My name's Maria Chaves.
I live in Boca.
I'm limited in many ways.
There are days that I cannot move my shoulder.
There are days that my neck just gets stiff.
So, people like me with different issues, they teach me how to do different exercises,
show me things that I'll be able to do.
We love having Maria in our class.
She's an inspiration to everyone that she speaks with.
She makes everybody work harder than they really want to.
She encourages everyone.
She's a wonderful woman.
My accident was July 3, 1986.
I had a flat tire.
I was on the shoulder.
I was just hit from the back, went through the back window, and I don't remember--I was
in a coma for eight days.
I lost my right leg below the knee.
I was blinded for two-and-a-half months, lost my hearing for over two years on the right
But Bobby, which we weren't married then, he made me independent.
I joined the YMCA because my husband was a member and he just loved coming to the Y.
He made many new friends.
After working out at the Y, especially the water and trainers, I started improving drastically
like I couldn't even believe!
There are things that you can do in the water that you cannott do standing up with a prosthetic.
When I'm in the water, I just move as much as I can.
They'll do different exercises so I can move.
It's a benefit to have a trainer and to do different things like the pool, the yoga,
I started Pilates from a wheelchair.
And so I would go in and out of the wheelchair, take the prosthetic off and on, off and on,
and so on.
So eventually, it took me over two years and now I can do it on the floor like everybody
And she's good just about at everything.
She makes an attempt to do it all and she does it quite well.
I'm blessed with my YMCA friends.
These are my friends.
We go out for lunch, sometimes breakfast.
Sometimes we get together at my house or at different houses.
So my friendship grows daily.
And we all support each other.
Especially when Bobby was ill, and then he passed away.
They came to visit me, supported me in so many ways.
We need to have joy in life every day, no matter if you're in pain or not, you look
for something good.
No matter how much pain you're in, always look on the brighter side.
I don't know, the Y has done so much for me.
I feel like a new woman, a new person, full of life.
For more infomation >> Join the Y: "I Feel Like a New Person, Full of Life." - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
'CorruPSOE': lo de los socialistas Chaves y Griñán es apestoso - Duration: 3:47.
"Instant Family", una película que te llegará al corazón | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:55.
¡Te explicamos cómo pagar una hipoteca en menos tiempo! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:41.
Jaime Bayly causa controversia con confesión sobre Keiko Fujimori y Odebrecht - Duration: 5:30.
How to Spot a Scam Auto Body Shop - Duration: 8:36.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna show you how to spot a scam body shop before
you get towed into one and it's too late, okay it happens to everyone eventually
you get in an accident, then you have to have your car towed to a body shop, the
last thing you want is to be in an accident be knocked around and then the
tow truck guy comes and you let him decide where to tow it, you want to know
a good body shop beforehand, then write it down and put it in your glove box so
you'll have it at hand or put it on your phone, because by law at least here in
the United States you get in a wreck, you have the right to pick wehatever body
shop you want to fix your car, nobody can force you to go to one place, but you
have to understand, when the tow truck guys come, they generally get big
kickbacks if they got a nice big wreck and they tow it to the body shop that
they're affiliated with, they will get five hundred a thousand maybe even more
money for bringing that vehicle to that body shop, so you want to have one ready
that you trust to say, no tow it here and if you don't know one, you still have the
right to have it towed to your house, all the insurance companies will tow it to
your house then later they can tow it to a body shop, don't worry about that you
just want to send it to a good job and not just somebody who's being paid to
ship your car off because they get kickbacks, so how do you find out if a
body shop is a scam body shop or a really good one
well you got to do a little research here, unless you live in Houston Texas
then you can just ask me, who I use, I don't take any kickbacks I've sent many many
customers to body shops and never took a dime back from their repairs, I just want
my customers to get their cars fixed correctly, I don't do bodywork so it's no
skin off of my nose, and speaking of equipment you got to
make sure that the body shop you pick has a good paint booth, paint boots are
giant areas that are completely sealed, so there's no dust they control the
humidity for painting, it's very important for getting body work done
right, you don't want to have somebody paint in your car that doesn't have a
very good paint booth, try spray-painting something outside, you're gonna see
gets on it, hair everything, you got to have a place that has a good paint booth and
you have to have professional guys working there who know how to blend
paint and match it to the color of your car, because take a look at this, you can
easily tell this bumper has been repainted it's a completely different shade than
the top of the car that wasn't painted, I mean look at that, you can see here's the
one that's been repainted, it's completely a lighter color here it was
not blended correctly, the paint doesn't even match, so your visitor bodyshop say
hey show me a car where you painted part as a car, see if it matches
and if it doesn't they're not any good at blending paint, go someplace else and
speaking of painting bumpers, check this out
this bumper was painted by a guy who didn't even know what kind of paint to
put on the car, realize that these plastic bumpers are exactly that, they
are plastic it requires a special kind of paint with a special bonding agent in
order for it to stick, if you use regular car paint that you put on the hood and
put it on the bumper, guess what, it flakes off like this car
did, whoever painted this bumper they had no notion about how to paint plastic
bumpers, they shouldn't be in the body business and another big thing to check
is the body shop area itself, if like these cars all sitting all over the
place they got tons of them looks like they're busy, go back in a few weeks the
same cars are sitting there, that's just a scam that guys use, I used to work for a guy
like that years ago, he had all these junk cars and it would sucker people to come
in and he wasn't fixing any of those cars, you see all their stickers are out
of date, some of them don't have license plates on them, don't go to a place like
that cuz odds are, they're gonna take forever to fix your car and may not even
do a good job, because realize one thing body shop work, it comes and it goes it's
not a continuous thing, cars they break down all the time it's pretty continuous
cars you're always breaking you got to fix them, but car wrecks they occur kind
of randomly, so a lot of times these guys don't have much business at all
so if they're one of those guys that aren't that honest, they'll take your car in
and say, oh it'll be ready in three days, another car comes in they're gonna make
more money, they drop yours and then they just work on the car they're making more
money, I've seen guys have cars and body shops for months for this reason, ask
around, other people who they use and anybody who says that guy took forever
to fix my car, don't go there, you find a guy like me
I don't do bodywork, I do mechanical work but my whole thing was, if people got
here by 8:00 in the morning by 5:00 in the afternoon most of the work I did on
most of the cars were finished, I wanted to do stuff that we're in and out fast
my customers were happy, they told people about me, I never spent a nickel
advertising because all my customers told everyone about me, and of course you
want a place that's been in business a lot, but here's the kicker, you gotta do a
little bit of research because I had a guy he was a great body man, but as he
got older, he made a son take over the shop and his son had no interest in
doing bodywork on cars really, so it's time went on, I used the guy for a decade
and a half, but then when a son took over I sent customers there they could bring
the car over to me and I'd look at them and you could see scratches from the
sandpaper that they didn't make smooth and paint it over so it had permanent
scratches in it, you got to make sure that the person who's running to place
cares about what his shop puts out and here's where the Internet can really
help you out a lot, because of people have crappy bodywork done and it doesn't
look right, they're gonna complain on the Internet, so if you do a research on the
guy and you see, there's complaints all over the place about this guy
then you'd think, I'm not gonna go there I'm gonna go somewhere else and although
I'm always trying to save people money here, don't go too cheap with bodywork
you see those ads when I was a kid it used to be we'll paint any car for you
know 59.95 now it's like 200 or 300 dollars, you're not gonna get a very good
paint job of your car for that kind of money these days, I had my old Celica
done like five years ago at one of those places and you can see the paint's
flat, it just doesn't hold up, to do a good paint job costs a lot of money to
paint the entire car and speaking of a good shop
a good shop handles all insurance claims, you don't do anything, if they say
we want some money up front, you go someplace else, the good ones they all
use insurance companies where they call it up, they handle all the paperwork if
there's a problem they call up the insurance company and say, look we just
pulled off the bumper and found out that there's more damage underneath, then they
can send a guy to look to make sure that's the truth, you don't have to get
involved in the actual repair, and like anything you pretty
much have to feel out the shop, as people in Texas have always said, you don't want a guy
who's all hat and no cattle, or when I was younger in New York, hey you don't
want the guy who's got the motorcycle jacket, but he doesn't have the
motorcycle, there's plenty of good body shops out there, you just have to find them, but since
people are always getting in wrecks, hey that's your friends, see cars that were
wrecks that they had fixed, look at it closely and look at it in the Sun when the sun's
shining, because the human eye we can see millions of different varieties of
colors, you can see hey wow that was fixed really well or hey that
doesn't match at all or there's paint that's bubbled up or you look at the
fender the guy replaced and parts of the gaps or half an inch and other parts
are an inch and a half gap, you know that place does lousy work and don't go there
and when you do find a good body shop hey, pass the word of mouth around
go on the internet tell people, tell your friends about it, because if you find a
good body shop, you tell other people about it, they're going to continue to do
good work, especially when they say, hey Joe sent me, they don't want Joe to get
mad because if he's telling a bunch of people how good they are and he does
lousy work, they know they're gonna lose business and if they don't have to
spend me advertising money like I never spent, that's more money in their pocket
and less money out of yours that's paying for the body shop and the advertising, so
take a tip for me and find a good body shop before you get in a wreck, because
it's often too late then and you'll be stuck towed to some place where
everybody's getting kickbacks from everybody else and the work is
relatively shoddy, so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Alba Carrillo, indignada con las reacciones de Makoke y Laura Matamoros en su reencuentro - Duration: 2:46.
Diego Matamoros sobre el abrazo de Laura Matamoros y Makoke: "Es un guantazo" - Duration: 3:45.
Emma García y Toñi Moreno se dedican emotivos mensajes tras conocerse su cambio de programas - Duration: 3:09.
Cách chơi đế chế | Chi tiết và cơ bản cho người mới - Duration: 26:08.
Zeher The Mystry (2018) South Full Movie | Ramya Krishna, Padmashree Manorama - Duration: 2:08:38.
日本も出場決定!! U-20W杯のアジア予選突破国が出揃う…"決定戦"では7-3の打ち合いも - Duration: 2:22.
How to Spot a Scam Auto Body Shop - Duration: 8:36.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna show you how to spot a scam body shop before
you get towed into one and it's too late, okay it happens to everyone eventually
you get in an accident, then you have to have your car towed to a body shop, the
last thing you want is to be in an accident be knocked around and then the
tow truck guy comes and you let him decide where to tow it, you want to know
a good body shop beforehand, then write it down and put it in your glove box so
you'll have it at hand or put it on your phone, because by law at least here in
the United States you get in a wreck, you have the right to pick wehatever body
shop you want to fix your car, nobody can force you to go to one place, but you
have to understand, when the tow truck guys come, they generally get big
kickbacks if they got a nice big wreck and they tow it to the body shop that
they're affiliated with, they will get five hundred a thousand maybe even more
money for bringing that vehicle to that body shop, so you want to have one ready
that you trust to say, no tow it here and if you don't know one, you still have the
right to have it towed to your house, all the insurance companies will tow it to
your house then later they can tow it to a body shop, don't worry about that you
just want to send it to a good job and not just somebody who's being paid to
ship your car off because they get kickbacks, so how do you find out if a
body shop is a scam body shop or a really good one
well you got to do a little research here, unless you live in Houston Texas
then you can just ask me, who I use, I don't take any kickbacks I've sent many many
customers to body shops and never took a dime back from their repairs, I just want
my customers to get their cars fixed correctly, I don't do bodywork so it's no
skin off of my nose, and speaking of equipment you got to
make sure that the body shop you pick has a good paint booth, paint boots are
giant areas that are completely sealed, so there's no dust they control the
humidity for painting, it's very important for getting body work done
right, you don't want to have somebody paint in your car that doesn't have a
very good paint booth, try spray-painting something outside, you're gonna see
gets on it, hair everything, you got to have a place that has a good paint booth and
you have to have professional guys working there who know how to blend
paint and match it to the color of your car, because take a look at this, you can
easily tell this bumper has been repainted it's a completely different shade than
the top of the car that wasn't painted, I mean look at that, you can see here's the
one that's been repainted, it's completely a lighter color here it was
not blended correctly, the paint doesn't even match, so your visitor bodyshop say
hey show me a car where you painted part as a car, see if it matches
and if it doesn't they're not any good at blending paint, go someplace else and
speaking of painting bumpers, check this out
this bumper was painted by a guy who didn't even know what kind of paint to
put on the car, realize that these plastic bumpers are exactly that, they
are plastic it requires a special kind of paint with a special bonding agent in
order for it to stick, if you use regular car paint that you put on the hood and
put it on the bumper, guess what, it flakes off like this car
did, whoever painted this bumper they had no notion about how to paint plastic
bumpers, they shouldn't be in the body business and another big thing to check
is the body shop area itself, if like these cars all sitting all over the
place they got tons of them looks like they're busy, go back in a few weeks the
same cars are sitting there, that's just a scam that guys use, I used to work for a guy
like that years ago, he had all these junk cars and it would sucker people to come
in and he wasn't fixing any of those cars, you see all their stickers are out
of date, some of them don't have license plates on them, don't go to a place like
that cuz odds are, they're gonna take forever to fix your car and may not even
do a good job, because realize one thing body shop work, it comes and it goes it's
not a continuous thing, cars they break down all the time it's pretty continuous
cars you're always breaking you got to fix them, but car wrecks they occur kind
of randomly, so a lot of times these guys don't have much business at all
so if they're one of those guys that aren't that honest, they'll take your car in
and say, oh it'll be ready in three days, another car comes in they're gonna make
more money, they drop yours and then they just work on the car they're making more
money, I've seen guys have cars and body shops for months for this reason, ask
around, other people who they use and anybody who says that guy took forever
to fix my car, don't go there, you find a guy like me
I don't do bodywork, I do mechanical work but my whole thing was, if people got
here by 8:00 in the morning by 5:00 in the afternoon most of the work I did on
most of the cars were finished, I wanted to do stuff that we're in and out fast
my customers were happy, they told people about me, I never spent a nickel
advertising because all my customers told everyone about me, and of course you
want a place that's been in business a lot, but here's the kicker, you gotta do a
little bit of research because I had a guy he was a great body man, but as he
got older, he made a son take over the shop and his son had no interest in
doing bodywork on cars really, so it's time went on, I used the guy for a decade
and a half, but then when a son took over I sent customers there they could bring
the car over to me and I'd look at them and you could see scratches from the
sandpaper that they didn't make smooth and paint it over so it had permanent
scratches in it, you got to make sure that the person who's running to place
cares about what his shop puts out and here's where the Internet can really
help you out a lot, because of people have crappy bodywork done and it doesn't
look right, they're gonna complain on the Internet, so if you do a research on the
guy and you see, there's complaints all over the place about this guy
then you'd think, I'm not gonna go there I'm gonna go somewhere else and although
I'm always trying to save people money here, don't go too cheap with bodywork
you see those ads when I was a kid it used to be we'll paint any car for you
know 59.95 now it's like 200 or 300 dollars, you're not gonna get a very good
paint job of your car for that kind of money these days, I had my old Celica
done like five years ago at one of those places and you can see the paint's
flat, it just doesn't hold up, to do a good paint job costs a lot of money to
paint the entire car and speaking of a good shop
a good shop handles all insurance claims, you don't do anything, if they say
we want some money up front, you go someplace else, the good ones they all
use insurance companies where they call it up, they handle all the paperwork if
there's a problem they call up the insurance company and say, look we just
pulled off the bumper and found out that there's more damage underneath, then they
can send a guy to look to make sure that's the truth, you don't have to get
involved in the actual repair, and like anything you pretty
much have to feel out the shop, as people in Texas have always said, you don't want a guy
who's all hat and no cattle, or when I was younger in New York, hey you don't
want the guy who's got the motorcycle jacket, but he doesn't have the
motorcycle, there's plenty of good body shops out there, you just have to find them, but since
people are always getting in wrecks, hey that's your friends, see cars that were
wrecks that they had fixed, look at it closely and look at it in the Sun when the sun's
shining, because the human eye we can see millions of different varieties of
colors, you can see hey wow that was fixed really well or hey that
doesn't match at all or there's paint that's bubbled up or you look at the
fender the guy replaced and parts of the gaps or half an inch and other parts
are an inch and a half gap, you know that place does lousy work and don't go there
and when you do find a good body shop hey, pass the word of mouth around
go on the internet tell people, tell your friends about it, because if you find a
good body shop, you tell other people about it, they're going to continue to do
good work, especially when they say, hey Joe sent me, they don't want Joe to get
mad because if he's telling a bunch of people how good they are and he does
lousy work, they know they're gonna lose business and if they don't have to
spend me advertising money like I never spent, that's more money in their pocket
and less money out of yours that's paying for the body shop and the advertising, so
take a tip for me and find a good body shop before you get in a wreck, because
it's often too late then and you'll be stuck towed to some place where
everybody's getting kickbacks from everybody else and the work is
relatively shoddy, so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
10 Bedroom Colors and Makeover Ideas Under $10k - Duration: 7:49.
Bedroom is everyone's favorite place to do various kinds of things like chatting,
studying, practicing the guitar, and of course sleeping.
The best thing of a bedroom is you can personalize it
to your style freely without worrying about what people may think or feel about it.
The one that needs to be concerned is you.
Therefore, color up, decorate, and do whatever you want to your bedroom
as long as you can get your ultimate comfort.
Talking about coloring up your bedroom,
check out these 10-bedroom colors and makeover ideas
that I've listed for you.
As usual, This list is brought to you by
10. Luxurious in Simplicity
Just like what I said earlier,
your bedroom is supposed to be comfy and reflect who you are and what you like.
If you want to indulge yourself in the luxury, just do it.
You deserve lying in a luxurious bedroom after going through the hurly-burly happening at work.
Gray is one of the most versatile and neutral colors.
Even gray hues from the lighter to the darker provide different nuances.
But, one thing for sure,
it is so simple that it can be paired with any color of your choice.
And they'll just look great together.
If you want to make your bedroom look lavish,
you can paint your bedroom light gray
and invest in a king size bed with satin headboard.
Spread out a gray fluffy rug on your wooden floor would be nicer.
To accentuate the luxurious look as well as adding pops of colors,
consider a few tints of purple since purple is the color of luxury.
9. Calm and Romantic Bedroom
This bedroom is kind of a dream comes true
for newly married couple who have been longing for the romantic ambience.
Pink has never failed to add a romantic ambience.
But, make sure you don't go overboard with it.
Try some lighter pink hues like salmon, peach,
and coral to create a soothing and romantic mood.
To kick it up a notch, you can tack down a fluffy white carpet to your floor
so your bed will look as if it were floating over the clouds.
Tip: Since carpet is tacked down to the floor and cover it wall to wall which makes
hard to be removed, you can just lay a rug with similar color and texture
over the area of the bed.
8. Go Eclectic
If you are not sure about what colors and furniture that you are going to use to furnish your bedroom,
just go eclectic!
Just like this bedroom,
it combines the tranquil turquoise and distinctive patterns found in the rug, curtain, and bench.
Theoretically, turquoise is the color of tranquility and the patterns are quite bold.
But they look great together, don't they?
So, just ditch the theory and go with what you like.
But, you still need to consider the composition
unless you want your bedroom will end up being haphazard though.
Some other unique things that you can find in this bedroom is the white durian like light
hanging over the bed and the round mirror
hanging over the headboard as the centerpiece.
They jazz this room up for sure.
7. The Nature of Purple and Green
Adding the touch of nature to your bedroom is such a good idea
as you will feel more relaxed.
It does not mean that you have to grow some plants in your bedroom.
You can just hang one or two pictures that look like the branches of a wood
or corals in your favorite colors just like this purple and green bedroom.
To better the look, you can decorate it with any accessory that features
purple and green hues.
6. The Power of Love
This bedroom provides the romantic ambience without being exaggerating.
Although this bedroom features coral and rosewood color that embody affection,
you can still find the touch of masculinity here,
thanks to the black and gray hues that balance the romantic look with boldness.
5. The Joy of Summer
The combination of green and yellow conjures up the joy of summer
where you can find beautiful sunflowers blooming.
Be careful in picking the yellow hues that you are going to apply to your bedroom
andget second opinion.
Try using light yellow for a calmer look.
To bring in summer to your bedroom,
you can add a vase with some types of sunflowers in it.
those flowers will perk your bedroom up.
4. Bold and Masculine
Many people think that black is the color of darkness.
Well, the truth is it is the color of boldness, elegance, and masculinity.
Paint your bedroom black can accentuate your masculine look.
To lessen the boldness,
you can add some white such as a white painting on the wall.
Adding a gold accent is not a bad idea since it can highlight the elegance of your bedroom.
But, again,
don't go overboard or the boldness and masculinity of your bedroom would be vague.
3. Chalkboard Accent Wall
The area behind the headboard is usually a focal point of your bedroom,
and thus you need to make it epic.
Hanging pictures, a mirror, or a monogram above the headboard
is the most common thing.
Let's do an uncommon yet attractive thing like
hanging a chalkboard over the headboard as the accent wall.
The chalkboard will enable you to explore your creativity and do many things.
You can write anything you want and clean it up if you get bored.
2. Gray Wainscoting Paneling
If you are a huge fan of classic look, try installing wainscoting paneling.
The trim will make your bedroom look like Victorian style.
To add more elegance, paint the paneling the same gray scheme as the headboard.
Placing a table next to the bed enables you to put your book and glasses easily
when you feel like to hit the sack after reading.
Just make sure the wooden table is just slightly stained to make it look more natural.
Before we get to number 1,
I suggest you to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you, and bell icon beside it.
That's way, you will receive a new notification directly in your mailbox
every time I publish a new video.
1. Black and White Eclectic Style
The last but not least, we meet another eclectic style.
Although eclectic style allows you to express your imagination by concocting wide array of colors,
it doesn't mean you can do it carelessly.
It would be better if you just stick to one or two color hues
and go with various shapes and patterns.
This modern farmhouse features
white washed exposed brick wall that gives a classic look.
A low-level white bed lies on the sisal seagrass rug.
The wall behind the headboard is painted black matte
because it is the focal point.
it is supposed to be conspicuous, right?
And as the centerpiece,
a huge geometrical painting hangs over the headboard.
Those are 10 ideas for your bedroom color and makeover.
They are fabulous, right?
By applying one of these ideas and adjust it to your personal taste,
you'll get a top-notch bedroom that you've been longing for.
That's it, Before you leave, like this video, comment it,
or share it with anyone inside your close friend or family list.
Come back again next time with more home or decorating ideas.
And until that time, thanks for watching.
Hello Its Halloween | Supremes Cartoon | Halloween Scary Nursery Rhymes | Videos For Kids - Duration: 17:22.
Watch out..
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks
As your door bell ring can you here them sing..
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
Watch out
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
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Маша и Медведь – Все серии подряд. Сборник мультиков для детей - Duration: 21:18.
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Bokul Kotha - Episode 278 - October 29, 2018 - Full Episode - Duration: 3:55.
$20 million to fix escalators at UW Sound Transit station - Duration: 1:48.
Paulina Krupińska narzeka na męża! Poszło o zazdrość! - Duration: 3:17.
Trump: Stock market was up almost 50% from the time I got elected - Duration: 2:26.
'I can't turn back': Migrants trek through southern Mexico - Duration: 3:01.
Amy Shark I Said Hi Ha Le Cover featuring Tung Tic & FatB - Duration: 3:16.
I stand in the corner like a tired boxer
One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope
And all my veins pump blood into my throat
So I can hit the note, go do it all again
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Yeah, Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
And I lay half awake, thinking what's it's gonna take
For my moment to arrive, so sick and paralyzed
And I chew my gum on the left side of my mouth
Wonder when I'll spit it out, yeah, I'm just getting started
Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well
You've been asleep while I've been in hell
Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day
I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
I stand in the corner like a tired boxer
One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope
And all my veins pump blood into my throat
So I can hit the note, go do it all again
And I lay half awake, thinking what's it's gonna take
For my moment to arrive, so sick and paralyzed
And I chew my gum on the left side of my mouth
Wonder when I'll spit it out, yeah, I'm just getting started
Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well
You've been asleep while I've been in hell
Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day
I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Lying on my side, watching time fly by
And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up
Lying on my side, watching time fly by
And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up
Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well
You've been asleep while I've been in hell
Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day
I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)
What I got on this month. GUNPLA and tools. October/ 2018. - Duration: 5:46.
Hello everyone, this is nao Thank you very much for always seeing my channel
I bought it in October I think I want to do it at first First is the SINANJU STEIN NARRATIVE version
As you know,I did straight build this kit in another video.If you have not seen yet, please check it out
This narrative version, It seems to be closer to SHINANJU than Unicorn's SHINANJU STAIN.
This is also cool
Besides the rifle, BAZZOKA is also included so it's quite fun to install and remove it
Next, master grade MARASAI. This is my first purchase.
This MS appeared in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, it is understandable even if it sees it, it is a Successor of ZAKU.
It is a master grade, I think it is good to modify a little bit because it is quite simple.
This is a [ virtual on ] color It tried aligning with red, yellow and blue all together
I think that red and yellow can be used for SAZABI, but first I would like to decide from the simulation of the color with photoshop
Next is the detail up parts
If you build SAZABI, maybe this is what you want to change. Power pipe
I tried purchasing aluminum-made things I bought. a lot of size
I bought a couple of varieties so I'd like to try it together I bought it for both MG and RG
There are a lot of MSs with JAGDO DOGA and other pipes, so I'm thinking to use it for such things
Here is also a power pipe It is a little strange shape, but those of Adlers nest
I think that it is good even if it is simple, but I'd like to decide what will happen to my feel
I thought that this brass parts will be a little accent of the power pipe.
It is stainless steel made by. sticking a masking tape on this and cutting out masking tape in this shape
I also bought this for a test. Next is the last
I think, some people know this.
This is it.
Product name is [Shiitake noko]. What is the tool to do?
I think that it is popular to make parts like a heat sink with plastic material, but it is a tool to make it
Since this product, only the part of the blade is sold, it is necessary to prepare the grip by oneself
Blade thickness from 0.1 mm to 0.7 mm
I am trying to attach 0.7 mm to the razor's grip now, but it is quite hard
It's tough because it is thick
I think the thin blade is good with this razor's grip
It might be better to use a thick saw blade with a design knife or hobby saw's grip.
Finally, I would like to tell you a little about ARCHE's progress. Currently I am making a shield, but the shield of ARCHE and the shield of EXIA resemble the shape a little
It plans to sharpen putty on the EXIA shield
how was this time?
SAZABI's production will also begin after this. And I'm Planning little surprise.
OK, See you again in the next video.bye~
Draw Tip Tuesday - Test Your Art Tools - Duration: 1:47.
Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday.
Here's your weekly dose of inspiration to build a creative habit.
One drawing at a time.
Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool.
Hi, welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday.
Ever have that fear of the blank page?
Don't know what to draw?
Or maybe you have a brand new sketchbook and you're like: "I have to start in this, but I don't know it
yet and I don't even know what to start with because it has to look great..."
Let's get over that.
What you can do is just fill a whole page with testing your tools and it can look pretty cool, too.
Because every time you use a different Sketchbook, the paper will react differently.
It will respond differently to the tools that you like to use.
So maybe your favorite tool in your previous sketchbook suddenly doesn't work that well on the paper
in the new sketchbook.
So simply divide your page into squares, and in each square, test one of your tools.
Then below it, write down which tool it is.
So this also is sort of an archive you can get back to so you know how certain tools behave on the paper of
this sketchbook.
It's kind of a zen thing to do as well.
It's really fun and it's really fun to grab all those tools and use them all in one page, and you might
actually discover tools that you haven't used for a while and that they work really well on the paper
in the sketchbook.
So open up that brand new sketchbook, test all your tools, play with all your toys.
Have fun.
Fill that page.
I'll see you next week.
[Oh! My 갓돌아이 | ASMR] 디크런치가 꿀잠 자라고 주는 선물 | I Want ASMR ver. - Duration: 3:56.
(D-CRUNCH ASMR : please use earphones)
(D-CRUCH- I Want) (Behind the scene)
Honestly, I don't want to wake up in the morning
I just want to lie on the bed
With these thoughts
I start my day, what a mess, put that away
Honestly, I don't want to wake up in the morning
I just want to lie on the bed
With these thoughts
I start my day, what a mess
I just want to rest, hey, hey, hey, hey
Want to rest without thinking, hey, hey, hey, hey
I want to rest eating chicken, hey, hey, hey, hey
I want to play like Pororo, err'day err'day
What is going to happen today?
I wake up early in the morning, yeah
My body doesn't feel like mine
It aches and feels heavy
I just want to rest, right now
So many fun things to do in the world
But this laziness tortures me
Let me somebody help me
Running the rat race, I want to rest
Boom, boom, instead of breaking the beat
I want to eat a cookie, OK
Ya, I want to go to the internet cafe rather than the studio
I'm going to play games in Nonhyun N Top basement
A~ya, you know about it
You know what I do
I'm a cutie
who doesn't do anything if it's not fun to do
Honestly, I don't want to wake up in the morning
I just want to lie on the bed
With these thoughts
I start my day, what a mess, put that away
Honestly, I don't want to wake up in the morning
I just want to lie on the bed
With these thoughts
I start my day, what a mess
I just want to rest, hey, hey, hey, hey
Want to rest without thinking, hey, hey, hey, hey
I want to rest eating chicken, hey, hey, hey, hey
I want to play like Pororo, err'day err'day
What is going to happen today?
I wanna get some difference ya, ya
But they keep trying to fit me in
Now I'm feeling bad
They're just everyday talking talking
Only time keeps increasing
My body aches again today, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hit the bottle ha, pour the soda
I'm still young, just one day is fine, dude
Always think about rest
But they keep telling me that I can't
I just want to get out of it, right now
Y o l o just say wow, wow
Don't worry, after today, tomorrow will come
Take it easy, I want to rest today, ya
I'm closing my eyes and emptying my mind
I'm just lying down and looking up the ceiling
Throwing all my worries away
I want to rest
But hey, we're working now, aren't we?
Honestly, I don't want to wake up in the morning
I just want to lie on the bed
With these thoughts
I start my day, what a mess
Honestly, I don't want to wake up in the morning
I just want to lie on the bed
With these thoughts
I start my day, what a mess
I just want to rest, hey, hey, hey, hey
Want to rest without thinking, hey, hey, hey, hey
I want to rest eating chicken, hey, hey, hey, hey
I want to play like Pororo, err'day err'day
What is going to happen today?
Good night
Dream of me, sleep tight
Fall In Love - Hoàng Thùy Linh (Chill Ver) - Duration: 3:56.
How Much Experience Do I Need to Trade? - Duration: 6:14.
- So this video lesson,
I'm going to teach you whether or not
you need experience in order to stock trade.
(exciting music)
What's up?
Tim Sykes, millionaire mentor here
answering your questions.
A lot of people ask me
do you need experience to start.
Um, to start what, to start trading?
Yes, you need experience studying.
To start studying?
No, you need no experience whatsoever
because you're just focused on learning.
The sooner you start studying,
the sooner begins your entire process.
Because first, you do need to study
what is a stock, what are these patterns,
how do you actually trade them,
what broker to have, all the stuff that I teach.
After enough studying, you are ready for trading.
And now a lot of people say Tim,
I'm just gonna trade right away,
I don't need to study, I'll learn as I go.
You will get obliterated.
90% of traders lose money.
Never forget that stat,
there's been several academic studies.
Brokers don't wanna talk about it,
no one in the industry really wants to talk about it
because then everyone's like well,
if 90% of people lose, like, that's really low odds.
That's anything in life!
Anything worth doing, you're not gonna have good odds.
What are the odds that you're gonna be in the NBA?
Freakin' less than 10%, okay?
Probably 0.001% and you need to be genetically gifted.
With training you don't need to be genetically gifted.
I know a lot of the top traders,
they're fat, ugly, weird,
their genetics are bad, but at least
they have work ethic and they have knowledge.
And how did they get that knowledge?
They studied a lot.
What did they study?
Study patterns, study trends, study rules.
This is what I teach, you have to remember,
I had no experience when I started.
My parents gave me roughly $12,000
in my bar mitzvah gift money,
they thought I would lose it all.
They thought that it would be a good lesson for me, okay?
I would learn like, the value of a dollar.
Instead, I screwed up all their plans,
I made six figures senior year of high school.
I made nearly seven figures
between freshman and sophomore year in college.
I did make seven figures before I graduated college.
So I learned, but I also started during the tech bubble.
So I was in the right place at the right time.
You are not necessarily in a bubble right now, okay?
Unless you live in New York, Miami, or L.A.,
but that's another video.
This is not any kind of stock market bubble,
we have been in a bull market.
In fact, this is the longest bull market in history.
So it's a good time, but you're not gonna
turn 12,000 into nearly two million in four years
like I did, given the current market environment.
My top student, Tim Grittani, has turned
1,500 of his own money into seven million,
but it's taken him seven years.
For the first nine months he made nothing.
So be prepared to make nothing.
Be prepared to lose a little bit.
I'll teach you how to lose, and somebody will say
what, you're gonna teach me how to lose,
I don't need you to learn how to lose,
I can lose on my own.
You need to learn to lose small.
You need to learn how to control your risks,
to manage your losses, to not let small mistakes
turn into potential big disasters.
I'll teach you that.
So a lot of people say oh, I need experience to start.
You don't need anything!
You need the right mindset to start.
You need to understand that this is difficult,
but with enough training, with enough mentorship,
with, frankly, enough patience,
you can be successful in time.
And you need to have that perspective from the beginning.
'Cause a lot of people think oh,
I'm gonna get into the stock market
and I'm gonna make all this money right away.
That's not reality, that's dreams.
Okay, that's not real.
You'll probably make nothing
for quite a bit of time, just being real.
And in fact, if you're like most traders,
you'll probably lose.
But we can manage those losses.
You can learn to break even and over time,
one, two, three, four years,
you'll learn to spot the hottest stocks.
You'll learn to take the meat of the move.
You'll learn to grow your account exponentially
like my top students and I have done.
But you need to have the proper training
and you need to have dedication all throughout.
You're gonna have friends, you're gonna have family,
everyone saying this is a scam,
penny stocks are a scam, Tim Sykes is a scam.
I've heard it all before.
If you think that, don't learn.
Don't waste my time, 'cause I'm not a scam.
But I do require dedication,
'cause I have thousands of video lessons,
thousands of webinars, and dozens of DVDs,
all of which you're gonna have to watch.
Because this is not an exact science.
This is not like me teaching you math,
nine plus seven equals 16, no.
In different market environments, different equations work.
It's not like oh, let me just find
the exact value of the company
and that's what the stock price should be.
I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that.
Everything is moving, this is like a moving target.
I made a video lesson the other day.
I showed a scene from the movie Interstellar,
when Matthew McConaughey is like,
spinning out of control and he's trying to dock
on this space station that's spinning out of control,
and he has to match like, the space station,
like the same spinning out of control,
and then y'know, they connect and they actually succeed;
Interstellar is a great movie.
But that's what this is, the stock market is always moving.
You're always moving and you have to try
to match the best you can with a moving target.
And I'll teach you.
That's the beauty of this, you don't have to be afraid.
You have a mentor that I never had.
My job every single day is to be the mentor to you
that I never had, so you're in good hands if you trust me.
Leave a comment just below,
let me know if you're gonna be dedicated.
Let me know if you're gonna be patient.
That's the key to success in this game.
Hey, Tim Sykes, millionaire mentor and trader.
Thank you for watching my videos, I hope that they help you.
I want to share everything that I've learned over the years.
You can check out more videos right over there
and also click subscribe
so that you can watch all of these videos,
get that knowledge, and become my next millionaire student.
Flip Top Tool Stand || Dewalt Planer / Ridgid Sander - Duration: 8:03.
hey there today I'm going to show you how to build this flip top tool stand it
has this super solid user-friendly locking system that's easy to make and
I'll show you how
you'll need a full sheet of 3/4 inch plywood for this build
I had a mine cut down to manageable pieces in the store then finished making
the cuts in the shop if you want to build a flip-top stand for yourself
you'll find all the measurements and a cut list on my website I'll leave a link
down below there are a lot of flip-top cards out there but I was inspired to
build this particular design by Brad at fix this build that now he's got plans
available so I'll also leave a link to those plans down below alright so after
pre-drilling some pocket holes the first step was to attach the base to the side
panels using some pocket screws to install the top panel I cut some five
inch spacers out of scraps so I could prop up the panel while I screwed it in
from underneath with some more pocket screws I installed the back panel and
tapped it into place using a mallet and this piece will actually add stability
and prevent side-to-side Rocking just in case you were thinking of skipping this
part at this point I tipped the cabinet on its side and started prepping for the
hardware after making a centerline I used a 5/16 bit to drill a hole on
each side of the panel one and a half inches in from the edge I then used a
3/4 inch Forstner bit for the center hole that'll hold the pipe next I
extended the sides of the hole to the edges of the plywood and use my jigsaw
to cut away a notch using your speed square as a guide
really helps here I repeated the same thing on the other side and on the
second panel as well ok next I moved on to making the drawer I really wanted a
simple utilitarian a simple box no slides and not even a dryer face I used
my table saw to make a notch on all four sides about a quarter inch deep I then
adjusted my fence slightly and repeated so that the groove would accept a
quarter inch thick panel
I'm attaching the box from the inside using pocket screws but I only did three
sides before sliding in the bottom panel I then popped in the fourth side into
place and added some screws to hold it all together I mean a simple draw pool
using a scrap piece of walnut because who doesn't love walnut I use my router
table to carve a concave notch on the backside and then simply screwed it into
the drawer from the back
okay now is a good time to attach the casters I use three inch heavy-duty
locking caster wheels for this time to move on to the tabletop off-camera I
found the center of the panel and made a line 3/8 of an inch on each side
I then butted a piece of one by two up to the lines in order to create a nook
for the pipe to sit dead center with my brad nailer I tack the pieces into place
then drilled some countersunk holes and added some screws making sure to check
that the pipe fits snugly as I went oh and don't pay attention to the notch and
the front board you see there that was a mistake and shouldn't be there
I do however need to create a notch in the outside pieces so I made a simple
jig that will ride along my table saws fence I need to make a 5/16 notch in the
center that's one and a half inches deep after setting the blade height I made
several passes moving the fence slightly as I went until I was able to fit in an
I then made the same notch on the other end of the board and repeat it on a
second piece as well I line up the pieces on the outer edges and as before
tack them into place then screw them down I cut up some more pieces to
complete the edges making sure to line them up flush before screwing them down
I need to add blocking underneath the tools I'll be mounting so I'll have
something to screw it into you want to make sure to line up the blocks under
the smaller holes if you're using screws the bigger holes are for using bolts
next I repeated the same process for the second tool man this one's heavy
I made sure to line up the smaller screw holes not the bolt holes and also make
sure that no parts were sticking out past the edge of the platform lastly I
seal the platform with another piece of plywood securing it with screws all
around okay so here's the hard way you'll need for the locking mechanism
you'll need startups with 5/16 threads 5/16 eyebolts three and a half inches
long and 5/16 washers you'll also need 3/8 washers 3/8 bolts that are a half
one and a half inches long and some 3/8 nuts now if you didn't catch all that
not to worry there are links for all of these in the description down below to
install the hardware I started by marking one inch in from each side I use
a Forstner bit to drill a countersunk hole from the top and the bottom of the
platform about half an inch deep I then used a 3/8 bit to drill all the way
through you start by inserting the eye bolt then place a 3/8 washer and a 3/8
bolt into the hole
another washer goes on the bottom followed by a 3/8 nut it's a good idea
to use some thread lock so the bolts won't loosen over time I then repeated
the same process on all four corners ok so getting the platform onto the pipe is
not the easiest if you're doing this by yourself I won't lie I had to do a few
takes before I was able to line up the pipe with the hole in platform and
thread it through you'll want to leave about half an inch of pipe sticking out
on each side so I mark the pipe and use the hacksaw to cut the pipe to length to
lock the pipe into place I used a three quarter inch Forstner bit
to make a half inch recess into a couple blocks and then mounted them onto
each side after locking the table in position I mounted my bench top sander
and anchored it to the platform using some three and a half inch screws
I then flip the tabletop over and did the same for my planer
to help manage the cords I use the scrap piece of leather with a pressure
snap now this will be a quick and easy way to keep the cord secured and out of
the way I'll be honest the first time I flipped the top I was a little nervous I
mean the planer alone weighs about 90 pounds when I was relieved that
everything held firmly and how smooth the flip actually was hey if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're not already subscribed to
this channel I'd love to have you remember to head over to my website for
all the details on this build and until next time thanks for watching
[360 vr] mina life ep.1 I'm mina (Thanks. 200,000 subscribers.) - Duration: 3:36.
Ah... I'm nervous.
I can do it.
This is good enough.
Everyone will fall in love with me.
What should I wear?
Is this good?
ok! I chose clothes.
hello~ everyone~ (repeat)
Ah... I'm nervous.
ok! I shine on the spot.
I-96/I-196 Interchange Project: The Flip - Duration: 1:58.
I'm John Richard with the Michigan Department of Transportation and this is
the next major project for the Grand Rapids area. Work has already started but
the major impacts will take place in 2019 and 2020. This is downtown Grand
Rapids. You can see the heart of downtown off to the left, or off to the west, and
this is Interstate 196, also known as the Ford Freeway. We will reconstruct both
eastbound and westbound 196, replacing the original pavement from 1964, and we
will add another lane on westbound 196 between M-21 and Fuller Avenue. Now, the
other major benefit of this project is reconfiguring where eastbound 196 joins
up with eastbound 96. Currently, traffic exiting to the Beltline conflicts with
through-traffic, and we will flip that and create dedicated exit lanes for
eastbound 96 as well as eastbound 196 to the Beltline. So this will greatly
improve operations, increase safety and all this is being built with future
expansion in mind. Now, here's a good look from the driver's point of view. This is
eastbound 96. The two lanes off to the left will continue on to the east and
this is the new bridge, or the new ramp, for eastbound 96 traffic to the Beltline
and this joins up with eastbound 196 traffic also exiting to East Beltline
Avenue. Now, here's a look from the driver's point of view on westbound 96.
The three lanes off to the left will go downtown on westbound 196 and then
there's two lanes to continue west on 96 toward Plainfield, Alpine, and then off
to Muskegon. And this all ties into westbound 196 being widened over the
Grand River near 131, so you'll have two through-lanes on westbound 196, as well as
a dedicated exit lane to southbound 131 and a dedicated lane to northbound 131.
Follow us on Twitter, on Facebook, or check out Mi Drive for current traffic
conditions and traffic flow.
Join the Y: "I Feel Like a New Person, Full of Life." - Duration: 3:55.
My name's Maria Chaves.
I live in Boca.
I'm limited in many ways.
There are days that I cannot move my shoulder.
There are days that my neck just gets stiff.
So, people like me with different issues, they teach me how to do different exercises,
show me things that I'll be able to do.
We love having Maria in our class.
She's an inspiration to everyone that she speaks with.
She makes everybody work harder than they really want to.
She encourages everyone.
She's a wonderful woman.
My accident was July 3, 1986.
I had a flat tire.
I was on the shoulder.
I was just hit from the back, went through the back window, and I don't remember--I was
in a coma for eight days.
I lost my right leg below the knee.
I was blinded for two-and-a-half months, lost my hearing for over two years on the right
But Bobby, which we weren't married then, he made me independent.
I joined the YMCA because my husband was a member and he just loved coming to the Y.
He made many new friends.
After working out at the Y, especially the water and trainers, I started improving drastically
like I couldn't even believe!
There are things that you can do in the water that you cannott do standing up with a prosthetic.
When I'm in the water, I just move as much as I can.
They'll do different exercises so I can move.
It's a benefit to have a trainer and to do different things like the pool, the yoga,
I started Pilates from a wheelchair.
And so I would go in and out of the wheelchair, take the prosthetic off and on, off and on,
and so on.
So eventually, it took me over two years and now I can do it on the floor like everybody
And she's good just about at everything.
She makes an attempt to do it all and she does it quite well.
I'm blessed with my YMCA friends.
These are my friends.
We go out for lunch, sometimes breakfast.
Sometimes we get together at my house or at different houses.
So my friendship grows daily.
And we all support each other.
Especially when Bobby was ill, and then he passed away.
They came to visit me, supported me in so many ways.
We need to have joy in life every day, no matter if you're in pain or not, you look
for something good.
No matter how much pain you're in, always look on the brighter side.
I don't know, the Y has done so much for me.
I feel like a new woman, a new person, full of life.
Arsenal ace Reiss Nelson makes revelation on his future after Hoffenheim impact - Duration: 2:57.
The young winger is on loan at Hoffenheim this term and has impressed in the Bundesliga
He is on Gareth Southgate's radar having watched as Jadon Sancho earned an England call up and debut earlier this month
Nelson, 18, has scored four goals in three starts and two substitute appearances so far this term
And he admits he's enjoying life in Germany but wants to see what Arsenal think before committing his future to staying more than he year he signed for in the summer
"I'm liking the Bundesliga," he said. "There's a lot of top, top defenders that you come across
"It was always going to be a challenge so when I got the offer to come out here I was excited, knowing it was going to be such a big challenge for me
"As a person and as a player, I wanted to take the next step. "At the moment I'm very happy here
I'm playing, I'm scoring, but I'm an Arsenal player at the end of the day, so I have to stay and do my job here, then wherever football takes me I'll go
" Nelson appeared for Arsenal in pre season, scoring against Boreham wood and Lazio, before making the switch
He was expected to play a part in Unai Emery's first team squad this season after breaking into the side during the Europa League run last year
But Emery decided to send him to Germany to get him more first team minutes. And the Spaniard is expecting big things from him
"It's a very big chance for him and the level there is important," Emery said. "We think, because he is very young, he needs to take a new level to play, a new level also to get minutes, to get experience
"It's for that reason we were speaking at the club with the coaches about this possibility and also, with him, we decided together: club, coaches and the player
"It's a good chance for him to get minutes in and play, and then come back with us because he signed a new contract with us
1964 Lotus Super Seven: A Lightweight Legacy - Duration: 5:20.
I've always been passionate about the Lotus brand.
I've always been passionate about Collin Chapman's philosophy
that favors the lightness of cars
rather than the power of the engines.
I think that it was in that time, and still today,
a philosophy that is close to the truth.
So I got my first car.
The first car I bought was a Lotus Elise, an S1,
and I liked it so much that I bought a second one later on,
before finally crossing over
and entering the world of vintage cars with this Lotus Super Seven.
My name is Maxime Gransart,
and I've had the good fortune to ride in a 1964 Lotus Seven.
The vintage car world, or the world of sports cars,
and the Lotus brand, is a universe
that I have been familiar with for many years,
because of my dad,
who raced cars and who started his career as a driver,
though he's stopped nowadays, as a driver for the Normandy team
for the Cup of Provinces, consequently with a Lotus Seven.
It was the same era as Henri Pescarolo,
for the record, whom he even beat at Charade before driving in F2.
He was challenged at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in a Ferrari ASA, and ...
So that's how, since I was very little,
seeing his race photos, the cups at home,
I am in every way immersed in this world of motor racing.
I knew at the time that it would be a Seven.
It's a car whose design above all is quite unique, with this tubular frame,
this lightness -- it weighs barely 500 kilos.
It's a great car to have fun riding on the road
or even having a bit of fun on the racetrack.
There's nothing more minimalist than that that exists in the automotive world.
This minimalism, in fact, is the reason it's such a pleasure to drive.
Everything is impactful, we feel the smallest pebble, we feel the slightest bump.
Everything is done for the pleasure of the driver of this car.
Once I had dipped my toes in the world of antique cars,
it was impossible to leave.
I've been lucky, through random encounters and friendships,
to be able to ride in vintage car shows.
I started with car shows that we did with a Mustang from the 60s.
and then I connected with someone who asked me one day,
"Would you like to do the Mans Classic with me?"
For me, it was a childhood dream.
On top of being a Lotus, that it was a Lotus Elite.
And when Giles Courodon asked me to ride with him at this Mans Classic,
I obviously did not hesitate.
Above all, it was the start of an adventure,
because now we've been riding together for six years.
Six years riding in the Lotus Elite.
And it's absolutely amazing that it's because of vintage car shows.
With the Lotus Elite, we roll with the group of cars from the 60s,
so we are faced against Cobras or Type Es.
Therefore, it's a very small model in the grouping
but it's a car with which we take so much pleasure,
that has absolutely incredible accuracy on the track,
which allows us to place on the podium.
So even if there is a small shortcoming in power on the Lotus,
it's ultimately a car with which we have so, so, so much fun,
regardless of where you end up on the podium, because anyway,
we go to be competitive and to have fun.
That's it, it has allowed me to form, to strengthen
a father-son relationship around a common passion.
I think he's proud still today,
even if he doesn't say much, because it's not something we talk about a lot.
But I think he's proud of this.
I still remember the day I went to see him when I bought the car.
I saw a lot of emotion in his eyes.
So, I started with Lotus. I'll continue with Lotus.
And I think that I'm not about to stop this Lotus adventure,
because I'm crazy in love with this brand.
Kaamwali Bai GHAR GHAR Ki - Diwali Special | #Sketch #Fun #Roleplay #ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 10:52.
what happened to you??
can't getting a good house maid
even they too are searching for a good house maid
yeah its too difficult to get that good house maid? isn't it??
so today we've brought for you a video on
"Kaam wali bai ghar ghar ki"
Deepawali is near to come and lots of work needs to be done
and don't get House maid
If this happened with you too
as this happened with us also
If you like to watch us together and our video
then get this video to 100,000 LIKES
so lets enjoy the video
who has died??
hasn't your house caught fire out ?
oho... again she run away
don't you worry, this might get permanent one
would you plz send her for sure?
did you called me for house work?
ok lets take an interview
I don't know all these
am new here recently come from my village
let me do some work
If you'll like my work, keep me at job otherwise its ok
okk start doing your work
your breakfast
I've done all the work
so could I join from tomorrow
I'll take bonus on Diwali and two days leave in a month
and will take 10,000 salary
how much she told for salary??
let it be
but she has done good job
I think all've got set now
get me my white suit
what happened is there any bad news
Is someone has expired?
I've to go to distribute Diwali's sweets
I think you wear that shiny Saree
I am giving it now with all the matching accessories
what are you doing
why don't you throw these clothe pieces
I've cleaned everything
how may I know about your stuffs whats need to be keep & whats to be thrown
oho no further need of these clothes pieces
throw them If you'll find more
how may I know what to be keep and whats to be thrown
use your brain
and when I'll return back
I need my Almirah to be clean well
if I found any dust then I'll see you what I'll do
what are these..
so many clothes pieces and colourful too
ok let me throw these
you brought it so fast
now I even not to give you a single chance for complain
check your Almirah I've cleaned it so well
so many clothes pieces was there
but I haven't thrown them
As diwali is coming near so I've made a gift for you
Bandhan bar
whats this??
this I've made to decorate the door
ohh.. my so expensive panties.....
Anku get me glass of water
Anku give me a towel
where are my spectacles?
I can't hear you I am doing some work here
let it be
I'll find it by myself
from you you've bought this lipstick
how much it costs
Mrs. Sharma also use this lipstick
tell me how much it costs?
she told she has bought the same at Rs 2000
you do gossip a lot. Now massage my foot
I'll come back after 2 hours. you need to take care of the house
what I'll tell you about that place where I've worked earlier
she loved me a lot
and I had done all the work for her like house cleaning, cooking and all
do good job here I too will give you the bonus
ok I'll do
you'll get the bonus only when you'll do your job well
ok I'll give you bonus but there's a condition
you need to have come on time or otherwise I'll see you
I need to go my place on Diwali
so in all total I'll returned back after two days
returning after five days
yeah I know all your excuse now do start your work
do LIKE & SHARE this video
Also let me know in the comments to which sequence you relate the most
also tell if you like to watch us together
don't forget to follow me on Instagram to enjoy Behind the Scenes
will see you in my next video till then
take care n bye-bye
THE IRWINS (Animal Planets) In-depth REVIEW!! PREMIER AT REPTILE ZOO!! | BRIAN BARCZYK - Duration: 11:50.
Drum Teacher Reacts to Trey Williams - Drummer of Dying Fetus - Duration: 10:43.
hello and welcome back to another episode of my drum teacher react series
my name is Marthyn Jovanovic I'm a drum teacher and today I'm gonna be reacting
to and analyzing a live drum cam video from Trey Williams drummer of Dying Fetus
playing their song your treachery will die with you before we start off I want
to give a big shout out and thank you to rafal from drummers from hell their
YouTube channel is amazing so make sure to check that channel out as well you
can find it down there in the description alright let's start
alright I have to stop right away the first crash fill would be really easy to
play with right hand and left hand but he chose to play just with his right
with his right hand
all right let's focus on his hand technique for a bit he's using
mostly wrists and American grip so not French
thumbs up not German grip but in-between American grip
okay before we focus on his foot technique because actually he's using
three different techniques regular heel up
heel toe technique and the swivel technique right now he's using the heel
toe technique let's talk about his pedal settings and his gear a bit he is one of
the drummer's the many drummers who is using Axis a long boards as you can see
in this picture vdl is around the middle he's using a medium to high spring
tension and you can also see that he's using a roland acoustic trigger you can see it
on the left side of the video and his bass drums is stuffed with pillows which makes
triggering easier and one more thing he's using axis a marksman they're
called marksman beaters and the cool thing about these beaters is that the
beater shaft is extremely heavy in comparison to the beater head so they have
a certain specially unique feel so make sure to try them out as well by the way
I'm not endorsed by axis I just like these beaters
all right we have to stop again now he's using this swivel technique let's
talk about his swivel technique for a bit I watched this video over and over
again and it seems like he's swiveling with his right foot he swiveling out for
the first stroke and in for the second stroke his left foot is doing the same
thing just the opposite way around so his left foot his left ankle is
swiveling out for the first stroke and in for the second stroke his foot is
sliding a bit back on the footboard when he starts to swivel in comparison to the
regular when he plays regular heel up and this is at the tempo of now
we're playing at 225 BPM so he's using the swivel technique at that tempo
okay now let's talk about his heel toe technique right here you can see that
his foot is sliding back on the footboard when he starts to use the heel
toe technique so actually the heel of his foot is not touching the footboard
when his playing heel-toe looks something like this I've
seen a lot of drummers who do it the other way by that I mean that their
whole leg is placed on their foot board like this and a lot of drummers use it
the other way sliding the foot back like trey does it in this example if you
slide your foot back like this your heel is not generating the first stroke
actually it's the middle part of my foot that's generating the first stroke and
my toes or the ball of my foot are generating the second stroke again
comparison to sliding your foot up on the footboard like this alright let's
again to fill played with just one hand
now he's playing regular heel up the tempo is around 160 beats per minute he's
using a mix of hip flexor and calf muscles but it looks like it's mostly
hip flexors looks like this the one thing that's really awesome is that it
doesn't even matter if trey is playing the swivel technique heel toe or regular
heel up he's never leaning forward or back when he starts or stops the bass
drum pattern he looks totally relaxed and always in control
that's also interesting tempo is around 160 BPM first when he played sixteenth
notes he played regular heel up single
strokes then he switched when the subdivisions changed to 16th note triplets
at 160 BPM he started to use this swivel technique 16th note triplets at 160 BPM
is the same tempo as regular 16th notes at 240 bpm so from what I've seen from his
videos is that he starts to use the swivel technique around 200 BPM and up
to 250 to 260 and even faster
you can see that he is using the push some sort of push pull technique with his
right hand but the left hand he's just playing regular wrist motion on the
Now he's using the heel toe technique it seems that he is able to play extremely fast
with the swivel technique and with the heel toe technique but he tends to use the
heel-toe technique when he has to play for longer periods of time for shorter
stuff like 1 bar of fast double bass he always uses the swivel technique for
longer periods of time he tends to use the heel toe technique
he's getting a big beater swing out of the heel toe technique as well
swivel technique again
Now he's playing for two bars of fast double bass and he immediately switches
to the swivel technique and also the transition is really smooth between
regular heel up and the swivel technique
now the tempo changed around from 225 bpm down to 200 bpm and he's able to
play a flawless transition from 225 to 200 BPM while still using the swivel
technique let's look at this one again
again using the swivel technique and really sitting straight not leaning forward
yeah now he's using the gravity blast with his right hand on the snare drum the
thing is and you can hear it in the video that it is extremely hard to play loud
with the gravity blast so right now his snare sounds kind of his snare drum
sounds kind of weak in comparison to the regular blast beat because with the
gravity blast you can't hit that hard with this small kind of motion
in comparison to a full wrist motion which he uses all the time if he's not doing
gravity blast of course you would have the alternative to use a snare drum
trigger but who wants that right all right a great video I know I had to talk
a lot during this video and I had to stop it really often because his
technique is just amazing like three different foot techniques regular heel
up extremely tight swivel technique extremely tight and the heel toe
extremely tight great hand speed a lot of power and also using the gravity
blast in between so thanks a lot to Trey Williams to Dying Fetus to rafal from
drummers from Hell alright that's it for this video thank you very much for
watching don't forget to comment below if you want a certain drummer to be next
on this youtube channel cheers from vienna bye
Seoul Fashion Week & venturing out of Seoul | vlog#9 - Duration: 16:39.
Awesome DIY Paper Flower Crafts - DIY Handmade Craft - Small Paper Flower - Duration: 2:12.
Królowa Elżbieta II abdykuje?! Wyspy Brytyjskie o tym huczą - Duration: 5:02.
Paulina Krupińska narzeka na męża! Poszło o zazdrość! - Duration: 3:17.
Gorzkie wyznanie Wojciechowskiej. Mówi o swojej córce - Duration: 5:49.
Anna Mucha o patriotyzmie. To może cię zdziwić - Duration: 3:12.
JAKO-O Weihnachtsgeschenke - Ideen für Kinder 2018 - Duration: 0:21.
A Fazenda: Após amizade, Nadja "treta" com Rafael e o encurrala: "Está querendo me manipular?" - Duration: 3:47.
O Mercado Brasileiro de Lojas Virtuais - Duration: 4:31.
Minha vida na Faculdade Cearense com o Educa Mais Brasil - Duration: 2:00.
How to Spot a Scam Auto Body Shop - Duration: 8:36.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna show you how to spot a scam body shop before
you get towed into one and it's too late, okay it happens to everyone eventually
you get in an accident, then you have to have your car towed to a body shop, the
last thing you want is to be in an accident be knocked around and then the
tow truck guy comes and you let him decide where to tow it, you want to know
a good body shop beforehand, then write it down and put it in your glove box so
you'll have it at hand or put it on your phone, because by law at least here in
the United States you get in a wreck, you have the right to pick wehatever body
shop you want to fix your car, nobody can force you to go to one place, but you
have to understand, when the tow truck guys come, they generally get big
kickbacks if they got a nice big wreck and they tow it to the body shop that
they're affiliated with, they will get five hundred a thousand maybe even more
money for bringing that vehicle to that body shop, so you want to have one ready
that you trust to say, no tow it here and if you don't know one, you still have the
right to have it towed to your house, all the insurance companies will tow it to
your house then later they can tow it to a body shop, don't worry about that you
just want to send it to a good job and not just somebody who's being paid to
ship your car off because they get kickbacks, so how do you find out if a
body shop is a scam body shop or a really good one
well you got to do a little research here, unless you live in Houston Texas
then you can just ask me, who I use, I don't take any kickbacks I've sent many many
customers to body shops and never took a dime back from their repairs, I just want
my customers to get their cars fixed correctly, I don't do bodywork so it's no
skin off of my nose, and speaking of equipment you got to
make sure that the body shop you pick has a good paint booth, paint boots are
giant areas that are completely sealed, so there's no dust they control the
humidity for painting, it's very important for getting body work done
right, you don't want to have somebody paint in your car that doesn't have a
very good paint booth, try spray-painting something outside, you're gonna see
gets on it, hair everything, you got to have a place that has a good paint booth and
you have to have professional guys working there who know how to blend
paint and match it to the color of your car, because take a look at this, you can
easily tell this bumper has been repainted it's a completely different shade than
the top of the car that wasn't painted, I mean look at that, you can see here's the
one that's been repainted, it's completely a lighter color here it was
not blended correctly, the paint doesn't even match, so your visitor bodyshop say
hey show me a car where you painted part as a car, see if it matches
and if it doesn't they're not any good at blending paint, go someplace else and
speaking of painting bumpers, check this out
this bumper was painted by a guy who didn't even know what kind of paint to
put on the car, realize that these plastic bumpers are exactly that, they
are plastic it requires a special kind of paint with a special bonding agent in
order for it to stick, if you use regular car paint that you put on the hood and
put it on the bumper, guess what, it flakes off like this car
did, whoever painted this bumper they had no notion about how to paint plastic
bumpers, they shouldn't be in the body business and another big thing to check
is the body shop area itself, if like these cars all sitting all over the
place they got tons of them looks like they're busy, go back in a few weeks the
same cars are sitting there, that's just a scam that guys use, I used to work for a guy
like that years ago, he had all these junk cars and it would sucker people to come
in and he wasn't fixing any of those cars, you see all their stickers are out
of date, some of them don't have license plates on them, don't go to a place like
that cuz odds are, they're gonna take forever to fix your car and may not even
do a good job, because realize one thing body shop work, it comes and it goes it's
not a continuous thing, cars they break down all the time it's pretty continuous
cars you're always breaking you got to fix them, but car wrecks they occur kind
of randomly, so a lot of times these guys don't have much business at all
so if they're one of those guys that aren't that honest, they'll take your car in
and say, oh it'll be ready in three days, another car comes in they're gonna make
more money, they drop yours and then they just work on the car they're making more
money, I've seen guys have cars and body shops for months for this reason, ask
around, other people who they use and anybody who says that guy took forever
to fix my car, don't go there, you find a guy like me
I don't do bodywork, I do mechanical work but my whole thing was, if people got
here by 8:00 in the morning by 5:00 in the afternoon most of the work I did on
most of the cars were finished, I wanted to do stuff that we're in and out fast
my customers were happy, they told people about me, I never spent a nickel
advertising because all my customers told everyone about me, and of course you
want a place that's been in business a lot, but here's the kicker, you gotta do a
little bit of research because I had a guy he was a great body man, but as he
got older, he made a son take over the shop and his son had no interest in
doing bodywork on cars really, so it's time went on, I used the guy for a decade
and a half, but then when a son took over I sent customers there they could bring
the car over to me and I'd look at them and you could see scratches from the
sandpaper that they didn't make smooth and paint it over so it had permanent
scratches in it, you got to make sure that the person who's running to place
cares about what his shop puts out and here's where the Internet can really
help you out a lot, because of people have crappy bodywork done and it doesn't
look right, they're gonna complain on the Internet, so if you do a research on the
guy and you see, there's complaints all over the place about this guy
then you'd think, I'm not gonna go there I'm gonna go somewhere else and although
I'm always trying to save people money here, don't go too cheap with bodywork
you see those ads when I was a kid it used to be we'll paint any car for you
know 59.95 now it's like 200 or 300 dollars, you're not gonna get a very good
paint job of your car for that kind of money these days, I had my old Celica
done like five years ago at one of those places and you can see the paint's
flat, it just doesn't hold up, to do a good paint job costs a lot of money to
paint the entire car and speaking of a good shop
a good shop handles all insurance claims, you don't do anything, if they say
we want some money up front, you go someplace else, the good ones they all
use insurance companies where they call it up, they handle all the paperwork if
there's a problem they call up the insurance company and say, look we just
pulled off the bumper and found out that there's more damage underneath, then they
can send a guy to look to make sure that's the truth, you don't have to get
involved in the actual repair, and like anything you pretty
much have to feel out the shop, as people in Texas have always said, you don't want a guy
who's all hat and no cattle, or when I was younger in New York, hey you don't
want the guy who's got the motorcycle jacket, but he doesn't have the
motorcycle, there's plenty of good body shops out there, you just have to find them, but since
people are always getting in wrecks, hey that's your friends, see cars that were
wrecks that they had fixed, look at it closely and look at it in the Sun when the sun's
shining, because the human eye we can see millions of different varieties of
colors, you can see hey wow that was fixed really well or hey that
doesn't match at all or there's paint that's bubbled up or you look at the
fender the guy replaced and parts of the gaps or half an inch and other parts
are an inch and a half gap, you know that place does lousy work and don't go there
and when you do find a good body shop hey, pass the word of mouth around
go on the internet tell people, tell your friends about it, because if you find a
good body shop, you tell other people about it, they're going to continue to do
good work, especially when they say, hey Joe sent me, they don't want Joe to get
mad because if he's telling a bunch of people how good they are and he does
lousy work, they know they're gonna lose business and if they don't have to
spend me advertising money like I never spent, that's more money in their pocket
and less money out of yours that's paying for the body shop and the advertising, so
take a tip for me and find a good body shop before you get in a wreck, because
it's often too late then and you'll be stuck towed to some place where
everybody's getting kickbacks from everybody else and the work is
relatively shoddy, so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Маша и Медведь – Все серии подряд. Сборник мультиков для детей - Duration: 21:18.
La Storia Di Una WEBSTAR | Film Trailer | (Parodia) - Duration: 2:12.
China tariffs a minor market headwind? - Duration: 7:05.
Nadja se revolta com Luane e dispara: "Nem sei o que está fazendo em um reality. Só namora - Duration: 3:18.
Um 'senhor' sapo! 2 - Duration: 0:22.
CRISES DE ANSIEDADE - Duration: 4:15.
HO BRUCIATO 800 CALORIE IN 3 MINUTI... Ecco come - Duration: 2:45.
I've burned 800 calories in 3 minutes! here's how!
Ludovico Maccauro
what's up guys today I wanted to talk about something interesting
but first I wanted to take some shots with the drone!
I tried this morning to use the drone but the weather wasn't good
and I thought that I wasn't gonna be able to use it today but luckly now it's sunny
okay guys! here we are in my room!
I've burned 800 calories in 3 minutes... here's how
this is not going to be a long vlog
but I wanted to talk about this stuff because I think it may be interesting for the majority of you guys
so basically last week I've tried the cryosauna
the cryosauna is the opposite of a sauna
so instead of being warm is cold
really cold!
and it is cool watching it from outside
because you see a lot of smoke
going out of this "sauna"
I read some research on the topic
to see what benefits this sauna will give you
and there are a lot! for example it decrease stress and anxiety
but the best thing is that you can burn from 400 to 800 calories
depending on the subject
so how was it?
well I was a little bit anxious at first but once you're doing it the time passes really fast and it's all about being concentrated
and once finished you feel sooo calm and relaxed
if you guys have a cryosauna in your town I highly suggest to try it
because it's a very unique experience
my arm is dying holding this camera
I hope you liked this little vlog
unfortunately because of this time I'm stuck in my house
next week my new cover will be online
and I'll se you in the next video!
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