Written and directed by Edson Bastos and Henrique Filho
We only need those sound boxes.
So I thought you, madam, would support us.
Thank you very much.
Actually, we need a financial support, do you get it?
So we... Hello?
Good. Yep, Meu Bem again.
Have you seen the message I sent you earlier?
How so? If it came out green on WhatsApp.
Yes. Please, help us.
If I don't get this support I'll have to cancel the recital.
Imagine that.
Each one of us love,
what each one of us dream,
what each one of us feel.
This recital is letting everybody crazy.
I've never seen Jéssica Kellen crying.
It must have being something serious. I'm going there.
Why are you crying, Jéssica Kellen?
I wanted the Young Artist of the Year Ipiaú Highlight Trophy.
But I can't.
Because you don't know how to sing?
No! Because the recital can be canceled, you fool!
What's going on? Why is everybody crying?
The recital was canceled!
It's done. It's the end. Go back home.
There will be no more recital.
Nuno, there will be no more recital.
- How so? - Tia Aída didn't get the sound boxes.
For more infomation >> A Professora de Música - Série - Episódio 04 - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
*Especial HALLOWEEN* Entrevista com Palmira Nogueira - Duration: 11:42.
Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk Rescue Super Hero From Venom Army - Duration: 10:29.
Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk Rescue SuperHero From Venom Army
Limbach Oktober 2018 - Tour - MM EMTB - Duration: 19:53.
Cartoon - Josef Fritzl Horrible Life Story | AmoMama - Duration: 2:03.
My husband was raping our daughter in the basement
While I was cooking his dinner upstairs
But I didn't know anything
Are you setting a place at the table for her again?
We'll find her! I promise!
I didn't know that I'd be a grandmother
I'm pregnant
The Lord sent this blessing for us!
I didn't know that I was raising my own granddaughter...
I didn't know that downstairs
Three more of my own grandchildren were growing up
I didn't know that while we were having fun by the ocean
Elizabeth was catching rats so she wouldn't die of starvation
I knew nothing for 24 years!
24 years I was totally blind!
Until one of my granddaughters fell ill
My husband needed to take her to the hospital
Something in the girl alarmed the doctor
Please, don't send us back!
And then I knew everything
But I had no words in my own defense
How couldn't you notice?
Did you never look for your daughter?
It's true story
In 2009 Josef Fritzl was sentenced to life imprisonment charged with sexual assault and illigal detention of his daughter
His wife, Rosemarie, disappeared from the little town of Amstetten
Elizabeth and her children are still hiding from journalistes
Don't be blind! only you can protect your children from violence
Budgetierung für die Betriebsratsarbeit - Muss sich der Betriebsrat darauf einlassen? - Duration: 3:04.
✅ Чипирование людей: европейцы тысячами начали вживлять себе чипы (Суть вещей) - Duration: 10:06.
Bruna Marquezine arrasa com look grifado avaliado em aproximadamente R$ 15 mil - Duration: 2:56.
【MLB】Rソックスが2回に1点先制成功! 2連勝へ好発進 今季PO先制試合は8戦全勝 - Duration: 1:45.
4 minute recap of the Michigan governor's debate - Duration: 3:56.
Trump Just Got His Hands On Old Footage of Obama — Releases It And Utterly Destroys Him - Duration: 3:41.
《凉生》凉生离世,姜生抱着程天佑痛哭,最后两人把他带回魏家坪 - Duration: 5:51.
凉生身患绝症,临死前问姜生有没有爱过他,天佑听到后说了什么 - Duration: 6:23.
'전설'로 남은 이름, 스카이라인 GT-R #1 - Duration: 6:53.
'전설'로 남은 이름, 스카이라인 GT-R #2 - Duration: 6:58.
如若巴黎不快乐【第38集】预告:戴靖杰找律师打争遗产官司 叶洁白为留住佟卓尧如愿怀孕 | Paris Unhappy 38 - Duration: 7:14.
凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤【第42集】陆文隽找凉生合作 | All Out of Love 42 - Duration: 9:27.
All New Wrapples
What You Don't Know - Duration: 41:14.
Which gym animal are you? - Duration: 17:02.
I'm Ronnie.
Do you go to the gym?
Did you know that at the gym there are different animals that are there?
You think we're all humans, but I don't know what happens - as soon as you go to the gym,
all of a sudden these different animals come out and start doing crazy animal things.
This lesson is especially for Carol; thanks for all your help.
Love you, girl.
This is for you.
What kind of animal are you at the gym?
The most popular animal that you can see at the gym or what kinda animal...
Now, "kinda" is how we say "kind of".
We never say: "kind of"; we say: "kinda".
So, what kind of animal are you?
The most popular is the rat.
You will hear this expression a lot.
People will say: "He's a gym rat." or "She's a gym rat."
This just means that they are always at the gym.
So, when you go there, you always see these people.
I'm not too sure why it's a rat, because rats are kind of dirty, they're not very strong,
they have long tails, and they live in a sewer - which is very different from a gym, but
I didn't make these up.
Yes, I did, but I didn't make up the rat part.
So, are you a gym rat?
Or are you more of a gorilla?
So, gentlemen, it seems that when you go to the gym you all of a sudden like to make noises,
like this: "Ah!
This is called "grunting".
Sometimes I wonder what guys are doing in the other part of the gym.
So, a gorilla is a big, hairy animal-[grunts]-that make a lot of noises, like this.
So, in English, we have a word called "grunt", and grunt is like: "Hu, hu".
We also have a word called "moan".
Now, "moan" can be quite sexual.
This gets Ronnie wondering what exactly the men are doing.
Moaning is like: "Unh.
Are you lifting weights, sir, or are you lifting something else?
So, there is a big hairy gorilla that grunts and moans.
Next up we have the proud peacock.
The peacock is a kind of guy or girl who loves to walk around the gym, and show off their
So maybe they're guys kissing their muscles, or girls that are combing their hair.
So, we have an expression called "strut".
"To strut" means you walk like you're very sexy.
Not like a gorilla, but you're walking and you're hoping that everyone in the gym is
looking at you.
So, "strutting" is to walk very sexily in the gym.
It's so sweaty and disgusting there.
What are you doing?
Just do your workout.
Walk down the street.
Strut down the street - that's better.
Peacocks also like to show off their feathers.
So maybe they have beautiful muscles, like I said, or maybe they have a beautiful bottom,
which means bum.
They like to show it off and wave it in your face when you're doing...
When you're working out.
I don't want your bum in my face, thank you.
As much as I think it's nice, I really don't want your arse in my face.
Also, the male peacock tries to intimidate other males, so they...
It's not only a male/female thing, but men might go around and try to flex their muscles
more than the other guys, especially if a girl walks by; or they will count extra reps.
"Reps" means repetitions.
So, instead of doing: "One, two", they're like: "200.
You just did 100 within one count.
These peacocks, watch out for them.
They do have beautiful tails, though; one can't help but look.
The next one, one of my favourites, is the monkey.
The wee monkey.
What are you doing, wee monkey?
The monkey is my favourite.
If you've ever gone to a gym and used the equipment, which is like weights or machines,
there's a proper way to do it.
There's a little picture.
So, it's like: "Sit down, put your leg here and your arm here, and do this."
So, the person decides to get in upside down and their legs are where their arms should
be, and they're just doing...
And: What are you doing?
So these are monkeys.
Monkeys are silly; they're playing around, and they're basically doing the exercises-the
machines-the wrong way.
Getting results?
I don't know.
Maybe they get an extra banana in their protein shake after they've done this.
But monkeys are just there to play around.
They're fun.
Aw, aren't they cute?
Get off of the machine, you monkey.
Next one: Squirrel.
You know what a squirrel is?
Do you have squirrels in your country?
We have lots of squirrels in Canada, and squirrels basically, what they do by nature is they
go around and they collect all the nuts, and then they hide them so nobody else gets their
So at a gym there's the one person, male or female, that's going to go around and get
all of the equipment.
So they're going to get all of the weights...
So weights are like heavy machines, heavy things like this; or dumbbells or barbells.
Now, barbells look like this, but they're bigger.
So what they do is they hoard all the equipment.
So, they get all of the weights-there's no way they can use 12 weights-and "hoard them"
means to gather and keep so no one else can use them.
So, instead of nuts, they're taking all the equipment, and they spread it all around and
there isn't enough equipment for other people.
So, these damn squirrels, you took my nuts.
You took my weights.
This is my favourite.
I made these up, by the way.
A dog.
What does a dog do?
A dog likes to mark its territory.
How does a dog mark its territory?
It pees on something.
Now, I'm not suggesting that people pee in the gym on the machines, though sometimes
it does smell that; but a dog basically calls dibs on the machines.
So, "calling dibs" on something means to say: "This is mine."
So, we don't actually pee on them; we just say: "This is my machine."
So, what would happen is if you're doing a set or if you're doing a round in the gym,
maybe one person is doing what's called a-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-"superset".
A "superset" is basically: I will use two machines at the same...
Not at the same time - that's crazy.
I will use two machines, do both the machines, and then take a break.
Traditionally, we do one machine, take a break, and do the next machine; but a superset involves
using two machines sponta-...
Not spontaneously.
So, you can do this, yes; but if the gym is busy, there's a problem.
So you're not going to go and go: "Piss - this is my machine; piss - this is my machine,
You have to be aware that people are around you, so don't be a dog.
Don't be a dog, man.
Do you guys know what lions are famous for?
Lions are very proud, kind of like a peacock, but they always have the nicest flash new
workout gear.
"Flash" means beautifully stylish; usually very expensive; and "workout gear" basically
means the clothes that you wear to the gym.
So, these lions will have the most beautiful, expensive workout gear.
And do you know what they do?
They don't really work out.
They spend most of the time looking in the mirror or taking selfies.
Oh, hey.
Watching themselves as they workout.
Those lions, watch out for them - they might bite you.
Do you have a bird in the gym?
I think I might do this.
I might be a bird.
I always wear headphones or earphones, and quite often when I walk down the street I
will sing because I'm just so damn happy all the time.
But at the gym, there are people who sing when other people are around them.
Unfortunately these people are not professional singers and they're usually not very good
at, so these are what I'm going to call the birds.
They sing and you just want them to shut up.
These birds also have a tendency to use their phones, instead of working out; they sit on
the machines and text.
Maybe they're on Twitter: "I'm at the gym!"
How about you go to the gym, do your exercise, and then take a picture after we're sweaty,
and then put that on Instagram?
And then my favourite people...
No, I hate these people: People who talk on the phone when they're working out.
I don't know what it is, ladies, you're the worst.
I do not want to hear your conversation about anything - I don't care what you're talking
It is annoying as hell when I'm working out and you're: "Oh my god, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah.
Shut up!
You should not be able to have enough breath to speak if you're actually working out at
the gym.
You should be like: "Ha-ha", out of breath and unable to talk by the end of your routine.
So, if you've got enough energy to yap through the whole thing - come on, get that...
Get that heartbeat up more, girl.
Get off your phone.
Concentrate on what you're doing.
I'm sure your friend can wait to hear about your new nail polish colour.
Mine's coral, by the way.
One of the worst...
Well, I don't know which is worse, the pig or the skunk.
The pig.
The pig is dirty.
Basically, pigs don't wipe down the machines.
So, "wipe down" or "wipe the machines" mean you clean with some kind of a stringent, some
kind of liquid after you've used them.
So, you're all sweaty, you get your bum...
Get some bum sweat on the seat - it's nice to wipe or clean the sweat off of the machine.
These people don't do that.
And they do what's called ogling.
Do you know what "ogle" means?
I know it looks like "oogle", I know, but it's not oogle; it's "ogle".
"Ogle" means they look at all of the fine ladies working out in the gym.
So, for example: Ladies, if you're doing a yoga class, there's always one pig behind
who's looking at all the ladies do the downward dog position.
He's not really thinking about yoga at this point, but he doesn't really care and he continues
to stare.
Maybe you like that; I don't know.
The skunk.
Do you know what a skunk is?
A skunk is an animal that smells really bad.
So, gyms, for me always smell bad because there's lots of people, they're sweating;
it's not a very clean environment.
Sometimes it smells like bum, which I'm kind of baffled by.
But, basically, a skunk might fart...
Did you know that word in English: "fart"?
And basically they smell bad.
It might be because their clothes are moldy.
Now, "moldy", it's a very distinct smell.
"Moldy" basically means that your clothes have not dried properly and they smell like
a wet dishrag.
So if you wash your dishes and you: "[Sniffs]."
You smell that rag, that's the same smell, except it's now on a person.
Some of them even smell like dirty boy parts, and let me tell you, it's the balls.
And I'm just wondering: Do you ever shower?
I mean, I know you're sweating, but when we start the class and you come in smelling like
balls, I don't know what you're doing at your work, but just maybe some baby powder on those,
Something to get the stench away.
Next one, the leech.
Leech is not as in an animal; it's more like an insect, and basically a leech comes and
sticks on you.
Now, picture this: It's 4:30 at the gym.
There are only two people working out, and you decide to go for a run, and there are
six running machines or treadmills.
So, you decide to take the treadmill to the far left against the wall and have your own
freedom for the day.
About five minutes into your running, another person comes into the gym-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-and
sees seven empty treadmills.
Guess what this person does?
Instead of choosing a treadmill far from you, they come to the one exactly right beside
What the hell are you doing?
Do you want to smell my sweat?
Why would you choose to go on the machine directly beside me?
There's six other machines you could have chosen.
You could go very far away and still get a very good workout, but no - you come right
beside me.
Ronnie hates that.
Ronnie doesn't run that much, but Ronnie hates when people are really close.
Why would you come right beside me?
It's the exact same thing as when you're on a bus, and there's five empty seats and someone
comes directly and sits beside you.
"Why are you sitting beside me?
There's another seat.
Go over there."
No spatial awareness.
If someone has no spatial awareness, it means that they don't know about space.
So, they have no idea that you should keep a distance from people.
Unless you know the person intimately or very well - that's fine, but in human nature, we
don't really come and leech onto someone or sit really close to them.
It's very uncomfortable, especially when you're sweating it to the Oldies at the gym.
So, I got news for you guys: Do you know that humans are animals?
Do you know that I'm an animal?
I'm a unicorn, obviously; but on Fridays I'm a dragon; but during the rest of the days,
I'm a human.
So, please, try at the gym to not be a grunting gorilla; try to not be a strutting peacock,
or a silly monkey; don't be a squirrel; don't pee on machines - don't be a dog; don't be
a lion and all proud and walk around.
You can sing a little bit, but don't do it so loud, and don't talk on your phone!
Hey, wipe down the machines, you dirty pig.
Please wash your clothes.
Doesn't take that much.
And, please, don't come right beside me.
Let's try and be a human at the gym.
Invading Mob Member Proves LIVE Reporter Wrong Seconds After Saying Migrants Were 'Harmless' - Duration: 2:17.
Boots 66 Prepares To Hit The Road Again: 'I Can't Do Nothing' - Duration: 2:22.
How to Decide What You Really Want - #088 Hardcore Property Podcast - Duration: 13:34.
Realme 2 Pro Water Test- 0% Oleophobic Coating PROOF | Low Waterproof Level !! - Duration: 2:58.
How to Watch Hornets vs Bulls Online Without Cable | - Duration: 11:24.
How to Watch Hornets vs Bulls Online Without Cable |
Both the Charlotte Hornets (2-2) and Chicago Bulls (0-3) are coming off losses on Monday and looking to rebound as they prepare to battle at United Center on Wednesday night.
The game is scheduled to start at 8 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on Fox Sports Southeast-Charlotte (in Hornets markets) and NBC Sports Chicago (in Bulls markets).
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone, tablet or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
How to Watch Hornets vs Bulls Online if You're in Market.
Fox Sports Southeast-Charlotte (local markets) and NBC Sports Chicago (local markets) are included in the main Fubo bundle, which has 85 total channels and is tailored towards sports.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch games up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including Fox Sports Southeast-Charlotte (local markets) and NBC Sports Chicago (local markets).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
NBC Sports Chicago (local markets) is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package, but Fox Sports Southeast-Charlotte is not.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
How to Watch Hornets vs Heat Online if You're Out of Market.
If you live outside of the Hornets or Bulls area, all out-of-market, non-nationally televised games can be watched through NBA League Pass.
You can sign up and watch through a number of different platforms:.
NBA. com.
You can sign up for either NBA League Pass, which lets you watch all out-of-market games, or NBA Team Pass, which lets you watch all of one team's games if they're out of market.
Once signed up, you'll be able to watch games on your computer via the website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the NBA app.
If you have FuboTV or sign up for a new subscription, you can add NBA League Pass to your channel bundle.
After signing up, you'll be able to watch games on your computer via the Fubo website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Fubo app.
Sling TV.
If you have Sling TV or sign up for a new subscription, you can add NBA League Pass or NBA Team Pass to your channel bundle.
Once signed up, you'll be able to watch games on your computer via the Sling website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling app.
After dropping 40 points on opening night 113-112 loss to the Milwaukee Bucks, Kemba Walker has only slightly cooled off in Charlotte's last three games.
Kemba turned in a 26-point performance in a 32-point win against the Orlando Magic on Friday, and 39-point effort in a 113-112 win against the Miami Heat on Saturday.
2017 first-round pick Malik Monk was disappointing as a rookie, averaging just 6.7 points per game.
Monk has started 2018-19 a little consistently,but still suffers from the streaky problems that phased him in his first season.
Despite a one-sided loss to the Toronto Raptors on Monday in which Monk scored just 10 points, the Hornets coaching staff led by James Borrego is still trusting Monk to lead the second unit and have critical minutes at the end of games.
Monk's chief competition for more minutes is Jeremy Lamb.
Lamb has shot just 34% from the floor so far.
Monk may have his struggles, but he provides a more explosive and "feast-or-famine" game than Lamb does, who regularly sides more toward "famine.".
Chicago has opened with three consecutive losses to the Philadelphia 76ers (127-108), Detroit Pistons (118-106) and Dallas Mavericks (115-109).
Zach LaVine has been the team's best player through three games, averaging the most points (32.3 PPG) and minutes (35.7).
After missing time due to the birth of his first child, point guard Kris Dunn returned on Monday, and scored just nine points in the loss to Dallas.
On Tuesday, the Bulls announced Dunn will be out four to six weeks with a moderate MCL sprain.
At power forward, Jabari Parker had his best game of the season scoring 20 points against the Mavericks.
Bobby Portis, despite a six-point output on Monday, is still averaging a double-double (12.7 points, 11 rebounds) through three games.
Portis provides more utility between the two, as he is a much better rebounder, although Parker still has untapped potential and possible upside.
It is worth exploring while Lauri Markkanen (elbow) remains out until November, maybe December.
Key Matchup: Chicago has to contain Walker, which won't be an easy task.
Both Dunn and LaVine aren't great defenders, which means Chicago will likely have to deploy help and trap Kemba in order to get the ball out of his hands.
Chicago does have body depth in the frontcourt, which matches up well with Hornets center Cody Zeller.
The more head coach Fred Hoiberg can get his team to execute, the more likely the Bulls are to pick up their first win of the season.
How to Watch WGC-HSBC Champions 2018 Online Without Cable | - Duration: 7:53.
How to Watch WGC-HSBC Champions 2018 Online Without Cable |
Several of the PGA's elite, including new World No.
1 Brooks Koepka, are in Shanghai this week for the last really big tournament of the calendar year–the WGC-HSBC Champions at Sheshan Golf Club.
In the United States, coverage of all four rounds will be on the Golf Channel, starting Wednesday night (because of the time difference) at 10 p.m.
ET (complete schedule).
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of the tournament on your computer, phone, tablet or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Golf Channel is included in the main Fubo bundle, which included 85-plus channels and is largely tailored towards sports fans.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the tournament on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch coverage up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including Golf Channel.
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch coverage of the tournament live on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
Additionally, if you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
Golf Channel is included in the "Sling Blue" plus "Sports Extra" channel bundle.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the tournament live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
PGA Tour Live.
You can also watch specified coverage (featured groups and featured holes) via PGA Tour Live, which costs $5.99 per month or $39.99 per year.
After signing up, you can then watch on your computer via, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the PGA Tour Live app.
Though he's not the betting favorite–that distinction belongs to World No.
2 Dustin Johnson and No.
3 Justin Rose, who have both previously won this tournament–Brooks Koepka is the one to watch this week in Shanghai.
After winning last week's CJ Cup at Nine Bridges, his third victory in his last 12 starts, the newly-crowned 2017-18 PGA Tour Player of the Year added yet another achievement to his quickly growing resume: A World No.
1 ranking.
"I've got a good team behind me.
I've got a good game plan … keep things simple with my golf swing," Koepka said.
"I'm still working on the same things with my coaches that I've worked on from day one, so they're not going to change anything.
I'm not going to let them change anything.
"We'll just keep trying to find ways to improve a little bit, whether it be course management or just understanding my game a little bit more.
Koepka takes his red-hot game and new peak-of-the-mountain-top ranking to a tournament in which he finished tied for second last year, finishing two strokes behind Rose.
He was 12-under after the first two rounds but shot even par on the weekend to come up short.
In addition to Rose and Johnson, this field includes other past winners Russell Knox and Hideki Matsuyama, as well as Top-10 players Rory McIlroy, Jason Day, Francesco Molinari and Jon Rahm, so this serves as quite the test in Koepka's first go as No.
The WGC-HSBC, which hands out points for both the 2018-19 PGA Tour and the 2018 European Tour, has a field of 78 players and no cut.
Cartoon - Josef Fritzl Horrible Life Story | AmoMama - Duration: 2:03.
My husband was raping our daughter in the basement
While I was cooking his dinner upstairs
But I didn't know anything
Are you setting a place at the table for her again?
We'll find her! I promise!
I didn't know that I'd be a grandmother
I'm pregnant
The Lord sent this blessing for us!
I didn't know that I was raising my own granddaughter...
I didn't know that downstairs
Three more of my own grandchildren were growing up
I didn't know that while we were having fun by the ocean
Elizabeth was catching rats so she wouldn't die of starvation
I knew nothing for 24 years!
24 years I was totally blind!
Until one of my granddaughters fell ill
My husband needed to take her to the hospital
Something in the girl alarmed the doctor
Please, don't send us back!
And then I knew everything
But I had no words in my own defense
How couldn't you notice?
Did you never look for your daughter?
It's true story
In 2009 Josef Fritzl was sentenced to life imprisonment charged with sexual assault and illigal detention of his daughter
His wife, Rosemarie, disappeared from the little town of Amstetten
Elizabeth and her children are still hiding from journalistes
Don't be blind! only you can protect your children from violence
Cute Timo play close with Donny much happy | Timo very happy with all tiny baby | Monkey Daily 1972 - Duration: 10:40.
Cupboard Speed Clean 2018 - Duration: 12:39.
Hi there it's Hannah and Caesar from Chore With Me.
Today we are going to work on another kitchen declutter.
I guess that means we should get started, eh buddy?
He's going to enjoy the spot of sunshine while I go work.
Sounds about right.
FEWDIO Horror: Bedfellows Reaction - Duration: 4:17.
just give her you got no home hello pumpkins it's your girl Queen Chanel and
I hope everyone is having a really good day in today's video I am going to react
bed fellows I don't know what's it about I don't know if it's a horror film or
just a regular short film but I'm gonna check it anyway oh and if you guys don't
want to miss any of my post remember to hit that Bell and if you guys are
following me on any social media I will be funny guys back
we create nightmares oh so it's horror okay
happy couple
and you can give me my phone thank God
hello bitch bitch
it was at this moment that she knew she fucked up
so this year
WILD BIRDS Of Australia - 4of4 || Feathering the Nest - HD 1080p. - Duration: 47:35.
Australia a land of diverse and often extreme habitats with vast expanses of
wetlands dense forests and arid plains it's populated by an
immense array of birdlife
and many species found nowhere else in the world among them some of the most
flamboyant ear-splitting and bizarre birds imaginable
successful breeding is critical to the survival of their species they need to
go to exceptional lengths to find mates and raise their young
giving the next generation the best chance of life this is the story of
breeding season for avian life Australia is a paradise there are more
than 800 species of birds here an over 370 of these are only found in Australia
but birds of a different feather don't always flock together some prefer to
live in the rainforest like the Golden Bough a bird who builds his u-shaped
nest from twigs in the hope of attracting a female
the guar is part of the cockatoo family and can be found in open country across
mainland Australia Shh
like the Kate Baron goose thrive by the seaside and can drink salt water and
many share their environment with humans
but wherever they live these birds have got their work holding their territory
against invaders attracting and winning partners and safeguarding their chicks
Far North Queensland is famed for its beautiful beaches
and one stretch is named the cassowary coast
because it's home to one of the planet's most extraordinary looking birds the
cassowary this is a mature female
coins land becomes steamier and more tropical as you head further north
towards the equator and its lush rainforests are ideal habitat for the
cassowary which thrives on forests fruits like the Australian EMU and
African ostrich she's a rat ID or flightless bird her flat breastbone has
no keel attachment for wing muscles it's thought that ratites evolved around 60
million years ago in the Cretaceous period and she certainly looks
prehistoric she's solitary and usually wary of humans and can be hard to find
in the forest and she's huge over 6 feet tall and weighing more than a hundred
pounds like all female cassowaries she's bigger and heavier than a male as well
as more brightly coloured
in the dark dense foliage of the jungle the shock of electric-blue on her throat
vivid turquoise around her head and eyes and dramatic red wattle all clearly
identify her as a mature breeding female
comparatively little is known about this species there are several theories about
the purpose of a curious crest on her head called a cask although it looks
hard and horned like it's actually leathery and pliable formed by a keratin
shell growing over spongy cranial bones and enclosing a mysterious empty chamber
cassowaries are omnivores and feed on fruit beetles insects snails and even
carrion one theory is that the Cask helps them forage and serves as a helmet
as they dig through dense undergrowth
it may also protect the head from falling fruit be used as a sound
amplifier or even a weapon in disputes
the cusp continues to grow for life and could also advertise a bird status and
age it's like the cassowary herself the Cask remains steeped in mystery this
female has a home range that overlaps and passes through that of several males
who will each have their own territory of almost three square miles it's August
breeding season for this big bird but she's already parted from her mate she
recently paired up with this male and laid his eggs but that's the end of
their time together
female cassowaries don't raise their young
instead they leave it up to the male to incubate the eggs and later on care for
the chicks she can have several partners over a
four month breeding season and she's already on the lookout for another mate
the cassowary isn't the only Australian bird to have parenting arrangements like
this is a male brush Turkey he's part of the mega pod family literally meaning
large foot he also lives in the rainforest in Cannes Far North
Queensland brush turkeys are very adaptable and can be found all along the
eastern coast of Australia by September springtime in Australia the brush turkey
is hard at work preparing a nest he'll spend all day every day scratching
around in one spot on the forest floor he may stop for a quick feed on insects
but then it's back to work he piles up leaf litter twigs and earth into a mound
this will play a vital part in his breeding strategy he rakes up the layer
of debris on the forest floor with his strong legs and large feet and adds it
to his little hillock then he turns over the existing pile again and again
breaking it down into a fine compost
he's an average size for a brush turkey around 26 inches long but the mound he's
obsessively working on will end up being a whopping 13 feet wide
and between 3 and 6 feet high
and it's got to be good females roam around selecting multiple
partners and won't meet with him if his mound isn't up to their standards so
allots riding on it's meticulous construction the brush turkey is a
relatively common bird and there are already several females in the vicinity
who have smaller paler wattles they're regularly checking out his progress and
will wait until the mound is complete before deciding whether to mate with him
but right now this brush turkey is only interested in one thing his mound while
he's still working on his masterpiece he doesn't want anyone near it male or
female and sends out a warning to any other brush turkeys in the vicinity stay
in the elevated patente plans of northern queensland higher and cooler
than their often sweltering surroundings it's October and breeding time for a
very exotic bird this is the Victoria's rightful bird named after the British
Queen but is known as the do we do lose to the Aboriginal tribes people he's a
bird of paradise a fairly small bird at around 10 inches long he has some
iridescent sheen to his feathers
his breeding season can last up to six months so he's got to keep his strength
up by eating fruits and insects he digs out of the bark of trees snack over it's
time to get back to business attracting a mate he's got a core area
between two to seven acres where he spends most of his time within that
space he selects a conspicuous vantage point like a tree stump as his display
area having a good location to display in is all part of his strategy to get
the females interested so he's territorial over his posing post usually
his stage will be under a gap in the canopy cover so that the sunlight can
stream a spotlight to reveal his glowing feathers to their best advantage and
then he blasts out his mating call it's loud and unmistakable this raspy cry is
just to make sure he gets the attention of any female that might be nearby
before launching into his ps/2 resistance
it's a tramatic full Wingspread display that shows as much of his plumage as
possible erecting his feathers before throwing out his wings is part of the
act and so is opening his beak wide to show the bright yellow interior he keeps
going hoping to pique the interest of a female
and finally he's graced with an audience
unlike the male with his glorious plumage female rifle birds are a dull
brown but after just a few seconds she loses interest and flies off it's
thought the females may base their mating choices on quality of display so
perhaps this male needs to brush up his skills
while his display is impressive this is Australia home of the fantastic
so there's another bird that can win a showing off contest with the rifle bird
hands down
the Lyrebird
lyrebirds live in temperate often wet woodland in the coastal southeast of
Australia this one has made his home in a forest outside Melbourne in the
southern state of Victoria they're clumsy fliers and spend most of their
time on the ground both the males and females are a reddish brown and have
powerful legs with long toes ideal for raking over the leaf litter
and soil looking for food such as cockroaches spiders and worms a male
lion but will also use leaf litter and earth to build a display mount to dance
on he may have over a dozen of these in his territory at first glance he may
seem unremarkable but as mating season approaches during the winter months the
male reveals his amazing talents
28 inch long feathers fan out from his tail which he drapes over his head in a
waterfall formation a male will start getting his display feathers when he's
around three years old and these get quite chilly longer every year until he
hits sexual maturity at around 7 the more mature the male the longer his tail
feathers 12 silvery fluffy feathers look ended by too thick banded feathers
called lie rates and two long slender median feathers make for a show-stopping
performance isn't enough to thrill the ladies his song is one of the most
extraordinary of any creature on the planet the Lyrebird can imitate almost
any sounded hears including other birds and animals
captive birds have even copied man-made sounds like trains camera shutters and
car alarms as this male lives deep in the forest he rarely hears artificial
noises and instead he's woven the calls of the other birds that he has into his
own song in all he's included the calls of 12 other species the purpose of
having such an amazing talent for impersonation is unknown but it's
thought that the more complex a song the male can produce the more attractive
years to females his phenomenal ability comes from a special voice box a bird's
vocal organ is called a serious the lyrebirds is more complex than that of
other songbirds which gives him extraordinary flexibility he sings for
20 minutes at a time for several hours a day until a female is attracted to him
and allows him to mate
after copulation he'll return to displaying to attract the next one
there's a female nearby but she isn't showing signs of being impressed by his
performance and now a rival male has barged into his territory and is
displaying to the same female
both female and male live birds are fiercely territorial with an average
territory of three to six acres
the competition is on
the resident male tries to chase the interloper out but he doesn't succeed in
pushing him far away and they end up displaying within a few feet of each
other it turns into a real talent show
finally the resident bird manages to chase the invader out of his territory
but the female has seen and heard enough today
she's not interested in either of them she puts on a show of her own with no
mimicry just her own beautiful song
meanwhile in the forest near Cannes the brush Turkey has managed to breed and
now has a clutch of up to 24 eggs buried in the depths of his mound his little
hillock is now almost three feet high but he's still hard at work he's the
sole custodian of these eggs because the females move around from partner to
partner it's impossible for him to know whether the eggs in his mound were
actually fertilized by him or another turkey regardless of their paternity
he'll tend the mound for the seven weeks it takes to incubate the eggs but he'd
caused by the composting action of the plant material will keep the eggs warm
heat sensors in his beak enable him to determine the temperature of the mound
and he'll regulate it by adding or removing material he's aiming for a
temperature of between 91 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit at 93 degrees there will be
an equal division between male and female chicks
if cooler there will be more male chicks if warmer more female chicks help guard
the eggs until it's almost time for them to hatch and then it's all up to the
chicks they must dig their way out of the mound and fend for themselves
brush turkey eggs and chicks are a favorite food for carnivorous lizards
snakes and wild dogs and it's not just animal predators who pose a threat to
the brush turkeys successful breeding
rural Gardens frequently back onto brush turkey habitat and the turkeys practice
of making enormous breeding mounds in people's backyards can lead to these
precious piles of compost being destroyed a single egg only has a 1 in
200 chance of making it to adulthood so the brush turkeys eggs have still got a
long way to go
just as the female brush turkeys don't have any involvement in incubating or
rearing their young neither do the much larger cassowaries
and back on the cassowary coast the female is far away from the eggs she
laid this year
with parenting being the responsibility of the male she's free to spend her time
foraging these giant birds are generally very shy but this female lives close to
a beach frequented by humans which is far from idea but there are some good
feeding opportunities here these Beach almonds provide a useful source of
protein along with the insects she eats in the jungle
next to the beach is a campsite and she's not afraid to make use of the
amenities here
cassowaries need to drink frequently
her legs have their ankle joint equivalent to where humans have their
knees so she can bend easily to reach the water
she has clearly become use to the humans here but this isn't a good thing
beachgoers are warned not to feed the cassowaries it can be dangerous for such
a large animal to associate people with food
becoming accustomed to humans can make the massive birds more aggressive
not only is she one of the heaviest birds in the world
she's equipped with a razor-sharp 5-inch dagger on her dinosaur like in a toe
which she can use to vicious effect
a high proportion of documented attacks have been perpetrated by birds who've
been fed by people
which may be what's worrying these picnickers
whenever cassowaries come out of the jungle in search of human food the
greater the risk to their survival
they're more likely to cross roads and be hit by cars the rate at which they're
the victims of road accidents is of grave concern to conservationists
cassowaries are classified as an endangered species
luckily she gets back to the jungle safely to look for the more typical
items in her diet insects and crucially fruit
cassowaries are called a keystone species because of their ecological
importance they're able to swallow fruits almost whole and have what is
known as a gentle digestive system meaning that the fruits are excreted
with the seeds still intact and flesh still on them fruits stay in
the gut for less than four hours but in that time the cassowary could move to a
completely different area distributing the fruit species more widely so the
survival of the cassowary is vital to the continuation of many other species
in the mild climate of the woods around Melbourne the male Laird is still going
strong with his spectacular display
he'll spend four hours a day singing for another six weeks until the end of the
breeding season mating with as many females as you can these birds have a
division of labour that's found more frequently in the animal kingdom
unlike the cassowary it's the female of this species that will tend the egg and
rear just one chick although he's busy trying to attract more partners he's
already had some success he's made it with this female who now has a very big
job to do
she's in charge of building the nest
first on the list gather some nesting material
she collects some moss leaf litter pieces of fern and twigs until she's got
enough to create a cozy nest
she even uses the male's feathers to line it
it's a matter of personal preference as to where she cites her list some females
make their nests close to the ground
whilst others choose sites high up in the trees 10 to 14 days after mating the
female lays her egg she just lays one a year unless the egg or chick dies if
this happens and it's early enough in the season the female can mate again and
lay another egg six weeks later up in a cozy but dark little nest in the tree
her chick hatches now it's mums job to keep her hungry hatchlings supplied with
food until it can leave the nest she must feed her chick every 20 minutes
she spends large parts of the day gathering up grubs and small insects
which she carries in her throat ready to feed to her young when she returns to
the nest because of the rigorous feeding schedule she will even venture out at
night looking for food a time when she's most at risk from predators like foxes
and cats
four weeks later the Lyrebird chick is fat fluffy and healthy with his nest
being so high up in a tree his wings need time to develop so he can fly
safely out when he Fletch's he'll spend ten weeks in the nest before leaving
chicks in nests closer to the ground don't need to wait for their wings to
develop as much and we'll leave at around six weeks to go and live
independently while the female is tending to her hatch Lee's every need
the male is still putting on a performance but with a different purpose
the males molt their tail feathers at the end of every breeding season so he
won't have his prized plumage for very much longer at this time of year these
displays are all about defending his territory rather than attracting a mate
even when his tail feathers are gone he was still live in the same territory he
wants to keep exclusive rights to this area for the next breeding season he'll
attack anyone who dares to transgress his borders
the other male in the tree has come uncomfortably close to his patch he may
be challenging the resident male to see if he can take over his territory the
resident male responds by making his display even more robust but it doesn't
put off the intruder who gets even closer
as things get more heated they move further and end up down by the nearby
creek the resident male asserts his dominance by crowding and charging the
trespasser pushing him towards the edge of his territory
finally he gets the riedel on the run
for now his territory remains intact
while the Lyrebird is singing and dancing the male cassowary has childcare
duties to attend to
because in stark contrast to the lyrebirds arrangements it's the male
cassowaries who make the nest incubate the eggs and look after the chicks
his four chicks are already around eleven weeks old
he'll stay with them for another six months teaching them to look for food
and water
they're striped for camouflage but by six months they'll lose their stripes
and become a uniform mousey Brown
they won't begin to get their distinctive vivid coloring until they're
around a year to 18 months old then the chicks will leave their dad's territory
to establish their own
the male lives in a forest that adjoins a house and sometimes crosses the garden
here bringing his chicks with him while three of them are robust one of them
seems to be weaker than the others this little chick struggles to keep up she
may be sick infant mortality and cassowaries is very high predation
diseases habitat destruction and road accidents all claim young cassowary
lives out of these four chicks it's likely that only one will survive to
adulthood for now beg dad takes care of their every need
it can be rainy and humid in this tropical part of the country but today
it's extremely hot 86 degrees Fahrenheit dad's brought his brood out here for the
good foraging but now he needs to get them out of the Sun
when he decides to move on the sickly little chick falls behind a game
she may not make it to adulthood but her father's attempted care would at least
ensure she has the best chance of survival
the family crosses the road back into the forest
as they depart the female cassowary appears from the forest she may be the
chicks mother but she's free of parental obligation
she helps herself to a drink even though there's a chance she may run into her
ex-partner and chicks she won't take any interest in their welfare
from the tropical north to the temperate South Australia's birds are some of the
world's most singular and exotic at every stage of the breeding season
they're hard at work the strenuous job of attracting a mate defending a
building a nest and tending to vulnerable chicks
are all for the danger and difficulty these vibrant talented and eccentric
they will adopt their own breeding tactics to get the next generation
safely on its way
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