned out cute so next we're just gonna go ahead and do the little little thing
down the center
remember guys I'm not an artist okay not very good at drawing
okay next we're just going to do the little cat whiskers
I mean that's cute
little whiskers
well that totally did not turn out even OMA is what it is oh well
okay so thanks guys we're just gonna go ahead
and finish off the lips and I'm gonna be using the wet and wild lipstick in hot
red okay guys so this is the dollar store little cat costume except for the
whiskers I think it turned out really really cute
so I really really liked it but you guys I hope you enjoyed this Dollar Tree Gold
I think the little cat ears and a little bow tie which I'm gonna fix I think it's
really cute especially for a buck don't forget you also get the tail it they did
have a unicorn one and a little devil so really quick really easy really
inexpensive costume if you're not sure what you're gonna go as so I really
really really really like if anyway you guys I hope you enjoyed this week's
Dollar Tree Gold if you did please go and give this video a thumbs up also
make sure that you guys share this video love getting the word out on inexpensive
stuff and I think this is really cute for for Halloween and guys also make
sure that you guys follow me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram
and snapchat it's all a budget glam babe I will see you guys tomorrow another
video some great one guys bye
The Three Little Kittens | Kids Songs | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 22:28.
Look at the three little kittens.
Three little kittens
They lost their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh mother dear we sadly fear
Our mittens we have lost
What lost your mittens
You naughty kittens
Then you shall have no pie
Meow meow we shall have no pie
Three little kittens they found their mittens
And they began to cry
Oh mother dear see here see here
Our mittens we have found
What found your mittens you darling kittens
Then you shall have some pie
Meow meow we shall have some pie
Three little kittens put on their mittens
And soon ate up the pie
Oh, mother dear we greatly fear
Our mittens we have soiled
What soiled your mittens you naughty kittens
They began to sigh
Meow meow our mittens we have soiled
Three little kittens they washed their mittens
And hung them out to dry
Oh mother dear look here look here
Our mittens we have washed
What washed your mittens you're such good kittens
I smell a rat close by
Meow meow we smell a rat close by
The three little kittens are so funny.
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