(upbeat music)
Kyle Graham.
Morning, your Honor.
Morning, sir.
Mr. Graham, you're charged with going through a red light
on North Main Street and Branch Avenue.
Yes, sir.
This was at 6:16 in the evening.
I don't know if it was me.
I don't know if it was my son.
Because I go to Miriam Hospital for treatments
for my legs
and at that time, I might have had to rush or rush home
or my feet might have got stuck on the gas pedal.
'Cause my legs are not that great.
At that time, I was doing a lot of treatment
and my legs was not that great.
They get stuck.
I couldn't drive that well.
I couldn't function that well.
Your foot got stuck on the gas.
No, it's my leg.
It was my legs. Your leg got stuck.
It might have, I don't know.
I don't remember what happened, to tell you the truth.
Suppose somebody was crossing the street.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't even remember 'cause my legs--
No, you don't remember.
You got memory loss
and your foot gets stuck on the gas pedal.
Anything else you wanna say to incriminate yourself?
No one was crossing the street, I know that.
Oh, no one was crossing the street.
No, no one was crossing
the street. Thank God.
Glad I wasn't in the area.
No one was crossing the street.
We're gonna take a look at it.
He's in the middle lane Your Honor.
Which vehicle is his?
What was the time on that?
0.3 Your Honor.
The statute provides that if you
pass a red light on camera,
and the time is 0.2, they don't charge you.
That's 2/10 of a second.
You were 0.3.
The difference between 0.2 and 0.3 is so infinitesimal,
that I give a break on it.
So, I'm probably gonna give you a break
but I'm concerned about what you just, seriously,
I'm concerned about what you just told me.
I don't want you to place yourself in jeopardy
or anyone else so you have that issue
where your foot, your leg
gets stuck or you can't control it.
You should not be driving.
That was at that time.
I'm okay now.
Oh, you've rectified the problem?
Yes, sir.
Oh, I'm sure, you've rectified the problem.
Yes, sir.
Fully in remission now.
Oh, it's because of a medical condition you have?
Yes, 'cause of a medical condition.
And you really don't have to
tell us your medical condition.
That's very private with you.
But, we're all wishing you well
and hope that everything works out,
whatever the medical condition is.
Based on the time, the matter will be dismissed.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, sir.
Have a good day.
I was happy to hear Mr. Graham is in remission
and hopefully headed for a full recovery.
But his case does bring up an important issue.
Safe driving demands your full concentration
and complete control of your motor skills.
If you have a medical condition,
please, take the time to heal your body
and clear your mind.
Trust me.
Your family, friends, and fellow motorists
will all appreciate it.
(guitar solo)
Counsel, you identify yourself for the record?
Susanna Koetter for the defendant.
This is point number 15-115 charges Jasmine Pacheco with
disorderly conduct.
The matter is,
in my judgment a serious matter
because it involves two young children.
Evidently Ms. Pacheco has two children,
Tristan who is five years old
and Avery who is one year old, not one yet.
The children have been staying with a grandmother
and according to the police report,
Ms. Pacheco went there last night to get the children
and the grandmother wouldn't release the children.
According to the report, the grandmother alleges
that the children have been there for several weeks
and she hasn't been there to pick them up.
And it's a question about custody
and Ms. Pacheco said she had custody
but she went to her house, she couldn't find the papers.
So the police arrive.
The police had to make a decision.
They called DCYF.
DCYF says we don't have a case on this
but we'll look into it.
In the meantime, they advised the police to
have the children stay where the police thought
it would be in the best interest of the children
for the night.
Well the hour was late, it was after 9:00 last night
when all this happened.
And so the police determined that
because the little baby was sleeping
that the children would stay with the grandmother.
And then Ms. Pacheco became somewhat irate
and as they were leaving, she attempted to get back
into the house and disobeyed police commands
and they couldn't stop her
and she broke a column outside on the porch.
The grandmother wasn't interested in filing charges
for property damage but because of her unruly conduct,
police had to restrain her.
The charged her with disorderly conduct.
Yes, Your Honor.
This case is much more serious
than a disorderly conduct case
because it involves two young children.
How do you plea?
Your Honor, my client admits
that she was overly emotional last night.
She is going to DCYF today to begin the process
of dealing with this in a more formal channel.
But she will admit that she was a little bit disorderly
last night and she pleads no nolo Your Honor.
By my inclination,
is to plea her a not guilty.
And I wanna sit her down for trial.
Because I'm concerned with that what's gonna happen now.
Because right now, the situation is unsettled.
The children are still with the grandmother.
She wants the children.
I really don't know
what's in the best interest of the children.
Yes Your Honor.
Other agencies that will make that decision.
I understand DCYF will get involved.
At that point, DCYF or the family court
or some other agency that is empowered to make that decision
will make that decision.
In the meantime, if all of that gets resolved
and there's an amicable solution
and I am satisfied that the channels are followed,
the children are being properly being cared for,
then I'll dismiss this.
But until that happens,
I don't wanna make a decision on this case.
Okay, that's fair.
Is there anything else you wish to tell me?
No, Your Honor.
That's fair.
She was planning to go to DCYF after this anyway.
Good luck to you.
As you saw, the public defender recommended that
her client plea nolo to the disorderly conduct charge.
The term nolo is short for nolo contendere,
a latin phrase which means I do not wish to content.
The nolo plea means that the defendant neither admits
nor disputes the charge.
But it has the same immediate effect as a guilty plea.
In this case, I felt that it would be better for Ms. Pacheco
and her children if she pleaded not guilty.
Then we could set the case down for trial.
Hopefully, that will allow time for the custody dispute
to be amicably resolved
and I will be able to dismiss the charges
which in the long run, will hopefully be beneficial
to her and her children.
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For more infomation >> My Foot Got Stuck and A Custody Case - Duration: 7:09.-------------------------------------------
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it was one of the greatest ideas I've seen Tiny Beach Cottage
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《凉生》程家股票大跌,宁信制造怀有天佑孩子的假象,他这样拒绝 - Duration: 5:31.
如若巴黎不快乐:曼君看到佟卓尧发的信息,心里不由的伤心起来 - Duration: 5:30.
A European Thruhike - 2. Kapitel: Schmerzen - Duration: 7:03.
I took a two days break in Cazorla you can see down there,
due to an injury on my shin, that came pretty unexpected and strong
It's kinda good right now.
I definitiv had an inflammation in the muscles
but I hope that those two days helped them to recover a bit
and then the inflammation is about to go.
second chapter: pain
What day is today?
mhm, guess it is the 19th day, the 21st of December
Tonight was definitely the coldest night i had so far on the trail.
The rainfly was completely covered with ice
and even the condensate on the inside of my tent started to freeze
My injury apparently still hurts a lot
therefore: shorter days, take it slow and don't try to force it.
At the latest when I reach the end of Andalusia
I'm going to have another rest day anyway
also it's getting warmer there ...
... with less mountains.
So hopefully that's going to give me time to recover.
Is unbelievable how beautiful this nature park is!
It has only been two days here
but the landscape already changed tremendously.
So green, so many tall trees, deep ravines ...
... those stunning scarps, it's amazing!
I wish I could enjoy this scenic view more,
but I'm still in pain
and my head is full of thoughts
about the tour
I'm so afraid I have to end the trail
Even after the two days rest it didn't get better for long.
As most certainly ...
... it's not going to get better when I keep walking
But the situation gives me no other choice
im in this nature park and I have to make my way to the next closest city
December 22,
two days until Christmas:
I'm still hiking through the nature park of Cazorla
which is really beautiful ... still
but the ache is getting worse every day
and I can't really move my foot anymore
I'm limping in pain from one day to another
I desire
a couple of rest days to recover
But this is not possible right now.
I'm just not ready to end the tour
or I feel to proud.
I'm disappointed in myself and I refuse to take the bus!
It's so stupid to keep walking
but not everything that I do have to be logical, has it?
And as long as it is getting better I don't have to worry
if not ...
... I'll definitely reach the point where I have to end it
It is almost embarrassing how much I'm limping right now
Well, 20km left to go
and then I hope so so much ...
... that I'll reach some nice place
where I can take a break over the Christmas days.
Let's see.
It's day number 21.
Exactly 3 weeks on the trail
Right now I'm sitting on 1733m (5700ft) in height
and it's not getting higher anymore
Now I'm going to eat my winners-cookie ...
... to celebrate that I've come so far.
What can I say?
The pain in my shin is getting worse everyday
and ...
it doesn't look like this is going to change any soon
I'm pretty sure of that because the inflammation is just to much
I always feel so invincible when I'm on the trail
as like nothing can stop me.
My head ...
my head
definitiv wants to keep going.
But ...
you cannot win every war in your head
at least not this time , obviously.
I'm on the trail for a little bit over 3 weeks
and I made about 700km (430miles)
let's see how hitch hiking will work today.
I'm looking forward to see my family again,
but my inner pain to cancel the tour ...
... is pretty immense,
as you can imagine!
Therefore I'm going to say ...
Merry Christmas to all of you
we'll see us again in the new year.
North Cape is still the remaining goal
I'm looking forward to continue!
Take me in the smoke Breathe me in and let me go
Filling the lungs inside you
In the blackest night
Make my way into your mind
Just to know what you knew
Restless every time we start locking eyes
Lost control
Oh it's paradise with a nasty bite
In the dead of the night
Let the darkness take control
Let the darkness take control
Darkness take control
May the darkness take control
Take me in the smoke
Breathe me in and let me go
Sink to your heart to find you
Open up your eyes
'Til your blinded by the lies
So you can see what you do
Restless every time we start locking eyes
Lost control
Oh it's paradise with a nasty bite
In the dead of the night
Teardrops on the floor
The pain is over Feel the darkness Take control
Let the darkness take control
🔴 Live - [ Dota2 | HoN ] Suicide 24/7 :D - Duration: 0:27.
Lite tra Blasi e Corona al Gf Vip 3, interviene Belen Rodriguez: 'Casi su niente' - Duration: 4:24.
「Nightcore」→ Poker Face (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:29.
Nightcore - Poker Face (video includes subtitles)
3 PERGUNTAS 3 BEIJOS #2 - Duration: 5:47.
A Fazenda: Fernanda Lacerda e Evandro Santo discutem feio e peoa dispara: "Fala na minha cara" - Duration: 3:50.
Como perder 1 quilo de GORDURA CORPORAL com esses 2 métodos COMPROVADOS - Duration: 3:57.
✅ Elia e Jane Gf Vip, la scelta: "C'è stata ma ho fatto cose di cattivo gusto" - Duration: 2:21.
Foto gentilmente offerta da Ufficio Stampa Mediaset Gf Vip, Jane ed Elia hanno fatto la loro scelta Elia e Jane del Gf Vip 2018 hanno fatto un passo avanti importante
L'attrice ha lasciato il suo fidanzato Gianmarco e questo – come sa bene anche lei – porterà a delle conseguenze
Jane Alexander ha fatto la sua scelta e non sembra intenzionata a tornare indietro: "Non mi sono pentita per ieri
Questa mattina mi sono svegliata col pensiero che non c'è voglia di pensare a determinate cose che riguardano me da parte di quella persona con la quale vivo
Spero che mia mamma sia andata lì". Vuole che Gianmarco capisca le sue ragioni, anche se vorrà parlare con lui solo vis-à-vis
Non ci sarà nessun confronto al Grande Fratello Vip. Jane Alexander non vuole tornare indietro: Elia Fongaro è il suo futuro? "Potevano esserci modalità diverse – ha spiegato Jane Alexander durante la diretta di Mediaset Extra –
Ma cosa dico domani in diretta? Io non voglio dire in diretta a Gianmarco quello che voglio dirgli
Lo trovo di cattivo gusto. Già mi sembra che di cose di cattivo gusto ne ho fatte più di una
Le modalità che sto usando sono di cattivo gusto. Cosa aggiusto? So quali sono le conseguenze
Ho fatto una scelta". Jane ed Elia hanno fatto un passo importante. Ma comunque l'attrice è preoccupata per quello che potrebbe succedere al ragazzo: "Io vorrei che Elia non ne uscisse male da questa scelta
Ho fatto tutto io. Da sola". Grande Fratello Vip, Jane preoccupata per Elia: cosa succederà adesso? Jane ha riflettuto a fondo sulle decisioni che ha preso, soprattutto dopo gli attacchi di Cecchi Paone a Elia Fongaro
Cosa succederà adesso? I telespettatori non apprezzeranno la decisione di Jane (e quindi la manderanno a casa attraverso il televoto)? Jane è ben consapevole che non è riuscita a raggiungere l'obiettivo che si era prefissata e ridendo ha detto alle sue amiche: "Pensa che sono entrata qui dentro con la nomea di st***za ed esco con la nomea di st***za!"
A Fazenda 10: Luane e Léo Stronda tem 'DR' e peoa pede para Léo ser cauteloso com o que diz - Duration: 3:04.
Best Metal detector under 100€ Bounty Hunter Fast Tracker - Duration: 6:53.
end of October
just 6C in the morning
trees are changing colors
somebody probably spot my backpack
Had 2 choices
buy a cheap chinese one
but I do not know about them
some reviews says they are good, some not
or buy the cheapest from a well know brand
and thats what I did
this is a Bounty Hunter
I was checking Garret, but it was over my budget
this brand had good reviews
and I need one that was sumergible
the price was important, because I limit myself
the fast tracker is usually under 100€
it does not have a screen
you have to use noises to distinct metals
its 2 tones
depending on the tone, we can distinguish metals
Let´s go to another place with more metal
long time, I did not come around here
its an old train rail
not in use anymore
its on my way home
will walk all the rail
you never know what can be found
as you can see its really simple
one headphone jack
a on/off botton with sensitivity
now its one, more or less sensitivity
and the disc botton
one position for all metal
and we turn it right to start discrimination
high or low depending on the metal we want ot discriminate
of course most thing I will find will be trash
aluminium foil, cans....
to find something with value, its difficult
and more when you are starting, like me
I bought as well a cheap chinese shovel
its foldable , which is handy for me
to help me the search is good
more things about the fast tracker
its light
its plastic and aluminium
it carrys 2 9V batteries
and it can be adjusted in height
and not much more to tell, lets go
the result, as I was expenting,
cans, iron pieces
try to carry all this small ones and trow them away in the right place
more packing rings
not treasures yet
I have still a 1,5Km
my thoughts about the metal detector
it works great
you have to practice a lot to get used to the 2 tones,
the tones are short and long as well
with more practice I will be able to distinguish better objects
some thing with a screen detector, you have to get used and learn the meaning of the readings
about the shovel, Im happy for the price
it was just 6€
if you tight it well, it works great
I see you in another video, and will let you know about my findings
Okonomiyaki: Probando Comida Japonesa en Osaka - Duration: 7:39.
A Fazenda: Peões tomam terceira punição, ficam sem ovos e se revoltam | Vento Grande - Duration: 3:21.
FAB: Confira pré-agenda de março e abril da Esquadrilha da Fumaça - Duration: 2:12.
A Fazenda 10: Gabi Prado não perdoa e declara que não quer mais combinar votos | Vento Grande - Duration: 3:17.
HOW TO eBOOK // behind the scenes of our recipe book - Duration: 16:00.
what's up guys welcome back welcome back we're Eamon and Bec for those of you who don't know we
have been working non-stop basically what feels like 24/7 on our new recipe
book all of the recipes we printed or wrote out on those white sheets of paper
you saw in the windows and as you kind of saw there they've all been ripped
down which means they're complete we're basically done making and photographing
every single recipe we have like two left that we're gonna finish up this
week but we are so thrilled to be done and we wanted to kind of give you a look
into what it would be like making a cookbook so we just did kind of part one
of that last week and here is the last 5-6 days welcome back to the kitchen
everybody first I just want to say thank you to everyone for your positivity
about encouraging words on our latest video talking about our big project we
are making this cookbook we are on day four now working super hard in the
kitchen today we're working on a recipe that we think is going to change your
life I'm serious about that we want to have a few pantry staples and this one
I'm not gonna tell you two minute of it it's a dried burger mix or falafel mix
so you can just take all of the spices the herbs the oh it's like everything
that we recommend you put it into a mason jar or into a storage container
then any night of the week you can come home and whip these up just add water so
this is us cooking up on the cooktop here and this is what it looks like
already cooked it looks good but you can also of course put them in the oven
we get it is chewy and delicious when we say freestyle Friday we really mean that
we whip it up so I wish I was just filming that but as he does this he'll
just pretend he's measuring and then he'll go yeah about 1/2 T that's too
much holy that's salty what are you talking about that's wait that's too
salty this is a teaspoon this one already looks better
No so you like the lighter one because this
one's way less ingredients actually that's why I'm sending him to the
grocery store for tomorrow you ready and I am tackling day five though we've
become more smart with our recipes and we saved some breakfast so that we can
actually eat breakfast so it's early it's nine o'clock we've already made our
pancake recipe is that tomorrow no that looks so good oh it might be one too
much good yeah it's higher than the milk they go higher down a little bit we just
moved everything that's been complete to this one so it's 20 20 recipes so we're
halfway guys 25 and basically I was just saying to a man like would it be cool if
we took everything off this window we move everything over there and then like
the night before so for example today we're doing Buddha bowls they'll be like
right here and they move up with the check mark selector I like it to it so
this one here is a Rebecca Maroni original Wow
it's really helpful to sit down and spend a couple minutes trying to
evaluate how you want to style the photos and what props you need and it
looks like we we still need a few items to get through the day so a number of
you actually recommended we check out thrift stores in last week's videos in
the comments and that's a great idea so we're gonna head to Value Village to see
what they got
plate bowl
like spoon so many options we've only been here three minutes I know this is
definitely legit call yeah there's balls these plates this cute thing this attend
made this thing to put like bread with the napkin I don't know what that is
also this has got to be the busiest Valley Village ever been in my life
I guess it's Halloween but this place is crazy often here shoe number one with
Valley Village props close to 99 99 cents we own that cloth this is our
summer boudoir ball I think I'm gonna eat this right now I know what's gone on
here guys but when it comes to this ebook a lot of people are gonna think
it's all 'if it's this chick when she gets suited up just killing it on the
recipes this is her recipe I'm not gonna show you that but that's my small it is
little appetizers people are asking what we're doing with all the food to be
honest we've it's not that big of an issue for us it really is it and what it
is we invite everyone over and like we've fed him and set some pancakes this
morning so you know but we've been we've been really strategic like I said
earlier we've now learned like make one breakfast make one lunch I'm like make
one dinner and then it's your dinner and your breakfast we learn our mistake with
the smoothies we made we're smoothie though through all this what do you
think of that fall Buddha soul is the best thing around yeah it's insane right
so I don't know why people overcomplicate dressings the dressing is
four ingredients equal parts I could tell you what it is you gotta buy the
as you guys are seeing it is one thing to develop the recipe go grocery shop go
Prop Shop make the food stage the food take a photo of the food edit the food
but the worst of everything is what it takes to clean up all that food as if
you just did all those dishes nice try just spent an hour behind the
sink there but you know what my favorite thing to do I can't remember where I
first learned this was to change the words I have to do I get to and it's
pretty cool that we get to do this and hopefully make a living from doing
things like this so yeah I get to do this for my job and that is freaking
cool I get to do the dishes I get to edit some photos right now and
I'm super excited about that floor that sounds like you're really excited to do
it I can't take that away from you
what's up guys good morning III did to do two of the part two series no sneak
to the part two no it is we're expired on our rental stuff so
we're going back to that food group store and we're eating some of these
that we made for they cook the breakfast I didn't know that forgot to vlog but
successful we spent like double the amount of money but we kind of figured
it would get enough because 160 but it's a home with the discount that we're
gonna get right you remember that he gives you a 35% discount if you bring it
back within 48 hours so that's good right
I asked her like why it was so expensive or something like that I'm just like
well you chose all the premium stuff he's like yeah sounds about right
I have a premium premium pal I I'm not a premium spender but obviously like when
I'm picking out stuff and I don't gravitate towards like cool funky balls
over a white flame ball I chose of these two white balls
all right you want to go get a coffee yeah are we literally the same person
are you kidding me right now no need I need a coffee today we don't even drink
coffee I was literally just about to ask you can we go get a coffee we're gonna
go watch that's crazy where are we gonna do on
that's delicious great coffee thank you so much - have a
good one this coffee's are working I could just
ran into her start on the washroom and now I just ditched the cart to follow
her lead I don't know where the washroom is though
hey this way it's 12:30 we're just getting started which means we have
about five hours of good light five maybe six hours and we're trying to do
four recipes five recipes so let's go excellent how
you doing are you gonna be joining us for our five five meal of tapas well
today is our soup we're gonna start with soup and then we're gonna lead into a
mushroom stroganoff a sun-dried tomato pasta a Caesar salad and then finished
off with the chili guys I'm so excited to share this recipe with you this is a
one-pot mushroom stroganoff so simple so creamy so delicious what do you think
we're like blown away by this recipe okay probably the last shot of the day
and a man's got the blowtorch out so that's a good sign
okay let's show them this first before anything else okay so these are our
no-bake protein bars and he's remelting the chocolate to give you guys a glossy
finish what day is it today what's up Thursday yesterday it was
super successful today we got up early it's gonna be another amazing day
working on the e-book I think we've been really lucky because it's been overcast
which means that the light coming in has been really
really well lit with no shadows and now that it's sunnier outside we're getting
a lot of shadows so we're actually going to pick up this whole setting and move
it outside excuse me book by the highway our
neighbors are going to think we are cooked
little pro tip if you're wanting photos to look a little bit more robust you
don't to make a lot of food in a little phony how are you it's it's Eamonn this
is Eamonn your grandson yeah and what's the what's the verdict
yeah very nice the best you ever have is it the best you ever had
okay we have completed 43 recipes I can't even get a woot woot we just made
an amazing lentil of some surprise brownies it's just like you know but
it's day seven or eight today and we're feeling it for sure it's all good it's
all good it's all good what's up Texas welcome back to Canada
Texas in my head because we just sold an account to Texas got the chai wallah in
Texas we have got a crazy busy day look at the wall look at the wall there is
eight Wow we're smashing five of those right now
let's get at it I guess obsessed with the shadows now
that we've kind of noticed them so little folder today but here's the setup
hey go brother enjoy that all your spilling everywhere good
had a lot of questions in last week's video about where the food's going where
you bringing that Bob chef freezer and he needs to sign off on the recipes
there are two things we've been fighting about about this cookbook
number one I believe there's shadows inside I know there's shadows inside and
if we go outside it's like overcast enough over in front of our building
that it's beautiful lighting and Ayman never wants to go inside to shoot and
number two he wants to garnish everything with black pepper like every
dish needs black pepper on top or he's not happy and he just snuck some black
pepper on this curry and it looks like trash it was so pretty before I'm right
right no black pepper on the curry dish block black pepper on the curry dish
which photo is better come on some of you believe somebody vote for me just
going through the edits of today's show we're not showing out anymore what I
just want to show them this one that I photoshopped all gangster she's pretty
you see we didn't buy this much veg yeah but we've prepped it all yeah and took
that photo and then made the dish and then stamped it in the money and saving
food we just want to wrap up this video by saying thank you so much for your
encouragement with this new project we've been having so much fun learning
new skills and photography of food and just like just pouring our hearts into
something else yeah it's been a super intimidating process to think about 52
recipes and get your ideas kind of onto paper and then translate them into
photos and it's a huge huge daunting task and at first it was kind of like
let's just do it later let's do it we didn't think it was possible to do it
right so we figured we'd block off the past two weeks and just smash it and job
well done I have to say we're really probably really excited we're hoping to
have it live for you guys by Thanksgiving or at least the holiday so
stay tuned thank you for everyone who's been asking about that we will of course
keep you updated but yeah I hope you enjoyed the behind-the-scenes about this
got a little bit more cut out for her she's doing all that the text and
writing cuz those are not my specialties and I'll be running the business so
she's got a you got baby you got a pretty busy week huh yep
and it's your birthday don't forget it's your birthday this is going out on
Sunday then Monday is your birthday so make sure you write in the comments
below okay until next time guys we love ya come on I stay hungry
water,wind and food - Duration: 2:23.
Meghan Markle usa anel de Diana e vestido inspirado em deusa em jantar em Tonga - Duration: 4:10.
🔵 Enterate Como REJUVENECER EL ROSTRO De Manera Facil Y Natural - Duration: 6:45.
Sayedna Gohar Shahi Ka Imam Bargah Mein Khasoosi Khitab | ALRA TV - Duration: 56:30.
3D Model of Messerschmitt - BF-109 E - 6-123 Review - Duration: 3:26.
Volvo V40 2.0 D2 88kW/120pk 6-bak R-DESIGN BNS 14% Bijtelling CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + NAVI - Duration: 1:12.
Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC R-link, Climate, Trekhaak, Park. sens., Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:13.
My Foot Got Stuck and A Custody Case - Duration: 7:09.
(upbeat music)
Kyle Graham.
Morning, your Honor.
Morning, sir.
Mr. Graham, you're charged with going through a red light
on North Main Street and Branch Avenue.
Yes, sir.
This was at 6:16 in the evening.
I don't know if it was me.
I don't know if it was my son.
Because I go to Miriam Hospital for treatments
for my legs
and at that time, I might have had to rush or rush home
or my feet might have got stuck on the gas pedal.
'Cause my legs are not that great.
At that time, I was doing a lot of treatment
and my legs was not that great.
They get stuck.
I couldn't drive that well.
I couldn't function that well.
Your foot got stuck on the gas.
No, it's my leg.
It was my legs. Your leg got stuck.
It might have, I don't know.
I don't remember what happened, to tell you the truth.
Suppose somebody was crossing the street.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't even remember 'cause my legs--
No, you don't remember.
You got memory loss
and your foot gets stuck on the gas pedal.
Anything else you wanna say to incriminate yourself?
No one was crossing the street, I know that.
Oh, no one was crossing the street.
No, no one was crossing
the street. Thank God.
Glad I wasn't in the area.
No one was crossing the street.
We're gonna take a look at it.
He's in the middle lane Your Honor.
Which vehicle is his?
What was the time on that?
0.3 Your Honor.
The statute provides that if you
pass a red light on camera,
and the time is 0.2, they don't charge you.
That's 2/10 of a second.
You were 0.3.
The difference between 0.2 and 0.3 is so infinitesimal,
that I give a break on it.
So, I'm probably gonna give you a break
but I'm concerned about what you just, seriously,
I'm concerned about what you just told me.
I don't want you to place yourself in jeopardy
or anyone else so you have that issue
where your foot, your leg
gets stuck or you can't control it.
You should not be driving.
That was at that time.
I'm okay now.
Oh, you've rectified the problem?
Yes, sir.
Oh, I'm sure, you've rectified the problem.
Yes, sir.
Fully in remission now.
Oh, it's because of a medical condition you have?
Yes, 'cause of a medical condition.
And you really don't have to
tell us your medical condition.
That's very private with you.
But, we're all wishing you well
and hope that everything works out,
whatever the medical condition is.
Based on the time, the matter will be dismissed.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, sir.
Have a good day.
I was happy to hear Mr. Graham is in remission
and hopefully headed for a full recovery.
But his case does bring up an important issue.
Safe driving demands your full concentration
and complete control of your motor skills.
If you have a medical condition,
please, take the time to heal your body
and clear your mind.
Trust me.
Your family, friends, and fellow motorists
will all appreciate it.
(guitar solo)
Counsel, you identify yourself for the record?
Susanna Koetter for the defendant.
This is point number 15-115 charges Jasmine Pacheco with
disorderly conduct.
The matter is,
in my judgment a serious matter
because it involves two young children.
Evidently Ms. Pacheco has two children,
Tristan who is five years old
and Avery who is one year old, not one yet.
The children have been staying with a grandmother
and according to the police report,
Ms. Pacheco went there last night to get the children
and the grandmother wouldn't release the children.
According to the report, the grandmother alleges
that the children have been there for several weeks
and she hasn't been there to pick them up.
And it's a question about custody
and Ms. Pacheco said she had custody
but she went to her house, she couldn't find the papers.
So the police arrive.
The police had to make a decision.
They called DCYF.
DCYF says we don't have a case on this
but we'll look into it.
In the meantime, they advised the police to
have the children stay where the police thought
it would be in the best interest of the children
for the night.
Well the hour was late, it was after 9:00 last night
when all this happened.
And so the police determined that
because the little baby was sleeping
that the children would stay with the grandmother.
And then Ms. Pacheco became somewhat irate
and as they were leaving, she attempted to get back
into the house and disobeyed police commands
and they couldn't stop her
and she broke a column outside on the porch.
The grandmother wasn't interested in filing charges
for property damage but because of her unruly conduct,
police had to restrain her.
The charged her with disorderly conduct.
Yes, Your Honor.
This case is much more serious
than a disorderly conduct case
because it involves two young children.
How do you plea?
Your Honor, my client admits
that she was overly emotional last night.
She is going to DCYF today to begin the process
of dealing with this in a more formal channel.
But she will admit that she was a little bit disorderly
last night and she pleads no nolo Your Honor.
By my inclination,
is to plea her a not guilty.
And I wanna sit her down for trial.
Because I'm concerned with that what's gonna happen now.
Because right now, the situation is unsettled.
The children are still with the grandmother.
She wants the children.
I really don't know
what's in the best interest of the children.
Yes Your Honor.
Other agencies that will make that decision.
I understand DCYF will get involved.
At that point, DCYF or the family court
or some other agency that is empowered to make that decision
will make that decision.
In the meantime, if all of that gets resolved
and there's an amicable solution
and I am satisfied that the channels are followed,
the children are being properly being cared for,
then I'll dismiss this.
But until that happens,
I don't wanna make a decision on this case.
Okay, that's fair.
Is there anything else you wish to tell me?
No, Your Honor.
That's fair.
She was planning to go to DCYF after this anyway.
Good luck to you.
As you saw, the public defender recommended that
her client plea nolo to the disorderly conduct charge.
The term nolo is short for nolo contendere,
a latin phrase which means I do not wish to content.
The nolo plea means that the defendant neither admits
nor disputes the charge.
But it has the same immediate effect as a guilty plea.
In this case, I felt that it would be better for Ms. Pacheco
and her children if she pleaded not guilty.
Then we could set the case down for trial.
Hopefully, that will allow time for the custody dispute
to be amicably resolved
and I will be able to dismiss the charges
which in the long run, will hopefully be beneficial
to her and her children.
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it was one of the greatest ideas I've seen Tiny Beach Cottage - Duration: 1:54.
it was one of the greatest ideas I've seen Tiny Beach Cottage
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A European Thruhike - 2. Kapitel: Schmerzen - Duration: 7:03.
I took a two days break in Cazorla you can see down there,
due to an injury on my shin, that came pretty unexpected and strong
It's kinda good right now.
I definitiv had an inflammation in the muscles
but I hope that those two days helped them to recover a bit
and then the inflammation is about to go.
second chapter: pain
What day is today?
mhm, guess it is the 19th day, the 21st of December
Tonight was definitely the coldest night i had so far on the trail.
The rainfly was completely covered with ice
and even the condensate on the inside of my tent started to freeze
My injury apparently still hurts a lot
therefore: shorter days, take it slow and don't try to force it.
At the latest when I reach the end of Andalusia
I'm going to have another rest day anyway
also it's getting warmer there ...
... with less mountains.
So hopefully that's going to give me time to recover.
Is unbelievable how beautiful this nature park is!
It has only been two days here
but the landscape already changed tremendously.
So green, so many tall trees, deep ravines ...
... those stunning scarps, it's amazing!
I wish I could enjoy this scenic view more,
but I'm still in pain
and my head is full of thoughts
about the tour
I'm so afraid I have to end the trail
Even after the two days rest it didn't get better for long.
As most certainly ...
... it's not going to get better when I keep walking
But the situation gives me no other choice
im in this nature park and I have to make my way to the next closest city
December 22,
two days until Christmas:
I'm still hiking through the nature park of Cazorla
which is really beautiful ... still
but the ache is getting worse every day
and I can't really move my foot anymore
I'm limping in pain from one day to another
I desire
a couple of rest days to recover
But this is not possible right now.
I'm just not ready to end the tour
or I feel to proud.
I'm disappointed in myself and I refuse to take the bus!
It's so stupid to keep walking
but not everything that I do have to be logical, has it?
And as long as it is getting better I don't have to worry
if not ...
... I'll definitely reach the point where I have to end it
It is almost embarrassing how much I'm limping right now
Well, 20km left to go
and then I hope so so much ...
... that I'll reach some nice place
where I can take a break over the Christmas days.
Let's see.
It's day number 21.
Exactly 3 weeks on the trail
Right now I'm sitting on 1733m (5700ft) in height
and it's not getting higher anymore
Now I'm going to eat my winners-cookie ...
... to celebrate that I've come so far.
What can I say?
The pain in my shin is getting worse everyday
and ...
it doesn't look like this is going to change any soon
I'm pretty sure of that because the inflammation is just to much
I always feel so invincible when I'm on the trail
as like nothing can stop me.
My head ...
my head
definitiv wants to keep going.
But ...
you cannot win every war in your head
at least not this time , obviously.
I'm on the trail for a little bit over 3 weeks
and I made about 700km (430miles)
let's see how hitch hiking will work today.
I'm looking forward to see my family again,
but my inner pain to cancel the tour ...
... is pretty immense,
as you can imagine!
Therefore I'm going to say ...
Merry Christmas to all of you
we'll see us again in the new year.
North Cape is still the remaining goal
I'm looking forward to continue!
Take me in the smoke Breathe me in and let me go
Filling the lungs inside you
In the blackest night
Make my way into your mind
Just to know what you knew
Restless every time we start locking eyes
Lost control
Oh it's paradise with a nasty bite
In the dead of the night
Let the darkness take control
Let the darkness take control
Darkness take control
May the darkness take control
Take me in the smoke
Breathe me in and let me go
Sink to your heart to find you
Open up your eyes
'Til your blinded by the lies
So you can see what you do
Restless every time we start locking eyes
Lost control
Oh it's paradise with a nasty bite
In the dead of the night
Teardrops on the floor
The pain is over Feel the darkness Take control
Let the darkness take control
🔴 Live - [ Dota2 | HoN ] Suicide 24/7 :D - Duration: 0:27.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Brigitte Macron, comment rassure-t-elle son mari, qui se tue à la tâche ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:08.
Horribly Unhealthy Things That People Used To Think Were Good For You - Duration: 5:06.
When your doctor is hovering over you with a huge needle, it's natural to be nervous.
But it could be so much worse.
In the not-so-distant past, the treatment was often worse than the disease.
Here are some horribly unhealthy things people used to think were good for you.
This'll get your goat
Never underestimate the desperation of a man whose manhood isn't doing what it's supposed
While impotence treatments today are safe and commonplace, it used to be a pretty dicey
And it doesn't get much worse than when a quack "doctor" in the 1920s pitched the idea
of transplanting goat testicles into human scrotums to restore male virility and fertility.
This quack was John Richard Brinkley, whose story was made semi-famous in the acclaimed
2016 documentary Nuts!.
Brinkley - who had zero legitimate medical education or training - scammed countless
men into coming to his hospital and having their genitals mutilated, partly by buying
a radio station to advertise his 100% ineffective and dangerous surgeries.
While battling what ultimately amounted to more than a dozen wrongful death lawsuits,
Brinkley ran two unsuccessful campaigns for Kansas governor, but his cons eventually caught
up to him.
In 1941 he was sued into bankruptcy, and he died penniless a year later.
Give it a rest
Rest is a good thing, sure, but the so-called "rest cure" pioneered by Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell
in the Victorian era was anything but restful.
Mitchell's supposed cure was primarily used to treat women who were perceived as "hysterical"
or too "independent" - basically any woman who wasn't being docile and subservient to
Free-thinking women were at high risk of being prescribed a rest cure, and some of the more
famous victims included The Yellow Wallpaper author Charlotte Perkins Gilman and novelist
Virginia Woolf, famously played by Nicole Kidman in The Hours.
A woman prescribed to a rest cure was mandated to at least six weeks of enforced bed rest
without visitors.
Some patients weren't allowed to talk, read, or write, and were bathed and fed by a nurse.
A near-constant diet of fatty milk products were often force-fed, essentially turning
adult women into infants.
Blowin' smoke
Brushing your teeth and flossing every morning and night might be annoying sometimes, but
at least our mouths are not festering cesspools of rot, cavities, and disease.
Toothpaste is the dental industry's magic bullet, and whatever brand you squeeze onto
those bristles, you can be reasonably sure it's helping preserve your teeth.
Unless you're using an old tube of tobacco toothpaste.
Yep: tobacco toothpaste.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, there was an unfortunate misconception
in India for decades that tobacco was somehow a beneficial ingredient to put in your toothpaste
or tooth powder.
Not surprisingly, the practice of using tobacco toothpaste - better known as "creamy snuff"
- proved just as addictive as cigarettes, particularly among male schoolchildren.
Tobacco toothpaste was finally outlawed in India in the 1990s.
Meth malpractice
In the mid-1930s, a Berlin pharmaceutical company started selling a popular medicine
called Pervitin, which was said to boost your alertness, make you perform better, and generally
supercharge your day.
Sounds great, right?
Pervitin was sold across Germany as the best coffee substitute ever, and Nazi soldiers
loved the tablets so much they fondly nicknamed it "pilot's salt."
The problem?
Pervitin was actually meth.
But Nazi Germany was so enthralled with Pervitin that the drug was freely distributed to the
troops, meaning quite a number of Gestapo soldiers became hooked on the stuff.
The biggest meth fan of all, though, might've been Adolf Hitler himself.
Hitler's manic hypochondria led to him doing a lot of weird treatments, and by the end
of his life, he received daily pill cocktails and hard drug injections, including methamphetamines.
In too deep
Today, people diagnosed with schizophrenia are generally treated with a combination of
medication and psychosocial therapy.
However, from the 1930s until nearly 1960, the dominant treatment was deep insulin coma
therapy, where patients were induced into a coma on a near-daily basis through heavy
injections of insulin.
The scary practice was famously depicted in the 2001 film A Beautiful Mind, which shows
mathematician John Nash undergoing the procedure.
Even at the height of its popularity, insulin coma therapy never produced effective results.
But there were enough confirmed deaths and brain injuries that a brave doctor named Harold
Bourne finally sounded the alarm in 1953.
Bourne's demand for more evidence put him at war with the powers-that-be, and though
he was blacklisted at the time, his criticisms eventually led to the treatment falling out
of practice, saving thousands of lives.
My Foot Got Stuck and A Custody Case - Duration: 7:09.
(upbeat music)
Kyle Graham.
Morning, your Honor.
Morning, sir.
Mr. Graham, you're charged with going through a red light
on North Main Street and Branch Avenue.
Yes, sir.
This was at 6:16 in the evening.
I don't know if it was me.
I don't know if it was my son.
Because I go to Miriam Hospital for treatments
for my legs
and at that time, I might have had to rush or rush home
or my feet might have got stuck on the gas pedal.
'Cause my legs are not that great.
At that time, I was doing a lot of treatment
and my legs was not that great.
They get stuck.
I couldn't drive that well.
I couldn't function that well.
Your foot got stuck on the gas.
No, it's my leg.
It was my legs. Your leg got stuck.
It might have, I don't know.
I don't remember what happened, to tell you the truth.
Suppose somebody was crossing the street.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't even remember 'cause my legs--
No, you don't remember.
You got memory loss
and your foot gets stuck on the gas pedal.
Anything else you wanna say to incriminate yourself?
No one was crossing the street, I know that.
Oh, no one was crossing the street.
No, no one was crossing
the street. Thank God.
Glad I wasn't in the area.
No one was crossing the street.
We're gonna take a look at it.
He's in the middle lane Your Honor.
Which vehicle is his?
What was the time on that?
0.3 Your Honor.
The statute provides that if you
pass a red light on camera,
and the time is 0.2, they don't charge you.
That's 2/10 of a second.
You were 0.3.
The difference between 0.2 and 0.3 is so infinitesimal,
that I give a break on it.
So, I'm probably gonna give you a break
but I'm concerned about what you just, seriously,
I'm concerned about what you just told me.
I don't want you to place yourself in jeopardy
or anyone else so you have that issue
where your foot, your leg
gets stuck or you can't control it.
You should not be driving.
That was at that time.
I'm okay now.
Oh, you've rectified the problem?
Yes, sir.
Oh, I'm sure, you've rectified the problem.
Yes, sir.
Fully in remission now.
Oh, it's because of a medical condition you have?
Yes, 'cause of a medical condition.
And you really don't have to
tell us your medical condition.
That's very private with you.
But, we're all wishing you well
and hope that everything works out,
whatever the medical condition is.
Based on the time, the matter will be dismissed.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, sir.
Have a good day.
I was happy to hear Mr. Graham is in remission
and hopefully headed for a full recovery.
But his case does bring up an important issue.
Safe driving demands your full concentration
and complete control of your motor skills.
If you have a medical condition,
please, take the time to heal your body
and clear your mind.
Trust me.
Your family, friends, and fellow motorists
will all appreciate it.
(guitar solo)
Counsel, you identify yourself for the record?
Susanna Koetter for the defendant.
This is point number 15-115 charges Jasmine Pacheco with
disorderly conduct.
The matter is,
in my judgment a serious matter
because it involves two young children.
Evidently Ms. Pacheco has two children,
Tristan who is five years old
and Avery who is one year old, not one yet.
The children have been staying with a grandmother
and according to the police report,
Ms. Pacheco went there last night to get the children
and the grandmother wouldn't release the children.
According to the report, the grandmother alleges
that the children have been there for several weeks
and she hasn't been there to pick them up.
And it's a question about custody
and Ms. Pacheco said she had custody
but she went to her house, she couldn't find the papers.
So the police arrive.
The police had to make a decision.
They called DCYF.
DCYF says we don't have a case on this
but we'll look into it.
In the meantime, they advised the police to
have the children stay where the police thought
it would be in the best interest of the children
for the night.
Well the hour was late, it was after 9:00 last night
when all this happened.
And so the police determined that
because the little baby was sleeping
that the children would stay with the grandmother.
And then Ms. Pacheco became somewhat irate
and as they were leaving, she attempted to get back
into the house and disobeyed police commands
and they couldn't stop her
and she broke a column outside on the porch.
The grandmother wasn't interested in filing charges
for property damage but because of her unruly conduct,
police had to restrain her.
The charged her with disorderly conduct.
Yes, Your Honor.
This case is much more serious
than a disorderly conduct case
because it involves two young children.
How do you plea?
Your Honor, my client admits
that she was overly emotional last night.
She is going to DCYF today to begin the process
of dealing with this in a more formal channel.
But she will admit that she was a little bit disorderly
last night and she pleads no nolo Your Honor.
By my inclination,
is to plea her a not guilty.
And I wanna sit her down for trial.
Because I'm concerned with that what's gonna happen now.
Because right now, the situation is unsettled.
The children are still with the grandmother.
She wants the children.
I really don't know
what's in the best interest of the children.
Yes Your Honor.
Other agencies that will make that decision.
I understand DCYF will get involved.
At that point, DCYF or the family court
or some other agency that is empowered to make that decision
will make that decision.
In the meantime, if all of that gets resolved
and there's an amicable solution
and I am satisfied that the channels are followed,
the children are being properly being cared for,
then I'll dismiss this.
But until that happens,
I don't wanna make a decision on this case.
Okay, that's fair.
Is there anything else you wish to tell me?
No, Your Honor.
That's fair.
She was planning to go to DCYF after this anyway.
Good luck to you.
As you saw, the public defender recommended that
her client plea nolo to the disorderly conduct charge.
The term nolo is short for nolo contendere,
a latin phrase which means I do not wish to content.
The nolo plea means that the defendant neither admits
nor disputes the charge.
But it has the same immediate effect as a guilty plea.
In this case, I felt that it would be better for Ms. Pacheco
and her children if she pleaded not guilty.
Then we could set the case down for trial.
Hopefully, that will allow time for the custody dispute
to be amicably resolved
and I will be able to dismiss the charges
which in the long run, will hopefully be beneficial
to her and her children.
All rise and hit subscribe
so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one.
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INSANE CICHLIDS - You Won't Believe These Aquarium Fish - Duration: 10:27.
on the fly this is the Allred between what's tomorrow
male tear breather pack which is one male three female hot like deep referral
traffic goes cuz this dude is who I get my fish from he's got the champ and he
was doing it a long time his family's been doing it Mike D everybody knows
waiting from what you're doing show us some of your sexy bitch bro alright now
before I show you a bunch of Mike DS amazing fish that he brought to the
aquatic experience I want to give you a little backstory on my man first of all
the guys got an imperial tropical are great people they're also my age and
I've been down to their fish farm multiple times I actually stayed at my
man Jacobs house these guys sell a bunch of great fish on a period tropicals
dot-com they're also responsible for one two three four five six that's right 633
Long's that everybody wanted to get their grimy little fish tank fingers on
at the aquatic experience but couldn't at the end of the show Mike Dee who's
the man decided to give me the additional 637 hauls forty tall's if
you're a freestyler like me so I rolled away from the aquatic experience with 12
aquariums being pulled behind the wonderful back of my Toyota Sienna XLE
minivan oh by the way they also have amazing fish keeping facilities they
have multiple deep ponds that they periodically sing and pull out just
amazing fish you see how this is done here they also have multiple greenhouses
on site with 200 gallon concrete vats something I'm thinking about for green
house 2.0 where they raise all kinds of great cichlids rainbows you name it
so click links around here check out other videos from Imperial tropicals and
enjoy Mike these personal fish that he entered in the show I've seen you click
links around here blues plug goes the stuff
bring the heat right away dude got the big lift
don't go white lift with big lips oh god I love the little that is like the looks
that you want to kiss right there that's a beautiful fish man that's it
white lips that's a bad fish man it's perfectly named and the lips are perfect
on that fish how long had that fish dude that fish is probably two years old
nope Wow so we breed them we they don't not easy to breed so we don't have a
bunch of them but now working on getting a box because I got a bunch of people
waiting for
madoka white live wow this is another one of ours right here this is the
restrain us this is the predator hat from Lake Malawi yeah and I mean he's
looking great he needs a female to really shine but
he's still looking pretty that is a pimp fish man
but lake malawi yep you love them peacocks dude I love peacocks and half
sue them yeah you do agree oh they're great man that color is killer
and this is your fate son I love Oscars man you know how many
videos I've done we're asking just for number one I do they don't know I mean
they're bright orange like tell me the story on news fish man so we've been
coming down low I'm gonna get the good shot
so like one problem we had is getting a good picture of one because when they're
small they don't have that color so like we we've been growing this guy out for
almost two years now and he's a he's a stunner
yeah that full orange body on him that's really really really cool man because
that's a pretty defined orange on there and not a lot of blotchy and great work
man dude I do man they're just so I mean you just got so much chill and
personality and color like rich color everybody loves wall screws now like
having a true pet you know I'm saying that
interacts with oh yeah they do not care but just like oh what's
up and they're like near indestructible yeah they don't care man this fish is
just giving it to us how long you had this this fish is uh around to probably
103 you had his 15 years already people have been at steam room with all the
loops are everything else yeah gotcha how did she stay in a bad or seeing
about yeah we feed this board we got a Commodore diet and we feel nice the nice
little spotlight back to that's a great fish what else man don't forget to hit
that notification button as well as that subscribe button so you can make sure
you get more of these videos as we turn them out this is a
under strain of carpenter supper greeting so it's like the Texas cichlid
but this bright blue yeah
that is cool like the Texas the blue yeah I get it
the Fighting's not that good on the jet I bet he shines when I shine
that's a cool variety really popular and then the next I'm doing yours that's a
nice G oh that's you that's me Oh real what is that you Vegas let me
get all your fishing reel nice a toss Cousteau holy cow man where's he from
that's uh they come from Brazil Brazil Wow look at the red on that and that's
like full size right are close to it that's a beautiful fish man you got any
babies of that
Wow bump belong do you Figgis man they don't get enough
love what people don't get snatch troop size and quality yeah yeah tank bro yeah
I love his red why everybody knows go to period tropicals calm they got the good
check out their rainbows in my opinion and they always they do what I entry but
they're got this like this and their play rooms what else you got man
peacocks yeah bring those peacock oh you already got these on camera but yeah
keep take you to show me though so what are they so these are my banshees right
here common names like sunshine peacock but these would have ones too Wow I
brought in wall stock that's wild stock these are the babies wow man you brought
those in from Africa and then bred them and this is the first generation
halfpence f1 oh yeah right in front of your face man I mean BAM
wow dude that suit your first gen baby or yours
what fat those are beautiful dude I don't know anybody's doing half of
chromis like you do man let's peacock - that's a nice little bit different than
- I love it they're looking at each other - whoa my pleasure
nice Wow oh you love these fish man these are the Mike these buster right
here dragon blood you've always had them right dragon Bloods your vein
taking strain of driving that's a hot fish - I hate that I'm
looking at it through a camera oh man it looks like a pantheist really like a
saltwater fish bro but it's just a fat freshwater do the things like the
pattern on that fishes like I miss your Andrew on the camera here Oh Oh got it
nailed it that's it oh right in through the show too you
know like that's what they do that's why they're so fat you think I thought that
personality just for days like hold on it's like they thrive and they're like
the show
that's yours - yeah this is also
mon-star nice this is so pretty a lady had professed
yeah and you guys can't see it through the lens this fish has really really
bombed golden and tell these fish their colors in person are just unreal like
because it's got a golden same thing and I'm gonna like some light
against the camera and stuff so you're not seeing this as good as I am but
that's a great fish
these goofballs they're crazy I'll tell you my favorite is uh I think
that dude was my favorite flower horns they're pretty sick
mic dealings imperial travel if you don't know go check out their stuff they
got great fish
nice fish yeah thank you Caffrey son keeping it cool in here jyllian degrees
I'm used to it cuz I get to do stuff like this Jacob what we got dog I saw
these from the top like it I was like what are those these these are a hot
fish man these are more from the acara which is the Central American cichlid
right they get to be about a while but they're pretty pea seeds or grow outs
right are these sellers so it will son with the size okay yeah
and I think it bigger the color discus nicer yeah yeah you can see them just
from the top they caught my eye from the surface because I was like looking at
them like oh wow if you get them beware and they jump like crazy so their job
and there's South American Central America Central America we find them all
over the place and that's all over the place to say jump
The Untold Truth About Rick Ross! - Duration: 10:25.
From his strong start in the music business to his love of lemon pepper wings, here is
the untold truth about Rick Ross:
Number 12.
Rick Ross, known initially as William Leonard Roberts II, was born in Clarksdale, Mississippi
on January 28th, 1976; but, he was brought up in Carol City, Florida.
He received his diploma from Miami Carol City High School before getting a football scholarship
to Albany State University.
He began working under Suave House Records, where he initially went by Teflon Da Don;
it wasn't until the mid-2000s that he changed his professional name to Rick Ross.
He got this new stage name from "Freeway" Rick Ross, an author who faced a lot of legal
issues concerning substances in the past; but, the two of them aren't connected in any
Later on, he signed with Slip-n-Slide Records, which became an affiliate of Def Jam in 2006.
During this time, he did several live performances with Trick Daddy and was a guest on numerous
albums released by Slip-n-Slide Records.
Number 11.
Rise To Fame
Rick Ross released his first album in August 2006 titled Port of Miami, which made it to
the top of the U.S. Billboard 200 list of albums; it sold almost 190,000 copies within
a week of its release.
It was even predicted to be "the summer's biggest rap record" by Rolling Stone.
Ross was also featured on a couple of DJ Khaled's songs around the same time.
He released his second album, Trilla, in 2008, which also gained a lot of recognition.
In 2010, Ross came out with the Albert Anastasia EP as well as Teflon Don, his fourth album;
this record sold 176,000 copies within the first week.
After putting out another mixtape, working with Diddy, and signing other artists to Maybach
Music Group, Ross performed at the 2011 BET Awards and was nominated for Best Male Hip-Hop
At the beginning of 2012, he earned the title "Hottest MC in the Game."
Fast forward to 2017, and Rick Ross had accomplished many things; he released five more albums,
God Forgives, I Don't, Mastermind, Hood Billionaire, Black Market, and Rather You Than Me.
Number 10.
One of the most noticeable aspects of this famous rapper is his insane amount of tattoos.
Rick Ross has upwards of 100 of these permanent artworks that cover nearly his entire body.
His first tattoo was a dollar symbol that he had done when he was just 13 to 14 years
old, which was a sign of his future success.
He has several that say "Rest In Peace" dedicated to his father and his friends as well as Psalm
27, his favorite scripture of the Bible.
Rick Ross also has "Chill Will," his nickname from childhood, tattooed on his stomach.
His other tattoos include several skulls, his parents' birthdays, and a "W" on his forehead
that stands for "win."
Ross stated that he uses these works of art to remember various periods in his life and
that "[all of my tattoos are of] the different things that I love, different things that
I admire, different things that I will stand for… and different things that make me happy."
Number 9.
Rick Ross has three children.
His oldest daughter's name is Toie Roberts; she just had her Sweet 16 birthday earlier
this year, and her dad threw her a party...the likes of which most teens won't see in their
The birthday bash took place at Casa Casuarina, which used to be the Versace Mansion.
There were plenty of other famous people there, such as DJ Khaled.
Plus, to top everything off, Ross gave his daughter a brand new Bentley…
I guess there's no need for the used car dealership when your dad is Rick Ross.
His son is 12 years old, and his name is William Roberts III.
Ross has faced a lot of hardships concerning his son's mother, Tia Kemp, who sued him for
more child support money on a couple of different occasions.
However, it was reported that they reached a settlement.
Ross's third child was just born late last year; her name is Berkeley Hermes Roberts,
and her mother is Briana Camille, an Instagram model.
Although she's still tiny, Ross has already begun spoiling her with lavish gifts, including
a gold bracelet and some infant-sized golden flats.
Number 8.
No Sleep
Rick Ross has been a go-getter for years.
He started setting goals for himself at a young age, like when he got his dollar sign
tattoo in his early teens.
But, with constant work comes a lack of sleep.
Most of us need our eight hours of beauty rest per night or else we're not ourselves.
However, Ross is used to getting less than half of that amount at just three hours per
As soon as he woke up, he'd be off making music and staying motivated.
Nevertheless, getting hardly any sleep has had some adverse effects on him.
He's dealt with several medical problems, partially due exhaustion.
Number 7.
Video Games
Although a lot of music artists might seem too busy to play video games, Rick Ross always
makes time for one of his favorite pastimes.
He is an avid gamer, who has mentioned his enthusiasm towards them since he stepped onto
the scene.
He name-dropped Pac-Man in a song with the same title that he recorded with Pill.
The video from his song "No Games" features elements of GTA, a very popular video game
that revolves around various illegal quests and actions.
He enjoys gaming during breaks from the recording studio, and he has stated that he owns pretty
much every game out there.
Number 6.
Rick Ross is a rapper, of course, but did you know that he also owns restaurants?
Well… maybe not restaurants, per se, but franchises: Wingstop, to be exact.
He owned a whopping nine of these chains as of 2014, according to Forbes.
Ross stated in an interview with the company, "I just love Wingstop…
As you can see, the energy in here is always fun.
It's always youthful.
Not only that, you know they got my favorite lemon pepper wings in the world, so it's just
a natural attraction."
His adoration of the restaurant and its food paid off as well; it was reported that his
franchises helped him rake in around $7 million per year.
Nowadays, Ross is said to own up to 25 Wingstops… if you do a little math, that means he could
be making around $19 million annually just from chicken sales alone!
Number 5.
Legal Problems
Rick Ross has also gone through a lot of legal issues in the past.
At the beginning of 2008, he was arrested for a couple of different charges; then, in
August of the same year, DJ Vlad, a YouTuber, accused him of physical offenses.
In 2010, "Freeway" Ricky Ross sued the rapper for $10 million for stealing his name; he
also said he would prevent the release of Ross' new album.
However, this lawsuit was dismissed a little later.
A year after that, he was sued for basically the same thing.
The rapper Teflon Don filed a lawsuit against Rick Ross, who had titled his album Teflon
He was arrested again that same year for substance charges, and, in 2014, he was taken into custody
yet again.
Then, in 2015, Rick Ross and his bodyguard both came face-to-face with the law concerning
physical aggression toward a lands keeper.
Ross served some time in jail, had to pay $10,000, and was given probation.
Number 4.
Weight Loss
Rick Ross was always known partly as being a big guy.
He enjoys food, which isn't surprising since he owns so many franchises.
However, he had to lose weight to become healthier.
He started dieting in 2011 after facing some health problems partially due to being overweight.
His first significant loss was 75 pounds.
Ross had weighed 350 pounds at his highest but slimmed down rather quickly after the
recommendation from his doctor.
He went on to lose another 25 pounds, making it a total of 100 pounds (and possibly more).
He said that he still enjoys his favorite foods once in a while, but mostly eats healthier
things, like fruit.
When ABC News asked about how he keeps the weight off, he stated, "It's all about balance
to me…
I wanted to balance myself but still enjoy the things I love; so, if I lost weight one
year, the next year it wouldn't be right back on me."
He also said he does CrossFit four days per week; he called it "RossFit" jokingly, but
said that he likes where he's at and that he's feeling good and happy.
Number 3.
Correctional Officer
In 2008, Rick Ross got called out as being a fraud.
The lyrics of his songs often portray a person involved in various illegal activities, and
although he has been arrested on several occasions, his professional background is quite the opposite.
In fact, he used to be a man of the law, so to speak.
During this time, details of his past were revealed online.
He served as a correctional officer in Florida for over a year; even a photograph of him
wearing his uniform was published on a gossip website.
At first, Ross denied that the picture was of him; however, after more and more evidence
came to light, he admitted that he had worked as a correctional officer in the mid-1990s.
However, considering his other not-so-positive run-ins with law enforcement, who's to say
Rick Ross is faking anything?
Number 2.
Health Issues
Although he has been very successful and accomplished many goals, Rick Ross has also had to deal
with some difficult times.
When his doctor first told him to lose weight, it was because he had two seizures within
six hours in 2011.
It is said the result was because of extra weight and lack of sleep.
However, even after Ross made several changes to his lifestyle, he has recently faced more
health scares.
Earlier this year, an ambulance rushed to his Miami home after someone called 911 claiming
he wasn't responding, was having trouble breathing, and was "slobbing out of the mouth."
He was taken to the hospital and put on oxygen; but, the reasoning for this event isn't absolute.
Soon after he was released from the hospital, he experienced more health problems right
before he was supposed to go on stage for a concert in New York City.
It was reported that he had once again had seizures and was having more respiratory issues;
nevertheless, he went out to perform for the crowd anyway.
Although nobody is sure exactly what caused this, Ross has stated that he's feeling much
Number 1.
50 Cent
Rick Ross has had an ongoing feud with fellow rapper 50 Cent since 2009.
The clash began when 50 Cent apparently gave Ross a mean look during the 2008 BET Hip Hop
Although he denied the accusation, Ross' song "Mafia Music" contained several lyrics that
bad-mouthed the artist.
The feud continued when 50 Cent released "Officer Ricky (Go Head, Try Me)" to combat Ross, and
it went even further when the "Candy Shop" rapper came out with a series of "Officer
Ricky" cartoons.
He even interviewed Rick's baby's mother, Tia, in which she confirmed her ex's past
job as a correctional officer and made him look like a fraud.
Ross struck back with the song "In Cold Blood," depicting 50's funeral; he continued with
another diss track titled "Push 'Em Over The Edge."
The tension faded for a while; but, in 2013 50 Cent claimed once more that Ross was a
phony, which caused things to flare up again.
However, in 2014 Rick Ross decided to take the high road and said he was finished feuding.
In 2016, he was quoted saying, "At this point, my relationship with Curtis [50 Cent] is really
amusing, due to the fact that I'm the biggest L he ever took...I'm still enjoying my life.
My kids love me.
I'm blessed."
He said he isn't happy about 50's failed clothing line and bankruptcy but is happy to see that
he's still able to "hold his head up every day, [even] with all that weighing on him."
Despite his effort to end things, the animosity between the two rappers picked up once more;
after Ross' most recent health scare, 50 Cent posted comments making a joke of the entire
But, he deleted the posts later on, after finding out Ross had been hooked up to life
100 Cheap DIY Privacy and Fence Ideas for Your Garden | Garden Ideas - Duration: 13:59.
Kleefisch explains 'tweet storm' - Duration: 5:56.
Delightful Sea Ranch Charmer With Expansive Meadow Views | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 2:52.
Delightful Sea Ranch Charmer With Expansive Meadow Views
Martin Luther in His Own Words - Duration: 1:03.
Looking at that verse which says, "the righteous will live by faith" he said: "Though I
lived as a monk without reproach, I felt I was a sinner before God with an extremely
disturbed conscience and I could not believe that God was placated by my satisfaction.
Thus, I raged with a fierce and troubled conscience.
Nevertheless, I beat importunately upon Paul at that place, (Romans 1:17) ardently desiring
to know what St. Paul wanted. And I began to understand that the righteousness of God
is that by which the righteous live by a gift of God, mainly by faith.
The righteousness of God is revealed by the gospel—a passive righteousness by which the
merciful God justifies us by faith.
Here I felt, I was altogether born again."
When Showing The Property GOES WRONG!!!! Wholesale Real Estate - Duration: 9:55.
Alright guys, so we're out here at a property out in Englewood in
Chicago guys were waiting. It's me and Candance here. Hey guys
We're waiting on
Que and Bleu to pop-up right now. Those are a couple of my clients. We're gonna be going into this property
They they have a cash buyers scheduled to come out here in about 20 minutes guys
So we're gonna go in I'm gonna get some footage of the inside of this property
So you all can see it as well
And we're going to chat with Que and Bleu in a little bit in here as well guys. Stay tuned
Back here we go
All right guys
We're kind of out in the hood y'all to be a hundred percent honest
So, you know, I'm not trying to be on the to on blast just camera and stuff on people getting paranoid out here
Shoes on the front porch. You see that. it's real out here y'all. It's a real out here in the field
Anyway, this is the property guys
we are outside waiting on the buyer to pull up and
Yeah, we're gonna continue in a little bit
Let's get it so this is the front of the property
As you can see what's going on around here
You kinda see some of the community
So a nice quiet street, Not too much going on around here
So it's not too bad guys oh
Yeah this backyard is gonna need some work for sure
It's the top lock or the bottom lock? Should be bottom
You sure
I'm bout to call her
alright guys, so
We've been out here for about 20 minutes trying to get up into this property man do struggling out here man
the lady says that
She locked the top lock
The she liked the top lock and climbed out the window and we don't have a
Key to the top lock and that window is apparently locked because we damn sure can't open it. I have no idea
What's going on guys?
We out here trying to make it happen. I don't know
Okay, we just gonna have to deal with it and keep it going
Can we do we got our buyer out of here the buyers about to lead?
The buyers straight up about to pull off. There's some other random bar. Just pull it up
What's interesting?
Hi John, so we finally got into this property, uh, finally took long enough, but the
One of the family members came hopped in the window
Popped through that window somehow
And got us into the place guys. So long story short we in here got some nice fresh windows up in here
It's really really not much work that needs to be done apparently
This is the window that we were trying to go through the same
Look like he's kind of broken off the wall though, but it's easily fixable. I'm just gonna slide through here. So you all can
Check out this property. We got up here. Oh
Snaps another another set of stairs. That's the basement right there. That's the upstairs we've got okay
It's tragic
Okay, so we've got the wall broken down over here. But this is a easy fix just a little wall right there
And if I'm not mistaken
Yep, there's some finishing materials here for the walls is right in here. Okay?
So not too bad guys. She's not too bad
We finally got up in here guys. I thought it was a bust. But it I work out. It's very bright up here
This floor is real tricky. I'm not about to go up a hand got me my stuff not today
Not about to fall through no wall today
Yeah, do I trust this yeah, I guess so so I'm sailing I'm not going about to judge me like
This is gonna be a quick flip
I'm sure we're gonna be able to buy up in here real real quick guys. We out here at the property
No that random buyer that drove up. We waiting for him to come back. We may have a deal already
Okay, so if the people if this guy if he's willing to put down like twenty-five thirty thousand dollars what we may try to
Do is have them create a?
Finance and situation have a person be able to pay the rest of that off all the time get that passive income coming in
purchase the first property with the thirty thousand dollars and then just be
Renting it out to him pretty much until he pays it off the rest of the way creative financing guys. That's what I said
Hey, we may have a deal today. Stay tuned
Anyway, though. All right guys, so we outside the property just got done checking it out
We waiting on this guy to pull it back up, but he kind of dragging right now
So we're probably about to be leaving from here and we're gonna try to do some open houses this weekend
but I just want it for my audience to be able to actually meet these two gentlemen right here and actually a
And actually learn a little bit
About how they were able to come across this deal what they plan to do with it and stuff like that
So let's just kind of dive in so guys
How did y'all end up coming across this property fellas?
Actually, we came to this property through one of our house, okay?
Some like dazzles that like one of its first batches and needs
the right way and see them somehow senses be out there kind of getting it like
as far as
laser things the right way
So we came across it we came to and we looked at it. These are their cells we see in great condition
It was man and we immediately got it under contract because I right away. It was easy
So this is one of these do we do first the right way and detect a few times - yeah
Like four to five times. Yes
Make sure you follow up. Okay. Okay. Okay, so and then so then what we are able to get into the contract for again
25 for 25
All right, and I know on by running my comps that
We could offer other to me Father. Okay, what did y'all get y'all come from?
So--but, so that's what we did was we got a realtor. Okay, right, right
So we bid on that ship with you. So good the relationship we never did
We sit them up the property he gave us the market update in the last six months
We knew that all if the house was on the street sold for a hundred and three thousand
Right way, right right, right the same criteria. That's what we're doing now
So we knew that we could offer them offer her to rather twenty five
Okay, yeah
Notice how looking forward to having somebody come through to hopefully be able to get this property closed for y'all or whatever this weekend
So guys I'm gonna be back over here if need be
I'ma be back over here this weekend. I'm about to send this property out to some of my cash buyers
I'm working hand in hand with these guys to try to actually get these deals knocked out guys
We now hear playing no games, you know
This is just the beginning of me actually, like getting out in the field with some of my clients
But it definitely will not be the end
We're gonna be on here actually checking out a couple more properties that these fellas got under contract. They've been knocking it out char
They got like oh five properties
Right, yeah, this is definitely gonna be the first of many guys so stay tuned y'all gonna be seeing
Exactly yes, so eight like Lake Lake Basin for real stay tuned for these
IRL videos these in real life videos
I'm gonna have these fellas and some of the other clients that's in my my wholesale coaching
We're gonna be doing a lot more like walkthroughs of these properties gonna be out here getting money together guys
So if you pumps go ahead subscribe to the channel don't miss out on this good content, you know
It man hi guys, so I'm just walking off now
Man, Canada's about to head back to the house
I just wanted to give you all a little bit of IR real footage guys
How can see see me out here in the field man we out here we did
Back in back in the good old vehicle good old can dance
We out here. Alright, though guys hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you know
shedders concert guys until next time
Alright guys, so
WOW! Singer sounds the same as BOB MARLEY! | STORIES #29 - Duration: 4:44.
I didn't expect this.
Oh man! - No!
Most participants are attended with a private army of supporters...
... but this dude is here on his own.
Do you have a family?
- Yes, I have children and, uh, they ask a lot of attention
Are you working as a musician or singer?
- No, no, no. I am a psychiatric nurse.
So singing is a hobby to you?
- Yes. A serious hobby.
Yes, amazing! - Yes, great!
He's standing there all alone! - Yes, what a great performance man!
You just sang to my heart.
I think it was so incredibly beautiful.
What you're capable of... that is something you want to show everyone, right?
Do you know how many people you inspire with your voice...
... how many people believe that it is really possible to perform here, because of you...
... and that everyone will turn.
The most beautiful voices belong here.
And now, after this, what do you wanna do? What are your plans?
Yes, I don't really know.
I really didn't expect this.
Oh man. - No!
You're so humble, so modest. Not normal.
Uh, yeah, again, I really didn't expect this...
... and, uh, I actually didn't tell people to come here, my children, ...
Ahhhhh.... - Why not?
Because I thought, if daddy fails...
- Ahhhhh.
Do you know how proud they would be... Do you know how proud they would be...
I hope so.
But yeah, if they see it on TV, I'll walk away for a little while...
I'll say, you can look together..
He's crying on stage like a little girl..
- I'm going to tell you...
... bin Laden didn't even hide as good as you.
No, but you know, if I need to tell you what you did right...
... there's no time for that.
- Ilse!
- Thank you! - Thank you!
It was really touching.
Thank you very much.
「Nightcore」→ Poker Face (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:29.
Nightcore - Poker Face (video includes subtitles)
130+ Best Pottery Flower Pot Ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 11:23.
My Embarrassing Fears // Ft. ChillyPanda - Duration: 6:19.
Happy Halloween!
I'm just gonna say this right away.
I've never gone trick or treating.
I know it may sound shocking but it's not really a thing here in the Netherlands.
We're boring.
There are other activities at Halloween though, for example every year some friends and I
visit this event with three haunted houses.
I mean I say every year but we didn't go last year,
and as I'm recording this we haven't bought tickets for this year yet, so maybe this isn't entirely true either.
This video is starting of great, what was it about again?
Oh, right, my embarrassing fears!
Everyone is scared of something, most people are afraid of dangerous things like natural
disasters, monsters, wild animals or rainbows.
And I'm not saying I'm not afraid of those but I'm also afraid of more stupid and embarrassing things.
For example and, I know I'm not the only one who thinks like this but,
I'm not the biggest fan of bugs.
I'm not even sure why, there is just something about little creatures that unsettles me.
Like sometimes you find a really small type of insect in your room and you have no idea
what it is or what it does.
Is it gonna eat me?
is it gonna drink my blood?
Is it going to lay eggs create an army to take over my bedroom?
I mean, I would much rather be inside a room with an insect then with uhh, a tiger or something.
Because an insect is just gonna fly around like an idiot
and you're able to kill it with One Punch.
While a tiger is definitely going to try to eat me, drink my blood,
and lay eggs in my bedroom.
What do you mean you don't think tigers lay eggs, of course they do
how else would we get baby tigers?
You don't have to make up that grose stuff if you don't know what to say, just
get out of here, there are children watching.
Anyhow, the scary thing about small creatures is just I think they're unpredictable.
A tiger you can keep an eye on.
When you try to follow a bug that's flying around blink once and you've already lost it.
One time when I was working on my previous video
a pluck of hair slowly fell in front of my eyes.
And I thought it was a bug crawling over my face so, I punched it to kill it and...
I... I didn't actually do that but it did scare me for a second.
But I won't have that problem anymore, because I went to get my hair cut.
The scariest kind of insect is arguably the wasp.
I've been afraid of them as long as I can remember,
and the time a group of wasps decided to make a nest in my house,
as I've talked about in a previous video, didn't help.
Ever since that time whenever I hear a bug flying through my room, instant Vietnam flashbacks.
If a wasp gets close to me, I just want to burn it down and kill it.
But honestly, I feel bad for them.
I've never been stung and no wasp has actually ever harmed me, but meanwhile we make traps
to kill them.
Don't get me wrong, I do want them to die a painful and fiery death.
But I do feel bad about it at the end.
If humans didn't need insects to survive, I which they all just disappeared from this planet.
Of course haha, Ants can stay!
Ants are great, don't you think well, subscribe to my channel.
My next fear is actually also the fear of someone else.
And with someone else, I mean something else.
The Ocean is horrifying!
On one hand, I think it's really interesting because it's so big and mysterious.
But on the other hand, it's really terrifying because it's so big and mysterious!
Did you know the deepest part of the ocean is thirty - six - thousand - two hundred feet deep!
Mt.Everest is small compared to that.
But actually, that's not the reason why I'm afraid of water.
It's just that, drowning sounds horrible to me.
I mean, I've never drowned before but imagine being trapped in a room that's slowly filling
with water.
You know you're gonna die and there is nothing you can do about it.
And then you just have to wait for the room to get completely filled with water and you
run out of breath before you can finally escape this torture.
That's why I'm never going on a boat, I've seen titanic.
No matter what kind of boat you're giving me, I'm not getting on there.
Not on this one, not on this one, not on this one, not on...
Okay maybe this one but you get the point.
Traveling over water is probably my least favourite way of transportation but,
transportation on land isn't much better, because I, hate driving.
Don't get me wrong I love driving around in the car, listening to the radio watching
out the window.
It's relaxing and inspirational.
As long as I'm not the one driving, I don't trust myself.
It stresses me out so much, and you shouldn't be stressing when driving a car so me stressing
out only stresses me out even more.
I'm especially scared of the highway, my teacher said that there's nothing scary
about it because all the traffic is going in the same direction.
But everyone is also going 10 times faster.
If you hit something in a regular street you scratch your car.
If you make an accident on the highway, there's nothing but, death and destruction!
And even after the car crash you still have your broken car standing in the middle of
the road where other people are still driving a billion miles an hour.
Once again, don't get me wrong
you can still easily kill someone by driving on a regular road.
But there you can just drive a bit slower if you feel uncomfortable, you can't drive
slowly on a highway that's, not gonna work.
Also, driving next to water.
Uhhhhhh, no.
One fear is enough for me.
This is why I'm never going outside, all my fears are waiting for me over there.
It's much safer in my warm bedroom, nothing here can give me the Chillys.
Hey guys, it's Chilly.
Huuu, don't, don't hurt me!
Please, stay away!
You're, you're scaring me.
Oh no don't worry.
I'm not a real panda, it's just a hat.
Yeah, I know who you are, I've seen your videos!
Ahw, you watch my videos.
Thank you.
Ahhw, you watch my videos, thank you
You watch my videos, thank you.
kinda stuff.
You murdered my family.
In your "Weird Things I Did as a Kid" video, you talked about how you kidnapped ants
trapped them in a sharpener, and just let them die!
Oh, I see where you're going with this, listen, it was not my intention to kill those
ants okay, I just wanted a pet.
Yeah right, that's what every ant murderer says.
But it was over 10 years ago, what must I do to make you stop complaining about this?
Hmmm, how about a collab?
Here is your part of the script, just look into the camera and say what's written on there.
Hey guys, it's…
Your handwriting is horrible what's the next word?
Nah, Forget it, it's... it's good enough!
Now get out of here.
What are you looking at?
Hey it's me again, hope you all liked that little skit with Chilly Panda.
You probably all know who she is already, but if you don't, be sure to check out her channel.
I know she might sound very scary, but as long as you're not an ant you'll be fine.
Probably, I mean I can't guarantie anything but it's worth the risk just go
and watch her videos.
Or, watch some of my other videos, I mean they are pretty nice as well.
But you don't have to, it's just a suggestion you know, either way, whatever you do.
I hope you have a good night.
TD Jakes 2018 - God's Will For Increase - Duration: 25:45.
Pete Gage - Blues Has Got Me - Duration: 5:34.
Blues has got me
and I have to make a brand new start
The Blues has got me
and I have to make a brand new start
Nothing I can to to please you, babe
So I guess we have to part
You were the one
Told me your love was true
You were the one, baby
Told me your love was true
But you left me for another man
and what am I gonna do
So many times
I've asked you to come home
So many times...
I've asked you to come home
But I've finally realized
That you're really gone
Blues has got me
Blues has got a hold on me
Blues has got me
Blues has got a hold on me
Only one thing I ask you
Don't forget me, please
Snake Juice Diet Results Day 9 - Weight Loss Journey 2018 Day 31 - Duration: 6:43.
hi everyone its Mieka and today is my day 31 weight loss journey results and it's
my day 9 snake juice diet results
I've been doing 31 days of a weight loss journey I mix all kinds of fasting
methods I've done snake diet water fasting intermittent fasting with
different windows from 8 from 16 hours I'm no eating to 8 and 8 hours
eating all the way down to 23 hours fast and 1 hour eating and yeah from
those two time frames and then OMAD one meal a day which is still
in a minute fasting I love fasting for weight loss if you
need to lose weight and you need support or motivation please subscribe to my
channel every day I upload a video and I'm gonna do that at least until I get
to my goal weight my first goal is 197 because when I get to 197 I will be
100 pounds down from my heaviest weight ever which was 297 so that's the
first goal I don't know if I need to go further because 3 years ago my best
friend and I did a weight loss journey and I went to 210..210 is the smallest
I've been since I was probably 14 or 13 that's the smallest I've ever been so
man yeah okay so yesterday I did not eat food but I was at work and I felt so
sleepy weak dizzy I do not feel good at work and I do here so I could sit or
stand so I try to sit I would drink my snake juice I'm not drinking it the
way I should I'm not drinking enough I didn't even drink a liter yesterday
that's the problem don't do this wrong like make your two liters and drink that
like you need those electrolytes that's my mistake right now
um and then I keep leaving it in my refrigerator at work when I leave
so let's see I had a monster energy drink because I needed to stay awake and
that's what I had and I looked at the bottle and it said zero calories it's
that one or two cars I'm like what the heck where are those coming from so a
lot of people think I broke my fast for me I don't consider that breaking it but
technically it is but I still have zero calories so and for me personally I'm
okay with zero calories drinking anything zero calories but it's not good
for you so I also had gum I had three pieces ago um let's see exercise
exercise I mean I put my gym shoes my sneakers in the car before work
and I left my change of clothes home then I was like I'm gonna go by the
river and walk after work but I was feeling so weak but I was from the
better after that energy drink so I ended up going to workout and I'm gonna
post that video it is 7:39 am my uploads take forever so I probably can't do it
before work but I'll try. if not later to tonight God willing and I'll post a video of the
exercise I did yesterday on day 9 of no food I like put in that because it's
just amazing what our body could do um I
think that's all I have to say is so for my at the end of every video I always
put the scale to so you see that this is a real weight oh no I am NOT happy you
guys because today is day 9 and when I did the 9 day snake diet
I lost 22 pounds so I did some math a minute ago on my phone calculator and
you guys know my goal was to lose more than I lost
I'm the 9-day that's not going to happen there's no way because I would need to
lose a lot today and a lot tomorrow but whatever. what I did do is so you see
where I started Day 22 I was 259.2 so that's where this 2.4
comes from so this was after 1 day so when you if you want to see
how much I like to subtract this number from that number okay so this morning I
am and this is day 10 this morning today as you're watching this isn't today
today is October 28th please like this video if you like seeing me lose weight
okay today I'm 241.8 man did I do the math right I must have
yep I lost 2.2 that is a success that's it for today check back in tomorrow
where I'll show you my final 10th day of my snake juice diet 10 days of no
Nightcore - Crystal Snow (Female version) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 5:05.
This video include subtitles
Liverpool news latest : Star's broken hand, Zielinski transfer update, Shaqiri on Klopp advice - Duration: 1:47.
Jurgen Klopp has praised seidio main for continuing to star for Liverpool despite
playing with a broken hand t-h-e Senegal forward recently injured his thumb and
is currently playing with a cast on his hand dock despite that he scored twice
for Liverpool yesterday as they beat Cardiff for one of and field o'clock
said he has a broken thumb in place with a brace I wouldn't feel comfortable with
it to be honest but he obviously ignores it pretty well the first goal he gets
the assist in the goal actually I think he prepared it by himself all good a
very good performance meanwhile Liverpool have been dealt a blow in
their long-running pursuit of pie trees I'm Lynn ski with the Poland
international set to sign a new contract with Napoli da clock has been keen on
Zielinski for several years and the Express report that the German boss
wants to land him in January dot Solinsky who is also wanted by Bayern
Munich has a 60 million pound buyout clause in his current contract dot bu T
it is said that his fine form this season has seen Napoli open talks with
the midfielder over improving his terms and finally deserting Shaqiri
Nightcore - Only Monika - Duration: 3:39.
(Please refer to the screen for the lyrics. Thanks.)
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