Estamos aquí en Buenos Aires con Brendan Buckley, baterista de Shakira. ¿Cómo estás Brendan?
Hey! Bien! ¿Cómo estás vos?
Bien! ¿Cómo está yendo todo? ¿Cómo viene la gira?
¿El tour? Maravilloso. La gira se llama El Dorado Tour y ha sido un disfrute. Pasamos mucho tiempo ensayando
La gira fue de alrededor de sesenta shows y aún nos quedan cinco más. Hemos disfrutado un montón.
Creo que Sudamérica elevó todo a un nivel superior de disfrute,
porque Europa fue genial, los Estados Unidos también
Y después fuimos a México y Sudamérica y fue como que la audiencia fue sumamente amistosa con nosotros.
Brendan, tenés un enorme kit híbrido que combina sonidos acústicos y electrónicos
¿De qué manera se hace necesario mixturar estos sonidos en el contexto de un concierto de Shakira?
Para cada artista con el que trabajo
hay diferentes necesidades y
en el caso de la música de Shakira, ella tiene una mezcla de estilos:
baladas, canciones de rock, temas de dance,
Con mi batería debo ser capaz de emular todos estos sonidos, así que armamos todo de una manera en la cual pueda tocar, por ejemplo, "Inevitable",
que es básicamente una simple canción de rock en la batería
Y después lo próximo que hacemos a lo mejor puede ser algo como
una canción dance
o una canción de reggaetón en la que tomo los sonidos electrónicos del álbum,
los corto
cargo en la batería electrónica y los toco en vivo. Suena como si fuera una máquina,
pero en realidad estoy tocando en vivo.
Eso hace que una canción rock pueda sonar bien de manera acústica y que un tema dance pueda sonar como tal.
Has estado de gira con Shakira por más de veinte años.
¿Cómo es ella como música y como persona?
Bueno, a esta altura Shakira es como mi familia. Somos todos amigos.
Hablamos de cosas que van mucho más allá de la música, ¿sabés?
Nos sentimos muy cómodos el uno con el otro
Como artista
Shakira tiene oídos impecables; lo que significa que escucha cuando las cosas están bien
y cuando salen mal. Podés confiar en ella. Si algo no está saliendo adecuadamente
capaz te dice: "Algo está sonando diferente esta noche". Y si está pasando algo maravilloso, se da cuenta que todo está sonando perfecto.
Así que esa es una buena manera de comprobar cómo van yendo las cosas, noche a noche, en el proceso de "ensayo" show a show.
Brendan, hoy en día
vemos a un montón de bateristas tratando de tocar más y más rápido, haciendo chops técnicos,
pero es como que, al final, eso no te va a llevar a pagar los impuestos a fin de mes.
¿Cuál es tu opinión al respecto?
Me refiero a que
si no tenés un groove sólido, no te van a llamar por teléfono.
¿Qué pensás al respecto?
Bueno, en realidad podés recibir llamadas diferentes para tocar otras cosas más allá del groove. Te pueden llamar para tocar cosas rápidas en frente de un cuarto lleno de bateristas.
No está mal. Hay bateristas que tienen un montón de técnica y nada más y su audiencia está conformada por bateristas a los que les gusta eso.
No creo que haya problema con ello, pero no es
bueno si lo que querés es tocar en una banda con otras personas.
Hay dos direcciones que podés tomar cuando estás estudiando batería. Podés estudiar cómo ser un baterista funcional,
que trabaje bien con otros; que tenga un buen tempo y
tipos de dinámica, como poder tocar lento, rápido, fuerte, suave, todo.
O podés ser un increíble baterista técnico
que pueda arder y tocar cosas en la batería que la gente no haya visto nunca.
Eso también es cool, pero son dos cosas diferentes.
A veces desearía poder hacer ambas al mismo tiempo, pero realmente son dos cosas diferentes.
Así que pienso que la mayor parte del tiempo trabajo en la parte funcional, porque es el 90% de lo que hago, de cualquier manera.
Y después cuando estoy solo
trabajo en ese 10% de "lucha", porque amo la batería y amo a la gente que puede hacer cosas fascinantes en la batería.
No creo que esté mal lo otro.
Solamente no pienso que sea la mejor manera de hacer las cosas, si estás tratando de conseguir un trabajo con una banda famosa o un/a cantante.
Tenés 44 años y has tocado con un montón de artistas como Tegan And Sara, Shakira, Beto Cuevas (La Ley), etcétera.
¿Imaginabas esto cuando eras un niño?
No. De ningún modo. Sólo era un niño haciendo de todo. Me gustaba
andar en skate, practicar deportes, ir a nadar, construir fuertes, esa clase de cosas.
Y además realmente disfrutaba tocar la batería
Empecé a tocar más o menos a los 14 años de edad. Me encantaba, pero no imaginaba una carrera con esto.
Ni siquiera sabía lo que eso significaba.
Solía mirar MTV un montón y cuando veía a las bandas ahí en la tele, pensaba:
"Uh, sería genial estar en una banda algún día". Yo no pensaba en tocar en un grupo famoso.
Yo pensaba que estaría bueno estar en una banda.
Que sería genial incluso ser el guitarrista o el bajista. H: - Lo dejaste fluir B: -Sí, lo dejé fluir!
Y después, poco a poco, fui estudiando más, esforzándome más. Fui a una escuela de música y a un conservatorio de música. Fui practicando cada vez más, formé bandas.
Fui a varias audiciones, seguí practicando... Todo fue construyéndose de manera lenta.
No fue como alguien que tiene cinco años, sueña con ser un astronauta y después se convierte en un astronauta.
En mi caso, poco a poco fui trabajando a mi modo el camino de ser un músico y baterista, y ahora un baterista freelance, porque ese es otro
nivel de baterista, uno que trabaja para múltiples artistas a la vez. Yo no conocía esa modalidad de trabajo cuando era chico.
Ahora lo sé. Eso es lo que hago.
Could you leave a message to the local fans who are going to see you and Shakira tomorrow in Velez Sarsfield's stadium
and in Rosario Central's stadium on Saturday?
Todo tuyo!
Hi! Thank's for coming. I love Argentina!
For more infomation >> Brendan Buckley (baterista de Shakira), en un mano a mano entre bateristas - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
En medio de la polémica, Yanina Halabi confirma a un nuevo amor - Duration: 1:27.
Resultados de tercer examen de ADN de Álvaro Salas confirman paternidad del comediante - Duration: 2:26.
Pablo Macaya adelantó el macabro giro que tendrá su personaje en Pacto de Sangre - Duration: 3:16.
The Queen's Rising Review - Duration: 13:51.
Hey guys, it's Nat and today I'm going to be doing a review of The Queen's Rising
by Rebecca Ross. So, this book is a YA high fantasy book and it follows a
young girl named Brienna and she is studying to be a passion and you can be
a passion in one of five categories: art, music, dramatics, wit, and knowledge. Now
most people are naturally inclined toward one passion over the others, but
Brienna struggles to find hers until she finally decides on knowledge. Once she
finishes her studies she needs to be chosen by a patron in order to become
impassioned and when that time comes she's left without a patron. It isn't
until a few months later that a disgraced lord ends up offering her
patronage and she ends up getting involved with his political maneuverings
and the story kind of takes off from there. So, I really enjoyed this book I
gave it a four out of five stars on Goodreads. Towards the end of the spoiler
free section of this review I will be kind of rating it on my own scale 'cause
I'm not a huge fan of the 5 star rating system that Goodreads uses even though
I'm kind of stuck with it on Goodreads. Usually when I rate books on Goodreads
I'm rating them solely based on how much I enjoyed it sometimes relative to
the other book that I've read and rated on Goodreads but yeah it's not usually
based on any criticisms that I may have of the book, just how much I enjoyed it.
Also my Goodreads ratings are more likely to change over time, but anyways
back to the review. So this book is a high fantasy book and the first thing
I'm going to say about it is that it's not as action-packed as most high
fantasy books are there are only like a few action sequences in this book and
they're over pretty quickly. This book focuses more so on politics and world
building and I really loved that. World building is one of my favorite aspects
of sci-fi/fantasy storytelling and so I was okay with this book not being as
action-packed as most of the sci-fi/fantasy books that I read. If it had
been I probably wouldn't be complaining about it but at the time that I was
reading this book I didn't really need it, so–in fact I found it kind of
refreshing that it wasn't super action-packed. However, if you're in the
mood for some action something more fast-paced, then this is not the book for
you, at least not right now. I do still highly recommend this book, but maybe
wait until you're in the mood for something like this in terms of plot it
could be a little bit predictable at times I'm not super mad about it because
I was trying to predict like what was gonna happen and I'm not gonna hold that
against the author when I was putting in the effort and I'm very rarely annoyed
by predictability I'll only be annoyed by it if it's like–if I predicted
something that I didn't want to happen. However, if you find that you're good at
predicting things without even trying and that bothers you
be aware that there are some things that you might see coming. There are
definitely things that did shock me and I never would have guessed, so it's not
entirely predictable just be aware that it might be a bit of an issue for you.
Also, the ending felt a little bit too easy, a little bit too quick. I think that
that's because the second book in this duology was originally supposed to be a
companion and not a direct sequel, so the author had a lot to wrap up in like ... what?
Four hundred and fifty pages? Maybe? And I knew that going into the book, so it
didn't bother me too much–it did a little bit but I kind of
expected it, you know? But yeah, this book definitely gives you a sense of closure
there's no big cliffhanger at the end that's not to say that I'm not super
excited for the second book. I do think that there's more story to tell and I
can't wait to see where it goes. So, let's talk about world-building for a
little bit. The world-building was probably my favorite part of this book.
Surprise, surprise. I keep going on and on about how much I love world building, but
yeah, there are two different kingdoms in this book with two different cultures
and histories to be explored and it's really really interesting
I don't want to say too much about it in the spoiler free section, but the world
building is really strong and it never felt like info-dumpy or anything to me.
So yeah, A-plus on the world building. So now let's talk about characters, starting
with the main character, Brienna. I really loved her. I was worried that I wouldn't
like her at first. Like, in the beginning she starts off not very confident in
herself, but she really comes into her own throughout the book and in a way
that I haven't seen recently. Again, I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll get
more into that in the spoiler section of this video, but yeah, I really loved her
and I'm glad that I did. There's also only one love interest in this book. No
love triangle which is also really refreshing I'm a shipper. I really do
enjoy love triangles, but it was nice to not have to root for one person over
another to be with a main character for once. Also the love story really takes
a back seat in this book. Like, for most of the book, the romance isn't even on
your radar until like you suddenly realize that you're really invested in
that relationship and it kind of sneaks up on you, which again, is just really
refreshing and I enjoyed it. Moving on to the main antagonist. Now, he
does pose an actual threat but he's not incredibly interesting. I found some of
his lackeys to be more interesting than he was, which is fine. I mean, I got
enough enjoyment out of some of the other characters and the world-building
for it not to be a huge problem for me. I know I've mentioned before how much I love
a good villain, but I don't always need it in a book and this is one of those
cases where other aspects of the book outshined the villain for me and that's
perfectly fine. Obviously, I still gave this book a pretty good rating and not
to mention, I mean, this book had a lot going on without the villain being super
complex so it wasn't really necessary. So overall I would give the world building
a 100%, the main protagonist a 95%, the side characters are 97%, villains an
80%, and plot 90%. Which brings us to a total grade of 93.4, which is
like, an A? Maybe an A-minus? I'd say it's an A, I really enjoyed it.
Also, bonus points for the amazingly gorgeous cover and there's this really
awesome map, there is a cast of characters and a list of the 14 houses
of Maevana and some family trees, which is really really cool. I kept referencing
these throughout the book. They were really awesome and useful, so yeah. So,
that's it for my spoiler free review of the Queen's rising at least I hope it
was spoiler free if you feel that some spoilers managed to, like, slip in, then let
me know down in the comments so that I can try to avoid that for future reviews.
But if you haven't read this book, go read it, come back, listen to my spoilery
thoughts and we can have a discussion down in the comments. If you have read
this book then keep on watching for more thoughts and feelings about this book so
the first thing that I want to mention in the spoiler-filled section of this
review is that, I loved the passion cloaks. I thought they were so cool. I really
want one, but like I want one for every passion. Also, how cool is it that they
incorporated four of the designs of the passion cloaks onto the cover? I thought
that was awesome and apparently the cover of the sequel has like four of the
house sigils in the corners, which is also really cool. I think these
covers are just awesome. Okay, so back to my review. So, again I loved the history
in this book and I loved that Brienna inherited her ancestor's memories. I
thought that was a really cool concept, especially because she's a passion of
knowledge and her ancestor played a big role in Maevana's history and a big
role in a part of history that was lost to most of the people, which was really
really cool. Although, those memories had really
terrible timing. I also love how she inherited her memories because of a
prophecy. I did not see that coming. Like, that's how you do the chosen one
trope. I thought that was really well done. Brienna's friendship with Merei is
so sweet and so pure and I loved it so much. I really hope to see them back
together again in the second book and even some of the other passion sisters
as well. That whole friend group at Magnalia house was just so great–minus the
drama with Ciri obviously. The king is a terrible king and he absolutely should
be taken off the throne, but like, I was never really all that afraid of him, like
to me it was just always obvious that he'd easily be defeated, like he didn't
seem to pose that much of a threat to the protagonist. Like, he definitely poses
a threat to the kingdom as a whole, just not Brienna and you know the people
that she's working with. And the only time I really felt apprehensive about
him was when Brienna first goes to meet him because all the other characters
have hyped up how vicious and ruthless he was but, after that first meeting I
wasn't all that worried about him, you know? Like, I feel like part of that might
have been because he didn't seem to feel all that threatened by the fact that the
Kavanaghs, the MacQuinns, and the Morganes were still alive. I don't know if
it was revealed to him at that point that all of them were alive, maybe it was
just the McQuinn's, but he didn't seem to feel threatened by that. He seemed to
want to kill them more so out of spite, um, than out of real fear for his position
and his power. At least, that's the impression that I got from that scene in
the throne room. I feel like if he felt that he had something to fear then he
would have had something to fight for and that would have raised the stakes a
little bit and made him a little bit of a better villain. Again, I didn't
absolutely need it from this book, but if– if I were to change something that's
what I would change. Allenach was a bit better
than the king as an antagonist that is, but I still wanted a bit more from him.
Like, there were a few times where I expected him to just like flip a switch
and do something monstrous and terrible, but he didn't and he was really trusting
of Brienna and that's where the resolution was a bit too easy for me
like it was a little too easy for her to trick him. His son Rian though. I was kind
of terrified of him, like, the most suspenseful scenes in this book were the
ones with him in it 'cause he's like–he's scary. I'm both kind
of disappointed and relieved that he was killed off so quickly. On the one hand I
would have liked to have seen more of him as a villain, but on the other I'm–he–
I was scared of him and I'm glad that I don't have to worry about him anymore. I
also love that the dog was the one to save Brienna from him. That dog is my
favorite. I want to see more of the dog in the sequel. Cartier is a precious bean
and I love him so much. And the funny thing is that if there had been a love
triangle, he would not have been the guy that I rooted for to be with Brianna.
Like, I usually root for the love interest with a little bit more edge to
them and yeah, I would have found Cartier to be, like, boring but since that wasn't
an issue I absolutely adored him. His relationship with Brienna is just the
sweetest thing and I can't wait to see more of them in the sequel. I can't wait
to get Cartier's point of view because the sequel is a dual narrative, so that's
exciting. I also loved Jourdain and Luc and Isolde as Brienna's, like, adoptive
family and I can't wait to see more of them in the sequel as well. And I can't
wait to see how Isolde handles the responsibility of ruling a kingdom, so
that'll be interesting, I think. I also really love Sean. I'm so glad that one of
Brienna's relatives–besides her grandfather–is not, like,
a terrible human being. And I'm glad that he's alive and I hope
that he and Brienna get to know each other better in the sequel. I know that
he's on thin ice Allenach's son, but I really hope he gets
a chance to prove that he's not his father. So, those are my thoughts on the
Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross. Let me know what you guys thought of this book
down in the comments, if you've read it–I hope you've read it, if you've made it
this far into the video and listened to all my spoilery thoughts, but yeah, I would
love to discuss this book with you guys, and that's it for today's video. I hope
you guys enjoyed, if you did please give it a thumbs up and if you'd like to see
more videos from me, make sure to click that subscribe button as well thank you
guys for watching and I'll see y'all soon! Bye!
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Magnolia - call for submissions to the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women's Voices) project - Duration: 0:29.
Nhӓhmirri Bukmak! My name is Magnolia Maminydjama Maymuru and I am from Yirrkala
in the Northern Territory. Wiyi Yani U Thangani is a women's project
that is happening now. I am so grateful to be a part of this
because it's, you know, been quite a long time since the last time since this has
happened so now that this is happening and I'm a part of it, you know,
it's awesome - it's great!
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I hope you'll hear the lyrics of this song
The lyrics for you won't flow away and will be there for you, stay
Too many days I was up all night painfully
Whenever I was doing so, you gave courage to me
Even if we saw the same fearful future
You put my dream first Thank you for reaching out your hands
I feel empathy I want to lean on you, stand by my side
I start to open my mind Remove my anxiety, hold my hands quickly
No need to separate each other If we gather, we help each other
Everything you say by my side relieves me so much
Fire a flare Pop, Pop
We can't see the way We're frustrated
If you can see this light, please come to me
like a flare in the air, bring us back again
I think I'm still young I'm afraid
I don't want to keep the word 'alone' by my side
I hope you'll hear the lyrics of this song
The lyrics for you won't flow away and will ring in your ears
You came to me for no reason
If I'm not there for you, I'll be on your side
I'll go see you soon
If I'm left alone, I think I know the temperature of the feeling
I feel warm only by the fact that someone is by my side
When I make steps alone, I feel awkward as if I'm on a shoe
That's why I need someone on my side A pair of shoes rather than a shoe
Even if I got sensitive and bad tempered, you became the shield
You let me finish and always there for me you were on my side
I'll do everything, the resolution will come true that I made it
If you're ready to achieve your goal, make a resolution, be on my side
Fire a flare Pop, Pop
We can't see the way We're frustrated
If you can see this light, please come to me
like a flare in the air, bring us back again
I think I'm still young I'm afraid
I don't want to keep the word 'alone' by my side
I hope you'll hear the lyrics of this song
The lyrics for you won't flow away and will ring in your ears
You came to me for no reason
If I'm not there for you, I'll be on your side
I'll go see you soon
I'll be on your side I'll trust you forever
I promise you, stand by your side
I am not a joke. - Duration: 5:53.
Hello everyone!!! Sofiya here with another Dwarfism Awareness Video for 2018.
We're gonna get a little deep today guys, so bear with me
But I hope that you hear me. Sometimes people ask me
What is the hardest thing about being a little person?
and.. uhm...
It's a hard question for me to answer I feel like I see more good than I do bad.
there is a lot of a
barrier that we fight against if not every day
every other day.
For some reason,
for the longest time
little people have been
funny. The butt of a joke, so to speak.
Really what that has done is it has built
years and years and years of a lack of respect for
our community.
And really what I mean by that is; the mockery, the laughing, the making fun of,
the refusing to see an adult
the refusing to see a human being. But more just a body and that's it.
This social stigma comes from
generations and generations and generations and generations ago that has just been going on for so long.
Well if we look back in history
little people were always used as a form of entertainment;
a gesture, a joker. Someone to tumble around and fall, and people would laugh at how funny that looked.
And then, you you move you move forward in history, and we we start to go into
traveling Circus, and PT Barnum, and freak shows and sideshows. Maybe we move forward in time a little bit and
uhm something popular called dwarf-tossing becomes like a big thing
and so people will go to a bar and pay money to watch a little person be thrown across the room and
stuck to a velcro wall. Then we have things like
"Midget Wrestling" and any event that
circulates around our bodies.
So for the longest longest time
Little people have only been seen as a body and not a human.
And this is really really important to me because I'm in the entertainment industry,
right? So because that's been the case for so long people expect me to follow into that path
but I refuse I refuse to live that path.
It has nothing to do with the shame of my body either. I love my body
I embrace my body and all of its uniquenesses
But I don't embrace a mockery of my body and that's where I draw the line.
So... the reason why I bring this up
today in my video is because ...
It's still going on guys
2018 and there are still
establishments that encourage things like dwarf-tossing.
There are still establishments that encourage things like "see the smallest woman in the world"
"20 bucks to get in!" And people are lined up to see someone be just because they're small.
Now I'm not saying we're not fascinating or anything, but
what I'm asking people, is to remind themselves
that we're talking about human beings here.
We're talking about PEOPLE.
I truly believe that because of this ignorance and because of this lack of respect
There has been a multitude of
of substance abuse,
of depression
within the LP community and it's because
sometimes it feels like the rest of the world doesn't take us seriously.
That's what I think I wanted to share today.
And I know that it is a bit dark, but it's important to talk about because this is real stuff
this is real stuff that we deal with on a daily basis.
A lot of us are constantly put against a wall when it comes to
defending our bodies and defending our
reasons to live.
So I'm here to tell you, I'm here for a purpose. I'm here to tell you
to be my Ally.
To help me in the big fight. In the good fight.
I need you to help me teach other people about how that's wrong
I need you to help me
tell other people that
we are people too!
No one is saying that we can't make a joke here and there or we can't laugh at ourselves
or we can't have a sense of humor about life.
We CANNOT do that at the expense of someone's life.
I am proud to be a little person I am proud of my body,
but I am NOT a joke.
I KNOW YOUR GRANDMA 👵 - Duration: 12:49.
although right now I really have the urge to pick my face ain't nobody
got time to explain the things that aren't that big of ideal they're like
hey oh good morning it is Monday and I already went to PT and I'm scheduled for
Thursday at 12:30 so that I have another appointment this week and so then we're
gonna do my handlin which but I I was there and then the flight he was like uh
is your name Ellen and I was like yes and she's like oh I'm your grandma's
cousin and I was like oh cool hi oh no I don't recognize people I didn't I didn't
I've learnt teller I don't recognize her and I don't recognize anybody so today
I'm going to the movies with Gram at 12:30 it's like 11:00 something right
now so I need to drink my lunsh lunch and
get my ear covers and a snack or something for the movies aka candy and
then I think that's all so see you later I packed up my bag to go to the movies I
meant drive over to Graham's house because maybe theater is like a mile or
two away from her house so no point in having her drive like the 12 miles here
and then the 12 miles back over there you know I packed some Cheerios and some
nerds what delicious movie set and
I was talking to these about this yesterday about how in my vlogs a lot of
times I just added the whole thing out but or most of it out but I have pretty
much everyday there's a clip that I'm just like rambling on and on and on and
on for like 17 18 minutes and I never get to the point of why I started
rambling and so I usually just cut it out because I figure just let myself
ramble on and on and eventually one day I'll just get to the point but for now
there's just gonna be a lot of rambling happening you can see like straight up
my nose yes and last night I picked my face again until it bled but you know
these ones are at least healing because I haven't been picking them that much
although right now I really have the urge to pick up my face behind mine try
to ignore it and we're seeing a star is born or something by Lady Gaga of Lady
Gaga I don't know just brand Marilla wants to go to the movies and Gramps
won't go with her I should pack up buddies tents cuz my dad fixed their dog
buddies fence but it's still here so yeah and we got him avocado toy
yesterday so yeah I'm really I'm already tired but you know keep on going and
this Friday I have my ENT appointment again where we're gonna do another CT of
my sinuses and another scope up in there and yes
yeah I don't really know what I have to say anymore oh but then another thing
that I was talking about yesterday so I was invited to be a contributor to a
blog this is a vlog a video blog but this is like a regular typing blog and I
was either I don't know what I'm gonna write about yet but I I was supposed to
send it in probably today but you know what else so I have two or three main
ideas that I want to up I could probably send all three in if I felt like it but
the first one was you know you have chronic pain when it because there's
like a lot of like things that I say is it normal people just don't understand
like when you have unpaid scale if it's a five or lower I just report no pain
because ain't nobody got time to explain the things that aren't that big of a
deal in my life which for most people they'd be like going to the doctor out
of five that I'm like nah man I'll go if it's like eight or nine nah I love an
eight or nine a lot of times I go if it's a ten basically is what I'm having
to say now and yeah wait what again get to the point of this
and the second one was um is it bad to hope for this or something or is it bad
that I'm hoping for this which is I would definitely pick a better like more
concise title but it's about like how when being chronically ill and
everything you just sometimes you just end up hoping that something is gonna
come back positive and for me that was that was like the brain cyst thing that
came back being fine as I can a part of your brain but anyways or as a
thing that's okay to be in your brain basically so yeah and then third one was
third haha third one was um about how oh if there if there wasn't something wrong
before there is nail she's gonna do my title because you know much my body is
radiated like I don't get flat-out radiation but I I have like I'm having a
CT this Friday last week I had an x-ray I think a week ago I had another CT like
in the past two or three months I'm going to have had I think in the past
two months I'm going to have had three CTS which CT is usually they never do we
or they try not to do because of the radiation factor and you know it's bad
that you had a lot of these things done when you go into the x-ray place well I
not the local one guy usually don't go to that one but when we could Baker one
um wouldn't come in they're like hey
luckily we haven't been going there okay maybe that isn't a statement but luckily
we haven't been going there for a lot of my stuff lately because if it like we
had the one of the CTS has done at Children's Hospital and then the other
ones gonna be done in it was done in an ER and then the x-ray we didn't like at
this really really close one so pretty much I just haven't been there to see my
people like I haven't had very many we haven't attempted more MRIs because
that's where they strapped me down like a mummy well what time is it it's like
oh it's 11:30 and the movie starts at 12:30 so I should probably go over there
so that I could hang out with Gramps somebody for a little bit and
then we can go to the movies so I'm not taking you with me because can't vlog in
a movie and yeah this is probably gonna make her spaghetti or try to make her
spaghetti anyways tonight so or maybe not I don't know but I'll maybe blog
tonight or maybe I'll do something with my doggies tonight nah I don't really
hang out with my doggies they just hang out outside and then melting comes in at
night some nights last night he was not inside because I heard him barking right
outside my window how convenient I still haven't left for the movies or
to Graham's house oh my gosh my hair but I look like I'm moving out okay ready
we'll put you here this is just go to the movies and then I have a jacket in
the car because I get cold so I bring a blanket and then I bring all my snacks
in my I can't hear you phones so yes I look like a crazy person coming in to
the movies and sometimes I take wheelie sometimes I don't I probably am NOT
going to depending on where we parked today or if Graham drives this because
let's be real I shouldn't be driving why am i whispering it's not like anybody's
here or that publishing on this on the Internet
whispering is not going to help the situation this is gonna be mad at me
because my hair is a crazy mess sorry Zeus okay leaving now bye I'm home I'm
not even really sure what that movie was about I like the music
and I was supposed to make bananas with these sad sad bananas ready
oh yeah the four bananas I mean I was supposed to make banana bread not
bananas out of bananas that's dumb but I've sis make banana bread today
probably not gonna happen Jakes I'm really tired and it is almost 4:00 so
that's almost my dinner time I know I eat dinner oh really
like and the old lady I am and I don't know I'm probably gonna take a nap
before until my dinner time oh good maybe I'll make banana bread afterwards
they're all just make it tomorrow I
don't really have any like life ramblings to say today cuz usually I did
ramble on and on and on and on about the most random stuff but today I really
don't have any of those thoughts my breads are done oh good I did record
ready looks like we're opening a bread factory
those are hearts and then there's a there's little lives and the gigantic
ones and then over here and nothing's really mad outside because he's outside
and now I'm watching YouTube and helping Zeus color her school stuff there's the
angry one do you see yourself he's like come in
yeah and they knew who I was talking about when I said that that lady had
physical therapy was like I know your grandma and I was like hey and so I know
today wasn't a very ramble a day even though I was talking about how I ramble
on and on and on my videos but anyways good night
what's a good night good night thanks for watching bye
Carmelo Anthony: 'I'll Be Damned if We Panic' - Duration: 0:54.
Carmelo Anthony: 'I'll Be Damned if We Panic'
Carmelo Anthony says there's no reason to panic in Houston over the Rockets' 1-4 start to the season.
Anthony thinks the championship expectations in H-Town are making the team's struggles seem worse than they truly are.
The Rockets have dropped three in a row, including an ugly 133-113 road loss Friday night against the LA Clippers.
Arsenal fans panic over the prospect of Granit Xhaka being tasked with stopping Mo Salah - Duration: 2:59.
Following Granit Xhaka's mixed showing at left-back against Crystal Palace, Arsenal fans are fearful for this weekend's clash with Liverpool, in which the Swiss hard-man could be tasked with nullifying Mohamed Salah if Nacho Monreal or Sead Kolasinac are still sidelined
Despite scoring an absolute thunderbolt of a free-kick at Selhurst Park on Sunday Xhaka was slammed for taking Wilfried Zaha out as the Ivorian danced into the box, thus gifting Palace captain Luka Milivojevic the chance to net his second penalty of the game
The general consensus is that the 26-year-old is neither mobile or disciplined enough to operate at left-back and the Gunners were fortunate that the hosts did not think to switch the tricky Zaha over to the right sooner, as the result could have been very different
Unai Emery's side face Blackpool in the League Cup on Wednesday before hosting Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool on Saturday, and the Arsenal faithful are dreading the idea that the former Monchengladbach man could continue in defence; it does look unlikely considering both Monreal and Kolasinac are expected back in contention by then, but expectation doesn't seem to be enough assurance
Here's how they reacted on Twitter. @gunnerdineen: Especially if all our FBs are hurt
Imagine xhaka vs salah, mane, shaqiri.ok, have to stop or I'll give myself a heart attack
@QwikMaths: Excellent news because I don't really fancy Xhaka at left back against Salah, Mane and Firmino! @ChloeMW_AFC: Bruh
we can't have Xhaka playing against Salah in that left back role. he'll be turned inside out
I hope we'll have Nacho,Kola or AMN back before man.ayayaya @Adorayyble1: None of that Xhaka at Lb thing vs Pool
Can't have it. Did decent these few games vs these teams. Abeg, no be against Salah, I carry God beg Unai
Let him continue with obele agu in the middle
Beautiful Belgrade, Serbia Vlog #2 | Nepal's Solo Travel Vlogger | Food, Nightlife, Euroleague 2018 - Duration: 7:39.
I'm Jeremy from France and this is my Belgrade!
We're going to the clubs!! We're going to the (inaudible)
Let's get the party started bro!
Let's f**** it bro!!
Aran is acting slick as f****
Your accent is like you're from California or something!
Girl: Where are you from?
actually it's how to porky taste to it! - oh I love pork so it's nice
Jiveli! Oh okay! Jiveli! Alright!'s nice man!
It is special!
Yeah! I like it!
We got our appetizers in! ooh! look at this!
this is a good
we got our Hollander brother, Canadian brother brother, New Zealand and Australian!!
G'day mate!
Here comes the Nepalese!
so this right here is called a Serbian plate or in Serbian it is called "Srpski tanjir"
or however they pronounce it! this is originally made out of pork
and beef but I told him I just want pork in it! So hopefully this just has pork!
and some french fries and some beer!
Right here, I am at a beautiful place, beautiful restaurant in the middle of *Belgrade*
And this is a Serbian Salad! Looks beautiful! I hope it tastes *delicious* too!
So this is the chicken filet in pesto sauce
Looks really good!
So we're here at one of the department stores or shopping stores in Belgrade, Serbia!
This is a kilo of strawberries! It's 129.99 dinars!
All these beers are 69 cents each so that would make it not even 2 dollars!
And this is less than 1 Euro!
So, all of this for less than four dollars! That one too!
It's crazy cheap! Crazy cheap out here! It's good too right?
Take it from the American!
It's da*n good!
(fans chanting anthems)
so we're going towards the Euro Cup semi-final today
We're going with Alan from the US
what's up!! my name is Aran! Get my name right, man!
Yugo from Germany. I got it right, right? Yes!
And Ahmed from Turkey, right !
Yep! it's gonna get pretty exciting! first basketball game i'm ever l watching in a stadium!
We're gonna be recording live throughout the entire game oh yeah! Stay tuned!
We are infront of the Stark Arena! look at all these people
it's gonna get crazy down here!! how are you feeling about it?
We made it! it's just 52 minutes of walk from the city center
Just got into the stadium! Going to my seat right now! It's 432, it's pretty up there!
but I think it should be able to watch the game!
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen!
And welcome to the Stark Arena of Belgrade for this semifinal game of the Turkish Airlines
Euroleague Final four 2018
In just a few moments we'll begin with our first game between
Fenerbahçe Doğuş Istanbul and Žalgiris Kaunas
Congratulations to Fenerbahçe Doğuş Istanbul as they will move on to the final on Sunday!
Welcome to the Stark Arena for our second semifinal game of the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final four
.....Real Madrid and CSKA Moscow will go to the final to play Fenerbahçe Doğuş Istanbul
Congratulations to Real Madrid that advances to the championship game on Sunday where they will face Fenerbahçe Doğuş Istanbul
hey guys thank you for watching my video till the end and I'm very blessed to be able to
upload this video on the first month anniversary of my channel I am very
blessed to have supporters like you guys who supported for the growth of this channel
to almost 700 subscribers in less than a month and this ends the journey of me
traveling in Serbia and going to Egypt in my next video please like share and
subscribe this channel and also tell your friends if you like my video
channel and I'm very blessed to have you guys thank you thanks thanks for the love!
may the love continue
thank you!
塔罗牌:前世今生,你一心牵挂的ta还能继续走在一起吗? - Duration: 6:01.
Halloween Mansion Party 2018 ! - Duration: 5:30.
Im brown Obviously^^^^^^
Where you guys at right now ? Where at my house welcome to the crib! You know get drunk
....OH WAIT I can't say that on the vlog !
If I get evicted you're gonna Die !
Replace Window with a French Door Part 2 Daily VLOG 119 - Duration: 7:23.
Day two of turning this window into a French door and Deanna is at work so
I'm on my own to try and finish this.
Have you ever found yourself, like biting off,
way more than you can chew? And going...
But you just... You just gotta push forward and
will it into existence.
It's like that fear when you're a kid and you
stole something from the store and you're worried that you're gonna get
caught but you just keep moving to that exit door and...
I don't know? Maybe that's a bad analogy.
I will need to reroute the electricity up and into the Attic
to go around the door, but for now I'm just going to install a temporary line.
Okay so I yanked out the windowsill and I've started pulling out, as you can see here
the aluminum frame but thank God! Mr. Tom Ayers has arrived to give me a hand
Oh, look at those muscles, because I need help!
Did I tell you what we found inside this wall? No.
I found this inside the wall. Well, Deanna found it inside, anyway I'm gonna see
if Tom can open it up. Did you really? Yeah! Deanna found it inside the wall yesterday. You kidding? No
This is cool, man. Can you open it? It's a puzzle box. How do you know it's a puzzle box?
It'a puzzle box, I don'k know. There's a ball bearing, or something.
Get out of town!
Dude? Right! This was inside of it. You put that in there? No. This was inside of it.
Are you kidding? I'm hoping that it's white gold. Naw. How do you know it's not white gold? It's not.
How do you know? I don't know. You think it's silver? This is creepy dude. It is a little weird, isn't it?
Yeah! You didn't put that in there? No, it was inside the wall.
There ya go.
Oh Yeah.
There we go. Now we have an opening. We just need to fill it with something right?
I feel like I haven't done a good job vlogging this. Tom has left, but I'm gonna start
building the rough opening frame. Deanna is gonna be home soon,
and I did call Michael to come help so...
Alright, so I managed to get the rough frame in
by myself. It is looking pretty good as you can see right here.
What's up? Oh! Michael is now here!
So I have someone to help me put the jam in. Sweet! What a nice frame.
Isn't it though? It really is.
I couldn't figure it out either.
So you found this? Deanna found it inside the wall. So, How does it open?
See I'm not the only one they can't open it. It's all the same on every single side.
Deanna says you're supposed to whack it.
Oh, so. There we go. How's that? Something like that.
Bad box! Bad box! Bad box!
Here, you take it like. Oh you opened it. You got it.
That's pretty cool. Whoa! Was this in there as well? Yeah.
Is it white gold? That's what I said. Maybe it's worth something? That's what I'm hoping for.
Why's it? Why does it hanging sideways? I don't know?
Deanna has some sort of explanation. It's like a portate cross.
I think she called it. Whatever that means. Something about, the bearer drags it
Like if you're dragging it to the crucifixion site. Alright? Yeah, I know.
I'll take that explanation. But I think it's white gold. It is. Okay. Right.
Maybe it's worth something, but this box is cool It's gotta be worth something.
I don't think the Box... I don't know The box is just wood.
Michael and I have successfully gotten the entire frame installed. As you can see here.
It is looking really... Apparently, Deanna is now home so I guess that she can take over for Michael.
Did you see the box I found? I did. Apparently they don't care that I'm vlogging.
I have finished putting it in the door. Although these two think that they're.
I don't know? Doing something. But I still need to finish up the trim
So this project will continue tomorrow.
Day three of working on this patio door here, and I'm by myself today.
I'm gonna be doing some finishing touches.
Day four French door install and I don't want to do this anymore.
It is now day five of patio door installation. You know when I was younger
I could and did bang this job out in one day. but I keep forgetting things and
I end up having to go back to the store to pick up little things. Like today I've
got to go pick up caulk, and a few other things, but enough shopping
Let's get back to work.
And that's how you get it ready for paint. The primer needs four hours to dry.
Who's got that kind of time?
Day six of working on this thing here. I have to do a final coat of paint
I have to put in the screens. I gotta install the alarm. Some other miscellaneous stuff.
I feel like this job has become a curse. and like I'm gonna be working on this
every day for the rest of my life.
And that finishes up the installation of the French door.
This was probably a terrible how-to video. I just got too involved in it
and I would stop I would forget to record and I wasn't explaining
And I was trying to figure stuff out. Anyway, I guess the most interesting thing was
finding this in the wall. Which, you know, it's pretty unique.
It meant something to somebody to put in the wall. Maybe they put it there by accident. I don't know.
What do you guys make of this? Answer down in the comments.
The Sims 4 Machinima Lizette's Vlog #1 🎧 - Duration: 2:37.
[Cascade Intro]
Girl: Hey guys,
Girl: my name is Lizette!
Lizette: I'm an aspiring DJ
Lizette: and I will be sharing some of my music with you soon!
Lizette: If you enjoy it,
Lizette: I hope you'll support me on my journey to become a DJ!
Lizette: I'm hoping to show you guys some new songs
Lizette: and what I've be working on.
Lizette: Here's a preview!
Lizette: Just here hanging out in Magnolia.
Lizette: So besides making music,
Lizette: I also like to dance.
Lizette: Delphine Plaza is a great to place to get reactions to my songs.
Lizette: Well, looks like hater mall cop is on duty.
Lizette: Usually, I can play music there.
Lizette: Whatever.
Lizette: Anyways, gonna head to Royal Strike!
Lizette: Hope you liked what you heard.
Lizette: I'll see you again soon!
Lizette: Oh,
Lizette: thanks for watching this video,
Lizette: and don't forget to subscribe if you liked it!
Lizette: See you next time!
ASMR THE Phantom_is_Here( Preview 3 Halloween. Deep voice. - Duration: 2:50.
Everyone is afraid of me
Everyone says that I am a monster
Everyone fears me
even the most powerful men
everyone fears man
behind the mask
But nobody knows
what the Mask hides
I will wait for you very soon
in my home
You will really know who I am
Because what matters is not the outside
if not the feeling of inside
you fear, because you want
and because that's how you like to feel
I wait for you
SPOILERS!! Exclusive Inside Scoop from the Chinese Screening of The Crimes of Grindelwald! - Duration: 11:54.
Hello Fantastic Beast fans!
Earlier today, the first screening for Crimes of Grindelwald was held in China, with several
of the cast attending and 25 minutes of the film shown.
We're so lucky to have WizardWho, who attended all events, join us to give the inside scoop
for the cast interviews and footage shown.
I'm Susan Şipal with Fantastic Secrets Behind Fantastic Beasts to bring you the news.
Join me and other Fantastic Beasts fans here on the BeastChaser Forum as we uncover the
secrets, discover what's coming first, and play along with Rowling's newest game.
And make sure you hit the subscribe button as well as the bell notification so you'll
be notified when videos post and won't miss out on the next clues!
The first of several international screening and preview events was held yesterday in Beijing,
China for The Crimes of Grindelwald.
Stars Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Jude Law, and Ezra Miller were in attendance,
and 26 minutes of the film was shown.
@WizardWho was one of the lucky attendees.
She's been covering the Harry Potter fandom for China for over two decades, and was the
first to recognize the ZouWu and its characteristics when the rest of us were confused about the
new beast.
You can see the video she did with me on the ZouWu at the link above.
Like yesterday's, this video also requires a special spoiler warning.
We will be covering details from this screening.
Although the end of the film was not shown in great detail, more like an extended trailer,
so there's no new revelations there.
However, there are several new bits from earlier in the film.
Please be careful before proceeding about your own comfort level.
But also, please recognize that the information you're about to hear is truly a spoiler
for many fans.
So please be careful and considerate with how you share it.
Also, I asked WizardWho to share with us just the new clips shown, not stuff we've already
seen before in trailers or the TV clips.
I'll present WizardWho's information in the timeline that it was presented.
First up was the Ministry of Magic scene with senior officers sitting around a Pensieve.
In previously released information from Mugglenet's set visit, it was revealed that this scene
includes, besides Newt, Theseus, Head of British Auror Office; Torquil Travers, Head of Magical
Law Enforcement; Rudolph Spielman, Head of Incarceration, International Confederation
of Wizards; and Arnold Guzman, US Emissary to Internal Confederation of Wizards.
They're interrogating Newt about his trip to New York and are also briefing him about
Credence as the key to Grindelwald's plans.
They ask Newt to kill Credence.
Next up was the London scene from the rooftop of St Paul's Cathedral.
WizardWho reveals that Dumbledore cast a spell to cover London in mist.
That's some fairly awesome power there.
Then, he revealed that he's the one who sent Newt to New York.
Although she can't remember exact wording, WizardWho recalls the conversation this way:
Newt: The Ministry of Magic is convinced that you sent me to New York.
Dumbledore: And you told them I didn't?
Newt: Although you did.
Very smart dialogue.
But…we've known for a long time that Dumbledore manipulated Newt to New York.
Nice to have it confirmed!
Then, Newt's house in London was shown.
As WizardWho says: "Baby Nifflers are up for the game!
Very cute and naughty.
Newt steps down to his basement, which looks just like the concept art shown.
He cares for the Mooncalf and Kelpie, then goes upstairs to find Queenie and Jacob in
his living room.
Jacob says that Swooping Evil didn't wipe out his happy memories, so he remembers Newt
and all."
But WizardWho said Jacob's behavior was rather odd, so he must have still been under
Queenie's spell.
However, she does not remember them showing the clip of Jacob coming out of the spell.
Next up is a Hogwarts scene from the current 1927 timeline with our first completely new
According to WizardWho, "Dumbledore refers to a lady with a Scottish accent as 'Professor
She's about 30 something, so she couldn't be Minerva McGonagall or her mom."
There's also a Gryffindor senior student in that class who is called McLaggen.
This scene is the one where the Ministry representatives show up.
Professor McGonagall is seen leading the students from the classroom.
I showed this image of our mystery teacher to WizardWho and she said this was not Professor
But there's a bit of a problem with this identification of a Professor McGongagall
at Hogwarts in 1927, when Minerva was not born until 1935.
It's revealed to Umbridge in Chapter 15 of Order of the Phoenix that Minerva began
teaching at Hogwarts thirty-nine years before, which puts it at 1956, two years after her
If you read Minerva McGonagall's backstory on Pottermore, it reveals that even though
she married, McGonagall was her maiden name.
And her father was a Muggle with no signs of Magicals in his family.
So, who could this earlier Professor McGonagall be?
Is she someone unrelated to Minerva?
Is she perhaps a Magical in her father's family that he was totally unaware of?
Or perhaps what would be even more fun – is this a time-traveling Minerva?
Did Minerva, who was so instrumental in helping Hermione get permission for a time-turner
years later to take more classes, and taught her the dangers to be aware of, perhaps play
with a bit of time traveling herself?
Perhaps to give Dumbledore a warning of what was to come?
What do you think?
From the UK the film then headed to France where Leta was shown in the archive room of
the French Ministry.
According to WizardWho, Leta, "whispers the name Lestrange, and one shelf swiftly
moves toward her.
She finds out that the archive was moved to the Lestrange family Mausoleum.
Then she meets Newt and Tina, who are hiding behind that shelf.
And they make a crazy escape with the Matagots giving chase.
The ZouWu plays a big role in that escape and helps Newt jump to the cemetery in the
blink of an eye."
She said that Newt Accio'd his case, before the ZouWu jumps, which probably contains Tina
and Leta.
I'm guessing that the Lestrange archive which was moved to the Mausoleum is behind
this shelf, which we've mentioned in prior videos where both Abernathy and Leta are shown
to be looking, and Kama pointing.
Obviously something very important in that archive.
In another scene, "Credence and Nagini are hiding in an attic when Grindelwald comes
to Credence.
He gives Credence a map locating the Lestrange family Mausoleum with that raven symbol waving
its wings.
He tells Credence to come to the cemetery that night to seek for his true identity."
This sounds like a similar image we saw of Queenie touching the raven on one of Grindelwald's
Could this be how Grindelwald sends out his "party invites" to all those he wants
to ensure attend his cozy get-together in the amphitheater?
There's a lot to break down here in this attic scene.
First, in a prior video, while I'd speculated that Grindelwald would meet with Credence
to persuade him to his cause, I'd thought it would take place in this room.
However, WizardWho says that their meeting took place on the top of a blown-out rooftop.
Could it be part of this scene where Credence and Nagini are on the rooftop and Credence
shoots out his Obscurus from his hand?
And if so, then that means the explosion we see with Grimmson must happen prior to it.
I'm wondering if Credence's new control over his power is a direct result of that
explosive scene with Grimmson.
There's one more very interesting aspect to this attic scene in the screening.
WizardWho says, "Credence is feeding a tiny bird, which looks much like a phoenix after
its burning day."
We saw Credence with a fully-grown phoenix in the leaked Russian trailer.
But that was in this room, which in a prior video I thought might be the Rosier home.
However, I also thought the phoenix belonged to the Rosiers.
Either I was wrong about that, or Credence could have stolen…liberated…the phoenix
from this home, whosever it is.
So, would that place this scene prior to the one on the rooftop, before the phoenix is
Or, would it come significantly after, when the phoenix has had time to grow again?
Also, as part of the Grimmson blow-up scene, we saw a huge firewall swarm over Grimmson's
It seems to come from the Obscurus, though that is not positive.
Could Credence's blowup have created a phoenix?
Or, since we saw him in a bird market as part of his and Nagini's escape from the circus,
did he acquire a phoenix that came to his aid during the Grimmson scene?
If so, that could explain why it was then turned back to a baby afterward.
One of his "burning days," as Dumbledore said of Fawkes.
Finally, Grindelwald gave Credence directions to the cemetery where he would find out more
about his identity.
The sountrack lists a song called "Restoring Your Name."
So, from here on out, will Credence Barebone be known as Corvus Lestrange?
And is there something in that archive that will be the reason why Credence…Corvus…is
persuaded to join Grindelwald?
And I'm really curious as to what sort of ritual will take place to restore Credence's
Finally, there was one other new reveal that we actually talked about in a video released
earlier today as it related to Marie's theory.
In the Mirror of Erised scene, showing young Albus and Gellert in the mirror, WizardWho
says, "Young Grindelwald and Dumbledore used their wand to cut their palm, and 2 drops
of blood floated in the air then formed a pendant."
I find it fascinating that the two drops of blood are so precise!
For more on the blood pact between young Gellert and Albus, see the link above.
While that is all from the screening, I do have one other revelation courtesy of WizardWho.
A few weeks ago, I reported on WorldScreen China's coverage that showed our mystery
woman as Perenelle Flamel and the blue-fire dragon of the graveyard as a Swedish Short-Snout.
I'd been wondering for a while if these were verified revelations from Warner Brothers
or if they were assumptions made by the magazine's writers.
WizardWho checked with her contacts at WorldScreen China and verified that they were assumptions.
So, personally, I think these links to Perenelle and the Swedish Short-Snout are questionable.
I can't think @WizardWho enough for bringing us this inside look into the Beijing screening.
Be sure you check out her excellent Twitter feed @WizardWho.
The filmmakers frequently give China sneak peeks and special previews, and WizardWho
covers them all.
Also, the pictures I've used here in presenting the screening come from WizardWho but also
from Warner Brother China.
So, what do you think?
Are we about to see a time-traveling Professor McGonagall, or one of her relatives?
And how hard is it going to be to switch to saying Corvus instead of Credence?
Please, share your thoughts in the comments.
Also, please check out my new Fan Shop on Amazon for books and Funko Pops and wands
and all things Fantastic Beasts!
Rick Pitino Hoping to Become Candidate for NBA Head-Coaching Job - Duration: 3:03.
Rick Pitino Hoping to Become Candidate for NBA Head-Coaching Job
Ex-Louisville coach Rick Pitino told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski that he is studying the pro game and hoping to become a candidate for an NBA head-coaching job soon:.
"I just want to be a part of an organization.
I want to develop young players.
I want to be part of a team.
I miss it terribly.
I'm using this time to really study the NBA.
If something opens up with a young basketball team, I'd have deep interest in it.
"I think the league is going to get younger and player development will become even more important to every organization.
That's my forte.
I believe I can help an organization find a pathway to success.".
Pitino was fired from Louisville amid an FBI probe into college basketball and in the aftermath of an investigation into the use of strippers and prostitutes in recruiting visits.
According to Wojnarowski, who has spoke to multiple GMs, Pitino may struggle to find a position:.
In all likelihood, Pitino has a bigger obstacle to returning to the NBA than NCAA failings: convincing league executives and owners that his ego would allow him to be a willing partner with a front office.
Many GMs say that they'd be hesitant to hire Pitino based on the belief that he'd be difficult to coexist with, especially in the turbulence of a rebuild.
In six prior seasons as an NBA head coach (1987-89, 1997-2001), Pitino posted an overall record of 192-220.
黄毅清微博再度爆料,晒出袁立"不雅照",网友:再差也比你强! - Duration: 1:39.
#IdentityV #Android #Mobile #Gaming #Chillstream #Chat - Duration: 2:38:27.
'동상이몽2' 한고은, 시어머니 생신 이벤트..신영수 눈물 - Duration: 3:16.
Cesar Sayoc's Criminal History Dates Back Nearly 30 Years | - Duration: 7:54.
Cesar Sayoc's Criminal History Dates Back Nearly 30 Years |
Cesar Altieri Sayoc, 56, could die in prison.
Sayoc has been charged by the U.S.
Department of Justice with five felonies in connection with the attempted mailing of 13 pipe bombs to prominent former and current Democrat government officials, including former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as private and other public figures.
The Department of Justice has brought five charges against Sayoc in the Southern District of New York: interstate transportation of an explosive; the illegal mailing of explosives; making threats against former presidents and certain other persons; making threatening interstate communications; and assaulting federal officers.
This is not the first time Sayoc has faced the law.
Looking at his record, one might be safe saying he's a career criminal.
But it may be the first time he'll end up doing any time.
From 1990 to present, he's been arrested at least a dozen times but has spent virtually no time incarcerated.
Here's what you need to know about Sayoc's criminal history:.
Born in Brooklyn, Sayoc Spent Much of His Life in Florida.
His Criminal Record Goes Back Decades.
Sayoc's criminal history was located through federal court records, records from Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Broward counties in Florida.
1991: In Broward County, Florida he was charged with grand theft, third-degree felony.
Adjudicated guilty, given 2 years probation.
His grandmother Viola Altieri paid his $1,000 bail.
1992: In Miami-Dade County he was charged with theft.
The file has been destroyed.
1993: In Broward County he was charged with violating probation in the grand theft case.
1994: In Broward County Sayoc was accused of domestic violence by his grandmother Viola.
The case included a number of ex-parte decisions but ultimately is listed as disposed.
From 1994 until 2001, in Miami, Palm Beach and Broward counties, he had no run-ins with the law based on a cursory review of court records.
In 2002, that changed beginning with two parking violations but soon escalated.
2002: In Miami-Dade County he was charged with making a bomb threat.
Now widely reported, it's the resolution of the case, where he threatened to bomb the electric company, Florida Power & Light, that has some wondering how one is able to threaten to use explosives on a public agency akin to what was seen on Sept.
11, 2001, and walk away with a year probation.
2004: In Broward County he was charged with multiple drug offenses including possession and sale of illegal steroids, using an illegal driver license, criminal use of identification, tampering with evidence, and filing fraudulent refunds.
He pleaded out to two charges and got 18 months probation.
Authorities declined to prosecute on the other numerous charges.
This case was duplicated and listed in records as being adjudicated in drug court.
The are both the same case that includes a total of 9 charges.
2006 and 2007: In Broward County two traffic violations.
2009: In Broward County he was charged with criminal traffic violations including driving without a license and without insurance.
He was convicted but his sentence, if any, is not made clear in records.
2010-2012: In Broward County he had seven different traffic violations cases which included charges like running a red light, speeding, driving with a suspended license, without a seat belt, without insurance, and the like.
2013: In Broward County he was charged with felony battery and grand theft in the third degree.
He was given probation again.
He violated and was re-arrested in 2015 and held without bond, albeit temporarily, on the battery charge.
2014: In Broward County he was again charged with theft.
2014: In Miami-Dade County he was charged with petty theft.
He agreed to pay around $400 in fines and was let go.
He paid with a credit card over four months.
2015: In Broward County he was charged with violating probation and was re-arrested and held without bond.
He was adjudicated guilty and given time served in jail, which was six days, and another year of probation.
2015: In Palm Beach County he was charged with theft.
Adjudicated guilty, records show, but no sentence is listed.
In total, he has served less than a week in jail, according to available online court records.
Salmos | SALMO 47 - "Deus, O Rei da Terra" - Duration: 1:20.
A força oculta da Palavra de Deus (Homilia Diária.991: Terça-feira da 30.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:08.
Últimas notícia de hoje : BOLSONARO CONFIRMA QUATRO MINISTROS PARA SEU GOVERNO - Duration: 10:16.
Nadja se revolta com Luane e dispara: "Nem sei o que está fazendo em um reality. Só namora - Duration: 4:12.
Cómo establecer y administrar alarmas en el iPhone – Soporte técnico de Apple - Duration: 2:09.
Após eleições, Simone Mendes anuncia mudança e se explica: ''Muito em breve'' - Duration: 2:23.
'Chiqui' Aguayo se sometió a lipoescultura y mostró los evidentes resultados en el matinal - Duration: 4:21.
Após ser cobrada a sair do país, Pabllo Vittar surge seminua e manda recado: ''Não vou deitar'' - Duration: 1:57.
Após brigas, Nadja Pessoa reclama de Gabi Prado: ''Doida pra perder a linha'' - Duration: 2:39.
Filho do cantor Leonardo, João Guilherme emagrece 10 kg: ''Estava me sentindo uma baleia'' - Duration: 2:08.
Sem Simaria, Simone posa gravando DVD novo e garante: ''Aqui é meu lugar!'' - Duration: 2:01.
Balochi Best Song - Dost Banoor Baye - Saleem Ameen - Volume 04 - Beautiful Song - Balochi Rituals - Duration: 5:51.
Low Self Esteem How To Overcome This Illusion - Duration: 10:20.
Hey everyone, thanks for tuning into easy life journey.
In this special episode I would like to share about low self esteem.
I know many of us deal with this problem, I personal experienced this for almost 10
years so I hope these 5 tips can help you to regain and live your life to the fullest:
let's begin at once.
When it comes to life, we are only given two choices: enjoy and take full advantage of
it's gift or suffer and be miserable in its existence.
Life doesn't care whether we are simply existing or living; that's not its purpose.
why do you have low self esteem?
Did someone force it upon you, did you yourself merely give rise to its existence due to unforeseen
circumstances, where you naturally born with it, or just maybe and slowly you developed
it over many years of unfortunate events.
Incorporate Meditation Daily
Meditation is one of IF NOT the most powerful method to help you deal with low self-esteem.
The millions who practice meditation daily see life changing results.
This isn't new, in fact meditation was practiced about 5000 years ago.
How you feel, act, live day by day is caused by the way you deal with those things through
your mind.
Meditation has 1000's of benefits pertaining to your health, body, mind, soul, and spirit.
It will definitely help with low self esteem.
You can check out my meditation guide in the description below.
I practice meditation in the morning (20 minutes each season) and before bed everyday and I
can assure you that it has help me in so many ways, not just with low self esteem.
You see, the mind is the most powerful thing in this world.
Meditation allows one to control and master their mind.
It is said that once you master your mind, you can master anything.
One can LITERALLY create their own world with their mind which in turn is their reality.
Work Out A Few Times A Week Low self esteem can be a result of being overweight
or too skinny, having a short stature, looking unattractive, and so forth.
let's say you really are short or overweight; people will stare at you briefly and then
continue on with whatever they are doing.
In 100 years from now, none of any of this will matter, why?
Because everyone alive now will most likely be dead!
When you workout, many wonderful things happen to your health, body, and mind.
(See where we are going with this?)
You don't have time?
Well try working out intensely 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes rather and 45-60 minutes.
Intense short workouts are actually more beneficial than long easy/moderate workouts.
Not only do you save so much more time, but you reap so more benefits.
Plus working out releases so much of the bad stress in us, so if you are having a bad day,
week, or life then will work out.
Lifting weights, sprinting, swimming, jumping, carrying heavy objects, and the likes are
consider intense workouts.
Working out has over 100 benefits, and you bet helping with low self esteem is one of
If you're lazy then here's the short version.
When you work out, you release bad stress and force your body to get in shape.
When you have a strong and great body, what naturally happens?
You feel good about yourself, people start to positively notice your change, you definitely
get stronger and all the health benefits that your body will reap.
A healthy body will more than likely produce a healthy mind versus an unhealthy body.
Let's say that you actually believe you are ugly and have an unattractive body.
If you can't change your facial appearance now (with surgery you can but take extreme
caution) then work on your body.
We humans are so obsessed with the materialistic world that we forgot the most valuable thing,
Why work all those brutal and unforgiving hours to buy materialistic things.
As far as I can tell, your body is the greatest thing and priceless.
Both men and women appreciate someone that takes care of themselves physically and mentally
because it shows that you care about yourself.
Confidence is attractive and sexy as hell.
Self-compliment Yourself Do you remember the last time you said something
nice to someone?
Probably so, however can you remember the last time you complimented yourself?
We love our family, friends, but we often neglect the one person that is the most important
to us.
I'm talking about you.
Every morning, if not every time you pass the mirror, just give yourself a few compliments.
"I am beautiful", "I am strong", "I am healthy",and so on.
Make sure to say I am, not I'm, as the first 2 words so your mind knows who you are talking
about and the word "am" gives it more authority and power.
If you do this every single day for as long as you can, we promise you will see amazing
Be sure to also visualize and feel the words you are saying, it only makes it more real
and effective.
Self-compliment has to do with how the subconscious mind works.
Your unconscious mind is always communicating with your conscious mind through your subconscious
thoughts and beliefs.
It's just like meditation.
When you repetitively repeat positive thoughts and actions, your mind believes it to be real
thus you will slowly become that of which you practice.
That is why people with low self esteem are always down and pessimistic because they are
constantly telling themselves they are not worth it through their beliefs, actions, and
They have created this dark and unpleasant world within themselves, which in fact is
real to them but not to others.
Words can have very powerful meaning.
Communication is one of the most important aspect in this world if not this universe.
That is why we urge you to compliment yourself on a daily basis.
Accept Who You Are And Change What You Can It would be nice to accept who you are but
what if you can not, then change what you can.
Money can change your appearance but only you can change your mentality.
If you do get plastic surgery, how can you know for sure that it will change you?
Ok, so do you see the issue or should I say a secret here?
You have subconsciously made something that didn't even happen into a reality!
You are using an external factor/force (plastic surgery) to create this illusion of happiness
or pride.
Why can't you create this happy world without external factors?
Because of lack of education and research.
if you want great things then you gotta work for it.
Let's say you can not walk, bound to a wheel chair.
Again, you have 2 choices: accept the reality and go on living or do not accept.
However, if you do not accept, what can you do?
Surgery won't help (assuming), rehabilitation is out of the question, forcing yourself to
walk isn't possible.
That really only leaves one option, yes?
Is it not better to accept who you are instead of making your own life even more difficult?
How can you start accepting yourself?
If you can improve on what you can not accept but able to improve it, then do so.
It is not better to improve just a little bit than nothing at all?
Start using internal factors to make yourself happy and accept yourself.
If you so badly want to be happy, be accepted, live life, achieve your goals, and let nothing
stand in your way, then you will find a way.
Winners find a way, and you are a winner.
You Actually Don't Have It Bad I can assure you that whatever problems you
think you have, someone else has it worse, or maybe billions of others have it worse.
Yes 1 billion people have some form of disablitiy!
That's why we should all accept who we are because when we think we have it so bad, there
are others who have it worse and they find a way to be happy and love themselves for
who they are.
That is what makes them different from someone who has low self esteem.
I urge you to visit a poor nation and see how bad you have it.
Low self esteem doesn't even exit.
Food, water, and survival are the only thing that matters, not even shelter!
Your perspective will change real fast.
Imagine it's WWII all over again.
Ummn, does anyone actually give a flying fudge about if you have low self esteem.
We live in a society that is dictated by beauty, fame, power, riches, etc.
That's not the issue.
Do you want to know what the real issue is?
It's you.
You have allow this poison to engulf your very mind.
external factors are really hard to ignore and eliminate once it has seep into your mind.
Learn how to appreciate what matters the most, money, just kidding, we meant you.
You will be much happier, have a better and easier life, be thankful for not having anything
which is really having everything.
The End How many people do you think are successful,
get what they want in life, or live the life they desire?
10%?Try 8%!
I can tell you that you aren't part of that 8% if you have low self esteem.
Low self esteem can not only make life that much harder and have a negative effect on
pretty much anything.
Now the real question is, do you want to start living or simply exist, because 92% of use
are just merely existing.
We all have one life, one body, and an infinite opportunity.
Use it wisely because this offer only comes once in a lifetime!
Thanks a billion for staying until the end and please subscribe if you think we deserve
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