hola buenas tardes bienvenidos a La CIUDAD DE MEXICO hoy es sabado Feliz
semana I hope you all had a lovely week and you're also having a great weekend
Condesa is arguably one of the most popular areas to stay in Mexico City
despite the fact that I just walked past a guy urinating up against a tree but
never mind that it's also full of fantastic beautiful
and colorful architecture it's full of restaurants it's full of bars and it's
full of cafes but I don't like it what okay bare with me this video is not a
negative video about Condesa I don't really like Condesa
purely because it's just not my kind of area okay when you're a traveler when
you travel a lot there will be some areas that you just don't want to and I
haven't warmed to Condesa you might think that Condesa is not my
kind of area because of the expense yes it's an expensive area to stay in Mexico
City and yes that is a factor if I'm honest but the other reason is much more
important than that which I'm going to cover in this video I absolutely
understand as a tourist that maybe you have a bit more money that is in Mexico
City for a short period you will probably stay in Condesa and yeah I
probably would as well if I was a tourist but the fact is I'm not a
tourist I've been traveling full-time for the last two years while working
online so I look for different things in terms of my travel which we're going to
go into a bit more now so where else could you stay in Mexico City you could
stay in Condesa or you could stay in Balderas!
Ninos Heroes sorry I can never pronounce that and you could even stay in doctores
so you might be thinking that some of these areas look like absolute hell
holes for example there's a building behind me graffiti smash windows things
like that you might be thinking that these areas are noisy chaotic full of
locals and potentially you might not feel safe particularly at certain times
of the day and they're all valid points who cares if not what travel is all
about at least it for me it's about having an authentic experience in a
country and some of that Condesa for me isn't authentic you know one of the
things I wanted to do when I came to Mexico for the first time my hair is
annoying me is dispel the myth about Mexico that it's a dangerous and horrendous country you
know modern media like YouTube craps all over mainstream media so when you're in
Mexico I implore you to come to areas like this
to experience the real Mexico
now of course there are some areas which I would not recommend you go to Mexico
City I did a video recently about is Mexico City safe on the whole it is but
there are some areas that I would advise not going to for example Tepito I
believe it's never one known for drug dealers
Garibaldi Guerrero I lived in Guerrero right next to the metro station for
about a month I didn't have an issue at all but just down the road and Garibaldi
is also an area that's known for that kind of thing violence etc there was a
shooting there on Independence Day weekend so obviously there are areas
just like in every city where you do have to look out I'm not saying these
areas are perfectly safe and that you're never going to have a problem here but
you know think about your home you know London I don't live in Buckingham Palace
I live in a hellhole shithole area in West London it's normal it's boring it's
everyday life and that's what I'm talking about experience everyday life
in Mexico City so I know in my final stop of the day which is Doctores
yes I live in Doctores many of you have warned me many of you have been
surprised about the fact that I'm staying here many people can't
understand why I'm living in Doctores my Airbnb it's just down that road and you
know what it's the cheapest air B&B in the whole of Mexico City, am i a cheapskate
maybe I am do I care no like I said at the beginning of a budget traveler okay
I am a travel full-time for a living I'm not gonna spend and waste money on
someone I'm Condesa when it's not necessary if I can find somewhere
cheaper that does the job it's got bad it's got Wi-Fi that's all I need then
I'm gonna do it you got a park over there very nice
so yeah this park is very nice you've got people walking their dogs over there
you might have people sleeping on benches at night you might have a guy
outside my apartment sleeping in his car for the whole time I've been here
that's life that's city life it happens in your city
the thing about Doctores is that you might have seen lots of videos where
doctores is mentioned as one of the places that people shouldn't go
solutely disasterous if you stay here there was a shooting over the road last
week outside Oxxo, how many times has that happened in my entire time in
Mexico City? once that's it do I feel unsafe because of it no I
don't because I'm used to living in this sort of place you have to be streetwise
and use your whiles as I said in the last video about safety you know doctores
there's nothing here all right I'm not going to lie and say that it's this
amazing wicked place because it's not it's just regular and normal it's pretty
much the home of car mechanics down that road down there there's loads of places
fixing cars changing tires the smell of oil there's dog poo everywhere people do
not pick up their dog poo but despite all that do I still like it of course I
do this has been my home for the last month so yeah welcome to Doctores so
if you've enjoyed seeing the contrast between somewhere like Condesa
and what I call the real Mexico see why not leave a like down the bottom and
more importantly leave a comment I will be very interested to hear your thoughts
on other areas of Mexico City if you've been to Mexico City did you stay in
condesa what were your thoughts on it or like me have you stayed somewhere
else and what were your thoughts you get the gist and also don't forget to
subscribe my place is just over the road now so I'm gonna go home thank you for
watching I'll see you in the next video I'll catch you later
thank you
For more infomation >> The REAL MEXICO CITY | MEXICO on a BUDGET | BALDERAS, NINOS HEROES & DOCTORES - Duration: 9:12.-------------------------------------------
¿QUÉ HAY DETRÁS DE LA FALSEDAD? - Carolina Capmany - Duration: 1:19:56.
¡Natacha Jaitt sorprendió a todos hablando de Esmeralda Mitre y Mirtha Legrand! - Duration: 4:25.
La propuesta bomba de la producción del Bailando para Lourdes Sánchez y Laurita Fernández - Duration: 2:16.
Películas IMPERDIBLES de HALLOWEEN 2018 👻👻 - Duration: 5:20.
today we bring you the movies must-see on this Halloween
Hello good
As the first film we bring you is the Rocky Horror Show
Directed by Jim Sharman
the Rocky Horror Show does not it's just a horror movie COW: how he moves his hands Lola and how close EIvan put me today I sure fly out
but nevertheless whenever they happen on TV it's Halloween
uy I hit him! ayyyyyy
It's not exactly a horror movie but nevertheless, whenever it happens in the COW: Now that we made a longer video I hope to show it to at least our subscribers
tv is halloween so I always associate Rocky's Horror Show with terror
This chapter is about a couple of
newly married before it breaks down the car and they end up inside a mansion
a mad scientist who creates what would be the perfect man who is rocky
and apart from its musical in before making a movie COW: We can not insert images because they are not PG
it was a broadway play that went to the cinema
It is really very good and I recommend it
we also recommend Hocus Pocus COW: from the trans to disney, welcome to the roller coaster
or as it is known in Latin America Abracadabra
directed by Kenny Ortega there is a detail
about this movie that is that Kenny Ortega He is also the director of
High School Musical and Descendants
this movie stars Bette Midler Sarah Jessica Parker
Kathy Najimy
it's a halloween classic I feel that Disney spends all the Halloweens and
it's just a girl who went to ask for candy at the wrong house
I can not say more about this movie I feel that everyone saw it and it's a Halloween classic
So it's a must-see
we also recommend nightmare before christmas this movie is not
directed by Tim Burton as all the world thinks tim burton alone is the COW: I am all the world
creator of the story itself of the characters but that is directed by
Henry Sellick
however the good part of the Nightmare before christmas
is that it is a movie both Halloween and Christmas
however, I see it more on Halloween COW: I see that it is also a musical
so they would have to see it on Halloween
EIVam:so you have to see it on Halloween said
I give in fact that they saw it but nevertheless
it's a very simple story COW: This girl takes many things for granted
Halloween is coming Christmas is coming Jack in the world of Christmas
he steals Christmas
typical Halloween
however, I recommend them a lot and You can also see her at Christmas
but I tell her to see her on Halloween
as next film we recommend Sinister COW: you will be scared in
or sinister
this movie is I think it's the only horror movie in this top
is directed by Scott Derrickson
and starring Ethan Hawke
personally gave me a lot the first COW: Cookies loves Ethan
time and I would be very afraid
it's very scary that movies
the story is very simple is a man who writes books
of terror about events that happened in the real life and ends up moving to
houses where murders happened and I'm not going to say more because if it would not be a spoiler
but it's very good and they would have to see it
and as the last movie we recommend is Scream
Scream is a halloween classic
I always hit Señora Vaca
scream is a classic halloween cent that they would have to see it to the whole world
because it's halloween and Scream go hand as with the Nightmare before christmas so the
story is very simple there is a killer in a university
deaths ... movies ... Scream COW: many people talking on the phone
It is directed by Wes Craven
the protagonists are Neve Campbell Courtney Cox and David Arquette
EIvan:that's why in Friends she became Courtney Cox-Arquette COW: Filming Scream they met, they fell in love and they married
He did not know!
if you have a movie to we recommend that it is typical to see in
halloween you can leave it down in the comments
and if they saw my neck that is half weird it's
the zombie apocalypse
I'm Lola and this is Señora Vaca
do not forget to subscribe to the red button below and activate the little bell
Do not forget to give it a thumbs up to the video if you liked it and share it with all your friends
See you next time, man!
Negocios, Emprende con Libros Personalizados para Niños - Duration: 2:23.
Witrakoon - ElocuEnte (Audio) NBG Records x (prod.Tobiaas) - Duration: 2:59.
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Parsons Earns First Football Playoff Win Since 1976 - Duration: 0:59.
Comieron como ballena en ayunas, lloraron sin sentido, insultaron a sus: ¡Jimena Barón muy sincera! - Duration: 4:09.
Complete Courses Camtasia Studio Videos Editing Part 3 In Hindi / Udur byTechnical Malik - Duration: 6:43.
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Presenta AMLO compromisos de seguridad; pide no descartar la amnistía - Duration: 1:50.
Indicó que el Plan de pacificación considera nueve puntos a manera de compromisos, estos incluyen no apostar por la guerra, las masacres o el exterminio, así como crear el consejo nacional permanente para la paz
Señaló el presidente electo que la decisión fue después de recibir el informe de los Fotos Escucha, convocados por su equipo para recabar opiniones de la población sobre la situación del país
"No apostar a la guerra, el próximo gobierno compromete a esto. Esto, entre otras cosas, implica no optar por el exterminio de los seres humanos, el que no haya masacres en nuestro país, el que podamos garantizar la paz y la tranquilidad sin el uso externo de la fuerza", indicó ayer durante el acto en el Archivo General de la Nación
Además hizo el compromiso sobre las fuerzas federales, indicó que tendrán formación en materia de derechos humanos, además aseguró que antes de elegir a Luis Cresencio Sandoval y José Rafael Ojeda, pidió informes a la CNDH
Indicó que el Plan de pacificación considera nueve puntos a manera de compromisos, estos incluyen no apostar por la guerra, las masacres o el exterminio, así como crear el consejo nacional permanente para la paz
Finalmente pidió no descartar la amnistía ya que buscarán el equilibrio entre la justicia y el perdón, aseguró
50 Small Bathroom Organization and Storage Ideas - Duration: 4:46.
50 small bathroom organization and storage ideas
Organizing your bathroom can be complicated.
You have to worry about space, hygiene and placement in a way that suits your family's
style but is also functional for everyday use.
If your bathroom is small or cramped, that's another hurdle to overcome.
The good news is that small bathroom storage ideas do exist.
There are a few things to consider when thinking about organization in a tiny bathroom.
Are you taking advantage of the entire space?
Are you hanging, hooking, shelving and stacking things both horizontally and vertically?
And etc.
Take a look at this 50 small bathroom organization and storage ideas.
Shane Anderson - Let Go [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:15.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 160 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY Classic - Duration: 0:48.
Doctor of Medicine degree approved for UH College of Medicine - Duration: 2:14.
Working 4 You: Little Communication After Inmate Escapes Custody - Duration: 2:48.
Man Utd news: Paul Scholes makes surprising Jose Mourinho sack claim - Duration: 2:25.
That is the verdict of BT Sport pundit and former Manchester United midfielder Paul Scholes
Jose Mourinho's future at Old Trafford remains in doubt after a turbulent start to the season on and off the pitch
United sit 10th in the Premier League table after nine games, having already lost on three occasions
They also have just four points from their opening three Champions League group matches after the 1-0 defeat to Juventus on Tuesday night
However, Scholes believes he has seen signs from recent games against Newcastle and Chelsea that things are not as bad as they were
And he is confident Mourinho can turn his old side's form around soon. Asked if he would sack Mourinho if he was in charge, Scholes said: "No I wouldn't
"He's got a great record, he's been at big clubs, won massive trophies. "He's done it in the first year here, it's been a struggle since then
"But I think he has the experience to turn it around. "And I think in this last couple of weeks he's been a little bit different
"I think his attitude has been a little bit better towards players. "But United are still 10th in the league
"This game (against Juventus) doesn't really matter tonight, they're still going to qualify from the group
" Manchester United will look to return to winning way when Everton visit Old Trafford on Sunday (4pm)
Marco Silva's side have won their last three in the Premier League. United then face a trip to Bournemouth on November 3
Officials hold I-81 meeting to discuss improvements - Duration: 2:06.
I-Team: Jiffy Lube Denies That Oil Change Caused SUV Fire - Duration: 3:26.
'I'm just sad every day': Kyle Plush's parents talk about the worst day of their lives - Duration: 4:23.
Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion [AIRCO, HANDSFREE, CRUISE] - Duration: 1:02.
hola buenas tardes bienvenidos a La CIUDAD DE MEXICO hoy es sabado Feliz
semana I hope you all had a lovely week and you're also having a great weekend
Condesa is arguably one of the most popular areas to stay in Mexico City
despite the fact that I just walked past a guy urinating up against a tree but
never mind that it's also full of fantastic beautiful
and colorful architecture it's full of restaurants it's full of bars and it's
full of cafes but I don't like it what okay bare with me this video is not a
negative video about Condesa I don't really like Condesa
purely because it's just not my kind of area okay when you're a traveler when
you travel a lot there will be some areas that you just don't want to and I
haven't warmed to Condesa you might think that Condesa is not my
kind of area because of the expense yes it's an expensive area to stay in Mexico
City and yes that is a factor if I'm honest but the other reason is much more
important than that which I'm going to cover in this video I absolutely
understand as a tourist that maybe you have a bit more money that is in Mexico
City for a short period you will probably stay in Condesa and yeah I
probably would as well if I was a tourist but the fact is I'm not a
tourist I've been traveling full-time for the last two years while working
online so I look for different things in terms of my travel which we're going to
go into a bit more now so where else could you stay in Mexico City you could
stay in Condesa or you could stay in Balderas!
Ninos Heroes sorry I can never pronounce that and you could even stay in doctores
so you might be thinking that some of these areas look like absolute hell
holes for example there's a building behind me graffiti smash windows things
like that you might be thinking that these areas are noisy chaotic full of
locals and potentially you might not feel safe particularly at certain times
of the day and they're all valid points who cares if not what travel is all
about at least it for me it's about having an authentic experience in a
country and some of that Condesa for me isn't authentic you know one of the
things I wanted to do when I came to Mexico for the first time my hair is
annoying me is dispel the myth about Mexico that it's a dangerous and horrendous country you
know modern media like YouTube craps all over mainstream media so when you're in
Mexico I implore you to come to areas like this
to experience the real Mexico
now of course there are some areas which I would not recommend you go to Mexico
City I did a video recently about is Mexico City safe on the whole it is but
there are some areas that I would advise not going to for example Tepito I
believe it's never one known for drug dealers
Garibaldi Guerrero I lived in Guerrero right next to the metro station for
about a month I didn't have an issue at all but just down the road and Garibaldi
is also an area that's known for that kind of thing violence etc there was a
shooting there on Independence Day weekend so obviously there are areas
just like in every city where you do have to look out I'm not saying these
areas are perfectly safe and that you're never going to have a problem here but
you know think about your home you know London I don't live in Buckingham Palace
I live in a hellhole shithole area in West London it's normal it's boring it's
everyday life and that's what I'm talking about experience everyday life
in Mexico City so I know in my final stop of the day which is Doctores
yes I live in Doctores many of you have warned me many of you have been
surprised about the fact that I'm staying here many people can't
understand why I'm living in Doctores my Airbnb it's just down that road and you
know what it's the cheapest air B&B in the whole of Mexico City, am i a cheapskate
maybe I am do I care no like I said at the beginning of a budget traveler okay
I am a travel full-time for a living I'm not gonna spend and waste money on
someone I'm Condesa when it's not necessary if I can find somewhere
cheaper that does the job it's got bad it's got Wi-Fi that's all I need then
I'm gonna do it you got a park over there very nice
so yeah this park is very nice you've got people walking their dogs over there
you might have people sleeping on benches at night you might have a guy
outside my apartment sleeping in his car for the whole time I've been here
that's life that's city life it happens in your city
the thing about Doctores is that you might have seen lots of videos where
doctores is mentioned as one of the places that people shouldn't go
solutely disasterous if you stay here there was a shooting over the road last
week outside Oxxo, how many times has that happened in my entire time in
Mexico City? once that's it do I feel unsafe because of it no I
don't because I'm used to living in this sort of place you have to be streetwise
and use your whiles as I said in the last video about safety you know doctores
there's nothing here all right I'm not going to lie and say that it's this
amazing wicked place because it's not it's just regular and normal it's pretty
much the home of car mechanics down that road down there there's loads of places
fixing cars changing tires the smell of oil there's dog poo everywhere people do
not pick up their dog poo but despite all that do I still like it of course I
do this has been my home for the last month so yeah welcome to Doctores so
if you've enjoyed seeing the contrast between somewhere like Condesa
and what I call the real Mexico see why not leave a like down the bottom and
more importantly leave a comment I will be very interested to hear your thoughts
on other areas of Mexico City if you've been to Mexico City did you stay in
condesa what were your thoughts on it or like me have you stayed somewhere
else and what were your thoughts you get the gist and also don't forget to
subscribe my place is just over the road now so I'm gonna go home thank you for
watching I'll see you in the next video I'll catch you later
thank you
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I SOL [AIRCO TREKHAAK ALLSEASON] - Duration: 1:11.
How I organize photos on the computer / My workflow. - Duration: 14:20.
Citroën C3 1.4i-16V Ambiance Clima LPG-G3 - Duration: 1:08.
美軍基地這下危在旦夕了!戰艦迅速撤離,只因這敵人招惹不起 - Duration: 8:52.
【MMD||DL】Bellyache【It's my birthday!】 - Duration: 2:14.
Man Utd transfer news: Jose Mourinho receives £99m warning - 'He's worth more than Pogba' - Duration: 3:15.
Jose Mourinho is keen to sign two more players before tomorrow's 5pm deadline and midfielder Milinkovic-Savic remains a priority on his wishlist
United have been strongly linked with a move for the 23-year-old but Lazio are playing hardball over any potential deal
Reports in Italy claim Mourinho has ordered super agent Jorge Mendes to work on a deal to bring the Serbian to Old Trafford
However, Lazio's president Claudio Lotito has revealed the hefty fee the Red Devils will have to fork out if they want to secure his signature
Lotito claims he is worth way more than the £89m United spent on Paul Pogba two summers ago
MAN UTD TRANSFER NEWS: LIVE UPDATES "Sergej is the best young midfielder in the world, and he has a great margin for improvement," Lotito said
"However, so far, no one has come forward. I haven't received any offers from Milan or Juventus, let alone from Real Madrid and Manchester United
"I certainly won't push to sell him, but if you ask me how much he is worth, then I need to remind you that last year I turned down €110m
"How much was Pogba sold for to Man United? Then Milinkovic-Savic is worth even more, because he's much better
"Now rest assured, I'm not interested in loan formulas or technical counterparts
" United's decision to enter the bidding for Milinkovic-Savic could depend on Pogba with the Frenchman reportedly keen to leave for Barcelona
Express Sport understands United are furious with Pogba's agent, Mino Raiola, as he looks to negotiate a deal with the Catalan giants
United have rejected out of hand a double player-plus-cash deal for Pogba from the Spanish club
Their offer of £44.6million plus defender Yerry Mina and midfielder Andres Gomes was laughed off by United's hierarchy – but they are not happy with Raiola for giving encouragement to Barca
But United may have to look elsewhere to raise transfer funds with the club adamant the France World Cup winner remains a vital part of their plans despite his problems with Mourinho last season
OKTOBERFEST IN GERMANY 2018 ലക്ഷ കണക്കിന് ലിറ്റർ കള്ള് കുടിക്കുന്ന ആഘോഷം I WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLE - Duration: 11:48.
my name is Siyad Rawther
today, I am inviting you to the the world's largest Volksfest the original Oktoberfest in Munich
the Oktoberfest is celebrated in Munich
Munich is the capital of the state of Bavaria in the country Germany in Central Europe
everywhere in the city you will find boards with a glass of beer and the word "Festwiese
we are going to the station "Theresienwiese" where the Oktoberfest is happening
there are a lot if people here
if you are going to Oktoberfest, try to get in in the morning, at about 10am
otherwise the tents will be full and they will not allow anybody to go in
we are late, but we will try to get in
we are already late, it is about 12 o'clock
we don't know if it is already full
this is my friend Melvin, (we joking in Malayalam)
if you want to go to Oktoberfest, you should book your hotel very early
otherwise, you will not find any accommodations and it will be very expensive
this grilled fish is typical of Bavaria
this is a "Hecht" (German), a freshwater fish
this is a special sausage called "Currywurst"
I am Bavarian
Oktoberfest is celebrated on the Theresienwiese
it is a meadow in the city centre of Munich
Oktoberfest is the most important traditional celebration in Bavaria
Oktoberfest is a beer fest
on Oktoberfest, everybody is drinking one litre glasses of beer
this one litre glass is called a "Maß Bier"
it costs about 11 to 12 Euro
people are drinking about 8 million beer in two weeks
men as well as women are drinking a lot
they have lots of small and big beer tents
some tents will only let you in if you have a reservation
at Oktoberfest, there are people from all over the world
in two weeks, there more than 6 million people attending
Oktoberfest will start at the end of September and last until the end of the first week of October
it lasts about 16 to 18 days
another suggestion: if you are coming to Oktoberfest
you will not get in with a backpack
they can keep your bag outside but you'll have to wait for hours to get it back
you should not take a backpack with you
people are not only coming to drink
there are lots of different fun things to do
there is an amusement park with different rides
you can have a great time with friends and family there
if you liked this video, please share it with your friends
please leave your valuable suggestions and opinions in the comment section
if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet, please do so
and click the bell button to get notifications for new uploads
see you soon
wish you all the best
Historia de Portugal, Volume I, Das Origens à Revolução de 1245-48 - Duration: 58:07.
緣分早已注定,會相守一生的星座,最有緣分的星座組合 - Duration: 6:06.
美公布衛星照,疑似唐級核潛艇浮出水面?看完一組數據後美國臉色鐵青 - Duration: 6:38.
不理會美國的抗議,多次為中國雪中送炭,中國拿出國之重器報恩 - Duration: 4:12.
美國威脅退出中導條約 俄羅斯要求中國加入 這是兩國上演的雙簧? - Duration: 5:13.
Medical Marijuana Push - Duration: 2:32.
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Eyes on Worlds: G2 Wadidの帰郷(2018リーグ・オブ・レジェンド World Championship Quarterfinal) - Duration: 15:41.
President Donald Trump Denies Cellphone Use In Tweet From iPhone | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 6:54.
hola buenas tardes bienvenidos a La CIUDAD DE MEXICO hoy es sabado Feliz
semana I hope you all had a lovely week and you're also having a great weekend
Condesa is arguably one of the most popular areas to stay in Mexico City
despite the fact that I just walked past a guy urinating up against a tree but
never mind that it's also full of fantastic beautiful
and colorful architecture it's full of restaurants it's full of bars and it's
full of cafes but I don't like it what okay bare with me this video is not a
negative video about Condesa I don't really like Condesa
purely because it's just not my kind of area okay when you're a traveler when
you travel a lot there will be some areas that you just don't want to and I
haven't warmed to Condesa you might think that Condesa is not my
kind of area because of the expense yes it's an expensive area to stay in Mexico
City and yes that is a factor if I'm honest but the other reason is much more
important than that which I'm going to cover in this video I absolutely
understand as a tourist that maybe you have a bit more money that is in Mexico
City for a short period you will probably stay in Condesa and yeah I
probably would as well if I was a tourist but the fact is I'm not a
tourist I've been traveling full-time for the last two years while working
online so I look for different things in terms of my travel which we're going to
go into a bit more now so where else could you stay in Mexico City you could
stay in Condesa or you could stay in Balderas!
Ninos Heroes sorry I can never pronounce that and you could even stay in doctores
so you might be thinking that some of these areas look like absolute hell
holes for example there's a building behind me graffiti smash windows things
like that you might be thinking that these areas are noisy chaotic full of
locals and potentially you might not feel safe particularly at certain times
of the day and they're all valid points who cares if not what travel is all
about at least it for me it's about having an authentic experience in a
country and some of that Condesa for me isn't authentic you know one of the
things I wanted to do when I came to Mexico for the first time my hair is
annoying me is dispel the myth about Mexico that it's a dangerous and horrendous country you
know modern media like YouTube craps all over mainstream media so when you're in
Mexico I implore you to come to areas like this
to experience the real Mexico
now of course there are some areas which I would not recommend you go to Mexico
City I did a video recently about is Mexico City safe on the whole it is but
there are some areas that I would advise not going to for example Tepito I
believe it's never one known for drug dealers
Garibaldi Guerrero I lived in Guerrero right next to the metro station for
about a month I didn't have an issue at all but just down the road and Garibaldi
is also an area that's known for that kind of thing violence etc there was a
shooting there on Independence Day weekend so obviously there are areas
just like in every city where you do have to look out I'm not saying these
areas are perfectly safe and that you're never going to have a problem here but
you know think about your home you know London I don't live in Buckingham Palace
I live in a hellhole shithole area in West London it's normal it's boring it's
everyday life and that's what I'm talking about experience everyday life
in Mexico City so I know in my final stop of the day which is Doctores
yes I live in Doctores many of you have warned me many of you have been
surprised about the fact that I'm staying here many people can't
understand why I'm living in Doctores my Airbnb it's just down that road and you
know what it's the cheapest air B&B in the whole of Mexico City, am i a cheapskate
maybe I am do I care no like I said at the beginning of a budget traveler okay
I am a travel full-time for a living I'm not gonna spend and waste money on
someone I'm Condesa when it's not necessary if I can find somewhere
cheaper that does the job it's got bad it's got Wi-Fi that's all I need then
I'm gonna do it you got a park over there very nice
so yeah this park is very nice you've got people walking their dogs over there
you might have people sleeping on benches at night you might have a guy
outside my apartment sleeping in his car for the whole time I've been here
that's life that's city life it happens in your city
the thing about Doctores is that you might have seen lots of videos where
doctores is mentioned as one of the places that people shouldn't go
solutely disasterous if you stay here there was a shooting over the road last
week outside Oxxo, how many times has that happened in my entire time in
Mexico City? once that's it do I feel unsafe because of it no I
don't because I'm used to living in this sort of place you have to be streetwise
and use your whiles as I said in the last video about safety you know doctores
there's nothing here all right I'm not going to lie and say that it's this
amazing wicked place because it's not it's just regular and normal it's pretty
much the home of car mechanics down that road down there there's loads of places
fixing cars changing tires the smell of oil there's dog poo everywhere people do
not pick up their dog poo but despite all that do I still like it of course I
do this has been my home for the last month so yeah welcome to Doctores so
if you've enjoyed seeing the contrast between somewhere like Condesa
and what I call the real Mexico see why not leave a like down the bottom and
more importantly leave a comment I will be very interested to hear your thoughts
on other areas of Mexico City if you've been to Mexico City did you stay in
condesa what were your thoughts on it or like me have you stayed somewhere
else and what were your thoughts you get the gist and also don't forget to
subscribe my place is just over the road now so I'm gonna go home thank you for
watching I'll see you in the next video I'll catch you later
thank you
Fãs detonam look de Anitta no prêmio 'Latin American Music Awards' - Duration: 2:17.
Simone manda recado direto para Neymar Jr. e Bruna Marquezine: ''A coisa não está fácil'' - Duration: 2:00.
Police investigate baby boy's death - Duration: 1:48.
Gleici Damasceno e Wagner Santiago são flagrados em momento romântico na praia - Duration: 1:40.
Camila Pitanga radicaliza e aparece com novo visual para próximo trabalho na TV - Duration: 1:54.
Kosierz - Abandoned Mansion #20 - Duration: 5:14.
Hi! This time I'm in a small village called Kosierz.
It's in Krosno Odrzanskie district.
About 7km from Dabie.
So what is there?
There is a mansion. It's falling into ruins.
It was built around 1700.
It's in bad shape. It's dangerous to walk here.
I'll try to go in here. It looks better there.
Demolished roof.
I mean the floor.
There is a bird flying.
Now some history:
In 1854 this mansion was rebuilt.
As I said earlier It was built around 1700.
So it was rebuilt after about 150 years.
There was a second floor renewed in that time.
And there was made also a new roof then.
This style...
Oh, that's cool.
This style is a Baroque style as you can tell by the look of this place.
Windows are bricked up. There was a fireplace.
That building had multiple floors. It was made from bricks.
The courtyard is from driveway side.
That's just for curious people.
That's how it looks. Nice.
Nice embellishment.
What's that?
Like in the cinema. A place for projectors.
Really, what's that holes?
Four small windows.
Small room.
I cannot go there.
Somebody bought this place in 1990.
This person didn't take care of this place.
And that's how it looks now.
I'll try to go to the second floor if there is any.
I think there is no upper floor.
Even if there is a second floor there is a question if it won't collapse.
Now I'm in a main hall.
There is everything collapsed.
I'll see that stairs later.
Was I here? I'm not sure.
Another stairs.
But you know. This wooden construction is totally rotten.
I'm not gonna risk.
Maybe I'll just take a look.
To see what's there.
Look here.
Heh. This floor is just barely hanging.
I don't know if I mensioned but there are two small ponds.
There is one.
The second one is at the opposite side.
I was hoping to find something more here.
But unfortunatelly nothing more interesting here.
It starts to rain.
Big part of this object is totally destroyed.
It's not safe here.
Looks like a bathroom or kitchen. Because of this tiles.
Steel bars in the window.
And also somebody bricked up this window.
Anyway I'm not gonna show you more.
There is nothing more interesting.
I'm not gonna delete this video because of this reason.
I'll just upload this as a small curiosity.
So I'm going to the exit.
That's all. Thank you for watching. See you next time.
O'Rourke in East Texas - Duration: 1:33.
Negocios, Emprende con Libros Personalizados para Niños - Duration: 2:23.
美公布衛星照,疑似唐級核潛艇浮出水面?看完一組數據後美國臉色鐵青 - Duration: 6:38.
錦織、64分決着の"美しきダウンザライン"に海外喝采「すべてO-Kei」「鋭くてタフ」 - Duration: 3:22.
Nick Jonas dá presentão de R$ 28 milhões para noiva, Pryianka Chopra - Duration: 2:09.
Presenta AMLO compromisos de seguridad; pide no descartar la amnistía - Duration: 1:50.
Indicó que el Plan de pacificación considera nueve puntos a manera de compromisos, estos incluyen no apostar por la guerra, las masacres o el exterminio, así como crear el consejo nacional permanente para la paz
Señaló el presidente electo que la decisión fue después de recibir el informe de los Fotos Escucha, convocados por su equipo para recabar opiniones de la población sobre la situación del país
"No apostar a la guerra, el próximo gobierno compromete a esto. Esto, entre otras cosas, implica no optar por el exterminio de los seres humanos, el que no haya masacres en nuestro país, el que podamos garantizar la paz y la tranquilidad sin el uso externo de la fuerza", indicó ayer durante el acto en el Archivo General de la Nación
Además hizo el compromiso sobre las fuerzas federales, indicó que tendrán formación en materia de derechos humanos, además aseguró que antes de elegir a Luis Cresencio Sandoval y José Rafael Ojeda, pidió informes a la CNDH
Indicó que el Plan de pacificación considera nueve puntos a manera de compromisos, estos incluyen no apostar por la guerra, las masacres o el exterminio, así como crear el consejo nacional permanente para la paz
Finalmente pidió no descartar la amnistía ya que buscarán el equilibrio entre la justicia y el perdón, aseguró
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