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For more infomation >> Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo - Estrenos Reggaeton y Música Urbana 2018 - Duration: 1:18:43.-------------------------------------------
Julie Gayet furax : elle ne veut plus entendre parler de François Hollande ! -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:15.
El olvidado vídeo del pajarraco Sánchez acusando a Rajoy de dar alas al independentismo - Duration: 2:54.
[Aristeia!] Legendary Bahadurs Designers Interview - Duration: 6:11.
Legendary Bahadurs is about Final Boss,
which reunites a bunch of old legends
to come back to the highest competition.
The same day of this announcement, he admits he has 6 ex-wives and a lot of bills to pay.
Every character, except Oberon —who's an AI—
have their own motivation to come back.
Koorie Queen is releasing a new album
and Shona Carano has a personal vendetta to resolve.
The designing process of the characters allowed me to take care of the conceptual design,
which I hadn't done for a long time.
When Infinity was born, I did a lot of conceptual design —especially Nomad troops—
but, since I was doing other stuff, taking the responsibility to do this Aristeia! expansion was a great challenge for me.
It was really fun to do. It also was a way to show and materialize through this Aristeia! characters
all the ideas and things that I like today.
Final Boss was quite easy to design because it was a character
that was already designed, at least we could say that about his appearance because he was one of the Aristeia! presenters.
Only a leather jacket was added, so he would look a little bit cooler.
Shona Carano was pretty easy too because I do HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts)
and she personifies what I like about the sport.
Making her look cool wasn't difficult.
As we've been doing a lot of "fantasy" skins for Aristeia,
we decided to bring Oberon's skin to "day one".
This way, we gave him a touch of "fantasy".
Finally, Koorie Queen was the biggest challenge
because I forced myself to do an unusual silhouette.
We used to think the Aristeia! fighters would have athletic and sturdy bodies,
and I wanted Koorie to be a little bit different by making her shorter and stocky.
Therefore, it was difficult to make her attractive enough to be a great music diva and
at the same time, a good Aristeia! fighter.
What we mainly needed was to balance the meta-game,
which has been reinforced, especially regarding the control.
So, although Oberon has a lot of influence on the control
the other 3 are mainly DPS, carrying out the functions of short, medium and long range.
The common point between them is mainly the Stunned state.
It's a state that we felt that after Soldiers of Fortune had gone a little bit unnoticed,
and it seems to us a state that can have a very serious impact, hindering the rival's efforts and lowering their effectiveness.
That is, perhaps, the common denominator.
Final Boss is very versatile, Koorie Queen has a more harassing aspect,
and Shona Carano is another specialist in melee
an interesting alternative.
My favorite Bahadur is Final Boss.
It's difficult to say otherwise.
It's difficult to choose only one. I would pick Oberon, just because he's an elf.
I'm gonna stick with Koorie Queen.
I think she is a very bold design decision,
and has game mechanics that we hope the more veteran and advanced players can take advantage of.
It's not an easy character, but we think she can make an interesting game in the HexaDome.
That's not the correct question...
No! - Miriam Rodríguez, Pablo López | Costurera Swift Cover - Duration: 2:58.
Piso pélvico | Patricia Kelly - Duration: 4:00.
Marjorie Jackson, The Lithgow Flash | Words of Olympians - Duration: 8:05.
I didn't really know much about the Olympics.
My dad worked in the small arms factory
making .303 rifles for the war.
He just asked this chap who started the club
whether he'd train me.
I just did as I was told.
That's how I ended up down on a running track.
You know, that was... that was it.
It took me six months to save up
to buy my two pair of running shoes
out of my wages.
I remember my photo was first in the paper when I was 15
cos I'd won the country championship.
I must have been strutting around.
I don't know. You know how you get.
My dad said, "God gives us all a gift.
"Yours just happens to be running,
"and you're no better than anybody else.
"And don't you forget it."
That was the greatest advice any parent could give.
When I was 17 and I beat Fanny Blankers-Koen,
who'd just won at the London Olympics,
they invited me to Victoria to run,
and I was the talk of Lithgow
because I was going on an aeroplane,
not because of running.
During training for the Olympic Games,
which was in the middle of winter here in Australia,
I trained after work, at night.
The people of Lithgow all put in together
and built a cinder track next to the...
over where the horse racing used to be
and the cycling and the rugby league.
We all trained on that one little track.
But unfortunately, they didn't have any money left
to put lights on the track.
My trainer owned a motorcar.
He used to get at the end of the track
and put the lights on because I trained
in the fog and the sleet and the snow
and I couldn't even see in front of me.
How I never, ever broke my leg I'll never, ever know,
because I used to just run in the fog
and then bang into the car at the end of it,
so I did that six days a week
for about seven or eight months of the year.
That was my journey trying
to get to the Olympic Games in Helsinki.
I've never seen 100,000 people.
The most people in my life I'd ever seen was about 2,000,
and suddenly going into this arena of all these people
and the roar...
You really felt like a Christian
about to be fed to the lions. That was the way I felt.
Just to see the thousands of people
and the joy that it brings to everyone,
I just wanted it to go on forever.
(JULY 22, 1952)
The particular day the 100-metre final was on,
it had been raining, it was freezing cold,
and I just felt I was home in Lithgow where I'd trained.
I think it was about an hour to an hour and a half
before the final,
and I was so nervous and feeling sick.
Well, that hour and a half seemed like about three hours,
and when I came up through the underground,
my legs were like jelly, and I thought,
"I don't even know how I'm going to finish this race."
I felt the whole of Australia actually was on my shoulders.
(100M FINAL)
When the gun went off, it's amazing
how you forget everything.
It's finished. It's over.
I've done something that I'll never, ever forget in my life.
I really felt that I'd won that for Lithgow
and for my parents.
(200M FINAL)
And it's the same story.
Marjorie Jackson is again the leading star.
She is going full speed but not fast enough
to equal her own world record of 23.4 seconds
scored in the semifinals.
The second gold medal,
I felt that was mine.
I'd worked hard for that.
I gave up all my teenage years
to represent my country.
Australia went mad.
Lithgow, the little country town that I came from,
everything stopped.
All the factories blew their horns.
The police and the ambulances
and the Fire Brigades and the taxis
all tearing up and down the streets
blowing their horns.
Australia just went ballistic.
The plane carrying us home
went out of its way and flew over Lithgow
to tell them that I was coming home.
When I landed at Sydney Airport...
I lived 96 mile from Sydney,
and the welcome home went for 96 mile.
Every town I went through,
the whole of the town was out,
and when I got to Lithgow,
there was about 25,000 -
that's about how many lived there -
they all lined the streets.
I was in an open car.
You couldn't see me for flowers.
I had that many in the car.
I came home, and Dad said to me,
"Well, you're an Olympic champion now.
"You should set an example to the way you live your life."
The Olympic Games are back down under.
I had to say to my specialist,
"I'm going to Sydney to carry the Olympic flag,"
and he just looked at me and said,
"Most of my patients go to bed
"after what you've been through."
I'd actually been in hospital
a week and a half before with back surgery.
He said I could go if I stood,
so I went on the aeroplane,
sat down while it took off,
and then stood all the way to Sydney.
Marjorie Jackson,
athletics, 1952,
two gold medals.
I loved being there and wishing
I was about 50 years younger
and competing.
And I've tried the whole of my life
to live with honesty and integrity
in everything that I've done.
(FROM 2001 TO 2007
El secreto de las grandes marcas. El cliente es el jefe - Duration: 3:49.
終於後悔了!謝賢將財產秘密轉移給謝霆鋒,張柏芝將何去何從! - Duration: 4:00.
ÇUKUR 2.SEZON 7.BÖLÜM Fragman (ANALİZ) - Duration: 6:25.
【寶島騎趣SP】P字型重機環島初體驗 - Duration: 10:43.
Learn to speak Spanish 54 quickly online with our free Spanish course with 60 Spanish lessons. - Duration: 3:17.
Welcome to the questions section and answers read the answer out loud
then listen to the correction
What was Esteban carrying in his hands when Did you meet Alba?
He carried the suitcase in one hand and in the another the identity card and the
What did the receptionist do when he entered to alba
the receptionist was checking the reservation when he entered at dawn
Why do you laugh dawn and say you were theatrical
Because it seems that esteban is describing how he met the love of
his life
Why did they have many problems
because the buttons did not appear and nobody I could help her with the suitcases
Why did he become very nervous receptionist
Because there was a computer problem and there was only one room available
Double room
What did he do as a gentleman?
He decided to give up the room and found a room in a hostel with
half board included
What problem did you have with the Esteban card?
He intended to pay with credit card carrying the portfolio in
the hand and suddenly the dataphone stopped function
How solution or Esteban the problem with the card?
He had to go out and find a cashier automatic to get money
Then he returned to the hostel and finally paid the happy room in cash
Why did Esteban wake up at night?
Esteban woke up because they fell drops of water on the face
What did they do in reception when Esteban She complained?
The only thing they did was give it a basin in the hand and the advice of
move the bed so as not to get wet with leak
古裝Vlog|一日古裝企劃,與皇上攜手逛百貨 ft.一群人設複雜的古人 - Duration: 5:41.
The Middle Ages | Om Nom Season 2 | Cartoon Videos For Children - Duration: 1:36.
The Middle Ages - Om Nom Season 2
Dua Lipa Real Name || Dua Lipa Net Worth 2018 - Duration: 11:04.
Dua Lipa Real Name || Dua Lipa Net Worth 2018
Dua Lipa Real Name || Dua Lipa Net Worth 2018
How to add and delete photos. - Duration: 1:02.
To upload your photos, first click on the 'Property" tab then click the 'Photos' section.
Then click the 'add photos' button to upload high-quality photos of your property to your 'Photo Library'.
To remove a photo from your property page on Booking.com, click on the photo.
In the pop up window that appears, click the trashcan icon below the photo.
If a photo has been uploaded in the incorrect orientation, you can rotate it
by clicking on the rotate icons below the photo.
The photos can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping them.
981640 - Duration: 3:47.
リトルなでしこ21人発表 世界一へ、「いい戦いを」 - Duration: 2:48.
100+ Flower Garden Fence Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 12:04.
♪ Nightcore - Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 3:07.
I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage.
The role you made me play..
Of the fool.
No, I don't like you
I don't like your perfect crime.
How you laugh when you lie.
You said the gun was mine
Isn't cool.
No, I don't like you!
But i got smarter, i got harder in the nick of time!
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time!
I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined!
I check it once, then i check it twice (oh!)
Ooh, look what you made me do
look what you made me do
look what you just made me do
look what you just made me (oh!)
Ooh, look what you made me do
look what you made me do
look what you just made me do
look what you just made me do
i don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You, Asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out
And threw a feast
The world moves on
Another day
Another drama
But not for me
Not more me
All i think about is karma
And then the world moves on
But one thing is for sure
Maybe i got mine
But you'll all get yours
But i got smarter
I got harder
In the nick of time
Honey, i rose up from the dead
I do it all the time
Ive got a list of names
And your is in red, underlined
I check it once
Then i check it twice
Look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me
Look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
I don like t trust nobody
And nobody trusts me
I e the actress
Starring in your bad dreams
I don t trust nobody
And nobody trusts me
I'll be the actress
Starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody
And nobody trusts me
I'll be the actress
Starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody
And nobody trusts me
I'll be the actress
Starring in your bad dreams
I'm sorry
The old "Yuno" can't come
To the phone right now
'Cause shes dead!
Look what you made me do
Look what you Just made me do
Look what you just made me
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
OH GOD MY BACK, this took awhile, from yours truly the one and only lyrics dude
Have You Ever Had to Fight to Pursue Happiness? - Duration: 1:01.
- Not me specifically, but a few friends who.
She comes from a very conservative background,
I guess you could say?
So, she's not really allowed to feel how she wants to feel
about certain people, and it kinda hurts her, but.
She's kind of strong that way (laughs),
she's much stronger than I am.
She still does what she, you know, loves to do.
And even when she's feeling down
or like, depressed about it, she finds something
to you know, smile about every time, so.
I feel like if you grow up a certain way,
it kinda just sticks with you, the way you're raised.
So I kinda don't blame them, but in a way,
I feel like they should love her as who she is,
and not something that she can't be.
'Cause when you try to be something that you can't,
kind of makes you feel a little,
I guess disappointed in yourself.
It just makes you feel like you're not worth it.
And her being able to do that is (laughs).
I feel like she's probably the strongest person I know.
Gábor Grendel podporuje Zoltána Péka na starostu Podunajských Biskupíc - Duration: 0:51.
Audi Q8 50 TDI Quattro 286PK Tiptronic - Duration: 1:09.
Anticipazioni U&D, Mara Fasone: l'addio inaspettato al trono | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:12.
Grande Fratello Vip: puntata speciale con Fabrizio Corona dentro la casa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:46.
近日路人拍到一組未ps王菲的照片, 網友: 可能是帶了個面具! - Duration: 4:55.
U&D, i sospetti sull'addio di Mara Fasone: 'E' un hobby avere il fidanzato a casa' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.
Roof Rails Ford C-Max. Roof roof Ford C-Max. Tuning. Tuning parts. Overview - Duration: 0:41.
MMV COLLAB // Oh My! - Duration: 3:15.
My night is deep deep. The TV that's on is loud just like my heart
For what reason
Do you turn my heart on and off all on your own
It's not that I don't like it
It's just that maybe
you might be tired
It's just that I'm worried about you
That's just how I feel
If it's you, I need no other
You're like a summer without the heat
You're the boiling point to my loneliness
I can't sleep because of you and suddenly it's morning already
What should I do? Oh my!
I look at you but I think of you even more
You're the biggest question mark in my life
What should I do? Oh my! Oh my!
What should I do? Oh my!
What should I do because of you? Oh my!
Every day, every day, every day
Oh my! What should I do because I like you?
How about you? Is it hard to go to sleep because of me?
If you keep making my heart flutter..
Oh my! Oh my!
Oh my! Oh my!
The day seems far away but I continue to like you
I'm a bit careless and clumsy
But for you, I won't ever back down
Let's hum together
We're sharing earphones. Our relationship seems good
In order to draw you in my mind, I draw you every day
(What am I saying?)
Anyways, I just like you
I keep saying the same thing
I'm sorry, but that's all
I can try using complicated things
Every everything is my sincerity
What should I do? Oh my!
What should I do because of you? Oh my!
If everything is all a dream..
What should I do? Oh my! Oh my!
What should I do? Oh my!
Every day, every day, every day
How about you? Is it hard to go to sleep because of me?
What should I do if you continually make my heart flutter?
Oh my! Oh my!
You're like the bright light that shines to outer space
What would I do without you? Oh my!
What should I do? oh my!
Every day, every day, every day
What should I do because I like you? Oh my!
How about you? Do you even know how I feel?
Tractor-trailer carrying pizza bagels overturns on exit ramp from I-70 to I-435 - Duration: 1:01.
How do I update my inventory? - Duration: 1:16.
To update your inventory first click on the rates and availability page.
Then click on calendar. You will see a calendar displaying all your rooms and
rate categories. On the left side you can see the name of the room type and below
that you see the row where it indicates the number of rooms to sell per day.
You can make single changes on a specific date by modifying the value and clicking enter to save.
In order to make a change for a period of time click the edit button next to rooms to sell.
A small window will open. Fill in the date range you want the changes to apply for
then specify the number of rooms you want to make available at Booking.com for those dates.
Then click Save Changes and receive a confirmation message.
you have the option to just close the message or display the period that has just been modified
How do I report a guest no show? - Duration: 0:56.
If you have a guest not show up for their booking, you may report them as a no-show
so you are not charged commission.
To do this, first click on the Reservations' tab.
Then use the 'Search" box or adjust the date range to locate the right reservation.
Once you have located the right reservation, click the name of the guest or the reservation number.
On the next page, click the 'Mark as a no show' button in the column on the right.
Then, confirm the no show in the box that appears.
The "No show" button will be active for 48 hours, starting at midnight after the intended check-in date.
Cushioned Gradient Nail Art Design - Quick and Easy Tutorial - Duration: 10:49.
Moving House = Crazy! - Duration: 17:30.
Sorry I just cut you guys off... um.
I think the last thing we showed was in the store
and it's the next day I think... hmm.
Did I show you in the house? No.
I didn't show you that obviously. We didn't know much about the house.
But we did find water in the basement of the new house.
What happened is, our mother-in- law is here,
and so we wanted to show her the new house.
We contacted our realtor and asked if we could see the house again and they said that's fine.
So we went to look at it, but it was a different realtor, cause ours is part of a team.
He looked and said "hey there waster in the corner of the basement."
We were like "crap!"
So now we have to contact the listing agent to see what's going on with that.
Because if it's a foundation issue
then that's really expensive.
So we might not want the house or get a discount on the house.
Anyway, so that's what's going on now.
We're just waiting. So hopefully everything's okay.
Me and my mother-in-law and Mikko are gonna go to a few stores.
Jenna's working, cause she works from home today.
So yeah, that's what were gonna be doing.
So hopefully we'll bring you along.
Probably just kind of do a whole vlog of
the whole weekend... Sunday, Monday, maybe Tuesday.
But we'll see.
He has hearing eyes.
Distracted baby.
Good morning!
Okay, umm...
I want to explain, I want to try and start filming everyday.
Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to upload everyday.
Cause right now, definitely don't have the time for that.
I'm working anywhere from
20 to 30 hours a week.
Plus we're in the process of moving.
However I decided I want to try and start filming everyday.
Just so that I have video for later and then maybe
and then every once and a while I can do a compilation or something.
I don't know, but I think I want to just try that.
Just so I'm in the habit of filming more.
The reason we haven't been filming much is cause I stopped for a short time
just because we were really busty and mental health issues.
Umm, maybe I can explain that in another video.
Did that and..... sorry, Mikko.
Yeah, I let him play with the cat bowl,
But I forgot there was actually some cat food in there.
So.... I got it out of his mouth.
But now he's tasted cat food. Good mom!
Umm... but...
ummm, like I was saying, I just...
I haven't gotten in the habit of filming. Which is why
I'll film in the morning and then totally forget for the rest of the day.
I'll try to film everyday no matter what we're doing.
Sometimes we'll show it. Sometimes we might not.
Keep it for ourselves, but that's what we're doing.
Oh my goodness! Packing!!
They just informed us... um...
they have a few things they have to do at the house, some repairs for the buyer.
So they did that and once that's approved, then we'll get our closing date.
She said probably, hmm...
she said 2 weeks... 1 to 3 weeks maybe. Somewhere in there.
I was like "oh my goodness"! So I'm trying to pack everything I can.
Eek! Someone's walking by with a paper....???
Never mind.
Mikko's playing with a box.
Well, now I think it's 2 or 3 o'clock. I haven't filmed all day, sorry.
Still packing, packing, packing as much as possible.
So far we're not sure when the closing date is going to be.
But I just spoke with our realtor and
it seems the basement water problem at the new house is fine.
So we'll go ahead with that. But now we have to wait
for our mortgage person to see what they say.
He's just playing.
We'll see. I'm going to text her later.
See if our mortgage person says anything.
Tomorrow and Sunday we're going to see my Aunt.
Better! Say hi!
Say hi!
I've been having a lot of stomach pain and I'm not sure why.
Just recently made dinner for later cause
I have to work 6... well technically
6 - 10p. Umm....
Really it's 6 - 7p and then 8 - 10p, but whatever.
I just don't want to go cause I don't feel well now, but whatever.
Yep that's what we've been doing. Packing all day. I'll show you what we've got so far.
Good morning. I know I look amazing, this hair.
I haven't combed it. Anyway...
today we are going to the... hold on.
Sorry you had a cat hair, anyway.
We are going to a corn maze, a pumpkin patch.
I'm not really sure how many pumpkins they have,
anyway, it's a farm, with my Aunt Sue.
I think I showed you last night for dinner. Well maybe I didn't film much.
But uh...
okay, I'll show you more later.
Day 3... in the maze.
Oh... umm...
So we got back form the farm, as you saw.
It took us 3 hours. We walked 3 hours. Oh my goodness.
I think they said it was 5 miles that we walked
and I was holding Mikko in the carrier for probably at least
2 or more of those hours.
Anyways, went back home. Chilled out for a bit. Jenna's sleeping.
Mikko, I just put him down to sleep.
Luckily, cause my friend said they have some boxes we can use.
Gotta do that and pick up litter and food.
Think I'm just gonna get Chipotle for dinner cause I don't want to cook anything.
We're doing packing and all that stuff.
I'm gonna go get Chipotle and hopefully Mikko stays sleeping till I get back home.
I'm so proud of myself cause I really wanted french fries
and I actually went into Wendy's
but then I walked back out because
I knew it was not healthy.
So now I'm going to go to Chipotle. See you later!
Yep, I need it... okay.
Okay, it is Monday.
We just started the... well we just started filming.
It's around noon.
He will NOT let me put him down.
I'm going crazy!
I've just been packing so many things,
because we're trying to clean out the basement.
So we're seeing what we actually need to pack
So there's a bunch of stuff in the den and living room.
Let me show you and you'll feel the anxiety I feel. Hold on.
Oh my goodness. Yeah, that's what we got.
I've been so anxious. It's driving me insane.
There's a lot of packing... well kind of still left.
I would say 70% of the packing is done now.
No, you can't get down.
I can't let him play cause uh...
just gotta hold him. But anyway, back to work!
Never ends.... ugh!!!
What is a GERUND? 😣Confusing English Grammar - Duration: 11:10.
XXXTENTACION x Lil Pump - Arms Around You (feat. Maluma & Swae Lee) - Duration: 3:20.
♪ Oh-oh (uh, uh) ♪
♪ (Lil Pump; Maluma, baby) ♪
♪ Mally, Mally Mall ♪
♪ Arms around you ♪
♪ Te llamo mami, let me hold you ♪
♪ Wrap me arms right around you, girl, oh yeah ♪
♪ 'Cause I been wrapped up around you ♪
♪ To make sure no one could harm you ♪
♪ Come on, mami, let me have you, oh-yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, she drivin' me crazy (Yeah) ♪
♪ I take ***** on the daily (Ooh) ♪
♪ Pull out the 'rari or the Mercedes (Which one?) ♪
♪ Yeah, she got my heart racing, racing (Yeah) ♪
♪ Foreign cars, foreign **** ♪
♪ Yeah, we got a lot of those (Ooh) ♪
♪ Diamonds on my Gucci coat (Ooh) ♪
♪ Ten **** in the studio (Huh) ♪
♪ Yes, I'm gonna miss you though ♪
♪ But I got a lot of dope (Brr) ♪
♪ Spanish *****, she love the **** (Brrt) ♪
♪ Put my **** straight down her throat ♪
♪ I know that your baby daddy broke (Broke) ♪
♪ Bring your wife backstage at a festival ♪
♪ Penthouse, fifty-fourth flo', let's go (Let's go) ♪
♪ And my hotel came with a stripper pole ♪
♪ Arms around you ♪
♪ Te llamo mami, let me hold you ♪
♪ Wrap me arms right around you, girl, oh yeah (Oh) ♪
♪ 'Cause I been wrapped up around you ♪
♪ To make sure no one could harm you ♪
♪ Come on, mami, let me have you, oh yeah ♪
♪ If you ever get to feel my touch ♪
♪ Then you might never get enough ♪
♪ Yes, I know you feel the ambiance ♪
♪ Love you like I'll never see you again ♪
♪ Only real cause I'm not for pretend (No) ♪
♪ Reaching out with you arms extended ♪
♪ My love, is emergency ♪
♪ And I can sense the urgency (Ya-aah) ♪
♪ Come, let me, woah-oh-ooh ♪
♪ Your body has stress for me ♪
♪ It was like sorcery ♪
♪ She left me like an alcoholic (Woah-oh-ooh) ♪
♪ Arms around you ♪
♪ Te llamo mami, let me hold you ♪
♪ Wrap me arms right around you, girl, oh yeah (Oh) ♪
♪ 'Cause I been wrapped up around you ♪
♪ To make sure no one could harm you ♪
♪ Come on, mami, let me have you, oh yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, Maluma baby (dice) ♪
♪ Ey, mamá (mamá), te espera un party en mi cama (cama) ♪
♪ Me encanta la forma en que me hablas (hablas) ♪
♪ Invita a tu amiga la buena ♪
♪ Pa' que fumemos como fumamos en La Habana ♪
♪ Siempre andamos positivos ♪
♪ Esa es la forma en que vivo, activo ♪
♪ Que se joda quien no esté en lo mismo ♪
♪ Yo disfruto mientras siga vivo ♪
♪ Si te excita, no te cuesta ♪
♪ Si conmigo estás vestida de Chanel (oh, yeah) ♪
♪ Hasta los pies (oh, yeah) ♪
♪ Si tú te pones pa'l problema ♪
♪ Yo me pongo como se tiene que ser ♪
♪ De una vez, bebé, bebé (Maluma, baby) ♪
♪ Arms around you ♪
♪ Te llamo mami, let me hold you ♪
♪ Wrap me arms right around you, girl, oh yeah (Oh-ooh) ♪
♪ 'Cause I been wrapped up around you ♪
♪ To make sure no one could harm you ♪
♪ Let me, mami, let me have you (Have you), oh yeah ♪
U&D, i sospetti sull'addio di Mara Fasone: 'E' un hobby avere il fidanzato a casa' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.
How to Change the Number Format of a Cell Based on a Condition in Excel - Duration: 7:02.
- What do you think the answer is to this question?
Can one single cell have two different custom formats?
The answer's yes.
It could even have more.
(upbeat music)
Here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna create this mini dynamic report
where the users can select between total sales
and the number of apps.
Do you notice a difference here?
Same cell, formatted differently
depending on the selection.
Here's our sample dataset.
We have a list of apps and their sales numbers.
Now, on the Report tab
that's where we're gonna be creating our mini report.
So first let's start by inserting a dropdown list,
we can do that from the Data tab,
Data Validation, List,
for source we can either reference cells
where we've already input our text before
or we can input in here directly.
So, I'm just gonna directly type in "Total Sales"
and "Count of Apps".
These are the two choices
that we're giving the user
and right below it,
that's where we're gonna have the values.
This is the cell that we wanna conditionally format.
Now, I can't custom format this
'cause if I right mouse click, go to Format Cells
or use the shortcut key control + 1,
I can decide on the formatting that I want
but that's gonna be specific to this cell.
It's not gonna depend on the condition.
The only conditions you can influence here
is how you want positive, negative, zero and text values
to be formatted but it can't influence this
based on the value of another cell
but what I can do instead
is to use Conditional Formatting
but before I jump ahead,
let's first get our numbers in here.
The IF function works great in this case.
Our logical_test is gonna look
at C4 and see if C4 = You can use either Total Sales
or Count of Apps.
I just gonna go with Total Sales right now.
Then what should it show
if it is Total Sales, what it should show
the sum of the sales columns in here,
so I'm gonna press control + shift + down.
Now, I don't necessary need to fix these
because I'm not planning to pull my formula down.
The next argument is if it's false,
so if it's not Total Sales,
well, if it's not, then it must be the Count of Apps,
so I'm gonna COUNT the apps.
Now, do I need COUNT or COUNTA?
Well, that depends which column I'm planning to select.
Let's say I do wanna count the apps
regardless if they had no sales or zero sales,
I need to use COUNTA
because the difference between COUNTA
and COUNT is that COUNTA also counts cells
that have text in them,
so start off with A3, control + shift _ down,
close bracket, close bracket again and press enter.
So, that's our Total Sales number.
Now, when I switch the Count of Apps,
I get 27, so if you have more choices,
and you wanna use the IF function,
you just need to add more ifs
and I have a more detailed video on the IF formula.
I'll put the link to it in the cards
and in the description below.
Now comes the tricky part.
How do we conditionally format this
so that we get the currency when we select Total Sales?
Well, let's go and try it in Conditional Formatting.
New Rule.
Now, one option that works good in this case
is to use a formula
because when we're in this cell,
we can use a formula to check the value
in C4 and if that value equals Total Sales,
we can format it the way we want,
so I'm gonna directly click on C4
and say is this equal to Total Sales?
And if it is, how do I want this to be formatted?
Let's go to Format, Number,
Currency, I'm good with the dollar sign,
I don't wanna see in this case any decimal places
and I'm gonna go with OK and OK.
So, I get my currency in there,
I get the thousand separator in there
and when I switch to Count of Apps,
I don't see the currency in there
which is what I want
but what I also want is to show this in bold,
so I'm gonna actually change the cell formatting
so the cell style to bold
but check this out, when I switch back to Total Sales,
it's bold and let's say in this case,
I don't want this to be bold,
I just want it to be bold when I select Count.
What it seems like doing
is that it's taking over this bold style.
Now, let's go back to Conditional Formatting
and instead of New Rule,
we're gonna manage our existing rule.
I'm gonna go to Edit,
let's go to Format Options
and under Font here
I haven't specified any font style,
so now I am actually gonna specify it to regular.
Say OK, OK, OK
and now I don't see it in bold anymore,
only when I switch back to Count of Apps
I'm gonna see that style.
The style is bold, so if you switch to Total Sales,
you notice that the cell style is bold
but it's being overwritten by the conditional formatting
that I've defined in here.
Now, let's take this one step further
and make it more dynamic.
So, I'm planning to add new apps to this
and as I do that, I want my formula
to expand automatically, so I wanna see the updated values
without me going back and updating the range,
so what I'm gonna do is to turn this dataset
into an official Excel table.
Just click anywhere inside and press control + T,
table has headers, I'm gonna go with OK.
I'm just gonna go and clear the table style
just to go back to my own table style.
Now, you can change the table name in here as well
but notice what happens when I add to this list.
So, I'm just gonna add new app here,
I'm gonna add some really big number
so that we can easily tell on the report side.
Notice my Total Sales change
and my range here updated automatically.
If I switch to Count of Apps,
I see the updated number.
So, all I did there was to turn my original dataset
into a table.
Now, obviously you can do this at the beginning
before you start to write your formula,
then you're likely to have the table references
inside your formula
or you can do it like I did at the end.
But that's how you can change the formatting
of a specific cell
based on a criteria.
You can make this more complex,
you could have more KPIs, different formats,
have percentages or dates.
Just remember, you can use conditional formatting
to get the job done,
so give the video a thumbs up
if you liked it and press the subscribe button
if you'd like to get updates
when new videos come out.
(upbeat music)
Carey Mulligan Reveals the Worst Review About Her - Duration: 2:23.
[Official Music Video] - Time Jump - [Original] - Duration: 1:27.
[Dope Music]
Have You Ever Had to Fight to Pursue Happiness? - Duration: 1:01.
- Not me specifically, but a few friends who.
She comes from a very conservative background,
I guess you could say?
So, she's not really allowed to feel how she wants to feel
about certain people, and it kinda hurts her, but.
She's kind of strong that way (laughs),
she's much stronger than I am.
She still does what she, you know, loves to do.
And even when she's feeling down
or like, depressed about it, she finds something
to you know, smile about every time, so.
I feel like if you grow up a certain way,
it kinda just sticks with you, the way you're raised.
So I kinda don't blame them, but in a way,
I feel like they should love her as who she is,
and not something that she can't be.
'Cause when you try to be something that you can't,
kind of makes you feel a little,
I guess disappointed in yourself.
It just makes you feel like you're not worth it.
And her being able to do that is (laughs).
I feel like she's probably the strongest person I know.
For Our Future - Duration: 0:31.
Jenell: "We give them life.
We give them love.
But will we give them a safe future?"
Jenell: "As attorney general, Tom Leonard will work to make our state safer and stronger
for all of our kids."
As a prosecutor, I cracked down on drug dealers, abusers, and murderers to bring justice to
victims and clean up the streets.
I'll do the same as Michigan's attorney general.
Jenell: "And as Hannah's dad."
For our future.
Tom Leonard for attorney general.
The Hero's Journey Of Paying Off Debt - Duration: 3:46.
Welcome to the paid off debt series that I'm making just for you
My name is Jared from debt-free blueprint
And in this series what I like to do is take the main topic of paying off debt and pick one
Subtopic that has to do with paying off debt give you some motivation some insights some lessons learned
Some things that you should know that I learned while I was paying off my debt
since paying off my debt and even since working with quite a few people who are paying off their day and in this series
The topic is your hero's journey
If you didn't know there's an element to every television show and movie that we see it's called the hero's journey
The hero being the main the main character of that story
every single movie and television show has it whether you realize it or not and
A hero's journey is where the main character of that story has to battle through
Fight through some resistance in their life in that specific story and then they go on an adventure
And then they overcome that that resistance those setbacks those challenges that they've had in
That particular story
They rise up they become transformed at the end of that story. I
like to compare
Paying off your debt the process of paying off your debt to a hero's journey
Because I think that that's what you're on right now. You're on your own specific hero's journey
You're battling resistance. You're battling those setbacks
You're battling that doubt that you might have and about about how difficult it is to pay off your debts
And it's just beating you down and beating you down
It's good one day then it's bad the other it's fun one week, then. It sucks the next week
You know what I'm talking about. I know you do
So I want you to try to look at your
Process of paying off debt as your specific hero's journey, not my hero's journey
yours and it's gonna be special to you and I want you to remind yourself that you're
Overcoming this this big challenge that you are facing right now and you're going to be transformed at the very end of it
But you have to muddle through all the BS
That that comes with the process of paying off your debt that mut not many people are willing to to put themselves through
You've chosen to go through this process. You said, you know what I'm gonna do it and
You're gonna become better because of it. So
I want you to really focus on being your own hero
Make us proud. We're watching you on this screen on this television
We're watching you. We want you to get through this on the other side. We want you to get through in a happy and healthy
positive way I
Want to see you do that?
So embrace that hero's journey and get those damn debts paid off
Okay, because I already crossed my hero's journey. I crossed through that one
I've got other ones to go through but I'm done with my debt free one and now it's your turn
Leave a comment down below and let me know about your hero's journey. I want to hear about it. I
Like hear about other people's personal stories cuz we're all different different
each of our journeys are gonna be a little bit different and I think that's cool and fun and interesting because I'm a weirdo
alright friends
Smash that thumbs up and leave a comment down below hit that subscribe button if you haven't yet
I'm getting really like goofy and giddy right now. So I'm gonna go I'll see the next one. Adios
149€ GIMBAL tested DOWNHILL Riding - DOES IT SUCK? + GIVEAWAY | HOHEM XG1 Test - Duration: 5:41.
Welcome to a new video! Today is another giveaway, this time you can this gimbal from Hohem Tech, the XG1.
I'm gonna test it out now, and gonna give it away to one of you guys..
A sticker giveway is also running, check my previous video to see how you can win sticker. I'm gonna announce the winners in my next video! :)
In the end of this video I'm gonna tell you how to take part in the giveaway.
This one costs around 140 bucks on amazon, which makes it one of the cheapest chestmount gimbals I found.
Let's see how the price-performance ratio is.
I received it just yesterday, so everything is set on standard. There 4-5 different modes and an app which allows you to configure the speed of the motors.
I'm gonna start riding now, and you tell me how you like the shots! We see us again at the end of the video! Enjoy :)
Let's see how it works when it gets more rough.
Just noticed that the motors were set quite slow, I changed it now. Let's see if it makes a difference!
This is how to win the gimbal: Comment why exactly you need the gimbal, subscribe to my channel & subscribe to the channel of Hohem Tech. The Banner will pop up somwhere here.
In the next video I will announce the winners of this and the latest giveaway. Hope you enjoyed, ciao!
10 Wonderful Paper Crafts and Ideas, Adorable Paper Crafts - Duration: 14:01.
10 Wonderful Paper Crafts and Ideas, Adorable Paper Crafts
L'HORROR CALABRESE 2 - Duration: 4:18.
Citroën Saxo 1.4I VTS - Duration: 1:01.
31國5萬大軍現身北極!62艘戰艦逼近俄領海,俄:好戲馬上登場 - Duration: 5:33.
大刀闊斧!美國退出中導條約,87歲的戈巴契夫再度發聲:特朗普你在玩火 - Duration: 4:08.
We work hard,
we keep doing our thing because we want to be the best in the world.
CS came into my life unexpectedly,
I used to play other games like Warcraft III, Tibia and MU Online with my friends.
CS was shown to me by my friend,
he brought me the game, told me that it's competitive,
there are leagues and prizes, he taught me how to play.
He showed me how it works,
it was CS 1.6
and my journey started on ESL's site,
where I played the 1v1 AWP league.
I did 0:15
fifteen losses and zero wins of course
but I managed to get better.
We started playing 2v2 with Szczepan,
he showed me how to think in the game, how to act.
Obviously 2v2 is different from 5v5,
but I started to understand the game,
there were some won games and I started to create some teams.
When it comes to CS:GO no one really knew me before,
because I haven't played anywhere before for real,
never had the chance to show myself.
My first proffessional or rather semi-proffessional team was INSHOCK.
I got into the team thanks to minise,
he recommended me and Loord contacted me,
maniek used to play back then,
now he's Kinguin's coach.
Our cooperation was short because he left to coach G2 Esports at the time.
Together with peet, Hyper, Furlan and rallen,
we trained
and made it to Major after 2 or 3 months
and that's how it started.
For me, Major is something special,
it's like the world championship,
because there are only two Majors per year and only the best teams play there
It's very hard to qualify for Major,
the qualifiers are complicated and it's a long way to go.
When it comes to AGO,
Major is our main target,
especially because next Major will take place in Katowice
and we'll do everything to make it.
My idol, like probably for the most Polish players
is Filip NEO Kubski.
I don't copy him or anyone else,
I have my own style,
I like to be myself.
I don't like copying others.
Where did my nickname GruBy (fat) came from?
Just take a look.
Even after I lost weight, I was still GruBy,
if I lose more weight I will be GruBy.
Fine feathers make fine birds.
My feathers are fat and it stayed with me.
I didn't have any problem with that,
I keep the distance,
I'm positive and when someone calls me fat
I'm not offended,
sometimes people call me grubas (fatso) and it doesn't offend me aswell.
I won't change my nickname,
GruBy has to be GruBy.
♪ random polish song ♪
I think that without physical workout
it's difficult to endure 12 hours of playing,
because it's a really big effort for your body,
you're getting slow.
Training builds stamina,
your body gets used to effort
and it affects the matches.
Apart from that, the life quality is better,
you feel better, you have better mood and it affects the atmosphere in the team, the
When it comes to roles on the map,
it's not really how it's said,
hat there's one guy who's a support,
because in CS there are really two roles -
the one who runs in, so-called entry,
and one who's the sniper.
The rest depends on how the team plans to play the game,
there's no typical support in our team
- sometimes it's me, sometimes phr, depending on who has grenades
and how's the economy.
Every player has to be able to throw good grenades.
I don't have a set role,
but I rather throw grenades than run in first.
Communication is the most important thing in CS
you might shoot poorly,
but if you communicate well, use grenades and your positioning is good,
you can win rounds with just that,
killing the enemy from the side or back,
because you spot him faster,
because your position is better
and the communication is most important here.
You can always improve your shooting,
it depends on the day - sometimes you shoot better, sometimes worse.
In the short breaks between the matches I don't really have a set routine,
sometimes I go out on the balcony to catch some air,
sometimes I'll go to the bathroom or grab something to drink.
During bootcamps I often lie down on the floor to straighten my back,
because it hurts and I need to stretch.
When it comes to stress I'm used to it,
when I was little my mom always pushed me
to do stuff like reciting poems,
I also played in an orchestra for 7 years,
I used to perform on stage.
I played the trumpet,
it was cool, people would listen to me,
maybe it's a bit easier for me due to that,
but I definitely get stressed at LANs,
playing in front of the audience is stressful,
but I think stress is needed if you want to win
and achieve success.
How to add and delete photos. - Duration: 1:02.
To upload your photos, first click on the 'Property" tab then click the 'Photos' section.
Then click the 'add photos' button to upload high-quality photos of your property to your 'Photo Library'.
To remove a photo from your property page on Booking.com, click on the photo.
In the pop up window that appears, click the trashcan icon below the photo.
If a photo has been uploaded in the incorrect orientation, you can rotate it
by clicking on the rotate icons below the photo.
The photos can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping them.
E07: FATHER, WE HAVE ONLY ONE - JAIME'S LIFE - Duration: 9:01.
In honor of Nelson Rodrigues
So, boss, we can do the delivery, of course.
It's soft for us, we have a whole structu... wait a minute, boss.
Speak, great Jimmy.
Hi, Master Zula.
I'm calling to say that I'm very sick, I can not go to class today
and I could not apply the lesson yet.
This is not fear, is it, Jimmy?
No, Master Zula.
I'm really sick... with a lot of fever and headache.
Wow, boy!
Then go to the doctor!
Do not worry about the lesson, you already advanced a lot.
Take care of your problem that we still have a lot of time to train you.
It's all right.
Thank you, Master Zula.
Take care, buddy!
So, boss.
By immobilizing your resource well, we will not have any problem with the delivery.
It is clean!
Wow, father... but how late...
Calm down, son, already dr. Onário answers us.
But it takes too long...
He has a lot of people to attend to, my son...
You know, my son... in my teenage years there were almost no remedies.
I will not say that the attendance here is the best in the world, but listen, tomorrow you
will be new.
The Doctor Onário will prescribe a remedy that is shot and fall.
I do not know if I'm hot or cold...
You know what we did when we had a fever, son?
Wet cloth on forehead.
Just that and nothing more.
I mean, this and basil tea.
And the treatment is over...
Jaime, please.
Thank God!
Come on, son, it's your turn!
In the doctor's office...
Excuse me, sir. doctor.
Wow, mr. Jair.
What a pleasant surprise...
Come on, sit down. All right with you?
What happened to this little boy?
I got a little fever, dr. Onário...
He's very ill, sir. doctor, did not even have lunch...
It's a headache, fever...
Let's see how the guy is.
Take off your shirt and lie there in bed, my friend.
Open your mouth a little.
Spoke: ah.
Great! Very good!
Well... you can dress and sit there again.
Well, my friends, the diagnosis is the following: fever is a rise in body's temperature,
right, and it can happen sometimes due to illness, and sometimes
is only a defense of the body, in the case of this being suffering an aggression, right?
So... most of the time, the fever does not mean much, and the best
to do is wait.
Our body is an incredible machine, buddies. It solves a lot of problems
without our intervention.
It would be of little use, my friend, that you do an examination of blood, or of urea.
In the case of fever, you know, science is cautious.
But as I know my friend here needs rapid improvement, I will prescribe a remedy
for a headache, and you, mr. Jair,
keep he under observation.
Too much liquid and rest.
You know, right?
The remedy is expensive, sir. doctor?
Not too much, mr. Jair.
Ah! I already remembered, I have a card of these here with me.
One minute.
No need, sir. Doctor Onário...
I ask you to take it!
Take it! Take it!
You can take it.
A pill every six hours, right?
Lots of water and keep quiet, my friend.
Thank you very much, sir. doctor.
Thank you!
It's a pleasure to have you here!
Needing, just call me.
And you, little boy, show up at my house when you get well!
All right, dr. Onário.
Thank you!
Get well!
In the nextdoor office...
But look who's there!
Hey, Ernesto!
How are you?
Sit down, sweetheart.
Have the kindness!
And how are we at treatment, my love?
Oh, Ernesto... is great, you know?
Are you taking the remedy?
Yes, Ernesto, of course!
What did I even prescribe for you?
A diuretic.
Oh yes!
And how are you feeling?
Oh, Ernesto... you know?
I'm not bad... but I'm not either good...
It's never too much to prevent, right?
Take off your clothes!
Already are we going to the exam?
Yes! Yes!
Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed, baby.
Let's see what you have.
All right, doctor.
Let's see how the little heart is.
Oh, Ernesto.
It's cold.
The little heart is perfect.
Now, my love, open your mouth.
Repeat: lion!
A little problem.
You can wear the clothes, baby, and sit there, please.
So... honey, we'll prescribe this remedy to balance the minerals in your
You'll take one tablet a day, and next week you come back and then we evaluate you again.
All right?
Oh, Ernesto, how I like you!
Thank you so much!
See you, sweetheart.
What the f***, Enzo?
What a mess of music.
Go f*** yourself!
Turn that s*** off!
Why, Dad? Délcio is topzera.
Yup. Topzera too.
He just can not get in the tub, right?
Otherwise you die drowned.
Great friend!
Sit down, sit down, my friend.
I just attended your wife!
What a coincidence.
Busy day!
So busy! And what do you tell me?
Fake belly?
But what do you mean, doctor?
Yeah, buddy... I read somewhere that every scoundrel is skinny
So, having this big belly guarantees me a lot of advantages...
The belly inspires confidence, doctor, you know how the things are...
You should read more about life, brother.
You and your cigarettes...
Do not start with that, our friendship.
I already told you and I repeat: cigarette is good for health.
If someone catches you smoking out of the bubble...
Cigarette is life, brother.
You may even say, but not the science.
Listen here, our friendship, I prefer a thousand times to smoke my cigarette than had a plate of food.
You can only be crazy!
Without this here, my dear Onário, it is impossible to think!
It would be very good, it did not lack proof scientific basis.
I throw your science out of the window, my friend.
But science is everything, dear Posaderas.
Look, my friend.
You know that I smoke from the cradle, and will not be an injection into a mouse that will
tell me whether smoking helps or does not help to think.
What you call a injection into a mouse, doctor, is called scientific method.
How I like to talk to you, great friend.
Want a whiskey?
No, thank you!
Sirlene, brings you the best whiskey for our friendship.
But I do not want , doctor.
You can leave, Sirlene.
He does not want.
Look, friend, brother's advice: your wife is a pearl!
You should give her more attention.
Oh, doctor, this joke again?
Well friend, look, the truth is that your science may be stealing your wife!
In your place I would smoke a cigarette and forget a little of these rats.
My laboratory is the only useful thing that I make in my existence.
But I believe that your wife would not agree...
And his son Albert Einstein being like he is... It make us to reflect.
Again this...
And do you have any explanation?
But of course, doctor, it is easy...
I believe it can be a sign, my friend, a sign that your wife is a little tired of
your science!
Doctor, but this is what you do not understand!
My dear, one gene among a hundred thousand manifested itself in my son, right, coming from my
maternal grandmother, right, and this gene delineated not only his outward features, my dear doctor,
but also the interior.
My son is a real lion inside, doctor.
One gene among a hundred thousand!
Friend, my great friend...
Well, and I'm going.
Will we have our beer on Saturday?
But of course, brother!
Take care!
Albert Einstein!
Yes father.
I want to see, my son, how far from Earth to the Sun?
One hundred and forty-nine million kilometers, dad.
That's right, Albert.
And which galaxy is closest to the Milky Way?
It is Andromeda, father, 2.54 million light-years away.
That's it, son, that's it!
But now we're going to school, right.
Get ready!
All right, Dad!
You're much better now, no, my son?
Yes father. It seems that the remedy has taken effect.
But of course he did.
Doctor Onário knows what he does!
And he still gave you the medicine box, right, dear?
We must be very grateful to Dr. Onário.
Whenever Doctor Onário gives me a medicine, I quickly become cured.
Healing, my son, just does not exist for AIDS.
It was just a joke, my dear.
How do I update my inventory? - Duration: 1:16.
To update your inventory first click on the rates and availability page.
Then click on calendar. You will see a calendar displaying all your rooms and
rate categories. On the left side you can see the name of the room type and below
that you see the row where it indicates the number of rooms to sell per day.
You can make single changes on a specific date by modifying the value and clicking enter to save.
In order to make a change for a period of time click the edit button next to rooms to sell.
A small window will open. Fill in the date range you want the changes to apply for
then specify the number of rooms you want to make available at Booking.com for those dates.
Then click Save Changes and receive a confirmation message.
you have the option to just close the message or display the period that has just been modified
Igor Peček - V LMŠ predloga zakona o davku na dodano vrednost ne bomo podprli. - Duration: 1:29.
The Truth Behind MrSongo! - Duration: 5:16.
Hello Growtopians! It's me again your Community Manager, Nekorei!
For this week's Player Feature we will be spending some time with a cool youtuber who creates Growtopia videos.
Coming all the way from Turkey, allow me to introduce MrSongo!
Hello MrSongo, how are you?
[gibberish talk]
Fantastic! Anyway, thanks for partaking in our interview session.
Now, let me brief you on what's gonna happen in today's show.
First, we are going to ask you 3 questions.
Then, we'll go to WOTD world, do a quick race.
After which, in our "Community Asks" segment, we are going to ask you 5 questions that we selected from the community that you of course will have to answer.
Alrighty then, let's begin!
Alright, first question. When did you start playing Growtopia? And when did you begin creating Youtube videos?
[gibberish talk]
Wow that is fascinating! But what inspired you to make Youtube videos?
[gibberish talk]
I see. Now, I'm just curious. What's the best Youtube video you have created? And can you please tell me more about it.
[gibberish talk]
Alright, we are now here in the October 13, 2018 WOTD called THEANTSNEST by Dausie.
So, what's gonna happen is that MrSongo and I are going to be racing in this world.
This is frustrating!
OMG, this is harder than I thought...
Aw man, I keep on hitting that part. What is going on?
I think I need to take it slow.
Really take it slow...
Slowly... slowly... slowly...
I wiiiiin! Hahaha
Woohoo! Looks like I won the race!
Anyway, we noticed that you always comment in our videos. In fact, I think you are part of the Notification Squad.
So my question is... have you watched all of our videos?
[gibberish talk]
Hmmmm... I see. So, what do you think of our Youtube videos?
And which of our Youtube videos is your favorite?
[gibberish talk]
Okay, so in this segment we had the community post questions they want to ask MrSongo.
We selected 5 interesting ones. So MrSongo, prepare yourself to be roasted!
[gibberish talk]
First question. How did you come up with the name ' MrSongo '?
[gibberish talk]
Second question. Do you use the forum? And what is your forum name?
[gibberish talk]
What is your favorite item in GrowTopia?
[gibberish talk]
What's the next Legendary item you plan to get in the future?
[gibberish talk]
What's the first thing you did in Growtopia?
[gibberish talk]
Alright thank you so much MrSongo for joining us today!
And to everyone who are watching us, thanks for tuning in!
And we hope that you enjoyed today's show.
And by the way, help us get our Youtube channel get 75k subscribers then we will have another set of giveaways!
That's it for now Growtopians! This is your Community Manager, NekoRei signing off!
See ya!
Marjorie Jackson, The Lithgow Flash | Words of Olympians - Duration: 8:05.
I didn't really know much about the Olympics.
My dad worked in the small arms factory
making .303 rifles for the war.
He just asked this chap who started the club
whether he'd train me.
I just did as I was told.
That's how I ended up down on a running track.
You know, that was... that was it.
It took me six months to save up
to buy my two pair of running shoes
out of my wages.
I remember my photo was first in the paper when I was 15
cos I'd won the country championship.
I must have been strutting around.
I don't know. You know how you get.
My dad said, "God gives us all a gift.
"Yours just happens to be running,
"and you're no better than anybody else.
"And don't you forget it."
That was the greatest advice any parent could give.
When I was 17 and I beat Fanny Blankers-Koen,
who'd just won at the London Olympics,
they invited me to Victoria to run,
and I was the talk of Lithgow
because I was going on an aeroplane,
not because of running.
During training for the Olympic Games,
which was in the middle of winter here in Australia,
I trained after work, at night.
The people of Lithgow all put in together
and built a cinder track next to the...
over where the horse racing used to be
and the cycling and the rugby league.
We all trained on that one little track.
But unfortunately, they didn't have any money left
to put lights on the track.
My trainer owned a motorcar.
He used to get at the end of the track
and put the lights on because I trained
in the fog and the sleet and the snow
and I couldn't even see in front of me.
How I never, ever broke my leg I'll never, ever know,
because I used to just run in the fog
and then bang into the car at the end of it,
so I did that six days a week
for about seven or eight months of the year.
That was my journey trying
to get to the Olympic Games in Helsinki.
I've never seen 100,000 people.
The most people in my life I'd ever seen was about 2,000,
and suddenly going into this arena of all these people
and the roar...
You really felt like a Christian
about to be fed to the lions. That was the way I felt.
Just to see the thousands of people
and the joy that it brings to everyone,
I just wanted it to go on forever.
(JULY 22, 1952)
The particular day the 100-metre final was on,
it had been raining, it was freezing cold,
and I just felt I was home in Lithgow where I'd trained.
I think it was about an hour to an hour and a half
before the final,
and I was so nervous and feeling sick.
Well, that hour and a half seemed like about three hours,
and when I came up through the underground,
my legs were like jelly, and I thought,
"I don't even know how I'm going to finish this race."
I felt the whole of Australia actually was on my shoulders.
(100M FINAL)
When the gun went off, it's amazing
how you forget everything.
It's finished. It's over.
I've done something that I'll never, ever forget in my life.
I really felt that I'd won that for Lithgow
and for my parents.
(200M FINAL)
And it's the same story.
Marjorie Jackson is again the leading star.
She is going full speed but not fast enough
to equal her own world record of 23.4 seconds
scored in the semifinals.
The second gold medal,
I felt that was mine.
I'd worked hard for that.
I gave up all my teenage years
to represent my country.
Australia went mad.
Lithgow, the little country town that I came from,
everything stopped.
All the factories blew their horns.
The police and the ambulances
and the Fire Brigades and the taxis
all tearing up and down the streets
blowing their horns.
Australia just went ballistic.
The plane carrying us home
went out of its way and flew over Lithgow
to tell them that I was coming home.
When I landed at Sydney Airport...
I lived 96 mile from Sydney,
and the welcome home went for 96 mile.
Every town I went through,
the whole of the town was out,
and when I got to Lithgow,
there was about 25,000 -
that's about how many lived there -
they all lined the streets.
I was in an open car.
You couldn't see me for flowers.
I had that many in the car.
I came home, and Dad said to me,
"Well, you're an Olympic champion now.
"You should set an example to the way you live your life."
The Olympic Games are back down under.
I had to say to my specialist,
"I'm going to Sydney to carry the Olympic flag,"
and he just looked at me and said,
"Most of my patients go to bed
"after what you've been through."
I'd actually been in hospital
a week and a half before with back surgery.
He said I could go if I stood,
so I went on the aeroplane,
sat down while it took off,
and then stood all the way to Sydney.
Marjorie Jackson,
athletics, 1952,
two gold medals.
I loved being there and wishing
I was about 50 years younger
and competing.
And I've tried the whole of my life
to live with honesty and integrity
in everything that I've done.
(FROM 2001 TO 2007
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