By Eunice Moyle and Sabrina Moyle.
For more infomation >> SUPER POOPER AND WHIZZ KID: POTTY POWER! by R & S Moyle Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Passat Variant € 7.275,- demo voordeel. Highline Business R 1.4 TSI 150 pk DSG. - Duration: 0:52.
Evangelio de hoy, Martes 30 de Octubre del 2018 - Duration: 3:08.
BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.
이영학 무기징역 감형이유 항소심...이영학 사형 구형 | News KR - Duration: 6:43.
How to Make Christmas Snowflake - Duration: 3:12.
How to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 NO COMPUTER NO APPVALLEY iPhone 4S/5/5C iPad 2/3/4 Mini 1 iPod Touch - Duration: 3:03.
do you want to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 on any iOS device no
computer required? if so let's start. good day guys
it's Saunders Tech. If this is your first time here , and you want to master your
knowledge about iOS and Apple tech start now by subscribing, and ring that Bell so
you don't miss an upload. And if you go on to enjoy this video make sure you
smash the like button so it's quite simple you just want to go to this link
in description it'll bring you to here and you're gonna tap download icon you
just want to wait a bit, you'll see this pop-up you want to tap install and now jailbreak
we're using is Phoenix however they put it in Chinese
characters for some reason so you can see on our home screen that Phoenix is
starting to install, i'll be back once it's done once Phoenix has
installed, you need to manually allow access, by doing this go into settings, general, device management,
find the enterprise app that it's in, you want app trust, trust again and now this jailbreak supports
the following devices iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 iPhone 5c, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and iPod Touch 5th generation
if you don't have any of these devices then this jailbreak will
not work for you. Let's just open up Phoenix again: you want to tap it. You can tap
kickstart jailbreak, and the iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak will start preparing. you want to use provided offsets that's
going to run the exploit now there's an ad you just wanna tap the "x" and if it
asks again you just want to tap it and you are going to see your jailbroken and it
should respring now sometimes you'll device will restart and you won't be jailbroken
if this is the case you need to open up the Phoenix app again and then do the jailbreak
process again and then you'll be jailbroken so be back once it's respringed
ok so once it's respringed we want to swipe to unlock and we're going to see that
Cydia is now on our device, it should load if there isn't cyda on the
device that means that the jailbreak was unsuccessful so you have to open up the
Phoenix up again and redo the jailbreak and eventually it will work work. if you got your jailbreak working
before when you want to redo your jailbreak, and the cydia app is crashing, that means
you want to re-jailbrake. You can see here Cydia, down here
you can see iPhone 4s iOS 9 and let's just wait for this
you will see this popup it's fine you want to tap return, and you'll see return to cydia, and you'll see essential
upgrade you want to tap upgrade, tap confirm, and now it's going to do some updates to Cydia
you're going to see this you want to tap return to Cydia sometimes the cydia app just
crashes you just want to open it up back again and be all good so now we are basically
finished you can install tweaks you can add sources so that's the end for this
video from here to the left there'll be an end screen you can tap
that and it'll bring you to my latest video and then to the right there's
video that I've recommended for you and in the middle there's a subscribe button
you should tap on it... if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like subscribe if
you're new follow me on twitter at saunders tech there's a link in the
description like always have a good day guys peace out
Seat Ibiza 1.2 Club 1.2 CLUB/FR 5DRS WEINIG KM - Duration: 1:07.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Live Airco/5Drs - Duration: 1:09.
Peugeot 307 1.6 16V Automaat 5drs Premium 1eEig/Nieuwstaat/Navigatie - Duration: 1:12.
Aries November 2018 Astrology Horoscope Uranian - Duration: 26:10.
Réforme de l'Etat - ce qui attend les fonctionnaires - Duration: 4:23.
Des francs-maçons réclament la "suspension temporaire" de Mélenchon - Duration: 3:29.
5.1 Aprendizaje móvil o mobile learning Ventajas educativas e inconvenientes del aprendizaje movil - Duration: 6:13.
Cancellato il Trono classico di Uomini e Donne: ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:59.
Uomini e Donne, Andrea Cerioli è il nuovo tronista, è ufficiale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:29.
Quel che mi convince e quel che non mi convince del Salvimaio | IBS intervista ANDREA SCANZI - Duration: 5:05.
Fabrizio Corona torna a rivolgersi a Ilary Blasi e al GF | Nuova Vita - Duration: 2:16.
Al Bano Carrisi e Romina Power cantano e ballano al MCS | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:35.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Live Airco/5Drs - Duration: 1:09.
Titolo esecutivo, cos'è e quando si notifica - Duration: 0:41.
How To Raise A Bilingual Child: My Personal Experience And Tips - Duration: 8:41.
Before the birth of my first son, I had made the firm decision to raise him trilingual.
It was not an easy choice. I was confident that it's possible to
raise a bilingual child, but my wife and I were afraid that introducing three
languages from the very beginning of his life would be too much for him to handle.
Today, I want to share my experience so far and give you my tips for raising
bilingual or trilingual children. Until he was 2 years old,
my son's kindergarten teachers were quite concerned about his speaking skills.
Compared to other kids in the class, he did not speak much.
His vocabulary was far less developed and, while many of his classmates were already
building sentences, he was still at the stage of group words like "Daddy, bed"
instead of saying "Daddy is in the bed." Many times I had to reassure them by
telling them that for trilingual or billingual children, this small delay was
absolutely normal. Today, at the time I recorded this video, Noa is a wonderful
trilingual who is nearly three years old. He can build pretty long sentences, he
understands complex instructions and is capable of switching between French,
Italian and Romanian without the slightest difficulty. I wanted to record this video
because you need to know that raising multilingual children is not always easy.
If you choose to take this path, there will be obstacles and difficulties along
the way, but, trust me, it's so worth it, and they will thank you later.
I'm very happy to be able to share what I've learned about this topic by reading many
books and articles, talking with other bilingual parents and children, and,
of course, from my own experience. Let's begin with my first tip. Be Clear About
Your Motivation And Goals to Raise a Multilingual Child. To make the process
easier for both you, your partner, and your child, you need to be clear about
what motivates you and your goal. As for me, it was simply unconceivable
that my son would not speak Italian, which is not only my mother tongue,
but a language that means a lot to me. I associate it with my family, the country
where I grew up and a culture I love. I want him to make a true connection
with Italy and feel this culture is one of his own.
So, my motivations are really strong. Are yours? You also need to be clear about your goals.
Do you want your children to be fully bilingual or trilingual, or do
to have a good command of the language? Not native speaker per se,
but able to communicate. Or, do you want them to know some basic sentences and words
in the language? Your answer to these questions will change everything and will
result in a different approach and a different amount of effort from your side.
In my case, it's simple. I want him to be an Italian native speaker and have
a perfect command of the language. My second tip is: Choose a Precise Strategy
There are many different strategies for raising a bilingual or trilingual child.
In my case, I chose the popular OPOL approach, which stands for One Parent One Language.
This is based on a pretty straightforward rule: each parent must
always speak with the kid in a language different from the other parent.
In my case, I always speak in my native Italian with my son, while my wife only speaks
Romanian, her mother tongue, with him. The goal here is helping your child make an
association between a language and a parent. Like that, he knows that he must
use different languages based on the parent he's addressing. In the case of my
son, Noa, the association is so strong that he not only always uses Italian
when they speaks with me, but when he wants to learn a new word, he asks me
"Come dice papa?" Which means "How does daddy says this?"
The advantages of this strategy are that it's crystal clear for the child, you can
easily put it into practice, and it provides a lot of exposure, especially if both
parents spend a roughly equal amount of time with the child. My third tip is:
Stick to the Chosen Strategy Even if it's Complicated or Scary. My situation
is a bit more complicated than most bilingual families. Since we
live in France, one of the disadvantages of the OPOL strategy is that it's
difficult to stick with this rule outside the home. I have observed that
some people do not like it when people use a language they don't know in front
of them. The temptation here would be to make an exception for these people.
I don't. I want my son to speak Italian so badly that I ignore the social pressure
and speak Italian even in front of others. Another common problem is when
people scare you with unsolicited advice. Teachers, doctors, friends, and relatives might
not understand what you're doing and make you doubt yourself, especially when
your child seems different from his peers. Take the example of the
kindergarten teachers who pointed out repeatedly that my son did not have the
same speaking skills as other children. My tip is to not listen to them and only
take expert opinions into account. If you have doubts, read as many books and
articles as you can about the subject and you'll see that what many parents and
experts say is really encouraging. Stick to your choice and do not give up.
You know what is best for your child. Expose Your Child to the Minority
Language a Lot. To explain this tip, let me define the notion of a minority language.
Adam Beck, author of the book "Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability,"
is American, is married to a Japanese woman and lives in Japan. In this case,
it's obvious that English could easily become the minority language for his
children because Japanese is not only used by his wife--and women tend to
spend more time with their kids--but it's also the language used outside the home.
In the book, Beck explains how much effort he made to expose his children to
the English language so they would be bilingual. This is a key tip. Don't make the
mistake of thinking that because children are like sponges they will
automatically learn or want to speak the minority language. Many experts say that
children need to be exposed to a language at least 20%
of their waking time or 15 hours per week. My two recommendations are to
start very early, even while the baby's still in the mother's belly, and to spend
as much quality time as possible with your children. In my case, even if I'm with
my son less than my wife, I make sure to read him stories in Italian every day.
We talk and play together at least one hour per day, and I dedicate my weekends to him.
My final tip is probably the most precious one I can give you.
If you really want your children to be bilingual, then Make Sure They Actually Want To.
A child might want to speak the minority language to communicate with
his/her grandparents or maybe to have a kind of secret language to communicate
with her/his parents, or simply because you have shown him/her the bright sides
of the language, or even to feel special compared to his or her mates.
Whether it's an emotional or rational argument, it's vitally important to create and
nurture the desire to speak more languages. To keep this video short and
sweet, I decided to limit myself to five tips and to share only one of the
possible strategies for raising a bilingual or trilingual child, but if you
want to discover other tips and methods there is a much more complete article on our blog.
You can check the link in the video description. And if you learned
something new from this video, please give it a thumbs up, then make sure to
subscribe to our channel to get more hacks and tips. I recommend turning on
your notifications to be sure to not miss any of our videos. And, finally, if
you're watching this video on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media
platform, please like or follow our page. Thanks a lot for watching and see you
next time.
Sternenbrücke Kinderhospiz Social Media Marketing - Duration: 2:29.
Evangelio de hoy, Martes 30 de Octubre del 2018 - Duration: 3:08.
來投票最喜歡誰的萬聖節嚇死鬼冷笑話🎃還有七七乳加扭蛋喔! [YYTV / 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:01.
Napa cabbage shrimp pasta : Korean style pasta - Duration: 5:20.
This video is included English subtitles.
MOSAIC ART : a 6000 years old foreign language in art - Duration: 5:00.
Mosaic is a foreign language in the art.
What is that mean? Yo Ayhan common what is that mean?
It is quite simple. As you might know,
I'm making a job research all over the world.
Especially in the mosaic art as a mentor or instructor.
I clearly see right now,
why the mosaic art is act, is acting,
like a foreign language in the art world.
I believe it starts in the school.
In the school the art teachers are not,
the young artists, who will become the artists, about
the mosaic thinking.
Cuz many of you already know, mosaic art is different.
Is different then painting or a sculpture.
Different than other art forms.
This is the main reason I believe why we don't have,
mosaic art sold in Sothebys or Christies auction house.
Not even in art galleries.
I was in London I guess last year,
for the art fair the parallax art fair.
Ot 2 years ago I'M not sure.
I was in Germany too and,
I never saw any mosaic as a art form in galleries.
or in a auction house.
Thats why, when someone is looking at a mosaic,
the mosaic is looking to them like a foreign language in art.
I saw so many people loking at a mosaic and they was like:
You know like: what is he saying?
What is that thing saying? All the lines? What is saying?
It is like looking at a baby and the baby is trying to talk with you.
And it is 1 years old has no clue what he is saying.
It's the same in mosaic art. Unfortunately.
Cuz no body knows that language.
Who is responsible for that?
I believe.... well it is not easy to say.
But the main thing is:
Mosaic is not known well all over the world.
In Europe, in the Us states or,
No one cares really what mosaic is about.
But the funny part is mosaic,
the most oldest art form on this planet.
I guess it's almost 6000 years old.
So the mosaic art is like:
a new born baby but 6000 years old already.
And it's hidden kind of not discovered yet.
So what we have to do is, bring this stuff one step further you know.
I saw in my clients eyes,
they was shining like crazy and happiness and excitement,
as soon as I installed the mosaic on their walls,
floor, what kinda project it ever was.
They was so happy like they have seen something,
what they have never seen before.
But that stuff is 6000 years old?
So why are people acting like that?
Because mosaic art is really not discovered yet!
It's a 6000 years old new born baby.
And ...
Yeah, I just wanted to talk about that.
I believe it is a issue and it is important.
In these jıb applications everybody is talking the school.
You know, where did you graduated?
And stuff but,
Even if you are graduated from the best art school on this planet.
No one has teach you about the ''mosaic thinking''.
You know, which is the language actually.
The language of the ''mosaic art'' :
Is ''mosaic thinking''.
The language of painting is ''thinking like a painter''.
You know, lines and everything.
In mosaic you have a lot of other stuff,
going on on the mosaic surface.
And yeah, I thought it is kinda important.
So I have to talk about this.
I definitely have to upload this on my channel.
Because, I don't know why...
I hope my language and explanation was enough,
to transfer this kinda information to you.
And yeah...
I'M still working on my job applications.
I'm applying to jobs from all over the world.
Ok lets keep it short we will talk about this in another video.
Thats it. by by
욕망의 불꽃, 김희정-신은경의 선과 악의 대립 - Duration: 10:54.
Gods Woord 'Het wezen van Christus is gehoorzaamheid aan de wil van de hemelse Vader' Nederlands - Duration: 28:51.
950 PUANLI RAKİBİ 7-0 YENDİĞİM TAKTİĞİ KİM İSTİYOR ? | pes 2019 iyi oynama taktikleri - Duration: 11:07.
How To Take an Eye Photo - Iridology - Duration: 8:06.
How To Take an Eye Photo
Jen: Hi everyone, I'm Jen B. and you know Marcie
and this is my assistant Elizabeth and Megan is Marcie's assistant
and today, we are filming a video for you to update to the current
how to take your eye photos with a cell phone video that's on Dr. Morse's YouTube channel.
So, we are going to use our assistants to give you a how-to video with that in a demonstration
especially with Elizabeth with her brown eyes, because those are tricky to photograph
but Marcie will go into more detail with the procedure and how to do it,
and what exactly we're looking for in an eye photo when we're reviewing it with you
in your appointment or if you've purchased an iris analysis.
Marcie: Alright, one thing is important
it's labeling the eyes when you send them in,
to make sure that we've got which eye is which eye,
and getting a picture of both eyes is important because
your right eye tells things about the body that the left eye doesn't, and vice versa.
The left eye will tell certain things like the heart where the right doesn't,
plus, it's good for us to be able to see the right and left adrenal and kidney and different areas of the body.
And actually what's going on up in the brain area.
That's an area I like to get involved in.
So, when you're getting ready to start, it's important to
get your pupil, no pun intended, your pupil relaxed, just have them sit there
and you're going to get your camera focused.
You want to get as close as possible and still be able to focus the camera.
A lot of photos that we've been getting they're quite always away,
and by the time we enlarge them they're too blurry to see
and so, try and get as close up as possible but still be able to focus.
And you're going to do this in a room where you've got lighting up overhead,
not lighting from windows or lamps,
because that will reflect and it'll cover up important areas in the eyes.
And then you're going to take a pen light,
and it's important to try and get at least two people to do this if possible.
So, I'm going to have Megan holding the camera, I'm going to be doing the light,
and I'm going to have Elizabeth hold her eyes open.
And you want to get the whole eye,
you do not want the lid drooping over the top area.
You want to be able to see the whole colored part where the iris of the eye.
And you're going to use the pen light,
and you're going to come in not straight on, that will blind them,
and not straight from the side because that gives you more of a flat surface.
You want to come in from an angle -can you look at me Drew-
You want to come in not from the side or straight on but from an angle.
This will light up the terrain, and you'll be able to see a lot of the dips, and the valleys and things.
So, let's go ahead.
And I don't know if you can see in that eye,
I'm going to light it up just like that.
Megan: I need to turn my flash off
Marcie: Yes, it is important to turn the flash off.
Elizabeth: Could you see my whole iris, it was wide enough? Marcie: Close.
We'll redo that one just to give you an idea, unless Megan thinks it's okay.
Megan: No Marcie: OK
So, even we have to redo this sometimes.
Megan: I think I got it. Yeah that's pretty good.
Marcie: all right, so let's go ahead and enlarge that,
because I want to see if you can get the definition.
Do you see all the Radii Solaris that's showing up in her?
She doesn't have a ton of Lacunas or Crypts, but the whole definition of the eye,
and you can just see a lot of that depth, you want more of a 3D dimension,
you do not want a flat surface.
And so, this is the kind that ultimately you want to be able to send us.
Let's try it on the left eye.
Elizabeth: Was it better for me to hold with this hand or this hand on the side?
Megan: Are you going to be able to do that one?
Elizabeth: Yeah, let's get in there.
Jen: Now, Megan is using a Samsung cell phone,
honestly, and with my experience with the iPhone,
it seems like this is a better quality compared to the iPhone camera,
but, still play around with it, there are tons of apps out there whether they're free or $0.99
Give them a try, I had success with one called camera plus
because it had a macro lens feature and it did help out,
but it seems like Samsung have a much better quality photo.
Marcie: You can also come in, you can see the nerve rings which is very important to see.
You can see if there's any malabsorption, the skin ring.
You want that clarity, you do not want it to be blurry.
Jen: That's fantastic, that would be an excellent photo for us to see,
but even so, you know, feel free to send them over anytime,
the girls can take a look, show us, they know what to look for to.
Marcie: So, we're looking for quality as far as what you can see visibility wise, no blurriness.
We're looking for the less reflections the better, so, in a dark room with just above over the headlights,
and not like lamps or windows, and a calm person to take the photo.
So, and it does help if you've got multiple people doing different things.
If you're trying to hold the camera and do the flashlight or hold the eyes open,
your hand that's taking the photo is going to be less steady.
That's the importance of trying to get more than one person doing that.
Jen: Oh, and try to have contact lenses out when you are taking these photos.
They do provide a glare and especially if they're older contact lenses or dirty,
we're going to see it.
It might distort what we're looking at. So, please take them out.
Marcie: And so, we would like to thank Megan and Elizabeth today for joining us on this video.
Hopefully, this will help a little bit.
I travel an awful lot and I am always taking eye photos
for people who want me to take a look at their eyes and things like that,
and once you get the hang of it or the concept of it it's not that hard to get.
It just can be that way when you're first attempting to.
The most important thing is to try and get that camera focused before you start the whole thing.
And every time you move, it will maybe get shaken up a little bit, but you'll get there.
Jen: Thanks for joining us, I hope you found this video very helpful, and send in those eye photos.
Marcie: Thanks Guys.
Right Eye Sample.
Left Eye Sample.
Anticipazioni Il Segreto: Adela tormentata da un personaggio sconosciuto - Duration: 11:34.
No Man's Sky Next 1.7 The ABYSS Patch Notes and Reaction - Duration: 11:01.
Hello its Ricardo and welcome back to no man's sky next update 1.70 hit today and
with that came the first bit of named content to be released since the
original next release of 1.5 yes folks the abyss this kind of sort of snuck up
on us last week there's going to be an update we've been working on it secretly
behind the scenes sort of thing came out from sure and Mary part of the team has
been working on this other part that thing we've been working on the fixes
and there was much speculation about what the abyss actually meant now a lot
of people turn around thought yes the abyss it's gonna be about the underwater
and it's gonna be speed spooky because it's green well it's definitely about
underwater hello Games also released a fantastic
trailer showcasing some of the parts of the abyss that are going to be released
so as previously reported there'll be a new XO craft as well called the nought
along you'll see a little bit later a more diverse aquatic flora and fauna
improved underwater base building with special modules and biodomes as well
that you can see out of like this one an upgraded jetpack as well optimized for
underwater use which to be fair is really needed because it was atrocious
before and the abyssal horror although sauce called it the abysmal
horror last week so it's the abyssal as in the abyss horror as well so exploring
the seabed can be lucrative as well I will yield some crystallized sulfur
living pearls or hey doll cause but avoid the territorial creatures that
lurk down there so there's gonna be a little bit of combat going on there with
it the creatures a little bit of stealth is gonna have to be involved
there's gonna be poisonous jellyfish snapping clams predator fish which
apparently are meant to be larger than some starships and again of course we
mentioned the abyssal horror which apparently is lured many explorers to a
grim end so a few XPrize --is as well that you know we weren't expecting it
appears from the video there'll be a deep-sea themed helmet added to the
appearance modifier and it's like the old very big deep-sea diving helmets no
the big brass things you know four back back in the 40s there will also be
aquatic ruins to discover and explore the visual improvements as well have
been made under the watery environments making it more clear a bit more
appealing and those of you have played subnautica as well you can see as
definitely they've definitely channeling a little bit of subnautica there as well
which i think is an absolutely beautiful game no man's sky the abyss is a
beautiful addition to the no man's sky universe so a si filming an underwater
movement controls have also been overhauled as well there'll also be a
new narrative driven quest line called dreams of the deep to introduce players
to the aquatic features according to Halo games will be a dark narrative and
the no man's sky story discover the fate of a troubled crew stranded from afraid
to crash by the rising tides or explore underwater ruins to incur the tale of a
lost soul trapped beneath the waves aside from the underwater additions 1.70
man's guide brings improvements to frigates and freighters these capital
sized crafts can now be scanned with the visor players can also appear their
friends frigates during multiplayer sessions as well something that was once
not allowed and there are also numerous bug fixes so let's go through the bug
fixes but if you haven't done so and if you'd like to and you enjoying what
you're seeing so far hit that subscribe and the like button and also check out
that notification icon as well and that'll let you know what I'm putting
more videos of no man's sky Battlestar Galactica
Elite dangerous which is also do an update it's actually in beta this week
as well so check out the channel some more of those anyway on to the updates
so we've got increased the diversity of underwater by odomes improved character
movement in the water because sorely needed improve surface swimming improve
swimming for customized characters allowed the torch to be used underwater
no good if you can't see where you're going
they've improved underwater and swimming cameras they've improved camera behavior
when approaching the surface of the water and added support for jetpacking
underwater as we mentioned I've also added support for the increased
probability of oxygen spawning as a secondary resource underwater very handy
that I'd imagine okay so they've also looked at me prevented drone spawning
underwater and following you deeper under water and they've increased the
depths at which underwater buildings can also spawn of course we've also
mentioned the oxygen spawn is a secondary resource underwater you grab
oxygen you've got a major underwater update like this and looked at the water
visuals not only at night but they fixed issues around pixelated edges and
improved the color of water surfaces and underwater effects also the fit the
fishes and the creatures the underwater creatures have been improved as well
respawn rates of fish while underwater obviously because their fish and the
creatures that are underwater improve the logic for spawning and D spawning
antigenic fish clams crab abyssal Horrors added fish and underwater
creature audio and they would have looked at character audio as well now
the user interface they disabled censorship in text chat between friends
and also added more options to the inventory transfer menu removed in a
semi UI data to improved load times and memory footprint always handy because
sometimes this game does drag and they fix cases where quick menu items were
incorrectly highlighted and fixed issues with the vehicle inventory transfers
the hazard icons for protection tech against secondary hazards fix the crash
caused by hooking the event tree while using the ship communicator clipping
issues occasional crashing the character customizer loads of fixes so far to the
game so not just the narrative not just an entire new section underwater an
awful lot of thought being put into this but also they're trying to address all
the fixes hello games are dressing Ritchie all the fixes and they're
listening to their community which i think is totally admirable so facing
some buildings I did the chance for abandoned buildings ruins crashed
freighters and crash ships to spawn underwater great you grabbed my
populated underwater seascape they fixed an issue where players could fall
through storage room walls you don't want that do you and allowed storage
rooms be plays in a grid layout minor improvements to the indoor character
corrected the volume of NPC speech inside bases altered limits on building
some objects through the Quicksilver BOTS and added new underwater shelter
buildings and added over a dozen new base pads I went through a door knock by
odomes they've got clear tunnels you name it they've got it in there they've
really out thought about this now freighters ships in space they've
improved the spawning of frigates in multiplayer games when players are on
board them fixed issues where player ship would incorrectly appear in new
system after warping looked at issues where multiple fleet missions would
automatically be handed in simultaneously hmm I did the ability to
scan frigates and freighters using the analysis visor prevented death being
permanently active on frigate landing pads and many more again they fixed a
crash caused by the anomaly in certain systems fixed an issue where frigates
failed to reset their resource collection after giving the resources to
the player okay so there's the duplication fix work yes it does now
this is the large duplication fix the large refined you plication effects that
we've been using yes it still works so very handy when getting those new
modules for the end of autocratic part of things so back to the
fixes missions and progression added the dreams of the deep mission just the
abyss mission added a new story to underwater ruins added a number of new
aquatic substances goods and products improved the return marker on portals
the player has traveled through fix an issue where some missions would also
give identical reward improve the ability for missions to select locations
to send you from small clusters of buildings vehicles reduce the radius on
the vehicle gun to ensure particles port the correct point improve the color of
vehicles yes you can have a yellow submarine
the nautic on improved detail decals from the default vehicle allowing the
player to add them and disabled the find building ability in a vehicle's defaults
can creatures they fix and cases where bird would fly into the ground
improved rodent tail animation improved creature scanning in multiplayer fix an
issue where filters for creature perk generation were not correctly applying
to all genders the system improve systems fixes have improved shade of
information and resolution on PC and change default multiplayer permissions
to be more permissive and that Jem Lee is that if that wasn't enough everybody
a huge update and a monumental effort from Hello games I couldn't be more
happier it's really going to improve gameplay and other aspects of this game
no end so I've been Ricardo this has been no man's sky next but the 1.7
update the abyss thanks very much for watching and for keeping your attention
ear I do appreciate it all like I say like and subscribe if you haven't
already done so and check back for more videos in the series thanks for watching
see you soon
SUPER POOPER AND WHIZZ KID: POTTY POWER! by R & S Moyle Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 3:04.
By Eunice Moyle and Sabrina Moyle.
Volkswagen Passat Variant € 7.275,- demo voordeel. Highline Business R 1.4 TSI 150 pk DSG. - Duration: 0:52.
Evangelio de hoy, Martes 30 de Octubre del 2018 - Duration: 3:08.
BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.
【志祺七七】補眠、吃早餐也是你的早自習日常嗎?讓人睡不飽的早自習到底有沒有必要呢? - Duration: 7:00.
이영학 무기징역 감형이유 항소심...이영학 사형 구형 | News KR - Duration: 6:43.
How to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 NO COMPUTER NO APPVALLEY iPhone 4S/5/5C iPad 2/3/4 Mini 1 iPod Touch - Duration: 3:03.
do you want to jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 on any iOS device no
computer required? if so let's start. good day guys
it's Saunders Tech. If this is your first time here , and you want to master your
knowledge about iOS and Apple tech start now by subscribing, and ring that Bell so
you don't miss an upload. And if you go on to enjoy this video make sure you
smash the like button so it's quite simple you just want to go to this link
in description it'll bring you to here and you're gonna tap download icon you
just want to wait a bit, you'll see this pop-up you want to tap install and now jailbreak
we're using is Phoenix however they put it in Chinese
characters for some reason so you can see on our home screen that Phoenix is
starting to install, i'll be back once it's done once Phoenix has
installed, you need to manually allow access, by doing this go into settings, general, device management,
find the enterprise app that it's in, you want app trust, trust again and now this jailbreak supports
the following devices iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 iPhone 5c, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and iPod Touch 5th generation
if you don't have any of these devices then this jailbreak will
not work for you. Let's just open up Phoenix again: you want to tap it. You can tap
kickstart jailbreak, and the iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak will start preparing. you want to use provided offsets that's
going to run the exploit now there's an ad you just wanna tap the "x" and if it
asks again you just want to tap it and you are going to see your jailbroken and it
should respring now sometimes you'll device will restart and you won't be jailbroken
if this is the case you need to open up the Phoenix app again and then do the jailbreak
process again and then you'll be jailbroken so be back once it's respringed
ok so once it's respringed we want to swipe to unlock and we're going to see that
Cydia is now on our device, it should load if there isn't cyda on the
device that means that the jailbreak was unsuccessful so you have to open up the
Phoenix up again and redo the jailbreak and eventually it will work work. if you got your jailbreak working
before when you want to redo your jailbreak, and the cydia app is crashing, that means
you want to re-jailbrake. You can see here Cydia, down here
you can see iPhone 4s iOS 9 and let's just wait for this
you will see this popup it's fine you want to tap return, and you'll see return to cydia, and you'll see essential
upgrade you want to tap upgrade, tap confirm, and now it's going to do some updates to Cydia
you're going to see this you want to tap return to Cydia sometimes the cydia app just
crashes you just want to open it up back again and be all good so now we are basically
finished you can install tweaks you can add sources so that's the end for this
video from here to the left there'll be an end screen you can tap
that and it'll bring you to my latest video and then to the right there's
video that I've recommended for you and in the middle there's a subscribe button
you should tap on it... if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like subscribe if
you're new follow me on twitter at saunders tech there's a link in the
description like always have a good day guys peace out
How to Make Christmas Snowflake - Duration: 3:12.
Seat Ibiza 1.2 Club 1.2 CLUB/FR 5DRS WEINIG KM - Duration: 1:07.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Live Airco/5Drs - Duration: 1:09.
Peugeot 307 1.6 16V Automaat 5drs Premium 1eEig/Nieuwstaat/Navigatie - Duration: 1:12.
Aries November 2018 Astrology Horoscope Uranian - Duration: 26:10.
Réforme de l'Etat - ce qui attend les fonctionnaires - Duration: 4:23.
Des francs-maçons réclament la "suspension temporaire" de Mélenchon - Duration: 3:29.
Wrapples Music Video
Amanda Peet Can't Impress Her Kids - Duration: 6:13.
-I am so happy you're here.
-I'm happy to be here.
-I'm doubly happy you're here because I don't drink
during the show, but you asked if you could have one.
-Sure. -And so now we're going to.
-Kay. [ Cheers and applause ]
-The difference between me and you in this situation is
I've already had some.
-Oh, you have? [ Laughter ]
That is great news that you've already had some.
That is, like, in line with something you do
when you're on talk shows?
That's not just like an everyday thing?
-It's an everyday thing. -Okay, gotcha.
[ Laughter ]
-No, it's because, you know, because I'm here and I'm --
scared I'm going to tank.
-Just like a little, you want to take the edge --
You're not going to tank.
-I like you a lot, so, it's --
-Oh, you're worried you're gonna let me down?
-It's much better when I don't like someone.
-Oh, great.
So, anytime I see you on talk show not drinking,
I'm gonna know, "Oh, she hates them."
[ Laughter ]
-Still respect them. -Yeah, right.
The show is fantastic. Congratulations.
This is -- "The Romanoffs,"
there's an episode shot in Europe.
There's an episode shot on a cruise ship.
Your episode was shot in New York.
-My hometown. -You went to college here. Yeah.
So were you a little bummed out
that you just had to do a New York episode?
-No, I'm so excited to be here.
Every time I come to my trailer,
whenever I'm employed here, it's like I won the lottery.
I can't believe it's really happening.
-And you move all around the city in this episode.
It is a very nice snapshot of the city.
You play -- One thing that is strange,
and your character is also coming to terms with this,
but you are about to be a grandmother in this episode.
When you first saw the script --
[ Laughter ]
-Thank you for laughing.
-Yes, I agree. I think we can all agree.
[ Cheers and applause ]
My grandmother never looked like you.
[ Laughter ]
She was old. What?
-That's what you think. -Okay.
-Because, see, I have this thing
where I think we're all in denial.
I know you're a little younger than I am, but I'm 46.
And I can't -- -I'm 45, so we're okay.
[ Laughter ]
-I can't believe I'm 46.
-Yeah. -You know?
Like I can't believe it. -I agree with that.
[ Laughter ]
-No, no, no. I'm really serious.
-Here's what -- You know what's crazy?
And while you're talking -- I'm 44.
I'm so old, I'm starting to forget how old I am.
[ Laughter ]
You know what I mean?
'Cause, like, basically 44 and 45 you're like,
it doesn't matter anymore.
[ Laughter ]
-Right. It's all really dodgy.
-Do you feel like look back at things, like,
in your previous life and do you laugh at, like,
what you used to think was old?
-Yes. So, I think about "Thirtysomething," that show.
-Television show. Yes. -"Thirtysomething."
And I think about them and they seemed like,
"Oh, they're grown-ups with their grown-up problems
and children, cancer, middle age."
And, like, I'm [bleep]
Sorry. [ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Don't point at the one on the desk like that was the problem.
[ Cheers and applause ]
I know what you mean, though.
-I -- I cannot believe that I'm gonna be 20 years older
than those people in a hot minute.
-And then I'm gonna be a bag of dust.
[ Laughter ]
-Well, I used to watch a show called "Bag of Dust."
No, I remember when "Thirtysomething" was on,
my parents would watch it.
And I thought it was boring because I was so young
that I thought people in their 30s were boring.
I'm now, you know, 14 years older than what was boring.
-Right. That's exactly how I feel.
-I'm heartbreakingly boring compared to that. Yeah.
-Yes. Yes.
-Well, all right. I'm sorry for both of us.
[ Laughter ]
You have -- Well, I want to ask about this.
You have three children. -Yes.
-But you are not a grandmother. Not even close.
-I had to think about it for a second.
[ Laughter ]
-Oh, no. Grandma drinks so much, she has to --
she can't remember.
[ Laughter ]
"Who are you?!"
-Wait a minute. [ Grumbles ]
-Are your children -- How old is your oldest?
-11. -11.
So, do they -- Are they excited by what you do?
Are they excited to have a parent -- I mean both --
your husband, I should point out,
is the creator and showrunner of "Game of Thrones," Dave Benioff.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Yeah. It was a weird reaction.
It was like, "Ooh!"
-It was a little bit like he's a rock star.
-Yeah, it is.
-It makes me feel slightly less old.
-Yeah, I think that's good. -Yeah.
-Now, do they -- do your kids watch "Game of Thrones"?
-Well, no. They don't -- -Well, yeah, that's true.
That would be just bad parenting.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
I mean, we're definitely not good parents,
but we don't do that. -Right, right.
-Yes. They -- somehow I can't impress my kids.
I don't -- it's no matter what I do. Yeah.
They're just -- they don't want to watch our stuff.
Not that they're really allowed to,
but they also aren't interested
when there is something they can watch.
And on the rare occasions when there's been a billboard
with my face on it, they just -- they act sort of like my mom.
Like, they feel sorry for me.
[ Laughter ]
-What do you mean? -I don't know.
Well, it was for "Togetherness" and I was in a bikini top.
-And they were really --
they were pretty judgmental, I want to say.
[ Laughter ]
-They were judgmental in what?
-They felt sorry for me
that I had to parade around town like that.
-Okay. Gotcha. [ Laughter ]
Wait, how often did you go by the billboard?
Was that sort of on a route?
-It was a problem because it was kind of the way to school.
They just -- they were like...
"Mom, God."
Just really, truly, truly, genuinely embarrassed for me,
and just not impressed.
-I do think that helps put show business in perspective
'cause you think it's really cool,
and then you have kids being like,
"Mom, you know this is dumb, right?"
And you're like, "Yeah."
Opel Astra Online Edition ST 1.0T 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . - Duration: 0:53.
TIAB - I Don't Wanna Feat. Madd.fatty - Duration: 4:22.
Audi TT 2.0 T TTS Pro Line Quattro 272 PK Automaat S-Tronic Sprint Blauw 19 inch RS4 Velgen Navigati - Duration: 1:09.
Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0T 200pk Super AWD Aut. CORPORATE EDITION (Full Option / 20"LMV / Leder sport i - Duration: 0:47.
Audi TT 2.0 T TTS Pro Line Quattro 272PK S-Tronic Automaat Leder Navi Zeer Dik - Duration: 1:03.
Getting the most out of your Halloween candy - Duration: 2:53.
Assalamualaikum everyone Welcome back to my Channel
This is Mujahid, Agar Subscribe nai karey Channel ku
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Aaj apan ek beemari k barey me baat karingey, Maybe
Aaploga uski chapet me agayeich hungey, Soncho! Soncho
Konsi beemari hungi, Soncho Bhai
Jaandoh Maich boldetau! PUBG......
Khatarnaak Beemari hai yaro ye, Kitte ki Logaa
Shikar Hogaye Uske
Jider bole udar Phailgayi ye Beemari, India Bole toh India
Puri Duniya me Phailewi hai ye
Khelne walau ku toh Kuch b Faraq ni padra ye Beemari se
magar Khelrai so Walau k Dil k khareeb jo logaa hai na?
Unlogo ki Dil'aa Barabar Tut Jaarai
Amma-BAWA Betey se pareshan.... Biwi shohar
Se Pareshan,,, GF-BF se Pareshaan
Malik- Naukar se pareshaan, Boss- Employee Se
pareshaan, Teacher'aa student se pareshan
Pareshani ki adda bangayi duniya, BAIGAN KI MERI!!!
Bachey toh Bachey, Bachau se Acha Bachiyaa khelrai
ye Game, Ghar me Pakatey so Masalau k
naama yaad ni hungey, Apne Bachyau ku, College k
Schollau k kitabau me k answeraa Nai Yaad Hungey
Magar konsi gun me konsey Goliyaa lagtey Barabar Malum hogaya
WAH! Baji WAH! WAH!!!
But Game Khelney Waley Bachiya Rehtey Zaroor Cute
Ye baat toh Mannaich Padta Dekho, Loogaa
Beemari se Bachtey Phirtey, Magar ye beemari ku
Khushi se Apnalerai, Craze toh itta hogaya
Mobile ki Dukan pe jake, Kuch ni toh Kuch, PUBG Chalti kya
Bhai Ye mobile me Barabar Puchlerai
Bro! Ye mobile me PUBG Chalti kya Bro!
Bolo na Bro!
Chalti b Daudti b Maut Daldeti Bro!
Toh Bro! Thaili me pack kardo na Bro!
Bro! Toh bill Bhardo na Bro!
Ye game itti important hogayi k, Exam se pehle ye game
Khelke Agar nai gaye toh Exam acha ni jata, Sooney se pehle
Khelke ni soye toh Sukoon ki Neend nai aati, Neend se
uthtey ki agar nai kheley toh Din Kharab Jata, Agar
apka BF ya Apke Shohar aapse door rehtey
aur unku Jaldi neend aajari bolke sojarai
Toh Samajjao! Samajjao! uno, Hallu apku sulake
Hallu apna Dusra Pyar, Yaani k PUBG k sath
Time Guzaarney waley hai, Aajkal Kitte ki
breakupau ki wajah hai ye Game, PUBG me Goliyaa kam
Ghar me Shohar-Biwi, GF-BF, Bawa-Betey k
Beech me zyada chalrai isku leke
Aur toh suno, Soney pe Suhaaga, Ye game jeetney ku
Chicken Dinner Boltey,
Yaaro, Wo bicharey chicken ku kaiku laye hungey beechme? Uney
Pehleich Chicken Gunya, Bird Flu jaise, Ujaad beemariyau se
badnaam hoke hai, Uski kya ghalti thi ki bicharey Chicken ki
Amma- Bawa k gaaliyaa manzoor, GF k
sath Ladhayi Manzoor, Biwi ki narazgi Manzoor
Ye toh chordo... Mayyat! Mauta me be
b dekha mai, Logau ku ye Khelrai so
Ye game itti important hogayi aajkal k logau k wastey
Jaisa k Biryani me Gosht, Andey me
Zardi, Nahari me Paye, Kawab me
Haddi, Bandoq me Goli, Dil me Gurda
Arii! Baigan ye Kya bolderau mai? Khair!
Ab end karingey, Kaisi dikhi video niche comment
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Chalo phir Allahafiz, See you in My Next Video
What Happens When You Put Antimatter in a Double Slit Experiment? - Duration: 4:11.
Physicists have conducted a famous physics experiment for the first time using antimatter.
Get ready to dive into the quantum world, folks.
We're goin' deep.
If you're new to quantum physics, you may want to watch this video where we cover the
Essentially, we've got two main ways of explaining the universe--one that works with
our idea of gravity, and one that works on the quantum level.
The problem is, they don't agree with each other.
Experimentalists and theorists are searching for the magic key that could resolve this
paradox for us--what we like to call 'a theory of everything'.
And some think that the answer lies in a classic physics exercise called the double-slit experiment.
Here's how it works: you have a sheet with two slits in it.
Behind that, a blank sheet.
You have your source of matter, let's say...cheese balls.
If you fire the cheese balls through the double slit sheet, you should get two lines of orange
cheese ball dust on that back sheet.
Simple enough.
But let's say instead of cheese balls we want to fire something that moves in a wave,
like sound.
Instead of getting two slit-like impressions on the back sheet, you get a pattern of several
That's because the sound waves, as they're passing through the slits, bounce off each
other and cancel each other out in what's called an interference pattern.
But some things are not only a wave, they're also a particle.
For example, the basic unit of light is the photons--so what would happen if we start
firing individual photons, not as a wave?
Well, if you cover one of those slits, you get what you'd expect--the imprint of those
particles on the back sheet in one line.
They just travel straight through--they're behaving like the cheese balls, and not like
the wave.
But then--and hold onto your hats here--you uncover both slits, and fire the photons (again,
not as a wave).
You'd expect to see two lines on the back sheet, like with the cheese balls, but NO!
You see an interference pattern, even though the light shouldn't be behaving as a wave.
It's almost like the photons know where the other photons are going to end up before
they've gotten there, like they're connected to each other on some level we can't understand.
Maybe somehow the particle splits itself and travels through both slits at once, interferes
with itself, and then reunites into one particle and that's what produces the pattern?
Well, if you put a detector by the slits to try observe what's happening, the particles
stop producing an interference pattern and start behaving like the cheese balls.
Like they KNOW you're watching.
This mystery--this absolutely bizarre behavior--is widely considered one of the central mysteries
of quantum physics, bringing together what we still don't know about the wave particle-duality
of matter and the problem of measuring things on the quantum level.
We still don't really know why observing and measuring a phenomenon may change what's
Some scientists think that if we could understand the mechanics behind the double slit experiment,
that knowledge would be the missing piece we need to unify our quantum theories of the
universe with the theory of gravity.
And for the first time ever, we've seen that the double slit experiment works for
antimatter too.
Each fundamental particle has a complementary particle that behaves in some kind of opposite
way, like its spin or its charge.
That's antimatter.
The electron's antimatter particle is the positron.
The electron is negatively charged, the positron is positively charged.
This new study replicated the double slit experiment using positrons, demonstrating
that antimatter behaves the way matter does in this situation.
Part of the reason no one's done this before, is because antimatter is pretty hard to get
your hands on.
Now, this paper was just published, and has yet to be peer-reviewed, but aims to be just
the start of this team's exploration into the nature of antimatter.
The main goal is to find out how gravity acts on antimatter.
Which is important because some scientists think that gravity may act differently on
antimatter than it does on matter, potentially helping us fill in the gaps between general
relativity and the standard model, getting us one step further to a unified theory of
everything.This may also help us explain why there's so much more matter in the universe
than antimatter...a question we still don't know the answer to.
So that would be pretty cool.
Subscribe to Seeker for all your quantum physics needs.
And Fun fact: the double-slit experiment was first performed in 1801!
Thanks for watching.
WDIV/Detroit News poll shows edge for Democrats ahead of Michigan election - Duration: 4:56.
강아지 산책시키기 귀찮다며 '러닝머신' 위에서 달리게 한 견주 - Duration: 1:53.
자신보다 약자를 대하는 태도를 보면 그 사람의 인성을 알 수 있다는 말이 있다.
이는 인간에 비해 한없이 작은 존재인 동물에게도 해당하는 말이다.
최근 한 에서는 반려동물 학대 논란을 일으키는 사진이 공유돼 보는 이들의 공분을 샀다.
공개된 사진을 보면 소형견 포메라니안이 컵 안에 껴있는 모습이다.
견주는 자신의 강아지가 배변을 제대로 못 가린다는 이유로 와인잔에 강아지를 구겨 넣어 벌을 주었다고 주장했다.
주인은 강아지에게 모자를 씌워 시야를 완전히 가린 채 산책을 시키기도 했다. 여기서 그치지 않았다.
심지어 견주는 산책시키기가 귀찮아 러닝머신 위에서 강아지를 뛰게 하는 만행까지 저질렀다. 강아지는 모자를 벗기 위해 발버둥 쳤다.
이는 자칫 관절에 무리가 와 강아지가 다칠 수도 있는 위험한 행동이었기에 공분은 더욱 커졌다.
위 사진이 공개되자 누리꾼들은 견주에 대한 비난의 목소리를 높였다.
견주의 이같은 행동이 동물 학대가 아니냐는 지적이 쏟아진 것이다.
비난 여론이 쏟아지자 현재 해당 계정은 비공개로 전환된 상태다.
자신도 애완동물을 키우고 있다는 A씨는 "강아지는 장식용이 아니라 하나의 생명이다"며 "관련법 개정이 강화돼 반려동물 학대에 대한 처벌이 강하게 이뤄졌으면 좋겠다"고 호소했다.
What's Wrong with the Prosperity Gospel? - Duration: 4:58.
The prosperity gospel is about today.
The prosperity gospel is about what I can gain in this life.
And it's about what I can gain out of this world.
So the prosperity gospel assumes that the best I can have is what I can have in this
world right now.
If you imagine the kind of gospel a human being might create,
it would probably sound an awful lot like the prosperity gospel.
You don't really need Jesus Christ, you don't really need salvation for the prosperity gospel.
You don't need the mind of Christ to imagine a health and wealth gospel.
The true Gospel
is from beyond this world.
The true Gospel calls me to live in this world,
in a way that reflects the next world.
So the prosperity gospel is storing up treasures on earth.
The true Gospel is storing up treasures in heaven.
The prosperity gospel reflects the mind of human beings.
The true Gospel reflects the mind of God.
But the prosperity gospel is much more attractive to unbelievers.
Because all of us want to be rich, all of us want to be healthy.
And all of us want to believe that if we have those things it means God loves us.
But the prosperity gospel can't explain Jesus.
If the prosperity gospel is true, why did Jesus Christ suffer and die, why was He poor?
If the prosperity gospel is true, why was the apostle Paul in so much pain, why was
he sick?
Why was he poor?
Because they were looking beyond, they were looking out of this world.
So God calls us to something we would never want unless we were in Christ.
And when we come to faith in Jesus Christ,
we have new desires.
And our desires are not to be rich in this world,
but to be rich in the next.
Our desires are to be with Jesus Christ.
And our desires are to make Him look great.
Our desires are to bring glory to God.
The prosperity gospel is just, it's too cheap, it's too easy.
The true gospel demands that we be changed from inside.
You can only want the true Gospel if you've been changed by Jesus Christ.
Where Is Your Seafood Coming From? - Duration: 2:48.
[New!] Stop Me And I Won't Stop 19 (Episode 1) - Duration: 15:01.
Never done this?
[EP.1 Kissing 19]
Oh, god.
Sseol, I have a crush.
You crazy.
[Q. When is a girl caught having a crush on a boy?]
What happened?
Kiss. No.
Let me brief.
It began in July.
I saw him first.
Yoona Kim?
I was surprised.
A good-looking guy approached me.
Do I know of him?
Who is that?
Never mind.
[1. First time meeting him] Dork.
You too.
Hey, lots of dorks at school.
Hey, bro.
Hey, you know?
You've got a transfer?
Hmm, let me put him this way.
old best friend.
He was famous at his school previously.
Very popular.
For real?
- I saw him on the eating fairy's Instagram. - Eating fairy?
- Well, the host of the eating show. Very cute. - Super cute.
Anyway, very unique.
He seems to be friendly with famous girls.
Lots of followers.
Wow, not in my league.
Oh, god.
He is dating with Eunji Park.
I thought we could not be friends.
Hey, a senior is not supposed to transfer so late like July.
I am not a dork.
Well, he is totally dorky.
You don't defend me?
You are a dork.
Do you think so?
He makes my heart racing.
[2. Bumping into him] Well, very talented dork?
Oh, you are into him.
You are a teacher's pet. Then, you are into a boy?
I can't believe it.
Oh, I have no idea.
I always think of him.
My eyes try to trace him all day long.
It is normal if someone is in love?
Who are you looking for?
- Yoona, you are so cute. - No way.
Why does he do that to you?
No idea.
Do you remember what happened last week?
- When we went to a study cafe. - Why are you doing this to me?
I do.
Wait. Keep focused on this.
So, what?
I was thinking of him.
I was not concentrating.
He came to me abruptly.
Doing good?
He made me my heart beating.
[3. When making my heart racing] Why are you seated here?
- You can go elsewhere. - I want to sit by you.
Well, it sounds...
He likes you.
You want to become a med school student?
No way.
The best ones.
You don't want to become a doctor.
He might think that I am frustrating.
Well, I don't want to be.
Well, be quiet.
Just go, unless you study.
I don't know why I am being grumpy to him.
[Eunji Park] If I get him wrong,
I can be hurt.
He makes me confused.
Hey, just drop it.
I want to but I can't.
Hey, tell me who he is.
You have three first grades?
You know of him.
You only study math and science?
Well...he is...
Except them, I have no interest.
Strange and unique.
Well, I am really curious.
That is mine.
You take it.
Thank you.
Can I take this?
Oh, it is a indirect kiss.
Indirect kissing.
Indirect kissing?
When I see him,
[4. Indirect kissing] I want to kiss him.
Oh, my god!
Eungu Kang?
What are you doing?
You know what?
- Not hungry? - You want to grab some food?
He might know I like him.
I studied at school during the weekend.
I tried not to think of him.
I couldn't stop it.
This summer was so critical.
I pretended to study.
I was all thinking of him.
I couldn't stop thinking of him.
I was really crazy about him.
Why are you looking at me?
You are adorable.
You are so...
Do you want a kiss?
I have never kissed before.
Oh, no. I am shy.
Hey, come on. Yoona.
[Q. When is a girl caught having a crush on a boy?]
[5. When I do an one-man show with my crazy imagination unleashed]
[Stop me, and I won't stop 19]
Doing good?
[Q. When is a girl caught having a crush on a boy?] [3. When making my heart racing]
絶体絶命都市4体験版の待機画面で歌ってみた 約束の日/飯田舞【絶体絶命都市4Plus主題歌】歌詞付き full covered by 千聖-chise- - Duration: 3:49.
BIRTHDAY with TEARS HOUND DOG(JP ROCK BAND)With subtitles - Duration: 22:39.
DO I GET TIRED OF EATING SALADS❓❓❓ - Duration: 10:23.
hey guys back with another video I have been recently answering questions that
people have been damn damn oh excuse me DMing me and also leaving in the comment
section of my videos or private messaging me on Facebook I'm sorry if
I'm late kinda sorta with some of the answers to your questions because I
might not go on to Facebook for long periods of time mainly on Instagram and
I'm still also learning that platform as well so sometimes when people leave me
private messages they kind of get piled up back there because I'm just learning
the app so you know I just you know spur the moment when I'm just you know maybe
don't have anything to do I might say oh let me check to see if I have any
messages and a lot of times I don't even expect to have any in my DMS but I do so
I'm gonna answer viewers questions that they asked me some of the questions are
easy to answer and some of them are just simple questions like this one here
someone had asked me do I get tired of eating salads I was kind of surprised at
this question because this had to be from a viewer who follows me quite
frequently to know that when I do my refeeds that I do eat a lot of salads
and when I talk about eating those the kinds of foods that I eat a lot of
different kinds of salads as you know I love my dairy so I do eat cheeses
different kinds of cheeses like walkins all the cheese and blue cheese in my
salads whatever have you but yes I do get bored with eating salads and I when
I get bored sometimes that's how I get on the deep end with some time at the
fried food like the fried fish and the fried chicken the southern southern
style of cooking comes out in me and I'll start eating in a not so
good way and that's what triggers me to sometimes go on these binges
is when I stop eating raw produce on salads in particular and I get tired of
eating salads cold foods raw foods and then I stop eating you know fried
chicken and baked chicken and you know barbecue and you know just you know
southern style cooking food that's real savory and rich just like almost like a
Sunday dinner I'll make Monday through Friday for my
family including myself when I have a taste for savory home-cooked foods and
when I want to get away from salads and I do get tired of eating salads I'm not
going to tell you a lot that is why recurring my issues of I'm losing the
weight then I'm out of stall then I might pick up three or four pounds
I have not gained any of the weight that I have lost back I have lost about 75
pounds when i fluctuate now it's between 14 and 19 pounds near before it used to
be between 19 and 24 pounds I'm currently as of today I did one meal
a day because I want to go into a fast a mixture of a water and dry fast with the
option to juice but trying to stay away from solid food for some time not gonna
say how long because every time I start a fast and I announce it I don't stick
to it so I don't want to really say too much about on where my progress is right
now with the last remaining amount of weight that I need to lose but it's
going to be a drastic weight loss the remaining of the weight that I need
to lose and no I will not be eating salads to lose the remaining of this
weight I'm kind of like on the outs with salads I'm you know I want to stay away
from solid foods including salads to the point where I miss salads and then I
want to eat it again you know how it is when you're fasting either water fasts
or juice fast your body will indicate when you wanna re feed so I think it'll
be a while before I want a salad or any fried chicken or even fried fish I think
that I'm I've been rewarding myself more than trying to lose a remaining of this
weight I did manage to do a nine-day juice fast I was supposed to do a 30 day
juice fast but I stopped at nine days keep in mind I have been juicing almost
ten months nine months and like 14 days or something like that I mean even when
I stopped juice and I always had a 32 ounce juice before any solid meals so I
am still detoxing in healing I'm still on that journey even when I fall off and
I might eat lemon squares and fried chicken and fried fish I'm still on my
journey and I still detox every single day my urine is still filtrating if for
people that don't know what that means stuff dead skin cells and disease and
all that stuff filters through your kidneys and comes
out in your urine I still have kidney filtration which is
a good thing the also the cholesterol rings in my eyes are like disappearing
so it took about almost nine months for them to completely go away so it'll
probably take another nine months for it to be completely you know gone eighteen
months to two years so you know for me to have this progress in nine months
imagine in another nine months period me looking healthier and more vibrant
through juicing and living a fasting lifestyle now when I say a fasting
lifestyle I'm not going to eat salads for the rest of my life one thing I will
say while I'm on this earth which is a lifestyle changes yes I will incorporate
salads as a meal replacement or something that I eat part of the meal
and juicing is something that I will do mandatory before any solid meals on I
will definitely have that written in stone until God calls me home I will
definitely have a juice every single day 16 to 32 ounces a day but I am going to
always be on a fasting lifestyle and I doesn't mean dry fasting not eating for
five days you know I think that I paid my dues you know and when I say pay my
dues everything that I needed to do at the beginning of this journey has been
accomplished which was to stop myself all stop myself off on the right track
with the detoxification and healing I'm really excited about the next part of my
journey because now I'm working on and I don't want to make this years and years
to come of me figuring out the the you know the the recipe to healing my
anxiety and my sleeping disorder I want to take notes like I did this last nine
months that's how I figured out when I was juicing that cucumbers were the main
ingredient that was growing my hair like a weed including some biotin that I use
with it that's very effective but the cucumber I want to find out what fruits
and vegetables I can use as a stringent in my due
that can correct my hormonal and have my anxiety in my muscle spasms and all that
stuff that I have in my sleep and disorder I want to get that back in
check so I'm going to document like I have been doing here on hey as I have
been doing what I feel like on a daily basis is not really about the weight
anymore I still have some weight to lose and I will announce when I lost all of
the total weight that I need to lose but I need to document how I'm feeling on a
daily basis how my sleep was on a daily nightly basis and what is the formula so
that I can apply it in my life and use make up the chills and also you
know pass that on to my family so that if they wanted these issues like me
which was all my life anxiety have any anxiety and probably some depression
they know how to cope with it so I'm not even cope with it you you know what to
to drink for juice or eat as foods that are medicine to cure it I call it a cure
heal it I mean I say kill heal it healing is a better word so I see that
this video was going into eleven minutes I just want to say please subscribe to
my channel like and she had this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you
guys in the next video bye for now
How to Avoid Twisted Stitches in Knitting - Duration: 9:09.
In most knitting traditions, the yarn lies
across the needle so that the leading edge of the stitch is in front of the needle.
If I take this stitch off the needle, you can see that the right edge of the stitch, or the leading edge,
was in front and if I knit that stitch
the base of the stitch will not be twisted.
While there are some knitting styles that have the stitch mounted differently - in other words with the leading edge
in back
like this -
we are going to assume that we are starting with the leading edge in the front.
The first way that our stitches might become twisted is by knitting in the back loop. If my
stitch is oriented with the leading edge in front and I knit through the back loop, I
have twisted the base of the stitch. Let me do that again. This time
I'll hold the yarn with my left hand and knit through the back loop and
I get twisted stitches. Do that a couple more times and
you can see that the base of the stitch is twisted compared to
stitches that were knit in the front
or through the front loop.
If you are intending to twist a stitch this is the way you do it: you knit through the back loop.
There are lots of stitch patterns that call for intentionally twisting a stitch.
Another way a stitch can get twisted
accidentally is
when I drop a stitch and I'm not careful about how I put it back on my needle. Here I've dropped a stitch.
I'll take a crochet hook and
collect that dropped stitch and put it back on my needle.
But what have I done? I have put the leading edge of the stitch across the back of the needle.
It's now the back loop. If I knit my normal way
into the front loop,
I'll twist a stitch. Let me take that stitch off.
Some of you may already know about
putting the stitch on and that it gets twisted and you may be in the habit of taking the stitch off and
putting it back on.
That's fine, but you don't really have to do that. Instead you can just knit through the back loop and
prevent the twisted stitch.
You get a lot of twisted stitches if you've had to rip out your knitting and
then you just go and you put it put it back on whichever way they can get on. So sometimes you've ripped out a whole
row and
you come across
stitches that look like this. Some of these are mounted
(you have to be careful not to split it) .Some of these are mounted with the
leading edge and back and some in front.
So if you've ripped out a row and you've just gone back and picked up the stitches,
pay careful attention to how the stitches sitting on the needle.
I can see that I need to knit into the back loop on this one to avoid twisting it.
Then I can knit into the front loop on this one.
It doesn't matter which hand I hold my yarn with here. I need to knit into the back loop and
here I need to knit into the front loop.
I'm always knitting into the leading edge, or the right edge of the stitch, to
keep it from being twisted.
Our third way of accidentally twisting stitches
happens way before you're doing a knit row.
How do these stitches get on to the needle in the first place? Here I'm knitting and
creating stitches and
when I finish this row
I'm going to turn around and
Those stitches that I just knit over on this needle had been purled before and now I've knit the stitches and I'm going to purl.
In the knitting traditions you're probably familiar with,
to purl you insert your needle through the front loop from right to left and
wrap the yarn around
pull it through and pull the stitch off. Let me do that again.
Go in from right to left through the front loop, wrap the yarn counterclockwise.
Let me do it with my left hand. Go in,
wrap the yarn counterclockwise and pull the stitch through. You may not even realize you're doing it counterclockwise
depending on what style of knitting you're using.
if I go in
from left to right and
wrap the yarn clockwise
around the needle,
I'll show you what happens.
I'll do a few more stitches this way and then I'll do the same thing
with my left hand for you continental knitters out there.
A lot of continental knitters find it easier to wrap the yarn this way.
Now I have pearled a row and I'm ready to knit.
When I turn to knit my row
look what happened to those stitches that I wrapped
Can you see that the leading edge of the stitch the right edge of the stitch is in the back?
If I knit through the front loop
you know what's going to happen.
I'm going to get a row of twisted stitches.
You'll also find that this is a little tighter; it's harder to get your stitches your needle into your stitches this way.
Here I have a row of twisted stitches.
If you decide you want to wrap your purl stitches this way- in other words clockwise instead of counterclockwise-
and you want to avoid twisted stitches. you'll need to knit into the back loop of those stitches on the next row.
Here I have a row set up where I've wrapped my purl stitches
the other way
(or backwards) with the leading edge in the back and
in order to keep from twisting the stitches
I have to knit through the back loop.
This is called combination knitting: when you wrap your purls the other way (backwards) and
then knit into the back loop.
You still don't have twisted stitches,
but you are creating some other things you need to think about because it will have an effect on your
decreases and the way they lean. So just be aware of that if you decide to use
combination knitting. You may have noticed by now that all three of these twisted stitch
problems happen when you insert your needle in the trailing edge of the stitch,
not the leading edge of the stitch. So if you want to avoid twisted stitches
just make sure you're inserting your needle in the right edge of the stitch as
you work across the row.
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