hello how are you guys doing today my name is black Tarzan and today I'm super
excited to bring you this brand new video of ash pumping Misty's but I know
what you guys are thinking Wow does Ashley really pump Misty's but it
like can you show this on YouTube yeah I can and if you guys want to see it you
all you have to do is just follow the four steps that I'm about to tell you
and you will be able to see this amazing clip because you know YouTube lets me
program the YouTube algorithm lets me program all my videos to not show you
certain video footage unless you do what I say it's a feature only available to
those people who have like really high amounts of subscribers you know I have
like 87 thousand subscribers so obviously it lets me do it
so yeah so to be able to see ash pumping Misty's but all you have to do is number
one you have to be subscribed with notifications turned on number two you
have to like or dislike this video number three you have to just leave me a
comment and then number four you have to share the video I'm gonna be listing all
the instructions down below in the description if you guys can't hear me
very well or I'll leave it in the I'll also leave
a comment just in case you know you guys get really lost so yeah go ahead do all
those steps subscribe the notification is turned on be sure to like this video
leave a comment and share this video and you will be able to see Ash and Misty
having some smoky time so definitely be sure to do that anyway let's get right
into the video let's go
okay so before I show you guys the clip of Ash and Misty you know of ash pump
and Misty's but let's first talk about misty because we have to understand the
important story that goes behind this now misty first appeared in like the
first or second episode of Pokemon you know we saw her she was like ash Ash's
Pikachu was hurt and Ash had some problems and he needed some help so you
know misty had a bike and ash was like don't miss can I get you a bike and
misty was like no but ash was it you know he's a straight-up thug he doesn't
care about nothing so he just went in a few collab Misty's
bike he just sped away with it I mean this is like it's crazy I mean like
people in the hood do this all the time but ash is about a straight-up you know
just go to light a poor innocent girl who can't even defend herself and
literally still it was bike I mean a lot of people just thought oh it's a cartoon
but you know I should have been more you know responsible he maybe should have
asked for permission or rented it you can't just go up to someone and just
like legit just like taking steal their bike like that's kind of messed up but
yeah you know ash he just you know I'm saying he just went up and he took her
by anyway so after that he speeds into the the forest and you guys know what
happens I mean you can watch the second episode of Pokemon I'm not gonna go over
most of you are younger though I mean I'll tell you there's this term called
Gen one or like I'm a gen Warner it's like you you y'all kids need to go out
there and you'll need a watch the first season a Pokemon if you haven't because
it's really good I think it's I mean I like the new ones too
get me wrong that the old ones also have a special thing to it I think a lot of
people take the old Pokemon episodes for granted but those were hyped to guys
like not gonna lie anyway so we don't see misty for a long time and then you
know later up in a couple of episodes ash nice Missy again and she's like yo
can I have my bike back ash is like yo I'm sorry your bike got trashed like I
don't know what to tell you mr. like your buddy got crashed I you know burned
it and I don't have the money to pay you back and so misty was like alright then
you know you don't have the money to pay me back I'm gonna have to follow you and
be your companion and go everywhere with you and don't second-guess these guys
you know it's it's October over here so it's kneading season
I'm not sick and just just needed I mean I'm just blowing my nose all right
anyway so it's kind of weird she's like well if you don't have the money for my
bike I'll just follow you around and we can just do stuff together and you know
a lot of slow curious because they're like two young people and they're
traveling around the world together so I mean one has to wonder what goes on
after hours you don't like what happens and so that's why I made this video to
show you because the creators of Pokemon just released this new footage of Ash
and Misty just going at it so remember guys if you want to see this clip you
got a number one subscribe and because I'm about to show it right now so the
final warning is number one you need to be subscribed to the black Tarzan
channel but the notifications turned on number two you need to either like or
dislike this video number three you need to leave a comment and before you need
what do you need to do
number four you need to share this video
now some of you guys on the last video we're having some technical difficulties
and I am going to tell you that if it doesn't work with the first account now
some of you are mobile some of you are on a laptop or a desktop or a tablet or
whatever Kindle or Kindle Fire or whatever anyway what's going on is if
you're on mobile because most people use mobile and it doesn't work for you
create a new account or use like your mom your sister your brother whatever is
account sign in subscribe and do all the steps and then refit but like close and
open the video and restart the app or a browser or whatever and it should work
for your computer you know restart your browser try with a different account and
it should work there's no reason it shouldn't work a lot of people who are
just saying that in the comments are really literally just trolling there's a
lot of trolls on my channel but it will work for you so just keep subscribing
make new accounts or whatever and yet you should be able to see it because I'm
not just gonna give it I'm not just gonna show you this content free because
you know I worked hard to find this I had to contact a lot of like Pokemon
officials and secret you know Pokemon agents so I'm not just gonna release it
to you guys for like nothing I mean that doesn't make no sense so go ahead and
I'll people probably provide a technical support in the comments so let me know
yeah anyway you know I think Ash and Misty are going to have a very
successful future together I mean I do end up seeing ash proposing
to misty and then getting getting married you know it's a possibility that
could happen so don't think I mean in my opinion some people say like he might be
with another female in Pokemon anime but I mean there's some good competition I
mean you got Serena which the story people people made Pokemon literally
change the whole story they put her back in his childhood
just to like introduce Serena so Serena's like the huge competition and
right now 50/50 split I really don't know is it going to be missed you or is
there gonna be sore arena or is it gonna be may I I don't think it's gonna be me
it could be it could be there's some I've been poking some strings here I did
make a video about hash in May I made a video about all the pokemon female urges
but I did make a video about ash in May so it could happen guys leave me a
comment below like saying who you think ash is gonna end up with because it's
very hard to protect us in the future but Misty is like one of those special
characters because they brought her back I need ash and miss you were super
friends and they brought her back to the new Aloha series Pokemon anime so what
does that tell you I mean that tells you that misty was a huge and super
important character in the anime that they were gonna even bring her back as a
new special character they didn't even do that - Serena forget sir they didn't
really do it
yeah guys just I literally I just woke up I was like I'm gonna make this video
because a lot of people need to see this new leaked footage so that's why I kind
of wait for Bellefleur it's literally
it's like 9 a.m. I woke up like 2 hours ago
I'm starting to get better with my sleep patterns and I'm starting to take care
of myself and actually go to sleep on time so that's the best plus I really
don't know what else I should say on this video I mean I've gone through a
lot of other things yeah
all right so let's go over misty
misty is a character whose first appearance was in the very first episode
of the anime series in the first episode she first meets ash after fishing out of
the water when she was trying to get away from the Frank espero ashlynn takes
Misty's bike from her in order to escape the sparrow which is then wrecked by
pikachu thunder shirt misty then tracks down ash and all his adventures
until he can pay her back up although she eventually forgets about the body
and becomes one of Ash's closest friends in the process however at the end of
their journey through Johto region Misty's bike has been fully repaired as
she departs to return home to swimming suit to assume her duties at agenda
she's currently a Cerulean City junior after the older sisters
misty has short hair orange hair tied into a side ponytail she has green eyes
and fair skin she wears a yellow tank top that shows her midriff red
suspenders blue denim shorts that stop her at her thighs and red sneakers with
yellow lining and white laces her whole midriff is showing but her bellybutton
is usually not grown on however it is visible when she is in her two-piece
swimsuit in Sun moon she later maintains her original outfit
in her return to Pokemon series Sun and Moon beneath her outfit is her strapless
two-piece swimsuit which is worn by her counterpart in both games pokémon red
and blue in SM 43 when Regents collide misty has a key stone hidden at the back
of her ponytail in one episode in pokémon chronicles her primaries hop is
replaced with a yellow sleeveless hoodie shirt but maintains her denim shorts
with her sneakers from her primary outfit and color of her denim shorts
were purple her new outfit at the advanced
generation series when she meets up with ash and Brock and Hoenn consists of
yellow sleeveless vest with a dark blue but the dark blue collar red swimsuit
yellow shorts and whorin shoes personality misty has a slight
inferiority complex mostly due to the three older sister Daisy the oldest
violet second from oldest and Lily third from
oldest who formed the group the three sensational sisters their synchronized
swimming group and refers to misty as the run or the weaker one
this complex the mitten diminishes over time as misty grows closer to them until
resumes her duties at the cerulean sea gym leader her sisters were the ones who
directly ran the gym although Ashe although when ash came
along to get his cascade batch it was misty who battled him pour it explicitly
referring to herself as being one of the gym leaders during this instance misty
specializes mainly in water type Pokemon which are her favourite type but she's
had other types and she also deeply admires Laurel Laurel a as a ice type
pokemon trainer misty aims to become a world-class pokemon trainer and her well
trained pokemon reflects her aspirations of becoming so her least favorites have
a pokemon is the butt type pokemon a deep
as she is
now she has a deep-rooted fear of them except for the kind she sees as cute or
pretty however misty Misty's fear lessons over
the course of the series but is not to the point where she's totally gotten
over it as shown in a real cleffa anger as your series continues she gradually
shows herself to be kind and sensible sometimes she would restrain Brock from
girls off and pummel him away from that by the ear recommending him for his
behavior this trait continued with hit with the
friends who join ash on his journeys after she parted ways with him following
their journey through the johto reason misty is a great Fisher making good at
making lures for her fishing and an amazing battler due to being a gym
leader biography
misty can be very nice to her friends but will then quickly change moods in a
short amount of time particularly anger she is quite proficient in anything
having to do with water type with water as she can be seen in certain episodes
where she has the ability in fishing swimming an overall water type Pokemon
training even though she wanted to stay with ash misty felt obligated to watch
over the gym since her sisters would be gone on their world trip the two went
their separate ways and Misty resumed her duties as gym leader at Cerulean
City Gym advance generation series in this series misty wears a pale yellow
vest sleeveless jacket and a dark blue button and a collar of the same color
she wears yellow shorts a Princeton leotard under her vest and a burnt
orange high tops and white socks Missy only appeared as a guest star and
the remainder of the Pokemon series in one of her cameo appearances the indie
advanced generation series her togepi evolves into toget togetic mister
releases togetic after it chooses to stay behind to defend the mirage kingdom
and Togepi paradise
after ash finish finishes competing in the Hoenn league he returns home to
Pallet Town to find misty waiting for and however she isn't
the only one to rejoin ash May Max and Brock join him as well for the battle
frontier challenges she travels with the passion for two episodes and then
returns to her gym shortly afterwards misty returns alongside with Barak in
sm0 42 when ash returns to cancel after his travels in a low on for his school
project of his classmates she is one of the special guests along with Brock who
is one it is the one who pinched Brock's ear to meet up with him ash holding him
after the exploration she is the only one who releases a loli in Pokemon
compared to Kanto Pokemon and helping Lana to find her PO polio under the
depths of the lake she stays ELISA stars each a Brock's as crobat and Ash's like
an rock to rescue their friends Pokemon from Team Rocket the next day they
traveled to Cerulean City for extra curricular lessons and after Brock tells
ash about his younger brother Forrest who currently runs the patch where city
gym miss he tells them her sisters are travelling much to Brock's depression
in sm0 43 misty shows to them the inside of the newly rebuilt
Cerulean City Gym and became thankful for her Psyduck
to guard the gym she also uses this to battle against malos tini and Lena
Lana's papi Leo in a handicap but when Saida gets with a severe headache and to
unleashed confusion on both pokemon misty calms it despite it it hurts
its head misty later battles ash against using this website is so hard to read on
I apologize guys what does it say
she also reveals key stone hidden at the back of her hair clip of her ponytail as
she mega evolves her diary dos despite her strategy her mega guru dose
was defeated by Pikachu who uses the Z move the gigavolt hot - after giving
Lina Malo and Lily some Cascade badges she and Bronk will told by ash to visit
him at a low low which they agreed before ash and others depart misty
became interested in Ash's earring as she admits that she teases ash making
them laugh oh man that's cool Oh should we go through the trivia yeah
why not why not go clear trivia guys
by some trivia guys Missy is the first victim of a reoccurring gag in the enemy
where Ash's Pikachu destroys every main female characters bike this gag was also
transferred to Mei and Dawn however this gag did not affect iris
Bonnie or Serena because they did not have buns iris and Bonnie were shocked
directly by Pikachu while Serena wasn't shocked at all
all right that's pretty much it for today guys I really don't have any more
information about misty at this time I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video
thank you guys so much for watching my name is black Tarzan thank you guys so
much for watching I really appreciate it peace boots
For more infomation >> Ash PUMPS Misty's BUTT?! (Secrets Revealed!) - Duration: 25:18.-------------------------------------------
Terminal21 Pattaya Introduction of 2nd Floor #Terminal21Pattaya - Duration: 21:15.
Terminal 21 Pataya! Introduction of the second floor of Pattaya.
On this floor you will find casual clothes and nice clothes and shoes that you will wear when you dating.
Fashionable wallets and accessories are also on sale.
In the back block there are restaurants and taverns.
There is also a seafood buffet and a cool bar restaurant.Let's go!
How much is the buffet here?
It is 599 baht. Thank you very much
YOUNG AVENGERS ?? Top 5 Famous Superheroes Turned Out To Be LGBT - Duration: 6:51.
MovieDay OmLamis
The rise of discussion about LGBT in Indonesia made me wonder
Are there fictional characters like superheroes who also have LGBT?
The fact is, there is
Behind the figure of every super-strong hero who is famous
authoritative, handsome, beautiful and helpful
apparently some of them are LGBT people
The following is "5 superheroes who turned out to be LGBT"
Wiccan is a super hero and is a member of Young Avengers
a team of superheroes whose members are on average teenagers
Like the Avengers
Young Avengers also has the duty to protect and protect humans from enemy threats
Wiccan has the real name William "Billy" Kaplan
a mutant from an old man who is also a super hero
Scarlet Witch and Vision
At a glance Wiccan does look handsome and charming
but apparently this one super hero is actually a gay
He has a love relationship with Hulkling
which is his teammate at Young Avengers
If you want to know the romance of these two superheroes
You can browse by yourself, because I myself am not brave enough to see it
Hulkling is a super hero who is also a member of Young Avengers
Hulkling has a similar appearance and strength to the Hulk
but these two superheroes
has no family or love relationship at all
Hulkling is a shape shifter
has the ability to change shape and shape
Hulkling was born with the name Theodore "Teddy" Altman
his parents were aliens
As explained
Hulkling has a love relationship with Wiccan
is his teammate at Young Avengers
This means that Hulkling is gay
This super hero pair is known as
"The most famous gay couple in the Marvel world"
Batman itself first appeared in DC Comics in 1939
Following in the senior's footsteps, Robin appeared a year later
Many controversies arose at that time
many say that Batman and Robin are more than just superhero duos
and they are both gay couples
In 1956, Kate Kane was first introduced as Batwoman
as well as being a "love interest" for Batman
it aims to ward off the controversies
In 2006
Batwoman was reintroduced as a person of Jewish and lesbian descent
DC Comics editorial staff strives to diversify the world of DC comics
and also to be more connected to modern readers
Considering that lately there has been widespread exploitation of similar relationships such as lesbian and gay
Harley Quinn
Maybe many are confused why we put Harley Quinn on the list of superheroes
Harley Quinn itself is indeed a criminal
which is a "sidekick" of Batman's archenemy, Joker
But on several occasions
Harley Quinn has also helped Batman to capture the Joker
In some series like Suicide Squad
Harley and some other super villains instead become the main characters and heroes in the story
This series was taken to the big screen
Return to Harley Quinn
He is one of the most famous comic figures in the world DC
Harley Quinn was originally a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum
The Joker at that time became his patient
It's not Harley that makes the Joker sane
He was even made crazy by the Joker
Harley Quinn is known to have complicated love relationships with the Joker
At first glance, the Joker only uses Harley and doesn't hesitate to kill him
but on the other hand the Joker sometimes acts like a friend and lover
Harley Quinn is also known to have a love affair with Poison Ivy
this makes him one of the bisexual characters in the comic
Mystique's iconic appearance that has blue skin and yellow eyes
especially after the wide screen version by beautiful actress Jennifer Lawrence
make this super hero (or super villain) easy to recognize
The initial member of X-men has the shape shifter capability
make it can turn into anyone
Mystique is a transgender because of his abilities
He is a lesbian, together with his partner Destiny (Irene Adler)
Mystique even adopted a child who was also a mutant, Rogue
That was the five super pagans who turned out to be LGBT members as well
sorry if there is one that you like or your super hero
Don't forget to subscribe to the OmLamis channel
to get a video update about the next unique cool movie
SKETCHPAD: Is Artistic Anatomy Really Necessary? - Duration: 4:39.
If you were to ask me: Should I learn anatomy? I would say absolutely yes.
If you ask me is it absolutely necessary to learn anatomy? I would say: It all depends.
Knowing anatomy increases your
appreciation of the human form. It can also help with more difficult or unusual
poses. I can't say that I use Anatomy every moment when I draw but here and
there, usually at the joints or more difficult areas like the back muscles or
the forearms it really comes in handy. It also allows me to selectively emphasize
certain areas, muscle groups to make the form look more dynamic. That said
practiced artists are keen observers and can render very lifelike and
anatomically accurate drawings from the live model even without formal or
exhaustive anatomy training. In the same way, if you are a landscape painter you
wouldn't have to know that the terrain was made up of sandstone, limestone, iron
or quartz to render a beautiful scene. Now you can go through your whole career
as a figure artist or portraitist without ever cracking a book on anatomy.
however if you want to draw from imagination, whether it's an allegorical
theme, comic books or animation then the knowledge of anatomy is absolutely
crucial. Now I've spent most of my life drawing to figure without knowing
anatomy although I was always fascinated by the topic. I could render a pretty
decent figure but I felt that was being held back by my lack of knowledge.
So about 15 years ago I decided to knuckle down and teach myself anatomy.
I gave myself one year, one year to learn and memorize everything I could about
the bones and muscles of the body and how they worked, and I did it. I started
off with some very basic books books with fabulous illustrations and others
with lengthier texts. It was hard at first new terminology new concepts but
once I got through the first couple of books all subsequent books repeated much
of the same information. But they refreshed my knowledge and added new bits of
information not covered in my previous reading. If you were to ask me for the
three most essential books I would recommend these: Practical Art Anatomy by
E.G. Lutz is a great book for getting your feet wet. It's a very simple and easy to
read book. This book is also in the public domain and you can download it
for free from our website. The next book would be Classic Human
Anatomy by Valerie Winslow. This is a must-have book for every serious artist
interested in learning anatomy. It is beautifully balanced with both
great illustrations and well-written text. And finally Dr. Paul Richer's
Artistic Anatomy is an essential. Written with great medical specificity, the text
isn't easy but then again the real value of the book are the accurate
illustration plates of the bones and muscles. It's a book that I go back to
time and again for reference. As you can see my copy is pretty well beaten up
that's how often I've used it. I also try to simplify the information, For instance,
although there are 206 plus bones in the body there are really only about 26
totally unique bones. And while there are hundreds of muscles in the body there
are only about 56 visible muscles that concern the artist. Yes some of the study
of anatomy can be tedious, but it's also exciting knowing that at the end of your
studies you'll have this arsenal of knowledge that you can always
draw from. I'm Larry Withers and thanks for watching.
La Pastilla (Cortometraje) CLD - Duration: 4:45.
Terminal21 Pattaya Introduction of 2nd Floor #Terminal21Pattaya - Duration: 21:15.
Terminal 21 Pataya! Introduction of the second floor of Pattaya.
On this floor you will find casual clothes and nice clothes and shoes that you will wear when you dating.
Fashionable wallets and accessories are also on sale.
In the back block there are restaurants and taverns.
There is also a seafood buffet and a cool bar restaurant.Let's go!
How much is the buffet here?
It is 599 baht. Thank you very much
74 samponi protiv buha na psu brzo i ucinkovito rjesenja protiv buha na psu - Duration: 1:42.
You My Love The Latter - Duration: 4:39.
SKETCHPAD: Is Artistic Anatomy Really Necessary? - Duration: 4:39.
If you were to ask me: Should I learn anatomy? I would say absolutely yes.
If you ask me is it absolutely necessary to learn anatomy? I would say: It all depends.
Knowing anatomy increases your
appreciation of the human form. It can also help with more difficult or unusual
poses. I can't say that I use Anatomy every moment when I draw but here and
there, usually at the joints or more difficult areas like the back muscles or
the forearms it really comes in handy. It also allows me to selectively emphasize
certain areas, muscle groups to make the form look more dynamic. That said
practiced artists are keen observers and can render very lifelike and
anatomically accurate drawings from the live model even without formal or
exhaustive anatomy training. In the same way, if you are a landscape painter you
wouldn't have to know that the terrain was made up of sandstone, limestone, iron
or quartz to render a beautiful scene. Now you can go through your whole career
as a figure artist or portraitist without ever cracking a book on anatomy.
however if you want to draw from imagination, whether it's an allegorical
theme, comic books or animation then the knowledge of anatomy is absolutely
crucial. Now I've spent most of my life drawing to figure without knowing
anatomy although I was always fascinated by the topic. I could render a pretty
decent figure but I felt that was being held back by my lack of knowledge.
So about 15 years ago I decided to knuckle down and teach myself anatomy.
I gave myself one year, one year to learn and memorize everything I could about
the bones and muscles of the body and how they worked, and I did it. I started
off with some very basic books books with fabulous illustrations and others
with lengthier texts. It was hard at first new terminology new concepts but
once I got through the first couple of books all subsequent books repeated much
of the same information. But they refreshed my knowledge and added new bits of
information not covered in my previous reading. If you were to ask me for the
three most essential books I would recommend these: Practical Art Anatomy by
E.G. Lutz is a great book for getting your feet wet. It's a very simple and easy to
read book. This book is also in the public domain and you can download it
for free from our website. The next book would be Classic Human
Anatomy by Valerie Winslow. This is a must-have book for every serious artist
interested in learning anatomy. It is beautifully balanced with both
great illustrations and well-written text. And finally Dr. Paul Richer's
Artistic Anatomy is an essential. Written with great medical specificity, the text
isn't easy but then again the real value of the book are the accurate
illustration plates of the bones and muscles. It's a book that I go back to
time and again for reference. As you can see my copy is pretty well beaten up
that's how often I've used it. I also try to simplify the information, For instance,
although there are 206 plus bones in the body there are really only about 26
totally unique bones. And while there are hundreds of muscles in the body there
are only about 56 visible muscles that concern the artist. Yes some of the study
of anatomy can be tedious, but it's also exciting knowing that at the end of your
studies you'll have this arsenal of knowledge that you can always
draw from. I'm Larry Withers and thanks for watching.
Without a space shuttle or space uniform on you
What happens to your body when you are vulnerable? See.
In the previous video I explained the changes in the body during ordinary space missions
Click on the following pop-up notification at the top right.
Now without a defense shield like space suits and space shuttle
I will tell you what happens to your body when you step into space.
The short and essence is actually; you die in a very short time.
Due to the low pressure you will be exposed because there is no atmosphere layer in space
bubbles are formed in your body and you are a little swollen
but the good news is that you will not explode.
Another mistake that's supposed to be true
boiling temperature of liquids due to low pressure
is the idea that the blood in your body will begin to boil depending on its decline.
Yet even in the space environment where pressure is zero
The internal pressure of your body is maintained.
Again, the body does not freeze at once.
Do not freeze, because your space is a vacuum that gives your body a freeze
body temperature should be transferred to another substance
there is no material capable of transmitting in a much cooler space environment.
Outside International Space Station
and the remaining parts of the shade can reach -200 degrees Celsius.
The average temperature in space is -271 degrees Celsius.
What exactly is your body?
The whole air in your body escapes into space
and 15 seconds to be stuffy.
You won't get oxygen into your brain
You will lose consciousness after 15 seconds.
Your blood vessels outside the body
starts to crack due to excessive low pressure
and your body fluids begin to boil at body temperature.
For example, your saliva.
After all, you'il be dead in a few minutes.
All of this will be roasted because of excessive radiation from space.
As we have seen, human species can be the smartest species on the planet
but certainly not in the first place in the ranking of durable creatures.
You can also comment on your comments in this section.
And if you like the video, don't forget to press the like button.
Our space series will continue.
Subscribe here to follow our next videos
and be aware of upcoming videos by turning on the notification ringer next to it. Thanks.
Volkswagen Jetta 1.2 TSI Trendline airco, trekhaak, audio/cd, cruise control, 4x elektr ramen, - Duration: 1:08.
Hammer Candlestick Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 13:03.
Hammer Candlestick Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi
YOUNG AVENGERS ?? Top 5 Famous Superheroes Turned Out To Be LGBT - Duration: 6:51.
MovieDay OmLamis
The rise of discussion about LGBT in Indonesia made me wonder
Are there fictional characters like superheroes who also have LGBT?
The fact is, there is
Behind the figure of every super-strong hero who is famous
authoritative, handsome, beautiful and helpful
apparently some of them are LGBT people
The following is "5 superheroes who turned out to be LGBT"
Wiccan is a super hero and is a member of Young Avengers
a team of superheroes whose members are on average teenagers
Like the Avengers
Young Avengers also has the duty to protect and protect humans from enemy threats
Wiccan has the real name William "Billy" Kaplan
a mutant from an old man who is also a super hero
Scarlet Witch and Vision
At a glance Wiccan does look handsome and charming
but apparently this one super hero is actually a gay
He has a love relationship with Hulkling
which is his teammate at Young Avengers
If you want to know the romance of these two superheroes
You can browse by yourself, because I myself am not brave enough to see it
Hulkling is a super hero who is also a member of Young Avengers
Hulkling has a similar appearance and strength to the Hulk
but these two superheroes
has no family or love relationship at all
Hulkling is a shape shifter
has the ability to change shape and shape
Hulkling was born with the name Theodore "Teddy" Altman
his parents were aliens
As explained
Hulkling has a love relationship with Wiccan
is his teammate at Young Avengers
This means that Hulkling is gay
This super hero pair is known as
"The most famous gay couple in the Marvel world"
Batman itself first appeared in DC Comics in 1939
Following in the senior's footsteps, Robin appeared a year later
Many controversies arose at that time
many say that Batman and Robin are more than just superhero duos
and they are both gay couples
In 1956, Kate Kane was first introduced as Batwoman
as well as being a "love interest" for Batman
it aims to ward off the controversies
In 2006
Batwoman was reintroduced as a person of Jewish and lesbian descent
DC Comics editorial staff strives to diversify the world of DC comics
and also to be more connected to modern readers
Considering that lately there has been widespread exploitation of similar relationships such as lesbian and gay
Harley Quinn
Maybe many are confused why we put Harley Quinn on the list of superheroes
Harley Quinn itself is indeed a criminal
which is a "sidekick" of Batman's archenemy, Joker
But on several occasions
Harley Quinn has also helped Batman to capture the Joker
In some series like Suicide Squad
Harley and some other super villains instead become the main characters and heroes in the story
This series was taken to the big screen
Return to Harley Quinn
He is one of the most famous comic figures in the world DC
Harley Quinn was originally a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum
The Joker at that time became his patient
It's not Harley that makes the Joker sane
He was even made crazy by the Joker
Harley Quinn is known to have complicated love relationships with the Joker
At first glance, the Joker only uses Harley and doesn't hesitate to kill him
but on the other hand the Joker sometimes acts like a friend and lover
Harley Quinn is also known to have a love affair with Poison Ivy
this makes him one of the bisexual characters in the comic
Mystique's iconic appearance that has blue skin and yellow eyes
especially after the wide screen version by beautiful actress Jennifer Lawrence
make this super hero (or super villain) easy to recognize
The initial member of X-men has the shape shifter capability
make it can turn into anyone
Mystique is a transgender because of his abilities
He is a lesbian, together with his partner Destiny (Irene Adler)
Mystique even adopted a child who was also a mutant, Rogue
That was the five super pagans who turned out to be LGBT members as well
sorry if there is one that you like or your super hero
Don't forget to subscribe to the OmLamis channel
to get a video update about the next unique cool movie
"I Had Not Thought to See Thy Face" Rejoice in the Lord with Pastor Denis McBride - Duration: 35:40.
Người Lạ Thoáng Qua - Khởi My I Lyric I Cover hay nhất - Duration: 4:00.
Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI GO! 1.6i GDI Go! Nieuw model|Org NL|Navi|Cruise|Camera - Duration: 1:08.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 X-WAVE I Cabrio I Parkeer camera I LM-Velgen - Duration: 1:07.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY **NAVI**Achteruitrijcamera** - Duration: 1:11.
解放軍又一艘明星戰艦服役,起的名字讓某國聽了心塞 - Duration: 3:32.
Terminal21 Pattaya Introduction of 2nd Floor #Terminal21Pattaya - Duration: 21:15.
Terminal 21 Pataya! Introduction of the second floor of Pattaya.
On this floor you will find casual clothes and nice clothes and shoes that you will wear when you dating.
Fashionable wallets and accessories are also on sale.
In the back block there are restaurants and taverns.
There is also a seafood buffet and a cool bar restaurant.Let's go!
How much is the buffet here?
It is 599 baht. Thank you very much
free xbox live gold or how to get free xbox codes and free xbox codes live New!!! - Duration: 2:56.
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DO DON'T LOOK 👌 ! Spongebob In Real Life - VRChat *Oof Hoother WASTED* - Duration: 9:28.
this video you should do it you should treat
equip me gone you should kill
What's in the head?... oh...
ooooh Spongebob!
Omg! Nah...fin?
Oh nices
like making white
okay that was nice okay that that was okay okay
that could be a little bit a lot worse
what's gonna be there? A krasty Krub?
Burger mmmm
cool, like
eh that's. .that's enough
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
kind of means and good enjoying awkward enjoy I'm sorry
Oh, what is in there?
Let's see what is in the box?
just punch me already, just punch me
Oooooh No got him
hello thanks
you can't give me up to three
that's actually pretty good
but you got VR just because of that
oh you got me
this time
you got me friend
Oooh my god
you got me good
What's in here?
No. I don't want it
I'm scared
Oh *laught*
HoHo..How. .Dab
open open
Uh Jesus
Wtf why?
God damnit
wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary
wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary
wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary wake up Gary
#6 Texas versus Oklahoma State - Duration: 1:36.
Apps You Shouldn't Have On Your Smartphone | Moni Legendary - Duration: 1:41.
อ.ประมวล เพ็งจันทร์ - ลงมือ (DO IT NOW) - Duration: 7:47.
HAPPY FRIDAY AFTERNOON - VLOG #14 - Duration: 9:30.
You My Love The Latter - Duration: 4:39.
占卜:婚后的你能够做主吗?早测试早知道! - Duration: 6:54.
How To Clean a Derma Roller After Use - Duration: 2:10.
In today's video I'm going to be showing you how to clean your derma roller at home. It's an important step
So let's get stuck into it
Hey guys
I'm Storm Watson, founder of the skin educator and every single week I bring you skin videos that are going to help you
Heal your skin conditions and maintain healthy clear skin
So be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified
when I upload each Sunday. Dermal Rolling is an amazing treatment you can do in the comfort of your own home if you're after a
Tutorial on how to use a derma roller at home then make sure to check out my video from last week
I'll pop that in the description below for you guys to watch after this video, but in today's video
I'm actually going to be showing you how to clean your derma rollers at home
Sometimes we do get irritation on the skin and if you are using a derma roller
That could actually be the cause if you're not cleaning it
So it's really important to clean it two to three times a week and in this video
I'm going to be showing you how
So what I do to clean my derma roller at home is I use some warm water
some tea tree as it's antiseptic and anti bacterial and I mix these together. Then I'll use a toothbrush not used and
Just wipe over the roller with a diluted tea tree. Now. This is super easy and affordable and it'll keep your roller
really clean
You can swish it through if you need to and just leave it to dry overnight
If you're applying the serums first to the skin before derma rolling, then it's so important that your roller is clean
So clean this twice a week and by cleaning your roller, it will prevent any irritation happening on your skin
So now you guys know how to clean your derma roller at home
Make sure to comment down below if you're going to be doing this at home
It's so affordable! If you guys are wondering what serums to use with your derma roller
I do have an active ingredient guide that might be great for you, just download that one down below
And I'll also explain what kind of serums would be best for your skin condition
If you guys liked this video
Please make sure to give it a like, subscribe and share with your friends, and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye
YOUNG AVENGERS ?? Top 5 Famous Superheroes Turned Out To Be LGBT - Duration: 6:51.
MovieDay OmLamis
The rise of discussion about LGBT in Indonesia made me wonder
Are there fictional characters like superheroes who also have LGBT?
The fact is, there is
Behind the figure of every super-strong hero who is famous
authoritative, handsome, beautiful and helpful
apparently some of them are LGBT people
The following is "5 superheroes who turned out to be LGBT"
Wiccan is a super hero and is a member of Young Avengers
a team of superheroes whose members are on average teenagers
Like the Avengers
Young Avengers also has the duty to protect and protect humans from enemy threats
Wiccan has the real name William "Billy" Kaplan
a mutant from an old man who is also a super hero
Scarlet Witch and Vision
At a glance Wiccan does look handsome and charming
but apparently this one super hero is actually a gay
He has a love relationship with Hulkling
which is his teammate at Young Avengers
If you want to know the romance of these two superheroes
You can browse by yourself, because I myself am not brave enough to see it
Hulkling is a super hero who is also a member of Young Avengers
Hulkling has a similar appearance and strength to the Hulk
but these two superheroes
has no family or love relationship at all
Hulkling is a shape shifter
has the ability to change shape and shape
Hulkling was born with the name Theodore "Teddy" Altman
his parents were aliens
As explained
Hulkling has a love relationship with Wiccan
is his teammate at Young Avengers
This means that Hulkling is gay
This super hero pair is known as
"The most famous gay couple in the Marvel world"
Batman itself first appeared in DC Comics in 1939
Following in the senior's footsteps, Robin appeared a year later
Many controversies arose at that time
many say that Batman and Robin are more than just superhero duos
and they are both gay couples
In 1956, Kate Kane was first introduced as Batwoman
as well as being a "love interest" for Batman
it aims to ward off the controversies
In 2006
Batwoman was reintroduced as a person of Jewish and lesbian descent
DC Comics editorial staff strives to diversify the world of DC comics
and also to be more connected to modern readers
Considering that lately there has been widespread exploitation of similar relationships such as lesbian and gay
Harley Quinn
Maybe many are confused why we put Harley Quinn on the list of superheroes
Harley Quinn itself is indeed a criminal
which is a "sidekick" of Batman's archenemy, Joker
But on several occasions
Harley Quinn has also helped Batman to capture the Joker
In some series like Suicide Squad
Harley and some other super villains instead become the main characters and heroes in the story
This series was taken to the big screen
Return to Harley Quinn
He is one of the most famous comic figures in the world DC
Harley Quinn was originally a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum
The Joker at that time became his patient
It's not Harley that makes the Joker sane
He was even made crazy by the Joker
Harley Quinn is known to have complicated love relationships with the Joker
At first glance, the Joker only uses Harley and doesn't hesitate to kill him
but on the other hand the Joker sometimes acts like a friend and lover
Harley Quinn is also known to have a love affair with Poison Ivy
this makes him one of the bisexual characters in the comic
Mystique's iconic appearance that has blue skin and yellow eyes
especially after the wide screen version by beautiful actress Jennifer Lawrence
make this super hero (or super villain) easy to recognize
The initial member of X-men has the shape shifter capability
make it can turn into anyone
Mystique is a transgender because of his abilities
He is a lesbian, together with his partner Destiny (Irene Adler)
Mystique even adopted a child who was also a mutant, Rogue
That was the five super pagans who turned out to be LGBT members as well
sorry if there is one that you like or your super hero
Don't forget to subscribe to the OmLamis channel
to get a video update about the next unique cool movie
驚人的評價!和中國打過仗的美國老兵 在年老後終於說出了心目中的中國軍人! - Duration: 4:18.
軍艦受損緊急回航 大兵上吐下瀉腳發軟 美帝艦隊「威震全球」! - Duration: 2:34.
解放軍萬噸巨艦挺進美國後院,乾了美軍沒幹的事,國際社會一致叫好 - Duration: 6:30.
Sônia Abrão desabafa sobre a luta contra o câncer no Sensacional - Duration: 1:38.
"Cárcel, hospital o muerte...": ¡Moria Casán habló de una primerísima figura y fue contundente! - Duration: 4:10.
Tigres 2-2 Lobos BUAP – GOLES – RESUMEN – LIGA MX – DECIMOCUARTA FECHA - Duration: 1:26.
Beto O'Rourke mural in East Austin vandalized - Duration: 0:25.
Saturday night high school football highlights: October 27, 2018 - Duration: 1:04.
You My Love The Latter - Duration: 4:39.
Ash PUMPS Misty's BUTT?! (Secrets Revealed!) - Duration: 25:18.
hello how are you guys doing today my name is black Tarzan and today I'm super
excited to bring you this brand new video of ash pumping Misty's but I know
what you guys are thinking Wow does Ashley really pump Misty's but it
like can you show this on YouTube yeah I can and if you guys want to see it you
all you have to do is just follow the four steps that I'm about to tell you
and you will be able to see this amazing clip because you know YouTube lets me
program the YouTube algorithm lets me program all my videos to not show you
certain video footage unless you do what I say it's a feature only available to
those people who have like really high amounts of subscribers you know I have
like 87 thousand subscribers so obviously it lets me do it
so yeah so to be able to see ash pumping Misty's but all you have to do is number
one you have to be subscribed with notifications turned on number two you
have to like or dislike this video number three you have to just leave me a
comment and then number four you have to share the video I'm gonna be listing all
the instructions down below in the description if you guys can't hear me
very well or I'll leave it in the I'll also leave
a comment just in case you know you guys get really lost so yeah go ahead do all
those steps subscribe the notification is turned on be sure to like this video
leave a comment and share this video and you will be able to see Ash and Misty
having some smoky time so definitely be sure to do that anyway let's get right
into the video let's go
okay so before I show you guys the clip of Ash and Misty you know of ash pump
and Misty's but let's first talk about misty because we have to understand the
important story that goes behind this now misty first appeared in like the
first or second episode of Pokemon you know we saw her she was like ash Ash's
Pikachu was hurt and Ash had some problems and he needed some help so you
know misty had a bike and ash was like don't miss can I get you a bike and
misty was like no but ash was it you know he's a straight-up thug he doesn't
care about nothing so he just went in a few collab Misty's
bike he just sped away with it I mean this is like it's crazy I mean like
people in the hood do this all the time but ash is about a straight-up you know
just go to light a poor innocent girl who can't even defend herself and
literally still it was bike I mean a lot of people just thought oh it's a cartoon
but you know I should have been more you know responsible he maybe should have
asked for permission or rented it you can't just go up to someone and just
like legit just like taking steal their bike like that's kind of messed up but
yeah you know ash he just you know I'm saying he just went up and he took her
by anyway so after that he speeds into the the forest and you guys know what
happens I mean you can watch the second episode of Pokemon I'm not gonna go over
most of you are younger though I mean I'll tell you there's this term called
Gen one or like I'm a gen Warner it's like you you y'all kids need to go out
there and you'll need a watch the first season a Pokemon if you haven't because
it's really good I think it's I mean I like the new ones too
get me wrong that the old ones also have a special thing to it I think a lot of
people take the old Pokemon episodes for granted but those were hyped to guys
like not gonna lie anyway so we don't see misty for a long time and then you
know later up in a couple of episodes ash nice Missy again and she's like yo
can I have my bike back ash is like yo I'm sorry your bike got trashed like I
don't know what to tell you mr. like your buddy got crashed I you know burned
it and I don't have the money to pay you back and so misty was like alright then
you know you don't have the money to pay me back I'm gonna have to follow you and
be your companion and go everywhere with you and don't second-guess these guys
you know it's it's October over here so it's kneading season
I'm not sick and just just needed I mean I'm just blowing my nose all right
anyway so it's kind of weird she's like well if you don't have the money for my
bike I'll just follow you around and we can just do stuff together and you know
a lot of slow curious because they're like two young people and they're
traveling around the world together so I mean one has to wonder what goes on
after hours you don't like what happens and so that's why I made this video to
show you because the creators of Pokemon just released this new footage of Ash
and Misty just going at it so remember guys if you want to see this clip you
got a number one subscribe and because I'm about to show it right now so the
final warning is number one you need to be subscribed to the black Tarzan
channel but the notifications turned on number two you need to either like or
dislike this video number three you need to leave a comment and before you need
what do you need to do
number four you need to share this video
now some of you guys on the last video we're having some technical difficulties
and I am going to tell you that if it doesn't work with the first account now
some of you are mobile some of you are on a laptop or a desktop or a tablet or
whatever Kindle or Kindle Fire or whatever anyway what's going on is if
you're on mobile because most people use mobile and it doesn't work for you
create a new account or use like your mom your sister your brother whatever is
account sign in subscribe and do all the steps and then refit but like close and
open the video and restart the app or a browser or whatever and it should work
for your computer you know restart your browser try with a different account and
it should work there's no reason it shouldn't work a lot of people who are
just saying that in the comments are really literally just trolling there's a
lot of trolls on my channel but it will work for you so just keep subscribing
make new accounts or whatever and yet you should be able to see it because I'm
not just gonna give it I'm not just gonna show you this content free because
you know I worked hard to find this I had to contact a lot of like Pokemon
officials and secret you know Pokemon agents so I'm not just gonna release it
to you guys for like nothing I mean that doesn't make no sense so go ahead and
I'll people probably provide a technical support in the comments so let me know
yeah anyway you know I think Ash and Misty are going to have a very
successful future together I mean I do end up seeing ash proposing
to misty and then getting getting married you know it's a possibility that
could happen so don't think I mean in my opinion some people say like he might be
with another female in Pokemon anime but I mean there's some good competition I
mean you got Serena which the story people people made Pokemon literally
change the whole story they put her back in his childhood
just to like introduce Serena so Serena's like the huge competition and
right now 50/50 split I really don't know is it going to be missed you or is
there gonna be sore arena or is it gonna be may I I don't think it's gonna be me
it could be it could be there's some I've been poking some strings here I did
make a video about hash in May I made a video about all the pokemon female urges
but I did make a video about ash in May so it could happen guys leave me a
comment below like saying who you think ash is gonna end up with because it's
very hard to protect us in the future but Misty is like one of those special
characters because they brought her back I need ash and miss you were super
friends and they brought her back to the new Aloha series Pokemon anime so what
does that tell you I mean that tells you that misty was a huge and super
important character in the anime that they were gonna even bring her back as a
new special character they didn't even do that - Serena forget sir they didn't
really do it
yeah guys just I literally I just woke up I was like I'm gonna make this video
because a lot of people need to see this new leaked footage so that's why I kind
of wait for Bellefleur it's literally
it's like 9 a.m. I woke up like 2 hours ago
I'm starting to get better with my sleep patterns and I'm starting to take care
of myself and actually go to sleep on time so that's the best plus I really
don't know what else I should say on this video I mean I've gone through a
lot of other things yeah
all right so let's go over misty
misty is a character whose first appearance was in the very first episode
of the anime series in the first episode she first meets ash after fishing out of
the water when she was trying to get away from the Frank espero ashlynn takes
Misty's bike from her in order to escape the sparrow which is then wrecked by
pikachu thunder shirt misty then tracks down ash and all his adventures
until he can pay her back up although she eventually forgets about the body
and becomes one of Ash's closest friends in the process however at the end of
their journey through Johto region Misty's bike has been fully repaired as
she departs to return home to swimming suit to assume her duties at agenda
she's currently a Cerulean City junior after the older sisters
misty has short hair orange hair tied into a side ponytail she has green eyes
and fair skin she wears a yellow tank top that shows her midriff red
suspenders blue denim shorts that stop her at her thighs and red sneakers with
yellow lining and white laces her whole midriff is showing but her bellybutton
is usually not grown on however it is visible when she is in her two-piece
swimsuit in Sun moon she later maintains her original outfit
in her return to Pokemon series Sun and Moon beneath her outfit is her strapless
two-piece swimsuit which is worn by her counterpart in both games pokémon red
and blue in SM 43 when Regents collide misty has a key stone hidden at the back
of her ponytail in one episode in pokémon chronicles her primaries hop is
replaced with a yellow sleeveless hoodie shirt but maintains her denim shorts
with her sneakers from her primary outfit and color of her denim shorts
were purple her new outfit at the advanced
generation series when she meets up with ash and Brock and Hoenn consists of
yellow sleeveless vest with a dark blue but the dark blue collar red swimsuit
yellow shorts and whorin shoes personality misty has a slight
inferiority complex mostly due to the three older sister Daisy the oldest
violet second from oldest and Lily third from
oldest who formed the group the three sensational sisters their synchronized
swimming group and refers to misty as the run or the weaker one
this complex the mitten diminishes over time as misty grows closer to them until
resumes her duties at the cerulean sea gym leader her sisters were the ones who
directly ran the gym although Ashe although when ash came
along to get his cascade batch it was misty who battled him pour it explicitly
referring to herself as being one of the gym leaders during this instance misty
specializes mainly in water type Pokemon which are her favourite type but she's
had other types and she also deeply admires Laurel Laurel a as a ice type
pokemon trainer misty aims to become a world-class pokemon trainer and her well
trained pokemon reflects her aspirations of becoming so her least favorites have
a pokemon is the butt type pokemon a deep
as she is
now she has a deep-rooted fear of them except for the kind she sees as cute or
pretty however misty Misty's fear lessons over
the course of the series but is not to the point where she's totally gotten
over it as shown in a real cleffa anger as your series continues she gradually
shows herself to be kind and sensible sometimes she would restrain Brock from
girls off and pummel him away from that by the ear recommending him for his
behavior this trait continued with hit with the
friends who join ash on his journeys after she parted ways with him following
their journey through the johto reason misty is a great Fisher making good at
making lures for her fishing and an amazing battler due to being a gym
leader biography
misty can be very nice to her friends but will then quickly change moods in a
short amount of time particularly anger she is quite proficient in anything
having to do with water type with water as she can be seen in certain episodes
where she has the ability in fishing swimming an overall water type Pokemon
training even though she wanted to stay with ash misty felt obligated to watch
over the gym since her sisters would be gone on their world trip the two went
their separate ways and Misty resumed her duties as gym leader at Cerulean
City Gym advance generation series in this series misty wears a pale yellow
vest sleeveless jacket and a dark blue button and a collar of the same color
she wears yellow shorts a Princeton leotard under her vest and a burnt
orange high tops and white socks Missy only appeared as a guest star and
the remainder of the Pokemon series in one of her cameo appearances the indie
advanced generation series her togepi evolves into toget togetic mister
releases togetic after it chooses to stay behind to defend the mirage kingdom
and Togepi paradise
after ash finish finishes competing in the Hoenn league he returns home to
Pallet Town to find misty waiting for and however she isn't
the only one to rejoin ash May Max and Brock join him as well for the battle
frontier challenges she travels with the passion for two episodes and then
returns to her gym shortly afterwards misty returns alongside with Barak in
sm0 42 when ash returns to cancel after his travels in a low on for his school
project of his classmates she is one of the special guests along with Brock who
is one it is the one who pinched Brock's ear to meet up with him ash holding him
after the exploration she is the only one who releases a loli in Pokemon
compared to Kanto Pokemon and helping Lana to find her PO polio under the
depths of the lake she stays ELISA stars each a Brock's as crobat and Ash's like
an rock to rescue their friends Pokemon from Team Rocket the next day they
traveled to Cerulean City for extra curricular lessons and after Brock tells
ash about his younger brother Forrest who currently runs the patch where city
gym miss he tells them her sisters are travelling much to Brock's depression
in sm0 43 misty shows to them the inside of the newly rebuilt
Cerulean City Gym and became thankful for her Psyduck
to guard the gym she also uses this to battle against malos tini and Lena
Lana's papi Leo in a handicap but when Saida gets with a severe headache and to
unleashed confusion on both pokemon misty calms it despite it it hurts
its head misty later battles ash against using this website is so hard to read on
I apologize guys what does it say
she also reveals key stone hidden at the back of her hair clip of her ponytail as
she mega evolves her diary dos despite her strategy her mega guru dose
was defeated by Pikachu who uses the Z move the gigavolt hot - after giving
Lina Malo and Lily some Cascade badges she and Bronk will told by ash to visit
him at a low low which they agreed before ash and others depart misty
became interested in Ash's earring as she admits that she teases ash making
them laugh oh man that's cool Oh should we go through the trivia yeah
why not why not go clear trivia guys
by some trivia guys Missy is the first victim of a reoccurring gag in the enemy
where Ash's Pikachu destroys every main female characters bike this gag was also
transferred to Mei and Dawn however this gag did not affect iris
Bonnie or Serena because they did not have buns iris and Bonnie were shocked
directly by Pikachu while Serena wasn't shocked at all
all right that's pretty much it for today guys I really don't have any more
information about misty at this time I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video
thank you guys so much for watching my name is black Tarzan thank you guys so
much for watching I really appreciate it peace boots
Without a space shuttle or space uniform on you
What happens to your body when you are vulnerable? See.
In the previous video I explained the changes in the body during ordinary space missions
Click on the following pop-up notification at the top right.
Now without a defense shield like space suits and space shuttle
I will tell you what happens to your body when you step into space.
The short and essence is actually; you die in a very short time.
Due to the low pressure you will be exposed because there is no atmosphere layer in space
bubbles are formed in your body and you are a little swollen
but the good news is that you will not explode.
Another mistake that's supposed to be true
boiling temperature of liquids due to low pressure
is the idea that the blood in your body will begin to boil depending on its decline.
Yet even in the space environment where pressure is zero
The internal pressure of your body is maintained.
Again, the body does not freeze at once.
Do not freeze, because your space is a vacuum that gives your body a freeze
body temperature should be transferred to another substance
there is no material capable of transmitting in a much cooler space environment.
Outside International Space Station
and the remaining parts of the shade can reach -200 degrees Celsius.
The average temperature in space is -271 degrees Celsius.
What exactly is your body?
The whole air in your body escapes into space
and 15 seconds to be stuffy.
You won't get oxygen into your brain
You will lose consciousness after 15 seconds.
Your blood vessels outside the body
starts to crack due to excessive low pressure
and your body fluids begin to boil at body temperature.
For example, your saliva.
After all, you'il be dead in a few minutes.
All of this will be roasted because of excessive radiation from space.
As we have seen, human species can be the smartest species on the planet
but certainly not in the first place in the ranking of durable creatures.
You can also comment on your comments in this section.
And if you like the video, don't forget to press the like button.
Our space series will continue.
Subscribe here to follow our next videos
and be aware of upcoming videos by turning on the notification ringer next to it. Thanks.
YOUNG AVENGERS ?? Top 5 Famous Superheroes Turned Out To Be LGBT - Duration: 6:51.
MovieDay OmLamis
The rise of discussion about LGBT in Indonesia made me wonder
Are there fictional characters like superheroes who also have LGBT?
The fact is, there is
Behind the figure of every super-strong hero who is famous
authoritative, handsome, beautiful and helpful
apparently some of them are LGBT people
The following is "5 superheroes who turned out to be LGBT"
Wiccan is a super hero and is a member of Young Avengers
a team of superheroes whose members are on average teenagers
Like the Avengers
Young Avengers also has the duty to protect and protect humans from enemy threats
Wiccan has the real name William "Billy" Kaplan
a mutant from an old man who is also a super hero
Scarlet Witch and Vision
At a glance Wiccan does look handsome and charming
but apparently this one super hero is actually a gay
He has a love relationship with Hulkling
which is his teammate at Young Avengers
If you want to know the romance of these two superheroes
You can browse by yourself, because I myself am not brave enough to see it
Hulkling is a super hero who is also a member of Young Avengers
Hulkling has a similar appearance and strength to the Hulk
but these two superheroes
has no family or love relationship at all
Hulkling is a shape shifter
has the ability to change shape and shape
Hulkling was born with the name Theodore "Teddy" Altman
his parents were aliens
As explained
Hulkling has a love relationship with Wiccan
is his teammate at Young Avengers
This means that Hulkling is gay
This super hero pair is known as
"The most famous gay couple in the Marvel world"
Batman itself first appeared in DC Comics in 1939
Following in the senior's footsteps, Robin appeared a year later
Many controversies arose at that time
many say that Batman and Robin are more than just superhero duos
and they are both gay couples
In 1956, Kate Kane was first introduced as Batwoman
as well as being a "love interest" for Batman
it aims to ward off the controversies
In 2006
Batwoman was reintroduced as a person of Jewish and lesbian descent
DC Comics editorial staff strives to diversify the world of DC comics
and also to be more connected to modern readers
Considering that lately there has been widespread exploitation of similar relationships such as lesbian and gay
Harley Quinn
Maybe many are confused why we put Harley Quinn on the list of superheroes
Harley Quinn itself is indeed a criminal
which is a "sidekick" of Batman's archenemy, Joker
But on several occasions
Harley Quinn has also helped Batman to capture the Joker
In some series like Suicide Squad
Harley and some other super villains instead become the main characters and heroes in the story
This series was taken to the big screen
Return to Harley Quinn
He is one of the most famous comic figures in the world DC
Harley Quinn was originally a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum
The Joker at that time became his patient
It's not Harley that makes the Joker sane
He was even made crazy by the Joker
Harley Quinn is known to have complicated love relationships with the Joker
At first glance, the Joker only uses Harley and doesn't hesitate to kill him
but on the other hand the Joker sometimes acts like a friend and lover
Harley Quinn is also known to have a love affair with Poison Ivy
this makes him one of the bisexual characters in the comic
Mystique's iconic appearance that has blue skin and yellow eyes
especially after the wide screen version by beautiful actress Jennifer Lawrence
make this super hero (or super villain) easy to recognize
The initial member of X-men has the shape shifter capability
make it can turn into anyone
Mystique is a transgender because of his abilities
He is a lesbian, together with his partner Destiny (Irene Adler)
Mystique even adopted a child who was also a mutant, Rogue
That was the five super pagans who turned out to be LGBT members as well
sorry if there is one that you like or your super hero
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