firstly you're not my friend, and second you can't afford to say certain things about me
this video is a answer to those people that are saying bad things about us, to be more specific to some Facebook users. Don't go and search them or insult them, please.
This channel was created for showing you my passion that I have towards Japan and I don't want to have mobbing or hate going on, on this channel.
hello and welcome to a new video, I'm Sebastiano Serafini
and today I'm here with -Serena Matcha Latte!
you can also follow her, on her channel.
Today I'm here to talk about some accusations that have been made to me
like the ones that say bad and untrue things about Japan
some people also said that I only say good things about Japan, so that I will keep my subscribers
like, I don't say anything negative about Japan
they also said that I've spent 9 years of my life in Japan, closed inside my house
-wow, this thing is absolutely credible
yeah really...
-because if you don't talk bad about Japan on YT, you can't speak about Japan
you're here selling Tours -right, you're not honest
-I don't know how you can tell bad things, if you feel comfortable
no but for example...mostly on Facebook groups,
not so much on YouTube
but well, some of those groups showed pictures of one person drunk on a saturday evening,
saying this is the future for those who work in Japan
saying that in Japan you need to work a exists!
there are people that die, because of too much work (Karoshi)
but define it as normality in Japan, it's not exactly like that
-if it's like this, people would be extinct in Japan
yes and I've never denied the problem
some people also said, that I said, that suicides in Japan don't exist
but I don't remember saying that! -exactly
crazy stuff!
I only said that this problem doesn't exist only in Japan
and if you do some reliable researches, you see that Japan isn't in first place anymore
and when people say that I only take Wikipedia as information source
first of all Wikipedia takes informations from other sites
and you can control the page where the information came from, deciding if it's true or not
saying that it's the first industrialized country! no before Japan there is Belgium and Russia
-well aren't these industrialized countries?
yes and there is also South Korea
with this I don't want to say that this problem doesn't exist only in Japan, but in other countries also (saying this we don't want to belittle the fact of the suicide in Japan, it's still a big issue)
-and there is also a need to say that it depends a lot on the environment/culture that you live in
well, but I don't like it when there are people who say things that I have not said and make them pass as true
let's say the truth, if you say bad things about me, it doesn't make you a better person
-and also if you don't know the other person, don't judge a person by watching a video on YT,
-wait, go and talk eye to eye and maybe
-a relationship and collaborations are born after
-but if you start throwing sh**
because can't you say I have a different opinion instead of: "he said a big bullsh*t
why bullsh*t? didn't I tell the truth?
only because of the fact that Japan isn't in first place?
I really don't understand the meaning behind...
I don't want to talk bad about them, it's only the thing that people can have different opinions on Japan
-like everybody lives differently
it's normal, and it's not my opinion that is wrong, or other people opinions,
everybody has different thoughts, because of different background/experiences
-and I think that nobody expects that Japan is the best country in the world
yes, it's not true. I also did a video where the topic was: 10 reasons why not to live in Japan
where I said some negative sides
one of the things that is most hard here in Japan is the inflexibility at work
and it's a bit...
-it's not so easy to accept, but not because it's a wrong thing, just the fact that we are used to something else
another one is the fact of the earthquakes
-but, also if there are negative things, why keep on talking negatively?
-I mean
-since we are foreigners and in another country
-and the only things that you say about that country is negative,
-why do you still stay there?
-it's a bit like... I'm hammering non stop with a hammer on my foot, saying wow this hammer hurts!
-I really hate this hammer...but I still go on
-you can return to Italy. yes but there is no work^^
-well, go to England, USA, Australia?
ok, but maybe there are people that don't have any possibility to change place, because they have a permanent employment
and you can live a good life with that money,
you probably stay there
but what's the advantage of you talking negatively?
I don't find it funny
but it depends on the point of view that everybody has, in my opinion.
-if you really want to change something in your life, you can do it!
-but if you keep on complaining, without doing anything
or talking bad about other people,
it's not nice and if I want I could also report you
why not? my name and surname was told, so it's also defamation
but I don't have time for that, my answer to that is only this video
-and saying those things about another person, just shows how you're in reality
-let's say that this thing is really a behavior of an italian
-to tear people down, just so that you can feel better
and that person also talked bad about her,
also about Marco Togni, I think also
Mery from Wild at Earth?
and I was like, what's the need?
-to me they said that I don't know the value of the money,
-that I'm a maintained person
-that after leaving home, I'm maintained by my boyfriend
but is this person your friend? does he/she knows you?
-this is basically how he/she sees me on YouTube
-listen I'm fine with the fact that I'm bothering you,
-but sincerely you've never seen me and you don't know me
-firstly you're not my friend, second you can't afford to say certain things about me
-and third, if you have a problem with me, send me a message in private
-don't say those things on video...and then saying that you don't do that for increasing views...
-where you tag me and put my name on the title...
-ok I'm not that big of a YouTuber, but
-everybody knows that if you spread bad about another YouTubers, the views will increase somehow
-but let's be honest, if that's the way you want to take to "build" up your career
-or how you want to spend your time,
-I'm nobody to tell you not to do it
-but to be honest
everything has its limits, if you start to defame
I didn't even saw it at the beginning, people told me at which minute
I'm not watching 2 hours of a LIVE...
-ok I only saw it, because my name was on the title
-I'm really sorry for you right now!
for me, how a person lives, doesn't concern me
but if you speak sh*t about another country, I don't like it
and also saying that I tell the truth, I'm not trying to sell a Tour!
-above that I'm not speaking about Japan anymore, so
-but everybody has interest in watching the videos that you made, no?
-it can also be that he speaks bad about it, to make a bit of a scandal
-and to increase views...
I don't know the exact reason, but the fact that there are fb groups of italians in Japan
that if you speak about Japan in a good way, you will be slaughtered by words
things like: you can't have really a japanese friend
and I was know that I had problems with japanese neighbours
and that a japanese family did welcome me from that day, saying that I can stay there how much I want
with my best friend we divide the bank account
we trust each other
we know each other for so long, 2 of my japanese friends will also come in december in my hometown to see me
-that's nice!
and I brought for sure 30 japanese people in Trentino
I speak good about Japan, because I had mostly positive experiences
there are only a few negative ones
but maybe if you're in Japan, working, without seeing any profit,
to live in Japan, with not so much money, is really hard
-but it's a bit everywhere
-well, you can live in a small apartment in Japan
you just need to adapt
in my case, there was this agency that offered me 800€ a month, plus the final fantasy thing, it would have been 1400€
for some people it could be a lot of money, but I decided to not accept them, because I don't need them,
people with different experiences and with different thoughts, have different opinions about work/money...
also age...maybe 10 years ago with 1400€, I would have been happy,
now, no.
-and the fact that you had bad experiences,
-it doesn't mean that another person has the same experience
since the first day in Japan, I had it better in some way, than other foreigners
yes, I already had a house,
yes, I had a work, where I earned 200.000 yen a month
and without paying a rent...
I did modelling, but is that a problem?
-no. It depends a lot on the situation
-if there is a person that does a lot of different things,
-it doesn't mean that everything just fell from the sky
don't be influenced by things random people say on social networks about Japan
don't believe everything! (JRR Tolkien "All that is gold, doesn't glitter")
because it can be that that person wrote those things in bad moments
and on the other side don't believe those that say that Japan is perfect!
-good and bad things happen everywhere in the world
-so there isn't a completely bad country and neither a completely beautiful one
-it depends on your experience
-so take inspirations, but tell the answer (---
saying this, me and Serena... had a baby
-yes we never told you that
-when I was in Japan we had a story going on
-we had a baby
and who did mantain the baby? your new boyfriend?
-no, before you and now you and my new boyfriend!
-because he eats a lot!
we will bring our son to a Matsuri and we will do a roleplay with...
See you in the next video, where we'll do a roleplay with Jigglypuff
I remember you that you can find Seba's music on most digital stores
he also has Instagram, go follow him also there
For more infomation >> AM I A LIAR? - Duration: 12:05.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR Blue Lion - Duration: 1:07.
Renata Alves relembra infância e pula corda com crianças - Duration: 1:46.
ភ្លេងកប់ម៉ង ក្រលេងចង្កេះ, New Remix 2019 - Khmer New Song, By Mrr Thea [ TCD ] - Duration: 3:54.
Abstract Painting EASY With Masking Tape | Groovin - Duration: 4:58.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
개그맨 유상무와 작곡가 김연지가 오늘(28일) 결혼한다. - Duration: 5:52.
REVIEW Garnier Fructis Hair Food im LIVE TEST |Dressedlikepingu - Duration: 11:50.
2060 Bench outflow - Duration: 1:57.
hola! It is Ato.
nice to meet you.
Through a post on NVIDIA Reddit Expected to be a benchmark for 2060
Material leaked.
No official information yet. Because it is not in the state
I wonder if it's coming out Going is 2060.
Existing 1000 Series Model Lineup High-end line up to 2070
The midrange market Below 2060 models to enter the market
It looks like it will be needed.
That's why we have release information for 2060 I think there are a lot of people waiting
It's possible.
Once benchmarked, Quote Fantasy's benchmark material
It looks like one.
What I should pay attention to is 2060 I explained in the video
At the time, 2060 was probably the Similar to 1070 or slightly better
I told you it would show performance. It was.
Based on the benchmark data, ti.
There is.
Therefore, based on this bench data What can be inferred from the 2060 development
We are on our way and we will meet soon Expected to see.
And the performance is the previous generation 1070 Similar to 1070ti in performance above
I'll show you performance. I can see.
If you have more information in the future, I will forward it to you again.
If the video was good, Thank you for your subscription.
Thank you for watching.
It was Ato until now. adios!
hi is it better to speak a language perfectly or is it sufficient just to
communicate well the answer to that seems pretty obvious however do you
allow yourself to make mistakes this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK
Languages & TRAVEL the World here to help you improve your English with
minimum effort maximum benefit and the reason I'm bringing up the subject is
because nowadays people have difficulty when they learn a language in speaking
particularly because they're afraid of making mistakes now let me tell you a
story when I was living in England I then when I was about 15 had the
opportunity to move to Germany with my family and subsequently when I'd
finished international high school I chose to go to German University now I
was criticized by my great aunt for this choice because she said you don't speak
German well enough yet and that way you're neither speak German well nor
English well in the sense that I'd be missing out on academic English and I
thought about what she said but I carried on and carried my choice through
and I went to university I studied for five years rather than four because the
professor's said they had to practically judge me on the same basis as they would
judge my peers so they couldn't make allowances for language differences but
I was very satisfied with my result and I learnt a new language now I thought
about this carefully and this is the answer that I'd also given my great aunt
I prefer to be able to speak two languages at 90% rather than one
language 100% and I am really grateful for this opportunity that I had because
it made me learn a language much better in in great detail just because I was
able to go to university there and so now I speak various languages and
I feel comfortable in them and this is because I've had the opportunity to go
to various countries and to study the language is quite well
but that doesn't mean I'm perfect in the languages for example I'm self-taught in
Spanish and I know I have a lot of studying still to do but when it was
necessary after only a few months I needed to communicate over the phone
with authorities in Spanish and I managed I managed to understand them and
they managed to understand me so we communicated and that was the most
important thing now now that I know the language better I realize how many
horrendous mistakes I made but that's not the point the point was I was
managing to communicate and that was the most important goal for me in those days
so I myself suffer from this point where you need to be able to allow yourself to
make mistakes and all of us the more we study the more detail we go into our
studies the more we realize how we make mistakes and the more embarrassed we are
to speak and that's absolutely wrong learning a language means being able to
make mistakes just like learning anything means being able to miss make
mistakes we all learn from our mistakes so the advice I give you is forget what
people think just throw yourself out there speak allow yourself to make
mistakes and you'll necessarily improve because some people will correct -
others may not but you'll still be able to hear the language and improve
actually it's a good idea to ask people to correct you but not everyone will
allow that because they feel embarrassed to correct you but that doesn't matter
just speaking and speaking reading and then trying to watch podcasts and
repeating a lot repeating not in the sense of rote memorization but what I do
is I take podcasts and I listen to a sentence to stop it and try
repeated with the same intonation same pronunciation same let's say highs and
lows that the speaker has been using and that's the kind of repetition you need
so that your mouth can practice the pronunciation of the language and you'll
get better and better at it so that's the kind of repetition when we say
repeat not so much just memorizing and repeating it off by heart but allow
yourself to make mistakes that's my advice and I hope this was useful to you
and see you in the next video bye
【MUKBANG】 GIANT 40 SERVINGS MEGA CAKE!!! [Hachijojima] 12800kcal [CC Available] |Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 4:21.
hello it's kinoshita yuka !
until now i ate many delicious things here in Hachijojima
but i'm now in visit to Lido Park Resort Hachijojima !
houses here are so beautiful and the view is so elegant !
the view from here is beautiful and surrounded with sea !
the sea is so close !
and the weather is good and so refreshing
I will also shoot today inside the hotel that welcomed me warmly
thank you so much !
Jaaan !
look at this please, isn't the cake so amazing ?
Hachijojima's Pastry chef made it especially for me
look, isn't so cute !
"Hachijojima cake to challenge kinoshita yuka"
aaah, i'm so happy about that
it's the best !
there is grapes here and this is so beautiful
flowers, that's so cute !
this cake is equivalent to 40 servings and this is amazing, it's like a party
and looks at this if you please...
they made this necklace here to welcome you in Hachijojima from tea leaves !
this is amazing, it's from natural leaves !
It is a tradition here in Hachijojima like in hawaii !
this is so cute, it's from a natural leaves
Hachijojima is really amazing
let's start eating !
itadakimasu !
this is so amazing, i'm so happy
i think it's the biggest cake that i ate it until now
the wonderful sweet aroma of the sponge is so good
mmmmm !
the cream is mild and sweet
it's not that sweet
but so yummy !
the sweetness is light but the flavor is rich and this is so tasty
mmmm !
there is some peach chunks inside the cake, it's so delicious
i really like peach
the flower is so cute
mmmm, from chocolate!!
the aroma of the sponge is strong
and so notable !
the cream is thick and yummy
look at the flowers that surrounds me, isn't so beautiful ?
it's called Strelitzia!
it's a special flower for Hachijojima
so beautiful !
the last bite, itadakimasu
gochisousamadeshita !
the 40 servings cake was so tasty
it was so huge but like a normal cake and so easy to eat it
and the sponge cake was so rich with the aroma !
fluffy and with a thick cream, that was so tasty
Hachijojima has spectacular views and a nice hotel !
and because i ate a 40 servings cake, i'm so happy about that
thank you so much !!
and you, why you don't try to visit Hachijojima and eat their cake ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Happy October 29th Republic Day. 95 years old The Republic of Turkey - Duration: 9:53.
My citizens
Less time
We did a lot and great things
The biggest of these things,
Turkish heroism and high Turkish culture
Turkey is a republic.
But what we will never do is enough.
Compared to the elapsed time
We'll work harder, we'll do bigger things in less time.
Because the character of the Turkish nation is high,
The Turkish nation is industrious,
The Turkish nation is intelligent.
Because the Turkish nation
he has overcome difficulties in national unity and solidarity.
Great Turkish Nation
I have no doubt,
Forgotten the great civilized character of Turkishness and great civil ability
The next development of the horse will be born like a new sun on the horizon of high civilization.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk...
happy anniversary 95th anniversary of our republic
29 October Republic Day Happy Birthday
We're on the track
republic 95 years old
29 October Atatürk
October 29, 1923
October 29, 2018
29 october feast celebrations
republic holiday
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk
The soldiers of Mustafa Kemal
Delicious Canned Bean Soup - Duration: 1:43.
Ingredients for 6 servings: chicken fillet - 500 g; beans - 1 pot; potatoes - 6 pieces; onion - 1 piece; Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece; carrot - 1 piece; vegetable oil for frying; parsley - 1 bunch; salt
To prepare bean soup we need the chicken broth
For this dip chicken fillet in а cold water and salt for 7 minutes before end of cooking
Slice the onion
Peel and cut the sweet pepper
Peel and grate carrot
Fry onion, carrot and pepper in vegetable oil
After the broth is cooked, take out the chicken fillet. Peel and cut into cubes potatoes, send it to cook. Cut the boiled breast
When the potatoes will almost cooked, add the fried vegetables, fillets and beans
Before serving, add greens to the soup
Bon Appetit!
Madagascar Travel Vlog Part 2 🇲🇬The country of Baobabs! - Duration: 11:34.
The release of the famous cartoon Madagascar
made this country globally popular.
But how accessible is Madagascar for us today?
Taking our 14-day itinerary I would like to show you
what this country has to offer culturally and scenically
- and how incredibly diverse it is!!
When putting together our itinerary, we were supported
by the awesome local travel agency Mora Travel.
In return, they get to use our footage for their own website and social channels.
You will lern more about this cooperation in Gregs videos, linked above.
Mora Travel focuses on sustainable tourism
supporting local communities, which I think is fantastic
and I am happy that we get to contribute to this concept.
Because our itinerary is way to long to be squeezed into
one video, we will today cover the first section
- the one from East to West.
Next Sunday we will talk about our way South
so definitely stay tuned and make sure to subscribe.
Alright, let's do it - let's hit the road!
Day 1 in Madagascar, today we drive from
Antananarivo to Antsirabe.
We have stopped about half way at this super local restaurant
to have a quick lunch,
and I'm excited to see what that will look like!
Was ist das? -Das ist Romazava.
Wasser mit Blättern der Cassava Pflanze
ah, Cassava Blätter! Also eine Suppe? - Ja, eine Suppe.
Wow, so einfach.
And what is this Greg?
This is a naturally spicy sauce
- madagascan style -
and it is very
tasty... and very spicy!
I still have to introduce Radu, our driver!
Radu speaks English, French and of course
the local language ...
but sadly no German.
The first section is done, we have arrived at the
Couleur Cafe here in Antsirabe,
which is our accommodation for the night.
Wow, this room is incredible!
Two giant beds - means Greg and I can sleep
seperately -yes!- (I'm joking)
...a little work desk,
a beautiful bright room...
It is probably time to mention that Greg and I usually
don't sleep in such luxurious places
when travelling on our own costs,
but this time, in Madagascar, we have chosen to go
with a guided tour
and this tour is with Mora Travel
so big thanks to Mora Travel
in case you are watching this video!
The second day of our road trip adventure has begun
and originally we were meant to drive
8 hours today and travel from
Antsirabe all the way to Morondova,
which is were the famous Baobab Alley is,
but the drive is pretty long and we decided to split it up.
So tonight we will stay in a little village
by a river (called Miandrivazo).
We have made it to Miandrivazo and it is easily
10 degrees hotter than this morning in Antsirabe...
We will quickly drop our staff in the hotel room and then
go on a canoe cruise down the river!
I'm surprised by how shallow the water in this river is
we almost got stuck a couple of times
but luckily our competent guides were able to
solve this problem no worries.
But yeah, it seems like this river
is not meant for transportation only, but mainly for
washing cloth; small kids and families take their daily bath in this river...
I am very thankful we get to see the country and culture
from this perspective, from the river
and of course it is also the perfect example for sustainable tourism
Day 3 in Madagascar and leaving for Morondava!
We are definitely getting closer to Morondava and the coast
because you can already see some of the famous
Baobab Trees along the road.
Summer, sun, beach and ocean -
our accommodation for the night is the Chez Maggie.
I've been told that by the coast here in Madagascar
I should definitely try some seafood, so I asked
the chef what they had fresh at the moment.
And he said, a bit of everything
but the freshest would be crab!
So I ordered a crab salad, very exciting.
Wow, this looks delicious!
Let's see if it also taste like that...
Wow, incredible.
Super fresh, very fresh ingredients....
This crab was apparently caught yesterday afternoon...
It is 4.30 pm and after a few relaxing hours by the pool
we are now heading out to the famous
Baobab Alley! Let's go!
The Baobab Alley is probably
one of THE postcard pictures of Madagascar.
For this reason, it is also one of the most
touristy places in the whole country.
Especially during sunset, like right now
there is a ton of tourists walking around....
The sun has set and I have spontaniously decided
to end the first part of my road trip vlog
- the one from East to West - here.
I would also like to summarise it a bit.
What fascinates me most are the incredible contrasts
in scenery and temperature here in Madagascar
Within a few hours driving from Antsirabe to the coast
the temperature has risen about 10 degrees
and the people's skin colour has gotten darker as well.
The cultivation consists of mango and coconut trees
instead of rice plantations.
What has not changed a bit is how friendly
people are everywhere, because even though
some of them are obviously poor,
we are seeing laughing kids and open gestures
where ever we go.
I hope you liked this video and are looking forward to the next one as much as I do
because we still have 7 full days.
So please hit the subscribe button and like this video
Tschüss from the Baobab Alley,
and I will see you on the next one!
Анонс программы "Belissimo" (Россия 1 Нижний Новгород, 03.06.2018) - Duration: 0:21.
Filipina British Life in UK: I CRASHED MY CAR+ FORGIVE ME MISTER😢 - Duration: 10:21.
洛克人11頭目語音中文版翻譯 - Duration: 21:19.
The Elder Scrolls 6 ● Пит Хайнс: когда ждать TES 6 - Duration: 2:48.
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.6 X-ECUTIVE AUTOMAAT / CLIMATE CONTROL / PDC / HALF LEDER / ELEK PAKKET / R - Duration: 1:11.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Wheel making is busy! Removal of runout! Center adjustment! tension! Wow! ! - Duration: 28:50.
Hi YouTube 皆さんこんにちはAnimal Landにようこそ。
あのですね 今こちらの上にぶら下がっている
マウンテン ちょっと見えないかな
はい これですね、これもうリアタイヤ 外して今こういう状態です
まず ハブなんですけど、ハブが
今まで付いてたのがこちら これ鉄製です
だいぶ錆びているので 変えてしまいます
ねぇ この間グリスアップしたんですけど
ちょっとこれももうねえっ サビサビ欄であとねスポーク
9 これわかるかなぁ
サビのある程度少ないタイプもあったんだけどこれもこんな感じで サビサビです
まあ赤いでしょ なんで
変えちゃおうと思います はいえっ
まずねー このハブ交換ししたんち雪するんですけど
こちらの 新しい羽生所行ってくっていうところの8つですねこれをつけてみようと思います
サイズは a 男子タイプです9ね この幅ここに穴いっぱいあるんですけどこの幅と
この新しい方のこの一緒なんで あとね長さも同じタイプを購入しました
ここの値幅もこの幅も同じです なんで同様にしてくっつけることができます
あともう一つ こちらのスポークなんですけど
コーディン公認なんでね 左右長さが微妙に違います
えっとこっちがおこう合わせて 明るとちょっとしたでアップさせようかな
しっ はいこんな感じでこちらを合わせて
こう一番こっち見てみると わかるかな
本当に3ミリ4ミリぐらいしか変わらないんですけど これあのこれでねだいぶ差が出ます
だから 通常は短い方がね
この チェーンが全然げあがある方につきます
で長い方が落ち着きますなんでね少しこういうふうに酔ってる感じでつくんです 大げさにちょっとやっています
こんな風につくんでこの長さがこっちが短くてこっちがないっていう風な仕組みになっ ています
これねあのほとんど ほとんどの
ノードバイクとかマウンテンこうなってんじゃないかな はい
まあこれ何でこういうことをしなくちゃいけないかというとこの実際のね a 9幅って
これえっと この幅の真ん中に
9ホイールが必ず来るようになっています ってことはこっちね色々くっついてるんで
まあねギアがくっついてるんでちょっとここよりもこっちに寄せて上げないといけない です
ですね なんでこのトークの長さが違います
はーいでは じゃあねこのスポーツ僕じゃないハブ
このハブを 新しいのに替えるんですけどこれアルミのやつに変えました
ん 2
はい地としてアルミの方 アルミの方は打つ虫に測った多いんかな
ん これだけだと
3205ちょっと小さくまあこれはこっちね フォルトついてないんでまぁそのおっと思ってくださいピットですね
320これぐらいですもうねこれで100g 軽くなっています
past 新しいスポーク こういう感じで
a こっちが26433ミリ違いですね 購入してますこんな感じでこっちの箱を見てもらったをかけるものだろう
で購入しています amazon とかでわね大附に売ってないんで本当はほとんどね ちょっとしかねその太郎だともう
各サイズもう何ミリたいんでずっと言う揃えているので購入しました でこれが
あっています 8ねー
549円36本いいねぇ この2つ for new していますはい
でこちらはねぇ amazon なんですけどこれがね1570
でねこれあのグディスちょっと足りないかなと思ったんでもうすでにグリスアップはし てあります
はいえーではね取り付けしていくんですけどこれ 義務にまずあのいるんじゃない
あのハブにまずすごくを全部通してあげないといけません 8全部でね19 gk で36個あります
これをね全部通してありますもうね組み始めてから投手ともう 通してから紘己ないと全部いてないんで向きを変え90度変えないといけないのでそれ
で いないんで先に全部やらないといけないです
はい ではまず通していこうと思いますでこっちが短くてこっちが長いですはい
では 2つ長い航海とかな
264 入れていきます
はいえーではですねこちらにへ 穴にスポー好走していきます
な感じ ここにスポットでこの時反対側に差さないようにねこれだけ
でこういうふうに通しますはいであのひとつ開けてね 同じタイプの物をどんどん通していきます
はいえーこれでね今 一つおおきに全部こっち茎の奴が通りました
辞書 そしたら次は今度
下側通します 下側通すときに
えっとねー甲府に見て まったくましたにはないんですよねこれもう一つの雨はこれをもう一つ
時計回りっていうんですかねこれ今だと溶けもあり自分からミュート1個左側のところ に通します
ここですね このところに今度は短いやつ
短いほうか こちらはです
はいこれで 従わず
入る半分入りましたそしたらね今度これウラっ返して へ
反対岸をやります がっ返す時にバラバラ開けてないよね
あと恨ん返すときこれ 女に刺さないに気を付けて下さい
ぐさっていきそうだもんねこれ じゃないですか
では裏返して今度 長い方が下になるんで
長い方をすたる 優していきます
長いって号刺します 2
いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい はい
今下側の方 全部刺さりました今度ね上の方にさせている
はいこれで今全部スポークが刺さった状態です はいはい7
であのただねちょっと色々細かいとこがあるんですけど このね義務って
これ後ろから見てますけど 右へによってたり左によってたり穴がね交互になってるでしょ
うん これの場合はどっちから見ても右より左よっている方向は一緒なんですよね
あのロードとかだと ほとんど真ん中こっちから見ると
このね内側から見るとほとんど全部真ん中なんだけど こっちから見ると右によってた一打によっていたいというタイプがあります
それとはねちょっと考え方は違うんでそこはちょっと今日はやらないですがこういった ね
薄いタイプの ホイールのパフいいとかジムの場合は
右によっているのが右側左に寄っているのが左側っていうふうに a
覚えてくださいこういうふうにリブが付きます ありメジャーにスポークがこういうふうにつきます
ではねえ取り付けていこうと思います9 スポークのスコープ内で
8丸武の穴が開いているところここですね ここのところにせていきます
今からやるのは6本組って言われてるやつで 6本組って
このね とます
9 アブ肉ついているスポークの
これが13市7 6本ですね6本1
6本六法を開けて a 6本空けた分後ずつ好クロスさせるって言うんですか
こういう感じの造りになって月 こういう混乱が見たことあるでしょこういう家こういうにクロスしてるやつね
執行癒す6本空けて 6本6本次っていうのかな
のやつを交差させず村仕組みでやります その組み方ですねでまずはシェイ
この任務のこの上の段と下の段てありますけど 上の段の
これを 9この部分
に入れる感じになりますで さらに12車
c 4
ノック広告ノッポン次のやつ こいつを
こんな感じ これこの子
下に入っしたしたから出てですねハグの下から出てるやつを ここで上側に交差させて上から出てるやつをしたくガーに交差させ
でもさらに交差させるって勝ちかなギフト 高校ではなくて
上から期待値としたから来た奴がこういうふうに来させる です
イメージです それでん
4にし 池津します
ピックを開けたとこ こことっ
こことここに入れます こんな勝ちっ
はいそしたら 8
ん を知っ
ここはねあのにぷるー スポンッ入れてってますけどちょっと g ですよ
全部出すっていうで反対側入らなくなっちゃうんで あの家族入れるだけです
そんな感じでやっ で8ですねつぎなんですけど次は先ほど
取り付けたのが 水かなぁこれねー線がいっぱいですごい醜いと思うんだけど
すごい醜いと思うかちょっと手術きますねあの最初につけてつかどれだよっていうのを こいつて違う再生につけたのがこれね
こいつ ん
最初につけましたでその ana で言うとスタッツ
diga は今からね時計の反対回りにつけす行こうと思うんで
時計の反対回りに2つ隣の糸を取り出しますこれがいい これとと同じようにこの
下から出てきてる奴の時計と反対周りの 二つ目
でこれをまた先と同じようにクロスさせます てクロスさせたら今度ここ
同じように お久しています
ですよね kotoko こっちの遠い方から来ているのが
こっちの下から来てる奴がこっちな感じで 取り付けます
re up
ん 4
うって me
はいえーこれでいい こちらはこっちがはすべて
装着しましたこんな感じですはい切ってんどくっついたところです 必ず猫の下から来てる奴が飢えるを通ってるかどうかちょっと確認してみてください
これがね反対になってたそこでだんだ命令なんで そんな感じですはい
はいではこれでええこっちは終わりなんで反対雰囲気にします るっとはいえーとですね裏返たとこなんですけど今度ねー
また9バルブのとこから順番にハメていくんですがここって 先ほどのね反対向きになっているのでちょっとやり方を反対にしないといけない部分が
あります それは何かというとさっきは上から
このね上から出てねやつをとっ 下から6番目の下から出ています
を クロスさせて
下から出てるやつをここに1番目のところをつけてたんですけどこれをしてしまうと実 は
長さが合わなくなります なんで
あとねー あの
何17校 タイヤが回転ししていく
中で 公務気になってる奴を外に持ってこないといけないっていうかそういうそうするといい
よっていうのがあるんですよね その辺を考慮していくと
多くはこことこここのに しっ
下から出てる奴と上から出てるやつ さっきと反対でそれを
まあ黄砂のさっさとは一緒ですしたのやつを上に から酵素
上熱をしたからこそしていこうととここにつけます このね下から持ってくる上から持ってくるってこのこれだけがちょっと違うところです
これがね間違えてしまうと最後までこうねあの 組んだときにおれっ
まぁ実際ね声だとスポークのサイズおかしくなるんで締めることができなくなるんで 多分そこで気付くと思います
ハイシティ でどうぞ
これで まあ1個ね一番こっちがわかっちゃえばもうこの後ずーっと一緒なんでぐるっと
を作っていきます サード入っちゃいましょうえっ
骨本数多いんで高齢をやる作業が 大変ですよね
はいえーこれで組み上がりましたはい ぐにゃぐにゃはスポークが出来上がりました
パイプ これでねちょっと乗ってみたい気もしますけど
まあ とんでもないですよね怖いっ
振れ取り台の登場面です ですねっ
ん ていた
くるくるー もうにゃ組はですねとーま当然ですけどねまだ全然しまってないんで
にゃぐにゃ状態です はいここからねある程度これ全部ね締めていくんですけど
締め方なんですが このように
孤高ニップルレンチでいちいちしめてるとこれねニップルレンチって意外と使いにくい んですよ
ちっちゃい子なんでこういう時はドライバー マイナスドライバーでここ-機でてるでしょこういうふうに
でこういうところをマイナスドライバーで くるくろくろくろうっと
黒々とこんな感じで どんどん締めて言っちゃいますで
閉めるときに だいたい目安にしてほしいんですけど
目安としては どっ
ここ 見えますかここねー
ネジが切れてるんですけどでニップルおこう 入れていくとネジが
隠れていきますけどだいたいちょうど隠れるぐらいのところまで全部持ってていいと 思います
それで大体全部同じくらいの 締め具合っていうか
まずはねあのそこまで 全部閉めていくといいと思います
硬いところはねドライバーであるんですけどまだね かなり緩いところはもう手でグループ回しちゃいます
はいこれでねあの今 みんなネジが核でネジ山がね隠れるぐらいのところまで進めました
えーとこれから締めていくんですけどだいたい テンションの方を
そうですねぇ 6060くらいに合わせようかなん
ん ん
ん んん
あっはい である程度ねあのー
ある程度 a 触れが取れたところでセンター出し
センターを見ようと思いますセンター見てあげないと あのう
本当にネすっごいブラグレーなので行っ ああ完成させちゃっても
a すでに遅しって言うまあ遅いってことはないんだけどあの
ん なんかも全然すでに違うことになっちゃってるといけないんで
ここでねセンター出しをします ん
はい今現在 a
ここで センターになるまでポンプの音張りを調整できます
はっはっは おっん
ん tan
のっ センターでました
センターでましたではまた 振れ取りの4していきます
8ここでねー フレット利用してまたセンター出しをしてフレ取りをして
センター出しをしてっていうのを繰り返していきます 結構地ながら作業になるば
はい f れトレッタ感じこんな感じですねー
わかります もうほぼほぼっていうかほとんども触れが取れています
ね微妙に縦ブレが少し残るんですけど 残ってる感じですけど多分これは気にならないかな
特にねオフロード走行ばっかりなんで まぁこれはいいかなと
レベルー 本当にこの子のほんのちょっとっていうのはもうこの辺は妥協ですよねー
本当にねあのやってていつも思うんですけどどこで妥協するかっていうところが微妙な ところです
はいそんな感じで やればいいのかなぁといつも思ってやっています
はいえー センターもあったしフレームを撮りました縦振れもよコフレもね
取れましたこれでねええ 新しく生まれ変わった感じなんですかねぇ
だいぶ軽いです 軽くなりましたねやっぱりネコが鉄じゃない分ね
このスポークは鉄なんですけどねあの ここが
羽生が鉄じゃないんで軽くなりました あとはねバンドをつけて大屋根
た山の新しいのもう購入してるんで振る奴もね あの子日はレバーありあり場になっている
交換して装着しようと思います 今回はねこれで終わろうと思います a
今回の動画ねえおいしよかったなあ参考になったなぁという方ぜひ good マークの方よろしくお願いしますチャンネル登録まだの方チャンネル登録
ぜひ宜しく しますでは
アニマルランドでは他にもいろんな動画こんなのやこんなの配信してますぜひ見て くださいね
Образ черной расы в американской литературе — Ольга Панова - Duration: 15:32.
Man Utd team news: Predicted line up vs Everton – Romelu Lukaku worry, EIGHT stars out? - Duration: 2:41.
Manchester United have a long injury list ahead of their clash with Everton at Old Trafford this afternoon
The Red Devils could be without eight players for the game, including Alexis Sanchez and Marouane Fellaini
Jose Mourinho will be desperate to get back to winning ways following a tough 1-0 Champions League defeat against Juventus during midweek
Sanchez, Fellaini, Marcos Rojo and Diogo Dalot have been ruled out of the clash, with several more stars looking doubtful to feature
Jesse Lingard, Scott McTominay and Phil Jones are close to returning but the Everton game appears to be too soon
Antonio Valencia is the most likely player to make a comeback from injury and looks set to replace Ashley Young at right-back
Romelu Lukaku will lead the line against his former club though Mourinho has revealed doubts about his star striker
He said: "One day will be the game and one day he will score and one day his confidence levels will be back to normal, which clearly they are not, but I always feel that
"Against Juventus, I couldn't give him a break, I don't think Carrick can play as a striker, so against Juventus we played with the players that we did
" "If we decided to give a rest to Lukaku and play Rashford, then who plays as a winger? "We are not in the best moment to try to think about resting players or try to find solutions, the solutions is to use the players we have
" Chris Smalling and Victor Lindelof are set to start in defence with Nemanja Matic and Paul Pogba likely to be joined by Ander Herrera
Predicted Manchester United team vs Everton (4-3-3) De Gea; Valencia, Smalling, Lindelof, Shaw; Herrera, Matic, Pogba; Rashford, Lukaku, Martial
Mon SAC PHOTO et mon MATÉRIEL pour VOYAGER - Duration: 9:06.
My Accepted Art Portfolio + how to get in to Art School in France - Duration: 10:06.
刘亦菲发博表示不能去现场见证唐嫣的婚礼,无法担任伴娘 - Duration: 2:23.
Diwali Special Milk Roll Recipe in Hindi by Indian Food Made Easy - Duration: 6:05.
In today's video we are making a diwali special indian sweet
We will make this milk roll recipe using the ingredients we usually use at home
These are all the ingredients required to make the milk roll recipe
To begin making milk roll firstly add one cup wheat flour in a mixing bowl
Add about one spoon of casinnated coconut to it
Quarter spoon of cardamom powder
One pinch of food colour
And add about two spoons of powdered sugar and mix well
Add about 2/3rd cup of milk to the flour to make paste of it
If you want to, you can increase or reduce the quantity of milk or flour
This is perfect consistency for milk roll recipe
Cover and put away for now
Now we need to make filling of milk roll, for which add one spoon of desi ghee in a hot pan
And add half cup of full fat milk to it
Add half cup of milk powder
half cup of powdered sugar
Add and mix about two spoons of desiccated coconut to it
We will cook it at sim gas till its consistency gets thicker
We have added milk powder to make it consistency thicker
After cooking for about 3 to 4 minutes its quantity will reduce and it will have thicker consistency
Turn off the flame and put away for now
Now to make flour roll apply some clarified butter on a hot flat pan
Add and spread the flour mix on the hot pan
We need to cook it like we cook a roti
We keeping its thickness not too thin and not too thin
Apply some ghee on the edges too so it won't stick too much and it'll be easier to flip it
Now flip and cook from other side too
Apply ghee on the edges of other sides too
Flip a few times to cook it well from both sides
Take it off from hot pan when it is well cooked
Apply the milk mixture on it evenly
We are shifting it on a flat board
Now roll it with light hands
Roll and press it a little while keeping the seal side facing down
Now we will cut pieces of it
Cut off both sides of it
We will keep these pieces about one inch thick
A perfect milk roll is ready
We have used all the healthy ingredients in this diwali special milk roll recipe
So this is perfect to serve your kids
So go ahead and do try this homemade diwali special milk roll recipe
If you liked my video then press the like button below
And do subscribe to my channel
And do press the bell icon so you don't miss any of my new videos
Thank you
【MUKBANG】 GIANT 40 SERVINGS MEGA CAKE!!! [Hachijojima] 12800kcal [CC Available] |Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 4:21.
hello it's kinoshita yuka !
until now i ate many delicious things here in Hachijojima
but i'm now in visit to Lido Park Resort Hachijojima !
houses here are so beautiful and the view is so elegant !
the view from here is beautiful and surrounded with sea !
the sea is so close !
and the weather is good and so refreshing
I will also shoot today inside the hotel that welcomed me warmly
thank you so much !
Jaaan !
look at this please, isn't the cake so amazing ?
Hachijojima's Pastry chef made it especially for me
look, isn't so cute !
"Hachijojima cake to challenge kinoshita yuka"
aaah, i'm so happy about that
it's the best !
there is grapes here and this is so beautiful
flowers, that's so cute !
this cake is equivalent to 40 servings and this is amazing, it's like a party
and looks at this if you please...
they made this necklace here to welcome you in Hachijojima from tea leaves !
this is amazing, it's from natural leaves !
It is a tradition here in Hachijojima like in hawaii !
this is so cute, it's from a natural leaves
Hachijojima is really amazing
let's start eating !
itadakimasu !
this is so amazing, i'm so happy
i think it's the biggest cake that i ate it until now
the wonderful sweet aroma of the sponge is so good
mmmmm !
the cream is mild and sweet
it's not that sweet
but so yummy !
the sweetness is light but the flavor is rich and this is so tasty
mmmm !
there is some peach chunks inside the cake, it's so delicious
i really like peach
the flower is so cute
mmmm, from chocolate!!
the aroma of the sponge is strong
and so notable !
the cream is thick and yummy
look at the flowers that surrounds me, isn't so beautiful ?
it's called Strelitzia!
it's a special flower for Hachijojima
so beautiful !
the last bite, itadakimasu
gochisousamadeshita !
the 40 servings cake was so tasty
it was so huge but like a normal cake and so easy to eat it
and the sponge cake was so rich with the aroma !
fluffy and with a thick cream, that was so tasty
Hachijojima has spectacular views and a nice hotel !
and because i ate a 40 servings cake, i'm so happy about that
thank you so much !!
and you, why you don't try to visit Hachijojima and eat their cake ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
কুঁড়িতেই বুড়ি হতে না চাইলে নিয়মিত খেতে হবে যে ১২টি খাবার, Health tips bangla video - Duration: 6:20.
12 food, which will be eaten regularly if you do not want to be old in the crow, Health tips bangla video
I want reveal my identity | Chat Noir's Reveal [Miraculous Ladybug Speededit] - Duration: 2:26.
2048 10x10 | Part 1 | Look at the description - Duration: 5:09.
hello my friends
first of all thanks for turning on captions
at this point I am going to do games and some animations
I'm going to start adding captions instead of writing measages
I am lazy and have to go to school so ye
I don't have anything else to say so enjoy 2048
btw bad outro incoming
(bad outro)
Abstract Painting EASY With Masking Tape | Groovin - Duration: 4:58.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
网曝唐嫣罗晋拍结婚照场地费用8万一天:拍了五套只用了其中一张 - Duration: 2:24.
TALKING TOM water PARK #61 NEW LEVELS cartoon game for kids Video for kids - Duration: 11:02.
Happy October 29th Republic Day. 95 years old The Republic of Turkey - Duration: 9:53.
My citizens
Less time
We did a lot and great things
The biggest of these things,
Turkish heroism and high Turkish culture
Turkey is a republic.
But what we will never do is enough.
Compared to the elapsed time
We'll work harder, we'll do bigger things in less time.
Because the character of the Turkish nation is high,
The Turkish nation is industrious,
The Turkish nation is intelligent.
Because the Turkish nation
he has overcome difficulties in national unity and solidarity.
Great Turkish Nation
I have no doubt,
Forgotten the great civilized character of Turkishness and great civil ability
The next development of the horse will be born like a new sun on the horizon of high civilization.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk...
happy anniversary 95th anniversary of our republic
29 October Republic Day Happy Birthday
We're on the track
republic 95 years old
29 October Atatürk
October 29, 1923
October 29, 2018
29 october feast celebrations
republic holiday
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk
The soldiers of Mustafa Kemal
Mexico City and Teotihuacan - Documentary in Mexico - Julien Explore - Duration: 5:24.
ភ្លេងកប់ម៉ង ក្រលេងចង្កេះ, New Remix 2019 - Khmer New Song, By Mrr Thea [ TCD ] - Duration: 3:54.
Emmerdale ROSS BARTON Exit Details! Fights CHARITY, AARON And ROBERT For REBECCA WHITE, MOSES & SEB! - Duration: 4:29.
Ross Barton's exit storyline details revealed as Actor Michael Parr opens up about his departure and future plans.
Actor Michael Parr has revealed all on his future Career as his character Ross Barton leaves his family and the village he calls home behind.
After five transformative years on the show Ross has finally changed for the better
having survived the death of his dad mum, brother and girlfriend, getting shot,
bare knuckle fighting, becoming a father, an acid attack and a suicide attempt. A
tear-jerking Friday
episode will see Ross make his escape having made the decision to rebuild his life away from the residence
which has seen him suffer through so much pain.
Hoping that new love Rebecca White and their kids will join him in his new life
she is left with
crippling doubts when Robert Sugdenand Aaron Dingle react with anger at her plans to take their son Seb White with her on her big
Charity Dingle also makes it crystal clear that her son Moses Dingle is also going nowhere.
Michael said of the battle for the children:
"Ross and Rebecca are more aware that Robert and Erin are going to protest about them leaving with the kids.
I think Ross may be narrow mindedly, maybe reasonably, thought that Charity would be willing to let Moses go
Because she's a bit of a crap mum if you will.
But she's turned a corner because Ryan has turned up and she's now trying to correct the mistakes from her younger years.
It's a bit weird actually because Ross is saying he should have parental
responsibilitiy because he's raised Moses, but then Rebecca is saying that she should have parental
responsibility even though Robert has taken Seb so it gets very complicated.
Ross needs a clean break.
Every time he leaves his front door he's reminded completely of what he went through.
Ross needs a fresh start and so does Rebecca after everything
she's been through too. They didn't have the best start as a couple
she kind of cheated on him with Robert but they're too damaged humans who have turned to each other for help
so they found a connection and through that.
Ross has to leave even if Rebecca doesn't join him. He is not moving miles away
so he's explained to her that it doesn't have to be over between them.
He definitely has to go but she has to do the right thing by her son. He'd be gutted if Rebecca stayed behind.
He wants to play happy families.
It's a massive opportunity for him to turn away from his bad boy ways and go clean and straight.
He'd like to do that with the girl that he loves."
Touching images show Ross saying a final
emotional farewell to his family as he readies himself to hop into a taxi and head off to his new life.
Will Rebecca decide to go with him? Viewers will also be pleased to know that the door has been left
open for the Hellraiser to make a dramatic return someday.
Michel said of his upcoming departure:
"It's a mixed bag of anxiety and happiness because there are other avenues that I want to explore. It
sounds like a cliche, but I feel like I'm breaking up with Emmerdale and it's very sad.
So it's sad ultimately but it's definitely the right decision for me at this time in my life. I'm
flying to LA and I've got a few other friends out there. Adam Fielding who played Kirin is out there so we're going together.
We're both going to live the American dream untill our money runs out."
Asked whether he'd consider making a return to the character someday Michael revealed:
"Absolutely. I've had the best five years here. The opportunities that this job has given me to see the world and help
friends and family have been amazing. I'm going
to take the plunge and become a desperate Dolly actor again
but hopefully I can come back and do a little bit more. If I get killed off screen
you'll know I've annoyed somebody somewhere." Will Rebecca, Seb and Moses leave with Ross?
What will his life away from the Dales be like? Will we be seeing him again someday?
Will you miss Ross? Leave a comment below!
Thanks for watching SoapBuster YouTube's daily soap news and spoilers show. Subscribe below for the next episode.
Aurora - Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) (Acoustic) [Cover Art] - Duration: 3:32.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
He holds the gun against my head
I close my eyes and "bang", I am dead
I know he knows that he's killing me for mercy
And here I go
And here I go
He holds my body in his arms
He didn't mean to do no harm
And he holds me tight
Oh, he did it all to spare me from the awful things in life that comes
And he cries and cries
I know he knows that he's killing me for mercy
And here I go
And here I go
He holds my body in his arms
He didn't mean to do no harm
And he holds me tight
Oh, he did it all to spare me from the awful things in life that comes
And he cries and cries
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
The gun is gone
And so am I
And here I go
Barri Gòtic & Mercat de Mercats Barcelona - Mimoza Everywhere - Duration: 6:31.
He is married, he has a girlfriend... so Turkish girls...
Take a good look at me
Take a good look at me
I dance amazing... Salsa... Come here...
Pim pam pim pam, I'm on sale!
Come here, come here, hey you!
Yes... Here we are again with another vlog.
However we don't know the concept of our vlog.
We decided to do everything spontenously.
This week on Instagram I asked what should be the title of my next vlog,
and you told me that it should be about tapas
I mean I asked if you would want it to be about tapas and you said yes on the survey.
Let's see, if we get hungry later on, we will take videos eating tapas
but if we don't get hungry, then we won't... I mean we will do whatever we feel like doing.
At the moment we are in Gothic, in front of Barcelona Cathedral.
Here there is a festival that will go on for 3 days, yes, we are in a festival again
The name of this festival is Mercat de Mercats.
Which means the Market of Markets.
There are various booths
only based on gastronomy
from different parts of Spain
there are various types of food.
Also local markets of Barcelona have their own stands.
There is cheese, ham, chocolate, dry fruits,
In addition to all of this, some restaurants of Barcelona have their stands.
For example, Soho House's famous Italian restaurant Cecconi's has its own stand,
Tapas bar Tapas 24 has its own stand.
At the moment everyone is looking at me, I don't know why???
We will go around and show you everything.
If I get hungry when I'm walking around, I'll eat.
I'll eat... you know me...
That's why, let's start walking around!
Yes.. Right now I'm going to explain something to you
But I chose the busiest and nosiest day to explain this here.
I don't know why, but whatever.
Since I'm here, I'll just tell you.
I learned all this from the TV show of Ayhan Sicimoglu (who has a TV programme on travel and culture)
I'm passing the information that I got from him to you guys.
The building at my back is the Official College of Architects of Catalonia
There is a drawing on it and it belongs to Picasso.
But when this was built, no one knew that this was Picasso's drawing.
Because this was during Franco times,
Franco hated Picasso, Picasso hated Franco
That's why they decided
The architects actually wanted Picasso to draw the design,
but they thought that if they made Picasso draw it, Franco would punish and probably kill all of them.
That's when they decided to tell Picasso to draw it on a piece of paper
and to put it up on the building afterwards.
Finally Picasso drew it
and the architects said that it was made by a foreign artist.
She hit my bag
Years later, after Franco's death, it was revealed that this was actually Picasso's drawing.
The drawing includes something that you may remember from our last vlog,
La Merce festival.
The king and the queen, remember the "giants"?
God! The dance show is starting
Okay the end, I stop here, see you!
Look I'll tell you something
When you see a show in the middle of the street like this
When you stop to watch it
It's the ultimate position for the pickpockers
know that when you are watching the show, all amazed and concentrated,
they will take everything from your pocket.
There is noise everywhere.
Literally they are doing everything to stop me from recording my vlog.
Listen listen...
Just a moment ago, we were busted,
they started dancing literally on top of me and I couldn't even finish my sentence.
Anyway you got the point, it was Picasso's and this was revealed later on.
Now I want to share another information I learned from Ayhan Sicimoglu.
This statue of 5 men right here...
In the beginning of 1800s
Aren't there 4 of them?
No, five of them...
One, two, three, four, five... men
In the beginning of 1800s, French people came with Napoleon to conquer Barcelona
Passing the mountains...
Which mountains?
Well done!
Going over the mountains, they conquered Barcelona.
However no one attacked back and remained silent.
Only these 5 men resisted.
I'm going to record it from the beginning.
No! You can't say that!
Just because Kerem said a very nasty things I will have to start talking from the beginning.
These poor guys
tried to resist the attack.
But Napoleon killed them in front of the public.
That's why they put a statue of them here, as they were the ones who tried to protect the city.
That's just another information
I don't know what you will do with this piece of information
but I had to tell you anyway. Sending our regards to Ayhan Sicimoglu.
I'm going, see you later.
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