Ahora sí, ya llegaron los resultados de la consulta más controvertida en el país. Después de cuatro largos, muy largos, días de votaciones, el equipo del presidente electo anunció oficialmente cómo quedó la situación del aeropuerto en México
De acuerdo a la Fundación Arturo Rosenblueth —o sea, los que contaron— ganó el proyecto de la Base Aérea de Santa Lucía con 747 mil votos
Para ponernos más precisos, la cosa se puso así: participaron, en total, un millón 67 mil 859 de personas y el 69% de ellas eligió Santa Lucía
Por si andaban con el pendiente, solo 310 mil 463 eligieron el proyecto de Texcoco
Los resultados se dieron a conocer en punto de las 10 de la noche. Tan solo cuatro horas después de que cerraran las casillas en el último día de consulta
Mañana lunes, 29 de octubre, ya con estos resultados en la mano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador —alias AMLO— dará una conferencia a las 10 de la mañana para dar a conocer su postura y lo que sigue en el proceso
Todos los detalles de estos resultados y el famoso "casilla por casilla" podrán ser revisados en la página oficial de la consulta en mexicodecide
com.mx Cómo habrá estado de controvertida la consulta, que por momentos los dos proyectos de aeropuerto quedaron en segundo plano
Dudas sobre la seguridad de información, el rigor estadístico, intentos de hackeo, un posible ataque a la página oficial y decenas de reportes —y quejas— plagaron estos cuatro días de participación ciudadana
Desde las primeras horas, decenas de reporteros y periodistas corroboraron que la aplicación para revisar quién votaría no servía en su totalidad y se podía participar en múltiples ocasiones
En su momento, también hubo mensajes de preocupación sobre el manejo de datos personales y el propio Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) emitió una advertencia sobre los avisos de privacidad
Por su parte, Jesús Ramírez, vocero de AMLO, confirmó que la duplicidad de votos no invalidaría la consulta
Sobre la seguridad de información, aseguró que estaban tomando medidas pertinentes, que se estaban "blindando" y que "las irregularidades" serían contenidas
Mientras tanto, en un mensaje transmitido en su canal de YouTube, el presidente electo decía que "a los camajanes y a los fifís no les gusta la consulta"
Al mismo tiempo aseguraba que la honestidad era lo suyo y que está comprometido con cambiar "el régimen actual de corrupción y de injusticias"
Al final del día, las opiniones de los mexicanos están regadas en todo el espectro político
Para algunos, esta consulta fue "patito" y como tal, no debería ser tomada en cuenta
Otros festejan su realización, aunque piden encontrar métodos más eficaces para el futuro
En la otra esquina, dicen que el único fallo está en "la necedad nacional" de encontrar lo malo en ejercicios innovadores de democracia participativa
El vocero de AMLO decía que "la consulta va y va hasta el domingo". Ya llegado el domingo, cerradas las casillas y contados los votos, el que va —y viento en popa— es el de la Base Aérea de Santa Lucía
Como sabíamos desde días antes de la consulta, los dos proyectos participantes tenían puntos a favor y en contra que debían ser analizados a profundidad
Ahora que ya está decidido que el futuro aeronáutico de México está en la idea de Santa Lucía y la rehabilitación del actual aeropuerto, todavía les queda mucho por trabajar
Particularmente, este proyecto tenía dudas de su viabilidad aeronáutica, de la falta de dictámenes técnicos y de los posibles efectos negativos en los mercados
¿Quieres enterarte a fondo de las necesidades y oportunidades que tiene el Aeropuerto de Santa Lucía? Pásale por ACÁ
For more infomation >> ¡Ya es oficial! El aeropuerto de Santa Lucía ganó en la consulta - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Banorte 'palomea' consulta por NAIM, pero va por Texcoco - Duration: 2:06.
El Grupo Financiero Banorte avaló la consulta sobre el destino del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de México (NAIM), pero confió en que se imponga la razón para que continúe en Texcoco
El grupo tomó "con beneplácito" que se haya dado el beneficio de la duda a la ubicación de la terminal; sin embargo, advirtió de las consecuencias en el ánimo empresarial por la posible cancelación del proyecto
Te recomendamos INAI pide denunciar mal uso de datos personales en consulta por NAIM Mario Delgado palomeó Texcoco en consulta de NAIM En un su reporte semanal, la institución bancaria comentó sobre la consulta, que inició el viernes y terminará mañana, y aunque respaldó el ejercicio explicó que el escenario global se complica
"Es por ello que tomamos con beneplácito que se haya dado el beneficio de la duda sobre este tema en particular y se haya llevado a cabo esta consulta
"En este sentido, pensamos que debido a todos los inconvenientes tanto directos como indirectos que causa la cancelación del NAIM, así como los temas de carácter aeronáutico en donde queda claro que una operación paralela entre el AICM y Santa Lucía acondicionada no soluciona los problemas de saturación actual, la racionalidad se impondrá y ganará la opción de continuar con el NAICM en Texcoco", señala el documento
La institución advirtió que cancelar el proyecto del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de México en Texcoco preocupa a los inversionistas en tres temas principalmente: que el nuevo gobierno no cumpla con los contratos de manera sistemática; que la próxima administración tome decisiones con criterios de carácter político en lugar de hacerlo sobre bases técnicas y que ponga en peligro las obras de infraestructura
Grupo Financiero Banorte recordó que el presidente electo declaró en diferentes ocasiones que será muy importante la participación del sector privado en proyectos de infraestructura bajo el esquema de Asociaciones Público Privadas y, en consecuencia, cancelar la construcción del NAIM "podría desincentivar la participación" de los inversionistas
Los Red Sox conquistaron la Serie Mundial de Béisbol - Duration: 2:22.
Las Medias Rojas de Boston celebran su título de la Serie Mundial. (EFE) Los Boston Red Sox conquistaron la Serie Mundial por cuarta vez en 15 años, al doblegar el domingo 5-1 a los Dodgers de Los Ángeles en el quinto juego, gracias al pitcheo de David Price, el poder de Steve Pearce y la estrategia de Alex Cora
Cora se convirtió en el primer manager de Puerto Rico y el segundo latinoamericano en la historia en ganar el Clásico de Otoño
Es apenas el quinto piloto que consigue coronarse en su campaña de novato. Steve Pearce al momento de conectar un home run
Tras imponer un récord de la franquicia con 108 victorias durante la temporada regular, los Medias Rojas avasallaron a sus rivales de la Liga Americana en los playoffs
Luego, finiquitaron una serie en la que fueron infinitamente superiores. Price lanzó pelota de tres hits hasta la octava entrada
Pearce conectó dos bambinazos una noche después de que su jonrón y un doble de tres carreras fueron la clave en una remontada
Los jugadores celebran el momento del título. Mookie Betts y J.D. Martínez dispararon también sendos vuelacercas por Boston, que sumó tres palos de cuatro esquinas frente a Clayton Kershaw
Los Dodgers perdieron el séptimo juego de la Serie Mundial del año pasado ante Houston, también en su casa y por la misma pizarra de 5-1
Con información de AP MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMAS: Noche inolvidable en la MLB: Dodgers y Red Sox jugaron el partido más largo de la historia de la Serie Mundial
伊勢崎市 行政書士 遺言 相続 離婚 帰化 - Duration: 1:24.
Where u at - 타래 - Duration: 4:12.
Woman Gives A Beautiful Message about Poor Peoples - Alif Info - Duration: 16:22.
Woman Gives A Beautiful Message about Poor Peoples - Alif Info
Woman Gives A Beautiful Message about Poor Peoples - Alif Info
Harvest Grapefruit at Home Container | Unique Taste and Flavor - Duration: 2:04.
All my Gardening friend Welcome to Veggies Home Kitchen Garden
In Winter Season different varieties of flowers.
As well as Winter Vegetables seen in your home containers and raised bed.
Also wish to grow and harvest Winter Fruits at home.
Like next Strawberry Season
Everybody wish
To grow and harvest Strawberry at different home containers and raised bed.
My next video about How to grow Strawberry at home.
Today's video about Harvest of Grapefruit at home
Which I share with my gardening friends
Let's watch it.
Which I grow in small container.
Today I harvest home grown Grapefruit.
As you seen harvest Grapefruit on my plate.
Home grown vegetables as well as fruits.
Has its own unique taste and flavor.
Hope you like this video.
Kindly Like and Subscribe my Channel for next coming videos.
Bye Asim Nawaz from Veggies Home Kitchen Garden.
Man Utd transfer news: Is this the clue Leicester are ready to sell Harry Maguire? - Duration: 3:56.
The Foxes have made one centre-back signing, bringing in Jonny Evans for just £4million from relegated West Brom, but are lining up new cover in case they lose Maguire
The England international has been strongly linked to United in recent weeks as they cast their net wider in search of a fresh face at the back
The Red Devils had hoped to sign Toby Alderweireld but Tottenham have demanded £75m in return for the Belgian, who United had hoped to sign for closer to £50m
And according to the Daily Mirror, with just two days left of the transfer window remaining, United could return for £65m-rated Maguire
Leicester are in talks to sign Freiburg's Caglar Soyuncu, linked with both Arsenal and United this summer, for £22
5m plus add-ons. And Filip Benkovic is set to be announced as Leicester's latest arrival after he underwent a medical for a £13
5m switch from Dinamo Zagreb. Claude Puel would then have six senior centre-backs in Maguire, Evans, captain Wes Morgan, back-up Yohan Benalouane, Benkovic and Soyuncu
The Mirror say that Leicester still want to keep Maguire despite the influx of new defenders but that the Midlands outfit would be satisfied with their options if he left
It is claimed that Maguire is viewed as United's 'most realistic' signing if Jose Mourinho is to land his priority target of a new centre half
That's with a loan offer for Jerome Boateng of Bayern Munich having reportedly been rejected as United refuse to meet the German's asking price - thought to be around £45m
The Mirror also suggest that Spurs insiders say no bid has been received from United for Alderweireld, although he is believed to be Mourinho's main option
Both Maguire and Alderweireld would cost well in excess of £50m with the Leicester man's value having rocketed over the last year
Maguire joined Leicester after Hull were relegated from the top flight in a £17m deal and enjoyed a fine maiden campaign at the King Power Stadium
The 25-year-old was also one of England's brightest performers as the Three Lions reached the World Cup semi-finals in Russia earlier this summer
Leicester boss Puel however says that Maguire will be staying put at Leicester. "For me it's good for Leicester to keep a valuable player, and it's important to show good ambition for the next season," he told Sky Sports News
"I can understand some speculation about our player because he has good attributes, but I am happy to keep him and hopefully start a great season
"We lost Riyad Mahrez, who was a very good player for us. After Riyad it was important to keep our players and add some good players to strengthen the team
What is dropshipping? - Duration: 3:03.
Thinking of starting your very own online store
Dropshipping can help you save tons of time money and space by completely cutting out the inventory packaging and shipping aspects of your business
Drop shipping is a business model that lets you sell products to your customers without
Actually holding any stock your supplier will deliver products directly to customers straight from the warehouse
Taking care of packaging labels shipping and all other product related aspects in the process
All you need to do is create an online store find the supplier and virtually import the products you want to sell
You can customize the prices images titles and descriptions of your products and start promoting them right away
Aside from taking the burden of inventory packaging and shipping off your shoulders drop shipping can help you grow your business
effectively in several different ways
Minimize risk, the biggest advantage of drop shipping is you only have to pay for the products that you've sold
There's no need to worry about purchasing bulk inventory or leftover stock
Save time when you're not worrying about storing products are shipping
You have more time to focus on things that actually help you sell more like marketing
reduce cost
storing products can be
expensive with drop shipping you
Eliminate cost of warehouses of packaging plus you can always sell low-cost products from China at market value to make more profit
Start easily to run a drop shipping business. All you need to do is create an online store
You can literally design your store virtually import products and start promoting them all on the same day
increase cash flow
You're only paying for the products you're able to sell
This means you always have a consistent cash flow and never have to worry about receivables and payables
Keep customers engaged with drop shipping
It's so much easier to switch up your offerings and bring in new and trendy products every other day
This is a great way to keep your customers engaged and increase their lifetime value
Explore new markets importing products virtually means you can pretty much sell anything you want
This is an excellent way to test out new markets without risking too much if your product doesn't sell
You don't have to pay for it either
Virtually stock unlimited products. Let's face it. There's always a limit to the number of products
You can physically store when you dropship you don't have to worry about limiting your stock
You can virtually import hundreds of products in your online store at a time
Drop shipping can be an incredibly lucrative and fun business
Model to utilize as long as you are comfortable with the hard work needed to succeed
There are workshops available online and in-person that can provide you with tips and tools to create a successful online business
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Click the link to our blog in the description
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You will receive a wealth of information
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Don't miss out sign up today
Doctor Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali Speach - 17th Afkar-e-Raza Seminar - Afkar-e-Raza - Alif Info - Duration: 3:33:34.
Doctor Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali Speach - 17th Afkar-e-Raza Seminar - Afkar-e-Raza - Alif Info
Doctor Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali Speach - 17th Afkar-e-Raza Seminar - Afkar-e-Raza - Alif Info
Inverted Hammer & Shooting Star Candlestick Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 8:39.
Inverted Hammer & Shooting Star Candlestick Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Urdu/Hindi
Bulldog Insider analysis: Hawai'i - Duration: 9:22.
I Tried The Shotgun Only challenge | Funny Moments! (Blackout) - Duration: 12:32.
Elf Hideout, Roller Coaster Ride, & SeaLife - Duration: 19:22.
good morning my youtube friends I hope you're all doing well and see off here
the silhouette of downtown Minneapolis and I am traveling on i-94 with the
Mississippi River right on the other side of the freeway here and 10:30 a.m.
it's wide open so let everybody have their morning rush and their five
o'clock rush and do all your traveling around that and it seems to work pretty
well I have mentioned that I am skipping going downtown I'm just not gonna do it
in an RV now if I had the motorcycle you bet
park the RV at Walmart I would go show you some quirky stuff downtown but I'm
still motorcycle shopping I am being a little picky the only TW 200 I want is
one with under 500 miles and it has to be a 2014 blue I am also looking at the
Honda Grom the Honda monkey and the Suzuki ban ban 200 as well
it's all four of those bikes and currently looking at but I'm in no rush
right now I'm gonna I'm gonna show you some more RV accessible places here in
Minneapolis today on our Great River Road tour
Oh see this is the Minneapolis I want to remember I want to go look at the water
I'm hearing like a really fancy ritzy neighborhood luckily it still feels like
fall here in Minneapolis that's right oh man and there is a beautiful walk down
to the water you guys here in this neighborhood to have an amazing little
trail this is called the Grand Rounds Scenic Byway with waterfront - and this
is not the Mississippi River this is Lake Harriet out here beautiful late
October day
so pretty here
of course we are close to the Minneapolis Airport
so since I'm avoiding downtown Minneapolis we are going to go find some
parking over and check out the largest mall in the world here in Minneapolis
hang on I have stumbled across something very strange I haven't touched any of
these letters yet but I did want to turn the camera on and show you what's going
on down here it says free bird on the rock and look at the bottom of the tree
there's a little lock on it what are we looking at here guys it says
from the cabin I have moved home to my castle you may write to me at mr. little
guy pijo bucks five zero three five eight Minneapolis Minnesota five five
four oh five I got a reading I'm sorry my curiosity is just I love you
this one says Rex my favorite sport is tennis and my favorite season is spring
yeah I'll bet
well this one's sealed I won't touch that one
that is pretty weird now I am gonna share a little bit of information if
you're in an RV and trying to park at the Mall of America you're gonna want to
take the Lindo Lane exit and park on the Lindo lane side by
IKEA I actually called parking security because obviously Mall of America has a
huge indoor parking structure that will not fit high clearance so I called
security and asked where do Arby's Park and he told me exactly where so you
could see the parking garage here it's massive but that'd be nice in the winter
when it's Blizzard like conditions in your cars and they're safe but yeah and
is it just me who cringes when there's low clearances that aren't marked at all
no no nothing written there so it's obviously a certain safe height but
still you just never know all right that was way too easy to be honest with you
I'm parked one block away from the Mall of America one of the entrances behind
me I think I said the largest mall in the world when I was driving it it's not
it's the largest mall in America so yeah park across the street from Ikea
in the Mall of America they have a patrolled area they go through and keep
everything safe also don't know what time of year you might be watching this
but here in late October the high is 41 I know it's nice and sunny but Jax is
fine in there I don't think he needs heat I think the Sun on the side of the
RV is going to keep it about 60 degrees inside wall I go inside I'm not bringing
my big camera set up I'm gonna bring my knee little GoPro set up it's a little
more discreet and I won't draw a whole lot of attention to myself so you guys
are welcome to come with me I'm doing some Christmas shopping and we're gonna
find some fun stuff in the mall to share with you so here we go first of all is
here four years ago real quick didn't get to spend a whole lot of time here
and I have to say where I'm parking that is the best way into the mall the
quickest easiest right across the street and here's the main inch well the main
entrance for our parking lot so let's go have some fun today
get my shopping list ready
I see a lot of football teams here looking for the one that matters though
where are they there they are them Seahawks go Seahawks
that's cool though where's the public restroom is this is this the restroom
this place is so big that they have their own counterterrorism unit inside
the mall yeah and you can fit seven baekje stadiums inside the mall complex
I know Scheels has a ferris wheel but the Mall of America has an entire theme
park inside the mall with the rollercoaster guys
oh my gosh I mean really a theme park inside them all it's got everything here
it's mostly three stories as well throughout the entire mall downstairs
I'm currently on the second floor and there's a third floor as well look they
have Mickey shoes Mickey vans these are cool I really like
all the natural light they let in to be a lot of snow and I'm kind of hungry
they have a wall burgers haven't been to one since I was in Vegas so I'm gonna go
in and get lunch I got my outdoor seat son it feels good checking out the menu
in here they got sports and flames in the food
arrived yeah burger fries
well I head up the bookstore got some gifts my bags getting a little heavy and
I may have to go back out to the RV you know there's even a Mall of America app
for finding the stores and just like my Disney experience you can track all the
stores and what's hilarious and get the gifts for someone else but I still got
to keep my eye out for a magnet maybe in the Minnesota not finding any magnets
but I have an idea how about a store across the way that's called the Mall of
America those are my options the really big ones kind of like those square ones
or there's the spherical ones like the Walmart one I have
oh no there's a Disney Store here just take my money just
I see I heard they remodeled the store that's actually Downtown Disney springs
so at least this one still has that colorful feel so far all right stocked
up I need to go back to the RV I want to dump off my bags and then we'll come
back in when I came back to see you buddy
to check on you make sure you're okay you're okay Wow okay
it's a kibble emergency okay I believe you
I did get some gifts for myself I love candles guys these are the Walmart ones
I've had the fresh-cut Fraser the warm apple pie in the evergreen spruce
they're Mia okay but I went to Bath & Body Works and got
marshmallow fireside which is roaring right now and mahogany apple and they
smell so good not sure why I let that one of them
going right back in is warm in there I feel like it's like 85 degrees inside
them all so I'm gonna put some shorts on I have to it's just too warm in there
and then blow the candle out and go show you some more all right we're back my
hands are empty now gonna have some fun look at Legoland pretty epic he's
thinking awesome I love it is it crazy that this mall brings just
about as much smiles as like a normal theme park yeah I mean yeah they have a
lot of kid rides here but I mean those were some pretty major coasters
especially for indoors go get some info
okay so here's how they do the little theme park in here for $35 you can have
unlimited rides in here but there's a bunch of kids rides I don't want to ride
so I just bought 12 tickets to go on two of the best coasters here I'm gonna
start with this one here so I think we'll start with this one guys a few
drops and twists oh my gosh looky-loos oh boy I think he's flying
oh my gosh so I don't know if you can get sick watching this from YouTube but
I'm gonna try to keep the camera as steady as possible and you can come
along with me
then there's the orange track toaster we're going to go on as well
right now that my head hurts I don't always do too good on rides let's go
look at this aquarium also I love the integration of these little kiosks you
just type in whatever you're looking for so I'm going to type query it already
popped up the sealife Minnesota aquarium great it says which way to go and then
it tells you how far to walk and where it's at okay here's the thing about sea
life like I mentioned I was here about four years ago and I said something
similar like what it cost extra now I'm just gonna skip it a lot of people just
skip it but because I don't know when the next time I'll be back I'm just
gonna check it out and share it with you okay look your stingrays down there okay
that's why I didn't get it last time it's an extra $25 like I said it may be
another four or five years for him back in Minneapolis let do it take you guys
with me all right here we go ticket holders
smells like an underwater cave
it's like a NASCAR race bunch of left turns
a super like the detail though mmm fishes
how you doing
like a starfish they're cool there's one there and
I think yep there's one there showing off his tentacles
all right the tour continues better these particles oh my gosh I am sorry
for the low light guys but this is a room full of jellyfish we cow that it's
creepy I love how they display them in the tubes
jellyfish first appeared 650 million years ago and they're now found in every
ocean of the world there are more than 2,000 species of jellyfish but only 75
of these can be harmful to humans
that's so creepy you guys are weird a cool cool so they've got this viewing
area you can see the little Nemo's in there there's a way to stand in there
you just crawl in here so I'm going to do that right now
we're really close to Dory Nemo that's awesome hey guys all right now we're
gonna walk through the Rainbow Reef uh-huh so there's fish on all sides and
above us
this is so pretty you been on into the shark Cove now oh my gosh really
it's nice to see the sharks getting along with other types of fish though
whoa look at this guy look at his nose Wow
maybe those teeth while he's smiling he's smiling for us guys Wow
holy cow that's impressive dude you're very photogenic that's what I'm gonna
know all right have a good day please don't need any little fish sorry
I didn't bring any fishing biscuits sorry about that next time okay okay
I will say I don't think they advertise this very well it's a lot better than it
looks just by the sea light logo it's totally worth it I'm glad I could share
a little bit of it with you guys but I am mauled out guys I'm serious so I'm
gonna say goodbye to Mall of America I had a ton of fun saw some new stuff
shared it with you guys then go check out on check in on Jax now alright I'm
back I had to take some motion sickness pills and some aspirin and I'm still not
feeling good I feel like I'm getting old man I can't even enjoy a good coaster
anymore so it is 422 p.m. in Minneapolis I just noticed the clouds everywhere
that's pretty cool I'm gonna wait here till about 6 p.m. I may even go back in
the mall and grab dinner and then gonna I'm not gonna mess with that Minneapolis
traffic and since I can't park here we do got to move it on down the road no
campgrounds that are free nearby I don't need hookups yet so just just wait a
little bit
see now we waited and the sirens are gone the traffic is cleared up the Sun
is set and I think the highway is going to be a little better to maneuver
without all the rush-hour stuff going on so still noisy while I was editing and I
actually realized that I parked right next to an airport no I mean right next
although it's insanely chilly and windy all of a sudden so all right I'm gonna
get back on the road and do some urban camping tonight with Jax and we'll be
back Jeep with you guys on Wednesday with a new video on down the Great River
Road so have a great night we'll see you on Wednesday guys
中國成功引起世界關注,在今後能否超越美國就看它了! - Duration: 4:20.
장, 내 남편은 내 일에 동정하지 않는다. - Duration: 3:37.
The Tech Thieves - Wait (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:13.
The Tech Thieves - Wait (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018
[FMV] Jungkook x Lisa - Hello Tutorial [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:47.
I practice everything,
even the greeting so everything will go perfect
Why do i smeil like a fool stading i front of you. Why can't i just act normal
Was natural
Pretended to turn over his head,
The open hand was embarrassing
Performance like ha jeong u, I'm not hello with you at all
I pretended preference to overlap.
I did not actually see the movie
I stopped in front of the mirror and told I love you
I practiced greeting, Woo but there was no problem
Why are you stamding in front of you and Smlie like a fool?
I do Just as usual
Was natural
Hello Hello {Hello} Hello Hello Hello Hello {Hello}
I know how to say cool hello
Oh, look at you
Woo Baby Baby
I already know evrething,
It's all wrutten on your face
It's sloppy and cute,
The title of the movie is wrong
Actully, I'm waiting, Actually, I've been waiting for a long time
I like you to tell me first, or whatever
I practiced evrerthing,
but there was no problem
Are you standing in front of you and smile ilke a fool?
I do just as usual
Was natural
Hello Hello {Hello} Hello Hello Hello Hello {Hello}
I don't believe can't I practice can't
I practiced evrerthing,
but there was no problem
I know how to say cool hello
Oh!, look at you
TMR: The Death Cure (FanMade Alternate Ending) - Newtmas Animatic - Duration: 2:49.
Hey guys! This is Phoebe,
I'm sorry about my spastic and few uploads.
YouTube really isn't as simple as one really may think...
I hope you enjoyed this little animatic!
I was putting off finishing it for so long but-
finally got around to completing it!
Thanks for watching and see you in the next video, bye!
Red Sox owner John Henry praises his team - Duration: 2:31.
這些女星,一般人只認識翁美玲,全部認識的話,你不年輕了! - Duration: 13:27.
陸炮上艦,中國當初無奈的創意,現在風靡世界,美國學得最嗨 - Duration: 8:16.
Coaches' Corner Part 1: Jeff Tedford - Duration: 5:28.
Coaches' Corner Part 2: Jeff Tedford - Duration: 2:44.
Lebowski Fest founder launching Caddyshack Fest in summer 2019 - Duration: 3:58.
The Cinderella story that is Caddyshack looks set to continue. It was announced Saturday that next summer will see the launch of Caddyshack Fest, an event devoted to celebrating the 1980 golf comedy that starred Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase, and real-life 18-hole-fiend Bill Murray
Caddyshack Fest is being organized by Will Russell, a cofounder of Lebowski Fest, which since 2002 has hosted events centered around the Coen brothers' Jeff Bridges-starring bowling comedy The Big Lebowski
The Kentucky-based Russell plans to hold the inaugural Caddyshack Fest at a golf course in Louisville
"Bowling really ties Lebowski Fest together," Russell told EW on Saturday. "It's great to have an activity
I was like, 'What's another movie that has an activity? Caddyshack!' It's a f—ing great movie
It's hilarious. It's so quotable, just like Lebowski. I'm hanging out with my friend Matt Davis, and he's always quoting Lebowski and Caddyshack, and I was like, 'Dude, you want to do this Caddyshack Fest with me?' And he was like, 'Yeah, man! Let's do it!' "We drove out to this golf course in Louisville, and this place is perfect," he continued
"We're going to have golf cart races and costume contests and a dance party. It's going to be just a blast
We published the Facebook page today about 3 p.m., and last I looked it had about 200 followers already, so I think it's going to be a huge hit
A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit [the mental health non-profit] Everything Will Be OK Project
" A moderate box office hit on its release, Caddyshack has garnered a hardcore cult following over the years, particularly among the golf community
The film's history was recently detailed in the book Caddyshack: The Making of a Hollywood Cinderella Story, by EW film critic Chris Nashawaty
Over the years, Lebowski Fest events have attracted several cast members from The Big Lebowski, including Bridges himself
Russell said he would love to have Murray attend his new endeavor. "Well, obviously, he is the one," he said
"Bill Murray is our dream guest, and his son just got a job coaching [basketball] for the University of Louisville
" Sounds like another Cinderella story in the making to us. Related content: Bill Murray opening Caddyshack bar Ranking the 20 best characters in The Big Lebowski Bill Murray channels Caddyshack in clip for new baseball series Caddyshack type Movie Genre Comedy release date 07/25/80 runtime 98 minutes director Harold Ramis Cast Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Bill Murray, Michael O'Keefe Complete Coverage Caddyshack
轰动消息 - 扎希爆出惊人内幕 网民纷纷【神回打脸】印尼仔 - Duration: 2:35.
[Fashion illustration/패션 일러스트] Clothing sketch / 착장 스케치 - Duration: 1:53.
Chelsea transfer news LIVE: Kepa incoming, Courtois 'agreement', Fekir latest, Hazard - Duration: 7:04.
CHELSEA TRANSFER NEWS LIVE Wednesday, August 8Chelsea pay Kepa's release Chelsea have paid Kepa's £72m release clause and he's on the way to London
Chelsea have this morning completed the formalities with Athletic Bilbao to sign goalkeeper Kepa
He is now heading to London and will be announced as a Chelsea player before tomorrow's 5pm deadline and will sign a five-year contract
He will join Chelsea as the most expensive goalkeeper in history and replace Thibaut Courtois, who will join Real Madrid for £35m
He could even make his debut when Chelsea face Huddersfield on the opening weekend of the Premier League season
Courtois mystery Real Madrid target Thibaut Courtois has raised serious questions over whether or not he will stay at Stamford Bridge after skipping training for the past two days
Reports emerged on Tuesday indicating that the Blues have practically agreed a deal for Arrizabalaga which could be worth up to £72million and would make the 23-year-old the world's most expensive goalkeeper ever
Courtois, on the other hand, is trying to engineer a move to Real Madrid. But when asked about Courtois' future, Sarri kept his own counsel
"I don't know in this moment," he said. "I want to speak with my club and then we will decide about it
"Kovacic loan Real Madrid have agreed to let midfielder Mateo Kovacic join Chelsea on loan, according to reports
Chelsea are accelerating their transfer plans with less than 48 hours to go and want Real Madrid's Kovacic to be their third arrival of a turbulent summer
The Blues appointed Maurizio Sarri as manager three weeks ago and the Italian then moved swiftly to sign Jorginho
And now it appears he will bring in another midfielder with Spanish newspaper El Pais claiming Los Blancos have reluctantly agreed to let Kovacic jump ship to west London
Butland ploy Chelsea may have used Jack Butland as a 'smokescreen' to disguise their interest in Kepa Arrizabalaga says Danny Mills
Stoke shot-stopper Butland had been targeted by the west London outfit, but interest appears to have cooled
Arrizabalaga now looks set to move to Stamford Bridge, paving the way for Thibaut Courtois to depart for Real Madrid
Mills said: "Chelsea will have known about Courtois and there's rumours he's been wanting to go for a year
They'll have lined up this deal. "The Butland thing was a smokescreen. He'll be absolutely gutted if he thought he may have been joining
"Kepa coming? Maurizio Sarri has provided a glowing assessment of Kepa Arrizabalaga with Chelsea hoping to clinch a deal
Recent reports have suggested that Chelsea are closing in on a deal to bring Arrizabalaga to Stamford Bridge
Should the move go through, it would cost the Blues £72million making Athletic Bilbao star Arrizabalaga the most expensive goalkeeper ever
Thibaut Courtois, meanwhile, is trying to engineer a move to Real Madrid after skipping training with the Blues for the past two days
And Sarri has admitted that he rates Arrizabalaga highly. "I saw him one year ago," he said
"My first impression was that he is a very good goalkeeper, very young, but very, very good
"Hazard set to stay Sarri has given an update on the future of Eden Hazard. The Belgian winger has been constantly linked with a move away from Stamford Bridge this summer with Real Madrid reportedly interested
But Sarri is confident of keeping hold of the 27-year-old. "We have spoken two or three times in the last two days," Sarri said
"Hazard's problem is not present now." Courtois mystery Real Madrid target Thibaut Courtois has raised serious questions over whether or not he will stay at Stamford Bridge after skipping training for the past two days
Reports emerged on Tuesday indicating that the Blues have practically agreed a deal for Arrizabalaga which could be worth up to £72million and would make the 23-year-old the world's most expensive goalkeeper ever
Courtois, on the other hand, is trying to engineer a move to Real Madrid. But when asked about Courtois' future, Sarri kept his own counsel
"I don't know in this moment," he said. "I want to speak with my club and then we will decide about it
" Will Fekir join? Nabil Fekir could still be on his way out of Lyon this summer after manager Bruno Genesio refused to rule out a sale
Liverpool have been after the Frenchman all summer but with the transfer window closing on Thursday, Chelsea have now been linked
Chelsea beat Lyon on penalties last night and could now take Fekir. Genesio said on his captain: "It's too early to say [what will happen]
"He wanted to leave at the end of last season but came back to training yesterday and was happy
"Who knows? There may be opportunities that come up before the end of the window
"For now, he is a Lyon player."
Filip Benkovic dedicates Cup win over Hearts to victims of the helicopter crash at Leicester - Duration: 4:26.
On-loan Celtic defender Filip Benkovic paid tribute to the victims of the Leicester helicopter tragedy - and dedicated Sunday's victory at BT Murrayfield to the bereaved families
Benkovic, a £13million summer signing for the Foxes, turned in a focused and professional performance as he helped his loan club beat Hearts 3-0 in the BetFred Cup semi-final
The centre-half was clearly still emotional as he spoke about Saturday night's tragic accident involving Leicester City owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, who was on board his private helicopter when it came down in a car park near the King Power Stadium
'This news was very bad for everyone,' said Benkovic.'Nobody expected an accident like that
'So this win, I give it to the families of those affected.'I met the owner, of course
I wasn't so long there, just one month.But I met him - and he was an unbelievable person
'I really don't know what else to say about him.It's such a difficult time.'It really is a family club, Leicester
I could see that in a month.You could see it within the first few days.'Everybody is very close there
That's all I can say.I haven't spoken to anyone there yet.'Benkovic was pleased to play his part in shutting out Hearts to reach the final - maintaining Celtic's hopes of a Treble Treble
'Thank you for saying I showed character to play today,' he said.'But, you know, this was a big game for us
'We had to focus on it from two or three days before, just think about this game - and give everything
'It's so important for us to make it to the final.We so much want to win this trophy
After this game, I am so proud of this team.'They all want to win every trophy.And this is a good feeling
'I also came from a club (Dinamo Zagreb) who wanted to win every trophy.I like that attitude
'I'm really proud to be here and we want to fight to the end, to win every trophy
'This was one of the reasons I came here, to play in these games.'This is why you play football, when you walk out and see that amazing support
'That gives you memories that will last forever.The celebrations at full-time with the fans was a priceless memory
'It was a great game for us, especially in this atmosphere, with so many of our fans through here
[스파이샷] 토요타 수프라 - Duration: 2:33.
How to Cook a Filet Mignon Steak - Duration: 5:07.
right the guide to cooking a perfect steak. Season it first
just sort of push in beautifully done get some nice large grains of pepper
That's the kinda noise you want to hear when the pan is frying
get a pair of thongs, turn in over
Very carefully
so this is not the regular cooking show that you see on YouTube
this is more like a beginner's vlog into cooking a filet mignon for the first
time in this life kind of show so let's get at the facts I have never touched a
filet mignon before or even though they even exist in the first place I mean
like the only reason I got this heavenly chunk of meat is because my work
colleague here Andrew bought me this meat to check out if I like a
fancy slab of meat
thanks drewww
and the last time i ever got close
to cooking a steak was a dollar store sausage which basically means I got no
experience whatsoever about cooking a fancy piece of meat but with the power
of YouTube and Ramsay the Gordon blue I managed to get myself the ingredients
and knowledge to slap myself a good piece of mignon (duck squeak)
so first i left the steak on room temperature for about an hour to get rid of the cold
center then Imma season it with some ground black pepper a steak seasoning I
found in target my land owners rosemary and her Martin sea salt as well
seasons that juicy chunk of flesh and push in (pusheen) to enrich the flavor at this
point I felt that the meat is softer than my pillow I mean like I just feel
unworthy of touching his fanciness. I mean like just look at how the meat relaxes you
can just feel how soft it is just by looking at it. turn on the heat to high
put just a little bit of oil which I failed on that one wait till smoke comes
out and sizzle that meat. cooking four minutes on each side is the time to get
a medium well kind of doneness which is how I like it. if you want medium rare
you can cook it on three minutes
so now just take the time to look at the magnificence of this flesh sizzling and
you guys seen this moment
oh my god
[fire alarm sounding]
this I did not expect this to happen
looks amazing
make sure you have the vent on
well to do the other side for another 4 minutes. lift the slab of goodness and plate that
meat well even though the first try didn't go as planned
it sure does taste amazing
no no okay let's do it again
season and push in
cook for four minutes on each side
and here comes the flip. look at that golden brown almost burnt crisp
that is sexy
okay now im covering the pan cuz all is starting to fall out too much making the kitchen
dirty and I feel bad cuz my landowner is beside me but it does give some benefits
like cooking the steak more evenly like an oven but that's entirely up to you
lift, plate it, lubricate it, and voila.
at this point if you guys aren't confident yet in cooking your first Filet mignon.
that's a big misteak
well this is a new feature in my channel I will be featuring weekly quotes at the
end of my videos. given by my lovely viewers that comment, friends, and family
so please don't hesitate to comment down below some OG quotes to get a shout-out
to my lovely ninety (2) subscribers so here's this week's quote
by a work colleague of mine named Zeus
well thanks guys for watching this video, hope this video helped and have you enjoyed this video please hit that like button down
and if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button down
below and don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell icon for more weekly
content I really appreciate it guys have a good one
Webisodio 03 | La Amazona | Por La Máscara | Serie de Space de Lucha Libre - Duration: 4:14.
Wdzięczność – jak ją praktykować 🙏 POWER PONIEDZIAŁEK #37 - Duration: 6:46.
Our Story - Murwillumbah Farmers Market - The Tweed - a natural choice for business (social) - Duration: 0:47.
The Caldera - beautiful soils and that's a really good starting point but
more than that we have passionate people we have you know a number of our farm
stalls here our film families who farmed in the area for three generations or more
I think we have people who are passionate about growing you know you don't
continue farming if you don't have a passion for growing and producing good
food because it's hard work as people are more interested in the food they eat
and the providence of that food they want to know more about it so they want
to hear the farmers talk about what they're growing
Sensacyjne informacje - Mogli zabić Agatę Dudę ... Dzieje się! - Duration: 5:38.
Pakistan vs New Zealand T20 Series 2018 Uae || Oct-Nov 2018 - Pakistan vs New Zealand In UAE 2018 - Duration: 1:32.
Veja trajetórias dos participantes que estão na repescagem do 'Dança dos Famosos' - Duration: 1:50.
Casais que disputarão duas vagas na repescagem do 'Dança dos Famosos' — Foto: TV Globo Anderson Tomazini, Bia Arantes, Deborah Evelyn, Fiuk, Mariana Ferrão e Sérgio Malheiros estão na repescagem do Dança dos Famosos e disputarão duas vagas no próximo domingo, 4/11, dançando zouk
Enquanto esse momento não chega, que tal relembrar a trajetória deles no quadro do Domingão do Faustão? Deborah Evelyn "Mudou a vida
" Relembre a trajetória de Deborah Evelyn e Rodrigo Oliveira no 'Dança dos Famosos' Fiuk "É tudo muito intenso
A gente mergulha de cabeça." Relembre a trajetória de Fiuk e Erica Rodrigues no 'Dança dos Famosos' Sérgio Malheiros "Baladão foi mole vendo o forró
" Relembre a trajetória de Sérgio Malheiros e Suellem Morimoto no 'Dança dos Famosos' Mariana Ferrão "O carinho que a gente recebe depois que se apresenta é uma coisa alucinante
" Relembre a trajetória de Mariana Ferrão e Ricardo Espeschit no 'Dança dos Famosos' Anderson Tomazini "Toda semana é um desafio diferente
" Relembre a trajetória de Anderson Tomazini e Juliana Acácio no 'Dança dos Famosos' Bia Arantes "No primeiro dia eu aprendi que eu não sabia rebolar, nunca soube!" Relembre a trajetória de Bia Arantes e Jefferson Bilisco no 'Dança dos Famosos' saiba mais Dani Calabresa avalia o que mudou com o 'Dança': 'Estou mais bonita, mais magra e iluminada'
¡Ya es oficial! El aeropuerto de Santa Lucía ganó en la consulta - Duration: 6:22.
Ahora sí, ya llegaron los resultados de la consulta más controvertida en el país. Después de cuatro largos, muy largos, días de votaciones, el equipo del presidente electo anunció oficialmente cómo quedó la situación del aeropuerto en México
De acuerdo a la Fundación Arturo Rosenblueth —o sea, los que contaron— ganó el proyecto de la Base Aérea de Santa Lucía con 747 mil votos
Para ponernos más precisos, la cosa se puso así: participaron, en total, un millón 67 mil 859 de personas y el 69% de ellas eligió Santa Lucía
Por si andaban con el pendiente, solo 310 mil 463 eligieron el proyecto de Texcoco
Los resultados se dieron a conocer en punto de las 10 de la noche. Tan solo cuatro horas después de que cerraran las casillas en el último día de consulta
Mañana lunes, 29 de octubre, ya con estos resultados en la mano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador —alias AMLO— dará una conferencia a las 10 de la mañana para dar a conocer su postura y lo que sigue en el proceso
Todos los detalles de estos resultados y el famoso "casilla por casilla" podrán ser revisados en la página oficial de la consulta en mexicodecide
com.mx Cómo habrá estado de controvertida la consulta, que por momentos los dos proyectos de aeropuerto quedaron en segundo plano
Dudas sobre la seguridad de información, el rigor estadístico, intentos de hackeo, un posible ataque a la página oficial y decenas de reportes —y quejas— plagaron estos cuatro días de participación ciudadana
Desde las primeras horas, decenas de reporteros y periodistas corroboraron que la aplicación para revisar quién votaría no servía en su totalidad y se podía participar en múltiples ocasiones
En su momento, también hubo mensajes de preocupación sobre el manejo de datos personales y el propio Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) emitió una advertencia sobre los avisos de privacidad
Por su parte, Jesús Ramírez, vocero de AMLO, confirmó que la duplicidad de votos no invalidaría la consulta
Sobre la seguridad de información, aseguró que estaban tomando medidas pertinentes, que se estaban "blindando" y que "las irregularidades" serían contenidas
Mientras tanto, en un mensaje transmitido en su canal de YouTube, el presidente electo decía que "a los camajanes y a los fifís no les gusta la consulta"
Al mismo tiempo aseguraba que la honestidad era lo suyo y que está comprometido con cambiar "el régimen actual de corrupción y de injusticias"
Al final del día, las opiniones de los mexicanos están regadas en todo el espectro político
Para algunos, esta consulta fue "patito" y como tal, no debería ser tomada en cuenta
Otros festejan su realización, aunque piden encontrar métodos más eficaces para el futuro
En la otra esquina, dicen que el único fallo está en "la necedad nacional" de encontrar lo malo en ejercicios innovadores de democracia participativa
El vocero de AMLO decía que "la consulta va y va hasta el domingo". Ya llegado el domingo, cerradas las casillas y contados los votos, el que va —y viento en popa— es el de la Base Aérea de Santa Lucía
Como sabíamos desde días antes de la consulta, los dos proyectos participantes tenían puntos a favor y en contra que debían ser analizados a profundidad
Ahora que ya está decidido que el futuro aeronáutico de México está en la idea de Santa Lucía y la rehabilitación del actual aeropuerto, todavía les queda mucho por trabajar
Particularmente, este proyecto tenía dudas de su viabilidad aeronáutica, de la falta de dictámenes técnicos y de los posibles efectos negativos en los mercados
¿Quieres enterarte a fondo de las necesidades y oportunidades que tiene el Aeropuerto de Santa Lucía? Pásale por ACÁ
Lebowski Fest founder launching Caddyshack Fest in summer 2019 - Duration: 3:58.
The Cinderella story that is Caddyshack looks set to continue. It was announced Saturday that next summer will see the launch of Caddyshack Fest, an event devoted to celebrating the 1980 golf comedy that starred Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase, and real-life 18-hole-fiend Bill Murray
Caddyshack Fest is being organized by Will Russell, a cofounder of Lebowski Fest, which since 2002 has hosted events centered around the Coen brothers' Jeff Bridges-starring bowling comedy The Big Lebowski
The Kentucky-based Russell plans to hold the inaugural Caddyshack Fest at a golf course in Louisville
"Bowling really ties Lebowski Fest together," Russell told EW on Saturday. "It's great to have an activity
I was like, 'What's another movie that has an activity? Caddyshack!' It's a f—ing great movie
It's hilarious. It's so quotable, just like Lebowski. I'm hanging out with my friend Matt Davis, and he's always quoting Lebowski and Caddyshack, and I was like, 'Dude, you want to do this Caddyshack Fest with me?' And he was like, 'Yeah, man! Let's do it!' "We drove out to this golf course in Louisville, and this place is perfect," he continued
"We're going to have golf cart races and costume contests and a dance party. It's going to be just a blast
We published the Facebook page today about 3 p.m., and last I looked it had about 200 followers already, so I think it's going to be a huge hit
A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit [the mental health non-profit] Everything Will Be OK Project
" A moderate box office hit on its release, Caddyshack has garnered a hardcore cult following over the years, particularly among the golf community
The film's history was recently detailed in the book Caddyshack: The Making of a Hollywood Cinderella Story, by EW film critic Chris Nashawaty
Over the years, Lebowski Fest events have attracted several cast members from The Big Lebowski, including Bridges himself
Russell said he would love to have Murray attend his new endeavor. "Well, obviously, he is the one," he said
"Bill Murray is our dream guest, and his son just got a job coaching [basketball] for the University of Louisville
" Sounds like another Cinderella story in the making to us. Related content: Bill Murray opening Caddyshack bar Ranking the 20 best characters in The Big Lebowski Bill Murray channels Caddyshack in clip for new baseball series Caddyshack type Movie Genre Comedy release date 07/25/80 runtime 98 minutes director Harold Ramis Cast Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Bill Murray, Michael O'Keefe Complete Coverage Caddyshack
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