Chinese Mini Cooper is too cool for this city
discussion of something
oh! oh! what the fuck?
wow! This is a really cool action movie!
House of the times of Khrushchev
Look how daring driving!
camera 2, in fact it was a patrol car
Club Summer tires lovers open
listening audiobook
no details
so, I need to be focused to carry this important load on the roof
hey why the hell are you so slow!
the teacher starts the lesson
if he braked more strongly, the torpedo on the roof would crash into the back window of the teacher
reminds a big naughty dog for a walk
what is it ? crash?
shark attacks
Lada Classic cross meeting
hey buddy, will you share the classic spare parts?
Someone all so slap Lada ass in this series
group swinger slapping lada ass
drunk driver trying hard to leave the place
hey who slapped my lada on the ass?
United States. link to this and the next two videos sent "Taxi Dashсam"
oh ebat! oh blyat!
canonical pizdez
South Korea
Israel, high-voltage cable fire
when you are driving along a deserted road and it seems to you that you are alone. Remember, he is closely watching you from ambush!
all fled from the scene. and wanted
US Texas school bus driver forcing the river. In the cabin one student
the bus turns into a thrust tank and then into a yellow submarine
Apparently the school is downstream, the shortest way
your jetty sir
Flooding in the city of Sochi
finished? finished
I think this is a trailer? Yes
it's probably empty refrigerator floating at full speed
some kind of unidentified floating object but big
the trees also swim across the river. this thing is floating in us
we are at a safe distance
it will be a big bang
comrades, you are blocking the frame
I'll stand in front
go Go go also a tree
ram this bridge blyat! ho ho comments
the bridge shuddered
so is the truck trailer? i see wheels
where's the driver blyat?
I hope the driver is not there, I hope he managed to escape
due to flood electricity is off
but the locomotive's electric motors will obviously be damaged and there will be a lot of material damage.
For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes 274 (October 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 12:30.-------------------------------------------
凉生:姜生、程天佑国外撒狗粮,姜生又一次离开,凉生又失忆了? - Duration: 4:01.
传言中的张翰,现实中的张翰,是否独立的两个人格? - Duration: 16:41.
攻撃陣揃い踏みのミラン、難敵サンプドリアに競り勝って公式戦3試合ぶり勝利《セリエA》 - Duration: 3:10.
Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL Automaat Stuurbekrachtiging - Duration: 1:06.
Tome Essa Vitamina em Jejum Você vai Eliminar Toda Retenção de Liquido - Duration: 1:12.
5 DORAMAS coreanos filmados nas PRAIAS do MAR DO LESTE #mardoleste - Duration: 1:01.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 CDI AVANTGARDE 4-MATIC PANO/ECC/LEDER/NAVI/1e EIG. - Duration: 1:14.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 1:08.
Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR Blue Lion - Duration: 1:07.
Princípios para o Sucesso - Abrace Realidade e a Encare Episodio 2 - Duration: 4:14.
How to Get a Really Good Deal When Buying a Used Car - Duration: 5:11.
Rev up your engines, cara says scotty I recently bought a 06 scion
tc 112,000 miles for $2,000, it just needs dent repair on the quarter panel is that a
good buy, oh yeah that's what I tell people to do all
the time, if you and to save money buying a toyota or honda get one that has body damage,
as long as a mechanic says, well no that's just body damage it didn't hurt anything it's
a fender or a bumper or something, because body work can cost a lot of money
to get done perfectly but it really lowers the value of the car, and if you don't care
about dents, like you live in New York City where you're going to get more dents anyways,
people like pre dented cars in New York City because then they're not buying a nice undented
car and getting mad when somebody smashes into it, they just say, ah well it's already
a New York City car it has the dent built in so, you got a good deal theirs nothing
wrong with that, beast bg, scotty what do you think about Russian
soviet made ladas, well I know a lot about them because I used to live in Canada, now
the Russias, they started in 1970 and they made the Ladas which were basically a copy
of a 1966 fiat 124, so they were basically copies of a car that wasn't that great to
begin with, but of course they sold millions of them in
Russia because when basically it's about the only car you can get and there's a waiting
list for them, they sold millions of those things, some people though hey you know it
beats riding a horse or walking when it's freezing cold outside,
they did sell them in Canada and they sold thousands of them a year when they started
selling them, their pretty hardy cars you know and if you want a little bitty car to
get around in and they had 4 wheel drive ones so they were good in the snow in Canada and
their light little car they got really good gas mileage,
but of course back then it was the only thing the Russians could buy so, it's kind of like
a captive market there, they made a whole range of cars eventually of course even police
cars in Russia but the main one was the copy of the fiat 124, and they were just junky
little cars but if that's all you had, it beats walking I guess,
alex says what do you think about the Hellcat, oh their screaming cars to drive, I drove
one once on a test track, that thing was fast, it had 700 something horsepower, their really
fun to drive, of course that said, they get terrible gas mileage, your insurance is going
to cost you a small fortune and guys tend to beat them so they tend to kind of fall
apart as they age, and then their not worth that much when their
really older, but if you got a whole bunch of money and
want to buy a brand new one, buy one that's got low mileage their a lot of fun to drive
I'll say that, Ivan, my toyota care is ending soon and it's
a 2017 tacoma and after it ends I'm going to do oil changes, do you think it's a good
idea to stick with all toyota products, like oil filter, oil and antifreeze,
doesn't really matter as long as you use the quality stuff, now you want to stick to like
their antifreeze, toyota uses what's called HOAT hybrid organic acid technology, but you
don't have to go to toyota you can buy them from somebody else, it really doesn't make
all that much difference, as long as you buy that same quality, realize
toyota doesn't make coolant, they don't make engine oil, they don't make transmission fluid,
they just buy it from somebody else, so as long as you're getting stuff that has
the same specs, it's perfectly fine to use them,
james says scotty I have a 2000 celica new water pump is leaking badly I believe the
coolant is getting past the o ring what gives, first of all if you did buy a water pump for
that, you're better off buying an OEM water pump and like I said before you don't have
to go to toyota, lots of places make these pumps that you can buy, you don't have to
buy them from toyota, but you don't want to buy one of these cheaply
made, cheapest Chinese ones out there and put it on because a lot of times their poorly
made, but when you do do a water pump job, you have
to make sure the mating surfaces are perfect, you have to clean them off, I have special
little thin scrappers sometime I use razor blades,
you got to get all the old material off and then if you got one that's got the o ring
on it, put the o ring on the pump first, and when you do that, put a little bit of weather
stripping glue, put the o ring on the pump, then let it dry for about an hour,
then it's not going to fall off and move, then when you put it back in place it's not
going to leak, even I in my many years of fixing cars have had ones where, I didn't
do that and the o ring slipped and when I put it on and then it leaked so, you want
to check that too, that does happen, harley says my 05 toyota mr2 spyder central
remote locking only works sometimes, I have the problem with both keys and the batteries
are new, any idea, yeah they had problems with those systems, if unfortunate but the
receiving unit that's in there, the control module goes bad on those things as they age,
they cost a small fortune to buy and then they have to be reprogrammed, if I were you
I'd just live without the thing, you know because if you price what it costs to buy
the parts for that, it will cost you so much money and I had quite a few customers with
them as they age, those things just broke down and I'd just say forget it because unless
you're willing to spend a whole bunch of money replacing that module and having it reprogrammed
you know it's really not worth it, so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!
Growlithe and Arcanine [AMV] Feel Invincible - Skillet [Legenda em Português] - Duration: 3:51.
Princípios para o Sucesso - A Chamada Para A Aventura - Episódio 1 - Duration: 3:47.
✅ Anticipazioni L'Isola di Pietro 2 terza puntata: la verità su Vanessa - Duration: 2:19.
Foto gentilmente offerta da Ufficio Stampa Mediaset L'Isola di Pietro 2, anticipazioni terza puntata di domenica 4 novembre 2018 E anche le anticipazioni della terza puntata de L'Isola di Pietro 2 sono puntuali
Pietro Sereni (Gianni Morandi) si troverà nuovamente in prima linea per trovare la verità in casi all'apparenza irrisolvibili
Questa volta vorrà fare chiarezza su Vanessa (Beatrice Vendramin), che sembra scomparsa nel nulla
Che fine ha fatto? Pietro non riuscirà a capacitarsi di quello che è successo alla donna
Il papà di Fabrizio potrebbe avere a che fare proprio con la sua sparizione: Pietro riuscirà a trovare degli indizi che gli dimostreranno che non è assolutamente innocente
Nel frattempo scoprirà anche quanto sia difficile la situazione famigliare di Fabrizio
Terza puntata L'Isola di Pietro 2 anticipazioni: la fine di Vanessa Domenica 4 novembre 2018 si scoprirà la verità su Vanessa de L'Isola di Pietro: è morta
Una notizia che Pietro accetterà a fatica, ma dovrà arrendersi all'evidenza dei fatti
Chi l'ha uccisa? Questa è la domanda che si porrà e porterà avanti le sue personali indagini per poter mettere in carcere l'omicida
Le anticipazioni del terzo episodio de L'Isola di Pietro 2 ci fanno capire che potrebbe essere il padre di Fabrizio o forse Samir, un immigrato nigeriano che avrà in suo possesso proprio la sciarpa di Vanessa
Anticipazioni terza puntata L'Isola di Pietro: dolori sospetti per Elena Diego (Erasmo Genzini) sarà sempre più freddo e Caterina (Alma Noce) se ne accorgerà
Cosa gli sta succedendo? Nella terza puntata del 4 novembre, vorrà scoprire qualcosa in più sulla sua famiglia
Sono stati nascosti al ragazzo parecchi segreti. Proprio nel momento in cui Caterina scoprirà che potrà ritornare a vedere grazie a un bravo oculista, Elena Sereni (Chiara Baschetti) avrà dei dolori che preoccuperanno molto Pietro
Cosa le sta succedendo? Vi ricordiamo che potrete rivedere in replica l'ultima puntata andata in onda
Stupid driving mistakes 274 (October 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 12:30.
Chinese Mini Cooper is too cool for this city
discussion of something
oh! oh! what the fuck?
wow! This is a really cool action movie!
House of the times of Khrushchev
Look how daring driving!
camera 2, in fact it was a patrol car
Club Summer tires lovers open
listening audiobook
no details
so, I need to be focused to carry this important load on the roof
hey why the hell are you so slow!
the teacher starts the lesson
if he braked more strongly, the torpedo on the roof would crash into the back window of the teacher
reminds a big naughty dog for a walk
what is it ? crash?
shark attacks
Lada Classic cross meeting
hey buddy, will you share the classic spare parts?
Someone all so slap Lada ass in this series
group swinger slapping lada ass
drunk driver trying hard to leave the place
hey who slapped my lada on the ass?
United States. link to this and the next two videos sent "Taxi Dashсam"
oh ebat! oh blyat!
canonical pizdez
South Korea
Israel, high-voltage cable fire
when you are driving along a deserted road and it seems to you that you are alone. Remember, he is closely watching you from ambush!
all fled from the scene. and wanted
US Texas school bus driver forcing the river. In the cabin one student
the bus turns into a thrust tank and then into a yellow submarine
Apparently the school is downstream, the shortest way
your jetty sir
Flooding in the city of Sochi
finished? finished
I think this is a trailer? Yes
it's probably empty refrigerator floating at full speed
some kind of unidentified floating object but big
the trees also swim across the river. this thing is floating in us
we are at a safe distance
it will be a big bang
comrades, you are blocking the frame
I'll stand in front
go Go go also a tree
ram this bridge blyat! ho ho comments
the bridge shuddered
so is the truck trailer? i see wheels
where's the driver blyat?
I hope the driver is not there, I hope he managed to escape
due to flood electricity is off
but the locomotive's electric motors will obviously be damaged and there will be a lot of material damage.
凉生:姜生、程天佑国外撒狗粮,姜生又一次离开,凉生又失忆了? - Duration: 4:01.
传言中的张翰,现实中的张翰,是否独立的两个人格? - Duration: 16:41.
攻撃陣揃い踏みのミラン、難敵サンプドリアに競り勝って公式戦3試合ぶり勝利《セリエA》 - Duration: 3:10.
Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL Automaat Stuurbekrachtiging - Duration: 1:06.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Take a break - Aged Care payment process - Duration: 1:38.
Hi, and welcome to Take a Break. Today I'd
like to talk about the claims and advance
payment process. We process thousands of
claims each month which takes time, and
the payment of claims depends on many
variables. We aim to process your claims as
quickly as possible, but getting it right
is also important. Your advance is based
on a number of things, including the number
of care recipients in your service and
the claim from two months prior. As long as
the associated claim is certified in the
system, your advance is processed during
the first week of every month. If there
are issues with the claim from two months
prior, such as errors or missing entries
and it hasn't been certified, there won't
be an advance payment. Once the advance is
approved, it can take up to three business
days for the payment to appear in your
bank account. As our
systems experience high
traffic at the beginning of each month,
they can be slow or might time out. If
this happens, be patient and try again
later. Finally, remember
each claim is processed
in order of receipt, so it's important
to keep up to date with
lodging your claims.
For more information call us on
1800 195 206 Monday to Friday, or you can
For other "Take a Break" videos, go to Thanks for joining me.
Barbie Doll Blind Bag Boxes | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:21.
Dog Halloween Dress Up Game | Xiaoling toys
Genie vs Baby Buddy Born | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 7:35.
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Daniel, Cassie share past Halloween costumes - Duration: 1:01.
Beating Up Random People in VR! | Creed Multiplayer Boxing - Duration: 1:03:13.
How to Lose Arm Fat | Effective Best Workout - Duration: 10:13.
What if I told you that this workout could change your life what if I told you you just have to start somewhere
Let's get started
We're gonna get started by getting into that poopy position toot your booty out tuck your abs in extend your triceps
Don't act like you don't know what the poopy position is. Everybody has done the poopy position
Extend your arms good
Suck your abs in good. Let's get those Michelle Obama arms
You look good you're doing a good job
Keep going. There you go. All right boxer shuffle
Tuck your abs in and show me all the attitude you got I know you have attitude
This is a very important part of this workout
Awesome, I'll explain to you in just a moment why the boxer shuffles are so important but next we're going to the Arnold press abs
Sucked in feet are wider than shoulder width apart
Touch your elbows together in front if you can and extend to the ceiling
This is a great compound movement for your arms, it's amazing
If you can incorporate weights into this workout, that would be awesome if you can't it's all good you're working out
Fuck sore shuffles you already know tuck your abs in put all the energy you got in there. I'm sure you're feeling good by now
Sumo arm lifts feet are wider than shoulder-width apart
And you just do this funky move. I'm doing clap your hands in front and clap them at the top
If you look awesome
Make sure EQ vest slight bend in your knee your abs are sucked in you touch your hands in front
Go to the side touch him at the top good
Next up we're going to those books of shuffles again
Now these Buckland shuffles are here to help you burn extra fat
The rest of the Meuse are helping you tune your arms
But these boxer shuffles are here for one thing and one thing only to attack the fat
This is key
Cannot skip over that part
Next up curl two overhead, press you're gonna curl your arms, and then press the ceiling
There you go, yes curl those arms and then go to the ceiling good
That's that's perfect keep going
You're almost at the break you're doing good
One more awesome. All right go into this box of shuffles again suck the abs in swing those hips
You're doing a great job
Find the nearest wall next to you your feet are just a few feet away from the wall
Drop your weight into the wall extend your arms
Don't worry about looking back I will tell you when the timer is almost done
I'm not gonna play you like that. Have you doing wall pushes all day?
Keep going
Almost there
one more
That was perfect. Go ahead and take a few seconds to rest drink some water. Text your friend and tell him girl
I'm working out today subscribe to my YouTube channel
You haven't done so already it's totally free for you and it really does mean a lot to me and my whole family we do
African dances every time somebody subscribes cuz we still happy I'm kidding. We don't bullshit cuz we really do appreciate it. I appreciate it
I appreciate you. Okay, I'll be back after the break we can keep going
Welcome back straight back into that poopy position:absolute in arms extending. Let's go
Really sucking your abs
Good try to keep your back as straight as you can manage
Don't hunch your back and do an arch it too much. Don't do the Instagram pose with this good
Very good, your elbows should be hinging at your waist. Try not to move your elbows too much
Awesome work books of shuffles. Let's go get that. Heart rate up smooth good. I like the way you're doing it
Arnold breasts you're going to attempt to touch our elbows in front and then raise your arms to the ceiling
Again, if you can't incorporate weight definitely do that, otherwise do bodyweight. It's all good
Really control this movement be conscious of the muscles you're using good
You have so much control you're doing good
There you go good boxer shuffles
Just keep moving as long as you're moving you're winning
Tsumo arm lifts feet are wider than shoulder-width apart slight bending your knee
You're gonna do your hands to the front to the side and to the ceiling
sucking your abs the whole time to maintain your balance or you ride a
Let's go
You look gorgeous
Just in case no one has told you that today I want to remind you and tell you that I think you're beautiful keep going
Look at you you're doing a great job. Okay, give me those bucks with shuffles again get that heart rate back up
Yes, yes, yes you can you're doing a great job keep going
Caryl to overhead press you're gonna curl your arms, and then press towards the ceiling go back to the starting position and repeat
It's 30 seconds you can do it. Let's go
Very good your arms are going to be looking so nice
Like there you look nice but they're about to look even nicer
Okay, okay boxer shuffle, let's go let me see your attitude
You have one more move after this and you're basically done with this whole workout. You just killed it. Just like that
Like it's nothing
Find your nearest wall
Your feet should be just a few feet away from the wall. Let your weight fall into the wall
And you extend your arms. This is a great alternative to doing push-ups
Just a few more give me one more
Yes, you did that put a slight bend in your knee give yourself a huge hug and just gently twist from side to side
I just want to remind you that you are special you are precious you are
Somebody you have something to offer to this world and you are going to deliver
Don't give up keep showing up. Do the work. You will see results. I love you so much
Thank you for working out with me today subscribe to my youtube channel
If you haven't done so already tell all your friends and family and I'll see you in my next workout video
Play Dead - Indie Horror Film - Duration: 1:24:52.
Oh Fuck
thank you thank you so much
no problem
What happened to you?
I'll get to that.
I'll get to that
it's all about your blood
okay and others
we put up a fight okay we all did by the way
I feel like I should ask what's your name
I'm Brian.
Brian. Well
Thanks Brain
Fuck That
Let's turn this thing off.
okay that's better
Please, Please I have a family.
oh shut the fuck up Brian sorry sorry I've had a long day you understand right
yeah I knew you would you know I really am hurt
but don't worry I'll pull through
why are you doing this
you know that's a really good question
I'd say you got about what an hour before you bleed out
that's enough time for a story so I'll tell you one
Glad as excited as I am
this Brian is the story of how my world ended
you got a light?
matches fuck Brian are you serious
so you got kids how many
I'll let you take a breather it's gonna be a long story anyway
oh fuck
see this is why I hate matches
so once upon a time group of friends went on a camping trip
what Ray on Time?
yeah that's one of life's mysteries isn't it. Where the fuck is Ray?
Of course he'd pick the muddiest fucking part
It's fine guys
Hey gang let's go hang out and I won't show up
Let's go hang out and I'm not gonna be there
whatever we can start drinking without him
Do you want one of these?
Nope, I came prepared
Are these twists off or something like it?
didn't you buy it?
Oh, Oh Shit
Oh party's starting
I think we need a bottle opener.
Let me see
Do you have a bottle Opener?
I am a bottle opener. Oh coming in for the clutch.
Is that ray? Hey yo, Ray!
Where's the Tent Ray?
Get your ass down here
down here oh you know just killing in the mud drinking
yeah he's waiting on the person and told us that we here at noon shit to do
what kind of shit my shit shit like being late yeah who brought the tent you
are gonna bring it out are you fucking kidding me
we told you to bring the tent we've been over this in my car it's okay guys we'll
just sleep under his big ego you know hey I gotta go get my raincoat
I left in the car
I'm really glad we decided to do this today you know I think we all needed to
get away for a while it's been way too long the air is just
so clean out here and I love how peaceful it is she would go join the
others yeah thank you for coming out here with us today I know it kind of
threw off your whole schedule though it really means a lot to me of course I'm
glad I came out come on let's go
hey guys Hey look who decided to join us oh yeah we're just here for the drinks
no thanks I'm good all right guys here's the fucking gang so glad we finally made
it out here here here did you hear back from anyone else nope
exactly just us out here doing good personally I like it when it's just us
it gives us time to catch up you know agreed the less people don't know about
this place was better it's already been getting crowded out here lately and soon
they'll be real freaks are we too far out
maybe looks a storm coming it's Arnie a little overcast could you check Noah to
see what the weather is supposed to be today
Noah it's a weather station here I'll change the channel we should be fine
this one's not pouring or anything they can pick up weird shit from time to time
walkie-talkies super in the pasture yes we're ready so do you guys like think
there's a farm around here is like a weird sex thing you know what we'll be
fine the cars right there anyway hey I'll be
right back where are you going I gotta use the bathroom
you're looking at it precisely but I'll spare you guys the view
Rachel if your trash - Jeremy it's not gonna work
Rachel I swear to god this Rachel fuck Jesus who the fuck
Lillith he found sheep
so Rachel you want to be nothing got my water water scanner for pussies oh my
god ray I'm just saying you get hit with your beauty kind of a pussy
I'm sorry I called John he's a big boy I'm sure he's okay he's probably taking
the scenic route through the woods why he wouldn't do that
oh come on don't be paranoid I'm sure he's fine
yeah yeah I'm sure he's okay if he's not back in five minutes we can go look for
him I'll go with you okay
Oh Caroline stop fuck you what's your name
come on I know you have a name just tell me Scott my name is Scott hi
Scott my name is Lilith these are my friends
Phoenix phallic and murmur where your friend Scott I don't have any friends
with me I'm alone Phoenix mentioned something about
someone named Rachel Rachel was supposed to join us out here us I knew it
go check they're probably out here somewhere
why you'll find out Scott soon enough but until then just relax you don't need
to be afraid we can see them they're a quarter of a mile that way
cool awesome there's a problem what there's four more of them yeah Lola
fine we'll be fine besides last time there were six of them
just for we can handle them there's five VALIC why can't it just be him
oh please like we are all gonna share one person by the time Azrael is done
with him he will be completely this can go really bad for you do you want that
then please shut up
we'll be fine murmur we can handle four people just have a little faith okay
Ezreal we have a group of four and a new friend
all right that's it I'm gonna go look for her why I'm sure he's fine he's
probably just fucking with us he wouldn't do that
okay so let's split up and go sick to the woods for maybe maybe we should
stick together we don't know who's out there who's who
you implying is out here we're alone you know every calm the fuck down he'll be
back here any minute piss free see he's just being an asshole
Scott camp whistle
everyone back up and get on your knees
on your knees here you come on hurry up you right here now who are you
you'll find out soon enough fuck you people know we're out here for your own
safety shut - the fuck up
where's Scott you'll see him soon did you hurt him Oh what do we have here
we're hole deep
and that fucking touch me
he says anything again slit its throat
yep and are they good yes diggin all right
how's Roma I've searched the kids and they're clear the sheep are stranded and
they're ready
no they're not thank you I'm as real and this is my family whom
we have chosen you for a very special tradition in ours you should be honored
really not many people get an opportunity like what the hell do you
think you are can you just get away with this there's always one let me go you
are the self appointed senior here am i right
bullshit let me break something to you you are never going home you are never
going to see your family again hell if you piss me off just enough you won't
see anyone ever again now your friend over there and the gag
was unlucky enough to run into us first now we have a tradition to uphold but
I'm willing to make an exception for you so if you don't shut your fucking mouth
right this second I will shove this down your goddamn throat have I made myself
clear I'm gonna need an answer yes excellent
Wow here's how this is gonna work we're
gonna play a game and it's gonna be the five of us versus the four of you now
the game is very similar to hide to seek I assume we've all played hide and seek
I'll take that as a yes frankly I don't give a shit if you want
to know about the rules you should have asked so I'm gonna give you five minutes
five minutes you to run as far and as fast as you can after that time is up
we're gonna come to try and find now if we find you
everybody get it
I'm gonna need answer yes yes what yes we understand
okay Cory I'll take good care of the cops
Rachel prevention everything's gonna be okay
please please what the fuck is wrong with you why are you doing this up there
is literally nothing you can say to me that I have not if you really think you
can convince me to not bash your brains in here and now you better start talking
no nothing
gosh what play dead
you're five minutes
after the ritual when my blood finally stops boiling in my veins on my mind
finally quiet it always wanders back to the same
memory when I met my first love
even after the memory save that feeling remains the rush
like love like meat like living like fucking like dying like nothing
sometimes I think it's the only thing that keeps me alive
hey well that went well one you weren't expecting it to and now
there are four relax we have nothing to worry about from them they'll be easy
come on we need this
cut oh geez stop it's been more than five minutes
Christ murmur we know where they're going relax
can we just take a minute to enjoy ourselves what if they stray from the
path what if they do something we don't plan on they never do you honestly think
they're gonna miss our place no fucking chance they're gonna be there waiting
for us it's okay we just have to trust Azrael he knows what he's doing
yeah you know I just I get nervous we all do that's why we have each other
give me that want a beer no thanks I'm good
I'll share one with you okay
man that's good it's a bunch break here
you sure
no thanks
he's like pokey black you got there yeah I'm gonna poke you it please don't just
kidding okay all right okay what the fuck
Ezreal Valley Sam Joe what what's up fuck do you think you're doing you
trying to get us killed gonna get wasted on a hunt you fucking idiot would but
you said what did I say Val like what the fuck did I say you said that we
should all just relax for a bit
you're right I did say
I'm sorry I just I just want to protect you guys I know you're just trying to
help I love you guys I love all of you and I
want to protect you but we have to protect each other too just because
we're good at that doesn't mean we can afford to fuck around
but we know we all know you love you too
oh look at the time Hey Ezreal
let's go hunting
there's ready for this Phoenix
wait wait Rachel
we had a go yeah I hear Rachel I'm sorry I am
but we can't stay here we need to keep going okay yeah
Rachel fuck that okay they can't kill you they can't get you to we have to go
okay Rachel please
it's where exactly we going I don't we can't worry about that right now we
just need to pick a direction and keep moving bullshit they send this way for a
reason do you not think they know exactly where we're at he pointed this
way distinctly and said one do you not think there's more of them out here what
if there's something worse in that direction we stay here pick up what we
can from around the woods and we fight they'll kill us ray they're not ready
for a surprise we can kill them you don't think they're ready for a fight
did you see them they're armed to the goddamn teeth what if they have guns
if we stay here we die we need to keep moving fine you guys go but I'm staying
no we're not leaving you I just told Rachel not giving you a
choice I think I can take the one with the baseball bat he's obviously the
leader it's suicide ray no it's not they didn't find this when they searched
me they're careless and I've won a lot of fights against people a lot scarier
than that plus I'm doing this for Scott you guys don't have to stick with me
because sure as hell can't stop me fine do what you want what we can't just
stand here and bicker the longer we wait here the closer they get if Ray wants to
do this we can't stop we need to go
are you sure I'm sure
different help
are you okay I'm fine I don't think you deserved that yes I did I was kind of
lying I think you were look as real isn't upset about this anymore
we should have
Hey gonna be okay
no no no no
you're fuckin
has real now if I can touch me
as well as
and a clear
what do you want what is it that you want to say to me you want to say you're
sorry you want to say you're sorry for fucking this up for fucking up our
entire family yes you are you are really fucking sorry because it's never we're
never going to be the same again Ezreal I know you loved murmur but I
didn't love murmur I don't love anybody I don't give a fuck about anybody I
don't need any of you you know what I'm sorry for I'm sorry I ever trusted you
in the first fucking place I'm sorry I let you think you were somehow my equal
I'm sorry I let you think that you mattered to me
and you know what I'm sorry for I'm sorry I didn't put a knife in your chest
the first night we met Lilith
patreon is what the fuck did you just call me
as real don't
I don't know why but in that moment I thought of her I thought of when we
first met the first time and the only time that someone ever killed me
you look lonely
I don't think I've ever seen you here before you by yourself yes place it's
not really your crowded
what's your name sounds real isn't it here
so this place wasn't really high
your place or mine
and I get you something okay okay drink beer no thanks
okay well make yourself at home I'll be right back
Anna I just wanted to apologize in advance because I wasn't entirely honest
with you at the bar you will well why are you smiling
funny I assure you I couldn't be more serious I know I know you're serious
what aren't you scared I'm scared
never felt anything I feel I feel powerless it's like you
found every wall I had and broke them down it's like you bashed my brains in
and now I'm just pulp I guess the hell was that yeah what did you do to me no
no you don't get it you don't get to just say that I've I feel complete I
feel whole no one nothing has ever made me feel like that before
do you know what I am Anna do you know what I was going to do before this you
were gonna kill me I'm sure you've done it before have you
yes twice
you seven times not that it matters they were all worthless anyway none of them
came close to giving me what you gave me you were gonna be my eighth but you
throw me off fuck my whole life I've been a fucking mess I don't feel well
I don't feel like other people do I guess it's just so much all the time
maybe if people saw things the way I did felt the way I did they wouldn't waste
their time with their worthless asinine bullshit it's not my fault they choose
to be blind they deserve what's coming to them they deserve me fuck them all
can I ask you something yeah what's your name like a roommate
my name is Azrael but you can call me Adrian that's the name I was born with
but it's not who I am not anymore anyway but it can't be be you if you were Who
am I you're Lilith Lilith yeah she was the first demon if you believe in fairy
tales anyway but if she's still worshipped by some and you know it's a
powerful name
you want you want you forever want all of you do you want me yeah you yourself
I have always bought along even with her I was alone she was amazing voice the
one thing I think she's seen me do the things I've seen before do
she may be the most perfect person I've ever met
you need to keep moving what a pole ray we all heard the screams
let's race gone maybe maybe we can break off the trail and try to make our way
around him these woods extend for miles we just need to keep moving forward
until we find something okay Queen look
if there's a type of property sign that could mean that there's a house
somewhere down there right I could only one way to find out I guess we'll just
keep going forward until we find whoever put this here there has to be a house or
a building or something what if there isn't well if there isn't anything down
there this is our best chance it's only a matter of time until
well none of this is what we pictured
you have to keep going we're still a family we're still strong stronger than
is that you didn't care I was upset I we just saw murmured I I didn't mean what I
said about that anyway
I know it's hard I know exactly how you feel but we find it annoying
let's not forget why we're here
do you think anyone's in there it just was like anyone's been here for ages
fuck I just I thought someone anyone would be here to help us so hey Quinn
it's worth trying not if we die out here Alex you don't know that they followed
us this way we can go in the building and hide and they can't see out in the
woods forever maybe they think they lost us
seems to be our only option at this point let's go check the door
Hauser's you gotta be shitting that's what it is that's exactly what this is
so so that means that there has to be a phone or something right
anybody home
there's your battery I missed you we meet we really going to go this place
is huge there has to be a room we can hide in we
can find something to fight with there has to be something Rachel come on
Rachel I want you to tell my parents that I love them
can you do that for me Oh Rachel you can't give up like this
yeah I can't do this anymore we do not have time for this sake leaving her if
you want to stay behind and die trying to save her be my guest
but I am NOT
hey I'm sorry about that he gets easily excited sorry what was your name again
come on you can tell me I'm not gonna hurt you
Rachel Rachel that is a lovely name that kid back there Scott I think his
name was he was yours wasn't he young love even I'm a sucker for it sometime
so Rachel why are you here and yet I see none of your friends are we boring you
you peeled him he was in pain you laughed worth my lab did you see the
look on his face I'm surprised you didn't laugh what a baby so is that it
then you're done playing the game not gonna talk to me fine she's all yours
oh don't you worry you know Scott I can tell that he really was different so
many of our friends want to live for selfish reasons there's here too the
pain they don't know what's going to happen to them afterwards but I can tell
that he don't you
good move her body
Ezreal can we talk no I don't have anything to say to you look I know I
can't change what happened yeah I bet you can I just I can't do this right now
well fine I'm I'm gonna go find the others yeah be my guest
as my family fell apart as I destroyed it I thought back to better times before
everything soured before the bitterness and the anger set in we really were a
family you know we were like gods set out to take whatever the world put in
front of us and as it is with most everything the best time was the first
perfect everyone knows their roles right good wait yes are you sure about that I
am very sure about this are you unsure about that no no I just I didn't mean
any disrespect us Rael I just I've never done this before not like people don't
worry I got plenty of trips with it we'll be fine
what if something goes wrong let me make myself perfectly fucking clear the only
reason you two are here is because lillas told me you were like us and I
want to believe her I really do but you're making it pretty fucking tough
right now now if you want to go over there and sip on some beers with the
Sheep be my guest but I promise you it's going to be a lot
less fun to be them in about two minutes got it
it'll be fine murmur I promise you'll really like it
what if I mess this up you're not gonna mess this up you'll do great
do you remember what Lilith and Phoenix were telling you as we were headed out
here we're a family we stick together and I promise you nothing bad is gonna
happen to you while I'm here sorry I was I was scared it's okay I was my first
time too follow my lead
why did we decide to go fishing today was your idea wasn't my idea yeah you
said hey let's go fishing once 30 degrees up I think I got a bite
Jared I think the lines frozen yeah
hey kids
do it because you want
so should one of us go see how Alex doing no it's fine they'll find us
before we do we need to make a stand that's insane that's exactly how Rick
himself killed ray was stupid he tried to take them on by himself but if we
work together we can separate them take them off one by one
so okay right now I'm not I'm scared shitless but I have a family I have
people who are waiting bitch bash my brains in so what's the story I can't
find the fuckers anywhere well they have to be in here somewhere
I don't know what to tell you what was that you two go find out what that was
if it's one of the Sheep bring him back alive
Lilith went in that direction shouldn't one of us check on her I'll go check on
her I have to talk to her anyway I didn't mean what I said earlier go
alright here's the plan you're going to stay here look around for something we
can use the right way am I supposed to just find it two-by-four and I'm going
to make noises from different parts of the house they're going to split off and
be careful not to be seen wait don't leave me here this is ridiculous I'm not
facing off against them to be back here but I can't make any here
I know you're in here don't make this difficult I don't want to do this just
go away
I need to do this don't you understand that's what this whole thing is about
it's what you're gonna die here today that's why you all have
I'm sorry
let me
you're the only one
I wish we could
no bitch Robbie just gave me a fucking concussion fucking die
did you really think I was gonna let you leave
the game's not over
Oh help with that wound I don't think
I don't think you have the guts where's the rest of your family
where are they please just let's go just let this Humber it's gonna all be
over because she is gone
everything we had is over
every thought every dream every
and I am enough
so what a fight to the death you're gonna take us on just you by yourself
you and that fucking baseball bat I decide when this is over I'm going to
end you going to end this night
and then it will be over please please just let us go
goddammit Alex don't shit out on me now we can fight we can do this one
spare me your
fuck you just a lot of one of your friend died because of some bullshit
moral oh you were taught as a child tell me
is my life free worth so much more than her
or just coward
but er you know for a person who just lost everything the point is that you
took away the only thing that mattered to me now I have nothing you know what
happens when you leave here you go back to your friends and your family you get
interviewed on the news and survivor and some tragedy and I get nothing you put a
fucking crowbar through the only person I've ever cared about and that is why
you can't worry
a point that there is no point
not anymore
I'm scared too
so that's it then now I don't know what I am I don't know what I want I just
don't want to be alone
please if you let me go I won't tell anybody you can take the car I don't
want anything from you Brian I just needed a friend
please please please stop
today's the day aren't you excited yes talk tell them to start breakfast I'm
gonna get the car ready
um what about the cabin I don't think it don't work it'll be too flooded okay not
this time of year well maybe fine one or two okay the farmhouse oh no I am
NOT dealing with those mosquitoes again okay oh rosewood okay I feel like
there's been enough time since we've been there last and that could be okay I
think it'll be great I think there'll be a lot of people out there exploring this
time of year that was the problem there were too many people last time Ballack
there weren't too many people were fine you were fine because you were goofing
around Phoenix almost got hurt you need to take this seriously oh come on we
won't let anything like that happen again
really it is okay I think rosewood sounds good
there's bound to be somebody wandering around there today we might even find a
small group well but what if we don't find anyone what if we find one person
and we have what share Valek is that what you were gonna say my you're
getting greedy murmur has a point you haven't been taking this seriously at
all one of us almost got hurt last time and I'm not just gonna see Azrael fine
we'll go to Rosewood I know we can handle Rosewood we'll have a good time
all right I'm worried about you guys sometimes I know I shouldn't I know what
you're capable of and I've seen you do some amazing things and I don't say it
often enough but I'm so proud of you all and I love you guys but I want you to be
careful okay I need you to be smart got it okay that okay with you murmur yeah
it's fine what about you are you happy yeah are you
যার সবই ভাল | Bangla Short Waz | Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf - Duration: 2:18.
AK Computer Network
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Sky cameraman, who saw Leicester helicopter crash, explains pilot's heroic actions - Duration: 3:24.
Thousands of people turned up to the King Power Stadium on Sunday to pay tribute to the victims of the Leicester City helicopter crash
Although the condition of those affected remains unclear at the time of writing, it's known that five people were onboard the helicopter when it came down on Saturday evening
Among them was Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, Leicester City's owner. Two other passengers, plus two crew members, were also onboard at the time
The incident happened around one hour after Leicester's 1-1 draw against West Ham
BT Sport showed the helicopter leaving the King Power before cutting to an ad break
Jake Humphrey then had the difficult job of informing viewers what had just happened
It's also unclear what caused the crash at this stage. Sky cameraman explains pilot's heroic actions However, a Sky Sports News cameraman who witnessed the incident first-hand has paid tribute to the helicopter pilot for his 'heroic' actions
He claims the pilot did his utmost to guide the aircraft away from people on the ground
"I heard the helicopter coming out of the stadium, saw it as you do, they are amazing pieces of machinery and then I just carried on walking thinking next time I look up it is going to be overhead," Dan Cox told Sky News
"The next thing I just looked up and it was just spinning, static just out of control, just a constant spinning, I have never seen anything like it
" He continued: "I don't know how the pilot did it but he seemed to manage to slow down the spinning rotation and it drifted off into the corner part of the car park
"To my mind the pilot was heroic and the two police offers in front of me, who also tried to help, they are heroes too
"It could have been so much worse if the pilot hadn't done that." Cox clearly believes that the pilot prevented more people from being caught up in the tragedy by deliberately drifting the helicopter into a corner part of the car park
If his version of events is accurate, then it's fair to say that the term heroic is more than justified for the pilot involved
Hundreds of fans have laid scarves, flags and flowers in tribute at the King Power Stadium following the tragic incident
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DIY Sketchbook plus Miniature painting - Duration: 3:05.
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〚 Nightcore 〛➳ Legends Never Die | League of Legends ft. Against the Current | lyrics - Duration: 3:19.
The video contains lyrics! ♡
Gerard Pique: Barcelona 'better than ever' after beating Real Madrid without Lionel Messi - Duration: 2:53.
Barca did not appear to miss their talisman as they ran riot in Saturday's El Clasico at the Nou Camp, thumping bitter rivals Real Madrid 5-1
Messi was absent with a fractured arm but Luis Suarez stepped up in his place and bagged a brilliant hat-trick
Philippe Coutinho also got on the scoresheet, while Arturo Vidal notched his first goal since moving to the club in the summer from Bayern Munich
"We scored five goals!" Pique said. "These are moments to enjoy. "It's not easy to score five goals against your rival, so you have to enjoy it when it happens
"I'm really happy. It's an important result. "The team's better than ever and this week (wins against Sevilla, Inter Milan and Real) has given us a lot of confidence
"We've been at a great level without even having our best player." Pique has come in for criticism at times this season after Barca went four La Liga games without winning before their victory over Sevilla on October 20
But they are now back on top of the league and Pique has returned to form at the perfect time
Boss Ernesto Valverde has very little cover at the back, with Samuel Umtiti and Thomas Vermaelen both suffering from long-term injuries
"It was a question of time before I got back to my normal level," he added. "The criticism is motivation for me to re-find my best form
I felt good, the sensations are good." The Spain international also added that he hopes to see team-mate Jordi Alba recalled in to the international squad
He has been overlooked ever since the World Cup but put in a stellar display against Real and set up Coutinho's goal
"When you don't have the best player on the pitch, everyone has to take a step forward," Pique said
"The full-backs were really good. I hope (Spain boss) Luis Enrique rectifies his error and brings Jordi Alba back into the squad
Rustic The South Pasadena Tiny House (240 Sq Ft) | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:40.
Meghan and Harry refuse bizarre gift in Tonga - for this reason - Duration: 4:53.
The Duchess of Sussex thanked the Invictus family for welcoming her into the fold as the Sydney event closed
Meghan, wearing a green Antonio Berardi dress, told the audience at the Qudos Bank Arena, she had witnessed "amazing support networks" between the 500 competitors at the Games
Harry founded the Invictus Games in 2014 for wounded servicemen and women, with events previously being held in London, Toronto and Florida
The mother-to-be said: "It is such an honour to be here tonight celebrating all of you, and supporting my husband in the Invictus Games, which he founded four years ago
"In that short span of time, the Games have evolved into an international platform of some of the best athletics and sportsmanship you could ever witness, coupled with a camaraderie and close-knit sense of community which can only be defined as the Invictus Spirit
"With that said, and on a very personal note, I just wanted to thank all of you for welcoming me into the Invictus family
I am truly so grateful to be a part of this with each and every one of you." A turtle shaped necklace carved from black coral was refused by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry due to environmental issues
The couple, while in the Pacific island of Tonga, were shown around a market yesterday (October 26) and noticed the unusual item being sold by a vendor straight away
Harvesting or taking away black coral, Triton trumpet shells and turtle shells goes against sustainability practices, Eco groups suggest
And Royal sources have confirmed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were both aware of the nature of the item and politely turned down the offer of a gift from the vendor they had been talking to
Strict Australian import laws would not allow them to bring the item back even if they had wanted to accept it The Mirror reports
Salome Tesi, who was stationed at the first stall the royals came to in the market, said the couple had been interested to see a display of tree-like black coral on the table but politely declined to take away a carved necklace in the shape of a turtle
"They asked about where it came from," she said. "We offered them a necklace as a gift and they said they liked it
"They really liked it, but they didn't take it. I think they wanted to take a look around all of the market
" So far, the Duke and Duchess have been given a number of unusual gifts during their tour, including carrots, UGG boots and a roast pig
One of their first gifts on tour just happened to also be their first baby gift - a cuddly toy kangaroo
The Duke and Duchess were also presented with a wide-brimmed Akubra hat, popularised by Hollywood classic Crocodile Dundee
The people of Fiji offered a roast pig, a whale's tooth necklace and a taste of the traditional local brew kava to Prince Harry and Meghan
Harry and Meghan sat on a stage as he was given the whale's tooth, a sign of wealth, in the vakasobu, before they were given kava, a drink made from a mashed plant root in the yaqona vakaturaga
Meghan was also gifted a pearl necklace as they visited the President of Fiji on the first day off their tour to Fiji
During the reception, a supportive Harry toasting with water at tonight's reception with Fijian prime minister
Prince Harry was handed the cheeky gift of Team Australia budgie smugglers during an interview with Invictus Games athletes on Sunday
Of course, The Duke of Sussex wasted no time in getting them on over the top of his trousers
LEGO Dunk Tank - Lego Stop Motion - Duration: 0:20.
Let's go!
TAROT: Week beginning October 29 2018 Two & King of Wands Knight of Athames|Moving forwards at last! - Duration: 5:02.
Bonjour Noisettes! Was it a good weekend? How are the emotions holding up? Let us know what you've been up to in the comments.
If you missed the weekend reading,
the link should flash up on your screen now!
Or else there's a link at the end of the video and one in the video description too.
I wonder what this week's going to be like then. So we have...
the King of Wands.
The Two of Wands.
And, the Knight of Athames.
What a bizarre combination.
Okay so, well the King of Wands (erm)
could be meaning one of a number of things at the moment.
The first is that you've made the most of reflection time,
and you've laid down some plans and goals for how you want to proceed in the future.
This card shows that you're now completely goal-oriented
and are in total control of your immediate course of action.
The second meaning is that if you're not quite in that place yet,
this card is kind of a reminder to set your intentions
and to start living your life with some long-term goals in place.
Yes, you've had some challenges of late,
but you should see these as a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things
which have just helped to make you a stronger person at the end of the day.
Finally, it might be an indication that there is an opportunity about to present itself to you
and that you should think very carefully actually about accepting this proposal or taking on the challenge
because it may well be a good thing for you.
So the Two of Wands then follows on very nicely actually from the King of Wands
(erm) because it's often about launching a new venture,
or starting something new (er) which has good prospects for success.
There's some determination, strength of character and also creative energy indicated in this card
so make the most of it!
This card can also be about discovery
Since... (erm) since your major life changes have taken place...
it's possible that your life has now opened up in ways that you would never have anticipated before.
This might have taken you on a journey of discovery
where you've learned more about your emotional, physical, psychological, or professional capabilities
So use this newfound knowledge and self confidence to move forwards towards your goals.
So onto the Knight of Athames. Well, what a young buck he looks, doesn't he?
He definitely isn't short in the self-confidence stakes, is he?
(Erm) there's a bit of a warning with this card...
Yes, you have a new lease of life, new confidence, new self-esteem,
and probably a strong will and determination to succeed,
but be careful not to just hurtle headlong
into something that perhaps you haven't thought about carefully enough,
or something that appeared out of nowhere; something that you didn't anticipate.
By all means, be ambitious, be determined, go for your goals,
but just make sure that your eyes are open to any potential challenges, dangers or pitfalls
that might be lurking where you least expect them.
So, that's it guys for another week...
Some sad news I'm afraid; we're not going to be doing any more weekend readings
simply because we just don't have the time; we have so many other commitments,
however, we WILL continue with a weekly reading, and you never know, we might just spring the odd surprise on you every now and then
just to make sure you're still with us,
so make sure you're subscribed and hit the bell icon so you don't miss any of our notifications
or, more importantly, any of our videos,
Have a really really great week
and don't forget to let us know how these cards relate to you in the comments.
Speak to you again next Monday.
Study with AnDi安異 - Real-time 『Studying Japanese』 - Duration: 16:26.
Note: This is not an accident.
I intendedly lit 2 candles at a time
because I simply love how they smell together
I was supposed to make a to-do list here
but the shot failed, so I skipped it.
I filmed this a while ago so the angles and filming techniques might not be best.
Leave me some feedback if you like how I filmed this. Or not
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