No what I really wanted to ask you about cuz we've been discussing this and I don't really understand it, um, it was about
Huawei that
Chinese company electronics company
They make these kick-ass phones and the State Department has said please do not buy them
Yes, and don't buy huawei phones and don't well, I would it comes at you know
The senator saying I just want to guess or no answer, you know, like wait a bit
But why don't you want some detail but so they say yes or no?
Would you buy a hallway in cheetah Haspel was like well, no, I wouldn't buy alcohol wave fault. Okay
yeah, if you start from the premise that
the China is the number one perpetrator of
Economic espionage and theft of intellectual property and also by the way, the number one perpetrator out there of cyber
Shenanigans, you know our activity in cyberspace because it's so bad with theft of intellectual property
They have fake Apple stores over in China with all fake Apple stuff
Yes, fake Apple laptops fake Apple phones everything fake the labels look identical
None of it is actually Apple products. And the reason why they're they're raising the alarm with Huawei and ZTE
is because of the voracious appetite of
The Chinese government and their commercial sector for information we
Should have been raising the concern about this and talking with China and trying to come to terms with this issue
years ago, I'm gonna get we're trying to have that conversation with them now and
Up on Capitol Hill, you know the Congress is trying to enact legislation
Kind of like the squaw way thing
They're doing it in a clumsy fashion
but the overriding principle is correct in that China made some
Decisions years ago that they were going to become a major power in the world
In a certain timeframe and to do that by definition you got to compress your research and development time
Right, and there's one way to do that
essentially and that's to steal information to acquire information if I want to be diplomatic about it something they're going after everything because it
Potentially is all of interest to them
So their idea is to just steal as much technology and as much intellectual
Properties they can and recreate it over in China that has been the plan
I don't want to keep you know, I don't want to you know
Demonize an entire nation, right?
But they have proven themselves
ly adept at doing this brand for people to buy and that
Would allow them even if they didn't have any spy device on this phone
It would allow them to get other devices into people's homes that could potentially spy on them and then more importantly
Get into companies
Right and spy on the companies and this is one of the pieces of speculation that I read about was that they had certain servers
That were sending an exorbitant amount of information
out and
They were trying to figure out what was going on with them and that there was like an excessive amount of information that was leaked
Data that was leaving the servers versus coming in and they're like this really seems like some fucked up shit going on this
Right Huawei. First of all always already present here in the country. They manufacture a lot of things besides phones
And so they've already got of a pretty big footprint in this country and and with our allies as well
so I
Mean, I think it's smart to
consider the the nature of a particular regime or government, you know when you're
talking about the potential for their products to enter into
the commercial sector where
They may have access
Because if if they've shown a pattern of activity for acquiring intellectual property
Which is again a very delicate way to put it then I don't think it's a stretch to say we should be concerned
In America you get a fucking wife
China Sun you want to go live in China? It's like fucking ten guys everybody. I'm going
Guys, everyone check you're gonna want that but fucking other dudes
well, that's that's what happens if you live in China, that's what happens if I don't have a
Real lesson here to learn but if what if there's more than ten to one menu image
They have some crazy problem over there, I'm not making this up they have a prick joking folks obviously
I'm joking, but there's a crazy problem over there with the ratio of men to women. That's the ratio. Let's take a guess
What is the ratio of men to women in China men, depending like 60/40?
Well, you know for a long time they have limitations on how many children you can have right, which is just fucking tension eggs
They messed up the whole thing. It's not just that man. People were killing their baby if they found their baby was a girl
I mean, this is a real thing. It didn't happen everywhere
It didn't happen all the time
but they're
Absolutely were girls that were drowned because there were girls cuz the family wanted a boy and if you don't think that that's the case
You're delusional. I think you're delusional. I think if you put those kind of restrictions on intensely poor people
In a in in some of them in some parts of the country you're in terrible poverty
And you tell them they can only have one kid
Yeah, I don't wanna have a boy because the boys gonna help them work, right?
Imagine if you're in a room is 115 dudes and a hundred girls. It's like a crazy musical chair thing shit
I find a gal to have some sort of or like a rating system for
People and almost a new kind of currency like a social currency. They're doing in China, right? Yes. Yes
yes, it's scary for people though because it's China and you know, and China is a
It's a trippy place and it's very trippy in terms of it's sort of got
capitalism going but it's also a communist dictatorship and the
Government, and the all the companies are also an you know
The thing with Huawei am I saying it right people getting mad at me about that Huawei? I think it's Huawei
it's the now that number two cell phone manufacturer in the world and they're
Forbidden to work with US carriers, right? The the United States government does not trust this company
So they've said you know
This company is apparently done some shady things according to them not according to certain tech people say it's nonsense
but they're so that now they're keeping them from selling their cell phones with
AT&T mobile whatever but they're the number two manufacturer in the world. Now that just surpassed Apple because just yeah
Yeah, China's a trip. Yeah. Well, it's it's
They know very well is it's kind of remarkable to me that China has been so stable and successful
Because there are you know people who don't like there are people who rebel against the system
But even so the government's been so enormous ly successful controlling information
Yelling what you learn like you can't Google Tiananmen Square if you're there right now
yeah, you can't get those images or anything like that and
Companies want to do business there. So they'll go along with it and huge abuses and huge changes are on the horizon
Even we don't know what they're gonna be. I mean that's that's my worry about the Social Credit system. Right like it's so
Obviously abusable
Right make the wrong people have bad credit make the people you like have I mean if this is run by the government?
You're gonna trust them to
Do it barely I you know, I'm a little skeptical about it. There's never been a successful
Truly multi-ethnic democracy in the history of the world like democracies that have worked have worked because one group is the boss
right and the other they give rights to the rest of the people and so forth and try to be fair to some extent but
That's changing like as the demographics of the world are changing
We're you know, we're becoming more of the patchwork that we claimed to be years ago and people aren't quite happy with that
They're not comfortable with it. And this is something that can be used to gin up
emotional reactions
For more infomation >> JOE ROGAN WARNED YOU ABOUT CHINA - Duration: 8:27.-------------------------------------------
10/27/18 5:17 PM (E Francis Ave & N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208,) - Duration: 2:42.
Citroën C4 1.6 e-HDi Tendance Automaat met Airco en Trekhaak Pijs is incl BTW - Duration: 1:08.
Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero vs. Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis - WCW Thunder ᴴᴰ [CC] - Duration: 8:41.
Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Hulk Spider Hulk SuperHero vs Venom Villain Army - Duration: 26:33.
Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Hulk Spider Hulk SuperHero vs Venom Villains Army
¿Qué es un AMARRE? 💝 AMARRES SEXUALES 🔥 - Duration: 5:09.
Freedom Planet Adventure P.1 - History Begins - Duration: 4:31.
Freedom Planet Adventure P.1 - Lilac [Dragon Valley] - Duration: 8:19.
READING COMMENTS #2: G1Xon problems, my influences, equalizer and more! - Duration: 6:33.
Hey guys, this is the Reading Comments number 2.
First I'd like to thank everybody who has been subscribing to the channel
today we have more than 980 subscribers
and I'm very happy with your feedback in the last videos.
I've received an email from ToneLib
actually, Jonathan has left a comment on that "Metallica tone" that we've made in this ToneLib video
where I show you how to edit some Zoom multi effects through USB cable
and Jonathan has commented:
"Thank you so much for that video you posted on YouTube
it helped me a lot
because the pedal display has broken
and I couldn't see to edit the patches
watching your video now I can edit them through the PC."
Dude, I'm happy that my video helped your
and you can edit your patches again.
I've received another email
but this time
it's about that "God is Here" tone
Marcel Andrade has commented:
"Very good tone!
I made some changes because I play with a Les Paul and a guitar amp."
That's it, guys!
When you take a patch online
and you have a different gear
try to adjust to your own gear
and don't get stuck on "ready patches"
thanks Marcel for commenting! o/
So, getting back to YouTube comments.
Paulo Henrique asks:
How many time do you play and what's your influences?
Man, I play around 8 years
I won my first acoustic guitar in 2009
and in a half of 2010 I started to get classes
but I started to play the eletric later.
And my influences
Slash was the first guitarist who motivated me to play
I watched that Guns N' Roses DVD live at Tokyo
which he played that God Father theme
Since that time I've been listening to many different songs
today I enjoy listening to Project 46 and Arkariot
the Bruno Mello's band, who is a great guitarist from here YouTube, I really admire him
but I didn't stop listening to the Classic Rock and Hard Rock that I love so much
which are my big influences until today.
We have a comment of my dear friend Kim from Netherlands
we've made some guitar covers together
I will put a card over here for those who wants to watch
and she commented:
Canal do Lucão has commented:
"It's my dream to have all this gear and your talent at the guitar, you're the best!"
No bro, you are the best!
And I'm very excited for our collab
of Avenged Sevenfold
for those who doesn't know a collab cover is coming!!!
And for those who enjoys Avenged Sevenfold, I will put a card here as well
I've made some covers of them
Go there, I think you will enjoy it.
Davisão asks:
Man, can I use earphones on G1on?
Yeah, you can do that but I recommend your to buy a good headphones
I think it's better
but if it's the only one you have so you can use it
all you're gonna need is a plug P2 to P10
and connect it to the input of G1on.
Guitar Net commented:
"What's up dude?
Your videos are great
I'm very excited for that video about Zoom G1Xon editing software
one more sub and success bro!"
I will take this opportunity, if you're not subscribed to the channel this is your time
leave the thumbs up
that helps a lot the channel disclosure
and thanks a lot Guita Net, a hug for you dude!
Marcio Caus asks:
Very good!
Can you tell me if this pedal works well direct on speakers?
Man, last week I had the opportunity
Asiste con tu familia; inauguran Feria del Libro 2018 - Duration: 1:34.
Dicha feria contará con actividades gratuitas para toda la familia, y promoverán la lectura y escritura como parte inherente del desarrollo humano, así como la promoción de la cultura como derecho de todas las personas
Para esta feria dispusieron espacio de 3 mil 043 metros cuadrados para la colocación de 82 stands y diversas salas, 25 por ciento más grande que el área utilizada el año anterior
La feria será hasta el 4 de noviembre con horario de 9:00 am a 9:00 pm en el Centro de Convenciones de la ciudad de Chihuahua; durante los 9 días contará con más de 60 importantes autores a nivel local, nacional e internacional
En los autores destacan María Marván, presente el día de hoy; Margarita Robleda los días 27, 28 y 30 de octubre; Alejandro Páez, el 27 y 28 de octubre; Christian Felber, el 29 de octubre; Balam Rodrigo, del 29, al 31 de octubre; Laura García el 2 y 3 de noviembre; y Sandra Lorenzano, del 1 al 3 de noviembre
Además, el sábado 3 de noviembre serán entregados los premios juveniles del Concurso Estatal de Lectura y al día siguiente, previo a la clausura, entregarán el premio "Ignacio Solares" a Alfredo Núñez Hernández por su obra "El Pacto de la Hoguera"
New Qawwali 2018 - Ajmer Sharif Dargah- Khawaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali - Aayo Re Morey Angna Moinuddin - Duration: 18:03.
Aayo Re Morey Angna Moinuddin
Rap Love - Em nhường lại anh - Duration: 2:59.
Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC Camera, R-link, Climate, Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.
#TheOpenHouse - Bomb Dismissal Experts - Duration: 5:10:07.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Absolutely Stunning 416 Sq. Ft. Modern Tiny Cabin on a Foundation - Duration: 2:36.
Absolutely Stunning 416 Sq. Ft. Modern Tiny Cabin on a Foundation
Monster School : KICK THE BUDDY CHALLENGE - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 16:36.
Right class, today we are going to play...
Baby needs a new pair of shoes.
Show me your wallet, show me the money!
Wither skeleton.
Get that fool!
You stupid.
No I'm not.
What's 9 plus 10?
You stupid.
Why are you running?
It's only game...
Why you have to be mad?
Mother Trucker DuDe...
That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick...
Watch your profanity.
Where is Wither skeleton?
Wait a minute...
Who are you?
I'm Buddy nice to meet ya.
I know what we are going to do today class.
Download videos from IB3 TV (2018) [FHD] *SUBS* - Duration: 4:49.
Download videos from the Television of Balearic Islands (IB3).
As you will suppose...
...we'ill go to the Radiotelevisió de Illes Balears page.
And we'll do it with Opera.
We go to: "A la carte".
And from here, anywhere.
The videos.
We have them classified by topics.
Here in the programs tab, all the programs will come out.
The same with the series, informatives, etc.
As for the example It does not matter which one we choose:
"Midday news".
In an empty area we right click...
...and select "Inspect item".
"Network" tab.
If the video is reproduced, and nothing appears in the log,
change the cursor position of the video,
to make us another video request.
There you are!.
And so it would be every time we change the position of the cursor
If we want to filter the video of the other logs,
just have to click on the "Media" subtab.
Once the video is located, We click right.
And we could copy the URL of the video,
and paste the URL in this same tab,
use a download manager, etc.
Here we will open it in a new tab.
We would go to "Page, Save as".
And as are we playing a video directly...
...we can save it as it is, in MP4.
We keep it.
If we want to download more videos...
...we will just surf to them.
Now for example: a series.
As I don't know any, I choose the first one.
Click on the video that we want.
Right click.
Open tab.
And we execute the key combination, [Ctrl]+[S] from "Save as".
And we save it, of course.
Depends on the tastes,
but we can place the debugging tool...
...where we want
Here I have changed it to the right.
Our downloads
Completed by magic art.
Heh, heh.
We have the first video.
Of course complete.
As well as the second.
With this a cake...
...until next my dear Padawans.
How to Watch Kentucky vs Missouri Online Without Cable | - Duration: 6:40.
How to Watch Kentucky vs Missouri Online Without Cable |
It is a chaotic situation atop the SEC East standings, as the No.
12 ranked Kentucky Wildcats (6-1) remain in a three-way tie with two top 10 teams, No.
7 Georgia and No. 9 Florida.
In order for the Wildcats to take home the East, they must first head west to Columbia and get past Drew Lock and the Missouri Tigers (4-3) with a win on Saturday afternoon.
The game is scheduled to start at 4 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast nationally on SEC Network.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including all the ESPN channels and SEC Network.
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
SEC Network is included in the "Sling Orange" plus "Sports Extra" add-on bundle.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
ESPN Platforms.
Additionally, you can also watch a live stream of the game on your computer via, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the ESPN app.
You'll need to log in to a cable provider to watch this way, but if you don't have that, you can still sign up for one of the above options and then use your Hulu or Sling TV credentials to sign in and watch on the ESPN digital platforms.
Missouri is allowing 131.6 yards per game on the ground, which bodes well for Kentucky junior running back Benny Snell Jr.
Snell Jr.ran for 169 yards with a touchdown in a 14-7 win against Vanderbilt last week.
He has 868 rushing yards, which ranks fourth in the country, and nine touchdowns this season.
Lock has NFL prospects, but first must deal with a stingy Kentucky defense.
The Wildcats rank 13th in the nation in total defense, allowing 301.9 yards per game, just 189.9 passing.
Lock has completed 61.1% of his passes this season for 1,979 yards, 16 touchdowns and six interceptions.
He completed 23 of 29 pass attempts and tossed four touchdowns in a runaway 65-33 victory against Memphis last week.
Kentucky head coach Mark Stoops is prepared for Lock's arm strength and will attempt to limit his ability to beat the Wildcats over the top.
"Experience, talent.
He sees the field, gets rid of the ball so quick, has such a strong arm.
He's a very good football player.".
Prior to last week, the Tigers had lost three consecutive games, two in SEC East play.
Lock had completed 50% of his passes or fewer in each of those three losses.
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Why Their New Zipcode Is Making Them Even More Eager To Have Kids - Duration: 2:11.
Now that Halley and Justin have tied the knot is the baby underway their new neighborhood was making them want kids a source says
We've got all the details on their baby fever
With only a few months of dating before they tied the knot Justin Bieber 24 and Haley Baldwin
21 have had a whirlwind relationship to say the least but will they keep the momentum going with the pregnancy?
Announcement since rumors are flying that the model would be willing to put her career on hold to start a family
Fans are keeping their eyes peeled for a baby bump
Justin is just as anxious for a little one a source close to the couple told exclusively
Justin can't wait to become a dad
the unsolder said he would be entirely thrilled if Haley got pregnant tomorrow as
Young as Justin is he's already lived more than most people twice his age
so he does feel mature enough to be an add and
The singers desire to be a dad is only increasing thanks to his new hood
Where they're living together right now is a very family-friendly neighborhood
So everywhere they go there are cute kids there the source added they both get so excited over all the cute kids
Being around all these happy families is making Justin even more eager to have a baby with Haley
Well recall that a couple months ago these two purchased a huge house and Canada for almost 7 million dollars
Since it's over 100 acres, they've clearly got plenty of space to grow their family
Sounds like Halley and Justin will be entering the next chapter of their whirlwind relationship sooner rather than later
They've been house hunting in Los Angeles recently even checking out Demi Lovato's former home where the singer overdosed
Here's to hoping the place they end up buying will also be in a family-friendly neighborhood so they can keep up the baby fever
झोलियाँ भर रहे भाग वाले | Jholiya Bhar Rahe Bhaag Wale | Peace Speaker Prem Rawat | Margdarshan - Duration: 24:12.
The elixir of life was offered.
The lazy man slept through it.
He was unfortunate.
Your companions woke up but you did not.
The lucky filled their satchels...
...and a million downtrodden ones brought order to their lives.
The paupers turned kings.
They lost themselves in the bliss of God.
Their sorrows dispelled.
Your companions stayed awake but you did not.
It's about awakening.
One must wake up.
What's the meaning of waking up? Are you sleeping?
You sleep at night. What about the day?
Are you sleeping when you are driving or...
...going to the office? No., You are awake.
You have tea when you rise up in the morning... feel fresh.
To not to feel sleepy.
Then, what's the meaning of sleeping?
Another thing... that you have to wake up.
Remove the blindfold.
You'll see a visual that you want to see.
Remove the blindfold? Where's the blindfold?
What's the meaning of all these things?
You might have heard it at some point in your life.
That you must experience peace.
For what?
If you are experiencing peace...
...will your gas stove burn more efficiently?
If you experience peace...
...will your food get prepared quickly?
If you have a peaceful life...
...won't you need to soak...
...the kidney beans overnight?
Will they be ready if you soak...
...just for an hour?
No. Then why?
If you are peaceful, can you guarantee...
...that you'll have a...
...promotion in your job?
None of the sages have said this.
If you are peaceful...
...will your salary increase?
None of the sages has said this.
Then why?
What's the need?
What kind of barrier?
Why and how has a human being become unfortunate?
Listen to me.
There's a blindfold.
And that's a blindfold holding you back from knowledge.
Because of the existence of that...
...blindfold you aren't able to know the reality.
It doesn't mean that the blindfold creates the reality.
Blindfolds don't create the reality.
Blindfolds hide the reality.
By removing the blindfold, you'll see the reality.
You'll feel the reality.
This is the meaning of a blindfold.
Unfortunate is the one...
...who isn't able to reach his fate.
This doesn't mean that he has no fate.
He does have a fate.
And he has a good fate.
But he isn't able to reach his fate.
It means...
...that peace...
...peace exists.
It's behind the blindfold.
And you need to remove the blindfold.
Whether peace exists or not is a matter you'll deal with later.
First of all, what matters is what's the relationship...
...between you and peace?
What's the relationship between you and happiness?
I'll give you an example.
This is the situation of this universe.
You feel hungry.
Where you ever hungry?
Many of the people present over here...
...who don't need to struggle for food.
Am I right?
You have a good business.
Their family is able to eat food...
...thrice a day very easily.
Breakfast. Lunch...
...and dinner. They can get it very easily.
Including tea and snacks in the middle.
Am I right?
I ask those people a question.
Don't you feel hungry?
When you have food, why do you feel hungry?
Because your hunger isn't related to the money you have.
Your hunger needs satisfaction.
It's not about the money.
Hunger isn't related to your refrigerator.
Not to your microwave.
It needs to be understood.
Until you're hungry...
First, you have a little bit of hunger.
Then, it increases a bit more, then a bit more.
Then a bit more, then a bit more.
Then a bit more, and so on.
Then you'll start feeling so hungry...
...that you'll be restless.
Doesn't your hunger know...
...that you have such a huge refrigerator?
And that the refrigerator has vegetables in it?
You have boxes filled with spices...
...chillies, salt, cumin.
You have everything to prepare food.
Until you eat food...
...there won't be any relationship.
You get my point? Until you'll eat the food...
...there won't be any relationship. You'll be feeling hungry.
Even if the food is in front of you.
Until you won't consume it...
...until you won't eat it...'ll feel hungry.
The same goes with water.
Many people might have brought water bottles with them.
Your body isn't aware that... must not feel thirsty.
Because you have a water bottle.
Why would you be thirsty?
Why waste time by being thirsty?
But the thirst...
...and your water bottle aren't related.
Until you won't...
...drink water...
...your thirst won't be quenched.
The same goes with peace.
Keep chanting peace.
The thirst of peace that you have within yourself...
...isn't concerned about... chanting peace.
Discuss about peace.
That discussion and the thirst that resides...
...within you for peace aren't concerned about each other.
People feel they are related somehow.
Show a water bottle to a thirsty person.
He'll be fine.
Show the food menu to the one who is hungry.
He'll be fine.
This isn't right.
Because these aren't related to each other.
Then let's come to...
If you've understood this.
Did you get what I said right now about the relationship?
Until you won't experience...
...peace, you'll be thirsty for it.
Now the question is why does a human have the...
...for peace?
Is this natural?
Like we feel thirsty for water since...
...we were made so by the nature.
You need water...
...hence you feel thirsty.
You need sleep hence you feel sleepy.
You need food hence you feel hungry.
These are natural things.
There are some more things.
I have noticed...
...we have women who are wearing bangles.
Do you need them?
What will happen if you remove your...
Nothing will happen.
But when you go to stay at someone's house...
...and you remove your bangles before sleeping... keep it in mind that you have to take them back.
Right? You don't leave them.
So there's hunger...
...and sleep.
Since you need it... feel sleepy.
Since you need it, you feel thirsty.
Since you need it, you feel hungry.
But did you feel the need of taking the bangles?
You didn't.
In India, there are many vendors...
...who sell bangles.
There's a major industry of bangles.
There are many people out there...
...who are wearing a watch, I'm wearing one too.
I keep my watch aside at night.
So, what happens when I remove my watch... night?
Nothing happens.
Why not?
Because I don't need a watch.
My body...
My body doesn't need a watch.
But, my mind needs a watch.
My mind needs a watch.
Because I had gone to the market...
...and I selected this watch.
Many years ago.
Why did I select it? Because I liked this one.
But, I didn't need it.
If I also perceive peace... the same manner as my watch...
...if I consider hunger in the same manner... my liking for my watch...
...and the same goes for thirst.
Once I went on a tour...
...and I didn't bring this watch with me.
I reached somewhere and wondered, where is my watch?
Someone was coming, he brought it for me.
But it cannot be done...
...with hunger, thirst and sleep.
I can't leave them anywhere either.
Where can I leave my hunger?
Where can I leave my hunger?
My hunger goes with me wherever I go.
The need for sleep goes with me wherever I go.
Sleep is something...
...that can't be affected by anything.
It can't be affected by anything.
You are in a flight.
There are other people with you.
You don't know them.
And then gradually you start to feel sleepy.
You should be ashamed that you are...
It's a public place.
So many people are sitting here.
But sleepiness is not ashamed of anything.
So, there are two things. Whatever my desire is... can be changed.
And there are few things which I need.
I can't leave the things that I need.
Now it comes down to peace.
Is peace my need or is it my desire?
Without peace...
...I cannot understand anything.
Because I can't even understand myself without peace.
Without peace... life...
...would be like a...
...'Oh God...
...why did you give me such a life?'
What are the things that people are chasing?
The things that they desire.
What is their desire?
'You want this and that.'
'If you ask me... will tell you to follow your heart, not your mind.'
'That you want this.'
'Because there are not many who'd tell you what your heart desires.'
'There are only a few.'
There are many religions.
What is the basic fundamental...
...of any religion?
Religion is like a finger, that directs towards God.
...forget where it is directing.
They started following the finger.
The finger should have this.
It should be like this.
The finger should have silver on it.
It should be covered with gold.
It should have this, that and so on.
Why are you so obsessed with the finger?
The finger is there to direct you.
You don't see where it is directing.
You are just focusing on the finger.
You are following the finger.
The finger got tired of directing you.
Now you are giving it a massage.
Now, beautify the finger.
Polish the nail of the finger.
Apply nail polish on it.
Do this, do that.
The finger is in danger. Save the finger.
Put the guns around this finger.
But nobody sees where it is directing.
Where is it directing?
It is saying...
...that I...
That divine power is saying...
...'You need me.'
'You don't waver in your attention.'
'Pay attention to me, not anywhere else.'
In the same manner...
...your heart desires something, and that desire is...
A desire for peace and bliss.
Until you understand that thirst... will keep indulging in other things.
The day you will understand that... will learn one more thing.
I will give you one example of that.
What is it?
And that is, if you...
...desire to eat Khichdi...
...then it is made with...
...lentils and rice.
It's made with either black gram or green gram.
There is not one plant in the world...
There is not one plant in the world...
...that gives prepared Khichdi.
There's a plant for rice.
And plants for lentils are also there.
But there's no plant for Khichdi.
You will have to prepare it by yourself.
So Khichdi...
...doesn't come naturally.
You can find rice and the lentils... nature.
But, not Khichdi.
If you wish to eat stuffed flat-breads...
...then there's not a single plant in the world...
...that produces stuffed flat-breads.
Neither is there any farmer, nor any plant.
You must prepare stuffed flat-breads if you wish to eat.
Do you get that?
Now the question arises... peace something like Khichdi...
...which needs to be prepared?
Because people think...
...everything needs to be prepared!
What you want from God...
Listen, what you want from God... you ask Him for what you want...
...or do you ask him for what God wants?
So you are more intelligent than God...
...that you are telling God what you want.
FAST MODE PAINTING 🎨 - Duration: 6:38.
good morning it is I don't know Wednesday Thursday Friday I don't even
know which is really bad because I should but today I just got off the
phone with the people at accounting services at school and basically my
refund got approved so now it's got the paperwork is going over to registration
and it'll take a few weeks for them to fulfill it but yeah I haven't told the
family yet I'm just telling y'all and it's like 10 o'clock I woke up feeling
like nasty if I haven't really done anything yet but mister hand does not
want to do anything today not even cooperating for me to play I
that Oh terrible we are going to try to paint again I say try because yesterday
it wasn't so successful but and the lighting today is like terrible because
I don't know why it's raining so much cuz it usually doesn't even rain in here
like ever yeah I'm gonna set you guys up and then paint again today
I don't know why but the camera kept this shut oh it's cuz it's running out
of battery so I guess I'll charge the battery and then hopefully when it's
charged there will be more time for me to film tonight before I go to bed cuz I
go to bed like at five o'clock so see you later I forgot about you guys for oh
oh sorry / that's my arm for a really long time
cuz you know if she's home and it is nighttime like past my bedtime
I'll still at volleyball during my bedtime it's only 9 o'clock
see oh but we're going to bed and I'll just start over in the morning
the vlog so this is like it's just me saying good morning and then painting
and then the camera running out of battery and then it it would've eat you
my if I'm the Netherlands heat yeah do you why oh I usually I didn't post about
it on Instagram today either oh good but there's no tomorrow for thought dear
help us all well goodnight goodnight
How to Use 7-Minute Team Meeting: Connect and Align Your Private Practice Team - Duration: 10:52.
This is the Grow My Clinic Podcast by Clinic Mastery, where we help you deliver
amazing client experiences to grow your clinic. We're your hosts today Jack
O'Brien, in the saddle in front of the microphone
with me is Mr. Ben Lynch from clinic mastery. How are you Ben? I'm doing super well
Jack, because today on the podcast we're talking about how to use seven-minute
team meetings to engage and align your team. It's a personal favorite of mine so
let's get stuck in. Great I'm excited, I love seven-minute meetings. Just give
us a quick overview I mean that name is fairly self-explanatory, but what is a
seven-minute meeting? Imagine you're a part of a sports team, let's use football
as an example because I know it's worldly, is that before you'd go out to
play the game before you start the game, the team is gonna come together under
the guidance of the coach or the captain and they're gonna just reinforce the
messages of the day or the game plan, all get on the same page and then go out
together as a united front. Essentially if we consider business like a sport,
then that's what we're doing every single day where we can, we're gonna get
together in a seven-minute team meeting a huddle and come to our workplace and
present as united front, that's what we're doing. Great I love it, and I know
there's plenty of authors and speakers out there who have spoken to their
iteration of their example of the seven-minute meeting or the daily huddle
weekly huddle, whatever it might be. In this podcast episode we're gonna dig
into the four reasons Why you should use daily Huddle's. We really want to know
what it is behind the why, and for those who might be driving you might be
pounding the pavement or on the treadmill, unable to take notes you can
head over to the website for this episode and grab the show notes that is
at, sorry.. /podcast
003.. /podcast003. So Ben let's dive straight in,
What's.. what are the reasons why someone should implement daily Huddle's,
seven-minute meetings in their clinic? As you said
Jack we've got four main reasons, that we go to number one is that we create focus,
number two is that we connect the team, number three is that we can celebrate
wins we all know how hard business can be so celebrating wins is cool, and then
number four Is ultimately we align the team. So we'll start with number one,
Creating focus. Yeah I want to only just push back on that a little bit I think
and surely on the business I know I run a health clinic, I'm a physiotherapy and
massage therapy clinic. I've really explained it to my team what our daily
focuses, we've got you know the proverbial vision mission values up on
the wall. Why do I need a daily huddle to create focus my team? Great question, I
find that if we're considering ourselves as high performers, we want the best. If
you're in business, you didn't set out to be mediocre did you? You.. you want the
best for your team, for your patients, and so anything that we can do any habit any
ritual that we can do to constantly reinforce what we're setting out to do,
the vision the mission and to connect our team on that on a daily basis, well
it's gonna be all power to us in that we are actually gonna show up our great
mentor said like you can choose how you show up each day and you don't want to
leave that to chance people bringing in their baggage from their personal life
or whatever's happened on the commute into work, you want to make sure that
like the etch-a-sketch yeah you just gotta give it that. You're spot-on
absolutely I think yeah you're right, people encounter stuff at home there's..
there's things happening on the commute. So to be able to create one focus for
your team is really important, as the business owner sometimes we.. we feel like
we're banging on like a drum on this all the time, but the truth is Ben we know
that when you feel like you're getting sick of saying something it's only just
starting to sink in for your team so it's really important that we
continually create focus. Number two, connect the team. Why is it important
that our team are even connected? The truth is that health professionals,
practitioners spend most of their time client-facing. They're serving clients,
they might be stuck in a room cubicle. So why do we need a connected team?
Absolutely the.. the team they are the ones on the front line like you said
Jack, absolutely delivering the service and if they're not in the best state
clients pick up on that. You know what it's like you can tell when your friend,
your loved one isn't quite there. They're distracted, they're not in the right mood
and that puts you off. So you got to make sure that the team are connected with
one another, that helps the communication and that client nurturing which we speak
so much about Jack. Yeah love it, and it also means a quick opportunity for
brainstorming. If there's any challenges or problems of the day they can be.. they
can be addressed or brought up when you've got this regular flow of meetings
it's really easy to brainstorm and address problems and bring solutions
rather than just waiting for fires to escalate into bush fires. Number three,
reason why we need regular seven-minute meetings to celebrate wins, why would we
celebrate wins when we have a Christmas party once a year then? (laughs) I know that's
tongue-in-cheek Jack it's.. it's so true though, like being in business is a hard
game. Once someone once said you know you're a gladiator, you go each week and
there are things always happening. I think when you actually purposely design
the culture for people to recognize all the good that's happening, because you
know how much happens in a day. If you can just reflect on, hey my teammate my
colleague went out of the way for Mrs. Jones. They booked the taxi for her after
her appointment or you know John covered me when I needed to leave early. Like
little things like that just acknowledge, celebrate the wins, recognize the people
in your team. It plays so much to the fulfilment you get out of a role versus
maybe just that black and white progression in your role, so I think that
fulfilment that connection again of celebrating the wins is just so valuable.
Yeah absolutely, Ben I think celebrating.. if we were talking about culture and I
know so many clinic owners are frustrated by the negative culture in
their clinic, and they're so busy most of harassing
on their team like parents chastising toddlers. (laughs) Which is a terrible
environment to wake up and go to work to every day, but if we're talking about
creating culture celebrating wins and highlighting team members who are living
out the values of your clinic is the best way to reinforce positive culture.
Tristan wants to talks about it in his book and we've found that our Clinic Mastery
Business Academy members, who have defined their way and their values for
their clinic and regularly celebrate that with their team, have incredible
places to work in their team get to thrive. So celebrating wins is important
you're right I wasn't hanging cheated playing a little bit of devil's advocate
on this side of the microphone. Then point number four, reason why we should do
seven-minute meetings to align our team. Can you speak into that? Yeah you touched on
a few moments ago there Jack, but this is where we get the opportunity just to
make sure that we're on the same page. If you have a daily spread of your clients
that are coming in for the day on a sheet, or you just know that there are
things to follow up about a client's journey for instance getting in contact
with particular referrers, or whether there are business partnerships you need
to follow up, certain clients have had problems they may have called overnight.
This is just where we can quickly address and get on the same page so
perhaps the reception the admin are passing on messages through the
practitioners and vice versa as well so that we know hey guys here's what's on
the cards for today. Let's make sure we all are prepared for it or for instance
it may be you know Mrs. Smith's birthdays today. Make sure we all say happy
birthday when she comes in and make her feel great. So it's just about what's on
the cards for today make sure we're all on the same page and then we can all
absolutely be at our best and on top of what needs to happen. I love that team
alignment is such an important element of a thriving clinic when your team is
aligned and delivering consistent experiences, your clients will be raving
and we found that with our Clinic Mastery Business Academy members the
alignment days that they host that we help them implement our trans-formative
for their team their business and them personally alignment cannot be
understated. There you go, that is the top four reasons for implementing seven
minute meetings why you need to do it with your team starting ASAP. In other
episodes across our podcast the grow marketing podcast we're talking about
how to do that, the tools that you might need behind it, and how to overcome
challenges to make sure you're meeting regularly with your team. We trust that's
been helpful, if you're after the show notes you can head to for all of the show notes.
We really appreciate your honest reviews and ratings in iTunes Stitcher or your
chosen podcast player. So please jump in give us an honest review and a 5-star
rating, if you think we deserve it, and we make sure we check each one of those.
We love it when they come rolling in thick and fast as they do. And for those
who are serious about taking their clinic to the next level, you can head to the..
the website for the show notes
and sign up for the free Grow My Clinic online course. As a bunch of
modules in there that will absolutely help you take your clinic to the next
level. Delivering amazing experiences and leading your team. Thank you for tuning
in for this episode. Ben that was fantastic, what do you think? Absolutely
make sure you use this. This is something to absolutely change the culture, it's a
small, it's a one-percent that we might call it that can really be a catalyst for
massive change and allow you to implement all the changes you want,
because you've got a really connected and aligned team so go ahead and use it.
That's it from us at the Clinic Mastery team. Thanks for joining us on the Grow
My Clinic Podcast. We will see you on the next episode.
This is the Grow My Clinic Podcast by Clinic Mastery, where we help you deliver
amazing client experiences to grow your clinic.
READING COMMENTS #2: G1Xon problems, my influences, equalizer and more! - Duration: 6:33.
Hey guys, this is the Reading Comments number 2.
First I'd like to thank everybody who has been subscribing to the channel
today we have more than 980 subscribers
and I'm very happy with your feedback in the last videos.
I've received an email from ToneLib
actually, Jonathan has left a comment on that "Metallica tone" that we've made in this ToneLib video
where I show you how to edit some Zoom multi effects through USB cable
and Jonathan has commented:
"Thank you so much for that video you posted on YouTube
it helped me a lot
because the pedal display has broken
and I couldn't see to edit the patches
watching your video now I can edit them through the PC."
Dude, I'm happy that my video helped your
and you can edit your patches again.
I've received another email
but this time
it's about that "God is Here" tone
Marcel Andrade has commented:
"Very good tone!
I made some changes because I play with a Les Paul and a guitar amp."
That's it, guys!
When you take a patch online
and you have a different gear
try to adjust to your own gear
and don't get stuck on "ready patches"
thanks Marcel for commenting! o/
So, getting back to YouTube comments.
Paulo Henrique asks:
How many time do you play and what's your influences?
Man, I play around 8 years
I won my first acoustic guitar in 2009
and in a half of 2010 I started to get classes
but I started to play the eletric later.
And my influences
Slash was the first guitarist who motivated me to play
I watched that Guns N' Roses DVD live at Tokyo
which he played that God Father theme
Since that time I've been listening to many different songs
today I enjoy listening to Project 46 and Arkariot
the Bruno Mello's band, who is a great guitarist from here YouTube, I really admire him
but I didn't stop listening to the Classic Rock and Hard Rock that I love so much
which are my big influences until today.
We have a comment of my dear friend Kim from Netherlands
we've made some guitar covers together
I will put a card over here for those who wants to watch
and she commented:
Canal do Lucão has commented:
"It's my dream to have all this gear and your talent at the guitar, you're the best!"
No bro, you are the best!
And I'm very excited for our collab
of Avenged Sevenfold
for those who doesn't know a collab cover is coming!!!
And for those who enjoys Avenged Sevenfold, I will put a card here as well
I've made some covers of them
Go there, I think you will enjoy it.
Davisão asks:
Man, can I use earphones on G1on?
Yeah, you can do that but I recommend your to buy a good headphones
I think it's better
but if it's the only one you have so you can use it
all you're gonna need is a plug P2 to P10
and connect it to the input of G1on.
Guitar Net commented:
"What's up dude?
Your videos are great
I'm very excited for that video about Zoom G1Xon editing software
one more sub and success bro!"
I will take this opportunity, if you're not subscribed to the channel this is your time
leave the thumbs up
that helps a lot the channel disclosure
and thanks a lot Guita Net, a hug for you dude!
Marcio Caus asks:
Very good!
Can you tell me if this pedal works well direct on speakers?
Man, last week I had the opportunity
ASANA IMPLEMENTATION: What's in it for me? - Duration: 10:18.
This is the Grow My Clinic Podcast by Clinic Mastery, where we help you deliver
amazing client experiences to grow your clinic. We are your hosts today, Jack
O'Brien and I have with me, Ben. Hey, Jack! Great to be on board. Today on the
podcast, we're talking about how you can get your team on to a Asana. Fantastic. So
we're gonna go deep on implementation of Asana which is a fantastic tool. You
can hear about it on one of our other episodes, if you search back through our
library. So, Benny give us a give us the headlines, what are we gonna learn, what's
the takeaways from this podcast episode? The key is that you have got to use it.
If you don't use it, how can you empathize with your team's questions or
concerns. So you've got to use it, you've got to understand a very simple
distinction of how to roll it out, a sequence and order of how to implement
it, and then really how to manage it and make sure that it's being used. Great!
Alright, let's go straight in. Let's get nice and deep, so, tell me about
getting your team on board. How do we do that?
Number one, as we started with, if you use it first, you're going to understand it,
you're going to go through the same challenges that your team do because
it's new for you as well. You're going to be able to empathize with their
questions or concerns about - "hey, it's a new place for me to look during my day
or I don't know how to do that functionality." I think the nature,
Jack, is that a lot of people in the team will tend to avoid it early on
because it's unfamiliar. So, you've got to use it personally and you've got
to iron out the creases and learn how to do it. And really the key for
implementing any change in your clinic in your business, when you've got a team,
is that they're always thinking, well - "hey what's in it for me? how is this actually
benefiting me and my role?" Otherwise, they just see it as more work. I'm sure you've
seen that across the board, Jack, with big teams especially. Oh, absolutely, you've
got to paint a picture of why it's relevant for someone to change what
they're already doing because the truth is most of their teams, think they're
doing a fantastic job and probably they are. So, we need to communicate the
benefits as to why they might change that, add something in, subtract. And I
think, Ben, you touched on something really important there around. Clinic
owners taking responsibility for the changes that they want to
bring into their clinic. Unfortunately, you can't just abdicate all
responsibility and you need to be the chief evangelist of some of these new
changes. Now, that doesn't mean you need to be you know the the technical expert
or the web developer or the Asana guru but you need to lead the way by
investing yourself into these into these apps and tools and technology. So, okay, so,
we've got to learn in ourselves, we've got to make sure our team understand
what's in it for me. Ben, what is the best way to communicate to your team?
How do you do the pitch? I absolutely love sitting down
with a piece of paper or you're typing on your computer and literally write out
bullet points of why this is going to benefit your team so that when you go to
deliver that verbally or whether it is through an email, it's written, that
you're clearly articulating what's relevant, what's important, what's
going to benefit them. If you haven't seen the resource, the incredible TED
talk by Simon Sinek, which is about the golden circle, just google that Golden
Circle by Simon Sinek. He shows a method: the why, how, what, which is just amazing
for communicating any change. I think if you start with why it's important, then
you talk about how you're going to do it, and then specifically you end with the
what. What specifically does this look like? How does this play out on a daily
basis? That is a great method to use when you're implementing any change and
especially new tech, new stuff, that's maybe got a few features, a few bells and
whistles that can scare people to begin with. The why-how-what method by Simon
Sinek is amazing. Yeah. I hundred percent agree, it has changed my outlook and the way I
communicate. It really has transformed the way I communicate. So, if you're
taking notes or you're interested in the show-notes from this particular podcast
episode, you can head to
and we've got some practical ones here that you can write down or you can
grab from the show notes. So, why is it important that your team might take up a
platform like Asana. They need to know what to do and when to do it. They might
need to know what their teammates are doing. How important is it that everyone
knows what page someone else is on, so that your team can collaborate and
communicate on one another's role. You can track progress of tasks or
projects and your team can delegate, if they need help, you can manage workloads
amongst your team. And most importantly, for you as the clinic owner, your team
don't need to ask you what to do every day, or maybe they'll ask you every day, and
they don't need to wait for your reply. You're busy, you've got a lot on your
plate and you need to be focusing on things that are important, not just the
urgent things. So, that's some of the reasons why you might implement Asana or
how you communicate that 'why'with your team. Ben, back to you, what are
some of the practical things that your team need to do when they're getting on
to a platform like Asana? One of the keys is that they've got easy access and
asana is a beautifully designed app that you can use on your phone. It's really
easy Chrome or Internet browser extension that you can have on your
computer. And the key to implementing and using it is that on a daily basis, when
you clock on in the morning or whenever the shift begins for that team member,
they open up Asana immediately and that's where they go to to find out what
do I need to do today, to make sure that everything keeps on, moving on, that we
create the progress that we need to. So, it's really fantastic. So,
reinforcing that rule is really important that it's just part of your
job when you open the front door you turn on your computer and you have a
certain set of tabs open. Is that correct? Absolutely. Fantastic. And so as the
clinic owner, you then need to be reinforcing that by making sure when
people ask you "what do I need to do ?". You need to point them back to Asana. Always
need to point them back to the hub of where your tasks live.
Fantastic, Ben, that's been really helpful. If you got anything else to add
on implementation for Asana. I think the old adage that 'what gets measured, gets
managed' and often what we see across the board is that when a clinic owner wants
to implement something new which will be really valuable, they tend to implement
it and they do it good for seven to ten days and then they leave it and they
think "oh, it's all done, it's all set." You've got to give yourself maybe six to
eight, to twelve weeks, depending on the size of your team, to check in with them
refine it, make sure it's being used, ticked off in Asana, you've got great
tracking there, so you can see if things are literally being ticked off on a
daily basis. So, give yourself some time, it doesn't have to be done overnight.
Fantastic. And also reinforcing good behaviors or potentially negative
behaviors is a really important one in our clinic. And we've seen it across a
number of other clinics incentivizing 100% at Asana adherence - is a really good
team challenge to essentially gamify the low-level tasks of your clinic. And you
know you're aiming for 100% here. Asana has got all these fancy features, Ben,I'm
sure you've seen. If when you tick off a few tasks in a row, randomly, you'll get
this flying unicorn across the screen and it's a KPI or what we
call CEI, clinical excellence indicator, to make sure that your team is regularly
checking off 100% of their tasks. We have essentially done for you task list for..
You can copy and paste from inside our business academy. There are clinic
mastery members, have direct access to with inside, the learning portal. And we
trust it has been really helpful for you, making sure you understand, that your
team understands, that you can communicate the why behind the platform,
and then the specifics of implementation, downloading it from the iTunes Store,
downloading the chrome plug-in browser and making sure your team are
incentivized to check it every single day. Ben, that's fantastic, I love Asana
seems like you do. Oh, it is an absolute game changer. I
used to have post-it notes everywhere, plus, I would have a whiteboard with all
my things there to do. And you know what, things would get missed, they wouldn't
get done, and things that I could have got other people that help me with, they
sat on my whiteboard when you can delegate so easily through Asana. It's a
game changer. It really is so. We trust this podcast
episode of Grow My Clinic has been helpful for you. The next steps for you
are to ahead to the show notes at,
you can also head to the iTunes Store or the Stitcher Store and
subscribe to the podcast so that you're notified every time a new episode is
released. And for those who are interested and serious about taking
their clinic to the next level, make sure you sign up for the free Grow My Clinic
online course on our website, the, that resource is a game
changer for you. We trust this has been helpful. We look forward to hearing from
you, with your reviews on iTunes and Stitcher. Thanks for tuning in and we'll
look forward to coming to you from another podcast episode really soon.
This is the Grow My Clinic podcast by Clinic Mastery, where we help you deliver
amazing client experiences to grow your clinic.
SỔ ĐỎ, SỔ HỒNG khác nhau như thế nào??? Nhật Hoàng Land - Duration: 4:08.
【Hetalia MMD】 HAPPY HALLOWEEN (2p!) [SUB] - Duration: 4:26.
『Happy Halloween』
Hey, looks like it's about to get dark now
so would it be alright to go out, I wonder?
A little magic was put on me, you see
let's eat, starting with your desserts
It looks like the fog will get thicker
so will everyone be getting together, perhaps?
I firmly waited and held back on sweets
And as for the reward, here
One, two, the sound of the bell
the small ghosts making bustle
it'll be alright for today
so, let's get to town
Cause it's Happy Halloween let's play a prank ding-dong-dang
trick or treat here there and everywhere, won't you give some candy?
Cause it's Happy Halloween, some innocent-looking pumpkin lanterns
Even the tired Jack dances all until morning
Cause it's Happy Halloween, even the ghost turnips, la la la
trick or treat today all throughout town, also some chocolate please
Cause it's Happy Halloween, welcome to this wondrous world
Even the tired Jack sings - Let's trick or treat
Want more and more,
the greedy ghosts
So there's no more?
Then they'll be prey to our pranks
As for those houses that won't give us any
let's wrap the trees in their yard with toilet paper
the lanterns will be lit tonight give us some sweets please
So then let's party tonight
Hey cause it's Happy Halloween, the clock too continues to spin, tick-tack
trick or treat here there and everywhere, pumpkin pies that dazzle the eye
Cause it's Happy Halloween, so why not-let's stay up late
The tired Jack won't sleep either all until morning
Cause it's Happy Halloween
Cause it's Happy Halloween
Cause it's Happy Halloween
Today it's Happy Halloween
so now, let's trick or treat
red candy rolling around
don't wanna sleep till morning
DAIGOがT-BOLANにDEEN、大黒摩季の曲を歌うカバーアルバムを発売! - Duration: 1:53.
Don't Break Live: Using a Staging Site Can Make Your Life a Lot Easier - Duration: 16:03.
Hello, my name is Jamie Schmid, I am a community evangelist at SiteLock. We are
a website security company based out of Scottsdale Arizona I'm also a freelance
designer and developer, content enthusiast
and a proud camp mama in Portland Oregon
and this talk is Don't break Live: why using a
staging site for updates and it's actually kind of cool like some of the
talks that came before me because they explain things that like I don't really
have to explain anymore so um good job in building this session okay so first
what is a staging site? We kind of talked about it throughout the day
people referring to saving sites but officially it's a copy of your site that
you use for testing updates new features changing QA checks etc and then I say
there that it's a private copy because it's not a site that is publicly
viewable by you know with a search engine, your customers aren't going to be
able to find it it's only for your own personal use, and copy is underlined
because as much as you possibly can get it to be it should be a direct duplicate
of your existing live site. this is because if we're gonna be doing things
like making updates, testing new features doing anything like that you want to
make sure that you're actually doing it on a version of the site that represents
what your live site is so if you do an update that comes out and you think it
might break the site (em, Gutenberg), you would want to do this on a staging site because you
probably don't want to do it on live I highly recommend for major versions
which 5.0 is a very major version coming out here definitely make that upgrade on
a staging site don't do it on live but that goes for pretty much doing any
features or any kind of updates you shouldn't be doing those on your live site.
so you know that you need to keep your site updated because WordPress is
constantly pushing out security updates and plugins and themes are following
suit and those updates there's new features that come out with updates so
you know you want to keep it up-to-date you don't want to get hacked but making
updates on your live site is very scary. How many people have ever pushed update
on a live site and literally held your breath
because if it breaks on you once you'll never ever forget that that
happened, so you know that that happened. So how does this dating site work?
How it works is basically easy, you make an exact duplicate of your
live site you you run your updates you do any kind of the testing you want go
through and like yes this is it's perfect
all good okay, so push those changes to your live site not having to touch live
obviously but it's not really that easy for a number of reasons, one of the
reasons was we just talked right before this talking about the URLs if you're
gonna be pushing a site that's on a staging site maybe it's got a different
URL and if you're gonna be overriding your live site there's a lot of complex
mechanics that go into changing even just the URL and then updates can
include physical files and database changes on top of that it's not
depending on how technical you are it's not always evident to you if it is just
a file change or if it is database and file changes - databases themselves are
hard to sync, that's just a known fact
just so there's a lot of it that's that is not that easy and I'm gonna kind of
go over a little bit what you need to be aware of when you're evaluating your own
staging site solution because there's not one
one-size-fits-all solution there's a lot of different ways to do it and none of
those ways are exactly perfect for every situation most are not perfect for you
know any situation honestly if you ask developers you know what is your dev
workflow look like how you syncing databases how does your staging you know
go they're probably just gonna say "not well", so so expect that okay it's not
gonna be easy it's not gonna be perfect but get it to be as close as what works
for you because ultimately we're trying to not do things that are gonna break
your live site. Okay just getting down to literally what is required to
happen, you need to make a replica of your existing live site, you need it put
it someplace so you can run it as a website right and then you need to get
those changes that you've made onto your live site somehow so each of these three
things kind of represent its own unique problem and each of these three kind of
have multiple solutions that you can take to achieve it. Doing the things
first of all the very first step if you are going to be doing a staging site
audit your site - you need to know what's going on on your website if you don't
this is a perfect time to figure that out you need to know what plugins are
happening on your site what size your site is if it's gargantuan do you have
any automations that are happening on the site for example maybe a plugin that
does an automated email alert and that email alert includes a link to your
website well if you send it out from the staging site it could potentially have
your staging URL in it you don't want to do that so knowing what's what's going
to be happening on your site you know when you're in the staging environment
how busy is your live site if you have a you know an e-commerce site that is
getting you know one order a minute
congratulations that's amazing but you're not going to necessarily be able
to copy over your site work on it on staging for three days and then throw
the whole thing back up there and overwrite your live site because you're
gonna lose out on orders you're gonna lose out on potentially comments
if you have any A/B testing like all those kinds of things like you might not
necessarily get those sort of results there. Are you using version control? if you
don't know the answer to that, ask your developer. if you don't have a
developer then you're probably not using it because you would know and then get
familiar with your hosting what company is what service level you have and what
level of access you have to be able to manipulate your files and your file
settings and your your website settings so knowing all those things is very
important and you know if you're a site owner you should you know at least be
familiar with these things if you're a developer inheriting a site in your like
oh my goodness no you shouldn't be making all these updates on live oh I
get that you like to try out new themes but like don't just like try them out in
the middle of the day for a couple minutes and then change it back right
because you know what your potential customers to be seeing all this crazy
stuff bouncing around so regardless you want to get familiar with what your site
is and knowing these things are going to directly inform you as to you know what
your decisions for the staging site are gonna be so quickly what are your
options these are five like pretty basic solution there's probably more if there
are please feel free to tell me what you're using because I'm always
interested to see what other people are doing but so going from easiest to not
easiest would be the hosting one-click staging that is where you have a host
that already has a managed WordPress environment they've already created an
automated system for creating a a staging site for you they probably
have some sort of system where you can push a button to deploy like all that is
amazing and if you're you know a person that does not have an advanced developer
workflow and you know that if you do have this you know it this is an ideal
solution finding a host with one-click staging that can do it is the easiest
way but it's not always the most economical it's a lot of times it's
expensive a lot of times you can't just up and move to a new host just because
you want to maybe your client doesn't you know so if you can do it good
another solution is to use a plugin that you can install on WordPress that will
sort of manage it for you building your site into a subdomain or
subfolder you can develop it locally on your local computer and then push it out
to staging push it out to life and I'm not going to talk about advanced
developer workflows really at all because I think I've only got about time
myself so first I'm just gonna a little bit more with the hosting one-click
staging the most expensive obviously your host needs to offer it but I didn't
know how well you can see this but this is just an example of WP Engine's
one-click staging so you can see there at the bottom it's got a button that
says copy from live to staging and this will replicate your site and and create
a staging site for you like just pushing that button and then the red button it's
red for a reason it says deploy site from staging to live so when you've made
the changes like this is perfect it's great you push the red button and then
it it over writes your site it's red because you want to you know make sure
that you're ready to overwrite so this is one example and all the different
hosts they kind of have different ways of doing it and they vary and the the
level of plan that you need with them varies a lot too so if you're if you're
evaluating hosts right now and you think you might want to do this
solution look at all the different hosting kind of you know see see how
they do it because everyone kind of does a little bit differently so some pulse
it do it the engine, flywheel, pressable will call a site district map from site
district is in here I believe if you want to see an example demo of push to
live go find Matt I'm sure you would love to show you sound ii use a plugin
there is a plug-in called WP staging and what it does is you enable it in your
live site it creates a a wordpress staging instance inside of your live site
in a subdomain and it duplicates it and you can do everything you want right
there in the exact live environment and then it also has like a push to migrate
so you can migrate it straight from there and it shows you as it's copying
the tables over copying the files over it even shows you as its replacing the
links doing that URL replacement it kind of shows it going through there and then
it gives you a little bit of command line if you want to watch that it's it's
a lot of lines of stuff that it's doing so in a standalone site which would be a
subdomain or subfolder this would be you can make changes locally and pushed to
your remote staging you can just create a subdomain on your life hosting and
make the changes there ensure it's all working and then make those changes
again online or you can do some kind of a push to life so when you're doing it
this way a manual sub-domain or subfolder you are going to create this
sub domain at the hosting level you're going to use something that will
duplicate your live site and will package it up and then will migrate it
into your staging site and then that's pretty much the same thing you have to
do when you push from staging to live so it's more manual but it it's a it's a
common solution that a lot of people do use
and there's a lot of solutions for doing that migration which I'll get to in a
second so another way that you can do it which I do actually with like some of my
clients is just having a local WordPress site if you're running wordpress locally
which would you know on your computer you can make the changes to the local
site ensure it's all working and then you can push those changes up to the
staging site and like okay yes it's working on staging because you know you
want that same environment and then as soon as you're like okay that's cool
then you can push again to the live site so like I say push
again like it's just like simple to do it's actually not simple to do but
depending on what you're using for your WordPress local site you might be able
to deal with that so far as well as a local site it's running on your own
computer it's using software that allows your computer to run as a server and
there's a couple of solutions in place for dedicated WordPress local
development desktop servers one as far as I know it was the first one to offer
some kind of a setup like this and eases an instance of XAMPP lite but it's
specifically set up to create a wordpress site so you go in there you
you start it up on your computer you say create a new WordPress site it's like
okay it spins up a wordpress site you can do your local development there it's
pretty cool - local by flywheel is very similar if you have a more advanced sort
of development workflow flywheel does a does more that advanced kind of stuff
okay so replacing migrating and syncing the changes replicate perform the same
change as you did to live migrate an automated process that over writes
database files or content and then thinking more advanced it needs to check
for changes on both sides and then resolves them together how am i doing
for time am I okay so so there's plugins for migrating
there's plugins for syncing I'm sorry I have to go a little bit quickly here but
I'm recipe for success is make a schedule for doing updates use a service
to track updates like manage WP make all your updates on staging first and then
never break live again this is a very involved topic please find me after this
or at the after party or tweet me out Twitter out to me at Jamie Schmidt and I
also have a blog post that I've written that go far more in-depth and you can
find my slides online and I'm also going to tweet links out to those slides also
so check me out on Twitter if you want to see them thank you
AFOE TRAILER: las guerras IBÉRICAs - Duration: 0:18.
SHHH I CAN'T TALK *CAPTION* - Duration: 5:40.
Down here girl
Heeeeey Beautiful 😁
My mouth has been hurting all week because of some dental work
SO, we are going into Schnucks to get some tylenol
Let's go!
Ouch, my chompers
Don't ever get a root canal- EVER
Wow- look at that clear blue sky
It's chilly out here
I got my wallet y'all
Can't forget that.
SO I am taking pain medication for this
But it was recommended I get some acetaminophen too.
And get this- companies that sell acetaminophen, sell it to different brand names
Hol Up! I was so surprised when I found out Schnucks was only a Midwest thing!
They basically sell the same acetaminophen to all of the brands. So it doesn't
Really matter if we buy Tylenol or an "off brand"
I haven't fact checked this... I just heard it on the DL( down low)
Hoh my gosh. WAiT. This is so weird.
I'm just gonna act like I'm looking at something on my phone
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