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For more infomation >> Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo - Estrenos Reggaeton y Música Urbana 2018 - Duration: 1:18:43.
¿Sesgo machista?: Portada de Julián Elfenbein y Daniela Kirberg causó críticas hasta de un académico - Duration: 2:53.
Malas audiencias pero con los bolsillos llenos cuánto nos cuesta mantener a El Lechero Fortes en TVE - Duration: 5:12.
Los dioses, Ángel y Tony, decidirán el funcionamiento de las nominaciones de esta noche - Duration: 3:18.
Entrevista a Lucas Klet sobre cosmética masculina y deporte - Duration: 14:18.
'Honestidad' ¿Han roto Amaia y Alfred de 'OT'? - Duration: 3:14.
Christianity Is A Trap - Duration: 8:28.
Did you ever hear someone say 'that Christianity is a trap or maybe that Christianity is fear
I want to talk to you about an awesome person from the MadLuv community by the name of Alex,
who wrote me with a question.
Now if I remember correctly, Alex wrote me saying that an atheist he knew boasted that,
'Oh I'm free because I don't have to worry about that Christianity garbage'.
But, what is it this atheist is supposedly 'free' from and is it true that Christianity
is a trap?
By the end of this video I'm going to give 3 valuable insights to illustrate that Christianity
is not a trap at all, it's not fear based and we'll also discuss judgment.
I was an atheist for years and the 'christianity is a trap' approach is a fairly common one
so I think I can help you out here.
What's up everybody, welcome to MadLuv.
My name is Daniel, thank you for stopping by.
If you ever have a question for me and maybe I could make a video response, comment down
below because I do read your comments and please also consider hitting that subscrible
Alright, so it's common to hear that all religions are fairy tales, religion is mind
control and so on.
But let's get started on this supposed Christianity trap!
<It's a trap> Uh.. hey..
Could you..
You not do that when I'm speaking please.
I'm talking to my friends here.
Alright thanks.
If you believe that it's fear based, then Christianity is not what you think, any times
the origins <It's a trap>
Excuse me won't you?
Hey fish face!
Come here.
I want to show you something.
#1 Not Captive.
I want to give you a worldly perspective of this 'trap theory' and then we'll dissect
the spiritual part later in the video.
To give you an example of a real trap, there are 16 Muslim countries in the world where
apostasy is considered to be a crime.
Apostasy if you didn't know, is the act of renouncing or leaving a religious faith.
In two of these countries, Iran and Saudi Arabia, apostasy from the Muslim faith can
leave you subject to the death penalty although it is rare and many moderate Muslims are not
in agreement with that.
Now before I say this I am fully aware that there are some very misled Christian churches
out there, or even cults that profess Christianity that have this horribly horribly wrong but…
The truth is..
Christianity has no trap like this at all.
You are free to leave Christianity and walk away from Jesus as you so choose.
God doesn't seek to force us to love Him because, let's be honest, you can't 'force'
Real love.
And additionally, there is a symbolic scripture in Revelation 3:20 that says,
Part of what this is saying is that Christ is at the door of our lives, the door of our
hearts, knocking.
Wanting to come in and be a part of our lives.
However, you can see that not only do WE hear the voice but WE are the ones who have to
take action.
We have to open the door and allow Jesus in.
Jesus doesn't kick down the door and say, Hey, you get back here and love me!
If you feel trapped then I encourage you to examine what you are being taught or told
by your Pastor, friends or whatever because feeling trapped is not at all by God's design.
#2 Not Guilty
Sadly, there is something that is called the christianity deception of condemnation and
I've personally seen this in action where Christians are taught that a relationship
with God is necessary because we are worthless piles of cat puke, guilty guilty guilty, and
should be ashamed of ourselves.
Skeptics of the Christian faith could maybe be correct that in some cases Christianity
is imposed on people through a fear of God.
Through a feeling of guilt.
This makes God seem like a dictator who only wishes for us to feel the weight of our failures
and shortcomings.
That can absolutely feel like a trap and it sounds miserable.
But that, my friend, is religion.
It's not true Christianity.
True Christianity is not a trap because all that supposed guilt and condemnation you're
supposed to feel, doesn't exist.
If it doesn't exist, then how can we feel guilty and therefore trapped.
A true relationship with Christ is, in fact, breaking free from religion.
I can tell you that this guilt doesn't exist because here, in Colossians 1:22 it says,
But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you
holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation
Through a repentant and true relationship with Christ there is no guilt to be had.
You cannot be trapped by fear, condemnation or guilt.
Because you are not guilty.
#3 Not Hard
As I mentioned before I also wanted to touch on the spiritual aspect of this thought that
Christianity is a trap, and not just the worldly part.
People will say that Christianity is a trap because if you don't obey God, you go to
Therefore, you're stuck.
I'm going to be pretty straightforward here because sometimes as Christians and, well
humans, we need to grow up.
So here goes.
There is a cause and consequence for many things in this lifetime.
Take our prison and judicial system for example.
If you kill someone, you go to prison.
There is judgment.
In order for God, to be a fair God, He too must impart judgment.
If there was no penalty for our actions, then people like Hitler would walk right into Heaven
after having committed some of the worst atrocities in history.
Hitler needs to be made responsible for the things that he has done in his lifetime and
he will be and so will I and so will you.
If you are real with yourself, that's fair.
So then skeptics will often say, well, why can't God just forgive sin?
Well, He does, through Jesus.
But then skeptics might say, "Ok, but if I accept Jesus then I'm no longer free,
I'm bound to all these rules and regulations and so on".
Now, I know that life can be hard and being a Christian can sometimes be hard with having
faith or understanding certain things.
But, let's get real here.
Is it really that hard to be a Christian?
You accept Christ and then try not to steal, try not to murder, lust, lie.
Chances are, you're probably trying not to do those things already?
Many other religions require you to pray 5 times a day, or it's your works on Earth
that decide whether or not you get into Heaven.
But with Christianity, all you need is Jesus.
Just, Jesus.
That is freedom.
Here's the thing.
You can choose Jesus.
You can hear Him knock on the door and invite Him in.
Or you can say no thanks, I want nothing to do with you.
I honestly don't know how God could make it any easier for us to be Christian.
The choice is truly and genuinely yours.
Christianity is not a trap.
Because in a real trap, you don't get a choice.
God Bless and MadLuv
Clouds and showers today, weekend warmup ahead - Duration: 1:53.
Is Earth Actually Flat? - Duration: 13:09.
watch out! i just saved Greg life! there will be five dollars please
ola houtube my name is ricardo lino and im a wheel addict in 360 I'm in front of ORMS I don't think I need to
spin this but it's the first time that I'm using a 360 camera I'm with Greg and
we're gonna try to skate around the city so really important is camera and we
can't risk it too much it's it's not our camera the guys at ORMS which is the
best camera shop in Cape Town let us use it for the weekend but there's no
protection for the lens so he five-fold the lens is the first thing to go down
and this thing is not cheap maybe we're gonna chill
I love the dragon right in there the car by the way I'm using different wheels
and they slide huh we did when the camera and everyone everyone that was it
good oh yeah I look at this slide I
think the word whatever because evil the world advice there'll be five dollars
ah trying not to fall it is the scariest stuff damn it
I don't know if I won one of these things go for it for hey GoPro stop
GoPros do you understand what I'm saying p21 go
friend the world is black the world is flat I'm telling you
there's no cargo which way break now down
hell is the good one huh ha ha wait one question tell me there's these guys out
there that say that the the planet Earth he's not around do you believe it what'd
you think of it we're on the flats now you say round or flat which one yeah
Rollo flat right let's find out
wait now that's where the stories talk - yeah we're going down we're going down
oh no way
their job
how you doing in booth how you doing I drink oh I have one
question for you there's these guys saying that the world is flat what do
you think is the planet earth round or flat round they say that the airplanes
only go one way and you know that NASA think they say that NASA never put like
pictures of the real thing it's always draws it's always just draws there's
like made of computer shit they never really showed anything so we don't know
50 each having the north or south or somehow we are seeing here you guys tell
me something we're trying to find out something there's these guys there's the
guys that say that the planet Earth is not round they said it's just flat what
do you think I see yeah they also think it's wrong how do you know it's wrong
you saw books right but the books they say it's always draws there was never a
feature or fisheye lens we don't know that's like we tried to
find out yeah yeah we don't have anything man like I guess it's like yeah
I got nothing here me and then I'm skating
today for a school project
excuse me sir I'm trying to do a little questionnaire for school my teachers
have been asking me to do something about the world being flat but I've
learned in school you can stop here the police run away from me but I wanna
erase you this is yeah let's get away sorry
okay so I'm doing a work for school and I've been asked to search about people's
opinions on earth being flat I've learned in school my whole life that the
planet earth is round but now there's a lot of people with explanations that say
that the world is flat you don't have an opinion thank you very very much do you
think it's possible it could be flat is there any possibility thank you so much
for your honesty thank you so much keep going the police in South Africa the
now one question for you always the planet hood use it around the flat now
the question is is the world isn't flat how can i slide what do you think it is
rather flat eyes around round he said yet this is a rather flat in this video
that was close thank you ever nice thing it's nice flat fee
it's mad that was crazy
breakdance right
I will this fast no hey tell me something is the word flat or round okay
mo small thinks is why why why no the thing is if the world is flat how do you
go Daniel
yeah but that's just a question I just wanted to know the opinion of a downhill
skater so speak to you later keep working you're doing a good job
you're doing good job
yes okay so I think you're gonna end the video without a conclusion so I'm going
to leave the conclusion to anyone watching the video you want to leave the
question just a disclaimer I don't personally believe the world is any
shape so wait believe me dude I have no opinion you
leave European is the world flat is the world Rock is the world shapeless we
want to get from you how much research have you done yes my only research is
about this camera at this point while I'm watching these my head is just
spinning around so everything everything that I can stink up gonna be wrong so my
opinion doesn't count you tell me your opinion cheers guys and see you soon
don't forget what we all started getting we call this one
Spinosaurus vs Carnotaurus - Duration: 3:28.
Hickory Dickory Dock | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 1:51.
Hickory Dickory Dock | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz
Learn colors with Minion girl | Drawing and coloring | Educational videos for kids - Duration: 4:17.
【MMD Tutorial】Digital Barrier 【+DL】 - Duration: 4:27.
Good Morning everyone. May's lazy mode is on
Today I'll show you how to use this barrier
Before everything, every bone has a number, this one apper too in the morphs
This is just for make easy making motions
There are facials only in 3 of the 4 slots. One for size, other for transparency and the last one for the autoluminous
Except for the last one, the other had one more morphs for edit all of them.
Load the autoluminous.
Load the other .pmx. This one is for the impact
It have the core and two waves
Load the basic motion for the impact
I already know there are better.
Now, I'll show you a small pack of motions for the barrier
You will need autoluminous for this one
This is the example I made about how to use it. You have the pmm too
just load the motions and the autoluminous with Si= 0.1
If Autoluminous has the si to high, it won't look good
I hope you like it and know finish the video here cause i forgot how to use premier and i dont know what happend here XD
Elimi Birakma Episode 14 Trailer 3 - Duration: 1:17.
Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Section 14 3. Fragment (Forecast)
Hi all my friends 3. We look forward to the trailer. We made a prediction of the fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers will get 1,000 likes and 1,000 comments on this videomza. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will come. Stay on Track :)
Ece's older brother, Savaş Azra, has kidnapped Cenk's life by kidnapping him. Everything is going so well, this situation is bothering us. Perhaps this will help to improve the gap between Mert and Azra.
Because Azra is in trouble because of Cenk, everyone including Serap and Sumru will be involved. But he won't want to save Azra in two bad women. I can't love the Serap and the Tern.
Do you think Cenk can save Azra? Do not forget to write to the comment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers will get 1,000 likes and 1,000 comments on this videomza. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will come. Stay on Track :)
Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. We expect your support.
La petite souris - Duration: 0:16.
Cans palletizer - 1200 cans per minute - Duration: 2:43.
Full cans palletizer Direct feeding from 2 lines
Speed up to 1250bpm
Magnetic/pneumatic tool adapted to several can formats
Installation area <80m2
Capacity for 4 full pallets and 10 before warehouse
Automatic pallet extraction tool integrated
Manuela Vellés: la playlist de mi vida - Duration: 2:40.
The Plan by the Pentagon Against Possible Zombie Apocalypse; CONOP 8888 - Duration: 8:21.
From the works of science fiction and horror, zombie legends that inspired television series,
the most advanced military formation on earth taken seriously by you.
The secret of the US Pentagon in the CONOP 8888 program
they have quite amazing details.
Pentagon's UFOs so far, alien assets
many rumors appeared.
A very small part of these rumors was able to respond with official documents.
Today's most advanced defense center,
develop mechanisms of action against scenarios that endanger humanity natural,
but when the zombies are involved, the table becomes interesting.
If you like our video, and to be notified of new videos
don't forget to subscribe.
Then let's start now.
The US Army will occur in any way defense against zombie invasion strategy
it turned out that he prepared it.
Prepared for the "protection of human life" indicated that the zombie
Explains how to eliminate it.
First of all, a magazine in America and "CONOP 8888" called "zombie in life
plan to stay in the "vegetarian blacks", Many types of "evil zombies"
target set.
Report for all human generation of zombies it poses a threat and therefore
The "Anti-Zombie Raid" It explained.
The plan dated April 30, 2011 is a "joke" is located on the first page of the report,
US defense of the existence of the plan in question The Ministry (Pentagon) also accepted.
The statement made from the army in Nevada training of strategists working in the military base
during to prepare more creative reports
designed but ultimately an army strategy has not become.
According to CONOP 8888, the nearest zombie vegetarian zombies
It was shown.
Aliens or foreign countries As a result of various experiments of scientists
can generate viruses that can lead to zombies stated in the plan, "danger must be determined first,
then targets should be selected, operation should be started, space should be dominated, stability should be ensured
and finally establish a civilian authority " Called.
According to the plan after everything is completed unimportant centers with zombies
By organizing operations of all danger needs to be terminated.
In the Pentagon's CONOP 8888 plan, OP Zombies, terrible for the life of all mankind
degree of dangers and zombie infections, national security and economic activities
has the potential to be severely weakened ciddi The lyrics are included.
Someone replaced Pentagon researchers have written these documents to the screenwriters of the Walking Dead
looks like.
Nevertheless, all the expert opinions of someone, Despite scientific studies such a
take the matter seriously and develop a measure, it leads to suspicion.
The pentagon in the minds of the question
CONOP 8888, the United States since April 2011 US Strategic in the State of Nebraska
A project of his command.
The same command is direct from the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon.
In 2014, it was announced to the world public for the first time CONOP 8888, really in movies and series
zombie apocalypse If we stay, what should be done
It explains.
Even in the documents with the phrase süz immortal Hatta against
various legal, political and practical issues also discussed.
In a way, the United States, a possible zombie invasion then their relations with other countries and organizations.
even planned how to edit In the case.
So every detail is especially thought out a scenario against any detail
planned condition.
So what else is in these CONOP 8888 files there is?
According to international law, only human and animal life
Military operations are organized.
In the report, pathogenic life forms, organic robotic assets or "traditional" zombies
almost hostile no restrictions.
After a possible epidemic, martial law hold the advert, kill the zombies to the government
The necessary directives are also available.
Plans the best anti-zombie attack contains a series of steps to perform.
In the first stage, the authorities, the army and the people, zombies
They're keeping.
In the second stage by the government large-scale attacks
In the third and fourth stages military forces, infected areas
they are starting to clean.
The slaughter of zombies takes place at these stages.
Then the government, the collected zombie bodies, It burns to eliminate infection.
In the final stage, the government rebuilding its authority.
Of course, the US plans are only It also does not cover the work to be carried out.
An infection that infects the US the possibility of going abroad
field authorities infect foreign areas they are also fighting the war zones.
This is also possible if, during a possible invasion, if perceived as a problem, diplomatic crises
A perspective that can lead.
In the meantime, a secret that is also a plan all competencies from the moment of application
It is passed to the armed group of fema.
Fema ordered the chairman to move without taking directives and even the constitution
abolition it also has the authority to remove.
This article also appeared in 2008 post-ape
was also enacted.
Fema activities after that day legal to perform and give speed
This topic is already detailed in our videos We have told.
The definition of "zombie" throughout the CONOP documents The formations included are as follows:
Pathogenic that is infected by a virus zombies, revealed as a result of secret experiments
zombies coming out created zombies, armed zombies etc.
US, war plans against imaginary enemies he loves to make.
In this way to keep his country prepared There are tens of thousands of staff to work.
We're at the end of our video.
If you like our video share and stay informed about new videos
Do not forget to subscribe to our channel.
See you in the next video.
Anime Touhou ~ ep. 9 ~ The eternal night incident (2/4) ~ The memories of phantasm - Duration: 12:37.
Gensokyo is afflicted by a night that never ends.
But I, Marisa Kirisame and Alice, the Puppeteer, have decided to solve this incident!
One by one, we defeated all the youkai who got in our way. After a while, Keine put us on the right track to pursue the culprit.
Direction: the Bamboo Forest of the Lost!
In general, I always come across Reimu with great pleasure...
but this time, what an unpleasant surprise to find her stuck with her sworn enemy, Yukari Yakumo!
This same Yukari responsible for stopping time this night. Reimu becoming an accomplice as this heinous act. What a shame!
I could forgive him for anything, but betray myself for the benefit of a youkai!? This? Never!
With her enchanting voice, Yukari pushed me to give everything against her and Reimu. In reality? She just wanted me to comb the forest with my powers.
And so we discovered a strange building well hidden in the heart of the forest.
Reimu seemed convinced that the real incident was an exchange of the moon for a fake one, and that the culprit was standing in front of us...
Who is really responsible for this incident? What is its true intention? And why the hell are Reimu and Yukari partners?
Moreover, whether it is Remilia or Yuyuko, Gensokyo's youkai seem agitated and want to put an end to this incident as soon as possible.
The moon is essential for all youkai! Get her back right away!
As for me, I'm on Reimu's side tonight. So let's get this over with and join her.
Congratulations, youkai earthlings. It was not easy to locate Eientei.
Are you going to fight us alone?
It doesn't matter how many. Your path ends there. Hazy phantom moon stare: Lunatic red eyes!
An illusion?
I worry a bit, I hope we didn't make a mistake in taking this path.
This hallway doesn't look good to me...
I don't really feel it. This is all suspicious.
It's okay, I can take care of myself, you know.
No way I'd let you down. And by the way... how did you end up teaming up with someone like Yukari?
It's just for tonight....
Well..... humans here?
I pity you... now that you have entered Eientei, it will be impossible for you to come out alive.
This is not surprising given the short life expectancy of humans.
I give up!
Already? That rabbit's all mouth! I didn't have time to warm up....
I'm sorry! I'll tell you everything I know about Eientei, so spare me!
Why not ? It's an open matter....
Are you kidding?!?
Some very juicy information, exclusive for you!
Open wide your ears!
Spill it!
Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to go. So....
Although I have lived in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost for a very long time, the mistress of the place is called Kaguya, a princess from the Moon.
It is said that she was exiled to Earth after committing a crime on the Moon.
Of unparalleled beauty, many suitors came to court her. However, she turned each of them away.
It reminds me of a story I already heard...
At the end of her sentence, Eirin, as emissary of the Moon, came to take Kaguya home. But after Kaguya became fond of the Earth, they both decided to stay there.
Since that day, they have been hiding in this bamboo forest. It must have been about 1000 years ago....
A thousand years!!!!!
Hmm, I see. I understand better!
The princess, she drank the elixir of immortality. It seems to be a crime on the moon.
I think it's finally time...
Time for what?
... for revenge.
What are you talking about?
That sucks!
Let's not stay here!
What the hell is going on?
But what do we have here?
Ah! You managed to fool these humans from Earth...
You are on the threshold between the Earth and the fake moon. In a trap created to mislead intruders like you.
You can no longer go anywhere. Your journey ends here.
Congratulations, Tewi.
Yeah! Yeah! I got you, I got you.
Nevertheless, everything I told you earlier was true.
So, you're the real culprit behind this incident!?
I am Marisa Kirisame, expert in extermination of youkai! Tell us your name before we exterminate you!
Eirin Yagokoro
So you're the emissary. I am Reimu Hakurei, from the Hakurei temple.
To be the one who switched the moon....
my duty is to exterminate you!
But, fools, how do you think you can compete with me, who has the wisdom of ancient times?
We'll give a try! And we'll see about that...
I will never give the princess to you!
Looks like what the rabbit told us was true!
Is that why you switched the moon?
Not a scratch!?
Blinded by my illusion, you can no longer even discern my movements
Your last hour has arrived.
She doesn't really give me much choice, I have to use my trump card.
Yuyuko, did you hear me?
Enjoy yourself!
I'll take care of it. It's up to you, Youmu!
I already told you that no matter how many of you you are. Thanks to my eyes....
Tonight, you will have learned at your own expense....
... that there is almost nothing that my Rôkaken...
can't cut!
Well done!
Thank you. See you later!
I hope Marisa and Reimu are doing fine.
Since you have discovered Eientei, I have no choice but to kill you here and now.
God Sign: Genealogy of the Sky-Born!
Damn it! She's too fast. I can't keep up with her....
Craft #2: How to make a decorative and aromatic doll - Duration: 10:50.
Hello little friends, today I meet Tia Maria and we will learn how to make this doll.
Tell us, Tia Maria.
In the description of the video you will find a link where you can download the pattern to make the doll.
We are going to need:
1) a folder
2) two colors felt
3) a hat
4) smell poturri
5) ribbon
6) flowers
7) liquid silicon
8) hair for the doll
Let's start by pasting the pattern to the folder and then cutting to get these figures.
Let's draw the figures on the felt with a pen.
Over here I was advancing.
And we are going to cut it.
First we are going to fill in the little hat with scent poturri.
We paste the circle with silicon.
And now we begin to assemble the body of the doll.
We start by sticking the arms to the smaller triangle in form of V.
Then we put this on the biggest triangle.
Later we paste flowers in the hands of the doll.
Now we proceed to join the legs and boots with the body of the doll.
Now let's put the hair.
Then we put the hat of the doll.
Decorate the hat with ribbon.
And finally we put ribbon to hang it.
We wait for the silicon to dry.
We already have our doll ready that we can place in the bathroom.
or in our room to add smell and style.
See you later, little friends, see you soon!
Майнкрафт на Nintendo Switch | Майнкрафт Открытия - Duration: 11:02.
London: Wegen Journalistenmord und Kriegsverbrechen – Dutzende protestieren vor saudischer Botschaft - Duration: 4:34.
Co robi córka Macierewicza? Najpilniej strzeżony sekret byłego ministra PiS - Duration: 5:10.
TBR na #ListopadzComeBook + polecajki dla Was! - Duration: 7:44.
Sławomir Świerzyński znów został dziadkiem! Poważne problemy związane z porodem - Duration: 4:22.
पनीर पोटली - Paneer Potli Recipe In Marathi - Potli Samosa - Crispy Snack Recipe - Archana - Duration: 4:23.
New River Elementary is the 10News School of the Week powered by Duke Energy Florida - Duration: 2:50.
Księżna Mette-Marit walczy ze śmiertelną chorobą. Przerażające doniesienia! - Duration: 3:41.
Introducing: Explained - Duration: 1:06.
Explained: Repetitions at Night - Duration: 13:36.
Fire Truck Story | Emergency Vehicles | Cartoon Videos For Children | Kids Channel - Duration: 31:03.
Fire Truck Story
Hickory Dickory Dock | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 1:51.
Hickory Dickory Dock | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz
Man Utd transfer news: Arsenal may ruin Mourinho's plans to land Sanchez replacement - Duration: 2:43.
Manchester United landed Sanchez from Arsenal back in January but, having scored just four goals since, a move away could be in the offing
Big reports have claimed the 29-year-old is disillusioned with life at Old Trafford, despite pocketing a huge £400,000 every week
Manchester United have insisted Sanchez is not for sale but the player has supposedly confessed to his inner circle that he is dreaming of a move to PSG
And Italian newspaper Corriere dello Sport claim Mourinho is interested in Roma's Cengiz Under
The Turkey international has caught the eye over in Serie A, scoring 11 goals in 42 matches
He has also struck four times for his country since making his debut back in 2016
Corriere dello Sport say United are considering whether to meet Roma's £44million asking price
But Arsenal will pose a problem. The Gunners are supposedly 'ready to invest this figure' when the transfer window reopens in the New Year
And as are Barcelona and Manchester City. Barcelona want him to replace Malcom, who has toiled at the Nou Camp since his summer arrival from Bordeaux
Meanwhile, Robert Pires has hit out at Sanchez for choosing to join United over Manchester City in the first place
"Honestly, it surprised me." "For me, Sanchez had to stay at Arsenal, where he was one of our stars
"I don't know if he could say no to United, but I think the style of play of the London club suits his performances better
But you have to respect his decision." Sanchez will miss United's Premier League clash with Everton on Sunday (4pm)
【MMD Tutorial】Digital Barrier 【+DL】 - Duration: 4:27.
Good Morning everyone. May's lazy mode is on
Today I'll show you how to use this barrier
Before everything, every bone has a number, this one apper too in the morphs
This is just for make easy making motions
There are facials only in 3 of the 4 slots. One for size, other for transparency and the last one for the autoluminous
Except for the last one, the other had one more morphs for edit all of them.
Load the autoluminous.
Load the other .pmx. This one is for the impact
It have the core and two waves
Load the basic motion for the impact
I already know there are better.
Now, I'll show you a small pack of motions for the barrier
You will need autoluminous for this one
This is the example I made about how to use it. You have the pmm too
just load the motions and the autoluminous with Si= 0.1
If Autoluminous has the si to high, it won't look good
I hope you like it and know finish the video here cause i forgot how to use premier and i dont know what happend here XD
Uomini e Donne: Antonella umilia Gemma Galgani: interviene Maria De Filippi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.
U&D, Andrew si dichiara per Teresa dopo l'abbandono di Mara: Martina risponde | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:01.
Кедровая банька "Здрава" для молодой семьи из Казани. Отвечаю на вопросы [Drevocraft] - Duration: 12:37.
Man Utd injury news: Mourinho confirms triple blow, duo could return but seven ruled out in total - Duration: 2:25.
Jose Mourinho has confirmed that Man Utd have several injury headaches ahead of facing Everton at Old Trafford on Sunday
After returning to form domestically with a win over Newcastle United followed by a draw at Chelsea, the Red Devils suffered another setback in midweek with their defeat to Juventus in the Champions League
SEE MORE: 'Played against his future club' – Concern for Man Utd, Euro giants linked with swoop for influential ace With that in mind, Mourinho will be hoping for a positive response from his players when they face Everton this weekend, but he will have to do so with several senior stars ruled out through injury
As per freelance injury analyst Ben Dinnery in his tweet below, the Portuguese tactician confirmed in his press conference on Friday that Diogo Dalot, Marouane Fellaini and Alexis Sanchez are all expected to remain sidelined after missing out on Tuesday night due to injury
Further, Dinnery's Premier League injury table shows that seven players are currently in danger of missing out
Jesse Lingard and Scott McTominay could potentially make their respective comebacks from knocks, but it's likely to be as you were for Mourinho and United as he'll have to rely on his usual key figures to produce the goods and get them back on track
That's easier said than done particularly with a lack of confidence in certain players currently with Romelu Lukaku going through a goal-drought and the defence seemingly incapable of keeping a clean sheet consistently
Time will tell if Everton can exploit those issues this weekend, but Mourinho will certainly be hoping for as many injury boosts as possible in the coming weeks with the Premier League and Champions League games coming thick and fast for his side
Samsung Galaxy S Plus I9001 Hard Reset كيفية إعادة ضبط المصنع للسامسونج - Duration: 2:14.
[ENG SUB] I hate Jeanne Siege Defense - Summoners War Indonesia - Duration: 26:06.
Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame.
Before we begin siege, you must see developer note...
New Fire Fusion monster...
Also have other element ( from summon)
Its called Lightning Emperror..
Good new passive using "Knowledge" maybe new buff..
Add knowledge if you got beneficial effect...
If enemy or ally dead also got 3 knowledge.. This is fire passive.. dont know other element yet..
Okay, looks like Okeanos...
This are the fusion material... I already food Verde... ouch..
I have water Samurai i think... and dont have Wind Magic Knight..
Lupinus maybe, i forgot...
And Warbear..
Still under development, maybe change.
So this also have other element..
Still no hope... not even get Druid...
Okay lets start siege battle now..
This siege battle VS Minerva and AnDevil...
This are condition now.. 12: 2 :10
New target is R10
Okay R10
We try this...
We change this to Arnold..
To counter Molong...
Lets go try it...
Just random team to counter Molong..
As long he not use 2nd skill its okay..
Ouch, please dont provoke.. It should not...
Okay good...
So far this safe...
Chill bro... calmdown
Can not control... only watching..
Ouch, we got again... no problemo..
Already locked, ouch failed HP disturb
Too bad..
Jeanne locked...
ATB Fengyan....
Ouch too bad...
Die you!!!
Kill Jeanne.... nice...
HP disturb?
He heal..
Long battle...
Okay good...
This is hard...
Using Laika also....
Still hard... got locked..
Want to try???
Lets try....
Lets try it with my core combo... But not too sure about this...
Jeanne is annoying..
Slow.... ouch...
Provoke all...
Damn it
Damn we lose..
Damn annoying..
We try Y4
We try this..
We try using Tiana...
We use Taor..
This is good...
I think we should kill Racuni first..
We kill Khmun....
We try this..
We play super safe..
Altough will be hug (defend)...
Bomb still can do damage...
Please dont miss..
Crot!!! hit Chandra...
Slow bro...
This perna looks cute..
Damn when i say cute... he hit hard..
Crazy stun by Chandra...
What a bad luck...
Lucky procs...
Bomb please..... okay detonate
Its better now..
Bomb Perna... okay..
Okay we hit R6...
We tr this...
Where is my Ritesh...
Letsee provoke each other..
Got it...
Hit THeo...
Fail debuff.. procs!!!
Ouch..... ahhhhh
Let see our Theo.. procs or not...
Its not...
This is crazy..
Hit or not?? just hit..
Damn it... procs!!!!
This is crazy...
Can we kill using this??
Arggg... enough...
Im drunk... crazy...
Okay we try this one...
We try...
Ouch, crazy...
So close
Seara dead more safe for us...
Use 2nd skill..
Scare not dead...
This Perna savage...
We still can do this.. i hope...
This Perna is shit...
Passive will active again...
aLets heal...
Perna procs like shit!!!
Die please..
Dead please..
Dont procs..
Revive again???
Its not... lucky... we win this
This will takes time.. we auto
Finally... OMG.....
Okay new target R9 lets go..
We try this...
Lets bomb this..
Triton... lets go..
Lets try...
Please Theo...
Racuni!!! okay...
This is good...
Leave it..
Okay good...
We got this...
Will takes time, but we can win this...
Its okay...
We try Lushen this...
Wow that orion fast bro...
With shield..
Please Zeratu bye bye...
Stun all??? this is good...
Very good...
Okay new target... R4..
Try this...
We use twins..
Okay break combo first..
We need to kill this Monkey first...
Sleep again? ouch...
Nice.. another procs...
So close damn it...
Sleep again???
Your wish...
Hit it broo....
Die you!!!
Twins so good..
No def break...
Crazy high resistant...
Okay this is last chance Y10
This one..
Delphoi, Copper, Imesety...
Ouch like before, if Molong faster than Imesety we dead...
Can we kill Molong??
Okay 61k
We use for...
To reset Harmonia...
Should reset Harmonia...
Not now.....
Still delay
Ouch danger... its not ez.... Should be easy..
Still not ready...
Just hit this Chandra...
Okay.. this one left..
Just play time..
I hope the hit Crit...
If not crit danger..
3more turn..
High HP..
5k HP only dec little bar..
Reset!!! good..
Dont make this battle longer...
Thats all from me...
Bit dissapointing lose to Jeanne..
This is last condition 5 : 8 : 11
We have a lot tower.... okay thats all result in last video..
Thank you... comment like susbcribe... bye bye....
Wrong-way driver in I-75 express lane causes major wreck south of Atlanta - Duration: 1:27.
How do I reply to a guest review? - Duration: 0:41.
To reply to a guest review, first click on the Guest Reviews tab, then click on the Guest Reviews button.
Click the reply button under the review you wish to reply to, fill in your comments and click send.
After you submit a response, our team will check that it complies with our guidelines
before it's published online.
Swimming and Asthma - Duration: 3:17.
Personally I don't have asthma, so I did some research and asked my swimmer friends
with asthma about this topic.
Here is what I found.
Welcome to skills n talents.
If you don't want to miss our next video about swimming endurance make sure to subscribe.
Asthma affects a lot of people.
Many of my teammates got into swimming because the doctor recommended the sport because of
their asthma.
It was found that in the 2008 about 25 percent of Olympic swimmers had verified asthma.
In recent studies that I'll link in the description they have studied the relationship
between swimming and asthma.
They indicate that swimming training is well-tolerated in children and adolescents with stable asthma,
and increases lung function (moderate strength evidence) and cardio-pulmonary fitness (high
strength evidence).
If you are fit, asthma symptoms are less easily triggered than when you are unfit.
But that comes with almost every sport.
so why do doctors recommend swimming?
Well, the symptoms are more likely to occur in dry cold weather and when the person overheats.
So doctors hypothesized that warm humid conditions might reduce the risk of exercise-induced
bronchoconstriction and that swimming could help develop good breathing practices.
However, on most studies I found they concluded that whether or not swimming is better than
other forms of physical activity cannot be determined from their experiments . Further
adequately powered trials with longer follow-up periods are needed to better assess the long-term
benefits of swimming.
However, as one of my friends with asthma told me "high levels of chlorine and enclosed
swimming pools with inefficient air ventilation made training and competing extremely difficult."
From what I have gathered asthma needs to be treated on a case to case basis.
"Be proactive and take asthma medications as directed to help prevent exercise-induced
asthma symptoms.
Keeping a quick-relief inhaler poolside is also advisable, in case you experience symptoms
while swimming.
Swimming is not a treatment for asthma, and medications should always be used as prescribed.
Talk to your doctor before starting a new physical activity."
says Medical advisor: Shilpi Agarwal, M.D.
But most importantly if you have asthma and love swimming remember that you can still
reach high levels of competition.
As four time olympic medalist Peter Vanderkaay said on an interview "Once I found the right
long-term action plan, I was able to get where I am today.
My doctor, parents, and I worked as a team so that I could continue training,"
If you are looking for swimming workouts to develop your endurance we are offering exactly
Our workouts are used by young swimmers and masters.
I also do the workouts and they help me stay disciplined and motivated.
So if you want to find out more go to skillswimming.com/swimming-workouts or click here
Thanks for watching!
See you next friday!
Swim fast!
Autumnal Design with Blooming Gel - Duration: 9:57.
Did Dracula really exist? - Duration: 16:34.
WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL - Duration: 3:07.
hello and welcome to my channel thanks for stopping by
I know there's so many other channels out there and you've taken the time to
look at my channel and a very appreciative I'm Julie Poole I'm a
professional intuitive psychic hypnotherapist author and counselor I do
past life regression I'm a Reiki Master I do energy healing scanning and
clearing out all sorts I hope you'll find on my channel something to interest
you so the main work of my channel is my readings so I do daily readings weeklies
by sign where I can and monthly readings by sign I also have on my channel a
whole load of spiritual how-to videos and how to ground how to connect how to
clear your energy there's also meditations there's self-hypnosis videos
there's also a whole playlist of self-improvement videos on how to be
happy and how to do all sorts have a little look at the playlist so coming up
on the screen now you will see all sorts of qualifications and which are my
hypnotherapy qualifications my degree the various insurances I have the
professional bodies I belong to hopefully that gives you a little bit of
faith in me in the description box below you'll find links to my instant go to
Facebook Instagram be lovely if you join me on there what this also links to my
website where you can book a private reading or you could book a hypnotherapy
session or a clearance session whatever it is that you need there's also links
below to the cards that I use many people ask me oh I like that card what
is that from so all the cards that I use the link is below in the description you
can just click on that that will take you to Amazon straight to those cards so
the purpose of my readings is to give insight and information to the energy
surrounding you that day that week that months and they help you to make more
informed choices to give you heads up of what's coming up
or to give you a heads-up of why something is happening and all of that
I hope helps you there are many ways you could support my channel you can like
the videos and share them you can subscribe you can donate or you could
become a patreon all the details are below in the description box and
everything that you do help support my work and this channel and in turn helps
me to help more people the aim of my channel is to uplift inform inspire
guide and help you on your journey through life I hope you find what you
need here and welcome to my channel
Nostalgia Nerd's Retro Tech (Computers, Consoles & Games) - Duration: 3:50.
[Intro with EPIC music]
Holy crap, I've written a book.
How did that happen?!
The book is called The Nostalgia Nerd's Retro Tech.
Computers, Consoles & Games.
It's called that because inside are the stories of gaming machines from the Magnavox Odyssey
through to the Xbox, alongside some of the best and worst games for each machine.
I didn't get much of a brief when I was approached about a book, so I started from scratch.
What I really wanted to do here was create an accessible coffee table book which goes
just a little bit more in dept than your typical tome might do.
So we've got the story of each machine, how it came to be, and what advances it brought
to the world of gaming.
There's over 50 machines here, hence the reasonable number of pages.
I've included a handy table of facts, along with a selection of games for each system.
Whether you've played the platform in question or not, I wanted to give you a broad look
at what you could expect from each machine, and I thought the best way to do that would
be to list The Game you Must see (because it looks stunning), the game you Must Play
(because it's a great game) and the game you MUST avoid for each platform.
You know, we're talking the kind of games you shouldn't even w*pe your ass with.
To assist you in the quest of reading, the book is hard back and filled with thick, high
colour pages, packed with delights for your eyes.
I mean, I didn't even expect it to turn out this nice, so I'm pretty pleased with the
aesthetic feel and look here.
Of course, if that's not your thing, you could always use it for a door stop, or even to
fix a wobbly piece of furniture.
Or in my case, a chopping board.
Look at that, sorted.
So there, you go.
I'm pretty darn excited to have written a book, and if you feel the same, then you can
pick it up from most good bookshops, and probably the terrible ones too.
I fully endorse supporting your local book shop.
But if for any reason you can't, or just don't want to, then it's also available on Amazon
for £12.49.
That's £2.50 off.
Which I think is pretty darn decent for a hardback book.
Y'know, especially one I've written *ahem*.
I must say thank you to all you fine people for joining and helping me on this journey.
I'm almost at 200k subscribers here to.
It's been a humbling and exciting ride.
So, there you go.
It's out next week, 1st of November for most places, or the 6th, I believe for North America,
just in case you wanted to grab a copy.
I'll even pop a link below.
I'm hoping to have some signed copies for Patrons, along with a behind the scenes video
about how this came to be, so you guys, please look out for that.
That's all.
Thanks for watching.
Have a great evening.
Christianity Is A Trap - Duration: 8:28.
Did you ever hear someone say 'that Christianity is a trap or maybe that Christianity is fear
I want to talk to you about an awesome person from the MadLuv community by the name of Alex,
who wrote me with a question.
Now if I remember correctly, Alex wrote me saying that an atheist he knew boasted that,
'Oh I'm free because I don't have to worry about that Christianity garbage'.
But, what is it this atheist is supposedly 'free' from and is it true that Christianity
is a trap?
By the end of this video I'm going to give 3 valuable insights to illustrate that Christianity
is not a trap at all, it's not fear based and we'll also discuss judgment.
I was an atheist for years and the 'christianity is a trap' approach is a fairly common one
so I think I can help you out here.
What's up everybody, welcome to MadLuv.
My name is Daniel, thank you for stopping by.
If you ever have a question for me and maybe I could make a video response, comment down
below because I do read your comments and please also consider hitting that subscrible
Alright, so it's common to hear that all religions are fairy tales, religion is mind
control and so on.
But let's get started on this supposed Christianity trap!
<It's a trap> Uh.. hey..
Could you..
You not do that when I'm speaking please.
I'm talking to my friends here.
Alright thanks.
If you believe that it's fear based, then Christianity is not what you think, any times
the origins <It's a trap>
Excuse me won't you?
Hey fish face!
Come here.
I want to show you something.
#1 Not Captive.
I want to give you a worldly perspective of this 'trap theory' and then we'll dissect
the spiritual part later in the video.
To give you an example of a real trap, there are 16 Muslim countries in the world where
apostasy is considered to be a crime.
Apostasy if you didn't know, is the act of renouncing or leaving a religious faith.
In two of these countries, Iran and Saudi Arabia, apostasy from the Muslim faith can
leave you subject to the death penalty although it is rare and many moderate Muslims are not
in agreement with that.
Now before I say this I am fully aware that there are some very misled Christian churches
out there, or even cults that profess Christianity that have this horribly horribly wrong but…
The truth is..
Christianity has no trap like this at all.
You are free to leave Christianity and walk away from Jesus as you so choose.
God doesn't seek to force us to love Him because, let's be honest, you can't 'force'
Real love.
And additionally, there is a symbolic scripture in Revelation 3:20 that says,
Part of what this is saying is that Christ is at the door of our lives, the door of our
hearts, knocking.
Wanting to come in and be a part of our lives.
However, you can see that not only do WE hear the voice but WE are the ones who have to
take action.
We have to open the door and allow Jesus in.
Jesus doesn't kick down the door and say, Hey, you get back here and love me!
If you feel trapped then I encourage you to examine what you are being taught or told
by your Pastor, friends or whatever because feeling trapped is not at all by God's design.
#2 Not Guilty
Sadly, there is something that is called the christianity deception of condemnation and
I've personally seen this in action where Christians are taught that a relationship
with God is necessary because we are worthless piles of cat puke, guilty guilty guilty, and
should be ashamed of ourselves.
Skeptics of the Christian faith could maybe be correct that in some cases Christianity
is imposed on people through a fear of God.
Through a feeling of guilt.
This makes God seem like a dictator who only wishes for us to feel the weight of our failures
and shortcomings.
That can absolutely feel like a trap and it sounds miserable.
But that, my friend, is religion.
It's not true Christianity.
True Christianity is not a trap because all that supposed guilt and condemnation you're
supposed to feel, doesn't exist.
If it doesn't exist, then how can we feel guilty and therefore trapped.
A true relationship with Christ is, in fact, breaking free from religion.
I can tell you that this guilt doesn't exist because here, in Colossians 1:22 it says,
But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you
holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation
Through a repentant and true relationship with Christ there is no guilt to be had.
You cannot be trapped by fear, condemnation or guilt.
Because you are not guilty.
#3 Not Hard
As I mentioned before I also wanted to touch on the spiritual aspect of this thought that
Christianity is a trap, and not just the worldly part.
People will say that Christianity is a trap because if you don't obey God, you go to
Therefore, you're stuck.
I'm going to be pretty straightforward here because sometimes as Christians and, well
humans, we need to grow up.
So here goes.
There is a cause and consequence for many things in this lifetime.
Take our prison and judicial system for example.
If you kill someone, you go to prison.
There is judgment.
In order for God, to be a fair God, He too must impart judgment.
If there was no penalty for our actions, then people like Hitler would walk right into Heaven
after having committed some of the worst atrocities in history.
Hitler needs to be made responsible for the things that he has done in his lifetime and
he will be and so will I and so will you.
If you are real with yourself, that's fair.
So then skeptics will often say, well, why can't God just forgive sin?
Well, He does, through Jesus.
But then skeptics might say, "Ok, but if I accept Jesus then I'm no longer free,
I'm bound to all these rules and regulations and so on".
Now, I know that life can be hard and being a Christian can sometimes be hard with having
faith or understanding certain things.
But, let's get real here.
Is it really that hard to be a Christian?
You accept Christ and then try not to steal, try not to murder, lust, lie.
Chances are, you're probably trying not to do those things already?
Many other religions require you to pray 5 times a day, or it's your works on Earth
that decide whether or not you get into Heaven.
But with Christianity, all you need is Jesus.
Just, Jesus.
That is freedom.
Here's the thing.
You can choose Jesus.
You can hear Him knock on the door and invite Him in.
Or you can say no thanks, I want nothing to do with you.
I honestly don't know how God could make it any easier for us to be Christian.
The choice is truly and genuinely yours.
Christianity is not a trap.
Because in a real trap, you don't get a choice.
God Bless and MadLuv
Mesut Ozil sends message to Unai Emery over Arsenal role - Duration: 2:33.
Mesut Ozil insists he remains at his best in the No.10 role. The Arsenal star delivered a man of the match display as Unai Emery's men put Leicester to the sword on Monday night
Ozil levelled the scores at the Emirates with a deft finish before teeing up Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to put Arsenal ahead
The German was also involved in Arsenal's stunning third as they made it 10 wins on the spin - which was quickly followed up by a victory over Sporting Lisbon in the Europa League
Ozil was given a night off for that one but will return to the starting line-up when his side travel to Crystal Palace on Sunday
He has been used in a number of positions this term by Unai Emery but remains at his best centrally
Speaking ahead of the clash, he told Sky Sports : "I think my best position is as a No 10 but at the end of the day I have to accept and respect what the coach decides
"I have to give everything I can on the right side but for me it is not my best position
"It is new for me but it is fun as well. especially with the goals and I will continue to give my best on that side
" Ozil was reportedly involved in a bust-up with new boss Emery this season but has played down those claims
"The team understand him and he has shown us his character and how he wants to play," Ozil said
"He is a very good coach and as a player you can speak to him and he listens which makes everything easier for us
"We are fourth in the table so we know we can achieve more and I need to show on the pitch my potential to help the team but I think so far it is going well
Mini haul FW 2018 Sweater Weather is here! - Duration: 9:00.
Hi guys my name is Jamie and welcome to my channel
I've been saving up these past few months,
because I needed to spend it on my furniture,
So I thought I hadn't bought much clothes recently,
I added up all the new pieces that I bought,
and turns out there's actually quite a lot.
So today I have a mini haul for you guys.
It's mostly top pieces like sweaters,
and an accessory indie brand that I've really been into.
SO today is gonna be clothes and earrings.
The first piece is this blazer from a.t. corner.
This is the only outer piece that I'll be talking about today.
The reason why I bought this was b/c it was SO cheap.
I bought this online and I only paid like 50 bucks for it.
The fit is the relaxed masculine fit that most blazers
that are trending right now have,
So even though it's from a past season
I wouldn't say it's out of style or outdated.
The weather right now is perfect to style this with a knit.
Because the pattern is a dark and subtle houndstooth,
if it gets a little colder,
I plan to unroll the sleeves and wear it with a wool coat.
This is a good decent blazer to layer with.
The next item is this knitwear from Benetton.
My friend called it rainbow ricecake (A korean snack)
and told me not to buy it,
but I made the purchase anyway
because of the rich bright colors.
The colors don't look cheap
The brand and colors on this sweater are rich and bold,,
but the contrast of the fabric made it very attractive.
It's the kind of fabric that has a lot of pilling.
I honestly think I was able to justify this purchase
(considering the cheap fabric)
because I love this brand so much.
The price of this sweater was cheaper than
most of the clothes I purchase at Benetton
It also reminds me of the sweater that Im Su Jeong
is wearing on the poster of the famous kdrama 'I'm Sorry, I Love You'.
I think I'm gonna wear this sweater a lot this winter
with a thermal underneath it
I'll probably wear a thermal, this sweater
and then a puffer jacket over that during the winter.
Or I can dress it up a little more,
with some white boots that will boost up the look
to make it much more bold.
The second item from Benetton is this floral shirt.
I was wearing it in one my recent videos
and it's a shirt that is at that fine line between
retro and tacky.
I think the slightly tacky and old-fashioned vibes
is what makes it so charming.
I think this will be good to wear inside a coarse sweater.
And the small flowers are just so cute.
Muji is famous for its American Vintage style
and they're known for basic items like Uniqlo,
I really like the knitwear from Muji.
There is no pilling no matter how much you wash it,
I think the deal breaker for a knit is the amount of pilling.
This is soft and it doesn't pill.
Even if my cat's claws get on the sweater when I hug her,
the fabric doesn't come lose at all.
A drawback though is that it shrunk A LOT.
I wanted a Medium size fit where it's a little loose,
but after I put it in the washing machine it,
it basically turned into a tight small size.
another drawback!
It's super thin so I don't think I can wear it
if it gets any colder.
I can't wear a thermal inside because of the thinness.
The rest of the clothes I have here today are from & Other Stories.
The first one is this with the wide neckline.
The material/fabric isn't so great,
I think that's just something you have to put up with
if you're buying from a cheaper fast brand.
Wearing it 1-2 seasons will be enough before it pills a lot.
I guess it's not that bad considering the price & design.
You can wear this as an off shoulder top,
but I don't really like my shoulder line,
So I don't think I will be wearing it that way.
If it gets a little colder, I think I can wear this
with the burgundy or black cotton turtlenecks that I own.
I like this piece for sure.
The next two pieces are from & Other Stories as well
I got them on an online sale of last season's items.
I just bought them without putting much thought into it
but I'm pretty satisfied especially because
the price of the two items combined is less than $80.
& Other Stories is normally not that cheap.
The first is this somewhat gender neutral sweater.
This one sort of feels like a sweatshirt.
It has a lot of space under the armpits.
and the neckline is very simple.
So it reminds me of a loose sweatshirt.
I imagine myself wearing this with
a black coat and my Doctor Martins.
It's purple but it's a very toned down purple.
Compared to the mauve I'm wearing right now,
it feels more unisex.
I think this gives off a very subtle look.
The last knit I have to show you guys is
this pink one that looks like a towel and stretches.
Honestly speaking it does look a little cheap.
But I do think it feels flirty and fun
and it reminds me of a younger twenty year old me.
It's also cropped so, it elongates the legs a lot.
Because the color pops out so much,
I think pairing this with some simple black skinny jeans
and some boots will be just enough color for one day.
Most of the knits I bought are a roomy fit,
so when it's cold I can wear a thermal underneath.
The next item is a favorite, and it's an accessory brand.
I went to Dongjin Flea Market in Hongdae
and got to know this brand,
I bought two earrings there at the time,
and I bought a few more online very recently.
I was that satisfied with that brand.
The earrings that I have on right now are also
from the brand So, me.
The first pair of earrings is this one.
I wear this one the most.
Not only is this one super classic,
but these day a lot of people wear hoop earrings
but this one takes a different take on hoops.
If you look at it from the side it's in a moon shape.
There were both gold and silver options,
but opted for gold.
These days my ears are so so itchy from earrings,
this non-nickel earring doesn't have the itchiness.
These really are game changers.
Because it isn't itchy, I think I can wear it
as my daily go to favorite.
It's a very calm accessory
but it also has a little touch of uniqueness to it.
I want the word to spread about this earring store so
that the owner can make a lot of money. lol
The second pair of earrings is
this geometric shaped one with vibrant colors.
I honestly don't get enough wears out of this one
because my ears are so sensitive these days.
I did consider the itchiness when I first bought them,
I think I will mainly wear this on days when my outfit is
a little too bland.
In the winter I wear a lot of monochrome clothes,
this earring will add a splash of color to my wardrobe.
The third earring is this fancy hoop.
I got my inspiration from Imvely,
the online shopping mall model and mogul
She was wearing it on an Instagram live streaming,
I thought I should give this sort of design a go as well.
But among the ones I saw online,
this one was the prettiest,
I still these earrings are loud pieces that
are a little intimidating to wear.
But I will wear them out soon.
And when I do they'll be a steady go to because
this one is also pretty classic and it's non-nickel.
It looks very luxurious as well.
My final item from my haul is this pair of earrings.
My bestie Julie was skimming through the So, Me
Instagram page and she saw this one and told me
I should buy this.
So obviously I had to buy it.
This one is just a simple earring that goes well with my black hair.
So that's all for today.
This haul is relatively short.
Unfortunately most of the things I bought are
are from last season
or it's been a while since I bought them.
So apart from the earrings and some of the knits,
most of the items might not be available.
I just hope you can see my haul as a reference for
when you go shopping for winter knitwear.
So I'll see you in my next video. Bye!
it was one of the greatest ideas I've seen Mason by Cabinscape - Duration: 1:56.
it was one of the greatest ideas I've seen Mason by Cabinscape
Perfect Beautiful Jarid's 32ft Tiny House with Main Floor Bedroom and More! - Duration: 2:53.
Perfect Beautiful Jarid's 32ft Tiny House with Main Floor Bedroom and More!
THE TOUGHEST MATCH I'VE EVER HAD!!! WWE 2K19!!! - Duration: 11:08.
*There is no mic audio because I didn't plan on uploading this originally, so I apologise for the lack of commentary from me!!*
hi and welcome to my website. I'm Julie Poole professional hypnotherapist. On this
website you should be able to find everything that you need if you look at
the buttons across the top there's all sorts of sections which hopefully will
give you the information that you need about how I work so you'll see the about
Me section and in there are all my qualifications and insurances and the
professional bodies that I belong to so that you know you're working with a
professional. I work with my clients on multiple layers it's not just those
thoughts and patterns and beliefs that are going on in your head, it's really
about why they're there in the first place, what's going on in the
subconscious and what are the emotions that are being triggered from some of
those patterns, because those emotions have their roots somewhere and the way I
work isn't just to deal with what's on the surface, its to get things up by the
roots and then they don't come back they're gone they're done properly
permanently cohesively and you can find that freedom from whatever your issue is
that you need. Now, I work with lots of different things but I particularly
specialize with all sorts of traumas anxieties depressions, I'm a specialist
with sexual abuse and childhood sexual abuse and in fact I've written a book
about it you'll find that on my shop page. So I use a combination of
techniques that we combine so I would use hypnotherapy obviously but also
there is a certain amount of CBT which is changing patterns a certain amount of
conditioning behaviouralism and various others or psychological terms. So there's
an element of counseling in this too we're talking things through it's not
just you come to me and I hypnotize you. There's also a lot of misconceptions
about hypnotherapy and people often think that they're going to be
unconscious and under my control. It doesn't work like that at all it's just a deep
state of relaxation and as you relax everything opens up, as we tense
everything closes up, so my job is to help
you to relax and as you relax yourself your body and your mind we're then able
to access those beliefs those patterns those issues that were locked down and we
can bring them up to the surface gently safely and get them out and as we get
them out because your brain is basically a computer, as we get them out we can
reprogram it for new patterns that do serve you, new beliefs that do serve you.
Our mind is a minefield it holds a huge amounts of rubbish a huge amount of
patterns and beliefs that were never true in the first place and others that
used to be true and no longer true and it's about getting your brain to catch
up with where you are now and that is the way that we work. So, if this sounds
right for you and have a little look at my website look at some of those buttons
see the way I work if it feels right for you
then please send me an email and we will arrange a time that works for us both.
Now don't worry about where you are in the world, I have clients literally from
one end of the globe to the other I have clients in America Australia India all
across Europe and all across the UK and those clients work with me via Skype or
Facebook or FaceTime video and I know that sounds very strange how you can do
that but trust me it works and for other clients who were local who would like to
see me face-to-face I have a therapy room here in my home where you can come
to me and work with me. Sessions are generally about an hour to
an hour and a half. So I hope that gives you the information that you need if you
need any more please email me and ask any questions you feel that you want
answers to. I also offer a free consultation 10-15 minutes just to have
a little chat see if it feels right for you. So, I look forward to working with
you and welcome to my practice
Jello Eyeball Jello Worms Halloween Recipe | Emojoie Cuisine - Duration: 7:32.
Are There Benefits of Energy Drinks? - Duration: 4:53.
Masaż blizny po cesarskim cięciu i epiziotomii | Rehasport Clinic - Duration: 2:26.
Pyrocynical―Johnny johnny parody - Duration: 0:24.
Lady Gaga I'll Never Love Again A Star is Born Türkçe Altyazı - Duration: 5:22.
Ile lat ma Sławomir? Zdziwicie się ale wygląda na o wiele więcej! - Duration: 4:38.
Magda Mołek szczerze o macierzyństwie! Zrozumie ją chyba każda mama! - Duration: 5:13.
Xuxa Meneghel aposta em novo corte de cabelo e visual divide opiniões - Duration: 2:31.
Attach the crab to the Exciter 150 || Redbull - Duration: 10:43.
Attach the crab to the Exciter 150 || Redbull
A good idea that you guys
bùm bum bum
Spooky Sounds | Learning Time with Timmy | Learn New Words | Full Episodes - Duration: 5:07.
Hello Timmy.
It's Learning Time with Timmy.
Look Timmy, there's the Story Box!
What's inside?
What can you see, Timmy?
What's this?
Yes, it's a pumpkin.
What's this?
Yes, that's right. it's a spider.
What's this?
Yes, that's right, a hat.
A Witch's Hat.
Well done, Timmy!
Let's see what Timmy and his friends are doing...
Today at the Nursery, everyone is getting ready for Halloween.
Ruffy and Mittens have made a lovely pumpkin.
Paxton and Apricot's pumpkin has a red nose.
Wow! Timmy and Finlay have made a very scary pumpkin!
Oh dear, Apricot is scared.
That's better, Timmy and Finlay. Apricot's happy again.
It's activity time.
Oooh, Timmy and Finlay can hear a spooky noise.
It sounds like a spooky cat… is it Mittens?
Yes, it's Mittens! Mittens makes a [meow meow] sound.
And what noise is that?
It's not the spider.
It sounds like a spooky pig… is it Paxton?
That's right it's Paxton. Paxton makes a [oink oink] sound.
Oooh, what noise is that?
Oh, phew, it's just Osbourne and Harriet wearing hats.
Well done Timmy and Finlay! Happy Halloween.
What have we learnt today?
Mittens makes a "Meow" sound and Paxton makes a "Oink Oink" sound.
Well done everyone! Get ready to dance with Timmy…
Are you ready to dance?
Nice moves!
Great dancing!
Today you learnt about sounds and solved problems.
Well done everyone! See you next time for more Learning Time with Timmy!
GOOD NEWS : Sebastiano Serafini New Project Update - Duration: 3:19.
Hello to everyone and welcome to another video!
this is a upgrade video, on my main music channel that is Sebastiano Serafini
a new video just dropped, I leave it here
let's listen to it a bit
above that I wanted to say that on the 31st a new Single comes out
and it's called Beyond This World
in reality this is a re-adaption of a song, by my previous band
since it's been 10 years from their debut
but for the first time, I'm singing, since I always did keyboard with them
I'm going to sing this song in Japanese
to congratulate DnR about the new formation
they will return stronger than ever!
and I can't wait to see how they're going to evolve
I'm not in the band anymore, but I will be there indirectly
and maybe I will do some collaborations, or music video with them, don't know
because I respect Kira, the bassist very much
and we had always a big friendship,
so, a collaboration could happen in the future, who knows
so, ok go and watch the video and also subscribe to the other channel
Thank you always for watching these videos!
Next year I promise you, that I will do much more music!
since my work is songwriting, I need also to sing something!
Above that there is one song that I wrote, that I really love, that comes out in 2019
I gave the song for a chinese movie
but I'm happy, because they decided to choose another song of mine
you know, when you write a song, it's like giving a piece of you to another person
i've sended that song to them, and I was like, I want to keep it and then luckily they choosed another one!
so I'm happy that I can drop that song, I can't wait to let you hear it!
I'm really happy and I think that you will hear that song in maybe 1 year or so...
but I'm telling you, it's a song that i LOVE and I think you'll like it!
it's based on this current moment, where a lot of things changed in my life
so, it's a really important song for me and I hope you'll like it!
so, continue to listen to my music, continue watching my videos
and I really appreciate your support
I always love to see a like and a comment
also if you write me on telegram
ah, I leave you the link, so you can chat with me there, if you want
thank you very much for everything, really
for me it's really important
See you in the next video
let me know what you think about the new MV Another World Falls Down, starring Kumiko
love you all, BYE!
Christianity Is A Trap - Duration: 8:28.
Did you ever hear someone say 'that Christianity is a trap or maybe that Christianity is fear
I want to talk to you about an awesome person from the MadLuv community by the name of Alex,
who wrote me with a question.
Now if I remember correctly, Alex wrote me saying that an atheist he knew boasted that,
'Oh I'm free because I don't have to worry about that Christianity garbage'.
But, what is it this atheist is supposedly 'free' from and is it true that Christianity
is a trap?
By the end of this video I'm going to give 3 valuable insights to illustrate that Christianity
is not a trap at all, it's not fear based and we'll also discuss judgment.
I was an atheist for years and the 'christianity is a trap' approach is a fairly common one
so I think I can help you out here.
What's up everybody, welcome to MadLuv.
My name is Daniel, thank you for stopping by.
If you ever have a question for me and maybe I could make a video response, comment down
below because I do read your comments and please also consider hitting that subscrible
Alright, so it's common to hear that all religions are fairy tales, religion is mind
control and so on.
But let's get started on this supposed Christianity trap!
<It's a trap> Uh.. hey..
Could you..
You not do that when I'm speaking please.
I'm talking to my friends here.
Alright thanks.
If you believe that it's fear based, then Christianity is not what you think, any times
the origins <It's a trap>
Excuse me won't you?
Hey fish face!
Come here.
I want to show you something.
#1 Not Captive.
I want to give you a worldly perspective of this 'trap theory' and then we'll dissect
the spiritual part later in the video.
To give you an example of a real trap, there are 16 Muslim countries in the world where
apostasy is considered to be a crime.
Apostasy if you didn't know, is the act of renouncing or leaving a religious faith.
In two of these countries, Iran and Saudi Arabia, apostasy from the Muslim faith can
leave you subject to the death penalty although it is rare and many moderate Muslims are not
in agreement with that.
Now before I say this I am fully aware that there are some very misled Christian churches
out there, or even cults that profess Christianity that have this horribly horribly wrong but…
The truth is..
Christianity has no trap like this at all.
You are free to leave Christianity and walk away from Jesus as you so choose.
God doesn't seek to force us to love Him because, let's be honest, you can't 'force'
Real love.
And additionally, there is a symbolic scripture in Revelation 3:20 that says,
Part of what this is saying is that Christ is at the door of our lives, the door of our
hearts, knocking.
Wanting to come in and be a part of our lives.
However, you can see that not only do WE hear the voice but WE are the ones who have to
take action.
We have to open the door and allow Jesus in.
Jesus doesn't kick down the door and say, Hey, you get back here and love me!
If you feel trapped then I encourage you to examine what you are being taught or told
by your Pastor, friends or whatever because feeling trapped is not at all by God's design.
#2 Not Guilty
Sadly, there is something that is called the christianity deception of condemnation and
I've personally seen this in action where Christians are taught that a relationship
with God is necessary because we are worthless piles of cat puke, guilty guilty guilty, and
should be ashamed of ourselves.
Skeptics of the Christian faith could maybe be correct that in some cases Christianity
is imposed on people through a fear of God.
Through a feeling of guilt.
This makes God seem like a dictator who only wishes for us to feel the weight of our failures
and shortcomings.
That can absolutely feel like a trap and it sounds miserable.
But that, my friend, is religion.
It's not true Christianity.
True Christianity is not a trap because all that supposed guilt and condemnation you're
supposed to feel, doesn't exist.
If it doesn't exist, then how can we feel guilty and therefore trapped.
A true relationship with Christ is, in fact, breaking free from religion.
I can tell you that this guilt doesn't exist because here, in Colossians 1:22 it says,
But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you
holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation
Through a repentant and true relationship with Christ there is no guilt to be had.
You cannot be trapped by fear, condemnation or guilt.
Because you are not guilty.
#3 Not Hard
As I mentioned before I also wanted to touch on the spiritual aspect of this thought that
Christianity is a trap, and not just the worldly part.
People will say that Christianity is a trap because if you don't obey God, you go to
Therefore, you're stuck.
I'm going to be pretty straightforward here because sometimes as Christians and, well
humans, we need to grow up.
So here goes.
There is a cause and consequence for many things in this lifetime.
Take our prison and judicial system for example.
If you kill someone, you go to prison.
There is judgment.
In order for God, to be a fair God, He too must impart judgment.
If there was no penalty for our actions, then people like Hitler would walk right into Heaven
after having committed some of the worst atrocities in history.
Hitler needs to be made responsible for the things that he has done in his lifetime and
he will be and so will I and so will you.
If you are real with yourself, that's fair.
So then skeptics will often say, well, why can't God just forgive sin?
Well, He does, through Jesus.
But then skeptics might say, "Ok, but if I accept Jesus then I'm no longer free,
I'm bound to all these rules and regulations and so on".
Now, I know that life can be hard and being a Christian can sometimes be hard with having
faith or understanding certain things.
But, let's get real here.
Is it really that hard to be a Christian?
You accept Christ and then try not to steal, try not to murder, lust, lie.
Chances are, you're probably trying not to do those things already?
Many other religions require you to pray 5 times a day, or it's your works on Earth
that decide whether or not you get into Heaven.
But with Christianity, all you need is Jesus.
Just, Jesus.
That is freedom.
Here's the thing.
You can choose Jesus.
You can hear Him knock on the door and invite Him in.
Or you can say no thanks, I want nothing to do with you.
I honestly don't know how God could make it any easier for us to be Christian.
The choice is truly and genuinely yours.
Christianity is not a trap.
Because in a real trap, you don't get a choice.
God Bless and MadLuv
Esquilo comemora 30 anos como aeronave de instrução na Força Aérea Brasileira - Duration: 5:28.
Masaż blizny po cesarskim cięciu i epiziotomii | Rehasport Clinic - Duration: 2:26.
LAAD: Exportação do KC-390 contará com financiamento do BNDES - Duration: 5:29.
Spinosaurus vs Carnotaurus - Duration: 3:28.
Learn colors with Minion girl | Drawing and coloring | Educational videos for kids - Duration: 4:17.
Mariola Bojarska-Ferenc została edukatorką seksualną: Kobiety po 50 są gotowe na seks | Wideoportal - Duration: 2:28.
Elimi Birakma Episode 14 Trailer 3 - Duration: 1:17.
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Do not give up my hand Section 14 3. Fragment (Forecast)
Hi all my friends 3. We look forward to the trailer. We made a prediction of the fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers will get 1,000 likes and 1,000 comments on this videomza. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will come. Stay on Track :)
Ece's older brother, Savaş Azra, has kidnapped Cenk's life by kidnapping him. Everything is going so well, this situation is bothering us. Perhaps this will help to improve the gap between Mert and Azra.
Because Azra is in trouble because of Cenk, everyone including Serap and Sumru will be involved. But he won't want to save Azra in two bad women. I can't love the Serap and the Tern.
Do you think Cenk can save Azra? Do not forget to write to the comment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers will get 1,000 likes and 1,000 comments on this videomza. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will come. Stay on Track :)
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