In today's world,
there's an essential element to daily,
Energizing source of light,
it's a source of life,
social bond,
and technology.
Once put in service of peoples
it promotes access to health,
drinking water,
individual development
and that of our societies.
Once sun is gone,
that moon hardly shines
light becomes artificial,
it's electric and abundant.
Abundant ?
Not sure
and not for everyone.
Personally, I saw light in Brazzaville.
Colonist light.
As before,
we're in total darkness.
When moon was full,
it's there, all village and kids--
were in joy.
We'd chatter,
we'd scream, we'd do everything
when moon was full but--
when there's no moon at night,
it was darkness,
and silence.
From space and in night,
earth is luminous.
The planet is lighted and yet on globe surface
areas are plunged into darkness,
recalling that 60% of African peoples are concerned.
In this percentage,
those from Congo-Brazzaville.
We'll try to talk about current,
in general and especially
- Brazzaville. - In district, there's few cuts.
We can't talk about other areas.
- We've to say it. - Load shedding is all over.
In Nfilou, we know what's going on.
After Liberty, we know what's going on.
I've got a brother living there. They're my cousins.
it's been 6 months, They've got no electricity.
It's night. We worry about the darkness.
That's right.
We feel
There's no electricity.
I was born over there,
in hospital of a country that joins this plane,
in a country, which I've only got a few memories.
But idea of meeting my homeland never left me.
It's a return.
A return to roots to see where I'm from.
To understand Congolese life,
often described to me as being rhythmed by load shedding.
I was born African.
I became French very early.
Very young.
And I don't know, what happens to people in the capital
that we fly over.
So, maybe a clash of cultures is waiting for me,
that it's like a confrontation with myself,
with my own ideas ?
For the moment,
my flight ends on this runway on the approach.
The 23 R
of Maya Maya airport.
Welcome to Brazzaville,
in Republic of Congo.
We call it "Green Brazza"
My mother city, built both
as heiress of an ancient architecture
of a French colonial past
still present,
mixing today with modern urbanism.
And very quickly.
I'm trapped in meshes of working class districts.
trapped under woven wires of electrical wiring
Electricity problem
remains a major stalemate
in our district
in particular, but it must be said
throughout Brazzaville. This is because,
it's not only in district of Talangaï.
Where this problem is lacking.
In Brazzaville,
we've got current
in certain area--
of lightning, that we're call "Strong districts"
Poto-Poto, we've got power.
There's Moungali.
There's Ouenze.
There's a small part of Talangaï.
There're some lanes, you walk--
3, 4 lanes
you see light bulbs it's like candles.
You're walking 4, 3 lanes, there's not current.
They've a generator set.
The other lanes have current.
We miss it.
There's always a lack.
Some missing.
Why is it missing ? That's because
we had
a logic
of load shedding to report.
This logic,
which isn't well lived by population,
cause a--
a annoyance--
daily. An annoyance--
of all the time, and people are tired.
In my district, when there's no electricity
and there's current in the neighbor's house,
it hurts my heart.
I envy them because they've got current
and I don't.
It pisses me off.
We can't afford to buy a generator set,
but we can pay bills.
When current goes,
it makes me want--
to rebel because we're in dark.
I walked first nights to get lost in darkness,
crossing human silhouettes distinguished
by cars headlights,
failing to be so by lamps that stand up,
inoperative at night.
I can't deny
that there's a few electricity. Because--
it happens that--
part of the district
is lighted--
because of their turn.
But two days later,
they're in difficulty
in this part of district,
to the benefit of the other part of district.
In my area,
we've got a transformer.
In this transformer,
several departures,
we've got 350
to 400, even 500 houses
to supply
it's not a really efficient transformer,
which could possibly
control 500 houses.
Maybe it's a transformer to supply
250 or 200 houses.
I came to appropriate myself,
to reappropriate my hometown.
To be at home
and let myself be swallowed up in a problem,
that at this moment,
is beyond me.
There're some really good lanes.
Cuts once, twice a week.
But we've got certain districts
it's practically
usually every 2 days
you've got at least 4 hours without electricity.
At 6 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm, it's coming back.
Since, we're in this kind of situation
The NSE agents
have implemented a load shedding system.
Other departures
which are in the same transformer as us,
they're cut off for--
one day. One day on one.
Today, they can have electricity
and tomorrow there's none.
So on and on. Borough is wide.
It has several districts.
So, it's in turn
that districts of this borough
get electricity.
It isn't only stars that light up
earth plunged into the night,
since from space city lights are pervasive
and glittering,
offering a marvelous look on our planet,
where certain areas are choked,
burned by man's light
and their nocturnal activities.
I take countries like France, United States.
these countries are very wealthy, very strong,
are very developed, because
electricity is masterpiece.
A masterpiece, that I've benefited since my childhood,
allowing me to live
a different reality,
than this little Congolese.
This way of surviving,
until then, hasn't come to end.
That's why. Us who are here,
we describe, these load shedding.
What's bothering us today, it's--
It's those load shedding over and over again.
Otherwise for progress. There's a small one.
The globe continues to turn inexorably,
Lights show a brilliant spectacle,
while down, energy inequalities sneak in again,
through time.
The basic element of a state.
Yes ! We can talk about a lot of things,
but if the electricity isn't stable,
you know ?
This can't--
allow fair development of a state.
We'll talk about it
Because, electricity isn't there.
But if--
there's electricity,
the state resource itself,
the state has all means,
the state can go forward,
because we've got at this time
We only need industry to develop the country.
We're not third world countries.
We're non-industrialized countries.
The first industries
are first of all electricity and water.
When a citizen has water
and electricity,
he feels a little comfortable.
I think that's where the country rises.
Located on 170 km of Atlantic coast in Central Africa,
it's country of second river in world by its mid-flow,
behind the Amazon.
the well-named Congo River stretching over 4700 km.
Cradle of one-third equatorial forest, with which the planet breath,
Congo is rich in energy resources.
It's fourth-largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa,
and 70% of its economy come from this sector.
The country is developing rapidly
and starts major works changing Congo's face.
Its hydrographic system is important,
water resources are estimated at 842 billion cubic meters.
Congo baths under solar energy
with a sunshine of 12 hours a day.
Nevertheless, there's a paradox :
nearly 50% of Congolese
live below poverty line.
Current is really hard at home.
It's really hard at home. Harder than other people's.
Friends, neighbors, on other side,
have current without problem and concerning cuts
they don't have as many.
They've got current at night.
But for us, having current during a week--
it's hard. For a week, there's not 4 days
and 3 days, there's normally.
Also, food in freezer is rotting.
We sell drinks and customers no longer come,
because drinks are hot.
They can't cool off.
We've got freezer and TV at home,
we can't watch movies or TV,
because there's a current problem.
You can see yourself, regarding current,
we're in dark.
The president of republic,
when he was elected,
promised, since he's now promising, that by 2025
Congo will be an emerging country.
He wants to make Congo a very advanced country.
but for that, electricity must be basis.
But, us who live in city, we see reality.
We think that current
with this Imboulou dam.
Current is in perspective. It's true.
but speaking isn't always--
and Congolese seeks what's pragmatic today.
We all want current at home.
We all want current at home.
The West could have shouted same desire
when on October 22,1879
American inventor Thomas Edison
succeeds to produce a lasting light
by passing current through a carbon filament
placed in a vacuum bulb.
In industrialized countries,
gas and oil lighting was no longer needed.
Also in 1879,
French explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza
reached Congo
and it's in 1880, that he signed
a protectorate treaty for the benefit of France.
with sovereign Teke, King Makoko.
Congo becomes fourth state of French Equatorial Africa,
Brazzaville is capital.
just like the one of free France during World War II.
The colonial period ends
on 15 August 1960,
the day of country's independence.
"The Suns of Independences had announced itself
as a distant storm
and from
the first winds
Fama had got rid of everything.
Friendships, women to wear out the nights,
money and anger to insult France,
the father, the mother of France.
He had--
to avenge 50 years of domination
and spoliation.
This period of unrest was called
the suns of politics.
Like a cloud--
of grasshoppers the Independencies fell upon Africa
as a result of the suns of politics"
In "The Suns of Independences" Ahmadou Kourouma questions
at the end of decolonization, what's the African man,
as I'm gradually learning it.
Students when they come,
they aren't surprised. Why ? Because--
they already know that school is very organized.
There's always electricity
because of this organization.
We constitute a safe place
for a good apprenticeship.
We organize, there's people doing--
homework at night, here in this district.
So, all this to say that--
Yes, we had difficulty in Talangaï, but school--
makes Talangaï live.
When kids return from school. There's no current.
You gotta light a lamp, it helps them write.
They do their homework until they finish.
Sometimes, there's no oil, you gotta take out money
to buy it, so that kids can study.
When there's no current, no money,
we tell them "forget it, you'll study tomorrow"
because I don't have money.
We're going to neighbor house
to iron school uniform.
but ironing at the neighbor we're not used to that.
Because going to his homes,
for ironing, ask for a service,
They're starting to ramble, and it's not good.
So, I prefer, if there's no current,
she dresses like that and goes to school.
In our class, students have current, not us.
My friends tell me what they're watching
at home.
"We watched things at home like,
we saw Naruto's cartoons, Dora's cartoons"
They tell me, but there's no current at home
I can't say nothing, tell no story.
I just stay there and listen to them.
So. I'm sad,
at my friends' house, there's current, and in our house
we don't have current.
I'm being told that--
We've been told to keep quiet.
One day, maybe
after a while. We'll have current
We already have a pole. It's right here.
I'm sure. We're just waiting.
We had already put everything there
but we're just waiting to put the pole up.
All those things.
and then we'll have current.
I like having current because it's good.
You can do your homework,
There's light. It lights up house.
You can take ice water,
plug in TV, watch.
Listen to music. All those things.
You can do the current.
But at home, we don't have current.
Hi !
How're you doing ?
Is it okay ?
Walking in this schoolyard,
I tell myself that I could have wear the uniform.
I could have been one of the students.
Schoolboy attentive to teacher and his schoolwork,
I could have been able to answer his questions.
Suspend myself from his knowledge,
to understand the matter.
In this class,
I'm swung between memories of a school
that was French for me,
but haven't we all dreamed learn to read,
to write and to count ?
After all. A schoolboy stays a schoolboy.
And a teacher, who teaches in Brazzaville or Paris
will always be guided by same desire :
to educate.
But the difference, that a child from here
is born in a country that struggles to build itself
and I admire him.
I admire him to not give up,
and simply living
his beautiful youth.
I'm a student and
as I'm there, I pay my school fees myself
and then we spent almost 3 months
without current.
And it wasn't good,
for my business,
and that's where, I--
I make money
in order to--
in order to live a little bit--
It didn't feel good, because
there was also problems at school.
I was also studying for a degree,
I didn't feel very well.
It also pushed me
to save
a little money
to get a generator set
and then, I had no problem, in case
there's electricity or not, because
I've got my generator set.
Generator set, it's just a way to--
to not make--
to not make loyal customers lose habit.
people who have gaming rooms
we've loyal customers.
imagine that customer arrives today,
there's no electricity, tomorrow same thing
and after tomorrow or a week, two weeks--
On and on,
and maybe, he might even disappear.
Maybe find another playroom
where if there's no current, there's a generator set.
he'll be comfortable and play.
I told myself we'd have to get a generator set.
We had a generator set,
that's in special room.
We're not in trouble.
When, we see that
there's a cut-off, because it's a load shedding problem.
Our turn,
it's not to get electricity.
We make sure
that our generator set, is--
in motion, functional, in order
for us to not be in trouble.
This crisis for us, as I said at the beginning
isn't harmful !
due to means,
that are put on field.
Electricity is one of keys in future of Congo-Brazzaville
as in all Africa.
But road ahead is winding,
because synergies are scattered
and good political will has yet to materialize,
it's not time yet--
where continent's cities and villages will be lighted by light--
to be seen from space.
We've got--
TV sets, we've got cable, all at home.
Even neighbors across come in our house, if there's no current,
they're in a hurry to turn on generator set.
Because all 4 alleyways
follow European Championship at home.
Neighbors watch games, not us.
We've got a TV at home and we can't watch games.
We watch them at neighbor's house,
because there's no current here.
It makes us really sad.
We suffer like that.
We lose freezers, TV sets.
Radio sets.
We're not talking about it. Every day.
Just today, there was a problem that happened
where I live.
There was a current movement.
We had a brother, who lost a device.
Where are we going to report ?
It happened to us once.
That means, devices with cuts,
current came back on
and devices were on,
there was TV box that really
caught fire.
It was a mess
We went to TV shop. They told us that
we had to pay for another
TV box,
and we're forced to pay.
Normally, it was--
it was producer who had to pay price.
Since I pay bills,
when current isn't properly
distributed and I suffer consequences
I've to report it
but report to whom ?
Depending on what I see, myself.
as a client
of the NSE,
there's a disorder
in general administration.
There's no order.
There's no control.
There's no organization.
We've got a historical operator that's the NSE
who has necessary expertise, effectively,
to manage facilities.
we've got Imboulou, already functional.
we've got Ngo station, Djiri station,
agents of National Society of Electricity
deploy to try--
in maximum of themselves,
to satisfy--
I don't know if people running this company
realize the real problem, that's going on in the company.
The real problem.
It's the foundation and skill--
of the company. We need to rebuild the company.
The company was founded on ethnic basis and other.
The NSE has necessary skills,
Congo, in general, is full of skills.
I believe that
the NSE will be--
able to rise the challenge,
to accompany,
precisely, President of Republic--
to realize this energetic boulevard.
Despite these histories,
the NSE is trying to supply us with current.
Well, it's okay, but--
There's still load shedding in some places.
we see current in some areas, not others.
Some days, we must receive current,
but instead of that, we're private 3 to 4 days.
Others get it and we don't.
While we're supposed to get some.
With the NSE, we've this kind of problems.
When we report to management,
they tell us, we don't have to deal with
It's up to them to do it. That's all !
The company you're talking about
is called
National Society of Electricity
It's her mission
to monitor
electricity situation throughout Brazzaville.
It's the one who handles this problem.
It's the one that distributes.
electricity to all houses in Brazzaville.
The task is huge. The task is colossal.
Today, we've got many difficulties.
in production
and supply of electrical energy.
which are essentially linked to our past.
This means that in past,
we haven't invested a lot in this domain,
in energy domain,
The oldest investments
were made in years 84-85.
It was at this time that--
we upgraded
Moukoukoulou power plant
created transport lines from Moukoukoulou to Pointe-Noire
and from Moukoukoulou to Brazzaville.
and then an energy transport line from Kinshasa
to Brazzaville. By doing so,
we've only circulated energy
in about a third of country's territory.
So today,
in terms of production,
we've multiplied the country's production capacity
by almost five times.
For requirements estimated
at 300 megawatts,
the Congo produces around 600 megawatts.
590 megawatts.
To achieve these goals which are part of Millennium goals
for development.
We decided
to increase considerably production
to create, a main framework--
of electrical transport,
which should leave from south to north of country.
That's what president of republic--
wanted to call
national energetic boulevard.
I've always lived in big cities
Agglomerations bustling of life,
centralizing authorities,
large companies
and cultural influence.
This bulimia, whether in Paris,
New York or Montreal,
not mean that these mastodonts represent
a whole country.
There's beyond large urban centers, villages and countryside,
our agricultural lungs,
generous in raw materials.
And like other metropolises, Brazzaville isn't Congo.
I've got to find out, what happens in rest of country.
In doing so,
it's my ancestors land that I'll travel through,
The cradle of mine
that I will see as never before.
Djiri station has a large capacity.
We've got
2 transformers of 45 megawatts
Djiri station can serve
a load of 90.
It means that in Brazzaville,
we're able to take Brazzaville charge
at least 80%.
Control of station begins with the room. Control room.
It's in this room,
where're carried out all operations of command.
To see maneuvers,
we've got a view of entire station.
and even from this "Scada"
we can operate, make maneuvers
on any equipment in station.
We went to binding room.
In this room are located all equipment of protection
of network.
So, each station--
has this equipment.
Taking case of Djiri station
with Ngo station,
when there's a fault on the line
both stations
can see this fault from--
this equipment.
We've got an interconnection station
located in Ngo.
The energy that leaves Imboulou first arrives
at Ngo station.
We're in Plateaux department.
more precisely in Ngo district.
The station is located 9 km
from Ngo district,
in a village called Ebou.
We've got 2 buildings.
Building A,
we started in room of control.
In room of control, we've got a whole device
called "Scada"
which supervises and controls
the equipments
and network behavior.
There's Scada 1, Scada 2, Scada 3, and we've got computer of the engineer
To avoid any false maneuvers,
there's a whole software, a system.
We introduce maneuvers beforehand
in a device called "5 prevention"
then we go into park
and we try to make maneuvers.
After that, we went into binding room.
The binding room it's brain of the station
because it's the one who controls all station.
If there's a fault,
it's the one who reacts
it gives instructions to circuit breaker
to open or close. It's brain of the station.
All Imboulou production arrives by the station of Ngo.
It's at station of Ngo that we make the distribution
towards the different stations.
We send to Gamboma, 220 Kilovolts.
To Djiri--
220 Kilovolts.
and also to Djambala, 110 Kilovolts.
that's the particularity of this station.
And us, from Djiri,
we inject in Brazzaville passing through
the high-voltage station of Tsielampo,
including departures that we take
from the station here
in 30,000 and 20 kilovolts.
We often make a rush,
towards the hours
of night, 7pm.
We reach up to 90 mega,
sometimes, we can exceed 90 mega.
Djiri station,
in its constitution,
we're able
to serve the whole load of Brazzaville.
But for now,
we're serving districts
of Talangaï
districts of--
of Nkombo
just around Djiri.
We've got a certain abundance of energy.
until today,
Brazzaville doesn't take, totally, this load that we produce.
We really have energy in abundance.
Some people will say that Imboulou works
but in Brazzaville we haven't electricity.
It's the technic, it comes step by step.
but soon--
this problem will be resolved.
Major investments have been implemented.
Congo has invested more than 3,000 billion
of CFA francs, including
projects of electricity.
And today,
it's starting to feel.
We no longer have a deficit at all
in terms of the electricity production
and then--
we've got
cities in northern part of the country
that have never had electricity
since Independence
and which are today supplied
24 hours a day.
That's our response, which is--
to increase production
and ensure that
distribution networks are upgraded
and expanded.
A production and an extension
l've talked about effects with some villagers of Ngo
curious to know their feelings on this subject.
We live here.
I'm a cook and we've got current.
We've got a freezer that allows to sell beer.
We're fine.
We've got current 24 hours a day.
Before, it was only in evening and we've got current.
We're good,
there's current.
We can sell even until 10pm, 11pm
and we go home.
We're happy.
Before, current arrival,
I started with generator set.
But with generator set, there're always
many difficulties.
Sometimes breakdowns,
sometimes days, when you can't work,
we've got to go to Brazzaville to repair.
Now, for the moment,
As there's current. That's why,
i'm saying that current came
to relieve us.
In our country. It's surprising.
It's the first time we've seen current.
We've been in dark and things work out.
Now, kids are studying,
Those in school can study at night.
We're good,
compared to what we've been before.
We're serene.
The road is long to the north,
to this city that will receive permanent electricity.
The road is dangerous also,
as witnessed by this rubble truck
whose journey ends on edge of national road.
and fortunately without making a victim.
But road.
The road continues,
crossing villages where sometimes, I stop
to discover and admire
exceptional flora,
to observe wild fauna,
and at times, I let myself taste some fruits
and juicy that rich trees allow to pick
In a market place,
where local products rhyme with flavor and authenticity.
I take a moment and observe villagers,
just as, I see what a river's waters can offer in fish
and equatorial forest dense,
hide in bushmeat.
Mother Nature is generous with many peoples,
and in Republic of Congo,
she doesn't let anyone starve to death.
I was born here
in Boundji.
So, I'm the local veteran.
In Boundji, there wasn't
intense light.
We want
light up.
day and night.
Electricity as anywhere in world
has always been
a factor and remains
a factor
Electricity drives us to development.
Stimulates us.
Precisely, we can't be
like before.
Everything changes
even the vision of life
For us
it's a relief.
It's a plus. It's a plus.
Hello ! Imboulou power station ?
This is Mr. Ibarra, head of deployment, from Boundji.
I'm calling to let you know that we're soon
to start maneuvers
of taking charge in Boundji.
Be alert to follow any--
disturbances that might eventually occur.
Now that everything is prepared
do you think there's still something
to check or control ?
The Chinese intervened in Congo
since a long time,
in production
in construction of power production facilities.
Congolese work alone
to draw up terms of references and specifications,
then participates in the follow-up
of the works and control of the works.
And then
in the packages, in the packages of--
of its contracts, it's planned
a training session,
which participates
Congolese engineers
Congolese technicians
and then allow them to take charge
the facilities.
These Congolese,
hand-in-hand with Chinese,
are execute--
what we call the accompaniment part,
which means that Chinese are accompanying Congolese
and then Chinese
will break away, will leave
Congolese will remain to manage facilities.
The first time, I saw Chinese here,
when they saw me speaking Chinese,
they asked me questions about my country,
saying that--
our country is still backwards,
what we've got is more than that.
I said yes, but
you're lucky
to be in advance, because in' 80
you weren't like that.
So us, today,
we've chosen
to come to you.
That's why, you come to help us build Congo.
They're very happy
to help us
do this kind of work.
In any case, they're very happy.
In Djiri, for example, at dispatching,
when we're done, they've made party
for that.
It wasn't for them, but for us that they celebrated.
Communication between workers
Congolese, working with Chinese
created a language to them
it's a kind of slang.
A slang mixed with Chinese and Lingala.
Often, when most people today speak that language,
when they're talking with a Chinese, it mixes up like that.
Sign language didn't work well enough.
It was only to imagine words.
Then, they took some words from us,
some from them
and they formed a sentence.
When you're going to give us orders
then we can already do maneuvers there
to supply the line.
Yes ! We'll give you orders.
We're done with that current stuff.
Current is coming in villages.
- Today current is stable. - At any moment you've it.
Watch out ! Imboulou current is in Boundji.
No matter, 6 am to 6 pm. Here's the current.
- Even at 2 pm you're supplied. - Afternoons, there'll still be.
You hold the house wall, you feel current.
Before, city's power supply
was served by a thermal unit,
which operated
from 6 pm to 11 pm.
As well,
public lighting
than household lighting.
This work plan,
as you know,
causes problems
for the population,
which means that
that we've lived through a lot of uncertainty
because we couldn't supply as we wanted,
fearing that damage, immediately,
of course, destroy food supplies.
Here we're at 30, 20 Kilovolts of Boundji city.
We're going to show you that current is here.
And we've got,-
with all the respect, we owe you,
for the respect of authority,
expressly, we showed you the line
and difficulties we've encountered.
You saw how we bypassed the line
and for us, who grew up in Boundji,
there was water there, we couldn't get through it,
and there was no one there
who lived there.
If we showed it to you, it's because
we must take precautions, as authority of the state,
to protect us the section of line.
- Corridor - Corridor of line.
Because someone is going to claim to be a landowner
as now, we can build on water
the line, we're gonna say the NSE had no right.
people will set up under the line,
tomorrow lightning falls, we'll say, it's the NSE.
We might want to enlarge the line, because it can be doubled.
You see current, we've followed arrives here.
and this line is already under tension.
You notice, that there's no noise.
So, they can't tell us that--
we fooled, it's Boundji's generator that works.
There's no noise.
We're going to see our current coming from Imboulou
has no noise too.
It's just a relief.
It's a relief for population
of Boundji.
It's a relief
I think
and all Congolese also think, that in future,
we won't have to endure
these decibels of--
of generator set, that bothers us,
even if it gives us, it produces electricity
but it bothers us
We said, that current coming in over there,
and here's
the cell coming in, and proves that current has arrived.
You see buttons are red.
We closed breaker of incoming lines.
we can see that all lines are different.
When it's not yet closed,
it's yellow,
but as it's red,
we've got in this room
the arrival on this busbar.
30 Kilovolts,
current of Imboulou.
Here's the material proof of the current arrival
With supply of the city in energy,
life in Boundji will no--
no longer be as the one we've
experienced in the past.
Press it down and let go.
The perennial light.
Tonight, it gathers at market place of Boundji
and motorcycle taxis know they're going to turn
until late in the event
Because, it's a special night.
The first where streetlights and all city lights will shine.
without worrying about its abundance.
No matter the hour,
or that a load shedding plunges households
into the dark.
Tonight, families,
sitting in front of a television screen,
have the assurance
that programs will not be disrupted.
Likewise, little girls know that it's now possible
to play,
laugh and grow
under protective lighting.
This modernity comes alongside
Congolese tradition,
which no one wanted to miss vigil.
Congo is built on water.
We've got water everywhere, a lot of rivers.
Hydraulic potentialities, which are--
very important.
This means that,
first and foremost,
we first seek
to exploit
of hydroelectricity that may exist.
We seek first, to produce hydroelectric energy.
Comes in second place,
solar energy.
So, we value it to maximum.
A lot of studies are being done to that end.
And all these energies are,
not only cheap,
but also very ecological.
Solar panels are on both sides house,
but for a while we saw that solar panels were
too expensive, because we had
to watch out,
exactly, for batteries,
ran out and which
And we wished,
we wanted,
to be connected
to the NSE.
For the past two days, we've got current
coming from the electric dam
of Imboulou.
It's a great joy.
The merchants
had a lot of difficulties, indeed,
to sustain their activities.
Likewise, we couldn't attend--
to emergence, real, of small trades,
in terms of craftsmanship.
Simply because
small generators set cannot
withstand this load, especially for welders.
It's therefore difficult, very difficult for them
to be operational and to live
truly from their work.
With supply by the dam of Imboulou
everyone can, really get
to work.
The plant of Imboulou.
It's only the water,
who has to supply, who has to run the turbine,
to get the light ?
That's really
The sun shines around the world
as a glimmer lights the hope.
And while water flows, brightly lighted by its rays,
in Congo, we're betting on low impact energies
on the environment.
The hydroelectric plant of Imboulou
was handed
to the management of the NSE.
It's the National Society of Electricity
which manages this plant.
The task entrusted to us is a task
Compare hydroelectric plant of Imboulou
with existing plants
in our country,
here, we've put a lot more
As these are new technologies,
it's already a great constraint for us.
That's why, that in our wishes,
we've always asked central administration
to always think about--
to upgrade
technicians who work here.
The benefit for this Imboulou project,
it's that it was a school project.
we're in the civil engineering phase
we'd already,
chosen a certain technicians,
who'd to work in the operation of this plant.
During this phase,
they underwent many training courses abroad
and they received additional training on site.
Here in Imboulou,
inaugurated in May 2011,
the work of Sino-Congolese cooperation
launched in 2005
is a huge undertaking that impresses me.
I get lost in these bowels
controlled by high-tech electronics
where empty space is sometimes occupied
by heavy machinery
from which escapes in all directions
pressure pipes.
I'm discovering the plant behind the scenes
and for me, it's like diving into a crystal ball,
letting see the electrified future in one part of the country.
rising above greenish waters of Lefini River,
14 km from confluence with the Congo River,
the dam makes controversy.
Many people don't understand
what's hydroelectric plant of Imboulou.
We had a lot of visitors,
who didn't expect
to see this complex
in working order.
And they've always been our spokespersons
to tell people who don't believe
in this reality
that, indeed, Imboulou is a reality.
We do our production work.
We produce
and we deliver to the transport network.
People need to know that the plant is operating normally.
It produces electricity.
The rest, the distribution,
it's up to consumer centers to explain, why they can't--
meet population's needs.
Some of these needs can be met by the 4 Imboulou turbines
able to deliver a total output of 120 megawatts.
I will be specified that they produce every year--
about 876 Gigawatts
per hour of electricity.
Before Imboulou was built
Brazzaville depended on 80%--
of the electricity in Kinshasa.
You know ?
We're always in load shedding.
When this project
was in full realization,
everyone felt
from this suffering, this continual sorrow.
We're at Imboulou inauguration
We always hear about
We talk about it in Brazzaville
but we don't see effects or current of Imboulou.
Imboulou, seeing megawatts and turbines, they talked about,
we should have been flooded with current,
but so far it's the opposite.
even when, the minister talk onTV.
They tells us what isn't fair
about what we're going through daily.
This dam.
Chinese are taking care of it.
It's said that there are 2 turbines to set up
but the first one doesn't work yet.
We're waiting current from Imboulou.
If he comes, maybe we'll celebrate.
I heard there's some on Nkombo's side.
but on our side in Talangaï there's nothing.
We hope that with time,
if things go well we could get current.
We're waiting for the NSE.
Its reaction.
Because, there's promises.
They promise us. After Imboulou,
current will be stable in Brazzaville
but not only in Brazzaville,
there will also be Pointe-Noire and other cities.
But how long should we hope for ?
That's the question, if I can return it to you.
How long can we hope ?
I don't know,
but let's continue to hope, because
it's still the Congo,
we must continue to hope.
Negative perception is a normal thing.
Starving belly has no ears.
The customer who doesn't receive electricity
in good conditions, good quality electricity,
and permanently, can only be dissatisfied.
So. Now, we're working
on modernization,
renovation and extension of the distribution networks
in main cities Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire.
These are fairly advanced projects.
We're working to solve
all the problems,
to eliminate phenomena as load shedding,
lack of electricity or recurrent cuts.
But when you take areas as--
a city as Boundji
or a city like Oyo,
Electricity problems
don't practically exist,
and its cities,
it's now that they discover,
the pleasure,
the taste,
the possibility
of having a perennial energy.
and to be able to spark the development.
it's going to look like this.
In case of the two big cities, Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire,
things will improve considerably,
I think maybe even
for the most part, the majority
of bad effects
due to lack of electricity,
of the electricity service
will disappear.
Road is still long and full of pitfalls,
before electricity boils in Republic of Congo.
Before its people won battle for its access.
and that one day,
we can only evoke it as a history of its past.
It must be said that
the arrival or electrification
of the Congo
everyone wishes,
a moment, it's a chance
for Congolese
to develop,
and the reading I can make,
it's that of saying that,
even wishing
that the whole Congo
would be connected
to sustainable electricity,
to sustainable electricity,
in order
that all activities
that we could
could succeed
and for the well-being
of the Congolese that we're.
What Congolese must do,
it's to understand what they're.
It's to understand
and know
the others.
It's having the love of the people.
It's having the love
of their country.
It's having love from where they're,
prioritizing the work,
having the will,
and facing the destiny.
The destiny, it's the future.
And this future for us to be able to build it,
we've to think about
life today.
Today's life is about trying to organize everything.
The electricity
is the only way
we can
make Congo an emerging country by 2025.
That's why president, government
must think about it,
to do
everything possible
to resolve this situation.
I'm counting on that.
To me, it will be good.
I'd be proud of my country.
this problem
will pass, it will pass.
The days go by, the years pass and
things get better and better.
It's gonna be okay.
Runway 23 R
of Maya-Maya airport
a few minutes from my return to Paris.
and I can't stop thinking about my last days trip,
those spent in Pool region,
in south of country,
region where mine are from,
land where part of my education comes from.
I became the man I'm partly as a result of those
who walked on this ground.
And while, I watch Brazzaville march by,
I consider myself both lucky and sad.
Lucky because I've been enlightened every day
and night of my life.
Sad because in Congo electricity problems persist,
but when I see each one of Congolese
who told me their story and their difficulties,
difficulties they've in common,
difficulties in which they remain positive,
wishing to change
what's negative to improve country.
I tell myself,
there's no fatality in this situation.
For my part,
I learned that to know where you're going,
you've got to know where you come from.
For more infomation >> In the middle of dark : life without power in Congo (full documentary) - Duration: 1:01:07.-------------------------------------------
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Beauty and the Beast - Prologue - (Animatic) - Duration: 2:53.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.
But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose
in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance,
The Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away.
But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty was found within.
And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress.
The prince tried to apologize,
but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart.
And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast, and placed a powerful spell on the castle
and all who lived there.
Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his
castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his twenty-first year.
If he could learn to love another,
If he could learn to love another, and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell...
then the spell would be broken.
If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time....
As the years passed,
He felled into despair and lost all hope.
For who could ever learn to love ... a Beast?
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Pogba, 25, snubbed questions from reporters after Manchester United's midweek defeat by Juventus at Old Trafford in the Champions League
However, the Frenchman appeared eager to stress it was not his decision. "It's not me
I can't talk. I am not allowed to talk," he said. "I want to but I've been told not to talk
It's not me." But United are adamant that Pogba hasn't been slapped with a gagging order
The club say there are no instructions to prevent Pogba from talking to the press
It's been a turbulent season for the World Cup winner after Mourinho stripped him of the vice-captaincy last month
Pogba, the club's record £89million signing, has proceeeded to criticise Mourinho's tactics, saying they should be more attacking in games
In other Old Trafford news, Express Sport understands United have got a two-man wishlist as they look at potential replacements for under fire boss Mourinho
United would like former Chelsea boss Antonio Conte - or Juventus coach Max Allegri - to take over the Old Trafford hot seat
But they have competition for Conte as Real Madrid and AC Milan could both be looking for a new head coach this week
Julen Lopetegui faces the axe at Real if they lose the El Clasico game to Barcelona this evening and Conte is now free after leaving Chelsea in the summer
He impressed in his first season at Stamford Bridge winning the Premier League but it all came apart after he fell out with the Chelsea board over transfers
Mourinho has won himself some breathing space after a recent turnaround in fortunes but it's likely that United will call time on his stay at the club in the summer
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The Netherlands
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Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho hands shirt number to youngster... and now new deal in pipeline - Duration: 2:25.
Chong, 18, has graduated to Manchester United's first-team squad and is in line for a pay hike from his current £1,500-a-week deal
The winger was on the bench for the midweek Champions League match against Juventus at Old Trafford
And he has been handed the No.44 shirt in Jose Mourinho's senior squad. Chong suffered a knee injury last season that interrupted his exciting progress
But he impressed United boss Mourinho on the club's pre-season tour of the USA after regaining his fitness
And he is now very much in Mourinho's thoughts for the rest of this season. That, of course, is providing he stays in charge
Express Sport understand United have got a two-man wishlist as they look at potential replacements for the under-fier boss
United would like former Chelsea boss Antonio Conte - or Juventus coach Max Allegri - to take over the Old Trafford hot seat
But they have competition for Conte as Real Madrid and AC Milan could both be looking for a new head coach this week
Julen Lopetegui faces the axe at Real if they lose the El Clasico game to Barcelona this evening and Conte is now free after leaving Chelsea in the summer
He impressed in his first season at Stamford Bridge winning the Premier League but it all came apart after he fell out with the Chelsea board over transfers
Mourinho has won himself some breathing space after a recent turnaround in fortunes but it's likely that United will call time on his stay at the club in the summer
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Hello everyone and welcome to my FAQ number 60
and today I'm just as always very excited because we have a new guitar announced.
This is the A1.6 FR
and it's, as you can see, the classic black guitar, but with a floyd rose bridge so I can go like this.
Oh, more volume.
Oh, gate ruined my dimebagging.
Come on.
So there you have it, that's the Floyd A1.6 Floyd with the Floyd...
Floyd Rose.
Also, another thing that is making me very excited in my pants right now is that I have a new series of videos
that I think you will like, they're called 'Coffee with...
...Some guy'
Basically, I'm inviting guitar players into my home studio here to have a interview
like a really like low-key interview or a discussion maybe about whatever of a topic.
So, I think I've already uploaded one
You can check it out somewhere and I think it's gonna be really awesome
I'm really looking forward to it and all my members already know which guys I'm having right now, so...
All the guys in my face
What I'm trying to say is that my members are able to ask these guys questions
They already know which guys are coming here to the studio. And so it's nice, I think you're gonna like it.
It's a new segment of mine that I hope... I hope you like it.
Thank you, first question, FAQ 60, great.
"Ola, I never wrote comments before
"Actually I never thought I will ever end up watching people recording themselves talking to the camera
"But you are so good in it"
Oh, thank you so much.
"I feel like we are just a few friends in your room talking to you. By the way. Thank you for the mansion tour
"It's so bright and comfy feels very at home. Thanks for being funny, your videos always make my day."
Oh, so... thank you, thank you.
"I noticed you wear a Witcher t-shirt often never saw it playing during the FAQ, do you play Witcher?"
Oh, yes I do, I love Witcher.
"Thank you for getting me into the guitar world
"I never liked guitars before, my husband is the drummer and always wanted to get me into music
"But only after he showed me your Solar guitars, I fell in love
"Non-music people think all guitars are the same, but they just didn't see Solar yet."
Thank you.
"You're good in playing guitar and doing music, good in vlogging, good in fatherhood"
"good at making guitars"
"and cooking"
"In design and in business"
"is there anything you can't do on this earth?'re handsome"
I don't know what to say, thank you so much for these kind words, really really made my day.
Thank you so much, I just want to say thank you.
If you have any question, I saw you had one question and it was if I play Witcher
and I do play Witcher, Witcher 3 to be exact
and I'm on my second playthrough
And we'll just see if I have time to play even more but yes, there you go. Thank you so much.
So, a little side note, if you have any questions for me in my FAQs, try to make him as short as possible.
Here there's a lot of text happening, but since she's being so nice to me, it's fine, it's okay this time.
Thank you so much, Julia. I love you.
"Hi Ola, the other day I was watching her latest plugin demo video and my wife walked in at the end.
"That guy is so cute."
Yes, Ola Englund the Swede.
"I just want to give him a hug, he reminds me of that guy from Metalocalypse
"Does he have Grampas guitar?
"I think you just got yourself another female subscriber. What's the latest count up to now?"
Great, I'm gonna check. Oh shit, I had this in my face, you couldn't see the game.
Okay, okay, okay, my little face, I need a calculator for this.
Okay, analytics.
Analytics, being anal in analytics.
Okay, 2.4%, okay, perfect.
261,601 subscribers...
Times 2.4%, that's...
6278.424 female audience on my channel
which is... Wow, it's actually a lot of female
I'm kind of impressed, great, thank you, another female subscriber.
I don't know if your girlfriend was the .424 female, but...
Malevolentforcemetal: "I just figured I'd ask again
"I definitely back you on the last FAQ on playing simpler music as you get older
"I switched from playing power/ traditional heavy metal to a more modern form of classic hard rock
"What is your opinion of bands like Free, Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple, Rainbow, UFO/ Michael Schenker and Kiss?"
Have you noticed how I'm not really an asshole in this FAQ
because I got a lot of comments about me being an asshole in my latest FAQ
which doesn't make sense, I'm not an asshole.
You're just making that up, creating fake news, people, it's not good.
Regarding these bands, no, I'm not into these bands at all.
I mean, Deep Purple, fine, I listened to them.
Rainbow, yes I did, I was never into Kiss, Thin Lizzy... I mean, it's...
It's not my generation, I think you are probably a little bit older than me, but it's not...
You know, my generation listened to more of the 80s and 90s metal
And you know, I didn't really pay attention to these bands because they were old guys music when I grew up.
But obviously Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water was one of the first riffs I ever learnt
so you could say I listened to them a little bit, I guess.
"Hey Ola, I play guitar in a country band, but I only listen to Swedish metal because of your videos
"Does this make me weird? Can I still make friends?"
Wow, this is such a positive FAQ right here
this just means that I attract more people outside the genre of metal
which I think is very important, that's totally what I'm going for, because I know...
I think that I'm kind of like reaching the roof with metal people right now. or metal guitar players
so I need to get out there, get the country guys going, and thank you for subscribing
I really appreciate it, bring your country friends if you have any.
I doubt it.
"Hey Ola, a few videos ago you said that you got a riff library that comes in handy when you're writing songs
"How do you manage this library? Some software solutions, different folders names...
"I'm just flooded with files named 00123.MP3..."
Yeah, I know how it is. I also... I don't really have a good system.
Maybe I can screen capture this like an asshole.
So here's my riffing ideas folders and as you can see I have split up to Feared, 2017, The Haunted, Solar...
really old, 2016, song ideas 2018
Okay, so... good, a little burp there for you.
So, I don't really have... I mean, as you can see it's like Guitar DI 1...
56, 2, 33... and you know, it's like... it's a mess, but I do have like...
As you can see I have a coloring system as well
So, like the green ones are like mwah, really good riffs and the purple ones... I have no idea.
So maybe like if I wanted to start writing a new song
the green marked ones are probably an idea that I would probably be able to spawn into a full song
So, let's check out an idea here, 'outro'.
And it's a D,I so it doesn't really sound that good but... Okay, good intro.
Okay, what's this? Purple.
Can I find something that's not a DI? Please?
Fucking no.
Shit okay, do not steal. Okay, intros, what's this? 2014.
That sounded more like a Haunted thing actually, but it was cool. Okay, chorus, what's this?
What's this?
Oh shit, okay.
Oh, I remember, this is actually a song, this was a The Haunted idea that became a Feared song
I just didn't recognize it, because I don't remember my own songs.
The hell? Okay, I don't really have...
That sounded like a f***ing Nickelback song to be honest.
So there you go, that's how I manage my riffs and... yeah.
Yeah, there's a lot of them in there. Good question by the way, I don't manage my library.
"Ola, what picks do you use?"
Okay, I have no idea how many times I've answered this question, but it's fine
because I know I have a ton of new subscribers, so...
Usually, right now, I kind of like switch between two types of guitar picks
both are from Dunlop by the way, but one is the Jazz Tortex 1.14 millimeter.
And this is probably the guitar pick I use the most, I use them for live.
But then sometimes I use this Sculpted Plectra Primetone guitar picks from Dunlop
I don't know if you can see...
These are the two ones I use now and then I just got a couple of guitar picks from Dunlop just now.
More of these new Flow picks.
So yeah
Tortex Jazz 3 1.14 and these Sculpted
These ones are 1.4 millimeters thick and I like switching between them.
These Primetone from Dunlop, they're really good for alternate picking.
But they don't sound as good as the regular tortex, so I'm kind of switching between.
"Hi Ola, new fan here, Awesome videos man. Got me back into play metal.
"Anyway, I recently saw someone claim holding their pick differently allowed them to play Bleed by Meshuggah
"How do you hold your pick? Is it important?"
Yes, it's very important and...
I've also talked about this before
but I don't necessarily think it's...
You know, you have to hold in a certain way to be able to play Bleed, to be honest
I just think you have to practice a little bit, so...
You just sit in front of your TV or watch a movie or anything, you know, something like that and you just go
You just continue doing it, you'll learn it someday
My picking technique is kind of weird, I angle the pic backwards like this.
While a lot of people angle it forward like this.
But I do...
So, there you go, I did... yeah, good.
Good, Ola... gOla.
New phrase: gOla, it's basically good Ola, you know...
Like you do... like 'good game' when you play a multiplayer game and you write 'gg'
So, gOla, good Ola.
"What's your preference for baritone scale in terms of feel and intonation?"
Well, it depends on how low you tune your guitar
I mean the lower you tune your guitar the better is it to have a longer scale guitar.
My personal preference is that in the tuning that I'm in like standard D, drop C and standard C
I'm perfectly fine with 25.5", I don't have any problems with that
But as soon as you go below that, I think you need a longer scale, like my seven strings are 26.5"
I tune it to drop A, which is perfectly fine
And also, when you have an Evertune it helps a little bit as well with the intonation when hitting the string.
So, there you go, I think that's fine.
And those are also the scale lengths that I prefer to play, if you go like 27", 28"...
it gets kind of awkward for me to play, I must admit.
"Ola, did you notice that there are currently no modern left-handed baritones on the market?"
No, I did not notice, but thank you.
"Did you see Dimebag Darrell live or did you meet him when he still lived?
"What was he like? I'm just interested, I really love Pantera."
I've never me-
I've never met him, but I saw Pantera live during their Reinventing the Steel tour in Stockholm
and it was amazing.
It was just as good as I imagined and I had really high hopes before because I was such so much into Pantera
and I've never met him but I mean, just watching all the videos hearing all the stories...
It seems like he was like the most genuine guy ever
A really good tip for you in life...
...It's just to not be an asshole and I think that people will eventually maybe like you
Just my theory, I think that Dimebag was that kind of guy, he was just...
You know everyone loved him basically.
So... what?
"Oh, hi Ola, can you show me a Beyond Creation riff?"
"Hi Ola, I'm one of your few female subscribers
"Would you like to use the A2.6, just the same one you used in this video
"but in tangerine metallic for the next riff of the day?
"I'm really interested in seeing that finish with more details, because I'm thinking of buying one of them soon
"I would love to see it in more videos. By the way I'm from Spain, say hi to your Spanish followers."
Hi my Spanish followers.
Unfortunately, I don't have the tangerine metal guitar with me right now
But I do still have this... my favorite one that I love so dearly
This little guy.
And I thought...
I thought, because I was a little bit confused
Last time I said the riff the day would be a Heresy riff and then I said it was Psycho Holiday
And people reacted... and it was obviously the rift from Heresy.
So I decided that this riff of the day for today would be the riff after the intro
that I showed in the latest video.
because if you check online, there's a bunch of misinformation on how you actually play this riff.
So I'm gonna teach you how you actually play this riff
So, first we had the intro that went like this... maybe I should film, f***face.
Oh, no memory card, well f*** you then.
Get in there.
Preparing image data... f*** you camera, I hate you more than my life.
So, I decided that I will just continue with the riff that comes after the intro, which I call the man riff.
It's the man riff, because it's just really manly. Okay, so first we have the intro.
That goes like that and then we have the man riff that you play like this.
Cool, huh? So, slow.
Easy as that.
Oh, riffs are coming out, sorry.
So, there you go, that's the riff of the day: Pantera - Heresy, not Psycho Holiday, okay.
Maybe I'll do Psycho Holiday another day.
By the way, I'm also very excited about another thing, is that I had a new light for my studio
but I had no idea how big the light would be
So, let me see if I can film this
The light is so big, it's like the moon in my face right now and my little camera is over there.
So it's like... Oh, it's so, so very big.
But it's nice, it's in my face like an asshole.
Okay. Great, Ola, continue.
"Now that you are big-time, why do you live in such a small apartment? Is that normal Swede behavior?
"Seems like you're ready for a bigger house with a badass studio"
Okay, so I saw a couple of comments like this in my latest FAQ video
and I think that even if I run my own business, Solar Guitars and stuff like that
I'm not a rich guy when it comes to money
All these things makes it possible for me to support my family and support what I do
I try to prioritize the money that I earn into things that make sense for me and my life
and that makes me and my family happy, which is like I like to take them out on vacations, you know...
and as much possible time as I can with my family
You know and in that sense I feel so rich
because I am free to do whatever I want
and that is something that I'm very fortunate to have.
To have this freedom, that makes me wealthy, if you understand what I'm saying.
You know, I don't really care that much about material things or having a house
I would probably, at some point, when I become a little bit richer, maybe I'll get a house for me and my family.
But we'll just have to see, I live in a really expensive area as well, in Sweden.
So it's... yeah, it is what it is. I'm perfectly happy with my apartment.
You know, this studio is not the biggest in the world.
but I love this space, you know, it's small... I love it here.
It inspires me and I do not wish for anything more than what I have right now.
There you go, did I answer your question? I don't know.
"Hey Ola, do you ever stop to think how much you have accomplished in your life?"
I do, I do, definitely. And...
But even though I kind of like, you know, I just stop and say like
'Wow, I've actually done a pretty good job here'
I think it's very important for me to always look forward, because that's my mentality, it's like...
You always have to figure out ways to make yourself better to push what you're doing to push yourself
And with that I don't think there's that much room for looking back at things
And you know, kind of just patting yourself on the back for what you've done.
I always strive to push myself and just try to improve myself in my situation.
I'm of course very proud of what I've accomplished today
But I also know and see the amount of work, and my wife does that as well
She sees all the work that I've put into Ola Englund and everything I've done
my youtube channel, all the touring, all the albums, all... you know.
Everything that was before my youtube channel...
You know, grinding with bands and all that
This moment right here is because of all the things I've been doing in my life, all the work I've put in
With that said, I just see... what I've accomplished today is basically just a result of my very hard work.
So... but thank you for asking, I am very proud about myself and what I've accomplished, thank you.
"Ola, are you gonna play Red Dead Redemption 2?"
Yes, I definitely will, but right now I'm playing this game: Hollow Knight.
So I'm gonna finish this game and it's a lovely game, I love this game.
If you haven't tried it already, it's an amazing platformer, I love it so much.
So, I will finish this game first
then I'll see the reviews and all that and maybe I'll purchase Red Dead Redemption 2
I really enjoyed the first one so I will probably enjoy this one too.
"Hey Ola, how did you make that sick reverb-y guitar sound in Vinter's intro?"
That's actually a patch in Axe Fx.
I don't remember what it's called, but it's like the Sun... something.
So, it's available on the Axe Fx, you can try it out, it's a good reverb
and it's like a really airy type of sound, I'll see if I can play it here and maybe we can listen together.
Swedish word of the day, it's an excellent one if you're a guitar player, it's simple as f***, it's...
This is something that is very important if you play very hard and very common for Stratocaster guitars
it's basically a pick guard and you can use it in all your conversations together with your new Swedish friends.
If you just say this word, they're gonna be impressed
because a lot of people know what aplektrumskydd is and it's not an easy word
I just... I just lied, it's an easy word.
That's a shitty ass Swedish word of the day...
"Hey Ola have you heard of Archspire? They are crazy heavy band from Vancouver BC, Canada
"Check out the song Involuntary Doppelganger"
Ok, great, great, great, because this channel is becoming a reaction channel.
I hope it's a video, because I want to have a real video, like a musical video going when I watch.
Archspire... I kinda think I know what they sound like and I know they're kind of like probably very famous.
Official lyric video, ugh.
It seems that they do not have a music video, so I'll just check the...
Let's check the live video, shit.
He's talking about this balls being dipped in the toilet water
And he's filming his balls. Of course.
I like it, he has a Gorguts t-shirt, the same one I have, so that's cool.
That's the bass player I like him.
Okay, maybe this is an awful video to check out, because I can't hear shit, okay.
Let's check out the lyric video, let's just be nice.
When you have a throat problem, shove a dick down your throat, please.
Helps the inflammation up to six hours of dick in your throat
you can find a dick of your own at your pharmacy.
Oh shit.
You know what I think? Like, it's cool, it's cool technical death metal, but it's also kind of cute.
It sort of describes what I mean with that but... that's cool though.
This is probably a tough song to pull off live.
It's cool, though
Okay, I'm only 1 minute and 24 seconds in and I'm already kind of like exhausted
Whoa, it's just so much happening all the time, it's like really technically impressive.
I think that I can't really get a grip of what riffs are being played, feels like there's new riffs all the time... you go further into the song.
That's cool
That was a time for a breather, that's nice.
I wonder how hard it is to nail those snare rhythm things live, listen again.
That's insane, is that even possible? This is amazing, but I think my brain is too slow for this type of music.
That's cool though, thank you for making me check them out.
I will definitely keep an eye out if I see anything newer from them.
That was it, thank you so much for watching, I think that this is a very positive FAQ this one
and I really appreciate it, maybe all the angry subscribers will come back and say like
'Hey, Ola is not actually that bad of a guy.'
Yeah... right.
Don't forget to check out my new 'Coffee with... whatever face' segment that I have
I'll link it up here.
I have a bunch of awesome cool guitar players coming in for the show
And also, if you're not a member, try becoming one, it's not that hard
You just have to pay a little money and you can buy merch and you can subscribe to my channel
You can f*** off, I mean, you can do whatever you want.
Thank you so much for watching and... what's up next week? Nothing special?
No, I'll be at home recording videos, awesome, I'm looking forward to making a lot of cool videos.
So guys, thank you so much for watching. See you next time.
塔罗心占:他真的爱你吗?他对你是你期盼中爱情的样子吗? - Duration: 2:14.
TikTok must stop doing this to my dick! - Duration: 0:43.
why must the internet do this to me?
For all my life. I thought tiktok was just a bunch of cringe......and then I found the love of my life
his eyes
his...beautiful dress
I Just want to lick him so hard
Hit or miss? Oh, I would definitely hit. I would hit 100%
wait, that's not a dude
You telling me that's
You telling me that's a girl?
【Kuon Bushi】Near 🤝【UTAU Cover】 - Duration: 4:07.
張柏芝與小11歲男友,疑下月巴黎完婚?謝霆鋒回應7字引熱議! - Duration: 3:12.
Beauty and the Beast - Prologue - (Animatic) - Duration: 2:53.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.
But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose
in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance,
The Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away.
But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty was found within.
And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress.
The prince tried to apologize,
but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart.
And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast, and placed a powerful spell on the castle
and all who lived there.
Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his
castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his twenty-first year.
If he could learn to love another,
If he could learn to love another, and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell...
then the spell would be broken.
If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time....
As the years passed,
He felled into despair and lost all hope.
For who could ever learn to love ... a Beast?
Honda HR-V 1.5 i-Vtec Elegance CVT / Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:51.
谢霆锋宁愿花一亿取得小儿子抚养权,不愿要大儿子,早已给出真相! - Duration: 2:05.
Hello Everybody welcome back to a new video
Today we will be getting a new dominus pet and accessing the new area which is the dominus area
And here we are that is right over there the new area
And here are the new pets for premium
If you look at these pets they are so OP!!!!
So right now im gonna start to grind for money. And I dont have fast forward either so stay tuned
Here I am trying to trade some random dude lol
And right here is the new pets the dominus egg which already from far away looks awesome!!!
And now we are still on the grind for the coins
And here we are about to buy it in three two one and go
And so now I wont be talking much
So here is the new chest and I gotta admit it looks good
Thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed and please subscribe and smash that like button
Arsenal's head of football discusses Aaron Ramsey's contract situation - Duration: 3:01.
Aaron Ramsey has been the subject of much talk this season. The Welshman will leave the Gunners at the end of the season after talks over a new contract broke down
A new deal was on the table for the midfielder, but the club rescinded that, leaving him free to speak to European clubs in January, before leaving on a free transfer in the summer of 2019
Ramsey spoke earlier this week on the contract situation, saying: "We all know that the contract was taken off the table
I'm not sure exactly why because a few weeks before we sort of agreed and I was ready to sign
Something happened, I am not sure exactly what, but that contract is no longer there, or nothing's on the table
" It is not the first time Arsenal have allowed a player to enter the final year of his contract, with Alexis Sanchez leaving for Manchester United in a swap deal with Henrikh Mkhitaryan in January and Mesut Ozil not signing a new contract until he was in the final year of his
And head of football Raul Sanllehi has admitted that he will be putting a stop to it in the future
In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Sanllehi said: "I do believe that a player's contract should never go to the last year, as a policy
"Anybody could agree on that. Normally, the contracts of the players are for five years
You need to have a clear idea of what you want to do with that player when he is in the third year, at the latest
"We don't take decisions overnight, on a quick reflection. We really go through not only a long period of thinking but also a lot of people are involved
There are no decisions that are left to the last minute. When we reach a decision, it is for a reason
" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football
london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Close encounter on a windy day - Duration: 13:56.
It´s october 25th.
there is some wind in the tree tops today
I´m standing in a
bedding area
and the deer is passing through this area
when they are feeding on the fields
crossing through from both sides of this area
and there is a deer trail down below
It looks like there is a deer over there already
There is two deer over there
I was trying to zoom on´em before but
it´s difficult to get a full view of the deer, because of the tree´s
there is a deer coming in, from the other side now!
I think it was in the heart
This was the dream situation
"I´m speechless and can´t find any words right now"
It´s been 20 minutes
since i shot the deer
and in the meantime i was trying to film a deer over there
and a roe was walking behind me
I think she was catching my scent
cause the wind is in my face
but i think we are going down now
to look if we can find some bloodtrail, before it´s getting dark
she was standing right here
there is also blood here
both hair and blood
the arrow is over there
That was surely a good shot
it was a heart shot
here is the arrow
it´s broken
It broke like the last time
look at this
look what i found over here
check this out
honestly i dont think i have to be quiet any more
there is blood everywhere
well lets follow the tracks
she was going that way
She went through this thick brush
honestly I think she is
just on the other side of this brush here
I´m walking around it
let´s go this way around
I found her
she´s laying in here
there is a deer trail
from where i was, and through this brush
she´s over here
I can see it from here
this is great
Its a roe fawn
nice fawn
the arrow
was coming out here
look, the arrow went in here
behind the front leg
went out over here
in the lower end
riht in the heart, or very close to it at least
just like it looked like when i shot it
great afternoon
now i´m gonna tie her up
so i can get her home
Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher - Duration: 1:10.
[ENG SUB] 2018.10.27 - Only 3 Minutes to Deduce EP03 FULL - Duration: 6:17.
Fragrant Maxwell, make your drama watching tastier.
[Only 3 Minutes to Deduce]
[All stories in this show are fictional. The suspects, murderer, and detectives are all roles in the game. Please do not imitate.]
[Case loading...]
[Loading successful]
[Review] -Someone died in your room! / -What happened?
-Calm down, calm down! / -This is her jacket! -Calm down first.
I was frightened by you this ghost.
-This hotel is cursed! -Could this be the old legend, the Disappearing Bride?
[The Monster of Baker Street, Episode 3]
You solve the case. I'm going to rest.
The three of you, don't leave! Boss, don't leave!
Why were you so calm when you came in?
-This has nothing to do with me. / -Come here, come here. / -There's something wrong with you.
[An elusive gaze]
[Signing with eyes]
[Something's wrong with the Boss] -Let's first question the Groom.
[The two detectives must find the truth based on evidence in 3 minutes]
When was the last time you saw her?
At 10:00, we were in the corridor taking wedding photos.
-And then we bumped into you all. / -Yes.
Then at about 10:30, I went back to my room and used the restroom.
Ah, I also talked on the phone for 15 minutes.
Yes, my phone's right here. There's the call log. You can call to confirm if you don't believe me.
[Nothing to do with me, just drink some goji]
-Hello? / -Hello. You finally called. / -Who is it?
I'm downstairs and I've circled this place three times. I can't find where that door of yours is.
What you told me to do, I can't do it. I'm leaving.
Hey, I forgot what I told you to do. Tell me what it was.
You don't remember what you told me to do? Do you think I can say what you told me to do out loud?
Okay, that's it. I'm leaving.
-Wanted him to do what? / -To do what?
-I admit it. I... / -You originally wanted to kill your wife?
-I was planning to kidnap her. [Kidnap?]
But you just heard that. He said that he couldn't find this place.
My guy didn't come, so I didn't do this.
Not necessarily. Because he didn't come, maybe you did it yourself.
I was in the restroom. At 10:30, I used the restroom and talked on the phone.
-You could be lying! / -But I have my call log!
[So anxious]
There's a prenuptial agreement of yours on here.
-First... / -Here. I can read it for you. / -Okay.
First, the Bride's ID number is too long, so I won't read it.
And the Groom's ID number is too long, so I won't read it either.
And as of 2018/8/10, the Groom's assets are all equal to zero.
You read it, you read it.
She wasn't clear, so I'll start all over.
The prenuptial agreement says that the current assets are equal to 110 million yuan.
As for fixed assets, there is a garden villa worth 100 million yuan.
The Groom and Bride agreed to the following assets agreement:
If one person gets into an accident during the marriage, all assets will go under the other person's name.
That means that if she really disappeared, then all the assets, worth 110 million yuan, would be yours, right?
But you can't suspect me just based on this. My guy didn't come, so I definitely didn't do this.
Okay, okay. I don't suspect you. But his motive is very obvious. He wanted his wife's money.
[Motive to kill: To get her assets]
So, we can ask the next person. Let's ask you.
You little demon.
-What's your motive? Tell us. / -I have no motive.
-Are you sure? / -I'm sure. / -Or are you the hotel's curse?
I'm a very pure and innocent white bunny!
I'll tell you about me.
After walking you to your room at 10:00, I returned to the front desk and had a beauty nap behind the curtain.
At about 11:00, I heard a commotion in the dining room, like someone was screaming.
Where is her body then? Where is she?
So, I came in and saw the big pool of blood. It scared me to death!
Do you have any evidence to prove that from 10:00 to 11:00 that you were sleeping at the front desk?
-Um... / -Is there a camera? / -Oh, yes.
But when I was cleaning up the dining room, I don't know where the iPad with the hotel's security footage went.
-You forgot where the security footage is? -You can go look for it.
[Detectives Gui and Tang split up to work]
Hey, it's underneath.
[Good chemistry] -Let's look at the security footage.
-This is... / -The Bride.
-The Bride entered from this door from outside. 15 minutes. / -10:45.
Until 10:50, 10:52, 10:53, 10:54, 10:56, 10:57, 10:58, 10:59...
She didn't come out at all.
[The Bride died between 10:45 and 11:00]
At 10:30, I went to my room and used the restroom. Oh, and I talked on the phone for 15 minutes.
[From 10:45 to 11:00, the Groom still had time to do it]
[But what about the Receptionist?]
Is there security footage that can prove that you were at the front desk? This only shows the Bride entering.
You saw in the footage that the Bride entered by herself. You didn't see me enter, so of course I wasn't there.
-Am I right? / That makes sense. /-Yes. [That's nothing]
A bride mysteriously disappears. It appears that she was taken by a vampire.
So, now it's possible that a vampire sucked all her blood, so her body is missing.
[Could the rumors of a vampire be true?] -So hilarious.
This show is sponsored by the fragrant and refreshing Maxwell Coffee.
[Next Episode Preview] -Are you saying that I'm hilarious?
Are you a vampire? Is there actually blood in here?
She once abandoned a pitiful person.
-A person like you should... / -Make her pay with her life!
[Special thanks to the fragrant and refreshing Maxwell Coffee]
Toyota Aygo 1.0 x-play I Navi | Bluetooth | Camera - Duration: 0:53.
Naruto - R★O★C★K★S (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 4:53.
Shortening animals names in Australian English B - Duration: 5:01.
so hello people welcome back to another video and today we're gonna talk about
some Australian animals that were shortened this will be in separate
series bit cause there's so many of them so I have this book I've various animals
we have the long form and we also have the short form so the first word is our
money and the barramundi is a type of a fish you get from the ocean but I've
never actually got it and we usually refer that as that bow so
instead of saying the whole word barramundi it's actually quite a long
word and while we do not actually shorten every word a lot of words we do
so you go fishing go someone asks you what are you gonna fish for say I'm
gonna fish for Bauer instead of saying I'm gonna fish for barramundi but there
are money he it does derive from one of the indigenous Aboriginal languages
that's why it sounds funny to a lot of people and we just shorten it to para so
the next one is a a by T so a biting insect more likely a mosquito or a fly
their various insects that actually bite but if you go in a bush and you're going
camping and you're getting bitten you say oh why these are buying me so they
say use that word yeah blow fly or a house fly something like that any type
of fly you just call them a blowy so well the blow is very apt today that's
just saying the blowflies there are a lot of them today and that is how you
use the word blowy the next one is a Louie Louie's the cattle dog you can
look it up on the internet with a cattle dog is and we just caught a blue based
on each colour so the next one is a Boomer a Boomer is a large kangaroo
generally a male and not too sure water called boomers maybe because it's
actually a lot of the rain thing can make June I go back oh baby boomer
because I just come up so fast they're just so healthy from me from me
as a wild horse it's also a bakery which is uh pretty much
styling at the moment but Brumby is a wild horse EGM only get them in the
mountains in the world country in the Alps of Victorian New South Wales and
very destructive to the habitat but um a lot of people seem to like okay a budgie
budgie is the budgerigar budgerigar east white bull parrot it's
actually a very common pet that people kick and do wild ones a green but when
you get them in a pet shop you can get in like blues white you can still get
them greens yellows those type of colors don't think there's any red ones
yeah but the wall buns are green too that helps them camouflage into their
habitat so have you got a buggy that's just like saying have you got a badger
account but most people caught in Australia corn budgies not badger eager
actually some people get confused if you say Beaudry yeah okay what's a battery
yeah they're a bit before it's a fine dumb bastard okay a bug
okay in our buggies it's an insect um any type of insect could be flying
second look at that bug if you have crabs you have a bug on you there's a
Moreton Bay bug so I have no idea what a lot and baby buggies just says yeah I've
heard of it before I assume it's a flight at a large flavor
in a Moreton Bay with anyway Oh babies just just a replacement
forensic so this side instead of saying at the front of my house dear Florida
insects you can say at the front of my house there are a lot of bugs so you can
Nový Extra Focus je tu! Tarra White hodnotí holky z oboru: Daisy Lee dělá, že je blbá - Duration: 2:07.
Air Pistol Weihrauch HW75 Target - Full Review and Shoot Test - Duration: 14:04.
Nice of you to come in.
Today I have again something especially cool for you!
And I have the Weihrauch HW75, here even in a special version, namely the
HW 75 Target.
And I have the incense HW75, here even in a special version, namely the
Have fun!
Weihrauch HW75 Target - special version.
What makes this "target" so special, I'll go into it in more detail later.
You see the shooting test, you see the Chronytest, we look at close-ups, but now.
first of all we come to the technical data.
28 centimeters long, 1100 grams heavy, caliber 4.5 millimeters .177.
The system works with pre-compressed air.
The compression is done by pulling the tap here in the back, the safety lever
Once pressed, the air pistol can be opened easily with two fingers.
Can you fold it up forwards?
Pellet is loaded into the barrel, with some pressure the air pistol is closed again.
The air is compressed and the air pistol is ready to fire.
I'm pulling the lever here - you see it red, F for Fire.
Fire once, and the shot goes off.
And now let's take a close look at the air pistol.
Here at the front you can see the front sight, it is a match sight.
You see the caliber .177, 4.5 millimeters, "HW75 Target", the double adjustable
It can be adjusted in advance and at the pressure point.
This can be made softer and harder.
You see here a manual backup, now it's on fire (red), now it's save.
A - I think - beautiful dark walnut handle.
Here below with a hallmark incorporated.
The pistol, I show this to you from both sides is both for left- and right-handers
You see this cock, this rear sight, this 11 millimeter prism rail up here.
And now comes the peculiarity: hidden under the red dot, I just turn this one
for a second.
Here is the special feature Mr Schlottmann has had made: You see an incorporated
Weaver rail.
A red dot, for example from Docter, as here in the case of Ritter, can be applied to this.
or directly from UTG without adapter.
And now I would have said, let's see how constant the air pistol is.
Time for the Chronytest.
Let's do the Chronytest.
With the JSB Exact 4.53mm 0.547 gram weight.
We'll take 10 shots.
And shot number 10.
So... we took 10 shots.
3.26 joules on average.
109.3 meters a second on average. 107 was the lowest, 110.5 the maximum.
Constance 3.5 meters per second.
Standard deviation from mean 1 meter per second.
That's a great value!
So, you've seen the Chronytest, you've seen how incredibly constant the air pistol is.
Weihrauch HW75.
I'm just about to reattach the red dot right now.
Because I'd definitely like to use this for the firing test.
Just to see what kind of scatter circle I can get together.
But first I would like to show you the dry training possibility.
You have the option of pulling the cock here, unlocking the weapon,
you can train dry.
Without a real shot being fired, or without you being in the rented apartment, for example.
too much noise.
It's also a great function.
All right, guys, here we go.
I'll shoot JSB Exact 4.53 millimeters, 0.547 grams.
You see, I have mounted a red dot of Ritter here on the HW75.
I would've said we'd just look at what kind of scatter circle we had together.
I'll get it for you.
Last night I shot a target with a 1.5 cm scattering circle.
I hope, of course, that I can do the same now in front of the camera.
And then let's see what the HW75 can do.
Here we go.
You see, I press the tap, open the air pistol and just plug the pellet in.
into the top of the barrel.
Closing is easier than with the HW40.
It doesn't take that much effort.
****** Sorry.
Andi said at the last competition that I shot too good,
and I didn't swear enough.
That's really boring.
From here, I can't see how well I'm doing at the moment.
All I see is that I'm out of the black one.
It's not so dramatic in principle.
Better than shooting away the center I want to stop at.
That's why I don't like to adjust the shooting tests exactly to the middle.
So don't be surprised.
The gun's really good in the hand.
I haven't even counted how many shots I've taken.
I have to admit, this is really fun.
So it's possible it's gonna be a few more.
That trigger's great, too!
We have a very clear pressure point here.
It's also nice that we have a manual fuse.
before every shot.
I can't see at all from here how well I shot.
You see, the air pistol can also be closed really nicely.
Up here, I got a lot of room to put my hand on.
And a big advantage is that the danger of crushing is not as high as with Weihrauch.
It seems to be working a little higher here.
It hasn't happened to me at all yet.
Ah... he might have been a little crooked.
It felt bad.
He wasn't that good, I guess.
It's really difficult at a distance.
Since if you're a little shaky, at 11 meters with an air pistol, the experienced shooters
between you guys, you know that anyway.
You're just out of the target.
I guess the last two were a little lower.
Yeah, let's do one or two more shots.
I think it should be meaningful enough then.
And let's make one last...
And then we'll take a closer look.
Or rather, you've already seen it.
That should be it.
I'm gonna take a close look at this.
Ihr seht das Schussbild.
So I think for that it was my first record today, really not so wrong.
I'm not gonna do a second one.
You see that the scattering circle almost disappears under a 20 cent piece.
If I push this back and forth a little bit, I'll make it all right.
Yeah, guys, you saw the shooting test.
This is really good.
In the range of a 20-cent piece.
I bet you guys can get a little closer.
You are welcome to post your scattering circles on my Facebook page.
Or you can send me these simply by email. If you want to send others
if you have any questions, just send me an email, or even better: comment the video here
directly on YouTube.
I'd really love that.
I'd have said we'd get to the bottom line.
What else can I do as a result but say: really really good!
I will briefly enumerate the advantages once again: materials used are of absolutely high quality.
Not a single wearing part here is made of plastic.
We have a beautiful walnut handle.
We have here in this special version which I like once again better than the normal
HW75 the already integrated Weaver rail.
So you don't have such a high block, you don't need an adapter if you have a red dot.
Right, really cool air pistol.
If you don't want to shoot with a red dot, you can use the matchvization to shoot absolute
achieve great results.
Yes for me it is the perfect combination of incense HW45 and incense HW40.
What do you mean?
You have used the absolutely horny optics of the incense HW45, only high-quality materials,
the advantage compared to a HW45 is even that the handle is a little bigger here.
This means that even with ambidextrous shooting for people with larger hands, it is still
some more comfortable.
And you have the advantage of the HW40 you have a bounce-free system.
That means, even for inexperienced shooters like me, better results simply as well.
Sure, the good HW45 shooters can do it the same way, but it takes a lot to do it.
in practice.
The pistol is incredibly much fun, it can be closed more easily than a
Weihrauch HW40, you don't have that much effort.
Right, right, really good!
All right, all right!
That's what it's supposed to be from my side.
I have nothing more to add.
I would be happy if you would have a look at some other of my videos.
If you leave me a Like, if you haven't done it already, a subscription.
and would be happy to write a comment under the video.
The algorithm of YouTube has it incredibly gladly if there bitsl under the video stands.
Ok, super!
Then I won't keep you any longer.
I thank you!
See you next time!
Ciao Servus says AirGhandi
[ENG sub] Pebble Beach_live octopus_Geoje to Busan [Travel Korea with friends] - Duration: 8:48.
the water looks so clean!
Is there a sand beach in Shanghai?
There is. But that beach is artificial.
After the fine weather, we decided to go to the beach
Drive 10 to 20 minutes from downtown close to the beach.
Close to the beach, there are a variety of homestays.
In South Korea, where summer begins in early July, the water will cool a bit.
But we all came to summer vacation and wanted to get into the sea.
The beach reminds Andy, the quarry bay in Hong Kong
Just arrived at the beach,
the sea looks very clean! I want to get in the ocean!
come! hurry!
Is there a sand beach in Shanghai?
There is. But that beach is artificial.
Because that sea in Shanghai,
in fact, is it surrounded by mud, not sand
They found a place and dumped all the sand. They made the sand beach.
Look for the only foreigner in the sea, He is Jeremy
Although there are many people in the sea
Dad's good at sea swimming
bit cold
(and) salty
(in side sea) too much seaweeds
I just swimed about 400m,
no longer than 400m
I swim so hard for delicious dinner
Now I'm looking at a man who has trouble digesting
he is exercising for (delicious seafood) dinner
(for a walk move to the next beach)
(it's a beautiful place with lots of little stones to walk on)
The beach called "Mong Dol"
This beach has no sand There are many small stones
"Mong dol" is a dialect of Gyung Sang Do,
referring to rough stones.
For lovers, there are big hearts at the beach entrance
you're going in the wrong direction. Another direction!
Yeah, Finally!
(Andy, Looks! Anna in the back side)
Yes, Now you come on! (see how positive Jeremy is)
(Jeremy takes Andy's camera.)
(because, Jeremy has already made a mistake)
(it's stable this time)
Yeah, Mom&Dad ^^*
(Jeremy tells JJ to take a cuople photo)
If you want, I can accompany you
(JJ refused) Do you not love me, JJ?
JJ: No, no, no.
JJ Jeremy really wants to take photo with you
(Jeremy is very kind. He did this for a lonely JJ.)
They are so cute
one, two, three
We can confirm how much the two brothers love each other
This is the "Mong dol beach"
here is a very unique
There were a lot of seaweed on the next beach
(Jeremy has also said that)
He took a stone for the effect of his walk (and for digestion;;;)
it's too heavy
A little bug was found in the stone
what's this?
This little creature is called a shipworm
I want to take a farmers walk
He's so hard to pick a stone.
It's weat
(mom asks why you're carrying a rock)
Because it increases the effect of walking.
Drift water with small stones
Please, Stop give it to me (It's make me tire)
I prefer to walk this kind of beach
Me too, It's better than sand beach
It's cleaner and feeling good
Yeah, here's nothing will stuck in my toes
(everybody's worried about andy's digesting;;)
Because I'm not hungry, so everybody worry and walking with me hard.
(JJ checked the bug on the Internet)
It's easy to find on all the south Korea beaches
usually leave in between the stones
They are group living bugs;;
Also known as the beach roach
Cockroaches are also group living bugs
Yes they are
Cockroaches are everywhere;;
Because the stones, walking is harder than other place.
We come to the JJ's father recommaended place
It's hard for ordinary tourists to find that kind of place
These two days we visited really good restaurant in Geoje
It's the seafood restaurant near the pier!
It's already PM 7
for lily order light wine
(This dinner is the last night in Geoje island)
(Tomorrow morning we will go to Busan)
Thank you so much! JJ's Dad and mom!
Cheers! one shot!
Sad, before start to eat dinner the camera is dead T_T
next day morning
Mom preparing the breakfast for us
This is gengeral Korean style breakfast
Fish cake Soup!!
Fish cake is famous food material in near Busan city area
This is the our 3rd day It's rainy day
ICE water for andy
what time is it?
It's AM 9
AM 9 ?!!!!!
It's time to wake up.
Today we will go to Busan City
First we have to check-in the airbnb
weather is not good
we are plan to go to the "Hae un dae"
Maybe we have to go to the "Yi ba goo Street"
Let's go
Thank you Mom (Gam Sa Hap Ni Da)
They say good bye to mom
(Now we are going to the BUS terminal)
Thank you Dad!!
Just arrived "Go hyun" terminal
(These two days, We really thank you for JJ's daddy!!)
(The rice burger brand which is very famous in South Korea)
We will take a bus toward Busan Station
the ticket price is 7700(WON)/person
Eating Korean Street Food!
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