Hi, my name is Arley Lozano, better known as VaKaNo in the world of cryptocurrencies
we are present in almost all crypto-communities, the Bitcuners, and the PIVX community
and I send you greetings from the Blockchain Summit 2018
for everyone who is watching us We are here with our friend ONeZetty from PIVX
who wants to ask us some questions
What is your position in the Panda Exchange?
I am the CEO, founder, creator and together with our team, we are
me Vakano, my wife, Typson and Anna
We are the founders and creators of Panda.Exchange
What do you think about privacy?
Which is the most important aspect for you about privacy, and why do you think privacy is important?
privacy is very important for people who are in cryptocurrencies
and also in Latin America since we can keep our balances secret
you are a very big bitcoin holder, nobody is going to know how much you have, if you have a dollar
If you have 2 or 3 million, then in Latin America privacy
translates into in security and if you have privacy you are your own bank nobody knows how much you own
and that's a very big advantage
a short time ago, PIVX was listed on Panda.Exchange, to you as CEO
What did you like most about all the contact you had with the PIVX community?
First of all the speed, PIVX has the Guinness World Record of implementation in Panda
You have a very stable ecosystem, when we made the agreement
We had set the deadline in 30 days and we did it in just 10 days!
a whole Guinness World Record because the community is very active
is very interested and PIVX is a project that personally we like in Panda
first through the privacy system, the masternodes, and everything PIVX has
and because it is one of the preferred cryptocurrencies by the community is that is way we have it in Panda too.
In your opinion, What is the main solution that you see in the use of cryptocurrencies?
The main solution that I see in the use of cryptocurrencies, is
the attention of all the unbanking sector, for example in Mexico we have more than
130 million people without bank account in Colombia have more than 27 million people who do not have a bank account,
with the cryptocurrencies is very easy, just having a paper you can use a cryptocurrency
people sometimes think that because they do not have a smartphone they can not use cryptocurrencies,
but with the private keys only on a simple paper, you're already able to using them,
You do not need anyone's permission, you do not need to open an account, show your ID or have a minimum balance.
anyone can have it, even you who are watching this video.
to finish, apart from the of business topic
In your personal life, what are the things that you have solved, with the use of cryptocurrencies?
First of all, here I am, right? it changed my life, I come from traditional businesses.
It has broken several paradigms that we had
about many things, like YouTube, where even our mothers told us that we were not going to achieve anything
Now we see the youtubers making a lot of money doing silly things
It is the same is in the world of cryptocurrencies,
you do not need to be a superstar, any entrepreneur,
buying a bit of cryptocurrencies and with a lot of patience you will succeed, because this is the future
and it's like buying small pieces of the future, in a very cheap price
because a cryptocurrency that today is worth 6 thousand dollars in about 5 or 6 years can be worth millions
so if you have 10 dollars now, and you do not know whether to buy a taco or cryptocurrencies,
I tell you, buy cryptocurrencies and in a few years, you will invite me the tacos to me.
You and I have known each other for several years, and I honestly learned a very valuable lesson, something you always said.
"if the price goes down, buy it, if the price goes up, buy it", and since then I continue to apply it in my life.
thank you very much for these minutes and as we always say in PIVX:
Keep It Purple!!
For more infomation >> PIVXpress: Interview with Arley Lozano (VaKaNo), Co-founder & CEO Panda Exchange - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
Homus de Beterraba Assada e Monstrinhos de Pimentão (Especial de Halloween) - Duration: 2:44.
Função SE com Condicional E em Planilha Excel - Duration: 8:39.
BORA #31 - O PARQUE MAIS CURIOSO QUE VOCÊ VAI VER! Último dia em Martinica (English/Spanish CC) - Duration: 12:41.
For each island that we go
we have to do a veterinary certificate
The vet has to look at her to say it's okay.
there's no problem
But here's the thing, we don't have a car, right?
and it's a damn strand
I think a 2km walk to get there I go
I'm going here with Lolinha ... Right Lolinha?
Let's get there dead
but without Lola there is no trip ... Huh Lolinha? Go ahead of me, go ...
Everybody calls me craz
but real crazyness is not pursuing your dreams
My name is Luciano
and I will travel the world over the sea with my family
Getting to know new places
and enjoy all the good things the world provides us
living in a simpler way
What's up, Bora?
Now screw it! I don't know if I have to go up here
or I have to go up here
Where should I go?
In doubt, Lola makes another piss, right?
It's ... Dr Google
solve your problems even in the middle of the Caribbean
There you go on a highway here
a highway ... Wow!
There's a radar here, boy!
Ouch I just saw a radar there.
and yesterday I walked here on the biggest stick!
Anyway! Veterinarian should be there. I hope...
Google never misses! We found the vet!
I don't know what it's called
Lolinha on the leash now because this plague was almost run over ...
Let's cross?!
we arrive
Lolinha was examined, the boy who didn't let filming her
Didn't let film him, actually
Right Lolinha?
All her paperwork here.
has this certificate of St. Barths, that of Brazil
the blood test she has send Europe
It's so damn complicated.
This one here when she went by plane.
this is her whole history
that's her microchip
here is her passport
medicine, more paper if you ask ...
Some poorer Euros
I'm here at the Veterinary Doctor
Now let's go back down the road.
Let's hit some more ...
a half hour's walk, right Lolinha?
And the coolest thing is:
We're going back to the boat now
And we'll work even harder!
Lulu, did you like it?
Very Mommy!
Is it tasty?
Thank you!
How nice!
Have more?
Thank you! :)
Today is cleaning day in Bora.
General cleaning
What are we doing Lulu?
Cleaning everything
All right, down to the bottom
What is stored there?
Cleaning products, I think
It has several compartments that neither the one here
under the floor we keep several things
so we're going to take everything that's here, remove everything to clean it right down
it has here
down here also has several
here is Larinha also arranging her little things
I already cleaned the boat outside, I already brushed
I liked that it rained a lot
I'm going to put on my mechanic clothes in a little while
soon to go there and finish cleaning the engine
actually clean the engine of the other side
and that's what I already did to get a remote control
the hull on the side the guy already made the repair there
important is to keep
What's going to spoil is always keep ...
clean, tidying, etc ...
because otherwise the list goes on forever
Lisa, there's business hidden there!
We arranged the business that was very very very very
now ... Look how it is!
Very well! Very well, it got much better.
Thank you!
The little girls here, what did you win for a prize?
What did you win for a prize for cleaning the boat?
Air conditioning!
Here when you have to pay the crew we pay with movies and with air conditioning
that nobody is iron right?
But I already changed here
I put on the official mechanic's outfit
and I'm going to clean the engine again on the other side
Not again, I'm going to clean on the other side.
spend some business to leave ...
so as not to rust and keep leaving it
beautiful as it is!
here slave labor continues
Fer, the girls stayed happy with air conditioning and movie
you will need that, a massage?
A spa!
A spa?
For a week?
Like ... 6 months!
Now this is the engine here that I'm going to give a deal
take out some springs that are in down and finish cleaning it
We came to eat here now.
the woman brings a lot of raw chicken to us
and we like no no no no no no give it back!
no no no no
and the woman insisting on French to leave the lightning bolt here, man.
we speak no no no
she left, I fell apart
Then she brought a plate ...
It was to fry the chicken.
What's up? Bora!
After having cleaned boat, worked enough
everybody worked hard yesterday
We're going to give a prize to the girls today!
What prize is Lulu?
Lulu, what prize is it?
Go for the toy I told you about
It's kind of an amusement park, but it's for boat.
Is it true, for the boat?
Are you going there too, Lisa?
So, what are we going to do today?
So we'll go there in that park.
to jump jump have fun, have fun, have fun
Why do we go tomorrow?
The place I told you about in the other episode!
What did you say?
St ...
St. Lucia
there, by te way, we're gonna starting arrive in some territory here in the Caribbean
where the Pirates of the Caribbean were filmed, the movie
was filmed in various parts of the world, but most were made a southern Caribbean
then Saint Lucia was the place that was shooting
and maybe we'll find some ...
of pirates
Dad, shall we see the boats?
Not! The boats are in the Bahamas, which is very far from here.
maybe we'll see you next year
Next year? Oh, we're going to spend New Year here, so that's okay.
Lola is famous here, look
I don't know how to speak this
I'm filming!
Yes I am!
Let me fix my hair here.
o que e populismo Pondé 24 10 18 - Duration: 0:23.
Reforma agrária desencadeou 'posições radicalizadas' na Constituinte, relata Lobão - Duration: 5:28.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Avantgarde | Spiegelpakket | COMAND - Duration: 1:08.
Como Deus nos fala pelas desgraças (Homilia Diária.989: Sábado da 29.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:12.
Suspected pipe bomb mailer arrested in AutoZone parking lot - Duration: 3:16.
レッスン240:ブラジル人の「E aí! BELEZA!?」にどう返すのがベスト!? - Duration: 4:10.
Ghost Octopus Caught On Camera - Duration: 0:25.
Why the Toyota 86 is a Disappointing Sports Car - Duration: 5:09.
Rev up your engines, good day from Australia would you recommend
the toyota 86 as a first manual car, also in Australia there's restrictions on first
cars, what other North American standard cars would you recommend, interesting, restrictions
on first cars, I guess they don't want you to have too much horsepower,
they know you Aussies are all crazy huh, yeah the toyota 86 you know it's a Subaru,
it's got the boxer subaru engine, toyota for some weird reason they make great cars, but
they've always messed with sports cars with other people's engines,
the first real toyota sports car that they made was made in the 1960's and they only
made a few thousand of them, it had a Yamaha engine in it,
then the Celicas for a while had a Yamaha motorcycle basically designed engine and now
their going with Subaru, and subarus can have problems here and there
but if you get a manual transmission in one, that's their weak point their automatics,
their fun to drive, I got a customer that bought one and I do have to say, I'm kind
of disappointed, they did buy an automatic transmission and
to me it was a very slow car, I mean I thought it was kind of slow car but you get a manual
transmission it would be a lot quicker, it could be fun to drive and I'm sure they'll
last, rankin says scotty I got 2003 nissan frontier,
I've never changed the automatic transmission fluid, should I do it now thanks,
well if it's working perfectly fine, no, and here's why, when fluid is working in the
automatic transmission it uses fluid dynamics to drive your car,
it's actually the fluid and the friction inside that's inside the torque converter that's
making your car go, and it has to be that was because in an automatic
transmission, you step on the brake and come to stop, the engine is still spinning,
if it was a manual transmission and you had it in gear the car would stall, the reason
automatic don't stall is because they have the torque converter and that has some slippage
and when you're stopped, it slips and it doesn't stall the engine,
well when you get an old vehicle and the fluid gets dirty, dirty fluid has more friction
in it and if you change it now, and put real clean fluid in, it's more slippery and I've
seen people do that and then the transmission slips and it didn't before it changed the
fluid, that old I'd leave it alone, if you buy it brand new and change it every
50-60,000 miles you keep doing it, if you don't and you got a lot of mileage,
don't change it now it could destroy things, why gamble, that things has a certain lifespan
anyways it's a nissan automatic transmission so it's going to wear out anyways,
I wouldn't push my luck on that, scotty I have a 07 toyota tundra that needs
an air pump, they say for smog, can I just unplug them
since they cost over $2,000 to replace, here's the thing, that was a design flaw on the v8
engine, it was a very poor design, and if it runs ok otherwise, all it is, is
a anti pollution device, if you live in an area where they don't do
anti pollution inspection on your cars and you unplug it, no one is going to know or
care, but if you live in an area where you get your
car inspected, it's never going to pass the inspection legally, so that's more or less
your choice, I know I got people calling me from North Dakota and say, scotty they don't
inspect anything here we take everything off, catalytic converter, smog pumps,
and if nobody cares, realize your going to be polluting the air a little bit more, but
if you live in an area where they do inspections you'll never get it legally inspected,
all that stuff, sometimes on the toyotas if it does break and if it sucks too much air,
it will make it run way too lean and it will actually run poorly and then you'd have to
fix the thing, but I've seen a bunch of them here where they run ok, but they just trip
the code for the smog pump because they basically built them wrong, you take it off and it runs
better, like I said it's not going to hurt anything other than you can't get it legally
inspected if you live in an area where they legally inspect it,
modern hustler, we recently bought an 05 crown vic for a first time driver, what do you think
we paid $2,000 and it has 96,000 miles is that a good deal,
hey if it runs good and works good, yeah that's a good deal, everyone knows those things are
called grandpa cars and grandma cars but they can last a long time, 96,000 miles is nothing
for those that probably has a v8 and those engines can run forever,
and since it's a newer one 05, on the highway I've got customers that get 20 something miles
a gallon driving them around on the highway, it could be a very good car and of course
it's very safe because it's so big, so it's a first time driver, you're going to feel
a lot safer inside one of those than you are in a little honda civic or smart car or something
because it is a big car and it has air bags, daniel says scotty I have a manual car and
it still has a cable, it makes a strange noise when I push the clutch
and after I push it a whole bunch of times the sound goes away what could it be,
ok well it's a cable, the first thing you want to do is get yourself a flashlight, you
know one of those small ones like I have that are super bright and look at both ends of
the cable under the dash and the other end where it goes into the transmission and make
sure the cables aren't bad, if those cables are bad their a bunch of strands together
and if some of them are bad get another cable assembly right away, if they aren't bad, get
some good lubrication oil, I'm a motorcycle guy so you can go to any motorcycle shop or
go to Amazon or Ebay and buy a can of motorcycle cable spray lub, it's a special lub just for
cables and lubricate the thing and then, it's a good idea to lubricate cables anyways, they
never tell you to because they want them to wear out but if you do they last a lot longer,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring
that bell!
Militar sorprende a sus hijas tras regresar de misión 1 año después | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.
Attack on Titan 2 - Abertura em Português (BR) - Shinzou wo Sasageyo (Versão 2018) - Duration: 1:31.
Encuentran a una extraña criatura submarina | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.
Niña de caravana migrante envía mensaje a María Celeste | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:35.
KONGSUNI toy play. Brush your teeth with electric toothbrush. family fun - Duration: 5:11.
Oh.. I am full
after eating snacks, we have to brush our teeth
I am not necessary because My teeth is healthy
No. You have to do it
I think I am alright without brushing my teeth
There is something sweet smell from somewhere
Oh! there!
Oh! here
Let's get inside
My tooth
I need to brush my teeth
It doesn't working
What am I supposed to do?
Help me Daddy!
What happened?
Are you alright RIWON?
Daddy! there is some problem on my teeth
There will be a decayed tooth
Don't worry
show KONGSUNI electric tooth brush
Oh it is amazing
I have to use it right now
I want to use that too
This is my favorite
Can you put the name tag on my brush ?
OK. I will do it
So now, this is mine
Building Microsoft first-party modern cloud services with Azure Cosmos DB - BRK3321 - Duration: 1:23:17.
Cutting Food with Flying Cards! | Best Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:37.
Ready? Go!
This is crazy...!
It's a hard apple, isn't it?
Stand up there. Show them!
Attention, please! What you are about to see
is one of his most difficult tricks
only a few adults in the world can it
and he is the only child that can
He will blow out the candle
with the speed of a flying card!
C'mon Dominique!
Thank you!
Three members of the audience died during this trick so far, watch out...
The beautiful thing is that they keep their smile and joy, as all the children of their age.
Do you want to throw one more?
Did he stick it? Did he?
Thank you!
Ladies and gentlemen, you will travel around the world, if you happen to be in Las Vegas
don't miss the opportunity to watch him again!
Only on Little Big Shots...
Dom the Bom's!
Volvo V70 2.4 D5 AWD || R design || Adaptieve cruise control || Premium Sound - Duration: 0:56.
Renault Captur TCe 90pk Xmod Leer, R-link, Climate, Licht. Velg. - Duration: 1:10.
Mail bomb suspect arrested - Duration: 1:28.
2nd Hampden House debate on 22News - Duration: 1:05.
Kia Carens - Duration: 0:55.
โคตรโหด! สื่อดังคาด 11 ตัวจริงลิเวอร์พูล-คาร์ดิฟฟ์ & "โอเว่น" วิเคราะห์ ลิเวอร์พูล-คาร์ดิฟฟ์ - Duration: 2:36.
🔭🔍🔬̶ŁƗŇҜŞ💥Ŧ€ŞŦ'Ş€ŘV€Ř💥ŴΔŘ'ŘØβØŦŞ🔬⚗️🔍🔥ɃΔĐ↑ɃØ¥ᴮᴿ♠︎ - Duration: 0:41.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTi ASPIRATION 5DRS /68.000 Km/Clima/6Bak/1e Eig/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:07.
Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75pk Edition 5drs (Airco/Blue Tooth) - Duration: 1:07.
Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75pk Edition 5drs (Airco/Blue Tooth) - Duration: 1:12.
PIVXpress: Interview with Arley Lozano (VaKaNo), Co-founder & CEO Panda Exchange - Duration: 4:24.
Hi, my name is Arley Lozano, better known as VaKaNo in the world of cryptocurrencies
we are present in almost all crypto-communities, the Bitcuners, and the PIVX community
and I send you greetings from the Blockchain Summit 2018
for everyone who is watching us We are here with our friend ONeZetty from PIVX
who wants to ask us some questions
What is your position in the Panda Exchange?
I am the CEO, founder, creator and together with our team, we are
me Vakano, my wife, Typson and Anna
We are the founders and creators of Panda.Exchange
What do you think about privacy?
Which is the most important aspect for you about privacy, and why do you think privacy is important?
privacy is very important for people who are in cryptocurrencies
and also in Latin America since we can keep our balances secret
you are a very big bitcoin holder, nobody is going to know how much you have, if you have a dollar
If you have 2 or 3 million, then in Latin America privacy
translates into in security and if you have privacy you are your own bank nobody knows how much you own
and that's a very big advantage
a short time ago, PIVX was listed on Panda.Exchange, to you as CEO
What did you like most about all the contact you had with the PIVX community?
First of all the speed, PIVX has the Guinness World Record of implementation in Panda
You have a very stable ecosystem, when we made the agreement
We had set the deadline in 30 days and we did it in just 10 days!
a whole Guinness World Record because the community is very active
is very interested and PIVX is a project that personally we like in Panda
first through the privacy system, the masternodes, and everything PIVX has
and because it is one of the preferred cryptocurrencies by the community is that is way we have it in Panda too.
In your opinion, What is the main solution that you see in the use of cryptocurrencies?
The main solution that I see in the use of cryptocurrencies, is
the attention of all the unbanking sector, for example in Mexico we have more than
130 million people without bank account in Colombia have more than 27 million people who do not have a bank account,
with the cryptocurrencies is very easy, just having a paper you can use a cryptocurrency
people sometimes think that because they do not have a smartphone they can not use cryptocurrencies,
but with the private keys only on a simple paper, you're already able to using them,
You do not need anyone's permission, you do not need to open an account, show your ID or have a minimum balance.
anyone can have it, even you who are watching this video.
to finish, apart from the of business topic
In your personal life, what are the things that you have solved, with the use of cryptocurrencies?
First of all, here I am, right? it changed my life, I come from traditional businesses.
It has broken several paradigms that we had
about many things, like YouTube, where even our mothers told us that we were not going to achieve anything
Now we see the youtubers making a lot of money doing silly things
It is the same is in the world of cryptocurrencies,
you do not need to be a superstar, any entrepreneur,
buying a bit of cryptocurrencies and with a lot of patience you will succeed, because this is the future
and it's like buying small pieces of the future, in a very cheap price
because a cryptocurrency that today is worth 6 thousand dollars in about 5 or 6 years can be worth millions
so if you have 10 dollars now, and you do not know whether to buy a taco or cryptocurrencies,
I tell you, buy cryptocurrencies and in a few years, you will invite me the tacos to me.
You and I have known each other for several years, and I honestly learned a very valuable lesson, something you always said.
"if the price goes down, buy it, if the price goes up, buy it", and since then I continue to apply it in my life.
thank you very much for these minutes and as we always say in PIVX:
Keep It Purple!!
All New Wrapples
Early voting locations open for one weekend a year, don't miss out! - Duration: 1:31.
How I went from sales to technical product management: You don't have to code to - BRK1115 - Duration: 41:51.
The Strange History Of The Lost City Of Atlantis - Duration: 5:23.
The name alone invokes images of mermaids, sunken ruins, and ancient, technologically
advanced civilizations.
Most of that is poppycock, but the true story of Atlantis is almost as weird.
So what do Nazis have to do with this mythological lost civilization?
Here's a look at the strange history of Atlantis.
To understand the origins of Atlantis, you need to know a little about the Greek philosopher
The best known and most influential philosopher of all time, Plato often used allegorical
stories to convey meaning, and roughly 2400 years ago he came up with a humdinger of a
story: the lost city of Atlantis.
In Plato's original story, Atlantis was a powerful, advanced country on a huge land
mass somewhere west of Europe.
But then, some 9,000 years before Plato's time, the Atlanteans became warlike, displeasing
the gods, who sank Atlantis beneath the waves with a series of earthquakes.
It's widely assumed that Plato was speaking completely allegorically when he wrote of
But Plato did also have a habit of drawing on legends from ancient Egypt as well, so
it's possible the legend pre-dates Plato.
Either way, within just a couple generations plenty of literal minded people were believing
that Atlantis was a totally real place.
It's not a real place
For centuries, there was no consensus among scholars whether Atlantis was real or not.
But after Columbus accidentally ended up in the Americas in 1492, the idea that Atlantis
might have been real began to take off, with some Europeans believing that the advanced
Mayan civilization was proof that they were descended from ancient Atlantis.
In 1882, a book called Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly took things one
step further by suggesting that Atlantis was actually the secret birthplace of all humanity.
The book was a smash hit, prompting a worldwide search for the true location of Atlantis.
Shockingly, nobody has ever actually found it.
Artistic license
Donnelly's book, along with the classic 1870 novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, helped
spark an Atlantis fad throughout arts and literature, one that has never really subsided.
From the 1899 novel The Lost Continent: The Story of Atlantis, to recent works like Artemis
Fowl, Atlantis has been a staple of literature and television for generations.
Not to mention film.
The first four movies to feature Atlantis were all adaptations of the 1919 novel Atlantida,
which proposed the novel twist that Atlantis was actually in the middle of the Sahara,
an idea that has carried over to modern films like Aquaman.
"We're getting close now."
"Oh yeah?
Close to what, dying of thirst?
There's no way Atlantis was this far inland."
And there have been dozens of movies where characters visit Atlantis, including Disney's
2001 feature Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
Most importantly, in 1994, MacGyver found Atlantis in a TV movie.
"I want treasure!
And Atlantis is also the home of superheroes Namorthe Sub-Mariner and Aquaman, ensuring
the mythical city will remain relevant well into the 21st century.
Nazis are dumb
Atlantis isn't the only mythical lost civilization swallowed by the sea.
There's also the lost city of Ys, not to mention Hy-Brasil, which was supposedly an island
off the coast of Ireland and has nothing to do with the actual Brazil.
"Hy-Brasil is sinking!"
"Well now now, I think we're fine.
It's all a question of what you want to believe in, and I happen to, and I happen
to have more experience in these matters than you do…"
But outside of Atlantis, the most important is Lemuria.
See, at one point, someone realized there were once lemurs on both sides of the Indian
So they figured the most obvious explanation must be a lost continent in the middle of
the ocean that was once home to a bunch of lemurs.
Don't laugh, though, because Lemuria is very serious business, especially for Nazis.
Remember how the Nazis in Indiana Jones are always obsessed with the occult?
Well, turns out that was actually true, and Lemuria and Atlantis both play key roles.
See, a lot of Nazi philosophy is based in the occult writings of Russian circus performer
Madame H.P.
She wrote a book called The Secret Doctrine, which she claimed was dictated in Atlantis
itself, and which detailed the seven root races of humanity, in order of their development:
One: Invisible jellyfish
Two: Hyperboreans, who lived at the North Pole but did not have bodies
Three: Egg-laying lemurs of lost Lemuria
Four: The Atlanteans
Five: The Aryans, of course
Six and Seven: Nobody's sure yet, but when they arrive, they will definitely live on
So Nazi philosophy is based on the idea that Aryans are a master race descended from the
Hyperborean ancestors of Atlantis, not to mention invisible jellyfish and imaginary
Hey, nobody ever said Nazis were the sharpest tools in the shed.
Science vs. Aquaman
Sorry, fans of Atlantis - and lemur-people - but science has pretty much debunked the
whole idea of a lost continent in the Atlantic.
You can thank geology and modern seafloor mapping technology for that.
According to LiveScience, we now know enough about plate tectonics to know that it is impossible
for a large land mass to have sunk to the sea floor within human history.
"Plate tectonics!!"
Plus, there has never been a recorded earthquake anywhere near strong enough to sink a continent-sized
land mass.
Sorry, Aquaman, but look on the bright side: if you need a new home, you can always crash
at Sea World.
"I dig it."
Find Fab Halloween Costumes At Pocket-Friendly Prices - Duration: 2:48.
Burstner Harmony 603 T - Duration: 1:06.
Hobby Lobby's Deceptive Marketing Targeted In New Lawsuit - Duration: 5:20.
Over the last few years, Hobby Lobby has found itself in the headlines and pretty much every
time it's been in the news, it's been for not a very good reason.
Well, this latest Hobby Lobby story is no exception.
It turns out the big box arts and craft chain store might be falsely advertising their prices
to consumers to dupe them into coming into their stores.
For me on this story, I'm joined by Scott Hardy from Top Class Actions.
Scott, look, Hobby Lobby has obviously got a lot of problems, but this one actually avoids
all the politics and everything that they've gotten zinged for in the past.
This is strictly by the book.
It seems to be false advertising in the case of Hobby Lobby.
Tell us what's happening with this particular class action.
The Hobby Lobby class action is one that we're seeing filed against a lot of these retailers
who are constantly running sales.
Hobby Lobby is saying here's the sale price.
This product is always 40% off.
This is product is always 35% off.
They're advertising different sale prices within their circulars that they're advertising,
within the different print advertising and online.
It turns out that the sale prices are essentially the regular prices.
You can't go ahead and tell somebody that a product is on sale for 40% off when that's
the price it is all the time.
There is no sale.
That's normal price and a lot of big retailers have recently been dinged by these kind of
false advertising class actions.
Well, and state laws across the country are pretty clear about this kind of thing.
If you say that here's the price and you get 40% off, you have to give them 40% off that
That's state law in terms of false advertising.
Hobby Lobby is not doing that.
They send you their weekly circular.
They say here's a chest of draws.
It's this much, but it's always 40% off.
Any reasonable person and that's part of the language here is what a reasonable person
would conclude.
You would assume that if that's the price and they're saying I get 40% off, I take 40%
off that and that's what I walk out the door with.
But, that's not what Hobby Lobby is doing.
Hobby Lobby is saying no, that 40% off, that actually means that that was the price, but
it's actually still not even 40% off anything because that's just the actual price of the
They're scamming it on just so many different levels here.
They're just trying to put it to the consumer, make you think you're getting a deal when
in actuality, you're not.
You're paying full retail price.
That's the way it is.
These retailers can make up whatever retail price they want.
They might say no, the retail price on this product is $50.
We're going to go ahead and sell it to you for $20.
You're welcome.
If I'm making up the retail price and my sale price is the regular price, I'm not getting
a deal at all.
It's just trying to latch on to consumers, the back brain of that consumer to say I got
to go in there and buy it now because otherwise I'm going to lose out.
That's simply not the case.
It's just false advertising.
Absolutely, and it's whatever they can do to get people to come into the store.
Because once you've got them in there, you've almost got this captive audience.
Again, this particular class action happens to be against Hobby Lobby.
They're not the only ones who've done this.
I'm sure everybody knows of probably a mattress store within five miles of their home that's
been going out of business for the last 10 years and yet still there, but it's always
going out of business sale.
Going out of business sale.
We have one, it was there when I was in college, it's still there today, that's been out of
business for almost 20 years now.
But, that's a big scam with mattress stores.
They do that a lot.
Furniture stores are the same way.
It's good to see these companies kind of getting popped for this because they're not giving
you any special discounts.
They're not giving you sale items.
It's just whatever they can do to get you in the door and then charge you what they
would regularly charge you.
You're not getting a discount whatsoever.
You're getting popped for that full price.
We've seen it from everywhere from clothing stores to suit stores.
Everyone saying you buy two, you get one free.
That sale only lasts through the end of the month, but then magically just like the furniture
and the mattress stores, that sale is back on next month.
That's amazing.
No deal at all.
It is absolutely.
Listen, if anybody wants any more information on this Hobby Lobby story, you can go to topclassactions.com.
There is a link to this particular story in the description of this video.
Scott Hardy, thank you for joining us.
Thank you for telling us this important story and thank you for being out there to help
protect consumers.
Thank you.
I appreciate your time, Farron.
Let's go ahead and keep on fighting.
Operational best practices for Azure Kubernetes Service - BRK3208 - Duration: 1:16:17.
2pack iDeaPLAY 10,000mAh Power Bank for Phones and Table... - Duration: 10:38.
Sweet & Salty Chocolate Bark ~ Homemade Halloween Treats ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 7:30.
Hi everyone, welcome back to the kitchen and today just in time for Halloween, which is only a couple of days away
We're gonna be making this delicious Halloween style chocolate bark. Let's go see how this all comes together
Today we're gonna be making a Halloween style
Chocolate bark. It's going to be a little bit sweet, huh? It's gonna be a whole lot sweet
It's gonna have a little bit of a salty edge to it, but one thing is for sure
it's gonna be delicious and it's gonna be perfect for you to take and share to a bake sale or a
Halloween dinner or Halloween potluck or some church function? Maybe you don't do Halloween. Maybe you do trunk-or-treat. Maybe you do
first fruits and fall harvest
Celebration things like that. This is gonna be the perfect thing to take and share what we're gonna need is a pound
this is actually a 22 ounce bag of
better quality white chocolate chips
This is the Ghirardelli brand and we're gonna be melting this and this is going to be the base for our bark
We're going to top our bark off with some these are the cutest little Minnie
They're called teeny tiny twists and I think they're made by
Snider's but you can use just mini pretzels or you could use big pretzels and just break them up if you like
We're gonna be using some chocolate-covered peanut candies and I'm gonna be melting some more chocolate chips to drizzle on the top
We're gonna be using some candy corn some dry roasted peanuts and some peanut butter
Coated peanut butter candies, you can really do whatever you want. I've seen people throw crushed
Oreos on here
Decided to leave that off because we've got a lot of sweetness going on already and I didn't think that we really needed the cookie
in there, so
we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna melt the chocolate and then we'll be right back and
We'll talk about that and we'll build our bark
All right. We're all ready to start building our bark
I went ahead and I melted the chocolate
You guys if you've never melted chocolate before on the back of the bag of the brand that I bought there were melting instructions
But just for future reference
This was a 22 ounce bag of chocolate white chocolate chips
I stuffed them in this mixing bowl and I put them in my microwave
Which is 1200 watts for one one one a minute and 11 seconds just now
I have a baking sheet here that I've lined with foil as well as some parchment
This is just gonna help me build my bark and I also melted my chocolate chips
my milk chocolate chips and
I put them in a little baggie so that after when we want to drizzle this we can just snip the tip right off that
Bag and use it like a little piping bag. So I'm just gonna set this aside
We're gonna pour our white chocolate out on this baking sheet now
When you're melting your microwave may not be as strong as mine mine only took the minute and 11 seconds, it was actually perfect
Chocolate will oftentimes look like it's not melted
But it really is I'll have to do is stir it up and the residual heat that's still in there
It's gonna melt what's remaining you will want to
Start off with a minute and then stir it and then put it in the microwave for 15
Second intervals until you reach the perfect consistency. So now what you want to do is just pour this out
On your baking sheet or your prepared surface and this is when you just start spreading it out
You want to try and get it as even as possible?
But remember this is bark. It doesn't have to be perfect in any way and there we go now
the fun part
Now we're gonna go ahead and we're going to start sprinkling on some of our toppings
This is completely up to you. You can make this with as many or as few fun toppings as you like
I have not given you measurements for the toppings because that is a subjective
Idea, and you should put on what you like
This is what we're using in ours and because it's you know
This is a Halloween theme we're using Halloween style candies on with our chocolate peanut candies. This is just gonna look super festive
I'm gonna put pretzels in here because I think chocolate-covered pretzels are pretty yummy
Remember, we're gonna be drizzling this also
with um with
Milk chocolate. I also have some dry roasted peanuts and
Of course, if you don't like peanuts or have a peanut allergy you'll know to leave those out
And I made something else with the rest of the bag of these little peanut butter candies
So I'm just gonna go ahead and toss them on my bark. That way they get used up and they don't go to waste and
I am probably going to take this to my Bible study
I'm gonna grab a piece of parchment paper and I'm just gonna put it on top and I'm gonna give this a gentle
Just so we can really make sure that all of those delicious toppings are embedded
In there and now we're gonna put our chocolate
Drizzle on here of this bag and then just start drizzling away
You may or may not use all of the chocolate that you melted
you can let this set at room temperature for
approximately two hours to set up or you can pop it in your
Refrigerator for about 30 to 40 minutes and let it set up that way
So that's what we're gonna do now and then we'll bring you back when it's ready to go
Our Halloween bark has been in the refrigerator for a couple of hours
we were busy doing other things and we just let it
do what it needed to do and we came back to it and it's perfect and
Ready to break up now. All you need to do is come in here. You can use a knife
Or you can just use your fingers and you can break it up
I'm gonna put it on a mat and use a knife to cut it up into shards and then I'm gonna come back and I'm
Gonna let you see what it looks like
There you have it. There is our festive Halloween bark ready to enjoy for the holiday
This is so easy to make and really there are
limitless possibilities when it comes to this do you like dark chocolate use that as your base instead of the white chocolate you
Put on the bark what you like dried fruit nuts
Whatever it is that you prefer you can make this for Christmas for Halloween for Valentine's Day
It's great to take when you're visiting someone or if you've been invited to their home
You show up with a lovely bag of this and present it to the hostess and they're just gonna love you
So do you want to taste this?
Exactly so that's how you make festive Halloween bark or whatever holiday you like
I hope that you enjoyed today's video and if you please consider giving me a thumbs up if you're new to my kitchen and you
Happened on by looking for ideas of fun Halloween treats welcome. It's always a pleasure to have new friends
Join me, please be sure and hit the subscribe button
And if you are tried in to remember of the nerine's kitchen family
Please be sure and hit that Bell
Notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people
Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen
I hope you give this festive Halloween bark a try sometime soon, and I hope you love it and until next time I'll see
Andrew Rayel & Garibay feat. Jake Torrey - Last Summer (Andrew Rayel & DRYM Club Mix) - Duration: 3:40.
Last summer, we hade each other
We drink champagne all day,
baby if this is the
Last summer, we have each other
We'll get so high, don't cry
We'll make it last forever
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
If this is the
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
If this is the
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
If this is the
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
Last summer
We'll make it last forever
Baby I'm, Baby I'm Baby I'm tryin'
to be optimistic, i'm not good at this shit
Baby I'm, Baby I'm Baby I'm tryin'
Can we just pretend that, That it's never ending?
If this is the
Last summer, we have each other
We'll drink champagne, all day
baby if this is the
Last summer, we have each other
We'll get so high, don't cry
We'll make it last forever
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
If this is the
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
If this is the
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
If this is the
Yeah eah Yeah eah oh oh
Last summer
We'll make it last forever
3 color school uniform challenge | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:25.
3 color school uniform challenge | Xiaoling toys
TCU Student Charged With Hazing Crimes Commits Suicide - Duration: 1:50.
The Captivating Tiny House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:31.
City demonstration to show drainage debris - Duration: 1:01.
Pink Bag Luncheon - Duration: 0:34.
AG candidate Wolf joined Army after 9/11 attacks - Duration: 2:04.
Cutting Food with Flying Cards! | Best Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:37.
Ready? Go!
This is crazy...!
It's a hard apple, isn't it?
Stand up there. Show them!
Attention, please! What you are about to see
is one of his most difficult tricks
only a few adults in the world can it
and he is the only child that can
He will blow out the candle
with the speed of a flying card!
C'mon Dominique!
Thank you!
Three members of the audience died during this trick so far, watch out...
The beautiful thing is that they keep their smile and joy, as all the children of their age.
Do you want to throw one more?
Did he stick it? Did he?
Thank you!
Ladies and gentlemen, you will travel around the world, if you happen to be in Las Vegas
don't miss the opportunity to watch him again!
Only on Little Big Shots...
Dom the Bom's!
Gamer Youk's kanaalgeschiedenis - maart 2016 t/m september 2018 (2,5 jaar bestaan van mijn kanaal) - Duration: 48:40.
Hi everyone who's watching now,
before we begin I first want to explain how this video look like,
And how painful this video was to make.
I'll explain as fast as I can because the video is long enough, as you already can see.
First I want to tell about how much trouble I got to make this video
You can already see it on how long this video is...
This video was really a PAIN to make, like
I wrote a script, and every piece of text are devided into pieces,
If I remove only one video, I immediately need to remake that video, and even further that it need to synchronize with the video.
Yes, this video is long, but do you know how long it takes me to made this?
a month!
So don't expect more video's in the future with this length if they're edited.
Second, I did something you probably didn't know I did.
Yes, I wrote a script, this is handy for me because I don't talk to much.
The first video that comes up next to this I didn't wrote a script on it so expect there a bit talk.
What you also can expect, too for future video's is that I start my video's a bit boring,
But later will change to fun,
Yea, adding some emotions like fun, enthusiasm, those things.
Guys, don't expect all edits perfectly, but I did my very best to make this video as good as possible with as little as possible faults in it.
This was everything I had to say, so let's finally start with the video!
(Intro playing)
If you now look at the past of my channel
What is the differece between this,
and this qua quality?
Well let us say, my older video's were REALLY bad,
Like I made video's with my laptop, while the quality was bad and the framerate was low...
And yeah, indeed, that's how it got better and better. And today I'm gonna talk about what happened while my YouTube career.
So, yeah you will know what I did while my YouTube career
I also will tell what I did in the meantime, so you'll all know that from me.
And yes I know I made this video earlier in 2017,
But because that video had a very low viewcount my though was to remake it now.
You'll see if this one is better than the other.
But OK, now we are pronounced about that,
Guys, I'm gonna tell that I got a Discord server, don't forget to join it, link in the description.
I hope that you will join it too as fast as you can!
So, as far as we got now, we are gonna start with this!
March/April 2016 - The beginnings
OK, it started all the way back in March 2016, when 2 friends of mine had a channel too,
They both recommended me that I should start a channel too, because it is fun to make video's according to them.
I first doubt about that because I didn't knew how to handle with YouTube.
But finally in the beginning of April I though I should do this,
Because I knew I can earn money with video's.
So a friend of mine and me though a few days about what I will make first on YouTube.
You are going to see what.
As soon we were done with invent an idea I immediately felt like making video's,
So the day I came home I first asked to my mother, can I start a YouTube channel?
But this was first a discussion because if I upload something to the internet there's no way to remove it,
she told me to consult with my father.
Shortly after that my father came home, so the same thing I asked to my mother I also asked to my father,
my father had another though, he sayed that it was okay, but without showing my face, because anything can happen with that.
I agreed with that so on that moment I was looking for a good camera,
April up to and including july - My first YouTube video's
At 7 april 2016 it was finally time, my first YouTube video was finally online!
But there where a couple of issues in it, including the first problem the screen,
I mean WHAT THE F*CK was with it, the whole screen was black for a video of 15 minutes!
The second issue was that you hear some sounds in the background,
in de sense of what was that? Which game are you playing? A Mario game or something?
Yes indeed guys, I'm addicted of Mario, but What the f*ck was that?
I again asked a friend which has a YouTube channel as well, he used a camera that worked,
I don't know the name of it but it was a camera you can use on Google.
After an extensive explanation I finally downloaded that camera and was ready to use it.
The next day 10 April 2016 I did an attempt on making a video,
And finally the screen worked, you could not know how happy I was!
The video was about an game what was more popular than now,
Everybody Edits.
When I uploaded the video I the screen was good, but there were still some problem with the video which I heard from much other people that I need to fix,
First of the framerate of the video, yeah, it turned out that this video only runs on 2 FPS if not less...
Second, were people asking me the fix the sound because all video which were made with that camera had no sound in them.
And thirdly were people asking me if I can use my microphone for my video's.
All these problems were there, but around that time I didn't knew better than making video's with this camera,
because I already was happy with the screen.
Soon enough I reached 10 subscribers and did I make a special video,
And In need to say (even for my first special video)
That this is one of the worst special video that I've ever made!
At Everybody Edits I allowed people to troll in my 25x25 world, but yeah around this time I could not think of anything better
So something else...?
Ehhh nothing? Totally nothing...?
No... Actually nothing!
Around this time I figured out some new ideas like Super Mario 63 and the completely not popular: How to make a race series, on Everybody Edits.
Now recognisable as races made by players.
Around this time I allowed players to make a race in my world, and if they're all done I'll all test them.
Good old times! Guys let's be fair, this were good old times because I'm now immediately thinking about doing this for the first time.
Somewhere halway june I finally reached 25 subscribers!
After 2 weeks uploading nothing on my channel I made a special video about a kind of consequence of How To Make a Race on Everybody Edits,
Yes guys, I was gone for 2 weeks, I had belly jar...
But yeah, this time I made with my friend a GIGANTIC race over a very big world
I must say, this is much better than my 10 subs special but this takes REALLY long, 2 hours to be precise.
Somewhere begin July I finally came up with the idea to buy a new camera, that took a while...
But it happened, and it was 10 times better than what I had first.
July/August 2016 - Downloading newer and better camera's
Around halfway July I finally got my 2nd camera on my laptop,
This time it was Srecorder,
For the first time I made a video about Happy Wheels, I tried to make a level, and that was going very well,
and it expired well too.
When I uploaded the video I saw that the framerate was heavily improved.
But I saw, or just hear one more problem,
the video has still no sound.
But I did not connect my microphone which I thought the problem was, with the sound.
So I turn that on and certainty tested my video,
But because I didn't knew around that time to make a voice or face reveal did I first watch it and setted in to private.
The sound finally worked but you heared sound from my background which wasn't necesarry for me yet, and which I though was not allowed for,
So I removed that video immediately.
I though in myself that I need a new camera as fast as I can,
Meanwhile it was already the end of July 2016, so again I was looking for something new...
What is a good camera, is free and easy to use...
Can I get back to OBS?
No, it is not going to be that... I still have no experience with it...
2nd option, buying a Capture Card?
Nooooo, that is not going to happen anyway, it is way to expensive!
How do I get all the money?!
No it's just to expensive.
Only one more option, Apowersoft Free Screenrecorder?
Ah, let me take a look!
Hmm this camera is easy to use and it is free too,
They're saying that the framerate is good and I can record in HD, let me see it.
I did make a video a half hour long and because this is a good camera I can now see the video before the upload, if the screen is good,
And this is what I expected, sounds worked, the framerate was higher than 20 FPS and FINALLY something that I expected to be good!
The only issue I had problems with was that the sound can be ahead for a couple of seconds from the video,
The video can't be right sometimes and can sometimes be silent at the end of the video...
I wasn't really happy with that, but I was satisfied for how everything looks like.
Around that time I increasingly use music in the background so the video will be better,
Until end August something unexpected happened on my channel...
From end of August 2016 - A unexpected suprise
Somewhere at the end of August I suddenly made a video about Mariokart Wii...
I did this because I though I will make a video like this and immediately getting 1 million views on it,
But no that wasn't right...
What was right is that this was a HUGE change on my channel
Yeah OK, the screen was blurred, you can't see everything, and the sound was weird as if there was a claim submitted on this video...
The problem was that I recorded this with a VERY bad camera, and especially because the video wasn't in HD.
I recorded this with YouCam, around that time my though was that YouCam a really good camera for recording you TV screen,
But it turned out that wasn't right...
But I still had a ton of fun doing this,
And also brings good old memories back, the same as How To Make a Race series.
But as that wasn't enough, 2 days after the unexpected video about Mariokart Wii I started my video like this...
Hi YouTube fans and friends!
Yeah, a recognisable voice, I did that day a voice reveal that nobody saw coming!
In August 2016 I was 14 years old, well almost 15 but still 14 years old.
But much, REALLY MUCH people have estimated me older
There's even a reaction from someone who has estimated me older,
A reaction from a friend, who hasn't heared my voice earlier but then he did and though:
Youk is 24, LEGIT 24, you guys hear me yeah, that was legit.
I liked that comment! But like the other video's this video also has big issue's in it,
First off was again the screen, this was supposed to represent a television screen from Mariokart Wii, but what you saw was a big white stain of the television...
Second I had big issue's with my voice in a few different ways,
Because 1: I don't had a microphone so the sound had to sound bad
2: Because my voice was to dry, where I think some people think I didn't had fun making the video but still thinking it was genius.
And 3: Because I recorded this with the same camera what I just mentioned.
Later that time I tried to make a video for my 3DS, by playing Mariokart 7,
De problem was that I got all the problems I just mentioned with a problem extra, which I also say in the video.
Sorry I got a really bad way to record my Nintendo,
Yeah sorry, well actually, I sitting behind my laptop, and so I'm recording my Nintendo to not show myself,
Which I'm also not allowed for...
Yeah, I did all the trouble to sitting behind my laptop, and then record my 3DS,
This is in my opinion the worst way to make a video from your 3DS of all time!
After the video I immediatley though: this is not gonna be it, I'll continue with Mariokart Wii,
I started to make more video's the get better screen,
But it has not progressed much, just about all video's had the same problem
Then it was the end of October and the day came that I reached 40 subscribers,
That day I made 2 special video's, both of them were about Everybody Edits,
In the morning I made a special video about my pixel art which I find bad now, among other things I added metal music to it for some reason,
I'm not a fan of metal music, I should actually have added a remix. Later that evening I decided to make another huge race in my world (actually not)
This time it was going much smoother because of no lag and good music.
Then a few day later Youcam turned out to have a problem, it wouldn't start anymore...
I intended to go to ICT with it.
But the problem was that I didn't had a laptop and can't make video's... however I did had a backup laptop.
Where I only had no YouCam, so the only possibility was to make Everybody Edits video's.
After 3 days I had my laptop back, I saw that YouCam was removed,
The ICT sayed that there already was a camera on my laptop, and recommended me to use that.
Then a few moments later I want to make a video about the game Ratatouille on the Wii, it turned out that the screen was much better than first!
But hasn't a possibililty to zoom in...
So what I had to do was getting a chair, put my laptop on it, and set the screen so that this camera records the television screen.
But everything was much better than before, my microphone sounds the same, but I had no white stain anymore, which I was very happy with!
I also could record in HD wwihich made the screen a tiny bit better.
Then somewhere mid November I FINALLY reached 50 subscribers my plan was to make a video where I react if I reach 50 subscribers.
But that went worse than I though, MUCH worse! I went crazy for waiting getting the 50th subscriber,
So what I did was this...
Could you subscribe my channel?
I need 50 subscribers
Yeah indeed, what I did was asking someone to subscribe my video, and when I did that I continued my video.
MY GOD! was this ruined, just about everything in this video was FAKE!
To be fair I think this video is worse than my 10 subs special!
That evening I made a video about Bonk.io which was MUCH better, you could hear me well, the rounds were exciting, and the quality of the video was good as well.
Well OK, the video probably wasn't in HD but you could see everything well.
I was actually happy with that because the same applies this video was ruined as well.
Meanwhile it was already December 2016, this was the also the month I planned to show the intro for Super Mario Maker for the 3DS.
Because I though that I was the first one who has the game.
I pre-ordered the game so it could be good I first had the game.
So I again used that camera to record the screen, and this was going MUCH better than the Mariokart 7 video what I just mentioned.
OK yes, the screen was blurred and also tiny, but I was impressed for how it looked.
A few days later I did make a video about the credits from Super Mario Maker with the same camera.
The only thing what you almost can't see who the designers were and the ones who made the game,
You also saw halfway through the video suddenly my hand out of nowhere, I did not like the screen properly.
That ruined almost the whole video...
mid December I was done with it and decided to make video's with my phone,
That also had decent quality but I was looking for something different, something that can hold my phone, so I do not have to.
I was looking on the internet, YouTube, and just about everything that was useful to find information about it.
After days finding information about this I finally came up an answer, I buy a TriPod.
So I have bought a TriPod on the internet, but I must wait REALLY long! It maybe took a month...
So in the meantime I made more video's about Super Mario Maker and also some of Everybody Edits.
While Christmas, I worked on my last project of the year 2016,
The YouTuber runs THROUGHHH...
OK you know what nevermind... It makes no impression...
OK I'll be fair, the name I made up was OK, but it had nothing to do with my channel...
In that time I had some of my Super Mario 63, let's plays on my channel, but just the day before I want to upload the video about the YouTube runs through, I removed all the video's...
So I can make the whole project again, that was possible...
How I began 2017
And so it was 2017, this was the year I would change EVERYTHING on my channel.
It was January, and I though: This is the year and the month that my TriPod comes in, I must invent something new,
But what?
I came up the idea to make a let's play about New super Mario bros Wii.
This was during the time that my Wii was still downstairs
So at the time my parents were gone to something I must make as many parts as possible, that was the easiest way to complete it.
Sometimes I uploaded 3 times a day, sometimes 1.
When I was done with this let's play which takes a bit of time, before it was done, I felt like making a let's play of Mario&Luigi Dream Team Bros
This let's play takes a lot of time because this is the longest RPG of Mario&Luigi...
But somewhere halfway through the let's play I reached 60 subscribers, so again I wanted to make a special video again,
This takes a lot of time to decide something.
But then a friend of mine suddenly had a good idea:
I'll play Mariokart Wii and each time I let CPU's drive for a whole lap while I need to wait before they go over the finish, as soon the last player reached lap 2 I need to use items like Bullet Bills, stars, mega mushrooms, etc. to still get 1st.
That was one of the best idea's I heard around that time, and the whole video went as if it went perfectly!
But I still wasn't done with my let's play about Mario&Luigi Dream Team, and suddenly started at a given moment to get bored...
And I began to make fewer and fewer parts, because it slowly became boring...
Also because this was more fun to record this with a Capture Card that I not have...
I barely remember it, but I though around part 45 I edited everything with YouTube editor which supported 60 FPS if you use a intro.
But at the moment YouTube Editor was removed from YouTube I immediately had trouble with making new parts,
When I was done, it was silent, it's now almost 2019, and I didn't made a new let's play yet,
Guys, I'll say it too you, within now and 2 weeks I'm back.
These let's plays continued until November 2017, but we were just in January, not only the month of let's plays, but something completely new something you don't expect from me...
From mid January 2017 - Livestreams
What I also said in the previous section is that I would change everything on my channel in 2017, something you didn't saw earlier on my channel,
Livestreams also belonged to that, mid January I suddenly started streaming, this was because I wanted to know how much viewers I can get while the stream.
Sometimes there were much, sometimes just a bit lesser...
By that time I started to stream more until sometime in May I wanted to stream every day
More and more people were interested in this and started to look more and more on my channel if I was livestreaming
Soon after I started my livestream I already had 75 subscribers, and decided to make a video about 1 hour long Super Smash Bros for the 3DS,
I streamed it, the idea was good, but there were not much viewers, well not what I expected...
But then I streamed more and my subscribers suddenly started to rise like a rocket
Sometimes more than 3 subscribers a day.
This was for me one of the best tactics in 2017 to get more subscribers.
After a month of 2 I reached 100 subscribers, and did I made a special video about a 5 hour stream, which I though most of you were excited for it but not get that much views....
And after a week of 4 I reached 150 subscribers with a special video about Perspective Mode in Mario Party 9, again a video which hasn't that much views but around that time still has 100 views.
But around July and August 2017 I had been on vacation for 2 weeks, and my subscribers dropped just like a rocket,
The day I arrived at my destination I had 194 subscribers
But the day I came home I had 186, and short after that 185,
So I lost 9 subscribers with 2 WEEKS TIME, that is really much!
But that started increase when I started with my livestreams again, and soon after that I already reached 200 subscribers.
And I made a special video about a 200 minutes stream about Mariokart 7,
This stream had for a 200 minutes stream a decent amount of views, it went towards 175 if I'm precise.
And so my channel grew harder and harder even though I was not there for one day
I did not feel like streaming anymore around the end of 2017...
So the amount of views declined as a spear,
That was the end of 2017, but also now were still in January,
but not only January was a month with completely new things, take a look at the beginning of February...
From the beginnings of February 2017 - Project SMB Heroes of the Stars - funny scenes
In 2017 I popeld find contact with my favourite YouTubers, it was really hard to do something like that, because popular YouTubers almost have no time to react to there fans on YouTube.
But somewhere in the beginnings of February 2017 I came up the idea to contact these people on other websites,
Like an example on the website Deviantart.
I wanted to find contact with people who upload popular Mario series, like one of them: AsylusGoji91 Pictures,
I think most of you guys never heard of that YouTube channel, but for those who do, I am a HUGE fan of his series, Super Mario Bros Heroes of the Stars.
I found in his credits that he was more active on Deviantart than on YouTube,
So with help of that, I created account on Deviantart, searching for him, and try to post a reaction about if I can make funny scenes of his series,
In the meantime I though, no this is not going to be it,
I will get a reaction about: Where the f*ck are you talking about?!
Or maybe just not a reaction...
But after refreshing 500.000 times if not more I saw I had a new message, I was looking
I was looking for what message it was, it was a feedback.
So I though in myself: This is the moment of the truth, this is the only hope to get more popular on YouTube, did he accept it?!
I open the feedback, and I almost can't believe me eyes! It was AsylusGoji with this reaction...
It was just really AsylusGoji91, so I though in myself, he accepted it! This is for the first time a popular and also one of my favorite YouTubers put a feedback on my reaction,
I was super suprised but also super happy that he reacted back.
So the only thing I had to do was asking which camera he's using,
to make it into each other, I can't tell you the name of it but you'll see it on the image you'll see now.
After downloading it all it turned out there was a trial version on that editor
And paying is 1: That I did not feel like, and 2: I'm not allowed for, well still not now...
So what I did was to download the video and therefor making pieces of the video's,
that was going well for the first video, until I must add a second videopiece,
that did not work and I started struggling to make the video.
I tried everything but it just didn't work...
When I tried to edit the video again with youtube editor, I used YouTube editor and it turned out that was going much better
Because Youtube editor can paste more videopieces in a row.
Which was going much easier! The only downside is that it doesn't look professional, and video with a Content ID Claim were not allowed to be edited...
this made it a lot harder and a bit lesser professional...
But in the end I managed to upload the video and I started waiting for views,
immediatley after the upload I went with my parents out to eat, so I can't see for a few hours how much views I had on the video...
But I just wanted to go home and see how many views the video had,
Then we came home and I IMMEDIATELY check on my PC to see if my video was popular.
WELLLLLL, that was wasn't the case... this video wasn't watched once...
Or atleast, the video went up very slowly...
When I uploaded the rest of the video I still saw it wasn't a succes...
Although for the last video, which suddenly began growing faster, I though in myself, this is gonna be it, I will get popular, it is time!
When it had 500 views in 1 month (actually 250...)
the video started to soften, I think that is a pity, because this was a video that was pretty good and went pretty fast with views
But while the vacation the video started to gain again, on a given moment so fast that it aleady had 800 views, short after 900,
And after a long time this was my very first video with 1.000 views! You could not know how happy I was,
just a video on my channel with 1.000 views, I've never seen that before.
Short after that more video started to gain faster and were about to reach 1.000 views, it was a great success!
These videos continued to go fast, everything here started in February 2017, and then there was 5 month nothing new on my channel...
I kept playing mario kart wii and mario kart 7, my hope was already since February 2017 to do something new on Mariokart Wii, something I never did before...
Downloading Custom Tracks, around April, May 2017 I began to search how to download this,
and I started to free memory on my sd card, this takes me longer and longer, because because I was doubting so deeply if my Wii can take Custom Tracks...
After 2 month thinking of this I decided to do this, so I have downloaded Custom Tracks via the internet, released memory on my SD card, this was going well, but there's one more thing to do, buying a new Mariokart Wii disc.
End of July 2017 - Mariokart Wii CTGP Revolution
End of July 2017 it was finally time, I have downloading Custom Tracks and can play them!
I remember the first day that I actually play something where I longed for since the year I got Mariokart Wii,
and actually played it, that felt really weird at the time, because I though that it doesn't exist to buy but just a romhack was that was free.
And is free forever! I had A TON of fun playing this and is now recognisable as my favorite romhack of all time.
Especially because this romhack is NEVER the same, it will be updated every 2 months to a newer version,
with bugfixes, new tools, tracks that are no longer supported go out and instead of that there will come new tracks in.
Even will tracks getting updated to a newer version so the track never will be boring, and the track will get better, nicer and will look more fun.
That was for me something I need to have around that time, a romhack that should change sometimes,
But the problem was that I don't had internet, so each time there will be a new update I must find a way to fix this,
Without showing it my parents! Or else this hasn't turn out well, so what I did was a time that my parents weren't home and after 2 hours get back,
all updatefile to the root of my SD and then update my CTGP, and hey that was going well and my Wii can take it!
I was suprised of it but relieved it did work, because I still knew I need connection for this with the internet.
So I investigate if my Wii can take connection with the internet, what was said what could not,
This also lasted for months and was announced in 2018.
Something else was that I around end of August and early September would change the music from the track, this is recognized as Custom Music.
This was a lot of hassle, but my friend Roy also known as Royyst3r on YouTube managed to find it out and helped me out, to fix te song.
afterwards he told me what to need to do this, and gave me a tutorial.
By really being able to understand it he sayed to me to do it myself after the tutorial, he did this because he needed to know if really can do it myself.
And that worked, so at the end without him I knew it myself what to do to make something like that.
But we still are in August 2017, were also happened something special...
mid August 2017 - I get unexpected news
About this piece I'm probably not allowed to share that much information, so I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible here.
OK, so when I heared my parents were about to divorce which each other I immediately though: No this is not going to be it, all that moving and hassle what's in it, every time going to somewhere else no I did not feel like it...
My parents had no quarrel luckily, so they simply announce quietly through consultation what will happen.
Around that time I did not really feel like it in the future.
Until my parents had a conversation about me how it went on, I wasn't really interested about it, until I heard something about my Wii...
I knew that aren't talking to me but to each other, but still I asked if they can repeat it.
They're saying: Youk would like to have a 2nd wii at your mother
I stood looking straight at them, and said: Do you think you really do this to me?!
Then they say: Yes.
And from then I knew they mean it, I though in myself: Yes finally is my future a bit better, now can I also play CTGP at my other Wii and finally can play Custom Tracks online!
A few days later we bought a new Wii from the internet so that that was already arranged, soon after it already get it, so that was already 1 thing that made me happy!
When my father came back to us a few days later, it only gets better,
when we were alone downstairs he wanted to tell me something like a secret, I was really wondering what he had to say, so I turn my Wii on pause,
He said: Do you like to have a TV on your room, that way I will not bother you anymore, and you can do your own thing. (I mean: do not bother me as if he really bothered me.)
At that moment I was looking forward to my future, because I had the feeling that I suddenly had a lot more!
I first though, you lick out of your neck, but my parents never licking out of their necks so I believed him.
So I agreed with him and short after telled the rest of my parents about it, they're also suprised but super happy for me
But yeah, it took a while before everything was done, but it was done.
From the end of October 2017 - my 3DS get Custom Firmware
By the time of August 2017 I also want to hack other things than my Wii,
Like an example my 3DS, this was really hard and takes a lot of time before I had everything.
I needed a magnet, be super precise, and keep my concentration,
Somewhere mid, the end of October I finally hacked my 3DS, my friend Roy gave me a full tutorial to hack my 3DS, him I'm still thankful to this day, without him I didn't succeed.
I have also been able to get NTR viewer, and all games that on there, takes no more money, everything was for free!
So that saved a lot of money! On a given moment I also came that far to get a romhack on it, CTGP-7.
This is like the same thing as CTGP Revolution, but with some different things, this romhack has 30 Custom Tracks in total, while CTGP Revolution has 216,
On this everything has been edited, even the Custom Music, while you can do that in your own in CTGP Revolution.
This is handy in CTGP-7, but some songs on there I'm not a big fan of.
On CTGP Revolution you can change your own music which takes much more time, but there it is COMPLETELY your own choice which song you want to hear.
That was for me much more handy than CTGP-7, because I love making Custom music!
I also can edit my Home Menu with better background music of Nintendo games, am I finally done with that stupid quiet background music of the 3DS Home Menu.
But everything changed in December 2017...
December 2017 - The corrupted SD Card
Yes, indeed, my SD Card went corrupted, because I did something my SD Card could not handle,
This was not a fun moment for me, all saves on my 3DS were gone,
and it got worse and worse, that worse that on a given moment NTR viewer and Freeshop also didn't work anymore...
even a few games were freezed, I even can't save on games anymore because guess what happened, the game gets an error and immediately get freezed...
So I decided the end of December to buy a new SD Card for my 3DS,
The resetting took a long time but I managed to set up all my hacks again, thanks to my friend dahacker2018.
I am grateful to him too, because without him I had not been able to crack again on my 3DS for the second time
But something new also happened on my channel in December 2017, which now improved my channel a lot...
From December 2017 - Project SMB Heroes of the Stars - Fight Scenes
I also talked about this in February 2017, when I asked for permission if I can make funny scenes of a popular Mario serie,
But around December 2017 I decide to go a little bit farther than that, I again was looking for cantact with AsylusGoji91 about if I know can make fight scenes as well...
And again he accepted, short after that I already was busy in Movie Maker to make the fight scenes,
That was going really well, and this time I decided to go a bit further to promote AsylusGoji91 a bit more.
But that was a bit of a problem, because everyone saw that I had edited this with Movie Maker and must wait really long for the video...
But I'm really impressed for how this has end, good quality, there was no framedrop to be found and the sound worked perfect!
Like the funny scenes these video began slowly with gaining views, but at the moment I uploaded the full movie of the fight scenes from episode 1 up to and including episode 10 the video's started to gain faster.
But still not fast enough to get popular...
After uploading the last video my full movie began to gain faster, on a day 10 views, then 20, then 50, then 100,
And suddenly the views were like a rocket shooting into the sky,
1 day I managed to get almost 1,000 views on that video!
What I was talking about with those funny scenes when I already was happy that I had 1.000 views with a month or 10,
This video reached that with 1 DAY!
That was that day the fastest going video on my channel I've ever seen,
Even faster than my livestreams.
The views per day declined to 200 a 300 per day, per day was that still really much,
But that declined really fast to 150, then to 100, 75, 50,
and then it was al the way back to 25.
But this video passed my old most watched video with more than 30.000 views, unimaginable!
How I began 2018
And so it was already 2018, and I must be fair, this is in my opinion one of the best years I've ever had in my entire life!
In this year I have received so many new things, and for my channel is 2018 the most succesvol year ever!
New most watched video's so much new subscribers and much more, but I'll talk about this later.
I began 2018 with my 250 subs special because in the first few days in this year I did get my 250th subscriber.
I had a special video to be ready about that I let show Custom Tracks which are not in CTGP Revolution.
This was a fun compilation but there were a few problems that were hardly noticeable.
Around the beginnings of 2018 I recorded video's with my phone, because of 1 reason, the video was in Full HD.
But every time I recorded this my phone will give a time limit about how much time I got to record, and the maximum of that is half an hour.
And the video was planned to be 3 quarters of an hour...
So I had trouble making new videopieces, but it finally succeeded and the video still looks good to this day.
A few days later which I also said in my previous piece, is that I uploaded my new most watched video about the full movie of the fight scenes of SMB Heroes of the Stars.
This video had a bad start, but it was so successful in March that it got almost 1,000 views in a day!
Well, for short... But still,
This was the first video which reached 5.000, 10.000, 20.000, and even 30.000 views
And yes mid January what I also said in a previous piece is that I get a TV on my room, it was set around that time, on both adresses
So I also had one at my mother.
Also did I setup my new Wii, this also takes some time because I first didn't knew what to do, but I was soon behind that too.
With this I began 2018, and nothing new came up on my channel, until somewhere April I reached 300 subscribers,
exactly on time to upload my music pack from CTGP.
That's how I got my milestone, and that's how my subscribers can enjoy the music I replaced on all tracks.
But yeah there were still 2 problems in this video which was in the 1st place a bit bad and in the 2nd place a bit overdone.
I recorded this with my phone and put the volume up as hard as I can, so the watchers can hear it hard enough, so hard my parents also can hear it.
This is gonna be one of the best video of April 2018!
Or just NOT!
Yeah, the problem was I recorded this with my phone, so 1: The screen didn't look beautiful, and 2: the sound sounds compress.
The other problem was that I went WAY to overdone with the editing of the video, I wanted to show as less as possible people that I have edited this with Windows Movie Maker.
But that wasn't the case, the text from the song flew forward as if I maybe had a bit to much excitement to make the video. But this made very little impression
But we still are in January 2018, and it was already a good beginning, although there was not much to tell about it, it was enough to start 2018 with.
But somewhere mid May I got something I've been asking for since the beginning of my channel, which made my videos 10 times as good as what it was.
From mid May 2018 - Video's with a Capture Card
Guys I swear it you, I was SUPRISED when my parents allowed me to buy a Capture Card!
This was the moment to get more popular, yes! Something I did not like in the past I can now suddenly.
I could jump a hole in the air when I heard to get a Capture Card! Finally no blurred screen anymore, no framedrops anymore and the quality of the video was 10 times better than before!
I can record now in 1080p and 60 FPS! this lasted and lasted, until my Capture Card with Wii2HDMI came in,
This was one of the best moment in my entire life! I finally can record with my new Capture Card!
Atleast, that's what I though....
My friend Enzo, also recognisable as Enzo MK on YouTube had around that time also a Capture Card, and knew what I must do with it.
He said I needed to get 2 hdmi cables to let it work,
So did I do that, it takes another week before they came in, but then the capture card came together,
and let me say that this was heavier than I though, I had spent days, weeks trying to make this into each other, and it doesn't work at all...
Then I was done with it and I decided to make a stream so that my friends could help me to make it.
Nothing worked! And I've tried everything, downloading things set up things,
Until Enzo came with the reaction to change some cables, I tried that, and that worked!
So all the trouble I've made depends on some cable changes, how didn't I earlier came up with that?!
But OK, I immediately began with making video's with this Capture Card, the €80 (€70*) was worth the effort, because the Capture Card worked perfect!
As perfect there aren't found framedrops in it!
But after a month and a half the video got better just because a very good editor was cracked thanks to a good friend of mine
From July 2018 - Better video's thanks to Premiére Pro CC 2018
Somewhere in the beginnings of July 2018 I found a handy tool on my Wii, because of this my Wii runs on 60 FPS.
Before that my Wii only runned on 25 FPS, which was decently low, but I found out that people with a capture card can run their Wii at 60 fps.
That runned MUCH better than 25 FPS, somewhere mid July a friend of mine came, I think most of you will know him, I'm talking about MK Mier.
He was making the same video's, and when he got his Capture Card, he did the same thing I did, he setted up his Wii so it runs on 60 FPS.
But he went a step further than me, because he found something that will crack Premiére Pro on a decently simple way, just watching a tutorail and follow the tutorial.
Can this be easier?!
A few days later he showed one of his video about Mariokart Wii, his video runs on 60 FPS.
So I also wanted that and asked him how to do that.
He told me about he cracked Premiére Pro and therefore giving video's higher quality and framerate
So I asked for help on that, but... He had another idea... He sended me the same tutorial he watched and sometimes need to explain me some things.
After following everything, it was finally time, I cracked Premiére Pro! Now I have no monthly bill with this! Now only one more thing to do, editing a video...
A while later MK Mier explained, by himself without tutorial what to do to give the video better quality and higher framerate.
his was going much easier for me because he saw what I did.
After half an hour explanation, did I finally succeeded to complete the editing, and it was about rendering.
I first though in myself, this is not going to succeed, this video is still in 480p and 30 FPS...
But when I originally upload it, it wasn't the case, the video was in 720p and 60 FPS! So after longer than 1 year time I finally can upload again in HD and even Full HD and 60 FPS!
Totally free!
I'm also very grateful for MK Mier, because without him I didn't made this video's on so high quality and framerate,
Well OK, 1080p at its highest but no 60 FPS, but that did happen now...
So far the channel history we come to an end, there are probably many more things to come in the future
But we're all going to see how that goes on for a while
Guys I need to give a huge shout out to the YouTubers: Royyst3r, dahacker2018, Enzo MK and MK Mier
So take a look at their channel and if you want to subscribe them.
You also should subscribe my channel for more gamecontent, I am alternately active, the one time not so and the other time I am.
You also can follow me on Patreon, also from that site there will be a link in the description.
And of course again don't forget to join my Discord server
But everything of this is just completley your own choice, feel free to do this,
OK that was everything I had to say so I'm a bit done here, have a good day and I'll speak you all later!
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