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For more infomation >> Top Latino Songs 2018 - Spanish Songs 2018 ★ Latin Music 2018: Pop & Reggaeton Latino Music 2018 - Duration: 1:22:16.-------------------------------------------
Gamma-ray bomb in space: danger to the earth ?! - Clixoom Science & Fiction - Duration: 5:40.
Such a
Gamma-ray burst could almost completely destroy life on earth
And there are theses that happened once before here on our home planet more precisely before 440 million
Could it be for
Second largest species extinction has now threatened us this disaster again clicks and science fiction with us there are daily science videos though
And every canal he misses no more than welcome
Thanks for the suggestion on whatsapp
Tungsten now have stars, all one thing in common are former big stars that are very massive
And are short-lived and eventually collapse in this
Supernova explosion is extremely radiated by both poles with gamma radiation and that is deadly if
A resident planet in these radiates device before 440 million. Years it could have been the case with the earth
and such a gamma-ray bomb is also the name of the wolf riot star
104 in the constellation Sagittarius
And astronomy teams agree that soon 104 will explode, as his spectrum delivers on a strong one
To conclude instability concretely, we refer to, 104. Um, a double-star system to. One out of a ball. Free now star
One, former big star who blew his atmosphere into space. And of the quasi only. The hot core
He is left in the constellation Sagittarius. And is about 8000 light years away from the earth
To 100 other wolf star stars spread over the Milky Way are known to us typically
Encounters. Such a star, an extremely strong star wind from up to 2000 kilometers per second
Can be fast, a big star can lose the multiple of the earth mass per year by star wind optional freedom
Stars are much heavier than the sun. They can actually weigh up to 200 times the weight of the sun
Surface temperature is also very high. Hot. And until. To 100,000 Kelvin in comparison are the
5500 kelvin of the sun yes almost ridiculous on the other hand, the system consists of a star companion of the spectral
The much less massive has the extremely strong wind of the wall freedom star off
Kick on the wind of his companion so that a shockwave of the stars is compressed wind
Extremely, this creates a lot of dust because of the freedom of choice star wind is the carbon
The dust itself is warm and therefore can be well observed in the infrared but that too is actually
A strange phenomenon because in the vicinity of such a star it is much too hot and 11 the radiation would be the dust particles
Actually destroy where the star winds of the two stars meet because it is actually
Cool enough to allow dust to form like the one with the temperatures around
Um, starry stars world that you still do not know
That's exactly why a probe is now on the way. Together that. The two stars themselves move around each other eventually arises
Then, the spiral pattern of dust eight months needs the system
To, once, to turn around, and the todesspirale also includes
Well, unbelievable, 160 astronomical units and that's really hardly. To believe that's almost double
As big as our solar system. So that you can imagine it better here times our solar system up. Out to the
Neptune only has. A radius of 30 astronomical units of freedom stars
Are the brightest and largest of the stars known to us they are even 10 to 2 150 solar masses
In addition, they have the said. Most of the atmosphere already
When the stars die, at least one person dies. Supernova explosion may even be a much stronger one
Supernova from the poles of the star shooting. Long gamma rays out and that could do just that
A major problem for life on earth will be the occurrence of such a gamma-ray burst on the earth's atmosphere
Would the ozone layer. Probably dissolve. And that would have far-reaching consequences for that
Life on earth, because the
Ozone protects our living creatures here on the earth from the dangerous uv radiation and this protection would then no longer exist
We would burn up here so much sunscreen I can not apply
To protect yourself from it again and again
times research teams around the world 100 who we therefore in the distance because a distance of 8000 liters means in space not really the world
The 2018 was called it. Then that the axis of rotation of the double star system
He points directly at our solar system and he in the next
100th years could explode. Ok, relaxation takes. Still the big question but still
Could the gamma-ray flashes hit us here on earth. And in the worst case, destroy the life astronomy team are now
Agree that. No direct. Danger of more than 4 emanates because in the meantime new pictures are from the
Year, year, 1998 discovered double star system. Arisen and these show that the earth
Just not exactly pointing to his pole or the beam could be the then arises we are so likely
Not hit nevertheless, we are free to choose, starlight the great possibility more about big stars
To learn about the dust spiral of Veranda 4 shows us. Where we come from because our earth is exactly
As we humans from carbon and other heavy elements the long ago, sometimes from. Big star were generated though
By the way, he wants to see all the videos as the first one then also subscribes to the, English channel of
There's always a war on science fiction here - there's always something like that - first of all
Food made by some like just click on it and let's go until then
stay tuned
Trump Goes Full White Nationalist. Don't Fall For It. VOTE! - Duration: 3:27.
Pepa Pig Cartoon for Kids - Stop Motion Pepa Pig New Episode - Duration: 10:22.
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Only - Viernes [Shot by DiegoV] - Duration: 3:11.
'Honestidad' Cris Lozano, eterno amor de Jacqueline de la Vega y empresario amigo de la Casa Real - Duration: 4:31.
ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МАЛЕНЬКОГО КОТЕНКА В ШКОЛЕ - Развивающий мультфильм для детей! Мультик про котят #3 - Duration: 20:11.
Virtual English Level 4 Giant prehistoric shark - Duration: 4:10.
Así funciona el NEOMACHISMO - Duration: 6:14.
ASIA BIBI FREE! - Duration: 4:32.
Turning on the news every morning is like flushing a clogged toilet over and over again,
watching the waste spill over the edges and run all over the floor.
It's disgusting.
But every once in a while, just when you think the news and the people who report it can't
possibly get any more revolting, you wake up, and the birds are singing, and a ray of
sunshine peeks through the curtains, and you see:
Yes, Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of four who has been on death row for eight years
for drinking water from the same bucket as some Muslim women, is being released.
In case you're wondering how drinking water from the same bucket as some Muslim women
could get you a death sentence, allow me to illustrate how quickly an argument can get
out of hand in Pakistan.
Oh, that's refreshing.
Hey, you're a Christian.
The Quran says that you're one of the worst of creatures.
You're lower than a dog.
You're worse than a pig.
You can't drink out of the same bottle as me!
I mean, I took a shower last night, and I used mouthwash this morning.
So I'm probably cleaner than you.
Yo, this guy just blasphemed our beloved prophet!
Let's form a mob and beat him to death and drag his naked body through the streets and
burn his house to the ground with his family still in it.
Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
Once you've been accused of blasphemy, even if you aren't beaten to death by the mob,
the courts will find you guilty and sentence you to death, because it's your word against
a Muslim's word, and guess who's going to win that one under the backwards seventh-century
barbarism known as Sharia.
That's what happened to Asia Bibi.
She was sentenced to death as the crowd stood and shouted, "Kill her! Kill her! Allahu Akbar!"
But the case eventually went to the Supreme Court and her death sentence was overturned
for lack of evidence.
I'm assuming that the judges who overturned the conviction are Muslims, and they deserve
our full respect, because they just put their lives on the line.
A Pakistani politician named Salman Taseer was killed by his own bodyguard in 2011 for
calling for Bibi's pardon.
Two months later, a Christian politician named Shahbaz Bhatti was shot to death for supporting Bibi.
And various Muslim groups have promised violent retaliation if the Supreme Court didn't
uphold the death sentence.
So there is a very real cloud of violence and bloodshed hanging over the heads of the
judges who overturned the conviction.
Violent protests have already erupted in several cities.
The judges are in danger.
Asia Bibi is in danger.
Her family is in danger.
Christians in general are in danger.
That's just life in Pakistan, where there's an ongoing battle between, on the one hand,
order and justice, and, on the other hand, Sharia-fueled Islamic mob rule.
Obviously, Asia Bibi and her family are going to have to leave Pakistan.
Bibi has already been offered asylum by multiple countries, which is encouraging, since so
many Western nations refuse to accept Christian refugees—at least, if we judge by the statistics.
Of course, since Europe, Canada, and Australia are already implementing their own versions of
Sharia blasphemy laws, the only Western nation that's still safe for accused blasphemers
is the United States.
I know lots of Pakistani Christians watch my videos, so if any of you are in contact
with Bibi's family, let them know that they're all welcome in the United States, and that
there's a large community of Christians and non-Christians who would be happy to take
care of them here.
In the meantime, let's all pray for the safety of Asia Bibi and her family and the
Christians of Pakistan and the judges who freed her . . . and for this trial to be a
step out of the darkness of Sharia for all of Pakistan.
Vađenje silikona iz usana - Duration: 0:47.
Pacijentkinja dolazi kod hirurga plastičara radi hiruškog vadjenja Biopolimera iz gornje usne
Ima smetnje u toku govora, prilikom uzimanja hrane i nije zadovoljna izgledom usana.
preparat joj je ubrizgan u kozmetičkom salonu, ukupno 5 ml.
Deo Biopolimera je sjedinjen sa usnom i to smo na operaciji uklonili
deo preparata je iscureo iz usne u toku operacije.
Tečni silikon je poslat na analizu. Ispostavilo se da je pacijentkinja u usni sve vreme imala zaražen silikon stafilokokom
bakterijom koja je mogla da se proširi po organizmu i da izazove ozbiljne probleme.
Odluke koje se tiču Vašeg tela prepustite samo najboljima, jer Vi to zaslužujete! Estetika Rakić www.dr-rakić.rs
A mature program that combines academic excellence and a cozy atmosphere - Duration: 3:31.
The European Union studies that you can
have here at the Institute for European Studies
give you a very good balance between
the academic approach and between a very
friendly and cozy atmosphere
within the group, because we here work in very
small groups, with the professors that
are very approachable, even though they
are very good experts in their in their
issues so, I think that's a one very good
advantage of this program. I think that
it takes into account all our different
angles and needs, as students
I mean, coming from for these different courses
and to a certain extent they are
flexible they adapt the discussions that
we are having according to what we need
and what our backgrounds are and
expertises. I'm not sure you would
get that anywhere else
so this is what I really recommend.
I had I would say a considerable amount
of experience about the European Union
before I came here, of course when I came
here the reality is different;
dealing with the Commission is different
I have checked different institutes and
university programs offering
the studies about the European Union
over the past three years and every now
and then you know I checked further and I
wanted to join one program but after
thoroughly checking the IEE and the
MEUS program I have decided to opt for
this program in specific of course it is
all related to the substance to the
program structure and to the teaching
staff and of course the administration
and the management of IEE.
I think it offers a very good balance between
academic approach and everyday life
approach so I think when you want to
deepen your knowledge but also make a
next step in your career you have
various courses that you can choose that
help you exactly with one or the other
some courses really help you to
understand the way of working or to
understand the legislation behind it
while some are really more focused on
yourself, how you as a professional make a next
step in your career and it's super
beneficial one and the other at the same time.
I'm so happy with the rich substance
of the teaching staff
this is very important to me for example
at this age at my academic level and
at my position, I don't expect you know, I think I cannot
tolerate just to come and be like
traditional, classical students, sitting
and receiving info and knowledge.
What makes this program distinct by all means is
the methodology and the approach that is
followed to implement this program it is
a mature approach; it depends to a great
extent on exchange of views, remarks
academic comments and interactions.
The academic staff, the teachers, have various
backgrounds which I like so much;
they don't come from one college or one
university they even don't come from one
country so they are diversified and that
really enriches our discussion and our knowledge,
when it comes to this.
The students themselves are diversified as
well so I had colleagues from different
EU countries for example, but I had
colleagues from Georgia, Serbia, Russia
and I come from Jordan; so whenever we
had some certain point of discussion we
learned a lot from the experience and
the knowledge and the academic
background of each of us,
among ourselves.
New Sad WhatsApp Status Video 2018 - Breakup whatsapp status for Boys - Duration: 2:23.
New Whatsapp Status 2018
Project: ELITE na Essen Spiel 18 - Duration: 4:13.
Hi there. My name is Sotirios Tsantilas, I'm one of the designers of the game
Project:ELITE. We have designed the game with Konstantinos Kokkinis.
The game is produced by CMON and Artipia Games. This game is a real-time game
it's a fully cooperative game, the players are working together in order to stop an
alien invasion. The game works on two minutes periods and in two minutes you
have to roll the dice, each player has four dice. They have to roll the dice as
many times as we like in order to to roll the symbols to activate weapons -
there and you have to roll let's say this symbol and the other one to
activate the weapon to kill the aliens and to do some stuff and to accomplish
missions in the battlefield, but the key element of the game is that whenever you
roll this symbol instead before doing anything else you have to move the aliens.
So, it works like an AI. When you roll the dice they keep coming
towards view by themselves you can get the feeling of the videogame.
The objective is to stay alive to do the objectives and at the same time prevent
the aliens from crossing the line of your base so it's kind of tower defense
game and you have to keep in mind all the stuff for a period of
two minutes and the game lasts for eight rounds of two minutes real time and
between the frantic action of two minutes you have to make your strategy -
planning the next move to work with your colleagues in order to
acomplish the objectives. And at the end of the round new aliens would spawn at
certain places and also the nasty one the boss aliens which are
stronger, harder to kill, they have special abilities and also you
can search for weapons you can upgrade your weapons find the equipment and all
the stuff in real time of two minutes. If you want to search for new weapons
you draw one card and you can find equipment and upgrades for
your weapon. This is the boss deck that you can find new more nasty some
some around you get nothing but at some point you can, okay, you can find new
nasty aliens with special abilities also the characters have different
abilities, this is the amount of life that the character has and when you
cross this line you lose one die and you have to lock it there so you continue
with less dice and you are slower and weaker but you can heal yourself at some
point and get your your die back. The game will be on Kickstarter this
Tuesday, 30th of October, keep an eye for the for the campaign to
find out more.
Uomini e Donne, il tronista Riccardi accusato di mettersi d'accordo con Giulia Cavaglia - Duration: 4:56.
ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МАЛЕНЬКОГО КОТЕНКА В ШКОЛЕ - Развивающий мультфильм для детей! Мультик про котят #3 - Duration: 20:11.
Bad Breath of the Wild - Part 6: The Korok Seeds - Duration: 4:01.
Everybody loves Breath of the Wild!
But not me.
I find the latest entry in the beloved Legend of Zelda franchise chockful of seriously aggravating
design decisions and I aim to whine about all of them.
Welcome, to Bad Breath of the Wild!
So, I'm wandering around the massive open world that is Hyrule when I come across a
circle of stones.
"Well, that's conspicuous," thinks I.
Upon examination I notice one of the geoglyph's stones is missing.
So I look around, find a solitary stone nearby, hoof it over and place it in the gap and poof!
A hidden Korok appears.
"You found me!" it exclaims and gifts me a seed I can use to expand my inventory.
Useful and adorable all in one package.
I approve!
So, I keep exploring and eventually I come across another geoglyph.
Oh, I guess a Korok is hidden here too.
I'll just get that stone and put it here and... yep.
Not as charming the second time but there are 900 of these little buggers hidden around
Hyrule; there's bound to be some repeated puzzle types.
But then I see another geoglyph.
And another.
And another.
And another.
And another.
And another.
I visited Kakariko Village and noticed a row of five little statues.
All but one had an apple in their offering plate.
So, I placed one of my own apples in the empty offering plate and poof!
A Korok appeared!
What a lovely and clever puzzle!
It warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face.
So I took my apple back, looted the other four offering plates, mounted my trusty steed
and made for the next town.
On the way I see... two little statues with offering plates, one of them empty.
Oh, this again.
Yep, hi little Korok.
I continue on my way, reach the town and head down to the beach where I find a cave with...
yep, another one of these statue puzzles.
You know, the first time I dove into a ring of lily pads and a Korok appeared, I was delighted.
I'd seen something interesting, taken the time to explore it and was rewarded for my
But the thrill is gone.
Because I know that every ring of lily pads just hides another Korok.
And so it goes with every subsequent time I come across yet another group of statues.
Or another geoglyph.
I've put about 15 or so hours into the game and explored only 3 of the 15 major regions
of Hyrule and I've still managed to stumble across the same geoglyph puzzle eight times.
I applaud Nintendo for filling Hyrule's copious empty space with things to do and I don't
expect it to come up with 900 completely unique environmental puzzles.
In fact, I think there should be repeats.
Hyrule is huge and it would be a shame if players never saw some of these incredibly
creative, fun, and well-crafted puzzles due to their scarcity.
That said, I think Nintendo could have done a better job of repeating puzzle types enough
to increase the odds that gamers will experience each kind at least once without over saturating
the land with the same scenarios over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
and over.
You know how many geoglyph puzzles there are strewn about Hyrule?
Hey folks.
On Saturday, Nov. 3rd, I'll be playing video games for 24 hours to raise money for the
Rady Children's Hospital as part of the Extra Life charity event.
Last year, you helped me raise $1200.
This year, let's shoot for $1500.
You'll find a link to my donation page in the description.
What will I be playing?
Breath of the Wild.
School Time |Happy Opfer, episode 1 (English Subs) - Duration: 4:23.
Wolki: Yeah!
White: Yes?
KillerHD: Here's the ...
KillerHD: Look, there are enough seats
White: Well ... yes
White: * laughs *
KillerHD: So kids,
White: Yes, hello!
KillerHD: Today we practice killing other people
Wolki: * laughs *
KillerHD: Tip number one ...
Wolki: Mr Teacher, there's 2x
KillerHD: Get out of there. Immediately. Ey
KillerHD: Get out of there
KillerHD: I'll beat you out with violence
Killer HD: Young lady, please come out
White: Today we have the lovely
White: Um
White: Yes, I'll write here, Michael Myers
Wolki: His name is Michael Audrey Myers
Wolki: So please do it right!
White: Good
KillerHD: Shh! Be quiet, it is her talk
White: Exactly
White: Well, he likes to stalk. Wearing a white mask and then this...
White: Um ...
White: Um ... yes, this blue jumpsuit
White: Yes, that was my short lecture
White: I'll sit down again.
KillerHD: I'm completely disappointed of you White
KillerHD: This will give quite funny conversation topics at the parents talk
White: Jo, then tell our strategy for today.
KillerHD: So our strategy is ..
White: Stop using your PowerPoint (laser pointer)!
KillerHD: Quite stupid
KillerHD: We are here ...
KillerHD: ... the killer is here
Wolki: * laughs *
KillerHD: And a killer from there
KillerHD: After there Wolki: The joke is ..
Wolki: ... I have no forewarning
KillerHD: And ...
KillerHD: We stay stupid here now and hope that we
KillerHD: Damn you, get out of this closet
KillerHD: Otherwise it will have consequences
Wolki: Mr teacher, mr teacher, I know something!
KillerHD: What do you know?
Wolki: That's White
KillerHD: So I'm very proud of you
KillerHD: That's ... Wolki: Nea has a raven
Wolki: Nea takes off
KillerHD: Bad brat! Wolki: Nea takes off
Killer HD: Nea. Come back Nea. You naughty pig White: Nea is back
Wolki: Stone!
Wolki: * celebrates *
White: He is coming!
Wolki + White: He is coming!
Wild quizzes Really, who wants to read the part here already?
White: He would have to come in, he should have seen Nea
White: He stalks us
KillerHD: Come here
Wolki: Come on
White: Hello
KillerHD: Come on Mr
Wolki + Nea: * laughs * KillerHD: Come out of there you suckers
KillerHD: And welcome our guest. This is Mr Stalk, Stalk
White: Hello Michael
KillerHD: How are you, Mr Stalk, Stalk?
Nea: Go to the damn blackboard!
Nea: "Off to the blackboard, teacher"
Nea: blackboard! White: * laughs *
KillerHD: I'm at the blackboard
KillerHD: Now we and Mr Stalk, stalk are on the same place
KillerHD: He does not know what to do
White: He strangles you
White: NEIIIN He murdered the teacher! Wolki: What´s happening?!
White: Noooooooo!
White: No! I am now a cupboard
Wolki: We are free, the teacher is gone KillerHD: That's ... Um ...
Nea: Dead, nooo!
KillerHD: That's normal behavior, dear children White: No, no, no
White: No! I'm strangled too!
White: * sad sounds *
White: The surprise guest is evil! KillerHD: White, get dressed and do not complain!
KillerhD: Be quiet, dear White
White: The surprise guest is evil.
Wolki: Yeah! (happy to die) KillerHD: The surprise guest knows more like her ****
KillerHD: This is my ex-student who has at least learned something in his education Wolki: I have a beautiful view
Nea: Why are you killed AND I have to lie around here ?!
KillerHD: Well, Wolki, stop looking at the damn butt
KillerHD: Hey brat, I've always said: "You do not look at the bottom, other people"
KillerHD: Straight to the A *** hole Wolki: You should free yourself
Wolki: You can follow right away, Nea
White: Especially as I lie around so nice ... (actually we see more Wolki ....)
Wolki: Dude, where am I hanging? And where are you?
Wolki: Go in closet! x2 KillerHD: I think it's so cool when he killed us
Wolki: Too late
Wolki: Ahhh ... Again, a nice view
Wolki: I'll do all the screenshots
KillerHD: Oh, shit.
White: Jo
[ Vietsub + Pinyin + Hán tự ] Mẹ đã mất con mãi mãi 永失我爱 Phần 1 Luyện nghe tiếng trung hán Radio#1 - Duration: 2:01.
Westport CT Real Estate Agents - Duration: 2:23.
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'67 Chevy Nova connects him to his past, present, future | Why I Drive - Ep. 10 - Duration: 2:15.
My grandfather was one of the founding
members of SEMA, my dad was a drag racer.
That drove me to get this car.
The '67 Nova, for me, just has those classic lines,
those straight, really clean lines.
When I'm in this car, I am fully connected to it.
It's a one-to-one experience.
Everything else around me disappears.
It's me, the car, and the road.
(engine rumbling)
When I'm out driving the Nova on the road,
you know, I hammer it.
It's not like any other car I've driven.
It truly is, I mean, it's loud, it's fun.
You really experience everything.
It handles like a go-kart, it's just so low,
with such wide tires.
(engine rumbling)
You hear everything, it's not a quiet car.
It's you and the car, and just this visceral experience.
(gentle music)
This car does have a few different personalities.
When I'm cruising down the PCH
it's just a fun, nice experience,
and you can cruise down the freeway
at 70, 80 miles an hour no problem, it's just enjoyable,
but it can switch pretty quickly.
If I wanna take it out to a race track,
or hammer it, it turns into a beast real fast.
I love it, it's super fun from that perspective.
(gentle music)
For a muscle car, it is very modern,
and it has a lot of modern technologies,
but it is still an analog experience.
There's no traction control.
There's no launch control, it has manual brakes.
You know, you have to pay attention.
It is something that is modern and fun,
but also it's something that
you're paying attention to the whole time.
(gentle music)
For me this car really connects all the dots.
It has me connected to my past,
and with my grandfather, and with my dad,
to you know, looking at the future.
Hopefully this is a car that my kids wanna drive.
My name is James Schiefer, and this is why I drive.
(gentle music)
(engine rumbling)
(gentle music)
I-1639 - WA State Gun Control? - The Legal Brief - Duration: 5:06.
Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and
misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.
I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're talking about one of our most requested topics Washington's
I-1639 Ballot Initiative that would make owning a semiautomatic rifle a headache.
We actually covered this one before BUT because it seems California continues to infect the
PNW with a mutated strain of "common sense" and it's now on the ballot, we're going to
cover this one again.
Back in July we had covered a Washington ballot initiative, I1639, which was introduced by
the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility.
While it seemed clear that the petition gathers did not comply with Washington law while collecting
signatures, the measure ultimately ended up on the ballot.
Which means Washingtonians are going to be voting to prevent additional restrictions
on their ability to purchase semiautomatic rifles.
So what would I1639 do if it were enacted?
Perhaps one of the biggest things is the creation of the term "semiautomatic assault rifle".
The term is defined as "any rifle which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge
to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate
pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge."
The term specifically excludes "antique firearms, any firearm that has been made permanently
inoperable, or any firearm that is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action."
Now, I know what some of you are thinking...But Adam...wouldn't that new definition include
something like a Ruger 10/22?
Yes...yes it would.
The new term would include a lot of guns that are not usually lumped into an "assault rifle"
On top of that, if adopted, those under 21 would not be able to purchase a "semiautomatic
assault rifle", and sales to non residents would be banned.
Even more nonsensical is the training requirement.
In order to purchase a "semiautomatic assault rifle" under the proposed law, purchasers
would have to show they completed a recognized firearms safety training program, which would
need to include instruction on firearms safety, firearms and suicide prevention, firearms
and children, safe firearms handling and an overview of federal and state firearms laws
including prohibited firearm transfers.
The proposal would also implement a 10 day waiting period before anyone would be able
to take home a new rifle.
It also requires that the local police notify the dealer that it is OK for you to possess
the firearm.
Paperwork required to purchase a firearm would also carry a new warning: "The presence of
a firearm in the home has been associated with an increased risk of death to self and
others, including an increased risk of suicide, death during domestic violence incidents,
and unintentional deaths to children and others."
Lastly, a safe storage requirement would be added.
Much like safe storage laws that have been adopted by other states, this one would impose
penalties if prohibited persons gained access to firearms that were not securely stored.
Of course, those penalties don't apply if the firearm was securely stored.
To recap, the proposal would implement a new definition for a "semiautomatic assault rifle"
which would include unassuming guns like the Ruger 10/22.
It would prevent individuals under 21 from purchasing those types of firearms and bar
the purchase of those firearms for individuals out of state.
Add required "training" and "safe storage" and you have I1639.
So what can Washingtonians do?
Well, the first thing is to make sure you vote and vote no on this initiative.
The second is to inform your family and friends what the ballot measure would do.
You can even send them this video.
Hopefully, gun owners will defeat the measure by exercising their right to vote.
That's it for this episode, if you have learned anything from this show, help us out and hit
that like button, and share it with your friends.
Don't forget to get subscribed and if you enjoyed the video, consider supporting us
via the links down in the video description.
Be sure to check out the The Gun Collective Podcast
on iTunes, and as always, thanks for watching!
World Series MVP Steve Pearce: 'I really hope to come back next year' - Duration: 0:22.
(Matt Murdock) Daredevil | I Beat You - Duration: 3:19.
Romina Power il dettaglio bollente manda in delirio i fan - Duration: 4:01.
Petit Biscuit - Suffer ft. SKOTT (Official Video) - Duration: 3:30.
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know me at all?
You think that you can stand when I fall
Domino, domino, domino all you want
You're better off when we are apart
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know me at all?
You think that you can stand when I fall
Domino, domino, domino all you want
You're better off when we are apart
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know me at all?
You think that you can stand when I fall
Domino, domino, domino all you want
You're better off when we are apart
I'm hanging on my own,
my own,
I'm going out for dinner, having whisky on my own
I'm hanging out alone,
Make coffee, get a hobby, feeling awesome on my own
I'm hanging on my own,
my own,
I'm going out for dinner, having whisky on my own
I'm hanging out alone,
Make coffee, get a hobby, feeling awesome on my own
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know me at all?
You think that you can stand when I fall
Domino, domino, domino all you want
You're better off when we are apart
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know me at all?
You think that you can stand when I fall
Domino, domino, domino all you want
You're better off when we are apart
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know me at all?
You think that you can stand when I fall
Domino, domino, domino all you want
You're better off when we are apart
I'm hanging on my own,
my own,
I'm hanging out alone,
Chiara Gribaudo: i dati Istat sono preoccupanti, basta propaganda dal governo, servono fatti - Duration: 1:28.
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chrono – 41mm New Style Chronograph in Yellow Gold - Duration: 6:18.
This is Watch Your Style.
Today's video is gonna be on the AP 41 millimeter chrono.
Now, this particular version is the new style and it's in yellow gold.
So when it comes to AP, let me tell you, one of my favorite models is gonna be the Royal
Oak and it's gonna be the Royal Oak chrono.
I mean, nothing wrong with the self winding standard one, but the chrono for me is the
I just can't see how you can get more watch for the money.
In the price range of $50,000 more or less, I just don't see how you can get a nicer looking
watch than the AP chrono.
It's very edgy, has a lot of nice, sharp lines and a lot of contrast between the high polish
and the satin.
Yes, the Patek 5980 is gonna probably be my favorite, but however, the AP chrono is a
lot bang for your buck.
It's just something I really like.
They came out with the new version of this watch.
The previous one had solid looking dials.
In the yellow gold version it used to be a solid, blue dial, whereas now it has accents,
which are just pretty much the sub-dials in yellow.
Good looking watch.
It's something that, how do you perfect a watch that's already perfect?
Well I guess you just come out with a new dial.
That's kind of what they did.
One thing that I wish they did to this watch was I don't know why they don't have an exhibition
I don't know what is it about the 41mm chrono movement that they don't wanna showcase yet,
but I think it's about time that they fix whatever it is they wanna fix, make it look
nice, and show it, for like the people that are asking for it.
Overall it's a good looking watch and you really can't go wrong.
But that's the only thing that still bugs me.
So let's talk a little bit about the size.
I feel that the AP 41 chrono is the perfect size.
It's not too big, not too bulky, not too think.
It's actually perfect for men or women and believe it or not, when I was talking about
the Patek 5796, the 40th Anniversary, I feel like they almost went a little bit too big.
I think that this is the perfect size AP.
The Offshore is a bit thicker and the 44 is not for everybody's wrist, but let me tell
you, the 41 is perfect!
I wasn't much of a fan of the 39 millimeter believe it or not.
I mean, it's a good looking watch overall, you can't go wrong, but I just feel like if
you're thinking about getting a 39mm, just consider it twice and give the 41 a try.
Now, I can't express how much I love the bracelet of this watch.
There's something about that bracelet, I said it before, that just...I don't know man, maybe
it's just all those flat angles that just really does it for me.
Can't go wrong.
You've heard me say this before on my other videos.
Probably my favorite watch is the 41-millimeter AP chrono.
Audemars Piguet really did it right with that watch.
Now, I love it in steel and I love it in rose gold.
Now, there's something I want to talk about this yellow gold here.
In theory, you would think yellow gold, blue dial, it's a hit.
Yeah, in theory, it's a stunner.
But there's something about Audemars yellow gold that's just not the same as everybody
Their yellow gold tends to be pale, almost like a green we might say.
It looks very pale to me and that's something that, I don't know man, it kind of bothers
I know that it's a different style and there a little bit different, but the alloy that
they use in their yellow gold is not the same as Rolex let's say.
If this watch had the same color and tone as Rolex, Oh my God!
It would be like just a superstar, but I think overall, if I had to choose, I would probably
have the rose gold in first, the steel in second and the yellow in third.
I guess it hasn't really grown on me.
I've seen it over and over, over the years and tried it on, but the yellow gold just
doesn't do it for me.
It almost just looks like brass.
So let's talk a little bit about price.
It has a retail of $56,000.
Nowadays they're not easy to go.
I would say the rose gold is already harder to get.
The yellow is a little bit harder.
So you're gonna be paying close to retail or even over retail if the watch is unworn.
As far as the Watch Game goes, I mean it's a heavy hitter.
It looks great.
When you see it on somebody's wrist, even though I'm not really that crazy about the
tone of the yellow, it still looks amazing.
I mean, it's an AP 41, so it's a heavy piece in the Watch Game and if you are OK with the
tone of yellow, go for it.
It's definitely unique and it's definitely a heavy yellow gold piece.
So feel free to comment below how you feel about the AP 41 chrono in yellow.
And if you liked this video, please like and share.
Also, subscribe to our channel.
My name is Eric, Watch Your Style!
Jerry Remy 'doing well' after recent cancer battle - Duration: 0:18.
CIASTO DYNIOWE Z BAKALIAMI 🍰 | Kinga Paruzel & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 4:27.
Earny App Review: Get $$$ Back || What is Earny? || Is Earny Safe? - Duration: 7:23.
What is Earny? Wait you've never heard of Earny?
Well I wouldn't worry about it 'cause neither had I
actually until just a couple of months ago and now it's like my new favorite
thing ever. Seriously, I may love it even more than ebates
Not even joking.
hey there it's Wendy Valencia today I am
doing the Earny app review and I'm gonna go over everything about Earny that I know
know thus far which is some and of course the dryer stops as soon as I
start recording so if I don't deal with it
I'm gonna hear beeping in the background of my video so I go deal with it
laundry beeping is like every 30 seconds it would have driven me insane so what
exactly is Earny the Earny app is basically the electronic equivalent of
Walmart price matching basically it's an automatic system that tracks all of your
online purchases and it automatically when the price goes down it goes out and
tries to get you a refund for the difference it's simple right say you've
bought an item at Walmart and the price has dropped by twenty dollars the app
emails through your email to Walmart and says hey I noticed you now have a lower
price on this item would you please give me a refund for that amount it's kind of
like what you would do if you had enough time to track every single online
purchase that you ever made because in theory you would want to do this you
would want to keep an eye on all of the prices of everything that you've
purchased but if you're like me you do most of your purchasing online so the
sheer volume of stuff that you would have to track is impossible to track
so this basically will do that for you and just let you know for free so then
the company comes back and either gives you the refund or it doesn't give you
the refund and it comes straight to your account whatever you use to purchase the
item for us that's our debit card it just comes straight back to our bank
account so this is why I'm loving it in the past two weeks I've gotten thirty
two dollars and eighty eight cents back not even kidding
yeah that alone makes it worth it I mean that's thirty two dollars and eighty
eight cents just for connecting my email to the Ernie account yeah that makes it
worth it all thirty seconds of the amount of time that I spent connecting
my email to the account 30 seconds and never opened the app again now it is
important that you know I don't have a credit card account connected to it in
any form shape way as you all know I do not use credit
cards I don't believe in credit cards they don't work for my family they may
work for other people they don't work for us so we don't even have them to
connect to Earny but if you do have a credit card you actually could get even
more money back by connecting your credit card but I don't know a lot about
that I'm sure there are a ton of YouTube videos on it but we don't use a credit
card so I can't really comment on that aspect of it so here's what happened to
me I saw on I want to say it was like NBC something about it just in passing
and so I looked it up and I started to connect it and I connect to my Amazon
account and my email account and then I saw I needed a credit card and I stopped
and I was like well if I made a credit card I'm not going to hear this and I
stopped and this was like over a month ago and I just forgot about it 100%
forgot about it a few weeks later I got an email in my inbox from Macy's about
an item I purchased several months before and in that email it said they
were crediting me I don't remember it was like 16.18 or something like that
for an item that I purchased through them and basically Macy said they were
gonna refund me the difference and I was like awesome wow that's some amazing
customer service that Macy's has that they say well you booked this item for
this price and so we're gonna give you a credit for the difference and I was
thinking whoa I'm gonna have to buy from Macy's more often but truthfully I very
rarely buy department store stuff but just FYI when I purchase this from
Macy's it was on 50% off and I got 20% additional back in Ebates so yeah I
hadn't paid it but a fraction of the original price for this thing so getting
even more money back I was like whoa this is awesome so at this point I had
no idea what was going on didn't even occur to me this or anything I did
even think of it because in my mind I had never completed the process so a few
days later I got an email from Walmart saying that they were giving me an
additional 1474 off for this bike thing scooter thing that I had gotten my
nephew for his birthday and I was like $14 on 74 cents from
Walmart what is going on and then I got an email from Ernie saying they had
gotten me another refund and I was like Ernie Ernie I need to look this up so I
looked it up and then I remembered and I was like oh so I guess I don't need that
credit card so yeah Ernie he is legit about your wondering but if Ernie
accesses your email as you and emails them and the money comes directly to you
how does Ernie earn their money yeah I wondered that too
Ernie says that they take 25% of your refund for them and I'm like I'm totally
cool with that cuz hey I wasn't gonna get that money back anyway without your
app so yeah I'll pay you 25% now I I am sure that if you connect a credit card
to them you'll get your full refund back and they'll take a charge your credit
card 25% that is my guess but I don't know cuz I don't have credit card hooked
up to it did I mention I didn't have a credit card hooked up to it so if you
are interested in trying out Earny I'll put a link down in the description box
but full disclosure it is a link with a kickback for me so you know go ahead
give me some extra money no seriously go ahead and link your email and your
Amazon account and go ahead and try it out see if you like it so far
I have had no issues with it and I am loving the amount of money it gives me
back so I'll see you in the next one see ya
we're out
30 day Victoria's Secret Workout Challenge (Full Program) - Duration: 3:20.
Hi Vanderfits and welcome to a brand new video, so I don't know about you
but I'm a huge Victoria Secret fan and I follow all the Angels on
Instagram. That's why I see a lot of Instagram stories of them working out in Dogpound and
just really training very hard for the upcoming Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
And I thought why wouldn't we do a similar challenge? So let's
get started because I have created a
30-day Victoria's Secret workout challenge here on my channel
So in the month of November every single day
There will be a workout from me that is inspired by the Victoria's Secret
workouts that the models do. I've done a lot of research through articles, YouTube videos and
Instagram stories
like I already said, to make sure that I have the exact same
routines as the models follow so that you and I can do them together
So I hope you guys are as excited as I am because
we are going to Train like an angel. We are going to set the goal of working out every single day
Some workouts will be long others will be sort (like five minutes), but make sure that you tune in every single day at
8 AM LA time
for anybody that is wondering when the videos come live, that is always my standard upload date
So make sure you hit that little notification bell. So you make sure that you don't miss any
uploads and that you do all the workouts with me. No excuses these 30 days. We are going for it, together you and I!
So I hope you guys are really really
pumped up because that is the energy that we need and if you're not that excited already then don't worry because
I am going to help you guys out
I have created a Vanderfit Facebook group on
which all the Vanderfits can talk to each other and you can tell us how you feel
We will all motivate each other on that Facebook group. So make sure that you check it out
It's linked down below. And also make sure to follow the @vander_fit Instagram account
Because every single day I will post a little preview of the video of that day
So make sure that you check that out to see what we are going to do and to get a little hint of what
the workouts of that date will look like and that is basically it!
So I see you all tomorrow in your gym clothes with your trainers on and then we can get started
to create our own angel bodies. Okay guys. I love you loads. Bye
Make sure to tune in tomorrow because we don't accept any quitters. Love you
SONO VIVO PER MIRACOLO! (I'm alive by miracle) Halloween 2018 - Duration: 0:47.
Hi guys!
Halloween is a Celtic festival
but we are westernized people
We interpret it as we want
We turned it into an horror party
I don't understand why we destroy all antique traditions
guys let me know what you think about
I think that it's still a bullshit
10 Fakte Per Momentin e Vdekjes Nga Shkenca Moderne | shqipTUBE - Duration: 6:19.
No matter how rich a man is, what he has done or how famous he is,
death will affect everyone. Everyone is a fateful day when life will end. But
Have you ever thought about how this is going to be. Scientific facts explain a lot
interesting things about ending human consciousness. In this Albanian documentary can
to learn more about death.
10. What is death? There is no real answer. Science in some cases determines
death at the moment when heartbeats stop, but some people think
when the brain does not work the person dies. But even if the heart and brain have no system activity
Blood circulation can continue to be empowered by the machine to revive.
There are concepts that are legally dead and clinically dead. Death is a process in it
which all biological functions fail.
9. Scientific facts have never been able to argue the questions of what is happening
happens with our consciousness after death. Science teaches us that the mind is created
through nervous activity and that death of the brain is the death of consciousness. If we believe
that the mind stems from the brain, we simply cease to exist at the moment of death.
Man is subject only to something that no living has experienced, the infinite truth.
8. According to popular belief, the brain is not the last thing to stop at the moment of death.
The brain connects the entire nervous system with the parts that control the mind and emotion.
When the heart stops beating, the brain can survive for up to six minutes. However without
given the cause of the death of a person, the brain is always the cause, even
even from a heart attack. So a body is not really dead up
at the moment the brain loses all its functions.
When the body becomes deprived of oxygen at the cellular level, the activity of the brain increases. science
explains that the brain looks like a fireworks display at the time of death.
This process is not fully understood, but it is believed that the brain produces what is called
experience near death as sensation, images, memories that resurrect at the time of death.
6. Those who pretend to be back from death describe the lights that were with him
Strange that in our world, feelings, winds, tastes and other events that are entirely
out of this world. But modern science explains these experiences as a result
stimulation of the brain at the moment of death. The question that does not answer is the moment I
the last of the consciousness before the unconscious the curves weirdest curves we will ever have?
5. Many people who have had death experiences have paranormal explanations
extreme time distortion. Many report that time seems slower
or completely prohibited. Some have claimed that time loses all meanings
near death. We hope that further research from modern science will
clarify this unexplained phenomenon to date.
4. A biological death is because man can not return from death, but many cells
in the body are still very alive but dying. So when we are totally dead, is it
when the last cell in our body dies.
3. For a natural death it seems that there is a more predictable rhythm when death comes.
The circulating rhythm is a biological clock that regulates the body of one's sleep. controls
Controls moods, appetites and many other things. It is thought that people are dying
in the morning they have different biological hours than people who die at night.
2. Many different genes are activated at the moment of death even though Science
modern is not safe about this. Some genes are thought to continue to burn
even after death. In a dead body some of the previously inactive inactivities become active
24 hours.
1. Although modern science and technology is advancing the moment of death yet
there is no exact explanation. Earlier it was thought that a person without a heartbeat is
now dead is believed that the moment of death is much different. All of them
discoveries about death have brought new discussions and experiments. It is believed that
there are still genes in the genes even after cell death. Time will tell how much it will be
Successful Science in Efforts to Understand the End Times of Our Lives.
The Best REIT You Haven't Heard Of [But Need to Invest In] - Duration: 7:42.
Real estate investment trusts are absolutely critical to filling the gaps in your property
investing strategy but the REIT vs real estate debate isn't over.
By the end of this video, you'll know why REIT stocks beat the market and the best new
REIT investment for your portfolio.
We're talking real estate investing today on Let's Talk Money.
Joseph Hogue with the Let's Talk Money channel here on YouTube.
I want to send a special shout out to everyone in the community, thank you for taking a part
of your day to be here.
If you're not part of the community yet, just click that little red subscribe button.
It's free and you'll never miss an episode.
If you've been following the channel you know I'm a huge fan of real estate investing.
I started my professional career as a commercial property analyst before managing my own portfolio.
No other asset has created as much family wealth as real estate and I truly believe
that everyone should have some exposure in their investments.
That's why I'm excited about this video, the first in a three-part series in partnership
with stREITwise where we'll talk about how real estate fits in your total wealth strategy,
how to get that exposure and an exciting new way to invest.
Today I'm going to show you exactly why you need real estate in your portfolio, how
you can use it to create a stress-free strategy with returns that beat a simple stock, bond
We'll talk about some of the challenges in property investing and how I get most of
my real estate exposure with dividends over 5% and without having to lift a finger.
First though, I want to invite everyone in the community to share their real estate investing
experience in the comments below.
Have you every invested in property, was it residential or commercial, was it a long-term
strategy or something you flipped?
So just scroll down and share your favorite real estate investment below in the comments.
So a question I get a lot is real estate versus stocks, which is the best investment and I've
really got two answers.
First, the short answer is real estate, hands down.
Real estate returns beat stocks in almost every time period.
In fact, over the 30-years through 2017, real estate provided an 1,800% return according
to the NAREIT all equity REIT more than double the total return of 731% on the S&P 500.
Not only are the returns higher but real estate offers better protection against inflation.
You know, over that 30 years, the value of the dollar has been cut in half according
to the BLS Consumer Price Index.
Something you bought for $1 in 1987 now costs $2.16 - including the price of real estate.
But the other answer is why not have both, stocks and real estate?
Combining real estate in a portfolio of stocks means you make money whether the stock market
rises or not.
In the mid-80s when the S&L crisis hit real estate, stock prices did well.
When the tech bust destroyed stocks in 2000, real estate was booming.
This is going to mean that your wealth is going to grow steadily, not crashing with
the market and you're not going to freak out when it does.
But that huge advantage in owning real estate runs face first into reality for a lot of
Buying and managing property just isn't possible for a lot of people.
Sure, you might be able to manage one or two rentals but own any more and it becomes a
full-time job on top of your full-time job.
It costs tens of thousands just for a down payment on one property.
That means, for a lot of investors, they'd have to sink their entire nest egg into real
estate and anyone that lived through the housing bust can tell you that's not a good idea.
But there is one type of real estate investment that gives you those double-digit returns,
all the exposure you need, without the headaches and problems.
You can start with less than $100 and get an investment in multiple properties all across
the country and with professional management.
We're talking about a real estate investment trust or REIT.
A REIT is an investment company that owns real estate and pays out the cash flow to
The company is managed by real estate professionals with all the staff and structure you'd expect
from a major corporation.
REITs get a special tax break from the government.
If they pay out most of their earnings to investors, they pay no corporate income tax.
That means huge dividends for investors and less taxes lost to Uncle Sam.
Now one of the best parts is that listed REITs trade just like stocks on any investing platform.
You can go into your online account or to any broker and buy a share of a company for
less than $100 - in fact, of the almost 200 REITs I follow, prices range from less than
a dollar a share to about $170 per share with dividends as high as 13% a year.
It used to be that the only REITs available to regular investors were those traded on
the exchanges, while other funds were only available to the wealthy.
Just over the last few years though we've seen the rise of online REITs and platforms
like stREITwise that have opened the opportunity up to everyone.
We're going to be talking more about these in a bit and over the next two videos.
I've been investing in REITs for over a decade and just got into online REITs myself.
For example, one of the exchange traded REITs I own is Welltower, an owner of properties
in the healthcare sector that pays a 5.5% dividend.
Here's another one Extra Space Storage which manages storage facilities.
The dividend here is only 3.7%, which is still twice the cash return versus the rest of the
market, and the shares have jumped 34% from where I bought them just a couple of years
One of the problems I've always had with REITs though is that these tend to be very
large companies that need to reinvest in dozens of new properties a year.
That kind of scale can actually work to their disadvantage, one because of the costs of
running such a large company, but also because management doesn't have as much discretion
in picking good deals.
They have to reinvest cash for growth.
Another problem for listed REITs is that the stock price tends to be more like a stock
rather than that smoother appreciation from real estate.
For example, when the stock market lost 50% in 2008, REITs lost more than 60% of their
Now of course real estate prices fell hard too but actual property prices declined also
but it was more like 30% - so you have more risk in REITs.
For these two reasons, I'm excited about a new type of real estate investment called
the online REIT.
These are a lot like REITs except online REITs are smaller portfolios of properties with
non-traded shares and most of the time, higher dividend yields.
Since online REITs are smaller than exchange traded REITs, management can pick and choose
the properties in which to invest and there isn't as much regulatory or operational
expenses to be covered.
A lot of times that's going to mean better flexibility to go after only the best properties
and a higher cash return for investors.
For example, the 1st stREIT Office REIT managed by stREITwise invests in high-quality office
properties and as of the date of this video, has paid a 10% annualized dividend.
The fund is managed by seasoned real estate professionals that have acquired or managed
over $5.4 billion in property and across all property types.
I'll leave a link to this online REIT in the video description below with more information.
Because online REITs are longer-term investments, the share price of the investment or its net
asset value, isn't usually as volatile as stocks or listed REITs.
Against this, there is one disadvantage in that some online REITs are still only available
to accredited investors, people with over a million net worth.
The stREITwise online REIT is open to all investors but it's so far the exception
rather than the rule.
Now I still own some listed REITs in my portfolio but I'm diversifying into online REITs as
This three-pronged strategy of owning some properties but diversifying with REITs and
online REITs gives me the best of all three.
I get that pride of ownership from direct investing in properties but also the diversification
and professional management of REITs and high cash return from online REITs.
I'm going to be going deeper into the detail of how you can use online REITs to build a
portfolio in our next video.
Don't forget to tell us your favorite real estate investing experience in the comments
We're here every Monday and Wednesday with the best on beating debt, making more money
and making your money work for you so click subscribe to join the community.
If you have a question about money or investing, scroll down and ask it in the comments and
we'll answer it in a future video.
I Will Survive | Guitar Loop - Duration: 4:41.
Tate & Clary (+Sebastian) ➤ Walk Through the Fire {crossover} - Duration: 2:08.
are you okay?
you are not get to die today
I don't get it
you are scaring her
go away!
I wanted to you
it's you
I am not supposed to be here
keep quiet
or I will punish you again
and you wouldn't like that
I will kill them all
it's too late for that
do it
come on, now
don't waste my time
there it is
something is changed in you
I don't know what I've done
I would never let anybody hurt you
We are much more alike than you think, you and I
you're a son of the b*
I did something bad, didn't I?
I'm so sorry for everything
My Last Ride With the Honda CB 650 F - Duration: 10:31.
✅ Συγκεντρώσου, κάνε μια ερώτηση, διάλεξε μια κάρτα και δες το αποτέλεσμα! - Duration: 7:25.
Κάθε μία από τις 8 κάρτες της κεντρικής φωτογραφίας αντιστοιχεί σε μια κάρτα Ταρώ. Αν θέλεις να μάθεις τι σου επιφυλάσσει το άμεσο μέλλον, συγκεντρώσου, διάλεξε κάποια από αυτές και δες την απάντηση που κρύβει.
Τώρα που επέλεξες, διάβασε παρακάτω τι αποκαλύπτει η κάθε μία.
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 1
Οι σκέψεις σου είναι πολλές και διαφορετικές που πρέπει να προσεγγίζονται με ήρεμο μυαλό. Η κάρτα της Σελήνης υποδεικνύει ότι η επιθυμία σου θα πραγματοποιηθεί, όμως, έχεις αρκετό δρόμο ακόμα.
Όσο περισσότερο αναπτύσσεσαι, τόσο πιο πολλές ιδέες θα σε κατακλύζουν και θα βελτιώνεσαι σε κάθε βήμα σου. Δώσε ιδιαίτερη προσοχή σε ό, τι σου έρχεται ξαφνικά στο μυαλό και επεξεργάσου το.
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 2
Κάποιος (ενδεχομένως κι εσύ) οφείλει να συνειδητοποιήσει την πραγματικότητα, να είναι αντικειμενικός για να κρίνει αν και κατά πόσο το ένα πρόσωπο είναι πιο αφοσιωμένο στη σχέση από το άλλο.
Μπορεί, αν πρόκειται για εραστές, να είναι καλύτερα να χωρίσετε και να παραμείνετε φίλοι. Είτε συνδέεστε ερωτικά είτε αλλιώς, πρέπει ένας από τους δυο να αφεθεί ελεύθερος. Αυτός ίσως είσαι εσύ!
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 3
Όσα πέρασες τέλειωσαν οριστικά και δεν πρόκειται να τα ξαναζήσεις. Τα πράγματα έχουν εξελιχθεί και βρίσκεσαι στον σωστό δρόμο.
Μπορεί να επιθυμείς διακαώς μια ερωτική σχέση και γι' αυτήν να ευχήθηκες, όμως είναι πιθανό να σε παρασύρει αυτή σου η ανάγκη και πρέπει να προσέξεις πολύ για να μη γίνεις "αιχμάλωτος της αγάπης".
Απόκτησε τώρα το βιβλίο της Νίας Θεοφανίδου «Ταρό για όλους» που ρίχνει φως στα εσωτερικά μυστήρια του Ταρό.
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 4
Ονειρεύεσαι και με τα μάτια ανοιχτά, καθώς κάτι έχει προκαλέσει το ενδιαφέρον σου. Τώρα μπορείς να υλοποιήσεις τις ιδέες σου.
Αν η ευχή σου ήταν για δημιουργία σχέση, είναι απλώς θέμα χρόνου για να πραγματοποιηθεί. Αν υπάρχει ήδη κάτι στον ορίζονται, προβλέπεται μια ευχάριστη και συναρπαστική συνάντηση.
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 5
Αυτή η κάρτα δείχνει ότι είσαι πολύ κοντά στο να πραγματοποιήσεις την επιθυμία σου, αρκεί να κλείσεις κάποια προηγούμενα... χρέη σου.
Μπορεί να μη ζήτησες ποτέ συγγνώμη για κάτι που έφταιξες. Ίσως, πάλι, οφείλεις με κάποιο τρόπο να ανταποδώσεις ένα καλό που έλαβες. Κάνε την ειλικρινή προσπάθειά σου και θα δεις ότι θα έχεις θετικά αποτελέσματα.
Μάλιστα, δε θα ευχαριστήσεις μόνο το άλλο πρόσωπο, αλλά κι εσένα.
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 6
Αυτή η κάρτα είναι προάγγελος ενός τέλους αλλά και μιας προσωπικής ανανέωσης ή και μεταμόρφωσης! Να είσαι ανοιχτός/η στις αλλαγές που έρχονται γιατί θα διαμορφώσουν μια νέα σου, βελτιωμένη έκδοση.
Αν το ζητούμενό σου είναι μια απόφαση που καλείσαι να πάρεις, να ξέρεις ότι δεν πρέπει να παρθεί αυτόματα, αλλά με βάση την προηγούμενη εμπειρία σου. Θυμήσου, σκέψου και μετά αποφάσισε.
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 7
Αυτή η κάρτα δείχνει φωτεινές προοπτικές και νέες ευκαιρίες. Ένας μη υλοποιημένος στόχος, όμως ή κάτι που έμεινε στη μέση σε κρατούν κολλημένο/η πίσω και δε σε αφήνουν να προχωρήσεις.
Τώρα είναι η στιγμή να κάνεις το βήμα μπροστά γιατί κάτι καινούργιο θα συμβεί. Αλλά, να είσαι ειλικρινής με τον εαυτό σου για το τι είναι αυτό που θα σε ικανοποιούσε πραγματικά στη ζωή σου. Μόνο εσύ το ξέρεις!
Εάν επέλεξες την Κάρτα 8
Αυτή είναι η κάρτα της διαίσθησης. Η επιθυμία σου είναι σαν ένα όραμα που σε υποκινεί και σε καλεί να το υλοποιήσεις. Ωστόσο, δεν είναι ανέφικτη γιατί έχεις δημιουργήσει τις κατάλληλες συνθήκες για να συμβεί.
Αν δεν το έχεις κάνει ήδη, τότε να ξέρεις ότι το κλειδί της επιτυχίας κρύβεται στο ένστικτό σου. Αν η ευχή σου αφορά στον έρωτα, τώρα θα αντιληφθείς τα μηνύματα πίσω από τα λόγια ενός προσώπου.
Prince Harry gives heartfelt advice to little boy who lost his mother in emotional moment on royal t - Duration: 3:54.
Prince Harry melted hearts on royal tour when he stopped to have a very emotional chat with a little boy who had lost his mother
As he greeted members of the public alongside wife Meghan Markle in New Zealand on Tuesday, the Duke of Sussex was stopped by a six year old called Otia Nante, who gave him a letter detailing how his mother had sadly died when he was just one year old
Looking visibly touched by the gesture, Prince Harry – who publicly dealt with the death of his own mother, Princess Diana, aged 12 – paused to have a chat with Otia and his grandmother
"He really looks up to you because he lost his mother too," the little boy's nan said
Top Stories Prince Harry gives Meghan Markle a cheeky pat on the bum as royal tour comes to an end Pregnant Meghan Markle finally takes on Kate Middleton's maternity hack Showing his sensitive side, Harry then replied with a pep talk, addressing the little boy directly as he said: "Life will always be alright, you know that, yeah? "I made it to 34 years old and life is great
I've got a beautiful wife and a baby on the way." Comforting Otia further, Prince William's brother kindly added: "Your life is gonna be sorted, don't you worry about that"
Speaking to Australia's Daily Telegraph after the encounter, Otia's Nan Ta said that Harry also offered some words of advice to her
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"Nans are so important in our lives." The sweet moment occurred just before the end of the royal couple's tour of New Zealand, Australia, Tonga and Fiji
It's been a busy few weeks for the royals, after 76 engagements, four countries and a huge amount of travelling – with the pair announcing they were expecting at the start of the tour
The pair haven't stopped discussing the incredible news throughout the tour, with Harry previously offering a personal message when they arrived in New Zealand via helicopter
He said: "From myself, my wife and our little bump, we are so grateful to be here
"We bring blessings from my grandmother the Queen and our family. "We are so grateful for your hospitality and the work to look after this beautiful place
" At the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games, he added: "I have been so proud to be able to introduce my wife to you, and we have been so happy to be able to celebrate the personal joy of our newest addition with you all
" Top Stories Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's plane is forced to abort landing in Sydney How old is Meghan Markle? Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex share surprising age gap Meghan Markle keeps wearing this one necklace and the reason is very special
As casas mais incríveis e bem decoradas para o Halloween nos Estados Unidos | #ErikaNaAmerica Ep02 - Duration: 12:45.
Hey pessoal! Estou aqui com o a Lorrie e o Kris
Eles são os donos desta casa que eu vou mostrar pra vocês com mais detalhes
Vamos fazer algumas perguntas para eles sobre o Halloween entre outras coisas
que vocês me perguntaram no Instagram (Stories) então
Vocês são super apaixonas pelo Halloween, né?
Primeiro de tudo: quando as pessoas ou quando vocês começam a decorar as casas?
Nós geralmente começamos no início de outubro
A gente exagera um pouquinho, somo um pouco fora do normal
Você acha? haha
É maravilhoso!
Eu faço algumas das coisas porque eu sou formada em Artes, e algumas coisas noós compramos
e algumas coisas nós fazemos juntos
E eu acho que é bem mais interessante quando você faz algo
É tipo: "Meu Deus, não dá pra comprar isso em nenhum lugar
Né? É único!
Da onde vem essa paixão pelo Halloween? Por que vocês amam tanto o Halloween?
Eu sempre amei desde quando eu era criança, eu amava me fantasiar
de um personagem diferente. É uma noite do ano que você pode ser alguém completamente diferente
você pode usar um disfarce diferente que é oposto do que você é, ou algo que você deseja ser
ou algo que você tenha medo, assim você pode vencer esse medo ou qualquer coisa do tipo.
Você se lembra da sua melhor fantasia? Daquela que você nunca se esqueceu?
Eu gosto do Frankenstein e a noiva do Frankenstain
Eu sou formada em Arte então eu sou esculpi a cabeça do Frankenstein pra ele
Ele fez sapatos bem grandes. Você conhece o Frankenstein?
Sim, claro claro claro
Então, ele fez sapatos grandes e era bem alto, eu fiz almofadas grandes para os ombros
E isso foi bem divertido
Vocês se fantasiam de casal para o Halloween?
Nós fomos vampiros nos ano passado, no ano anterior ele foi um homem abóbora
E eu era uma cabeçona de caveira e a gente incorporou nossas fantasias
a cabeça da abóbora ali em cima era da fantasia dele
Que demais!
Eu fiz a partir de papel marchê, e a cabeça do meu esqueleto está bem na janela da frente
então nós os trouxemos aqui pra fora para podermos usar na decoração
E quando vocês começam a pensar no que irão se fantasiar
Algumas vezes a gente começa alguns meses antes, as vezes apenas algumas semanas
a gente não sabe
Uma pergunta interessante que eu não planejei mas que me veio agora na cabeça:
Quando vocês sugerem para o outro a fantasia, vocês concordam ou discutem
do tipo "Não, não curto"
Não, a gente diz que tem uma ideia e aí falamos pra fazer dessa forma
e nós dois somos criativos, então ele vai pensar em coisas diferentes e eu também
e aí a gente fala: que tal se a gente fizer tal coisa?
Que bacana, até porque vocês dois são super apaixonados então é mais fácil
porque dá pra falar "essa não mas e se a gente fizer assim..."
Ele ama fazer isso também e é tão divertido quando as crianças vêm aqui
E eu imagino que seja um prazer pra vocês ver todas essas pessoas vindo aqui
Ah sim a gente ama isso!
Tem alguma coisa no Halloween que vocês têm medo?
Eu não sou muito fã de aranhas.
A gente tem muitas.
A única coisa que a gente não coloca são coisas sangrentas
é sangrento
coisas desmembradas, entre outros
a gente não curte muito isso, a gente não tem isso aqui
a pior coisa desse tipo que a gente tem são as cabeças dos noivos decaptados que acendem
mas não é sangrento
ou caveiras, mas nada...ok... braços ou pernas
O Halloween é diferente em outros estados ou lugares, não sei se vocês sabem disso mas
se a gente pegar Nova York, Califórnia... o Halloween é diferente ou em geral é o mesmo?
Eu acho que tudo basicamente a mesma coisa. Eu sou de Nova York (nasci lá)
meu irmão mora no Colorado e eu acho que é tudo mais ou menos a mesma coisa
Tem alguma coisa daqui de Iowa, que só quem mora em Iowa faz isso pro Halloween?
Uma coisa que fazem e que a gente não tinha muito em Nova York são os labirintos nos milharais
Então sim, os labirintos nos milharais. Isso é algo diferente.
Falando sobre o "Trick or Treat" em 2018, existe algo que, se você não der um doce
or se você perguntar pela "travessura", as crianças fazem travessuras de verdade
Eu acho que não. Eu nunca vi nada do tipo nessa região. Eu nunca vi ninguém fazendo nada
na minha época, as crianças ensaboavam as janelas o tempo todo
Como? hahaha
Sim, eles pegavam sabonetes e esfregavam em toda janela
Ah ok, taí uma boa travessura
Que outras travessuras você se lembra, talvez de outras regiões ou quando vocês eram crianças?
esmagar abóboras, pegando as Jack O'Lanterns das pessoas e jogando na entrada
e coisas do tipo, esse era uma outra travessura
quando eu era criança, eles diziam "travessuras ou gostosuras" e isso queria dizer que
se você não me der um doce, eu vou pregar uma peça em você
eu vou ensaboar suas janelas, eu vou jogar ovo na sua casa
se você não me der um doce, eu vou pregar uma peça em você
se você tem doce e quer que elas venham até a sua casa, você acende as luzes
se você não tem doces, se acabou ou se começou a participar agora, desligue as luzes
e as crianças vão pular sua casa
E quais tipos de doces? Eu sou nova aqui e quero começar a comprar doces para as crianças
quais tipos de doces, tem que ser algo livre de castanhas (alergia), ou algo que eu deva tomar cuidado
Todas as lojas vendem pacotes grandes de doces pro Halloween e bem isso que todo mundo dá
Tudo o que o Walmart tiver em grandes pacotes
dá pra eles que eles ficarão felizes
Você acredita que as crianças vêm mais aqui porque sua casa é mais decorada?
Totalmente! Tem pessoas que vem aqui de Iowa City e Coralville (cidades do lado)
fazer "trick or treat" aqui na minha casa e é por isso que a gente avisou os vizinhos
a gente está com novos vizinhos e no ano passado eles não compraram doces suficiente
e eles falaramm: a gente não tinha ideia que viria tudo isso de gente
aí eles mandaram os filhos deles comprarem mais doces porque as pessoas fazem fila
A gente teve mais ou menos umas 416 crianças
Tem alguns vizinhos aqui que estavam contando e disseram que essa quantidade é
de crianças que foram até a nossa casa mas que algumas iam apenas na de vocês e depois iam embora
Acho que depois eles ficavam aliviados né? 400 crianças.
Eu tenho mais ou menos uns 600 doces agora mas eu fico pensando: Acho que eu deveria comprar mais
Meu Deus! Então isso é um evento!
31 de Outubro é o dia que as crianças vem certo?
É das 17h até as 20h
Uma outra pergunta sobre o "trick or treat" - é só para crianças mas vocês sabem a idade delas?
tipo 3, 4, 10, 12 anos de idade?
Aqui nós temos adolescentes, crianças desde bebês até adolescentes
e a gente gosta de dar doces até para os adolescentes. Eu sei que existem alguns estados agora
que estão abolindo crianças com mais de 12 anos de fazer o trick or treat, eles dizem que as crianças não podem ir
eu preferiria que minhas crianças se fantasiassem para fazer o trick or treat do que estar fazendo outra coisa
tipo, se metendo em problemas, então eu gosto que elas venham
Adultos: eles participam?
Se você vier no Halloween, você verá varios adultos que se fantasiam
E perguntam: TRICK OR TREAT?
Eles não perguntam mas eles trazem seus filhos
Amor, a gente ainda não tem crianças mas onde a gente consegue alugar ou pegar algumas
Algumas pessoas dão potinhos de gelatina pros adultos quando eles vêm junto
Amor, a gente precisa de algumas crianças pra fazer trick or treat
Muito legal, obrigada por me contar essas coisas porque muita coisa eu não sabia
Eu sabia de algumas, mas nossa que legal!
Qual sua melhor memória do Halloween? Existe algum momento especial que você se lembra?
Uma vez veio uma criança e chutou a gente e eu não sei o porquê
Ele só olhou pra gente e me chutou, chutou ele, a mãe dele puxou ele
E eu fiquei pensando: O que eu fiz?
Eu acho que o trick or treat dele não foi muito bom
Mas a gente deu um doce pra ele
Não é justo!
Mas ele tinha mais ou menos uns 7 ou 8 anos, sei lá, não sei o que aconteceu
Acho que ele estava de mau humor
Mas geralmente é muito divertido ter todas as crianças aqui e os adultos
Os adultos são sempre tão agradecidos, eles sempre agradecem a gente por fazer isso
Muitos pais usam a nossa casa como um incentivo para fazer com que as crianças façam as coisas
Eles falam: "A gente não vai ter levar na casa de Halloween se você não fizer isso"
Que demais! Você tem que arrumar sua cama!
É perigoso fazer "trick or treat" por aqui?
Não, eu acho que não!
Talvez elas possam ser atingidas por um carro
Mas não no caso de ser roubado tarde da noite
Isso é tão bom né?
Uma última pergunta antes da gente terminar esse video!
Onde vocês guardam todas essas coisas? Todas essas coisas maravilhosas?
No sótão que fica acima da garagem. Tudo vai ali.
As coisas de Natal também
É um sótão só pra isso
Praticamente sim!
Natal e Halloween
Muito obrigada por terem nos recebido, eu tenho certeza que os brasileiros vão amar saber disso tudo
de saber um pouquinho mais sobre o Halloween, então muito muito obrigada
por separar um tempo e compartilhar com a gente toda essa informação
Volte na noite de Halloween pra ver isso em ação!
Eu vou! Com certeza!
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Fantasia fofíssima de Davi Lucca para o Halloween encanta Neymar Jr. e fãs do jogador - Duration: 1:38.
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All Suzuki update price in Bangladesh 2018/Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 5:40.
Como Dibujar a Pumpkin Head/La Gran Calabaza de Halloween 2018 Cartoon - Duration: 6:39.
4. Trate o outro como Parceiro | Negociação 360° - Duration: 5:17.
Musia zomrieť v 1 min. - Duration: 1:45.
ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МАЛЕНЬКОГО КОТЕНКА В ШКОЛЕ - Развивающий мультфильм для детей! Мультик про котят #3 - Duration: 20:11.
How to disassemble 📱 BlackBerry KEYone Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 6:51.
Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 BlackBerry KEYone
No Way | Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress - Duration: 0:31.
I'm Dr. Kim Schrier and I approve this message.
At 42 years old, I was diagnosed with stage 3C colon cancer.
We've had to battle our insurance company, we paid closed to $40,000 out of pocket.
I want to watch my kids grow up...
But if Dino Rossi and Donald Trump get their way...
People like me will likely be left without insurance.
Or facing such high costs it will price us out.
Because there's no way Dino Rossi is going to represent me...
When he gets corporate PAC money from insurance companies.
PUMPKIN HALLOWEEN 🎃 Oil Painting 👻. - Duration: 18:51.
Oil Painting by Francis.
Burnt Umber.
Medium Red.
Lemon Yellow.
Ibaneis quer servidores concursados em 70% dos cargos comissionados (P1) - Duration: 6:55.
공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:25.
고3학생의 공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대 입시준비는 이렇게 하자!! - Duration: 1:30.
Faustão aparece em 'Espelho da Vida' e vira meme na internet - Duration: 1:50.
William Bonner cai no riso ao vivo após ouvir Faustão falar seu nome - Duration: 1:40.
YABANCILAR KOKOREÇ DENERSE | elinaelita - Duration: 6:18.
Sammie Parcour #2! [FIXED!] - Duration: 1:13.
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