We present an interesting publication in the history of Polish handicraft.
This is a unique catalog of designs of the well-known Association of "Kilim" ("Tapestry") in Zakopane.
It contains extremely interesting illustrations on stickers that present
examples of works that were created at the beginning of the Association's activity.
It has, therefore, a very big value documenting an important stage in the development of applied art in Poland.
The association was founded in 1910.
The goal was to develop - in the field of fabric - ideas
promoted by the Krakow Society "Polish Applied Arts".
It had in its assumptions the introduction of "Polish folk motifs for tapestry weaving",
while maintaining the individual character of the artists' work.
The fabrics of the "Kilim" ("Tapestry") Association, with a high artistic level, were also distinguished by technical quality of workmanship.
And the projects were often prepared by very well-known artists,
for example: Władysław Skoczylas, Stanisław Gałek, Jan Rembowski, Karol Kłosowski or Bogdan Treter, as well as others.
Most designs were developed by the co-founder and long-time director of the Association - Kazimierz Brzozowski.
In the workshops operating within the framework of the Association, local mountaineer women also performed.
And that their works were exceptional, fabrics from the "Kilim" Association were eagerly bought
and they could be found in the homes of both Zakopane and Poland.
They can also be an inspiration today for the creators of artistic fabrics.
Please visit www.atticus.pl
to departments books and other Polish objects until 1945 and artistic crafts.
For more infomation >> Katalog wzorów znanego zakopiańskiego Stowarzyszenia „Kilim", wydawnictwo z 1913 r. - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Volvo XC60 New T5 250pk Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:13.
YOU vs JASON VOORHEES - Could You Defeat Him? (Friday the 13th Movie - Halloween Special) - Duration: 7:40.
It's a late summer's night and you and your friends are out camping by the lake.
As you're laughing and joking, suddenly you hear the snap of a twig coming from just beyond
the small circle of dim light your fire creates.
Nervously you laugh it off as a squirrel or other small animal and get back to horsing
around- when suddenly one of your friends gurgles a dying breath as a machete splits
his head open.
Looking up, you see a seven-foot tall figure step out of the darkness and retrieve the
machete- it's him, the legends were true.
Welcome to this episode of The Infographics Show- where we pit the average joe against
the legendary Jason Voorhees...could you defeat him?
Jason Voorhees was born in the small town of Crystal Lake on June 13th, 1946.
Afflicted with Hydrocephalus which created several facial deformities, an abnormally
large head and mental disabilities, Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees, kept him away from
other kids and took care of him alone at home.
Having no other people in his life, Jason developed a deep bond with his mother, loving
and revering her above anything else.
In the summer of 1957, when Jason was 11 years old, Pamela was unable to get a babysitter
for Jason and brought him with her to Camp Crystal Lake where she worked as a cook.
Hanging around his mother instead of the other kids, he was inevitably ostracized by the
other children, and eventually bullied for his disabilities.
One day as he was being bullied, Jason fled from the kids who chased him to the end of
a dock.
Throwing him into the water as a joke, the kids watched helplessly as Jason began to
drown while the camp counselors who were supposed to be supervising the children were having
sex in the woods.
Jason's body was never found but the camp was closed as a result.
Opening the next year, Jason's mother Pamela, mad with grief, murdered the counselors she
blamed for Jason's drowning.
Unbeknownst to Pamela, Jason had somehow survived his drowning and built a crude shelter for
himself were he stayed for years alone.
Jason would ultimately rediscover his mother 20 years later, but only moments before she
was decapitated by a new camper acting in self-defense.
Taking his mother's sweater, pants, severed head and the machete that killed her, Jason
built a shrine to his mother and began his murderous rampage.
So let's say you're foolish enough to go camping in the area around Camp Crystal Lake- what
can you expect to go up against?
Well, first of all be warned- because Jason and his mother both blamed his near-drowning
on teenage promiscuity, any drinking or sexual acts are surefire way to be marked for death
by a vengeful Jason.
So keep it in your pants and you might survive.
But let's say you manage to stumble across Jason anyways, what should you be prepared
First of all you should be aware of Jason's superior strength.
Already a hulking and imposing figure, Jason stands at nearly seven feet tall and easily
weighs over 200 lbs.
But his strength is far beyond that of a normal human being, able to bend even metal pipes.
Jason is also incredibly durable- though not impervious to damage, he has shown great resiliency,
even taking a machete to the head and surviving.
After his accidental resurrection via lightning bolt though his resilience reached supernatural
levels, with Jason apparently being completely impervious to any fatal damage.
That's not to say that Jason can't be hurt, it's simply that killing him can be nearly
The last thing to be aware of is Jason's incredible speed and stealth, seemingly able to cover
vast distances in surprisingly little time.
Some theorize that Jason simply has the ability to teleport to shadowed, hidden areas near
his prey, as when observed physically walking he is typically no faster than the average
person- and yet routinely surprises and ambushes fleeing prey.
So how can you survive an encounter with Jason?
The first tip would be to remember that even though he is in fact extremely resilient,
he is not invulnerable to damage.
While after his resurrection via lightning bolt Jason seems to be immortal, it has been
clearly demonstrated that Jason can be restrained for years in one location, frozen solid, or
even blown up into small bits.
Your first order of business will be to slow Jason down.
Despite his resiliency and slow regenerative powers, Jason clearly still takes damage.
With Jason's far superior strength, a melee weapon such as a club or an axe is completely
out of the question, you're really just asking for a machete through the skull.
You need to keep your distance, and you need to dish out some serious damage that will
slow Jason down.
Here is where you want to be thinking much like you would in a zombie survival scenario-
but forget the headshots which are difficult targets to hit anyways.
Firearms deliver tremendous amounts of kinetic energy at very high speeds, and wether you're
an undead zombie or an immortal machete-wielding mass murderer, a shattered femur is still
impossible to stand on.
While gut instinct may be to go for a popular shotgun, we recommend going instead for something
with much more penetration power- your goal after all is to hit structurally-vital bones
and obliterate them.
An M4 assault rifle, favored battle rifle of the US military, can deliver a 5.56mm round
at 2970 feet (905 meters) per second, and with a steel penetrating core a few shots
to the leg is sure to decimate Jason's ability to support his body weight on that limb.
But don't stop there.
The backbone is extremely important structurally for an upright bipedal animal such as a human,
helping support the upper body and distribute that weight evenly to the pelvis and thus
the legs.
Put a few rounds into Jason's backbone and shatter his backbone to watch him crumple
over like a sad pancake.
It's important to remember that Jason canregenerate though, so he won't stay down for long.
You may be tempted to take this opportunity to run and hide, but given Jason's ability
to seemingly appear from out of nowhere, this is probably not a great idea.
Instead keep Jason in full view at all times, and let him crawl towards you.
If he regenerates, no problem, put a few more bone-shattering rounds into his vital areas
and slow him down again.
While you can't kill Jason, it has been shown that you can obliterate his mortal form and
force him to return to hell until he reassembles his body.
So what you want to do is carve Jason into pieces, but again, while staying out of the
reach of that terrifying machete of his.
Enter the M18A1 Claymore directional anti-personnel mine, another favorite toy of the US armed
Unlike a typical mine, the Claymore is aimed at a target and fired by remote-control, shooting
a pattern of seven hundred 3.2mm steel balls at a speed of 3,995 (1,218 meters) feet a
second a maximum of 250 yards.
With a detonator made out of 2.5 lbs of C4, the closer you lure Jason to your hidden Claymore,
the better.
And you'll have to lure him, because another thing Jason has shown is that he's not dumb-
so if your Claymore is out in the open, forget about it, he's not falling for it.
However, if you successfully lure him to within range of your hidden Claymore, be sure to
get him as near as possible while you staying safely out of the firing cone.
You also want to be somewhat cautious about backblast, although thanks to the Misznay-Schardin
effect- where a sheet of explosives has its blast directed away from a heavy backing surface
such as the Claymore's rear metal plate- you shouldn't be in too much danger yourself...
aside from possibly shattered eardrums.
However for Jason, being on the business end of an exploding Claymore is going to ruin
his day as 700 steel balls absolutely shred his body.
Jason will come back, he always does, and to be sure he doesn't regenerate right away
we recommend you spend a few hours picking up the meatball-sized pieces that are probably
all that's left of Jason's body and perhaps burning them.
You can try and appease his spirit by giving his ashes a proper burial near his mother's
final resting place at Camp Crystal Lake, but in all likelihood it's probably just better
if you put up a bunch of signs and got stupid teenagers to stop driving to the site of multiple
mass murders to make out.
So, how would you kill Jason in a one-on-one matchup?
What weapon would you use?
Let us know in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video called You vs 100 People, Could You Defeat
Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
See you next time.
Top 10 Scary Online Dating Stories - Part 2 - Duration: 15:32.
Top 10 Scary Online Dating Stories - Part 2 - With Charlotte
Socks - 10 17 people shared their online dating horror
stories on the website, Thought Catalogue and one woman messaged in about her experience
with a man on the dating site Okay, Cupid, a free to use dating site.
She said that she matched with a guy, the conversation got going and the man messaged
to ask if he could send her some socks to wear.
Thoughtful, maybe?
Turns out just creepy.
Very very creepy.
He asked if the woman could wear the socks for 2-3 months without washing them and send
them back.
Like, if you're into a foot…
I don't judge you, you do you… but… a smelly sock.
The way a sock smells at the end of the day …let alone the end of a month…the end
of three months.
The girl never met up with the guy in question – but can you imagine?
Plenty o Nudes - 9 When you meet someone online, theres always
the chance that you could be talking to a predator.
I mean, the person is essentially anonymous, you dont know anything about them and who
they really are.
Everyone seems normal and nice at first, and but then sometimes a dark side starts to show
A woman who goes by Georgieroset said she met a guy on plenty of fish.
They chatted for a bit and he seemed nice so they exchanged numbers.
They talked again for a few more days on whatsapp, but the conversation fizzled out, as it often
does when it comes to online dating and two people just arent hitting it off.
A couple of weeks go by, and she gets a random message from him.
She opens it, and its a picture of a womans breasts.
She was obviously confused, so she sent him back a question mark.
He wrote back, send more.
She had never met this man, and she barely knew him, so she said no.
And then things escalated.
He responded, send me more or i'll send that picture of the boobs to everyone you
At first she thought he wasnt serious, so she told him to buzz off.
But then he started spouting off names of all the people shes friends with on facebook,
even though she never told this man what her last name was and they werent friends on facebook.
She was terrified and threatened to call the police and he backed off.
She blocked his number and set her facebook to private and she hasnt used any online dating
apps since.
Honestly i feel like deleting my online dating apps after hearing about this one.
Dog Thief - 8 A man used Tinder to match with a woman in
Bergen County, New Jersey.
An 18-year-old girl matched with a guy who showed up to meet her as she was house sitting
for a friend.
The teen had never met the man, who turned up to meet her with a friend of his in tow.
It seems that the second man was a surprise to the girl but she hung out with her date
Meanwhile, his friend cased the house, stole a laptop, an amazon parcel, but worst of all,
the families beloved two year old maltese dog, Maggie.
It seems that the date was part of a wider rouse to burgle a number of homes and dupe
vulnerable woman.
Luckily Maggie was later found by local town residents.
This horror story has a happy ending, but could be much worse… like the rest of the
stories on this list.
The Park Masturbator - 7 I've definitely had my fair share of online
dating horror stories, but luckily i havent met any sickos..yet.
Knock on wood, does anyone have some wood for me to knock on?
Our next scary online dating story comes from a woman named ashley, who said she met a man
online who wanted to go for a walk.
A walk is a great first date idea, you get some coffee, bundle up and stroll around admiring
the scenery.
While Ashley was walking with her date, they stopped to admire the beautiful park, when
suddenly, her date started licking her face.
She froze, and didnt know what to do.
Maybe he was just a bad kisser?
Ashley said she didnt run away at this point because she was young and stupid.
So she continued walking with him, and then he licked her face again.
You would think the average person would be significantly creeped out at this point, but
then, we all do strange things in the name of love.
Ashley and her date sat down on a bench, and she sat on the opposite side of the bench
because she was afraid she was going to get licked again.
As she was thinking of a way to escape, she heard a strange noise coming from the other
side of the bench.
She looked over, and was completely shocked to see that her date was full on touching
himself in a public park.
Ashley said she's never run as fast as she did that day, and i honestly dont blame her.
OK Cupid Machete Man -6
Seeing someones place for the first time can be an exciting thing.
Things are going well and the two of you are finally ready to get intimate.
But a persons home tells a lot about them.
Are they clean?
Do they take care of themselves?
Do they take out the garbage?
Do they have a collection of machetes?
A woman named sophie downloaded OK cupid and didn't have much luck meeting anyone interesting,
until one day, she started talking to a man who the then started dating.
The two of them went on several dates, and one thing led to another, and he asked her
if she would like to see his place.
She agreed.
But when she went back to her date's place, the walls were full of swords, knives and
Her date then took a machete off the wall and held it to her throat to show her just
how strong and sharp it was.
Its like, ok, you like collecting knives, thats not that strange.
Lots of people are into weaponry.
But holding one to your throat the first time you go to a guys place?
I would be afraid to walk out alive.
Was she supposed to be impressed by the sharpness of his machete?
Maybe the guy was a serial killer, who knows.
Its safe to say that sophie never saw her date again.
The Honey Trap - 5 This Tinder Date also turned out to be a trap.
In January 2016 A man in Boulder, Colorado was excited to match with a woman on tinder
and was pretty pumped for their date.
As the man arrived at the agreed date location near the University of Colorado in downtown
Boulder, instead of meeting the woman that he had matched with, he was set upon by a
MAN wearing a ski mask.
The men then pulled out a gun and demanded that the date empty his pockets.
The perpetrator, who was described as between 18 and 25 and Hispanic in ethnicity, stole
the Tinder dates wallet, including all his cash, his cell phone and his car keys.
Luckily the man's car was safe.
It seems that this was not the first time a crime like this had happened in the area.
Just days before a woman was robbed after organizing a meet up with a man on Craigslist.
Joy Ride.
- 4 Next up we've got Joy ride.
A woman met a guy online, and they arranged a movie date.
We'll call this couple Greg and Mary.
Greg and Mary ordered a pizza and started to watch the first movie.
He then turned to her and said that its hard to be a rich man because women are whores.
Mary said she was uncomfortable, so he apoligised and they kept watching the movie.
5 minutes later, Greg started ranting again abotu the same things.
Mary told him that she wanted to go home, so greg offered to drive her.
She she gets in, he begins driving recklessly, before she can get her seatbelt on.
He hits a cement pillar and the car starts to smoke, but he keeps going.
Mary is thrashed around the car, she hits the door, the windsheild, like a bean in a
tin can.
Greg then starts saying crazy things like, oh i'll get you home but i dont know what
condition you'll be in when you get there.
Meanwhile mary still doesnt have her seatbelt on.
Then, thankfully, someone pulls in front of gregs car and he slams on the breaks.
Mary hits the windshield, then somehow manages to grab the door handle, opens it and propels
herself out of the car as greg slams on the gas.
She hit the pavement, got up, and started running as fast as she could.
Mary finds a parking lot and hides behind cars until greg drives away.
But unfortunately, mary forgot her purse in gregs car.
She had no money and she was stranded.
She calls her roomate, but she doesnt pick up.
Mary walks a few miles and flags a cab.
She convinces him to drive her to her moms house and that she would pay him when she
got there.
I dont know about you guys but this one made me scared
to get into a dates car.
Maybe i'll insist on an uber next time.
Sorority Snatcher - 3 In April 2016, a college student in Kansas
decided to go on a second date with a guy she had met on Tinder.
The first date went well, so she agreed to see him again, however it seems 30 year old
Steven Allen was not who she thought him to be.
Allen picked up the 20 year old girl at her sorority house and abducted her, holding her
against her will for six days.
The crazed man accuse the girl, barely out of her teens, of flirting with one of his
friends and imprisoned her in his trailer for six days.
The man stamped on her, punched her and kicked her and even threatened to kill himself.
He eventually returned her home when she begged him, promising him she would not call the
Stabbing Stimpson - 2 In Novemver 2016, Student, Molly McLaren matched
with a guy three years older than her on Tinder, Joshua Simpson.
The Pair both lived near Chatham in Kent in the United Kingdom, and the man ended up attacking
Miss McLaren outside her gym in June of the following year.
From the off, the pair had quite a stormy relationship as the 23-year-old young woman
found him controlling.
The pair broke up after 7 months together as Molly claimed she was no longer attracted
to the man.
The pair did briefly rekindle, but they broke up again in the middle of June.
Following the breakup, Molly became worried about her ex's behaviour, so much so that
she text her friends to say she felt like she was always looking over her shoulder.
It seems that her paranoia was pretty well founded as Mr Simpson became crazed and started
posting malicious statements about her online.
On the 29th June 2017, 12 days after they broke up for the final time, Simpson stalked
Molly at the gym.
As she tried to escape, he cornered her with a pickaxe and a knife, stabbing her 75 times
in her car in a gruesome frenzied attack.
Onlookers called the police who didn't arrive in time to save Molly's life, despite one
man attempting to stop Simpson.
When the police arrived, Simpson was covered in blood and arrested at the scene.
It seems he went on another Tinder date the night before he murdered his ex
Drug Date - 1 Alright at number one, we've got the Drug
And this one, this one will scare the crap out of you.
A woman named Carol met a man on tinder.
They made plans to meet up, he picked her up and and they went to dinner.
Dinner was great, they were having an awesome time and she really liked him.
But then carol started feeling dizzy and nauseous.
She asked her date to drive her home, and when they got there, to thank him, she invited
him in for a coffee, she had started feeling a bit better.
But when they went inside, the dizziness returned, so she asked him to leave.
He agreed and left her alone.
Carol went to bed, but woke up in the middle of the night because she heard noises from
downstairs She called the police, who showed up and found the door locked.
They broke down the door, and carol hears the police officers pinning down someone in
her living room.
She went downstairs and discovered that all her furniture was covered in plastic and a
saw and hammer were layed out on the floor.
Basically what happened was, her date drugged her and then took her house keys when she
asked him to leave.
He went home, picked up the murder weapon, and returned to her place.
He then prepared her house for what seems to be a future murder, and covered her furniture
in plastic.
I think im gonna be single forever honestly, this story is all kinds of nope.
Do not share personal/financial information
on social media Meet in a public place when meeting for the
first time Tell family and friends when meeting someone
new for the first time
Hated Child 3 Trailer | Gacha Studios - Duration: 1:08.
Yep this was a mistake
Woooo spoopy
I just learned captions now lol
Yo mama gay
I'm offensive! Yayyyyyyyyy
No take this lesson from me don't say TT to that
That's bad for you and your mental health
You don't want to end up like me....
Just ded inside....
So do I keep talking?
Yo this is what you all have been waiting for!
Everyone is like on all my videos "Do hated" "do hated"
Like bro can you comment on what you thought of the video I worked meh butt off on?
Like you don't even know how much editing this takes for one video T^T
Well it's almost the end so....
In 3
Blast off!!!!!
ЮТУПЕРЫ #13 - Duration: 10:02.
982555 - Duration: 3:45.
Kim Kardashian a perdu de son indépendance avec Kanye West - Duration: 4:06.
DaxHell the Beginning - Duration: 0:04.
Blink Blink
Flavia Vento, a Nemo, parla dello scontro tra Fabrizio Corona e Ilary Blasi. Belen, parole ... - Duration: 12:16.
A Fazenda: Na Festa do Game, Fernanda Lacerda protagoniza três barracos e Catia causa nova punição - Duration: 3:19.
My name's Rodger Koller and this video is going to be very different
This is from a series of videos named "real-life English"
and today I'm going to talk about something really controversial
but before we start, remember to hit the LIKE button
subscribe to the channel and click the bell to allow notifications
so that you'll never miss any of my new videos
now without any further ado, let's get started
as you know, I'm a teacher and I've got many students
and I teach them via Skype
and for some crazy reason, they keep asking me things related to politics
and about my opinion about Bolsonaro and Haddad
and all of that
in my last class that ended 20 minutes ago
my student asked me what I thought of the Rouanet Law
The Rouanet Law is a Brazilian law that was intended to encourage cultural investments
that can be used by firms and citizens
to help finance cultural projects
Anyway, it's a law to boost cultural events and art
I think it's important to invest in cultre and art
but my question is...What is art?
My concept of art is different from yours, I don't know
but maybe
Who determines and judges who this investment is going to?
What entitles this person to do that?
I'm going to tell you something that happened to me and then we can relate that to this law
Last week my girlfriend invited me to go to an art exhibit
that took place here near my city
in which they were displaying replicas of famous masterpieces
such as The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci
Guernica, by Picasso
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
The Last Supper, by Da Vinci
The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dali
among other outstanding masterpieces
and you could see that it took a lot of effort, hard work and talent to create each one of them
These guys were true artists
Alright, we stopped at every one of them
we analysed them, we were having long conversations about what the artist could be thinking
when he was painting it
what he was feeling at the moment
and what kind of message that painting was giving us
I had my interpretations and my girlfriend had hers
We had insane conversations because we saw things so differently
and we understood all of these paintings so differently
and it was a beautiful thing because it means that those paintings
were somehow alive, talking to us in so many peculiar and different ways
I love true art and that was a very good moment for us
Nevertheless, at that same art gallery there was a place dedicated to some abstract art
with photographs of modern paintings, abstract stuff and also of other art galleries with that sort of art
Some of them were really good and yes! I really like abstract, so that's not the problem.
But I've got to confess that some of the paintings made me laugh
and I'll tell you why
I understand why this painting by Peter Paul Rubens was sold for 104 million dollars
Ok! I can see the drama, I can see feelings, I can see the suffering
I can see art, but now look at this:
This was sold for 46 million dollars!!
Ok, I'll give you a second to breathe...46 million dollars!
Look, I'm not here to judge
what I'm doing here is just opening a window of opportunity
for us to debate
if you disagree with me, I please ask you to leave me a comment
telling me why you think differently
but I truly believe that my 5 year-old sister could do something better than this
and I don't even have a 5 year-old sister
I know some people will say:
But Rodger, you are just dumb
This is the essence of true art because
it represents that reality is beyond beauty and
and it undoubtedly within our fertile imagination
as an actual representation of our feelings translated into a painting. See?
Our feelings are illogical and they don't have a logical shape
They are abstract and afterwards
we translate these emotions into our logical thoughts and turn them into words
These paintings represent our feelings, emotions
before they turned into logical words
You're just too dumb to understand that
Yeah, maybe I'm too dumb to understand that this is art:
and this is just the result of someone testing a paintbrush:
This is art:
And these are just boxes attatched to the wall:
and yet, someone will say:
Just because you can't personally differentiate between a line of abstract thought translated onto a canvas
it does not make you the judge of what art is or isn't
Just because it doesn't represent a reality you understand
doesn't make it not art
Yeah, I totally agree with you, I'm not an expert
and I'm not saying that I'm right
I might be wrong but it seems that nowadays people are afraid to just admit that they also agree with me
that that sort of thing is not art
because it's cult and fancy to say that we love that
and then we pretend that we like it and
and that we understand what it means
because we don't want to be different from the group
and we want to be fancy
we don't want to sound stupid...Just like this:
The carpets! If you look very closely...Do you see?
Can you see?
It's made of
Thousands and thousands of African babies...
Oh it's like, he is literally walking on African babies!!! (yes)
So he is like the West and the African babies are like...Africa!
That's a very good interpretation!
Oh! Now I see!
It seems that if we see this:
and if we say "Oh! This is ridiculous!"
People will look at us and say:
You're just too dumb to understand it!
and I AM INTELLIGENT because I undestand it!
and then if we ask them "But do you understand it?"
They'll say something like
Yes! This is the representation of a mother
who instinctively saved her soul by feeding her babies
with love and comprehension.
You have no soul and you are brainless and that's why you don't get it!
Ok, I might be dumb because
All I can imagine is that a toddler was given a color pen and paper and he had fun for 5 minutes
Do you remember the story of the emperor and his new clothes?
Hundreds of years ago there was a tailor
He went to the emperor and he said
that he had very rare clothes to sell
The emperor who loved buying rare things asked him
Why are these clothes so rare?
and the tailor replied:
Because only intelligent people can see them
incompetent, lazy and stupid people can't see them
Look! What do you think of them?
The emperor couldn't see anything
but he was ashamed to admit that
Otherwise would think he was stupid
so he said that he loved those clothes and he bought them for millions and millions
He then wore these clothes
and nobody in the kingdom could see them
They could only see the naked emperor
But nobody said anything because
They didn't want people to see they were dumb
The moral of the story is:
The tailor got rich
Ok, just kidding, that's not the moral of the story
I think it's important to invest in culture and art
But my question is...
What is art?
My concept of art is different
from yours, I don't know
but maybe
Who determines and judges who this investment is going to?
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A Fazenda: Na Festa do Game, Fernanda Lacerda protagoniza três barracos e Catia causa nova punição - Duration: 3:19.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 220d BS AMG Comand, Widescreen, Stoelverwarming, AMG Styling, Alarm, S - Duration: 1:13.
ADIDAS GLITCH: Tutto ciò che devi sapere | Boots Talk - Duration: 5:15.
Hi guys and welcome again this is boots culture and today we will talk about an exclusive boots
Never presented in Italy here are the adidas Glitch!
Glitch is an exclusive product of adidas available only in 3 European countries: England, France and Germany
Unfortunately, even today it is not possible to buy them in Italy because adidas did not provide access to the Glitch App (but hopefully it will happen soon)
What's special about the Glitches? We have renamed it "the Tunit of the future" just because you are the composer of your boots
This is the internal upper, you will wear it and become one with your foot, techfit material.
Then we have the "skins" that are the outer uppers that go to make up the shoe with which you will play on pitch
The Skins are very flexible and thin, so the impact with the ball is great and the boots are comfortable
The version that we show you is the Glitch 17.1, while today we have come to version 19. They all remain on the same line and concept, but change slightly in the "finishes" and in the inner upper
The price to buy Glitch is around € 200
When you make your first purchase you will need to purchase the "Bundle" consisting of the upper and two Skins
After purchasing the Bundle you can then decide what to buy in the future, if only the uppers or skins
Important to know that the bundle can be either FG or SG so you will have to make a choice based on the sole you use the most
When you go to buy more skins for your Glitch the price can vary from € 60 for the less exclusive up to over € 80
As already said, we have defined the F50 Tunit of the future, just because you are the one to compose it as you wish
We have been able to test them in the field and we think shoes really very comfortable, they are totally laceless, and they approach an X17 + for concept
If I have to find a small negative note, it is the weight, as I repeat the line shoes like the X or Nemeziz weigh a little more
In any case, it is one of those aspects that does not change the positive judgment that remains very high
I particularly wanted to bring on the channel a content on adidas Glitch, since in Italy nobody had ever talked about it in detail
Also because it is really a very intriguing product and that reflects the desire for innovation and technology from adidas
Obviously your opinion is what matters, I invite you to leave a like below and above all to write what you think of adidas Glitch and if you are curious to try them
I remind you to activate the notifications to receive all the updates and to follow the stories that you find daily on our instagram page, bye!
THE WALKING DEAD Stagione 9 Episodio 4 | Scena in anteprima Sub Ita - Duration: 1:31.
23 Day Rescue Plan For Your Skin This Winter | Winter Skin Care - Remedies One - Duration: 3:11.
make one easy little change to your beauty routine every day and in less
than a month see how great you can look and feel this winter today's video will
discuss 23 day rescue plan for your skin this winter before you watch this video
please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the
subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be the first to know when we
post new videos daily with very little effort you could get yourself in super
shape so come this spring you're ready to emerge like a butterfly how to get
amazing skin in just 23 days 1 feed your face
your skin's needs change with the seasons so it's essential to adapt your
skincare routine accordingly in winter skin needs more nourishment and
protection from the elements so swap your regular face wash for a
nourishing cleansing milk and ensure your moisture is or continence
ingredients like shea butter vitamin E and argan oil which all nourish the skin
without leaving an oily film to care for your cuticles massage a little cuticle
oil into your nails just before bedtime this will strengthen them in the
long-term and ensure they are well annoys your eyes when you've got a few
minutes to spare give those fingertips the spa treatment with our at a glance
guide to nail care essentials 3 pop your lips wearing lipstick and and eye
popping color allows you to get away with a lot less makeup perfect for when
you're in a rush try Max Factor makeup artist Carolyn Barnes tips to find the
right shade of lipstick whatever your age 4 go for bronze bronzers are the
perfect beauty product to help you fake a healthy sunkissed glow so don't just
save them for summer choose a light shade without any shimmer using a brush
gently sweep it over the areas of your face the Sun would naturally hit your
temples forehead cheeks the tip of your nose and along your jaw bone 5 don't
forget some screen even when you can't see the Sun
this one is easy simply choose a daily moisturizer with an SPF to ensure that
your skin is protected from future wrinkles and discoloration sakes
Trust for success the start of a new season is the ideal time to cut a fringe
change your hair color or go a little shorter
check out the experts tips for easy ways to fall back in love with your hair 7
drink a lot of water yes around 8 glasses of water a day it's one of the
cheapest doing easiest Beauty steps you can take hydrating your body from the
inside will ensure your skin looks plump and moisturized what is your plan for
your skin this winter let me know in our comment section below if you liked this
video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends for more daily tips
subscribe to our channel below thank you
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 -ㅔ 에 エ(e) - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅐ 애 エ(e) - Duration: 0:31.
5-Minute Fat-Burning 16 Workouts To Burn Belly Fat In No Time You Can Do - Life Hacks For Girls - Duration: 3:34.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅐ 애 ae (-ɛ-) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅖ 예 ye (-je-) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅣ 이 i (-i-) - Duration: 0:31.
[基本] ★ 韓国語の勉強 한국어 공부 ♥ レッスン1 ♥ - ハングル アルファベット - 母音 - ㅖ 예 イェ (ye) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅡ 으 eu (-ɯ-) - Duration: 0:31.
Dota 2 Cheaters: AXE with a lot of HACKS! Beware of NEW SCRIPTS! - Duration: 10:30.
Renault Espace 1.6 dCi 160pk Initiale Paris EDC Leer, 4-Control, R-link2, Camera, Trekhaak - Duration: 1:15.
Renault Talisman Estate 1.5 dCi 110pk Intens EDC R-link 2, Bose, Climate, 4-Control, 18'' Lichtm., v - Duration: 1:08.
Katalog wzorów znanego zakopiańskiego Stowarzyszenia „Kilim", wydawnictwo z 1913 r. - Duration: 1:45.
We present an interesting publication in the history of Polish handicraft.
This is a unique catalog of designs of the well-known Association of "Kilim" ("Tapestry") in Zakopane.
It contains extremely interesting illustrations on stickers that present
examples of works that were created at the beginning of the Association's activity.
It has, therefore, a very big value documenting an important stage in the development of applied art in Poland.
The association was founded in 1910.
The goal was to develop - in the field of fabric - ideas
promoted by the Krakow Society "Polish Applied Arts".
It had in its assumptions the introduction of "Polish folk motifs for tapestry weaving",
while maintaining the individual character of the artists' work.
The fabrics of the "Kilim" ("Tapestry") Association, with a high artistic level, were also distinguished by technical quality of workmanship.
And the projects were often prepared by very well-known artists,
for example: Władysław Skoczylas, Stanisław Gałek, Jan Rembowski, Karol Kłosowski or Bogdan Treter, as well as others.
Most designs were developed by the co-founder and long-time director of the Association - Kazimierz Brzozowski.
In the workshops operating within the framework of the Association, local mountaineer women also performed.
And that their works were exceptional, fabrics from the "Kilim" Association were eagerly bought
and they could be found in the homes of both Zakopane and Poland.
They can also be an inspiration today for the creators of artistic fabrics.
Please visit www.atticus.pl
to departments books and other Polish objects until 1945 and artistic crafts.
Volvo XC60 New T5 250pk Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:13.
Top 10 Scary Online Dating Stories - Part 2 - Duration: 15:32.
Top 10 Scary Online Dating Stories - Part 2 - With Charlotte
Socks - 10 17 people shared their online dating horror
stories on the website, Thought Catalogue and one woman messaged in about her experience
with a man on the dating site Okay, Cupid, a free to use dating site.
She said that she matched with a guy, the conversation got going and the man messaged
to ask if he could send her some socks to wear.
Thoughtful, maybe?
Turns out just creepy.
Very very creepy.
He asked if the woman could wear the socks for 2-3 months without washing them and send
them back.
Like, if you're into a foot…
I don't judge you, you do you… but… a smelly sock.
The way a sock smells at the end of the day …let alone the end of a month…the end
of three months.
The girl never met up with the guy in question – but can you imagine?
Plenty o Nudes - 9 When you meet someone online, theres always
the chance that you could be talking to a predator.
I mean, the person is essentially anonymous, you dont know anything about them and who
they really are.
Everyone seems normal and nice at first, and but then sometimes a dark side starts to show
A woman who goes by Georgieroset said she met a guy on plenty of fish.
They chatted for a bit and he seemed nice so they exchanged numbers.
They talked again for a few more days on whatsapp, but the conversation fizzled out, as it often
does when it comes to online dating and two people just arent hitting it off.
A couple of weeks go by, and she gets a random message from him.
She opens it, and its a picture of a womans breasts.
She was obviously confused, so she sent him back a question mark.
He wrote back, send more.
She had never met this man, and she barely knew him, so she said no.
And then things escalated.
He responded, send me more or i'll send that picture of the boobs to everyone you
At first she thought he wasnt serious, so she told him to buzz off.
But then he started spouting off names of all the people shes friends with on facebook,
even though she never told this man what her last name was and they werent friends on facebook.
She was terrified and threatened to call the police and he backed off.
She blocked his number and set her facebook to private and she hasnt used any online dating
apps since.
Honestly i feel like deleting my online dating apps after hearing about this one.
Dog Thief - 8 A man used Tinder to match with a woman in
Bergen County, New Jersey.
An 18-year-old girl matched with a guy who showed up to meet her as she was house sitting
for a friend.
The teen had never met the man, who turned up to meet her with a friend of his in tow.
It seems that the second man was a surprise to the girl but she hung out with her date
Meanwhile, his friend cased the house, stole a laptop, an amazon parcel, but worst of all,
the families beloved two year old maltese dog, Maggie.
It seems that the date was part of a wider rouse to burgle a number of homes and dupe
vulnerable woman.
Luckily Maggie was later found by local town residents.
This horror story has a happy ending, but could be much worse… like the rest of the
stories on this list.
The Park Masturbator - 7 I've definitely had my fair share of online
dating horror stories, but luckily i havent met any sickos..yet.
Knock on wood, does anyone have some wood for me to knock on?
Our next scary online dating story comes from a woman named ashley, who said she met a man
online who wanted to go for a walk.
A walk is a great first date idea, you get some coffee, bundle up and stroll around admiring
the scenery.
While Ashley was walking with her date, they stopped to admire the beautiful park, when
suddenly, her date started licking her face.
She froze, and didnt know what to do.
Maybe he was just a bad kisser?
Ashley said she didnt run away at this point because she was young and stupid.
So she continued walking with him, and then he licked her face again.
You would think the average person would be significantly creeped out at this point, but
then, we all do strange things in the name of love.
Ashley and her date sat down on a bench, and she sat on the opposite side of the bench
because she was afraid she was going to get licked again.
As she was thinking of a way to escape, she heard a strange noise coming from the other
side of the bench.
She looked over, and was completely shocked to see that her date was full on touching
himself in a public park.
Ashley said she's never run as fast as she did that day, and i honestly dont blame her.
OK Cupid Machete Man -6
Seeing someones place for the first time can be an exciting thing.
Things are going well and the two of you are finally ready to get intimate.
But a persons home tells a lot about them.
Are they clean?
Do they take care of themselves?
Do they take out the garbage?
Do they have a collection of machetes?
A woman named sophie downloaded OK cupid and didn't have much luck meeting anyone interesting,
until one day, she started talking to a man who the then started dating.
The two of them went on several dates, and one thing led to another, and he asked her
if she would like to see his place.
She agreed.
But when she went back to her date's place, the walls were full of swords, knives and
Her date then took a machete off the wall and held it to her throat to show her just
how strong and sharp it was.
Its like, ok, you like collecting knives, thats not that strange.
Lots of people are into weaponry.
But holding one to your throat the first time you go to a guys place?
I would be afraid to walk out alive.
Was she supposed to be impressed by the sharpness of his machete?
Maybe the guy was a serial killer, who knows.
Its safe to say that sophie never saw her date again.
The Honey Trap - 5 This Tinder Date also turned out to be a trap.
In January 2016 A man in Boulder, Colorado was excited to match with a woman on tinder
and was pretty pumped for their date.
As the man arrived at the agreed date location near the University of Colorado in downtown
Boulder, instead of meeting the woman that he had matched with, he was set upon by a
MAN wearing a ski mask.
The men then pulled out a gun and demanded that the date empty his pockets.
The perpetrator, who was described as between 18 and 25 and Hispanic in ethnicity, stole
the Tinder dates wallet, including all his cash, his cell phone and his car keys.
Luckily the man's car was safe.
It seems that this was not the first time a crime like this had happened in the area.
Just days before a woman was robbed after organizing a meet up with a man on Craigslist.
Joy Ride.
- 4 Next up we've got Joy ride.
A woman met a guy online, and they arranged a movie date.
We'll call this couple Greg and Mary.
Greg and Mary ordered a pizza and started to watch the first movie.
He then turned to her and said that its hard to be a rich man because women are whores.
Mary said she was uncomfortable, so he apoligised and they kept watching the movie.
5 minutes later, Greg started ranting again abotu the same things.
Mary told him that she wanted to go home, so greg offered to drive her.
She she gets in, he begins driving recklessly, before she can get her seatbelt on.
He hits a cement pillar and the car starts to smoke, but he keeps going.
Mary is thrashed around the car, she hits the door, the windsheild, like a bean in a
tin can.
Greg then starts saying crazy things like, oh i'll get you home but i dont know what
condition you'll be in when you get there.
Meanwhile mary still doesnt have her seatbelt on.
Then, thankfully, someone pulls in front of gregs car and he slams on the breaks.
Mary hits the windshield, then somehow manages to grab the door handle, opens it and propels
herself out of the car as greg slams on the gas.
She hit the pavement, got up, and started running as fast as she could.
Mary finds a parking lot and hides behind cars until greg drives away.
But unfortunately, mary forgot her purse in gregs car.
She had no money and she was stranded.
She calls her roomate, but she doesnt pick up.
Mary walks a few miles and flags a cab.
She convinces him to drive her to her moms house and that she would pay him when she
got there.
I dont know about you guys but this one made me scared
to get into a dates car.
Maybe i'll insist on an uber next time.
Sorority Snatcher - 3 In April 2016, a college student in Kansas
decided to go on a second date with a guy she had met on Tinder.
The first date went well, so she agreed to see him again, however it seems 30 year old
Steven Allen was not who she thought him to be.
Allen picked up the 20 year old girl at her sorority house and abducted her, holding her
against her will for six days.
The crazed man accuse the girl, barely out of her teens, of flirting with one of his
friends and imprisoned her in his trailer for six days.
The man stamped on her, punched her and kicked her and even threatened to kill himself.
He eventually returned her home when she begged him, promising him she would not call the
Stabbing Stimpson - 2 In Novemver 2016, Student, Molly McLaren matched
with a guy three years older than her on Tinder, Joshua Simpson.
The Pair both lived near Chatham in Kent in the United Kingdom, and the man ended up attacking
Miss McLaren outside her gym in June of the following year.
From the off, the pair had quite a stormy relationship as the 23-year-old young woman
found him controlling.
The pair broke up after 7 months together as Molly claimed she was no longer attracted
to the man.
The pair did briefly rekindle, but they broke up again in the middle of June.
Following the breakup, Molly became worried about her ex's behaviour, so much so that
she text her friends to say she felt like she was always looking over her shoulder.
It seems that her paranoia was pretty well founded as Mr Simpson became crazed and started
posting malicious statements about her online.
On the 29th June 2017, 12 days after they broke up for the final time, Simpson stalked
Molly at the gym.
As she tried to escape, he cornered her with a pickaxe and a knife, stabbing her 75 times
in her car in a gruesome frenzied attack.
Onlookers called the police who didn't arrive in time to save Molly's life, despite one
man attempting to stop Simpson.
When the police arrived, Simpson was covered in blood and arrested at the scene.
It seems he went on another Tinder date the night before he murdered his ex
Drug Date - 1 Alright at number one, we've got the Drug
And this one, this one will scare the crap out of you.
A woman named Carol met a man on tinder.
They made plans to meet up, he picked her up and and they went to dinner.
Dinner was great, they were having an awesome time and she really liked him.
But then carol started feeling dizzy and nauseous.
She asked her date to drive her home, and when they got there, to thank him, she invited
him in for a coffee, she had started feeling a bit better.
But when they went inside, the dizziness returned, so she asked him to leave.
He agreed and left her alone.
Carol went to bed, but woke up in the middle of the night because she heard noises from
downstairs She called the police, who showed up and found the door locked.
They broke down the door, and carol hears the police officers pinning down someone in
her living room.
She went downstairs and discovered that all her furniture was covered in plastic and a
saw and hammer were layed out on the floor.
Basically what happened was, her date drugged her and then took her house keys when she
asked him to leave.
He went home, picked up the murder weapon, and returned to her place.
He then prepared her house for what seems to be a future murder, and covered her furniture
in plastic.
I think im gonna be single forever honestly, this story is all kinds of nope.
Do not share personal/financial information
on social media Meet in a public place when meeting for the
first time Tell family and friends when meeting someone
new for the first time
YOU vs JASON VOORHEES - Could You Defeat Him? (Friday the 13th Movie - Halloween Special) - Duration: 7:40.
It's a late summer's night and you and your friends are out camping by the lake.
As you're laughing and joking, suddenly you hear the snap of a twig coming from just beyond
the small circle of dim light your fire creates.
Nervously you laugh it off as a squirrel or other small animal and get back to horsing
around- when suddenly one of your friends gurgles a dying breath as a machete splits
his head open.
Looking up, you see a seven-foot tall figure step out of the darkness and retrieve the
machete- it's him, the legends were true.
Welcome to this episode of The Infographics Show- where we pit the average joe against
the legendary Jason Voorhees...could you defeat him?
Jason Voorhees was born in the small town of Crystal Lake on June 13th, 1946.
Afflicted with Hydrocephalus which created several facial deformities, an abnormally
large head and mental disabilities, Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees, kept him away from
other kids and took care of him alone at home.
Having no other people in his life, Jason developed a deep bond with his mother, loving
and revering her above anything else.
In the summer of 1957, when Jason was 11 years old, Pamela was unable to get a babysitter
for Jason and brought him with her to Camp Crystal Lake where she worked as a cook.
Hanging around his mother instead of the other kids, he was inevitably ostracized by the
other children, and eventually bullied for his disabilities.
One day as he was being bullied, Jason fled from the kids who chased him to the end of
a dock.
Throwing him into the water as a joke, the kids watched helplessly as Jason began to
drown while the camp counselors who were supposed to be supervising the children were having
sex in the woods.
Jason's body was never found but the camp was closed as a result.
Opening the next year, Jason's mother Pamela, mad with grief, murdered the counselors she
blamed for Jason's drowning.
Unbeknownst to Pamela, Jason had somehow survived his drowning and built a crude shelter for
himself were he stayed for years alone.
Jason would ultimately rediscover his mother 20 years later, but only moments before she
was decapitated by a new camper acting in self-defense.
Taking his mother's sweater, pants, severed head and the machete that killed her, Jason
built a shrine to his mother and began his murderous rampage.
So let's say you're foolish enough to go camping in the area around Camp Crystal Lake- what
can you expect to go up against?
Well, first of all be warned- because Jason and his mother both blamed his near-drowning
on teenage promiscuity, any drinking or sexual acts are surefire way to be marked for death
by a vengeful Jason.
So keep it in your pants and you might survive.
But let's say you manage to stumble across Jason anyways, what should you be prepared
First of all you should be aware of Jason's superior strength.
Already a hulking and imposing figure, Jason stands at nearly seven feet tall and easily
weighs over 200 lbs.
But his strength is far beyond that of a normal human being, able to bend even metal pipes.
Jason is also incredibly durable- though not impervious to damage, he has shown great resiliency,
even taking a machete to the head and surviving.
After his accidental resurrection via lightning bolt though his resilience reached supernatural
levels, with Jason apparently being completely impervious to any fatal damage.
That's not to say that Jason can't be hurt, it's simply that killing him can be nearly
The last thing to be aware of is Jason's incredible speed and stealth, seemingly able to cover
vast distances in surprisingly little time.
Some theorize that Jason simply has the ability to teleport to shadowed, hidden areas near
his prey, as when observed physically walking he is typically no faster than the average
person- and yet routinely surprises and ambushes fleeing prey.
So how can you survive an encounter with Jason?
The first tip would be to remember that even though he is in fact extremely resilient,
he is not invulnerable to damage.
While after his resurrection via lightning bolt Jason seems to be immortal, it has been
clearly demonstrated that Jason can be restrained for years in one location, frozen solid, or
even blown up into small bits.
Your first order of business will be to slow Jason down.
Despite his resiliency and slow regenerative powers, Jason clearly still takes damage.
With Jason's far superior strength, a melee weapon such as a club or an axe is completely
out of the question, you're really just asking for a machete through the skull.
You need to keep your distance, and you need to dish out some serious damage that will
slow Jason down.
Here is where you want to be thinking much like you would in a zombie survival scenario-
but forget the headshots which are difficult targets to hit anyways.
Firearms deliver tremendous amounts of kinetic energy at very high speeds, and wether you're
an undead zombie or an immortal machete-wielding mass murderer, a shattered femur is still
impossible to stand on.
While gut instinct may be to go for a popular shotgun, we recommend going instead for something
with much more penetration power- your goal after all is to hit structurally-vital bones
and obliterate them.
An M4 assault rifle, favored battle rifle of the US military, can deliver a 5.56mm round
at 2970 feet (905 meters) per second, and with a steel penetrating core a few shots
to the leg is sure to decimate Jason's ability to support his body weight on that limb.
But don't stop there.
The backbone is extremely important structurally for an upright bipedal animal such as a human,
helping support the upper body and distribute that weight evenly to the pelvis and thus
the legs.
Put a few rounds into Jason's backbone and shatter his backbone to watch him crumple
over like a sad pancake.
It's important to remember that Jason canregenerate though, so he won't stay down for long.
You may be tempted to take this opportunity to run and hide, but given Jason's ability
to seemingly appear from out of nowhere, this is probably not a great idea.
Instead keep Jason in full view at all times, and let him crawl towards you.
If he regenerates, no problem, put a few more bone-shattering rounds into his vital areas
and slow him down again.
While you can't kill Jason, it has been shown that you can obliterate his mortal form and
force him to return to hell until he reassembles his body.
So what you want to do is carve Jason into pieces, but again, while staying out of the
reach of that terrifying machete of his.
Enter the M18A1 Claymore directional anti-personnel mine, another favorite toy of the US armed
Unlike a typical mine, the Claymore is aimed at a target and fired by remote-control, shooting
a pattern of seven hundred 3.2mm steel balls at a speed of 3,995 (1,218 meters) feet a
second a maximum of 250 yards.
With a detonator made out of 2.5 lbs of C4, the closer you lure Jason to your hidden Claymore,
the better.
And you'll have to lure him, because another thing Jason has shown is that he's not dumb-
so if your Claymore is out in the open, forget about it, he's not falling for it.
However, if you successfully lure him to within range of your hidden Claymore, be sure to
get him as near as possible while you staying safely out of the firing cone.
You also want to be somewhat cautious about backblast, although thanks to the Misznay-Schardin
effect- where a sheet of explosives has its blast directed away from a heavy backing surface
such as the Claymore's rear metal plate- you shouldn't be in too much danger yourself...
aside from possibly shattered eardrums.
However for Jason, being on the business end of an exploding Claymore is going to ruin
his day as 700 steel balls absolutely shred his body.
Jason will come back, he always does, and to be sure he doesn't regenerate right away
we recommend you spend a few hours picking up the meatball-sized pieces that are probably
all that's left of Jason's body and perhaps burning them.
You can try and appease his spirit by giving his ashes a proper burial near his mother's
final resting place at Camp Crystal Lake, but in all likelihood it's probably just better
if you put up a bunch of signs and got stupid teenagers to stop driving to the site of multiple
mass murders to make out.
So, how would you kill Jason in a one-on-one matchup?
What weapon would you use?
Let us know in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video called You vs 100 People, Could You Defeat
Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
See you next time.
Hated Child 3 Trailer | Gacha Studios - Duration: 1:08.
Yep this was a mistake
Woooo spoopy
I just learned captions now lol
Yo mama gay
I'm offensive! Yayyyyyyyyy
No take this lesson from me don't say TT to that
That's bad for you and your mental health
You don't want to end up like me....
Just ded inside....
So do I keep talking?
Yo this is what you all have been waiting for!
Everyone is like on all my videos "Do hated" "do hated"
Like bro can you comment on what you thought of the video I worked meh butt off on?
Like you don't even know how much editing this takes for one video T^T
Well it's almost the end so....
In 3
Blast off!!!!!
ЮТУПЕРЫ #13 - Duration: 10:02.
982555 - Duration: 3:45.
Kim Kardashian a perdu de son indépendance avec Kanye West - Duration: 4:06.
DaxHell the Beginning - Duration: 0:04.
Blink Blink
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Rosendale - Poison (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:11.
Drawing me out away from the crowd Taking me places that I don't know
Pumping your name through every vein Making me numb as I lose control
Every night I hear you call
I know I shouldn't take you home
Patience fading Don't you keep me waiting
Flavors amazing You know you got me craving
Don't you try to hide your face 'Cause I just need a taste I just need a taste
Flavors amazing You got me hooked on your poison
You got me hooked on your poison
Poison poison poison Hooked on your poison
Poison poison poison Hooked on your poison
Sipping my cup full of your drug Why can't find out the antidote
Gimme that drip gimme that trip Taking me places I shouldn't go
You and I don't get along
But I still wanna take you home Oh
Patience fading Don't you keep me waiting
Flavors amazing You know you're got me craving
Aren't you tired of playing games 'Cause I will never change I will never change
Flavors amazing You got me hooked on your poison
You got me hooked on your poison
Poison poison poison Hooked on your poison
Poison poison poison Hooked on your poison
Poison poison poison (You know you got me got me)
(Oh) Poison poison poison Hooked on your poison
King T'Chaka & Zuri Custom LEGO Minifigure Review - Duration: 2:46.
Hello everyone AsianBrickGeek here and in today's video
I'm going to be reviewing two more custom-made Black Panther minifigures. The minifigures are Black Panther King T'
Chaka and
Here we have King T'Chaka in his black panther suit the same suit
He wore when he went to confront his brother Prince N'Jobu in, California
Now I must say that this custom minifigure created did an excellent job of recreating King T'Chaka's
look, I think it is very accurate to the source material
the best part of this minifigure has to be it's printing as you can already see the printing for this minifigure is just
Absolutely. Gorgeous just look at the level of detail. This is
I dare say that this level of detail double for the print job is on par with
LEGOs printing
See just look at the detail. Just so magnificent. Look at the back printing so beautiful
this is definitely one of my
favorite custom
Minifigures this goes up there with the other
Custom-made black panther minifigures I got this is absolutely an amazing
piece and I really do hope that if Lego decides to make a King T'Chaka minifigure that it is as
Good as this military that the bar has been set really high by this particular custom minifigure creator
Here we have Zuri this minifigure comes with one accessory the Spear of Bashenga
Now this particular mini custom minifigure crater in my opinion did an excellent job of recreating
Julie's look from the movie. The printing for this minifigure is well done
As you can see not as intricate as King T'Chaka printing but still very nicely
Done in my opinion. This is a good minifigure, but not as good as the king to chuck a minifigure
That minifigure is in a different class in itself
Here's a final look at King to Chaka and Zuri. So tell me which out of the two is your favorite
Let me know in the comment section below
Personally, my favorite has to be without a doubt King T'Chaka in his black panther suit. This minifigure is just
so phenomenal
Anyway, that's all for this video. Thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time
AlieNation & T-Wayne ft. Alex Renee - Feel The Vibe - Duration: 2:57.
♪ I crave the taste of your body ♪
♪ Addicted to the lingering fragrance ♪
♪ Got me going out my mind I can't take it ♪
♪ When I'm with you, when I'm with you-hoo ♪
♪ Could this be something ♪
♪ I'm just trying to catch the vibe am I wasting my time ♪
♪ I'm feelin somethin' ♪
♪ When I'm with you, when I'm with you-hoo ♪
♪ I can feel the vibe with the lights low ♪
♪ I can feel the high when there's no smoke ♪
♪ I can feel the fire that makes your heart glow ♪
Can you feel my vibe (vibe) makes me come alive ♪
♪ Me and you could go somewhere far away ♪
♪ Even we can get old together and parlay
♪ Baby I want you forever ♪
♪ You'd think that they never let up ♪
♪ Baby we're stronger together ♪
♪ I could be good to you ♪
♪ This could be deja vu ♪
♪ Rollin of that Molly water ♪
♪ Riding for me like a soldier, I just want to hold ya ♪
♪ I can feel the vibe with the lights low ♪
♪ I can feel the high when there's no smoke ♪
♪ I can feel the fire that makes your heart glow ♪
♪ Can you feel my vibe (vibe) makes me come alive ♪
The Sims 4: Become a Ferocious Werewolf! (Mod Showcase) - Duration: 8:28.
Hello guys this is onlyabidoang and today I got a very exciting new mod to showcase!
Finally, a mod that adds the ferocious life state, werewolf.
This mod is yet again made by Nyx, which is also the creator of other wonderful life state
You might realize that I always showcase this person's mod.
It's because I really love life states such as vampires, werewolves, mermaids, etc. in
The Sims and since Sims 4 is a bit lacking when it comes to these, I'm really excited
when these kinds of mods came out.
Anyway, let's explain the installation tutorial briefly.
First, make sure that you have the newest version of the game.
Second, make sure to turn on mods and script mods in the settings.
Then, go to the mod download link that I've put in the description below, go to files,
choose the newest version to download.
Next, extract the contents of the rar file somewhere which will give you these two folders.
After that, go inside the sounds folder and move all the contents of it to Documents,
electronic arts, The Sims 4, and then the Custom Music folder.
Finally, move the Nyx_Werewolf mod folder to the same The Sims 4 folder before, but
put it inside the Mods folder instead of the Custom Music folder.
Now with the mod is already installed, let's check out what's in store.
First of all, to become a werewolf yourself, you have to buy this new object in Buy Mode
called the "Special Treasure Map", which you'll have to put on a wall.
After that, click on the map and choose the "Inspect the Map" interaction.
Your sim will then observe the map for a while.
After doing this, you will get a notification explaining about the clue for the next step
and your sim will gain this focused moodlet called "A treasure huh?" that will last
for 4 hours.
Note that while having this moodlet, if the current time is between, 8 PM to 5:30 PM,
a new interaction will appear when clicking on your sim called "Explore the deep dark
But, if you're doing this outside of the aforementioned time, keep in mind that once
the moodlet expires, the interaction will disappear so you'll have to inspect the
map again.
If you choose to do the interaction, your sim will go outside and quote unquote disappear
for around three hours.
Once they get back, they will get this really uncomfortable moodlet called "recent bite".
The time limit of this moodlet won't be displayed, but it will last for 6 hours.
While having this moodlet, you will have scars and wounds all over your body and your hands
will pulse occasionally.
This is the first stage of the werewolf transformation.
After the moodlet expires, you will go to the second stage, which is the "So much
pain!" moodlet for 4 hours that's far more uncomfortable.
During this stage, your previous wounds will be less bloody.
After it expires, you'll proceed to the third stage.
You'll get the Temporary Amnesia dazed moodlet for 3 hours.
The wound will be much more healed and you'll occasionally do this dizzy animation.
And the fourth and final stage is when you get the Ferocious Behaviour embarrassed moodlet
for 3 hours.
During this stage, all scars except for a scar in the left hand will disappear and you
will occasionally do another different idle animation.
And finally after this moodlet expires, you will turn into a werewolf, but you have to
wait until 8 PM in order to witness the full transformation.
Now with those already covered, let's talk about the characteristics and abilities of
First of all I'm gonna talk about their appearance.
They have dark fur all over their body, yellow glowing eyes, elongated ears, wolf muzzle,
also the muzzle will move if their mouth moves, a tail, and long feet.
They voice will sound much deeper.
At night, which is around 8 PM to 7 AM, they will transform into their feral form automatically.
They will also gain a plus 50 tense moodlet.
While transforming, people around will react to them.
They will then turn back to their human form outside of these times.
They will walk differently.
It will look like the usual angry walk.
While in feral form, their energy need will increase periodically so you can stay active
at night.
At night, they will occasionally do this idle animation.
They can also interact with other werewolves and do the sweet "Nuzzle" interaction.
When they transform for the first time, they will unlock the Lycanthropy skill.
This is a 5-level skill that the mod introduced in which if you increase the level, you will
unlock new abilities for the werewolf.
To increase the skill, just transform into your feral form or you can do some of these
werewolf abilities to increase it faster which I'll explain after this.
At level 1, you can growl at other sims in which they will react fearfully to you.
If you try to growl on other fellow werewolves, they will react by sniffing instead, and if
you try it on vampires, they will yawn.
You can also howl at night.
They will usually howl autonomously but you can do it directly.
If you try to howl near normal sims, they will be shocked, but if you do it near other
werewolves, they will join you howling.
They can also go hunting.
If you choose to do this, the werewolf will be gone for 3 to 4 hours.
Keep in mind that you can't cancel the interaction once done.
After they got back, they will obtain a few raw meat in which they can eat for themselves
to increase their hunger a bit.
At level 2, they will get more raw meat when hunting and also a chance to get a random
collectibles like gems.
They will also unlock the ability to maul other sims.
After the fight, the victim will pass out.
And after they wake up, some scars and wounds will appear around their body.
At level 3, they can practice sparring with other werewolves.
This will also help to increase the lycanthropy skill.
The other new ability is that you can call a pack of werewolves.
If your sim does this, they will start howling for a few times.
The result of this is that some randomly generated werewolves will slowly but surely get summoned
near your sim.
And since these are randomly generated sims, expect to witness some questionable fashion
But I think this is my most favorite werewolf ability out of all.
At level 4, if you're in feral form, you might notice that the werewolf will suddenly
turn into their human form, even at night.
It's because that in this level, there are no such thing as the "transform at night"
rule because now you can turn into the feral form and transform back to human form at any
The transformation moodlet will be a confident moodlet instead of a tense moodlet.
You'll also notice that there's a new need called Wildness.
This need will increase when you're in feral form and will decrease if you're in human
form, especially at night.
And if it drops too low, you'll be forced to turn into feral form and can't turn back
for 6 hours.
And finally, at level 5, they have complete control of their feral instinct so their wildness
need will never drop anymore.
They can also unlock a new interaction called "give a cursed bite" to normal sim.
At first, it seems like the maul interaction and the sim will pass out for a few hours.
But after they wake up, they will enter the first stage of the werewolf transformation
and will turn into a werewolf several hours later.
Now to stop being a werewolf, you can use a level 5 werewolf and choose "Order Lycanthropic-B"
from the phone for 50 simoleons.
Keep in mind that in order for this potion to work, only a level 5 werewolf can drink
it properly.
If a normal sim or any werewolf under level 5 tried to drink it, they will get nauseous
Finally, after drinking it, they will turn back into human and all of your lycanthropy
skills will be removed.
After turning back to human, you'll have the opportunity to turn back to werewolf again
by ordering the "Lycanthronic-A" for 100 simoleons instead.
If you drink it, you will turn into a werewolf immediately, but keep in mind that you will
start from level 1 of lycanthropy so you need to be level 5 in order to be cured again.
And for a final statement, yes.
You can become a werewolf-mermaid-zombie-fairy-genie hybrid with all of Nyx's mods
And that is it for the werewolf mod.
As always link to download is already in the description.
Thank you so much guys for watching this mod review.
I hope that you clicked the like button below, and also if you liked this kind of contents,
be sure to subscribe to my channel for more.
You can also comment down below mods you'd like me to showcase next.
See you later!
Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-GDI Comfort €24.450,- RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:06.
Hyundai i30 Fastback 1.0 T-GDI Premium €27.450,- RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.
【Tリーグ】開幕2連勝の東京・水谷、声援に何度も感謝「楽しんでいただけましたか - Duration: 3:22.
What ESR Hasn't Told You - Duration: 7:33.
- Am I in the center?
Am I in the center now?
- [Greg] Yup.
- Hey guys, what's going on?
If you are watching this video and it's Tuesday,
the week of SEMA for 2018, we're doing a meet and greet
at four o'clock outside Central Hall
at the Accuair Corral Booth.
They have like, six cars on Accuair.
We're gonna be there at four o'clock to say hi
to anybody that wants to come by and say hi.
Or if you don't wanna come by and say hi,
that's completely cool, too.
I'll probably just be there, anyways.
It's besides the point.
But, we just thought we'd let you know
if you wanna come say hi.
We, today, are talking about ESR.
Now ESR is a brand that you guys have always consistently
asked us to talk about, and there are some people
that love them, some people that don't love them,
and some people that really don't love them.
And everybody has their reasons, but never the less,
ERS is an extremely common wheel company
and a lot of people want to know more about it.
So we thought we knew everything about them,
and then we decided to reach out to them again and see if
they wanted to share with us any nitty gritty details.
And turns out that they do, which was pretty neat
because most wheel companies are like, no,
we don't wanna talk to you because then you're gonna
tell people things that we don't want them to know.
Which is lame.
So, ESR, thanks for giving us some information.
And before we jump into it, we're gonna talk about
things that you probably didn't know about ESR,
things that ESR maybe didn't want you to know,
but maybe their comfortable with letting you know,
and of course, where ESR is going in the next
year or two so that you can brag about them
if you want to, or if you can keep an eye out
because maybe they're making something
that you're gonna want in the next couple months.
Anyway, I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
Don't forgot to subscribe.
And let's just jump right into it.
So first and foremost, you guys know that ESR
is making forged multi-piece wheels.
That is not really any new information,
but something that is new is the fact
that they're going to be introducing
their own original cast wheel line up.
(sniffs loudly)
Flem in the nose.
Hold on, let me just--
- [Man] That's going in the video now.
- That's disgusting.
So you know that they're making the multi-piece wheels
'cause that's just something that we've been up to
and cast wheels are something that you know
that they've made, but this is gonna be
an original wheel lineup from ESR that's going to be cast.
It's gonna be something that's a little bit different.
They're going for original designs and they're trying
to stay in that same price point so that people
that want to pick up a set of wheels, that doesn't
wanna cost them an arm and a leg, they're gonna be able
to get with these original cast wheels.
But that's not the only thing that they're making.
They're actually developing some forged monoblock options.
Now if you guys didn't know, forged monoblock wheels
are getting extremely popular, and here's why.
Forged monoblocks are one piece, fully forged wheels.
They're usually made out of T-6061 aluminum,
that's the same stuff multi piece wheels are out of.
But since it's a one piece wheel that's pressured
to create the design, they're extremely lightweight,
and they're extremely strong.
And since ESR already has all the companies
and all manufacturers that they need to make forged
monoblock wheels, they're like, yeah, we'll do it, too.
So ESR's actually coming out with a forged monoblock wheel
that's gonna have some simulated multi-piece-ness to it.
Not entirely sure how we feel about that just yet,
but we'll see what happens.
But it's pretty cool to see that ESR's coming out
with their own original wheel cast line,
they're coming out with their own forged monoblock,
and they also have their multi-piece wheels, as well.
So I think you're gonna see their SR line
slowly start to fade away as they try
to establish these new wheel designs.
And if you wanna see what they're looking like,
you can check out fitmentindustries.com/ESR
'cause they're probably there, and if they're not,
well I tricked you and you watched this video anyway.
So it's easy to see that ESR has a plan to stay in the game
for a long time, and if anybody knows,
there's a lot of car wheel brands out there right now.
But you may not have known is that they're actually
trying to get into the truck game.
And this is kinda hilarious because the truck game
is like 10 years older than anything of the car wheels.
So what's I'm saying by that is that if you want
a truck wheel, you can get black,
you can get black with machined finish,
you can get black with milled, you can get chrome,
you can get black, and you can get black.
I mean, that's pretty much all
of the truck wheels in existence.
So, car wheels are finding it very easy for them
to get into the truck market because they can
come out with flashy new designs with different colors
that just blows the truck market away.
You've seen other companies, like BC Forged,
do it with their multi-piece wheel line,
and now ESR is thinking about getting involved
in the off road pickup game by offering
truck wheels with the ESR wheel name.
So that's gonna be something
that's really interested to see.
Now, they have not confirmed that they're doing that, yet.
That's just something that they kinda want to do,
but if I have any guess as to if they're gonna do it
or not, I would probably say they will.
They're give the Road Form Six a little run for their money,
and we'll see what happens in probably the next year.
So anytime we bring up ESR, a lot of people seem to either
get questioned or they get really excited.
And they probably get excited because ESR, or nervous,
there's a whole slew of emotions you could probably get.
ESR is one of those brands that people
are trying to get more information out of.
And something that a lot of people always seem
to misunderstand is that ESR is some tiny company,
and they really aren't.
Right now ESR sits in a 10,000 square foot facility,
which isn't the biggest but it's definitely
not small by any means, but they already have plans
to move into a 45,000 square foot facility,
which is actually much bigger than 10,000 feet.
Like, four and a half times bigger.
It's whatever.
It's math.
But they also already know that they're
gonna plan on moving out of that within
a year and a half, based on their growth.
Which is interesting because a lot of times
people talk about ESR and either their bad wheels
or their good wheels, or people wanna know more about them,
but in terms of where ESR is going with the fact
that they're introducing their own wheel line,
the fact that they're introducing forged monoblock
and that they have forged multi-piece
and all that stuff is made here in the U.S.A,
it's pretty cool to see.
A lot of new companies have a tendency to fall off
or they get in trouble by saying things
they shouldn't on Twitter, or they just end up
not making products, or they go out of business,
or they have way too much money or overhead.
And ESR doesn't seem to be going through any of that.
They're actually surviving the three most difficult years
it is to start a wheel company,
especially here in the United States.
So we're excited to see what they're doing.
Now if they have any sort truck off road wheels,
they're gonna have a whole other line of competition,
because our boys over at Custom Offsets
seem to have their own opinions on anything
that's not black or not black with machined milling.
Just, truck wheels are all black, man.
They're all black.
They're all black and chrome.
Unless if you want some forces, then it's polished.
Which is even worse than chrome,
because it's terrible to--
It's whatever, we'll talk about it in a different video.
So then we talk about, well, if ESR's successful,
how successful are they?
ESR probably sends out about 1,800 wheel sets
a month, which if you think about it,
that's a pretty good chunk of wheels.
You're looking at producing probably
around 75,000 wheels a year.
So in terms of ESR slowing down, probably not.
And the best part about it is that since ESR
has a group of people behind it that
just likes to make wheels that work,
they're kind of in it for all the right reasons.
They want to get their own established name,
they're own established credibility.
And the fact that they're getting into all this new stuff
that you probably didn't know, just helps us understand
that ESR doesn't plan on going away any time soon.
We've met the guys of ESR, they're very nice people,
they're very excited to work with us.
And then at the same time, they're just real.
You know, there's a lot of companies out there
that want you to run their stuff
because they just want you to run their stuff,
and they're gonna put it all over IG
and they really don't care about you a whole heck of a lot.
It seems like even though ESR has had some tough times
in the past, especially when it comes down to
certain designs, I do think that they're trying
to get away from that and I think in the next year or
two, you are going to see them get away from that.
Because they're gonna realize that they have their
own image to uphold, and it's gonna look
a lot better than ones in the past.
Now that ESR is successful and actually has a foundation,
I'm really excited to see what
they do with in the next year.
And of course, if we run into them at SEMA,
we'll be sure to let you guys know what they spill to us,
so that we can tell you even though
they told us all of this, so it's kind of a
drama filled statement, but it's not because they know it.
It's kinda like all those fake reality shows,
it's planned but you don't think it's planned,
but it's planned.
So I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
If you're interested in picking up some ESR wheels,
check out fitmentindustries.com/ESR
or just go to our website, you can enter in
your year, make and model, and figure out
what sort of wheels you want to buy.
I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
If you haven't gotten there yet,
don't forget to subscribe.
We will see you later.
Hopefully at SEMA, Tuesday at four o'clock,
outside the Central Hall, Accurair Booth,
Carousel six cars, four o'clock.
We'll see you later.
Four o'clock, Tuesday.
(slow pop music)
Digital Ghost Glitch! HeroForce vs The White Hat Game Master in Super Osmo Holiday Challenge - Duration: 10:02.
This Osmo monster is really cool.
I am the great White Hat Hacker and you must do what I command when I..... owww!
That was close, those Superhero kids won't know what hit them when they open this box.
Ow, oh, my poor little pinkie!
Noah, are you almost done?
I'm going to need my iPad back pretty soon.
Oh in a minute. I'm using it to play with the Osmo monster.
What is the Osmo monster?
It's an awesome game that you can draw whatever you want.
I drew fire!
Now he has fire powers just like me!
Fire detected. Activating fire extinguishing feature.
Oh thank goodness.
Spray cheese? What?
Not again! The fire extinguisher feature must have gotten mixed up with the snack feature.
Smarthouse 64 turn fire extinguisher off!
Fire extinguishing feature turning up!
No, no, no!
Why does this always happen?
This is the best snack time ever!
What on earth is happening?
Funny story, I was playing with my Osmo monster game and then I had an accident
And now I got sprayed by a whole bunch of cheese.
Eden, use your lightning powers to zap the smarthouse.
But I just spent so long installing the snack feature!
Just do it!
Okay fine!
Somebody has got to take care of this fire.
I think I need to work on my design just a little bit.
Thanks Hope.
I'm going to go get cleaned up.
I can't believe you two trashed the house again.
I was just having fun with the Osmo stuff. They sent us a huge box full of games. They are so awesome and in the Monster game you can draw stuff and he uses it in the story!
That's cool Noah but we are sending our Osmo stuff to our friend Everleigh.
We need to keep them all safe so she can play with them.
Uh guys?
She's most excited to play with the Osmo Super Studio Disney Princess game.
Yeah I know, I had to test it out to make sure it worked.
Guys, it's the White Hat!
This is so weird.
It says it's from the Ninja Kidz
I remember them. But the White Hat put it down.
Maybe White Hat is the Ninja Kidz!
What? It's a fun game!
Ninja Kidz TV are facetiming us!
I can't believe it......(Static)
(static)......open the chest..... (static)
we are… (static)…..the hackers...(static)
That was weird.
But that means they know about the white box!
I guess, but what did they say about being the hackers?
Well let's open the box and find out!
No, no, no!
I'm free!
My papers!
Maybe they'll be okay?
What is happening?
What just happened?
I think the ghost knocked us out!
I'm the terrible digital ghost!
And I've taken over your Osmo!
My name is Boo!
Are you working with Ninja Kidz little Boo?
No! Not little Boo, just Boo!
And I'm here to ruin your fun!
I got you now little Boo!
Ninja Kidz?
What are you guys doing here?
We should ask you the same thing. How could you send us a ghost in a box? He wrecked our house!
What are you talking about? You sent us the ghost!
Here is my game. You have thirty seconds to guess the correct answer to my question.
Or else, both of your Osmos will be destroyed!
Now isn't that fun?
Our Osmo monster stuff if going to be destroyed?
I can't believe you are working with the hacker!
We can't work with evil hackers.
Please, we have to work together! I can't believe you think we are the hackers!
Oof, owie, my head.
How's it going?
We are not working with the hacker!
It's so weird because the box says it's from Ninja Kidz.
Weird, our chest said that it was from SuperHeroKids.
What is Boo's least favorite color?
We need to work together!
How do we know we can trust you?
Why would we mess up our own Osmo game?
Hey guys! Check out who I found!
Hey guys. How's it hanging?
White Hat! Perfect! You can stop the Osmo from erasing everything!
The Osmo? Oh no, I can't turn it off. It's automatic. I hacked into your wifi to get in. It can't be stopped.
I have an idea.
He didn't like my blueprints so he must not like blue.
That's perfect! We have a blue marker! We solved it White Hat, we win!
We solved it. Make it stop!
I may have cheated just a little bit and made it to where you cannot win the game. Maybe
What do we do? We need to turn off the WiFi. That's how White Hat hacked in.
No! Do not try that. It would not work.
Ninja kids turn off your wifi! Hurry!
Did it work?
That's no fun.
I'm sorry we thought you were the hackers. Thank you for helping us SuperHeroKids!
Good work guys! See you guys later!
Thanks for being awesome!
Now what are we going to do with the White.....
Where did he go?
I love my new toy!
Oh yeah, I probably should have been paying attention.
We will get that White Hat one day.
That's for sure.
All that commotion made me starving.
Smarthouse, activate snack mode!
You want to go play with the Osmo?
The ketchup is going to be blue.
No, no, no!
Hey guys! We have a major announcement to make! But first, thank you to Osmo for sending us all these cool games that you can play on your iPad or Amazon Kindle.
Have you even heard of Osmo?
It's a super fun play system that includes more than 10 games!
Okay, so the major announcement is that we have been recruited to join an epic holiday challenge!
So how it works is we have to put everything we drew during the game in order from when we drew it. So, it's going to be hard. It's going to be easy for y'all because you are going to see it but we are not.
And we only have thirty seconds to do it.
Here we go!
Make sure to go check out the Ninja Kidz TV video next week to see who won!
Faze Censors Dad Calls Yanet Garcia A GOLD DIGGER - Duration: 4:36.
Faze Censors dad has posted a video where he reveals shocking details about the breakup
between his son and yanet Garcia.
Welcome back to inform overload, I'm charlotte dobre and hit the subscribe for daily news
updates on stories you actually want to hear about.
And if you don't follow us on social media, check out the description for all our links.
So if you guys haven't heard, the breakup between Faze Censor and yanet Garcia is getting
very public, very messy.
In a video on Faze Censors channel, he said that yanet Garcia would ask for money from
him for helping him grow his channel but he would do the same thing for her because he
wanted to help her carerr.
The two would shout each other out and appear in videos together, they grew their followings
together, as a couple.
They initially broke up because faze censor said he wanted to focus on gaming, he had
an upcoming call of duty tournament that he wanted to prepare for.
But the media picked up the story and was running with titles like 'Faze Censor breaks
up with worlds hottest weather girl to play call of duty.
So he looked like kind of a schmuck and people really let him have it.
he got a ton of criticism online for the excuse he made, which wasn't the real reason, he
just didn't want to reveal the real reason.
They broke up in june of 2018, and I guess doug kind of had enough of all the negative
crtiticism so he made a video where he sticks up for himself called why I broke up with
yanet Garcia.
He basically says that yanet would ask for money from him for helping him grow his following,
which wasn't even the whole truth.
We made a video about the breakup a couple of days ago, and I noticed a lot of you in
the comments were saying that faze censor didn't call yanet Garcia a gold digger,
and I mean, technically he did.
Like he didn't outright say it but When you accuse someone of being with you only
for your money, or you accuse someone of being after your money, you're calling them a
gold digger.
If you haven't seen that video, its clickable on the screen right now.
Yanet responded to dougs accusations by saying she had plenty of her own money and she didn't
need his money.
So who better to back up the truth than Faze Censors dad, papa censor who also happens
to have his own youtube channel.
He begins his video by saying 'I call bullshit yanet'.
Is her name yanet?
That's prettier than yanet.
I was calling her yanet all this time.
OK, yanet Garcia.
According to a video on his channel Papa Censor called Yanet Garcia vs Faze Censor, papa censor
spills all, yanet Garcia was, in literal terms a gold digger.
At first, he didn't have a problem with her.
But then her true colors would start to show.
He made the video because he didn't like how his son was being treated by the media
and by other people.
He claimed that yanet Garcia would max out a debit card given to her as a gift by doug.
Every single month yanet Garcia maxed out the debit card, and kept asking for things.
And faze would agree because he was a good boyfriend.
And then yanet Garcia started to show signs that she wasn't appreciating all the things
she was getting.
He was talking about an incident where censor bought a really nice Christmas gift for yanet
Garcia, who then asked for a better model, or quote 'the bigger one', which only
cost a few thousand dollars more.
I mean whatever happened to 'it's the thought that counts'.
This was a really nice, expensive item.
He goes on to say that yanet Garcia worked as a weathergirl.
He knows how much she was making, and if she wasn't dating faze censor she wouldn't
be able to support the lifestyle she has.
He gives examples like When she was filming in spain, she gets a phonecall from his son.
But she needed money to go around Europe, so instead of buying her an expensive gift
for her birthday, she asked for money.
The video on Papa Censors channel has around 150 thousand views at his time, its basically
one big rant against yanet Garcia where he says she doesn't make as much money as everyone
thinks, in fact she makes very little money.
Like 5 thousand a month as a weather girl.
If you wanna check that video out, its posted in the description.
For now im going to do some comment replies Mcod – plz do a leg reveal
Gracie king – if you are the potato queen then who is the potato king.
I need no king, I rule alone.
ZenveR – I always find myself here watching amazing content
Jon Saridjan – what goes around comes around, yes it sure does.
Aliagha Ziaee – I really like your channel and it's a long time im following you from
Hey th ere thanks for being such a loyal subscriber we really appreciate it.
FUNKY FRESH BEATS w/ Dabuz!「Lethal League Blaze 🏐🤾♂️🔥」 - Duration: 56:33.
Hated Child 3 Trailer | Gacha Studios - Duration: 1:08.
Yep this was a mistake
Woooo spoopy
I just learned captions now lol
Yo mama gay
I'm offensive! Yayyyyyyyyy
No take this lesson from me don't say TT to that
That's bad for you and your mental health
You don't want to end up like me....
Just ded inside....
So do I keep talking?
Yo this is what you all have been waiting for!
Everyone is like on all my videos "Do hated" "do hated"
Like bro can you comment on what you thought of the video I worked meh butt off on?
Like you don't even know how much editing this takes for one video T^T
Well it's almost the end so....
In 3
Blast off!!!!!
Cash Back Credit Cards - Duration: 9:01.
Okay so you're interested in cash back credit cards. Duane with how to go
credit TV and in this video I'm gonna show you video proof that cash back
credit cards are legit. But before we get started I have a quick
Once again my name is Duane with how to build credit TV and on this channel we
talk about everything you need to know about credit, credit cards and how to
make money using credit cards. As a matter of fact I was able to make over
$1,700 using one credit card. So if this sounds like something in which you're
interested be sure to subscribe to our channel by clicking the word subscribe
below this video to the right and click that notification bell so you don't miss
a thing. Okay so when it comes to cash back credit cards there are a lot of
cash back credit cards from which to choose. As a matter of fact I made a
video talking about my favorite cash back credit cards at the moment. I'll be
sure to link that video at the top right of this video and at the end of the
video so you can check that out if you want to. However in this video I want to
show you video proof that cash back credit cards are legitimate. So there are
a lot of videos circulating on YouTube and the internet that people are
claiming that they've made money using cash back credit cards or that they've
made money doing whatever it is that they're doing. But in this video I'm
gonna show you actual proof. I'm gonna log in to my Discover Card account and
I'm going to transfer one thousand seven hundred eighty eight thousand fifty five
cents from my discover cash back into my checking account.
That's another thing that I like about cash back credit cards is that some of
those cash back credit cards allow you the opportunity to transfer the cashback
that you've earned directly into your checking account. So it's not a statement credit
which nothing's wrong with statement credit but I like the fact that once
again it's actual cash back. And there's nothing like having actual cash being
transferred into your account. So I'm gonna go ahead and do that I'll see you
guys over on my laptop. Okay so I'm ready to redeem my cash back with Discover
Card so I'm gonna go to the Discover website right here for you guys
and I'm going to log in of course. And then I'm going to try to redeem the
cashback directly to my checking account because that's one of the things that I
do love about this particular cash back credit card is that I can redeem the
cash back directly into my account. Alright so as you can see here I'm
logged into my account and I have to discover it cards. It's going to be the
card at the top ending in five nine zero three. If you look over here towards the
right you can see that my total cashback bonus is 1,788 dollars and 55
cents. So that is the amount of money I want to put into my checking account and
so hopefully I'll do that. Let me go ahead and click on discover it here and
alright so it pulls up my account as you can see. And once again on the right hand
side it says cashback bonus available one thousand seven hundred eighty
thousand fifty five cents. Like I said cash back credit cards are totally
legitimate and you know the more you know the more you get involved and the
sooner you get involved the more likely you are to you know earn a substantial
amount of cash back. So I'm gonna go ahead and click on rewards here at the
top of the screen and then I'm gonna click on redeem cashback bonus and
hopefully it'll allow me to do it. Alright so right here as you can see it
says you have one thousand seven hundred eighty-eight dollars and 55 cents
available to redeem. There are four ways that you can redeem your cash back with
Discover Card so you see cash on the left it says deposit into your bank
account or apply to your Discover bill as a statement credit. I'm not gonna do
that, pay with cash back bonus you can use at checkout with amazon.com. You can
use your cashback bonus with Amazon it's pretty cool actually and then of course
there's gift cards. You can get at least five dollars free added to each card at
over 100 popular brands starting at 20 bucks.
Then there's charity, I didn't know that there was charity that you could
actually donate to charity with your cashback bonus but that's pretty sweet.
If there are a bunch of rich people out there or people that are nice and they
want to donate their money they can do that. So one thing before I redeem the
cash you have to link your checking account and I know it's it's weird
because I've made payments to this account time and time again, but you have
to call customer service and they have to schedule a direct deposit into your
account. So as you can see at the bottom of the screen here where it says
electronic deposit and it was made on October 19 2018 for one dollar and 72
cents. So the lady was like well I can transfer all the money to your account
and I was like no I don't want to do that because I need to make a video. Of
course I didn't explain to her that I was making
video for YouTube to show you guys how to redeem your cash back with Discover
card. But anyway so she was like you know I
could hear her wheels turning like what is this guy talking about making a video.
So anyway you have to link a bank account in order for you to redeem
directly into your bank account. So you have to call customer service and they
have to set up you know direct deposit situation and Link it to your account
and once it clears your checking account or savings account then you can transfer
the remainder of your balance. So like I said I didn't do all of it because I
wanted to show the video. So here we go I'm gonna click on cash it on the top
left here. Alright so it's asking me how much do I want to how much of the cash
back bonus do I want to redeem and I'll go ahead and type in 1788 bucks and 55
cents here. And I'm going to select electronic deposit to your bank account.
So I'll select that and I'm going to select my bank account of course. I'm
gonna select my chase account okay and then I'm going to click continue.
Alright so it says ready to make an electronic deposit of 1788 dollars and
55 cents to JPMorgan Chase and of course the last four of my account number.
It says funds will be presented to your designated financial institution within
3 business days by selecting submit you authorized Discover Bank to make a
one-time credit of your cashback bonus to the accounts shown above. Your
electronic deposit can't be stopped or reversed once the processing begins. So
of course I've been waiting a long time for this so I'm gonna go ahead and hit submit.
Alright congratulations you just made an electronic deposit of one thousand seven
hundred eighty dollars a fifty five cents to JPMorgan Chase Bank. A
confirmation email has been sent to me of course funds will be presented to
your designated financial institution within three business days. And of course
there's an order number here that I'm probably gonna have to take off the
screen. So thank you guys for watching this portion of the video I'll see you
back in just one sec. Okay so once you transfer your cash back
rewards from your Discover Card account you're gonna get an email from Discover
card showing you that you've transferred money from your Discover card account
into your checking account. So I'm gonna put the email on the screen right now
that I got from Discover card showing you that I transferred 1788 dollars and
55 cents into my checking account. So I just want to make sure I show you just
one more time that once again cash back credit cards are legitimate and you can
actually make some serious cash using cash back credit cards. Thanks for
watching this video about cash back credit cards. If you're interested in
getting the discover it card be sure to use the link below this video because it
actually helps out the channel quite a bit. When you use the link you'll get a
$50 statement credit whenever you use your credit card for the very first time
and I'll also get a $50 statement credit so it's a win for both of us. So once
again if you're interested use the link below this video. If you have any
questions about the Discover card let me know in the comments below and I'll
answer it as soon as I see it. Thanks again for watching this video. If you
liked the video please be sure to give it a thumbs up it helps our channel
quite a bit. And if you want to share this video with somebody that may find
it useful please feel free to do so as well. If you haven't subscribe to the
channel consider subscribing to the channel because on this channel we talk
about everything you need to know about credit, credit cards and how to make
money using credit cards. If this sounds like something which you're interested
be sure to subscribe to the channel and click the notification bell so you
don't miss a thing. Once again my name is Duane with how to go credit TV and I
approve this video. I'll see you in the next video. Until next time take care and
be blessed. Peace!
The Walking Dead, But Picking All The Wrong Choices | Rude Gamer #1 - Duration: 10:03.
- [Sam] This is Sam Basher. Hello!
Welcome to Gamma Ray, usually this morning
we have raise up, but, Uh-uh!
We're switchin' it up a little bit.
Today, we're going to be playing, uh, the Walking Dead
on a new segment called, Rude Gamer!
We're going to be playing a brand new videogame,
I've never played this, specifically The Walking Dead
video game, and I need to pick all of the wrong choices.
I don't like doing that in video-games;
I like being a good little boy,
and picking everything right, so, you know.
Probably not the best person for this job.
(metallic sound)
- Oh no.
Look at me, I'm already sweaty.
Uh oh, this man has handcuffs on.
What do you think his deal is?
I hate that I know I'm gonna look like that cop
when I'm older, we have the same bushy eyebrows,
same little ridge on the forehead.
Guys I'm getting stressed out.
Alright, this is a valid option,
I should just stay quiet
If this was me, I would just be quiet-
but I guess. Oh, oh, picked it-
Every time? I don't know.
I wouldn't know what to do if I ended up in the back
of a cop car, I would just be spilling my guts
about everything bad I've ever done.
Uh, silence
Let's see if we could get him real riled up
by not being talkative.
Bibb County? I know where that is.
Killed a state senator
I'm already off to a horrible start. Yay!
There we go, let's look in the rear view mirror.
Got a nephew. Cool. You teach there long?
Ah, I'm a teacher. I'm not that smart in real life.
Alright, let's look at him right in his big ol' red nose.
Boy, could I relate to that.
Or she married the wr- ha! Fuck you.
Let's see if I could touch the gun,
he probably wouldn't like that.
Man, I don't want to, like,
say I would be that guy who's cryin' and snottin'
in the back seat, but like, I've had a fever of 102,
I've been a little baby about it. Uh, man.
(laughter), I just had to pick, I had to go with it.
You guys, could also recommend which ones I should pick
if you can go quick enough.
Little bit of a bad guy, if I had to guess.
What's the lesson here you think?
(laughter) 'Fucking dri'- Oh! No!
(tires skidding)
Oh no!
Oh no, oh no.. (laughter)
If I were to guess about me, cause I sprain my ankle,
just like walking, normally, just walking, no.. obstacles,
I'd probably be dead, based on that.
I think that they said I may have killed somebody..
but, based on my personal luck,
I probably just forgot to pay a lot of parking tickets.
Damn! What, I was asleep for maybe two hours?
And it's already, just, everything's gone to shit.
Everything, just, everything's awful.
Imagine waking up and you're in a zombie apocalypse,
and you're handcuffed, God damn that would suck.
That's probably why it's in the game.
You know he's probably not doin' too hot.
Let's look at him.
Hey main character, he's probably not okay.
I wish that there was bad choice for this,
where I would try to use my head to get through it.
come on, scooch your pooch, come on.
Get outta there, scooch your bum.
If you watch me in any scary movie,
anyone I go to, if I have just a little beer before
I go into it, I'm gonna be screaming like a lil' baby.
Alright, start... ah there he is, he's hobblin'.
Ah come on man, it was just a little car accident.
This guy has got something to complain about, over here.
Yeah, get over it. (laughter)
Uh oh!
Boy did he rot really fast.
What's in his pocke- oh keys!
Get dem keys.
Or should I- (laughter)
Or should I choose to leave the hand cuffs on?
No.... No.
Did I drop the keys? Ew ew ew ew ew
Wait he doesn't know zombies exist yet so he's just
'ohhh eee yah! I don't wanna touch it!
I don't wanna get close to that'
Alright (laughter)
Uh oh. Scooch it, scooch, scooch.
Do you want me to look? What the hell?
Gun, gun, gun, yeah. Get it
There ya go, and then...
Gun? Gun? Gun? Oh my god just go faster. Oh my god
Did he? Did he shove it in the bottom?
Get in the gun!
Shoot (gunshot)
Whoa! Ooooo
Uh oh. Can zombies climb?
Everyone's got to ask these questions.
Uh oh, buncha angry boys.
That looks like a bunch- a big group of angry boys.
Awww. Kids toys. This isn't about to be depressing at all.
Oo! Go swimmin'!
It's clean! He's got a cover on it.
In any zombie anything, this is always a good call,
is to go into the house, always,
never, it's never gone poorly for anybody.
Alright, go inside, let's go take a dump in the
upper part of the toilet and get outta there.
Right? That's what- I'm tryin' to be an asshole,
so let's see if we could do that.
- [Character Onscreen] OW!
- [Sam] Oh! Can we get a- do we have
a slaptick sound effect? Like a banana peel sound effect.
(banana peel sound effect)
- Let's get in here, let's root around.
Yeah! Let's see if I could make a bad decision right now,
I'm gonna put this thing right back down,
and not take it. Ah damn it, I took it.
Alright, fine (laughter)
Whiskey? That a bottle of alcohol?
It's been ransacked?
How long have I been asleep in that car?
Let's start a fire.
Could you imagine? Ha ha.
Just gonna burn down this whole complex.
I mean it's- hey it's the apocalypse,
I could do whatever I want.
Uh oh!
Oh no.
Aww, I'm already depressed.
Uh oh, oh no, uh oh.
I mean this guy's pretty quiet, for a whole horde of zombies
I'm gonna stay silent. (laughter)
Uhhhh... let's go with,
'I'm not a monster'
What a weird, accusatory thing,
to say to a child on the radio. Ha ha ha.
Don't worry, you can trust me,
I'm not a literal monster. Like the ones outside.
"Are you safe?" Alright.
I think they could definitely get into a treehouse.
If a little girl could figure out her way in there.
Ohhhh. Pretty sure they could see you,
more than the zombies could see this guy, right now.
What is- what does his face lookin' like?
- [Clementine] AHHH!
- [Sam] Oh nooo!
Oh no! Di di di boo boo boo.
What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?
Oooo! Oh no! (laughter)
OOOHH. Womp, womp.
What's with this little girl?
She got a hammer? Oh no!
Oh no! Eeeew.
Gimme that, gimme that.
Give a little.. tap! Lil' tap tap.
Oh, you're in Africa, to answer your question.
How cool is that? Thank you for staying awake.
Oh no! Saw someone spill a little bit of blood over there.
Oh my god, "You are dead." (laughter)
I was not paying attention, I'm sorry.
I was trying to talk to the chat.
Ohh, wait I did this last time didn't I?
Ohh, let's pay attention, Ooh! Pay attention.
OOAH! That's so gross.
She's probably fine. Just tellin' her to go to sleep.
She's, uh, just a little tap.
Just a little tap.
Uh oh, that girl's not doing-
"Did you kill it?"
Someth- I don't know- "Something else did" ha ha ha.
Sure, let me pass the blame. I definitely killed her,
but whatever.
"I heard here scream two nights ago"
You been up in that tree house for two nights?
I'm trying to figure out the timeline of this game.
Yeah, it's weird she wasn't trying to eat your legs,
she was going for the face meat, that's the good meat.
She's trying to go for the that. Everybody knows that.
I listen to a lot of 'fact podcasts.'
Where it's like "fun fact about this old place"
Found out that, uh, in South America,
there's a country, blanking on it, but they eat uh..
Guinea pigs. And they say the cheek meat
is where the good meat is, and I don't want to eat it,
but hey you could go ahead and live with that knowledge now.
"Get out of here once the sun goes down"
"Before it gets dark"
Aw I picked the right thing, I'm the Rude Gamer.
I've got to pick the wrong thing, leave at night time.
Gotcha, alright, let's go. Stay close.
Get ready for a lotta bad decisions, kids.
Hope you guys enjoyed, make sure you subscribe
on Twitch and Youtube; and make sure you're following
uh, Skybound, and Gammaray, on all the appropriate
social media accounts. I'm @sambasher if you wanna follow me
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Liverpool news: Paul Merson singles out Arsenal star Mohamed Salah will 'rip apart' - Duration: 2:50.
Liverpool travel to the Emirates to face Arsenal next Saturday in the Premier League
Xhaka, generally a midfielder, played at left-back in the second half of the 3-1 win over Leicester last Monday and in the 1-0 Europa League victory over Sporting Lisbon on Thursday
Arsenal are on a fine run of form having won their last 11 games in all competitions
They are likely to have at least one of Nacho Monreal, Sead Kolasinac or Ainsley Maitland-Niles back after injury for the visit of Jurgen Klopp's side
That would probably mean Xhaka will move back to his more preferred position in the middle of the park
Merson says Emery would be right to not be tempted to keep Xhaka at left-back against Liverpool
But he still thinks Liverpool will win the game comfortably whoever plays in that position
"Xhaka played the second half at left-back, he played the other night at left-back," Merson said on Soccer Saturday
"So now they're thinking 'well he might play left-back'. "Then they'll come up against Salah in about two weeks time and he'll get absolutely ripped
"If they don't lose by more than three goals next Saturday, I'd be shocked. I'd be shocked
"Leicester are average at best and they should have been out of sight in 30 minutes
"(Rob) Holding's pulling people back on the halfway line, they're not in the same class as this Liverpool team
"If Liverpool turn up and they fancy it, and I have to say fancy it, they will rip Arsenal and they'll get found out
They'll get found out. "They're just waiting to get found out. "They're like a boxer who's got a dodgy chin that hasn't been hit yet
"As soon as he gets hit he's just going spark."
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