How to Use Forex Screener/Scanner To Make Forex trading Strategies 2018
For more infomation >> How to Use Forex Screener/Scanner To Find Forex trading Signals 2018 - Duration: 11:26.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.
Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Expression R&Go navigatie, Airco, Park. sens. - Duration: 0:49.
A Fazenda 10: Evandro Santo dorme no sofá e Caique Aguiar prega peça - Duration: 2:38.
Léo Santana comenta em foto de ex-namorada, Lorena Improta, e fãs especulam volta - Duration: 2:12.
IL VALORE DEL DENARO - Duration: 4:15.
Introducing MasterHong and EuiChan - Duration: 2:05.
ITALIA vs USA - HALLOWEEN! - Duration: 7:52.
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Garuda Gamana | Garuda Gamana Tava | Garuda Gamana Tava Telugu Lyrics | GarudaGamana | BHAKTI BOOKS - Duration: 4:48.
Come stanno andando le mie letture? - Duration: 4:46.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.
Propinas en Reino Unido ¿Cúando y cúanto se deja? 💷 - Duration: 3:27.
Exaited - Pokochaj mnie jeszcze raz 💘 ♥ S✾✾ᶫᵒᵛᵋ✾✾R ♥ 💘 - Duration: 3:47.
Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC Leer, R-link, Climate, Park. sens., 19'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:14.
Renault Mégane Estate TCe 100pk Intens R-link, Airco, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:55.
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一分鐘教你在家種枸杞,好養還能吃,養肝明目身體好 - Duration: 4:25.
How to Use Forex Screener/Scanner To Find Forex trading Signals 2018 - Duration: 11:26.
How to Use Forex Screener/Scanner To Make Forex trading Strategies 2018
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:52.
Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Expression R&Go navigatie, Airco, Park. sens. - Duration: 0:49.
Breaking Barriers in the Construction Industry
Don't You Be My Neighbor - Duration: 21:31.
What You Don't Know About Me (and the 1 Vital Lesson I have Learned) - Duration: 4:07.
a number of people have contacted me about a particular blog posts that I
wrote there a few weeks ago and I published it on my website business and
legal that ie it's called what you don't know about me
and the one vital lesson that I've learned in the last thirty years
it's resonated with quite a few people under to say people have contacted me
and thanked me for writing it because they could relate to what I was saying
in US and they could relate to the lesson that I actually leaned or what I
was writing about so I'm gonna put a link underneath this video and you can
go and have a look at yourself for it essentially it describes how my ups and
downs such as were from starting out in business in 1986 when I was a very young
man I was 23 and how I ended up practically losing everything in 2008 or
9 or whenever the property market crashed because I essentially was very
heavily invested in the property market I was building at the time building
apartments and when the tide goes out you discover the tide goes out and is
really no fighting it and it wiped me out and worked out everything right
ironed and made before that allowed my capital was very very frightening time
but I've written the blog post as I say what you don't know about me the roses
and I held onto it and I didn't publish it for a number of months because I was
reluctant when you read it you'll see why and those who looked at what people
would think and so on but people a lot of people have come back to me and
thanked me for writing isn't have tied me for well they're able to relate to it
now in the article as well they actually speak about an incident or a meeting
that I had with somebody way back in 1980
seven or 1980s the person that I met back then who report young we were both
struggling we were both calling from the same sort of background that person is
probably one of the best known business people in the country and you will
immediately recognize who it is when you read the article but I think you'll find
it useful because after starting out in business in 1986 kind of very young age
as a sales 23 and looking us everything going belly-up ten years ago and the
property market crashed I learned quite a bit and I learnt as much I suppose
from the failure and the pitfalls and the downfall and the losing of
everything and with the property market as I learnt in the previous 25 years or
so what's one lesson of all that I've learned and I'm not gonna spoilers now
I'll let you read the article you'll see for yourself you may and may not agree
but it's something that you can put into effect you can learn from put into
effect in your life if you're having a bad time or if you have ups and downs
and that's phases if you have a heartbeat you have ups and downs because
in everyday life that's just the nature of us and that's the nature of the
struggle so I hope you find it useful as to say it's called what you don't know
about me and won't fight a lesson that I've learned and I'm going to put a link
down below underneath this video so that you can click through and have a read of
us and let me know what you think about it in the comments below also if you
find this video useful you might give it a thumbs up down below and you may be
interested if just the first time you've seen a video of mine in subscribing to
my youtube channel thanks
Horse Saves Kitten - Duration: 1:50.
Barbed wires, gates can't stop boat burglars in Washougal - Duration: 2:13.
Aussie Dollar Drop: Who are the Winners and Losers? - Duration: 3:46.
EMMA: Steel, sheep, wheat and gold.
What do these things have in common?
Not a lot, right?
Well, there is one thing -
they're all produced in huge amounts here in Australia.
Yep, you might not realise it, but heaps and heaps of stuff
is made in Australia and sold overseas.
In fact, at the moment,
the whole export industry is worth around $373 billion,
which would buy a whole lot of wheat and sheep.
And experts reckon things are only getting better
for a really odd reason.
It's got something to do with this - the falling Aussie dollar.
Yeah, right, so that's a bad joke.
But the whole falling dollar thing is true.
It basically means that Australian money
isn't worth as much right now as money from many other countries.
That sounds like a really bad thing,
but for Aussie manufacturers and others that sell stuff abroad,
it's great.
See, people love a good deal, right?
Well, because our dollar is now worth about 70 US cents,
it only costs 70 cents to buy 1-dollar worth of our stuff.
So, people can get a lot more for their money
if they buy our products over products from many other countries.
Take Ty Hermans for example.
He runs a manufacturing company in New South Wales
and he says a drop in the Aussie dollar's value
has led to his company pulling in more customers from overseas.
Some of these guys took their work overseas 15-20 years ago,
and they're looking to bring that stuff
back here to be manufactured locally.
It's not just Ty's business either.
Experts say heaps of different industries
are booming at the moment -
food, medicine, make-up, vitamins and even toiletries.
That's a lot of success.
So, everyone's happy, right?
Well, not quite.
Ty's an exporter, which means he sells stuff to people overseas.
And while he's happy, importers aren't so chuffed.
They're the ones who buy things from other countries and bring them here.
About 20 billion dollars' worth of raw materials and goods
are imported here every month
and when our dollar is low,
it costs importers more to bring that stuff here.
Think things like computers, phones and cars.
But it doesn't just affect industry.
It's the same story if your parents like shopping on overseas websites.
Oh, and if you're heading over to the US
for a holiday with some sightseeing or swimming or whatever,
well, you're going to need more money for that too.
So while exporters like Ty are happy,
things aren't as great for importers and travellers right now.
But stuff like this changes pretty often
and no matter which way the value of our money goes,
you'll find that there's always a winner and a loser.
靳东新戏因为她罢演,宁愿赔违约金走人?网友:老干部耍大牌? - Duration: 3:32.
Hundreds rally in Sacramento for trans community after threatening Trump memo - Duration: 2:05.
Diddle Diddle Dumpling | Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Kids | Videos by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:21.
Diddle Diddle Dumpling...
ITALIA vs USA - HALLOWEEN! - Duration: 7:52.
Hot Cross Buns | Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Kindergarten Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 16:49.
I smell Hot Cross Buns!!
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
One ha' penny, Two ha' penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons,
One ha' penny, Two ha' penny,
Hot Cross Buns.
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
One ha' penny, Two ha' penny,
Hot Cross Buns,
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons,
One ha' penny, Two ha' penny,
Hot Cross Buns.
[MV]星球墜落 Cover - Superayon 萬能的阿永 [prod.BlackMayo] - Duration: 2:26.
La photo argentique... mais pourquoi ? 🧐 - Duration: 2:18.
it all started with a ring. a joke ? no, a ring.
it was the wedding of two friends,
I wanted to make a fun guest book,
I bought an instant camera,
I made a pola, then two, then three,
I couldn't stop
I got hooked, completely hooked
well, I have a lot of failures,
underexposed polas, overexposed, misframed
but in the end, I do not know why, it always looks nice
still not the selfies at the end of a party
with the pola, I got hooked, I restarted analog photography
it's over: I cannot stop anymore
but why ? why going back to this in our digital era?
is it nostalgia, magic, or ... madness?
maybe ... a little bit of everything ^^
do you mind if I put films in the fridge?
analog photography has an unpredictable side
you can save memories,
lock them up,
time goes by
you give them to the lab
the magic happens in a dark room
(we don't really know what's going on there)
and when we find out what photos look like,
we often rediscover things that we had completely forgotten
is it the fact of losing them and finding them again
which gives all its value to memories?
is it the fact of...
it's nice in my dark room, isn't it?
it's nice, right?
today I have a little question for you (let's get a little scared...)
when was the last time you used a film camera?
how old were you ? when was it?
maybe you quit the film photography in the last century, before the end of the 90s
leave me a comment below to tell me — I'm doing a little poll :)
if you liked this video, give a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel
I see you soon!
Dying days, warhammer 40k Batrep, Planetstrike, Aeldari v Genestealer Cult - Duration: 1:21:00.
welcome to rootstem gaming and this is a special day in days of Ze'ev campaign
game scenario based on planet strike elder vs. mechanicus with Jean stealer
so excuse the noise from the background we are on upstairs from a music studio
so we've got some people practicing downstairs this is gonna be my Pollack
strike setup we got the gene steel the Colt with the mechanicus the story is of
course is that the mechanicus has been experimenting on the gene stealer cult
the elder have found out and they are coming to try and stop them so the
mission in a minute mission is season destroy was slightly modified we're not
really we can if you want to take the fun it's strike detachments but you
don't have to simply because I don't have every support choices in both yeah
I'm is that we've taken and we're gonna allow gene stealer call and mechanicus
to coexist in the same as similar as what you do to a streamlet arum so I'm
gonna take you across to V aladár II or elder forces first so it's Grange is
back again my longtime suffering partner here routes them right tell us what what
cirque rough world have you got here in grange it's anything that's got any kind
of background yeah so i've taken their planet striker
tucker's yeah so for each cubes yep we have a facet on
a wind rider jet like which which blade powers for the one on the guy didn't do
yep another Farseer the year up singing spear yeah and he's got execution and
mind war yeah then i off talk mm-hmm so the scene so fusion pistol power saw
power saw is gonna be the relic shards of anise okay
wings and mandy lasts no balls for troops yeah we have two units of ten
guardians one of those has got a missile launcher yeah then I've got two units of
eight dire Avengers old-school metal figures alway a ton if you're looking
down on the eckesachs I've got Dyson yeah then eight
Rangers yeah they just as they come with so there falls in elites I've got nine
striking scorpions the exact as a scorpion fist
yep and then seven Fire Dragons and a fire dragon exactly only got a fusion
then five diamond venge so dark reapers yep and they're heavy smoke slot with
the doubt reaping excise got a shuriken cannon yeah
first attack I have one unit of two Vipers yep with bright Lancers and then
one unit of one with bright lance okay and then another unit of five wind rider
jet bikes I do like jet bikes babe install
shuriken catapult catapult yes mr. Chilton catapults four shots when you
get within 12 inches gonna be quite quite nasty throw a cup of dueling guide
in there but yeah yeah hence why I know mixed next so Falcone
so it's got a laser and normal pulse for out there pulse laser they've got spirit
stones across there two tanks yep and then onto a wave serpent which has got
scatter lasers on top and sure Concannon underneath against with stones and I've
also got which I have not got out the box yet oh born singing yeah yeah boring
my born so long finger I'll get you right out to be no problem decent
looking elder army it's coming along a lot of classic figures in there you tend
to find a lot of elder players do i've class it figures because games workshop
if you're listening we released some new ones will yeah try saying it's been a
aegis right onto the mechanicus and gene steel occult hybrid so this is two
thousand points of mechanicus and gene steel occult D gene steel occult
a little bit more think it's about one thousand five one hundred and fifty one
thousand five hundred one hundred and fifty points more
the mechanicus never mechanicus is mainly comprised of units that you don't
find any standard codex these are I'll put the rules for these up on the screen
you've got the arch Magus on adamant he's actually gonna be my warlord he's
gonna have I do choose the Mars doctorate so it's gonna be a statics arm
cord that he is going to be taking so all of his benefits are gonna be 9
inches rather than 6 and the second edge Q because this is battalion he's gonna
be a Dominus with a vole kite blaster my cross to bear and he's gonna have a
relic he's going to have the axe of Mark the red axe the axe of mass there's
gonna be a minus 5 to the save him for modifier on his on the Scion Act which
is ups are quite decent we've got three units of tech frawls I will put up the
rules for you now tech trolls are basically just cheap expendable
defenders that's the best the best way of putting it they need to be within X
amount of range of someone with a tech priests over for dominance of the Magus
otherwise they're not going to be they're not gonna be functioning
properly I do like that but I'll do like the fat but they actually are just
servitors we've got a nice unit here or secretaries Vanguard that's going to
incorporate at least a lot of radium carbines I'm gonna sword on the actual
sergeant and then two unit of Earth's wax cohorts I believe that's how you say
if you don't and that's it off they're gonna have twin lining clause and
valcara incinerators on to the gene Steele occult these are cross indentured
servants here we've got two units of gene stealers we've got one unit of 13
and another of 20 we've also got a Primus and two patriarchs which is in
the battalion we've got a unit for utterance at once
yep and one unit of these are be a lot hybrids 17 strong contain demo charge
Rock drills Rock cutters Rock saws leader with borne sword and lash we're
quite devastating Union actually if it can get in that's the only problem of it
it's almost toughness free and it's a 5 + C so but ER there's nails when it gets
in a come needs to get in there and then we've got
these guys these are 16-year Firebirds - we've been aid launches - wave mining
lasers I'll be honest quite a few of these units will probably not be on the
battlefield we are following the match play rules so I can only have a thousand
points in reserve maximum but planets strike me it does mean that pretty much
everything will be coming in on turn one rather than the usual it's restricted to
turn two but still I can only put a thousand points in reserve if I choose
to ice on them because I'm gene stealers if if I didn't have a gene Steele occult
they would have to be on the board at the start of the game as we found out
with a lot of these new planets strike missions right onwards and upwards
let's take you to the battlefield so we've set up I've got some air strikes
down here we've got the hybrids plus a pitch Jack in that building and we've
got the Magus he starts arrived in his element at the moment his Park top it's
just ready with the unit of Vanguard they're in that building there and then
the Dominus is - I control all three of these units from the outside it's great
just put these markers down I will just turn the markers over so I can actually
beam what they say I have just used he used to come on points to gain an
additional d3 cuz it's currently got four and I've used to command points to
try and shift this pond to d6 I managed to roll a fantastic double one
so the game is starting well riding Grange role to see where the firestorms
land so 106 we've got to force quite a good spread there mate yeah a 1 a 2 the
only location not hit is number 3 this is guys which is the sky fire sword guys
remain intact so right the four is those two units there so I'm I think at least
one of those units is gonna have to go up to ground because if it doesn't go
out to ground I ain't gonna be able to do anything with them now for those of
you not know upon it strike does basically he rolls this any illness
within 3-inch said location one six suffers d6 mortal
wounds d6 mortal wounds yeah all right unless I go to ground whenever go to
ground when the unit can't do nothing in its first turn but it also suffers d3
mortal wounds hence why this unit is going to go to ground for the two fours
and yeah now I can use try and use some stratagems I'm gonna use fortified
stronghold on that which is gonna miss some more command points out basically
there's good only about one a2 + save I do need to say about that's the
objective Grange needs to get the objective underneath that building high
knees to try and stop him from gaming objective underneath back building as
best as I possibly can so right okay so yeah Monsieur a human soul on the end
yeah to d6 there was six men before we gave us even started thankful because
this is absolute before return it doesn't affect my morale I just lose
guys right so it's 2d free on these guys and
we've got two ones that I would have only lost an additional block that's
them to number two definitely within 3-inch is going to be this squad here so
number one no one is gonna give up Bastian now now suffered free so I'll be
down to 17 more just keep your diet an extra so I'll remind me I'm so for free
offer and I miss number six is within three inch apart and friend I'm three
inch of five so natural fires going with two d69 crazy where are you on these and
they're just get my backside understand apart from weeknights I'm sucking nights
again next time round so that's gonna be nine or five one three are fat one or a
great way to start again is it bands and models and games for all your war gaming
needs so greens gets first turn regardless and what we're gonna do is to
roll to see what units are going to be on the battlefield so Grange are you
going to use in the stratagems yes I'm going to be using the rapid drop assault
yeah geez aroused III units automatically appear so we'll start off
with that one too yep and the two Vipers I serve a squadron of vipers they're
gonna be coming on right okay alright so the rest of it will start come on yep
yep yep these with these banana yep see the straw one for the transport no so
that's not going to be coming on thank you in it
we have serpent which is gonna have one set of matches yep that's it
I will start with the backfield don't be locking okay yep and this one yep they
won't be a moment yeah and then the Rangers yep
striking scorpions all right you know the Viper yeah yeah and first Farseer
yep yep not the faster yeah yeah yeah oh
yeah Christ bouncing yeah yeah
all right just for context last time I did something like this half my army
didn't arrive grains does it and one unit one unit with another unit inside
it doesn't turn up it's disappointing it is very disappointing he has to do was
drive away at the end of his movement fairs so technically because he doesn't
have anything on the board this is going to be the end of his movement face so we
will now effectively start his turn proper once all of the units have been
placed now because he's got all of his units got infantry in flight they can be
deep stroking and if you're going to use the use from those from Planet strike
then they can be placed anywhere as long as it's not within six inch of any enemy
unit so that's quite quite a difference we have being a six inch marker and I'm
gonna remove these firestorm markers in the second because we're no longer being
used so yeah he's bringing in his units and like I said any unit to coming out
with the place within six but if he uses a special rule for his deployment to
striking scorpions one then he still has to adhere to his nine inch so it took to
him what he wants to choose right well I'll show you what it looks like once
you set up sir Granger's deployments he's got a unit of tire Avengers down
here we have some various different Vipers a broken bone sack
thanks Ranger sorry and and basically the Fire Dragons which are just going to
try and mess up some of these buildings which could poll
quite easily yeah it looks like a bad deployment it was like a very bad
deployment and it looks like it's going to be very very painful for my
mechanicus it's gonna be very painful for my mechanicus I hate to think right
and good say what are you going to shoot me first right first I don't bother with
it so now what we have stated any psychic powers that actually affect this
bunker here because he's got a Primus inside it because games work shouldn't
really clarify the rules on this we're gonna say about he's allowed to attempt
to nullify the power is aimed at this but he can't attempt to nullify anything
else well as well yep that's been cast so that's doomed or am i crawling a
minute yeah next he's going to guide yep 20:44 guide isn't it it is you know I'm
just gonna guide the unit off no problem seven again yep there's two powers yeah
this one yep I'll start with you're gonna start with executioner what charge
to believe seven the trust of awesome yep so it's gonna be d free mortal
wounds and then another D free mortal wounds if it takes a bigger offer to the
executioner is guaranteed that's 2mm ago I'm in another deep for
your mortal wounds that's number three I'm just sewing up cheating there it is
mm-hmm and I've lost the whole squad has been killed before a shot has been fired
oh dear and then I shall Schmitt he's gonna speed split the bunker Schmitt the
bunker gets past Warren mortal wound against the bunker knocking it down to
16 stops meat-bone singer does have speed yes
which one but I think that all the bulk of my I saw the closet Avenged written
centimeters that's 46 yep all right so now I'm six yeah three two one to
reducing this down to nine psychic fairs done so we're gonna go now into
Granger's shooting right ladies gentlemen this shooting here is to stop
him fire I prom but nice 10 a nice unit there and I've lost six so it's been
reduced down to two but the rocket now it was actually rolled and haiti's hit
the doomed bunker so now he needs five and six to wound weary well no evil no
no bounces off the actual bunker thankfully the bunkers ah yep
from the Farseer all right it's gonna try and finish those guys off four shots
with his shuriken catapults and needs twos and that's two rooms a need for and
I'll lose another so we're down to one mech left this unit here yep fire into
the remainder of those right these guys have unleashed hell upon the remaining
Scutari there they've gone mister disintegrated again under a
fuselage of shuriken fire then we've got these guys with the range of rifles
they're going to target this one long the bulk so what grains can then use the
easy to shoot him right go on then kneeling falls cuz you can't with his
moving yeah cuz they are heavy no sixes yes it is for wounds oh oh good thank
you evil go down right and then Grange is
gonna to be a little bit naughty so there's three guys in range of him who's
been inspiring all of them so yes 12 shots I need a priest and he gets to
rear all because of guide he's doing well he's doing very well
reminiscent of me giving other people backside kickings of all last time we
played last week he a hell of a lot of Dijkstra Vols won six it took miss his
force you're gonna need fours so there we go
so one two it's gonna be five come on in bun
five and one in one everyone didn't save and another two went through as well so
you actually lost three wolves out in this five is down to two this is not
looking good for the Dominus so his next unit he's gonna have fire dragons then
opening up this bunker it can rear all once and the one in the white is
absolutely extra but I don't really need that to be honest but there we go you
rollin wants to hit because the X at it you need fives and sixes to wound
because of a toughness they does get to revolve ones for sheer destruction fine
collection of yeah oh dear
so that's acceptable for that's got through now he has to be more than six
inch away when he deploys so he isn't gonna be within melting range I've only
got 16 wounds left and he's got four these six with the damage coming in I
can't say abyss that's a dead banker Oh God tie it it doesn't explode I don't
think it is enough for double check and a sorry state of affairs big variables
free after piling out about banca and leave the bunkers on right yeah weapons
gonna fire yeah try them as best as possibly can yeah so we've got eight
shots from the scuffle losers yep I didn't roll so didn't roll my
canticles all right give me a minute go ahead write a ball for me kind of
course I'm not getting covered so it's flush toss a piece from the yep heavy
force to hit be rolling ones cuz the attack converted them into hits so
extreme six so you've got three wounds and I've got one saves I'll loser number
two free state from shirking canons are you rolling ones it needs to
step 6 hey 1 no minuses I have to save that right to grat
Lancers yep into the into the doomed bunker
heavy so it is needing forced to hit we'll check to see you forever in six
that's a 9 inch a tie yeah no they're not no so you can't be
wrong about someone hit needs a five every role yeah do get a save on this
because it is a 2 plus armor on that one nope not saved it's it's d6 damage so
another six which takes it down to three blues bonkers bonkers our objectives so
right yep save into the bunker yeah yeah thank you
some charges now oh I think I've eliminated the closest we have to charge
yeah but you managed to blow it up yeah I kind of overkill the little bit I'm
decreased up 5 I'm gonna have a whirl charging me scorpions into you are there
within 12
yeah yeah so right so the Dominus open fire Ellen bowl crack twice to have your
food doesn't hit Tony Pittman he gets to re-roll one two hits swing six
let's go six causes a mortal wound in addition to any other damage so one's
dead and two standard armor saves no -
there we go taking the one from the front knife edge
alright what did you roll I'm feeling - come on point out one not three right
rear all at them oh when we go and then roll to see if you get you come and
point back because it is much play course it's only one per back around no
so so far he hasn't got the clone point back
yes mm-hmm not impressed no not impressed ah any
other charges Grinch
hey Mandy blaster shots first Oh cause it's beginning of the battle round
non-moving then sir sure nobody bothers hitch this is how many attacks is Gatlin
Grange two hits with the fist because the face is gonna be in white yeah
misses by five normal not done soon for me is what they've done for Grange ice
at least two wounds I saw these four wounds Dominus is down the first turn of
the game I've lost three squads at the front bunkers dumb
Dominus is dead this crazy unit old friends consolidate into everything it
can possibly see which is the closest model so it's all gonna be into that one
thankfully so I'm guessing the over Dominus will be free but yeah it's
looking a little crackers looking very crackers indeed to be honest with you I
will now fight back with ours Rangers and Cephas cuz I can't Akata mate
alright fought back managed to kill two of the striking scorpions so he's lost
free and total greens doesn't need to do a morale check on those I've used to to
automatically pass mine so whether or not he decides to draw two on those is
going to be to him but it's only really gonna be
detrimental if your all's r6
no now look at that he's dice just giving him the perfect results every
time right so I've been shafted a little bit
there like I said I've lost three you when it's plus a dominance plus half of
that and the bunkers gone right so do need some definite retaliation probably
didn't help at all nearly all of his army apart from one to two units turned
up on turn one right let's see what I can do to try and fight back against
this sudden wave of of nastiness northern Dark Arts horror specialists
find him at Facebook at northern Dark Arts so here's the rules for the
reinforcements I got a two on that guy fallen north - but - one knows I got a
six on the big gene stealer squad in a five on the second gene stealin squad
which should be able to mess him up a little bit I'm hoping the two corners of
course I'm gonna pick it's probably with a long table edge which is mine and then
beside to my right which have kind of looking at at the moment and I'm gonna
deploy B's now and then we'll take it into my psychic fairs so just under a
thousand points of gene steel the court has turned up this is what's happened
right at the end of it all especially this big conga line here who are
Granger's in for a world of hurt to be honest I'm hoping on to some psychic
shenanigans now he does have psychos everywhere to be able to nullify these
and parts of the song I think will be a smite with this guy into the Guardians
and I got four I got a seven no it's cast yeah yeah yeah yep say spikes to
our Guardians and then for six mass hypnosis from this one onto the dire
Avengers which will stop you from shooting I've got an eight so believe is
within 24 yes that's gonna stop you from firing
overwatch minus-12 shooting and also a sort of shenanigans as well yep so
hopefully I'm gonna be able to run into you was barely any detriment that's it
for sidekick because I've only got two cycles on the field so I'm gonna go into
the sparse but deadly shooting pace so throw on fluster from this guy in to
fire dragons I don't like fire dragons those twos both hit strength seven so
they're gonna need to s again there's minus of 4 yep and any sixes or a mortal
wound in addition to anything else killed three of them it's done well
there isn't really and then I'm gonna 5 alas come in the ultimate platform I've
got the phone we unit within three and it's gonna fire at your wave serpent now
because your wave serpens got a key word fly rather we're hitting on fives it now
hit some fours a misses well done platform well done
I ain't really got about much in the way of additional shoot I don't really want
to fire their pistols because it might kill a couple more of those guys and
knock them out in the serious charge range so I'm gonna leave but I'm gonna
go on to this to mining lasers the all tokens are going to fire into remainder
of the Fire Dragons the to mining lasers will fire into the vehicle and then the
heavy bolt is it's a separate unit I can come to them in a minute to miranium
lasers done eating pause both have hit my knee and laser strength is 9 both
wounded so it's a minus of 3 so effectively the last cannon with D for
only a 24 inch range and D free damage and he saves both that was a series of
sixes of wow wow right let's figure out how many organs so 14 shots from issuing
it into the Fire Dragons he's gonna loss another two Fire Dragons so then it said
dial Emma what do i fire up would be heavy boulders I'll think about the fire
is bikers cuz I really don't like his bikers and they're gonna cause a hell of
a lot of trouble for me and then be able to mess me up something bad so the heavy
bolt is done I'm going to open fire it into the bikers 5 4 hit 12 shots
and then I need threes - one of the - of water so I got four so four saves
they're going to - one needing five
three rooms on the bikes that's one byte that goes down and one wounded so these
guys are they're Vulcan sinner eaters to her in range of that sort of Alton five
- Tanaka warned off the Viper and that's going to be it I'm gonna be doing so
much charging this is gonna be interesting
well this off-camera we'll come back to it in a moment I managed to get these
guys in up here but I didn't lose five gene stealers on the way in patriarchs
managed to sort of weird and - these guys lost a block and a wound has been
drawn some flurry of sixes on his overwatch and still failed to charge
even wery well these guys failed to charge in as well but the gene stealers
did manage to make into both units I've already consolidated when I do these
guys first the first four against dark the biker because of course these are
yeah four attacks a piece because of more than 10 and ago +1 to hit so we're
hitting on - there we go I failed to hit with one gene steel was
all the strength of four so I'm going to need five three sixes / - 4 that's 1 2 3
- fours and then - normal saves remind us of one three wounds so he's now down
to two on that and then I've got one two three four five six seven eight guys in
combat with the die Avengers this is my to hit rolls and these are mutter wound
rolls have a look one two three four five dead and then one two three four
one two three four five four so that will be another 14 saved of a
minus of 1 which would make it 5 but because you're gonna say you're mad for
all that separately but right so yeah I think the horse positive yeah tchau
tchau and then a friend's consolidation so the
next set units are these guys we've got six going into the ranges and then we've
got about eight of them going into the Guardians okay to hit roles and this is
the wound roles so we've got one two three four five are dead one two three
four five six seven eight 10 saves of minus one their range tends towards
meeting sixes yeah no I think they're all dead and then I've got to do this
lot against these and that's that I've consolidated up I've not got within an
inch I'm still an inch away simply because I don't want to be closer to
because they can river fly they can just bugger off which is never good for me so
minus two white boys guys out I did completely forget about this over here
and because we're gracious we've gone back Soho yeah he's just done his manly
Buster's all right the Dominus didn't do anything
unless we've got four attacks need to free hips strength gonna be six because
of the axe there's twos it's a minus of two and two
straight damage - or - yes so free saves before - of - yeah it kills sir
kills free of them we've got d6 attacks with ease or one attack with these arms
flailing flailing arms which misses and then I get to go first with these guys
move in Power Sword two hits - Amonte toughness no wounds and then
fall normally one hit no wounds so you do get fight back with these guys but
you have lost quite a few guys now two guys in Rangers Rangers oh hey I use the
wound to waters save both ranges mixture bionics and carapace armor oh hey
I am tough four seven you need fives yeah two two plus six minus three that's
gonna be fives and I've saved and boy that's my turn to start saving so so
they're now locked in combat these guys are not locked in comma because a
there's no point because he gets to fly away in the aggressor they get to be
able to strike Naru so much to hitch before he did and then those guys that
over varies locked in combat with us because it's down to one room left these
guys were a little exposed but it just depend on what the greens are going to
consider its target priority let's take it into turn two
is it bands and models and games for all your wargaming needs so the Vipers
covered the bugged out over there and the dive Avengers have got out of there
transport ready to try and take on the gene Steele is this side the striking
scorpions was remaining combat I've got some cycles moving up on move off which
is never a good play these are just a little bit of a shimmy which is why I
didn't really lock them down then when I was actually hit I knew you were kind of
going to do Fire Dragons what's remainder of him has moved up they
nearly run away they enjoyed to use that come on point it to save them and the
Guardians move forward as well trying getting range of these guys here so
we're into Granger psychic phrase on turn 2
I'm gonna start guiding yeah here go ahead fail just be able to roll back one
dice 9 9 3 house passed that unit is guided I am NOT attempting to notify
that at the moment I'm getting my marker right yeah next one is then gonna
attempt to do that unit okay and you failed but it can't reroll back this
time let's use this command point no no props and then I'm gonna start with my
wall oh you trying to mind war oh I see
I'm trying not with fiber miss guy here if I actually know what's the leadership
give up is it 9 no mines night so I'm gonna try and risk him we were trying to
have a battle of mines with my dominance with my arch Magus sorry right
d6 add leadership yep oh crap so I'm guessing I bet that's to mortal wounds
to me into that's it yeah to mortal wounds on him cutting down some fiber me
and Vern your mechs power ah you see I did how do you think you
might have a bit of a sweet so I'm gonna say please I'm gonna cry he fails the
Smit he hasn't used his hell this turn
and I will try another pie yes sure psycho saving the tech priest final
Smiths he's gonna submit them yeah I will try another fight with him seven
eight five six seven eight so the hive mind is getting closer
is this a bad sign as the tech priests been wrestling with messin with stuff
they're not messing with I lost my voice then right so Grange
let's open fire oh okay so after the sidekick a-after didn't
Benjamin back from his shit he's grants fire ways fire with some
pistols down here into the squad they've taken a wound he's tried to fire
the pistol from the spawn singer into the other vents and that's not really
doing anything right so it's gonna be these guys next so are you saying to by
post to Vipers yep shrieking catapults into there yep
that's bright Lance's he stood still he's not within six of the alternate
here's a five it's gonna be eight shots though the scene stealers needing fries
and then yeah doesn't matter about the sixes do it always mean one about save
ah that's for not a good sign now the wave certainly know everything it's got
it's gonna fire them to the gene stealers its main weapon he is within
six of your attacks it can reroll those ones only free you want a Roy's show
from cutting the same time two hits for shuriken yeah they're gonna need new
priests before still no saves dollars so there's another for change dealers
that's not good I think that's when I've lost eight distant so now he's going to
put all of his dye revenge's into those guys he really doesn't like these two
come on Soph I haven't made a single step - but that's not enough
cuz that's five wounds and that's five left they are all going to be dead so
the to fusion guns are gonna now fire into the bunker to be rolling ones don't
matter I bet your colors visible get it cuz I'm talkin to it's all to wound one
I gotta save no sex so that's gone do they explode no it's just a smoking
wreck and the guys getting out - getting out the boat building fusion gun now
from the attack I can't save it so the d6 damage yeah but get to ignore no so
he develop off and he does perish and die - put some smoke on that in a moment
yeah so Grange is already rolled family shot so he's a father missiles gonna
fight is gonna fire five there's gonna do about now cuz it needed so not was
going to show concern kneading freeze
pause that's gonna be three of them then you might as well do you plasma which
were five shots then you force to hit all hit
right poster for wounds right hey I met some saves this time alright so save
four of them free go down oh you do so well this game must be
terrible oh maybe not here we go see foster wound so much
about sixes just wow I did lose four ball that time so that's that's a lot
better and then the arts at me so fast he's
gonna fight to kill one though did kill one alright not getting a lot of wounds
brought in from what savings I'm not saving any cost rambha oh yes he's gonna
charge in to him yeah can't stop him
jumpluff but that actually was quite fun right answer door start again
yep right go on it charging yeah he's definitely gonna be in there
yes and you have a farsi is what we're gonna go in as well yeah resolve over
combat off the screen and then commercial right so grains an all-boys
guys in those guys over there was charged as well and even is bikers have
got try to wait so my warlord is gonna try and hit him with a singing spear
first so it's a believe it's only two attacks via fast yeah the elder yeah
that's good two attacks both hit i believe you need to stand regardless
yeah and a save them both there's no - I'm going to spend - and he's gonna
attack they're gonna attack them bikers me new route will come and go in Japan
and then he's mandible Oh Mandy Buster's
and then the yeah he's arms displaying their arms will go against striking
scorpion so the tux first all hit strength is six
fries that's three wounds of a - of - so that's gonna be 6 s to save on the bikes
as an ollie on the pocket so kills freedom Stan with a wounded one this is
to damage your piece and then these little arms get five attacks in twos to
hit needing trees to wound three wounds on the e striking stalking all saved on
those guys I don't know whether or not that was a good idea that range now have
more due to target well anyway next one fuck over Farsi Farsi is going into
watch anymore two hits two wounds saved and bought FICA on it no wound because
he's gonna need the five and then the striking scorpions are gonna put like
two scorpions up to go watch some more challenges attacks gonna go in
yep alright so odds are going in then now I've checked his stats to stay with
you old ones oh yes his strength is always free but
my toughness is five so he's gonna need prize to wound so wounds free times and
he's got an extra for them I believe the mind this is free which I cannot stop so
the first want how much damage d3 I don't stop it it kills one the second
one three two and two ones every time of these other ones these a terrible do now
think I need something like a big lot of them in a vehicle or something so grant
is now picking this guy hit needs five one not saved to wounds just taking down
a free about the ups of heels D free wounds pattern as well oh Jesus sweet
lord I need to be informed of these things
I completely forgotten tell me about a greenish because I completely forgot
that will mean then that my Rangers will be able to fight my Vanguard
last one so the Power Sword coming back missed and then it were two men that one
hit no looking good very very spin on the ground here I'm still controlling
that objective because I've got more troops around that building and at the
moment I've got troops around that building so I'm controlling that
objective I'm controlling this one whether or not these what we're going to
abandon this objective another question right morale tests I haven't really got
off got men with to every seven yep fine everyone else is either dead or
automatic classes night oh yeah four five six seven I believe you've possible
these Guardians our leadership of seven yeah guardians are seven you're a spurt
worries aren't he all right let's get to murder in you yeah but see if I can do
some murdering fantastic northern Dark Arts horror specialist find him at
Facebook at northern Dark Arts so my Jeanne steals have piled forward
they've all done a bit of running middleware the matter to these guys down
here these guys have run forward I have move
them back into the hidden tunnels underneath this whole area they're just
gonna do very usual thing they have abandoned the objective to try and
murder them and they've gone forward to try and Eva to try and murder him and
then possibly move on to these down here the guys here have moved out because of
course I can't seem to I'm just losing one or two blokes per turn he's gonna
stay locked in combat but he's quite answer yeah first off I'm gonna try
Masek nurse's on this unit here with him failed so I'm gonna get some more watch
shots and then secondly when it does some smite onto that vehicle it's passed
you can try and stop it you've got a psycho down this side any come on points
that's not helmet him eyes he doesn't have one would have to be a
common point trying to do smite I've cast it well closest vehicles
hit minute yeah the strange noise I'm gonna roll a
1 or 2 now nope nope so he doesn't destroy the Viper and
don't put the ball but it's all that one anyway so you don't bring the matter
Viper's now gone I've got a funny feeling we're gonna have some nasty
nasty shooting here ok this unit small conciliators into the style Avengers
that's not a d6 I need Falls oh well the large two hits freeze to wound two
wounds no sixes for additional hits normal armor rinsing repeat with the
second unit they're gonna target of course the singing spear all the bombs
sing a site that's beer they've actually done better they've hit five times and
they've wounded four - in front of all losses a wound is down to three and then
these guys have been open fire to mining lasers are gonna go against the wave
serpent actually no I'll go against one of the Vipers and then the rest of the
Baltar's are gonna go get the rest of a stuber's so you're gonna go against the
the guys rights over to mining lasers one hit he's wounded the Viper there's a
minus of free and I don't know what's a vis a vie for free plus yeah the 600 DP
damage free that's the only reason I went for the Viper rather than the wave
surfing cos we're serving more than two damage and the rest of him will counter
Oh 26 shots from the autocannons plus two of a grenade which have rolled four
meaning falls oh dear big hands yeah so this many hits need for us one
two three four five six seven saves on the
Avengers he needs force lost only another two looking the greatest was the
pistol from this block here is gonna fire Sonny I'm gonna overcharge believe
all ones that you in so I'm gonna fire hit the bike
we're over charged plasma pistol he hits it wounds it's a - of free you can't
save it so it kills the final biker in short range with this pistol it's
probably gonna nail concentrate on these FARC's in front of him I'll be honest
that's about it for my shooting not a lot left it's going to go straight into
the combat phase so other some charges and we'll come back into it so we've
done the combat off-camera managed to murder quite a few of whores guys no
Italian back Farsi is gone one of the first years has gone and the other guys
they're gone I'm moving that with my belly again lose weight and they they've
managed to mullah that character and name all that the dire Avengers which
now need a leadership just Jewish abate and he loses to so much for fact they
disappear Grange is in a very dire situation so we're just gonna have a
look at his turn his dark reapers are coming on this time and they can throw
know pretty much any way he wants if I'm correct so well yeah let's sir let's
bring in Granger's for his turn free and we'll see what it's like at the end of
that one is it bonds and models and games for all your wargaming needs so
those guys have come in and he's done a bit of a Jimmy he's trying to he's
fallen back with balls guys it's fallen about his Farsi but it's trying by the
looks of this to take out my troop choices which is a good idea because
that means that then it's gonna be model count which we've been free into that
particular building and my characters on the counts one model
fair and well these troops if they survive over there it's got plenty of
plenty of troop left right sake present so you know start with Mike Wolfe on to
the ranges mind wall first right okay so that's been a I'm gonna try another fire
art one I did
no.10 it's up to you if you want to re-roll one of them to try and get d6
rather than d3 cuz you've got your help that's very true I can't stop you know
I'm gonna leave it yeah sure yes it's d3 mortal wounds what you had some good
dice walls to start with degree engine and it's all done a little bit fair
shape Yeah right
next what then yep put my singing spear yep these guys have turned against
fusion blaster yep
can't save it six damage be rolling anyone's no one's just one - mundo -
can't save d6 yep yep Lance's into these guys oil problem
to write Lance's yep okay both wounded can't stop it take shots in your fries
wander straight through to saves focus know about suffered three wounds do I
know how to fight floss no he's dead ah greens there despairing we had to
turn it turn a little five minutes of despair from Grange earlier oh now now
he's showing up me eunuchs and they've got really much turned away that can
actually tackle these vehicles apart from great patriarchs powerful
Patriots are only five plus Armour he's alright he's quite nasty but if you it
to me in a firepower he will go down on point so I think you to actually come
here points for fizzy feared and fleet oh yeah feed my eye edify yourself
they're gonna drop that all around then they're gonna shine so make eight shots
see forget you come on points back to dice you know I can only get one battle
so you're gonna have eight shots nearly freeze not to you about two misses and
number two gene seals gone now so he's chewing through view minutes I'm gonna
be wrong with a big blob of 17 that's still to come they've come back onto the
tabletop box whether or not they actually do I've rolled forward right
this unit yep fire yep to them okay and a serpent shield
yep fire which is the close I believe the close to leave it hits the courses
target yeah go through eight shots being freeze I don't think to wound
five ones no - for gun down so far three hits coming again
number three and another three so about seven and he's not within six this is
gonna be awkward and awful
alright so shuriken catapults from this is gonna go into him but the rest of the
weapons it's not quite sure what's gonna fire into target doors we can target
them they've suffered quite heavily everything else
Rangers maybe so what I'll do is put the shuriken catapults yeah sorry pause
larcenous cutters going into those yeah so I've got two wounds worth of a way of
serpent shield hitting three fives and sixes
right so one normal arm I want punching straight through why I said no to saves
of 5+1 saved those down to one one remaining man's pulse laser moon force
cuz he's classes moving that's nothing and then four shots from
the scatter that's one there's a casualty
no I said it so we're gonna come into the charge face he's done quite a lot of
damage down into my units down this side I've lost quite a bit I'll be honest
down there he's gonna get into some charges so we're gonna do that off
camera and then come back into it right so after the end of a combat we did off
camera there down the one block and he's got rid of all of all so it's go around
and I've only got one command point left so I can't really wrist is these leaders
b7 is lost to 5 6 7 is good their leadership 7 and I've lost 7 so and I'm
not within six of this guy so ever gonna have to 5 so I lose five men free for a
purpose argent off five so it's going to leave to mining lasers let's go into my
turn free northern Dark Arts horror specialist find him at Facebook at
northern Dark Arts right moved up those have come on where I kind of needed them
to be and I've managed to get a move up of three inches of more than six inches
away from that vehicle hopefully I'll catch our journey because I've got no
more command points I'll be able to some shooting in a moment so psychic first
let's have a smite against your fast here it's a five I've cast I'm guessing
the faster he's gonna try and stop it he has stopped it smite against your
captain yeah he's definitely got that one off free mortal woman ones against
him I think he's down to two wheels left and let's open fire with some shooting
so I vote and fiery all their pistols they've done nothing again starting with
a fire now over to mining roses I'm gonna try and take out that wave serpent
I I know I'm gonna fire again into the
fighters not firing at the author co-author I've got special plans for the
author promised all of them loves running away basically meant that they
don't really want to get involved in this so down to this guy with his two
shot weapon they're trying to take out those pesky pesky Fire Dragons two hits
strength of seven why sluts that's a wound of a mortal wound and I'm in it so
we checked it yep basically he's obliterate the first guy and the II
suffered a mortal wound but he's got two wounds so I haven't managed to take him
out successfully all right so we're gonna go into some charging we'll get
some water on a camera and we'll take it move back so we have rocked and rolled
the combat they have managed to strip this vehicle down to five walls it
didn't kill it even with all those lovely rock saws Rock drills he managed
to finish off the art quite easy that one failed to take out the Farseer the
fastest truck backing up so did two wounds upon him and then this guy here
has managed to take out the Fire Dragons so it's going to go into Granger's turn
for I haven't got a lot left grant ain't got a lot left and he's got
a lot of stuff I can kill my stuff it's mainly he's getting to the point where
it's characters versus tanks and because of is is he I indan yes yeah because of
his the island and trait even though I only got five horns left it counts as
having ten so it's still gonna be on its full profile and it has fly she's gonna
be able to bug out and still shoot everything this is going to become a
very big bloodbath where we're not really considering the objectives which
is a good thing yeah right let's get it on on with 2's Bob just don't fall is it
bonds and models and games for all your wargaming needs right okay so he's
fallen back out combat basically to park make sure revista over closest guys when
he starts doing some psychic shenanigans these of all move forward to try and
eliminate this guy make sure they is the closest model and of course
roxeanne out combo but it can still shoot cause it's got fly keyword and
just come across here probably to try and finish these off and stop me from an
l2 claim that's six point objective it's all become very tactical when you've
actually only got a lot of limited amount of figures left right in Grange
just some psychic powers right so doing first first of all it's gonna smite okay
on to you nice been warlord now do you want to reward you on that one
yes no problem so now he's got five six seven I need an eight to stop this with
this guy here but the execution of a is gonna cast now could also be against the
warlord yeah executioner and he passes and I can't stop it that's d3 mortal
wounds he's dead he's only got one left cuz he took about six moons to the metal
gun she actually does manage to kill the wall or the wall body he has said
struggle with a whole game as they perished does that mean no without no
mechanicus control the inmates gonna run the asylum shooting affairs in Grange
what's that mean right we'll start with singing spear yep we're gonna go into I
fell back that's an exceptionally good point yeah so he can't shoot in that
case then start with this unit yeah the bright
Lancers yep it's a him into him sure yes me too bad yeah
so I'll settle this comment right Lancers yep new files both of them have
hit you're gonna need freeze to room ones
wounded I need the five possum vulnerable I know
you've managed to make that one point to regenerate my oh yeah
yeah we have some shields what about you if shuriken cat falls my oh he's getting
too excited trying there a minute this guy right i mean freeze that's six hits
that's one dead one two three four five save that's four dead out of up squats
drop in the ocean but it's still painful so we need our creepers i'm gonna open
fire with everything we have into my
extra shot so you doing get an extra want for the that's not not looking good
actually used to hit oh it's them that's gonna hurt well it's a ball falls
to a wounded that's not and that's a massive - so let's pick up my dose this
one first then five up no suffers a wound them to its dead because they
suffer do it they dove straight three damaged piece so he's been a night light
our how indeed this one yep it's gonna fire everything internestor what it
would everything serpent shield yep okay first though now for the male toughness
of three that's four wounds I lost two and then the shuriken colored two hits
again reading twos I lost another one that's free and then
the serpent shields and hits and there's another one so three four five that's
gonna be six down so what you're doing Grange possible ace is gonna go into him
yep because it crosses to scatter I'm sure he catapults to these okay let's
cut the first yep yes that's one dead and two wounded that's free down another
free from my squad I'll sort out in a second scatter laser yeah it's heavy
psalmist pulse laser Tuesday want I believe that's a straight six damage
serene strong as well grain is suddenly a complaining wind and whining saying
you can't do it and the next thing I know all my armies suddenly disappeared
I wanted to go on to turn yeah I know you did I know you did I couldn't let
you win the campaign there we go yeah that's painful I got I took another
free guys out of our squad as well so the end of green just turn all of them
have gone due to morale this is fantastic
actually it's a great game so far this has gone backwards and forwards I've
still got four gene stealers left I've got the patriarch that's on fire wounds
one block was holding still like by objective it's mine and then
these two guys here as well unfortunately some some guys that are
around not gonna be able to do a lot of damage to me so I might after so sorts
plate I have to do a lot of running never even lost coming somebody in the
face right let's get into my turn for northern Dark Arts horror specialists
find them at Facebook at northern Dark Arts are these guys are move around here
oh fuck patriarchs move that way and these guys are shimmied making sure that
we were in free interest wasn't it last kind of like a fire it let's get this
psychic phrase over and done with cast in smite have all the six you can try
another fie yeah I think you can a pecan reroll ball fragile if you really yeah
right saw some shooting then the last kind of from Barry's gonna fire into
that it needs a for hit freeze oh this it to its best these two mining lasers
are gonna do the same thing into that I'm rushing because my battery is dying
one hit freeze to wound its wounded - free not
served III damage only one yeah pistol from him into the Farseer missed that's
it for my shooting let's get some charging in right sir we'll be guys down
here man it into the past year they've managed to murder the Farseer and then
this guy over there has managed to make it even though he lost one wound into
both of these two even took a prison even tougher bright lines to the chest
three attacks will each to the first one against the wave surfing free hits so
that's six I believe is minus six with a straight three damage excellent and then
these two are - free between your sixes near
I know and they do another three so it's gonna be six rooms in total against a
wave and then it's gonna it's got spirit stones debate yeah wave something gets
bruised don't disappear it yeah you saved three of them okay
three against the other guys oh I needed that to wound eyes wounded the others as
well so one of them two straight three damage which will kill that one viper
and then the other two against the other viper
you do get a saver six no and you get three don't know if vipers explored and
even if I did even if it didn't matter yeah right so he's not done too but
they're piled in across a bit dimension fortunately they can still fly out and
still shoot me so we are gonna take into Granger's turn five and let's see what
he does because I've got a funny feeling he's probably gonna table me but if you
wish and doesn't do anything there's a good chance I might win right let's take
it to turn five is it bands and models and games for all your wargaming needs
right bit of shimmying about everything else house of course ever to fall back
right go green go right getting fire to that writes them - I'm gonna save
against no on a patriarchy patriarchy is down to this death right so next in line
next in line is going to be this yeah bright Lance and everything's gonna fire
into the to start with
kill swamp and then the shuriken chicken two hits three hits lightly yeah do
- I'm down to one dammit what's next then this the scatter
laser we have a favorite the genes dealer yeah and the shuriken cannon will
fire oh hey it's an assault weapons attack huh
back bar actually about to 6 - sir cause of violence nope sorry absolute perishes
I'm probably gonna get tabled here ladies and gentlemen sorry no oh no it
always been little gamey I feel bad because I genuinely we're gonna quit
that's into the genius dealer store it's shit
they'd freeze - Imogene stay was that so I'm guessing everything from here is
gonna go into these guys yep start with no no no you didn't move no
I'm sticking them up right yeah you're fine to stir balls
I'm dead that is it I have gone from the table damn it
no no that's how the game rolls Grange was gonna quit several things ago and it
was me that said what you're doing keep plain I think that's a good example of
sometimes when you think to yourself I'm done I'm dead I'm dying in a tradition
you just got to play about extra turn play that one extra turn if you think
that's it I'm done to play one more turn and then normally
you'll end up in a situation like this they're going to John frum pickings lost
tip apartment is asset one simply because he didn't think he could take
out the patriarchs and he couldn't take out the make or stop was running around
but he could I mean if you've got no other bodies and next thing you know
characters are your closest target you're gonna annihilate them well thanks
for watching guys please like share subscribe hip and notification but if
you want more I am on twitch at /root stem gaming I've also
got a pitcher that's
I'm gonna have some new designs I keep saying new designs
every single week but amateur can have new designs since I'm gonna have now
more time to concentrate on my roots em stuff
so new designs on teespring /wel in the search bar just type in mood stem gaming
well thanks very much guys see you next time
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