- As soon as I got the ball, everybody's yelling, you know?
- All your friends and mates are all singing out for you.
It makes you really feel good.
- Your heart's in your mouth with everybody yelling at you and that.
- And I think the more they yell, the better you play.
- I used to look at some mates and they'd be screaming
and I'd just give a thumbs up when I flip a goal in.
- You want to be a champion yourself.
You want to be better than these guys there.
- It was for your town and for your people.
- You don't give a damn what colour you are...
..so long as you can play.
- Knowing that you've got that uniform, you're representing your town,
you feel like you're walking on air.
- That's a feeling you never forget.
- That's how I felt. I felt really good
and confident in myself when I used to play.
- Every time we win the game,
you think you're going up to heaven.
- The Americans came here drilling for oil in the Derby area.
They introduced basketball to the town.
And I started off as a junior player
with a team called the Little Devils.
- We used to have a portable basketball ring.
We just... You know, they made them portable,
we could lift them up and take them off.
And we used to put stones on them so they didn't fall down on us. (LAUGHS)
- And we got the news that Derby was playing basketball.
So, you know, people here, not me but other people,
thought we should start getting basketball going here.
And we didn't know nothing about basketball. I didn't even bounce a ball.
- Well, when we first started playing basketball, it was in the courthouse.
They had a cemented floor.
And then they had to take the court away from there,
cos sometimes they had night courts.
And they moved it to the church.
- We negotiated with the parish priest
to actually play basketball there.
Under one condition, that we were to assist them to build those courts.
- Before they put cement on it...
..it was anthill.
We used to smash the anthill
and make it hard and water it and... we used to play on that.
- When we first started,
we didn't have these rubber balls
which you can easily bounce.
It was like a soccer ball.
Leather. It was covered in leather.
And you can try and understand,
bouncing leather, you know.
It's hard.
- Oh, it's so easy.
So simple, really. You know?
You just get on the court and just bounce.
- We didn't know anything about basketball. We knew nothing.
The first year we played basketball,
we got beaten in every game for the whole year.
- But Father McElson, he got six of us boys,
six of us boys, and so then we trained.
- He used the make us run from the Beagle Bay turn-off back into town.
We used to do that every evening.
And then when we started playing basketball in the next year,
we won every game for five years.
- To begin with, from Sunday Island,
the basketball actually started from one of the teachers
that was there teaching on Sunday Island...
..taught us how to play basketball
and was teaching the older guys how to play on a gravel court.
And the team we were barracking for, we would be on the...
Like, I'd sit up on top.
Me and my cousin would sit on top of the goalpost.
And every time they had a shot for the goal...
we'd catch the basketball and put it through the hoop. (LAUGHS)
- Basketball, I can say, was the highlight.
So if you started to get down at Broome...
the whole place sort of lit up, if you could say. You know?
- There was quite a few teams in town.
All small groups had their own team.
And always someone would come in with a new style.
- It was teams called St Mary's,
Apaches, Wanderers
and Eagles.
They were just the Broome local teams.
- Well, I was watching Donnelly McKenzie.
And I thought, "Shit, this man is good."
So I thought, "Well, that's... I'll have a go at it." You know?
"I'll try and do it. If I want to be good, I have to be as good as him."
- I don't want to brag or anything, but I used to be pretty good at basketball.
And I used to be a good dribbler.
- Donnelly was the best dribbler...
..in basketball I ever seen.
He could handle the ball with his one hand
and pass it with one hand.
- We Aboriginal people...
We Aboriginal people put Broome on the map for sport.
Truly I believe that.
Cos we are the Aboriginal people who started playing basketball.
- There was only one mission boat
that used to go to Derby and pick up stores from Derby.
And that's the only chance the guys had
to go to Derby and play against a Derby side.
Even the supporters would get on the boat
and on the lugger to support the team.
Leave Sunday Island maybe early in the morning, pretty early,
if the tide was all right.
And the boat used to go into... through that gap, through the King Sound,
and maybe to one of the islands just to get a couple of fish
or turtles to bring for the family,
and then head off and watch the tide.
And then sometimes you used to anchor at Point Ormond
to wait for the tide for the creek to fill
and the Derby wharf, the Derby jetty, cos that's not a deepwater jetty.
And then when the mission closed,
when everybody moved to Derby or Broome,
they joined different teams.
- We had about eight teams here in Derby at that time.
Cos we had two teams from Mowanjum community.
The post office had a team.
And the shops had a team, as well, in the early days.
We had a team...
of Bardi boys
who were residing in Derby.
And Wally Ah Chee had his Devils Angels.
- Playing Wally Ah Chee was, like, we were playing a champion here. You know?
We were gonna have to beat him.
- His ball-handling skills and shooting was...
beyond comprehension.
- Well, I was one of the best in WA. Just natural, you know?
All-rounder, you know? I did everything.
I could shoot from the centre line and get goals and that.
- Well, he was the captain of the Derby side.
- To be able to get into the Derby side, for a start, you had...
you had two training matches every week
and you had to attend.
- Well, we just took the best players from each team and put them together
and trained together.
Then went down to Broome and that, you know, and to Port Hedland.
- My Derby uniform that I wore very proudly and with distinction
and done my best for the town of Derby,
particularly against Broome.
It made me feel so important and so good to represent my town.
It was like going off to the Olympic Games.
- Gradually we...
..formed a team to play inter-town sports around the country.
Derby, Port Hedland, Carnarvon
had a combined Broome team
and we were called the Broome All Stars.
Cos we had people like Donnelly, myself, Philip Dolby, Henry Reilly.
All the guns at that time.
- Alfie had a taxi business.
And when we used to go to Port Hedland or...
..Derby, we used to always have a free taxi.
- That was an Austin taxi. It wasn't a four-wheel-drive.
And when we'd hit a boggy sand,
we had to come out of the taxi and push it.
- It was boggy.
Sometimes we used to spend hours on the road digging the car.
- The truck usually broke down,
got punctured or something.
- We had to all sit outside and wait till somebody picked the vehicle up.
- If I had my uniform on, I'd walk off the mud
and get straight onto the basketball court. (LAUGHS)
That's how the road was in them days.
- When we started playing, we were OK.
And, er, we gave the other team hell.
- It was always a good fight between Derby and Broome.
The crowds made it exciting.
- Oh, the atmosphere, that's enormous.
In fact, no-one liked... the Broome team.
- I don't think that the other teams liked Broome.
Cos, actually, we were too good.
- We always had a grudge against playing against Broome,
you know, both teams, Derby and Broome.
And every time we went down to Broome, all the spectators used to boo us
and yell at us and scream at us and that.
- On court, you don't like the opposition.
- I told my mum, "There's no friendship on the courts.
You know, we're here to play a game.
And we're here to win."
- You didn't want to put on a poor performance,
either here in Derby or Broome or Port Hedland.
If you played for your town, you had to do your very best.
And you would be looked upon as having to excel
and bring the trophy back to your town.
- Donnelly had his guys that were the best
and Wally had his best players, too.
- People like Wally Ah Chee,
Cyril Archer
and Ray Goonak and all them, they were the stars.
They were the Derby stars.
- We all knew the true abilities of Donnelly McKenzie... in Broome,
Philip Matsumoto, Philip Dolby, Eric Cox, David Darguin.
- I tell you, I was number one.
They were after me.
- Wally would run in there and bang, bang, bang, it was a goal, you see?
And then these other ones would chase after Donnelly
and he'd be dribbling around and they'd be running round in circles.
- Derby told the other players,
"Stop McKenzie.
Stop McKenzie. It doesn't matter what you do. Stop him.
Cos if we stop him, we'll win the game."
- And it was fast basketball. You know what I mean?
It stirred the crowd up all the time.
- There are times you can't hear the whistle blow
or you can't hear the umpire saying anything, the noise was so great.
- The people who were barracking for us
and the people who were barracking for Derby,
sometimes I think fisticuffs would come out of it, you know?
People would start... this.
- But that was just loyalty to your town, I guess.
Sticking up for your team.
- The shouting and everything, you know?
"Come on, Derby! Come on, Broome!
Come on, Derby! Kill them!"
- We didn't worry about it, you know?
Don't lose our temper and go and punch somebody. (LAUGHS)
- Well, I understand it was a game, you know?
I don't need to go and get blood out of anybody. (LAUGHS)
- Every time the ball went up, Gordon would beat him.
Grab the ball, straight to me.
I would dribble it down to Matso or Eric, who was up in the four line,
or Philip Dolby, you know.
Cos Phil Dolby would be waiting on the outside of the key way,
ready to shoot that... ready to shoot that long shot.
- They didn't have three-pointers then. They only had two-pointers.
- In most cases, it brings the house down if it's a real long shot.
- Well, when you have a long shot, you know, from the centre line,
and you get a goal, your heart, you know, is pounding away
and you feel happy, you know?
You wanted to do it more often. (LAUGHS)
- You'd get a shot, get a goal. (CHEERS) You know?
Turn around to the supporters and the people that barrack for you.
Face them and go, "Isn't that great?" You know?
- Dropping those three-pointers is... it's like magic.
It does a lot of things to you. You know?
Erm, and you...
With my age, I think, you think, like, "Could I do that again?"
And I have tried doing it.
But it always seems to be, er, falling short.
This is the way you shoot a three-pointer.
Make sure you've got the balance, holding the ball right.
Put it up as high as you can.
Then release the ball
and follow it through with your hands, like that.
- When the last whistle blows and you know that you won...
..you know, everybody just runs and grab each other, hug each other.
- After the game, everybody was happy.
You know, Derby and Broome.
Everybody came together well after the game.
- And gradually went to a combined team with Derby and Broome
to go to Perth to play the rest of the country towns
around the metropolitan area.
- There was three of us from Broome
and about five or six from Derby.
- And we all travelled in I think it was one car or two cars.
It was like a family unit just going away on holiday.
- It seemed like bad friends when we were playing,
but we were not bad friends, we were good friends.
- We just clicked and that was it.
There was no...
There was no rivalry in the team in the combined match.
We just respected one another's individual talents, you know?
- It was very strange because that is the first time we'd ever been to Perth.
- We felt out of place because we were the only Aboriginal side there.
- And then when they saw what we could do,
they were all coming around, you know,
"How do you play like that? Who trained you?"
- Some of our players were so exceptionally good and different to...
the normal style of play
that we sort of attracted the crowds to come to our games.
- Oh, we just clicked, when we got together
down in the Perth stadium there.
- You know, we had the best of the best between Derby and Broome.
So we had to be amazing. (LAUGHS)
- Some of our games were outside in the sun.
And some of our games were inside.
- Those games that we played on the outside bitumen courts,
around the Perry Lakes Stadium,
we seemed to be much more suited to that
because it was the same in our respective towns.
We all played on bitumen.
- Indoors were wooden floors.
This was a bit strange for us
because we'd never played on wooden floors before.
- I used to play barefoot.
But on the major court in Perth, you had to wear shoes.
- If you weren't really accustomed to it, you'd be slipping and sliding.
- We won all our games on the bitumen outside courts
but no games were won on the wooden fancy courts
in the stadium in Perry Lakes.
So it was quite an adventure. Yeah.
- The beauty about basketball in those days
is it really kept people motivated.
- Everybody just wanted to be a basketball player.
And it's been a good contributor for indigenous people
to participate in sport.
- And we're all in our 70s now, you know.
We're lucky to be living.
But we were good friends,
right through, even till today.
- And when I walk around the town,
"Hi. You're Philip Matsumoto.
I used to play for you. But I used to beat you, too, eh?"
So I said, "Yeah."
So, you know, I mean, it still gives you that good feeling.
- I got one down the block.
He could be down the street, half charged up or something,
and we're driving past and he'll see me and he'll start bouncing,
pretend he's bouncing a basketball.
And it's, "Hey! Basketball man!" (LAUGHS)
And, you know, I feel good about that because he always remembers that.
- I've still got that burning feeling to be part of playing basketball.
But I enjoy being a spectator
and criticising where there's criticism to be made.
- See what they're doing, not doing right.
"This is how you do... gone and did this and gone and did that."
- "Oh, dear. Why didn't he pass the ball then before he ran across?
He would have passed the ball to that other bloke
and he probably would have got a goal out of it."
- Sometimes I just can't help myself
but walk to the court and help the coach out.
- I wish I could go back in time and carry on playing. I'd love to.
I really miss it, you know, basketball.
- If I was younger, I'd still be playing.
- I certainly do miss, you know, playing basketball and that.
You know, it kept you fit, you know, all the time,
running around the court and that.
And you miss mixing with people playing sports and that.
Getting too old, you see? Couldn't stay young. (LAUGHS)
- I really miss it.
I really miss it.
I mean, the mind...
The mind is there, you know?
I like to play.
But the flesh, it's not strong.
That's all I can say. But I miss basketball very much.
Because I know in my heart I gave a lot.
I gave a lot to basketball.
A lot.
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NEW!! Ditty it Meme Compilation #1 Reaction - Duration: 9:32.
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But guys still crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be reacting to
new Diddy it mean compilation number once so I guess
This is a new meme
2018 and
I don't know what's diddy it is
But I guess we'll find out so credits to original video and a channel link down below in description
so you got make sure you guys like a
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my reaction in a original video itself
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Subscribe and make sure you guys turn on that pulse indication Bell. I mean you subscribe. So all that guys
Let's get to started in three two one
Let's go
Alright then I
Actually did that one time several years ago. Oh man. Oh
Man I remember that
In ninja in the background
All right, Danny
And I check my phone
Of me sleeping
That's weird
That's kind of weird it's kind of creepy
We found pictures on your phone bogus tease thing and but you're alone
We visited the music far like Charmander, oh
Man this is weird
That said
I like take on me. That's one of my favorite songs
Don't think about making the most weirdest video out of it out of the dead
No chip chip I
Should really go on I should really try to SAP out if it's even a nap
God let's see how you do this kind of stuff
What the heck is that what kind of word is that it obviously doesn't look like a word
I'm going to be the most popular
I know where for. Oh
My god
Oh my god
Atomic said if I come to is
This was weird
but a few of them were quite funny I
Kind of enjoyed it
and I think I should definitely try this app out if it's like I think it should be an app because like I
Think it might be an app. I'm not sure
Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed the video and
make sure to drop like comment down below subscribe to the channel and turn off plus communications and
Yeah, I hope you guys enjoy your Sunday and I will see you guys in the next video
Goodbye, everyone
How to Manage Your Cash Flow & Budget for Easy Financial Success || Money Monday - Duration: 11:30.
Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. This video is an incredibly important
one. It is how to manage your cash flow and budgeting. If you can master the art
of managing your cash flow and budgeting. Life is going to be so much easier you.
You will be so much more successful in achieving your personal lifestyle and financial
goals, and it's a lot easier than you think.
Now before if I launch into this video. I want to make sure that, not only you
subscribe to my channel already. But more importantly you've switched on that
notification button. So you know the moment I've uploaded a new video around
getting out of debt, cash flow and budgeting. Investing, building long-term
passive income streams and financial freedom. Also if you really enjoy this
video and want to watch more about it. And learn more about it. I recommend watching
this video over here that I previously filmed. At the end of this video. Alright
let's talk about cash flow and budgeting. Now first of all no one has really
taught how to manage our cash flow budgeting. It's not taught at home and more
often than not is not taught in school or university. But when you know how to do
this you'll actually really enjoy your banking ritual, and you'll feel so
comfortable and so secure financially. Knowing that you're on top and in
control of your cash flow and budgeting. Now first of all I want you have all
your bank accounts with the one bank . No more savings accounts floating around in
cyberspace. Because if you can't see it you'll forget about it. And I know so
many people who've opened up those savings accounts and put $20, $40. After a
certain period of time they've completely forgotten about it and don't
even know how to log in and get that money. I want you to be able to log on to
your internet banking whether it be through your app or your desktop. And see
your entire cash flow situation right then and there. This is about making it
easy and efficient so that you actually do it. The first account that I want you
to have is an everyday to savings account. With a linked ATM debit card. This
account is where you allocate money every time you get paid. To pay for your
daily, weekly, monthly, fortnightly expenses. This is where you set up all
your direct debits to come from. So the gym memberships, the mobile phones.
This is also where your spend to get your coffees and lunches. And your weekend
spending money. You never use credit cards you always just use your everyday
savings account. The next account is your lifestyle and emergency account. Now
before I explain this account. I want to explain why most of us get in
trouble with money, or cash flow and also end up in debt. More often than not our
budgets are not the same month-to-month. We might have a really quiet month where
we don't have as many living expenses. And we might have some money left over.
And it creates a false sense of security. Because we see that money that's left
over we think. 'oh wow I've got a bit more money in the account that I
normally would have. I'm gonna go buy myself something new.' And we go and
spend that money. However the next month, or the following month we get hit
with a bill that we completely forgot about was coming up. And we don't have
enough money in our account so we spent it the month before. So we reach for a
credit card and get ourselves back into debt or even worse we get ourselves
deeper into debt. Now this is why I recommend you have a life and emergency
savings account. This is like your float account. This is where you
stockpile your finances and your cash flow. In preparation to all those ad-hock
or irregular bills. So for example our quarterly bills like electricity bills.
Or biannual bills, or our annual bills. This is where we will always see at
least a couple of thousand dollars in this account. So that when bills come our
way. We are not rattled financially and we can get back on with living our lives.
And building up these accounts again. Now within this life and emergency account
is your SOS money. So this is the money that keeps you out of trouble. If
anything should happen out of the blue an emergency.
Again your financial cage is not rattled. Now the question that's probably
burning on your lips is. 'Well Canna how much money should I have as an emergency
savings amount?' Well there is no one-size-fits-all. Everyone is different
it depends on what stresses you out financially. And what your financial
responsibilities are. Now for someone who is young say living at home. Got a really
good cash flow. They may only want and need say five thousand dollars in
emergency money. It's enough to get them through for a couple of months of living
expenses and not having to borrow money from people. However I say a young family
on one income. With say three young children may need a lot more than that.
It may be closer to say $15,000. However you need to ask yourself, what
number or what amount of money in my savings account. Would help me sleep well
at night. Now once you know what that number is. I want you to nickname this
account with that number in there. So in this example, we would have our life and
$5,000 emergency savings account. As the nickname so we can see that every time
we log on to our internet banking. Now there is a reason or a method to my
madness. It is to stop creating a false sense of security. If we had say
$6,000 in our life account. And one day we decided I'm gonna go and upgrade my
laptop. I'm gonna go and spend you know five or say fifteen hundred dollars
upgrading my laptop. We're going to spend that money but actually we don't really
have that money to blow. Because of that six and a half thousand dollar account
balance, five thousand dollars is allocated for emergency money. So we
cannot be blowing this money unnecessarily. It is for an emergency use
only. I want to make sure you're aware
budgeting and cash flow is not about being mean, or depriving yourself
financially or being the fun police. It's about balance and it's about giving
ourselves spending boundaries that simply all it is. And with boundaries it
makes us accountable. So for the example of when you want to upgrade say a laptop,
or buy a new dress, or a new handbag. That is perfectly fine
we just allocate that to each separate account. Now this would be our lifestyle
account and I want you to nickname that account in align to you goal.
For example new handbag account, or new laptop account or. In my case it's my
holiday savings account. Now the fourth and final account is actually your
financial goal account. This is where I want you to put money in on a regular
basis towards a long-term financial goal, that's important to you. So whether that
be saving up for the deposit on your first home, or whether it be saving up
for an investment portfolio, or even if you're not quite sure what that goal
might be. I want you to still open up this account so you create intention and
purpose and direction for your cash flow. Now for me personally this is my savings
to invest account. I put money into this account on a regular basis and let it
sit there until I know where I want to invest that money, and for what financial
goal. It is really easy to set these accounts up. And these three should be
internet-based account. With the same account this means as these accounts
build up you're actually earning some interest on these savings accounts. Now
the next step is to work out our banking rituals. So we know exactly how much
money to allocate to each of these four accounts. So that we're always on top of
our cash flow I would feel great about our finances. Now I actually have two
tools available for you. If you subscribe to the sugar mama website you will get a
complimentary budget template to work from. Which will help you work out your
total cost of living and how much money you need to allocate to these accounts.
The second tool that's available for you is this sugar budget app. Which you can
download from the iTunes Store. This is a much more advanced version, it's quite
visual. And explains to you exactly the banking instructions to allocate this
money. Now if you'd like to learn more about this I recommend you watch this
video here, which is a tutorial as to how to use the sugar budget. It's something that I use on a daily basis and is really helpful. And the
links to subscribe to the Sugarmamma website are right here. And the link to
download the sugar budget app is also right here. But also in the video
description box below. All right so how do we allocate our money. Say for example
I get paid $2,000 after-tax per month by my employer. And my employer pays my pay
into my everyday account. From using the sugar budget app
or using the complimentary budget template. I know that my living expenses
for the month, are around about $1,200 per month. If I've got that much money in
my account I should be able to survive financially. I then look at all my
upcoming bills that are coming in. I might even check my diary to see what's
due. And I now know that going forward I need to start allocating, approximately
$500 per month into this account. Not only to pay for these upcoming bills. But
also to slowly start building up my $5,000 emergency account. I then look at
my lifestyle goal, which is for example to buy say a new handbag. And it's gonna
cost me $2,000 I'd like to buy it and say ten months time. I know that if I
want to achieve that goal in time I need to start putting $200 a month away into
this savings account. I also want to start doing the thousand dollar project
and buying some shares. So I don't know what shares I want to buy yet. But I'm
gonna start saving anyway in the preparation to that. So I'm going to start
putting say $100 per month into my savings to invest account. This is the
banking ritual I will follow every time I get paid. It is allocating the right
amount of money for what is important to me. However if I decide I really want to
focus on building up this put emergency money sooner. Or I know that iv'e got some
big bills coming in my way sooner rather than later. And I know that they're $500
per month it's going to cut me short. I can do something else. I'm giving you a
quick get out of jail card for free. You can temporarily for go, or simply cut
down on these of two accounts for the time being to quickly stockpile this is
a priority. So for example you might want to hold off on doing this and maybe,
either reduce it to zero or $50 here. And say $100 here, which then allows me to
put a little bit more into my life and emergency account. Like this so you
actually have my permission to occasionally tweak your banking ritual.
As long as you're putting money to each of these
savings account and achieving your financial goal. So the moment you have
more than five thousand dollars in emergency money and a healthy float in
your life account for these quarterly, bi annual annual bills. You can start
beefing up these accounts if that's what's important to you. But the point is
you stick this banking ritual month after month after month. So you don't
even think about it you just simply do it. Now this is something that I
personally do every month. It gives me so much security and comfort knowing that
I'm on top of my cash flow and I never need to rely on a credit card to get me
out of trouble. Now that is it for this video. If you have any other tips or
tricks that you think other people would benefit from. In knowing how you manage
your budget and your cash flow. Please put a comment in the comments box below.
I always absolutely love hearing from you, and as I said before if you want to
learn more about managing your cash flow getting more ideas and inspiration and
education. Make sure you click on this card here to watch the next video. And as
I said make sure you subscribe but also you've switched on that notification
button. And I will see you later in the week for lifestyle love.
Ninjago: Age of the Golden Master - Part 3 - Duration: 27:19.
Those handcuffs hold back your elements.
You do realize if I didn't have them on, I'd strike you down right now.
Don't be so arrogant, Cole.
Your grandfather made that mistake once.
How ... how'd you know my grandfather?
During the Serpentine War, we was part of the Elemental Alliance -
a group that wanted to conquer Ninjago!
No -
they were trying to save it!
They acted as heroes while plotting to betray the people! I told your
I told your grandfather of the scheme, and he turned against them.
Because you tricked him!
I told him the truth!
I'm doing the same for you.
You've placed faith in your allies -
cheaters -
they're not your friends.
I want you by my side, so we may finish this war.
You think you'll betray your friends?
They've already betrayed you!
So that's why I'm here, so you can win me over to your side.
Clouse wasn't so patient with you.
But me?
I'm an expert at persuasion.
I will never join you.
I want to know the truth -
what happened to my grandfather?
The Alliance established a truce with the Serpentine -
but I warned both sides that the other would attack, and the war went on.
The Serpentine were imprisoned, the Alliance fell apart -
and after I deceived your grandfather, he became an outcast.
Anthony Reese, of all places.
Funny how it's come to this -
I tried saving Ninjago,
and you're watching them build this weapon.
We can escape, you can destroy it!
I have saved a lot of people in my life, and after all you've done -
why should I save you?
You know you're wasting your time fighting for these people.
You monster -
there are thousands of them out here doing everything they can to survive!
Evil forces have been rising, and now you realize that.
If we escape, we can stop them.
I am not your ticket out of here.
Then we'll both die.
That won't stop my friends.
And whether you like it or not, they will save Ninjago.
No talking Ninja!
We're moving you out!
The farther we travel, the more distance we put between us and The Overlord.
How is it that they keep -
Shh ... wait.
They found you.
You must leave.
I said, leave!
Go Lloyd! And never look back!
Leave, and your father falls!
You should listen to him, Lloyd.
I thought you were ...
Actually, I suffered a worse fate -
digested, in the bowels of the Devourer.
It can wreak havoc on one's complexion.
If you run, he dies.
I surrender.
He is no longer of importance to us.
Be strong son!
I will find you.
I will find you!
We've got trouble.
I'm picking up multiple targets on the other side of the canyon.
Mercer! You okay?
It can't be - it's Pythor!
I have you now, Ninja!
Miss me?
Get us up there!
Have fun!
You can't hide from us!
Well, you can - but what's the point in that?
Well, you look different.
It seems that being in the Great Devourer's stomach had some side effects.
We know what you're up to, Pythor.
The weapon, the Realm Crystal, we know all of it.
Did you know that Lloyd was captured?
It's too late, Ninja!
The end is inevitable!
Well, I guess we're done here.
Ugh, Jay, I was about to ask where Lloyd is!
Oh come on, you really think you would tell us?
If they're operating out of Stiix, Lloyd must be there too!
Aaagh! No!
They've captured Lloyd!
They're taking his power as we speak!
Get in! Quick!
All systems are ready.
Does it really surprise you that I survived?
Where there is light, there will always be shadow.
Upon my resurrection, this body will serve as my own.
With your help, I will rise again,
and destroy everything you've ever known.
Soon, you will be utterly powerless.
Save me, Lloyd Garmadon -
gift me with a rebirth.
yeah this place is definitely off the map
it has visited place looks like the lake flooded their ever destroyed the tomb
the round crystal it's not here we'll never find it it was probably washed
away unless my father hittin outside the to start searching
I'm curious mr. denmark the russian soldier Vladimir what happened his
family wanted him to leave his job left a few months ago for took his place then
maybe the crystal is bare off lost if we can't find it no one well up there
I thought you'd like to see some old friends captain Soto
looks like you're odd-numbered I'll still get what I want
you know where it is solo you led us right to it can you come back now Hector
keep searching we'll hold them off
captain Santo
best be here somewhere they won't stop until they get it
I see it down there they see it people is in here it has to be
pintle for the realm crystal or say goodbye to your friends
give it up solo you both know what's in their chest we have what we came for
the realm crystal is ours
well the ship looks nice we'll get the chest aboard follow me the weapon is
heavily fortified the weakest point seems to be the legs but damaging those
won't bring it down look Lloyd can you hear me guys
Lloyd where's your father I don't know they took him where is
everyone they were just here
they knew we were coming they wanted this look at this
we have the power to destroy Ninjago it seems your journey is over we have to
leave now no we need to get the crystal no we can't stop them here we have to
fall back
for your existence you've been empowered by a lie but the
good guys have always win I defeated you once I'll defeat you
again I never wanted to fight you I just wanted your power all these years I was
trapped yeah Wow - your goat asked
my son dad
Anthony Reese cilia nature we heard what he
thank you see you are most welcome everyone get on board
you're not gonna believe this the serpentine are back there at the
slither pay right now huh I guess they accepted our invitation was to say
they're a problem should we even bother going there maybe they're willing to
help us after all and we need help they wanted to show the people of Ninjago who
they really are this is their chance but before we go
there's something you should all know about the serpentine war what do you
mean the mayor got away where is he
Flin Flon wants to get the chest I don't think they'll be gone long
I thought you were the last of your kind
I thought your species survives they've been extinct my brothers died long ago
not all anacondrai were imprisoned we escaped after the war and here so you're
a coward two imposters I'm strong and a conjurer I would never demean himself
look at yourself what's the difference between the two of us
you're no anacondrai we are and to them we are gods there are no gods here
except me
the Gateway is becoming more stable soon we will have the power to merge to curse
around within Jocko open the portal I'll go into the cursed realm and unite the
prisoners the ultimate weapon will be in the heart of the city jamanakai village
wait what most of jamanakai is a lake you can't
expect them to fight there when the ninja arise any one of us they strike
down can simply return through the portal the weapon immediately master we
retrieved your chair from a camp I'll enjoy this fight
tell me Anthony Reese what do you fear
white why am I here to answer for your crimes you've let so many people die
would you settle for one more men like him are corrupted by you with him you
achieved a better Ninjago where people suffer where the ninja must protect
everyone No everything I've done was for Ninjago I'm
only here to help you listen listen to me leave Cillian alone you want me don't
you leave him out of this
if you want to kill me no we we can talk about this freedom comes at a cost
what matters is how much you're willing to pay we want you to fight for your
freedom whoever thought your reign would end with the ceremony take the spear go
I swear to you let me go I'll never do anything to hurt you
don't let up this day belongs to the 17
a ninja
what what are you doing or did you come back
our last gesture for the city judgment for the tyrants of Ninjago the prophecy
was fulfilled the age of the golden master has already begun
this means nothing more the brink of war and we face an enemy that vastly
outnumbers us then you have no choice but to leave that's not what we're gonna
do here we are fighting enemies from the distant past the Overlord Master Chen
even pythor impossible we saw him die
leave him we'll take it from here no I'll finish him off there's more at
stake right now we need you to trust us tell me did the Anaconda I want peace
during the serpentine war we were ready to end the conflict but your lines
wanted to end the truce that's what Chen told you and he told
the Alliance the same thing about you we couldn't trust you then how can we trust
you now the people need us Salta you're high if there's one thing I remember
about any of you it's not you don't run away from a fight we must put aside our
petty differences we want you to stand with us and the traitor what about you
he'll get what he deserves but first you'll see the damage he's
why are we leaving what's going on we think someone start getting to village
everyone's gotta head out whoa what's that
right here we've got the hovercopter an aerial surveillance drone equipped with
micro missiles and large scale rockets Zane that'll be yours fantastic over
here the ghost taker GT I heard of your
setback with the undead so I created a vehicle that fires deep stone missiles
and is heavily armored Jay this one's yours oh yeah and lastly the blaster
bike coated in deep stone armor with twin carbine blasters made just for this
fight Cole it's all yours awesome they've opened a cursed realm
there in jamanakai you and an army of ghosts but taking the fight to us fair
enough we still have time the weapon must charge in order to warp the cursed
realm but why jamanakai didn't you say walt is bad for the ghosts remember any
ghosts we defeat can return through the portal we have got to get down there
this is getting worse
I've got 400 deep stone bullets 400 rounds will run out pretty quickly
single shots will work best conserve your ammo one shot takes out a ghost yes
but they'll come back for the port all will do is slow him down unless we close
the portal don't know if we can but we'll make do for your own safety mr.
Mercer you cannot go to jamanakai this isn't your fight
Anthony Reese's in custody and there's no way he's staying in power after this
and jogo needs a mayor mr. Mercer we need you to make it through this all
right I'll be here Godspeed ninja
master chen he is anaconda I could serve me stunning aren't they Klaus
I thought pythor killed them all he did not spell but was never found
I think someone used the transformation spell these anaconda I had a result
don't you see they're here to help us win this war our forces will have no
trouble holding their ground still this is some ambitious undertaking the ghosts
are vulnerable to water you've given up those an advantage you overestimate them
critter they're terribly insensitive Vernon ja these ghosts of Knox don't
forget they chose to ally with us they should be grateful they had a choice
my master your army is complete then the village is ours any attempts to stop us
will be in vain agents of - this battle is my reward
whatever happens today is how the world will remember us I was supposed to
protect the golden Power that wasn't your responsibility yes but it will
always be my duty to protect you my city my family both caught in this endless
war what else is there that I left behind that whatever regrets you might
have about the past I want you to know I forgive you you've got to put more trust
in me isn't that what all this is about having faith you are wise beyond your
years my son
hello Brent are you looking for the Commissioner actually I was looking for
you hey thanks again for saving me back there
look I I was wondering is there any chance you need a co-pilot I know you're
a nindroid you can multitask and stuff but but maybe someone can shoot while
you're flying now that you mention it I have someone in mind
it is an honor to have you with us thank you
since even the overlords brought his army to jamanakai once the weapon gains
enough power to transport the cursed realm they won't hesitate to destroy
Ninjago do we have any means of destroying this weapon as of now no but
if we take the crystal the curse run will be out of their reach that way any
ghost we defeat will go back with no way out still their weapon will be
functional and they will use the golden power we've got to take the island once
we have a foothold in the village we can fight our way out what's to say we're
gonna make it through this look at what we're going up against
this is how our journey ends old enemies unite in to destroy us there's no doubt
that the past is haunting us Garrett's right we may not make it through this
we're lost in despair fighting for a way out but if we stand together we will
find our greatest hope in each other I've seen enough suffering enough
fighting I swore to defend my home and I hope everyone will do the same any time
every time well cool where do we go from here
Ford gather your men and come with me we're taking the dbx chi you've got my
bike the overlords given us a blast from the past let's do the same for him I
have no idea what that means but I'm looking forward to get your fear
goes we're moving out let's finish this sensei
I'm gonna need some coordinates you
南海成大國角力的舞台:媒體剛曝光一個數據,中國人不能掉以輕心 - Duration: 6:12.
Spartacus | Survivor - Duration: 3:24.
[MMD ヒロアカ BNHA] LUVORATORRRRRY {English subs} - Duration: 3:40.
Free from the meter programming
"I like you." just kidding-- The usual complaints
Bolts? Nuts? They're all just Bad
My gaze on you, a dangerous war
My chest pounding; Shoot an arrow in my heart, you know?
I'll use my feminine charms and take you down, bitch
I'll make only you SICK, so here's this verse, KICK!
Hey, look over at me! Give us kiss!
With the lips of a liar, show me the limits of your deceit
I won't take anyone but you and more- Won't you let me be even more selfish?
Love's a winning streak, only for seasoned veterans
Spout lies, show off, lean and fall down
You turn, giving me your usual troubled face
"Yeah, yeah." "Hey, are you even listening?!"
But, I can't bring myself to hate that part of you,
and you're a step above, you'd hit me
I can't talk back, I just can't say a thing!
Rely on me even more
More more, Desire me even
Love me Love me Love me Do!
Give me Give me Give me Hug!
Trouble yourself over me even more
Wanna Wanna be bothered for it
Love me Love me Love me Do!
Give me Give me Give me Hug!
Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very
Please, go ahead, do it so rough there's no time to breathe
Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi
I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now Knock Down
Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very
Take that breathtaking thing and force it in my mouth
Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi
I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now Knock Down
Listen to my voice even more
Lead me astray with your words Baby
If you've been programmed to do so, Baby, it's all meaningless
You know what I want? I, I alone to be the subject of your LOVE
I keep pretending to be tough In my mind
But you've realized the truth, right, my Darling?
A change in enthalpy, "Why?!" I don't know what's going on anymore
All I want is for you to be next to me
Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very
Please, go ahead, do it so rough there's no time to breathe
Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi
I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now Knock Down
Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very
Take that breathtaking thing and force it in my mouth
Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi
I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now Knock Down
31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 4th November 2018 - Duration: 5:32.
What is your favorite meme? - Duration: 5:41.
hello friends I'm dragonate and welcome to another dragonate reading
your answers video last week I asked you what will you never forget like you guys
answered now be reading your answers in this week video I mean sorry and before
we continue your question for this week is going to be what is your favorite
meme do you have a favorite meme some people may not even know what a meme is
but you tell me what your favorite meme is and I will read your answers in next
week's video so let's get into it let's see what you guys will never forget Juu
says I'll never forget the first time I learned that everything I know one loved
would die one day it was around when I was twelve I lost
my grandma to a heart attack and my grandpa on a different side of the
family to a heart surgery in the span of three months and I I'm really sorry for
your loss I know that that's probably a while many years ago now but it's still
it's still hard sometimes even years later my grandma passed away eight years
ago and still sometimes I think of that FunnyFluffy says I would like to never
forget the things I want to achieve maybe which makes perfect sense and I
hope you don't forget those DLT Dav says I'm not gonna forget nothing I'm that
clever that is perfect you will definitely not forget nothing
and unless maybe you're you're old and gray maybe at that point you you may end
up my mom says lots of things I won't forget but of course first and foremost
most of all I will never forget you and how much you do for me thank you and
you're welcome and also how much my God loves me Mitsu says I don't know I
feel like I will forget everything sooner or later two of my four living
grandparents have bad memory issues and they seem to forget everything maybe
I'll forget everything when I'm old and great it will be around then I don't
think it's gonna be anytime soon and xxskoomaxx says I will never forget
Skyrim Skyrim is really hard to forget there's actually if I smell I have one
of my favorite scented candles is eucalyptus mint and every time I smell
that it just smells like winter and for some reason it makes me think of Skyrim
but I think that could be because when I used to play Skyrim on my xbox all the
time a few years back I would pretty much always have a candle lit so I have
this mini eucalyptus mint candle lit while I was playing
just for fun I usually I would be playing most of the time at night so it
was kind of nice to have that kind of lit for you know a light and all that so
yeah as for myself there are many things I won't forget it feels sometimes like I
remember more negative things for example I remember a fight that a friend
and I had a long time ago that didn't even matter and for a day after him
saying you're dead to me I'll never talk to you again kind of thing after a day
he was texting me saying hey what's up and that was the first kind of like big
thing that him and I have ever had between each other so and then when he's
text me I'm like uh don't you remember saying this and he goes no I didn't say
that so he completely forgot about the incident entirely anyway so I guess it's
hard for me to pick one thing and this is my fault this time because I do seem
to remember a lot of things I forget a lot of things - I definitely forget a
lot of things - and I say in the description of the last video that I
have an elephant's memory it's a joke because I don't but I do remember Lots
how about this back when I was in high school in grade 11 I believe I started
we all had to go and pick out a book from the library right we had to pick
out a book that we had to read and blah blah blah so I'm going on looking and
I'm like I don't know what book I want to read because I find it hard to like
sit and read for any length of time anyway so I'm trying
if I'm not interested in what I'm reading it's gonna be even worse so it
took me about like 30 or 40 minutes in the library and kind of just before we
had to leave I ended up finding this this one book that was titled assassins
and I'm like oh this one sounds interesting because I'd been playing
Assassin's Creed so I picked out that one and took it and started reading it
and then I'm like well this doesn't make any sense I found out that that book was
part of the Left Behind series and it got me really really interested in what
it what that all means if you don't know what Left Behind is all about Left
Behind is it's kind of telling the story of what happens from the book of
Revelation in the Bible so when that all-star
happening after the rapture and that kind of thing that's kind of where
left-behind takes place and assassins was kind of one more closer to the end
middle middle end and middle kind of thing and it was a book that I actually
end up really really enjoying and I kind of want to finish the entire rest of the
Left Behind series but yeah that's that's definitely something I will never
forget that was something that made me think a lot more about thinking about
what revelation meant because when you read a story like that as a child and
it's very aged it's not it's not super easy to I guess interpret or to
understand as a child and to understand all the themes and and what the the
different imagery and stuff means in it so the that book kind of helped me
understand it a little more and make me more interested in it so yeah that's
mine that's it for this video though thank
you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed don't forget your question
for this week which was what is your favorite meme leave your answers in the
comments below and I'll read them next week and I'll see you again very soon
have a wonderful rest of your day and a great week bye bye and Godbless
天了嚕!10歲馬來女孩清唱4首歌,穩穩高音震撼到我了!【法蒂瑪諾雅四首清唱合集】 Fatimah Noryyah - Duration: 12:42.
Masterboy - Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:57.
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel my love
Jumping jumping up and down from the top right to the ground
Free your soul and free your mind, now set you free right on time
It's weekend and it's party time, feel the heat and free your mind
Put your hands up in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care
Feel the rhythm, stay real tight, feel the heat, feel the night
Let the groove control your move, shake your bud and make me hot
Party people, party dance, shake your body and wave your hands
You know how to do it right, feel the heat of the night
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel my love
Pumping stomping, people jumping, people dancing everywhere
The DJ's playing music loud, so wave your hands up in the air
Move your body shake your bud, the rhythm of the music's so hot
I see you do your turnaround on the dancefloor up and down
Party party, people party, party people, party dance
Come on people, move your body, shake your body wave your hands
Sweat is dropping down all over my face
I feel your sex right in this place
You got to get this rhythm right and feel the heat of the night
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel my love
中国最美五位女明星排名,第一名果然是她,最后一名你绝对想不到! - Duration: 2:27.
Living Life in a World of Change - Duration: 1:03:57.
Two years ago it was a sea of beer and champagne... now it's a sea of flowers and wreaths - Duration: 8:34.
The contrast was as chilling as the icy October air.Here outside the King Power Stadium two-and-a-half years ago the main concourse was a sea of champagne and beer bottles
Now it was covered in flowers, wreaths and other tributes to the man who turned Leicester's wildest dreams into reality
'It could not feel more different,' said Andrew Hulley, the club chaplain who was here on Sunday to offer his support to the thousands of fans who came to pay their respects
'When we won the title it was a night of unrestrained revelry; a sense of jubilation across the whole city
'But walking to the stadium this morning I felt this tingle down my spine.All these people are here
All this traffic.And yet there is this hushed atmosphere, this silence.People can't believe it
' Fairytales are not supposed to end like this.Not with the sound of Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha's helicopter plummeting to the ground and bursting into flames, claiming the lives of the five poor souls on board
Graham Chadwick, the long- serving Sportsmail photographer who began his career taking pictures for this football club, was walking to his car when he realised there was a problem
'We've become used to seeing the chairman's helicopter rising above the stadium, turning and heading south towards London,' he said
'There are actually normally two of them.One comes in after the other to take people away
'They climb into the sky, turn 180 degrees and fly off over the back of the stadium
'But this time it kept spinning, and the sound of the engine wasn't right.There was clearly something seriously wrong
I just saw the nose drop and the tail rise up before it fell towards the ground and out of sight
Then I heard the crash, and a few seconds later I saw the fireball, this inferno.' Graham took out his camera and ran back towards the stadium
He was struck by the acrid smell of aviation fuel, the thick smog, the heat.By Sunday all that remained, as Graham's pictures revealed, was the mangled wreckage of an aircraft now shorn of its Leicester blue bodywork, with the cabin in which those on board perished covered by a green tarpaulin
Only a few hundred yards away supporters continued to gather at the front of the north stand, a crowd that perfectly reflected the cultural diversity of the city and this club's support
All day and into the night they came and went, some with their families, some with their mates, some just on their own
Two burly guys climbed out of a cab armed only with a bunch of flowers that they added to a floral shrine expanding at such a rate stewards had to keep moving the steel railings
Many fans stood in quiet reflection.Some cried.'I think the scene here today is a reciprocation of the owner as a family man,' said Hulley
'The fans feel they are part of a family here and that is the word I keep hearing people use today
' Inside the hotel that is opposite the stadium, another group had assembled.They were the boys who belong to the Thai International Academy that was formed by Vichai back in 2015
Often from poor backgrounds, these lads are given an education at a boarding school in Leicestershire as well as the opportunity to train alongside Jamie Vardy, Kasper Schmeichel and their colleagues at the club training ground
On Sunday we saw them being addressed by the head of the scheme, a Thai who is known to the boys simply as 'Master'
'I was telling them about the chairman; about his story,' he explained afterwards
'Some of these boys are playing for the junior national teams in Thailand.It was the chairman's dream to one day see these boys develop and help Thailand to play in a World Cup
' The boys eventually joined the supporters in paying their respects, no doubt with a sense of sorrow as well as uncertainty
Quite what this means for Leicester City Football Club remains to be seen.But Vichai wanted to build on the legacy of that remarkable Premier League title triumph, committing close to £100million on a new training ground and the same again on increasing the capacity of the King Power Stadium to 40,000
The owner's son, known simply as Top, would seem the natural successor, having already been appointed chief executive officer of the parent company two years ago
But staff have no idea if this Thai family will even want to maintain such close links to a football club that has suddenly become the scene of this terrible tragedy
Sunday was indescribably difficult for all of them.The head of communications always operates with a calm professionalism but he wore a haunted look as he tried to provide updates without even being able to confirm, for most of the day, if his boss was actually dead
For now all Leicester can do is take things one day at a time.Club chaplain Hulley, who offers support to those from all faiths as well as non-believers, spent time with the players on Saturday night and he said he will visit them at the training ground on Monday
With Tuesday's Carabao Cup fixture against Southampton postponed, their next home game will probably be against Burnley on November 10, a game that now takes place in the absence of the man who made Leicester fans' dreams come true
English Songs Tagalog 2018 | The Best English Love Songs 2018 - Best English Songs - Duration: 48:31.
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I've been reading books of all the legends and the myths
Achilles and his gold hair Kilis and his gifts
spider-man's control and Batman with a Spitz
And clearly I don't see myself upon that lives. She said, where'd you wanna go?
How much you wanna rest?
I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gift some superhero
Fairytale birth to something I can turn to somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
I want something just like this
Doo-doo-doo-doo. I want something just like it's been reading books of old
the legends and myths the
Testaments, they told the moon and it's eclipses and super Madame Rose the soup before
He lives
But I'm not the kind of person that it fit. She said, where do you wanna go?
How much you wanna rest? I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman
gifts some
From Fairy Tail is just something I can turn to somebody
I can miss I want something just like this
It's a turnover I want something just like this
I want something just like this
The club is in the best place to find a level so the bar is where I go
Meet my friends at the table doing shots ticket Bassett the only talks though
Come over and start up a conversation with trust me. Trust me
I'll give it a chance
Now my hand stop throwing up on something through bugs and then we start to dance. I was singing like girl, you know
I may be crazy. Don't let me say boy
When weekend with the stove again, we're going out on a first day
Doing me a thrifty seguro
You can eat fill up your bag and a fill up a plate with some hours a nice signal a sovereign lady is doing today
Then we leave in a taxi
Maybe crazy - a boy
Baby my baby my
Baby my baby my baby
Love you buddy every day discover something
Lust and
wanna know
in my love
Never let me go
If this night is not forever
At least we are together. I know I'm not alone. I'm not alone
Anywhere we never apart but still together
I'm wide awake
Wanna feel one last time
Take my pain away
If this night is not forever
Please we are together. I know I'm not alone. I know I'm not
Anywhere whenever apartment still together, I know I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I'm gonna
Pop up my heart is in her
He took me back to he supplied a banana. Oh
But my heart is in Nevada. There's something about your mana
Laverna he didn't woke up with the how you doin
He said as a lot of girl I can do with
I know here forever made it
And Baba said he got him all Oh in him he got me tonight
I know it when I met him I loved him when I left him got me feeling like ooh
And dead I hate to go oh nana
My heart is and
Took me back to ISA planned out Nana. Oh
But my heart is in Habana my heart
Haha, my heart is and
He took me back to his Lada
Nunim. Oh
But my heart is and Donna my heart is
Take me back back back flight
Take me back back back light you
Take me back back back
He took me back to his Atlanta Oh
My heart is Donna
You've been running around running around running around throwing that dirt on my name
Cuz you that I knew that I knew that I'd call you. Uh
Go around go around go around every party in LA
Cuz you knew that I knew that I knew that I'd be at one
I know that dress is karma perfume, regret it got me thinking about when you
And now I'm all up on you, what'd you expect
But you're not coming home with me tonight
You just want attention
You don't want my heart
Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone. Oh, yeah, you just want attention
And you're from the start. You're just making sure I'm never getting over you
You can run around run around run around for in that dirt on my name
You thought I knew that I knew that I'd call you. Uh
Go around go around go around every party in there lay
You that I knew that I knew that I'd be at one
I know that dress is karma her fury breath it got me thinking about when you
And now I'm all up on you, what'd you expect
But you're not coming home with me tonight
You just want attention
You don't want my heart
Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new and you just want attention
And you're from the start. You're just making sure never getting over you
Come and move that in my direction
So thankful for that. It's such a blessing here in every situation didn't have any air. Oh
You are I saw us on the darkest day
Got me feeling some kinda way pick me wanna savor every moment
You put me through let me love how you put it on
Got the only key know how to turn it on the way nibble of my a the only words
I hear baby take it so so we can last
20 sadly money you're sayin metal may boy a second. Oh boy or manual plant solo convinced are no sense a little
Yummy gusta namaste normal todo me sentido saw begin dumbass ice Turkey tomorrow singing boon about
this fast
Exp LA - quit your test besito. They are cacao
Ito but take a quality loss task only call
this first
Appeal guess what that there is no stairs past Ito feel monastery. They stay cool
Besito behind us la vez la DC de novo Bigelow Quito Paquito 102 me
I've been hearing symphonies
Before all the hurt was silenced the Rhapsody for you and me
And every melody is timeless life was stringing me along
Then you came and you cut me loose so singing on my own
Now I can find the key without you and now your song
gets on repeat and I'm dancing on to your heartbeat and when you're gonna
Feel incomplete. So if you want that truth
I just wanna be part of yourself
I'm sorry if it's all too much
Every day y'all here. I'm
Healing and I was running out of love
Never thought I'd find this feeling and now your song
gets on repeat and I'm dancing on to your heartbeat and when you
Gonna feel incomplete. So if you want that true
Just wanna be part of your body
Kisses Allah tastes fun-loving may possibilities. I look like all your needs
And know that you still wanna see me
All its possibilities
I just want a fair skinned on my
Fashion and a message on your smile take my time
Something new all
Lit up heaven
And the feeling one on Missy
Coz I'm lost in the way you move the way you feel I won't guess is all a taste
Like oh you mean won't get this all it takes fall in love am a
Possibility I like all you need
So you want
I need accompanied so nine
Something in your cleanup ever Oh
Running out of breath but I oh I got stamina Oh
Running now close my eyes a lot. Oh, I got stamina and uh-oh
I see another mound to climb but uh, I I got stamina and uh, oh
I need another love will be mine cuz I I
I got stomach now don't give up. I won't give up
Give up. No. No, no don't give up. I won't give up don't give up
No, no. No, I'm free to be the greatest. I'm alive
I'm free to be the greatest here tonight
the greatest the greatest the greatest
The greatest the greatest
Running out of breath but I um, oh I got stomach now uh-oh
Running out close my eyes. Oh, oh I got stamina. Don't give up
I won't give up don't give up. No, no, no don't give up
I won't give up don't give up. No, no. No, I'm free to be the greatest
I'm alive
I'm free to be the greatest here tonight
the greatest the greatest
the greatest
The greatest the greatest
Know that dress is
Now a mother
Would you expect but you're not coming home at me tonight?
you just
I know that dress is karma perfume rethinking
Ammonia would you expect me tonight?
Used to believe
We were burning on the end of something beautiful
Something beautiful
Sit in a tree
Smoak and Meers keeps us waiting on a miracle on a miracle
See go through the darkness of these
Errands a heartbreak away. Never let you go. Never let me down
Right dragging the edge of a knife never let you go never let me down
Don't you give up I will give up
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don't you give up?
I won't give up
Let me love you, let me love you some falsely
We've got a million miles a little Birds
miles ahead of us
See go through the darkness face
Heartbreak away never let you go. Never let me down
It's been heavy right driving the edge of
You don't you give up
I will give up
Let me love you. Let me love you
Think the news after cries
So picking it up. I'm picking it up. I'm loving and live there
Ain't got no tears and my body I ran number boy. I like it. I like it. I like
no matter
Who tries it? We're out here robbing, and we're vibing with vibe
Even when it's raining down stop now can stop so shut your mouth
That's dear brother so I'm picking it up again
So I'm picking it up and picking the pump up and living in
Get it up get it up loving I'm living so we turning
Donal tears underground so picking it up again
The loving a liver come with me
Wait a second, let me catch my breath
Remind me how it feels to hear
Your lips are moving I can't hear a thing
Livin life as if we had a choice
Anywhere anytime
You just wait
song in every breath
Me to sleep now
Me to sleep
Won't you sing?
Me to sleep
sing me
to sleep
Remember me. Now time cannot erase
I can hear you whispers in my mind
I've become good. You cannot embrace
Any water anytime I would do
sing me
to sleep
Me to sleep now
Got a condo women headed, baby
Darwin said yo, yo ass invited so gone and gets a copy now
Pop it full Repair. Pop pop before me turn around and drive before repeating tripe drop it for me
I rent a beach house in Miami wake up with no Germans. Love to sell for Jenna. Oh, yes, sir
That's Cap'n you got it if you want it got it if you want
It said you got it if you want to take my wallet if you want it now
Let's put some miles
Raishin is so bright
Strawberryish a friend all night looking for you. That's what I like
That's what I like looking for you that's what I like. That's one alive
In my sleep and night making myself crazy
Out of my mind out of my mind
Wrote it down and read it out hoping it would save me
So many times so many times
He makes me feel like nobody else nobody else
But my love
He doesn't love me so I tell myself I tell myself
I pick up the phone, you know
His only calling cause it's drunk and alone - don't let him in you have to kick him out again
Three don't be his friend. You know, you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning
If you're under him, you ain't getting over him again. The rules are count them
I got new rules accountant
I gotta tell them himself
I got new rules accountant
I keep pushing forwards, but he keeps pulling me
nowhere to turn
Nowhere to turn my love
He doesn't love me so I tell myself I tell myself
I pick up the phone, you know
His only calling cuz drunken alone - don't let him in you have to kick him out again three
Don't be his friend. You know, you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning
And if you're under him, you ain't gettin over him again. The rules are count them. I
Got new rules accountant
I gotta tell them himself
I got new rules accountant
I gotta tell them to say I
Got no
So many time left or
Right, it says you will go for just my bed now you want this, but I know I don't
What am I turn so what I gotta forget it
Forget it
You wanna wanna
Messed up a good thing
Give me what I pay. What is going said? I wanna strange but sure can pull this thing - I
You made me feel
And your feelings and my god
I'm feeling that is me
If you're number one
Like you
Not the one creamy
If I'm not the one
Oh honey one
We happened
Sorry Mikey but not
If you gonna love it
A you'll never see
Oh you bring my keys
If you gotta
Water under the bridge
'SBS 스페셜' 수빈·정아·천둥 "홀로서기 후, 바보가 된 기분" - Duration: 4:27.
NEW!! Ditty it Meme Compilation #1 Reaction - Duration: 9:32.
Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed
Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe
With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media
So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you
But guys still crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be reacting to
new Diddy it mean compilation number once so I guess
This is a new meme
2018 and
I don't know what's diddy it is
But I guess we'll find out so credits to original video and a channel link down below in description
so you got make sure you guys like a
like on this video if you guys enjoyed it come down below your thoughts in your opinions about
my reaction in a original video itself
And also
Subscribe and make sure you guys turn on that pulse indication Bell. I mean you subscribe. So all that guys
Let's get to started in three two one
Let's go
Alright then I
Actually did that one time several years ago. Oh man. Oh
Man I remember that
In ninja in the background
All right, Danny
And I check my phone
Of me sleeping
That's weird
That's kind of weird it's kind of creepy
We found pictures on your phone bogus tease thing and but you're alone
We visited the music far like Charmander, oh
Man this is weird
That said
I like take on me. That's one of my favorite songs
Don't think about making the most weirdest video out of it out of the dead
No chip chip I
Should really go on I should really try to SAP out if it's even a nap
God let's see how you do this kind of stuff
What the heck is that what kind of word is that it obviously doesn't look like a word
I'm going to be the most popular
I know where for. Oh
My god
Oh my god
Atomic said if I come to is
This was weird
but a few of them were quite funny I
Kind of enjoyed it
and I think I should definitely try this app out if it's like I think it should be an app because like I
Think it might be an app. I'm not sure
Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed the video and
make sure to drop like comment down below subscribe to the channel and turn off plus communications and
Yeah, I hope you guys enjoy your Sunday and I will see you guys in the next video
Goodbye, everyone
'창궐' 4일만에 100만 돌파..'안시성'보다 빠르다 - Duration: 1:56.
hi this is Heidi from garden crossings out in the landscape today it is fall it
is mid-october and I wanted to show you how beautiful the Lantana Citrus Blend
Improved is doing so this is an improved version of the citrus blend that has
been around for many years and I'll show you just some of the great things that
have that are the improvements of this plant so Lantana's Citrus Blend you'll
notice it's got a beautiful coloration of orange and red and pink there's just
a lot of those really nice warm beautiful fall colors with Lantana
Citrus Blend Lantana is a heat loving drought tolerant plant the more heat it
gets the more the plant just goes on fire and just really explodes in the
garden this year that you're looking at this plant is one plant and it is oh boy
it's about 18 to 24 inches tall and the spread on it right now is upwards of 4
foot so this is definitely done a big job in the garden has given a lot of
presents and again the flowers its October and it is still just absolutely
the most beautiful blooms I have seen Lantana is super easy to grow
hummingbirds just love it so if you're looking for something easy to grow and
that attracts hummingbirds to your garden definitely give the Lantana
citrus blend a try this is Heidi from garden crossings
BUTTS OF COSTCO (perspective from a wheelchair) - Duration: 5:55.
eww Milton slobbered all over my leg don't tell her I have doubts in her
morning we are going eww Milton slobbered all over my leg gross we are going to
Costco and I brought the GoPro and the wheelie mount so that I could make a video it's
like how I did it um Disneyland where was the butts of Disneyland it's gonna
be the butts of Costco and you'll see how everybody pretty much crashes into
me at Costco anything you'd like to say it's actually
really cold here yeah I really cold I mean almost 70
degrees but we're not used to it being I
don't know but for about 15 years we were the last house to be built around
here and then this year there's two
in the car we're going to target now because this has decided that she is
going to make just the Getty sauce that's Priscilla's spaghetti sauce from
pots pans and Bristol life and but now she wants spaghetti oh no my glasses
I'll do a little vlog vlog on her or a little clip it of her trying to make
spaghetti sauce click this should be interesting
we don't make spaghetti sauce around here we don't there are a lot of things
that Zeus and I do not do because it never turns out well don't tell her I
have doubts in her we are home and I already ate dinner and they're having
spaghetti for dinner but not the spaghetti that she made that
she's gonna make the sauce for that she is going to try to make the sauce for
yeah she had enough hamburger meat so shopped you at the grocery store and at
Target they didn't have any well thanks for watching bye want to say bye Byeeee
2년 전 컵스처럼..다저스, 3연승하면 역대 14번째 - Duration: 6:51.
Salmos | SALMO 46 - "Deus, Refúgio e Fortaleza" - Duration: 1:43.
Fernanda Gentil posta foto com namorada e desabafa sobre escolhas e liberdade - Duration: 2:34.
Luiza Possi surpreende e mostra sutiã no palco - Duration: 1:14.
Justin Bieber viveu ilegal nos Estados Unidos no início da carreira - Duration: 1:44.
João Cortês causa emoção ao se apresentar ao lado da família no 'PopStar' - Duration: 2:59.
ELEIÇÕES 2018; Famosos vão às urnas no Rio e em São Paulo - Duration: 1:25.
Maisa comenta em foto de Bruna Marquezine e atriz implora: ''Seja minha amiga!'' - Duration: 1:58.
Fernanda Gentil posta foto com namorada e desabafa sobre escolhas e liberdade - Duration: 2:46.
Masterboy - Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:57.
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel my love
Jumping jumping up and down from the top right to the ground
Free your soul and free your mind, now set you free right on time
It's weekend and it's party time, feel the heat and free your mind
Put your hands up in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care
Feel the rhythm, stay real tight, feel the heat, feel the night
Let the groove control your move, shake your bud and make me hot
Party people, party dance, shake your body and wave your hands
You know how to do it right, feel the heat of the night
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel my love
Pumping stomping, people jumping, people dancing everywhere
The DJ's playing music loud, so wave your hands up in the air
Move your body shake your bud, the rhythm of the music's so hot
I see you do your turnaround on the dancefloor up and down
Party party, people party, party people, party dance
Come on people, move your body, shake your body wave your hands
Sweat is dropping down all over my face
I feel your sex right in this place
You got to get this rhythm right and feel the heat of the night
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
Feel the heat of the night
Everything's allright
Feel the power of my heart
Give me all your love
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel right now
All you need is feel my love
Om Namah Shivay | Shiv Maha Mrityunjay Mantra | Aum Tryambakam Yajamahe | Most Powerful Shiva Mantra - Duration: 2:56.
Shiv MahaMrityunjaya Mantra
Om Namah Shivay
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhi Pushti Vardhanam
UrvaRukmiv Bhandanan
MrityorMurkshsiya Mamratat
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhi Pushti Vardhanam
UrvaRukmiv Bhandanan
MrityorMurkshsiya Mamratat
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Nama Shivay
Aum Namah Sivaya
Om Namah Shivay
What is your favorite meme? - Duration: 5:41.
hello friends I'm dragonate and welcome to another dragonate reading
your answers video last week I asked you what will you never forget like you guys
answered now be reading your answers in this week video I mean sorry and before
we continue your question for this week is going to be what is your favorite
meme do you have a favorite meme some people may not even know what a meme is
but you tell me what your favorite meme is and I will read your answers in next
week's video so let's get into it let's see what you guys will never forget Juu
says I'll never forget the first time I learned that everything I know one loved
would die one day it was around when I was twelve I lost
my grandma to a heart attack and my grandpa on a different side of the
family to a heart surgery in the span of three months and I I'm really sorry for
your loss I know that that's probably a while many years ago now but it's still
it's still hard sometimes even years later my grandma passed away eight years
ago and still sometimes I think of that FunnyFluffy says I would like to never
forget the things I want to achieve maybe which makes perfect sense and I
hope you don't forget those DLT Dav says I'm not gonna forget nothing I'm that
clever that is perfect you will definitely not forget nothing
and unless maybe you're you're old and gray maybe at that point you you may end
up my mom says lots of things I won't forget but of course first and foremost
most of all I will never forget you and how much you do for me thank you and
you're welcome and also how much my God loves me Mitsu says I don't know I
feel like I will forget everything sooner or later two of my four living
grandparents have bad memory issues and they seem to forget everything maybe
I'll forget everything when I'm old and great it will be around then I don't
think it's gonna be anytime soon and xxskoomaxx says I will never forget
Skyrim Skyrim is really hard to forget there's actually if I smell I have one
of my favorite scented candles is eucalyptus mint and every time I smell
that it just smells like winter and for some reason it makes me think of Skyrim
but I think that could be because when I used to play Skyrim on my xbox all the
time a few years back I would pretty much always have a candle lit so I have
this mini eucalyptus mint candle lit while I was playing
just for fun I usually I would be playing most of the time at night so it
was kind of nice to have that kind of lit for you know a light and all that so
yeah as for myself there are many things I won't forget it feels sometimes like I
remember more negative things for example I remember a fight that a friend
and I had a long time ago that didn't even matter and for a day after him
saying you're dead to me I'll never talk to you again kind of thing after a day
he was texting me saying hey what's up and that was the first kind of like big
thing that him and I have ever had between each other so and then when he's
text me I'm like uh don't you remember saying this and he goes no I didn't say
that so he completely forgot about the incident entirely anyway so I guess it's
hard for me to pick one thing and this is my fault this time because I do seem
to remember a lot of things I forget a lot of things - I definitely forget a
lot of things - and I say in the description of the last video that I
have an elephant's memory it's a joke because I don't but I do remember Lots
how about this back when I was in high school in grade 11 I believe I started
we all had to go and pick out a book from the library right we had to pick
out a book that we had to read and blah blah blah so I'm going on looking and
I'm like I don't know what book I want to read because I find it hard to like
sit and read for any length of time anyway so I'm trying
if I'm not interested in what I'm reading it's gonna be even worse so it
took me about like 30 or 40 minutes in the library and kind of just before we
had to leave I ended up finding this this one book that was titled assassins
and I'm like oh this one sounds interesting because I'd been playing
Assassin's Creed so I picked out that one and took it and started reading it
and then I'm like well this doesn't make any sense I found out that that book was
part of the Left Behind series and it got me really really interested in what
it what that all means if you don't know what Left Behind is all about Left
Behind is it's kind of telling the story of what happens from the book of
Revelation in the Bible so when that all-star
happening after the rapture and that kind of thing that's kind of where
left-behind takes place and assassins was kind of one more closer to the end
middle middle end and middle kind of thing and it was a book that I actually
end up really really enjoying and I kind of want to finish the entire rest of the
Left Behind series but yeah that's that's definitely something I will never
forget that was something that made me think a lot more about thinking about
what revelation meant because when you read a story like that as a child and
it's very aged it's not it's not super easy to I guess interpret or to
understand as a child and to understand all the themes and and what the the
different imagery and stuff means in it so the that book kind of helped me
understand it a little more and make me more interested in it so yeah that's
mine that's it for this video though thank
you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed don't forget your question
for this week which was what is your favorite meme leave your answers in the
comments below and I'll read them next week and I'll see you again very soon
have a wonderful rest of your day and a great week bye bye and Godbless
Lenny Kravitz diz que nunca quis ser famoso - Duration: 3:15.
Lenny Kravitz conviveu com a fama desde pequeno, já que sua mãe era a famosa atriz Roxie Roker, da exitosa série dos anos 1970, The Jeffersons (1975-1985)
Mas o cantor, hoje com 54 anos, confessa que 'nunca quis ser famoso'. Só queria fazer música
Lenny contou em entrevista à revista Variety que conquistou fama mundial por sua música, mas que essa nunca foi sua intenção
"Nunca quis me tornar uma estrela, eu simplesmente estava interessado em fazer música, independentemente de ter ou não sucesso em todo o mundo", justifica
O cantor recordou que mesmo quando a mãe estava na famosa série, eles nunca tiveram uma empregada doméstica em casa: "Minha mãe estava em primeiro lugar, e durou 11 temporadas no ar
Não tivemos uma empregada doméstica. Nós fazíamos todo o trabalho doméstico, minha mãe esfregava o chão no sábado, dirigia um Buick
Ela era tão real. Ela sempre nos ensinou sobre ser humilde e eu nunca disse que queria ser uma estrela
Sempre disse que queria ser músico. Sempre era baseado em arte, não em quantos discos eu venderia ou no tamanho dos shows"
Lenny disse que o início de sua carreira não foi bem sucedido, e que as gravadoras não estavam interessadas em seu estilo musical, de rock funk psicodélico: "Eu sabia que estava cantando e tocando minha verdade
Esse foi um tempo depois que todos na indústria musical me disseram que eu não poderia fazer esse tipo de coisa
Eu levava minha música para as gravadoras, e a resposta sempre era 'que não é preta o suficiente'
"Então as pessoas não gostavam da música que eu estava fazendo ou não sabia como vendê-la ou como comercializá-la
Eu recebia ofertas se simplesmente mudasse minha música. Eu nunca aceitei o acordo", relembra
Na letalu proti Sloveniji / Im Flugzeug Richtung Slowenien / On a plane to Slovenia #ASAvlog - Duration: 5:26.
Hello, everyone. So, I'm coming to you via my telephone. First I'll say a few words, followed by my band mates who are all seated here in the back so that they can't possibly escape this.
This is the last day of our 2018 Canada tour. It's been amazing and we have had a wonderful six days.
Each time I get a chance to meet these people, by that I mean Slovenians living in Canada, and others, I am always taken aback by their sense of belonging to the home country and by their hospitality.
Thanks to everyone who hosted us and thanks to everyone we've met along the way. It's a wonderful feeling to feel at home while being on the other side of the ocean.
All I can say is that I truly enjoyed myself. I am happy I got my new cowboy boots and I do hope we get a chance to meet sometime in the future, whether in Slovenia or back on your continent.
I'll start with our extremely hospitable hosts – Slovenians living in Canada. They were wonderful hosts.
They prepared Slovenian dishes for us, ranging from roasted potatoes, potica and other specialties. And even though we didn't spend that much time in Canada they made the effort to try and show us some landmarks.
They had a great time at our performances which, naturally, meant a great deal to us and filled us with even more energy. I'm taking with me many good impressions from Canada.
Besides the big motor cars I found it particularly interesting that some sections of their roads were in very bad shape.
In general, Canada was great and we look forward to traveling there again in a few years time perhaps.
I have to say that everything was very positive. I was pleasantly surprised by Slovenians, living in Canada, and surprised over how much this culture and the nurturing of Slovenian music, language and customs means to them.
One thing that particularly impressed me was that they offered us beans and potatoes with breakfast.
We don't have that in Slovenia and it was somewhat unusual to see that being offered for breakfast. Otherwise it's and interesting land. A very interesting land.
Canada was much easier this year. Since we were there four years ago, we already knew some people over there.
Last year the ensemble Mladi glas visited us and we connected with them. As I mentioned we already knew a lot of people and this experience has made us into friends.
Thanks to everyone for their help and support. Canada itself hasn't changed much. We did notice that Slovenians are still immigrating into Canada.
Some Slovenians are still on the way, and many of them who we've met in Canada came there first as a tourist.
So the country itself hasn't lost its appeal. These six days went by too quickly. But as you have seen in photos and in movies we had a great time. If we ever go again, I hope we go for a longer period of time.
The loveliest impression was the warm reception we got from Slovenians, Canadians, and our ex-patriots who went there a long time ago and still haven't forgotten about Slovenia.
Everything was great, the weather and all. And even though the trip there was very long we didn't really mind it. In general my impressions about everything are nothing but positive.
My impressions of Canada are great. I was very surprised over the response of our Slovenians living in Canada and their acceptance, good will, and inter-connectedness that is
so lacking back home. I was extremely impressed by it all and I hope we go on another trip soon.
Hello, folks. We are on our way back to Slovenia. This was my first trip to Canada and I must say I didn't expect it to be such a 'BANG'.
We were wonderfully received, the cities are beautiful and the shopping opportunities are great. What else is there to say.
I would like to come back sometime, it was a special experience. It's something that you remember for the rest of your life. We all had a great time, it just went by too quickly. Short and sweet, as they say.
Until next time, Canada! Thank you.
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