Guys welcome back to my channel. So as you have probably seen I haven't been here for a while
I have had an extremely busy start to my second year. I have a lot of like ideas and actual plans written out
So I'm very excited to get back into that and thank you for sticking around if you did and thank you to everyone
Who's new here? Because a lot of people have joined since I laughed as well today
I am so excited it because I am again working with an amazing brand who I have been using for years now
It's so crazy to be able to be doing these day. I am working with Wilco to bring you a video all about
Student party, but this is genuinely a brand that I have been using for a very long time
There's one really near me at home that I go to with my mum
So it's just crazy to be doing a video with them and thank you so much to them for sponsoring this today
We are basically going to be talking about student parties parties at uni some tips
I basically have for having parties because that's something that we really enjoyed doing last year
We were really lucky in our if you know bath in our accommodation. We had like a big lounge area
And so we had some like fries and stuff in our like lounge. We did like a whole Christmas meal thing
They're very cute
There's some things that I feel like I could share some tips and tricks for those of you who are planning that kind of thing
Especially because Halloween is coming up soon
So today I am going to be giving you some top like tips and tricks for throwing a good party
Making sure that like everyone's having a good time things
Don't get too like messy and horrific the next day to like sort out your lounge or your kitchen or whatever it is
and then I'm also gonna be hauling some of fab or Wilco Halloween themed decorations that
My house this year is gonna use to decorate and I'll show you what I do with them like note that I love Halloween
Like I love how the willpower has an enormous range of stuff. Like I spent ages on there picking all these things
I did pick all these by the way
like they didn't just send me random stuff to talk about if I went on the website and
Literally like planned the room how I want to there and picked everything out. Everything is very affordable
So like if you are throwing a student party, I don't know where else you would go like
This is definitely the place that I would have thought off to go to anywhere, and I would highly recommend it
I will put all the links and everything and like the prices below but very affordable. You could definitely throw a good party
Using this up. Okay. I'm gonna start with this. I have two of these
These are pumpkin Garland's. So these are pound each and they're big Garland's that are going to go like across the room
So these provide like great decoration anything that you can hang I think is a good shadows
This is my favorite type of Halloween decoration. Yes. I do have a favorite type of Halloween decoration
I do and this is them it's like like fabric cobweb stuff that you can put everywhere and I also bought
These which is like a web version, you know that like cotton wall type stuff with little spiders
Sorry, if you don't like spiders alternate, that's what make a big effect. That's the key thing like yes, this is affordable
But you're also trying to keep it as affordable as possible
So yeah things like this that are like big and that you can like stretch out over an area and they make impact my own
Personal amusement I've got this projector taught which is like a little torch that you hold up and I think it like makes like shapes
okay, we have buckets because
Buckets, these could be good like drinks holders
You could put like ice in them and then or snacks these were 50p like these were 50p
we love these we are going to be using these all year round a
Little like skull gobbler cups, like they're so cool. And then you're not ready. You're not ready
Massive gobbler this was for path and really excited about because it's so cool. Look at the detail on that
It's also very exciting. We're also excited about these mini was excited about these especially
Primary I'm and these are little like pumpkin lantern lights. They're so cute
how much for these five pounds which is really good considering they're like actual proper little lanterns and they've got little lights in them and
They're going to be so cute
Another thing that makes big impact but is not expensive
Is a panel while these I think they go in the dark
Yeah glow in the dark. Skeleton
So you get three of these you can just hang them somewhere like maybe in a row and then these which are like jelly blood
I'm gonna put these on the window in between our kitchen or living room
We will get a house tour and a room tour eventually
But yeah, let me know in the comments if that's what you want and at last but not least
Pumpkin lanterns and they are so good to read and I love them
These are such high quality and I said that so many times. I was very very impressed when I got them
I have two I am a silver one and the like orangey copper one
I'm so excited to put these downstairs because like they're just really really cool
Okay, so let's talk about party planning because that is very important planning is my first like a biggest tip if you are going to
be having a
Student party you need to do plan it because there are going to be a lot of factors that could come in and like mess
It up to be honest. One of the most important things to do is to make sure you know who's going and who's not going
Because what tends to happen is people turn up, especially if you're on campus
I feel like this is probably more applicable to you because it's so easy to just like go to other people's problems
Start when you have too many people and people you don't know like try and work out some kind of system for the door
I remember we had a party last year and like people came up to us and they were like, oh
I'm Lucy's friend and I was like who's Lucy they were all Lucy's friends with Bella like who's Bella Bella's friends with Ben
I'm like who's better?
We stood at this store having a conversation about who they were linked to and how they like will link to them for so long
That I was like, you know what just come in, but like that's not a good thing to do. Have a good system
Be careful with your music
So like have a very set music person who?
basically stays near the music the whole time because people get so angry about music and you want to make sure that like
Someone's controlling it and that there's no questions about what's being put on like you have a playlist you stick to your playlist
Otherwise people just get grumpy make sure you plan with advance but not too much advance
I would probably say two weeks before maybe three weeks any less than that people tend to already have plans
Especially for big things like Halloween Crescent us any more than that people will like put in their calendar say yes
And then forget not to hang up everyone loves food. I feel like
Having some kind of food of your quality is like a no-brainer
So what we do when we go to after show which is like the party we have after our shows
creative is that we basically
Ordered Domino's in so like we order a mass or add I think it's like big hundreds of pounds the last time we did it
Everyone just gets like a bit use of 50% off code. All is well
But to have that like people look forward to at a certain time of the night
I would highly recommend that is that's always pop and as expensive as it might be
Providing like some kind of drinks is also always popular
So like even if it's like I will provide all the mixers
Like people will enjoy that always have cups always have cups because people never have their own cups
And then they'll start using your glasses and stuff and then things just get messy
everyone loves a theme like I don't know anyone who doesn't like themed parties if you want people to come have
Like an obtainable theme but something fun. Anyway, I hope you guys got some inspo from all of this
Even if it's literally just like giving you the idea to have a party. Um, that's great
I hope that you enjoyed like getting a little taste of what like the workout stuff has to offer because I am never
Like throwing a party with them before so I've only ever got like stationary bits home web
It's that kind of thing like pens and that kind of like realm of stuff
I have never thought of going there for this kind of thing
So I'm really glad I did and if you need anything
And you're looking for like student price stuff rather than some of the very expensive party things you can get I would highly recommend that
I genuinely would give this a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching it and thank you so much
I will see you in my next video. Bye
a level results 2018 haul halloween exam advice noo
For more infomation >> How to throw a good student party+ huge Halloween decoration haul! |Noo - Duration: 8:22.
American Girl and Baby Alive Get Dressed for Halloween - Duration: 9:21.
oh hey Harper have you found anything yet oh yeah I'm finding all kinds of
good stuff where are you guys we're up here in the Attic
oh so what you guys doing up here Mama Imagine said to come up here and see if
we could find stuff for our costumes cool so have you found anything good yet
yeah I think there's gonna be plenty for us and the babies whoa wait a minute
what's going on up here are you guys even supposed to be up here yes Abigail,
we are mama imagine sent us up here to look for costumes for you guys and for
us oh can I help yeah I guess you can help well you know I'm gonna have to
have the best costume for everybody I don't know we'll have to see about that
Abigail. you just wait and see Harper I'll show ya. okay
we'll see about that. okay so everybody grab a handful and let's head on down to
see what we can put together all right let's do it. Hello WI friends we think
dress up is fun any time of year but it is especially fun during the Halloween
season we wanted to show you some of the things that we have picked up and during
this season to help the dolls make their own costumes we've actually found some
very non-conventional things for them to use as you can see here we got these at
Walmart in the puppy section they're actually costumes for your puppies so
let me show you some of the things that we found of course we found the sombrero
we found the little brown cowboy hat and right there you can see what it's
supposed to look like on your dog but we thought these would be perfect for the
dolls in their play each of these items was just around $2 and they have the
elastic strap for adjustability and look at this adorable aviator cap with the
red scarf to go with it we found a lion's mane
here's another pink cowgirl hat and then there's the witch's hat with a
little bit of green and look at this it's the little tutu that ties don't
those make a nice match and on that same theme look at the little witch's hat
that looks like a candy corn and we found a tutu that could go with it
these are gonna be so much fun and then of course we were sure that one of the
dolls would want to be a mermaid and so we found this cute little headband for
$1 at Target and then finally we just couldn't resist this bag of crazy eye
glasses six of them in different colors for a dollar so we think this should be
a great start for the dolls putting together their costumes I'm really
excited to see what they come up with aren't you well let's get them their
supplies. seriously Abigail you've got to hold still I'm trying but you're taking forever
hey gang how's it coming in here we're almost done
okay so then you're gonna come out and show everybody yeah we'll be out in just
a minute if Abigail will just hold still. I said
I'm trying. okay we'll see you in just a few minutes oh you stepped on me you
stepped on my shoe sorry this Mane is in my eyes are you girls
ready we are okay now presenting sorry
i stepped on you again that's okay brush the mane from your eyes Wow okay
so why don't you guys tell me a little bit about yourself
can you tell who we are we're kind of a pair a pair hmm oh I bet I know I'm
thinking ...Wizard of ooz! yep that's exactly what I was thinking you're the Wicked Witch
that's right and Mckinley, you're the Cowardly Lion
you guessed it and see I even wore glittery shoes to kind of mimic the ruby
slippers Oh will you two look super cute well who's next
Oh Mellie look at you you look so festive and Josie you look like the
perfect cowgirl Well, thank you ma'am and Mellie you look
really cute too oh thank you and up next hey everybody
whoa hey there mr. clown what do you think of my nose I think you look great
Noah I love the hat and I definitely love the nose you look really good in
the clown shirt you really utilized the vintage clothes in the Attic didn't you
oh yeah I totally did there are so many fun things up there
and who do we have here oh come on you know it me it's Norma Jean oh why jI saw just a
lovely lovely mermaid oh yeah I love mermaids the only thing that
would've made it better is if I'd had a fork Oh from the Little Mermaid yep well
you look very good too and I see you got into the vintage clothes in the Attic -
yeah I did have a little help. the big kids did help me just a little bit well you
look great Norma Jean and you too Noah all right I can't wait to see who's next
come on Abigail they're waiting you go first Mary Ellen we're gonna save the
best for last
okay Abigail Oh Mary Ellen you look great oh thank you wow you look fabulous
dress is so much fun but it is a lot of work with some people. oh I do
know who you're talking about. who who's she talking about never mind
have Abigail. oh I know you must be talking about Harper you didn't even help her get
dressed never mind have Abigail. okay Abigail are
you gonna come out ready or not here I come oh I know you like awesome why
thank you very much do you know who I am uh-huh you are an
aviator of some sort I would guess I'm Amelia Earhart with a nod to Snoopy the
Red Baron I I'm seeing it now told you we were gonna save the best for that oh
well I think you all look fabulous I'd say you all look absolutely ready for
trick-or-treating right down from the oldest to the youngest and I have one
last thing. What is it? just give me
a second I found these awesome jack-o'-lanterns at the Dollar Tree
they are solar power but the lids also remove and they make the perfect little
trick-or-treat baskets for the dolls so you can use them as trick-or-treat
baskets or you could put your light in there if you pulled your tab and let it
charge then it could be a jack-o'-lantern
that glowed in the dark well there you go
you all are perfectly ready for trick-or-treating and we want to ask you
our we imagine friends which costume is your favorite and we really hope that
you will like comment share and subscribe for more fun from we imagine
and find us on Instagram that we imagine workshop so you can keep track of all
the other things that are going on here at we imagine well that's it for now
keep smiling until next time thank you for watching subscribe it's
Free! what can you imagine?
Bee Swarm Simulator - 1 MILLIÁRD MÉZ!!!! - Leírás - Duration: 18:59.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:07.
Francesco Monte: effusioni con la Salemi sotto le coperte nella Casa del GF - Duration: 10:09.
Nerf Review: Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw Toy Blaster Nerf Kids - Duration: 3:40.
Nerf Review: Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw
Everybody welcome and today we have the brain saw blaster here
The nerve the brain saw blaster is a part of the zombie strike a group
the dirt
Stuff and I think this is really cool because it's like a chainsaw
But also a blaster so you be like kind things up
You know some tree down something and someone sneak attacks you and then you just blast them
The brand saw it can hold up to eight darts here
On both sides is for you. Got four. Let me get more. Let's load it up here
Or same the other side
Then you're ready to go now, it's blossom targets, but first I think I found wheels on me
Now I got some targets set up let's blast them
Now the targets are trying to have a nice time
Now they're trying to roast some marshmallows none on my watch wait a minute I don't have a watch
Yeah, hey that's my trampoline
Yeah, that was Kristen stuff
So as you can see this blaster isn't very accurate, but it looks cool
Let me just look at it do this
What you're blasting things you kind of gotta like aim on the side and then the other side
Because like it goes that way and then this way
When you aim them in the middle, it's just gonna go wherever it wants
so I
Really like this blaster and I hope you do too. This was the brain saw zombie strike near blaster
Uomini e Donne, caos in studio: volano schiaffi e bottigliette. Uomini&Donne: Luigi e ... - Duration: 14:00.
Como identificar pontos fortes, habilidades e competências - Duration: 18:36.
28/10/2018 17:05 (24 Cavendish Rd E, Nottingham NG7 1BB, UK) - Duration: 3:01.
28/10/2018 17:08 (43 Cavendish Rd E, Nottingham NG7 1BB, UK) - Duration: 3:00.
28/10/2018 17:02 (43 Cavendish Rd E, Nottingham NG7 1BB, UK) - Duration: 3:01.
28/10/2018 17:11 (26 Cavendish Rd E, Nottingham NG7 1BB, UK) - Duration: 3:00.
Nightcore - Spooky Scary Skeletons - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:21.
This video includes lyrics on the screen!
STEPHEN KING | Draw My Life 🎃 Especial Halloween TikTak Draw - Duration: 6:32.
Blacksmith vs MMA Fighter !!! - Duration: 5:42.
Francesco Monte: effusioni con la Salemi sotto le coperte nella Casa del GF - Duration: 10:09.
La música más romántica de México del 2018. - Duration: 1:08:34.
Thanks for watching Do not forget to LIKE AND SHARE this video if you like it.
Types of canaries 🐤 Canarian breeds 🌍 Canaries of Canto, Color and Canaries of Posture - Duration: 11:28.
Types of canaries. Breeds of canaries. Song canaries, canaries of color, shape canaries and design canaries.
Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.
On this occasion we are going to inaugurate a new section in the channel that is going to be called types
bird's. Specifically, as you have been able read in the title in this video we are going to
see the classification of the canaries, is say, the different types of canaries or
breeds of canaries that exist. And without more ... we started!
In the world, there are many types of canaries or breeds of canaries, but mainly
canaries we can include them in different categories. For this and to make it more
easy to understand I've made you this little scheme that we will be following along
of the video and where you can see clearly The different types of canaries that exist.
And remember also, leave me in the comments what kind of canaries do you like most and which
you prefer If you see, canaries can be classified
mainly in three categories, which are singing canaries, canaries of color
and the canaries of form or position. Plus, we can differentiate another small category
that would encompass design canaries. This would be mainly the basic scheme
of the classification of canaries. And now if we go in depth analyzing the scheme
let's go see that, within the types of singing canaries, canaries of color
or the posture canaries there are different subcategories or classifications.
First of all, as regards canaries of singing, let's differentiate four types
of canaries. On the one hand, we have the Canary stamped Spanish that is a type of canary
that originates in Spain and that usually tend to be canaries of green, yellow
or similar. In addition, the canaries ring they have a very happy and melodious song and they have
a great variety of notes and stamps. On the other hand, we find canaries
Roller, Harzer or Flute, which is a kind of canary that comes from Germany. They are usually
yellow or green or present a mix of both colors in their plumage. These
Singing canaries are very curious canaries since they sing with the semi-closed peak and emit
a soft song, sweet and at the same time melodious. Also, inside the singing canaries
we found the canaries Malinois or waterslager. This type of canary comes from Belgium
and they are usually also yellow colors or green The singing of malinois canaries
It is a cheerful song with different tones and it has some very characteristic notes,
that when the bird is singing remember the sound of a river's water, a
waterfall or similar. And finally, we can also make an allusion
to the American canary singer, which is a type of canary that arises in the USA. It has a size
something smaller and like almost all singing canaries are usually also
yellow. In second place, we find the canaries
of color, which in turn this type of canaries It is divided into two groups. On the one hand,
canaries lipocrómicos and on the other the canaries melanic
In the section on lipochromic canaries, We can basically distinguish 3 types:
would be the white canary, which in turn divides into recessive white canaries, which
is the one that you find on your left and the dominant white that is the one that you find
on the right. If you look closely, you can see that the main difference between a canary
Recessive white and a dominant white canary It is located on the edge of the wings. The
recessive white canaries are completely whites, while white canaries
dominant on the edge of their wings present a certain yellow hue as seen
in the photo. Also, within the lipochromic canaries,
we found the yellow canary and the canary Red. Both types of canaries are going to be divided
in different subcategories, by calling it somehow, since the lipochromic colors
can manifest themselves in different ways in the feathers, which results in them appearing
different variations and color tones, giving place to:
Canary Islands intense, in which the color of plumage as its own name indicates is much
more intense and uniform. Snowy canaries, in which the color of their
plumage is more diluted and fades towards the edge.
Canarios ivory, which is another shade of totally different color to the previous ones.
The case of yellow canaries ivory Yellow color is much softer. And in the
case of red canaries ivory, the color red turns slightly pink.
Canarios mosaicos, which is a type of canary of white background and in which the color, red
or yellow, it is concentrated in certain areas of your body, such as your head,
the back, the shoulders and the chest. And also, we have another small category
known as ocular lipochrome. Which includes different types of canaries, such as:
The albino canaries, which have a plumage completely white and eyes red.
The lutinos canaries, that have the plumage yellow and also colored eyes
Red. And the ruby canaries, which are basically
red and with dark red eyes, pulling to a garnet color.
On the other hand, in the section on canaries of color we found the canarian melanic,
that basically and as a summary, can be Classify in: canaries agates, canaries
black-bruno, canaries bruno or Isabela canary.
And in addition, there are different variations in color, which gives rise to other varieties
of canaries of color, such as opal, satiné, pastel, topaz, onyx and
eumo As you can see there is a large amount of different ranges, so below
I'll leave you a few seconds with some photos of some of these canaries before passing
to the posture canary section. In third place, we find the canaries
of form or posture, which in turn are going to divide into four categories, of which
as we go see them I will be putting photos of each of them.
In the first section, we find the canaries of curly plumage or curly plumage, inside
of which are some breeds of canaries like the curly canary of the north or the canary
curly of the south, the canary fiorino, the canary padovano or the Spanish gibbous canary.
The second section, corresponds to the canaries of position, in which we can find
to the scoth fancy canaries or the Japanese hosso.
Within the third section, we find canaries shaggy or with a bow, as per
example the gloster canary that you all know or the German cannoneer.
Finally, and continuing in the Canaries of posture In the fourth section we find
the canarios of smooth pen, that basically encompasses the canaries fife fancy, the canary
Spanish or Spanish race, the llarguet or the Norwich.
And finally, we find the category of canaries of design, which only
It is formed by the lizard canaries. What for those who do not know this type of canary,
tell you that it is one of the most canary ancient people who know each other and who are characterized
for having a yellow or white area, that goes from the peak to the base of the head,
and that is usually called a cap. As well It has a very characteristic plumage that does not
has no other canary, since its plumage It is shaped like scales and reminds us of a
reptile. Basically this would be a classification
of the different types of canaries and breeds of canaries that exist. Evidently
there are many other races or varieties of canaries as for example the red canary white wings
or yellow white wings, the canary urucum, canaries mogno, etc. that I have not been including
in the video so as not to overdo it and that it was an easy video to understand. Do not
forget to leave me in the comments what kind of canaries you liked most and
if you knew all these types of canaries. I hope you liked this video, if
so do not forget to share it your social networks and WhatsApp groups,
if you are not subscribed to the channel I invite you to subscribe as you activate the
notification bell to receive a new video every week, up here
I leave you videos on the breeding of canaries, and as always I wait for you in the next video.
First Man - Il primo uomo. La persuasione sensoriale di Kennedy - Duration: 3:56.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 0:54.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:07.
Lesson 4 Mariah Carey's vocal practice method 머라이어캐리의 보컬연습법 응용 - Duration: 3:26.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:06.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:08.
How to throw a good student party+ huge Halloween decoration haul! |Noo - Duration: 8:22.
Guys welcome back to my channel. So as you have probably seen I haven't been here for a while
I have had an extremely busy start to my second year. I have a lot of like ideas and actual plans written out
So I'm very excited to get back into that and thank you for sticking around if you did and thank you to everyone
Who's new here? Because a lot of people have joined since I laughed as well today
I am so excited it because I am again working with an amazing brand who I have been using for years now
It's so crazy to be able to be doing these day. I am working with Wilco to bring you a video all about
Student party, but this is genuinely a brand that I have been using for a very long time
There's one really near me at home that I go to with my mum
So it's just crazy to be doing a video with them and thank you so much to them for sponsoring this today
We are basically going to be talking about student parties parties at uni some tips
I basically have for having parties because that's something that we really enjoyed doing last year
We were really lucky in our if you know bath in our accommodation. We had like a big lounge area
And so we had some like fries and stuff in our like lounge. We did like a whole Christmas meal thing
They're very cute
There's some things that I feel like I could share some tips and tricks for those of you who are planning that kind of thing
Especially because Halloween is coming up soon
So today I am going to be giving you some top like tips and tricks for throwing a good party
Making sure that like everyone's having a good time things
Don't get too like messy and horrific the next day to like sort out your lounge or your kitchen or whatever it is
and then I'm also gonna be hauling some of fab or Wilco Halloween themed decorations that
My house this year is gonna use to decorate and I'll show you what I do with them like note that I love Halloween
Like I love how the willpower has an enormous range of stuff. Like I spent ages on there picking all these things
I did pick all these by the way
like they didn't just send me random stuff to talk about if I went on the website and
Literally like planned the room how I want to there and picked everything out. Everything is very affordable
So like if you are throwing a student party, I don't know where else you would go like
This is definitely the place that I would have thought off to go to anywhere, and I would highly recommend it
I will put all the links and everything and like the prices below but very affordable. You could definitely throw a good party
Using this up. Okay. I'm gonna start with this. I have two of these
These are pumpkin Garland's. So these are pound each and they're big Garland's that are going to go like across the room
So these provide like great decoration anything that you can hang I think is a good shadows
This is my favorite type of Halloween decoration. Yes. I do have a favorite type of Halloween decoration
I do and this is them it's like like fabric cobweb stuff that you can put everywhere and I also bought
These which is like a web version, you know that like cotton wall type stuff with little spiders
Sorry, if you don't like spiders alternate, that's what make a big effect. That's the key thing like yes, this is affordable
But you're also trying to keep it as affordable as possible
So yeah things like this that are like big and that you can like stretch out over an area and they make impact my own
Personal amusement I've got this projector taught which is like a little torch that you hold up and I think it like makes like shapes
okay, we have buckets because
Buckets, these could be good like drinks holders
You could put like ice in them and then or snacks these were 50p like these were 50p
we love these we are going to be using these all year round a
Little like skull gobbler cups, like they're so cool. And then you're not ready. You're not ready
Massive gobbler this was for path and really excited about because it's so cool. Look at the detail on that
It's also very exciting. We're also excited about these mini was excited about these especially
Primary I'm and these are little like pumpkin lantern lights. They're so cute
how much for these five pounds which is really good considering they're like actual proper little lanterns and they've got little lights in them and
They're going to be so cute
Another thing that makes big impact but is not expensive
Is a panel while these I think they go in the dark
Yeah glow in the dark. Skeleton
So you get three of these you can just hang them somewhere like maybe in a row and then these which are like jelly blood
I'm gonna put these on the window in between our kitchen or living room
We will get a house tour and a room tour eventually
But yeah, let me know in the comments if that's what you want and at last but not least
Pumpkin lanterns and they are so good to read and I love them
These are such high quality and I said that so many times. I was very very impressed when I got them
I have two I am a silver one and the like orangey copper one
I'm so excited to put these downstairs because like they're just really really cool
Okay, so let's talk about party planning because that is very important planning is my first like a biggest tip if you are going to
be having a
Student party you need to do plan it because there are going to be a lot of factors that could come in and like mess
It up to be honest. One of the most important things to do is to make sure you know who's going and who's not going
Because what tends to happen is people turn up, especially if you're on campus
I feel like this is probably more applicable to you because it's so easy to just like go to other people's problems
Start when you have too many people and people you don't know like try and work out some kind of system for the door
I remember we had a party last year and like people came up to us and they were like, oh
I'm Lucy's friend and I was like who's Lucy they were all Lucy's friends with Bella like who's Bella Bella's friends with Ben
I'm like who's better?
We stood at this store having a conversation about who they were linked to and how they like will link to them for so long
That I was like, you know what just come in, but like that's not a good thing to do. Have a good system
Be careful with your music
So like have a very set music person who?
basically stays near the music the whole time because people get so angry about music and you want to make sure that like
Someone's controlling it and that there's no questions about what's being put on like you have a playlist you stick to your playlist
Otherwise people just get grumpy make sure you plan with advance but not too much advance
I would probably say two weeks before maybe three weeks any less than that people tend to already have plans
Especially for big things like Halloween Crescent us any more than that people will like put in their calendar say yes
And then forget not to hang up everyone loves food. I feel like
Having some kind of food of your quality is like a no-brainer
So what we do when we go to after show which is like the party we have after our shows
creative is that we basically
Ordered Domino's in so like we order a mass or add I think it's like big hundreds of pounds the last time we did it
Everyone just gets like a bit use of 50% off code. All is well
But to have that like people look forward to at a certain time of the night
I would highly recommend that is that's always pop and as expensive as it might be
Providing like some kind of drinks is also always popular
So like even if it's like I will provide all the mixers
Like people will enjoy that always have cups always have cups because people never have their own cups
And then they'll start using your glasses and stuff and then things just get messy
everyone loves a theme like I don't know anyone who doesn't like themed parties if you want people to come have
Like an obtainable theme but something fun. Anyway, I hope you guys got some inspo from all of this
Even if it's literally just like giving you the idea to have a party. Um, that's great
I hope that you enjoyed like getting a little taste of what like the workout stuff has to offer because I am never
Like throwing a party with them before so I've only ever got like stationary bits home web
It's that kind of thing like pens and that kind of like realm of stuff
I have never thought of going there for this kind of thing
So I'm really glad I did and if you need anything
And you're looking for like student price stuff rather than some of the very expensive party things you can get I would highly recommend that
I genuinely would give this a thumbs up if you enjoyed watching it and thank you so much
I will see you in my next video. Bye
a level results 2018 haul halloween exam advice noo
American Girl and Baby Alive Get Dressed for Halloween - Duration: 9:21.
oh hey Harper have you found anything yet oh yeah I'm finding all kinds of
good stuff where are you guys we're up here in the Attic
oh so what you guys doing up here Mama Imagine said to come up here and see if
we could find stuff for our costumes cool so have you found anything good yet
yeah I think there's gonna be plenty for us and the babies whoa wait a minute
what's going on up here are you guys even supposed to be up here yes Abigail,
we are mama imagine sent us up here to look for costumes for you guys and for
us oh can I help yeah I guess you can help well you know I'm gonna have to
have the best costume for everybody I don't know we'll have to see about that
Abigail. you just wait and see Harper I'll show ya. okay
we'll see about that. okay so everybody grab a handful and let's head on down to
see what we can put together all right let's do it. Hello WI friends we think
dress up is fun any time of year but it is especially fun during the Halloween
season we wanted to show you some of the things that we have picked up and during
this season to help the dolls make their own costumes we've actually found some
very non-conventional things for them to use as you can see here we got these at
Walmart in the puppy section they're actually costumes for your puppies so
let me show you some of the things that we found of course we found the sombrero
we found the little brown cowboy hat and right there you can see what it's
supposed to look like on your dog but we thought these would be perfect for the
dolls in their play each of these items was just around $2 and they have the
elastic strap for adjustability and look at this adorable aviator cap with the
red scarf to go with it we found a lion's mane
here's another pink cowgirl hat and then there's the witch's hat with a
little bit of green and look at this it's the little tutu that ties don't
those make a nice match and on that same theme look at the little witch's hat
that looks like a candy corn and we found a tutu that could go with it
these are gonna be so much fun and then of course we were sure that one of the
dolls would want to be a mermaid and so we found this cute little headband for
$1 at Target and then finally we just couldn't resist this bag of crazy eye
glasses six of them in different colors for a dollar so we think this should be
a great start for the dolls putting together their costumes I'm really
excited to see what they come up with aren't you well let's get them their
supplies. seriously Abigail you've got to hold still I'm trying but you're taking forever
hey gang how's it coming in here we're almost done
okay so then you're gonna come out and show everybody yeah we'll be out in just
a minute if Abigail will just hold still. I said
I'm trying. okay we'll see you in just a few minutes oh you stepped on me you
stepped on my shoe sorry this Mane is in my eyes are you girls
ready we are okay now presenting sorry
i stepped on you again that's okay brush the mane from your eyes Wow okay
so why don't you guys tell me a little bit about yourself
can you tell who we are we're kind of a pair a pair hmm oh I bet I know I'm
thinking ...Wizard of ooz! yep that's exactly what I was thinking you're the Wicked Witch
that's right and Mckinley, you're the Cowardly Lion
you guessed it and see I even wore glittery shoes to kind of mimic the ruby
slippers Oh will you two look super cute well who's next
Oh Mellie look at you you look so festive and Josie you look like the
perfect cowgirl Well, thank you ma'am and Mellie you look
really cute too oh thank you and up next hey everybody
whoa hey there mr. clown what do you think of my nose I think you look great
Noah I love the hat and I definitely love the nose you look really good in
the clown shirt you really utilized the vintage clothes in the Attic didn't you
oh yeah I totally did there are so many fun things up there
and who do we have here oh come on you know it me it's Norma Jean oh why jI saw just a
lovely lovely mermaid oh yeah I love mermaids the only thing that
would've made it better is if I'd had a fork Oh from the Little Mermaid yep well
you look very good too and I see you got into the vintage clothes in the Attic -
yeah I did have a little help. the big kids did help me just a little bit well you
look great Norma Jean and you too Noah all right I can't wait to see who's next
come on Abigail they're waiting you go first Mary Ellen we're gonna save the
best for last
okay Abigail Oh Mary Ellen you look great oh thank you wow you look fabulous
dress is so much fun but it is a lot of work with some people. oh I do
know who you're talking about. who who's she talking about never mind
have Abigail. oh I know you must be talking about Harper you didn't even help her get
dressed never mind have Abigail. okay Abigail are
you gonna come out ready or not here I come oh I know you like awesome why
thank you very much do you know who I am uh-huh you are an
aviator of some sort I would guess I'm Amelia Earhart with a nod to Snoopy the
Red Baron I I'm seeing it now told you we were gonna save the best for that oh
well I think you all look fabulous I'd say you all look absolutely ready for
trick-or-treating right down from the oldest to the youngest and I have one
last thing. What is it? just give me
a second I found these awesome jack-o'-lanterns at the Dollar Tree
they are solar power but the lids also remove and they make the perfect little
trick-or-treat baskets for the dolls so you can use them as trick-or-treat
baskets or you could put your light in there if you pulled your tab and let it
charge then it could be a jack-o'-lantern
that glowed in the dark well there you go
you all are perfectly ready for trick-or-treating and we want to ask you
our we imagine friends which costume is your favorite and we really hope that
you will like comment share and subscribe for more fun from we imagine
and find us on Instagram that we imagine workshop so you can keep track of all
the other things that are going on here at we imagine well that's it for now
keep smiling until next time thank you for watching subscribe it's
Free! what can you imagine?
Bee Swarm Simulator - 1 MILLIÁRD MÉZ!!!! - Leírás - Duration: 18:59.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:07.
Francesco Monte: effusioni con la Salemi sotto le coperte nella Casa del GF - Duration: 10:09.
Nerf Review: Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw Toy Blaster Nerf Kids - Duration: 3:40.
Nerf Review: Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw
Everybody welcome and today we have the brain saw blaster here
The nerve the brain saw blaster is a part of the zombie strike a group
the dirt
Stuff and I think this is really cool because it's like a chainsaw
But also a blaster so you be like kind things up
You know some tree down something and someone sneak attacks you and then you just blast them
The brand saw it can hold up to eight darts here
On both sides is for you. Got four. Let me get more. Let's load it up here
Or same the other side
Then you're ready to go now, it's blossom targets, but first I think I found wheels on me
Now I got some targets set up let's blast them
Now the targets are trying to have a nice time
Now they're trying to roast some marshmallows none on my watch wait a minute I don't have a watch
Yeah, hey that's my trampoline
Yeah, that was Kristen stuff
So as you can see this blaster isn't very accurate, but it looks cool
Let me just look at it do this
What you're blasting things you kind of gotta like aim on the side and then the other side
Because like it goes that way and then this way
When you aim them in the middle, it's just gonna go wherever it wants
so I
Really like this blaster and I hope you do too. This was the brain saw zombie strike near blaster
Bishop Gunn - Alabama
1 Million Subscribers Play Button - Wranglerstar - Duration: 1:09.
1 million subscribers no not me this is a quick video I wanted to get it
out quick because pretty soon beth mayer cutting up edge filmic minimums we're
gonna take you guys along we're gonna be celebrating with a friend is 1 million
subscribers think about that 1 million subscribers on youtube it is quite a
feat very proud of this guy super nice guy wrangler star i'm sure a lot of you
follow wrangler star i've been following him since he was wrangler bar that goes
back up put a little link up here for a couple of videos that i did with him in
his shop when he was running wrangler barn and i just i thought the world of
cody for a long time and very cool to see him get 1 million subscribers any of
you guys that make content and run a youtube channel you know that is an
awesome feat so we're gonna take you guys along i hope you enjoy it
i made kimchi fried rice | cooking with nina - Duration: 15:47.
that was a great entrance
actually i need to wash my hands hold on
this is the sound of me washing my hands
cooking with nina!!
it's actually been a long time
since i've seen that episode
i may have sung it wrong
oh well
if you hear a slight pitter-patter
that's my dog
they're just walking around the floor
hello my frens it's nina and for this video i
am in the kitchen
i have to change my shoes
hold on this is really uncomfortable
ew so gross
hello my frens it's nina and for this video i
am back in the kitchen
this is another cooking with nina
the time has come
i am going to cook for you guys
i am going to feed you with that good content
mama's here to feed y-
i'm not gonna finish that sentence
so currently i'm standing with my legs spread out
otherwise i'm too tall for the frame
but this was the best angle that i could get
so i'm just gonna
i'm just gonna bend down a little bit for you guys
so for this video i'm gonna cook kimchi fried rice
it is
i said it in such an american pronunciation
i am going to cook kimchi fried rice
or kimchi bokkeumbap
also my family is here and i'm not waiting any longer
for them to leave so i'm just gonna go with it
[my brother:] i love you
now i've been meaning to do a cooking with nina
for a very long time
i've actually been trying to do it since we hit 200k
just to celebrate because my last cooking with nina
was for 100k
i'm very thankful for you guys ;-;
so i'm gonna feed you guys
i'm not gonna speak korean that's so
so for this video i'm gonna make kimchi fried rice
and the main ingredient
is right here
i can already smell it
and it smells
really bad
which means it's really good
when it ferments really well
the smell can kind of choke you
it literally attacks your nose
so that means it's really good
so kimchi fried rice is literally
the easiest thing you can make
well it depends on how you're making it
the way i'm making it is extremely easy
because there's no meat in it
there's nothing really in it
except for kimchi
also i gotta really bend down
i am currently squatting
so this is kimchi
or korean fermented napa cabbage
or chinese cabbage
for this video i'm wearing red
i just kind of wanted to match the food that i'm cooking
also i have this frickin
pot thing right here
so i can cook in front of you guys here
and it just looks really professional
i'm really proud of myself
has this been on the entire time??
we're gonna pretend that i didn't do that
but anyway i have this pot
you don't need this pot
this is just so i can cook in this setting right here
i didn't want to cook over where my stove is
so you don't need this
this is absolutely unnecessary
you don't need it
alright so i'm not gonna talk anymore
we're just gonna get started
okay so i'm gonna wash my hands again
because i've been touching a lot of stuff
i am so tall okay
make sure your hands are clean
and you're just gonna go for it
now usually i wear gloves
but i feel like
people are gonna say something about gloves
so i'm not gonna use gloves
i'm just gonna use my hands i'm brave i can do this
that's good
ugh okay we're really going for it
it feels so weird
oh my god this is too much
i'm really going for it okay
this is usually why i wear gloves
but you know what it's fine to be intimate with your food
now with kimchi you're gonna need a lot of it
because it does shrink as you cook it
just like spinach or anything that you cook with
okay that should be good
now this part is fantastic
making kimchi fried rice is very stress-relieving
maybe this is why i should've worn gloves
but you know what it's fine
this is less trash for the world
it's good
you're gonna make the pieces very bite-sized
because you don't wanna be chomping
on giant pieces of kimchi
but you could if you want if that's your style
but for me i like it bite-sized
and it's also a good stress reliever
let me cut the roots a little bit
yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes
now people usually put some kind of meat
into kimchi fried rice
i'm not about to do that because i don't eat meat
this honestly should be fine
have you ever seen anything more beautiful
i don't think so
kimchi fried rice is one of those things
that if you do it really well
people will think you're a good cook
but you're probably not
but it's honestly very easy to make
i guess we're gonna start cooking now
hold on lemme just wash my hands
now don't worry kimchi does not stain your hands
it's completely good now
now we're just gonna get cooking
i don't know how to cook with this
i don't know the temperatures that well
400 degrees? what does that mean?
is that hot?
do i just
this way?
like this?
i think so, yes?
now when you're making kimchi fried rice
i do it like a m-
wow it gets hot really fast okay
i didn't really think this through
okay so
when i'm making kimchi fried rice
i use
okay this is super hot this is abnormal
i think like a 350's fine
wow that is frickin hot
i never dealt with anything this hot
hold on
i feel like this is just gonna
sizzle and splatter all over my face
i'm honestly terrified
i'm just gonna leave it at like a 350
that is super frickin hot
this is too much
wow it's on fire
wow okay
this is too much
if i put water on that
this house will burn down
i'm gonna wet my hands this is really scary
also the water test is not the safest thing to do
what is this??
why's it so frickin hot?
this is gonna burn my kimchi
oh i am
this is not going right
my god
this is really hot i don't know what to do
i'm scared
usually when i'm cooking kimchi fried rice
it's like a medium high heat
because you kind of wanna toast the kimchi
this is just too much for my heart
i keep thinking of that one video on the internet
where that guy's making french fries
i really hope that doesn't happen here
so you're gonna need oil
please don't burn on my face
you're gonna need a good amount of oil
because you're literally frying up this kimchi
you're just gonna kind of rub it all over
make sure it's all over the pan
i'm honestly terrified
here i'm just gonna do a test
i'm scared
this is too hot
i don't know what i did to deserve this
i'm just gonna let it cool down a little bit
oh my god my heart
my anxiety is through the roof right now
did you hear that though?
i'm gonna let this thing cool down a little bit
because it's freakin me out
okay she kinda cooled down a little bit
so i think it's okay now
let me just do another little liquid test
okay that should be fine
i'm honestly going for it
i'm scared
as long as i don't burn the house down i'll be okay
oh, it's not that bad, it's not that bad
we are doing it
i'm gonna let this caramelize for now
i'm just gonna go wash this as we wait
okay she's burnin
not really
she's fine
sorry i forgot to bend down
i don't even know if you guys can hear me
i want a better mic system
especially when i'm cooking
but that costs money
so we're just gonna deal with my volume as it is
i can't tell if this is smoke or steam
it's like a mix of both
nyam nyam
with this kimchi you want it to be kind of
caramelized, not completely caramelized
if there's like a little toastiness to
i don't know the word for it
if there's a little brownness to the kimchi
that means there's a lot of flavor
sometimes just let it sit so it can burn a little bit
i feel like that's smoke
i'm overwhelmed
my nose is fried
my kimchi is getting there eventually
i'm just gonna give it a tiny little taste test
now some people put gochujang
in their kimchi fried rice
i've never done that just because i feel like i don't need it
but also usually i put
tuna or tofu in this
but there's literally nothing but kimchi in this
but i'm sure it'll taste fine
when i cook things usually it's edible
so i'm not really worried about that
i was gonna put tofu in this
but that's a lot of work
so i decided not to
so now my kimchi is kind of at that caramelized stage
so i'm gonna put in rice
okay i'll be back kids
oh man she's been cooking while i was gone okay
so i have rice right here
it's a good amount
i'm making this for my family too
now this is not plain white rice
this is a little more interesting
but you can also use white rice
nyam nyam
another thing you can do is add kimchi juice
this is very essential
it adds a little wetness to the fried rice
now another essential part of kimchi fried rice
is sesame oil
it adds a nice kind of toasty flavor to all of this
if you don't add sesame oil you're not making this right
but actually to begin with
i'm not really making kimchi fried rice in the correct way
there's really nothing going on
except for kimchi and rice
now this looks fantastic
i wouldn't recommend this recipe
for someone who has high sodium
but if you're a low blood pressure sister like me
you'll be fine
i'm just gonna have a little bit of a taste test
i'm just gonna add a little bit more sesame oil
there we go
i'm just putting a little bit more rice in
this is really a feast you guys
stop it
now this is pretty much done
actually no it's not
i can't find sesame seeds y'all
am i just blind why can't i find the sesame seeds
okay well
i can't find normal sesame seeds for some reason
i'm just gonna put in this salted sesame
even though this already has a lot of sodium
this doesn't have that much sodium
i'll just put a tiny little bit
i'm also gonna add chives
this is completely unnecessary
but this just makes it look a little special
this is so beautiful
as i said this is honestly too easy to make
i'm very happy with this
i'm just gonna turn this off
because we really don't need this anymore
actually i might unplug it
just in case
there we go
now there's no potential for it to burn the house down
so after you made this
i'm just going to top it off with
i'm just going to top
i'm just going to top
i'm just going to top
i'm just going to top it off with some green onion
this is just to give it a little bit of freshness
so you're just gonna cut
can i cut this worse please
i wish i could cut really fast
but i also don't wanna cut my fingers off so
it's chill i don't need to
namjoon is shaking
gordon ramsay is quaking
your mom: quaking
if the camera position changed at all
that's just because the camera died
also maybe you have been able to
see the camera this entire time
we're just gonna pretend that didn't happen
i'm actually allergic to cats
so i don't know why we have this
but i still like cats
it's not their fault i'm allergic to them
so now the kimchi fried rice has finished
and we are going to
uhhh ok
and we're going to plate
now you could use a bowl
and put the rice in it and then just flip it on top
but i don't have time for that
i'm just gonna make it like this
i made a lot of kimchi fried rice
this is all for you guys
and now i'm going to top it off with my green onions
right on top for freshness
i think that's a lot
that's fine
and now we are done
this is honestly too easy to make
it probably took a really long time
it doesn't really need to take that long
here you go
this is my love for you guys
i'm gonna taste it now
even though i've been tasting it all day
i'm like numb to the taste of kimchi now
because i've tasted it so much
i'm just gonna try it now for you guys
oh my god
this is my dinner
this is too good guys
my sodium level is going to be through the roof tonight
but that's completely okay
i'll feed you something else okay i'm sorry
so that is it for the cooking with nina
i hope you enjoyed it
i hope you make kimchi fried rice for yourself
that is it for this video
i'm gonna go now
i'm gonna feed my family
thank you guys so much for 200k
and i will see you next time
here is an air hug to you guys
there we go
here we go
i'm throwing my love at you right now
and i will see you next time, bYE!! :')
Zara Larsson - Behind the Scenes - NA-KD Photoshoot - Duration: 9:36.
The EPA Has Completely Stopped Doing Their Job - Duration: 4:41.
EPA has almost completely stopped doing their job this last year, which means that our air
is getting dirtier, our water is more polluted, and our overall health is deteriorating.
The agency has cut way back in holding corporate polluters accountable.
That's bad news for everybody in this country, except Corporate America that has pumped so
much money into this to make sure that this happens.
Peter, every time I pick up ... Every week, there's another story about people being exposed
to radiation because of pollution or toxins in their drinking water because of pollution,
because of corporate conduct.
The air that children are breathing in some of these cities are so bad that they've actually
done the studies and they say well, it's coming from these three corporations.
We know where it's coming from.
It's called externalizing cost.
A corporation ...
Passing the costs on to the taxpayer.
A corporation doesn't want to spend the money to clean the air, to do the air cleaning before
... on top of the stack.
They don't want to spend the money cleaning the toxins before they go in the river.
I saw a story just this week where an entire community is now exposed to radiation because
the companies that were involved wouldn't do their job.
What is your take on the cutbacks that we're starting to see?
The whole story starts with Scott Pruitt who's now the head of the DEA.
He's the former AG from Oklahoma that was responsible for single-handedly trying to
shut down the organization that he's now running.
Can you imagine?
Let's get this guy that does even think-
Talk about that more.
You're not just ... That's not just ... He really wanted, he really wanted to shut it
He filed state actions.
as a state governmental representative filed state actions Oklahoma trying to minimize
and shrink the DEA and said this is our fight.
We want to get rid of the DEA.
He tried to take over the battle and then you take that guy and have him run the DEA
which is designed to protect us from , as you mentioned, the radiation, the accidental
discharges, passing all this pollution, sending it down the rivers.
And so we're now surprised which we shouldn't be that the number of enforcement actions
has decreased, the number of criminal fines if you take out the AG, I'm sorry, the Volkswagen
fine, everything's on the way down.
Why is that surprising?
We're going to be like Beijing here.
The last time I was in Beijing, honestly people were having to wear masks.
They have oxygen bars there to where you can go in and actually be able to breathe fresh
I love this.
Hold on, bear with me.
$2.98 billion in fines in 2017.
$2.98 billion in fines from the EPA and now 2.8 of those came from Volkswagen.
So if you take out the Volkswagen fines they've actually done nothing.
Well actually there's been 30 to 40% fewer criminal enforcement actions here.
And that's just since Pruitt's taken over.
And so what-
This trend's going to continue.
It's going to get worse and worse and what you're going to see is more cleanup problems
because nobody's watching.
There's no watchdog.
Here's the point.
What people miss, they say well this doesn't really bother me because I didn't live in
that neighborhood.
It passes on to taxpayers.
Sure it does.
What ends up happening is the company says, I don't really want to pay for all this.
I can increase my bonus if I can keep costs down.
I can make more money for the corporation if I don't do what I know I'm supposed to
do because taxpayers when everything hits, taxpayers are going to have to pay for it.
That's state and federal.
I mean the super-fund sites are passed on to the federal taxpayers.
I mean there are small communities that have super-fund sites that you would never expect.
Not even just industrial heavy cities but the super-fund sites where they partition
off the area and the federal government has to come in and clean them up because the company's
taken out all the profits and passed it along to the taxpayer to clean up later, generations
There's a great movie.
I'm not saying it's great just because I'm in it but it is a very good movie.
It's called "The Devil We Know" and it's about the trial, it's about the case I tried up
in Columbus Ohio where DuPont was dumping just thousands and thousands, millions of
gallons of toxins into the Ohio River and it caused cancer clusters all up through there.
It's a great movie.
It'll be released I think the Toronto Film Festival is the release date and I think that's
next month.
It's called "The Devil We Know."
Go take a look at the trailer.
It's very well done.
Снегоходы Самоделки и Модификации ✦ Удивительная Техника и Самоделки ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions - Duration: 11:54.
The smallest snowmobile for towing lazy skiers
Finnish mobile sled for fishing and fast moving from one hole to another
Mobile snowcat-tractor with engine from the motor drill
Ski-tracked snowmobile from the tillers, put on the tracks
All-wheel drive tracked two-transmission snowmobile
Snowmobile-karacat from the trunk of the car is fully adapted for fishing
The simplest snowmobile-karakat of tillers in two versions
The very first and now popular crawler adapters to turn the car into a snowmobile
Thank you for watching!
And if you liked the video we put Like and subscribe to the channel!
RACERSTAR BR2306S 2400KV - Motor Review - Duration: 2:50.
Hello everyone, I am Mirko, and today we see these motors perfect for Miniquad FPV
These are the Racerstar BR2306S if you want to buy them find the link in description
Inside the package we find the motor,
one self-locking nut, one set of screws for 3mm arms and one set of screws for 4mm arms
The crankshaft is made of hollow steel, which guarantees good strength and low weight.
The nut is an M5 but unfortunately is not of good quality,
In fact, when screwed in, the plastic washer comes out.
In description I leave you the link to the best nuts.
The bell is clipped to the motor and the magnets are sufficiently close to the stator
The cables are 20AWG silicone and are 7cm long
If you want to use these motors with ESC 4in1 you will need to add cable or use racewire,
In description you will find my tutorial on how to do it.
The BR2306S racerstars are 2400KV and can be used with batteries from 2 to 4 cells.
The weight of the motor is 33.2 grams
Now we mount the engine on the Thrust Stand to see how it behaves,
I'm going to use a Tattu 4S and a HQ Prop 5045 for this test.
To conclude we can say that these engines are suitable for a low cost build
without sacrificing performance.
In fact, the strength of these Racerstar is the very low cost.
What I did not like instead are the bearings
which tend to wear out quickly and generate vibrations.
It must be said, however, that even when purchasing a set of new bearings for all engines,
the total cost always remains low
This was my review of the Racerstar BR2306S
Thanks for watching the video please like and subscribe
If you want you can also support me on Patreon by clicking the link at the end of the video.
Old Rusty Forging Hammer RESTORATION - Duration: 11:55.
How to Watch Bucs vs Bengals Online Without Cable | - Duration: 12:00.
How to Watch Bucs vs Bengals Online Without Cable |
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are set to take on the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday at Paul Brown Stadium.
Tampa Bay will be looking to improve upon their 3-3 start, while Cincinnati aims to keep the momentum of their 4-3 record going.
The game is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on Fox in select areas (coverage map here).
If the game is on in your market and you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Fox (live in all 32 NFL markets) is included in FuboTV's main package, which includes 85 total channels and is largely tailored towards sports fans.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a handy "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which will allow you to watch the game on-demand up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.
Hulu With Live TV:.
In addition to their extensive Netflix-like streaming library, Hulu now also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including Fox (live in all 32 NFL markets).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
Fox (live in 17 NFL markets) is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
Fox Sports Go.
Additionally, you can watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Fox Sports Go website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the Fox Sports Go app.
You'll need to log in to a cable provider to watch this way, but if you don't have that, you can still sign up for one of the above options and then use your FuboTV, Hulu or Sling TV credentials to sign in and watch on the Fox digital platforms.
Watch on Your Phone: NFL Mobile.
Streaming of in-market and prime-time games can be watched on phones via the NFL Mobile app.
If the Game is Out of Your Market.
SundayTicket.TV allows you to watch a live stream of games that are out of your market and aren't nationally televised.
The service is available for people who live in residences that can't get satellite (apartments, condos, etc.), as well as residents of San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York City.
You can check here to see if you're eligible.
Additionally, most college students may watch out-of-market games via SundayTicket U.
Once signed up, you can watch games on your computer via the NFL Sunday Ticket website, or you can watch on your phone, tablet or other streaming device via the NFL Sunday Ticket app, which is free to download on many different devices.
Watch On-Demand: NFL Game Pass.
If you're fine watching games on-demand, another option is NFL Game Pass Domestic, which allows you to watch replays of every NFL game for a fee of $99.99 for the season.
No live games are available under this service, but you'll be able to watch them following the conclusion of games for the day.
Once signed up, you can watch games on-demand on your computer via the NFL Game Pass website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the NFL Mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on a handful of different devices.
If You're Outside the United States & Mexico.
If you're not in the United States, surrounding territories, or Mexico, you can watch NFL games live via NFL Game Pass International.
The cost of the package depends on which country you're in.
Once signed up, you can watch games on your computer via the NFL Game Pass website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the NFL Mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on a handful of different devices.
Tampa Bay head coach Dirk Koetter believes that the key to success against Cincinnati is linebacker Adarius Taylor.
"We were playing Carolina, and everything I was telling him, 'Hey do this, do this, do this,' and he goes, 'That's not how Carolina is going to do it!' " he told the Tampa Bay Times.
"I said, 'Yeah, that's how they're going to do it!' Now we need him to channel his inner Luke Kuechly.".
The team's defensive coordinator, Mark Duffner, echoes Koetter's sentiment. "He's a middle linebacker now, so here he is," he explained.
"He's hung in there.
He's a tough customer.
Obviously, by being voted captain of the special teams he's well-respected by the team.
He's going to be fine.".
"Everybody just has to come out and do their job and play their role," Taylor told the press on Friday.
"Kwon is a very emotional guy and you can't replace that.
He's missed and of course, you're going to be able to tell he's not there.
But we're not going to forget about him and bring the excitement he brings. Everyone can lead in their own way.
Me, I'm not a very vocal guy.
But just through actions, I can let my play do the talking so everybody respects that.".
Bengals offensive coordinator Bill Lazor talked to ESPN about the recent struggles that his team has been facing and what can be done to rectify them.
"This is a long season.
There are ups and downs," he said.
"It happens.
No one is happy about it, and there's only one way I know how to deal with it — which is to work.
Coaches work a certain way at it.
Players work at it a certain way.
It's the only way getting out of a rut.
It's not easy, but it's simple: Get to work.".
WE'RE PREGNANT! Emotional Pregnancy Announcement 2018 - Duration: 6:34.
Hey guys!
Hey guys, Sam and Dan here
So today we have a huge announcement. Yeah, big news.
And that's part of the reason why we came back from our trip.
Check it out
Oh my god
What? What?
Do you see that?
Do you see two lines?
Oh my god
Yeah, baby
There's two lines. Oh my god we have a little baby Hu here.
Oh my god
Little baby Hu.
Guys, there's a new little traveler joining us in nine months
How many minutes?
I think it's two minutes. I don't know, it's all in Croation so I can't really tell.
I don't think I dipped it in long enough. I just dipped it in for ten seconds. Do you think that's enough?
Oh, oh my gosh, plus!
Yes, yes!
Hey guys, so we are now in Spain
and I'm about four weeks pregnant, so I'm going to the doctor's
I don't even know where to find a doctor, where to go
So, we're just going to go to the hospital and hopefully they will help me out, get me some blood work, and all that fun stuff, make sure baby's okay.
So, that's what we're doing today
So, went to the doctor
he just put me on for the ultrasound right away and
we saw a little, little circle -- the gestational sac.
The little, little dot right there
So that's the gestational sac and the doctor said, "oh I see the baby, I see the sac"
Sam wants to tell us something
So I went the doctor and then they found the baby
So, it's all fine
I am so happy
Oh, thank you God
Now I have my glasses, can I see?
It's just like a dot
* thanking God *
It's like four millimeters
It's fine
The doctor did do another ultrasound
just to see how things are developing
and he saw that there's a little yolk sac and a little embryo. So there's the yolk sac, and there's the little embryo
The embryo was 2.5 millimeters long
Hey guys, so now you have it
Yeah, we're expecting.
There's three travelers right now
Yeah, there's three of us
There's three of us right now.
New member of the team
New member of Hu's Lost
and you know, our new member in our team, our whole family
We're so excited about this chapter in our lives, and we're so excited to share with all of you guys
And we hope you continue to support us and come along on this crazy adventure with us
yeah, we have so many thoughts
and this baby's going to be Chinese Persian
Yeah mixed baby
It's very special
and honestly, we don't even have a name yet
If you guys have a name or have some ideas about names, please let us know
what are some cool names your family had, just share everything
Yeah, we need tons of advice.
We need a lot of advice.
Since we are -- first time parents, we don't know what we are doing so any advice on pregnancy or parenthood.
Yeah, but names first. I want to have a cool name. Somebody said Aria, Shae, Shi, something like that, I don't know.
Milo? Since like, I don't know, since this baby has a little bit of European connection
But just throw it out there and please give us some comments and give us some suggestions and advice.
Yeah, thanks guys. We love you guys!
Yeah, please continue to support our channel!
Give this video a big thumbs up if you are excited for us
and subscribe to our channel.
Yeah, we won't stop posting new videos
We will continue to work hard for you guys and we have more stories coming up
Bye - Bye guys
Top 10 Alternate Versions Of Cyclops - Duration: 9:23.
Hi there fellow nerds!
This is top 10 Nerd, I'm Cyclops and and this is the top 10 alternate versions of me,
[insert title card with Cyclops as host and below that aka Amanda McKnight, social media
handle, etc.]
Thanks for watching before we get into it, I am curious…
Cyclops has been an X-Men since the 60s.
Over this time he has many different looks and costumes, what is your favourite superhero
costume for Cyclops?
Let me know in the comments below.
And if you enjoy this video and want to see more about the X-Men don't forget to give
this video a thumbs up.
And now let's get counting.
10 Captain America.
Scott Summers is seen as Captain America in the Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Fantastic Four
Annual from 2008.
This version of Summers has no powers but has adopted Captain America's role after
Steve Rogers dies of rapid old-age which is on-set as a result of one of Reed Richard's
This experiment also results in both Jean Gray and Scott losing their powers, leaving
Scott to become Cap in an attempt to locate and kill Reed Richards.
I love this character design.
And if we're picking an X-Men to stand in as Captain America, I think golden boy Summers
is a pretty good pick.
9 House of M, What If?
No More Powers.
In this edition of the famous What If series we get examine a world where Scarlet Witch
ended the House of M series by changing the world so that no one had any more superpowers.
In this world, Scott Summers is no longer Cyclops but just Scott Summers.
In this world he ends with on and off again girlfriend Emma Frost.
However when the Red Skull seeks to conquer planet earth using a cosmic cube he is one
of the good guys who feels he must take action, even without his powers.
In this world, some of the Fantastic Four, the Young Avenger, the X-Men, and the Avengers
team up to try and defeat the Red Skull.
In the end Spiderman is able to snatch away the Cosmic Cube using his webslinging which
is produced using his web producing bracelets.
Although our depowered heroes take heavy losses, they win the day.
8 1990s cartoon.
This version of Cyclops for me is pretty iconic.
I grew up watching this version of Cyclops so it's always the one that comes to my
mind when I first think of him.
This is teacher's pet, Cyclops, golden boy Cyclops.
In X-Men the Animated series from the 1990s we get to see Wolverine and Cyclops bicker
over who's better for Jean Grey and throughout the series try to win her affections.
Although in the end Jean chooses Scott and they end up getting married.
[insert clip from "jean grey and scott summers get married" 2:17-2:22] Cyclops also gets
to fight many classic X-Men adversaries in the series including Mister Sinister & the
Summers even reunites with some of his father, Corsair and his space-team, the Starjammers.
Though the two don't recognize each other at first.
Near the end of the series, Scott is set up to become the next leader of the X-Men after
Professor Xavier.
I mean, I think you can tell how much I enjoy this version of Cyclops based solely on my
7 President Summers.
In the 100th Anniversay Special released in 2014 we get to see a possible world where
Scott Summers is elected President.
A world where he promises equality for everyone, humans & mutants alike.
He promises this will be an america where no one will feel injustice and says that winning
the war is the easy part but now we must win the peace.
In this version, Scott ends up remarrying Emma Frost after the demise of Jean Grey.
In this version, Scott's future face is illustrated with him having two red markings
on either side of his face near his eyes.
As a result of these markings he appears to have more control over his blasts.
Although it is more likely that his is probably a result of his wife, Emma's telepathic
help, and the markings were added to make him look more futurey.
Although in the comic, we see that this is not a world that is ready for Scott Summers
to be president, I do think a lot of what Scott promises is still relevant to what the
world needs today.
6 Space Pirate.
In the Mutant X comic series from 1999, we get to view a world where it is actually Alex,
aka Havok, Scott's brother who met Professor Xavier and became leader of the X-Men.
Only Summers and Alex are the only one to survive the plane crash in this version of
the story.
In this alternate verison, Scott Summers still becomes Cyclops but is also leader of the
Star Jammers.
These Star Jammers are comprised of Carol Danvers, Frankie Raye, Lockhead, Norrin Rad
and of course, me, Cyclops.
At this time on earth, 1298, Norrin and Frankie are no longer heralds of Galactus.
This version of Scott Summers is a lot more quippy and fun.
Not very serious at all, which makes him quite different from a lot of his counterparts.
He is really more a space pirate in this universe.
Think Starlord, a la the MCU Guardians of the Galaxy.
5 Starbolt.
Starbolt is kind of the rule 63 version of our Cyclops.
Known as Summer Scott, she belongs to Emma Frost's X-Force team.
She has the same powers as the Scott Summers of earth 616 and a very similar look.
Although there is a John Gray, aka Sunspot, in this alternate world, it is Gambit and
Starbolt who seem to have sparks fly.
During a sea battle, where the X-Force is attempting to save the Queen of England, Starbolt
gets knocked into the water and Gambit comes to her rescue, giving her a kiss in order
to give her life-saving oxygen.
But then he also gives her an oxygen pack…?
So it sounds to me like he maybe just wanted to kiss her.
You can find this female version of the Cyclops character in the 2008 comic series, Exiles.
4 Old Man Summers.
For this alternate version of Cyclops we turn to the comic X Factor Special Layla Miller
Edition from 2008.
This version of Scott Summers is half cyborg.
He has glowing eyes and no longer wears a visor.
Cyclops in this story is an old man who is hiding out with his mutant daughter, Ruby.
This version of Cyclops lives on earth 1191, a world where mutants are hunted down by Sentinels
and put in concentration camps or worse.
Every day he waits for Layla Miller, another mutant, to come and visit him.
One day she finally gets propelled into the future multiple man, Jamie Madrox.
The same man Cyclops blames for turning him into a half cyborg.
When Layla comes across Cyclops he is originally upset that she took so long to get there and
did not give him any indication of this future.
However she ends up apologizing and inspiring Cyclops and Ruby to continue the fight for
mutant rights.
3 Sheriff Summers.
For this version of Scott Summers, we look to the X-Treme X-Men series, 2012 edition.
Set in a steampunk western world, think the 1999 film Wild Wild West, Scott Summers is
a Sheriff who is in a gang lead by Xavier.
This version of Xavier is using mind control to make those in his gang act ruthlessly and
do his bidding.
One of the things Xaviers makes Summers do is fight Dazzler who is travelling around
with her own Xavier, albeit just a head in a jar type.
Dazzler implores Sheriff Summers to find the mind control, urging him that although he
may be a cold fish in every universe that he is also a hero.
Eventually Sheriff Summers does end up becoming free of Xavier's mind control and resumes
his normal duties as good guy Sheriff.
I highly recommend checking out issues 4 and 5 of this series so you can get a good look
at all the steampunk outfits and steampowered things, like steampowered horses.
2 Corporal Summers.
Turning again to X-Treme X-Men there is another amazing version of Scott Summers.
In this version, Scott is known as Corporal Summers, an African American slave who was
beaten every day of his childhood until his powers awakened.
Corporal Scott Summers was trained by Colonel Fury and Doctor Xavier who helped him learn
how to control his powers.
Though in this verse he still is seen wearing ruby quartz specs.
Corporal Summers fought in for the Union in the American Civil War and though he was feared
by his fellow non-mutant soldiers, the mutants help in the Civil War made it last only two
In this time, Corporal Summers managed to kill about 600 Confederate soliders.
1 Basilisk.
At the top of my list is probably the most ruthless version of Cyclops, Basilisk.
He is also probably the saddest and darkest.
I do love my dark comics.
Basilisk's story goes like this: Scott Summers got his powers when he was fourteen while
he was in a movie theatre.
This resulted in the death of 7 people and his parents.
Following this Scott was imprisoned and later transferred to Alcatraz, a prison exclusively
for mutants.
Arcade also known as Harcourt Teesdale is in charge of the prison and upon discovering
that ruby quartz can be used to block the energy blasts that emits from Scott's eyes,
builds and puts a mask on Scott after surgically removing his eyelids.
What I wanna know is who did that procedure?
This mask or visor is definitely the coolest looking one compared to any other visor we
have yet to see the character wear.
That basically tells you how dark this series is.
Though don't worry, Basilisk does escape prison and manages to join Magneto's forces.
He even meets another mutant named, Frenzy, falls in love and gets married.
Which is very Scott Summers of him.
That was our top 10 alternate versions of Scott Summers.
Thanks for watching.
Don't forget to tap that subscribe, give this video a thumbs up, and let me know who
you ship more Emma Frost and Cyclops or Jean Grey and Cyclops in the comments below.
This is top 10 nerd and I'm Cyclops urging you stay nerdy, fight for mutant rights and
thanking you for watching.
Eric Berry Injury: When Will Chiefs Safety Return? | - Duration: 3:55.
Eric Berry Injury: When Will Chiefs Safety Return? |
Kansas City Chiefs veteran safety Eric Berry hasn't had the easiest path in the NFL for the last couple of years.
After playing two full seasons back-to-back in 2015 and 2016, Berry has only managed to play one game in over a year.
As we are just about halfway through the 2018 season, Chiefs fans are hopeful for the return of one of their defensive leaders.
The only problem is, it feels like it's never going to happen.
Each week since the 2018 season started, the Chiefs have been evaluating a potential return for the nine-year veteran.
Now that he is beginning to make a little bit of progress, the team is optimistic that he could return very soon.
With the Chiefs having a near-flawless record on the season, the addition of Berry could be what they really need to take them over the top.
Unfortunately, Eric Berry will not see the field this Sunday as there was a little bit of hope for his return.
All throughout the week, Chiefs fans were hoping that he would at least get a practice in, but as of Friday, Berry is still not back to practice.
When Will He Be Back?.
The optimism for Berry is excellent, but his injury updates are really lacking positive results.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Berry and the Chiefs mentioned that they were extremely confident that he will, in fact, play this season.
But nobody has any clue as to when he will be able to take the field.
And even then, he will have to get back into shape before he can really shift gears and be one-hundred percent on the playing field.
As the season progresses, it's getting difficult to believe that Berry will have any sort of impact for the Chiefs again this year.
With the trade deadline approaching for next week, many major news outlets suggest that the Chiefs could be in the market for a safety.
In fact, they were the top contenders to acquire Seattle Seahawks' safety Earl Thomas before his major injury.
That should tell you all you need to know about their confidence in Berry's return.
The Chiefs are clearly in win-now mode, and they may need to make a move sooner than later.
However, if they do not dive into some trade action, that could indicate confidence in Berry's rehab.
But as of right now, the situation is nothing to be overly positive about.
ASMR Serial Killer Roleplay - Creepy Tingles (Halloween series) - Duration: 18:47.
- No.
I'm so sorry ... This human is so helpless ... How could I do this ... What's wrong with
Why am I doing this?
- Stop crying bitch.
You piss me off.
We love pain.
We love their torment.
Let's just do it!
- But I don't like to hurt people!
It is wrong!
- Shut up!
- Oh my good, I'm so sorry ... please, I didn't want to do this.
I had to ... do you understand?
Forgive me ... Ah, I'm so sorry for you ... It's not me ... it's not my wish ... it's all them.
It`s she....
I was forced, you know?
Sorry ....
- No, we like it .. We love pain ...
- What?
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that your mouth is taped.
Shhhhhh ... Don't scream.
You exactly no one will hear.
Take it easy.
Do not scream.
All is well.
Chchchshshshsh .... Shhhhh ... Not shouting.
- What are you Doing?
Sorry, but you have to sit with this sticky tape.
Your screams will distract me.
There is no one except me and you.
And them...
This is perfect, isn't it?
You, me and silence.
No one will hear us.
No one will see us.
We are alone in this cold place.
No, I won't tell you where we are.
It will not be fair.
Why do you need to know about it?
Your body is completely paralyzed with a strong drug.
You can not escape from me.
We have long been protected from the people.
I believe that they interfere with us.
These voices in my head ... these noises ... it is so distracting.
This is so annoying ...
- No, I don't like it, see?
She makes me do it.
She makes me.
I do not like to do it.
I don't like to hurt people ... I don't want that.
Stop doing that.
Stop it.
I do not want to repeat these tortures.
It hurts me from this ... These people do not deserve such a fate.
She kills me, my mind.
I want to strip the skin off my head and rip out her voice.
terrible voice scary voice.
go away go away go away
- Oh, you're so scared ... I don't know what exactly scared you so much ... But I like
All the victims are afraid of me ... I do not know why.
This fool loves to spoil everything.
She bothered me!
No, no one will find us.
Do not be afraid.
I cann`t be find for many years ... I just know a way to better hide.
I am not hiding.
I can mix with the crowd.
I am the same as everyone, so I do not see and no one notices me.
- I will do so to find us.
I'm tired of you.
You are too angry.
Get out!
- No, dear, I'll be with you.
We are together forever.
Well, Want me to introduce you to my favorite toys?
Take a look ... This is my favorite knife, it is very sharp
and with a large blade ... So good for the neck ... mmmm ...
For arms, legs ... for all parts of the body ...
- No, no ... Do not be afraid.
I will make you not feel pain.
Everything will be fine.
- This is all nonsense.
It will hurt you.
Very painful.
Dont listen her.
- Perhaps you want to know why I chose you?
It is an accident.
You accidentally caught my eye.
They said it should be you.
It was difficult for me to knock you out and load into a van ... But I did it.
I didn't want to do this, remember?
- But now you are here with us.
In our lair.
Oh yes.
But this beautiful thing is perfect for the eyes ... Mmmm ... the eyes can crunch so much.
Did you know about this?
hmm ... well, you will soon find out ... Sometimes I use this thing for the ears ... When
I want to enjoy the torment of the victim.
People love to scream.
People love to make noise.
It infuriates me.
I hate this!
They hate it!
- Do not scare my new friend.
Why are you doing?
Look ... Look at that face.
On these beautiful eyes.
I'm so sorry for you ...
- You are so gentle, kind, good .... It infuriates me!
Just look at this.
And this is Miss saw.
Get acquainted ...
- Get out.
Out of my head.
go away Just go ... leave me alone ..
- Yes, she is very glad to see you.
And she wants to play with you ... She wants to have fun ... She has been alone for several
she is sad She needs bones.
Yes, she rusts when she alone.
But ... today I sharpen it.
Are you scared?
Oh, do not be afraid of me ...
- No, it won't hurt you, I promise."
I will help you.
You will not feel pain.
It is not right.
I like you.
I'm so sorry for you.
- Yes, yes ... You awant to help everyone.
But you do not understand that you will not help them!
This is their fate, understand.
All your attempts are useless!
Oh, I forgot about my favorite scissors ... Here they are ... Let's listen to their sound ... chick-chik.
mmm ... so cute.
This is a great thing for eyelids ... chik-chik ...
You know, today I woke up in the forest.
It happens to me sometimes.
I fall asleep here and wake up in the forest ... maybe it's not normal, I don't know
... Do you think I need medical help?
Psychological help?
Ah, in childhood doctors often studied me.
They conducted experiments and did these terrible things with me .. They are no more ... One
by one .. they are gone.
- I'm trying to escape from this terrible place, but she's not letting me do it."
It kills me.
I want to leave.
I want to free you and leave with you from this place.
I'll try to do it.
Just do not tell her about it.
- No, dear.
You will not leave.
Want to know what I will do with you?
Oh, no. you will see everything with your own eyes.
Well ... almost everything.
Mm ... for some time, you can watch everything ... and then ... hm ... and then you will
just listen to these nice sounds ... Mmm ... Are you scared?
Oh, are you unconscious?
No, don't faint... no ...
How to Watch Jets vs Bears Online Without Cable | - Duration: 10:15.
How to Watch Jets vs Bears Online Without Cable |
The New York Jets will take on the Chicago Bears on Sunday at Soldier Field.
New York will look to improve upon their 3-4 start to the season, while Chicago will aim to do likewise with a 3-3 record.
The game is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on CBS in select areas (coverage map here).
If the game is on in your market and you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Amazon Prime.
If you have Amazon Prime or start a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, you can watch all CBS content (both live and on-demand) via the CBS Amazon Channel, which also comes with a 7-day free trial.
Once you're signed up for both Amazon Prime and the CBS channel, you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Amazon website, or you can watch on your tablet or streaming device via the Amazon Video app.
This service is available live in all 32 NFL markets.
CBS (live in 28 NFL markets) is included in FuboTV's main package, which includes 85 total channels and is largely tailored towards sports fans.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a handy "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which will allow you to watch the game on-demand up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.
Hulu With Live TV:.
In addition to their extensive Netflix-like streaming library, Hulu now also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including CBS (live in 29 NFL markets).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Watch on Your Phone: NFL Mobile.
Streaming of in-market and prime-time games can be watched on phones via the NFL Mobile app.
If the Game is Out of Your Market.
SundayTicket.TV allows you to watch a live stream of games that are out of your market and aren't nationally televised.
The service is available for people who live in residences that can't get satellite (apartments, condos, etc.), as well as residents of San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York City.
You can check here to see if you're eligible.
Additionally, most college students may watch out-of-market games via SundayTicket U.
Once signed up, you can watch games on your computer via the NFL Sunday Ticket website, or you can watch on your phone, tablet or other streaming device via the NFL Sunday Ticket app, which is free to download on many different devices.
Watch On-Demand: NFL Game Pass.
If you're fine watching games on-demand, another option is NFL Game Pass Domestic, which allows you to watch replays of every NFL game for a fee of $99.99 for the season.
No live games are available under this service, but you'll be able to watch them following the conclusion of games for the day.
Once signed up, you can watch games on-demand on your computer via the NFL Game Pass website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the NFL Mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on a handful of different devices.
If You're Outside the United States & Mexico.
If you're not in the United States, surrounding territories, or Mexico, you can watch NFL games live via NFL Game Pass International.
The cost of the package depends on which country you're in.
Once signed up, you can watch games on your computer via the NFL Game Pass website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the NFL Mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on a handful of different devices.
New York head coach Todd Bowles will have to compete without having wide receiver Quincy Enunwa, who will sit out for the second straight week with an ankle sprain.
Robby Anderson is also out due to an ankle sprain and is officially listed as doubtful. "It's a big test, but these guys have been champing at the bit to play," Bowles said.
"They've been practicing hard, and they're getting their chance. We've got all hands on deck this week.".
Those hands include receiver Jermaine Kearse, who was held without a catch last week; veteran player Rishard Matthews, who was recently signed; and rookie Deontay Burnett.
Sunday will also see the return of cornerback Buster Skrine, who had missed two games with a concussion but is now cleared to play.
He may start in place of Trumaine Johnson, who is currently listed as doubtful with a quadricep injury.
Chicago has injury issues of their own, as outside linebacker Khalil Mack has remained a starter despite being listed as questionable.
The team's defensive coordinator, Vic Fangio, maintains that Mack's injury is not an issue, however.
"For anybody to use that as a crutch is just looking for a reason," he explained.
"Whether he's out there playing at his best or playing at something less than his best because of an injury, it doesn't affect the way the other 10 guys have to do their jobs.
Now can the result be better? Yes, for the unit.
But it still shouldn't affect the way you do your job and I just don't buy that that's the reason this guy is not playing as well or that guy is not playing as well.".
How to Watch PSG vs Marseille Online Without Cable | - Duration: 6:31.
How to Watch PSG vs Marseille Online Without Cable |
Off to a 10-match unbeaten start to the Ligue 1 season, Paris Saint Germain prepares to test that dominance on the road against rivals Marseille in the newest chapter of Le Classique on Sunday.
In the United States, Le Classique is scheduled to start at 4 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on beIN Sports (English broadcast) and beIN Sports Espanol (Spanish broadcast).
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
How to Watch Le Classique Online Without Cable.
Both beIN Sports and beIN Sports Espanol are included in the main Fubo bundle, which has 85 channels and is largely tailored towards sports around the globe.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which will allow you to watch El Clasico up to three days after it air even if you forgot to record it.
Sling TV.
Whether you sign up for the "Sling Orange" or "Sling Blue" base channel package, beIN Sports is included in either the "Sports Extra" or "Best of Spanish TV" add-on, while beIN Sports Espanol is included in the "Best of Spanish TV" add-on.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial of all of that, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
It's difficult to overstate just how dominant PSG have been in Ligue 1 play to start the season.
Through 10 matches, The Parisians have 10 wins and a goal differential of 37-6.
They've yet to score less than three in a single match, and they've had five hit the back of the net in two straight.
They have an embarrassment of riches up front.
Neymar is doing Neymar things with eight goals and three assists in eight matches.
Kylian Mbappe has shown zero signs of a World Cup hangover, piling up nine goals and three assists in just six appearances (five starts).
Edinson Cavani has picked up five goals in seven matches.
Angel Di Maria has three goals and five assists.
Even 19-year-old Moussa Diaby, in just 280 minutes, has found the time to rack up two goals and three assists.
PSG has so far run rampant through everyone standing in their way of a potential second-straight Ligue 1 title, but Sunday will mark their most difficult test to date.
Marseille stands at 6-1-3 with a plus-6 (22-16) goal differential in Ligue 1, good for fourth on the table, but they've been especially tough at the Stade Velodrome, where they have four wins, one draw and a dominant 15-4 goal differential in five matches thus far.
Last year's Europa League runners-up also have a good blend of attacking options.
Dimitri Payet has four goals, five assists and a league-best 36 key passes in 10 appearances, while Florian Thauvin has racked up seven goals, trailing only Mbappe and Neymar.
Morgan Sanson has also been quite good with two goals and two assists.
Put it all together, and you have the top two scoring teams in the league battling it out in a heated rivalry game.
In other words, Le Classique should have no problem living up to its name on Sunday.
falling appart - hopeless.wav - Duration: 2:39.
I couldn't handle it, you couldn't handle it,
I let u down, so we had to split I couldn't handle this, you couldn't handle that
I let u down, and that's why u left
I couldn't handle it, you couldn't handle it
I let u down, so we had to split I couldn't handle this, you couldn't handle that
I let u down, and that's why u left
I'm really sorry for everyone I hurted in this life
Everything is always going wrong, I just can't help but wonder why
You left me but I have to say you didn't fucking leave my mind
You even appeared in my dreams just to say goodbye
You buried two roses and that just buried my heart
If it was eternal why did both of we end up falling apart
Because for me you were hella more than human, you're were a piece of art
But in the last couple months Our love faded into the dark
what's going on guys it is JJ here from 4EVER FLYING back with another video before
we get started you guys smashed it on the last video with the like goal so
let's start with we did 20 so you know what we're gonna go 25 on this video
also if you're wondering what this thing is on my head
worry no more this is what happen
stupid I know but it happens just bit of carpet burn and yeah it's pretty funny you
would have already known that if you follow my social media so if you don't
follow my social media get at it now I'm gonna flash up again I don't know I
already flash up this year I think there's some other door see please this
from thumbnail and Toyo today's video is gonna be
Halloweeny ish knowledge pumpkins are for halloween JJ yeah we're gonna be
trying to smash up some pumpkins with tricks and kicks so but let's go it's
freezing grass is super wet so definitely not ideal tricking conditions
what're ya gonna get wound up and coffees I've done but what we like three
oh yeah and by the way my body is dying this morning because yesterday I had the
matter session tomorrow and I know like chivos you I said that but literally
did break on impact support so broken I don't think I quite thought this through
this is how can I go again because I know it's already broken
well I kicked it to do break I did in this true I reckon if I was doing this
energy I could kill the pumpkins a lot easier but I'm like nervous and holding
back because of the wet grass and moderns we plastered it competencies so
I know given it species but he's difficult so hate me I'm doing it for
you guys
I know I didn't break that in half but if you can see this little not just Lots
in like a puzzle that was my ankle bone there dented up from this side so see
now the viewers watch it wasn't it wasn't okay we're gonna do one more like
literally last one cuz we've got a couple of big chunks over here that
we're gonna use and just completely destroy it
we're gonna do back so nine same technique tape it up a little bit and we
smacking it hopefully we'll get another
I think it's safe to say that we destroyed these pumpkins so that is a
challenge completed did take us quite a while to my party because some difficult
some bruises but yeah that is gonna be it for this video hope you all enjoyed
watching me hurt myself kicking and missing these pumpkins hurts my right
shin is not gonna like it didn't quite plan so there's some things I wanted to
do and I didn't get done but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway hit some cool
540s hit some backside bones made a big mess which we have to clean up right
after this video but thank you all for watching don't forget it even like
helped us reach that 25 like or comment down below let me know what sort videos
you want to see me do next and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe
to this channel I'll see you guys in this video good boy
El-Rufai Under Fire Over Threat To Demolish Christian-Dominated Community - Duration: 3:20.
El-Rufai Under Fire Over Threat To Demolish Christian-Dominated Community
Nasir el-Rufai, Governor of Kaduna State, has come under fire from religious leaders and traditional rulers over his threat to demolish Gonin Gora community, a Christian-dominated area along Kaduna - Abuja road.
On Saturday morning, during a state-wide broadcast, the governor threatened to demolish or relocate Gonin Gora community, if youth in the area refused to stop blocking roads and killing innocent people".
However, according to the leaders, the decision of the governor was unfortunate and unacceptable, although they urged residents in the area to remain peaceful and law abiding.
The Sarki Samarina, Akila Luka, who spoke to SaharaReporters urged residents to remain calm and not to take law into their hands.
He stressed that any attempt to demolish the community would not be resisted, adding that Gonin Gora is a settlement dominated by Christians.
According to Luka, the governor failed to threaten communities such as Mando, Nasarawa, Badiko, Ango Mazu, Pantaker and a host of others who are also guilty of the same accusation he levelled against Gonin Gora.
He said: "Anytime there is riot, people from these communities also block the highways indiscriminately. The governor has never said anything about those areas. Here in Gonin Gora, we don't have problem; we are peaceful.".
Also speaking on the threat by the governor, Shekwolo Ayuba, Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in Chikun Local Government, urged residents to be peaceful and not to take laws into their hands.
He expressed concern over the threat of demolition, noting that it would subject the residents to untold hardship.
"We don't know what the governor means, but we will wait and see what will happen. For someone to wake up one day and say that he will demolish the entire community is unacceptable," he said.
Gonin Gora, which is located along Kaduna - Abuja road, is a community of more than 800,000 people, and is home to a large percentage of Christians.
A press statement issued by Samuel Aruwan, Senior Special Assistant to the Governor (Media and Publicity) on Saturday after a meeting of a select committee of the Kaduna State Security Council, noted that 32 persons had been arrested in connection with the attacks in the state in recent times.
A 24-hour curfew is still imposed on parts of Kaduna State, while for residents of Kachia, there is freedom of movement daily from 6am to 5pm.
How to Watch Ravens vs Panthers Online Without Cable | - Duration: 10:07.
How to Watch Ravens vs Panthers Online Without Cable |
The Carolina Panthers (4-2) are unbeaten at home so far this season.
They put their 3-0 record to the test when they host the Baltimore Ravens (4-3) at Bank of America Stadium as Week 8 action continues on Sunday afternoon.
The game is scheduled to start at 1 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on CBS in select areas (coverage map here).
If the game is on in your market and you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Amazon Prime.
If you have Amazon Prime or start a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, you can watch all CBS content (both live and on-demand) via the CBS Amazon Channel, which also comes with a 7-day free trial.
Once you're signed up for both Amazon Prime and the CBS channel, you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Amazon website, or you can watch on your tablet or streaming device via the Amazon Video app.
This service is available live in all 32 NFL markets.
CBS (live in 28 NFL markets) is included in FuboTV's main package, which includes 85 total channels and is largely tailored towards sports fans.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a handy "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which will allow you to watch the game on-demand up to three days after it airs even if you forgot to record it.
Hulu With Live TV:.
In addition to their extensive Netflix-like streaming library, Hulu now also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including CBS (live in 29 NFL markets).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" also comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Watch on Your Phone: NFL Mobile.
Streaming of in-market and prime-time games can be watched on phones via the NFL Mobile app.
If the Game is Out of Your Market.
SundayTicket.TV allows you to watch a live stream of games that are out of your market and aren't nationally televised.
The service is available for people who live in residences that can't get satellite (apartments, condos, etc.), as well as residents of San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York City.
You can check here to see if you're eligible.
Additionally, most college students may watch out-of-market games via SundayTicket U.
Once signed up, you can watch games on your computer via the NFL Sunday Ticket website, or you can watch on your phone, tablet or other streaming device via the NFL Sunday Ticket app, which is free to download on many different devices.
Watch On-Demand: NFL Game Pass.
If you're fine watching games on-demand, another option is NFL Game Pass Domestic, which allows you to watch replays of every NFL game for a fee of $99.99 for the season.
No live games are available under this service, but you'll be able to watch them following the conclusion of games for the day.
Once signed up, you can watch games on-demand on your computer via the NFL Game Pass website, or on your tablet or streaming device via the NFL Mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on a handful of different devices.
If You're Outside the United States & Mexico.
If you're not in the United States, surrounding territories, or Mexico, you can watch NFL games live via NFL Game Pass International.
The cost of the package depends on which country you're in.
Once signed up, you can watch games on your computer via the NFL Game Pass website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the NFL Mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on a handful of different devices.
After spending most of the week on the Panthers' injury report, quarterback Cam Newton wasn't listed heading into Week 8.
Newton has been nursing a shoulder injury, but the issue is minor and not impactful enough to keep him out of Sunday's contest vs.
Newton is quietly putting together a campaign worthy of some eyebrows.
He has only thrown four interceptions up until this point, taking care of the football at one of the best rates of his career.
His 65.6% completion percentage this season is the highest mark of his six-year career.
Baltimore enters Week 8 off the heels of a crushing 24-23 loss in Week 7 to Carolina's NFC South rival, the New Orleans Saints.
Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, who had not missed a PAT attempt in his career dating back to high school, missed for the first time in the final minute of the fourth quarter.
It dropped the Ravens to 4-3.
Entering Sunday, Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco is also playing sound, turnover-free football.
Flacco, too, has only thrown for four interceptions, and 11 touchdowns — identical to Cam.
Though Flacco has over 600 more passing yards (2,067) in comparison to Cam (1,427).
Kylie Jenner Admits She's Bummed By 158 Lb. Weight After Stormi's Birth: Watch New 'KUWTK' Clip - Da - Duration: 2:37.
Cheer up Kylie! Watch a new sneak peek clip of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians,' where Kylie's sisters console her during a 'discouraging' photoshoot
Even the stunning Kylie Jenner, 21, has insecurities, just like the rest of us! In a new sneak preview of Sunday's Keeping Up With The Kardashians episode, the mom to Stormi Webster shared some honest feeling about her post-pregnancy body
"This is going to be my first photo shoot after Stormi and doing my first few fittings and getting back into it, it's kind of hard and discouraging," she says in the clip
"Kylie, you look amazing," Khloé Kardashian, 34, reassures her sister. "And your belly button is back to normal!" But – Kylie couldn't be solaced
"I'm still 158 [lbs.]," Kylie responds. Of course her sisters weren't letting Kylie off easy, and like the golden girls they are, tried to lift her spirits even more! "Kylie, I'm not kidding, you look insane," Kourtney Kardashian chimed in
"Your body looks f—ing crazy," Khloé added. "It just doesn't," Kylie responded back
The sisters were getting ready to pose for their Calvin Klein campaign in the clip, but the video provided an eye-opening look at the normalcy of Kylie's postpartum weight struggles
This isn't the first time Kylie has brought up her pregnancy weight gain to the public
In March, she revealed that she gained a total of 40 lbs. during pregnancy, in a since-deleted tweet
Despite it taking some time to snap back to her pre-pregnancy weight, motherhood seems to be entirely rewarding for the reality star
Earlier this week, on Oct. 23, she and Travis Scott took their baby girl to her first ever pumpkin patch! The fam got into the Halloween holiday spirit, and celebrated the festive season with a series of sweet snapshots
The fall outing, which took place at Underwood Family Farms in San Fernando Valley, had hearts everywhere melting into a puddle! In one photo, the family even cuddled up on a stack of hay bales
Watch the sneak peak of the forthcoming episode above! Don't worry Kylie, regardless of how your postpartum weight loss journey unfolds, fans still got love for ya!
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