We've come all the way to Namibia with Audi
to take on DriveTribe's arch-nemesis Daniel Abt,
Formula E driver, in the brand new Audi e-tron
in three challenges.
This time, DriveTribe fights back.
He's only a formula E driver.
You're gonna have a hard time; trust me.
We'll see.
Now, I have to say, I've seen some of your starts
in season four Formula E, they were pretty crap,
to be honest.
Drive select, comfort, is okay for you?
I should probably put it in drive, right?
That's engineering right there.
This is gonna be one-nil, nought-60 challenge,
let's see how we do.
In three, two, one, go!
And we're off.
Oh, yes, fast.
All four hundred horsepower.
85, 90, done.
How did you feel you did?
That was a 6.6, I guess.
[Mike] And I was a 6.9?
[Daniel] Yeah.
Daniel Abt, Formula E team champion...
Not really where you're used to, in terms of driving,
you're used to hitting apexes and everything.
Yeah, but...
Can you pop a donut?
Of course I can.
Okay, I'll admit,
I've never done anything like this before, Daniel,
so you might give me some tips.
Watch and learn.
[Mike] Yes!
[Daniel] There we go!
Yes, yes, yes, there she goes!
Oh, come on!
[Daniel] Where are we going?
Still seems quite slow though, mate.
Come on, pick it up!
[Daniel] I cannot see where we are going, actually.
Okay, I'm pretty happy with that.
Yeah, let's see what the experts say.
Are they laughing at us?
[Mike] Oh, that looks all right; that looks all right.
[Daniel] The drawing will tell all.
It's our fast lap, pedal to the metal,
one lap, do you think you can do it?
Of course, that's what I'm best at, so I--
Counting us down, 4, 3, 2, 1.
[Mike] That seems like slower than yours.
This is a man who has contributed
towards Audi's Formula E championship-winning team.
We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it.
Ooh, watch those cones!
[Daniel] Ooh, ohh, that was--
That was understeer central, I didn't tell you,
if you hit a cone, it's a 20-second penalty.
He's gasping; he's struggling.
I think we missed it, I think we missed it.
How to scare a Formula E driver shitless,
and a sprint, flying!
There we go, and we're over!
You look like you're a scared man.
Has DriveTribe finally conquered Daniel Abt?
[Timer] Actually, it was pretty close.
Oh no!
Daniel, what do you have to say for yourself?
I think you did a good job, first of all,
Thank you.
And, yeah, it was fun, no?
Maybe one day, we find a challenge
where you beat me fair and square,
without switching anything off or changing stuff.
Mate, well good luck with the season, and thanks, Audi,
for giving us this e-tron; it's been epic.
For more infomation >> African desert challenge: DriveTribe vs Formula E driver Daniel Abt - Duration: 3:33.
El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1940: Elsa e Isaac pasan la noche juntos - Duration: 2:58.
El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1940: Elsa e Isaac pasan la noche juntos
Mientras Elsa e Isaac pasan la noche juntos, Adela sufre un desmayo y Carmelo se la lleva al hospital.
Además, Gonzalo acepta la propuesta de Fernando, quien informa oficialmente de su marcha. El viernes, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".
Este viernes 26 de octubre, Antena 3 estrena el último capítulo de la semana de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",
exitosa ficción para las tardes que deja intensos frentes abiertos de cara al lunes.
Mientras en el capítulo del jueves, Julieta y Saúl abandonan la Casona, el viernes, Julieta se reúne con los laguneros: lo único que les pide es que la escuchen.
Entretanto, Isaac llega a la choza donde Elsa espera a que arrecie la tormenta; supo que podría estar en peligro y ha venido a ayudarla.
Esta noche la pasarán juntos, pero mañana tendrán que separarse. Isaac vuelve a casa y, por primera vez, miente a su mujer; no dice nada de su encuentro con Elsa.
La joven también miente al regresar al hotel y tampoco dice que ha pasado la noche con Isaac.
Antolina está enfadada y no entiende por qué su marido está contento; tienen entonces una agria discusión.
Ante la presión de Consuelo, Elsa confiesa que pasó la noche con Isaac: algún día estarán juntos.
Por otro lado, a Severo no le cuadra la actitud de su esposa respecto a Anacleto; no entiende que no le importe firmar su trabajo.
El Santacruz está preguntando a Adela sobre una posible relación entre su mujer y el supuesto escritor cuando ésta se desmaya de forma repentina.
Aunque Adela intenta restar importancia a su desmayo, Carmelo se la lleva al hospital.
Finalmente, Gonzalo acepta la propuesta de Fernando: se irá esa misma noche, ya encontrará una mujer mejor que María.
El Mesía le obliga a marchar sin despedirse de nadie. Así, es Fernando el que informa oficialmente de su marcha.
Kayky Brito exibe abdômen saradíssimo e fãs brincam: ''Bernadete, nunca te critiquei'' - Duration: 2:01.
Novo casal? Anitta posa com Diplo na festa de Drake e fãs shippam - Duration: 2:03.
Solteiríssima, Bruna Marquezine sensualiza em cadeira e quase mostra demais - Duration: 1:33.
Museo di Capodimonte - Duration: 5:24.
Bruna Marquezine visita crianças refugiadas de ONG e se derrete pela fofura - Duration: 1:40.
Antonio Gasbarrini - Sintomi intestino irritabile e microbiota - Duration: 3:37.
Marjorie Jackson, The Lithgow Flash | Words of Olympians - Duration: 8:05.
I didn't really know much about the Olympics.
My dad worked in the small arms factory
making .303 rifles for the war.
He just asked this chap who started the club
whether he'd train me.
I just did as I was told.
That's how I ended up down on a running track.
You know, that was... that was it.
It took me six months to save up
to buy my two pair of running shoes
out of my wages.
I remember my photo was first in the paper when I was 15
cos I'd won the country championship.
I must have been strutting around.
I don't know. You know how you get.
My dad said, "God gives us all a gift.
"Yours just happens to be running,
"and you're no better than anybody else.
"And don't you forget it."
That was the greatest advice any parent could give.
When I was 17 and I beat Fanny Blankers-Koen,
who'd just won at the London Olympics,
they invited me to Victoria to run,
and I was the talk of Lithgow
because I was going on an aeroplane,
not because of running.
During training for the Olympic Games,
which was in the middle of winter here in Australia,
I trained after work, at night.
The people of Lithgow all put in together
and built a cinder track next to the...
over where the horse racing used to be
and the cycling and the rugby league.
We all trained on that one little track.
But unfortunately, they didn't have any money left
to put lights on the track.
My trainer owned a motorcar.
He used to get at the end of the track
and put the lights on because I trained
in the fog and the sleet and the snow
and I couldn't even see in front of me.
How I never, ever broke my leg I'll never, ever know,
because I used to just run in the fog
and then bang into the car at the end of it,
so I did that six days a week
for about seven or eight months of the year.
That was my journey trying
to get to the Olympic Games in Helsinki.
I've never seen 100,000 people.
The most people in my life I'd ever seen was about 2,000,
and suddenly going into this arena of all these people
and the roar...
You really felt like a Christian
about to be fed to the lions. That was the way I felt.
Just to see the thousands of people
and the joy that it brings to everyone,
I just wanted it to go on forever.
(JULY 22, 1952)
The particular day the 100-metre final was on,
it had been raining, it was freezing cold,
and I just felt I was home in Lithgow where I'd trained.
I think it was about an hour to an hour and a half
before the final,
and I was so nervous and feeling sick.
Well, that hour and a half seemed like about three hours,
and when I came up through the underground,
my legs were like jelly, and I thought,
"I don't even know how I'm going to finish this race."
I felt the whole of Australia actually was on my shoulders.
(100M FINAL)
When the gun went off, it's amazing
how you forget everything.
It's finished. It's over.
I've done something that I'll never, ever forget in my life.
I really felt that I'd won that for Lithgow
and for my parents.
(200M FINAL)
And it's the same story.
Marjorie Jackson is again the leading star.
She is going full speed but not fast enough
to equal her own world record of 23.4 seconds
scored in the semifinals.
The second gold medal,
I felt that was mine.
I'd worked hard for that.
I gave up all my teenage years
to represent my country.
Australia went mad.
Lithgow, the little country town that I came from,
everything stopped.
All the factories blew their horns.
The police and the ambulances
and the Fire Brigades and the taxis
all tearing up and down the streets
blowing their horns.
Australia just went ballistic.
The plane carrying us home
went out of its way and flew over Lithgow
to tell them that I was coming home.
When I landed at Sydney Airport...
I lived 96 mile from Sydney,
and the welcome home went for 96 mile.
Every town I went through,
the whole of the town was out,
and when I got to Lithgow,
there was about 25,000 -
that's about how many lived there -
they all lined the streets.
I was in an open car.
You couldn't see me for flowers.
I had that many in the car.
I came home, and Dad said to me,
"Well, you're an Olympic champion now.
"You should set an example to the way you live your life."
The Olympic Games are back down under.
I had to say to my specialist,
"I'm going to Sydney to carry the Olympic flag,"
and he just looked at me and said,
"Most of my patients go to bed
"after what you've been through."
I'd actually been in hospital
a week and a half before with back surgery.
He said I could go if I stood,
so I went on the aeroplane,
sat down while it took off,
and then stood all the way to Sydney.
Marjorie Jackson,
athletics, 1952,
two gold medals.
I loved being there and wishing
I was about 50 years younger
and competing.
And I've tried the whole of my life
to live with honesty and integrity
in everything that I've done.
(FROM 2001 TO 2007
Ep 004- O Sol de Assis- Recontando Francisco- Eremo delle Carceri e as irmãs cotovias - Duration: 18:43.
Zakupy w Wenezueli. Co można kupić za 40 $? WENEZUELA [ENG SUBTITLES] - Duration: 6:11.
Goshh...how I am going to calculate it for You...
Goshh...how I am going to calculate it for You...
Goshh...how I am going to calculate it for You...
after the official, unofficial course ?!
after the official, unofficial course ?!
here it is not possible to simply convert prices...
prices can not be clearly stated, it is impossible!
Good morning! Welcome back to my channel straightly from Venezuela
today I plan to take you to the Venezuelan store
I want to show you how such store looks like and what you can buy there, and also what I buy in Venezuela
I want to show you how such store looks like and what you can buy there, and also what I buy in Venezuela
and later I will show you all these purchases and tell you about prices
and later I will show you all these purchases and tell you about prices
I wonder what is the fruit with such spikes, I still do not know,
I wonder what is the fruit with such spikes, I still do not know,
if someone of you knows, let me know in the comments
if someone of you knows, let me know in the comments
and the local bread, oh my dear....
oh my dear....but there is no other one, but there is no other one, ooo! and this one is diet
oh my dear....but there is no other one, but there is no other one, ooo! and this one is diet
and here is my favorite cheese! that I showed You already in Caracas video, this one is just great! Ofcourse I am taking one!
gosh, this tea shocking! is just sugar and flavor but it is very hard to find normal tea here
Venezuelans like to drink these instant, extremely sweet tea
no no no!!!! not this time, they are looking at You!!!!
no no, today no!
and here are those MegaPuffs that I told You about that I just love
I am totally addicted to it
I think there are no MegaPuffs in Poland?
but the thing I like here much much are there granolas,
it is really great in Venezuela,
as You can see there are different type of those, tropical
raspberry and vanilla, and this vanillas are WOW WOW WOW
special regards to my Polish friend that looooooves pina!
awww, pinas here are really what pints should be LOVE!
I have a problem lately buying tuna here,
I have no idea what happened
because when I came here there were a lot of tuna
and now it is just sardines
as You can see there are a lot of tins here
but no tuna, if You have any idea what happened to Venezuelan tuna
let me know please :)
Okayyy!!! it is all for today, I hope You enjoyed
and if yes please leave thumb up and subscribe my channel for more Venezuelan videos
and let me know what stuff You want me to show You in next videos, BESOS!
and let me know what stuff You want me to show You in next videos, BESOS!
981640 - Duration: 3:47.
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BACK HOME AGAIN IN INDIANA, by The Hot Shots, feat. Eddie Pless & Niels Flipper Stuart - Duration: 4:49.
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Warface: ЛУЧШЕЕ ОРУЖИЕ В WARFACE КОНЦА 2018 - Duration: 10:52.
What happens to your Sky bill when you upgrade your Sky package - ROI - Sky Help - Duration: 2:05.
Ветровики Ситроен С4 ДС4. Дефлекторы окон на Citroen C4 DS4. Tuning. Тюнинг запчати. Обзор - Duration: 0:35.
Opel Corsa 1.4 Online Edition 5DRS 90pk (Navigatie / Cruise control) - Duration: 0:54.
All New Wrapples
Ice T arrested for not paying toll in New York City - Duration: 0:22.
International Walk to School Month - Duration: 3:53.
JACK: All my life I've been told one thing.
Gee, you're really tall.
And because I was blessed with the height of a baby giraffe
means my long legs are perfect for what I like to call walking.
Uh, it is called walking.
So, you can imagine my utter delight
when I found out I got to do a story on walking to school.
Although I don't go to school anymore, so I guess it is a bit odd.
But that doesn't matter because I said, "I'll do it."
And here I am doing it.
Hey, wait for me!
Right, so this is walking.
And how often does everyone walk to school?
Every day, because my house is five minutes away from the school.
Anyone else? Ah, yeah.
I walk home every day. But not to school, I get driven.
Does anybody ride to school?
Yeah, we ride together,
'cause we live really close together.
Maybe I should walk more.
Walking to school has a stack of benefits.
It means fewer cars on the road, which means less traffic.
Plus, less greenhouse gases produced,
which is better for the environment.
It's also a great way to connect with friends and family.
But on top of all of that, walking is really good for you.
Studies have found that walking, particularly outdoors,
can actually help you focus, make you more creative,
and it can even boost your mood,
on top of all the other health benefits.
But a recent study done in Victoria
found that fewer kids are walking to school now than in the past.
It surveyed 1,000 families
and found that around 70% don't walk or ride to school.
It also found that even if a family
only lived 750 metres from the school,
which is about a 10-minute walk,
they would still usually get dropped off in a car.
That's why Walk to School Month is being held right now.
Schools right around the world are taking part
by, well, walking to school more often.
And the best part, it doesn't even have to be walking.
You can run, hop, jump, skip,
bounce, ride, dance or swim instead.
Uh, actually swimming might be a little difficult,
unless, of course, you go to school on an island.
Does anyone have any tips for walking to school?
Yeah, look both ways, especially when you're crossing the road.
And don't be on your phone while you're walking.
That's a good point. Anything else?
Always check that your shoes are tied
so you don't accidently trip over.
Another good point.
And most importantly,
you should always ask your parents for permission
and plan your route with their help.
Try and walk with a friend, sibling or other family member.
Always walk on a footpath, and stop at driveways.
And make sure you're always keeping
an eye out for cars.
And with that we've made it to school.
Well, I guess this is goodbye.
ALL: Bye, Jack.
You'll go off to class and I'll...
Well, I'll go to work, I guess.
Oh, they're gone.
Great, now I'm talking to myself.
Oh, well, maybe I'll go for a walk.
Perfect Pals for Ambitious ENFPs (ENTJ Love?!) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 8:52.
Hey Dan here and to my fellow ENFPs this video is all about the kinds of people
you should look for in terms of making friends. If you're new to the channel my
name is Dan and the mission here at Dreams Around The World is to help you
become the best version of yourself all well creating the most awesome life
possible for you and those you love. One of the things I am most proud of if
you're able to be proud of this is the quality of friends in my life both back
home in Vancouver Canada where I'm originally from and now here in Prague
in the Czech Republic where I've lived for the last four years I yeah I'd like
to brag I have awesome friends in all kinds of ways and this is not something
that's come about by chance as an ENFP I invest a lot into my friendships both
emotionally and in terms of time there's that old joke about your best friend is
not the person you call when you wake up in jail there the person who's sitting
beside you in jail and I like to think that I would be the person sitting
beside my friends in jail and/or bailing them out of jail if I happen to miss the
party and really though if you're an ENFP you know this we are loyal and we
will do what we need to do for our friends and sometimes it has actually
got me into some trouble I won't share those stories online here but it's a
really important part of who I am so being someone who will invest a lot
of my friendships the last thing I want to do is make friends with people who
maybe won't reciprocate so some things that I look for when making friends
first is generally has their shit together yes it's kind of fun to have
those crazy friends who are all over the map but I prefer to be the crazier of my
friends in terms of you know saying outrageous things or the kind of life I
have or whatever else I don't want to get pulled into someone else's drama you
know I have a problem-solving mindset if someone comes to me and they're like
yeah I have this problem this person that works at this and this I'm gonna
want to solve that and I don't want to do that when we're out
having a beer or whatever it is right so drama-free in general that's not to say
when my friends have drama I ignore them because that's just being an ass but
that rather I try to make friends with people who are relatively drama-free
most of the time I feel people create the drama in their life the arguments
the fights all that kind of stuff and I don't need that also when I say you know
have to fit together in general happy with life I don't really try to make
friends with someone who doesn't like their job isn't happy in their
relationship and you know isn't doing anything about it that's really painful
for me so I've always looked for people that I'd consider successful they might
be on the route to success they might be totally struggling but doing something
they love it's not about successful like who could I borrow money from or
something and I rarely looked to my friends in terms of you know making
connections or setting me up with stuff or things like that but I just prefer to
spend time with people who have their shit together shall we say and I would
strongly strongly encourage you to do the same as an ENFP the people you spend
time with are going to have a massive influence on you
we're like chameleons we change and adjust to the people around us so if you
spend time with people who are no offense to these imaginary people losers
you're going to slightly adjust your views your beliefs your behavior to
those people trust me this happens with us and it's
part of our gift is that we can kind of blend in and get along with lots of
different people but we do that by changing a bit of our behavior and so
you want to do that in a really positive way that's something else cool I have
found is specifically ent JS and this might just be me personally but there's
a few ent J's I've met over the years and been good friends with who have had
a really positive influence because we generally get along well in terms of
like our worldviews and conversation sense of humor that kind of thing but
emt JS as you might know are like machines they're very driven they get
stuff done and that work ethic has been inspiring
for me now sometimes if you're friends with someone who's an ENTJ and really
hard-working and let's say crushing it yeah it can risk say getting a little
hard on yourself because you're probably not going to be able to compete with
their work ethic it's just not gonna happen as an ENFP but what I found is
the ent J's I've had in my life have inspired me to definitely up my game
work harder set my sights higher and be a little more rational and disciplined
with my thinking this may happen with other types as well I've just noticed it
with ent J's I say it's also really important to look for friends who will
call you on your bullshit well-being understanding people who actually get
you you know in one hand you have friends who will just let you get away
with anything and you don't want that you want someone who's going to call you
on it and say hey you know what you're not being fair to these other people or
you told me you would do this thing and you're not doing it sometimes we en FPS
need to be called on stuff and get that you know reality check from friends so
that's really important but you don't want the person like maybe an es TJ who
totally doesn't get what it's like to be an ENFP and we'll just call you on
absolutely everything and look at things so black and white that they won't get
you so you need to find someone in between which is not necessarily always
the easiest but someone who's going to have empathy and realize like they're
wired one way and you're wired a different way but the way you're wired
they're still gonna call you out on certain things you've done because we
all need that right we need people in our lives who will hold us accountable
on one level or another I mentioned before INTJs I found INTJs are good at
this if you explain yourself to them and get into that by default INTJs look down
kind of on people and assume like why aren't these people working as hard as
me why aren't they as ambitious as me but when you explain to them kind of
your wirings a bit different they usually have a pretty good sense of you
know psychology and the differences in people and
if they lastly come on we're en FPS you want to look for friends who are fun one
of the most pleasant surprises I had in my life was when I made the commitment
to become an entrepreneur I started to shift my friend group because if you
want to succeed in anything you need to have a peer group that supports you in
that if you want to become a great athlete
you better be spending your time with great athletes you want to be a great
actor spend time with great actors right same with becoming an entrepreneur you
need to spend time with people who are on a similar track who understand you
and all that and I made that commitment I thought okay I'm gonna go in I'm gonna
go to these business events I'm gonna fly to different countries I'm gonna
meet other entrepreneurs and it's gonna suck in it they're gonna be all serious
and all this but it's going to be worth it to be successful and guess what the
entrepreneurs were super fun and awesome and I can honestly say my friends now
who are almost all entrepreneurs are some of the most fun awesome people I
know and that is awesome because as an ENFP I really could not fake it I could
not be friends of people that I did not enjoy spending time with so leaving it
there I would say make sure you're spending time with friends who are fun
but also be conscious in terms of shaping your peer group I mentioned it
really quick and passing there but your peer group will make such a difference
for you so looking for people who are going to push you to be better who have
similar values to you but don't look for echo chambers who are just believing the
exact same things as you but similar values pushing themselves pushing you
and generally hoping you reach your own goals that's going to be really really
important if you are new to the channel subscribe this is like an ENFP heaven
here you know we talked about enfps about psychology personal development
travel making your own business location independence and all kinds of other good
stuff so hit that subscribe button and click the bells so you get notified of
new videos and I will see you in another video very soon ciao
I don't know why I keep doing this praying thing is this new studio set up
here I'm gonna stop
5 Lessons I learned travelling alone | Self Improvement & Personality Development Training video - Duration: 10:02.
Hi everyone, it's me Niharika and a big, big hello to you from the beautiful city Auckland.
Yes, yes I have traveled all the way to New Zealand from India on training assignment.
It's so beautiful out here.
Well I am bringing you this session from Auckland domain and it's just so amazing and peaceful
out here.
Now I'm sitting in the woods and something just came to my mind because a lot of people
these days love saying that, "I love travelling."
Well it is now a very common phrase that people use these days, right?
But I'm sure that they do love travelling.
But you know what's my travel like?
Well my travel teaches me different lessons.
I have learned so much.
Well you know traveling can teach you more than a classroom, more than a job or even
a relationship that ever will.
For me the real world means, packing up and leaving your comfort zone.
You know it's, it's leaving your familiar safe place and experiencing unknown things.
A new place, new people who may not even understand you, new customs, oh my god, the list just
goes on.
Well traveling is being in the real world.
So in today's session I am gonna help you with certain things that travelling teaches
you. So let's have a look.
Well the first one is depending purely on yourself.
Sometimes we don't realize that how much people can influence us in our everyday life, whether
it's our family, whether it's our friends, whether it's your partner, whether it's your
colleagues or your social surroundings.
I had been putting too much emphasis on other people's opinions of what I should do and
what I should not.
You know, I used to not listen to myself, I used to not listen to my voice but guess
Traveling on my own was the first time I could really say that I am truly dependent on myself
more than ever without feeling bad about it or having it to explain it to myself.
I was just 19 when you know I went to the United States all by myself it was like the
longest flight ever.
But since then I am such a changed person and that's exactly the reason why I say that
Travel has taught me so much.
You know being an Indian and especially from a crazy city like Mumbai the fast-paced lifestyle
is inevitably exhausting.
Well waiting for anything, be it food at the restaurant, the long queues in the restroom,
even waiting for your professor or your boss to email you back, oh it just drives me crazy.
Well the biggest lesson that I have learned through my travels and of course through my
backpacking, is that it's okay to wait and have lack time.
And if something goes wrong, it's all right, well you will get help.
Though it seems that way that traveling isn't it all luxurious like you know the way it
is shown in advertisements, the way the Instagram stories, they just look so glamorous.
You know your flights gets cancelled your pilot gets stuck at the airport or probably
you just get a stomach cramp, because you know you're not able to sleep well.
So these are all things that you learn and that is when I say that with travel, comes
You know be it any trip, there are gonna be circumstances that you will face that are
going to be difficult where you will have to wait but guess what everything goes smoothly
later it's definitely not an adventure, if these things don't exist.
So patience is truly a virtue and you will learn to tackle the circumstances when they
come while you travel.
Hey here's another thing that I learned from my travel, 'to leave your comfort zone'.
You know people don't enjoy traveling because it means leaving behind what's comfortable
for them.
So whether it's leaving their group of friends, leaving their amazingly cozy air-conditioned
room, their favorite food, their pets like their sweet little doggie or just a mere fact
of getting onto the plane, oh this is so stressful for all of them.
But hey come on you need to expand your horizons.
Once you do this there is no better feeling than taking on an unfamiliar territory and
making it familiar.
All it takes is pulling the trigger and you will come home with endless stories.
Yes, like my travel right here in Auckland.
I mean I can't wait to go back and talk about these endless, endless stories the amazing
experience that I am having right now.
Well the next thing that you learn is to try new things.
Well we are going to be forced to come out of our shells no matter what.
Doing what we are used to the daily routine at home well doesn't always work when you
are traveling.
So what do you have to do well get adjusted pick up the language and try not to stick
with what's familiar.
Try a restaurant that serves the authentic food that belongs to that country.
Avoid the touristic restaurants where you will get the same food that you eat at home.
Take public transportation and learn the system.
Every country has a different system.
So why not learn it?
It's not difficult well yes first couple of times you will be a little confused, a little
nervous but then you're gonna be okay.
Now learning new activities is like an opportunity where you learn new things like hiking, sailing,
flying in helicopter, you never know.
New places, new opportunities.
So try not to pass them out.
Here's another thing, 'making friends with strangers'.
Now if you are traveling alone, you definitely need some human interaction and guess what
every other traveler definitely wants human interaction as well.
So when y'all meet, no matter from which country are they from, well they would love to hear
your stories and you will enjoy listening to their stories.
So be it their stories, be if their opinions, their advice.
Well you would really build up an amazing global network by talking to them, by interacting
with them and it's always beautiful to have friends from different country.
Well it's one beautiful planet but yes we all are so different and if we bond then wow,
that's definitely an adventure and a new experience.
So if you are traveling alone you will never really be alone as there will always be someone
wanting to tag along with any kind of activity that you are going for.
So travelers on public trams or travelers on the plane or travelers on the ship, you
will meet people and you will interact with them.
So these are things that the travel have really taught me and it will teach you when you start
traveling too.
And even if you do travel now well that's wonderful but if you would like to understand
that what the travel has actually taught you, than this session is great for you.
In fact do share things with us, I would love to read all the stories about you travel and
yes do comment.
Well now I can't wait to explore the city of Auckland.
I am so excited and loving this place, I wish I could just stay here forever, but yes I
do have to go back home and I will see you soon with a new session till then you take
care and keep traveling.
How's it goin', bros?
Hey, you know the world's biggest YouTuber
What would happen if he
messed up in Fortnite?
Let's find out!
I changed my name!!!
Are you really…
Woo!! kek
has 65 million subscribers
Thanks for explaining
Time to win this match, OK?
Yeah, let's do it!
Ah, he died
*Incoherent screaming*
*More incoherent screaming*
Calm down!!!
Wow, he really believes it, huh
If this were Japan, it'd be like queueing up in a squad with Hikakin, huh?
They're behind you, PewDiePie!
Behind! Behind! Behind!
Huh? Really!?
Take him out, the shotgun!
Are you good at this game?
I'm so pro, I've eclipsed Ninja!
今なんつった このクソけら!
Is someone in your house?
Aaaaaa huh!!?
All right
It lagged
Oh my!
Don't look down on PewDiePie!
If this were the real PewDiePie, he could get about 100 kills
It low-key just went down to you, Good?
They are reporting everything
I will kill the remaining 59!!
Take thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!
Aaaaahh!! It feels sooo good!!!
Fack you!!
I won't lose!!
I will show you the power of PewDiePie's army of 9 year olds!
Holy shit
Are you really PootyPie!?
Oh my god
Oh my god!
Is he really facking PewDiePie?
Oh my god, I am dying
Oh my god!
Is this dude right on him?
It was a friendly!!!
You scared me, bro
You scared me, PootyPie
Bro, is this, is this really… is this PootyPie, brah?
PootyPie say something, please
Does anyone have extra minis?
Here you go, I'm PewDiePie the guardian angel, after all
Right↑ here↓!!
Bro, I'm getting shot at?
PewDiePie, fack you!
After I treated you so kindly why are you saying fack you?
Someone's south
just sniped at you
Shall I show off my amazing skills?
Oh, he fell down! He fell down!
Oh, I'm dead
Is it really you? Please say something
Yo, PootyPie
Is this you? Is this, is this really PootyPie?
Quit it!
Bro, say something
Please…! Say something…!
I'm sorry!!!
We got a default and a…
PewDiePie is… kek
Don't laugh!
It's a raven chick
It's my hobby!!!
You better protect me
Of course
Me and PewDiePie are gonna get that Victory Roymeow
Let's get about 100 kills
My hand huuuuurts!!!
I'm sorry! Sorry!
I just realized... PewDiePie!?
I didn't even realize why you were saying PewDiePie
It's because of their name
PewDiePie I'm sorry!
PewDiePie went down
Yo, Pewds, if you can hear me,
don't back out! Spectate me!
Then I will watch you. until you get a Victory Royale
I think he doesn't have a mic
You got killed by a default?
You're garbage
Nooo! I was also killed by a default!
kek, I'm kidding
All right, guys, are we dropping?
Oh! A girl!? There's been a lot of gamer girls lately, huh?
Does anyone want a purple SCAR?
I'm good
I'll give it to PewDiePie because
he's the biggest YouTuber innnnnnnn the world
For the first time since I was born a girl has given me a present!!
All thanks to PewDiePie!
Are you a guardian angel!?
Oh! People...
All right, I will get 100 kills with the SCAR she gave me
Oh no
Please help! Please help!
PewDiePie! I will win in your place!!
Oh my god
How'd they kill me?
Come on, you guys can do it
Come on
Come on, PewDiePie
Oh noo!
Ahh! ♂
Ahh! I'm sorry!
PewDiePie, you can do it
Come on, PewDiePie
Come on, PewDiePie
Fack this game
Kill hiiiiim!
No way, du-!
There's someone named PoodiePie...
PewDiePie or whatever and
That's me!
This lobby, literally the actual name
I'm the real deal
Is this PewDiePie?
Being popular with the 9 year olds make me all jealous
All the lolis and shotas to choose from
But, I died though
Shall we watch these 9 year olds get a Victory Royale?
Hey? Didn't you bring a weapon?
Hey, are you just screwing around!?
Stop that, you idiot!
Don't bully the kids!!
All right, let the miserable battle begin
Beating a non-resistant person is the best!!
Ahh! ♀
I got a kill, so I'm satisfied
Is that the real PewDiePie?
That's crazy
PewDiePie, look
*moans seductively*
You have something to say?
I haven't seen PewDiePie in a while
Hey! Stop that!!
Do you watch PewDiePie anymore?
Of course!
Ah, before
Ah, yeah, I don't really watch him anymore
Please watch him everyday!!!
He's the God of YouTube!
Hold on! The divine PewDiePie will save you!
This guy's hurting me!
Hello there, PewDiePie
How are you?
Hello "My name is"...
Ah, I heard something!
Ah, I heard something!
I heard something!
I think there's a dead body there
Can you, like, actually do your real voice?
Do ya, do you at least have a microphone?
Nope, I don't have a mic!
Come on! PewDiePie
do you at least have a microphone? Please!
I'm sorry
I don't
Come on, man! Why?
Come on
Wait, he left! He left
Huh? I'm here though?
He didn't leave! No!
Look at the menu
But I'm here??
Look! PewDiePie is a good guy, right?
I love you♥
I did it!!
Can you help me?
PewDie, fack you
Hey, I love PewDiePie
He sucks my dick
You guys are Keemstar's ball sucklers
Fack! They're here! Protect your God!
PewDiePie is actually kind of hot
Holy shit!
It's facking PewDiePie!
Did you only just realize it?
Come here, PewDiePie
Your loot's mine
I'm out of bulleeeeeeeets!!
There's a lot of defaults!
Take this!
Ah! Oh no!
Get them while they're down!!
This is the first time in my life I got a four kill streak!!
Don't come over here!!
Ah, they didn't realize I was here
You scrubs!! It's a surprise attack!
Let the bloodshed begin!
Wait, is that really how you spell PewDiePie?
That's the real spelling
Ah, he disappeared
Help! Heeelp!!!
I'm coming, PewDiePie!
Don't die on me!!
Oh! Well done!
Get PewDiePie!
Just-just rez PewDiePie!
Help me!
Help-help the maaaaaan!!
Help the YouTube King!!!
Here, take that
I'll bring you the band-aid
Or the-the Slurp Juice! I got you, Pewds
What else do you need, lord and savior!
Wait, nooooo!
Take the band-aid first!
Oh, you're a facking idiot, PewDiePie
No, even if I take them afterwards, it's still gonna be okay!!
Go for it, Jay!
Please win for me!
Oh my god
He was...
Oh, I'm acting like an-like an idiot
I'm so sorry, Pewds
It's fine! Thank you for giving it a shot!
By the way
To check if I'm allowed to use this name
I emailed EPIC
They said as long as it's not indecent or offensive, I can do as I like.
Just to make sure I also emailed the New York branch of EPIC
They honestly said, it's not offensive in any way and I could freely do as I want.
In conclusion! I am the official PewDiePieeeeee!
O-oh I'm so shocked and sad
I can't believe someone would do this
Subscribe if you are 9 years old
It's Raining It's Pouring Halloween | Nursery Rhyme | Halloween Special | Shemaroo Kids Malayalam - Duration: 2:08.
It's raining it's pouring
The old man is snoring
It's raining it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and he bumped his head
And couldn't wake up in the morning
He went to bed and he bumped his head
And couldn't wake up in the morning
It's snowing It's snowing
The old man is shoveling
It's snowing It's snowing
The old man is shoveling
He slipped in snow and bumped his head
And couldn't wake up in the morning
He slipped in snow and bumped his head
And couldn't wake up in the morning
It's summer it's shining
The old man is whining
It's summer it's shining
The old man is whining
He switched on the air conditioning
And couldn't wake up in the morning
He switched on the air conditioning
And couldn't wake up in the morning
Breaking Up With Someone I Love | Just One Bite | Season 1 - EP.07 (Click CC for ENG sub) - Duration: 10:39.
Happy birthday!
(Episode 7. A Birthday Cake Soaked in Tears)
Tell us about it. Did Chan Hyuk cheat on you?
What happened was...
-I was supposed to... -Hey, Soo Ji.
We can't understand you. Why did you break up?
What happened was...
What happened was...
Come upstairs and wait. I'll clean up and be there soon.
Okay, I just arrived. I'll go upstairs.
Chan Hyuk...
Can she even walk with those flimsy legs?
I'm on my way up.
Never mind, let's meet on the first floor. Come down.
Stop teasing me.
You're so funny.
Please, Chan Hyuk. Stop nagging me.
What if they want to celebrate on their own?
No, we did this every year for her birthday party.
I know. That's why they might tell us to get lost this year.
They might. We can give them some privacy later.
-I wonder if they've met. -I'm not sure.
Chan Hyuk told me he'd call me on the way.
She's probably at the theater.
Yes. She would've arrived by now.
Let's start cooking the soup now.
Let's go together after work then.
Send your girlfriend home first. She doesn't have to know.
Tell her you're practicing.
Yes, I'm almost here now. Let's meet and talk.
Okay. Where are you right now?
Okay then. Bye.
Excuse me.
Yes? Me?
Do you have...
time to talk with me for a second?
-Ssook. -What?
I brushed my teeth, and can't taste a thing.
-What do you think? -Goodness.
-What? Is it bad? -It's delicious.
You don't look like it, but you're quite good at cooking.
You little...
My parents go on business trips often.
If it were just me, I'd eat anything.
But my brother is different.
That jerk isn't even grateful that I cook for him.
No matter what, you talk crap about him.
Does Tae Seong show you his girlfriend once in a while?
No. We don't share anything about our dating life.
Oh, I once saw her near my house by coincidence,
and she was pretty cute.
So I guess Tae Seong likes cute girls.
I don't know if she was his girlfriend.
Hey. What if Tae Seong brings home his girlfriend,
and it's someone that you know?
I'm not sure.
Gosh, that would be uncomfortable.
It's even awkward when I meet someone I know.
Yes, I guess you're right.
Let's heat that up when they come. I need a bathroom break.
Did you wait for long? Sorry.
It wasn't even my turn, but my senior made me clean up.
Let's go. Your friends are waiting.
What's the matter?
Is something wrong?
Hey, Chan Hyuk.
Tell me. What is it?
I was on my way up earlier...
and accidentally heard you talking on the phone
with a girl named Ga Ram.
What? How did you hear that?
-I mean, that was... -Let's...
break up.
Let's break up.
I think you're mistaken about something, so let me explain.
Her uncle owns a jewelry shop, so I...
I know.
You wanted to buy me a birthday gift, right?
You know?
Then what's wrong?
Listen, Chan Hyuk.
I know that you love me
and no matter how pretty girls are around you,
I know that you'll never cheat on me.
But it's just that...
When I spend time with you,
my dignity keeps hitting rock bottom.
"Why is that guy going out with her?"
"I guess she's filthy rich."
"I bet I can seduce him."
I heard things like this every day since I met you.
And not a day passed by without me feeling heartbroken.
Come to think of it, I think those people were right.
-Soo Ji... -Earlier today,
when I was standing with Ga Ram...
To tell you the truth,
I have to admit that she looks like a better match for you.
You're making me very upset.
Do you think I spent all these years next to you
joking around, so you can act like this?
Don't you know how hard I tried until now?
You want to break up because of other peoples' words?
Have I not given you any faith in me?
I thought you were smart,
and understood what was more important.
No, I was just pretending to understand.
I knew how much you cared about me
and tried hard not to hurt my feelings.
So I pretended that I was fine and acted boldly,
but honestly, I'm pathetic.
Inside, I'm always worried about what other people think
and it makes me discouraged.
I try to comfort myself that it's okay.
But I've been repeating this for years...
and I can't handle it anymore.
My mentality isn't strong enough
to maintain this relationship.
So now...
I want to stop feeling pathetic.
don't want to see you anymore.
I know what you mean.
And I totally understand.
Sit down for a second.
I have to go get my things. I'll call you.
Hey, Soo Ji!
I feel so embarrassed right now,
so can you let me go home alone today?
Today is...
my birthday.
You idiot, answer your phone!
Your girlfriend found out, so I told her the truth.
Since she already knows, just come with her and choose a gift.
Make sure she doesn't take it the wrong way.
That's strange. Tae Seong uses this too.
-Eun Seong. -Oh, right.
I wanted to tell you as soon as we met.
What is it?
I finally found him.
The guy who will save you from being single until now.
Up high!
Why? You're not excited?
It's Woo Kyung's colleague and he's a really good guy.
I'm totally excited. Thank you.
Do you want to get together for dinner next week?
We'll set the mood, and give you two some privacy.
Sure, that sounds good.
But let's do it later.
My promotion exam is next month.
Gosh. What if he meets someone before that?
There's nothing I can do about that.
Why are they so late? The food is going cold.
I know. Chan Hyuk isn't even calling.
Shall we call them and check?
Okay, I'll use your phone.
Did you go home safely last night?
Hey, they're here.
Is it you, Soo Ji?
Happy birthday!
What's wrong?
What is the Invictus Games? - Duration: 3:45.
18 different countries, 12 different sports
and more than 400 competitors -
this is the Invictus Games.
But these determined athletes
share more than just a love of sport.
They've all served in the armed forces.
So how did this pretty unique sporting event come about?
It was actually created by someone you might've heard of -
Prince Harry.
You see, this prince was actually a soldier.
He served in the army for ten years, including time in Afghanistan.
Since then, he's been a passionate advocate
for his fellow servicemen and women,
many of whom return home from doing really difficult jobs
with injuries and illnesses.
So, Harry decided to create something that would bring together
wounded service-people from around the world,
to help them recover and set new goals.
He called it the Invictus Games
because 'invictus' is the Latin word for 'unconquered' or 'undefeated',
which symbolises the competitors' strength through tough times.
The first Invictus Games kicked off in London in 2014.
Then America hosted, which is why this epic video happened.
Hey, Prince Harry,
remember when you told us to bring it at the Invictus Games?
Careful what you wish for.
Oh, really?
Then Canada had a go
and now it's time for Australia to step up.
These are the countries competing here this year.
And these are the sporting events.
And just like the Olympic Games,
Invictus winners get one of these shiny things.
Now meet our Aussie Invictus team.
The 72 members have some pretty incredible stories.
This is where I train. This is my happy place.
Brigid Baker is a former army intelligence officer.
She has post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD,
which is a mental health issue that often affects people
who have been through seriously scary or difficult things.
She's now competing in athletics and powerlifting.
It's given me goals, something to work towards,
but it's also put me in contact with a fantastic group of people.
And there's Stewart Sherman, who was an army combat medic.
He also suffers from PTSD and leg injuries.
Although he doesn't need a wheelchair,
he's now found a passion for wheelchair tennis
and also archery.
And he's excited to show his kids some moves.
These games this year are going to be the biggest.
Sarah and Callum will be coming,
so it'll be good to be able to show them
what it was all for
and that I can actually hit a tennis ball over the net.
So, watch this space to see which of these incredible people
end up on the podium,
although it's clear this sporting event is about so much more.
Getting Through Walls That Stop Progress, The Journey, Episode 8, Season 2 - Duration: 6:00.
MICHAEL STELZNER: I've been stalling.
And I've got this one thing on my To Do list
that I look at every single day.
And I'm not moving on it.
Join us on an impossible mission
to grow our business 50 percent.
Welcome to The Journey.
Check this out.
I got an email this morning from Google
saying that they've got this brand new beta thing
called 'Cross Device Tracking'.
The big mystery that we always wanted to know...
JEN BALLARD: Yeah. MICHAEL: ..we actually have the data now.
JEN: Cool.
MICHAEL: The overwhelming number of people come and buy on desktop.
We know that's true. JEN: Right.
MICHAEL: So, here is mobile-only transactions.
And mobile has a very small assisted element.
I think this means we ought to revisit how much we're spending on mobile.
How many came off of mobile?
Wow, and what percentage of our budget was mobile?
KIM: About 50 percent, I'd say.
MICHAEL: Wow, so we can cut our budget literally in half.
This piece of information could end up saving us
tens of thousands of dollars. Don't you think?
Let's shut off mobile immediately.
Get in there. Shut those campaigns down.
Today is Day 1 for a brand new employee
that we've just hired to the marketing department.
SAIDAH MURPHY: Hi everyone, I'm Saidah Murphy,
and I'm joining the marketing team here at Social Media Examiner.
I went to the conference for the first time earlier this year
and here I am.
MICHAEL: Today is officially Clean Out the Garage Day.
MICHAEL: And our task is that before Saidah leaves today,
you reduce everything that's on your desk to one sticky note.
MICHAEL: You're gonna have to explain to her what this stuff means.
JEN: Right, and that'll help the learning process along the way.
MICHAEL: She will learn rapidly,
and it will be a learning exercise that will result in a desired outcome.
So, if you want, put on some '80s music or whatever.
MICHAEL: I have this intuitive feeling that we are not moving fast enough
to reach our goal - selling 7,000 tickets.
How many physical tickets did we sell?
JEN: 46.
MICHAEL: And what's the percentage?
JEN: 12.5%.
We're not getting the goal. We're not on track.
MICHAEL: Yeah, the good news is you now have this information.
Bad news is it's not what we wanted to hear.
JEN: Right.
Sometimes you have a plan and they get diverted into other things.
Then we have to play catch-up.
And then we're playing catch-up and then something else gets thrown in.
MICHAEL: I have all these people hired.
I have all these systems in place.
And I have all this free time on my hands
and I've got this one thing on my To Do list
that I look at every single day
and it's titled 'Project Genesis'.
And I'm not moving on it.
I'm stalling for some reason.
This stack over here?
Has been sitting here for weeks.
I don't know what I'm scared of.
For some reason, I'm not moving forward.
Behind me is a massive wall.
It's there to block something.
I've been blocked by a wall inside of my head.
It's a wall that says, "You need to get everything else perfect over here
before you go over here and start dabbling in the play pen
on Project Genesis".
I think it's dangerous to let these invisible walls stop us.
I found a hole in the wall.
It's looking pretty nice on the other side of this wall.
JEN: The way that I typically do stuff and I'm used to doing stuff is
I get asked a question then I do the research
and answer it, and send the answer back, right?
So, that is kind of a bottleneck.
MICHAEL: So, I came up with a couple of quick responses
that would allow her to immediately move it right back
on to the person who made the request.
One of them is, well, "What do you think?"
Another one is "Why do you think this is important?"
See, this is that rapid movement,
so that you can take that ball and keep it in motion.
JEN: It's not really in my nature to just not do it myself.
I like to know what I'm talking about
and I like to do things on my own.
MICHAEL: There are people that work for us that are more able than all of us.
So, then, what you have to do is say, "It's OK not to be able".
But instead we need to be able to ask the question
that goes from able to enable. Right?
People equal friction in every situation.
JEN: I always used to be the one that, you know,
Mike gives it to me and I do it.
Now, but we have another whole group of people who can help out,
and we have more resources, so it's a huge transition.
MICHAEL: If the rocking chair has been on the same spot on the wooden floor,
and you're rocking back and forth,
eventually, there's a groove in that floor
and if you turn that rocking chair,
that chair's just gonna go right back into the groove.
Just a few minutes ago I said that I wasn't motivated.
Just the act of saying that I wasn't motivated,
motivated me to come in here and at least bang out a hundred of these.
Step in the right direction.
That's 1,200.
1,200 down and just shy of 2,000 to go.
Check out that box.
I wish I had better news.
JEN: Uh oh.
MICHAEL: By all metrics, it was a complete flop.
I need some caffeine.
Alright, I'm ready, let's do this.
Hey, look we have a water cooler.
We have a place to gossip, finally.
Please join me on The Journey.
Subscribe now and be sure to hit the bell
so you don't miss any of our future episodes.
Prepare For Fright | Zeek And Friends | Halloween Videos For Kids by Super Kids Network - Duration: 24:08.
There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin
The moon is turning All white
Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull
The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright
The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers
The ghouls behind you Right
The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...
The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
Greatest Hits Love Songs Ever - The Most Sad Love Songs Collection - Broken Heart Songs Of Love - Duration: 1:26:25.
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#SubGames Session with Subs/Fans !join for viewers to join subs type !vipjoin - Duration: 8:11:19.
No clearance of former munitions stockpile in sight - Duration: 4:26.
Mitholz sports hall, 7pm yesterday.
Ursula Künzi is a farmer and lives just next to the munitions stockpile.
She has been worrying about the army's latest risk analysis
for several weeks now.
The uncertainty is very difficult to deal with.
We want to plan for the future.
For us, life hasn't changed.
We're happy here.
Nothing has actually happened for the time being,
but that all depends on which measures we will have to face.
Eight government officials travelled to this remote corner of the Kandertal.
First of all, the communal president outlined
the expectations of the valley's residents.
As a municipality, we are calling for rapid action to reduce the risks.
In the long term, we expect this hazardous waste to be removed completely.
Mitholz has been living next to these dangerous munitions for 70 years now.
The audience is doubtful.
How realistic is it that one day they will all be gone?
Will we really ever get rid of them?
If only 50 kg are taken down to Thun each time,
then I'll be long dead by the time it's all been cleared.
These are all very valid questions.
We first need to establish
whether it's even possible
and what that will involve.
If we can't clear it all away,
we would need to carry out explosions right here.
What would that mean for Mitholz?
People and animals would need to be evacuated,
which is a difficult prospect for residents.
For me, another important question is:
There are many businesses here, especially farms.
What will happen to them?
Have you already taken that into consideration?
100 m above the remaining munitions inside the rocky ridge
lies the Künzi family's pasture.
Up here on the ridge, their grandfather survived the explosion,
while down in the valley, two relatives were killed.
For our family, the ridge has more than just a symbolic meaning.
It's existential.
Obviously, it's our main property
that we need in order to survive.
It's where we make most of the food for
our farm, for our animals in winter.
It's the largest plot of land that we own.
The Künzi family's farm lies directly underneath the ridge,
just a stone's throw away from the old bunker.
In 2003, the farming family invested in a new building for 80-90 cows,
but suddenly their future has been thrown wide open.
The main question is whether or not they'll actually remove it.
That will decide what happens next.
For all residents
as well as for our family and our farm.
Yes, and we've got three kids and we hope that
they'll want to follow in our footsteps
and keep the farm running.
That's why the measures that will be taken
have such an important effect on us.
Measures, solutions, scenarios.
Something that the authorities were unable to provide last night.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that:
Our ultimate goal is for it all to be removed.
How can we do this? Do we need to evacuate?
Does that mean that we'll have to reroute the road?
What about the railway?
All of these questions, and for farming and so on,
these are all very important questions which we need to answer.
The state of the munitions is a decisive factor.
So far, the army has only been able to examine a few of the missiles.
This is because the munitions are very old
and there are no longer any experts
with knowledge of these types of munitions.
So first we need to establish that,
and that will be crucial for us in order to decide
whether the munitions can be removed,
or what would happen if they stayed where they are.
After 2.5 hours of questions and vague answers, the meeting is over.
We're still as anxious as ever,
because we've seen that these people are keen to find solutions,
but we've also seen that they don't actually have any solutions yet.
And we feel just as uncertain as we did before.
In mid-2020, the DDPS will present
various solutions to the local residents.
Scary Pumpkin Finger Family | Halloween Songs For Children | Cartoons For Babies - Duration: 15:23.
We are the Halloween Finger Family!
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
We are the Halloween Finger Family!
Thierry Henry offered struggling Barcelona star spare room in mansion - Duration: 2:04.
Alexander Hleb spent three seasons at Arsenal before earning a move to European giants Barcelona
The midfielder was consistent during his spell in spell in London, and came agonisingly close to winning the Champions League and League Cup, finishing runner-up both times
His performances attracted Barcelona, and he couldn't turn down their services when they submitted a £12million bid to the Gunners in 2008
But the Belarusian only managed eight La Liga starts the following season in Spain
Former Arsenal team-mate Thierry Henry had moved to Barcelona the summer before, and could see Hleb was struggling
"Thierry comes to me and says, 'You've lived in hotel for a long time, come and live with me'," Hleb told The Telegraph
"If we had a day off friends would come round, and it was easier for me to adapt
I lived there for a few months. "We watched Arsenal games together and talked about everything
Henry helped me a lot." Unfortunately for Hleb things didn't get much better. The midfielder was loaned out for the rest of his time at Barcelona and secured a permanent move away from the Nou Camp in 2011, moving to Krylia Sovetov Samara
'I've never seen such a bad touch' - Jose Mourinho told to AXE Man Utd star Romelu Lukaku - Duration: 2:32.
The Belgium international has struggled to find form this season under Jose Mourinho
Lukaku is without a goal in eight Manchester United games, with the 25-year-old being heavily scrutinised in recent weeks
Mourinho has praised Lukaku's effort, however, the Special One admitted his star striker is out of form
And Sharpe has slammed Lukaku, claiming the Belgium hitman has the worst touch he's ever seen, adding Mourinho must rest him
"I've never seen a centre forward with such a bad touch," he said. "If your centre forward can't hold the ball up, it makes it a very hard game
"He's saying he's played a lot of football at the World Cup and since and that he's feeling it
"I think the best thing would be to give him a rest. "Send him off on holiday for a couple of weeks
" Speaking after United's 1-0 defeat against Juventus on Tuesday night, Mourinho said of Lukaku: "No criticism at all "But I have to agree his moment is not sweet
"A complete understanding that the player is a fantastic professional that wants to give everything
"Not just with the goals he is not scoring but also in his confidence, in his movement, his touch
He is not linking the game well with the team. "But he is our striker and he a is a good striker we believe in
"Could I play [Marcus] Rashford there? But then I don't have a winger as in this moment we have a difficult situation
"Romelu is a hard-working guy and a good professional. One day the goals will arrive and the confidence will be back
Disney Tsum Tsum Villians Reversable Plush & Halloween Blind Boxes!! REVIEW - Duration: 13:52.
Hey guys, my name's Haley welcome back to the Disney cupcake channel today. I'm gonna be reviewing some new Disney Halloween merchandise
So let's get started
I'm super super excited for Halloween
I was able to stop at the Disney Store as well as Walgreens and I was able to find some new Halloween Disney merchandise
that I would like to show you guys if you are looking for cute little Halloween treats to celebrate or decorate for the season this
first item is
Adorable so so cute. This is a Mickey Mouse
Pumpkin treat bag and this is actually really really good quality. I know they sell the ones at Disney World Disneyland
They're like the plastic buckets, but they're not that that big this one is all felt
Which is good so can stretch a little bit
So this is all orange and as a spiderweb here and an ear with a spider in it and this cute little Mickey like ghost
Face on the front and this actually glows in the dark
Which is very very cool and has another little spider on this side
this was 16 and
95 and I got this at the Disney Store and has a black handle it has a little green stem and then green
Inside but all the goodies that I'm going to be reviewing today are inside
So we're gonna be taking them out one by one and I'm gonna be showing them to you guys in detail
Let's get started with our first item this one
I'm very excited about I have three of these to open today and these are the new Nightmare Before Christmas mystery minis
celebrating the 25 years of Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas
I found this series at Walgreens, but I know they're also available at Hot Topic as well
So there are some exclusive characters in the set
I did open one recently and I did just get Jack
So I'm glad I got the main character, but I'm excited to see which other characters are available. These are around $6
I found them at Walgreens. These are Walgreens exclusive character. I love the packaging. I love the art style of these characters
They look so so cute. So, let's see which character we get next and they do have different rarities as well
this one kills
We got one of the walgreens exclusive ones already
My gosh, this is the first fuzzy mystery money. I've ever had. I didn't know they made them like this
This is the sleepy Jack Jack and his pajamas whatever you would like to call it
he has a fuzzy tan pajama outfit on and this is so so soft and
Fluffy, I'm hooked this little expression. He looks like he's yawning. He's very very tired and his whole outfit down here is fuzzy, too
And he has little black shoes on I can't like this is one B exclusive
This one is 1 out of 12. So it's not super rare, but it is exclusive which is really cool. So that's one
There's only available at Walgreens. Let's open our next books
See we get an X this one feels a little bit smaller and the bag is different which is weird. Oh
My gosh because Thunderhawk is exclusive. We got 0
So 0 was a little Ghost Dog from Nightmare Before Christmas, and he's so so cute
You can see his little ghost sheets hanging over him. I love those little ears and his little pumpkin nose is
Perfect, and that has a lot of detail in it. It looks adorable
You love it. I love this one a lot
And I feel like this one should glow in the dark, but it doesn't we have on board open. I love these one so much
We got
I am super glad that I got this one
He has the green hair that purpley gray. Skeleton elephant
And that actually looks like it would glow in the dark, but I'm not 100% positive if it does or not
I like his little mask. It's so funny and his eyes, but he looks really really happy and excited to go get some candy
I really really like those mystery minis. I hope to collect a few more ki really really like that art style
Alright moving on to our next item these ones. I'm so so excited about super excited to show you guys these
amazing new
Assumtions, they look adorable. They look like normal seams seams, but they
Reversible a
Few moments later that is some Halloween magic right there
These are so so amazing
It gives you a lot more options like to do with them to display with them to play with them
However, you'd like to use or play with your Sims tubes
This gives you more options for that so you can change them or like make different things happen with them
It's just really really cool to see something different with the simple plush how they were able to make it something else
Which is really really cool and this was a great
Character series to use them on these are for the villains cuz a lot of the villains do change
outfits or appearances throughout the movies
So it is a really really great thing to see these characters for Halloween time and knees
I just found at the Disney Store and these retail in the US for 995
So they are more expensive than the actual zoom zooms, but you're technically getting two for one if that makes any sense
It helps the storage cuz you're not packing way to you're packed away one. It is better for playtime
I think it
Is a fun way to slay them so you can like if you have a favorite character you have both versions of the character
Really really easy
There are a lot of plus sides to it. I think it's cute. I like the idea and
I'm gonna show you all the characters they currently have available here in the US for these reversible sim Sims
So they do have new tags and what I really really enjoy about these tags is that they actually say the character name across them
And this one is the Evil Queen
It has all of your favorite zoom sims on the back and up here in this little bubble
It says reversible and then this says Disney zoom zoom at the top in the inside
It shows you a little card similar to the zoom zoom subscription where it shows you both variations of the evil queen
Or the old witch whatever you would like to call her and it shows you how they reverse and change
So there's a little diagram there
So if you only would like to display it one way
You would just spend a little diagram and show both please and then the back just has the prices and all of the information
there so
Looking at our first Tomb soon
As I said, this is the Evil Queen and this is kind of the old witch side from the movie
She looks very very spooky
Very very angry her nose looks so so cool
As you can see there's a great
Detail around the eyes there and it has this white hair coming out of her black hood and she was wearing all black
It has the adorable little detail of the little poison apple. Although it does not have the green goo potion
dripping down it but I like how they still added that touch the
Bottom part for all of these zoom Sims is just velcro. It is not a scratchy velcro. It's very very thin
This would not kind of scratch you or like leave my brush burn type issue
If you have younger kids playing with this, it's super soft you this doesn't really feel like they'll crow at all
But it does work like velcro does and like how when you flip them one direction you can shove that super long tag in
So it's not sticking out because I hate that tag so so much
But it also kind of shows the color of the other character, which is the evil queen
That you see most often and when you switch it out is very very easy to close it back up it easily folds over
Again, it's really hard to tell like you never really know that they do switch unless you'd really look at the bottom
But here's the evil queen. I love her. I shadow. They're very very cute
She has the crowd and the white collar going around her face
She has a black cape over top of her light purple dress with the yellow belt. It has that
Extremely long tag, that is very very annoying. It has the purpley bottom
They no other details on the side. So that is the first character from this villains reversible series, very cute. They still stack
Well, they are the same size as the other symptoms are the original size but looks like we have our next character, which is Jafar
The tags are the same except for the name change down here
So it just does say Jafar and the diagram and it changes the to Jafar
And Jafar as the genie so here is the classic Jafar
He has his very very big black hat with the yellow and red detailing
He has his mustache and beard and the face detail on these is very very good looking at the top
It is all black with the red stripe going down and he has the yellow shoes as well
looking at Jafar as the genie we undo our velcro and
Flip it out
It's very very easy to do as you see I just did it there in a few seconds
and here is
Jafar as the genie he has his normal face detailing that we just saw although his face does look a lot more angry
he has his hair up like the genie does and he has a
Purpley pink belt and he does not have any feet on this one. And then there is the really really long tag
So these ones are very very fun. I really like this whole idea. It's a great little two in one
I think it's a really really good toy option
If you're trying to decide between two characters, you kind of have them both of there
I feel like it only really makes sense for the villains character. So since they have their different sides to them
I don't really know if they could do that with like Mickey and Minnie or like two opposite type characters
But they're from the same movie. I could really like seeing it being the character and like their other
Outfit or something like that also
Let me know in the comments down below. What other
Characters you think they should try to do this with by now continuing on with the Nightmare Before Christmas
Theme we have Jack so here is Jack he look very very angry
Here and he has his black bowtie
He is all white and he has his classic outfit on the black with the white stripes on the tag. It says Jack Skellington
And you open it up and it goes back and forth from Jack Skellington to the pumpkin King, which is another great
Transformation so we undo our velcro here and we flip it and here is the pumpkin King. I love the face
It is an adorable scary pumpkin and on the top. It says Halloween town
It is a little sign on top of these red
Jacket and the rest of this is all that kind of wood looking texture with the tan and brown
And our last character is
Maleficent so our tag says Maleficent opening up and it goes back and forth to
Maleficent and Maleficent as the dragon so looking at Maleficent. She also looks very angry. These all looks so
Angry, it is the villains though. So that is their personality
And this one has kind of the turquoise eat face coloring with the eye shadow and the yellow eyes
You can see the eyelashes there
which is a great little touch and this one also has the
Coming out of the top with a little purple detailing there and it also has the purple collar off
of the spiky
Black dress and she has little pink purple ee pants on there and flipping it out
You get the dragon. This just reminds me so much of
fantasmic series Maleficent as the dragon
This just reminds me so much of Hollywood studios and Disneyland like here is the dragon
This one has little black horns coming out from its cheeks
It also has this yellow nose eyes and mouth detailing with the teeth in there
And it also has some black spikes going across the top as well as these purple wings
Coming out of the front top and also say very spiky tail
This one is very very soft compared to the other ones. I think and another great transformation for these characters
So those are all of the Halloween goodies I had to show you guys today
I really really like all of these items and I feel that they are priced fairly well
For all of the different things they can do I really like this idea. I hope they continue to do more of it
I'll link more my Simpson videos down below as well as my soup scene music videos laughter
I made a Halloween tsumtsum music video. So make sure you go check that out if you're looking for more halloween and some fun
I really enjoyed the Funko mystery minis. I'm excited to add those to my collection to display for Halloween
Thank you guys so much for watching
Remember to do what you love and do it makes you happy and I will see you guys next time. Bye
Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho told to send one star on HOLIDAY after Juventus showing - Duration: 3:05.
That's the view of former Manchester United midfielder Lee Sharpe. Lukaku failed to find the scoresheet again last night as United suffered a 1-0 defeat to Juventus in the Champions League
The Belgium international has just four goals in 12 appearances this season for United
However, it's a different story for his country, having hit ten goals in his last eight matches
The Belgian helped fire his country to the semi-finals of the World Cup in the summer and Sharpe feels his current displays are a result of his hectic schedule in Russia
And with a busy Christmas fixture list fast approaching, Sharpe feels the 25-year-old should be given some rest period to fully recover
"I've never seen a centre forward with such a bad touch," Sharpe said. "If your centre forward can't hold the ball up, it makes it a very hard game
"He's saying he's played a lot of football at the World Cup and since and that he's feeling it
"I think the best thing would be to give him a rest. "Send him off on holiday for a couple of weeks
" However, despite Lukaku's lacklustre display at Old Trafford last night, Mourinho opted to defend his main man, saying: "His moment is not sweet
Not just with the goals he is not scoring. "He is not linking well with the team, but he is our striker
We believe in him." "A complete understanding that the player is a fantastic professional that wants to give everything
"Not just with the goals he is not scoring but also in his confidence, in his movement, his touch
He is not linking the game well with the team. "But he is our striker and he a is a good striker we believe in
Could I play [Marcus] Rashford there? "But then I don't have a winger as in this moment we have a difficult situation
"Romelu is a hard-working guy and a good professional. "One day the goals will arrive and the confidence will be back
" Lukaku will look to bounce back against Everton on Sunday (4pm).
Glitter cute Cat Mermaid in witch Costumes Halloween day coloring and drawing for kids - Duration: 4:06.
glitter cute cat mermaid in witch costumes halloween day coloring and drawing for kids
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