What do your hearts say? (How are you?)
You must advertise this:
"In a few years, our cities will be destroyed and devastated...
...we and our sons, dead, and our vassals, humiliated and destroyed
Don't have any doubt of this.
And, to verify what I say to you, and to know the truth
I also know that if you battle huexotzinca people
tlaxcalteca or cholulteca people, you'll never beat them; your people will be defeated instead,
you'll lose people and noblemen.
And I tell you more: before a few days pass...
you'll see in the sky signals that will be forecast of what I say.
but, do not disquiet, do not yearn for this reason...
what is going to happen, it's impossible to run away from.
For more infomation >> La profecía de Nezahualpilli / Nezahualpillli's prophecy - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Hydraulic press Press Inc. - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 7:46.
Hydraulic press Press Inc. - New Best Android iOS Game HQ
Sostiene AMLO reunión con integrantes de su gabinete de seguridad - Duration: 1:34.
Al encuentro asisten los recientemente propuestos a encabezar la Sedena y la Semar
México.- El presidente electo, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, se reunió este sábado con integrantes del próximo gabinete de seguridad, en su casa de transición ubicada en la colonia Roma Sur de la Ciudad de México
De acuerdo con la agencia Notimex, fue alrededor de las 11:00 horas que al inmueble comenzaron a arribar los próximos secretarios de la Defensa Nacional, general Luis Cresencio Sandoval, y de la Marina Armada de México, almirante José Rafael Ojeda Sandoval
También ingresaron los futuros secretarios de Seguridad, Alfonso Durazo; de Gobernación, Olga Sánchez Cordero; de Relaciones Exteriores, Marcelo Ebrard, y Alejandro Encinas, propuesto como subsecretario de Derechos Humanos
De igual manera se encuentran presentes Alejandro Gertz Manero, asesor de estrategia de seguridad, y Juan Ramón de la Fuente, próximo representante de México ante la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
Pablo Casado: "El PSOE se ha convertido en el caballo de Troya del independentismo" - Duration: 2:26.
La llamativa frase de Benjamín Vicuña en 100 días para enamorarse, ¿dedicada a Pampita? - Duration: 5:07.
'Honestidad' El último giro de Carlos Alcántara que ha dejado sin palabras a los fans de 'Cuéntame' - Duration: 2:12.
VIDEO: Bombazo de Cristiano Ronaldo le da el triunfo a la Juventus sobre el Empoli - Duration: 1:50.
Cristiano marcó un golazo para darle la victoria a la Juve El astro portugués marcó los dos goles con los que la 'Vecchia Signora' le dio la vuelta al Empoli para mantener el liderato en la Serie A
Después de que Cristiano Ronaldo tuviera un complicado inicio de temporada, el portugués se ha destapado con goles en los últimos encuentros, tal y como lo hizo este sábado al marcar los dos goles con los que la Juventus derrotó al Empoli
Y es que el conjunto del Empoli abrió el marcador al minuto 28 gracias a Francesco Caputo, quien aprovechó un rebote dentro del área grande para colocar su disparo y dejar sin posibilidades a Szczesny
Fue hasta el complemento cuando la Juventus logró emparejar la pizarra, gracias a una jugada en la que Paulo Dybala fue derribado dentro del área grande, a lo que el árbitro marcó la pena máxima; el encargado de cobrar desde los once pasos fue Cristiano Ronaldo, quien lo hizo hizo de buena manera para empatar el partido
Lo mejor del encuentro llegó hasta el minuto 70 cuando el astro portugués dejó atónita a la afición del Empoli con un soberbio disparo de media distancia que se incrustó en el ángulo derecho, un auténtico golazo con el que la Juventus logró la victoria 2-1
De esta manera, Cristiano fue el salvador de una Juventus que llegó a 28 unidades con las que se mantiene, con mucha ventaja, como líder de la Serie A; mientras que el astro portugués llegó a siete anotaciones con las que se coloca a dos del líder de goleo, Krzysztof Piątek del Genoa
Televidentes furiosos acusan "desatino" de Bienvenidos por despacho sobre joyas de lujo - Duration: 2:30.
'Honestidad' Netflix reúne al elenco de 'Sabrina' para pasar el testigo a sus sucesores - Duration: 2:44.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅟ 위 wi wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅘ 와 wa (-wa-) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅝ 워 weo wʌ - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅚ 외 oe wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅞ 웨 we we - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅙ 왜 wae wɛ - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅢ 의 ui ɰi - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅞ 웨 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅘ 와 ワ wa - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅚ 외 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅙ 왜 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅟ 위 ウィ wi - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅝ 워 ウォ wə - Duration: 0:31.
ENTERIZOS DE MODA y elegantes para señoras 😍 || JUMPSUIT for ladies - Duration: 3:22.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅢ 의 ウイ ωi - Duration: 0:31.
Meghan Markle: perché il Royal Baby nascerà ad aprile, I segreti sono esporre - Duration: 7:08.
Two views on the same 1972 dva vzglyada na odno i to zhe EN & RU subs Belarus cartoon - Duration: 9:41.
Belarusfilm 1972
Two views on one and the same
Scriptwriter V.Golikov
Directors: V.Golikov, M.Lubyannikova
Camera L.Aksenenko
Art director P.Shinkevich
Artists: L. Kunchevskaya, O. Lyashenko, N.Minkova, V.Preobrazhenskaya
Sound P.Drozdov
Assistants: director T. Burov, Camera V.Ivanishchenko
Cutter S. Aksenov Text Editor R. Romanovskaya
Producer T.Sychev
The film was commissioned by SAI MIA BSSR (Traffic Police, Ministry of internal affairs, Belarus Socialist Soviet republic)
A pedestrian?
- So you drove. - Well, how about you, guys.
And you, buddy, did you get here because of this* *(getting drunk)?
I just got behind the wheel for the first time today.
Respect, a man driving a week.
Before getting a car, I had no worries.
Well, except things waiting at work like targets, reports, and such.
So I was playing domino until late,
to get even.
After such an evening of burning the midnight oil.
The next morning it is difficult to get up.
Go on, go on, tell us.
The ball jumped off my foot,
flew onto the roadway...
What "Well"?
Well, do not be afraid, tell us.
Permit to buy the ordered car!
Permit to buy the ordered car!
[Don't allow children to play in the streets!]
[Sports ground]
Then what? What happened next?
And that's how I ended up here, my friends, not abiding the rules.
the end Subs by Lemicnor & Eus October 2018
ZIPLINING in Omis Croatia I Day Trip from Split I Birthday Adventure - Duration: 4:46.
Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of Triple P with me Surya Sridhar.
So as some of you guys know, Raam and I are currently in the beautiful city of Split in
Croatia, and its my birthday today.
We normally have this cool tradition of doing something unique for it.
So for example: in Greece we did Paratriking, we've also had an amazing medieval dinner
in Prague once, and for this birthday we've decided to go ZIPLINING!
You heard me right!
We're going to go to a city called Omis.
It's not very far from Split, and we're going to go Ziplining with a group.
I'm super excited!
Alright let's go!
After a 40 minute ride, we arrived at the Zipline Croatia office
in beautiful Omis, where we met the staff, paid the amount due and signed a mandatory
waiver form.
After that our group was whisked away in a van, past beautiful mountains and forests
until we reached an area close to the Visuc fortress.
After being given all the necessary ziplining gear by the staff, we trekked up a path for
a couple of minutes until we came to our training base.
Here we did 3 important things: wear the gear given, listen to the instructions, and of
course: try the mini zip line for practice.
Now we were all set to go!
We made our way higher into the mountains and after around 10 minutes got to our first
ziplining challenge and guys let me tell you, the panoramic view was just breath taking!
After that, there was no stopping us.
We ascended the mountain further, and from an altitude of 180 meters actually, ziplined
our way across the mountain for 7 more obstacles.
Some people also tried going in pairs, took tons of crazy selfies, and we all just had
a blast!
The last obstacle challenge was by far the best as we had to zipline from one mountain
to the other, over the mesmerising River Cetina! Here we go!
Okay guys I really hoped that you enjoyed the video
and that you will be ziplining when you come to Split, Croatia.
Thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed it, please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE buttons below
and of course, don't forget the bell icon!
Definitely recommend it!
Okay guys so if you are planning to come to Split, Croatia, and you also want to go ziplining
like we did we highly recommend the company Zipline Croatia.
So it's around 70 euros total. Highly recommend it. It's fantastic. It lasts around 3-4 hours.
There are great instructors, a great group and an amazing experience overall.
One EASY Tip to Shoot BETTER VIDEOS - How to Make a Shot List - Duration: 1:00.
In the next 60 seconds I want to show you how to do something I do before I
film any kind of project and that is make a shot list. The first thing I do is
go through the script or outline for the project and make a mark at every spot
where I'm going to need to film a new clip. Doing this allows me to see where I
need to add more footage so I can say oh, there's a big gap right here let's add
some more shots in there. Then I'll adapt that into the shot list
itself which can be as simple as a bullet point list of shots that you need
to film. From this point you can go to the individual shots and elaborate on
technical details like the gear or crew needed to film it or artistic details
like the camera movement or angle. Finally I'll organize all of the shots
by the day and order in which they will be filmed. If you make a shot list you
show up to set with a plan for what to film and you're gonna waste a lot less
time and move a lot faster. And that's why a shot list is something that I
consider essential for any kind of shoot. But that's all for now, new videos twice
a week, keep creating and I'll see you in the next one.
Turning $50/Day RENTAL CAR into a MOBILE MANSION!! - Duration: 9:38.
Mobile Mansion, Mansion in a Car, Decked out Car, Turning Rental Car into a Mansion, Enjoy :)
into the this is what we have to work with this is our blank canvas let me
show you a little pool this is the driver's seat the most important seat
height see it works fine I think we should make that sound a little more
manly the best part about this automobile is this paint and you know
what happens in the backseat huh the best stuff happens in the backseat lap
time yeah wait
you kidnap me and stuff let me teach you a little let me let me teach you a
little secret if you're trapped you pull on this thing
that glows in the trunk I have our first idea ready you stay right here okay he's
back Teresa oh we're gonna go get all the items first
so let's cue the montage okay now this is everything we have to what oh my game
but the ambience tree put the bed back there head back here I want the
speaker's here the bed could be back then the speakers could be everything in
front okay this takes only this must be on my foot
I like tools for my foot - can you put that one on the other side yes so good
it's really cool what do you mean dog
come on man you got a house to make man we gotta
decorate the house there's gonna be a party man mom party party people gonna
come yeah baby just in case you want to get a little frisky got a pogo stick
frisky we keep it classy yeah pick up the whole seat for an ice
bucket why is the TV on the seat where else would it be
so where is this TV gonna go that's my question right well this is sick are you
kidding me we have to pick a bowling alley wrong Oh
I found our bowling alley let in your practice we'll practice after when we're
done it's good snack marble just raw potatoes just like you've never had a
raw potato no try one I know you won't regret it
all right now now somebody's watching it haven't subscribed if you don't eat that
potato they won't subscribe no it tastes like - yeah goodbye
you have to have a bite there's an apple the big nail to the kitchen starts with
the best snacks in the world take it chick thank you you wanna check it I'm
gonna check it you take it bagels cut to the chase what do you have
to drink two liters of organic pumpkin you got pasta you mean root beer I gotta
boil pasta
we got gaming setup as you can see big flat-screen TV 75 inches a bowling alley
right here just in case you want to get frisky we also have a pogo stick
all right show you guys how to do it right now in the car but right now what
I think is the coolest part of this whole setup and if you're wondering does
it turn on do you guys know how to play
using a pop man I wanna see this car shaking so much I have 1% battery got 1%
battery don't worry you can be in charge of regicide
living away from the edge syrups and battery we haven't slept in days before
school cars literally shaking what's going
oh my god we just have a snack bar you always have that in Magni one said this
would be like 3000 just phosphorous Welch's you eat it you belches yeah of
course we got to be classy some wine and some ice some ice and wine wine and ice
no monopoly okay I'm down to $25 all you gotta do is Dodger hotels and I'm good
good oh my god bro one two up now God get that all it took so a lot to bring
everything down like we don't plug the TV took out Eric speakers got a keyboard
out of Noah it was worth it though right whatever TV in our back scene we played
Mario Kart tell me that's not cool hell you don't wanna come over right now come
over if you thought this was cool leave it like and tell your grandma that you
love her and if you're new make sure to subscribe or else I won't give you a
potato when you come to our mansion party until next time
we're gonna do what are you good cuz you're re good Jim what a new car
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Trend Bi-Tone 5 drs. LM velgen Navi - Duration: 1:12.
New Poll Shows That Climate Action Is A WINNING Issue For Candidates - Duration: 4:28.
According to new polls out this week, 70% of independent voters here in the United States
say that they would be more likely to vote for a candidate if that candidate supported
action on climate change.
70% of independent voters here in the United States, you know the people who make up that
mythical center.
The mythical swing vote, they do kind of exist.
70% of people who are not registered with a political party say that they're more likely
to support a candidate if that person says they want to take action on climate change.
Only 14% say they're less likely to support someone who wants to take action to help protect
the planet and the country from climate change.
Much like the entire Medicare for all discussion, it turns out that climate change is also a
winning campaign issue.
Now, I ask you this then, viewers.
How many times have we heard candidates out there running ads or mentioning in their campaign
speeches or during debates, how many times have you heard them mention climate change?
Now, I know the Florida governor debate from earlier this week, I know that the first question
was on climate change.
That was astounding that they actually did that.
Jake Tapper did a phenomenal job with that.
But that doesn't typically happen.
That was an outlier, and that's why people knew it happened, because it was so shocking
that they were asked about climate change.
I know the corporate media doesn't like to talk about it, as Chris Hayes himself admitted
on Twitter, the reason the network executives don't like the host talking about climate
change is because it's a, quote, "ratings killer."
But here's the thing.
Politicians might not like talking about it because yes, it is a complex issue and it
does take a little bit of nuance to be able to explain what's happening to the planet
Media doesn't like to talk about it because people tune out.
They don't want to hear about it.
They don't want to listen to it, and it's gonna hurt their advertising money.
But the people actually want it.
The people want action on climate change.
Voters in the United States are ready for the federal government to do something to
protect the planet.
This is a winning campaign issue.
This is something that candidates out there, as we approach the midterms, they need to
be talking about!
Because we know, based on the polling data, based on the available evidence, that people
want action.
They do not want a government controlled by fossil fuel interests.
They do not want politicians who are bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry or
by the agro-chemical industry.
Groups that pour in millions of dollars every election cycle to buy politicians who go out
there and deny what science is telling us.
They're tired of it!
And the voters want something different.
The biggest problem right now is that we do have one political party, the Republican Party,
that's pretty much made it a staple of their party that they're gonna deny climate change
or deny that human beings are causing it.
Or if they do admit that it's happening, and that humans are causing it, that there's nothing
we can do so we shouldn't do anything.
Marco Rubio recently said that we can't blow up the economy just to save the planet, or
the country, or anything really.
Then we have the Democrats.
They talk a good game on it.
Obama talked a good game, admitted climate change was real.
It was a threat and we needed to do something.
Then he expanded domestic oil production.
Then he expanded offshore drilling.
Then he expanded leasing out new coal mines, as fracking exploded!
Quite literally and figuratively under the Obama administration.
So yeah, it's one thing to talk about the need to stop doing all this, but then you
have to follow through.
That's the second part of that that Obama never really got.
He didn't follow through.
We got a couple good environmental regulations from him, but all of that has already been
undone by the current administration.
It's time to switch.
It's time to do something, and it's time to take action.
That's what the American voters want to see, but unfortunately with too many of the current
crop of political candidates, I don't know that climate action is on the table yet.
And that's a very sad thing to have to say.
this just in: trans people are cryptids now! #wontbeerased - Duration: 8:28.
Zero days since last cis nonsense! um
Y'all know what Trump did this time
And if you don't know I'm gonna tell you
If you do know --
Oh my god, you can really see my eyes right there (context: my eyes are two different
*ASL sign for 'see'*
Sorry —
If you don't know what Tump did, like if you're not an American, if you don't follow American
news, whatever
Trump and his administration have, um, they're proposing to change the legal definition of
gender to be:
"Something based only on your biological sex at birth."
If that "cannot be determined using genitals," they will do chromosome testing
To figure out which side they are going to put you on
Which is problematic for so many reasons
Like, it's harmful to the intersex community as well as to to the trans community.
It's bad, it's bad stuff.
*distracted* Um, so Trump has been trying to get rid of--
-- Sorry I'm just like looking for something on my laptop as I speak --
Trump is trying to get rid of information about being trans.
What previous historical figures have done in the past -
- I'm talking about Hitler -
- is to destroy the information and then destroy the people.
They destroy
They make, perpetuate, and teach children the false stereotypes about Jewish people,
And then they continue to persecute Jewish people and kill people
Also, if you're a Holocaust denier ... leave
- Sorry I'm still trying to find it -
Um. "On May 10th, 1933,
"Nazis in Berlin burned works of Jewish authors and the library of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft"
- I tried -
"And other works considered 'un-German'"
The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was like a library for queer history and queer research
So that was a problem for lots of reasons but especially because like
That information wasn't available anymore
And it still isn't available
Because the whole place was burned down
So there's information that we could have had for 80 years now and we don't.
Because they burned it down.
Because they took away that information.
After that over a hundred thousand people were imprisoned and tortured for not conforming
to gender roles.
It says right here,
This tweet by Sarah Jamie Lewis:
"First you burn the science,
"then the law,
"then the people.
"The Hitler administration set up the Reichszentrale zur Bekämpfung der Homosexualität und Abtreibung
(Reich Central Office for the Combatting of Homosexuality and Abortion)
"in 1936.
"The gestapo had an office compiling lists of suspected gay people from 1934.
"The persecution of gay and trans people under the Nazis was long and drawn out.
"It began by redefining and destroying the science,
"And then quickly escalated to denying human rights and genocide."
You don't have to be an English major to see the parallels.
Like, I'm not an English major
But my dad is a double English major,
So I'm basically an English major
If you -- you know what I'm talking about if
you've ever talked to an English major.
But anyway.
[No offense English majors! I love and support you, and I might become an English major 💕But
y'all are truly on another level of EnglishMajorSplaining™ 📚]
Hitler rose to power because of money.
Trump rose to power because of money.
Hitler believed that certain people should be labeled and kept out of Germany.
Trump believes that certain people should be labeled and kicked out of [America].
Both advocate for the destruction of of LGBTQ rights and the destruction of abortion
Both are Christians.
Both dislike religions that go against theirs.
Both turn a blind eye to the suffering of Jewish communities.
It makes me very angry, because like...
Maybe this is just me but looking at this from an author's perspective?
Like, funny coping mechanism, I know.
But looking at it from the perspective of someone who's like --
- I'm sorry it was bothering me. It's bothering me now too but you know okay but like -
Looking at this from the perspective of someone who writes a lot of things,
There are so many literary/cinematic parallels here.
It's the same scenario repeating itself
It's the same thing
I'm sorry, but if you can't see the parallel between Trump trying to get rid of all the
Muslims in this country and Hitler trying to get rid of all the Jews,
And both of them trying to get rid of all the non cishet people,
If you can't see the parallels between Hitler calling himself a National Socialist or Nazi
and Trump just straight out saying "I'm a nationalist"...?
It's not even parallels anymore!
He's admitting it! He's straight-up admitting it.
People are still gonna turn a blind eye to that.
Because why?
Because he's a rich white man?
Things are already extremely dangerous for people within the trans community.
I mean, this is only gonna make it that much worse.
And if you can't see that, like...
Given for instance the suicide and murder rates for trans people —
— One in twelve trans people will be murdered, and the suicide rate hovers around 54% —
It's already not safe.
This is making it worse.
This is making it so that, if you were assigned male at birth,
You'd have to be treated by doctors as a male, whether or not you identify that way.
Meaning that a trans woman who has been on hormones for years
Has to out herself to her doctor and be treated as a male, even though trans women have very
Trans women who have been on hormones have very different physiological,
I think that's the word...
You know, they have different physiological attributes than cis men do.
And that's like... that's a scientific fact
The point of hormones is to change the systems inside the body to change the outside of the
That's- That's what it is.
So it doesn't make sense to treat trans women as men.
Because they're not men.
Canada has actually set up, like, some resources for people to immigrate there.
This country was built on the deaths of Native Americans and the deaths of people of colour.
And it's stayed that way.
I don't know what else to say?
This country was built on discrimination.
And y'all like to pretend that "no, it's a perfect country,
"nothing could ever be wrong here in America
it's so great."
But that's not true.
I'm trying not to overreact, but I don't think I'm overreacting and saying that Trump is
literally Hitler.
Hitler died in 1945. Trump was born in 1946.
I'm not saying reincarnation has something to do with this, but reincarnation has something
to do with this.
Like not to kin on main or anything.
The parallels between what Trump has done and what Trump is doing,
and what Hitler did in the past...
We can only hope that Trump is gonna meet the same end Hitler did.
Which is death, by the way.
For those of you who don't know.
He did die.
And also my sister's watching YouTube videos really loudly, sorry.
*incredulous* that is so LOUD, do you hear that?
My name is Nik. I'm transgender. I'm human. We exist. And you can't erase us.
Okay yeah that's it
That's all I got.
Feel free to leave a like.
Or don't.
Feel free to comment.
Or don't.
I don't tell you what to do.
Do what you want.
Um, if you have pets tell me about your pets, please.
Oh! One more thing.
You have to go vote.
Because there are like... people's actual lives at stake here.
And you have to vote out the people who are going to hurt people.
And this, this new "definition" will hurt people.
Done for real now.
Bye 💕 !! ✨
Monster // Frozen - Duration: 3:44.
It's finally come Come to knock down my door
I can't hide this time Like I hid before
The storm is awake The danger is real
My time's running out Don't feel, don't feel
'Fear will be you enemy And death its consequence'
That's what they once said to me And it's starting to make sense
All this pain, all this fear Began because of me
Is the thing they see The thing I have to be?
A monster.
Were they right?
Has the dark in me Finally come to light?
Am I a monster full of rage Nowhere to go but on a rampage?
Or am I just a monster
In a cage? End this winter, bring back summer!
Keep your guard up! No harm comes to her!
End this winter, bring back summer! Keep your guard up!
What do I do? No time for crying now
I started a storm Gotta stop it somehow
Do I keep on running? How far do I have to go?
And will that take the storm away Or only make it grow?
I'm making my world colder How long can it survive?
Is everyone in danger As long as I'm alive?
Was I a monster from the start?
How did I end up with this frozen heart?
Bringing destruction to the stage
Caught in a war that I never meant to wage
Do I kill the monster?
Father, you know what's best for me
If I die, will they be free?
Mother, what if after I'm gone
The cold gets colder And the storm rages on?
No! I have to stay alive To fix what I've done
Save the world from myself And bring back the sun!
If I'm a monster, then it's true! End this winter, bring back summer!
There's only one thing that's left for me to do! Keep your guard up!
But before I fade to white End this winter, bring back summer!
I'll do all that I can to make things right! Keep your guard up!
I cannot be a monster!
I will not be a monster!
Not tonight! Monster! Monster! Monster!
I surrender
Take me to princess Anna
Bad Boy - Red Velvet / DDU DU DDU DU - Blackpink / Black on Black - NCT Mashup (?) - Duration: 3:34.
who dat who dat who dat
「Nightcore」→ Arms Around You ♪ (XXXTENTACION & Lil Pump) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:59.
this video includes lyrics on the screen
How to create a MOOD BOARD for your Business | Brand Style - Duration: 11:14.
Hey! Today we will be talking about Mood Board and how to create one. This is the
most exciting part of the brand styling in my opinion because that
actually defines how it will look, how it will feel and where you should Focus so
creating a mood board is really important because that will be your
essence. What you want to gather together is of course it is your personality but it
also your ideal clients kind of needs and something that will attract them. Mood Board
is very important because it the whole essence of your brand style and it
definitely needs to be something new something meaningful for you for your
values for your whole entire business model but it also is super important
that it appeals to your ideal client so while you are creating a mood board keep
in mind: Is that will attract your ideal client? Is that will be to them like
neutral or is it to make them feel the emotions that you actually want them to
feel so when you're creating the mood board, of course, it is you, it is all what
inspires you, what motivates you what makes you want to "Yes!" I want to wake
up and just do and rock my business! But in the same time it should bring and
evoke emotions what you want to receive for your potential clients. There's
couple of different ways how you actually can create your mood board and
today we will look into two of them. The first one is more of actual touching and
feeling those textures and feeling those forms and feeling those emotions more
deeper so we will actually use all that what I have gathered here together to
create a mood board and to get inspiration and the second one is a
little bit more easier to go back and to
check this out and it's over into the Pinterest. I love
Pinterest as so many things you can do and that's a great place where to create
mood board as well. Why it's important to create a mood board which you
actually can touch and see is just keep you Focused. To keep you focused every
day as well. After your actual Brand style is done , shaped and tweaked up
you don't want to lose this focus so you want to have somewhere in front of your
eyes this mood board where you can look into it get inspiration and create
your content it's also great for your video backgrounds and so on and of
course lot of details you can just wear or use and
and just hell around you all the time if you do create a mood board as a collage
or in Pinterest board then it's also a good idea to print it out and to just
make it somewhere actual touchable and visible in front of your eyes so when
you start and create actual physical mood boards just like to put together
things what inspires you do not overcomplicate it yes I mentioned that
it's supposed to attract your ideal clients but first it's important to make
sure it's actually you and it reflects your personality so the task is to
gather together things but really inspire you you can be something from
your dirtier things something from jewelry something from books from your
ex eyes something from equipment something from anything basically what
is around you and what inspires you in your everyday so I expect you have some
things what you can use and as well as just like considering colors what makes
you feel great but what makes you feel amazing and what you would resonate with
your brand as well you can just like pick those things which is in those
colors so I hope I did here together a lot of different objects and think out
what really inspires me what makes me happy and let's make Moodle order them
as you can see I have different details so I have something from my accessories
what I use and what makes me feel great
and I do how some of my everyday things which as well just inspires me here's my
board I love to use it for my blood laced so let's use some sue : yeah very
important for me as well as those crystals those are all things with
inspire me you can take anything with his eye on you it can be crystal travel
really accessories it can be basically anything if that supports your brand
messaging and if that your assets eight-speed you and your personality
amazing put it all together and see how your brand our new board is coming along
and here you can see result so this represent that my style is edgy but a
little bit romantic as well here you can see that we do care about natural
cosmetics it just reminds yes I do love candles and again
pretty symbols with nature of course I work with colors a lot of black and
white and gray in my branding some aqua colors and teal just really mutant same
as this pillow it's really big part of my bending marbles and grace and some
Agatha shades
definitely crystals and just small to tell so cool and smoke and art lip
Natalie plums the geometric figures something a little bit
from the mythical world as well as a lot of notebooks that is something that is
really important to me for me and all the different strings and accessories
so this whole course lovely month belly and obviously is in a light bubble goes
nuts again one of my symbols in my running so this is basically how my mood
board hopes if we take a look in that physical world if we want to touch it if
you want to get inspired by looking at it and those are things with are usually
around me what I'm wearing what is just next to me every single day and keeps me
focused on my let's head over to the painters and create a board for you so
this is another way how to do it so go called my mood board or whatever you
want and create at least 50 things with things you are attracted to and you're
passionate about a new life to your brand so you can search first with the
mood words and see what is out there already maybe you can get some
inspiration you can all search nature you can share search shapes you can
search fonts animals and anything else would you really like is it outfits
accessories for well maybe some other things and then after you can go and
look back so here is my mode board and as you see
it's pretty similar as we already did this physical board so the colors are
the same I was pretty much the same so you can do
it either way and you can save this Pinterest board and you can show to
anyone you need or you can get inspired yourself how this information is
valuable for you and you will make the best mood board possible for your brand
you have now a lot of inspiration and you have a task to do so go create you a
mood board right now no matter what is it physical or is a poet independence it
will make a huge difference in your unfailing process and it will also help
if you are working in the future together with designers for some of your
projects or launching new products ourselves it will help you to nail down
how exactly should look you would end up in motion to do the work because now
when you book on those things you are having certain emotions again you can
ask your ideal client find out somebody in social media who are true your ideal
client and ask them how do they feel is that something what is attracting them
so that's gonna be really great perhaps to do as well now head over to the
Pinterest and make it into the sport or if you are ready for creativity and
spend some time with life visualizing definitely gather together some things
but really truly inspires you and make something like this and and take photo
of it print it out and hung somewhere that you always can look back or in the
best ok keep those things close to you so then they will inspire you daily
thank you so much for watching and I will speak with you really soon
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅚ 외 oe wi - Duration: 0:31.
Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i LX/NAP/STUURBKR/APK 11-2019/ - Duration: 0:52.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅞ 웨 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅞ 웨 we we - Duration: 0:31.
BMW X1 2.0i sDrive Business M-PAKKET AUT8/XENON/18"/PAN.DAK/SERVOTR. - Duration: 1:09.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-clusiv 5 deurs | Climate Control | LM velgen | Touchscreen | Achteruitrijca - Duration: 1:06.
Robi się coraz namiętniej! Jacek Borkowski z córką i swoją śliczną pogodynką gwiazdami „... - Duration: 5:43.
JUST DANCE 2019 FULL GAME REACTION (discovering the menu + last unknown songs 😱) - Duration: 27:39.
Yeah, we can go
D: So let's do it officially! I'm closing...
R: Aah I'm excited! D: Quit! I quit!
D: Just Dance 2018. You ready? R: Yeah
Wow, I love this picture. Oh, it's pretty. I can't believe this is the actual game. I know what's the first thing we say
Newsome same icons old on bar but
Several bad puns later. Laughs. Oh, wait, okay. Oh it changed. It's the same. Oh,
We don't have all of these oh, we don't have it. Oh
We don't know. What army when I had a monster flying too tight, man
Where are you now fire where I like to pose of work work shaky, shaky my lovin. I feel it coming. Yeah
Oh, it's already has my profile. Oh look at that. You hear the music?
It's different. It's way different. Yeah, it's way your friends. Oh, there's only two but were slightly slower
Press the unlock button. And turn on you free 30-day trial. Yeah, of course. I want to do it. Yeah
30-day trial - since living in and not have access to four hundred four hundred on there. Okay, let's go
Welcome to the song step choose your song and Dez God a yeah. Oh my god. Oh,
Okay, I don't watch a little gas so it's not alphabetical right is it there's kalisto in the sea
There's no ring somehow you got like 30
- I'm sure and here again then serve the week is that one of my friends are?
Yeah, thence - two more sons - enough because the second immersion
Well, that's what it was. Like in the last game - you had normal versions that were unlocked all of these something happening
maybe okay, we'll just chance like two songs maybe and they're mean they're gonna mark my lusk I
Do you know what this is?
There's another one that I don't know here nice format nice and that's really
What what part of sue that's not what?
This is the French song on the visits with our something from that blackout neato
So we don't we're under way that would it be oh
My my brains locking as the bomb
Does this some of it is just underneath and I have to dance to three more songs to to unlock and limit it
So like two more songs you like the rest of the game through my songs you unlike the unlimited
Okay, look at the bar on the right
there's just so many so my gosh against the former songs to mark I don't have a whole menu and you will have access to
Dancers from all around the world get your content and the latest Just Dance happenings if access to dances, what does this mean?
Would I like to see you?
Play lists that's to find my own sumac. So should we just dance do songs? Yeah what I couldn't love my profile
Would you agree if it adds Calypso? Yeah, absolutely. This is the official first song
My god
Good moves are better in this
Got four people on the nice one song get 10 more poisoning
So look and how the scores in the end are presented
We have like two cards before it was lines. This is all this course. It's completely different than all the bitterest chances
I've seen the guest dancer this reminds me of Just Dance 4
2014 where we had like, you know the most energetic. I think I was 4
It was a long time ago. What's a long time? It was creative was always sitting so motivated
I love it in the beginning when you're watching it for the first time excite
You are achieving so many things on one song site. Yeah, I'm such a star. Haha. Yes
Oh you have stats get off me. What's
215 oh dear God song played starting from when did we play a song?
What about video gallery
My friends videos, oh
Look extra
Fries, yes, of course. Mr
My videos also I have videos
Oh, maybe the word that's was gonna lock after like four songs or five songs or whatever. I would just like to
Change my avatar as possible. Ah
So you choose your title 19 dear God. Oh
Boy, oh that's nice evidence. So you can personalize your
Your profile with what you think represents you most. Yeah, and you have to earn it as well laughs other
Avatars to choose from or do I need to unlock them? Okay. Yes
There's not a lot. I don't think this one as of now, but all the others is play the gift machine
Oh and these ones are Ubisoft avatars. Okay. We did it cool
Okay, we have our dancer cards back to the game for another song
I guess maybe we can play the machine now because we have muchos thanks to what I bought in the ubisoft cloud looks like it's
Fuck. Yeah
Oh, yeah, cuz we have to play one more song
but I see as well it that they put back the develop difficulties on every song like
Giving you a clue about is it's gonna be difficult or not. And this was gone
Laughing I didn't play it justice or like first tell us in the comments, right?
But I'm sure it was there before us for sure in one of the additions at least and I came back
You know how fans are
Used saying like Oh Justin soul with the bass or is it as important was the best it seems like they picked up
some of the
Molds or options that were from the east game dynamite race
Your song oh
This time, oh, let's see prostate first gets its first
Incision after Oh
What's this adorable
Try to avoid this out there and dance in the gift Masood bang-bang-bang extremes super
The game were less leaked entirely online so we have more less-than-ideal
What's to come like in the game? Even though it was not in the previous?
Yes, so that's all we're not like on my topic is
Filipe extreme away
All work for us you Asian market. We're super certain
Whoever gives you that there must be a way to sort by something else. It's not our
Three oh my god this
These objects and effeminate and I'm afraid because I want to like the map
Yeah, I'm gonna show them all
Six hours later know why already told us?
So and if it isn't hot the previous ice cores are gun butts I
Already seen this
It's spec season it is for joy. It's for sure. She says horse boats ever
Do things in the background is great. Thank you. Oh, it's like very sensual. Yeah
Thumbs behind, I feel like I've seen this dancer before in other songs. Oh, yeah
Excuse me
Okay, the course is always the same from what I've seen yeah
The guy acts like
sexy a lot real lots of body rolls
It's a lot of buying roles and it's a lot of kindness. I see I'm chilling
Yeah body girls that your fingers by sex. Yeah
Movie about the herb. How do you call them like Chippendales?
It doesn't happen but it would have go with the rest of the moves and song yeah, absolutely
That's the fact that it has a short
Up on it, every step any other kind of feel to it. It's not gonna look the same at all with Fernando azam azam
It's not gonna do the same paddle
Will have to add our own spin to it because it's like you have to act manly but pass in a way for me
I felt a feminine vibe in his way of messing even though we also showed a very masculine way. It's kinda I
Liked it out of the extremes that I've seen which is I could all of them now
It's helping my least fate
But I still like it and I think like but the end the moves get a lot like punch you're like and more powerful
I just feel like I can't pull off feel like male
Dancer vibe. Yeah how we got this side?
Hotel in like this was people from around the world
So I'm doing I'll check out future content and keep up to date with the latest defense
happenings 109s serves only mine
this song I
Try to unlock this second adult machine and the gift from the sheep some come on Shane
It's like maybe they're not gonna walk in before like 200 gifts. You know how this is. Yes
I know this is you know how this is. I
Like her all right
It's too hard. Yeah, I'd give it a medium. What for it was right? I
Feel like
It was really awesome, I would buy that one I still call me change that
So bang bang bang is reversion. We already saw that one. So the one
I'm not sure my favorite, but I'm like super excited on some of the moves
I'm super glad the right man has extreme version guys. That's the wrong time. This costume is
something original
Yeah, no fans canvas beginning. Yeah, it's like a shirt
This seems I think that the squares for its three songs, I love the you know the end of the song were they like
Nice remix scores superstar baton Fitness remix to unlock
Gift machine. Okay, look at it. Let's look at it Oh
Loving heart again only hard. This thing needs to be like extreme
It look like really tango yeah
You're like oh this movies endures
Can't wait
But I think it's something to do in tango. No. Oh
It's gorgeous, huh this pause it's so beautiful to watch. Yeah, then how we can totally want a partner
How are we gonna make it up and look that good?
my love extreme
Scores super tour better we can have this fun. If we want is one of the one that got spoiled as well, you know
It's so gorgeous
Oh jinx awnings X
Hmm. Finally they show us how to do this number two. Okay, it's still loose. Yeah
Oh and it includes unlimited. Okay, so these sills these are all these streams
Hard they even sorted the unlimited ones that's amazing. They sort of every song
yeah, I wonder who had an
Okay, okay and then again, that's my god going back to cattle and cow, uh
Look, we're not to the second right eight nineteen nineteen from in the middle
But wait, what do we have the search function? What if I type for example, 2050? Yeah, that's
If it works, oh
Yeah, you just have to type it yourself there's no like section where it's written
Like you I just have to click is there so the random mode maybe in the palest we don't wear another where it's the English
Translation. Yeah, and
Just for you guys who don't know who or Mac V and Carly?
They are big big
Youtubers and friends probably bigger than what not too is in terms of subscribers and there are do it. So
if their faces over there from
microphone and Carlita
All the singing new background
My god
I already see a lot of people asking me to dance. Yeah, this is like I'm sex nano and five
Totally you hear this song
Expected they're so awesome
This map is original. That's a nice you can say
Yeah, oh my god, it completely switched at the end
It's like morphed in something completely different and like we just shocked it every moment. You know, I'm gonna admit
I was not a super fan of the French last French song for me to which was NZ shoe pajamas
But this one it's so different. It's so good. Yeah
Just like I can't I know it they did a great job, I mean it's it's I think it
Respects their style and at the same time it can't fits in just that it sound weird way. It fits really
Oh, yeah, if I go to play songs you like
Pop country the multiple persons in your country. That's cool though. You're covering play leaves it like make us
Oh and you can shuttle playing the playlist there is shuffle no like
Realize but like random shuffle just through everything. But wait, how can you create a playlist that's gonna be something to
Watch I guess yeah, this is weird to me that we can't create a playlist ourselves. Maybe it's gonna get a lot
Sometimes maybe I hope so
Extreme let me just watch the preview skew the squares again in the background. Yes. It's the extreme thing, isn't it?
I would say it reminds me of the
They have this song like but anyway
Yeah, well I wonder
Music video perfect. Yes
And it reminds me of it that if I focus my cell phone just a choreo. Are you like it? Yeah, I really like it
I like the pink outfit underneath. That's what's previous if we're not playing it anyone speak this language. Can you help us out?
Where is this? It's like a business cat and
Was this like a comedy thought what is he doing? I think we talked about it. You didn't see the
the Russian song of this year
Happy but it gives me a taste of that weirdness
And it looks like the map is made like that for some reason that is obscure to us at the moment
Yeah, help us
Because this one is like what let's go for this and I'm gonna
Drink in defense 2019, that's crazy. Would you imagine a song right would be the game?
Such a nice surprise
I realize that
Is there's such a variety of different women a this typically is the type of songs
We don't have usual in the sense there any
Thankful little temple
Nervy energetic so usually brutal handsome songs
No even just the song in its salad super original of the game and then the moves that you think originals. I think they were
I wouldn't want to qualify like badly with a not appropriate word. It's true. Tell ya
Yeah, you know, I think the doesn't seem did a really good job in the players this year
Make you recognize that we love you extremes as well be like pushing ourselves. Well, they're giving us
Service. Yeah, Wow, okay
So yes, this is this for our first first time discovery engine instance
Look the last thing that we can walk
Just the things that only thing I'm missing right now is to create one place
But to say about that menu I was the first to say
When I discovered for the first time that I was not sure that I was liking it. It's
Not I'm sorting through it. I think it's actually okay
I think it needs a little bit of getting used to it quite quite as easy to use as maybe the previous a year
But what you get behind of it actually does a lot more what high scores though, like for example, so we densest yeah
This is our sport, there's no high school
It's like bad thing that we realized like just now
We didn't get to the world. That's where I just see if it appears in the menu. Okay, go through or dance
Isn't it no men? You know, what's at home here?
It's not a menu anymore. Okay. Well, I would thank you for dinner
So fuck you
our channel will be H and if you still in
So my view is mirror like the famous that young yeah. Yeah that we're
It's usually champion it's on the channel and use its right to our channel as well
And that's simpler this got murmuring of just since my games a lot of really good
To just sense to you for the beautiful game and all these beautiful Max's as I said. Yes good surprises
Yes, so many some songs so many awesome. And now we're just gonna have to be all feelings
Like I'm seeing it more and playing it more. Yeah
Iguales pero diferentes: 7 actores que interpretaron a sus gemelos en teleseries chilenas - Duration: 6:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅞ 웨 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅟ 위 wi wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅝ 워 weo wʌ - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅝ 워 ウォ wə - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅢ 의 ウイ ωi - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅚ 외 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅟ 위 ウィ wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅚ 외 oe wi - Duration: 0:31.
Robi się coraz namiętniej! Jacek Borkowski z córką i swoją śliczną pogodynką gwiazdami „... - Duration: 5:43.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅞ 웨 we we - Duration: 0:31.
HOW NOT TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE BEYOND. With Carlos Real. - Duration: 24:41.
ENTERIZOS DE MODA y elegantes para señoras 😍 || JUMPSUIT for ladies - Duration: 3:22.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅢ 의 ui ɰi - Duration: 0:31.
Le INFEZIONI in OSPEDALE esistono e vanno segnalate - FRANCO STEFANINI per Risarcimenti Medici - Duration: 3:18.
WoozWorld - THE REVOLT OF THE SPIRIT - Duration: 2:26.
We're here together to play the famous Ouija game
The rules are simple:
Don't take your finger of the pointer
Respect the spirit.
I-I didn't agree on playing....
Do you guys really want to do this?
It's just a video for halloween
Nothing bad will happend...
Or maybe not
Let's start
Put your fingers
Katy ask if someone is here
heeeeeey dude, are u with us?
hey bruuuh family
howz the family?
If any spirit is here, reveal yourself
Uuugh the spirit is so quiet
Let's jump to what really interest us her
Do you watch my channel?
don't make him mad...
t-series or pewdiepie?
Didn't took your monthly bath?
Ugh... again...
K-Katy, let Aline command the game..
How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
-Are you reading this? -Did they purposely make dyslexia hard to spell? -Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
Have you considered on checking the channel...
Katyzinha Wo-...
looks like someone is really mad...
Stay calm..
Katy you shouldn't have..
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