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For more infomation >> 29-OCT | R-Sim &JV new working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID Code | Gevey | JV | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Renault Clio dCi 90 Intens R-Link, Park. sens.,16" Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:54.
リップルがGoogleの重役雇用!?Q3売上報告書で見る今後のXRP予想とは!?年末爆上げ?SWELL未発表好材料!暴落下落気味だったRipple最新ニュース!2018年10月11月最前線仮想通貨情報 - Duration: 5:27.
Updating Plug-ins QGIS version 3.2.3 - Duration: 0:54.
This is a brief tutorial to show you how to install or update plugins in Q-GIS
version 3.2.3. Under the Plug-in menu, we can select "Manage and Install Plugins..." When the dialog box opens, we can see the list of plugins that we have installed, if any
of those need to be updated, when you click on them there'll be a tool
allowing you to upgrade. In this case, my tool is up-to-date so I can't upgrade to
a new edition. But this is the environment where we can control, add
remove and turn on and off plugins in Q-GIS.
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张翰《如若巴黎》呈现多番吻戏 自曝输出情感 - Duration: 7:29.
ROGNA DELL'OLIVO - Duration: 10:07.
Bruna Marquezine assusta seguidores com magreza e divide opiniões na web - Duration: 2:35.
ATTEND THE DEAD - Duration: 8:09.
Developing a Love of Prayer in Your Kids - Dr. David Ireland - Duration: 22:43.
there's no jr. holy spirit and our children the best legacy we can leave
them is a legacy what I call a god legacy leave them an opportunity to have
an encounter with God and to know how to talk with God
welcome to the focus on the family broadcast helping families thrive David
it's a pleasure to have you here at focus on the Family
my pleasure Jim thanks for the opportunity to come and speak to you and
the listening audience and your wonderful life more Linda's in the
audience yeah so I appreciate Mar Linda coming with me
she said when she found out I was invited she said I have to come on this
trip well hopefully for focus but maybe because Colorado scenery is so nice I
don't know but it's great you've written this book raising a child who prays
teaching your family the power of prayer I guess the simple way to start this is
say why is this so important to you there's no junior Holy Spirit and our
children the best legacy we can leave them is a legacy what I call a God
legacy certainly we can leave them money we can leave them lands and houses I
don't knock that but something far more important and more substantive is
leaving our children a god legacy leave them an opportunity to have an encounter
with God and to know how to talk with God yeah it's so good let's start with
the role of mom and dad a lot of us think the church will fill this void
it's the church's role you're a pastor you know we take the kids to Sunday
school they'll teach them how to pray that's not a good approach to this it's
not I mean the the church has that shot the child or the children maybe about 90
minutes once a week and that's not going to be the greatest influence in the life
of the church a matter how good that church is and I'm a pastor and I think
that the role of a parent is a daunting role and I don't want to add another
burden on a parent's life because it's already overwhelming when you think
about how do i mold and shape this little one and when they become
teenagers how do I run away from them
how do i mold and shape them so that they can become not only productive in
society but individuals that are expanders of the kingdom of God and
Marlon and I have raised two children and they're adults now and we've thank
God we've been successful with the with the help of the Lord and sometimes we
were successful because we stumbled on it accidentally and I think the idea of
training children how to pray not in this mechanical academic sense but in
our kind of lifestyle sense is something
very sensual and it's so important for us as parents not to give that over to
others I know we're busy we can make excuses I think at times I've done that
you know that they'll get this at school or they'll get that at church but we
need to be the primary caretakers of their spiritual development absolutely
Jim in fact nowadays a lot of parents are abdicating their roles in their
their paying companies to teach their children things that that we taught our
children and and other generations did like child proofing your home you can
pay twelve hundred fifty bucks to a company and they'll do that or you know
two sessions on how to prevent your child from stops sucking their thumb
forty three hundred dollars if you want to have a there's the session adherence
and you know two week potty training with live instructor $3,700 okay that
one might be worth it instructor they'll come in for a while and if you want to
teach your children how to have manners yes sir no sir yes ma'am yes yes no
ma'am or to shake hands $85 is one of all is the manners trained I know so
people are trying to now tell the church you I'll bring my child to you and you
train my child how to pray and you train my child how to be godly but I'll do
whatever I want to do well that's an interesting phenomena what you're
describing there is that in a country where we can now afford to pay others to
do the things that traditionally was a parent's role
we're opting for the easy way the comfortable way hey let's just pay them
to teach our kid not to suck his thumb and and it seems good when we think
about it on a surface level but when you think about it on a deeper level a
substantive level when I don't just think about what we're doing to our
children by abdicating our roles but what we need to think about is the
future of the church and so we're creating this this church that is what I
would call a cruise ship mentality versus a war a warship and Christianity
is a warship and not a cruise ship and when we don't understand that will rate
we're raising up individuals who are a quote-unquote Christians to take over
the helm of the church the Lord's Church globally who will really have a
mentality Wow yeah I've never heard of quit that way on the cruise ship I'm
here to be entertained on a warship I'm here to fight I'm fighting against the
culture I'm fighting against the enemy of our soul on a cruise ship I look at
at the captain as the entertainment director on a warship I look at God the
captain as the general of the army and is a different mindset the cruise ship
docks during wartime the battleship sales during wartime and
when we abdicate our roles of being able to be parents that can raise up children
that can engage the culture and be thriving and vibrant in their spiritual
walk we're creating this cruise ship mentality we can never fulfill the Great
Commission with that kind of perspective David I really appreciate that I think
that's an incredible insight motivating really to think of it in those terms but
there are parents who feel guilty now I want to flip the coin and say you know
what about the parents that haven't had that revelation they haven't understood
that that is their role maybe they didn't have it modeled for them growing
up and they've kind of relaxed and thought okay God's in control here these
kids belong to God God will find a way to make sure they pick these spiritual
disciplines up how do we not berate ourselves how do we do our role but how
do we also trust that God is in control here that's a great question Jim I think
that the one way is that a parent must be able to acquiesce acknowledge the
fact that I have not been the greatest example or I've modeled the Asch the
aspects of my praying in front of my children or even by myself when we ask
God to forgive us scripture teaches that he cleanses us from all unrighteousness
but then when we do that it we create this new slate we if we have to based on
the age of our childhood to say to our child
I've not modeled this for you and I realize I've done you're wrong and I
want to correct that forgive me and I think that having that kind of sincerity
in front of our children is another way of modeling authentic Christianity and
then saying let's learn together how to be individuals that have power on bended
knees yeah it's so good and my mind is just racing
I love the concept you're raising a child who prays so often I think we as
parents who are hopefully more mature spiritually than our children our
teenagers we can expect a lot out of them and we forget this is a process and
what were we like at 13 14 as a child with you know not a fully developed
emotional brain yet and they're gonna make mistakes we make mistakes so how do
you settle down and I think sidestep the fear trap that Satan can lay there for a
parent who doesn't see all the right behavior in their child or you know they
forget it's a process they're wanting to see instant gratification and I think
that when I talk about raising a child who prays I talk about this sociological
sight of child rearing and the process their mentality and I talk about a
spiritual side and then I have a lot of prayer activities that engages the child
based on their age and so I tell the parent parent children don't want
perfect parents they want real authentic parents and likewise parents don't want
want perfect children they want real authentic children and so when a child
makes mistake even when it comes to prayer it don't
stumble and God doesn't stumble in our children's church before the class
starts the teacher would invariably ask the child to pray or children to pray
and I picked some children and I remember one of the teachers told me
that in his five-year-old class five six year old they asked little uh you know
little Jimmy to pray and Jimmy prayed and he deepened his voice we prayed like
a baritone voice he's five years old this of how he thinks the prayer dick
requires that and and and then afterwards Sally prayed and when Sally
prayed she said God and she spent pretty specifically god bless my mom and meet
her needs and then bless Elmo and big bird she wanted to Sesame characters and
I think God has enough wisdom to be able to bifurcate the childishness of
children but yet also accept their prayers or so we must not stumble as
parents with that what I would add to especially for parents of younger
children not to make fun of that because that can be a tendency I I can't wait
what do you mean pray for Big Bird what do you do but be thoughtful about how
handle that in that moment because you're teaching your children how to
have an attitude of prayer and if you tease them at that time they may kind of
go into a shell because they don't know how to pray according to your desire and
also as parents we are our children's world developmental stages and our
evaluation of them it really makes them and shapes them if we affirm them and
build them up and to give them their high-fives after their pray or just as
they're making any baby steps towards ongoing progress it means a lot to them
it's not like a stranger's words our words our words have significant weight
and heft in the mind of our child and we have to be conscious of that David you
speak about parenting with Mary and Joseph what a daunting task they had to
raise the son of God we don't stop and think of it in those terms that Mary and
Joseph had to raise the son of God so when Jesus is three five years old we
don't have much of a record any of a record of of that you know what an
amazing thing for Mary and Joseph to know what they're doing there how did
you translate that into practical parenting in life I think that I had to
first humanize Scripture because we seldom think of the human practical
aspects of Mary and Joseph mentoring and nurturing Jesus and in this case how do
you mentor Jesus he's he's the son of God and my answer came from looking at
you create a stable home create a peaceful home you create an environment
where you you know who you are your identity and your secure and who you are
and that brings a greatest security to your children so I looked at it from
that vantage point and then looked at scripture when Jesus was 12 and Mary and
Joseph didn't berate him they didn't belittle him but they observed they made
note of and that again further stabilizes so I think sometimes parents
we have children that have personalities that are different than ourselves or
perhaps skillset and gifts in the elementary stages but yet we can see
that they're gonna outgrow us and as a parent you want your children to outgrow
you and so we create a safe place for them in
value them and affirm them when we see those differences now here here is the
the question of the day and I I'm sure if you go to Facebook go ahead and post
your personal opinion about this as a listener so running in the house is not
a sin so think of Jesus who's sinless he's running in the house Mary having to
say Jesus stop running in the house now I know people are gonna respond to this
right that's the kind of thing that I just your imagination can go with you
know how did Mary discipline Jesus how did Joseph discipline Jesus and I think
that our our banter and the lightness of on some of these points is really
speaking to a deeper issue that there's this what I call the 4:14 window and
that's between the age of 4 and 14 according to the International Bible
Society 85% of people become Christians between that age and so as a parent when
you're nurturing and training your children you have this incredible window
that influences them and the stats are alarming and so if we don't seize the
moment then we may miss the moment and that's why it's so necessary to
encourage them that these spiritual values are essential to their formation
yeah and I love that for parents to keep that in mind that's a wonderful
statistic for us to be reminded of you have a great story being in South Korea
and seeing children step up to this prayer call out yeah what happened there
I was invited in this International Leadership Conference and so there were
five six thousand people from places like Mongolia Indonesia Vietnam you know
what's referred to as a 1040 window countries for the listeners to
understand and those countries that Jesus is not the friendliest person to
them where they are to him and after the evening meeting they had this prayer
room that seats me about 300 people so I decided to go to pray 11 o'clock at
night so when I walked in you can just sense the presence of God envelop you as
I walked in and then I heard these hearts open for the Lord and I heard it
I knew it was open because of their words and their words were God give me
Indonesia I will serve you their God give me the nation of Iraq I'll go there
give me you know Saudi Arabia I want to my life therefore you and when I
followed the trajectory of the voice John and Jim it was little kids laying
on the floor eight years old ten years old in their pajama outfit Superman
outfits and Cinderella pajamas and they're crying out before God with tears
rolling down their faces and when I heard that my knees hit the floor and I
said god help me to really understand in a greater way who you are and the
essential need to build Jenna a generation of children I love Eun out of
that came this book raising a child who prays good I recognized God is not a
grandfather he's a father to all yeah and there is no jr. Holy Spirit and
these little kids they were children of missionaries but their parents were
living in these countries and these children were saying God I'll serve you
there my whole life give me that nation it's such a convicting example where we
aim so low for our children here in Western civilization yeah and then you
see and hear about stories like this great year old kids are praying for the
nation's and the our children praying for Nintendo items and new bicycle and
and we I look at that I take I take part of the blame as a church leader because
I need to then create a culture and a confrontation so that our children as
well as their parents have a greater perspective as to who they are and the
value I love what Rick Warren says he says that one little boy said my father
stands tallest when he's on his knees wow it is really powerful that's what we
need to get our parents to recognize it you send tallest before your children
when you're on your knees before God David your personal spiritual journey
was a rough one in some ways speak to your issue with your grandfather who you
did not meet until late in life I mean how that was profoundly impacting
to you my family migrated from small island nation of Jamaican came to the
States I was eight years old when I came to America and and I'd never met my
paternal grandfather and my maternal grandfather had passed so I've never met
any of my grandparents for that matter at 12 years of age my dad brought all
four of us Island children back to Jamaica
because his dad was passing away had a stroke and he was just days away from
slipping into eternity and so I looked on this bed and I saw this man and I'd
never as a twelve-year-old never seen anybody at that state before and he
looked very ashen discolored and and I was a I was afraid and he's half his
body's paralyzed he couldn't speak and with his good arm his only functioning
army points to this this chest of drawn the other side of the room and there are
four black covered books on top of it I didn't know what it was and so his nurse
brought those four books to his bedside and then my dad lined up each of the
children based on their age and I was a third of the four and when is my turn he
I didn't want to go forward and receive this gift from my grandfather I was
afraid I didn't that was at 12 years old when I got closer and my dad pushed me
forward gently and when I went forward he handed me this Bible I didn't even
know what it was didn't understand it had no reference point and it said to
David from grandfather when I got back home to New York I didn't really do
anything with I put it in the chest of drawers the bottom drawer and didn't
mean anything to me didn't have a concept of it but that age 20 when I
came to know Christ as Savior was July 6 1982 at 10:00 p.m. because I had been an
atheist and so I had no concept of God didn't believe in God when I had this
powerful conversion and when I said Lord if you're real change me he changed me
and I remember I was just finished my undergraduate degree in mechanical
engineering at the point and when I went home after the semester break I just
opened up that drawing there was that Bible for my grandfather and all of a
sudden it meant something to me huh and so he didn't leave me money or land he
left me this God legacy and so it said I read it maybe a hundred times where it
says to David from grandfather and that's what's indelibly imprinted on my
mind when I think about the Scriptures and leaving a legacy for your children
yeah and that is such a powerful story David of the impact a man can make I
mean you knew him for minutes yeah not days not weeks I mean really this is the
first time you met him just minutes but made a eternal impact on your life let's
turn to some of the practical advice for moms and dads you have some great ideas
on how to make this really simple for parents who are listening so let's get
to it you list three ways that children can develop the healthy habit of daily
prayer one having a place to pray yes a time and then take it from their place
in time and an agenda so in three things to develop a habit of prayer set a place
of prayer set a time of Prayer and set an agenda of Prayer and when I say I set
a place of Prayer your children need a private space so children a place where
they can call their own and you may say well I have so many kids I there's no
private space but let's take a play out of the PlayBook of Susanna Wesley the
mother of John and Charles Wesley she had 19 children no I can't even count
that high when it comes to kids so that's like wall to wall children but
yet she had everyday she had her own private place to pray she had an apron
and she'd wear around her waist and she would throw it over a head man she
taught her children whenever you see mom in her place of prayer
never interrupt her Wow so we can teach our children get a place of prayer
private private place it could be you know part of the closet they just pushed
some of the clothing away and that's their place or it could be their
favorite chair or it could be a favorite sofa and they can take that place and
it's and pray when they're there then when I say set a time of Prayer I wanted
to be some formalized way whether it may be right before they go to school for
five minutes or when they come home before they start homework or baby or
some time where it's a formal meeting with God where's an official time with
God the discipline of Prayer is so important and so they set that time and
so based on their age again I draw from Susanna Wesley when her children were
young she taught them the the Lord's Prayer she taught them to memorize it
and she taught them to then say it twice a day they had to say it as they aged
she taught them then how to branch out in prayer in specific things praying for
your dad bring for your mom and I think we need to say that and teach that to
our children the third thing Jim I would bring out as
this and John is to set an agenda of Prayer an agenda is
cific topics that it's important to us it's important to others and when it
comes to the agenda of Prayer that's where I come into practical ways of
habits and styles to make prayer engaging based on the age of the child
sometimes I say let's take the tallest person your family have your child pray
for the tallest down to the shortest and then the next day from the shortest to
the tallest and that's that is good you also talked about the five fingers of
Prayer I really think this is helpful what if we take the thumb which is the
closest to us and we're saying who's someone close to us what are they what
are they experiencing are they hurting are they going through a tough time
prayer for that individual the pointing finger someone in our life that brings
an instruction a teacher you know maybe a coach maybe a sunday-school teacher
pray for that individual that middle finger someone who takes a leadership
role in our life pray for their you know whether maybe the president of the our
mom's company or a dad's workplace or to pray for the the principal of the school
or pray for the pastor of your church and then the ring finger speaks of a
family member and then you pray for a family member and then the pinkie you
pray for someone that's close where there's a good friend whether it's a you
know a buddy whether it's someone else in your life that you're concerned about
and when you go through this five finger method they hold their little fingers up
and they wiggle them and they make it fun and engaging and and you make it
enjoyable and you go through this you may say well that's foolish that's silly
it's not our children we need to engage them in ways that they can understand as
they mature and as they develop a life of prayer we can pull a waste of these
kinds of methods and go on to larger methods where I use social media as a
way to connect in terms of prayer styles and perhaps a prayer journal all kinds
of things that that could lead into but it opens their heart up to the practice
of prayer yeah David this has been so good and I have really enjoyed it the
time has flown by thank you so much for being here talking about the power of
teaching our children a prayerful life and the impact that it has on themselves
and on the world around them thank you my pleasure Jim my pleasure John thank
you for the - hey I'm John fuller and thanks for
watching get more info about focus over here and more from our guests over there
and be sure to subscribe to our channel as well
Sax ligature paranoia: Vandoren leather? Francois louis pure brass?-Sax Vlog#9 - Duration: 4:05.
Hi, I have played some days ago at a beautiful festival here in Rome called "Move the museum"
in a beautiful old roman villa
with my trio: Pietro Ciancaglini on bass and Andrea Nunzi on drums
my next record "Trisonic" will be out very soon
besides that, while I was assembling the horn for the soundcheck I found
this vandoren ligature in my case that I used to play 3 years ago
I tried this ligature this morning and I immediately liked, so I can't decide which one I like more
I usually play on a francois louis pure brass model
so I decided to do a vlog on sax ligatures
I want to do a blindfold test
I will play this 2 ligatures: FL pure brass and Vandoren leather LC814
but you will not see the ligature. I will just name them ligature 1 and 2
please give me your impressions
the world of ligatures is a strange territory! Some people say the ligature can affect the sound other say only the response.
some say the material of the ligature matters, some say it doesn't.
they also have different designs and pressure plates...maybe even a guru can't know the truth behind these cosmic doubts
the most important thing is to play something that you feel comfortable with
but hearing differencies is also damn interesting and can be an obsession for the sax players. So, welcome to this vlog:
I will do 2 clips
in the first one I will play a C diminished scale from low C to altissimo C
of course you can play other notes lower and upper, but it is a quite wide range
so we will hear the 2 ligatures in the same context
in the second clip I will improvise a solo and so we will hear
the two ligatures is a more generic musical context
Daniel Flandri - WORD #59 - Beijo Bom (Cover da Paula Fernandes) - Duration: 3:35.
What's up, folks? My name is Daniel Flandri I am a singer and a vocal teacher
And I am going to perform today a song from Paula Fernandes called "Good Kiss"
I hope you like it. If you do so, thumbs up, share it Leave your feedback, suggestions
Ask for songs! That's it. Thanks. Be Light!!!
How many have you ever loved? Few I loved and I know very well
When I remember someone Only you comes to my mind
How many have you kissed? I just kissed who I loved
But joining who I loved Does not come closer to you
What do you have? That the others don't?
Where you come from? Come
Do you know a good kiss? Yours A good hug? Yours
And look what happended Perfect match with mine
Do you know a good kiss? Yours A good hug? Yours
And look what happened Perfect match with mine
How many have you ever loved? Few I loved and I know very well
When I remember someone Only you comes to my mind
What do you have? That the others don't?
Where you come from? Come
Do you know a good kiss? Yours A good hug? Yours
And look what happened Perfect match with mine
Do you know a good kiss? Yours A good hug? Yours And look what happened Perfect match with mine
Do you know a good kiss? Yours A good hug? Yours And look what happened Perfect match with mine
예은의 후덜덜 과거 최초공개 [빨강머리옌] EP.3 - Duration: 10:09.
<Red Hair Yen>
<EP.03 Yen's Men(?)>
<Yenny's House>
Should we get going, Niño?
<Should we go?>
Let's get dressed in something pretty and go~
Come here
This is what Amor wore when he was younger
<should we go!?>
<Let's go~>
<Hey~ what are you doing?>
I'm out with my dogs now
<I just got out too>
I'll be quick~
<Han River>
<it's so nice today>
Guys, you're the center of attention
You guys are the most popular here~
Where are they~
<Found them!>
<Kim Kang Min (slave 1)> -Yenny's best friend for 13 years
<Park Joseph (slave 2)> -Yenny's younger brother
<Red Hair… Anne?>
I'm Red Hair Yen!
<Why is your face red, too?>
I guess your concept is red today
(ignoring) I'm hungry
Let's eat something
Actually, today…
you might not believe me but
I've never done anything like this before
<you really made this?>
I have to take some pictures
Thanks for making it~
<it's good>
Is it alright?
It's good
It's really good
Have you ever done this for your girlfriend?
Oh, really?
It's not a good idea for my girlfriend to watch this program
Yenny hasn't done anything like this for me either
I didn't even write him a letter when he went to the military
<she really didn't write me one>
<it's not the matter of man or woman>
if they don't have the tendency and personality (then it's hard)
To think about it, you and Kang Min
have been friends since high school
What was (she) like in high school?
She was really popular when she was in High Rise (student dance club)
<I was popular>
With your own mouth?
When High Rise was practicing
I went with her
She was the captain then
and about eight people sat in a circle
and they were talking really seriously
<I think the freshmen are too tough these days>
They were saying that when they were only 18 or 19 themselves
I used to beat up Kang Min a lot with my words
<He got hit many times by the words of my mouth>
She hasn't actually changed much
Back then, she was a girl with many dreams
and she had some strict standards for herself
<like grabbing someone by the collar?>
(in the past) if she had the buttons buttoned-up all the way up
Your metaphor is on point
(now) three?
You have about three of them unbuttoned?
She's become more free
(Back then) did you hit Joseph a lot?
<He got hit a lot>
She was no. 1 in the family
I used to like games a lot back then
So I'd whine and grumble at her
And the whole time we were eating she held it in, but then once she got into the house she says,
<Park Joseph get in here>
and you know with like the bamboo flute
but what makes her nice in the middle of all that is, she asks,
<how many times do you want to get hit?>
If I say 'just once' then she says,
<do you think that's possible?>
<I don't think that's possible for me>
I think those days were my
darkest days…
She's the kind of person who lets people realize for themselves
<real education!>
Are you sure that's real education?
Of course it is~ (confident)
I think she's really good to her people
She's the wedding singer for everyone around her
You're going to sing at my wedding too, right?
You're going to get married?
You're coming to the wedding, right?
When you get (married) it might be a little hard for me to sing
Are you going to dance?
<I don't know when I'll get married>
You don't need to if you don't think marriage is necessary
It's been a while since I saw you
How have you been doing these days?
I've been working (on my music)
and I've been preparing for the 'Blue Bird Project'
I'm not exactly sure what the Blue Bird Project is..
*Because your Internet data is precious the key points will be explained briefly
What is the Blue Bird Project?
The Blue Bird Project is an integrative exhibition based on the idea of breaking from the prejudices of society and finding the free, unconstrained self
What type of exhibition would you like?
Then, how about here?
No matter what type of exhibition you want
Exceptional contents
Extraordinary experience!
Blue Bird Project
The thing that I want to ask Joseph is
since you make clothes
You want to make some clothes that can represent the Blue Bird Project, right?
How long does it normally take to make them?
It actually differs depending on what you make
If the design is finalized
and if you decide on what kind of clothes you're going to make
then it can be done in about 1 to 2 weeks
1 to 2 weeks…
Why did you want to see me?
Balko and I started on the project
but it's not going anywhere
We have a lot of ideas and thoughts on it
So you need someone to push it forward
And then what you say all the time is
"I just need to do it~"
<what exactly are you doing!!!>
It's like you blew it up as big as possible
but you don't know what to do next…
You need to push us and
help us organize like that
Set deadlines so you make us
<be more motivated>
The most important thing for me is
that the message has to be positive
nothing negative like, "why are you giving this kind of pressure"
nothing like that…
It's not an issue about man and woman, or woman and man
but about something that the society imposes on (all of) us
(Isn't it about) breaking from the roles that are pressured onto us
and becoming our true selves?
For instance, for me, it's things like 'you shouldn't cry since you're a man'
'you have to be strong since you're a man'
'you can't be losing anywhere you go' I hear these kind of things (often)
(so your intention is to) break these stereotypes
or something along those lines
I really like her intentions
(if it went on like this) we can all come to an understanding
and be able to communicate with each other
<Should we bring it in?>
What should we say?
Fly, blue bird?
♬Pluhmm <Ha:tfelt>
<Pub in Sangam-dong>
<Geegooin (rapper 1)> -Member of hip hop group 'Rhythm Power' - always made fun of for being awkward with Yenny
<who is this>
What do you mean 'who is this'~
<why aren't you here yet~!>
<we have to stop by somewhere first, it'll be quick>
What do you mean you have to stop by, where are you going~
<it'll be a quick stop>
<just chat (with Yenny) for a little bit>
(deep sigh)
What hahaha
I think they went somewhere;;
How have you been?
I didn't make it to your housewarming party that one time…
Oh right~
<you didn't come…>
I've seen this picture before
It's because they keep making fun of how we're awkward
<they still do that?> <yeah!>
Why are they making fun of it?
I don't know…
Is it going to end like this today?
If they just left I'm gonna be upset, I'm gonna diss them
<Hangzoo (rapper 2)> - Member of hip hop group 'Rhythm Power' - Winner of Show Me the Money 6
<Boi B (rapper 3)> - Member of hip hop group 'Rhythm Power' - The sexiest out of the three members
Where did you go without me
We had a cup of coffee(?)
Did you two become a little closer?
We're really close~
We're kind of like that(?)
<But why are you looking at me while you're talking?>
<Because you asked me~>
Doesn't 'ex' mean
a former girlfriend from the past?
What are you saying~ you're crazy(?)
I want to eat some tteok-bokki too
<we'll have the tteok-bokki>
<we'll have the golbaengi too!>
<I'll have the I*toktok!>
<that's too much drinking for you, will you be okay?>
I*toktok for him is like Ba*di for us
Have you seen me drinking?
Why does it feel like I have?
I've always seen him at places with alcohol
It runs in the family
My mom and dad can't drink at all
But you can still have a good time like you did even if you didn't drink
That's possible for me (positive)
We need to have a really good time today
(okie dokie)
(getting started with the food first)
If you bring a lady to this pub
It'll be like game set
Who are some female celebrities you're close to?
<Kang Han Na>
Is she the one who appeared on Running Man?
Call your friends over!!
What if I do call them over
We all…
<become closer>
Will (Lee) Elijah come if I call her over?
#AGenteVaiViver - Duration: 4:13.
This taste in my throat, first thing in the morning
When my eyes haven't even opened yet
It's not blood, it's not a dream, it's bitter than that
it's the hope that has fled
It was by killed death
Another one that no one saw
Gun not yet legalized
Another scream into the emptiness
Worn word, Cowardly murdered
Like history has seen before, and bodies have felt before
But not on my terms, no
I'm not giving in, no
The death of hope
Is multiplying
And if today I don't have the pulse, the shine or the breath
Tomorrow I'll have more to go, much more light and lung
And if today I don't have the pulse, the shine or the breath
Tomorrow I'll have more to go, much more light and lung
It was by colonization
in concentration camps
In the ships and in the favelas,
and for silencing
Worn word, Cowardly murdered
Like history has seen before, and bodies have felt before
But not on my terms, no
I'm not giving in, no
The death of hope
Is multiplying
We fight, we yell
We are going to live
When hope dies
It's the first to be reborn
We fight, we yell
We are going to live
When hope dies
It's the first to be reborn
We fight, we yell
We are going to live
When hope dies
It's the first to be reborn
We fight, we yell
We are going to live
When hope dies
It's the first to be reborn
There are so many of us
The first fight begins inside
To take on the ghosts and throw up the fear.
If it appears impossible, breathe deeply for a moment.
There are so many of us,
and we're strong like the wind.
If they say no,
we'll demand our rights.
If hate dominates,
we will be hopeful
And if fear paralyzes us,
we will be movement
The truth is that we fight
we yell
we will live
because when hope dies
you got to believe, it is the first to be reborn.
O País do Absurdo | Ivan Maia - Duration: 15:32.
HISOO wants to say something | TEAM4DET | - Duration: 3:28.
do you miss me?
hello everyone~ long time no see!!
Hisoo from team4det, is back !
I couldn't be with team4det for about 2 months?
couldn't upload videos for team4det
maybe some might know what I've been doing these days
I wanted to notice you what are my plans next
that's the purpose of this video
first of all
I'm working around Indonesia and Malaysia with GTI
I expect about a year for this project
so it would be little difficult for me to work with team4det members, in Korea
I tried to figure out, what can I do in SEA
how can I show you different things, that I couldn't do in Korea
so I'm planning for those contents
before that, I had to get use to this place and get close to GTI members too
I think thats the reason that I'm kinda late to say this
I wanted to make this video before it's too late
I told you already that some might know
I take care of GTI's MVs, vlogs and their pictures I'm in the charge of directing
we already uploaded different kind of things in GTI channel
and I'm also planning new things for our channel too
I really appreciate your love and support so I'll do harder to give you my thanks
also my works uploaded already
we have some distance with team4det in Korea but I think we can make more funs in this situation
I'll try to make many kind of things I just want you guys to keep your support
I need your likes, subscribes : )
it would give me, my team, GTI the strengths
keep your supports for us
I think it's time to say goodbye
I'll keep working on for more contents
thank you guys for watching us
it's been a while to say this
【DFFAC&NT 字幕付き ONで見れます。】1dayトーナメントに向けて鍛錬中の賢人さんのディシディア ダイヤE,D、クリスタルE 動画part14.5 【バスホ、ランス】 - Duration: 11:39.
Cupcakes de Halloween - Halloween Cupcakes (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 17:26.
Russian nozzle n.º80
Russian nozzle n.º90
All decorations are made with fondant.
5cm round cutter
Vein tool
Let it set.
Knife tool
Shell tool
Edible dust Dove Grey
Edible dust Black Midnight
Edible dust Copper
Edible dust Autumn Green
Nonpareils and sugar stars mixed with silver luster dust.
Thank you for watching.
Surviving With Wolves (Full Movie) - Subtitled - Duration: 1:55:36.
Surviving with wolves
Walking! Let's go.
Faster, Jules!
Let's ride around the world! Faster!
Let's find food. And a new book.
And many animals to put under the bed.
Come on, faster!
Keep your voice down, Misha. Quiet.
- Someone might hear you. - There's nobody here.
Daddy asked you to be careful.
Come on, Jules! Faster!
Take your cod liver oil.
- Can we go to the cinema again? - Soon.
- Open your mouth, nice and wide. - Just a spoonful.
At least two, that way you'll grow strong.
That way, I myself will kill Hitler.
please, smile again. Smile.
He's bleeding.
You are a German Jew. Like daddy.
With just a kick ...
You can kill a German. Look.
There, German. Now you're dead!
See how he's bleeding? You are good.
My beautiful turtle, you are Russian, like mommy.
And you always carry your house on your back.
It isn't heavy? Then, you are very brave!
My little snake.
Go underneath of German's clothes and bite them.
That way, we won't have any more Germans.
We will win the war and we will not change house anymore.
Why are you spitting on us? Come down here!
I told you not show your face!
Want the neighbors tell on us?
Is that what you want?
Now she spits.
What does she want?
It is difficult for her, Reuven.
She is a child.
She needs to run, play.
At her age, we played.
- We would go to the movies. - Tomorrow she will go back to school.
I spoke with the teacher. She agreed.
No more schools!
The teacher is very good and you will learn a lot.
I do not care. I want to stay with mommy.
Love of my life...
Do not hurt your father. He has worked so hard for us.
Why doesn't he go to school, since he likes it so much?
You need to obey him.
- Or he will stop loving you. - I do not care.
I will.
You know, I do understand.
One day it's a school, then another.
It is difficult.
Clothes for sale! Clothes for sale!
- Did you like Jules? - Yes.
- Do you want to have a ride with me? - Yes!
- Where are we going? - To school.
To the young girl's school. Lets go!
Disgusting Germans.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...
8, 9, 10, 11...
15, 16, 17...
18, 19...
- What did you learn in school? - A song.
A beautiful song?
Listen, listen
The steps of the Lord are near
He walks on the streets He walks beside you
Tell you what...
Let's go to the park. Alright?
No, no need to be afraid.
The Germans do not arrest horses.
- Come here, Misha. - No.
I'm playing!
Come pray for your father. For the end of the war.
I want to eat a lot and not go to school.
I want cats and rabbits. And a bed just for me.
Going to the movies with mommy and go out to play.
It's Gilles.
- Hello. - Hi.
That was all I could get.
I hate herring.
- Isn't there any cheese? - No, darling.
Sorry, that is all.
You must eat what we have, my love.
Thank you.
I'll make some tea, there is still some.
By the way...
- Heard about the Finkels? - No.
Yesterday they got arrested with false documents.
Right here.
It was all the lady managed to do at City Hall.
It's dangerous. Do not go, I'm afraid.
Do not worry, I will return in an hour.
Do not go. It's very dangerous.
If you do not want us to go, I can stay here with your mother.
Go away! You have no right!
Mom is mine!
I hate washing myself.
The other one.
You promised that I would not go to school anymore.
If someone that isn't your father, goes to pick you up ...
and says "love of my life", do not ask questions ...
- Accompany that person. - Yes mom. I know.
You told me this several times. I'm not deaf.
I know.
But you never hear.
If someone picks me up at school, that is not my daddy ...
and says "love of my life", I must follow them.
- Promise? - Promise.
I do not want you to wash my "little moon".
7x3=21, 7x4=28
Sit down.
Beware, they are here.
- What do they want? - To check identities.
It is the second time this week.
Julie, go on. Misha, Sarah, come with me.
Let´s go.
They will not be alone. Do not make noise.
- What's your name? - I can not say.
- And yours? - I can't say that either.
- You know how to play that? - No.
How do you usually play, then?
- I can make animals talk. - Do you want me to teach you?
A boat.
Gilles found a new hiding place for us ...
20km from here.
We will be safer and Misha can go out to play.
It's true, mommy?
Can I have a dog too?
When the war is over, we'll see.
Have a little more patience.
- Why do you say that? - That is the talk in cafes.
For the first time, the Germans are in trouble.
The Germans were crazy, to attack Russia..
It's certain defeat. Look at Napoleon.
- Mom is mine! - Mom is of both of us.
This is not true!
Yes it is. I'm yours and of your dad, dear.
But you are mine, first.
Will you let her think like so, until she gets married?
Yes, you will laugh until I get married.
- Are you waiting for someone? - My father.
- Wait here until he comes. - Yes.
If I count to 30, he will appear.
1, 2, 3...
23, 24, 25, 26, 27...
He is not here.
- Are you Misha? - Yes, why?
"Love of my life", understand that?
- Yes. Where is my father? - Do not ask questions.
What are those trucks?
We need to go now.
No, I want to go home. I want to see my mother.
Do you want to get her in trouble?
Then come with me.
- Do not say a word. - I will not, ma'am
When my father said it would be dangerous ...
was he talking about that?
What did I say?
Is it paid for?
Thank you.
- Mind if I check? - Be my guest.
- Sit down. - Thanks.
- When was the arrest? - Just now.
I almost lost the child.
- Who filed the complaint? - Ronda.
- She has no clothes? - I'll bring what I can.
I have other children that size.
Take off your clothes and wash up.
I'll call her for dinner.
Take off that necklace, please.
- Give it to me, fast. - I cannot.
- My mom gave it to me. - Using it can be dangerous.
If the Germans see that, they will arrest you.
But it is so small.
Do not argue. Give me the necklace.
Do you like that?
- Do you know what this is? - Meat.
It is a pig.
Porco, chucrute, porco.
Sauerkraut is very good.
- Why are you laughing? - Because everyone is laughing.
Enough already!
Cry if you want, but in silence!
I want my mom.
I have to get up at 5:00 am. I need to sleep, you know?
- Yeah. - Calm down, dear.
Crying will not help.
Why did they take my mother?
I don't know.
And my dad?
Maybe they were bad people.
This is not true! They are the best parents in the world.
Perhaps because they are Jews.
So the Jews are bad?
Some people say that the Jews killed Jesus ...
and they need to pay for it.
And that's why they took my parents away?
You know what will we do?
You can come and sleep with me.
Is it okay?
Put your hair further back, it will be more beautiful.
We need a photo for your new identity.
My what?
You'll change your name. Misha is not Christian.
You need a real name and not a nickname.
- Let's call her Monique. - No Monique is ugly.
You will do as I say.
Do not forget to call me mother.
You are not my mother.
You need to call her that for your own good.
Give me a really beautiful smile, yes?
Janine, get ready to light the fuse.
Say cheese!
And you, can you smile?
Do not throw the blame on others.
You got caught. You're a thief.
Do you want to cause harm to Lêopold?
- It that it? - No.
Come here.
- Give me your hand. - Which one?
Right one.
Go to your bedroom. Will be without food.
You already served yourself.
- See how clean it is? - It's great, Misha.
Hey, girl.
Wear your coat and follow me.
- Where? - Restocking.
- What is Restocking? - It's the muck.
Why won't Mrs. Valle go?
- Her brother does not stand her. - And he likes you?
Will you teach me to ride a bike?
As if..!
Bicycles are for boys, not for girls.
Enjoy the scenery, then.
From now on, you will go do the Restocking.
Don't move.
Lets go, dogs! Go back home.
- I said, no children. - She is...
She is not like the others.
- Her name is Monique. - No, my name is Misha.
- You don't like Monique? - No.
Of course. Is the name of my mother.
Tell your mother that that's enough. This is the last time.
Stay here, listen to music. Will do well to your heart.
You need that.
- Is that you, Joseph? - No, Marthe. It's Lêopold.
- Who are you talking with? - With the maid.
With who?
- The new maid. - When did she arrive?
A few days ago.
If you do not trust me, come count them yourself.
Unless you want to see where I hide them.
I'm not a thief.
You know, Monique is not so ugly.
You don't have to like it.
So, did the old man speak ill of me?
- The usual. - Janine!
He made me listen to that old song.
And Marthe has not left the room.
She eats more and more.
That old man said that it's due to sadness.
- Whatever! - You took the document?
We must be really desperate.
Do not just stand there.
- You know how to get there alone? - Yes ma'am.
He does not want her to go.
He is just talking nonsense.
- What is that? - An apple tree.
It's beautiful!
You really are a city girl.
- You don't like her? - Of course I do.
- What is that? - A strawberry bush.
- Of strawberries, you know? - No.
- Are you kidding? - No, I never tasted one.
I think the Germans took them all.
If they only took strawberries ...
- What are those little houses? - Those are hives.
Houses of bees, you know?
They collect pollen around.
That is why honey is tasty.
So, you are the one who's doing the Restocking?
Yes, just me.
I guess I don't have a choice.
Already tired of playing?
Do you think she has nothing else to do?
You lost your mind?
They can hear you here!
- Come on, just go. - Stop it...
- Idiot. - She can't have a little fun?
They are not bad.
They just want to know who you are.
Do not look them in the eye, they don't like that.
They are getting to know you. They will always remember.
- Can I caress them? - You can ...
but under the chin, not on the head ...
or they will expect you to give them an order.
- What are they called? - Papa Ita.
- And the female is Mama Rita. - Joseph!
I told you to be careful.
Dogs are not toys.
Joseph? Is that my new name?
Joseph was our son.
She sees him everywhere.
It is not her fault. The sadness did this to her.
Where is he?
- He died a long time ago. - Joseph.
I made new pants for you. They are of a thick fabric.
Come on.
What a pretty girl. Is she yours?
One of Joseph's daughters. A gift from God.
I don't understand, I heard that ...
Never believe everything you hear.
Mama Rita!
Mama Rita, come here!
Come on, you lazy! You eat too much!
Come up here!
Mama Rita, Papa Ita, come!
Stop barking. Let's go.
What's it? Are they scared?
Be good or I'll tell Ernest.
What does your mother think I am? Where's the rest?
She says the prefecture is suspicious, there are too many documents out there.
I paid for 12, it has only 3 there.
When can I pick up the rest?
She said that if you don't like it, then become mayor.
She is pissing me off. And you too!
Get out of here! Without Restocking.
If she wants to eat, then send the documents.
- Let's go. - No, Joseph.
Pathetic idiot!
Joseph died years ago. I know where he is buried.
You jerk! Idiot!
If you go crying to your mother ...
and she touches a hair of hers ...
- You will regret it! - Do not worry.
That's a lie!
Is anybody there?
Mr. Lêopold, telegram. You need to sign.
There was a death in the family.
I have to stay for 3 days.
- The viper died? - No, she's fine.
So she decided to give me the documents I paid for.
No, I also know how to steal.
You little smart cracker..
What did the viper say this time?
That you are not a good Christian.
From her, it is a compliment.
Ernest, why can't I wait for my parents here?
There are many Germans here, sweetie.
- And militia too. - But you know where they are.
We do not know much.
But they are heading east.
- East? Where is it? - Far far away.
- And they will come back? - Of course.
We just have to wait.
- Here, for you. - For me?
Of course. It's your birthday, isn't it?
- Do you like her? - She is beautiful. Thanks you.
Her name will be ...
- Do you like it? - It's a beautiful name.
- Misha, do you know how to imitate a cat? - Of course.
That's enough.
You can say "potato" in German?
Kartoffel. My father taught me.
And in Russian is kartochka. My mom taught me.
Wow. You know several languages.
- Do you remember the song? - Yes.
Beautiful month of May When will you be back?
To bring me leaves To bring me leaves
Beautiful month of May When will you be back?
To bring me leaves
For me to clean up!
Sit dow.
- Germany is towards east? - Yes.
And here, in pink ...
It is our home. The Ardennes.
And here, in green, is France.
Here is the River Meuse, and here, the River Rhine.
- See how long it is. - You know so many things.
I was a teacher in another life.
- Was it far away, your other life? - Very.
Across the Mediterranean ...
A long time ago.
Ernest ...
Ar e yousure that my parents went to the east?
- That's what they say. - And what are they doing there?
Maybe working in factories or coal mines.
Anyway, they will not eat without working.
- Want one? - Thanks.
I do not know why, but I'm always hungry.
It is not the first time that the Germans declared war on us.
20 years ago I was also a prisoner.
But here I am.
Do not worry. We win this too.
Lets go, girl.
Let's study?
Come here.
I have a surprise. Quickly.
If you guess which one, it's yours.
- This one. - You won.
It's beautiful. What is it?
A compass. It indicates where is the north.
- What is it for? - To travel.
The compass says north is there, you see?
Let the needle stay on "N".
"S" is south and west is to the left.
- And the east? - On the right.
It is always to the right. Always.
- The needle is never wrong? - Never.
You can trust. Come on, let me see.
- And east. - Great!
Did you hear that?
Explosions everywhere.
The English...
- They want us dead. - The war is over?
- What is this nonsense? - I swear it is true.
The Police is checking all the houses.
- Police or the Germans? - Both my lady.
Misha, hide in the basement until I call you.
You, go change.
You can't have dinner dressed like a beggar.
I talked a lot to little Misha.
That child is not silly.
Misha this, Misha that ... Start calling her Monique.
Do you hate my mother's name that much?
What did you expect? I'll never get used to it.
What are you going to do?
The Police is trying to know too much.
- You cannot get rid of her. - Kindness has its limits.
They only paid me for a month. We haven't received anything in weeks.
It isn't my salary and the rest of your patience ...
- Please honey. - You don't take anything seriously.
No, you wouldn't do that.
The German Police would never believe you.
All they want is to show service.
- Can't you wait a while? - Wait for what?
What if the Americans win the war?
We will be able to say we saved a Jewish girl.
And if the Germans win?
If they win ...
we will say that we did not know she was Jewish.
No one will believe.
It's too dangerous.
Tomorrow I will clean the house. It is my duty as a citizen.
You are becoming very sentimental.
Can I wait for my parents here? Please, Marthe.
Ernest ...
Unfortunately, you can not.
If I'm right about the Germans ...
Soon they will find you.
It would not surprise me to receive some visitors.
And my sister? She lives in Waterloo.
- Suzanne is very nice. - Waterloo is located to the east?
No, in the south. But not far.
That filthy pig.
Doesn´t waste time
Go fast. Go up, go up!
- You came for me? - There is a secret door.
No, Marthe. I do not want to be locked.
Mr. Leroy?
Whatdo you want with Mr. Leroy?
We received information on false documents dealing ...
and a fugitive.
A child who should not be here.
I do not know. Would it be the neighbor's daughter?
A small Jewish.
- Here? - Yes.
What would I do with her? Jelly?
We do not care. We do not deal with Jews.
But if the Gestapo finds out, they can kill you.
One more reason not to mix with these people.
I am a good Christian, sworn and baptized.
- I was part of the choir. - Let's take a look.
I have nothing to hide, but my wife will not like that.
Why not?
Put yourself in her shoes. The house is not clean.
We don't care about that.
Only we care about Identity trafficking.
Do you recognize this?
I know that is not my business ...
but you are getting me worried.
If the police only cares about discount coupons ...
- we will never get rid of the Germans. - Save that for yourself.
Sweep everything!
Just a moment.
I heard voices.
Is anyone here.
My poor man, I've been speaking to myself for years.
Enough, be carefull.
- Where are we going? - You'll know soon enough.
Go talk to my superior. It's out of my reach.
I'm hungry!
Damn it.
Don't move!
- Where is he? - What you want?
Do not pretend to clueless. Where is he?
I do not understand.
What is this?
Stop! Stop!
I can't believe this! What are you doing?
What did you give him?
You poisoned him, you little brat!
Let go of my arm!
Let me go, you bastard!
Let me go now!
See? We made it.
They are beautiful.
They look like the sweets Marthe makes.
I'll try another.
I'm hungry!
Look, Gerusha.
East is there.
Do you understand?
Hey you!
Get down!
Slut! Filthy rabble!
Little thief!
Gipsy! Thief!
I'm bleeding!
You bitch!
I will call the police!
Wait and see!
Mom, it hurts.
It hurts, Mom.
It hurts so much.
I'm here, love of my life.
- Mom. - By your side.
- Come. - Mom.
You are hungry too.
Take it.
So, you are not a dog.
Are you looking for someone too?
You are not the one who has a bruised back.
I'd like to kiss you.
I want a kiss.
When we find my parents, I'll introduce you to them.
We will all go to the farm to see Ernest.
On Ernest's farm ...
there are two dogs like you.
And Ernest ...
He will give us a lot of things to eat.
I love Ernest.
We won't feel hungry anymore. Nor cold.
Can I tell you a secret?
On the farm, there was a female dog.
Her name was Mama Rita.
Can I call you Mama Rita?
Thank you.
Look what I found.
Do not be so picky.
On times of war, you have to eat everything.
As my mother would say.
Is this for me?
You are very kind.
Wash me.
Here. Again.
I also know how to find food.
Mama Rita?
Mama Rita! Mama Rita?
Mama Rita.
Mama Rita!
POLAND, 1943
Mom will think I'm too slow.
You are the most beautiful.
Stop, stop, stop!
Get out now!
I do not want to see you here again.
It will get cold.
- Where you are from? - I do not understand.
- Go watch. - It's ok.
- What is your name? - Do not understand.
Help us.
There, in the hole.
Just a little more.
Here, you want some?
What is your name?
She hasn't said a word in two years.
Do not make noise.
- Who is that? - Vladek.
What are you doing?
They emptied the ghetto. There's no one left.
Stay with us, you will be safe.
Bread! Come quick!
Bread? Bread!
There is more over there. Real bread!
We cannot stay. It's very dangerous.
- Come, we can not stay. - I do not understand!
If someone left bread ...
then they know we're here.
Come, we can not stay. Come!
There's bread there!
It's very dangerous!
It is dangerous, come!
Let´s go!
Here, Vladek. Eat.
Where did you come from?
What are you doing here?
They are so cute.
You can't eat that.
And you, do not be jealous.
Mama Rita! Is that you?
It's me.
Don't you recognize me?
All of you live here?
I know it's you.
Well, you look like her.
Little Wolf! Little Wolf!
Little Wolf!
There you are.
Don't do that ever again.
Mama Rita and I were worried.
Come, let's go home.
Let's go. Faster!
Come and help me, Moonlight.
I can't do it alone. Come on!
You lazy wolf!
Come on, pull.
I did not tell you to eat.
I told you to pull.
You think this is funny?
I guess I'll have to carry it myself.
It's not fair. Moonlight and I were the ones who carried it.
I want to eat, I'm hungry.
Good girl.
Do not bite.
Come on, run. Quick, go.
Come on, fast.
Mama Rita.
Papa Ita.
Mama Rita.
Mama Rita.
Mama Rita.
Mama Rita.
So they won't find you. You will be hidden.
Mama Rita.
I want to stay with you.
Mama Rita.
Why did they do that?
Why? Why??
Why?? Why?..
I'm hungry. I'm hungry.
What do you want?
Goodbye, Jews!
Get out of our homes!
Leave, Jews!
Five, two, one ...
Mama Rita, 27 ...
I'm here.
Daddy's here.
- Calm down. - Daddy.
Stop, stop.
- What is this? - Where did you find her?
Who is she?
Feed her.
Sit down. Sit down!
What is your name?
My name is Misha.
No, I'm Misha. And you?
No, no.
No, I'm Misha. And you??
We're both Misha.
She's filthy.
What's it? Don't be scared.
Do not worry, everything will be ok.
Come on.
Everything is going to be okay.
Calmly. That's it.
What a pretty girl.
Where you are from?
Where are your parents?
Where are your parents??
You hear that? They talk like mommy.
Let's rest here, then we can go.
Misha, come look.
Clean yourself up.
- No. - You can talk?
I'll never take the smell of Mama Rita away.
It's dirty. Even more than me.
I do not want to talk to them.
They may not like Jews either.
Why did you get those clothes all dirty?
Here, for you.
This isn't a toy.
Go sit.
Here is Moscow.
The German army was close to Moscow.
The front line goes from Ukraine ...
to Warsaw, and straight to Copenhagen.
The German army ...
- Kaput. - And Berlin?
Not yet.
Sorry. I'm late.
Our troops in the second Belarusian front ...
They are going north.
The Red Army!
You saw that?
It is the Red Army!
The shots at the Brussels court of law ...
indicate the defeat of the German army.
Brussels! My home!
Daddy, Mommy, my house! Brussels!
- You live there? In Belgium? - Brussels!
We are achieving total victory!
- West? - West.
Misha, inside!
Lets go.
Mommy, Brussels!
Misha! Misha! Quickly!
- Bomb! - No, Brussels, mommy!
Thank you.
It's beautiful!
You are very brave.
A brave small soldier.
Thank you for everything you did for me.
I will not forget you. I promise.
When I meet my parents ...
we will go visit you in Ukraine, or you go to Belgium!
I will never forget! I promise!
You can't stay there. Go that way.
Mommy, are you there?
- Come. Come. - Mommy?
I'm going, mommy.
I'm far away.
I'm going.
What do you want?
My parents.
You lived here?
I do not know anymore.
- This is Jules. - It's my son's.
When we got here, we found nothing.
Only a box with pictures. Want to see them?
My husband and I were touched, so, we kept them.
You like that one?
Take it.
Try the city hall. They must know something.
Do you want me to take you there?
There. I'm happy for you.
- What is your name? - Misha.
- Misha what? - Only Misha.
My mother is Gerusha.
My father is Reuven.
They will look for me here.
Look at the photos on the wall.
Tell me if you recognize anyone.
So I can help you.
Thank you, sir.
She is full of lice. Put DDT on her.
- It will not be enough. - Then, scrape everything.
Where are you going?
- What's it? - She is infested.
She will infect others.
She needs to be disinfected from head to toe.
We have to scrape everything. Listen!
If you don'tt obey, you can't wait for your parents here.
Where are you going?
I'm thirsty.
I'm thirsty.
- The temperature did not drop? - No.
It is getting worse.
If nobody comes to take care of her, we will have to transfer her to a hospital.
Mama Rita.
Love of my life. Come get me.
Sorry for the questions, we have to check identities.
She does not know her surname, and the parents disappeared.
He took care of her for some time, and she ran away.
Since then, nothing?
- Would you be able to recognize her? - Of course.
- That is her. - She is in a very bad condition.
What happened?
High fever. Can't eat anything.
Maybe it's best to put her on IV.
- So, it's serious. - It can be.
- Can I stay? - If you are going to help ...
Young lady, this isn't time for weaknesses.
Marthe bought you a beautiful lady horse. She is taking care of her for you.
Waiting for you to come back.
She even forbade Joseph to ride her.
Mama Rita.
Papa Ita.
Do you know who they are?
Misha, look.
Mama Rita.
Papa Ita.
They came to see you.
They came to say "hi."
Come on, let her rest now.
We waited for so long.
Never arrived to Waterloo.
Of course, it was too far.
Can you get up?
My God, you came from so far.
A fighter like you can overcome everything.
You want to try to walk?
So, let's go home.
No, I want to wait for my parents here.
You can wait with us ...
with your stomach full of the delicious food Marthe will cook.
- How will they know that I'm back? - We will come here every day.
- Everyday. - Promise?
Word of honor.
Beautiful month of May When will you be back?
To bring me leaves To bring me leaves
Beautiful month of May When will you be back?
To bring me leaves For me to clean myself up!
Subscribe :)
Surviving with wolves
Adobe illustrator tutorial | Adobe CC 2018 - Duration: 13:20.
RX590 November release price is $ 300? - Duration: 2:17.
hola! It is Ato.
nice to meet you.
Yesterday rx590 benchmark related video I showed you.
On the date and price of the rx590 today I was rumored about.
This time, the Chinese web page, my It's from the driver.
It will be released by the end of the previous year The polaris 30 refresh version I gave
I wondered how it would be released. It is.
The rx590 is equipped with this polaris 30 gpu It is expected to be released.
amd is the naming of the Radeon graphics card The flagship line in
* I removed the 90 series.
I'm back now.
After all, the rx590 is the amd's flagship line Will be a graphics card belonging to
It looks.
12nm Polaris with 30 gpu core Rx590 expected to come out
silver 2099 yuan or 300 dollars in Chinese money
Is expected to be priced at.
Through recent ff xv bench data As I mentioned, gtx1060 6
g model. Equipped with 8gb gddrr5 and gtx1060 6g
Higher performance.
Newly improved performance version The GTX1060-r version being prepared for release
Can I get the rx590?
This video is here.
If the video was good, Thank you for your subscription.
Thank you for watching.
It was Ato until now. adios!
Trailer Documentario : Fantasmi 30 ottobre - Trailer Documentary Ghosts 30 octobet - Duration: 1:20.
We have shown in absolute preview, our new documentary, a blog, Pages and groups, here is their Reaction ...
Focus the mystery of life "Very beautiful, Great graphics, exciting "
The mystery room "Awesome, spectacular"
Roberto Ricci, writer, author "Chilling. Really creepy, impossible to believe in otherworldly presences around us, after watching this video" "Beautiful, Touching Survey"
The Glassex "Pure suspense, It attacks you on the screen"
Hidden Hunters Mystery Team "profound approach to the place and its history" "Completely disarming"
Stefano Priori Tattoo Artist "Superlative is the best paranormal documentary I've ever seen"
Cottage Cheese Cake in a multi-cooker - Duration: 2:00.
Ingredients for 8 servings: sugar - 3/4 cup; eggs - 3 pieces; curd - 400 g; kefir - 1 glass; semolina - 1/2 cup; vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon; baking powder for the dough - 1 tsp; raisins (candied fruit, poppy seeds); salt - a pinch
Pour semolina with kefir and leave for 20 minutes
Pour the raisins with hot water and leave to swell
Separate the proteins from yolks
Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and whisk together until a thick foam
Mix curd, sugar, yolks
Add the baking powder for the dough
And vanilla sugar
Add semolina
Whisk until smooth
Add raisins
Add egg whites
Gently mix
Lubricate the bowl of the multi-cocker with vegetable oil
Pour curd mass
Turn on the "Baking" mode for 65 minutes, and then the "Heated" mode for 40 minutes
After cooking, do not open the lid for another 15 minutes
Bon Appetit!
[AGENDA] K-pop Comeback Agenda: 29 October 2018 — K-POPNL - Duration: 2:31.
K-pop Nederland K-pop Comeback & Concert Agenda Week of 29 October 2018
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Week
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks After This Week
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks in December
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Concerts in The Netherlands
Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!
Upcoming K-pop Concerts in Europe
Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!
Missing something? Let us know in the comments.
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 1:06.
29-OCT | R-Sim &JV new working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID Code | Gevey | JV | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:52.
Subscribe to our Channel for more.
Renault Clio dCi 90 Intens R-Link, Park. sens.,16" Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:54.
リップルがGoogleの重役雇用!?Q3売上報告書で見る今後のXRP予想とは!?年末爆上げ?SWELL未発表好材料!暴落下落気味だったRipple最新ニュース!2018年10月11月最前線仮想通貨情報 - Duration: 5:27.
Updating Plug-ins QGIS version 3.2.3 - Duration: 0:54.
This is a brief tutorial to show you how to install or update plugins in Q-GIS
version 3.2.3. Under the Plug-in menu, we can select "Manage and Install Plugins..." When the dialog box opens, we can see the list of plugins that we have installed, if any
of those need to be updated, when you click on them there'll be a tool
allowing you to upgrade. In this case, my tool is up-to-date so I can't upgrade to
a new edition. But this is the environment where we can control, add
remove and turn on and off plugins in Q-GIS.
《凉生》宁信假孕想让天佑爱上自己 天佑召开记者会发誓只爱姜生 - Duration: 7:37.
[รีวิว] Flydigi WASP จอยเกม PUBG Mobile (iOS) ไม่แบน 100% - Duration: 12:12.
凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤【第43,44,45,46集】预告 | All Out of Love - Duration: 10:59.
SSC MTS Recruitment 2018 | SSC MTS में बम्पर भर्ती |10th पास सभी करे आवेदन | अंतिम तिथि 3rd दिसम्बर - Duration: 4:23.
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张翰《如若巴黎》呈现多番吻戏 自曝输出情感 - Duration: 7:29.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Emery on Palace draw, Ozil's anger & Bellerin's injury - Transcript - Duration: 5:36.
On the result and performance I think this deuce is deserved because both teams deserved the minimum due
I think the first half was not easy for us. When they scored we had the control on the pitch, not doing a lot of things in the attacking third, but we were in control of the match
The second half we scored two goals in two individual actions with the free-kick
Then there was a lot of minutes left to hold this result with them pushing and attacking us with their supporters
I think in this moment we needed more control because we lost possession. We needed to score the third goal to be calm
But we couldn't do good transition for this. I want to push and to find our moment to win the match, but we couldn't [do it]
I think the draw was deserved. On the second penalty - was it a penalty? When you are defending a lot in your box it can happen
Is it a penalty? Not my work, I respect the referee's decision. We needed to not concede chances for penalties by having more control on the ball, keeping possession far away from our box, but we couldn't do that
On Ozil's unhappy reaction to being substituted It's normal. I like players to show us the character when we are not playing well
I subbed him when we were 2-1 and usually players want to continue playing. On Lacazette's handball in the build-up to the second goal I need more eyes to watch this
On being so passionate on the sidelines - grabbing Lacazette Because, we can't do the mistakes on the pitch
Every day I am doing mistakes also in my decisions, but mistakes are to learn [from] and not to lose our confidence or our decision making on the pitch
And I think on the second ball, Lacazette was a bit less in his thinking, I am pushing him to find that because the second ball is one action
We had the ball in the opposition's box and we do one bad pass. When we are in the box I want the players to take the responsibility to find the last action to score, to shoot, to win a corner
But this pass, we lost the ball and then in the transition they scored. For me, there are things happening on the pitch that we need to continue in our process to learn when we are in good moments to keep and hold our mentality to continue to find our chances
When we were 2-2, in that last 10 minutes I wanted to push for that [for the win]
What was the thinking behind subbing Ozil and playing Welbeck in that No.10 role? Because in the last match away at Fulham we played like that in the second half with a very good result and a very good transition when we needed it
I think we had lost a little bit of possession of the ball and the match was more for a transition than our last matches
With Danny and Lacazette I wanted to find one good transition between both and get more goals
Also with free-kicks defensively they were pushing and put on the pitch the nine player to find with the free-kick and get more chances and Danny Welbeck is very good with this moment defensively and also offensively
On the winning run ending - disappointed? I am a bit, but I think we are in our process, in our way and in a good position now for continuing our objective
But we knew it is difficult away. I think today the result was not bad, we can improve
We want to win, but it's not easy because Palace are a good team and it's not easy here
Our challenge is to continue to learn in every match. Was Bellerin injured? Yes
I hope not a big injury, I think it is a muscualr. Is he a doubt for Liverpool? I don't know yet
Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football
london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Illegal Immigration: It's About Power - Duration: 5:14.
I recently watched a group of protestors, most of them young, denouncing President Donald
Trump's immigration policies.
They were waving Mexican flags and shouting: "¡Si, se puede!"—"Yes, we can!"
This is now the rallying cry of the open-borders left, but it wasn't always.
In fact, I wondered if a single person at the protest knew where it came from.
The slogan first became famous fifty years ago, thanks to Cesar Chavez.
He was the founder of the United Farm Workers union.
When Chavez said "Si, se puede," he meant something very different: "Yes, we can…
seal the borders."
Cesar Chavez hated illegal immigration.
He was Hispanic, obviously, and definitely on the left, but he fought to keep illegal
Mexican immigrants out of this country.
He understood that peasants from Latin America will always work for less than Americans will.
That's why employers prefer them.
Chavez knew that.
"As long as we have a poor country bordering California," he once explained,
"it's going to be very difficult to win strikes."
In 1969, Chavez led a march down the center of California to protest the hiring of illegal
immigrant produce pickers.
Marching alongside him was Democratic Senator Walter Mondale, and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy,
the longtime aide to Martin Luther King.
Ten years later, Chavez dispatched armed union members into the desert to assault Mexican
nationals who were trying to sneak across the border.
Chavez's men beat immigrants with chains and whips made of barbed wire.
Illegal aliens who dared to work as scabs had their houses fire-bombed
and their cars burned.
Chavez wasn't embarrassed about any of this.
He bragged about it.
No matter.
Chavez remains a progressive hero.
President Obama declared his birthday a commemorative federal holiday.
It's an official day off in half a dozen states.
There's a college named after him, and dozens of public schools.
Cesar Chavez's life is a reminder of how much the left has changed—and how quickly.
Until recently, most Democrats agreed with Chavez.
They opposed unchecked immigration because they knew it hurt American workers.
And they were right.
One study by a Harvard economist examined the effects of the mass migration of Cuban
refugees to this country in 1980—the so-called Mariel boatlift.
He found that American workers in Miami with a high school education saw their wages fall
by more than thirty percent after the refugees arrived.
If you believe in supply and demand, this is not surprising.
After the fall of Saigon in 1975, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown opposed letting Vietnamese
refugees into California on the grounds that the state already had enough poor people.
As he put it at the time, "There is something a little strange about saying, 'Let's bring
in 500,000 more people' when we can't take care of the one million Californians out of work."
First term Senator Joe Biden of Delaware agreed; he introduced federal legislation to curb
the arrival of the Vietnamese.
Two decades later, leading Democrats were still wary of mass immigration, especially
illegal immigration.
As Bill Clinton put it in the 1995 State of the Union address, "…Americans… are
rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country.
The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants.
The public services they use impose burdens on our taxpayers."
No prominent Democrat would say anything like that today without being denounced as a racist.
Clinton got a standing ovation.
As late as 2006, there were still liberals who cared about the economic effects of immigration,
legal or illegal.
"Immigration reduces the wages of domestic workers who compete with immigrants,"
explained economist Paul Krugman in the New York Times.
"…We'll need to reduce the inflow of low-skilled immigrants.
Mainly, that means better controls on illegal immigration."
That same year, Senator Hillary Clinton voted for a fence on the Mexican border.
So did Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer and 23 other Senate Democrats.
Not anymore.
Twenty years after Bill Clinton told Americans they had the right to be upset about illegal
immigration, his wife scolded the country for enforcing border controls.
So, what changed?
Not the economics of it.
The law of supply and demand remained in effect.
It's not a coincidence that as illegal immigration surged, wages for American workers stagnated.
What changed is that Democrats stopped caring about those workers.
About the middle class, really.
Here's the answer, in four simple facts.
One: According to a recent study from Yale, there are at least 22 million illegal immigrants
living in the United States.
Two: Democrats plan to give all of them citizenship.
Read the Democrats' 2016 party platform.
Three: Studies show the overwhelming majority of first-time immigrant voters vote Democrat.
Four: The biggest landslide in American presidential history was only 17 million votes.
The payoff for Democrats: permanent electoral majority for the foreseeable future.
In a word: power.
That's the point, no matter what they tell you; American workers be damned.
I'm Tucker Carlson.
French FPV Prodigy: J-True FPV - Duration: 14:47.
K-POP Idol in Spain EP! -Hola!Barcelona [Sori] - Duration: 9:21.
Sori's Youtube channel
It's 5 am
I spent the last night in UK and I need to go fast to the airport
but the taxi came late
so the taxi driver said if there is no accident on the road we can arrive in time
Heading to Barcelona (Spain)
I would be for sure
able to go to Spain?
Well you can find out a little bit later
I can do it, can't I?
So...goodbye UK
Everybody here is
Only the road was changed, but is it for sure Barcelona?
There are not, as you can see, tall residence buildings
but more like...mansion?
But still, comparing with UK, the buildings are taller
and more brick houses?
(arrived in Barcelona, near the place where Sori will stay)
I arrived to city of Barcelona
Before I am going to hotel
I think I should go to eat something around here
carrying my luggage too
Here and
and next to
Filo Tast, is the place that was recommended to me by the hotel manager
But it is not open yet
the cathedral looks really big
(first meal in Barcelona)
Ricotta cheese salad
Mushroom and.. Iberiko Buta?
(if you look closer you can see it's octopus)
Octopus Tapas? (it looks really good)
The dish is bigger than I thought
Also listening to music (enjoying the lunch while listening to music)
Here is my face for the first time in this video
I am not wearing makeup, sorry
"Camden supernova"...I received it as a souvenir
I went out today wearing it
Today I look more natural
In Spain a lot of people prefer natural style, isn't it?
(following the trend)
I will let you know later why did I come to Spain
First let's eat!
looks delicious
First meal in Spain
It feels a little bit similar to Korean food
(feeling dissappointed to find similar taste)
Iberiko Buta
Yesterday I ate and I decided to start diet from today
But I started eating in Spain already
Such a girl...
I am eating walnut for diet
(everything you eat is still eating)
(recharge energy by 2% with sugar)
Chocolate and ice cream dessert
Oh here is hot and here is cold
so soft
the sauce looks nice
Inside is chocolate
The sugar is dangerous, isn't it?
The sweets I couldn't eat before I am eating them here
(exited) (happy)
(we cannot waste even the chocolate from the fingers)
Is really delicious
Do you see the chocolate that leaked here?
This is really the best
I am trying the ice cream too
Living the fantasy world
(love the chocolate and ice cream)
Everybody, I ate my meal so shall we go for a walk in Barcelona?
Here is where I ate
Here people as you can see, they are eating outside
I really need some other shoes so shall we first go to a shoe shop?
Let's go to BOSANOVA
Oh I want to by this kind of shoes
My feet is hurting a lot as I wore this a lot since yesterday
(Going out fashion)
Looking natural like Spanish people
I am natural too
Oh..they are selling other fashion items too
Fashion accessories
Maybe 36 would fit me? Let's try
It's a little bit loose to me
36 is the smallest one?
it looks like
It look like 36 is the smallest size
There is no 34?
Because I have no cash
(enjoying the eye shopping)
I wanna see some kids
Here is a Korean restaurant
Oh, is written in Korean too
(missing the Korean food while travelling around Europe)
I am glad
I am glaad
What is there?
Here is Barcelona everybody
I am currently
in Barcelona now
is Barcelona square plaza
Kids are riding the skateboard
The people are having meal and taking a walk
And the tourists
they are visiting around
The pigeons are spreading love
Here is Spain, Barcelona
Here the musicians
are preparing for their performance
This song is not from Begin again? (movie title)
Next episode in Barcelona: Walking near the beach with Sori and enjoying a Spanish dinner!
Wow! Really cool
Rainbow Makeup Because It's Twentygayteen Also Cuz I'm Scene x3 - Duration: 4:44.
Hey guys it's Sophie insanity your least fav scene queen
and I've been procrastinating hella hard today so I thought instead of just procrastinating
and watching youtube I would film a youtube video instead so I decided I'd do my makeup
for you guys today.
Make it hella scene.
Make it rainbow.
Add some wings, add some glitter, add some lip gloss and put on my blood on the dance
floor shirt and get hella scene.
So I hope you like it.
Let's go.
Hi so let's get right into it.
So to start off with I am using my Mac prep and prime and I'm just spraying that on
my makeup brush and I'm using these two BYS eyeshadow palettes that I like got at
the dollar store and I'm just creating a rainbow on my eyes as you can see.
I'm starting off with yellow and then I think I go into green then blue then purple
then pink.
And now I am just blending all of that out and then I'm doing the exact same rainbow
again just underneath my eyes to y'know make it look cuter
So then off camera I just used this NYX roll on glitter and I just put it on my lids and
as you can see now I am doing my liquid eyeliner.
I am using Kat Von D…
Don't @ me.
As you can see I messed up my eyeliner a little bit.
I am looking in my viewfinder so it's not perfect but I think it's alright considering.
So now I am using my gel eyeliner.
It's a maybelline one and I'm just putting that on my waterline and a little bit on my
lash line.
And then I am applying mascara using the benefit roller lash
And then I am once again using Kat Von D (sorry) I am using the lock it concealer
And now I am just setting my face using the Australis banana powder
And then I am going to contour using once again Kat Von D. I am so sorry.
And I am using the shade and light palette.
And then I am using a too faced love light highlighter and I am spraying that with my
Mac prep and prime to make it more pigmented
And then I am using this NYX glitter.
It's not a roll on glitter it's a new type of glitter that replaced their roll on
I will say though I prefer the roll on one because it's so much neater, it doesn't
spill everywhere but I do love this glitter.
And finally I am using this drugstore lipgloss.
I think it's by a brand called savvy.
I absolutely love it.
That's the final look.
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
I know it's not what I usually do.
But if you guys like this give a like.
If you don't leave a dislike I don't really care.
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Top 5 Best Nail Art Designs ❤ NEW NAIL ART IDEAS - Duration: 5:45.
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Holi Colors Vs Diwali crackers || Ideas Factory - Duration: 3:04.
Hi friends, it's me. You ain't it every year we'll celebrate Diwali with
What with crackers obviously but this year I tried something new for you guys. I
Mixed crackers and colors and I'm I make it blast. Yeah. See you see you are going to enjoy that
Seriously, we enjoyed a lot. I'm sure you'll enjoy this. Don't miss this video check till end and don't forget to subscribe
Thank you. Ok, then let's start the blast. I'm sure you'll enjoy
Holi Colors Vs Diwali Crackers
WATCH: Tyreek Hill, Tramaine Brock Get into Scuffle | - Duration: 2:04.
WATCH: Tyreek Hill, Tramaine Brock Get into Scuffle |
Tempers were flaring on Sunday at Arrowhead Stadium as the Kansas City Chiefs are hosting the Denver Broncos at home.
For the second time this year, the Broncos and Chiefs meet, except the result looks much different this time around.
During their last matchup, the Chiefs squeaked away with a one-possession win over the Broncos.
On Sunday though, it's a different story.
The Chiefs are dominating the Broncos, and it's starting to get into the heads of some players.
Chiefs wide receiver Tyreek Hill continues his hot streak this year, by working the Broncos' defense with two catches for 62 yards in the first half.
As expected, Hill is confidently running his mouth to bother his opponents, and it seems to be working.
Broncos cornerback Tramaine Brock couldn't contain his anger as he initiated some extracurricular activity to slow down a Chiefs offensive drive.
Naturally, the play resulted in a penalty, but many Chiefs fans were shocked to find out that Brock remained in the game, despite starting the scuffle.
Tempers Started Flaring Up.
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Mula Khan or what? If you eat, then watch this video. Health Tips Bangla Language
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Cities Skylines Global Build Off Recap - Skylines News 7 - Duration: 8:47.
good morning good afternoon and good evening I am the Sheik and welcome to
skylines news 7 your weekly update on everything city skylines in 30 minutes
or less today we'll share what's going on around
the nation talk about the impact industries DLC is
having on the Steam Workshop but first our top story of the week this past
Saturday on October 27 the first of hopefully many City skylines global
build offs took place as thousands watched via the internet on mixer
YouTube and twitch with the city skylines community giving the event a
resounding two thumbs up for those of you just tuning in the cities skylines
global build off was an eight hour building competition that featured two
teams ten builders hailing from seven different countries that were all
building on a tropical themed map which was broadcast live from Paradox
Interactive Studios in Sweden here were the two teams team one / team a featured
youtubers pres $2 20 bsquklehausen crumbs McGee and pug gaming team - team
2 or team B was made up of twitch streamer leader of the Monkees and
youtubers Skibitth Flux TazerHere and Silvarret Strictoaster
was also on
hand to handle the giveaways introduce guests and coordinate from behind the
scenes ensuring everything ran smoothly joining him in Sweden were bsquklehausen
leader of the monkeys and flux were they not only competed but
pull double duty of live hosting as well throughout the day live look-ins on the
competitors building on their maps interviews with Paradox Interactive
staff video shorts about the participants a montage of other notable
city skylines youtubers not in the build off giveaways involving trivia for
the viewing audience and even Twitter screenshots of creations from the
general public tweeted in using the hashtag cities build off now some of you
might be asking wait a minute city skylines doesn't have a multiplayer
and how did they do this well each team built on the same map and each builder
was assigned a specific plot to build on when time was up using the move it mod
each builder copied and sent an export file of their section to the team
captain once the team captain got their file they pasted it onto the map in the
corresponding plots once all five plots were in place the live streaming
audience got to vote on which map build they liked best after all the votes were
tallied the winner was team two / team B personally I watched the entire
eight-hour broadcast and loved every minute of it it was a great way to show
off many of the talented city skylines creators in the community and it brought
thousands of people in the skylines nation together to celebrate watch and
discuss the game we all loved I was also impressed that with no practice or a
dress rehearsal everything ran pretty smooth the hardest one is the first one
and I look forward to seeing this evolve to include more streamers asset creators
and maybe even just plain Jane and plain Jo Twitter users kudos to
strictoaster flux and bsquklehausen for coming up with this idea after working
on the FBX project and seeing it through with paradox interactive support if you
want to build on the map yourself it is available right now on the Steam
Workshop as a savegame the link will be in the
description below wait this just in apparently Twitter is reporting that
riding the success of the global build off strictoaster flux and bsquklehausen
have just released a new mixtape Straight Outta Stockholm more on this
story as it develops now let's take a look at around the
nation remember if you want to possibly see your work on skylines news DM me at
skylines new 7 or use #csn7 on any twitter post in Aurelia residents
are flocking to the state-of-the-art roundabout tram Plaza that just opened
located a hop skip and a jump away from the train station Aurelians commutes
just got a lot easier speaking about state-of-the-art cgameworld
industries unveiled their newest downtown metro station and transit hub a
tour was given to a consortium of local mayors of the facilities be on the
lookout maybe one of these will be come to your town soon a recent poll shows
mayor greenbeak has the highest approval rating in the history of
Wetherby mostly everyone cites his new tough on littering laws that has kept
the city trash free as the reason but some also enjoy the emphasis on
pedestrian pathways which encourages more commuters to leave their cars in
the garage 2.20 has started a new series in addition to a bordertown in
Springwood Marble Mountain which will feature a more vanilla build is out with
episodes 1 & 2 currently available on YouTube
the Historical Society of Barrysville are proud to announce the renovations to
the you drop-in Conoco tower gas station are complete they named the iconic
property a historical landmark two years ago and have been diligent in preserving
it just like it was decades ago when it first opened construction on the new
bridge which will ease traffic flow in and out of Westdale during rush hour is
coming along quite nicely with no new setbacks the bridge is targeting six
months from now before it becomes fully operational the industry's DLC hasn't
even been out for more than a week but yet the overwhelming response has been
positive the only group that doesn't seem to like it are staunch green city
supporters who are protesting the added pollution in our cities due to
industries the additional customizable industrial areas supply chains unique
factories postal service and cargo airports in the industry's expansion has
created an influx of new content on the Steam Workshop new specialized assets
are popping up all over just check the industry area box when you search for
new assets and get ready to go shopping you can take advantage of Avanya's vast
collection of workshop items build a shell oil depot or handle logistics with
many distribution centers and warehouses search for postal service vehicles that
represent your area expand your farms with bigger and better fields or deck
out your cargo airports with your favorite delivery company liveries you
can really bring all your industry areas to life and make them as realistic as
possible the sky's the limit with the right
amount of RAM let's see what you've been making with the new DLC I challenge you
skylines nation to bring us the best and biggest build you can create so we can
air them on an upcoming skylines news broadcast create a cinematic give it to
us and we will take care of the rest vanilla the heavily modded we want to
see what you are made of it's not a competition it's a showcase and everyone
is invited thanks once again for tuning in until
next week this is the Sheik signing off stay
classy skylines nation
move closer to your world my friends and you'll see
WATCH: Tarik Cohen Scores on a 70-Yard Screen Pass | - Duration: 1:29.
WATCH: Tarik Cohen Scores on a 70-Yard Screen Pass |
Chicago Bears running back Tarik Cohen puts on the jets against the New York Jets on Sunday with a home-run play to put up the first points on the board.
He may not be the biggest guy on the field, but Cohen sure knows how to work the open field.
After the Bears struggled to move the ball through the air early on, quarterback Mitchell Trubisky inflated his passing numbers with a simple screen to Cohen, and the Jets just didn't have a chance to stop it.
The pass from Trubisky to Cohen has now become the longest touchdown ever between the Bears and the Jets rivalry, according to Jack Silverstein.
As the Bears running game continues to struggles, despite having Jordan Howard and Cohen in the mix, the big play by Cohen brings a new life to the Bears offense, which was lacking early on.
bakit ganon make up look!Philippines .by Gracia's Station💖💖💖 - Duration: 15:25.
لاعب يلعب فورتنايت في روبولكس لأول مرة - انيميشن | Stickman Animation - Duration: 6:37.
When a Gamer Plays Fortnite in Roblox for First Time
Let's Play Fortnite!
Who's That?
After Some time for downloading the Game...
Finally i'll test the Game
Zombie Monster Halloween Movie Night - Spooky Play Doh Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 3:07.
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You won't believe what EastEnders' Bradley Branning looks like now - Duration: 3:16.
You won't believe what EastEnders' Bradley Branning looks like now
EastEnders' Bradley Branning (Charlie Clements) died back in 2010 after falling off the Queen Vic roof while feeling from the police.
But Holby City viewers were thrilled when he made a shock appearance on the BBC drama as patient Hughie Marsh.
Hughie came into hospital with lung issues, but then told the doctors he had a headache, and dizziness, and had been suffering with a shaky hand.
As the doctors tried to work out what was wrong with him, fans rushed to social media to share their joy at seeing the iconic character again.
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Some also couldn't believe how different he looked eight years after his shock death, as one posted: "Bradley is thinning on top a bit!" Another added: "Bradley needs a transplant…a hair transplant.
A third wrote: "Why the f*** does Bradley Branning look like a 70 year old man?".
But a fourth chipped in: "Bradley is not dead! He's in Holby City Hospital." It seems the Brannings have bad luck when it comes to the Queen Vic, as Bradley's sisters Lauren and Abi also fell off the roof last Christmas Day.
As they tried to help Max Branning down off the roof as he expressed a desire to end his life, the pair both fell and plummeted to the ground.
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Lauren survived, while Abi later died in hospital after weeks of being in a coma.
She gave birth to a daughter, which Max named Abi, before Max decided to turn off her machine.
EastEnders continues on Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC.
Adobe illustrator tutorial | Adobe CC 2018 - Duration: 13:20.
李咏生病期间哈文朋友圈为他庆生 称老公是不老少年 - Duration: 2:36.
David Johnson Fantasy: Week 8 Outlook for Cardinals RB | - Duration: 4:20.
David Johnson Fantasy: Week 8 Outlook for Cardinals RB |
The start of the 2018 NFL season hasn't exactly gone as planned for the Arizona Cardinals and specifically star running back David Johnson.
Through seven games, the 26-year-old is averaging just 3.2 yards per carry, part of which can be attributed to the team's struggling offense.
But entering Week 8, there's a big change which could impact Johnson's outlook.
The Cardinals opted to name former NFL quarterback Byron Leftwich their new offensive coordinator ahead of Week 8, parting ways with Mike McCoy in the process.
And one of the first things coach Steve Wilks said about the decision related to his hope that Leftwich could help Johnson find the success he had previously, per Josh Alper of Pro Football Talk.
"With Byron being here before and being a part of that and understanding the success [Johnson] has had in the past, hopefully we can tap into that," Wilks said.
It's a big deal, especially for fantasy football owners.
Johnson hasn't been able to do much during Arizona's 1-6 start to the year, but the time Leftwich spent with former coach Bruce Arians could go a long way towards flipping the script.
Let's take a look at Johnson's Week 8 fantasy outlook and whether or not this may be the prime opportunity for him to turn the corner and return to his dominant ways.
The Cardinals draw a matchup with the San Francisco 49ers and on paper, that bodes well for talented running back.
David Johnson's Week 8 Fantasy Football Outlook.
The 49ers have been a beatable opponent for opposing running backs, both on the ground and through the air.
On the season, they've given up 601 rushing yards, 45 receptions, 334 receiving yards, and 10 total touchdowns, per ESPN.
If there was ever a spot for Johnson to right the ship, this may be it.
And for good measure, Johnson has scored seven total touchdowns in five games against the 49ers in his career, courtesy of StatMuse.
Based on the workload (14 or more touches in every game this season), and the obvious focus on finding creative ways to get him the ball, the fantasy outlook of the Cardinals running back is bright.
Now, it's just a matter of putting it all together on the field.
Johnson is a clear-cut starter in all fantasy leagues moving forward, and Week 8 against the 49ers is no different.
He's locked in as a starter in all 10-team leagues or larger.
READ NEXT: Raheem Mostert Fantasy: Should You Start or Sit the 49ers RB in Week 8?.
29-OCT | R-Sim &JV new working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID Code | Gevey | JV | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:52.
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