Hi guys~ Happy Halloween!
Today I bring a new scar faceup video.
It's been a while since I uploaded my first faceup video, Switch Soseo
I knew you guys love that video
and also disappointed about focus and quality about the video
That was my first video I filmed. And as you know
I always do my faceup and filming at the same time
So it was hard
But now I upgrade my camera and filming skill
So I hope you guys enjoyed this video
Let's jump it together
Today I faceup this Iplehouse Cherie head(Normal)
I bought hear few years ago in separate head sale on Iplehouse
But I don't have her own body
So actually, she had been in my drawers for years
now she starts a new face up
First, I need a super sculpey, as usual
Not many. Just 2 or 3 with this size
I will make small smashed wounds around her right eye
with small sword cut
Just apply sculpey thinly, around the area
And with toothpick, make a line for sword cut and make more look like smashed skin
yeab, this is final
I add another wounds her chin
It was kind of boring
Then I need help with hot air of hairdryer
around 1 or 2 minutes
Usually sclpey need oven bake
but we can put the head in the oven
It doesn't completely solidified as it were put in the oven
but it becomes hard enough for faceup
Of course, it can be easily come off
so you have to be careful when you handle
Now, it's real faceup
First, I use airbrush for base blushing
with blue and coral color base
Blue is using where the skin is thin
Like under the eyes or eyebrow bones
I do lip wrinkle first, using red
I will over layered the lines with darker color, inside the mouth
Now the eye faceup
It's the best part of faceup
The most exciting part
I loved it
Draw some underlashes and eyelid
It needs a few more layers
Next up is the eyebrow
It's the most difficult part of the faceup
You need careful about shape and symmetry, both
if the head is asymmetric
it will be more harder
but you know,
this face of has no half of the eyebrows
so I can make it easier
Now the scars
First, with red, make some blood
just the actual wound area
I will drawing flowing blood later
I forgot the about eyeliner
let's drawing
It's turn about pastels
I love this part, too
make more blushing
feel like more closer to completion
add some red pastels on wounds
I want deep brown eye shadows and eyebrows
so I used bright color first
and then using more darker one
Even if you want to black,
you have to go through the same process
Always brighter color is first
About wounds, after red, using black
because blood will be changed to black in the air
and make some freckles
but I regret it now
I can't see this now
because of blood patterns
why do I did that?
This is a way of blushing
using tissue with pastel
I think quite nice
Now, I'm spraying the blood with toothbrush
Before this, you have to using top coat spray
and have enough to drying time
because I will erase the most of blood
It's a white magic block sponge with
I don't know what it is exactly, in English
but I think this one is the same
It can use for erased on face up before the coating
I erased the pattern that I think is unnecessary
almost 80 or 90%
So It's important to top coat before making blood patterns (it can erase actual faceup, not just blood)
Now I draw the flowing bloods
not many, just few
and add some more red pastels
It's really, almost done
Using white color, make some lines
lips and eyes
you can skip this part
but I like this
now make wounds more realistic
I use Mr.COLOR paints, C51, flesh color
Just took a little whit toothpick or small brush
It makes more realistic
and a
add some gloss enamels on eyes and lips
Of course, wounds, too
Look at that wounds
I like this
she looks like has a car accident or something
just kidding! (Actually, the person who show this first, he said "does she had a car accident?")
Thank you so much for watching
and I'm sorry about my pronunciation
it's been a while since I've spoken English
I hope you guys enjoyed it
If you enjoyed this video, please give a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel
I hope you enjoyed and have a happy Halloween
Bye Bye!
For more infomation >> BJD Scar Face up - Iplehouse Cherie by R.Dean - Duration: 7:45.-------------------------------------------
Pössl Roadcamp R - Duration: 0:50.
Volvo V40 2.0 D4 190 PK 6-Bak R-Design - Duration: 1:08.
Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.
《凉生》剧情追踪,凉生在姜生和程天佑举行婚礼,凉生带姜生逃婚 - Duration: 4:49.
如若巴黎不快乐【第42集】佟卓尧病情加重 | Paris Unhappy 42 - Duration: 7:59.
Tick tock y la depp web - Duration: 11:35.
Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Stache Soap Works Keera - Duration: 27:37.
Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In
Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you
in tonight's shave I am using my Thiers Issard this is the number 69
it is a 6/8 blade that is quarter hollow made in France
very cool and for our soup tonight I'm using Stache Soap Works and this is Keera
and this is just a fantastic scent down in the description I have the scent profile
there for you alright so you can check that out
now I've had that blooming so we're going to go ahead and pour off that bloom water put
it on as an pre-shave it yeah and what a wonderful scent this has
it is so good
and I just work that in as a good pretty shape get those whiskers all nice and
hydrated I did just come out of the shower as well which is really benefit
now for a brush tonight I ain't gonna be using and yet most that
water out there all right my Omega 10000 98 and now this is just a
fine brush it really is that's a big old bore brush as a matter of fact so let's
go ahead and get this brush loaded up right
so hopefully you are having a great week mmm yeah and it is hump day yeah the
middle of the week midweek shave so we are going to just go
ahead and slap another one out and get it going quick
maybe I hope we're gonna see ya I'm trying to shorten these a little bit if
I can but we'll see how it goes all right now I think we are there it looks
like on the so this is fantastic setup by the way so I'm going to just go ahead
and clean up around that bowl just like normal and we're going to put most of
that on the brush and then the rest just like that
yeah I feel that try using this as appreciate yeah you can give it a shot
and then that way yeah you don't actually have to buy appreciate in this
soap is what you're going to put under your whiskers anyway so you won't have
any adverse effects all right even beautiful oh yeah nice let's get
our lather on hmm yeah and it's so good yeah hopefully you were getting good
shaves yeah maybe even some great shades right I know I have been getting some
really great chef tonight I don't think is going to be any
exception especially with that amount of beard growth I have been busy busy busy
busy lot going on all right yeah I'll get that like that now we're going to
put some water on this this soap can take water quite a bit waters matter of
fact so we're gonna kick it up now I like putting it on nice and pasty that
way I know I have got more than enough soap and then I can just add water
look at this leave this in a beautiful check that out that's great you know I
just keep adding water until I get it exactly where I want yeah which is
always good
all right leave that yeah nice mm-hmm that is so
all right there we go now get those hands dried off
all right now come this Friday I have the new straight razor edge Friday
special and those come out on the first and third Friday of every month so you
need to check that out this is actually going to be a special straight razor
edge Friday special this Friday okay so make sure to tune in it is going to go
live at 7 o'clock a.m. Eastern Standard Time here in the US
all right and this is going to be a YouTube premiere all right they let us
do that and we'll have a live chat as we watch the video for the very first time
so stop on by be in the live chat I'll be there and you know we can talk and
you can give me your take on what's happening and how it's going and all of
that and we can just say hi and we can hang out until the video is over all
right so that'll be this Friday 7:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and it's
going to be a straight razor and Friday special something by the way that keep
ropes turned beyond - and these would be interesting for everybody all right so
now I also get my ideas for the straight razor edge Friday specials from you so
down in the comments leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe even an
idea for an upcoming straight razor edge Friday special and we will get that
going for you all right all right this is past one which for me
primarily is with the grain let's do this
there we go nice okay let's get the blade cleaned off yeah all right looking
there it is ride very nice yep this is really a good razor
and absolutely fantastic soap as well this has got a really good cushion for a
straight razor and nice sweetness so what's really quite well for me
just mulling through those whiskers look at in a beautiful that is so good oh
yeah didn't work what a racer should do yes it is yeah you're right
there we go pass one complete yep looking good - looks good feels good
let's get that rinsed off see how we did marvelous absolutely marvelous and
really with this soap again all you have to do is get it wet in it a nice
residual slickness there it really it's amazing right now let's do the half pass
now oh I'm getting ahead of myself alright we were doing past - you know it
just this feels good enough I could get away with doing the half pass and be
done with it but I've got this brush loaded up with a nice amount of soap and
I really want to use it in a one enjoy I do
mm-hmm so we're going to just keep going yeah we are look at a little more water
on that
again this soap can take it and I just really like a nice good thick lather
especially working with a straight razor
look at all the peaks on that so in that beautiful it's so good really is now if
you were new around here give me a hashtag new down in the
comments let us know who you are and we can say hi to you as a community it has
been really cool we've had several people do that and I really am enjoying
it and I'm enjoying you know I'd like to have more interaction with you as well
alright so go ahead and down in the comments give me a hashtag new if you're
new around here I do shave the date videos every Wednesday and Sunday so
stop on by and check those out and down in the description of this video I have
got a ton of links for videos and playlists for straight razor shaving and
honing if you're interested in that check that out as well alright now this
is a stew so for me that's primarily going to be against the grain let's do
alright now get that blade cleaned up we're gonna switch hands and get the
other side yeah nice
all right excellent now let's get this side
there we go looks like it may hit a little bump right there
yeah no big deal well not a problem
there we go pass to completely yeah and it did feel good now gonna get that
rinsed off oh yeah all those cheeks are nice yep that is so
good it is alright now get that dried off a
little bit and now it truly is time for the half pass
yep now if you haven't seen the half past revealed go ahead and click on that
card and that may be helpful too alright let you know a little bit more
of what we're doing for me primarily this is all I need to do is and against
the grain pass on my jawline in my neck and I'm good to go yeah so yeah that
will do it for me alright looking good now go ahead get that going maybe let's
go ahead yeah put just a little soap on that it's not a big deal why I say
alright so now this is the half past let's do it let me find that Here I am
get ahead of myself tonight
oh yeah nice shaver knives shaver and I got two good soap to go along with it
can't beat that cannot beat that combination
oh yeah nice
there we go now I get the blade cleaned up
there you go now the shave in the books yeah and I think it's a good one you
will find out get this rinsed off yeah oh that's nice
Joe lineman and my neck brilliant absolutely very nice all right now we go
hello everywhere and I'll be good for that
little spot we hit like say no big deal though so as you can see it's not a
problem mm-hmm okay now we're going to go ahead
and dry that off there we go now for aftershave kind of thing I'm going
Faiers and this is the lavender witch hazel yeah I think it's going to be very
nice with this soap then ice for a hit and it's gonna work really well mmm yeah
you can put that everywhere I don't think you go wrong with that Faiers yeah
Oh awesome awesome stuff and for our kind of
Cologne ething tonight here we go panade Clubman Musk oh yeah
little sweet note in there to also match that so nice
yeah that is good that is really good and we're gonna top the shave off with
Nivea push a balm and this is good stuff repair that skin take care of yourself
excellent all right there you go now you click on this card to see why you can't
home the straight razor might be interesting click over here to see my
latest video click down here on video specially picked out for you click over
here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a
great shave in a good day and I will see you next time
on Adventures In Wet Shaving!
如若巴黎不快乐【第43集】阮曼君再误会佟卓尧 | Paris Unhappy 43 - Duration: 8:36.
Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.
Peugeot 208 1.2I 5DRS NAVI BLUETOOTH AIRCO CRUISE - Duration: 0:50.
Cientistas da NASA e da ESA seguem de perto a misteriosa nuvem gigante na superfície de Marte - Duration: 3:28.
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Potential serial rapist wanted by Aransas Pass P.D. - Duration: 0:39.
6-Headed Shark Attack - Movie - Duration: 1:28:59.
MY ISTIMEWA // Jade (Official Lyric Video + Chords) - Duration: 2:00.
Italia-Polonia stasera in diretta Rai: il CT ha fatto le sue scelte - Duration: 4:46.
C'è una cosa che rende differente Roberto Mancini da tutti i suoi predecessori più recenti ed è la consapevolezza di non poter fallire in un arco di tempo relativamente breve, da qui al prossimo 17 novembre
La formula della Nations League [VIDEO] non ammette troppi passi falsi e se all'Italia non si chiede certamente di sollevare il trofeo, si suggerisce quantomeno di evitare la retrocessione in Lega B che sarebbe riservata all'ultima del girone
Sarebbe un ulteriore peso per un calcio già duramente provato dalla mancata qualificazione ai Mondiali di Russia
Il nuovo CT sembra comunque avere le idee chiare ed ha già sciolto i dubbi sulla formazione che sarà mandata in campo questa sera allo stadio Dall'Ara di Bologna contro la Polonia
Gli undici effettivi li possiamo ipotizzare, ma non dovrebbero discostarsi di molto da quella che sarà la formazione del debutto nel nuovo torneo
Sul modulo, l'ex allenatore dell'Inter non ha assolutamente nodi da sciogliere, sarà un 4-3-3
Italia-Polonia sarà trasmessa questa sera in diretta su Rai Uno con inizio alle ore 20
45 [VIDEO] ed in streaming su Rai Play per pc, smartphone e tablet. Bernardeschi nel tridente con Balotelli ed Insigne Gigio Donnarumma sarà il titolare tra i pali e potrà dunque iniziare a ricostruire quella fama di erede naturale di Buffon che si è un pò offuscata nelle ultime due stagioni
Scontata la coppia centrale in difesa, sarà quella ultra-affiatata costituita da Bonucci e Chiellini, ricostituita di recente anche alla Juventus, mentre sulle corsie esterne dovrebbero andare Zappacosta a destra e Criscito a sinistra
A centrocampo in questi giorni Mancini ha provato diverse soluzioni, nella prima c'è Bernardeschi sulla fascia destra con Jorginho centrale e Pellegrini a sinistra, in tal caso il tridente offensivo sarebbe composto da Balotelli punta centrale con ai lati Chiesa ed Insigne
Ma si è fatta strada anche un'altra ipotesi, quella di schierare Gagliardini a centrocampo con l'avanzamento di Bernardeschi in posizione da attaccante esterno, confermando in tal caso Balotelli ed Insigne che sembrano punti fissi della nazionale italiana per quanto riguarda il compito di far male alla difesa polacca
Nell'undici avversario il giocatore più temuto è ovviamente Robert Lewandowski, nella formazione ipotizzata alla vigilia ci sono ben sei giocatori che militano nel campionato italiano: lo juventino Szczesny, i napoletani Zielinski e Milik, i doriani Bereszynski e Linetty e l'atalantino Reca
Ci sarà inoltre l'ex Torino, Kamil Glik. Probabili formazioni Italia (4-3-3): Donnarumma; Zappacosta, Bonucci, Chiellini, Criscito; Gagliardini, Jorginho, Pellegrini; Bernardeschi, Balotelli, Insigne
All. Mancini Polonia (4-2-3-1): Szczesny; Bereszynski, Glik, Kaminski, Reca; Krychowiak, Linetty; Zielinski, Milik, Klich; Lewandowski
All. Brzeczek Questo articolo è stato verificato con: http://www.sportmediaset
shtml https://sport.sky.it/calcio/nazionale/2018/09/06/italia-polonia-probabili-formazioni-uefa-nations-league
html Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo
✅ Новый космический порядок, или Почему русский лазер на орбите вызвал истерику в США? (Суть вещей) - Duration: 6:59.
디즈니 거장 '에릭 골드버그'로부터 받은 특별한 선물 공개한 에이핑크 박초롱 - Duration: 3:03.
Укрытие гортензии на зиму 🌺 - Duration: 15:04.
Erst die Auskunft, dann die Kündigung - Ist das zulässig? | 10 Fälle zum Entgelttransparenzgesetz - Duration: 3:20.
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Nissan QASHQAI 2.0 Acenta 4WD Eerste Eigenaar auto|Trekhaak Incl set winterwielen|originele kilomete - Duration: 1:11.
Seat Ibiza - Duration: 1:08.
Seat Ibiza - Duration: 1:05.
VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:02.
Is This Halloween A Scary Time To Buy or Sell A Home - Duration: 1:00.
Yes, it's Halloween! And everybody's starting to get worried
interest rates are going up up up up. Should you wait? Should you buy now?
Should you sell now? Oh my God everybody's worried! SO SCARED! SO SCARED!
Don't be scared give us a call. Our number is right here office 209-762-3552
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Our website YourPerfectHomeGroup.com. Nothing to be scared about this Halloween and give
us a call go to the website. Let us know how we can help smooth things out for
you. Have a great Halloween. Don't eat too much candy and we will see you very soon!
BJD Scar Face up - Iplehouse Cherie by R.Dean - Duration: 7:45.
Hi guys~ Happy Halloween!
Today I bring a new scar faceup video.
It's been a while since I uploaded my first faceup video, Switch Soseo
I knew you guys love that video
and also disappointed about focus and quality about the video
That was my first video I filmed. And as you know
I always do my faceup and filming at the same time
So it was hard
But now I upgrade my camera and filming skill
So I hope you guys enjoyed this video
Let's jump it together
Today I faceup this Iplehouse Cherie head(Normal)
I bought hear few years ago in separate head sale on Iplehouse
But I don't have her own body
So actually, she had been in my drawers for years
now she starts a new face up
First, I need a super sculpey, as usual
Not many. Just 2 or 3 with this size
I will make small smashed wounds around her right eye
with small sword cut
Just apply sculpey thinly, around the area
And with toothpick, make a line for sword cut and make more look like smashed skin
yeab, this is final
I add another wounds her chin
It was kind of boring
Then I need help with hot air of hairdryer
around 1 or 2 minutes
Usually sclpey need oven bake
but we can put the head in the oven
It doesn't completely solidified as it were put in the oven
but it becomes hard enough for faceup
Of course, it can be easily come off
so you have to be careful when you handle
Now, it's real faceup
First, I use airbrush for base blushing
with blue and coral color base
Blue is using where the skin is thin
Like under the eyes or eyebrow bones
I do lip wrinkle first, using red
I will over layered the lines with darker color, inside the mouth
Now the eye faceup
It's the best part of faceup
The most exciting part
I loved it
Draw some underlashes and eyelid
It needs a few more layers
Next up is the eyebrow
It's the most difficult part of the faceup
You need careful about shape and symmetry, both
if the head is asymmetric
it will be more harder
but you know,
this face of has no half of the eyebrows
so I can make it easier
Now the scars
First, with red, make some blood
just the actual wound area
I will drawing flowing blood later
I forgot the about eyeliner
let's drawing
It's turn about pastels
I love this part, too
make more blushing
feel like more closer to completion
add some red pastels on wounds
I want deep brown eye shadows and eyebrows
so I used bright color first
and then using more darker one
Even if you want to black,
you have to go through the same process
Always brighter color is first
About wounds, after red, using black
because blood will be changed to black in the air
and make some freckles
but I regret it now
I can't see this now
because of blood patterns
why do I did that?
This is a way of blushing
using tissue with pastel
I think quite nice
Now, I'm spraying the blood with toothbrush
Before this, you have to using top coat spray
and have enough to drying time
because I will erase the most of blood
It's a white magic block sponge with
I don't know what it is exactly, in English
but I think this one is the same
It can use for erased on face up before the coating
I erased the pattern that I think is unnecessary
almost 80 or 90%
So It's important to top coat before making blood patterns (it can erase actual faceup, not just blood)
Now I draw the flowing bloods
not many, just few
and add some more red pastels
It's really, almost done
Using white color, make some lines
lips and eyes
you can skip this part
but I like this
now make wounds more realistic
I use Mr.COLOR paints, C51, flesh color
Just took a little whit toothpick or small brush
It makes more realistic
and a
add some gloss enamels on eyes and lips
Of course, wounds, too
Look at that wounds
I like this
she looks like has a car accident or something
just kidding! (Actually, the person who show this first, he said "does she had a car accident?")
Thank you so much for watching
and I'm sorry about my pronunciation
it's been a while since I've spoken English
I hope you guys enjoyed it
If you enjoyed this video, please give a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel
I hope you enjoyed and have a happy Halloween
Bye Bye!
Pössl Roadcamp R - Duration: 0:50.
Volvo V40 2.0 D4 190 PK 6-Bak R-Design - Duration: 1:08.
Volvo V90 D3 150PK | R-DESIGN | AUT. | NAVI | PDC | SPORTSTOELEN | - Duration: 0:56.
《凉生》剧情追踪,凉生在姜生和程天佑举行婚礼,凉生带姜生逃婚 - Duration: 4:49.
如若巴黎不快乐【第42集】佟卓尧病情加重 | Paris Unhappy 42 - Duration: 7:59.
Tick tock y la depp web - Duration: 11:35.
Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Stache Soap Works Keera - Duration: 27:37.
Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In
Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you
in tonight's shave I am using my Thiers Issard this is the number 69
it is a 6/8 blade that is quarter hollow made in France
very cool and for our soup tonight I'm using Stache Soap Works and this is Keera
and this is just a fantastic scent down in the description I have the scent profile
there for you alright so you can check that out
now I've had that blooming so we're going to go ahead and pour off that bloom water put
it on as an pre-shave it yeah and what a wonderful scent this has
it is so good
and I just work that in as a good pretty shape get those whiskers all nice and
hydrated I did just come out of the shower as well which is really benefit
now for a brush tonight I ain't gonna be using and yet most that
water out there all right my Omega 10000 98 and now this is just a
fine brush it really is that's a big old bore brush as a matter of fact so let's
go ahead and get this brush loaded up right
so hopefully you are having a great week mmm yeah and it is hump day yeah the
middle of the week midweek shave so we are going to just go
ahead and slap another one out and get it going quick
maybe I hope we're gonna see ya I'm trying to shorten these a little bit if
I can but we'll see how it goes all right now I think we are there it looks
like on the so this is fantastic setup by the way so I'm going to just go ahead
and clean up around that bowl just like normal and we're going to put most of
that on the brush and then the rest just like that
yeah I feel that try using this as appreciate yeah you can give it a shot
and then that way yeah you don't actually have to buy appreciate in this
soap is what you're going to put under your whiskers anyway so you won't have
any adverse effects all right even beautiful oh yeah nice let's get
our lather on hmm yeah and it's so good yeah hopefully you were getting good
shaves yeah maybe even some great shades right I know I have been getting some
really great chef tonight I don't think is going to be any
exception especially with that amount of beard growth I have been busy busy busy
busy lot going on all right yeah I'll get that like that now we're going to
put some water on this this soap can take water quite a bit waters matter of
fact so we're gonna kick it up now I like putting it on nice and pasty that
way I know I have got more than enough soap and then I can just add water
look at this leave this in a beautiful check that out that's great you know I
just keep adding water until I get it exactly where I want yeah which is
always good
all right leave that yeah nice mm-hmm that is so
all right there we go now get those hands dried off
all right now come this Friday I have the new straight razor edge Friday
special and those come out on the first and third Friday of every month so you
need to check that out this is actually going to be a special straight razor
edge Friday special this Friday okay so make sure to tune in it is going to go
live at 7 o'clock a.m. Eastern Standard Time here in the US
all right and this is going to be a YouTube premiere all right they let us
do that and we'll have a live chat as we watch the video for the very first time
so stop on by be in the live chat I'll be there and you know we can talk and
you can give me your take on what's happening and how it's going and all of
that and we can just say hi and we can hang out until the video is over all
right so that'll be this Friday 7:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and it's
going to be a straight razor and Friday special something by the way that keep
ropes turned beyond - and these would be interesting for everybody all right so
now I also get my ideas for the straight razor edge Friday specials from you so
down in the comments leave me a question a comment a suggestion maybe even an
idea for an upcoming straight razor edge Friday special and we will get that
going for you all right all right this is past one which for me
primarily is with the grain let's do this
there we go nice okay let's get the blade cleaned off yeah all right looking
there it is ride very nice yep this is really a good razor
and absolutely fantastic soap as well this has got a really good cushion for a
straight razor and nice sweetness so what's really quite well for me
just mulling through those whiskers look at in a beautiful that is so good oh
yeah didn't work what a racer should do yes it is yeah you're right
there we go pass one complete yep looking good - looks good feels good
let's get that rinsed off see how we did marvelous absolutely marvelous and
really with this soap again all you have to do is get it wet in it a nice
residual slickness there it really it's amazing right now let's do the half pass
now oh I'm getting ahead of myself alright we were doing past - you know it
just this feels good enough I could get away with doing the half pass and be
done with it but I've got this brush loaded up with a nice amount of soap and
I really want to use it in a one enjoy I do
mm-hmm so we're going to just keep going yeah we are look at a little more water
on that
again this soap can take it and I just really like a nice good thick lather
especially working with a straight razor
look at all the peaks on that so in that beautiful it's so good really is now if
you were new around here give me a hashtag new down in the
comments let us know who you are and we can say hi to you as a community it has
been really cool we've had several people do that and I really am enjoying
it and I'm enjoying you know I'd like to have more interaction with you as well
alright so go ahead and down in the comments give me a hashtag new if you're
new around here I do shave the date videos every Wednesday and Sunday so
stop on by and check those out and down in the description of this video I have
got a ton of links for videos and playlists for straight razor shaving and
honing if you're interested in that check that out as well alright now this
is a stew so for me that's primarily going to be against the grain let's do
alright now get that blade cleaned up we're gonna switch hands and get the
other side yeah nice
all right excellent now let's get this side
there we go looks like it may hit a little bump right there
yeah no big deal well not a problem
there we go pass to completely yeah and it did feel good now gonna get that
rinsed off oh yeah all those cheeks are nice yep that is so
good it is alright now get that dried off a
little bit and now it truly is time for the half pass
yep now if you haven't seen the half past revealed go ahead and click on that
card and that may be helpful too alright let you know a little bit more
of what we're doing for me primarily this is all I need to do is and against
the grain pass on my jawline in my neck and I'm good to go yeah so yeah that
will do it for me alright looking good now go ahead get that going maybe let's
go ahead yeah put just a little soap on that it's not a big deal why I say
alright so now this is the half past let's do it let me find that Here I am
get ahead of myself tonight
oh yeah nice shaver knives shaver and I got two good soap to go along with it
can't beat that cannot beat that combination
oh yeah nice
there we go now I get the blade cleaned up
there you go now the shave in the books yeah and I think it's a good one you
will find out get this rinsed off yeah oh that's nice
Joe lineman and my neck brilliant absolutely very nice all right now we go
hello everywhere and I'll be good for that
little spot we hit like say no big deal though so as you can see it's not a
problem mm-hmm okay now we're going to go ahead
and dry that off there we go now for aftershave kind of thing I'm going
Faiers and this is the lavender witch hazel yeah I think it's going to be very
nice with this soap then ice for a hit and it's gonna work really well mmm yeah
you can put that everywhere I don't think you go wrong with that Faiers yeah
Oh awesome awesome stuff and for our kind of
Cologne ething tonight here we go panade Clubman Musk oh yeah
little sweet note in there to also match that so nice
yeah that is good that is really good and we're gonna top the shave off with
Nivea push a balm and this is good stuff repair that skin take care of yourself
excellent all right there you go now you click on this card to see why you can't
home the straight razor might be interesting click over here to see my
latest video click down here on video specially picked out for you click over
here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your friends have a
great shave in a good day and I will see you next time
on Adventures In Wet Shaving!
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Growing BOLD S2 EP04 – "There Is No Balance" - Duration: 10:14.
- *** balance.
(hard rock music)
- [Narrator] Brian Cristiano.
- [Narrator 2] Brian Cristiano.
- [Narrator 3] BOLD Worldwide, top expert
in the world of marketing.
- [Narrator 4] Here to discuss is Brian Cristiano.
- [Man] This is a hundred million we're doing.
- [Brian] Yeah, that's cool.
I have not been a great CEO,
but it's time for me to step up.
I'm down 50% of my staff.
It could be enough to put us out of business.
- Nobody could run anything like you are.
- Is there anything you worry about?
- I'm tied to making this work.
- A crazy story!
- This is the real Growing BOLD.
- October 23rd.
- October 23rd, Ali on the Run and BoldCEO
collaborating forces for our biggest project yet.
- I know, I'm excited; so we're gonna tell you all
about it today, I'm actually most excited
to tell our parents about it.
- You mean, grandparents?
(parents screaming)
- As soon as we told people I was pregnant,
everyone was like, oh so is Brian gonna be home
a lot more now?
And I'm like no, Brian needs to be in the office
a lot more now.
Like, that shocks people, but to us, I'm like,
I don't need him for anything now.
- I mean the last couple of weeks, honestly,
I haven't gotten home earlier than one or two o'clock
in the morning.
And so, the other day, I was like, wow!
The baby's getting bigger!
And she's like, yeah, you haven't seen me,
in like, during the daylight hours in two weeks.
Of course.
That's reality.
(upbeat music)
- [Brian] The first ever live Ali on the Run show
(audience applause)
(upbeat music)
- Your ???
- (upbeat music)
- [Ali] ??
- I've got a pregnant wife giving me a massage.
- So we both -- today--
- It's boring!
(upbeat music)
- People would ask me like, oh, what's Brian
gonna do for paternity leave?
And I'm like, I don't know, A, we haven't
figured that out, and B, he's gonna do whatever
is best for him and for our family.
Oh you guys are so lucky that you don't have
to worry about that, we're lucky?
Yeah, maternity leave in our country sucks,
I'm not lucky, we chose this life.
- That's right.
- And it's hard, like, I think people look
at the good things.
People look at the trips, the vacations, the freedom;
and don't realize how hard we work to get that.
- I hate the word balance.
Balance is like, you get on a see-saw,
and you're like, okay, let's get balance,
and you just kind of like float in the middle.
Dude, real life is extremes.
It's a big emotion, it's big successes, it's big failures.
And I think the problem is that most people
try to go for balance, so guess what,
they experience this in life.
Very little fluctuation.
My life is this!
It's way more fun, it's way more fun,
to go up and down on the see-saw, have extremes,
it's not easy, but it's more fun.
- (mumbling) studio--
Why can't you have it all?
You can have it all, it's just--
If you're willing to work hard enough!
- Well, that's it!
Yeah, but the amount of work it requires
to do that, it's immense, and most people
don't want to go through that journey.
- Ready?
- Are you ready?
- We like to go in, all in, on everything we do,
for both of us.
And I think that's why we work well.
- Just being bold.
You're laughing.
- (laughing) You have no idea how bold you are, sweetie.
- Yeah, thank you.
- You know, when I was bike racing, I was all in,
I won races, like, all in.
But that detracted from how much time I could put
into business so now I'm not in on it at all.
And the times I find it hard are when people
try to tell you how to have balance.
Well, just schedule an hour on these days
and do this, then it's like you kind of sort
of have an hour to kind of, like, maybe.
Dude, I rather not see my wife for two weeks
and then go away with her for three days.
And be all in on that, and then come back
and be all in on business for two weeks.
- The way I see balance, is, it's not about time.
To me, it's not like, oh if you're gonna be at the office
for eight hours, I want you home for this many.
Like, you can be at the office for 20 hours,
be home for four, sleep for three of them,
if for that one hour, you're all in, focused on your family,
committed, and we get the best of you,
that's not a problem.
- Like when I have a kid, I'll take, I don't know
how much time, because I never had a kid before,
so I don't know how much time I'm gonna want.
But if it's a week, two weeks, three days, I don't know,
but I will, and I'll shut down and focus all on that.
- What's in there?
Going to the doctor!
- For what?
- For our first ultrasound.
Hi baby!
Is there anything you worry about when it
comes to our family?
- I do worry a bit sometimes about missing stuff.
- You haven't missed anything yet.
You've come to every appointment, you've felt
lots of kicks, seen lots of kicks--
- Like, you haven't missed anything yet.
And I know, it's different when there's an actual child,
but you know, you make it work, you do, like I don't know
how, I don't know why, you've chosen to come
to every appointment, I'm very grateful that you have.
I think it's the coolest thing ever,
I love having you there.
Anyone who knows Brian knows his schedule
doesn't allow for that, but he has made that happen,
and that's not something I expected
or asked for.
I was kind of like, come to the big ones,
but I don't know what the big ones are.
But like, you hear people say that, like oh,
my husband came for the big ones, so I was like,
yeah, come for the big ones.
It's just like with everything,
that he goes all in on.
You're doing a good job, supporting me, yeah,
like I haven't--
In all seriousness?
- Yeah.
I look at where we were a year ago, and that
was not the case.
Like, we were living totally separate lives.
- Slow date.
- That's a slow date.
- My greatest fear is, when it comes to
our future, is having kids and having
to do it by myself.
I think there's a part of me that wants
to be able to say, like, I'm independent, I don't
need anyone, I can do this on my own, but the reality is,
it's really helpful to not have to do it on my own.
And like--
Do you feel like you do it on your own?
- Yeah.
- You do?
- Like how much better it's made where we are now,
and I think, I look at what we've been through
in the last year between my health, your crazy work,
me being very deeply depressed and not myself
for a long time, like I think the timing
of when I got pregnant is in sync.
When I got pregnant, we weren't at the point of
really concretely talking about starting a family.
And since then, he's been really different in that
he's really focused in everything he does.
He is always talking about, like, this is
for our family, and like everything I do now
is for our family, and not that we weren't a family before.
We were a family, we've always been a family.
It's just different now.
He's so focused on how every business decision
he makes will impact our future.
- I'm tied to making this work.
Like I have to make this, I have to make it work,
it on order to make us successful and to be able
to provide greatly for our family.
It's not an easy lifestyle or choice.
It requires an immense amount of effort,
to continue to grow.
- [Ali] It's a sacrifice.
- A lot of sacrifice, so that's the thing.
It's not for everybody, but I think that
at the end of the day, you're asking about balance
and I don't believe in balance,
you define it differently as well,
it's an individual decision.
I don't think anyone should ever be balanced
but I think that they should go all in on what they want.
If they want to like relax, and be chill all day,
and read books and go fishing, then figure out how to
go all in on that and don't just do it every
three months and take a day off from work.
Like figure out how to make that 100% of your energy.
You don't have to want this like super high cadence,
high energy, high effort, all the time,
risking everything on both sides, every minute
of every day.
That is absolutely not for a lot of people.
That's what I want, that's what I have to do
to get where we want to go, so I have to go all in.
I don't want balance and mediocrity.
I want to see what I'm made of,
I wanna show our kid what's possible,
I remind myself on a daily basis
I'm doing this because this effort
gets me where I want to go.
So I remind myself what I'm trying to achieve,
and why I have to put in this level of energy.
And the other part is, I remind myself,
what being introverted and comfortable and lazy
gets me, and that's a quarter million dollars
in debt, broke, on a couch, completely depressed,
hating life.
And so those two things are polar opposites,
and one is pushing me away from
ever being that person ever again, and the other
is pulling me towards my future.
- Catch!
[Ali and Brian] Yay!
- He will do anything for our family,
and I think what it comes to his hours
right now, I don't care, like he can work around the clock,
I don't need him for anything right now.
But I can't wait to see what our family looks like,
when the baby's here, and you know, I know
there are parts that are gonna be really challenging,
and parts that are so amazing.
(shaking pinata)
- Is it a girl?
(candy falling) No, really?
- We're not balanced people, we're not
going to be.
But that also doesn't mean we're gonna neglect our kid
because we're both so consumed by our work.
We're gonna kick *ss at both.
(rock music)
- I don't even know why you would want balance.
My life is this, way more fun!
It's not easy!
- When it comes to our family, is there
anything you worry about?
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포대자루에 묶여 '도*살' 기다리던 강아지들이 구출된 뒤 보여준 표정 변화 - Duration: 2:17.
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오랫동안 식용으로 길러져 몸도 마음도 망가진 채 기다리고 있었다.
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이 트럭에 있는 강아지들은 모두 용도로 팔려가는 중이었다.
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강아지들은 눈앞에 다가왔다는 것을 눈치챘는지 두려움에 가득찬 모습이었다.
직전의 순간, 다행히 동물단체 HSI가 트럭을 멈춰 세워 강아지들을 구조했다. 강아지들은 바로 인도 미조람(Mizoram)에 있는 보호소로 이송되었다.
보호소에서 몇몇 강아지들은 광견병 진단을 받았으며 그 ,그래도 보호소의 치료 덕분에 대부분의 강아지들은 몸을 회복할 수 있었다.
하지만 이 강아지들은 몸보다 마음이 더 크게 상처받아 있었다.
강아지들은 어렸을 적부터 다른 사람이나 동물과 상호작용을 할 기회를 잃었던 것으로 추정됐다. 처음엔 사람들을 극도로 두려워하는 모습을 보이기도 했다.
보호소의 봉사자 브하(Bhar)는 "몇몇 강아지는 소심하고 사랑을 필요로한다. 아마 안 좋은 경험을 많이 해서 그럴 것"이라며 안타까운 심경을 밝혔다.
그래도 강아지들은 봉사자들의 도움을 받아 뛰는 법, 노는 법, 다른 사람과 소통하는 법을 배우며 조금씩 마음을 열고 있다는 후문이다.
강아지들은 이제 부족함 없이 보살펴줄 새 엄마, 아빠를 찾는다.
보호소 직원들은 강아지들이 새 가족의 품 안에서 사랑받으며 힘든 기억을 잊기를 진심으로 기원하고 있다.
Pit Bull Puppy Named Honorary Officer - Duration: 0:56.
TD Jakes 2018 - Pass Through The Hosts - Duration: 26:10.
ClickFunnels Signup Bonuses | Course, Funnels, eBook, And More! - Duration: 10:56.
Okay, guys, I'm Ethan from ezj online and today we're gonna be talking about my click funnels bonuses
How do you exactly like
guarantee people to sign up
for your click funnels account and
Although I didn't only just getting started with a click funnels program
Bonuses definitely do help they make an impact
so we're gonna go over the bonuses, um how you can qualify to get them and again why they work so well, so
You if you sign up for click funnels with the link below
You'll have access to all of the ones that I'm about to show you everything
totally free and the way that works is click funnels is I'm an affiliate of click funnels and
since you're signing up for their free trial, I
Am credited with the commission that you're gonna pay after that 14-day trial
So I'm invested in your success and they pay me quite a large chunk of that
subscription so you're paying for click funnels anyway, right and I
come in and I give you a lot of value and I help you kind of stick with click funnels, but also
Kind of act as the middleman between the two and I get paid for it, so there's no difference for you and
It's kind of a win-win situation because everyone's happy click funnels gets a new user
I get a commission
You're learning about all this stuff and you're able to implement it and get a ton of value out of this
That's why I'm able to offer all of these bonuses. Ok for free when people sign up for quick funnels and
If you want access all you have to do is sign up below
For the free trial i'll give you most of the stuff that I go over and then actually once you start your first paid month
Of click funnels. That's when you get access to like the good stuff. Right? So let's get into
Uh, let's get into the good stuff first thing off first things first
I give you my click the most technical crash course. So this is my membership area where we go in to all of the things
One by one right kind of dissect click funnels and we look at clickfunnels
From the inside out, right? So all of the things that I
Just basically, whoops
My search history and like all of the things I was wondering how to do and that wasted a lot of time in the beginning
like my goal was to launch in the 14 day trial and then be up and running good to go and
Although it kind of worked out and I was able to break
even with my two first affiliates
it still took a lot of
learning and searching
So anyways, these are just things that were the biggest problems for me and and this should be very useful
They have been useful for others. I
Go inside and I and I show you the exact you know
Just everything needed but know about the page editor or building a website or integrating
we go over your
Domain you get a free domain when you sign up with clickfunnels we go over how to get that or to connect an old one
You know email marketing a ton of great stuff, so
I'll let you go ahead and see that if you get access to it
That's my clickfunnels technical crash. Course next is the business in a box
I'm sure you've heard of this. If not, I'm gonna make sure you've heard of this. This is the key right here
This is the business in a box for clickfunnels affiliates
So it's a share funnel and you actually can get access to the full share funnel. That's kind of the whole
Bonus here when you sign up for click funnels
you get the entire thing and it promotes this training that's called a business in a box and the follow promotes this
page and you go in there and you change your click on those affiliate link and
You put your sheriff on a link in there and you put all your other affiliate links in there
And I show you how to do all that stuff and then you start promoting that same page
and and I show you with what traffic strategies and the cool thing about that is it's just kind of this like
Cycle, right? So you find it. Okay. Let's just say I've promoted this whole funnel to you
Okay, you went into the opt-in page there's a split test um, you're up sold bought maybe that's there
Maybe that's not but let's just say I got you to this business in a box training
Well now you're going through here, you know. Oh, yeah, click phone. Okay, that's dope. All right. Okay sock I'll sign up
This is this is cool. Nice. Now I have now I have his business
Downloaded right away. If you don't know much about share funnels when they download your share funnel. It's tagged to your affiliate link
So you'll get commission for that, right?
In order for them to download the same funnel that you just downloaded that you're now promoting
They have to sign up for click funnels. Boom. You just got commissioned now
They're gonna switch everything up and do the exact same thing and have that exact same process happen. I hope that makes sense
So now they're just learning how to do the exact same thing. It just happen to them, right? They're gonna change the whole thing
Promote it you get to get their affiliate links. Turn it around make their affiliate commissions
um, and if this whole thing works out well
It'll it'll be a long stick great because these people are getting trials and and promoting it. So that's the business in a box
They talk a lot more about it
You get free access to that that's pretty dope
Next is my click funnels product promotion funnels. These are cool. You get just like we just talked about with the share funnel
Okay, you can get that whole business in a box with the click of a link click of a button
It's in your account. Same thing here. So you're gonna get this entire funnel, which is just a bunch of separate sales pages
For clicked on those products and they're pretty I can
consider myself a pretty graphic designer or
Sorry website designer
And you can just again change your affiliate link boom and you can start promoting. Just change it
However, you'd like but it's a good place to start a lot of people don't have
Landing pages and all of the click funnels stuff when they first start out
So it's a long time before that first trial comes in right? So when you're trying to and if you're really focusing on becoming
Successful with a click funnels if it's the click funnels affiliate program or if it's using click funnels. Um,
This is just if you're looking for quick photos, it's a good sales page to have
Right and then I give you other ones expert secrets
If you're in Ophelia, you want to put my extra secrets and you're not gonna use their affiliate page for a couple reasons
Either it's too competitive or whatever, you know your own
Opt-in page for that one. I'll give you funnel University dot-com secrets funnel scripts click funnels certified partner so far. Those are all
pre-made opt-in pages for click funnels products that you can go in and change your affiliate link and
You're good to go and you can start promoting
However, you'd like that's more for affiliate stuff right still very useful if you want just funnels to work with right?
It's kind of hard to find click funnels funnels
Pre-built examples those are good ones. So go into your account like that and you can you can learn from
Next you're gonna get my ebook
how to make money with click funnels Bama
this this bad boy is six pages long I go and just you know the ins and outs again the click funnels and
The whole incentive to be a part of the program regardless and it's just kind of uphill from there
So you also get that when you sign up for click funnels down below or when you sign for click funnels?
However, do any of my strategies
you also get my list of
Affiliates to promote. These are affiliates. Not any affiliates like you won't find this list on the internet in this way
These are all affiliates that I've tested and that have worked for me and that I personally still promote
It came out to 25 like that. I just put this one in it's 25 and it's a Clickbank product
but as you can see the click click funnels is a
Highlighted in orange because it's a high converting offer
These are my lists of affiliates and you get them all and you can see
what I'm
Investing my time in and my money and to promote and maybe maybe if you're an affiliate and you're looking to make money online
It's a good resource to see oh, ok. These are the types of products to be looking at I focus a lot of software because
That the whole monthly recurring revenue involved with that is nice, you know
You get somebody to sign up once and you're making you can make a year's worth of income off that one
Referral rather than like Clickbank products, which is just like a one-time
Commission usually or like an Amazon Associates
Thing but these are my affiliates right same mostly same thing in here
Um and you get access to that so that should be helpful to hey, look at that. See we were just talking about. Um,
Affiliate commissions and you D me. Well right there. I don't know if you can see. Let's see the udemy
affiliate program
Sent an email saying I got a new registration. So that's somebody that's going
Here into the bib
business and a box it in case your neck and
And you know as the process goes through right and they get down to the traffic series
Alright, they sign up for click funnels. First of all, heck. Yeah if they're getting going to udemy
udemy, whatever that then you know they signed up for click funnels and then they're already down into the solo ads they sign up under
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It's a win-win for everybody. So thank you guys for watching and until next time
Faye Wong - Easily Hurt Woman - English Translation - CC Chinese - 容易受傷的女人(粵語版) - Duration: 4:20.
Why your acne won't clear up - and what to do about it | Acne-prone skin - Duration: 4:50.
Have you ever wondered why you wake up with more acne than you went to bed with?
Even though you're doing all the right things?
Keep watching for five ways you're making your acne worse
Number five
You wash your face way too much
Having acne doesn't mean that your face is dirty
Yes, excessive oil production can lead to acne
But getting rid of all the oil on your face is not necessarily good for your skin either
Your skin does need oils to stay healthy and balanced
Over-washing your face
Especially with overly drying, harsh cleansers and really gritty scrubs
Can actually be worse for your acne
What it does is; it disrupts the natural protective barrier on your skin
Brings down its defenses against acne-causing bacteria
Washing your face gently twice a day is plenty
So once in the morning and once at night
Number four
You use a million different face products
Okay, not a million
But quite a lot
It is very tempting when you have acne
to want to get your hands on every
acne-fighting, skin clearing, rapid pimple vanishing product that you can see
But, using all anti-acne products in your regimen is actually too drying
and too harsh for your skin
What happens is this can irritate your skin further and just makes your acne appear worse
Also, any ingredient can actually cause acne depending on your skin's sensitivities
So, when you're putting a lot of different products on your skin
You're increasing the number of ingredients that get in contact with your skin
And therefore, you increase your chances of getting more acne
Try to stick to a simple, hydrating, nourishing skincare routine
Because the goal of it is to get your skin into a really good condition
So that it's able to heal from the acne a lot better
Unless your skin really can't tolerate the products and it's breaking out
try to stick to the regimen for at least twelve weeks
because that's how long it takes for your skin to do a full turnover
Number three
You're really stressed out
Like, all the time
I know it's hard to avoid
because especially with you know our lives these days things so busy
You've got work, you've got school, you've got bills to pay, you've got kids to look after
You've got your social life to keep up with
You've got social media to keep up with
Being stressed out actually makes your acne worse
because your body releases cortisol to cope with the stress
along with other hormones like testosterone which we know contribute to acne
Try to make time for things that will relieve your stress
Go for a run
Read a book
Spend time with your friends
Go shopping
Treat yourself to a massage
Or, just watch a video on YouTube
Number two
You keep touching your face
Stop it!!
Touching or rubbing your face a lot can actually encourage inflammation
Inflammation is a reaction in your body that actually makes your acne appear redder and appear worse
So that's one way that your acne can look worse
But when you're rubbing your face all the time
you're actually transferring the dirt and grime from your hands onto your face
mixing it with the oils on your face
And moving it around and what that does is
It can actually clog up your pores as well
So, stop doing it
And finally number one
The number one way that you're making your acne worse
Popping those pimples
It's so bad and I'm so guilty of doing it myself
But popping or picking your pimples is actually really damaging to your skin
First of all, it can actually push the pus deeper into your skin
Have you ever popped a pimple, gone to bed
and then woken up with two pimples in the place where that pimple was?
What's happened is you've actually pushed the pus deeper into the skin
And spread it around
And more pimples have formed because of that
When you pop the pimple and all the pus comes out
You can actually spread the bacteria to other parts of your face that don't already have acne
Another thing is you create a wound on your face
That actually can't protect itself against acne-causing bacteria
Or any other kind of bacteria for that matter
And finally, when you pop you cause scarring
Scarring is what makes your skin look a lot worse than it actually is
Next time you have to urge to pop
do what I do
Just watch a pimple-popping video instead
So there you have it
FIVE ways you're making your acne worse
Thank you so much for watching to the end
I hope you learned something
Please share this with a friend if you think that they might be doing some of these things
Subscribe if you haven't already done so to see more videos
See you next time
Meghan Markle pairs $3,873 Stella McCartney midi dress for the final day of the Royal Tour - Duration: 4:31.
ジャスティン・ティンバーレイク、映画『ラブ・アクチュアリー』風に自身の本の発売を報告 - Duration: 2:20.
How to Connect Multiple JBL Speakers Together - Duration: 2:13.
Hey everyone.
I'm Max Dalton, and in this video I'm going to show you how to connect multiple JBL speakers
The JBL Connect feature available on most JBL Bluetooth speakers, such as the JBL Clip,
JBL Flip, JBL Charge, and JBL Xtreme, lets you connect up to 100 JBL devices together.
If you have multiple JBL speakers and don't want to invest in a larger stereo system,
this can be a great option for increasing your audio output.
Additionally, connecting two or more JBL Bluetooth speakers together is straightforward and can
be done in a few seconds.
Now let's walk through the steps to connect multiple JBL speakers together.
Step 1.
Power on any of the JBL speakers you want to connect to each other.
Step 2.
Ensure that any JBL speakers you want to connect together are connected via Bluetooth to the
same source.
In this example, I'm looking at the Bluetooth screen on my iPhone, and I can see that both
my JBL Flip 4 and JBL Charge 4 are showing as connected.
If you need instructions around how to pair your JBL speaker with a Bluetooth device,
I link to a video in the description that will help you.
Step 3.
After both JBL speakers are connected, start playing your audio.
The audio will play through one of the speakers.
Step 4.
Press the "JBL Connect" button on the speaker playing audio.
The JBL Connect button looks like an hour glass with a plus sign next to it.
Now, press the "JBL Connect" button on any of the additional JBL speakers that aren't
currently playing audio.
After a few seconds, the audio will come through those JBL speakers as well.
You now know how to connect multiple JBL speakers together.
Thanks for watching.
Leave your thoughts and questions in the comments section below.
If you liked what you saw here, click the video link on the right side of the screen
to check out another video, or click the logo on the left side of the screen to subscribe
to this channel to see more great videos like this one.
LADY SAYTENN - THIS TRAcK'S NARRAToR STOLE A PANERA BREAd TABLe (feat. Merewife) - Duration: 2:33.
In a dark realm between time and space, there was a throne and a crown.
The Broken Crown, which allowed the wearer to see waveforms of sound in the air,
and the Broken Throne, which allowed those who sit upon it, to slice and rearrange those sounds and time.
The Queen used the Throne and Crown to entertain her people for ages to come, and the realm became happy and bright.
However, this happiness did not last, as she was tempted to immorality.
The Queen abused her fame and fortune for her own personal gain.
Her perverted motives were outed to the public, erupting most of the public into shock of their betrayal.
This caused the Queen to panic, as she sliced so much time and sound with no limits,
and the sheer amount of slicing tore a vortex in the space time continuum, to which she was slowly pulled into, like quicksand.
After days of relishing in what she has done, feeling no guilt whatsoever, the Queen was finally taken away,
and the throne and crown were taken with her.
The realm was dark yet again.
It is said that the Throne and Crown could be pulled out of the corrupted void,
and there are few that seek to find the Queen's grave in order to undo the chaos that she has wrought.
Officers unsure how to handle GIANT bouquet gifted to Meghan Markle - Duration: 5:55.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been showered with gifts during the royal tour, but the couple received their most extravagant yet in the form of a giant bouquet of flowers from an adoring royal fan in Auckland
The admirer initially handed the huge arrangements to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to pass to Meghan, and the politician gamely smiled as she struggled to handle the large floral gift on her own
But two police officers were required to step in and carry away the seemingly heavy bunch of flowers during the third day of the royal tour of New Zealand
Taking to Twitter, Jamie Samhan shared a video of the scene, saying: 'Meanwhile.these officers aren't sure how to handle this bouquet of flowers', while another added: 'That's someone's whole garden right there
'Meghan looked glowing for the outing in a £1,413 (AU$2,555/US$1,802) customised version of Brandon Maxwell's Flutter Sheath dress Scroll down for video The New York-based creative, who previously worked as Lady Gaga's stylist, has become one of the Duchess' go-to designers, and this is the second time she's showcased one of his pieces on the royal tour
She teamed the cream dress with a Burberry Silk 'Maythorne' sleeved trench £1,869 (AU$3,380/US$2,384) and wore her hair in a neat bun
The Duchess paired her ensemble with £292 Stuart Weitzman Legend stilettos (AU$529/US$372)
Prince Harry and Meghan were joined on the walkabout at Auckland Viaduct by the mayor Phil Goff and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
The two women were tipped to hit it off, given a shared passion for women's rights
Ms Ardern became a mother for the first time in June when she gave birth to a daughter, Neve, but admitted she hadn't shared any baby tips with the couple
What do royals do with all of their gifts? There is a very detailed royal protocol that marks what happens to all the gifts and gestures from well wishers - and the Duke and Duchess do not hang on to the items for long
After saying 'thank you' and carrying the items for several seconds, the Duke and Duchess pass the soft toys, flower, cards, bottles and jewellery to a member of their entourage
Then, one of several things happens.The royal family's official gift policy states that they can accept and use gifts from individuals, provided they cost less than GBP £150 (AUD $276)
These gifts have to be flowers, foodstuff and other consumable items, as well as other items of small monetary value
However, she's spoken of her admiration for the duchess for carrying out a demanding royal tour while pregnant
She said: 'It's just increased my respect for the role that she's playing at such an often tiring time
I have real empathy and I think she's incredible.'Earlier in the day, Prince Harry and Meghan cut casual figures as they arrived to dedicate a 20-hectare area of native bush to The Queen's Commonwealth Canopy in Auckland
The Duchess of Sussex donned a $575 (GBP £317) blazer by New Zealand designer, Karen Walker, which she paired with J
Crew Toothpick jeans and $219 (GBP £120) wellington boots by Muck.Meghan accessorised her look with Boh Runga earrings, which were a present from the New Zealand president, Jacinda Ardern, and the Swirl Tattoo Diamond Pendant
The couple unveiled a plaque on the city's North Shore recognising the dedication to the QCC, which conserves indigenous forests for future generations
They also enjoyed planting native trees and throwing gumboots with local schoolchildren
The final day of their Royal Highnesses' tour will take place in Rotorua on Wednesday
The Duke and Duchess will head to Rainbow Springs to learn more about the centre's kiwi breeding programme
Later that afternoon, Meghan and Harry will head into the city for the chance to meet members of the public gathered there
The royal couple then heads back to London.New Zealand is the fourth country the royal couple have visited on their mammoth 16-day tour following visits to Australia, Fiji and Tonga
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