Denis Korza represents.
Autumn has a cold look. The poem by Timothy Aseev.
The habit of fox.
Leafs leafs fall,
Rips leaves.
Happy sunny fire
Flies, turns ..
On the days, on the shoulders, on the palm,
To the sky in the puddles.
There is a feature of non-existence, Stay you, yes I am.
Tired of lake eyes, look down from the heights ..
Gone is the last thunderstorm
Back to childhood.
We shall put on wine,
Chilled souls.
And the cup of autumn - to the bottom ...
And the cup of autumn - with you drain!
In it all withered flowers, merged into one
A bitter taste of emptiness, for a bird wedge.
And the tender call will be heard, Through the mist and slush,
And there will be music without words So sing, then cry ...
So sing, then cry again!
And we are going further and further, All further ...
Deep in captivity
Let us know the cuneiform of the rain, On the windows ...
On the windows.
For more infomation >> Autumn has a cold look ... 🍁 Poem 🍂 Reads Denis Korza - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Transformers Unique Toys UTR-02 Challenger (The Last Knight Optimus Prime) - Duration: 39:49.
Unique Toys UTR-02 Challenger aka The Last Knight Optimus Prime.
At last, it arrived!
We were waiting long time now for this figure.
As you can see it comes with a big box.
Here you see him in his robot mode.
On the top side of the box you see him in his vehicle mode.
On the sides of the box you see him in his robot mode.
Nothing special on the bottom side of the box.
And on the back side of the box you see some product shots.
Enough with the box, let's see the accessories of the figure now.
The figure comes with this card.
Tech specs on the rear side of the card.
I can say that the quality of this card is very good!
And of course, the figure comes with the instructions, here they are.
Not very easy transformation neither very complicated.
And nothing on the other side of the instructions.
So, let's see the figure from close now.
And here is Optimus Prime in his vehicle mode.
As you can see, it looks exactly like it was in the movie.
Though, I have some complains about this mode.
First of all, we don't have tyres for the rear wheels.
We have tyres for this wheel but for these ones, we don't have.
From the other side, all the tyres are fine. They forgot to put tyres on the wheels.
We asked for replacement parts but we have to wait.
Something that I don't like on the vehicle mode is this unpainted piece here.
The same with these pieces here.
I don't understand why they didn't paint them,
it would look so much better if this piece here was painted!
And the other thing that I don't like is the different tone of red colour on the door.
This red is different than this one here.
I don't understand why they chose different tone of red colour for the door,
they could have painted it the same colour as the other.
Other than that, the vehicle mode is very beautiful.
Very nice silver paint over here. Chromed rims.
The truck looks very realistic. Very beautiful!
Also, the figure comes with this shield.
It is very nicely painted but again, they didn't paint this piece here,
they could have painted it with silver colour so it won't be so visible
but I can't understand the reason why they didn't paint it.
It comes with a sword which is very beautiful.
Great sculpted details! It also has Cybertronian letters on it.
Even the handle is very impressive. Very beautiful!
It comes with this blade.
If I remember well, he tried to kill Bumblebee with this blade, in the movie.
He comes with the face of Nemesis Prime.
There is a button here, if you push it the eyes will light up.
It takes 2 LR521 batteries.
These are the batteries you need to buy to put them in the head
and as you can see the led lights look very beautiful.
He has purple eyes. This is how he was in the movie as well.
You also get a mouthplate to replace his face.
You just pull it out.
It is a little bit tight.
And now place the face with the mouthplate.
Come on...
And it looks like this. Let me push the button as well.
The face is really nice. Very movie accurate. I really like it.
We also get a face without the mouthplate, for the normal head.
We had 3 bonus items in the packaging. We have the staff of Merlin.
This is the human version while this one is the one that Dragonstorm had given it to him.
It's the big version. This one is made of die-cast.
This one has very nice sculpted details.
And the final item is the sword of Lockdown. We will see it a little bit later.
As for weapon storage, we can only store these 3 pieces on the vehicle mode.
This piece will connect in this hole here.
Open the shield from here. Bring this piece out.
And place the sword in here.
The instructions say that we should put the edge of the sword in this hole
and this peg here will go in this little hole here.
And it will look like this.
The weird thing is that we can connect the trailer of Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime in here.
Actually, it won't connect, this piece will sit on this gap here.
And as you can see it rolls fine.
So, let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee and next to Revenge Of The Fallen Sideways.
I think he scales well with Bumblebee, not bad. Of course he doesn't scale well with Sideways.
Have a look at them from a different angle.
Here he is next to Dark Of The Moon Ratchet and next to Human Alliance Barricade.
I think the scale here is not so good.
I think Ratchet should be a little bit bigger because the Hummer cars were big.
Barricade should be a little bit smaller, probably.
The scale is not very bad but it's not correct either.
Here he is next to Hasbro's voyager class figure. Huge difference as you can see.
Very big difference.
And finally, here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
I think Lockdown should be a liiiiittle bit smaller here for the scale to be correct.
The scale is not very bad but perhaps Lockdown should be a little bit smaller for the scale to be perfect.
So, let's transform Optimus Prime in his robot mode.
My buddy Stefanos is near me who will show you the transformation, Stefanos?
- Hello from me as well. So, let's start.
First, disconnect the rear piece.
These small holes connect in here.
Bring it up and leave it like this for the time being.
Then, we come to the front. Open this piece from here.
And bring these pieces back like this.
And now we will work on the legs. Disconnect the legs from here.
Bring these pieces down.
As for his legs, close this piece.
Disconnect this piece, bring it back and leave it like this for the time being.
Open the foot like this. Rotate this piece upwards.
Bring the foot down. Rotate this piece 180 degrees.
Rotate this piece and bring it down like this.
Open this piece. This peg will tab in here.
Come on...
Rotate this piece 180 degrees. Connect these pegs in here.
And this piece will connect in here.
And collapse the foot inwards, like this.
One leg is ready. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Close this bit inwards. Open this piece.
Disconnect this piece and rotate it backwards like this.
Open the foot, rotate this piece like this, bring the foot down, rotate this piece 180 degrees.
Rotate this piece and bring it down like this.
Connect this piece in here.
Rotate this piece like this. Connect this bit in here.
This bit will tab in here.
And finally, collapse the foot inwards like this.
Rotate the legs 180 degrees from the thighs.
Finally, connect this piece down here.
And it looks like this now. Now we will work on the upper body.
We finished with the legs. Bring this piece down.
Disconnect the arms from here.
Open this bit as well.
Open this piece completely.
Bring these pieces down so they won't get hindered by the exhaust-pipes.
And leave it like this. Bring this piece down.
Lift the head up a little bit. Fold these bits inwards.
Bring this piece down.
Rotate this piece like this and bring it down.
Leave it like this for the time being.
As for his arms, rotate this piece inwards.
Disconnect the arms from here and fold this piece inwards like this.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Rotate this piece inwards. Fold this piece inwards like this.
And now we will do the arms.
You see them how they are folded like this, now bring this piece down
and as you bring it down, this piece will come up, like this.
And it will connect in here.
And rotate it downwards.
Bring these pieces down for the time being. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Nicely done.
Now, the whole piece will fold inwards.
Pay attention, the window must come inwards, like this.
Like this.
You need to have some clearance. Bring this piece up.
And these pieces will tab in here.
Bring the head down.
Close the shoulder pads like this and rotate them. They are very tight.
Rotate the arm 180 degrees.
As for the hand, disconnect this piece from here. Rotate it. Rotate this piece as well.
This piece is spring-loaded. Connect it in here.
Bring this piece down. Fold the hand out and rotate it.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Finally, bring these pieces up like this.
And Optimus Prime is ready in his robot mode.
- Unique Toys did fantastic job once again. The engineering of Unique Toys is incredible.
The wheels of the truck are hidden. Really, it's like they did magic!
It's incredible what Unique Toys did with this figure! Incredible!
Very beautiful paint details.
But I do have some complains for the robot mode.
My biggest complain is this, the fingers. They didn't paint the fingers.
I can't understand this! Why didn't they paint the fingers???!!!
Even the joint here of the hand is unpainted!
They could simply paint them! I can't understand why they didn't paint them!
Also, these cables on his thighs are hanging like this.
Take a look at this picture.
As you can see, the cables are not hanging exactly.
They are attached to his thighs by small clips.
We don't have these clips here, they are just hanging down like this.
Of course this is not a big problem but for the sake of movie accuracy
it would be nice if the cables were attached to his thighs by these clips.
Other than that, he looks very beautiful, a great figure.
Another complain is that his neck doesn't lock.
But ok, that's not a big deal.
As for his articulation, the head can fully rotate.
It can look up, that's very good for flying poses.
It can look down. It doesn't tilt left and right.
Let me push the button to light up his eyes.
His eyes are very nice. They look very good!
The arm can fully rotate. It can move up this far.
We have butterfly joint. That's very good.
There is swivel at this point of the arm.
There is double jointed elbow.
There is swivel at the hand and the hand can move up due to the transformation.
The thumb can move up and down and it can bend at 2 points, here and here.
The index finger can move individually and can bend at 3 points.
And the rest of the fingers can move as one piece and they can bend at 3 points.
There is waist rotation. And the waist can bend forward, like this.
These 2 pieces here can open-close and they can move up this far.
This piece here is spring loaded.
The legs have the same system as the S.H.Figuarts figures, they can move up and down.
The leg can move sideways this far.
There is rotation at the thighs. Bend at the knee.
Unfortunately the feet cannot move up and down, there is only toe articulation.
But we have a very nice ankle tilt for nice dynamic poses.
Also, I noticed that the joints here are not painted either,
they could paint them with silver colour to look better but ok, the joints here are well hidden.
Also, be careful with these pieces that are the front side of the truck.
Don't scratch them. They get easily scratched. So don't drag him much when he is on the table.
As for his weapons, the sword has a peg here. It will get in this hole here.
And of course he can hold it securely.
Also, the blade can connect in this hole here.
Like this.
And finally, the shield will get in this hole here.
And now Optimus Prime is fully armed and ready for battle.
Now if you don't want him to hold all these weapons, you can remove them from his hands.
And you can store them on his back.
Just a moment.
Open the shield. Bring this piece out. Like this. Close the shield again.
Place the sword in here.
And connect this blade in this hole here.
And finally, this peg will tab in this hole here. Very simple, everybody can do it.
In case you want to place the other head, you need to open this piece here,
there is a screw under here, unscrew it and place the Nemesis head.
As for the staff of Merlin, simply place it in his hand and close the fingers.
He doesn't hold it very tight but he can hold it anyway.
So, let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
The scale here is perfect. They look very nice together.
We also placed the sword in the hand of Lockdown.
Also, there is a second way of holding the sword, if I can call it like this.
This peg will tab in this hole here. And it will look like this.
Here he is next to the voyager class figure, The Last Knight Optimus Prime
and next to Dark Of The Moon Wheeljack. Huge difference as you can see.
Here he is next to Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime.
As you can see, this one is bigger than MP-10! It's a big figure.
Here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee and next to Wei Jiang Hound.
Take a look at this picture. This picture is taken from the movie.
As you can see, Bumblebee and Hound are very short. The scale is not correct.
Both of them should be taller.
Here he is next to Alien Attack Mirage. And again the scale here is not correct.
Mirage should be taller.
Here he is next to Dark Energon Edition leader class Megatron.
And again, the scale here is not correct. Megatron should be taller than Optimus Prime.
And finally, here he is next to Striker Optimus Prime.
Of course they should have the same height but Unique Toys has its own scale.
So, let's transform Optimus Prime back into his vehicle mode.
Final thoughts... it is surely the best The Last Knight Optimus Prime figure that has come out so far.
Is it perfect though? NO!
It has these small imperfections that if they had fixed them, we would have one of the best Optimus Prime figures!
I am not 100% satisfied from the result.
And the reason is the cost of this figure is very high!
If I have to give so much money about a figure, I want it to be ALMOST perfect!
Other than that, I must admit that Unique Toys did incredible engineering with this figure!
Excellent paint details, very good articulation, the joints are fine and the transformation is pleasant.
If you liked it, buy it! So this was my review of Unique Toys Challenger.
Support my channel by commenting and giving this video a "Like".
Thank you all for watching, see you next time, bye! :)
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Track Day With A Porsche GT3 RS (991.2) - Trofeo Mangialardi VLOG (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 10:07.
Hello dear We Drive friends
And welcome to a new video
Sorry for the emotion
If you saw our Instagram stories (@wedrive_productions), you know we got a Fullback
Moving Center Group gave us a Fiat Fullback, we're convoying with their Abarth 124
We're heading to a very special event
The phone is ringing
We're going to the Autodromo del Levante circuit, for the Trofeo Mangialardi
Mangialardi was an engineering teacher at the Politecnico university in Bari
Sadly he recently passed away
All of his friends, students and petrolheads will gather today on track in his memory
There will be many interesting cars and events
Enough chatter, let's enjoy the Fullback's huge gearbox paddles
I feel like I'm in a Giulia
Slightly higher than a Giulia, let's see what this event is all about!
Before that, subscribe to our channel
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While we're on our way there, enjoy these first b-rolls, see you there!
We arrived!
Enzo arrived, and a bee arrived with him
There's an incredible situation, now we'll let you see the cars
They're astonishing!
What are we doing?
We're signing some papers, today we're the press
And then we'll figure out something with the Porsche
What do you mean?
Papers first, you'll see
First victim, nothing too serious
Guys, we had big expectations for today
But not so big as reality
We've been authorized to go on track
A one-seater formula car is about to run over me
We didn't expect such a magnificent day
We have the opportunity to do some laps
In that beast over there
I hope you can hear me
We're about to hop on the Abarth 124 for some laps
Sadly I can't see anything, I have the same sight as a mole
My glasses don't fit in the helmet
So I can't wear them
We've been lucky enough to find one more helmet, for me
So now we can go on track
Enzo is replacing me
Because I wasn't feeling so good
Not only for the track
Maybe also because of the tiny helmet
It was Enzo's helmet, his head is smaller than mine
His hair much shorter than mine, it was super tight
The sun on my head, in this super hot weather, was causing me some sickness
I asked Fabio, the driver, to stop so Enzo could replace me
But I enjoyed the Abarth for 4-5 amazing laps
I hope Enzo is having fun
I can only imagine how bad my situation will be in the Porsche
He always rants about buying a Porsche one day
And now...
Fake Porsche-nut
Fake Porsche-nut
Loves Porsches but gets sick after 10 seconds in them
I do love Porsches, but I'm not used to go on track in some missiles like this
First thoughts?
First I need to rest for a minute, then I'll talk
Amazing experience in this Porsche 991.2 GT3 RS!
I don't know how to thank the President of the Porsche Club Puglia
Maybe with a simple and nice ''Thank you''
Thank you!
Guys, we lived an unbelievable event
I feel better now, after the traumatic and astonishing experience in the GT3 RS
I resisted for about 3-4 laps
I admit, it defeated me in the last couple of laps
I'm not ashamed by this, it's normal if you're the passenger
We had to drive it in order to feel good, but sadly...
Thank you Enzo for lending your helmet, otherwise we couldn't have experienced the Abarth and the Porsche
We managed to do both and it was amazing
Why do you say ''We'' instead of ''Me''
Because Enzo went in the Abarth, you're more carsick and, believe me, you would die in the Porsche
So, magical track day
Thanks to Moving Center Group for giving us the Fullback and the Abarth
Thanks to the President of Porsche Club Puglia for those destructive but amazing laps in the GT3 RS
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below
Give us a thumbs up and share this vlog if you liked it
You can find our social media accounts on screen right now
What else can I say?
See you in the next video, subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss it
I stay in here
Mexican style
*Sings Narcos theme, sort of*
Stop recording and pass me the camera please
This event is over
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RX590 bench release - Duration: 2:10.
hola! It is Ato.
nice to meet you.
I am very determined and leaking.
This coming soon rx590 Bench data leaked.
In this way, Holy Land of Graphic Card Bench Data Leak
It is becoming a candidate.
The expected performance of the rx590 Is slightly higher than rx580
It was mainstream to think that Through this data,
The contents are a little shocking.
In the bench test, the 2560x1440 qhd resolution Rx590 from the test of the emergence.
As you can see, the rx590 is above the gtx1060 Performance.
And from 4k resolution, gtx 1060 And the gap between them.
In addition, performance higher than vega 64 You can also see how it looks.
In conclusion, the rx590 Simple rx580 performance version
Rather than ending with a GTX1060 hitman It seems likely.
why nvidia rushes to refresh the gtx1060 Understand to some extent that you have prepared a version
It is the part that goes.
It's really fun. rx590 is the gtx1060 And the new gtx1060 rx590 ...
How funny are the snipers and snipers I'll have to watch it once.
Seems to.
Competition is good.
Through the competition, Good products offered in good condition
On the premise that it can be .
This video is here.
If the video was good, Thank you for your subscription.
Thank you for watching.
It was Ato until now. adios!
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リップルネットに新企業加入!?今後多くの企業で仮想通貨XRPが取引されて爆上げ!?SWELL未発表好材料!上がらないは嘘!暴落下落気味だったRipple最新ニュース!2018年最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 4:16.
Autumn has a cold look ... 🍁 Poem 🍂 Reads Denis Korza - Duration: 4:04.
Denis Korza represents.
Autumn has a cold look. The poem by Timothy Aseev.
The habit of fox.
Leafs leafs fall,
Rips leaves.
Happy sunny fire
Flies, turns ..
On the days, on the shoulders, on the palm,
To the sky in the puddles.
There is a feature of non-existence, Stay you, yes I am.
Tired of lake eyes, look down from the heights ..
Gone is the last thunderstorm
Back to childhood.
We shall put on wine,
Chilled souls.
And the cup of autumn - to the bottom ...
And the cup of autumn - with you drain!
In it all withered flowers, merged into one
A bitter taste of emptiness, for a bird wedge.
And the tender call will be heard, Through the mist and slush,
And there will be music without words So sing, then cry ...
So sing, then cry again!
And we are going further and further, All further ...
Deep in captivity
Let us know the cuneiform of the rain, On the windows ...
On the windows.
Transformers Unique Toys UTR-02 Challenger (The Last Knight Optimus Prime) - Duration: 39:49.
Unique Toys UTR-02 Challenger aka The Last Knight Optimus Prime.
At last, it arrived!
We were waiting long time now for this figure.
As you can see it comes with a big box.
Here you see him in his robot mode.
On the top side of the box you see him in his vehicle mode.
On the sides of the box you see him in his robot mode.
Nothing special on the bottom side of the box.
And on the back side of the box you see some product shots.
Enough with the box, let's see the accessories of the figure now.
The figure comes with this card.
Tech specs on the rear side of the card.
I can say that the quality of this card is very good!
And of course, the figure comes with the instructions, here they are.
Not very easy transformation neither very complicated.
And nothing on the other side of the instructions.
So, let's see the figure from close now.
And here is Optimus Prime in his vehicle mode.
As you can see, it looks exactly like it was in the movie.
Though, I have some complains about this mode.
First of all, we don't have tyres for the rear wheels.
We have tyres for this wheel but for these ones, we don't have.
From the other side, all the tyres are fine. They forgot to put tyres on the wheels.
We asked for replacement parts but we have to wait.
Something that I don't like on the vehicle mode is this unpainted piece here.
The same with these pieces here.
I don't understand why they didn't paint them,
it would look so much better if this piece here was painted!
And the other thing that I don't like is the different tone of red colour on the door.
This red is different than this one here.
I don't understand why they chose different tone of red colour for the door,
they could have painted it the same colour as the other.
Other than that, the vehicle mode is very beautiful.
Very nice silver paint over here. Chromed rims.
The truck looks very realistic. Very beautiful!
Also, the figure comes with this shield.
It is very nicely painted but again, they didn't paint this piece here,
they could have painted it with silver colour so it won't be so visible
but I can't understand the reason why they didn't paint it.
It comes with a sword which is very beautiful.
Great sculpted details! It also has Cybertronian letters on it.
Even the handle is very impressive. Very beautiful!
It comes with this blade.
If I remember well, he tried to kill Bumblebee with this blade, in the movie.
He comes with the face of Nemesis Prime.
There is a button here, if you push it the eyes will light up.
It takes 2 LR521 batteries.
These are the batteries you need to buy to put them in the head
and as you can see the led lights look very beautiful.
He has purple eyes. This is how he was in the movie as well.
You also get a mouthplate to replace his face.
You just pull it out.
It is a little bit tight.
And now place the face with the mouthplate.
Come on...
And it looks like this. Let me push the button as well.
The face is really nice. Very movie accurate. I really like it.
We also get a face without the mouthplate, for the normal head.
We had 3 bonus items in the packaging. We have the staff of Merlin.
This is the human version while this one is the one that Dragonstorm had given it to him.
It's the big version. This one is made of die-cast.
This one has very nice sculpted details.
And the final item is the sword of Lockdown. We will see it a little bit later.
As for weapon storage, we can only store these 3 pieces on the vehicle mode.
This piece will connect in this hole here.
Open the shield from here. Bring this piece out.
And place the sword in here.
The instructions say that we should put the edge of the sword in this hole
and this peg here will go in this little hole here.
And it will look like this.
The weird thing is that we can connect the trailer of Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime in here.
Actually, it won't connect, this piece will sit on this gap here.
And as you can see it rolls fine.
So, let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee and next to Revenge Of The Fallen Sideways.
I think he scales well with Bumblebee, not bad. Of course he doesn't scale well with Sideways.
Have a look at them from a different angle.
Here he is next to Dark Of The Moon Ratchet and next to Human Alliance Barricade.
I think the scale here is not so good.
I think Ratchet should be a little bit bigger because the Hummer cars were big.
Barricade should be a little bit smaller, probably.
The scale is not very bad but it's not correct either.
Here he is next to Hasbro's voyager class figure. Huge difference as you can see.
Very big difference.
And finally, here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
I think Lockdown should be a liiiiittle bit smaller here for the scale to be correct.
The scale is not very bad but perhaps Lockdown should be a little bit smaller for the scale to be perfect.
So, let's transform Optimus Prime in his robot mode.
My buddy Stefanos is near me who will show you the transformation, Stefanos?
- Hello from me as well. So, let's start.
First, disconnect the rear piece.
These small holes connect in here.
Bring it up and leave it like this for the time being.
Then, we come to the front. Open this piece from here.
And bring these pieces back like this.
And now we will work on the legs. Disconnect the legs from here.
Bring these pieces down.
As for his legs, close this piece.
Disconnect this piece, bring it back and leave it like this for the time being.
Open the foot like this. Rotate this piece upwards.
Bring the foot down. Rotate this piece 180 degrees.
Rotate this piece and bring it down like this.
Open this piece. This peg will tab in here.
Come on...
Rotate this piece 180 degrees. Connect these pegs in here.
And this piece will connect in here.
And collapse the foot inwards, like this.
One leg is ready. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Close this bit inwards. Open this piece.
Disconnect this piece and rotate it backwards like this.
Open the foot, rotate this piece like this, bring the foot down, rotate this piece 180 degrees.
Rotate this piece and bring it down like this.
Connect this piece in here.
Rotate this piece like this. Connect this bit in here.
This bit will tab in here.
And finally, collapse the foot inwards like this.
Rotate the legs 180 degrees from the thighs.
Finally, connect this piece down here.
And it looks like this now. Now we will work on the upper body.
We finished with the legs. Bring this piece down.
Disconnect the arms from here.
Open this bit as well.
Open this piece completely.
Bring these pieces down so they won't get hindered by the exhaust-pipes.
And leave it like this. Bring this piece down.
Lift the head up a little bit. Fold these bits inwards.
Bring this piece down.
Rotate this piece like this and bring it down.
Leave it like this for the time being.
As for his arms, rotate this piece inwards.
Disconnect the arms from here and fold this piece inwards like this.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Rotate this piece inwards. Fold this piece inwards like this.
And now we will do the arms.
You see them how they are folded like this, now bring this piece down
and as you bring it down, this piece will come up, like this.
And it will connect in here.
And rotate it downwards.
Bring these pieces down for the time being. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Nicely done.
Now, the whole piece will fold inwards.
Pay attention, the window must come inwards, like this.
Like this.
You need to have some clearance. Bring this piece up.
And these pieces will tab in here.
Bring the head down.
Close the shoulder pads like this and rotate them. They are very tight.
Rotate the arm 180 degrees.
As for the hand, disconnect this piece from here. Rotate it. Rotate this piece as well.
This piece is spring-loaded. Connect it in here.
Bring this piece down. Fold the hand out and rotate it.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Finally, bring these pieces up like this.
And Optimus Prime is ready in his robot mode.
- Unique Toys did fantastic job once again. The engineering of Unique Toys is incredible.
The wheels of the truck are hidden. Really, it's like they did magic!
It's incredible what Unique Toys did with this figure! Incredible!
Very beautiful paint details.
But I do have some complains for the robot mode.
My biggest complain is this, the fingers. They didn't paint the fingers.
I can't understand this! Why didn't they paint the fingers???!!!
Even the joint here of the hand is unpainted!
They could simply paint them! I can't understand why they didn't paint them!
Also, these cables on his thighs are hanging like this.
Take a look at this picture.
As you can see, the cables are not hanging exactly.
They are attached to his thighs by small clips.
We don't have these clips here, they are just hanging down like this.
Of course this is not a big problem but for the sake of movie accuracy
it would be nice if the cables were attached to his thighs by these clips.
Other than that, he looks very beautiful, a great figure.
Another complain is that his neck doesn't lock.
But ok, that's not a big deal.
As for his articulation, the head can fully rotate.
It can look up, that's very good for flying poses.
It can look down. It doesn't tilt left and right.
Let me push the button to light up his eyes.
His eyes are very nice. They look very good!
The arm can fully rotate. It can move up this far.
We have butterfly joint. That's very good.
There is swivel at this point of the arm.
There is double jointed elbow.
There is swivel at the hand and the hand can move up due to the transformation.
The thumb can move up and down and it can bend at 2 points, here and here.
The index finger can move individually and can bend at 3 points.
And the rest of the fingers can move as one piece and they can bend at 3 points.
There is waist rotation. And the waist can bend forward, like this.
These 2 pieces here can open-close and they can move up this far.
This piece here is spring loaded.
The legs have the same system as the S.H.Figuarts figures, they can move up and down.
The leg can move sideways this far.
There is rotation at the thighs. Bend at the knee.
Unfortunately the feet cannot move up and down, there is only toe articulation.
But we have a very nice ankle tilt for nice dynamic poses.
Also, I noticed that the joints here are not painted either,
they could paint them with silver colour to look better but ok, the joints here are well hidden.
Also, be careful with these pieces that are the front side of the truck.
Don't scratch them. They get easily scratched. So don't drag him much when he is on the table.
As for his weapons, the sword has a peg here. It will get in this hole here.
And of course he can hold it securely.
Also, the blade can connect in this hole here.
Like this.
And finally, the shield will get in this hole here.
And now Optimus Prime is fully armed and ready for battle.
Now if you don't want him to hold all these weapons, you can remove them from his hands.
And you can store them on his back.
Just a moment.
Open the shield. Bring this piece out. Like this. Close the shield again.
Place the sword in here.
And connect this blade in this hole here.
And finally, this peg will tab in this hole here. Very simple, everybody can do it.
In case you want to place the other head, you need to open this piece here,
there is a screw under here, unscrew it and place the Nemesis head.
As for the staff of Merlin, simply place it in his hand and close the fingers.
He doesn't hold it very tight but he can hold it anyway.
So, let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
The scale here is perfect. They look very nice together.
We also placed the sword in the hand of Lockdown.
Also, there is a second way of holding the sword, if I can call it like this.
This peg will tab in this hole here. And it will look like this.
Here he is next to the voyager class figure, The Last Knight Optimus Prime
and next to Dark Of The Moon Wheeljack. Huge difference as you can see.
Here he is next to Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime.
As you can see, this one is bigger than MP-10! It's a big figure.
Here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee and next to Wei Jiang Hound.
Take a look at this picture. This picture is taken from the movie.
As you can see, Bumblebee and Hound are very short. The scale is not correct.
Both of them should be taller.
Here he is next to Alien Attack Mirage. And again the scale here is not correct.
Mirage should be taller.
Here he is next to Dark Energon Edition leader class Megatron.
And again, the scale here is not correct. Megatron should be taller than Optimus Prime.
And finally, here he is next to Striker Optimus Prime.
Of course they should have the same height but Unique Toys has its own scale.
So, let's transform Optimus Prime back into his vehicle mode.
Final thoughts... it is surely the best The Last Knight Optimus Prime figure that has come out so far.
Is it perfect though? NO!
It has these small imperfections that if they had fixed them, we would have one of the best Optimus Prime figures!
I am not 100% satisfied from the result.
And the reason is the cost of this figure is very high!
If I have to give so much money about a figure, I want it to be ALMOST perfect!
Other than that, I must admit that Unique Toys did incredible engineering with this figure!
Excellent paint details, very good articulation, the joints are fine and the transformation is pleasant.
If you liked it, buy it! So this was my review of Unique Toys Challenger.
Support my channel by commenting and giving this video a "Like".
Thank you all for watching, see you next time, bye! :)
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주인이 길에서 데려온 아기 고양이를 본 집고양이들의 반응이 훈훈함을 자아낸다.
지난달 30일(현지 시간) 온라인 미디어 러브뮤는 어미를 잃고 길을 떠돌던 아기 고양이를 반려묘 5마리가 있는 집에 데려오면 생기는 일을 사진으로 공개했다.
3주 전, 일본의 한 가정집에 아기 고양이 한 마리가 모습을 드러냈다.
당시 반려묘를 5마리나 키울 만큼 고양이를 사랑하는 애묘인이었던 집주인은 아기 고양이가 안쓰러운 마음에 밥을 챙겨주며 녀석의 행동을 지켜봤다.
곧장 집으로 데려오고 싶은 마음이 굴뚝 같았지만 혹 주변에 어미 고양이가 있을 수도 있는 상황이었기 때문이다.
하지만 3일이 지나도 아기 고양이는 혼자였고, 결국 가족은 아기 고양이가 더이상 위험에 노출되지 않도록 집안으로 데리고 들어왔다.
집주인은 먼저 녀석이 길고양이 생활을 하며 혹 몸에 이상이 생겼을까 봐 걱정돼 수의사를 찾아가 진료를 요청했다.
다행히 아기 고양이는 털에 붙어있던 벼룩과 진드기를 제거하는 것 외엔 별다른 문제가 없었다.
문제는 이미 집에 고양이를 5마리나 키우고 있어 더이상 고양이를 키우기가 부담스러운 상황이었다.
하지만 차마 다시 녀석을 집밖으로 내쫓을 수 없었던 집주인은 다른 가족을 찾을 때까지 집에서 함께하기로 했다.
반려묘들과 아기 고양이가 처음 만난 날, 주인은 괜스레 긴장된 마음을 감추지 못했다.
5마리 고양이들이 모두 아기 고양이를 꼭 끌어안고, 핥아주며 반가움을 표현한 것.
고양이들은 모두 아기 고양이를 무척 귀여워하며 녀석의 엄마 역할을 자처했다. 걱정도 잠시, 주인은 놀라운 광경을 목격했다.
덕분에 아기 고양이는 별탈 없이 사랑을 듬뿍 받으며 애교 많은 고양이로 건강하게 자라고 있다고.
주인은 "우리집 고양이들이 아기 고양이를 너무 좋아해 새로운 가족을 찾으면 보내도 될지 걱정된다"며 "일단은 예쁘게 잘 키우고 있겠다.
누군가 녀석을 입양하길 원한다면 꼭 연락해달라"고 전했다.
How To Get In A Performance Mindset - Morning Rituals - Duration: 1:53.
End Mills Revisited - October 2018 Update - Duration: 20:58.
Hey y'all!
Yeah, I'm in front of the camera two videos in a row.
Nobody's more surprised than I am.
I got a couple of questions on my last two videos...
...climb cutting vs. conventional cutting...
...and my list of suggestions as far as bits for the beginner - what you should have on hand.
And I figured there was no better time to go ahead and do a channel update while I'm doing that.
So that's what this week's video is about.
First of all, I know my video on suggested bits that the beginner should have on hand was pretty long-winded.
I tried to keep it pretty short, but I failed miserably, as usual.
As long-winded as it was...
...thanks to Peter Passuello over at the CNCnutz YouTube channel...
...he reminded me that I completely and totally forgot about 1/8 inch cutting diameter bits.
And I did.
So thank you to Peter.
Yes, for certain.
When it comes to pocketing out holes, say smaller than 1/4 inch...'re going to need a 1/8 inch diameter bit.
So I would recommend a 1/8 inch diameter upcut...
...and a 1/8 inch diameter down cut bit.
I've got an example of each right here; we'll get into those in just a second.
I've put links in the description box below... these particular bits, as well as a couple of alternatives. let you see what's out there.
The bits I'm using are 1/8 inch shank, because, again, I have a 1/8 inch collet for my router.
But I've also put links down below to bits with a 1/4 inch shank...
...but with a 1/8 inch cutting diameter...
...for those of you who don't have or can't get hold of a 1/8 inch collet.
So let's go ahead and zoom in on those bits and we'll get that taken care of.
Okay, let's get a little bit closer to these little 1/8 bits.
This one here is a 1/8 inch diameter upcut bit...
...and this one here is a 1/8 inch diameter down cut bit.
They're the same as those 1/4 inch bits that I showed you in the other video.
The thing to pay attention to on these bits is the cutting length.
You'll find that on most of them, the cutting length is 1/2 inch.
These would be used for flat area clearance on a v-carve...
...pocketing holes or small pockets...
...but, generally speaking, not for profile cuts through thicker materials.
They do not have enough of a cutting area to cut through a 3/4 inch thick piece of stock
You'll notice this one here that I have set in my 1/8 collet...
...has this little orange collar around it.
With this bit, the manufacturer color codes the diameter of them...
...and 1/8 inch just happens to be orange.
That collar is for identification of the bit; as I say the 1/8 bits are orange...
But it's also a stop, so that you know how far...
...that bit needs to go into that collet before it can be tightened down.
Now that doesn't leave a lot of bit sticking out of that collet.
But it would be very easy to not put enough bit in the collet...
...or put way too much in the collet. So that's what these rings are technically used for.
Again, this is a down cut bit.
And again the cutting length on it is only about 1/2 inch.
You can get them with a 3/4 inch cutting length, and I believe you can also order them with a 1 inch.
I don't have any of those myself.
I usually don't use these for profile cuts.
I mainly use these for cutting pockets, drilling holes, and for a flat area clearance tool when I'm v-carving.
So I would highly recommend a 1/8 down cut like this, and a 1/8 up like this.
I put links in the description box below, as I said before, to these 1/8 inch shank bits...
...and I also put links to some 1/8 cutting diameter bits that have a 1/4 inch shank diameter.
You'll have your choice there, whether you have a 1/8 inch collet or not.
So the next thing I need to clear up goes back to my video on climb cutting vs. conventional cutting.
I created a little bit of confusion when I omitted some information...
...when I was talking about controlling the pass depth in a v-carve toolpath...
...when you have no option to adjust the number of passes.
But, for that we're going to have to go in, get on the computer, and I'll show you in VCarve.
I'll put a link to that video up here so you can see what I'm talking about.
That confusion comes in when it got time to calculate the toolpaths...
...and I was demonstrating how to control the depth of cut in a v-carve toolpath.
I have a couple of vectors here that I'm going to use to demonstrate this.
If I want to v-carve this space in between these two circles here...
I would go ahead and select both vectors... on the V carve engraving toolpath.
I'm not going to use a flat depth here.
I'll just use a standard 90 degree v-bit.
What I should have said was, there are two methods for controlling the depth of cut...
...for this circle for instance...
...depending upon the grain direction and the material that you're cutting.
One way is to use the EDIT button.
The other way is to change the info in the Tool Database.
This I don't recommend.
I'll go ahead and open the tool database.
With that 90 degree v-bit selected, we see here...
...the pass depth on this bit is 1/4 of an inch.
I'll get into this further in another video when I talk about setting up tools in the Tool Database...
...but basically I set my pass depths... an absolute maximum of 1/2 the cutting diameter.
That's the method I was taught, and that's the method that I use.
Back in this context, if I were to change the pass depth here... APPLY, then OK... would change this pass depth...
...until I come back in and change it again.
Well, I don't want to do that. I just want to change it for this particular toolpath.
I don't want to make this change for every toolpath that I calculate with this bit from now on.
So I'll cancel this and get out of it.
If I just want to change that pass depth for this toolpath...
...I'll click EDIT...
...and it'll open up the Tool Info...
...and here I can change that pass depth.
For instance, if I only wanted to cut 1/8 inch, maximum, per pass...
...I would change this to 0.125... OK...
...and now when I calculate this toolpath...'s going to run pass depths of 0.125 inches.
Let me go back...
...close this up...
...go back out here to select these... another v-carve toolpath...
...and if I come over here and click SELECT...
...I can look at that 90 degree v-bit...
...and my pass depth here for that bit hasn't changed.
Again, the pass depth was changed for this toolpath only.
It did not make a permanent change to the pass depth for the bit.
So I can calculate that toolpath...
...and then Preview All... they'll both cut about the same...'s just that this one would only cut 1/8 of an inch per pass...
...and if that means it has to make two passes, so be it.
I hope that cleared up any confusion that we may have on... to control the depth per pass in a v-carve toolpath...
...when you don't have the option down here... change the number of passes.
You would EDIT the bit, make that change here...
...using the EDIT button...
...and not over here in the Tool Database itself.
Hopefully that clears up the confusion, and again I apologize for...
...completely and totally leaving that out of the presentation.
So about all there is left to talk about... well I've got two subjects to talk about.
One is, of course, I'm one half of a podcast called Trampled Underfoot.
That's me and Eloy Escagedo of Rock N Woodworks...
We get together and we record a little bull session...
...and we talk about life, the universe, everything...
...growing up a kid in the 60s and 70s...
...or in Eloy's case, a kid in the 70s and 80s...
...kind of comparing and contrasting our life experience.
Him as a life-long Florida resident...
...and me as a general, all-around, West Coast guy...
...who's traveled in Europe a little bit. who's lived in 14 states, and visited...
...Oh, countless more.
So it's a fun time, it's absolutely not maker related...
I've put a link in the description box below to the Scratchd Podcast Network...
...where our podcast is hosted...
...and you can go back there and take a listen at all of the past episodes.
...and check us out on Spreaker...
...or your favorite pod-catcher, your favorite podcast platform.
We're on iTunes, were on iHeartRadio, we're on Spotify, we're all over the place.
It's a fun time, it's not CNC related, it's not maker related...
It's two friends talking and having fun.
Speaking of the Scratchd Podcast Network...
...see how I did that? Segue right into it, not so smoothly...
I'd like to cordially invite you to come by the Scratchd YouTube channel...
...this Wednesday night Halloween night at 9:00 pm Eastern, 6:00pm Pacific...
...for the Scratchd Podcast Halloween Spectacular...
...or something like that...
We're going to be doing a live YouTube stream Wednesday night...
...and it'll be the normal guys from the Scratchd Podcast: we're talking Doc Jared Hildabrant...
...we're talking Ryan Bitters, were talking Bryan Bales, and Eloy Escagedo.
They've also invited me from Trampled Underfoot...
...and Michael Lawing from the Hella 90s Podcast... join in and partake of some of the fun.
Now I have to warn you that this is not CNC related, it's not maker related.
It's a bunch of guys getting together, having fun.
We'll be swapping Halloween stories, I'm sure, and...
...who knows which direction the discussion is going to go.
Now, I'm gonna say parental discretion may be advised because sometimes there are some...
...grown-up themes, let's say.
Nothing lewd, or crude, or anything like that...
...but it's probably not suitable for kids.
So that's 6 p.m. Pacific, 9 p.m. Eastern...
...on the Scratchd YouTube channel.
I'll go ahead and put a link in the description below to this live stream...
...coming up Halloween night...
...and to the Scratchd Podcast website...
...where you can check out past episodes of Scratchd...
...past episodes of Hella 90s...
...and past episodes of Trampled Underfoot.
Again that live stream is Wednesday, Halloween night... 9 p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. Pacific.
Now the last thing I wanted to talk about is a few changes to this channel.
In my last update, I mentioned that I was going to try to get into some more projects here...
...and start doing more project videos.
That is going to happen, starting in probably November or December.
I want to try to back away from doing a tutorial every week.
Now don't panic; don't freak out you beginners who are just starting to get into this.
I'm still going be doing the tutorials.
I've got several tutorial videos in the queue that I'm going to be making.
It's just that I need to get out here into the shop...
...and do some actual projects... show you that CNC is more than just cutting signs.
Now when I say that, there's absolutely nothing wrong with cutting signs.
It's a lot of fun, and there's a lot of instant gratification in it.
But the CNC is useful for so many other things.
But I can't show you that if I'm forever using a screen capture program...
...and running a mouse around a computer screen.
So, pretty quick the weekly tutorial videos are going to start slowing down...
...and there are going to be project videos intermixed in between them.
My intent the entire time, since I started this Absolute Beginner series...
...was not to attempt to replace the Vectric tutorials.
My intent was to argument them.
I've always believed that the tutorial creators...
...have all made the same assumption...
...and that is that you already know what you're doing... just need help finding the tools in their software.
What I've tried to do, is assume that you've never done this before... you need help with the basics.
But once you have those basics down...'d feel more comfortable getting into the Vectric tutorials and start using them...
...and not relying so heavily on someone who is just teaching the basics.
That was my intent, anyway.
I've had a couple of requests to do Stacked Text videos...
...and I really don't have any plans to create one...
...simply because the Vectric tutorials already cover that subject very well.
Basically, I have nothing to add to the discussion.
It would just basically be the same as their video, in a different voice.
I don't really see any use in that.
I would rather focus on something they don't cover...
...or that they just kind of gloss over in another tutorial, and I think it deserves its own video.
So if you're more than comfortable with the software...
...and gaining a bit of confidence... all means get into those Vectric tutorials.
If you get into your software, click the Help menu up on top...
...and come down right there in that menu to Tutorial Browser...
...all of the tutorial videos are listed right there...
...both by Category; what job you want to do...
...and by Project; which project they use to demonstrate the technique or the toolpathing.
So by all means, dive into those tutorials headfirst...
...binge watch them, practice them, use them, follow along as you go.
Thanks for being patient. I know this is nothing really more than a talking head video.
...but hopefully you got something out of it...
...and hopefully I was able to clear up some confusion.
While I'm at it, I'm gonna give another shout-out to Peter Passuello over at CNCnutz.
If you're not already subscribed to the CNCnutz YouTube channel...
..what can I say? You're just wrong.
Peter does an excellent job.
He makes some very cool projects over there, he's very informative, he explains the process, the project...
...and the topic he's trying to discuss very plainly, very clearly.
He's very, very good.
Peter's was the first CNC based YouTube channel I subscribed to...
...about a year before I ever even thought about building my first CNC.
The amount of information that I have learned from him, I just can't quantify.
Do yourself a favor; if you're not already subscribed...
...get over to his channel, I'll put a link in the description box below...
...and subscribe to his channel, then binge watch him.
You will learn more than you ever thought you could.
So hopefully, if nothing else, that right there was worth watching this video for...
...and I thank you for hanging in there with me.
If you got anything at all, like my recommendation that you go subscribe to Peter, as soon as this is done...
...give me a thumbs up down below.
If you want to stick around and maybe check out a few of these projects I'm going to start making...
...hit that subscribe button down there.
As usual, if you have any questions or comments...
...please don't hesitate to leave them down below in the comment section.
If you'd rather not leave a public comment...
...head on over here to my website...
...and hit that contact us link.
...then you can send me any message that you would like.
I read every message I get through
...and I do my best to reply to each and every one of them.
While you're over here, don't forget to take a trip over to the Shop.
I have a few CNC file downloads over here...
...and I have a range of accessories, coffee mugs...
...ladies t-shirts, men's t-shirts...
...perfect for the discriminating Christmas shopper.
Yes, I used that word. sponsored by Harneal Media.
They are the web design and web hosting company...
...that specializes in websites for makers and the maker community.
Harneal Media, as well as I, are both proud members of the makers Media Network.
I'll go ahead and wrap this one up here.
As always, whether you subscribe to my channel or not...
I'd like to thank you very much for taking the time to watch this video...
...y'all take care.
Happy Halloween!
এই শীতে সর্দি বা ঠান্ডা থেকে বাঁচার জন্য কি কি খাবার থেকে দূরে থাকতে হবে cold in this winter 2018 - Duration: 2:40.
cold in this winter 2018
A SURPRISE BACHELORETTE PARTY! 👰🥂🎉 | VLOG#6 : Rojun Angeles - Duration: 22:10.
Hi guys! Welcome back to my channel!
By the way guys, I'm actually going out and I need to go to Crossing
Because I need to pick up something, I need to buy some things and everything
I'll just explain it later why but the bottom line is tomorrow, October 20 will be Lea and Jerome's wedding
and we have plans and everything and I'll just explain it later because I really have to go now ok?
So we are currently on the way to Anjo because we have to fetch her. Anjo must think she's special.
Our driver is Luigi, Sarah's boyfriend.
JOXY: Stright ahead.
ROJUN: We are now here at Anjo's place.
ROJUN: Their house is located in front of a rice field.
ROJUN: Hi! Oh my Gosh! ANNE: Hi! Oh my God my flabby tummy.
ANNE: My boxer shoulder, it kinda looks like the same size
ROJUN: So we are going back to Los Banos because we already fetched the Queen.
ANNE: Yasssssss!
JOXY: It's like your camera looks good. ANNE: Yes it makes you pretty.
ROJUN: It's because the lighting is good.
ROJUN: Because it's bright.
JOXY: Bitch we need two right? ANNE: Huh? Yeah. You can make it even more.
ROJUN: Why? What is that for?
ANNE: For the d*ck!
ROJUN: We are looking for something because we have a surprise later for Lea.
ROJUN: We have a mission that we have to accomplish.
ROJUN: So later you'll know everything about it, we'll share it but for now.
ROJUN: Uh? ANNE: But this is too long.
ANNE: Let's buy some snacks.
JOXY: There, muncher.
ANNE: What do you want?
JOXY: Muncher.
ROJUN: Have you tried the mixed nuts from Boy Bawang? It's much better.
JOXY: Then get one. ANNE: Where is it? Here.
ANNE: Here! The mix nuts! ROJUN: That's it! It's so good!
ROJUN: That's my favorite from Boy Bawang, just sharing!
JOXY: Sarah will tell us "You mother f*ckers! You animals!"
ROJUN: It's like we went to market! ANNE: Let's get some drinks!
ROJUN: Our friendship right here is kind of problematic right now.
ROJUN: What happened is she doesn't have that "thing" to tuck in her flabs.
ROJUN: But the real thing that happened is she bought two pairs but she forgot to bring it.
ROJUN: What can you say about that Sarah huh? SARAH: Nothing.
ANNE: Show your makeup. ROJUN: Say what? Show your makeup!
SARAH: I don't want to! ROJUN: Remove that!
ANNE: So fat. Lol.
SARAH: F*ck you Rojun remove that already!
ANNE: Luigi is your number one fan. SARAH: Yes
ANNE: He even commented on your video. ROJUN: A fan who loves to tease.
SARAH: He thinks he's that slim? LUIGI: I'm way more slimmer compared to you!
ANNE: There's a high waist panty or swimsuit right?
ROJUN: Try it on 7-eleven. We are actually looking for a girdle for Sarah.
ANNE: So comment down below!
ROJUN: I know they have stocking in 7-eleven so here's what we'll do Sarah if they don't have girdle then we'll just use stockings.
ANNE: What they have are disposable panties. ROJUN: Maybe we'll use five layers of it.
SARAH: What about bandage?
ANNE: So comment down below if you know where we can get a girdle!
ROJUN: See, they don't have one.
SARAH: What is this? ROJUN: That's a panty.
SARAH: That's a panty?
SARAH: Come on let's go. ROJUN: Nothing, see?
ROJUN: We just saw a big whale! Where is it?
ANNE: There it is! There's the smoke machine!
ANGEL: Hey! JOXY: Just what I've thought it will be crowded in here
ANGEL: Please move! Please move!
ANNE: How's your trip going here Angel? ANGEL: It's just ok.
ANGEL : It's so hot! I arrived here earlier than you guys.
ANNE: You know why? It's because we kept on searching for a girdle!
ANGEL: My God, there's plenty of packaging tape in the market!
JOXY: Then why didn't you brought one?
ROJUN: That's what I've told her, just use a packaging tape. ANGEL: I was thinking if I should bring electric tape its much more...
hey guys just wanted to show you one of my refeed meals I'm going to excuse me I
got tongue-tied I'm going to be showing you a lot of my refeed meals stuff that
I eat after I fast then I feast I'm trying to cut back on the cheese that I
put in my salad because I can go through some cheese but for the most part this
whole salad is raw over the last nine months I've been making my salads
greener and greener and greener and cutting back on the carbs because
sometimes a salad can turn into a whopper with all those toppings that we
put on it so I have my tabbouleh I make with the tomatoes red onions shallots
fresh garlic lime well actually lemon this time a little bit of apple cider
vinegar the Bragg's some people install some olive oil to make the tabbouleh it
doesn't have any of the barley wheat in it because I'm trying to cut back on the
carbs then I have a mix of arugula greens and romaine lettuce and I have
some sun-dried tomatoes in it then I also have a 32 ounce glass of water that
I eat with it um it has 1/4 2 tsp of pickle a of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of no
salt which is pure potassium I also put the potassium on top of the no salt
potassium same thing on top of my avocado that you see here I sprinkle a
lot on top of the avocado then I put a very little bit of pink : salt on top I
find that when I use the no salt I use less of the regular salt so that's a
good thing so what I'm going to do now is show you
the piece of fish I'm going to eat with it which is a piece of salmon and then
I'm going to eat hold on one second ok so here you have my sound
I put the no salt on that first as a base then I put butter with a no salt in
it unsalted butter then I put my garlic powder onion powder a little bit of obey
seasoning for color fresh garlic I cut up as well as you can see pepper flakes
and some people in salt and I'll eat this alongside with my salad and maybe a
dessert icon that one I'm kinda on the carb overload because I had a treat day
earlier and I think I'm a sweet it myself out so um we'll see how I feel
after I eat this meal usually protein meals and high nutrient are nutrient
dense meals leave you with no room to have any dessert so just want to show
you what my refeed look like
Wash Your Hair With This Magical Hair Regrowth Shampoo & Grow Long, Thick Hair Like Rapunzel Fast ! - Duration: 3:17.
Hi friends, this is Ramya from wildturmeric. In this video, I wanted to share
an amazing hair grow shampoo that really helps with hair growth along with
treating almost all scalp problems. If your hair is dry, damaged and brittle, this
shampoo will greatly help soften it. If you are experiencing severe hair fall, I would
highly suggest using this shampoo regularly, it will greatly help. All the
ingredients used in this recipe will help prevent hair fall. The base for this
shampoo is coconut milk. Coconut milk is wonderful for promoting hair growth and
trust me, when you add it to shampoo, it softens your hair really well and will make
it strong, super silky and soft. To make coconut milk, take freshly grated coconut
in a mixer along with very little water. Grind coarsely and take it in a strainer
and press with a spoon to extract the coconut milk. This shampoo has only four
ingredients - coconut milk, aloe vera gel, liquid castile soap and an essential oil.
The reason I like this shampoo so much is because you can modify it easily to suit
every hair type. I have used aloe vera gel that is free of colour and perfume but
you can also use fresh aloe vera gel too. We don't get liquid castile soap easily in
India but you can easily order it online. Castile soap is a natural soap base
that is usually made with olive oil as a base and I would highly recommend it
over chemical based shampoos. It cleans the hair amazingly well and can be used for kids too.
Take one and half tablespoons of freshly extracted coconut
milk in a cup. Add in 3 tablespoons of liquid castile soap to it. Finally add in
a teaspoon of aloe vera gel that is free of colour and perfume. Now mix well to
get a smooth mixture. I've used one part coconut milk to two parts liquid castile
soap but you can vary this proportion to suit your hair type. Try different
proportions and stick with the one that you like.
Add in two to three drops of peppermint essential oil to the mixture and mix
well. I have used peppermint essential oil as it promotes very fast hair growth
but you can also use rosemary essential oil too. Some of you were asking me
remedies for treating head lice. For treating head lice, you can add in tea
tree essential oil. It's very very effective. This shampoo can be used by
both adults and kids but for kids under two years, skip the essential oil. Usually
I prefer to mix this shampoo just before having my hair wash. I reserve little
bit of coconut milk while making curries and store it in the fridge and use it
while making this shampoo. if you want to make and store the shampoo, you can store
it in the refrigerator. It will last well for a few days.
I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this channel, please share this video with
your friends. It'll mean a lot to me. If you like to get detailed information on
herbs on days I don't post videos, press the notification button. Thank you for
watching this video :)
Jacuzzi Laughing Gas WEAPONS vs Funny Buddy | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 7:12.
Welcome to my video
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Thank you very much
TD Jakes 2018 - God Disrupts Everything - Duration: 27:02.
What am I supposed to reach Borders between you and me
Chapters divide the book, Discord reflects the stories
Tell me all you know Tell me all you feel
Just remember these dreams are not real Minutes are passing by
We're running out of time Who am I to answer all these questions?
This show has to stop, My trembling body can't stand any longer
words without meaning make them laughter
These minutes feels like hours And it isn't over
It isn't over yet
I will keep running
Hiding and running away from this
Grain by grain And the hen fills her belly
I talk the most when my mind is dying Pick your poison, choose your side
Are you ready for this?
Imagine a long journey That has no direction
It's damaged and dirty Replace me with anyone else
Lights and patterns Not capable to follow me
Now the time has come To lose all these burdens
The irony of destiny sings me a song Deep melody sounds with these voices
so fucking wrong
I just wanna know who spins this fucking thread Is this story real or just in my head?
Something that sets me free That lets me feel what I need
I know I don't need it, I feel the need I fucking need it.
Something that sets me free That lets me feel what I need
I know I don't need it, I feel the need I fucking need it.
Study finds new clue to cognitive loss - Duration: 5:43.
There are times when you can tell you'd really like someone just based on their bio.
Like Tim Newman, for instance.
Here's his bio and I actually want to read it, because I want to get it just right.
It says he quote enjoys playing the drums in a metal band, birdwatching, attending medieval
jousts and wrestling with his children.
That's my kind of guy.
But I actually have an even better reason to like Tim Newman.
He's written a piece about mild cognitive impairment that not only gets something right
that most journalists get wrong, but also provides an important new piece of information
that might help us understand why some people with MCI develop dementia while others don't.
Hi, my name is Tony Dearing, from, the website for people with mild cognitive
When someone is diagnosed with MCI, the first thing they want to know is, does this mean
I have dementia, or that I'm going to get dementia?
And no, MCI is not dementia, but having it does mean you're at higher risk for dementia.
But what virtually never gets reported accurately is what that risk is.
Based on the best evidence we have right now, about 30 percent of people with MCI will progress
to dementia over a period of 5 years.
Which means that most people won't.
That's why I was impressed with this article by Tim Newman, in which he got that right.
He said: "In reality, most individual's memories (and he's referring specifically to individuals
with MCI) will either return to normal levels of functioning or not deteriorate any further."
Of course, what doctors want to know -- and what people with MCI want to know -- is if
there is some way to accurately predict who will stabilize with MCI, and who progress
to dementia.
And in just the past couple of months, we've found what looks like an important new clue.
There appears to be a new culprit, and that's apathy.
Tim Newman's article, published just a couple of weeks ago, reported on a review of more
than 7,000 people who'd been seen at memory clinics, and many of those people had MCI.
The review found that over periods ranging from 1 to 5 years, people who were experiencing
apathy were roughly twice as likely to go on to develop dementia.
This is definitely a new finding.
We've know for a while that people who are experiencing depression are more likely to
develop Alzheimer's disease.
But while apathy and depression are sometimes mistaken for each other, they are distinct
medical conditions, and we're only now beginning to understand the significant role that apathy
may play in the progression to dementia.
So given this new information, there are some things you really ought to know about apathy.
Apathy is a condition where you've lost that sense of get up and go.
You feel like you have less motivation, or a loss of interest or you don't react to things
with much emotion.
Apathy is different than depression in that it doesn't involve sadness, or feelings of
hopelessness or low self-esteem.
And it appears to be easier to detect in younger people who are experiencing memory concerns,
than in older people.
Obviously, this is a new finding and much more research is needed.
But it suggests that just as people with MCI should be evaluated for other medical conditions,
such as depression, or vitamin deficiencies, or diabetes, or a thyroid condition, or sleep
apnea, they also should be evaluated for apathy.
So this is something to talk to your doctor about.
And if you want to know more, I've included a link below to Tim Newman's article, and
also a link to really excellent resource page on apathy from the Alzheimer's Society.
Thanks for joining me today, and I'll be back again next week.
If you don't want to miss my videos, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, which you
can do by clicking on that circle there with my face on it.
I'd be honored to have you as a subscriber, and I look forward to see you again next week.
Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.
PeterMcKinnon´s STYLE! Happy Birthday, Peter | FullHD | C.T.Cinematics - Duration: 8:55.
Today's episode is consistent with Peter McKinnon´s
about his video style
have fun!
suitable for Peter McKinnon´s birthday, which is today,
I thought I could make a video, which is part of a new series
about the video style of some YouTubers
I start with a video about PM
So, what's the most obvious thing
when watching on of his videos
The first thing is usually this:
"PPFfwwhatsUp everybody, Peter McKinnon here"
That's just very eye-catching
You watch a video and instantly know,
I know him!
That's because of his addiction to coffee, I'd say
He drinks a lot of coffee
He even has coffee in his room
In every video there's nearly 5 times the word "coffee"
He made a film about coffee
That's why he's always so agitated,
which is supportive for his style.
Even though, everything is very professional
And isn't that shaky or so...
Key Man Returns As Emery Makes 7 Changes - Expected Arsenal XI vs Crystal Palace - Duration: 3:39.
Arsenal will be keen to extend their winning run to 12 games with another victory when they take on Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park on Sunday
Here is the side Gooner Mac thinks Unai Emery will select for the game:.Goalkeeper: Petr Cech is back in contention after recovering from a hamstring injury
The 36-year-old was Emery's first choice in the Premier League this season before his injury but Bernd Leno has performed extremely well during Cech's absence so I think it would be harsh to drop the German this weekend
Defence: Sokratis made a successful return to the defence on Thursday after overcoming an ankle injury so I expect the Greek international to keep his place in the back four
Rob Holding has done well enough in recent weeks but I think Shkodran Mustafi will be recalled to line-up alongside Sokratis on Sunday
Hector Bellerin is certain to get a recall at right-back after being rested against Sporting Lisbon but it will be interesting to see what happens on the opposite side of the defence
Granit Xhaka was tried out at left-back on Thursday as Nacho Monreal and Sead Kolasinac were missing with hamstring injuries
The pair will be handed late fitness test but neither injury is too serious so hopefully at least one will be passed fit
Midfield: Matteo Guendouzi was excellent against Sporting Lisbon and will feel unfortunate to be dropped on Sunday but I think we'll see Lucas Torreira recalled in the middle of the park
Mohamed Elneny failed to take his chance last time out so he'll make way with Xhaka restored to his usual central midfield position
Attack: Aaron Ramsey wasn't at his best against Sporting and I expect the Welshman will make way on Sunday with Mesut Ozil recalled in the No
10 role. Ozil was outstanding in the second half against Leicester on Monday so hopefully we see another virtuoso display from the German playmaker
Alex Iwobi has been in fine form of late so I expect him to be recalled in attack with Henrikh Mkhitaryan set to make way after a fairly average performance in the Europa League last night
Danny Welbeck grabbed the winner in Portugal and he could be retained on the wing but I think Emery might be tempted to go with Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in attack as the Gabon hitman has netted four goals in his last three games
Alexandre Lacazette will be recalled up front after being rested in Europe so if Emery sticks with his 4-2-3-1 formation then we could see Aubameyang moved out to the wing against Palace this weekend to accommodate the Frenchman through the middle
Sonic Seconds: Volume 5 | RUS Dub - Duration: 2:47.
Transformers Unique Toys UTR-02 Challenger (The Last Knight Optimus Prime) - Duration: 39:49.
Unique Toys UTR-02 Challenger aka The Last Knight Optimus Prime.
At last, it arrived!
We were waiting long time now for this figure.
As you can see it comes with a big box.
Here you see him in his robot mode.
On the top side of the box you see him in his vehicle mode.
On the sides of the box you see him in his robot mode.
Nothing special on the bottom side of the box.
And on the back side of the box you see some product shots.
Enough with the box, let's see the accessories of the figure now.
The figure comes with this card.
Tech specs on the rear side of the card.
I can say that the quality of this card is very good!
And of course, the figure comes with the instructions, here they are.
Not very easy transformation neither very complicated.
And nothing on the other side of the instructions.
So, let's see the figure from close now.
And here is Optimus Prime in his vehicle mode.
As you can see, it looks exactly like it was in the movie.
Though, I have some complains about this mode.
First of all, we don't have tyres for the rear wheels.
We have tyres for this wheel but for these ones, we don't have.
From the other side, all the tyres are fine. They forgot to put tyres on the wheels.
We asked for replacement parts but we have to wait.
Something that I don't like on the vehicle mode is this unpainted piece here.
The same with these pieces here.
I don't understand why they didn't paint them,
it would look so much better if this piece here was painted!
And the other thing that I don't like is the different tone of red colour on the door.
This red is different than this one here.
I don't understand why they chose different tone of red colour for the door,
they could have painted it the same colour as the other.
Other than that, the vehicle mode is very beautiful.
Very nice silver paint over here. Chromed rims.
The truck looks very realistic. Very beautiful!
Also, the figure comes with this shield.
It is very nicely painted but again, they didn't paint this piece here,
they could have painted it with silver colour so it won't be so visible
but I can't understand the reason why they didn't paint it.
It comes with a sword which is very beautiful.
Great sculpted details! It also has Cybertronian letters on it.
Even the handle is very impressive. Very beautiful!
It comes with this blade.
If I remember well, he tried to kill Bumblebee with this blade, in the movie.
He comes with the face of Nemesis Prime.
There is a button here, if you push it the eyes will light up.
It takes 2 LR521 batteries.
These are the batteries you need to buy to put them in the head
and as you can see the led lights look very beautiful.
He has purple eyes. This is how he was in the movie as well.
You also get a mouthplate to replace his face.
You just pull it out.
It is a little bit tight.
And now place the face with the mouthplate.
Come on...
And it looks like this. Let me push the button as well.
The face is really nice. Very movie accurate. I really like it.
We also get a face without the mouthplate, for the normal head.
We had 3 bonus items in the packaging. We have the staff of Merlin.
This is the human version while this one is the one that Dragonstorm had given it to him.
It's the big version. This one is made of die-cast.
This one has very nice sculpted details.
And the final item is the sword of Lockdown. We will see it a little bit later.
As for weapon storage, we can only store these 3 pieces on the vehicle mode.
This piece will connect in this hole here.
Open the shield from here. Bring this piece out.
And place the sword in here.
The instructions say that we should put the edge of the sword in this hole
and this peg here will go in this little hole here.
And it will look like this.
The weird thing is that we can connect the trailer of Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime in here.
Actually, it won't connect, this piece will sit on this gap here.
And as you can see it rolls fine.
So, let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee and next to Revenge Of The Fallen Sideways.
I think he scales well with Bumblebee, not bad. Of course he doesn't scale well with Sideways.
Have a look at them from a different angle.
Here he is next to Dark Of The Moon Ratchet and next to Human Alliance Barricade.
I think the scale here is not so good.
I think Ratchet should be a little bit bigger because the Hummer cars were big.
Barricade should be a little bit smaller, probably.
The scale is not very bad but it's not correct either.
Here he is next to Hasbro's voyager class figure. Huge difference as you can see.
Very big difference.
And finally, here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
I think Lockdown should be a liiiiittle bit smaller here for the scale to be correct.
The scale is not very bad but perhaps Lockdown should be a little bit smaller for the scale to be perfect.
So, let's transform Optimus Prime in his robot mode.
My buddy Stefanos is near me who will show you the transformation, Stefanos?
- Hello from me as well. So, let's start.
First, disconnect the rear piece.
These small holes connect in here.
Bring it up and leave it like this for the time being.
Then, we come to the front. Open this piece from here.
And bring these pieces back like this.
And now we will work on the legs. Disconnect the legs from here.
Bring these pieces down.
As for his legs, close this piece.
Disconnect this piece, bring it back and leave it like this for the time being.
Open the foot like this. Rotate this piece upwards.
Bring the foot down. Rotate this piece 180 degrees.
Rotate this piece and bring it down like this.
Open this piece. This peg will tab in here.
Come on...
Rotate this piece 180 degrees. Connect these pegs in here.
And this piece will connect in here.
And collapse the foot inwards, like this.
One leg is ready. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Close this bit inwards. Open this piece.
Disconnect this piece and rotate it backwards like this.
Open the foot, rotate this piece like this, bring the foot down, rotate this piece 180 degrees.
Rotate this piece and bring it down like this.
Connect this piece in here.
Rotate this piece like this. Connect this bit in here.
This bit will tab in here.
And finally, collapse the foot inwards like this.
Rotate the legs 180 degrees from the thighs.
Finally, connect this piece down here.
And it looks like this now. Now we will work on the upper body.
We finished with the legs. Bring this piece down.
Disconnect the arms from here.
Open this bit as well.
Open this piece completely.
Bring these pieces down so they won't get hindered by the exhaust-pipes.
And leave it like this. Bring this piece down.
Lift the head up a little bit. Fold these bits inwards.
Bring this piece down.
Rotate this piece like this and bring it down.
Leave it like this for the time being.
As for his arms, rotate this piece inwards.
Disconnect the arms from here and fold this piece inwards like this.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Rotate this piece inwards. Fold this piece inwards like this.
And now we will do the arms.
You see them how they are folded like this, now bring this piece down
and as you bring it down, this piece will come up, like this.
And it will connect in here.
And rotate it downwards.
Bring these pieces down for the time being. Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Nicely done.
Now, the whole piece will fold inwards.
Pay attention, the window must come inwards, like this.
Like this.
You need to have some clearance. Bring this piece up.
And these pieces will tab in here.
Bring the head down.
Close the shoulder pads like this and rotate them. They are very tight.
Rotate the arm 180 degrees.
As for the hand, disconnect this piece from here. Rotate it. Rotate this piece as well.
This piece is spring-loaded. Connect it in here.
Bring this piece down. Fold the hand out and rotate it.
Do the same thing to the other side as well.
Finally, bring these pieces up like this.
And Optimus Prime is ready in his robot mode.
- Unique Toys did fantastic job once again. The engineering of Unique Toys is incredible.
The wheels of the truck are hidden. Really, it's like they did magic!
It's incredible what Unique Toys did with this figure! Incredible!
Very beautiful paint details.
But I do have some complains for the robot mode.
My biggest complain is this, the fingers. They didn't paint the fingers.
I can't understand this! Why didn't they paint the fingers???!!!
Even the joint here of the hand is unpainted!
They could simply paint them! I can't understand why they didn't paint them!
Also, these cables on his thighs are hanging like this.
Take a look at this picture.
As you can see, the cables are not hanging exactly.
They are attached to his thighs by small clips.
We don't have these clips here, they are just hanging down like this.
Of course this is not a big problem but for the sake of movie accuracy
it would be nice if the cables were attached to his thighs by these clips.
Other than that, he looks very beautiful, a great figure.
Another complain is that his neck doesn't lock.
But ok, that's not a big deal.
As for his articulation, the head can fully rotate.
It can look up, that's very good for flying poses.
It can look down. It doesn't tilt left and right.
Let me push the button to light up his eyes.
His eyes are very nice. They look very good!
The arm can fully rotate. It can move up this far.
We have butterfly joint. That's very good.
There is swivel at this point of the arm.
There is double jointed elbow.
There is swivel at the hand and the hand can move up due to the transformation.
The thumb can move up and down and it can bend at 2 points, here and here.
The index finger can move individually and can bend at 3 points.
And the rest of the fingers can move as one piece and they can bend at 3 points.
There is waist rotation. And the waist can bend forward, like this.
These 2 pieces here can open-close and they can move up this far.
This piece here is spring loaded.
The legs have the same system as the S.H.Figuarts figures, they can move up and down.
The leg can move sideways this far.
There is rotation at the thighs. Bend at the knee.
Unfortunately the feet cannot move up and down, there is only toe articulation.
But we have a very nice ankle tilt for nice dynamic poses.
Also, I noticed that the joints here are not painted either,
they could paint them with silver colour to look better but ok, the joints here are well hidden.
Also, be careful with these pieces that are the front side of the truck.
Don't scratch them. They get easily scratched. So don't drag him much when he is on the table.
As for his weapons, the sword has a peg here. It will get in this hole here.
And of course he can hold it securely.
Also, the blade can connect in this hole here.
Like this.
And finally, the shield will get in this hole here.
And now Optimus Prime is fully armed and ready for battle.
Now if you don't want him to hold all these weapons, you can remove them from his hands.
And you can store them on his back.
Just a moment.
Open the shield. Bring this piece out. Like this. Close the shield again.
Place the sword in here.
And connect this blade in this hole here.
And finally, this peg will tab in this hole here. Very simple, everybody can do it.
In case you want to place the other head, you need to open this piece here,
there is a screw under here, unscrew it and place the Nemesis head.
As for the staff of Merlin, simply place it in his hand and close the fingers.
He doesn't hold it very tight but he can hold it anyway.
So, let's see a size comparison now.
Here he is next to Unique Toys Lockdown.
The scale here is perfect. They look very nice together.
We also placed the sword in the hand of Lockdown.
Also, there is a second way of holding the sword, if I can call it like this.
This peg will tab in this hole here. And it will look like this.
Here he is next to the voyager class figure, The Last Knight Optimus Prime
and next to Dark Of The Moon Wheeljack. Huge difference as you can see.
Here he is next to Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime.
As you can see, this one is bigger than MP-10! It's a big figure.
Here he is next to Masterpiece movie Bumblebee and next to Wei Jiang Hound.
Take a look at this picture. This picture is taken from the movie.
As you can see, Bumblebee and Hound are very short. The scale is not correct.
Both of them should be taller.
Here he is next to Alien Attack Mirage. And again the scale here is not correct.
Mirage should be taller.
Here he is next to Dark Energon Edition leader class Megatron.
And again, the scale here is not correct. Megatron should be taller than Optimus Prime.
And finally, here he is next to Striker Optimus Prime.
Of course they should have the same height but Unique Toys has its own scale.
So, let's transform Optimus Prime back into his vehicle mode.
Final thoughts... it is surely the best The Last Knight Optimus Prime figure that has come out so far.
Is it perfect though? NO!
It has these small imperfections that if they had fixed them, we would have one of the best Optimus Prime figures!
I am not 100% satisfied from the result.
And the reason is the cost of this figure is very high!
If I have to give so much money about a figure, I want it to be ALMOST perfect!
Other than that, I must admit that Unique Toys did incredible engineering with this figure!
Excellent paint details, very good articulation, the joints are fine and the transformation is pleasant.
If you liked it, buy it! So this was my review of Unique Toys Challenger.
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Thank you all for watching, see you next time, bye! :)
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