How to Use Crypto Screener/Scanner To Find Crypto trading Signals 2018
For more infomation >> How to Use Crypto Screener/Scanner To Find Crypto trading Signals 2018 - Duration: 10:21.
盛唐幻夜【第17集】 | An Oriental Odyssey 17 - Duration: 10:22.
Car eats car 3 - a New cave! Cartoons about cars for SPT new cartoon 2018 - Duration: 20:19.
《如若巴黎不快乐》 张翰自曝正处于"恋爱空窗期" - Duration: 3:11.
Tempered glass for Asus from China - Duration: 2:58.
Mitsubishi Colt 1.3 Inform Cool Pack,5drs,Airco,NAP,Incl APK - Duration: 1:04.
Volvo FL614-42R-T Laadkraan / Werkplaats / watertank / Pomp AutoKran / Werkstatt - Duration: 1:10.
🔴 Nadja Fica em A Fazenda e Aloísio Chulapa é ELIMINADO e Rejeição impressiona - Duration: 1:14.
Fábio Porchat solta o verbo sobre relação com TV Record e fala se pretende sair da emissora - Duration: 1:58.
Junno Andrade relembra clique nos 15 anos de Angélica e fãs suspeitam: ''Eram namorados?'' - Duration: 3:01.
FNN: End of police chase, building fire in CA; Pres. Trump speaks at Beruit anniversary event - Duration: 10:52:58.
VW revela SUV T-Cross por completo. Veja fotos e detalhes - Duration: 5:45.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 72pk 5D TOP! Active, AIRCO! - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 1:07.
Zezé Di Camargo fica indignado com Graciele Lacerda e reclama sobre afastamento - Duration: 1:50.
Cartoon - Being a Mother of a Boy is A Daring Deed! | AmoMama - Duration: 1:02.
If you are a mother of a boy, you should...
Be ready for surprises
Learn how to deal with weird devices
See the beauty of the surrounding world
Be knowledgeable in car brands
Learn how to shoot and fight
Overcome your fears
Be a fan of soccer
Bring up a real man who respects women...
And then give him away for another woman to love
Being a mother of a boy is a daring deed!
Aos 72 anos, ex-BBB Ieda exibe corpão de biquíni durante viagem romântica com novo namorado - Duration: 2:33.
Car eats car 3 - a New cave! Cartoons about cars for SPT new cartoon 2018 - Duration: 20:19.
Fernada Keulla manda recado para Sophia Abrahão: ''Pare de pensar no Sérgio Malheiros'' - Duration: 1:22.
SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 139 - Duration: 5:00.
Dear investors, partners and viewers of the SKY WAY CAPITAL News Channel!
My name is ... and now you will see the video digest of SkyWay news,
in which we tell you about all important events and achievements of the SkyWay group of companies and SKY WAY CAPITAL.
Today in our release:
SkyWay General Designer Anatoliy Yunitskiy gave an interview in which he detailed
why the high-speed unibus had not been shown to the public for so long and what difficulties the company had faced in the process of preparing the module."
We are sharing the details about what the main criteria for the SkyWay design are
and what the developers of the string transport are focusing on when creating the concepts.
The Czech division of the international news Agency Sputnik published on its website an interview with Yevgeniy Petrov, Head of the Information and Press Department of CJSC "String Technologies".
We invite our partners and investors to the SKY WAY CAPITAL conferences, which will be held in Lagos and Abidjan
in November this year.
Let us focus on these developments in more detail.
The SkyWay high-speed ùnibus was demonstrated to the public only a month ago.
Its unique characteristics are especially those related to aerodynamics,
which is the result of the long and fruitful work of CJSC "String Technologies" employees,
and their ability to find the optimal solution for the high-speed transport of this format.
The work of the engineers has been a secret for a long time because such developments may interest our competitors.
Now, when the presentation has passed, and the company has obtained the necessary patents, we can detail you about this module.
General Designer Anatoliy Yunitsliy shared with us in his new interview why the high-speed unibus had not been shown to the public for so long and
what difficulties the company had faced while testing the module.
The full version of the interview can be found on our site.
What determines the final price of a car more:
its engine power or its car interior comfort and beauty of its exterior?
It's a difficult question to answer, but what is clear is that the transport design is extremely important, and not only for aesthetic reasons.
The vehicle's appearance determines the vehicle's aerodynamic properties,
and therefore, effects its efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the transport industry.
Moreover, good design affects the ergonomics, i.e. how easy it is to use a vehicle.
You will be able to see in our new video on the website what the main criteria for the design of SkyWay are and what the developers of the Skyway transport
are focusing on when creating concepts.
"SkyWay is a new type of transport which is being developed under the leadership of Anatoliy Yunitskiy and which can change the appearance of our cities,
our understanding of transport and the level of ecology," that is what the Czech division of the international news agency Sputnik writes about the string transport project.
Yevgeniy Petrov, Head of the Information and Press Department of CJSC "String Technologies", provided a commentary about the perspective, partners and competitors of the project.
We are quoting his words: "We presented our calculations in the United Arab Emirates, comparing our technology with Hyperloop.
In Hyperloop, there was offered their own transport infrastructure for the route Abu Dhabi - Dubai.
According to our calculations, people can travel at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour by SkyWay high-speed transport
faster than by Hyperloop, given the time it takes to seal and unseal the vacuum tube.
Speaking of the high-speed SkyWay, which is now close to implementation, we do not see competitors in Hyperloop".
Read the whole interview on the website in the news section, following the link.
Dear Partners and Investors! We invite you to take part in the SKY WAY CAPITAL international conferences in Africa.
The first SKY WAY CAPITAL conference will be held in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, on 9 November 2018.
The second conference will take place in the city of Abidjan, the economical capital of Côte d'Ivoire, on 17 November 2018.
At the conferences, you will get to know the latest news about the development of SKY WAY CAPITAL and will be able to participate in trainings on the development of your partner structure.
Find out the conditions of the participation and the detailed information about these events in your personal office in the EVENTS section on the international conferences page.
That has been all breaking news this week.
We will follow the development of the key events and will share them with you.
Watch our Youtube or Vimeo channels,
do not forget to subscribe to our social networks, and remember
that SkyWay is our future already today!
I say goodbye to you for now. ... has been with you today!
See you next week!
Tempered glass for Asus from China - Duration: 2:58.
Mercedes-Benz Vito 110 CDI 320 Functional Lang DC Standaard airco, zeer mooi, 117522 km-nap, btw aut - Duration: 1:12.
ウェルベックのゴールでアーセナルがスポルティングを下し3連勝!公式戦連勝は「11」に《EL》 - Duration: 6:48.
Megalodon - Movie - Duration: 1:28:23.
Gloria Pires posta foto antiga e semelhança com Bento, filho mais novo, impressiona - Duration: 2:07.
Vergleichbar oder nicht vergleichbar? Das ist hier die Frage | 10 Fälle zum Entgelttransparenzgesetz - Duration: 3:45.
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105PK Comfortline | NAVIGATIE | 18" R-LINE | CRUISE CONTROL | - Duration: 0:49.
《凉生》凉生在婚礼上两次带走姜生 可姜生还是没有选择他 - Duration: 5:08.
凉生:五年之后姜生牵着孩子见天佑,天佑:走,领证去 - Duration: 7:54.
盛唐幻夜【第17集】 | An Oriental Odyssey 17 - Duration: 10:22.
Car eats car 3 - a New cave! Cartoons about cars for SPT new cartoon 2018 - Duration: 20:19.
How to Use Crypto Screener/Scanner To Find Crypto trading Signals 2018 - Duration: 10:21.
How to Use Crypto Screener/Scanner To Find Crypto trading Signals 2018
《如若巴黎不快乐》 张翰自曝正处于"恋爱空窗期" - Duration: 3:11.
Tempered glass for Asus from China - Duration: 2:58.
Mitsubishi Colt 1.3 Inform Cool Pack,5drs,Airco,NAP,Incl APK - Duration: 1:04.
Volvo FL614-42R-T Laadkraan / Werkplaats / watertank / Pomp AutoKran / Werkstatt - Duration: 1:10.
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Easy 5drs. Clima/Cruise/Blue&Me/Elek.Ramen/C.V./Trekhaak/1e.Eig/APK:06-2019 - Duration: 1:03.
Snap Wrapples Clap
Olivia O'Brien - I Don't Exist - Duration: 3:45.
Josh Turner - Long Black Train (Live From Gaither Studios) - Duration: 4:11.
'I didn't feel like God was in the church anymore,' former Ives Diary Road Baptist Church member - Duration: 4:26.
Don't Go - Movie - Duration: 1:31:37.
Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:06.
VW revela SUV T-Cross por completo. Veja fotos e detalhes - Duration: 5:45.
Trial begins for dentist accused of killing 3-year-old patient - Duration: 2:19.
Josh Turner - Me and God (Live From Gaither Studios) - Duration: 3:05.
Anti-Trump Megyn Kelly Left Fox News To Be New Darling On NBC, Didn't End Well - Duration: 3:46.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi DynamicLine Navigatie, LM-velgen * - Duration: 1:09.
Hail repair shop rips off customer; Service King Collision Repair finishes the job - Duration: 3:33.
Birth Control Pill and Irregular Periods - Duration: 16:51.
Hi, I'm Susan Bratton, your trusted hot sex advisor, and I'm here with my friend
Dr. Jolene Brighton, and we're talking about the birth control pill and
irregular periods. Now you might be watching this video because you have
irregular periods and you want to know if the pill will help, or you might be on
the pill wanting to come off the pill and wondering if it's going to destroy
your periods. And so we're going to talk about both of those cases and tell you a
little story and give you some more things that you can do going forward to
help with any irregular period issues. So Dr. Brighton why don't we take the first
one which is "Will birth control pills help me make my periods more regular?"
That is such a good question because so many of us women are told this by our
doctors that if you have a regular periods there's a quick simple fix and
that is "Take this pill!" What most doctors don't understand, and that's
why us ladies don't. So don't feel ashamed if you're sitting here thinking
"Wait I thought the pill did regulate my period. It's that hormonal birth control.
These synthetic hormones do not fix your periods. They do not fix your hormones.
And that pill bleed? That's exactly what it is. It's a withdrawal from a medication
and nothing more than a pill bleed. It is not a regular period.So wait a
minute. When you say pill bleed, are you talking about when you're on the pill
and you're having periods, you call that pill bleed? Yeah, so when you withdraw
that and then you have... You mean you go off the pill? No, so every
single month... So you're 21 days on the pill and then week you don't take
it. Yes, you call that the pill bleed. We call it a pill bleed or withdrawal bleed
It's a withdrawal from a medication. So you're
giving your body something that's wrecking it, and then you're taking it
away and wrecking it. For a week in a month. So here's the deal with
what we've got to understand of why it's not true that the birth control pill
actually regulates hormones, fixes your period or makes a regular period and
that is you are not ovulating while you are on the birth control pill. It is
shutting down how your brain is talking to your ovaries and as such no egg
created. It is not released, and so you're missing out on a lot of great hormones,
but there isn't this cycle of hormones that happen in a normal menstrual cycle,
and that means the way you were designed to have periods, and so I hate to break
it to you, but that pill is not gonna fix your hormones. That's why we're here.
It's not gonna fix your periods either. Can you go back and talk
about what the pills are doing to disconnect the brain from ovulation?
So basically you flood the body with
hormones, and it tells the brain we've got hormones.
We're pregnant. Don't release the egg. It is kind of like
a pseudo pregnancy, but you know pregnancy has all these wonderful
hormones that are very protective for us, but it's trying to simulate that.
Tricking your mind into thinking its pregnant. So the brain is
thinking, "I've got all of these hormones floating
around in a negative feedback loop." So that's what this is called if you've got
too much of a hormone then your brain says, "Do not secrete the hormone." So this
would be follicle-stimulating hormones, FSH or luteinizing hormone, which is LH.
Don't secrete those to stimulate those ovaries to do anything. So follicle-
stimulating hormone gets that egg ready, and then the LH luteinizing hormone spikes
and then an egg follows, and what's left behind is a corpus luteum and wonderful
progesterone. But you miss out on all of that while you're on hormonal birth
control, and so if you're suppressing that system, well just
think it through. If you're suppressing the natural system that got a little off
kilter which caused irregular periods for you in the first place, is that
really fixing your period. No. Yeah, that was an easy question. By the way, while
we're laughing, I have to tell you that the reason that we're wearing these
crowns is because were the queen's of self-care. We're the queen's of your
self-care. We're caring for you right now and passing it on to you, which is great,
and while you're watching the video. So you started off in the regular periods.
The birth control pill is not gonna fix it. Not only that, but it's gonna rob your
body of the hormones, all these other beautiful hormones that you're going to
be missing. By missing the ovulatory stage of your own
natural cycle. So what would a woman do if she's having
irregular periods. What is her option for trying to get
more regular? Yeah, so we got to understand why. There's
another video that we did, talking all about hormone imbalances. You definitely
want to go check that out, because there's a lot of things that can affect
your system, and you know what's sad to me is that I will see women who are put
on hormonal birth control, and it turns out they actually had hypothyroidism all
along. So not only did they have their natural reproductive systems suppressed
and it seems like they're having a regular period, but a disease has been
allowed to progress the entire time that they're on it. The same is true with
polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS, which is a common cause of irregular
periods. But we can also see things like blood sugar dysregulation. There can also
be things like a benign brain tumor, known as a prolactinoma. I know that
sounds very scary. It's benign. It can get so large that
it changes your vision. So it's definitely something you need a doctor
for that. It will secrete prolactin, which is a hormone that goes high in
pregnancy so that we make milk, but it also shuts down ovulation as well, and so
you've got to dig a little bit deeper, but if you're a woman, go get your lab-
testing done. And by lab, she means hormones. Hormones yes, we have a
video on that in this queen series. Definitely, you want to dig deep. You want
to find the root cause of what's going on, but in the meantime you can start to
employ something very simple known as seed-cycling.
So seed-cycling is when you're cycling
seeds throughout the month, and how we typically recommend this is days 1
through 14, that is day 1 is the first day you see blood. 1 through 14 is the
follicular phase. You are consuming fresh ground flax seeds. No, you cannot get
them pre-ground. It is not the same fresh ground flaxseeds. About two tablespoons,
and two tablespoons of raw pumpkin seeds, and if you're not having a period
we say go new moon to full moon, and so that's one way you can start to gauge
that. This is now nutrition advice that you're getting.
Right, these are the essential fatty acids that you need to get your hormones
to come back into balance. Absolutely, and I've had patients who do one
cycle of seed-cycling and they're like "Oh my gosh, things are already
shifting into being more balanced." That's because food is medicine and what
you put at the end of your fork has a lot of power, a lot more than a
lot of the other things that you'll be hearing to fix your period like in terms
of using birth control. So in the second half of your cycle, that's going to be
days 15 through 20, and approximately that's going to be full moon to new moon.
That's where you want sesame seeds and sunflower seeds, raw and fresh grind the
sesame seeds. Now when it comes to pumpkin or sunflower seeds, I'm kind of
lazy. I'm gonna get it done kind of gal and so I just grab a handful and stick them in
my mouth and chew them up really well. I like them in my salad. Yeah, you can
do that as well, but you've got to chew them really well because you need, your
teeth, the mechanical friction to actually break down and so you
can get out those nutrients, and so that's a really simple quick thing that
you can start to employ today, and if you have an objection, because I hear this
one a lot, "But Dr. Brighton it's so difficult to do this every day," here's my
tip: I want you to go ahead and grind a week's worth and put it in your freezer
and then everyday you can pull it out. They go well in smoothies. They go well
on salad. I have even put it on top of salmon. They're very
versatile, and it's very easy to get into your diet.
I like flax seeds in my morning smoothie. I have them in there, so what I do is I
have a separate coffee grinder in my kitchen. Definitely. And I grind
my seeds in that coffee grinder, so it doesn't taste like coffee, and then I
just put them right in my smoothie and they taste delicious, and they're
protein and they're good fat and so they make you feel good, and they help
your brain function, and they help your mood. So all of these things are
inextricably entwined well. And if you think about, a seed is what an entire
plant grows from, so it's very nutrient dense. We need lots of dense nutrient
in irregular periods. Don't go on any kind of synthetic hormone birth control
pill. It's not only not going to help, it's gonna blow out your own hormone
system, which means you're gonna have to do even more work to fix it than
whatever is the systemic issue that's causing the irregular period that you
have. So what you want to do is get your tiara off
or at least you want to put on your detective hat over your tiara. You can leave
it on, but the detective hat over your tiara and then you want to start
figuring out. You want to start talking to your doctor and you want to start
getting to the root issue of why you're not having regular periods at the same
time that you're adding in the seed- cycling so that at least you're giving
your body the support that it needs, the precursors and the cofactors to your own
hormonal production. So that's number one Number two is "I'm on the pill and
I maybe went on the pill because I had a regular periods, or for whatever reason
you went on the pill and now you're coming off the pill, and you're worried
about getting your period cycling back in a solid way. Is there any different
thing that you would say? Yeah, definitely seed cycling can help in this
as well, but if you're a woman who started hormonal birth control due to
irregular periods, that we know from the research, there's a pretty good chance
your period is not going to come back, and in fact if some of the research has
shown that it takes up to two years for women to start cycling regularly and
that is with effort and energy and attention to their body so be aware of
this one thing you can do. So I recommend if you get on the pill ever or any of
these birth control options because you're having period problems, you
have irregular periods, you have acne, prep your body for a good three months
before you come off. And what that looks like is taking something like a
multivitamin or prenatal. Prenatals are not just for getting pregnant, they have
a little bit higher dose of iron in them. So if you are somebody who has heavy
periods that would be a better option for you. I'm also thinking about what are
you eating every day, you know, because it comes down to nutrition, it really does.
And you know the thing I wish anyone would have told my teenage self like
when you're pulling up to the
drive through, pop that birth control pill in the morning, and now
you're gonna eat your burger and french fries, that's a double whammy to the
system, because birth control is depleting your nutrients, and
one nutrient we can look at in fact is magnesium. Magnesium will help how
your brain starts talking to your ovaries again and that's also what the
seed-cycling helps with as well, but this is something you want to start prepping
your body before you come off. They talk about this a lot in my hormone
reset program as well. I'm gonna put a link to Dr. Jolene Brighton's birth
control hormone reset program in the links below this video. I definitely want
you to click that link while you're down there. Give us a thumbs up, and go check
that out because if you're thinking about getting off of birth control,
synthetic birth control of any kind, this is what you want to do is follow
this program. And at the same time, with this nutrition we look at,
things like blood sugar regulation, which can be a big cause for irregular
periods, and if you are currently on hormonal birth control, you're going to
need to love up that liver because it is processing all these hormones. It's
taking a beating. In fact we didn't diagnose liver tumors in women
at the rate we do now until the introduction of the pill. And this is
one city. And then you've seen the classic. They'll say,
"It's just benign liver tumors." Benign liver tumors that rupture a major
organ that has tons of blood. There's nothing benign about that. Well and plus
let me just mention I lost my gallbladder because I was taking birth
control because I didn't know and I'm glad you know now that this
is not the way to go for any issue including irregular periods. There are
many alternatives that you have both for birth control as well as for getting
your menses in a proper cycle in that situation.
With gallbladder and liver we need to be eating cruciferous
vegetables which are going to help with liver detox. Cauliflower, that's
cruciferous. It also will feed the microbiome and help restore that
because... that's all the things in your gut.
Good gut bugs. Bacterias and yeasts and things like
that that regulate your immune system, and help you avoid the hormones out of
your body after your body has used them and then get decimated by hormonal
contraceptives and by antibiotics which then give you
yeast overgrowth. So you are a system and if you watch our video
series, which is the queen's of self-care, you'll learn a lot about how to take
care of the whole tube from your mouth through your gut out your vagina and out
through your rectum, because that all has to be moving. You've got to have good
vaginal secretions, good hormone flow. Everything has to be moving. Movement is
life, and if you're stuck because you're suppressing your body because you think
that taking a birth control pill is going to help you with your irregular
periods. then the trick is how do you get below that and how do you
take really good care, good nutrition, good hormone balance, and also just
getting to the root cause of what it is that's holding you back from having a
really nice moon cycle because that is very possible for you.
Alright so any other last tips? The last tip I would give is considering
vitex. So vitex is also known as Chaste Tree Berry. Now I'll say there you may have
tried this and you may be a little bit skeptical because I hear this a lot from
my patients as well. They say Dr. Brighton, I took it for a cycle and
nothing got better. Well, in fact, vitex takes up to about
three cycles to really notice and effect. I think this is how natural medicine
works. Right, we're going to work with your body instead of a pharmaceutical
which just strong-arms your body into submission. We're gonna work with your
body and so that takes time and so what I recommend is taking vitex. You can take
it as a tincture, which is an alcohol base, or you can take it as a capsule and
you're gonna want to do that the second half of your cycle, and so if you're not
cycling remember... This is with your sesame seeds and your sunflower seeds
Perfect. And so that will be full moon to new moon. And you know the reason
why we say full moon is when we expect ovulation is because we go back to
caveman times. Big full moon, it's bright outside waking you up, what else you're
gonna do? You're gonna make love by the fire. With all your sisters.
So try and vitex in the second half of your cycle, and give it a good three months.
This can help women who have PCOS, who have irregular menses and even has been
shown in research, vitex has been effective in those conditions. The
prolactinoma that I mentioned before... Now of course, if you got a brain tumor
you need a doctor, but you can also use vitex to help regulate that cycle and
get back to your normal menstrual cycle. There you have it. I have links
below for you to the birth control hormone reset program from Dr. Jolene
Brighton, as well as an opportunity for you to get on my email newsletter list,
the women's sexual empowerment list, where I talk about all kinds of things
from sexual health to advanced orgasm techniques and bedroom communication
skills which we all need, and if you have any comments or questions put them in
the notes below, and we will answer them and we'll see you on the other side.
Cartoon - Being a Mother of a Boy is A Daring Deed! | AmoMama - Duration: 1:02.
If you are a mother of a boy, you should...
Be ready for surprises
Learn how to deal with weird devices
See the beauty of the surrounding world
Be knowledgeable in car brands
Learn how to shoot and fight
Overcome your fears
Be a fan of soccer
Bring up a real man who respects women...
And then give him away for another woman to love
Being a mother of a boy is a daring deed!
Brother Of Denver Broncos Owner Pat Bowlen Wants Trustees Removed - Duration: 0:46.
Volvo FL614-42R-T Laadkraan / Werkplaats / watertank / Pomp AutoKran / Werkstatt - Duration: 1:10.
[ 3 Crown Show ] S2 Week 9 with ONE CROWN - Duration: 13:01.
Miner will take all the hit as a tanker and Archers will be able to deal damage. / Okay.
They are taking all the damage!
X-Bow Master is really good today!
Wow! That Miner! / He is crazy today!
Look at the Log! / Log!
Game is finished!
"3 Crown Show" - Highlight In-Depth Analysis
We will make Clash Royale even more enjoyable. I'm Sang Hyun, Park.
Hi, I'm Yungella.
We are in a middle of Clash Royale Asia Season 2.
We are in 9th week of the season and we are in a middle of division match.
We have about 2~3 matches left.
It was surprising that OGN ENTUS was able to win against KING-ZONE DragonX.
Now they have a slight chance of going up to 2nd place.
Now they have a small opportunity of moving up to 2nd place. / Yes.
We were able to see a super play during King of the Hill match.
People had doubts of him doing an all-kill-streak because one of his opponents was X-bow master.
But this player was able to prove himself and became a superstar.
So for this week's 3 Crown game, we have chosen a match between One Crown and X-bow master.
During King of the Hill match, One Crown was able to defeat 3 players.
The players that he defeated were all really good. They were July, Ho, and X-bow master.
He was able to win against these 3 players and was able to do an all-kill-streak.
TNT and One Crown lead their team to victory
and created a chance for their team to move up to 2nd place.
Someone said that One Crown was not doing well but he was really good.
One Crown had a big name value but he was struggling during official matches.
But he was able to play really well this time. / Oh.
He was too much dependent on Mortar and Goblin Barrel
But he used Miner this time and did a perfect game management.
We have invited this superstar.
Hi, I'm One Crown from OGN ENTUS. / Wow! One Crown!
Were you able to watch our previous episode with HAUL as invitee?
Yes, I did. / Okay.
HAUL described you as a very talented player that lack practice.
As soon as you hear that, you were able to pull off an all-kill-streak.
How did you feel when HAUL described you like that?
I didn't feel anything. / Oh, you didn't feel anything?
You were the best amateur player but pressure must have been difficult for you, when you turned pro.
You were able to cope with the pressure and were able to pull off an all-kill-streak. What is your secret?
My coach helped me a lot. / Oh, I see.
Were you scared, when you were playing against X-bow master?
I was nervous. / So you were nervous...
But TNT was behind me and he helped me feel comfortable.
Have you ever imagine yourself playing against X-bow master and win?
Becoming team's savior? You must've thought of this at least once.
I used to but since I'm not doing good right now. / Oh....
He is humble. / He is humble.
You never expected to pull off an all-kill-streak? / Oh!
Now we will have a deep analysis of your match. / Okay.
In-Depth Analysis
One Crown from OGN ENTUS was able to pull off an all-kill-streak and lead he's team to victory.
Most interesting match he had that day was his last match with X-bow master.
During 3rd week of the season, X-bow master defeated Mikan Bouya with Miner.
He also was able to pull off an all-kill-streak.
But this time, he was defeated to One Crown.
Miner was One Crown's most important card.
He went on offence 5 times and was able to succeed 5 times. It had 100% success rate.
One Crown's success rate surpassed X-bow master's success rate of 77.8%.
Like his user name, One Crown defeated his opponents with one crown.
"3 Crown Show" - Highlight In-Depth Analysis
Since when did you play so well?
I wasn't very good in the beginning... but... it improved at one point.
Wow! Is that so...
X-bow master is known for his Miner prediction play...
But your play surpassed that of X-bow master's Miner management.
Why did you decide to use Miner? Is from your confidence?
I focused on playing 2 vs 2 and didn't have much time to practice 1 vs 1.
So I just used it from one of my previous deck.
Wow! You didn't have much time practice... it's just your basic skills?
What deck did you think X-bow master was going to use? He has such a wide variety of decks he can use from.
I expected him to be using Lava Hound but he didn't use it.
X-bow master tend to use Lava Hound a lot.
During your match, you're playing coach HAUL requested a time out
and went up to you and said something. What did he say?
He just told me to stretch my hand and rest. / Oh!
He just told you to rest and focus when you get back into the game.
It's really important for coaches to help with player's mindset, at one point.
X-bow master has a really good concentration
but he lost against TNT and this somehow affect his concentration.
X-bow master lost to TNT
and when X-bow master came out again, were you confident that you can beat him
since your teammate defeated him?
I think your teammate's victory has given you some confidence.
My expectation was to defeat 2 players from KING-ZONE DragonX... / Oh!
So I didn't think that far.
What do you think are the main factor that determined your victory?
X-bow master pushed with Giant and my Miner was attacking the tower.
How about you, Yungella?
Position of the Miner was really good and it just kept on inflicting damage to the tower.
You also won your 1st and 2nd King of the Hill match.
What would you say about your game against July?
I had a hard time. / Okay.
July chose to play with Hog, Cycle deck and not many players use this deck.
When you found out about July's deck, how did you feel?
I just used Electro Wizard and Mega Knight whenever July used Hog Rider.
Yungella is intimate with Ho and when he was playing...
and while Yungella was making comments about Ho... he was little biased.
It seemed that he was cheering for Ho...
It's because Ho is always not confident
And when he was doing well in the league, he would send messages to people but...
Since he is not doing good... he is not sending messages to anybody.
I actually wanted him to win because he was looking down.
And since One Crown has won the first match...
I wanted both players to have the taste of victory.
So what would you say decided Ho's defeat?
Ho was not able to make a clean defense against Royal Hog.
You can't defend against Royal Hog, using P.E.K.K.A
You need to use units that have area damage.
I think this part of the contributed to One Crown's victory.
When you played Royal Hog, were you able to feel that you were going to win?
I felt that I had a upper hand with having Royal Hog in my deck. / As soon as you seen it?
I'm sure that you were able to gain confidence with pulling off an all-kill-streak.
Would you consider changing your user name to "All-Kill-Crown", or "All-Crown"?
I think I'm going to stick with One Crown. / You are going to stick with One Crown. / Yes.
Isn't it tempting? / No.
Really? / Yes. / He is humble.
Would you consider "Two Crown"? / I think I'm going to stick with One Crown.
I see that you're going to stick with One Crown. / Yes.
"3 Crown Show" - Highlight In-Depth Analysis
I heard that you like to use Lava Hound deck. But I've never seen you use it in the official match.
I like it but I'm not good at it...
So you just like it... I see... / You just like it.
What is your most confident deck?
I like fast-cycled decks.
One Crown is known for his usage of Goblin Barrel.
Is Goblin Barrel your favorite card?
I used it a lot but recently, I've been losing because of it...
It says your goal is for your team to go up to the 2nd place and making it to the wild card.
Be honest with me. Do you think that your team is going to make it?
At this moment, it looks difficult but we'll try our best.
Your team have 2 games left and it's against OP GAMING and SANDBOX.
Out of these two teams, which team is more difficult?
Playing against SANDBOX will be little trickier. / Oh.
Do you have anyone in particular from SANDBOX that you want to play against?
I want to play against Thunder.
Yungella, what would you say about today's 3 crown match in one sentence?
It was One Crown who started the game but in the end it was Three Crown. / Wow!
What would you say, One Crown?
I think I was lucky. / Lucky? Wow!
"3 Crown Show" - Highlight In-Depth Analysis
I'm sure that there are fans out there who are cheering their heart out for you.
Please tell your fans about your future goals.
I will try my best to win all of the remaining matches.
Today, you were invited to our show. Please tell us about how you felt about our show.
I was really worried at first but I had a good time. / It was easy, right?
It was comfortable. / Yes.
Do you have any talents that you want to share with us? Something like a head spin. / No.
Or if you can make it to the playoff, would you change your user name to "Three Crown"?
As an event!
I have a recommendation. How does "World Crown" sound?
World number one. / I think I could consider it just once.
Consider it.
When I first looked at you, it came to me that you have a good style. / What?
It seems to me that best Clash Royale players always wear three crown pants.
They all come to our studio with pants that have three stripes.
Is that a team uniform or is it yours? / It's mine.
Can you show us your pants? / My pants?
Please come up to the front and show us your pants
just like you are going to play in a official match.
Show us your ceremonial gesture. Do something with your eyes, like this.
Pretend you're taking a profile picture.
Do I really need to do it? / Give it a try.
Wow! So this is "the pants".
Good. That's very good.
Just like you are going on a match
May that pants be your winning pants.
Thank you for joining us today and good luck on your remaining matches.
Thank you!
"3 Crown Show" - Highlight In-Depth Analysis
As soon as regional league is finished, we will be able to find out about 2 teams that will make it to the playoff.
Which team do you think will be able to take the second place?
I will be really happy if OGN ENTUS takes the second place...
But chances are really low and I don't bet on low chances. / Yes, that's true.
I think KING ZONE DragonX will take the second place and SANDBOX will take first place.
SANDBOX will take first place and KING ZONE DragonX will take second place...
and OGN's chance will fade away...
One Crown is just right there watching us...
You are being really cold... You are a true professional.
I always cheer for OGN ENTUS.
Today's 3 Crown show ends here and I was Sang Hyun, Park
I hope all of Korean players can perform at their 100% and be able satisfy their fans.
This was Yungella.
See you next week!
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