before I started my youtube channel eleven years ago I used to do a TV gig
yes it was called cranking up, here's one of my old shirts don't make fun of the
name, I did that on CBS TV for a couple of decades and people are saying, Scotty
whatever happened to those old videos you did, well I dug around on my messy garage
and found a bunch of these old videos, so here's some old school Scotty, a lot of
people wondered how I got involved in this car talk gig on TV, well little do you
know but my father used to do this in the 50s, as a matter of fact, I just found
this old can of film, it's one of my father's old segments and you got to see
it to believe,
yes houston it's time again for rev it up with your host Scotty Kilmer Senior this
a lot of people think that the 1955 Thunderbird is a great car, but hold
your horses the brand new 1957 Thunderbird's got a lot of neat stuff on
well this 55 there's a standard transmission pretty slick huh
but this 57 hey it's got automatic transmission, no more shifting gears
it does it for itself what an idea, hey let's rev this baby up and let me show
you something, hey you think the only place you can
cool off in this hot Houston summer is the movie theater, we'll check this out
can you believe it, air conditioning in a car, what will they think of next and
look at all this metal, you got a lot more protection than you do on the older
one, so if you're brave enough to let your teenagers take it for a spin
you got a little more protection for them and while we're talking about
safety, check these things out, they call them seat belts, I guess you're stepping
on your lap so you don't fly out of the car if something happens, now back with a
55, people thought they really had something with 193 horsepower but
the 57 has 225 horsepower, hey with all those extra horses those seatbelts just might
come in handy, so if you want to be what those kids are calling a cool cat
you might try one of these new flip tops, this is Scotty Kilmer senior helping you
rev it up, gee was that all a dream, hey those cars look awfully familiar
well these cars are a dream, so I might as well make a daydream out of it take
for a spin, this is Scotty Kilmer helping you rev it up, I mean crank it
up, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember
to ring that Bell!
For more infomation >> Lost Footage of Scotty Kilmer Senior's 1950s TV Show - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅙ 왜 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
(FREE) Lil Baby x Migos 2018 Type Beat "Saint" | DRK - Duration: 4:16.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅙ 왜 wae wɛ - Duration: 0:31.
Fiorello e la battaglia contro il tumore: il dramma dello showman siciliano - SPETTACOLO 24H - Duration: 2:33.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅚ 외 ウェ we - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅘ 와 wa (-wa-) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅚ 외 oe wi - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅘ 와 ワ wa - Duration: 0:31.
Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME 2018 /// TILLY BEE - Duration: 6:23.
Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME by TILLY BEE, It's Halloween TRICK-OR-TREAT Season!!! If you still don't know what to be, here's a few easy last minute costume ideas for all your Halloween needs.
Halloween this is Halloween Halloween
this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song
everybody's waiting for the next surprise
that's our job
okay guys so hi so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure
to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new so I this was my only
Halloween video this year I just set other videos that I wanted to post that
wore Halloween related and I thought this one was a good one to post because
it is literally almost the week before me
whoa also next week I will be posting a Halloween flog slash get ready with me
for Halloween I love you guys so so so much and don't forget never suppose your
Çukur / The Pit - Episode 40 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:59.
Ersoy, where is Çeto, son? Where the hell is Çeto?
Son, do not... Do not drive me crazy! He is here. Within arm's reach. Let's shoot him!
Mahsun, kidnapped Kadı Efendi's son.
We'll give Çeto, take the kid. We'll give the kid, take Salih.
You couldn't take care of your wife. You couldn't take care of your child.
Son, are you custom-made?
Hold him! Hold, hold, hold! I'm sorry. Please.
We'll go together.
You will take him.
They, at least, deserve this. Because, whatever they did they did for you.
Types of canaries 🐤 Canarian breeds 🌍 Canaries of Canto, Color and Canaries of Posture - Duration: 11:28.
Types of canaries. Breeds of canaries. Song canaries, canaries of color, shape canaries and design canaries.
Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.
On this occasion we are going to inaugurate a new section in the channel that is going to be called types
bird's. Specifically, as you have been able read in the title in this video we are going to
see the classification of the canaries, is say, the different types of canaries or
breeds of canaries that exist. And without more ... we started!
In the world, there are many types of canaries or breeds of canaries, but mainly
canaries we can include them in different categories. For this and to make it more
easy to understand I've made you this little scheme that we will be following along
of the video and where you can see clearly The different types of canaries that exist.
And remember also, leave me in the comments what kind of canaries do you like most and which
you prefer If you see, canaries can be classified
mainly in three categories, which are singing canaries, canaries of color
and the canaries of form or position. Plus, we can differentiate another small category
that would encompass design canaries. This would be mainly the basic scheme
of the classification of canaries. And now if we go in depth analyzing the scheme
let's go see that, within the types of singing canaries, canaries of color
or the posture canaries there are different subcategories or classifications.
First of all, as regards canaries of singing, let's differentiate four types
of canaries. On the one hand, we have the Canary stamped Spanish that is a type of canary
that originates in Spain and that usually tend to be canaries of green, yellow
or similar. In addition, the canaries ring they have a very happy and melodious song and they have
a great variety of notes and stamps. On the other hand, we find canaries
Roller, Harzer or Flute, which is a kind of canary that comes from Germany. They are usually
yellow or green or present a mix of both colors in their plumage. These
Singing canaries are very curious canaries since they sing with the semi-closed peak and emit
a soft song, sweet and at the same time melodious. Also, inside the singing canaries
we found the canaries Malinois or waterslager. This type of canary comes from Belgium
and they are usually also yellow colors or green The singing of malinois canaries
It is a cheerful song with different tones and it has some very characteristic notes,
that when the bird is singing remember the sound of a river's water, a
waterfall or similar. And finally, we can also make an allusion
to the American canary singer, which is a type of canary that arises in the USA. It has a size
something smaller and like almost all singing canaries are usually also
yellow. In second place, we find the canaries
of color, which in turn this type of canaries It is divided into two groups. On the one hand,
canaries lipocrómicos and on the other the canaries melanic
In the section on lipochromic canaries, We can basically distinguish 3 types:
would be the white canary, which in turn divides into recessive white canaries, which
is the one that you find on your left and the dominant white that is the one that you find
on the right. If you look closely, you can see that the main difference between a canary
Recessive white and a dominant white canary It is located on the edge of the wings. The
recessive white canaries are completely whites, while white canaries
dominant on the edge of their wings present a certain yellow hue as seen
in the photo. Also, within the lipochromic canaries,
we found the yellow canary and the canary Red. Both types of canaries are going to be divided
in different subcategories, by calling it somehow, since the lipochromic colors
can manifest themselves in different ways in the feathers, which results in them appearing
different variations and color tones, giving place to:
Canary Islands intense, in which the color of plumage as its own name indicates is much
more intense and uniform. Snowy canaries, in which the color of their
plumage is more diluted and fades towards the edge.
Canarios ivory, which is another shade of totally different color to the previous ones.
The case of yellow canaries ivory Yellow color is much softer. And in the
case of red canaries ivory, the color red turns slightly pink.
Canarios mosaicos, which is a type of canary of white background and in which the color, red
or yellow, it is concentrated in certain areas of your body, such as your head,
the back, the shoulders and the chest. And also, we have another small category
known as ocular lipochrome. Which includes different types of canaries, such as:
The albino canaries, which have a plumage completely white and eyes red.
The lutinos canaries, that have the plumage yellow and also colored eyes
Red. And the ruby canaries, which are basically
red and with dark red eyes, pulling to a garnet color.
On the other hand, in the section on canaries of color we found the canarian melanic,
that basically and as a summary, can be Classify in: canaries agates, canaries
black-bruno, canaries bruno or Isabela canary.
And in addition, there are different variations in color, which gives rise to other varieties
of canaries of color, such as opal, satiné, pastel, topaz, onyx and
eumo As you can see there is a large amount of different ranges, so below
I'll leave you a few seconds with some photos of some of these canaries before passing
to the posture canary section. In third place, we find the canaries
of form or posture, which in turn are going to divide into four categories, of which
as we go see them I will be putting photos of each of them.
In the first section, we find the canaries of curly plumage or curly plumage, inside
of which are some breeds of canaries like the curly canary of the north or the canary
curly of the south, the canary fiorino, the canary padovano or the Spanish gibbous canary.
The second section, corresponds to the canaries of position, in which we can find
to the scoth fancy canaries or the Japanese hosso.
Within the third section, we find canaries shaggy or with a bow, as per
example the gloster canary that you all know or the German cannoneer.
Finally, and continuing in the Canaries of posture In the fourth section we find
the canarios of smooth pen, that basically encompasses the canaries fife fancy, the canary
Spanish or Spanish race, the llarguet or the Norwich.
And finally, we find the category of canaries of design, which only
It is formed by the lizard canaries. What for those who do not know this type of canary,
tell you that it is one of the most canary ancient people who know each other and who are characterized
for having a yellow or white area, that goes from the peak to the base of the head,
and that is usually called a cap. As well It has a very characteristic plumage that does not
has no other canary, since its plumage It is shaped like scales and reminds us of a
reptile. Basically this would be a classification
of the different types of canaries and breeds of canaries that exist. Evidently
there are many other races or varieties of canaries as for example the red canary white wings
or yellow white wings, the canary urucum, canaries mogno, etc. that I have not been including
in the video so as not to overdo it and that it was an easy video to understand. Do not
forget to leave me in the comments what kind of canaries you liked most and
if you knew all these types of canaries. I hope you liked this video, if
so do not forget to share it your social networks and WhatsApp groups,
if you are not subscribed to the channel I invite you to subscribe as you activate the
notification bell to receive a new video every week, up here
I leave you videos on the breeding of canaries, and as always I wait for you in the next video.
Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-Design Navi/ Clima/ Cruise/ 17'' LMV/ PDC/ Trekhaak/ 1e Eig./ Dealer Ond./ 119.72 - Duration: 1:07.
Why You Matter To America • Ladylike - Duration: 4:25.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ISG 5drs Design Edition Als nieuw! Airco/LMV/Lederen bekl./Electr.ramen V+A/Rad - Duration: 1:12.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Only Legends Will Find It Funny V6 - Duration: 12:02.
Only Legends Will Find It Funny V6
Staying Healthy Is Actually Killing Us - The Jim Jefferies Show - Duration: 5:50.
>> These guys dying healthy it seems harder than ever.
>> For even the most basic health advice seems impossible.
Which brings us to tonight's big question
what do you people want from me.
>> From May.
>> First we need to get enough exercise.
In general adults should get about five hours
a week of moderate exercise or two and a half hours
or more of intense activity or some combination of the two.
>> It's crazy that humans have to make time to exercise.
We have to go to a room and lift heavy things just to be healthy.
You know you didn't have to have time for exercise cave men.
>> Because I were too busy style his life.
I didn't need to spend an hour walking up stairs
that never went anywhere.
They were just busy spending the old day running away
from a site tooth target.
That's why every week I set a target free in the park
just to help others.
Find let's say you find a few hours a week to exercise.
What else.
>> Ages 18 to 64.
Regular sleep 79 hours is recommended by Gough
79 now just sleeping. Sleep socks.
>> When bad things happen. People die suddenly.
You can even sleep and lose your job.
>> No one's ever cause an accident
by falling away at the wheel.
>> Not. I'm not times when the guys come out and stand
at the foot of your bed watching you sleep.
Hey guys. Why are you watching me sleep
instead of holding a woman's locker room at the Equinox gym.
>> You're in guys. You go I DIE DIE. On.
>> Just enough to get your impossibles
Sevens owns consistent and regular sleep
health patterns are important where you're going to bed
and waking up at the same time
where you have a cool quiet dark room
putting your devices away.
You're not drinking caffeine or alcohol right before bed
and you're exercising on a daily basis who can do.
>> Nobody goes to bed at the same time every night.
>> What if you're out with friends
what if you're in a baseball game
and it runs into extra innings
or you have to bury a corpse and you go back to the car
and you realize that you've accidentally buried the key
and also you go back you get the cane you get back in the car.
Now you've already lost a couple of hours sleep
so you tied your food safety the wheel
and you hit a skateboarding kid kind of looks like a runaway.
No one will miss him. Sure.
Not very good probably should you bury the case
and you get back to your car. The.
Key thing again the my time you know
I've got three hours sleep and you can't sleep
because there's a skateboard guy just at the end. You paid.
>> By far the hardest part of staying healthy eating right.
And for most of us the damage is already done
thanks to the good old fashioned US food
pyramid the wide bottom of the pyramid
gave me the impression that eating a diet
with lots of carbs was good.
>> But decades later the fallout from the food
pyramid may have accidentally made our diet less healthy
and quite possibly made the obesity
and diabetes problem even worse.
>> Try with the biggest WADAs at the bottom
as food fostered bread.
If you ate that pyramid your body you look like that.
We. Were. High up in schools and we were all taught the old
saying and Alfredo's sandwich and die keeps the doctor.
Oh the chest pains mean it's working.
>> Now in all fairness is better than the food pyramid
from the 1950s
were leveled to is just a spastics and cigarettes.
But. Now. We know.
>> That everyone should eat more fruit and vegetables.
And what does mall actually mean.
>> Because research says I need 10 servings of fruit every day
and that's it seems like way too much fruit not to self.
>> Look up how many servings a June of a berries
are in a whole thing. Jane I would say.
That just aren't enough hours in the day.
I can't sleep and work at and and tribal edible arrangement
and drink a glass of water each day
and still have enough protein
and vitamins and antioxidants and probiotics and good fats
and I need satisfaction from a full time job.
I also need to spend time with family and friends
but I can't text them or call them
because screen time is bad. And of course I need time
for self care like meditation and whatnot.
Plus I have to white three times a week to stop prostate cancer.
>> That was pretty easy.
We have three commercial breaks during the show.
Keeping. One for me.
>> I'm doing my best to be healthy
but it's only stressing me out.
>> May be more stressed than you want to be
and it really has bad repercussions on your health.
It's linked to all six leading causes of death.
We'll be right back.
I Reunited With The Pet I Lost In A Breakup - Duration: 5:18.
Florida Hurricane Hole plays Hard to Get - Ep 51 Sailing Luckyfish - Duration: 22:30.
This week on Luckyfish
We spend a memorable night under the stars at Cayo Costa
Fight our way into a hurricane hole
new problem isn't it?
Say farewell to dear friends in Sarasota
we're going back to the boat
And discover a hidden treasure from 1950's America
We spent a month in Sarasota, enjoying Brices hospitality and publishing videos.
He even interviewed us
What prompted you guys to take Luckyfish public.
Luckyfish. Why did we go public with Youtube?
We didn't plan it. Because, when we crossed the ocean
Would you talk to women
who are thinking about going sailing with their husbands
or going offshore
and they are panicked, and men too
frightened. What you say to them?
She said, my husband wants to go around the world
and I dont think I can do it. And Im like
It's not going to be one trip. Its going to be many parts
so dont worry. Just go do it.
We made road trips
and bought gear to fit to the boat on return
So we just came back from Tampa
after our Florida road trip, and err
we've got our bits
a wind generator and a few other bits and pieces we ordered a while back
and now we are heading back to Luckyfish.
We abandoned the ship
hope shes alright
look what I got. I got the pole....
its a wind generator mount
Zaya seems to have other ideas....
And we tried to find a safe hardstand for Luckyfish over the hurricane season.
Times are changing and good marinas are getting harder to find in Florida.
But one place was quietly suggested to us
A place frozen in time, and hidden from view.
And, we have been asked to keep it that way.
We said au revoir to Brice, because we will see you again mate.
But we're going to go to the pontoon and get fuel and water today OK?
Yes boss,
So we can leave tomorrow morning early?
Gosh, How many times have we done this?
You dont get up early do you hun.
Does she?
What do you think?
I can get up early, what are you guys talking about
Alright, lets go
Tomorrow, if it was me, I would go out Big Pass,
you can get out no problems, and just B line down to Boca Pass.
No bridges, no traffic, set the auto pilot and sail
and organise stuff and get the boat ready to dry dock it, you know?
We're going back to the boat
So what shall we do folks?
I'll run and get a cart
you might come with me Brice
Cos we'll need two carts right
Going to the boat
you fully stocked now?
I dont know.. its a pretty buoyant dinghy
How do you like leaving Sarasota?
Ummm, Ohh, bit sad to go really.
Its been a nice stay here.
Been very nice.
But I wont miss the humidity
What the heck that was?
Marina Jack Oh Yeah!
We're fueled up, got all our food, checked out of the marina
Are we going far now?
Not very far. Still going to take us 3 days though, the
way we travel
should be quite nice
a quite nice trip
So we left Sarasota, hoping to return again one day,
and set off for our secret hurricane hole.
We followed Brice's advice and headed out through Big Pass.
The weather was calm and we motored 50 miles on the first leg,
to spend a memorable night back at Cayo Costa
We've made it to Cayo Costa in a day which is awesome isn't it?
It was so much better going outside on a calm day like this motoring.
There was a lot of dolphin activity in the bay.
It looked like they might be hunting so I filmed for a while, waiting.
As the sun set we decided to sleep under the stars.
Hey. You having a good time?
This is nice. Listening to the mosquitos trying to come in
There's nothing more satisfying than p$@#*d off mosquitos
It was one of the last nights sleeping aboard for the season
and sleeping in the open made it truly memorable.
Those mosquitos are smart.
They're mean. They're looking for a little hole.
to come in.
step by step theyre trying to come in
I find them and I
because I try to pinch from the inside, but I cant.
So i ended up flicking them
They didnt like that one...
The moon was so bright. I can see the whole
shape of the mosquito and what they are doing
It was right in front of my eyes
It was a really bright moon. I cant believe how
it was like daylight all night and I'd wake up and is the sun up? oh no.
Its just the moon burning through your eyelids
Quite beautiful spot though. Cayo Costa. Its gorgeous.
Not many boats. Not like last time
Theres the manatee hole up there that we went
to with Zaya version 2.
Yeah. Its quite a special spot. Pelican Bay.
Happy to be settling in somewhere for the night?
Yeah, enough of Okeechobee
Enough Okeechobee
Sounds good.
After docking for the night,
we prepared for the final short leg of the season.
Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME 2018 /// TILLY BEE - Duration: 6:23.
Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME by TILLY BEE, It's Halloween TRICK-OR-TREAT Season!!! If you still don't know what to be, here's a few easy last minute costume ideas for all your Halloween needs.
Halloween this is Halloween Halloween
this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song
everybody's waiting for the next surprise
that's our job
okay guys so hi so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure
to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new so I this was my only
Halloween video this year I just set other videos that I wanted to post that
wore Halloween related and I thought this one was a good one to post because
it is literally almost the week before me
whoa also next week I will be posting a Halloween flog slash get ready with me
for Halloween I love you guys so so so much and don't forget never suppose your
Pigtail baby Molly so love her mom | Baby try to comfort mom for love her | Monkey Daily 1992 - Duration: 9:48.
Çukur / The Pit - Episode 40 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:59.
Ersoy, where is Çeto, son? Where the hell is Çeto?
Son, do not... Do not drive me crazy! He is here. Within arm's reach. Let's shoot him!
Mahsun, kidnapped Kadı Efendi's son.
We'll give Çeto, take the kid. We'll give the kid, take Salih.
You couldn't take care of your wife. You couldn't take care of your child.
Son, are you custom-made?
Hold him! Hold, hold, hold! I'm sorry. Please.
We'll go together.
You will take him.
They, at least, deserve this. Because, whatever they did they did for you.
How To Delete Apps On iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, & iPhone XR - Duration: 1:51.
Hi guys, David and David here from, and in this video, we're going to show you
how to delete apps on your iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max.
I have an app pre-selected that I would like to delete, and it is the Scan app.
The Scan app was famously featured in an episode of Shark Tank.
We saw that episode recently.
Yep, and the guy was explaining...
"How often in your day-to-day lives do you see one of these scannable codes?"
I'm like, oh, it's scans QR codes and the barcodes in the stores.
You're supposed to be able to go to the store and scan them.
"First, I'm going to scan the barcode from this camera's packaging."
And then you find out how much the thing costs, and we're like, that's kind of lame.
Turns out the app was bought for about 50 million dollars.
Fifty million dollars this guy made on the scan app!
From — Snapchat bought it,
so if you use Snapchat, there's some Scan app technology in there. So that's a fun history
lesson for you.
So how do we do this?
But we're here — we're sick of this app!
We're here to delete this app.
We're resentful at him for making so much money.
That's what I am anyway.
So how do we delete this app?
So press and hold lightly on the app that you would like to delete until it starts to
You'll see that the X appears in the upper left-hand corner of the icon.
Tap that X, then tap delete.
Before I do that, I would like to show you what happens if you press too hard.
If you press too hard, you're going to open 3D touch.
So if you see this happen, just go back to the Home screen, press and hold lightly, and
they'll start to wiggle.
Tap the X in the upper left-hand corner of the icon, tap Delete, and see you later!
See you later.
That is how you delete apps on your iPhone XS or XS Max.
Thank you guys for watching this video.
Give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed.
Don't forget to subscribe to this channel — "Their YouTube channel for a video..."
— for more great iPhone videos.
So there comes a point in your life where you just say buckets I can't keep
living like this I can't keep working this shitty job
I can't keep playing so fucking small and you just start asking the questions
how can I change us what can I do different and you start to learn
different things and you start to put this new information in your brain and
you start to question reality and you know getting sick and tired of the
status quo and as you start to move down this path of learning and taking action
you discover certain things along the way and for me six or seven years ago
about seven years ago now I discovered this video by Brian Swann and it was
called create your perfect day and he said you know what would your perfect
average day in the life look like what would you do in the morning what would
you eat for breakfast who would you spend time with what would what would
you be passionate about what would you spend your time doing what do you love
to do what would your purposeful mission be oh and I started asking these
questions but in the exercise he said write down six pages or as many pages as
you can specifically what that perfect day would look like and then read this
every morning and every night to program yourself to become the person that you
need to become to get that type of life so I did this exercise and six years
later I'm living that exact life and it's unbelievable and I'm actually even
friends now with Brian Swan who shared this exercise with me and it's so
powerful knowing that if you get to that point your life where you just can't
stand being where you're at anymore that you can use your imagination and you can
write down exactly what you want your life to look like and you can create a
completely new life now that doesn't come with the challenges went through
five years of a lot of shit to get to here and a lot of things that I'm not
proud of doing a lot of a lot of fucked up stuff that I went through a lot of
fears to overcome a lot of killing that old version of myself to emerge a better
version but the point is you can use your imagination and you can create
exactly what you want in that vision and manifest it into reality so write down
your perfect day read it every morning and night and watch the magic happen
Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams NFL Week 8 Picks who wins - Duration: 9:58.
Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams NFL Week 8 Picks who wins Battle of Young vs old experience old school Green bay Packers vs LA Rams who will win week 8 ATS NFL Week 8 Picks NFL Week 8 Picks Green bay Packers vs LA Rams who will win week 8 ATS
I'm not used to seeing the Packers as this type of underdog and it's because
they've never been this type of underdog with you away
look at your hands it's time to go to school first down comes from last year
but Brandon cooks gives them a little more versatility there's cobbs I'm I can
answer the question judge the court will wait for an answer
second and two passes caught by the tide and Everett so you really want to know
who's gonna win this game huh you don't have to answer that question I'll answer
the question you want answers I think I'm entitled you want the truth you
can't handle the truth
that right hand hurt Rocky again
come on
to cover but to win Rogers has to be brilliant it doesn't take a man how you
wearing down I know what I'm doing go out there and do it rock eye of the tiger
he's just a man be more man again go get him I am the
eye of the tiger up and down side to side around three rounds the call
Oh get come on
can you feel he's getting mad
I know that Todd Gurley is the focal point of that offense but if the score
is 10 nothing torching nothing then it's a situation where you can't stay with
that run game you've got to throw the ball and I think that's where the
Packers could have an event okay if you put the game on Jerrod golf by dictating
that through the score then maybe you've got a chance and that's what I'm looking
for Aaron Rodgers to do because if it comes down into two quarterbacks clearly
the Packers have the advantage of this
if the tackles off the field whether that's Brock sue doesn't really
matter get one of those guys off the field spread them out a little bit
I think Aaron Rodgers can pick that defense apart I think that's the
direction that this offense has to go if they're gonna have some success unlike
Kirk Cousins in that Minnesota Vikings offense I think the Packers offense has
a chance to make this a shootout in LA but they've just got to be able to
spread them out they can't pack it in and think that they're gonna beat the
Rams at that game I'm gonna go from a different standpoint I'm gonna go
Packers defense Clay Matthews and that guys defensive coordinator i got a doll
with a bunch of blitzes I believe the way through the Rams is to jarred golf
like I've seen him take some hits but it is not proven to me that he's that kind
of guy going stand in there and take that old fashioned NFL punishment second
oil huh yeah I need to check it and I just believe that if I can get him off I
believe that that's the way to trying to beat the rim the Rams are trying to run
the football yes sir so don't let the motion don't let the 31 personnel three
receivers one tight in in the game fool you as if they are Kansas City Kansas
City will win without winning running the football they did that the first
three games of the season now since then they started running it but the Rams
they get off the bus or get off the plane trying to run it and trying to run
it through the middle of the defense through a lot of variety of different
ways I'm trying to get after that quarterback I don't believe I can stop
Todd Gurley but if I can keep golf around 220 yards passing I believe no
matter I don't know how many points I can score but I believe that's the way
to build a slow down the Rams is get after they're still young quarterback
look a healthy Aaron Rodgers and this is the team they wanted to have going into
the game it's general looted too it's not like this Packers team's the Falcons
they've been ravaged by defensive injuries no
Aaron Rodgers has done it again
never over number 12 out on the Green Bay Packers
have won the Super Bowl
coming home now Aaron when he's hot is filthy
facility he's moving dancing in the pocket in a
way even if you've never seen a quarterback dude then we're gonna have
this year I know they had some injuries at wide receiver earlier in the year but
most of those guys they think will be back this week coming off the bye
of course Aaron Rodgers is as healthy as he's been all year
by him you know what so you really wanna know who's taken this normal person you
know how I talk to a normal person you know how I talk to a normal person they
pissed me off I tell me get the out of my place well I've given
YouTube that's right I'm crazy what I told you right here Green Bay was gonna
win and I told you the Rams were gonna win fine you really wanna know
hell you're a know who's gonna win you know I give you my first picks always
can you talk like you would come to a normal person you know how I write all
person yeah easy now if I tell me get the easy on my yeah
just write this I'm crazy Packers win I've got just
stay out of my face jump just stay out of my face
beast that he gives you crazy picks because he wants to make
everybody so happy
I thought I smelled him I think it's ours
Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams NFL Week 8 Picks who wins Battle of Young vs old experience old school Green bay Packers vs LA Rams who will win week 8 ATS NFL Week 8 Picks NFL Week 8 Picks Green bay Packers vs LA Rams who will win week 8 ATS
FORTNITEMARES Update & Leaky Lake Event is BROKEN!!! - Duration: 13:16.
Right, I am doing 200 power guys, I promise I promise I promise the first off I'm gonna get this mother
Oh, oh
Yes, yes
See I can see these mothers. Oh
My car my car
Right. Let's just build a ramp
So I can drive up
Sorry, oh, okay first ascent
What the, I am no idea what that symbol is next to the killcount, I've no clue what that is
is that
What on earth is going on? What happened this believe or not guys? This is where they filmed How to Train Your Dragon
But you guys didn't know that did you this is where like hiccup?
Got laid or whatever. I know a
Dragon or something? Not my cup of tea if you ask me. Oh
My god Wow, what the three legendaries?
This is the place to be boys Oh My gods they got the crossbow back. Oh
My god, that's sick. Oh
They made it so much better. Oh my god now so much stuff
Myyy oh my goodness. What if somebody's down there right now? I'm sure they're freaking them out see now
There's the shotgun but I don't really have a lot of space to fucking do you hear that?
What on earth is that
That's just a wind dry that's just a wind sound effect on machine what on earth is that oh my god
Well, I've got to take that how and I I it's the sound effects. It's the sound effects. I'm not falling for this
I'm gonna leave that I'm just gonna go what the is that what's the fuck is that?
Oh my god, it's right there
I know someone who dropped here. I saw them. So it's just a matter of seeking them out
There you are. You lost. Oh, it's a default
Oh, no, no, you don't get out of here
What's he doing
What that was so I was so delayed did you see that
I for you
He said eliminated but he still stood and I was like I freaked out for a moment because I thought I killed somebody else
What that's the new gun? That's the new gun. It's the six-shooter. Yes. Oh my god. You see the
Wow the accuracy on that is mad
All right, I'm actually actually I don't like it that
Accuracy is really nice. It's really
Misty. What? Oh my god, please tell me that adding weather effects. Whoever effects would be sick
Where it affects would be so sick
Oh my god, if it rained, I'd rain I'd be know not only was my carrot to be wet. I
would be what do
Right, okay, ah Jesus Christ
You know, they weren't kidding about it being a horror game oh
And gr. Get out of here
Yeah, got you to
Get me with that get out of here. Ah, right, you know what since we are focusing on Halloween?
We're going straight to that to for two fallacies
Cracked so what look at these look at this. Look at this. It's like in
Dragon Ball, oh my god. Nope
Start Dragon Ball super the universe survival arc with all the flowing islands and stuff. I feel like I'm fighting Jarrett
Okay, well there we go
What was he doing using that you could have killed me?
You could have killed me if you've in if you just used your p90 T hit up. I hear someone
Come on buddy. Oh
Jesus Christ
He knew exactly where I was sake. Oh
Look at this storm power. I'm fuckin comin to for a fart you Goku
Yeah krome
gonna smash your lads
See you later
What oh my god, okay, right. Did you guys please tell me you're seeing that bug?
Please tell me you see that bug where they keep moving
When you've killed them. All right guys, right. Let's try this out. Let's just some of it
What that's crazy. Look how fucking quick their homes in I didn't hear I didn't get him there either
Seriously you are fucking ugly little fool Jesus Christ. Oh, did you get that? I'm having that nice
Wow, you know, I've got to go ask him
I'm dead. I'm dead
Let's go sort of power. I'm late. I'm late for the tournament of power
Don't wait for me
Get away from me zombies get out of here
Like before that was the entire video
I'll have you know that we were gonna record me trying to get kills with the ice traps and where we spent the entire
Recording trying to find ice traps and didn't find any and I kind of gave up on it and it halloween' happen
so I did a little Halloween intro video to just cover the
theme of the video
So yeah
Whatever comes next in this bit is just a mess that had no
Coherent theme just a few chumps having a having a good time. So
Enjoy the rest of video. Bye I need to use the freezer trap and then kill someone when I've got my feet on ice
That's a freezer. Trap. When you stand on it your eye feet become ice and you go really slippery Charlie ever question for you
Yes, what do you think cheese should smell like just looking at it?
should smell like
Fruity cuz it's so yellow. No, no, no wait
But also like if you had just never if you if you were some cave
Dweller, and you never had seen a block of cheese. Just looking at it
What do you think it would taste like or what?
do you think it should smell like I'd be
encapsulated by its bright color in
Comparison to the dark cave that I dwell within and I try and want to show me on my app
I need to find freezer traps as well. I am NOT going to bed until I've killed four people with reason
Here all night. Yeah
Oh shit. Oh, hi people that flying over us. Sorry. No, they're here. They're here. They're oh
There's someone coming in right behind each other Oh looks like I see the oh, I'm gonna soak and die immediately. I
See a guy they just dropped in through the roof coming to you Charlie
Oh, yeah, he's come up the stairs I see him
I said is another one coming up the stairs coming another one another one. Oh
Three kills, baby, don't worry guys. I'm here
There's nothing here and there's no fiscal chest and everything. I didn't know chests mean that much
I thought you're more of an ass man Oh
Shake a rift getting that rift
Please tell me that's one more for me, please
No just disappeared right at last bitterly
Oh, I'm so dead. Okay kill before I die, Dada da da da
Charlie what's your best smash that like button that you can do?
Oh my god, I don't know what to do
You know the guy Jesus Christ how many who are there are they all on the same team and come
every time I die I'm gonna go eat something really close to my
Tomorrow okay, tell you what, I pick pick pick while we've got you. So what we're gonna do is
Is when Charlie comes back we're gonna pretend like we don't hear him so we just don't respond to anything he says
Where are we going? I don't know probably have to go right down
Charlie gets back. We'll go to like Paradise Park. I'm here noobs
Can you hear me
Hello off the coffee you're doing this to me
Pub GF this there in the tall building. Yeah, you see officers
Just like a good game. That's made by good developers who are definitely not Chinese
I have never liked in any pub key match ever I've ever played or have heard about for that matter
Also, definitely never been select in the face but some Chinese Russian hacker Chinese Russian, oh my oh my god, they're evolving
Like Pokemon go Russian Chinese
I think that would just be a drowsy. I say my say we see him right ahead of us right ahead of us
That's right, he's like I'm gonna care I'm gonna rush him okay see inside the building no, it's just really
Come down oh my god
The one of them said oh, yeah the I want super low so low, I'm stood alone and super low shrimp is the part. Oh
Thanks, I knew that
You really put the pressure on that Jesus, okay, then this to the to the Wiest oh rift well this oh
We're not in Kansas anymore
Those people here well, I stopped dancing. Oh
And there's people to the left of us - OH
After Malcolm knows maths
He took my car he took our car what this is great want you take
Yeah, I just wish on the help and he'll get up on the hill
Can't hit ya this we're gonna hit get and I'm gonna get off dude back
Off dude, oh my god
Jeff Sessions Thinks Marijuana Caused The Opioid Epidemic - Duration: 1:51.
Interesting thing, Jeff Sessions, we got a short period of time here.
But Jeff Sessions has come out and said that marijuana is causing the opiod epidemic.
All the science says just the opposite.
But Jeff Sessions says, "No, I don't have any studies.
But I can tell you that what's happened here is the opiod crisis is being caused by marijuana."
What's your take?
I think Sessions actually was quoted as saying that marijuana fuels the opiate epidemic when
the science is directly the opposite and what I loved, there's a 2016 Journal of Pain, which
is an industry journal.
So we're not talking about a left winging organization.
Journal Pain found that marijuana use was associated with a 64% reduction in opiate
use among patients with chronic pain because marijuana can be used to decrease chronic
pain rather than taken with opiates without the longterm addictive nature of opiates.
Sessions has got it all backwards.
What is this about?
I mean, first of all, you've got all these states, they voted.
I mean, the votes have been overwhelming.
I think in Florida it was 70% to be able to use medical-
[crosstalk 00:01:13] passing a lot of, not just recreational use, but medicinal use of
marijuana that reduces chronic pain.
We mentioned earlier the opiates used for chronic pain with cancer, a lot of nausea.
Well, one of the positive effects of marijuana in a medicinal use is it reduces nausea associated
with cancer patients.
So instead of popping highly addictive opiate [crosstalk 00:01:37] you can smoke marijuana.
Actually in the states that have legalized marijuana, they have less of an opiate problem
than the states without it.
Interesting [crosstalk 00:01:47] making stuff up as he goes.
DEATH! Helping NO ONE Because We're RUDE! | Rude Gamer #3 - Duration: 12:39.
- Oh I didn't even have a choice.
I just sit with this weirdo in his car, with his dumb duck.
This is as far as we're going.
I'm dropping you off in the worst part of town and
(gun shot) the fuck off, ha, ha, ha.
Um this place looks safe, drug, mmmm drug.
Uh-Oh. Oopsie.
Ha, I feel like I wouldn't scream if I saw zombies.
You know, I mean you would, cause you would be scared.
But you should try not to. We're trapped?
Is that Duck? Duck got bit didn't he? Come on.
Mmm, drug. Oh we have a new friend, alright.
There you go, that dead bolt will get them. Hell that will
stop them. You know I didn't even want to be on that dumb
farm anyway if they couldn't build a fence fast enough.
Chill out lady or silence? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Aww we're. - [Lee] I'd go out there
again in a second. - Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
I'm such a bad father figure. This little girl needs to pee.
She's an asshole, ha, ha, ha, ha.
- She's an asshole, that's for sure. - That's what it takes.
- Will you don't have to be a bitch about it. - Oh no.
- Holy shit, Son of a bitch. One of them is bitten.
- He wasn't bit. They lie.
- Oh no, I just wanted Duck to die randomly.
(boom) He has crazy eyes, he's got like birds for eye brows.
(screaming bird) What do we do about this guy? Uh oh.
It's him or Duck, silence, oh, oh.
This guy's gonna have a God damn heart attack in the
apocalypse. That would suck, what a dumb way to go out.
See he's telling everyone to shut the fuck up, I was quiet.
I may have made the right call here.
Man people just take just millions steps
to figure out what people are talking about.
- I'm upsetting him, upsetting is getting eaten alive.
- Ugh silence, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Man Lee is zero help here. Lee?
Where did Lee get that information from?
Where did he, how did he know anything about that?
It's probably behind the computer, okay.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, I'd grab a rag,
I'd try to wipe off the blood not with my bare hand.
Should I say deal with it or silence?
Deal with it or silence? Hmm? - [Person Off Camera] Deal
with it. - Huh, deal with it? Alright. Let's see, deal with.
You're right let him, hit him Kenny.
I'm gonna hit him, sorry I didn't know.
This feels like a bad call, Oh no. Well shit, ha, of course.
What you guys didn't know that was in the bathroom?
You serious? Did I just get knocked? Lee is so helpless.
No, no, somebody else was helpful, Lee sure wasn't.
We've attracted more walkers, Christopher Walkers.
We're all making bad decisions together.
Yeah. Yay the asshole's dead--he died in the dumbest way
possible, he doesn't even get bit or nothing.
Was he the one bitten? Yeah let's start,
let's just start wildly accusing. My pills...
Yeah, die by natural causes, uh oh, well do it somehow.
Sorry I picked a random one, there we go.
See, nitroglycerin is what's in dynamite right?
I'll see Lee just stomp on these and see if they'll blow up.
I know that's not gonna happen.
But I want to see if they'll do it.
It's video game logic, anything can happen, right?
Hello, -[Person Off Camera] Right.
- Man I'm making these characters be just total assholes.
I was trying to get this little kid eaten,
but they wouldn't let me. - Hear if I can get my chewing in
the mic. (mouth chewing) - And silence.
Silence is consent, no its not,
that's a bad lesson to learn, ha, ha, ha.
That's a horrible lesson to learn. Kids don't write that
down. I'm pretty sure Clementine get, got bit.
Man I'm gonna let this guy down,
I'm gonna let Kenny down real hard.
It's Doug you got it? Man Doug looks like a real
Prep boy asshole, gonna be honest.
Maybe I'm being too judgemental right out the gate, but hey.
I'm the Rude Gamer. If you guys are good artists,
you should draw up what the Rude Gamer looks like.
It feels like years? What is the time frame of this?
I'm so confused on how long Lee was asleep in that cop
car. Alright give me, give me, give me, give me them pills.
Oh energy bar. I want to eat them, give it to me.
Aw you guys are sweet checking in on each other, being good.
- [Male Off Camera] You seem like a pretty rude gamer.
- Oh I'm so mean. Come on Lee eat all those rations,
don't give any of them to any of those kids.
And I want to be more of a rude gamer,
let me pull her hair, pull her hair, pull her hair.
My dad's Larry, give Larry a quick kick in the nards.
Rude gaming, and them we're rude gaming
and we're rude, rude, rude gaming.
Let's talk to Carley, hmm? Ugh lets try.
Lee, you're not that capable, not my Lee.
Please let me break this. Aw there we go, Lee let's see if
you can be helpful for a second. Oh, really?
Wow she's straight up a moron, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Ha, ha, she is dead weight. She might be important too,
she might be a fan favorite character of this game.
That's, that ugh I could tell dead weight,
I'm dead weight usually in a group project,
that's dead weight. Wait, I have to make the wrong decision?
This is my least favorite guy.
I don't trust this man.
Lets have a look around ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
and I'll trust him, let's make a call.
Is there an option for me to come out there with a pair of
cymbals? (door creeks) Uh oh peek a boo.
Jesus. (zombies eating human flesh) Is that Duck?
Can I throw Duck out there? Let's see.
I don't see that.
Come on make a bad decision, Lee.
I'm smelling a bad idea coming around the corner.
Come on let us out, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
What are you talking--boo.
Yes, fine let's go back inside.
I'm trying to get out there, I'm trying to get all,
everybody out there too. Boy howdy I would be very scared
right now. I wouldn't be on the scouting group going to look
for stuff, uh-uh. I'll stay here, I'll make baskets.
(quick orchestra strings) His eyes got so wide, ha.
Really? What? Where did that come from?
I don't buy that, I feel like that was just a weird lie.
Let's check the office, hmm? I'm trying to make the worst
decisions. I'm the rude gamer, hmm?
It is a way to enter a room. Clementine get out of here.
I'm a bad role model.
Oh for real this actually is true.
Uh, oh, uh oh, what's down here you think? Is this just
covered in shit? Is that what's on the ground?
There I am, it's your old pal Lee.
Uh oh, and the more successful brother also in the photo.
But ha, ha who's? He didn't...
Lee, you didn't need to do that.
Yeah lie, let's lie.
Oh my God.
She's a little encyclopedia isn't she?
She's got so much info about me.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Um mm, yeah oh get mean. (monster roar)
Lee's a drama queen, loves a good little bit of drama.
Ah I felt bad about that, ha, ha, ha.
Carley will remember this, um I'm sorry it's the game,
it's not me. Let me go outside I want to pout.
Lee come on you've made so many bad calls so far,
let's just make one more. Move the palette.
Look how strong he is. He's such a strong boy.
Zip, zip.
I'd like a game about that. You keep your
pharmacy safe and you also just beat up on hooligans.
And dead, make sure that she knows
that her dad's super dead. What do we got in here?
No, no, no, boo.
Stop being a good father figure for her.
You don't need anything right?
You got this handled right?
You're good you can feed yourself.
(slurping) Damn is this the heaviest desk in the world?
I wouldn't um, um, um, um, um, um.
There we go, ow let's put that guilt on that girl,
let's put the guilt, throw that guilt on Clementine.
You should be.
You are mean. No.
No, don't, don't, don't back down really dig in.
Ow, silence ha.
Ow we're super bad, so bad, ow the rudest.
Ha, um no he wasn't.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
He wasn't bad. I just liked the feeling of being rude.
Gothic Lolita Agitator - Yousei Teikoku (Lyrics & Captions) - Duration: 9:12.
Travis Scott ft. Drake Type Beat - "Stacks" l Instrumental Freestyle - Duration: 2:56.
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Aanmigathin Sirapugal |ஆன்மிகத்தின் சிறப்புகள்|Ep 2|Alosanari neram[With Eng CC] 100th Video - Duration: 7:24.
Consulting time
Specialty of Spirituality..!!
I am happy to meet you all in Consulting time (Alosanai neram)..!!
I am having a School for Devaram in three places in Tirunelveli such as Ngo colony, Palai and town.
I am having this institution for the past 15 years and taught several children many Spiritual courses such as
Devaram, Bharathanatyam, Yoga, Meditation..!!
I am happy to share some information about some Spiritual content with you all..!!
Spirituality is something that
Guides our mind to maturity..!!
So with the help of Spirituality
we can excel in all states.
These are well established by our Saiva Tamil poet-saints like
Maanikka Vaasagar
through several thousand poems.
Those are catagarised as Panniru Thirumuraigal ( Twelve holy scriptures ) by our ancestors.
Some research shows that while we learn those holy scriptures we are blessed with many health benefits..!!
In today's situation
we have a issue that children are not eating properly
When we teach a song to a child
Breath flow is increased..!!
When there is more breath flow
That child will eat well..!!
By teaching Devaram and Thiruvasagam
Nerves are stimulated in our body and mind..!!
People when learn these, in every state and from the age of six to sixty they can achieve much happiness..!!
Each and every poem have its uniqueness..!!
When a child sings the poem 'Thodudaya Seviyan' by Nasambandar, her/his memory power increases..!!
When the memory power increases
their learning and school improve and
Get more marks in their examinations..!!
When we sing the song 'Kootrayinavaru' by Thirunavukkarasar
When we say 'Kuu'
The sound of that
is formed from the lower stomach..!!
So diseases related to stomach are cured..!!
This information is known to us by a research done by a California University..!!
Up next
Poems by Sundarar..!!
Poems by Sundarar will help us compose our mind..!!
We would attain a state of mind where we perceive God as our Friend/ Companion..!!
When we talk to God as our friend
When we receive what we need from God
Stress or Tension will not affect us in any way..!!
The reason why Tamil people around the globe at the age of 70 or 80 are stress free and
don't have any mental disorders is because of the
Thirumurai and Devaram..!!
They support us in many ways..!!
We should always teach this to our children.
Now Thirumurai and Thiruvasagam are being learnt 365 days in the area of Tirunelveli.
Everyone, even people who crossed the age 60, retired people are learning this early..!!
But when we teach from a younger age we can make their life refined and prosperous.
So Navukkarasar preached us to teach it from an early age.
Our legend says that throught the poem 'Poosuvathum Venniru', Manika Vasagar made a Lankan woman talk.
When we pronounce the words, 'Pusuvathum', 'Pesuvathum', 'Punpathuvoem'
As every words vibrate from our tongue region
Can talk more openly in public and can win in Speech competitions..!!
Shyness may reduce among children.
They will participate in school functions with more confident.
Even grown ups can talk freely..!!
People with stammering problems can be reduced.
Has shaped the 63 Nayanmaars's stories in a fantastic way.
The 63 Nayanmaar's stories preach us in a strong way that we should be truthful and be honest..!!
While worshiping god
Men, Women, T
HIgher or lower people
Rich or poor
There is no such differences..!!
The stories strongly says that pure mind and affectionate soul is what needed.
When we teaech these to children
And when we read about these
We can achieve high state of mind..!!
A real man is one who lives with a peaceful mind.
Nowadays people are chasing studies, money in their life and
Doesn't have their mind peace with them.
Even people in higher postions are
Taking a wrong path
Even decide to finish their life..!!
Even a police officer having this kind of life it means
We didn't teach about the Spirituality and its importance to them.
So in future by learning about Spirituality and its significance and teaching our
Son, daughter and grandkids
and by spreading the Spiritual importance
Can live with peace and love..!!
I shared some insights about Spirituality with you all.
I will meet you all in another episode with more information about Thirugnanasambandar.
If you like this program
Like it..!!
Share it..!!
Do subscribe..!!
Will meet you again..!!
Thank you and Greetings..!!
Appar Devara Padasalai For contact: 9362621689
Lacazette Reveals How Unai Emery And Arsene Wenger Use Him Differently - Duration: 2:12.
Arsene Wenger signed Alexandre Lacazette in the 2017 summer transfer window but the French international had a poor first season at the North London club because he even never got enough chances to impress
The new Arsenal striker was under the management of Arsene Wenger for just one season and is now working with gunners new boss Unai Emery who arrived in May this year
Alexandre Lacazette has been impressive for the gunners this season because he has scored five goals
Arsenal striker Alexandre Lacazette was at first not used by Unai Emery in the first Premier League matches because the new gunners boss didn't trust him
But the French striker has since then got into Unai Emery's first starting eleven and is among Arsenal's best players
Lacazette has revealed the difference in the tactics of Arsene Wenger and Unai Emery when it comes to handling him
The Arsenal player said on Premier League Today programme. "With Arsene, yes (wanted me to stay in 18 yard box)
With Unai it's different. He wants me to play my game so do more runs behind and come more in the contribution of the game
" said Alexandre Lacazette. Arsenal players will be hoping to see more good performances from Alexandre Lacazette this season because the Frenchman has shown that he could be a striker that the gunners have hoped for since the departure of Robin Van Persie
Functional Forum One Minute Tip: Tracy Harrison - Duration: 0:57.
Hi, I'm Tracy Harrison the founder of the School of Applied Functional Medicine
and my tip for all the practitioners out there is just how epidemic autoimmune
thyroiditis or even functional hypothyroid is in today's culture and
I like to say sluggish thyroid sluggish everything. So so often the different
dysfunctional biochemistry that patients and clients are struggling with is about
mitochondrial dysfunction, right, suboptimal cellular metabolism and we
need to not lose sight of the fact that thyroid hormone for that is crucial and
so much of the true upstream root cause driver at least one big one that people
are struggling with is suboptimal thyroid function on a cellular level. So
don't forget to look for that making sure we don't miss an important puzzle
[MASHUP] Golden Child & Girls' Generation - GENIE (Short MASHUP) - Duration: 2:43.
I'll be there... Hey baby! I'll be there... Boy~ uh huh!
Many words I haven't told you. I'm gonna get take it all out now. (Woah~)
Every day I filled my diary with special memories So let me breathe... (DJ, put it back on.)
Tell me your wish. Tell me that small dream you have within you.
Draw that ideal person you have inside your head~
And then look at me, I'm your Genie, your dream, your genie~
Get in your dream car and speed off. You're sitting next to me.
Just throw everything into my guidance.
Even if your overwhelmed heart was to explode, Even if it all flies away in the wind,
Right now, this moment, the world is yours. I'll listen to you Girl!
Eyes full of tears. A pain that I couldn't bear to cry.
This feeling of trembling when touching your fingertips. Remember this moment... (Forever your biggest fan~)
Yes I love you, you can always believe in me. Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you.
Your own Genie. Call me louder!
I'll protect you~ It's my fate... (Tell me your wish!)
This song between you and me When you come all over the world~
Girl, whatever happens, You take my hand
Ask me for what you want. I'll make it all happen.
The main character of my dream is you! Oh this moment...
I want everything you want, Genie! (Yes I love you, you can always believe in me.) Tell me. I'll listen to everything. Hey! (Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you.)
Your own Genie! Call me louder! (I'm a goddess of fortune.) I'll protect you. It's my fate. (That wants to make your wishes come true.)
(Tell me all your fantasies~) I'll be your genie. Imagine it, Baby!
(I'll show you the genie's path~) You are the hero of my dream~
(Tell me all your wishes~) Cause I'm your genie. Feel it, Baby!
(I, your genie, will grant them~) I will always be there for you. (It's my fate.)
I'll be your genie. (Tell me!) Imagine it, Baby! (Tell me your wish!)
You are the hero of my dream (Baby!)
Cause I'm your genie. (Tell me!) Feel it, Baby! (Tell me your wish!)
I will always be there for you. (Tell me your wish!) I'll be your Genie...
Vanessa da Mata - Ouvir todas as 31 músicas melhor - Duration: 1:55:15.
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