What is going on in this video we're going to speak about best practices for
sampling on a hardware sampler more importantly older samplers there's some
things that you can do that are best to become routines in your regular sampling
and if you can get these down into a habit the benefits will carry a long way
on any sampling platform but first I'd like to invite you to like share and
subscribe to our sampler channel and with that let's get to it
the first thing to be concerned with when sampling into a sampler is the
initial input level of your audio signal getting a good level going into the
sampler ensures that you use up the most amount of the bit depth available to you
ensuring optimal audio quality and there are exceptions to this if you find that
overdriving the signal and clipping the signal gives you a certain tonal quality
that you prefer that is fine another exception is if you want to
accord your signal so low that you introduce noise and other artifacts from
the sampler itself or from external audio gear like a hum or buzz that you
find creatively useful that's also perfectly fine but in a regular sense
getting a good level going in is ideal and we'll revisit this later on in the
video just know that it is a very helpful step to take initially when
the second best practice is to edit and commit to the parts of the samples that
you want to work with by trusting your ears most new samplers on the market
give you a visual reference of a waveform to help you decide where the
start and end of a sample is a practice that I would encourage is to use your
ears more to gauge where the front and the end of the sample are this pays big
dividends when you're actually programming these drums because they
won't start exactly right at the beginning of the sample because there'll
be some variance just on what you're hearing a lot of times when we use a
visual reference it will be accurate as far as the start as a sample is
concerned but you may lose a little bit of magic that exists maybe a few
milliseconds before where by using your ears you would have kept that in because
it sounded nice and it would sound like the start regardless but visually it
would look odd and when you begin to program your music like that
that magic in that special character that exists in the sample will be
retained instead of chopped off just because it didn't look right and these
are things you could hear especially in older boom-bap records where the samples
weren't completely dead-on because there was no way to tell there's no way to
actually see on an SP 1200 or s 950 or an exotic EPS or any vintage sampler
without a visual display you couldn't really tell and you had to use your own
creative gauge to estimate where the sample is and we're pretty good as
humans at getting really close to the start of things it's just that we're
better at retaining the vibe of a sample by using our ears than we could ever be
in a visual sense
so next is truncation truncating a sample is the
concept of getting rid of the parts of the sample that you didn't choose to use
so for example if I wanted to actually capture a high hat out of an entire drum
loop I would adjust the front and the end of the sample by air and get rid of
the parts that I didn't want by truncating them making the audio files
smaller which frees up more memory now of course this is more important in
regards to memory for older samplers simply because older samplers don't have
a lot of onboard memory but why is this important when you're using software
samplers truncating your samples gets you in the habit of committing to the
sounds that you're using it gets rid of the urge to second-guess things if
you've committed to something it's already done and you have to move on so
by truncating your samples even on this small little level it helps with
procrastination and aids with faster decision making if something sounds good
to you and you decide right there on the spot that you like it you take action by
committing to it and then you can move on which is great for improving your
overall workflow little things like that can improve your confidence in the whole
music making process because a simple idea of committing to truncating a sound
is really an exercise in trusting your own abilities to make good decisions as
a musician and producer and lastly if you have the option
available to you normalizing samples is a great tool to use
normalizing essentially makes your sample as loud as possible by looking at
the loudest point of your audio and bringing it up to the maximum Headroom
available in your audio workstation now this is a luxury because on older
samplers a lot of them don't have a normalizing function which makes it even
more important to be mindful of the first step that we spoke about which is
getting a good level going in the most annoying thing is when you have a group
of samples and the levels are just all over the place between samples and it
could become difficult to even get your musical ideas off at that point because
of the volume differences in between the samples you may not have enough Headroom
to bring a very low sample all the way up to nominal level and if you have a
normalizing feature at resident on your sampler this will just completely take
care of that problem but just in case you don't it's always a good idea to get
it right the first time while recording the sample and that is it if you're just
getting into samplers and sampling as a musical art form these steps are best
practices to ensure that you have the best experience while using samplers
from various sources all the time and you won't believe how quickly this will
become a habit of yours you won't even think about it after a while and that's
the way it should be because it definitely will make your life much more
enjoyable and fun anyway thank you for watching if you like to learn something
today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the
meantime take care of yourself peace
For more infomation >> Beginners Boom Bap Sampling Best Practices - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
La "estética' gilipollez" por la que la comisaria Rosa María Mateo fumigó a Jesús Álvarez de TVE - Duration: 5:40.
Entrevista Charlotte Flair WWE Evolution: "Solo hay una reina en WWE" - Duration: 2:23.
Catalina Pulido trapea el piso con Álvaro Salas por nueva prueba de ADN - Duration: 4:18.
Doctor Who | With all that Pain and Fear *VOSTFR - Duration: 3:00.
郭富城帶女兒外出被拍,方媛一個姿勢讓網友徹底看清她的為人! - Duration: 1:36.
María José López será rostro de la misma marca que Kel Calderón - Duration: 1:55.
Raquel Argandoña contó curiosa anécdota en un motel - Duration: 1:55.
Jalil Lespert célibataire, il annonce sa rupture avec Sonia Rolland - Duration: 1:29.
'Honestidad' 'Sábado Deluxe': Isa Pantoja le dice adiós al pasado esta noche en Sálvame Deluxe - Duration: 2:37.
The top of the porcini mushrooms in the Park of one hundred lakes - October 2018 - Duration: 9:22.
a mirage !! guys .. I have saw a mirage !!
pedro moved!
greets! hello
Guys, look at that stuff! look at the stem
Mamma Mia!!
I almost do not take it off!
too good!
I do not believe it!
but no!
but no, but I do not believe it!
Mamma Mia
it's wonderful!
it's very hard! It looks like rubber!
I do not say anything I do not say anything!
then e for an hour I've been walking but it was worth it
worth it! look how wonderful
my boyfriend mom
but how much are you
I do not know! No adjectives for this mushroom
what do you say? Pedro is not much interested !
very tall beech forest
I seem to have seen something very interesting
are we going to see pedro?
have you seen?
you saw it ... right?
it's very beautiful!
to guys ... !!!
what a beautiful moment
what to say!
but you're a bomb
Pedro looks how beautiful he is!
I'll take it this way
guys I saw a marvel!
a marvel of the beautiful ones!
I found this mushroom first!
my mom, my boys!
what to say with a mushroom so beautiful! I'm not saying anything
guys another ninety piece!
let's see what it's like ..
but you're really beautiful
guys I got a heart attack!
look how amazing this!
then also
look how wonderful!
let's do this
that shape that pleases to me !
that stem !!!
beautiful beautiful!
it must be an object beautiful
let's see you nearby
Mamma Mia
all beautiful stuff!
so always up!
Pedro who is careful
it also seems to me here
another object of the interesting ones!
let's see !
Pedro looks for the porcino porcine
but love but you're very good! but you are one
let's immediately look at what this is like porcine
it's beautiful !! Pedro is a champion
another beast below!
look where it is hidden
it is hidden under the rock
I think there is another mushroom of those very beautiful
what do you say Pedro?
let's see what it is like?
one more beautiful than the other
Pedro lets go of the porcino!
leave the porcino alone!
be a good boy!
nice nice nice
very beautifull!
look has your color
the month of the mists
cold is that place that you walk for an hour you do not see anything
then suddenly you find the patatone
but that slaps it
Mamma Mia
come here ciccio
what a gamble!
here there is something to interest
very beautiful!
I think there is one another piece from ninety
let's see
another elegant piece
what do you say Pedro?
see how is this porcino?
Pedro lets go of the porcino! leave the porcino alone!
let's see this!
then there is the brother with the dark head
this is very nice! let me see U! I am perfect!
then we move
do you see something? have you seen?
we support them here
it's perfect!
let's see this here! how beautiful it is!
Pedro where is the porcino?
very good!!! with the paw!
good good
but Pedro, how good you are
It's so fresh!
let's go see if there's another one ..
under the rocks
what color ... what color
【倫桑翻唱】 Lun Sang 你激勵了我 You Raise Me Up - Duration: 4:07.
【倫桑翻唱】 Lun Sang 你激勵了我 You Raise Me Up
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
【倫桑原創】Lun Sang 浮花宴春箋 A Letter To The Blooming Spring Ein Brief an den blühenden Frühling - Duration: 4:57.
【倫桑原創】 Lun Sang 浮花宴春箋 A Letter To The Blooming Spring Ein Brief an den blühenden Frühling
One stroke exquisitely outlines the time
The shadow is as soft as poem, tenderly decorating mountains and rivers
The flowers are still tired, the misty rain is still asleep.
Who lifts the dreaming curtain to ask the moon?
A legend used to be heard in an old temple outside the spring breeze ferry
The Buddhist bell rings all night in the cold snowy mountain
Youthfulness passes from her rouge lip.
blooms the most innocent soul
The first petal is to warm the coolness in the world.
Want to burn thousands of flowers, sacrifice to the perseverance
Never regret giving up the frozen heart to go through the fire
With the fragrance produced in the dark, she worships the Moon in her dream.
Integrate into the endless loneliness in human society
She once looked through the top of the sea
Watched the clouds gathering and spreading in the quiet fairy pavilion.
But she prefers the flash in the pan in human society
Shadows of floating lives twinkle like butterflies
Never sleep soundly, always suffering the coldness in mountains
Follow the wind to visit all over the world.
Walk slowly, in the icy coat
Suddenly hear a misty song from someone.
The first petal is to warm the coolness in the world.
Want to burn thousands of flowers, sacrifice to the perseverance
Never regret giving up the frozen heart to go through the fire
With the fragrance produced in the dark, she worships the Moon in her dream.
Integrate into the endless loneliness in human society
The prosperous life turns out to be the fall of emotion
Reincarnation is unsolved, love is a devil
Suddenly, fireworks are setting up over a thousand trees
Bloom to the most magnificent world
A letter full of lovesickness flows into the spring night
To whom can she talk about the feeling?
Big City Tilly's Goat Part 2 Episode 6 - Sam Day - Duration: 3:59.
PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
Zero zero and an unprecedented negative one Wow
Tilly what happened? Why didn't mr. Do any tricks Oh dogs just do it. They want, you know dogs just do what they want
Okay. Okay. I think I got it now Remi. Can I talk to you for a minute over in this direction?
What's going on cricket
Listen Tilly's got a unique perspective, but she doesn't get that people are making fun of her when she realizes she'll be crushed
Humiliated and emotionally stunted for life. We gotta protect her from that. So what do we do?
Wait, what are we do? We're gonna sabotage the dog show. Oh
Let's see how muffin does in our beauty competition
Ladies and gentlemen, she looks amazing and now for the meditation contest
Hey doggie, I'm a big squirrel bet you want to chase me all over the arena, huh? Oh
Dang it enough is work until Ian the goat are still tanking hard. There's got to be something to distract these dogs
Bingo bango
It's all come down to this folks the agility course add up first. It's ah
The goat we can just cut to commercial here, right? All right, Melissa, let's do this on your mark get set
Wait, what's going on?
Everyone please remain seated
Angelo Dante Bernice, you're supposed to be on Phoenix
What are you doing? Why are you wrecking the dog show? Oh
I'm just giving Melissa an edge on the competition
Why don't you think Melissa can do it Julie? I was just saving you from humiliation
I don't know if you realize it. But all these people are laughing at you. Yeah, I know. I hate to tell you wait
What look cricket? I know they're making fun of me. That's not important
What's important is it Melissa was having a good time?
But now thanks to you. It's all ruined. Come on Melissa. Let's go
Julie everyone evacuate the stadium the talk show is officially over
Let's get out of here
I've gotta make this right Remy
Pit stop shall wait over here
You gotta stay and watch my sister and Melissa Melissa the goat
We're not sticking around this madness - what a goat. I didn't want to come to this. Well, actually I kind of did
Nobody's going nowhere
you're all gonna watch - and Melissa performer out flea if I you Oh,
And Remy gets to pet your little purse dog. Oh
All right
Man Utd news: Juventus confident they can sign Paul Pogba for BARGAIN £62m - Duration: 3:18.
Juventus are keen to re-sign Pogba and a move in January has been mooted. Manchester United's midfielder has endured a mixed time at Old Trafford since his £89m arrival from Juve in the summer of 2016
And Italian newspaper Tuttosport reckon Juve are growing confidant a deal in January can happen
According to their front page report today, Juve are monitoring Pogba and are in 'constant' dialogue with his agent Mino Raiola
Directors Fabio Paratici and Pavel Nedved are hoping to push forward with a deal soon
It is claimed Juve could offer a loan deal for Pogba in January, with a compulsory purchase option then lined up for the summer
Tuttosport claim the cost of the deal would be 'not less than €70m (£62m), although understandably Manchester United will try to up the price'
It is added that Juve could throw Alex Sandro - a long-standing United and Chelsea transfer target - into the mix to help smooth over the deal
Whether or not United would accept such a proposal remains to be seen, however. The Old Trafford club have staked plenty of their business dealings on the marketability of players like Pogba
The France international came back from the summer break a World Cup winner and proved in Russia why United paid the then-world record fee they did for their former youth player
United would not likely sell Pogba for anything less than £100m - and given Neymar, Philippe Coutinho and Ousmane Dembele have all moved for considerably more than that over the past 24 months, the Red Devils would not want to lose face by agreeing to a cut-price deal
Meanwhile, the Daily Mail reckon United already have a Pogba replacement lined up if the Frenchman does leave in January
They claim Gareth Bale is in the pipeline to move to Old Trafford were Pogba to exit the club
Bale is another long-term target of United, who missed out on signing the Wales international when he left Tottenham for Real back in 2014
Bale has struggled to impress as the go-to man at the Bernabeu now Cristiano Ronaldo has left Real
A move back to the Premier League could well be on the cards if he is put on the market
Success Must be a Purpose by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Duration: 6:07.
think and grow rich in hindi & urdu by napoleon hill dosto
is videos series main me apko think and grow rich book k tamam topics ko step by step cover
kro ga think and grow rich ak ase book ha jis ny
boht sary logo ki zindge badal de or think and grow rich in hidi urdu read karny k bad
unho nay boht sare dolat kmai think and grow rich
napoleon hill one of the best top seller book ha jiski billon copies sale hoi think and
grow rich in hindi urdu series me complete topics or
napoleon hill kay jitny be experiences hen wo share karo ga.think and grow rich
in hindi urdu me lanay ka maksad ap logo ki zindage me change lana ha.
is say apko andaza ho jaye ga k ak insan kasay apni soch kay sath apni life-changing la sakta
ha or apny apko dolat mand bana sakata ha.think
and grow rich videos series mein har us experience ko share kia
jaye ga jo napoleon hill nay apni zate zindage mein dosry logo
say seekhy.
U&D, anticipazioni trono over del 25/10: Caterina schiaffeggia Sebastiano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:10.
Incidente 'ops' per Barbara D'Urso, lady Cologno mostra gli slip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.
Bido Carrisi, il figlio di Al Bano e Loredana, fa gli anni: ecco il regalo della Lecciso - Duration: 2:55.
Al Bano, fiori per Romina Power e il gesto romantico inatteso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:55.
【倫桑翻唱】 Lun Sang 你激勵了我 You Raise Me Up - Duration: 4:07.
【倫桑翻唱】 Lun Sang 你激勵了我 You Raise Me Up
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
You raise me up… To more than I can be.
Arsenal fans have a theory about who is to blame for Ramsey's contract situation - Duration: 2:51.
Aaron Ramsey's comments about his Arsenal contract situation has prompted some theories amongst supporters
At one stage it appeared the Welshman was about to extend his stay at the Emirates Stadium by agreeing terms on a new contract which, as of now, expires at the end of the season
However, much to the surprise of many it was announced that the Gunners had pulled the plug on talks which means the midfielder will be free to leave either in January or for free in the summer
A departure when the transfer window reopens in the new year has already been ruled out by Ramsey himself and it would appear he's looking for some answers from the club's decision makers
Speaking after Arsenal had claimed a 1-0 victory at Sporting Lisbon on Thursday night, Ramsey admitted that he still had no clue why the club had suddenly changed their minds
"Hopefully somebody will come up and tell me why," he said . "I'll accept that if there's a reason When quizzed on whether he had asked why talks had suddenly been stopped, Ramsey added: "At the moment, no, I haven't
"We all know that the contract was taken off the table. I'm not sure exactly why because a few weeks before we sort of agreed and I was ready to sign
Something happened, I am not sure exactly what, but that contract is no longer there, or nothing's on the table
"So I just have to get my head down, work hard and try and help this team as much as I can now
We'll see where that takes me." These comments have got plenty of Arsenal fans taking on social media
Take a look at the best responses as some feel there is one person to blame for this situation
Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football.london via the free football
london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Luxury met Eye-Sight De prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:15.
Honda CR-V 2.0 i V-TEC - Elegance - Automaat - 4WD - Duration: 1:10.
Honda CR-V 2.0 i V-TEC 4WD EXECUTIVE - Connect Navigatie - Duration: 0:58.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION - Duration: 0:54.
Honda CR-V 2.0I ELEGANCE 1ste Eigenaar, Dealer Onderhouden, Trekhaak, Park. Sensor, LM Velgen, Clima - Duration: 1:08.
范冰冰被罚税款蝴蝶效应,被一部大制作好莱坞电影开除| 娛樂新聞 CBiz News - Duration: 2:44.
KPOP in Public Challenge Produce 48 Rumor
Doctor Who | With all that Pain and Fear *VOSTFR - Duration: 3:00.
Beginners Boom Bap Sampling Best Practices - Duration: 5:52.
What is going on in this video we're going to speak about best practices for
sampling on a hardware sampler more importantly older samplers there's some
things that you can do that are best to become routines in your regular sampling
and if you can get these down into a habit the benefits will carry a long way
on any sampling platform but first I'd like to invite you to like share and
subscribe to our sampler channel and with that let's get to it
the first thing to be concerned with when sampling into a sampler is the
initial input level of your audio signal getting a good level going into the
sampler ensures that you use up the most amount of the bit depth available to you
ensuring optimal audio quality and there are exceptions to this if you find that
overdriving the signal and clipping the signal gives you a certain tonal quality
that you prefer that is fine another exception is if you want to
accord your signal so low that you introduce noise and other artifacts from
the sampler itself or from external audio gear like a hum or buzz that you
find creatively useful that's also perfectly fine but in a regular sense
getting a good level going in is ideal and we'll revisit this later on in the
video just know that it is a very helpful step to take initially when
the second best practice is to edit and commit to the parts of the samples that
you want to work with by trusting your ears most new samplers on the market
give you a visual reference of a waveform to help you decide where the
start and end of a sample is a practice that I would encourage is to use your
ears more to gauge where the front and the end of the sample are this pays big
dividends when you're actually programming these drums because they
won't start exactly right at the beginning of the sample because there'll
be some variance just on what you're hearing a lot of times when we use a
visual reference it will be accurate as far as the start as a sample is
concerned but you may lose a little bit of magic that exists maybe a few
milliseconds before where by using your ears you would have kept that in because
it sounded nice and it would sound like the start regardless but visually it
would look odd and when you begin to program your music like that
that magic in that special character that exists in the sample will be
retained instead of chopped off just because it didn't look right and these
are things you could hear especially in older boom-bap records where the samples
weren't completely dead-on because there was no way to tell there's no way to
actually see on an SP 1200 or s 950 or an exotic EPS or any vintage sampler
without a visual display you couldn't really tell and you had to use your own
creative gauge to estimate where the sample is and we're pretty good as
humans at getting really close to the start of things it's just that we're
better at retaining the vibe of a sample by using our ears than we could ever be
in a visual sense
so next is truncation truncating a sample is the
concept of getting rid of the parts of the sample that you didn't choose to use
so for example if I wanted to actually capture a high hat out of an entire drum
loop I would adjust the front and the end of the sample by air and get rid of
the parts that I didn't want by truncating them making the audio files
smaller which frees up more memory now of course this is more important in
regards to memory for older samplers simply because older samplers don't have
a lot of onboard memory but why is this important when you're using software
samplers truncating your samples gets you in the habit of committing to the
sounds that you're using it gets rid of the urge to second-guess things if
you've committed to something it's already done and you have to move on so
by truncating your samples even on this small little level it helps with
procrastination and aids with faster decision making if something sounds good
to you and you decide right there on the spot that you like it you take action by
committing to it and then you can move on which is great for improving your
overall workflow little things like that can improve your confidence in the whole
music making process because a simple idea of committing to truncating a sound
is really an exercise in trusting your own abilities to make good decisions as
a musician and producer and lastly if you have the option
available to you normalizing samples is a great tool to use
normalizing essentially makes your sample as loud as possible by looking at
the loudest point of your audio and bringing it up to the maximum Headroom
available in your audio workstation now this is a luxury because on older
samplers a lot of them don't have a normalizing function which makes it even
more important to be mindful of the first step that we spoke about which is
getting a good level going in the most annoying thing is when you have a group
of samples and the levels are just all over the place between samples and it
could become difficult to even get your musical ideas off at that point because
of the volume differences in between the samples you may not have enough Headroom
to bring a very low sample all the way up to nominal level and if you have a
normalizing feature at resident on your sampler this will just completely take
care of that problem but just in case you don't it's always a good idea to get
it right the first time while recording the sample and that is it if you're just
getting into samplers and sampling as a musical art form these steps are best
practices to ensure that you have the best experience while using samplers
from various sources all the time and you won't believe how quickly this will
become a habit of yours you won't even think about it after a while and that's
the way it should be because it definitely will make your life much more
enjoyable and fun anyway thank you for watching if you like to learn something
today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the
meantime take care of yourself peace
Telekinesis Compilation ( Heart & 3rd Eye Chakra Circuit ) Progress Compilation ( Psychokinesis ) - Duration: 4:17.
I CALL THE NUN AND I WANT 1000 $ (The Nun) - Duration: 10:06.
Jordan Torunarigha ft. NIGHTCORE - BEST OF ME ᴴᴰ - Duration: 3:54.
Jordan Torunarigha ft. NIGHTCORE - BEST OF ME
by Sergey Malashenko
Green Time Presents
Jordan Torunarigha ► Young Talent ► Hertha BSC ► 2018
Having passed his school leaving exams the day after making his Bundesliga debut for Hertha Berlin in early 2017, Jordan Torunarigha clearly
has the brains to go with his undisputed brawn, making it little surprise he is being touted
as a future Germany international.
By becoming a professional footballer, Torunarigha is treading the same path as his father, Ojokojo,
and his older brother, Junior. His dad moved to Germany just as East and West were reuniting and the Nigerian
attacker spent several years playing in Bundesliga 2 with Chemnitzer FC during the mid 1990s.
He finished his playing career in Leipzig before moving to his current home in Berlin, where his son Junior linked
up with Hertha's academy. A striker, Junior passed through a handful of lower league German clubs but now
plays for Fortuna Sittard in the Dutch second tier.
#Torunarigha #HerthaBSC #greentime
GREEN TIME - Первый в YouTube канал о молодых и талантивых игроках.
✔ Like, comment and favourite this video if you enjoyed. ✔ Subscribe me for more videos and stay updated.
Ice Skater with Knee Injury - Duration: 0:32.
Mazda 6 2.3I GT-M, Automaat, AIRCO, CRUISE, 105D KM! - Duration: 1:06.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I TERRA AIRCO, TREKHAAK, KEURIGE AUTO! - Duration: 0:53.
A young girl's confession (Elder Joseph) - Duration: 1:22.
I have met a young girl, she was very decent, so innocent...
She never had bodily thoughts... but one day she started to have sinful thoughts.
She tried to expel them but she couldn't do it because she was inexperienced.
So she went to the parish priest that she knew and said to him:
"You know, Father, this is very strange, I have never had this kind of thought,
but now it's bothering me and it won't go away..."
The priest blessed her: "May God forgive you!"
And he told her: "If the thought appears again, come and tell me".
You see, this is the practice of humility which eradicates the devil.
Hiding, following one's own will, based on self-centeredness, is the seat of satan.
We have to eradicate this!
Are you afraid to tell your Elder: "Father, I face a battle..."?
Lord of the Powers!
Is there any human not facing this battle? We came here to fight...
Christ didn't brought us here for comfort...
He brought us here walking in front of us and He showed us the way of this real warfare...
This drink empties your belly, cleans the colon and removes all coconut trapped in 7 days - Duration: 3:18.
clean the colon completely with this home remedy
occupies most of the large intestine and still meets the last part of the
management process therefore plays an important fundamental to keeping our body in
perfect conditions it stores food waste for
take advantage of the latest nutrients when the waste accumulates can
end up generating constipation abdominal area weak immune system
stomach pain decreased appetite general fatigue bad breath headache
diarrhea nausea and dizziness today you will know a very
efficient to clean colony to slug also known as aloe vera is a
plant that enjoys powerful benefits as relaxing properties
the hello and regulates the intestinal transit and therefore promotes the elimination of toxins
through feces increased metabolism of the body besides cleaning the colon or the law
fat burning and helps to lose weight fast
anti-inflammatory properties or aloe reduce abdominal distension
anti-bacterial properties it also helps to purify the colon from accumulation
of bacteria after feeding to clean the colon
restore its functions is advisable to make a natural aloe vera juice note
ingredients 1 stalk of aloe vera 1 lemon 1 liter of water squeeze the lemon and
reserve the juice obtained then open the aloe vera leaf in half and with
help from a tablespoon extract two spoonfuls with this amount of
student and we have more than enough clean the neck pick up the blender
add the two tablespoons of aloe vera lemon juice and the two
glasses of water Master the ingredients well and mix
this preparation with the remaining water in a bottle or jar its taste is
very bitter you can move forward with a teaspoon of my way of consumption
suck this juice only in fasting and minutes before eating any other food
ie you should drink a glass of juice Natural
thirty minutes before each meal and do not consume anything else during this
time period took juice for up to five consecutive days at the most and combine
with a high fiber diet and a regular exercise to purify the colon
it is advisable in addition to this preparation take two liters of water daily
Do not ingest juice from aloe for more than seven consecutive days
because it can generate pictures of diarrhea due to its relaxing properties
mentioned above, their consumption is completely contraindicated in women
pregnant breastfeeding children under 12 or diabetics
if you liked leave your opinion in the comments leave
your lic subscribe to the channel and share this
video with your friends see you later
Helicóptero russo é aprovado em todos os testes para operar no Ártico - Duration: 3:32.
Panini dolci di halloween bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 5:19.
Furacão expõe sério problema enfrentado por caças americanos F-22, diz mídia - Duration: 2:53.
Pedro Scooby compartilha foto ousada de Luana Piovani no banheiro e diz: ''Valeu ter perdido o voo'' - Duration: 1:33.
Thiago Gagliasso faz revelações polêmicas sobre Bruno e Giovanna: 'Ela está se fazendo de vítima' - Duration: 3:23.
Kym: Hey, I'm Kym.
Jay: Hi, I'm Jay
Kym: And this is Triple Cripples
Jay: I'm not, no, I'm not trying to spend. I'm not even trying to spend. Kym: £1?
Jay: No, I ain't got it. Kym: £1.20?
Jay: Noooo. Kym: Okay, that's good, I like, I like your mentality.
Kym: You will then start to doubt yourself if every time you're like "Oh no, well actually I've got a disability."
And someone's like "No, you don't!"
Jay: "I can't see anything wrong with you."
Kym: There's nothing wrong with you! Jay: It's usually -
Jay: And then you have to go through this process of trying to prove you ARE disabled.
Like "Hold on, let me show you this CRAZY scar" Kym: (laughs)
Kym: You're Ghanaian, so why don't you - listen, I of all people should know my people.
Anyway, that's not the point, I said ALL people can be rubbish, you know?
If you're going to be rubbish, you can be rubbish.
Jay: Yeah, you've got the potential. Don't doubt yourself. Kym: Thank you!
Jay: Don't trust baby pics, because it's like this is where your beauty PEAKED.
Jay: (weird noise) Sorry.
Be serious.
Jay: Cool, we did it. Baaaang.
Ooh, knocked it out the park!
Kym: Brilliant, but we're going to do it again.
This time you're gonna smile.
Jay: I smiled!
I'm never not smiling - well, actually no -
Jay: That's right, as being disabled is just a thing, it's just a description.
As opposed to something that means that they're less than.
Jay: Don't do this, do that! Blessing: You're the biggest diva there is!
Kym: Me?! Jay: That's true.
Blessing: Listen, do I...listen Kym I will pull up DMs. Jay: Facts.
Kym: Stop recording, please. Stop recording.
Jay: She's getting baited (exposed) out. Kym: No, no, no, all of this, no, no
Blessing: I will pull up DMs! Come on, about you're not a diva?!
Kym: We're out here increasing visibility and highlighting the narratives of black
Jay: And non-black women and femmes of colour living with disabilities.
Kym: Well done.
Jay: Whaaaaat?! That's how you do it! At the 7th take! Oooooh!
Kym: (laughs) 17th take! Okay, one more time!
Kym: (inaudible)
Jay: You...are a fucking mess. (laughs) Kym: (laughs)
Jay: Disabilities.
Kym: One more time, this time with more vim.
Jay: Yeah, sorry. It was vim-less cuz I was so focused on remembering.
Jay: P-p-p-ooh, so it's not so easy. Kym: Oh yeah! I'm a mess?
Jay: No, no, I'll do it again.
Jay: And non-black women and femmes of colour living with disabilities.
Kym: (laughs)
Jay: Okay, what! Mmm! I got it, go.
Kym: Black
Jay: And - damn it! And non-black, yeah okay go on. Kym: And non-black
Jay: Wait, you said living, wait (gibberish).
With disabilities, it's not living with disabilities.
Kym: Yeah, it is.
Jay: Hearing you say it like… No!
Kym: (laughs)
Okay, and non-black women and femmes of colour living with disabilities.
Jay: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that was my fault
Kym: Highlighting the narratives of black
Jay: And non-black women (screams in frustration)
Kym: Should I just do it by myself, Jay? Is that what you're saying? (laughs)
Jay: (whispering) It's painful.
Kym: It is.
Mayra Cardi revela rotina intensa com filha recém-nascida, Sophia: ''Ela trabalha já'' - Duration: 2:21.
Gregorian - "Voyage, Voyage" (Lyrics: Français / Legenda: port-br) - Duration: 4:23.
Łowicz: Pojedynek Burmistrzowości - Duration: 11:01.
How to carve a Pumpkin/Time to carve the Pumpkin/Look Me in the Eye/#PumpkinMasters - Duration: 5:00.
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