Following up from the recent news about Sony forcing the Western publishers of Senran Kagura
Burst Re:Newal to tone the game down before release, there's been a wide range of other
similar stories and it's now been made clear that this decision is not just something that
is affecting Western studios but also Japanese studios as well.
The reason for the sudden influx of issues being that this is due to a brand new content
policy that has been introduced in Sony and so why we're only just starting to see the
effects of it.
As translated by Gematsu, the developers of the visual novel Silverio Trinity spoke about
these new regulations in a recent Niconico live stream.
Here they were asked what platforms their game will be released on, to which they replied:
"We applied to release it with Sony.
And we already finished development.
A long time ago.
But yeah, we applied to Sony and it hasn't been approved yet."
"Right now Sony seems to be moving toward disallowing ports of ages 18 and up titles
And this game is ages 18 and up, so it's being subjected to a very strict inspection,
and we're getting all these questions.
And like 'Please write everything in English.'
So we're in the middle of answering those now, and we're not sure if we'll get approved
or not.
It's terrible, but in any case, development is done.
So internally it's complete, but there are things we can't do without connecting to
Sony's servers, like Trophies.
So everyone is like, 'When will we be able to add Trophies?'
"And we have a guy who is in charge of translating everything into English and sending it to
Sony, but it's like, 'Don't you guys understand Japanese?'
At present we're thinking we can release early next year if it passes Sony's inspection…
And if Sony says no, then I guess we'll just find somewhere else to put it."
The moderator then tried to clarify the dev's comments, asking if they are waiting on approval,
and the devs said: "Yeah, waiting for Sony's approval.
If we put it on Steam or wherever, we could be selling it next week.
But at the moment we have an agreement with Sony, so…
We submitted it with this agreement and yet we're waiting for approval…
Pretty awful, right?"
As mentioned, these comments have followed a large number of other games running into
issues recently.
Gematsu also published a nice list summarising the recent happenings - mentioning first Omega
Labyrinth Z and how Sony banned the game in North America and Europe...
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai: Library Party and how the devs are quoted as saying "We want
to release a PS4 version, but Sony Interactive Entertainment's regulations have gotten strict,
so we are looking into a counterplan."...
then Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart and how the Switch version was recently released uncensored,
whilst the PS4 version contains heavy edits.
And this is despite the 2017 Vita version also being without these new edits...
Then lastly Sakura Sakura, which also makes heavy edits to scenes in the PlayStation versions.
You can see an example of the type of content Sony are now policing here, from Nora to Oujo
to Noraneko Heart.
The limited run release of Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit also ran into issues with Sony
over content concerns , with Limited Run Games explaining that Sony had content concerns
but ultimately the publishers weren't required to make changes to the game.
That's all we know for now about these new regulations but this story is rapidly developing.
Sony has not currently officially commented on the new policy either.
Censored Gaming will be sure to report back when more information is known and so, if
this is something you wish to stay up-to-date on, please consider subscribing to the channel
and following Censored Gaming's Twitter account.
Until next time, thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> How Sony's New Policy Is Censoring Games - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Work and Travel USA #4 Ocean City ( Hurricane Florence , My jobs ) - Duration: 5:57.
That's about the weather outside!
The storm it's all the way out and it's raining so much.
The waves are very big now and
I think all tourists .... oh no, they still go on!
This is the closed pool.
I do not know what has happened to her probably some leaks
This is the hotel
where I worked all summer.
This is part of what I do every night here.
We have to push the towels from this cart
to the end of the hall
Clean towels will be provided in rooms at the first hour in the morning.
Here I am in the room of the housekeepers.
Here are the necessary products for each room.
And those are the carts which you take with you to clean the rooms.
This is the building where I work at my first job.
This is the way a room looks at this motel.
The car that will take us to New York.
Meet Monetha's dealmaking app! - Duration: 1:36.
Trading has been a part of human history since ancient times.
But back then making a deal was more...
physical. Based on built relations
and most importantly - trust.
Today you can make purchases without having to set foot outside your bedroom.
But let's face it - the Internet is the favourite environment for fraudsters
using more and more effective techniques to scam unprotected and unaware buyers.
Trust became a victim of progress and development.
But we know how to bring it back - thanks to modern technology!
And this is where Monetha comes in!
Monetha is an easy to use mobile deal making app
solving the trust problem between buyers and sellers on e-shops and online marketplaces.
It uses the blockchain technology to evaluate participants' transactions and
previous activities including sales, purchases and performance on deals.
Using that information, Monetha ultimately generates a user rating, which is
transferable through any marketplace and cannot be faked or deleted.
Buyers and sellers on the Monetha mobile app can see one another's reputation
and write reviews based on the experience after deals are made.
If you're a seller you can build your solid reputation and get ahead of competitors.
Feel the power of blockchain technology right in your fingertips!
Download Monetha mobile app today and start making deals based on trust back again!
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:50.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:56.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:56.
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk DCT7 4x4 GT-PlusLine met trekhaak in topstaat! - Duration: 0:48.
双世宠妃Ⅱ【第16集】皇上中毒 | The Enternal Love 2 EP16 - Duration: 6:43.
Divulgazione Scientifica e Creatività: Intervista ad Alberto Angela - Duration: 10:47.
Disclosure is not just mere
informational journalism.
Because Science, Discovery is like bread: it must be shared. And disclosure means
to break the bread and give it to those who are at home.
This is essential and then we try to put on it
something that may also be spicy, like enthusiasm.
I started as a paleoanthropologist: it means
that I've always been interested in the Origins of Man.
For more than ten years I have been
excavating in Africa and in other parts of the world, so my passion is to go back in time and try
to recreate worlds from the past.
There's no doubt that you can make discoveries even while being a simple spectator.
You don't necessarily have to dig into a site: if you interpret the data of the experts you can
find things that have not yet been said. Of course you must apply a scientific method.
I couldn't say the exact moment when I first experienced the existence of the past.
I'd say that I've always been fascinated by prehistory because I've always
thought that the best science fiction can be done back in time, not forward in time.
In my childhood I've always been attracted to and was passionate about the prehistoric man.
I also especially liked sharks: I was passionate about sharks and I still am.
These two things fascinated me and at 15
I went to the marine zoological station in Naples,
the so-called aquarium: I was mentored by a researcher, Flegra Bentivegna, who understood
that I had this great passion and so she showed me
the laboratory, how things worked.. and there I
understood - thanks to her but thanks also to the environment - that in order to become an oceanologist
you must live in a city by the sea, you must have a relationship, a sort of friendship
with the sea, daily, and I did not have it, I was from another city.
And then I remember seeing a researcher who was bent over a binocular and
who observed unicellular algae, tiny algae and I asked: "Is this what an oceanologist is about?".
"Yes, indeed, this too. It's not Cousteau, you don't always go for expeditions: that happens only from time to time".
And I never really fancied that indoor dimension, I wanted to be outside, as you can
see even now with my TV reports.
So I nurtured this passion for paleoanthropology, i.e. the studies of prehistoric man, in search of
civilizations from the past.
And then I could go study abroad either in Paris or in the United States but I'd rather
stay in Italy. Why? Because I preferred to bring, let's say, the outside world at home.
I began to participate in excavations, first as a volunteer in Africa, in Congo, for
two excavation campaigns. Then I made three more expeditions to Tanzania with Lucy's discoverers,
I had the great privilege to work with the best, in quite an incredible context
that is the south of the Serengeti, with tents, shacks and so on.
Then I made other expeditions in Mongolia, in Oman, in search of primitive mammals and dinosaurs.
And then the last expedition was in Ethiopia, where I went looking for
the homo genre, but then we fell into
an ambush and we could not end the expedition.
That was my last expedition because from that moment on I started to work in the TV Industry.
And I must say that these expeditions meant quite a lot, because there I learned the philosophy
of Science, more than through books, more than while studying at University.
Books are important because they help you to build a background, a structure, a knowledge:
for sure you can't get to a site without knowing things. Nevertheless,
practical experience is essential, direct experience in the field is what matters and this can be said for any trade.
Creativity is the way of assembling
things that already exist.
So where does it come from? It arises from our past, from something
very ancient, from the fact that we had to
sharpen our ingenuity to be able to survive a very difficult environment like the savannah.
We humans are hunters and gatherers: our ability to interpret the environment in order to hit
a prey, to understand where water could be found, were vital in the past; those who did not
have this ability to associate things did not keep the group going.
That's Creativity: to take elements, unite them and reach an objective.
Therefore also Math and Physics derive from this ability to put clues together, broken branches,
fingerprints, etc., in order to be able to reach a goal. Now: in the past the goal
was dinner; today, instead, it is another type of food: that for the mind.
Today Creativity Hubs, such as the places of great encounter, like television, the web, schools, are
most ideal occasions and environments where people can create and these places can include everyone.
I believe that the web is currently the real
great revolution of our era: it has completely changed the way we talk, we inform, we interact.
Our grandparents' values have changed in such a place where anyone can build something,
you don't have to be an expert, you must have ideas.
Then of course ideas can also be negative and as a matter of fact we need
rules for this, it's like on the road: there you must follow a street code, you can't just drive as you like;
but you can also make beautiful trips by following the street code.
Of course we must also reward this Creativity and we must also
prevent Creativity from necessarily being the result of a financial income:
the most beautiful works we have are due to pure Creativity.
There's no doubt about the fact that the artist had to live somehow, but I mean that the ideal Creativity swings
between these two extremes: something useful to society and something that is not necessarily
tied to a financial income.
Will there be an evolution? Will it be for good? Will it be for bad? Will it improve everything?
Will everything be swept away? We do not know. But I am very confident:
I have the feeling that current generations have a universe in front of their eyes that they can explore and
Creativity can help find solutions that are very important for us all.
In this job of mine I discovered how past can actually
teach you how to face the future, how the Great History actually gives you tips that you can apply in your life.
The past is like a white-haired person who has experience and who gives you advice.
It teaches you to understand how to deal with problems in the present
because they repeat themselves very similarly, perhaps not identical but they're very similar.
Then of course you must understand how to apply it in the present.
Man has the illusion that everything is eternal, that the world he has created is
eternal; whereas it is actually so very easy to delete it.
The Roman Empire is an interesting example because it was a society very similar to
ours and indeed we have inherited from them so many things:
the Roman Law, the way of making houses, the Roman roads, I mean: everything comes from them.
Two thousand years ago I would have found myself with senators, with an empire, and would never have
imagined that one day all this would have been erased.
So we have the illusion of the eternity of the world we live in
whereas it goes on. There were the Romans, and before them the Etruscans, and before many other
things, billions of people who lived and whose names we do not even know,
what they were called, what language they spoke, yet they had great men, epic
stories. We do not know anything, everything is gone.
And this brings you to understand that your life is just the same; so you have to be ready
for the fact that at a certain point what you deem as an indestructible achievement
can easily change; to preserve something that is fundamental: the flame of curiosity, always,
and never let it dim. To ask and to get excited about the answers, about anything, with the hunger to know.
What does it tell us? To appreciate every moment. What the Great History teaches you
is to savor every single moment of your life, why?
Because it is a once-off, both for the good and for the bad.
Al Bano e Romina, romantici come non li avete mai visti: il ballo e l'abbraccio che fanno ... - Duration: 11:42.
Cous cous con verdure e frutta secca bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 6:20.
Uomini e Donne, Giorgio Manetti e Anna Tedesco smascherati: ecco il loro segreto - SPETTACOLO 24H - Duration: 3:02.
Graciele Lacerda escolhe look para namorar e Zezé Di Camargo desaprova: ''Tive que trocar'' - Duration: 1:31.
Breaking down amendments 1 through 4 - Duration: 7:34.
They think they know
how to protect me from pneumonia
I've found the solution:
I went to see my doctor
Pneumonia can be prevented. Are you sure you know how? Get informed, ask your doctor.
Every year, more than 11000 people die due to pneumonia in Italy
96% are over 65 years of age, more than 3 times those who die from car accidents.*
Tatiane Lina - Digno (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 6:17.
Uomini e Donne, la puntata del 30 ottobre 2018: diretta e anticipazioni | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 7:57.
Motora 99 | Lucas Inutilismo - Duration: 6:35.
Sony E 50mm F1.8 OSS Lens Unboxing - Duration: 1:52.
Ana Maria Braga ignora vitória de Bolsonaro, surge de preto e fãs veem possível recado - Duration: 4:46.
Anticipazioni U&D Trono classico: Cerioli e Gonzalez sono i nuovi tronisti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.
HYPNOSIS IN THE ELEVATOR - techniques for confidence - Duration: 11:21.
How Sony's New Policy Is Censoring Games - Duration: 3:56.
Following up from the recent news about Sony forcing the Western publishers of Senran Kagura
Burst Re:Newal to tone the game down before release, there's been a wide range of other
similar stories and it's now been made clear that this decision is not just something that
is affecting Western studios but also Japanese studios as well.
The reason for the sudden influx of issues being that this is due to a brand new content
policy that has been introduced in Sony and so why we're only just starting to see the
effects of it.
As translated by Gematsu, the developers of the visual novel Silverio Trinity spoke about
these new regulations in a recent Niconico live stream.
Here they were asked what platforms their game will be released on, to which they replied:
"We applied to release it with Sony.
And we already finished development.
A long time ago.
But yeah, we applied to Sony and it hasn't been approved yet."
"Right now Sony seems to be moving toward disallowing ports of ages 18 and up titles
And this game is ages 18 and up, so it's being subjected to a very strict inspection,
and we're getting all these questions.
And like 'Please write everything in English.'
So we're in the middle of answering those now, and we're not sure if we'll get approved
or not.
It's terrible, but in any case, development is done.
So internally it's complete, but there are things we can't do without connecting to
Sony's servers, like Trophies.
So everyone is like, 'When will we be able to add Trophies?'
"And we have a guy who is in charge of translating everything into English and sending it to
Sony, but it's like, 'Don't you guys understand Japanese?'
At present we're thinking we can release early next year if it passes Sony's inspection…
And if Sony says no, then I guess we'll just find somewhere else to put it."
The moderator then tried to clarify the dev's comments, asking if they are waiting on approval,
and the devs said: "Yeah, waiting for Sony's approval.
If we put it on Steam or wherever, we could be selling it next week.
But at the moment we have an agreement with Sony, so…
We submitted it with this agreement and yet we're waiting for approval…
Pretty awful, right?"
As mentioned, these comments have followed a large number of other games running into
issues recently.
Gematsu also published a nice list summarising the recent happenings - mentioning first Omega
Labyrinth Z and how Sony banned the game in North America and Europe...
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai: Library Party and how the devs are quoted as saying "We want
to release a PS4 version, but Sony Interactive Entertainment's regulations have gotten strict,
so we are looking into a counterplan."...
then Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart and how the Switch version was recently released uncensored,
whilst the PS4 version contains heavy edits.
And this is despite the 2017 Vita version also being without these new edits...
Then lastly Sakura Sakura, which also makes heavy edits to scenes in the PlayStation versions.
You can see an example of the type of content Sony are now policing here, from Nora to Oujo
to Noraneko Heart.
The limited run release of Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit also ran into issues with Sony
over content concerns , with Limited Run Games explaining that Sony had content concerns
but ultimately the publishers weren't required to make changes to the game.
That's all we know for now about these new regulations but this story is rapidly developing.
Sony has not currently officially commented on the new policy either.
Censored Gaming will be sure to report back when more information is known and so, if
this is something you wish to stay up-to-date on, please consider subscribing to the channel
and following Censored Gaming's Twitter account.
Until next time, thank you for watching.
Day of the Dead 2018 in New York City ! Mexico Meets NYC ? 🇲🇽 - Duration: 5:52.
What's up guys.
Jon coming to you from the East Village of Manhattan
And if you've been a fan of my channel for a while you have my seen how much content
I have made about Mexico
I lived there for 5 months
My girlfriend Adriana is from Mexico
And because Day of the Dead is coming up
They're doing a celebration right here in New York City
At this church on St. Marks
Stay tuned til the end because we're going to show you the altar that we have for Adriana's grandfather
In our apartment
And speaking of Adriana
Well you know guys that we celebrate Day of the Dead in Mexico
And it's basically to make an altar.. to remember people that died
And we loved
We put some of their favorite food on it
And also you have the typical flowers
That you're going to see right now
And they are one of the most important things on the altar
We've just walked in and there's some kind of performance
Going on
And a lot of vendors just all around here
That was a little surreal for me
To see this in New York City
Because Adriana and I lived in the Yucatan in Merida for 2 months
And we actually had a shaman ritual
Done to us
One time
Which looked very similar to what they were doing
In there
That really flooded back a lot of awesome memories
From Mexico just seeing that performance
You remember the video in the Mayan town?
I thinks this ritual was just like that one
Exactly the same
And it's a really very spiritual thing
It was so cool to do that with everybody here
The only thing that stinks about New York City and Mexican Food
The prices
4 dollars a taco
What would this cost in Mexico
50 cents?
I think with that you would eat tons of tacos
In Mexico and much better
Alright on three, one.. it's to hot, it's to hot
Give us a minute
That's not bad at all for a New York taco
I need more salsa
She needs more salsa
Very difficult to find a good taco in New York
Extremely difficult
We've looked
I just wrote a message for my grandfather who died last year
And I put a candle on the altar
You were supposed to bring a picture of the person that you love
if you wanted , you could put it there
But right now I don't have 2 pictures of him
I just have one
You're going to see it later
In the altar we made at the apartment
So I just wrote a message
And I put it there
(music playing)
It was really nice for people that are from Mexico
And they want to keep their traditions
I loved it
This was one of the great things about living in New York City
Wherever you've traveled
Or wherever you're from
There's always a small part of it
That you can find
As long as you're willing to look for it
Alrigh lets go to the apartment
And we're back at the lovely apartment
In Greenwich Village
And we're about to show you the shrine that Adriana has made for her grandfather
I'm going to let her take it away
Okay guys welcome to the apartment
I'm going to show you the altar i made for my grandfather
We do this in my house in Mexico
We do a big one
But we don't have the space in the apartment
As you could see in the last video
So we made this
Baby altar here
It has a picture of my grandfather
A candle
Typical flowers.. the typical ones look a little bit different
In Mexico
They are bigger and circular.. i can't describe it
But we found something similar to that
It's actually the same kind of flower
But they look a little bit different
And we call it the cempasuchil flower
But in the U.S they know them as.. Marygold
And you have to make a crorss with them
Which is going to bring the soul of the person you love
You have fruits.. and you have to put something that the perosn really loved when he or she was alive
And in the case of my grandfather
He loved chocolate
Like so much
So i put one for him
And some fruit
And that's it
What do you do with the food after?
You're not supposed to eat it until I think november 3rd
And that is when the spirit came already
And took the scents of the food
Some people say that actually when you eat it
You don't taste anything
Because they already take everything.. all the flavor of the food.
Guys leave me a comment, tell me what you thought about the day of the dead festivities in New York City
And if you've had any experience with Day of the Dead before
Make sure to subscribe if you're new to this channel
We've got a ton more content from New York City coming out
Thank you so much as always for watching
This was a lot of fun
Until next time
Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk & Super Wings vs Venom #Toysplaytime - Duration: 13:01.
Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk & Super Wings vs Venom #Toysplaytime
Evangélica e recatada: conheça Michelle Bolsonaro a nova primeira-dama - Duration: 5:25.
Detectives, cyber experts encourage parents to use monitoring apps on kids' devices - Duration: 2:52.
Renault Clio 90PK TCe Intens | R-LINK | CLIMATE CONTROL | BLUETOOTH | - Duration: 0:48.
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105PK Comfortline | NAVIGATIE | 18" R-LINE | CRUISE CONTROL | - Duration: 0:49.
How Sony's New Policy Is Censoring Games - Duration: 3:56.
Following up from the recent news about Sony forcing the Western publishers of Senran Kagura
Burst Re:Newal to tone the game down before release, there's been a wide range of other
similar stories and it's now been made clear that this decision is not just something that
is affecting Western studios but also Japanese studios as well.
The reason for the sudden influx of issues being that this is due to a brand new content
policy that has been introduced in Sony and so why we're only just starting to see the
effects of it.
As translated by Gematsu, the developers of the visual novel Silverio Trinity spoke about
these new regulations in a recent Niconico live stream.
Here they were asked what platforms their game will be released on, to which they replied:
"We applied to release it with Sony.
And we already finished development.
A long time ago.
But yeah, we applied to Sony and it hasn't been approved yet."
"Right now Sony seems to be moving toward disallowing ports of ages 18 and up titles
And this game is ages 18 and up, so it's being subjected to a very strict inspection,
and we're getting all these questions.
And like 'Please write everything in English.'
So we're in the middle of answering those now, and we're not sure if we'll get approved
or not.
It's terrible, but in any case, development is done.
So internally it's complete, but there are things we can't do without connecting to
Sony's servers, like Trophies.
So everyone is like, 'When will we be able to add Trophies?'
"And we have a guy who is in charge of translating everything into English and sending it to
Sony, but it's like, 'Don't you guys understand Japanese?'
At present we're thinking we can release early next year if it passes Sony's inspection…
And if Sony says no, then I guess we'll just find somewhere else to put it."
The moderator then tried to clarify the dev's comments, asking if they are waiting on approval,
and the devs said: "Yeah, waiting for Sony's approval.
If we put it on Steam or wherever, we could be selling it next week.
But at the moment we have an agreement with Sony, so…
We submitted it with this agreement and yet we're waiting for approval…
Pretty awful, right?"
As mentioned, these comments have followed a large number of other games running into
issues recently.
Gematsu also published a nice list summarising the recent happenings - mentioning first Omega
Labyrinth Z and how Sony banned the game in North America and Europe...
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai: Library Party and how the devs are quoted as saying "We want
to release a PS4 version, but Sony Interactive Entertainment's regulations have gotten strict,
so we are looking into a counterplan."...
then Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart and how the Switch version was recently released uncensored,
whilst the PS4 version contains heavy edits.
And this is despite the 2017 Vita version also being without these new edits...
Then lastly Sakura Sakura, which also makes heavy edits to scenes in the PlayStation versions.
You can see an example of the type of content Sony are now policing here, from Nora to Oujo
to Noraneko Heart.
The limited run release of Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit also ran into issues with Sony
over content concerns , with Limited Run Games explaining that Sony had content concerns
but ultimately the publishers weren't required to make changes to the game.
That's all we know for now about these new regulations but this story is rapidly developing.
Sony has not currently officially commented on the new policy either.
Censored Gaming will be sure to report back when more information is known and so, if
this is something you wish to stay up-to-date on, please consider subscribing to the channel
and following Censored Gaming's Twitter account.
Until next time, thank you for watching.
Work and Travel USA #4 Ocean City ( Hurricane Florence , My jobs ) - Duration: 5:57.
That's about the weather outside!
The storm it's all the way out and it's raining so much.
The waves are very big now and
I think all tourists .... oh no, they still go on!
This is the closed pool.
I do not know what has happened to her probably some leaks
This is the hotel
where I worked all summer.
This is part of what I do every night here.
We have to push the towels from this cart
to the end of the hall
Clean towels will be provided in rooms at the first hour in the morning.
Here I am in the room of the housekeepers.
Here are the necessary products for each room.
And those are the carts which you take with you to clean the rooms.
This is the building where I work at my first job.
This is the way a room looks at this motel.
The car that will take us to New York.
Meet Monetha's dealmaking app! - Duration: 1:36.
Trading has been a part of human history since ancient times.
But back then making a deal was more...
physical. Based on built relations
and most importantly - trust.
Today you can make purchases without having to set foot outside your bedroom.
But let's face it - the Internet is the favourite environment for fraudsters
using more and more effective techniques to scam unprotected and unaware buyers.
Trust became a victim of progress and development.
But we know how to bring it back - thanks to modern technology!
And this is where Monetha comes in!
Monetha is an easy to use mobile deal making app
solving the trust problem between buyers and sellers on e-shops and online marketplaces.
It uses the blockchain technology to evaluate participants' transactions and
previous activities including sales, purchases and performance on deals.
Using that information, Monetha ultimately generates a user rating, which is
transferable through any marketplace and cannot be faked or deleted.
Buyers and sellers on the Monetha mobile app can see one another's reputation
and write reviews based on the experience after deals are made.
If you're a seller you can build your solid reputation and get ahead of competitors.
Feel the power of blockchain technology right in your fingertips!
Download Monetha mobile app today and start making deals based on trust back again!
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:50.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:56.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:56.
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk DCT7 4x4 GT-PlusLine met trekhaak in topstaat! - Duration: 0:48.
双世宠妃Ⅱ【第16集】皇上中毒 | The Enternal Love 2 EP16 - Duration: 6:43.
Wrapples Music Video
7 Unattractive Things That Guys Don't Know They Do - Duration: 5:12.
Gentlemen today we're sharing with you 7 unattractive things guys don't know they do.
Because while you may be great at talking to girls...
The things you actually do might be telling an entirely different story.
That's because sometimes, we all do unattractive things and don't know it,
Which, for single guys, makes women second guess them, or leaves them entirely uninterested.
If this is you, DON'T PANIC.
Because with a little help, You can identify exactly what unattractive
habits you might unknowingly have.
Now let's jump in.
7. Big Head
You can project as much alpha male body language
tricks as you'd like...
But just because you're confident doesn't mean you're worth a woman's time.
Because with great confidence comes great responsibility…
To not be a jerk about it.
No woman likes a man that thinks he's better than everyone else (even if he is),
And it's embarrassing for her to be associated with someone with such a big head.
Don't get us wrong…
You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
But pride is best served up with a side of humility.
6. Loud Stacks
You've heard it before: "For the love
of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
And when it comes to dating, this quote is actually spot on.
That's because bragging about money is one of those things guys do that girls hate.
Sure, some girls might like it…
But it's probably the only thing they like about you.
Girls worth dating, on the other hand, are more interested in the value you can add to
their lives...
Rather than the value you can add to their retirement plan.
So avoid talking about how much money you make with a girl.
She doesn't care.
5. Swamp Ass
Of all the unattractive things guys do that
they have no idea about, Sweaty butt might be the most embarrassing
to learn you have.
Sweaty butt or, swamp ass, as it's known, Is due to having a dense collection of sweat
glands located around your butt.
There's no easy way to put it, sweaty butt is a legitimate problem for a lot of guys.
Through no fault of their own, not only do some guys literally sweat through their pants,
They can also leave a sweat print wherever they sit.
Probably not what you had in mind when you said you want to leave your mark on the world.
If you're one of the many guys afflicted by swamp ass, there are a few things you can do:
First, stay hydrated.
Counter intuitive, but swamp ass is most common during exertion,
And exertion happens more quickly when you're dehydrated.
Second, Keep the area under control by using toilet
paper to keep the area dry Cause sometimes, You just got to mop it up.
And third, Stop it before it starts by wearing the right
kind of underwear.
Sheath Underwear was designed with the swamp butt in mind.
Sheath works its magic by using a clever design that gives your contents some room to breath.
By combining airflow and moisture-wicking fabric you're given a fighting chance against
sweaty butt While also sporting a pair of stylish chonies
that look good on anybody.
Sheath came through with an amazing discount that's available for a limited time.
If you want to grab a pair of advanced underwear, use the link in the description.
Hey if you like our stuff, keep watching!
Because we've got 4 more unattractive things guys don't know they do...
That girl's will always notice.
Let's keep going!
4. Whatever You Want
You ever wonder why nice guys finish last?
We'll be blunt: It's because they're insecure.
And being insecure is one of the most unattractive things guys don't know they do...
But it's all they know how to do.
Thankfully, there are ways to fix it.
Start by making decisions instead of doing "whatever you want, babe."
Because as you know, confident guys who know what they want, almost always get the girl.
So find value in yourself, speak your mind, and improve yourself every single day.
In doing so, you'll avoid all the mistakes nice guys make, and slowly but surely, start
appealing to women.
We promise.
3. Whining-Inclined
This is Ryan.
On Monday he tweets "Why are babies so noisy this early in the morning???"
On Tuesday, his facebook status reads: "Ugghh this weather sucks."
He's at a restaurant on Thursday and complains about almost everything- the waiter's attitude.
The decor.
The food.
With a show of hands, how many of you would like to be good friends with Ryan?
That's not a surprise, because women don't want to be good friends with Ryan either.
And if you're anything like Ryan...
It's time to look at the brighter side of life,
And keep in mind that the grass is greener where you water it.
Because negativity is repulsive (especially to women).
So avoid it at all costs.
Negate negativity by defining your core values and discovering what's important to you.
2. Stage Fiving
Every single guy in the world has gotten REALLY
excited about a girl, And then immediately ruined it by turning
into a Stage 5 Clinger.
We get it though…
It's exciting when a girl likes you...but if you want it to work
you HAVE to keep your mind occupied, and expectations in check, otherwise you'll spook her off.
So play it cool and be Casper the Friendly Ghost instead of Jasper the Clingy Ghost.
As long as you can do that, you'll haunt her thoughts instead of the other way around.
1. Tipping the Scales
The last ugly thing that guys unknowingly
do is something we've talked a lot about, Without ever calling it what it is:
Being out of balance.
Life is a balancing act of a million things coming at you at once,
And if you're full of self-loathing, OR full of self-pride,
How do you expect to make room for someone else in your life?
Balance is key in every aspect of your life, and not having that balance...
Will make it harder for you to create meaningful relationships.
So avoid going too far in either direction by either beating yourself up all the time,
Or being too self-absorbed to let someone else in.
Those are 7 Unattractive things guys don't know that they do
And while you're here, why not check out these other powerful videos?
These are perfect follow-ups to today's vid.
Why Hollywood Won't Cast These Action Stars Anymore - Duration: 6:45.
Hollywood is an ever-changing landscape, and nobody knows that better than action stars
of years gone by.
From world karate champions to kung fu prodigies, these actors were born to be action heroes,
but for one reason or another, they all wore out their welcome in the movie business.
Michael Dudikoff spent years feeding off bit parts before he won the role of Private Joe
T. Armstrong in 1985's American Ninja, which marked the beginning of his time as the golden
boy of Cannon Films.
In the years that followed, Cannon's owners managed to keep him at the B-film studio by
promising him all kinds of meaty roles.
Dudikoff told Coming Soon,
"There were so many things I was told I was going to be.
I was going to be Superman; I was going to be Spider-Man…
That never did happen, but they were working on it."
Instead of playing superheroes, he fronted such schlock classics as Avenging Force and
Platoon Leader in the years following American Ninja.
Cannon bought the rights to Superman at a steal, but they managed to convince Christopher
Reeve to reprise the role in the critically panned: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.
Dudikoff went on to make more American Ninja movies, which he remains best known for today.
In his own words,
"I'd like to work a little more, but I'm here."
When Danish model Brigitte Nielsen was offered the chance to transition into movies, she
had a tough decision to make.
Her first marriage was over and she had a young child to look after, but the part was
too big to decline.
She told The Guardian,
"I let my parents bring up my son Julian to pursue my Hollywood dream…
I got the opportunity to appear in a movie called Red Sonja with Arnold Schwarzenegger."
Soon after portraying the sword-wielding Marvel heroine, Nielsen appeared in Rocky IV with
Schwarzenegger's rival, Sylvester Stallone.
Sly became her second husband and they starred alongside each other in 1986's Cobra before
calling it quits.
The statuesque blonde went on to appear in 1987's Beverly Hills Cop II and fronted a
number of largely forgettable action movies throughout the '90s, but the A-list status
she coveted in those early days slowly slipped away.
Today, Nielsen is best known for her stints on various reality TV shows and recently made
headlines in June 2018, when she gave birth to her fifth child at the age of 54.
"And I am the happiest mother.
I'm probably the happiest I've ever been."
She might not be getting the biggest roles anymore, but she remains a superwoman in real
Blade certainly wasn't perfect, but Wesley Snipes' charisma and physical prowess turned
the Marvel vampire movie into a cult classic that would spawn two sequels, one that was
relatively enjoyable, and one that was downright awful.
Snipes' behavior on the set of Blade: Trinity is now a thing of legend.
Speaking to AV Club, Patton Oswalt revealed how the leading man fell out with director
David S. Goyer big time.
"The fact that that movie exists, puts it above Citizen Kane."
According to Oswalt, things got so bad that Snipes would apparently only communicate with
the director through Post-It notes, signing off each one with "From Blade."
On-set feuds turned out to be the least of Snipes' worries.
He wound up serving two years behind bars after he was found guilty of tax evasion,
bringing his time as an A-list action star to an end.
He had a stint as a linebacker for the Oakland Raiders in the early '70s, but Carl Weathers
retired from football after catching the acting bug.
He paid his dues in small roles for film and television until Rocky came along.
His character, flamboyant boxer Apollo Creed continued to pop up in the franchise until
his death in the ring in 1985's Rocky IV.
The death of Apollo Creed didn't mark the end for Weathers, however.
He went on to appear alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1987's Predator.
He led his very own action outing the following year with Action Jackson, but the movie was
torn to shreds by the critics.
Weathers defended the film in a 2009 interview with Bullz-Eye, saying interview with
"I still maintain today that it could've been a better movie had we taken a little bit longer
to develop the screenplay.
A lot of people liked it.
In Germany, it was huge!"
Success in Europe wasn't enough to convince the studio to make a sequel, however, and
a planned Action Jackson franchise was canned.
Weathers still makes a living as a character actor today,
"His name is Carl Weathers, and he's my new acting teacher."
...but his time as an action hero is well and truly over.
Jet Li was just 11 years old when a producer stumbled across him giving a kung fu demonstration
in Hong Kong.
Impressed with Li's skills, the producer came back to visit him every year to check his
He was 17 when the exec decided he was old enough to start making movies, and before
long, he was a star in his native China.
Li's first American movie was 1998's Lethal Weapon 4.
He played a villain, but he didn't have to wait long for his first hero role.
In 2000, Romeo Must Die was a modest hit for Li.
The tragic death of Li's co-star Aaliyah put the idea of a proposed sequel to bed.
Li remained a hot property in Hollywood for a while, and was even offered a role in the
Matrix franchise, but the actor and his family were almost killed in the Boxing Day tsunami
of 2004.
Seeing the destruction first hand made him want to dedicate more time to philanthropy
rather than filmmaking.
After struggling through school with undiagnosed dyslexia, Billy Blanks turned away from the
books and started to focus on martial arts.
If he couldn't succeed academically he wanted to excel at karate instead.
He told CNN,
"Sooner or later, I started to see myself progress.
The next thing you know, I got my black belt before everybody in the class."
He went on to become a seven-time world karate champion and attained black belts in several
other martial arts before he decided he needed a new challenge: Hollywood.
Blanks had the fighting skills to make it as an action star, but his trouble with reading
proved problematic.
Luckily, his wife helped him memorize scripts and soon enough, Blanks was rubbing shoulders
with some of action's biggest stars, appearing in Jet Li's The Master, Jean-Claude Van Damme's
A.W.O.L, and the Bruce Willis-led action comedy The Last Boy Scout.
In 1992 he was finally rewarded with his first lead part, though Talons of the Eagle wasn't
exactly star-maker material.
Hollywood forgot about Blanks over the years that followed, and today he's best-known as
the inventor of Tae Bo, a total body fitness system that he apparently came up with while
listening to the Rocky soundtrack.
He could have been a household name today, but Kenpō expert Jeff Speakman failed to
capitalize on his "strong and entertaining" debut in 1991's The Perfect Weapon.
Speakman had a three-picture deal with Paramount, but changes were afoot within the studio,
and the project that was being developed as his follow-up vehicle was accidentally sold
to Fox, who refused to sell it back.
Speakman told The Action Elite,
"They made that movie, which was supposed to be my second movie at Paramount, and the
name of that movie was Speed.
It was the movie that made Keanu Reeves a star...We lost it.
And consequently, there went my career."
The movie that Speakman wound up doing instead two years later was Street Knight.
Two years might not seem like a significant absence, but countless similar movies came
out in that time.
Street Knight got lost in the noise, and so did Speakman, who stopped acting in 2006.
He was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2013, but he did what he does best and fought it:
by 2014, he'd been given the all clear.
Cardi B Is Scared to Leave Daughter for Long Stretches of Time: 'I Don't Want Her to Forget Me' - 24 - Duration: 5:46.
Cardi B wants to stay by her daughter's side as much as possible — out of fear that 3-month-old Kulture Kiari may not remember her
"I don't want to miss nothing from my baby," the "I Like It" rapper, who welcomed her first child in July with husband Offset, says in this month's PEOPLE en Español cover story
"I read that babies forget people so quick; I don't want her to forget me. I don't want her thinking that somebody else is her mom; I want her to love me as her mom
" Cardi's desire for quality time with Kulture led her to back out of Bruno Mars' 24K Magic World Tour
"I want to be the one that when she cries, I'm the one that stops her from crying
Seriously," Cardi, 26, continues. "Being a week away, it would just drive me insane
" Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter
In July, Cardi announced her decision about the tour on social media. "I thought that after giving birth to my daughter that 6 weeks would be enough time for me to recover mentally and physically," she wrote
"I also thought that I'd be able to bring her with me on tour, but I think I underestimated this whole mommy thing," Cardi added at the time
When Cardi does need to leave home, she has multiple babysitters to turn to. "[When she's] with my grandmother or with my mother, I balance it out because everybody gets tired," Cardi explains to PEOPLE en Español
"I don't like going to sleep and leaving them with the responsibility of my baby because I know they just as tired as me
Same way I wanna sleep, they wanna sleep." Kulture's upbringing will be different from Cardi's
"She's gonna be raised in a big mansion. She's most likely gonna get whatever she wants from me and her dad, but I also want her to be humble," says the Bronx native, who once had a gig as a stripper
"So, yes, I will be taking her to her cousin's, her grandmother's house, and I would like her to see how the people in my community live
I would like for her to be humble, for her to want to share, for her not to be snobby," Cardi continues
"I want her at least to speak four languages: Spanish, English, French and I'm really loving Italian
I love how those people talk!" "I'm very proud of my Hispanic heritage," she notes
The cover story comes after Cardi called out Nicki Minaj, 35, in 10 separate expletive-filled Instagram videos posted on Monday
Cardi's clips were posted just hours after Minaj spoke about their ongoing conflict in the latest episode of her Queen Radio show on Apple Music's Beats 1
Cardi's sister Hennessy Carolina recently claimed in a since-deleted Instagram post that Minaj leaked the "I Like It" rapper's phone number, which led to threatening messages about baby Kulture
"After my sister showed those text messages, look what you do. You go on Twitter and start liking s—, endorsing that type of nasty ass f—— behavior
Bitch you're f—— sick in the head," Cardi said in the sixth video. Cardi and Minaj's exchange on Monday, comes seven weeks after videos of their now-infamous New York Fashion Week brawl were posted online
One clip showed Cardi charging at someone. In a different video, Cardi can be heard screaming "say some s— about my daughter [Kulture] again
" "Cardi walked towards Nicki and all of a sudden Cardi started screaming something about her child," a source told PEOPLE
"She was yelling, 'Bitch you feisty. Bitch don't talk s— about my child' at Nicki
" The source also revealed Cardi "threw her shoe because she couldn't get through" to Minaj who "was there with eight or nine bodyguards
Why Does Autocorrect Still Suck? - Duration: 3:49.
- Have you ever tried typing something
but your phone keeps changing it to something else?
This ducking keyboard can be so frustrating!
It can seem like autocorrect is working against you
instead of helping you.
But the iPhone has had autocorrect for over 10 years.
Why does it still suck?
Whether you're on iPhone or Android,
using the default keyboard or a third-party app
you deal with autocorrect every single day.
Usually, it works great
but sometimes it completely refuses
to understand what you typed.
To figure out what's happening we have
to understand how autocorrect works.
When you type something on a phone
there's a lot of work going on
in the background.
The phone analyzes your input and compares it
to stored dictionaries and language models.
The phone then tries to correctly interpret the word
or phrase you're trying to type.
So when you type "fopd" your phone changes it to "food"
because "fopd" isn't a word
but it's only one letter away from "food."
But not every example is this obvious.
- The vowels U, I, and O are very close to each other
so a word like put, pit, and pot
those, those were real challenges.
- That's Ken Kocienda, he's one of the people
who developed autocorrect for Apple.
We spoke with Ken to find out what's happening inside
of autocorrect.
- My job was to come up with a way to make speedy
and accurate typing possible on a sheet of glass.
- The hardest part isn't correcting spelling
or grammar, it's interpreting what you meant to say
from what you wrote.
And autocorrect is actually pretty good at this
but users tend to notice autocorrect
only when it makes mistakes.
- If it does what it's supposed to do 19 times
and then that 20th time it makes a mistake
that is either distracting or embarrassing,
that one mistake wipes out the positive feelings
that people have for the 19 times where it just worked.
- This is especially obvious when autocorrect
leads to unwanted changes.
Sometimes it can feel like you're fighting
against your keyboard.
- Mostly people complain about how autocorrect gets
in the way of their swearing.
The ducking keyboard.
- The iPhone keyboard will let you swear,
it just wants to prevent you
from accidentally sending a word
that you didn't mean to send.
It might seem like you're always wrestling with autocorrect,
but you can take control of your dictionary.
On iOS go into Settings, General, Keyboard,
and then tap "Add Shortcut" or "Text Replacement."
Here you can add a new word or a shortcut
that fills in a word when you type a few letters.
You can Google around to find out how to add words
to the various versions of Android or third-party keyboards.
So, you might still think autocorrect sucks
but it's actually gotten a lot better since version one
and some developers have introduced new tools
like swipe to type to make typing on a smartphone easier.
In the future, machine learning
might create an autocorrect
that's more accurate than ever
but whatever the technology is we can't lose sight
of the original goal of autocorrect.
- The goal that I like to think about for the product
is for it to have the software melt away.
Autocorrection is not supposed to be glamorous, right?
It's just supposed to be useful.
- Autocorrect is far from perfect
but our messages would look a lot worse without it.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T 115PK TEKNA AUT. | 1e eig. | Dealerondh. | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.
Opel Mokka 1.4 T COSMO - HALF LEDER - 19 " LMV - NAVIGATIE - CLIMATE - PARKEERHULP - Duration: 1:08.
Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0T 200pk Super Aut. CORPORATE EDITION (18" sport / schakelflippers / pack sporti - Duration: 1:12.
What Your Forehead Wrinkles May Be Trying To Tell You About Your Health - Duration: 2:47.
One thing we all know for sure is that we will age.
And as we get older, some signs begin to appear that tell everyone that we're not as young
as we used to be.
Some researchers have studied these signs in order to help us prevent health problems
such as cardiovascular diseases.
Have you ever thought that there might be a relationship between the deep wrinkles in
your forehead and a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease?
This was found by a study published in 2018, that suggests that people who have deep forehead
wrinkles are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
A study made up of 3,200 healthy adults aimed at relating the horizontal wrinkles that appear
on our foreheads and their depth to heart problems.
Participants were examined and grades were given according to the depth of their wrinkles.
Participants followed up for 20 years and 233 of them died of various causes.
After analyzing these various causes, the researchers concluded that people with deeper
wrinkles were more likely to die of cardiovascular disease.
Those who had had a higher grade were 10 times more likely to have heart problems in comparison
to a person who had a low grade.
Researchers still don't know the reason for this connection.
One of the probable reasons has to do with atherosclerosis (the stiffening of the arteries
due to the accumulation of plaques.)
The change in collagen proteins and oxidative stress seem to work both for atherosclerosis,
which contributes to the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems, as well
as for wrinkles.
In addition, the blood vessels in your forehead are so small that they may be more sensitive
to plaque buildup.
This means that these wrinkles could be the first signs that your blood vessels are in
But before you start worrying about wrinkles on your forehead it's important to consider
that these marks can also arise for several other reasons.
If you have the habit of frowning, or if you read in dimly lit environments, you may be
more prone to wrinkles on your forehead.
Although wrinkles are not necessarily a surefire method for assessing cardiovascular risk,
this factor just gives us something else that will help bring our attention to the state
of our heart.
The findings are still recent and there is still much to be researched.
However, it's worth thinking about, don't you think?
「Nightcore」→ Whatever It Takes l The Megamix (Switching Vocals) - Radioactive, Believer and MORE - Duration: 3:23.
Nightcore - Whatever It Takes l The Megamix (video oncludes subtitles)
EMOTIONAL LIVE PREGNANCY TEST | Finding out we are Pregnant in a Foreign Country! - Duration: 9:05.
Hey guys, so we're just in Croatia, we're in Zagreb, we are in our Airbnb
So I think I'm going to take a pregnancy test today.
So, when we were in China a month ago
we bought a bunch of cheap ones and I just -- I'm getting all these symptoms
and I don't know pregnant or my mind is playing tricks on me, but I was like
You know what? I'm just going to take a test. I'm only about nine days DPO (days past ovulation) so it is still pretty early to test
So I'm kind of expecting it to be negative
but I really want it to be positive so
we'll see. It's kind of scary if it is positive just because we're traveling
We've been traveling for the last four months and we have plans to travel for another 3-4 months
so if it's positive then we're going to have to change everything just for medical care. I mean we do have insurance, but
we'll see. We'll see what happens ah
Danny over here
Watching the World Cup game - Hey, crazy. You doing the pregnancy test? - Yeah
So, just rip this open. I have a little
little container with pee in it. I know, it's like kind of gross but I'm just gonna dip it in
Alright. Just putting it there.
Okay, so I'm gonna come back, it says 5 minutes, so I'm gonna check on it in five minutes and
See what it what it says. Fingers crossed. So it's been a few minutes. I'm gonna check.
Oh my god! - What? What?
Do you see that?
Do you see two lines? - Yeah.
Oh my god
Yeah babe, there's two lines, oh my god. We have a little baby Hu here. - Oh my god - Little baby Hu. Oh my god. You're going to be a mom. I'm so happy.
This is crazy, I'm kind of in shock. - I know I don't know what to think right now
That's kind of crazy like I didn't expect this
Oh my gosh
It's definitely a line like it's here, right? - Yeah - Like it's definitely a line - Let's see
Just want to make sure because it's like unbelievable.
No, that's pretty dark.
Yes it's like --
Yeah it's a line.
Oh my gosh, are we going to like -- - Celebrate
go home? How are we gonna continue our trip? - Yeah, I don't know
Oh my god, oh my god. - I'm so happy
This is crazy - Yeah
Yeah, let's celebrate. - Let's celebrate. - No, I told you like I've been so tired
I know - and like by like six o'clock, I want to go to bed
You eat so much too. - Ya I've been so hungry.
Oh my god, you guys. There's a new little traveler joining us
in nine months. - Sweet
We've got to find a doctor like get this confirmed because I don't know sometimes these tests -- like this test is from China so I don't know.
Yeah, but it looks pretty obvious.
It's looks pretty legit.
All right guys, let this crazy journey begin. You're gonna be a dad.
Yeah, baby daddy Hu
Dude, my hair sucks
Look at me. I look so bad
Sorry guys
Didn't really dress up because I didn't really think that we'd be posting this video because I really didn't think it was gonna be positive
Should have put more effort
Alright guys, I
tried to clean up a bit
okay, so went to the
pharmacy in Croatia
Because I thought you know what? I need to get confirmation
So I picked up a "Clearblue" test and didn't realize that everything is in Croatian
so yeah
but it's a good thing that on the test it doesn't write out the words "positive or negative" in Croatian
It has a little plus or minus and it tells you the number of weeks. So if you're pregnant and if there's a number on it
then you're pregnant. So I'm gonna dip this into my pee which I still have laying out there and then um, see what it says - Just going to open this. So I am going to dip it in. - I want to be here.
Oh yeah baby, be good, be good. I'm very excited now. - Yeah, so just going to put that there. There's the one I took earlier
How many minutes, by the way?
I think it's about 3 or 4 minutes
We can just wait here for 3 minutes, or we can set our timer on. What do you want to do? Let's just wait
The moment of truth. The moment of re-confirmation.
So what does it do? Like is that gonna be a smiley face?
Yeah, so if it's positive
It's gonna say like "plus" and then it's going to have a number
Oh, it actually gives you weeks, huh?
Yeah, so I should be like 1 to 2
How many minutes? - I think it's two minutes, I don't know it's all in Croatian so I can't really tell.
I think it dipped it in long enough. I just dipped it up for 10 seconds. Do you think that's enough?
Oh my gosh. Plus!
Guys! - Yes, yes
But I think it still needs some time to read how many weeks
That was fast - Yeah, you don't need 10 seconds
Like you don't need three minutes
We're going to have a Croatian baby
No actually, a baby in Croatia. - Actually conceived this baby in Russia at the World Cup
Should we apply the baby for citizenship for like Croatia? That would be cool.
- No, I don't want to give birth here. - Let him play soccer
And they can win the World Cup - Oh my gosh
That's a plus. - It's a hard plus.
It's taking a long time
Oh! Two or three weeks. - What? Two to three?
So I might be actually farther -- I might have ovulated earlier than I thought but I'm pretty sure
Well it says two to three. - Okay, looks like I might be further along than I thought.
Oh my gosh, you guys. Two to three! - Oh my gosh, it's official. It's official, oh my god. - Two to three. - Oh yeah baby. Oh yeah, I'm so happy.
Yes, guys, it's official! It's official, we're going to have a Chinese Persian baby - I wonder what they're going to be, what they're going to look like. It's going to be cute.
Scapegoating Plays To Fears Ahead Of Midterms | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 13:50.
100+ DIY garden decorating ideas | Garden Ideas - Duration: 16:47.
Live In The D: Here's how to keep your pets safe this Halloween - Duration: 2:40.
How To Get Lowes And Home Depot Locations For Your Hot Dog Cart - Duration: 22:30.
Well, good morning.
Howdy! Howdy!
Howdy! Folks.
It is a beautiful morning here in the mountains.
Look at that river behind me. Got The fire pit going.
It's chilly. Cold.
I think it's about 37 degrees. It's why I got my noggin warmer on and
um, get this computer to straighten up here.
Anyway, I'm going to give a little bit of time
for people to get here. I want to talk to you about,
um, vending at home depot and lowe's.
Been getting a lot of questions. Hey Nick,
glad you're here. And,
but before I do that, before I go into the home depot and
Lowe's, I want to give some time for people to
get here. I see we got several.
I'm matt. How you doing brother?
Thanks. Thank you all for being here.
And um,
how's it going nick? It's going good.
It's going good. All right.
Um, let's see here.
Um, look here.
I want to show you something pretty. Got The fire going.
It's about 37 degrees. There's the river behind me.
Um, well I call it a river or creek.
Um, got my noggin warmer and I'm happy to be
here. Monster Burgers.
Checkout Garrett here from Dublin, Ireland.
I'm Jim Smith and a house. Thanks for being here Jim.
Um, so I want to talk about home depot and
Lowe's. I've been getting a lot of questions.
Got Several overnight last night. And then I got up this morning.
There was two on youtube comments and one on my ass ben page and I was like,
good grief. What's the deal with Lowe's and home
depot to. Is there a rush on getting vendors
there? And I've talked about this before but I
want to update it.
Um, because they've made some updates.
Well here's the deal. I hate paying for.
I'm paying for a location and let me, you know what j d,
You just brought up something I wanted to bring up real quick.
I'm jd just brought up winter vending and it being cold and it is cold.
Okay. And for a lot of people it's cold and
just talking to a vendor this morning, like 7:00
AM in Florida and they got a cold front. They're like down to 80 or something and
they're freezing. They had to,
you know, put socks on before they put the flip
flops on. But if you go over to learn hot, just go to [inaudible] dot com.
You'll see it. The,
I'm on the front page there, I update that with new articles and I
just did a brand new one on hot dog vending in the winter and how to make
money with it even without a cart.
Okay. Um,
some cool people doing some amazing stuff in the winter.
Um, even just coffee.
Um, w what do you see it?
It's called hot dog vending in the winter or what?
Check that article out. I've got coffee from your hot dog cart
right below that. Um,
and then I, I did an update it how to build a
portable concession sink people or do art and they need to have a concession
sink if their state requires. And so I show you how to build one
quick, cheap,
easy. Okay.
Um, and then I did an article called the red
and blue pill. If you got some time it's worth the
read. And check it out as well.
Um, let me go back over here.
Um, yeah.
Cold, cold weather equals dollars.
Get those onions fried. Exactly.
Smells good. Comfort foods do fantastic.
But enough about the winter.
Let me tell you, let me tell you why I'm here in case you
just joined us. I'm going to be talking about the
vending at Lowe's and home depot. A lot of questions about it.
And people are, you know,
it's, it's the obvious choice.
It's like Walmart, you know,
you're like, how do I get that location?
I want to have lowe's or home depot and you know,
if you all followed me for very long, you saw me about,
uh, it's been about nine,
10 years ago now. I interviewed a vendor in surprise,
Arizona. Okay.
I went out there as Oana and filmed, her name was Jackie and she had been
vending 14 years at the home depot and, and she,
this and I'll go into more of this in a minute,
but she made a lot of money. Okay.
And she moved to Florida now.
Um, but the,
it is, it is a wise idea.
Okay. The idea,
the concept of working, but I hate paying for a location.
Well, why would you have to pay?
Right? Because a lot of people like me,
I went to my lowe's or home depot and said,
hey, it was actually my lows and said,
hey, oh,
you know, um,
how would you like it if we set up our car here?
And they were like, yeah,
we'd love it. And then the district manager comes by a
couple months later. It's like a,
you can't do, you have,
um, you have the deal for being here.
We have a company that manages this. Now what's happened is lowe's and home
depot and in the vending business, okay.
The managers love to have a vendor there.
Most of the time they love it. The problem comes in is that lowe's and
home depot don't have time to deal with it.
So what they do is hire a third party company.
That third party company used to be known as street eats and you can find
their website it streets, but it's spelled s,
t, r e a t, And I've referred people to that for
years. They are a pain in the ass.
Okay. To put it bluntly,
they're a pain in the ass to deal with. They'll won't answer your phone call.
They don't answer emails. Hardly ever.
They're horrible. Which is more to my point about this,
but the key point is they charge. They charge a fee.
How do they set those fees? They base it on what they think the
store's volume is, but they won't tell you that
information. They won't tell you what the store's
volume is. They'll just say at least at least all
the vendors I've talked to recently that have missed with streets and I'll tell
you how to find them here in a minute because they've changed their name.
That's called best If you go to best,
they are management consortium of some sort who literally do nothing for you
other than charge you a fee. And a lot of them will start their fee
out high. So if you decide,
you know what Ben, it's worth it to me.
I'll, I'll want to lowe's or home depot.
I think I could kill it and you might, you might do really good.
They're going to give you a price once you apply to $50 I think to apply and
then they're going to give you all these rules that you have to agree to
uniforms. You have to be there seven days a week
and I'm going to go into that a little more.
I'm not trying to scare you. I'm going to go into how you get around
all that and, and they're going to have all these
rules. I mean a whole list of rules and you
will pay. Okay.
Um, I think I have.
Yeah, I'm going to put that off for there.
I'm sorry I was blocking the page there. So you were going to pay for a fee to
them, to them best vendors.
Now how much is the fee? I've seen it as high as 1500,
$2,000. My fire just fell.
I just heard it. Look at that.
It just fell over. But isn't that beautiful?
Um, cold morning though.
Cope. Um,
so anyway,
um, the,
they may charge you $1,500. You can negotiate with them,
you can't, they don't like you to.
They don't even like you to know that you could and you can say,
listen, I'll do it on a trial basis at $400 a
month, but they're going to have all these
rules that you have to agree to. You can't negotiate the rules,
but here's what I will tell you. You'll never see them.
I personally spoke with Jackie in an interview.
I was there in person with her in 14 years.
She never saw them. They don't come.
They don't have the staff to come. Okay,
and unless something recently changed, all they're in it for the money.
They collect the money and then tell you,
yes, you can go in there and send them a
check every month. Okay,
and I want you to sign a contract. That contract has all those rules,
but they ain't chicken.
They're not checking. I've never heard of a vendor being
checked by street eats. Now when you go to best,
if you go up to the top, to the services,
you'll click it and it a scroll down to the bottom and it says,
it says st eats and that's their lowe's home depot.
If you'll notice on their site, no phone number,
even though they say 24 hour customer service,
blah, blah,
blah. They don't have any of that.
Okay. Um,
it, it's a nightmare to deal with them.
It will be a process. They heard one of my videos where I was
ranting about them one time and they contacted me and said,
hey, we would like to discuss this with you.
We've changed things up now and we beloved to discuss it with you.
And I said, that'd be great.
We can do a live video, you know,
we can do a live show.
And they said, yeah,
we do that. And I said,
well, let's do it.
Never heard from him again. Never heard from him again.
And I wouldn't want to like, you know,
do some kind of Gotcha media deal. I'm not a reporter.
I was just going to express my concerns. And then talk with them,
but they, they,
they literally just have figured out a way to make money off of you working.
So let's say that you did a deal with them for $500,
that $500 in profit, right?
That's 500 of your profit that you're going to have to pay them before you
make a dime. It may be $1,500
a month. Now is it worth it?
Yes. I've got vendors,
I know vendors who are doing seven to $10,000
a month, that'll lowe's and home depot.
So yes, it's worth it.
Yes, you can make money with it,
but it's not, it's.
I never suggest it to a new vendor. Number two,
there's so many better locations. And if you go over to the, you'll see a list of those locations.
You'll see a list of those locations. I want to put something up on the
screen, I need to put a title problem.
Um, get lowe's and home depot location right
there. How's that?
Um, but it should say don't get lowe's and
home depot locations. I'm against.
It. Can you tell I'm a little biased.
I've talked to thousands of vendors. I've had vendors try it and hate it.
I've had vendors go to lowe's and home depot and not do well sometimes that was
they're doing and we fix those problems and they still didn't do well,
so we knew that it had to do with, with the location,
not a good location. Sometimes Lowe's and home depot may put
you at an end of the building that does not have any traffic,
so you want to ensure that you get a location either coming in or going out,
you want to be at the exit doors or whatever I like and I found the best
results to be at the contractor entrance.
That has been the best, but some contractor entrances are in the
back where nobody sees you except the contractor.
So you don't pick up any extra customers.
If that's the case, don't go there.
Go to the front of the building and at least the contractors to see when they
drive through the parking lot. So you want to keep those things in
mind. Um,
let me make sure I don't forget anything.
I'll need to take a sip of my Diet Pepsi and then I'm going to go to your
questions. If you've got any questions about lowe's
and home depot, I'll help you out with it.
It is a viable opportunity. It is a challenge though and I never
recommend it. The people,
I never recommend lowe's and home depot, but I will tell you some something that
I did come up with it. We'll,
we'll get you in there without using the company.
I made a course, um,
if course updated it this year and it's a how to get any location you want and
so you can get any location you want and,
and if you want that, if you want to see what that's about.
Goto. Let me type this in real quick.
Let's see.
And a nine to nine. Let's see.
Learn hot location.
Okay. Now this is a paid course,
but there's tons of free information to just learn
and type in the word location in the search box.
I've got tons. I've got over 20 articles,
at least 20 articles just on just on location,
getting okay with, with Lowe's and home depot.
I've got over 150 articles on locations period so I can help you with locations
without you buying anything. But this,
this course learn hot, forward slash location.
That's a course and that course has some secrets in it.
You'll see why I don't give that out. Um,
because there's people that will take advantage of it.
I'm in a bad way and it hurt us all because it's a way to get in front of
Lowe's, Home Depot,
Walmart for free without having to go through another company.
Um, so,
here, here's a question about lowe's home
depot, if you got a question about lowe's and
home depot, get into the other questions in a
minute, but I want to do those first.
Um, um,
let's see, where did that question go?
Do New Lowe's and home depot dictate your pricing.
The company, not them.
The company, um,
best Best
has a street. Each department,
that's their lowe's home depot department.
They determine the pricing and they base that off of the volume of the store
does, but they will not share that with you.
They'll just tell you, oh,
that's one of the best stores in America.
That's one of the busiest. You're going to need to pay us.
Seventeen 50 a month. Okay.
So, Hey Darrell,
glad you're here. This is in the house.
Um, so let me go.
Let me go through here. If you've got a question about lowe's
and Home Depot, let me answer those first and then I'll
go off on any tangent you want. Um,
let's see. I love this.
Garrett. Put Up.
look, Rick just proved my point.
Okay. Or are solidified my point.
I said in the beginning of this, um,
today I said comfort foods work better in the winter and I tell you how to Vin
those. Um,
I've got an article over on the blog. It's right near the top.
Go to [inaudible] dot com. Scroll down a little bit.
You'll see it winter vending or not, or what?
And it talks about comfort foods. He says,
my Chili is out my dogs on colder days it will.
I've got vendors that have found that their coffee out sold their dogs.
I'm not. The dogs don't still sell it.
Still brings them in, but they,
they, they get two cups of coffee.
Alright. Um,
I'm 40 miles south of the Canadian border.
I'm thinking taking a permit spot down Washington and covering my cart with
Costco car port and a big propane heater.
That absolutely works. John.
Um, it does.
We have vendors doing it. We have vendors in Canada who are
vending now in the cold weather, the brutally cold weather.
We got a shift there that left his professional chef career and started
vending and he's got blow heaters to propane heaters.
Um, let's see,
um, Johnny Depp town dogs in the house.
Thanks for being here. Um,
let's see, David,
thanks for being here. Um,
look, Jeanette's I'm from brewster.
Absolutely. Just completed my first month working
weekends at a haunted house in Michigan. Eight day 17,
75 kicked, but mike kicked butt.
That's freaking awesome. Congratulations to you.
We've got some vendors. I had some vendors call me this weekend,
we did a show on vendors united last night,
but some vendors that we talked about this,
but we had some vendors that made thousands of dollars this weekend at the
corn mazes. I mean,
unbelievable the money that vendors are making during the fall and winter.
Um, let's see.
Um, let's see,
I already answered that. Mic Pack.
Grosser net. I'm Dan.
I don't know Dan. I'm not sure what you mean by gross or
net if you're talking about with Lowe's and home depot does,
you're not going to find those numbers from them,
from the company van. Um,
best is where you'd go to find the street,
each section. Then you have to fill out an online form
and then they'll charge you a $50 bucks. I think it is for the application before
they'll even tell you the price of the location.
And then they were a nightmare to get a hold of.
And it's a nightmare. I think they have too many chiefs and
not enough Indians and they probably, it's probably a two person operation.
Um, I mean literally they're horrible,
horrible to deal with them.
we were located selling coffee and dogs all week,
kettle corn, um,
Saturdays, just all five,
five and Tacoma Smack Dab right in front of 72nd street.
Home Depot for years and deal we made was I had to pressure wash the whole
sidewalk in front of the store every Sunday night.
Lol. We did great.
John Martin, that's a great,
a great plan right there. Um,
my goals in the house. Um,
thanks for being here Michael. I'm just linked the deal for a grand
opening where the company is paying all at once.
So I'll be doing. Is serving food already paid for a
holiday festival, launching at an auto auction.
Will be there every Wednesday if all goes well.
Nick Ramsey, that's freaking awesome.
Um, you know,
Frankenstein's over the mountain. He did.
He just did a location where it was a company picnic type deal,
fall festival, family day or something.
And they had, they pre bought 500 needles.
He, he took both carts,
his cash cow and his big dog and his wife ran one.
He ran the other. They only ate about 200 mils that left
him when he got paid for 500 and left him with 300 mills,
so he got to use those the following week at his location because he hadn't
cooked them yet or done nothing. And,
and so he got the, he got paid twice on his meals.
It's great. Um,
if you want to know what Nick's talking about,
that's catering and it's not the kind of catering you're thinking of.
Um, go to learn hot
and type in the word catering. I'm in the search box.
Go ahead and call this live stream. In the process of getting started over a
busy, profitable stand,
um, started taking over a busy,
profitable standing.
Awesome. Awesome.
Awesome. Um,
but that's it. Lowe's and home depot.
Let me sum this up for you. And just in case you just got here.
Okay. Let me sum up,
um, and I'm going to put that location.
Somebody asked about to put that back up.
Um, so,
um, lowe's and home depot almost sum it up
for you, is managed by a third party.
That third party is horrible to deal with.
Poor customer service, poor everything.
They will charge you a fee to be there. You can negotiate the fee.
They will have all these rules that you have to agree to apply.
You know, they'll ask you.
I've had new vendors call me up being um,
street eats is telling me street eats is the,
the old man for best vendors. Okay.
Street eats is telling me that I have to have been in business for five years.
Just put that you were, that it didn't say how long have you
been in the restaurant? How long,
how much experience do you have in the restaurant business?
And, and,
and it has say, you know,
you fill in the blank, we'll put five years or 20 years or
however long you've been alive because you've probably been to a restaurant
over your life. And that would mean that you have
experience with the restaurants, right?
Um, it's a play on words,
but it'll work. They do not really care.
Here's why they pitched that. I believe this is my opinion.
Okay? This is my opinion.
I believe they put those rules in place so they can show corporate,
home depot and corporate logos. Hey guys,
look here, look at all this.
We require of them all this stuff that we make them.
Do we have a schedule? We find out if they have experience,
we make him have their uniform and it's all bullshit.
Okay. It's complete horseshit it.
They don't check none of that crap. They don't care about it.
All they care about is the money. They just want the money.
And as soon as home depot and lowe's figures out,
there'll be okay. If one of y'all wants to start a
business, compete with street eats,
contact corporate lowe's and Home Depot. I'll pitch you if you're a good company
because I have never had any luck with them.
there's Jeanette, she says rural King,
Ag Supply Co op tractor supply. There's tons of that that you can do.
I've done bass pro, Gander Mountain,
all those do good.
yeah. John says,
the one thing I've learned watching all your videos,
if you have a will, there's way.
Thank you. You're welcome.
John. Thank you for saying so.
look at this, John j Dot d says my cart and myself
will be in costume for Halloween, make an extra Chile for the cold plan on
killing it with Halloween. Big money abso-freaking-lutely.
And keep in mind I'm going to do another video later.
Not Today, but there's a lot of stuff coming.
You Got Black Friday events where we had a vendor make over 20 grand in three
days at a black Friday event from a hot dog cart.
He froze his butt off. He even camped out with a tent.
He did the whole black Friday event. Made over 20 grand.
thank you matt. Matthew,
thank you. A bunch.
Um, anyway,
that's it. I want to,
I'll leave it there. I hope that helps.
You have summed up Lowe's, home depot.
I gave you my two cents. If you pursue it,
there's ways to pursue it. There's tips and tricks with it.
You can do it. Um,
I love you. Hope you have a great freaking day and
stay warm.
Survival Hacks That Could Save Your Life One Day - Duration: 8:49.
nine helpful hacks that could save your
life one day as much as we love
adventure and doing things that are out
of our comfort zone we always want to be
safe regardless of how risky you are or
if you love doing things that are
dangerous safety always comes first
there are those who aren't the biggest
risk takers and just love being in
control of situations these people want
to do risky stuff but are just too
scared of danger totally understandable
some may call them boring and others may
call them smart but whether you are out
on vacation or lazing around the house
you always want to make sure that you're
safe that's why there are all sorts of
interesting and useful hacks that can
help us in certain dire situations now
keep watching as we count down 9 hacks
that could probably save your life one
day number 9
never walk down stairs with your hands
in your pockets it sounds a little
obvious but if you trip you need your
hands to save yourself from getting hurt
taking a tumble down a flight of stairs
can be pretty disastrous so it's always
better to be safe rather than be sorry
number 8
keeping your keys by your bedside table
keeping your keys by your bedside table
may save your life if someone breaks
into your home if someone were to ever
break into your home just press the
panic button to set off the alarm in
your car this may scare off the person
who's breaking into your home or it may
even spark a neighbor to call the police
number seven always follow your instinct
that may seem like an obvious one but
let's be real here a lot of the times we
don't do this when something feels wrong
your body is telling you that danger is
not too far away a lot of the time
people fail to follow their instincts
this can lead to bad situations in
certain cases when our natural instincts
take over there's a reason that it
happens if you have a gut feeling about
something or your intuition seems to be
trying to tell you something you should
always believe it use your best judgment
when following your gut and make
decisions which are in your best
interest number six
self defense knowing a bit of self
defense in general is always helpful but
for those of us who don't know much
about fighting there's one trick that
always works if attacked go straight for
an attackers groin area this will stop
them right away and will give you a bit
of time to get out and run to get help
this might seem like common sense but
all too often in times of stress or
panic our minds can go blank and forget
everything we know about defending
ourselves in the event that you ever
need to protect yourself just aim for
the groin area some other body parts you
should aim for if you ever have to
defend yourself include the eyes ears
nose knees and throat so what do you
think of these hacks so far keep
watching for some helpful hacks that may
end up saving your life one day and did
you know that there's a way to save
yourself from a Riptide if you're ever
caught in one well there is one helpful
hack out there that can potentially save
your life if you're caught in one stay
tuned until the very end to find out how
number five staying safe in a cab or an
uber generally people feel pretty safe
driving in a cab but of course there's
always that possibility that something
can go wrong if you find that your
driver is acting a little strange
quickly make a call to someone telling
them your location that way the driver
knows you have a phone
and people know your whereabouts with
the massive and growing popularity of
uber and other ride-sharing apps the
possibility of getting in a car with a
dangerous person is all too real
so that is why you should always take
care to be safe when entering a cab or
an uber if you're about to enter an uber
always ask the driver first to verify
that they are in uber driver and if they
say they are then ask them to confirm
your name and the address you're going
to number for walking in a parking lot
alone at night if you're going to a
parking lot alone at night walk with
your keys in your hand that way you can
get into the vehicle quickly and drive
off never stand by your car rummaging
through your purse or pockets if there's
a predator or someone dangerous around
this gives them time to creep up on you
unexpectedly and attack you so always
have your keys in your hand before you
enter the parking lot number three
texting and walking we're all probably
guilty of walking and texting at the
same time don't do this when you're
walking in a street you become an easy
target our phones are pretty distracting
but when you're walking down the street
just put it away you don't want to risk
getting hit by a car you could also
potentially make a car swerve into other
cars or traffic which can cause a car
accident so just pay attention to what
you're doing and save the phone use for
later the same can be said for texting
and driving distracted driving is
extremely dangerous when we're driving
it's extremely important for us to have
all of our focus and attention on the
road distracted driving can lead to car
crashes and accidents which can be
potentially fatal so just put the phone
down while you're driving and avoid
putting your life as well as other
people's lives at risk number two being
caught in a burning building if you ever
find yourself trapped in a burning
building don't run out
get down to the floor and start crawling
according to kids health there's more
oxygen down there and you won't pass out
and of course never ever take the
elevators if you are in a burning
building elevators can malfunction when
there's a fire and the last thing you
want to have happen is to get stuck in
an elevator when there's a fire
you should also always follow
instructions that the fire department
gives you if you're trapped in a burning
building always do what you can to keep
yourself safe number one always have an
emergency kit in your car in the event
that you ever find yourself in trouble
on the road if you blow a tire and are
stranded on the side of the road for
example always have an emergency safety
kit in your car an emergency safety kit
contains jumper cables a blanket a
flashlight a first-aid kit
and more to help you in the event that
you are stranded you can purchase an
emergency kit at any hardware or auto
you won't regret the purchase especially
if your car breaks down in the middle of
the winter and here's another roadside
tip never pick up a hitchhiker okay this
seems like common sense doesn't it you'd
be surprised if you've seen enough
horror movies you probably know that
it's never a good idea to pick up a
hitchhiker well if you weren't aware of
that you should never ever pick up a
hitchhiker not only do you not know who
you're picking up but you could also be
potentially putting your life in danger
if you see a hitchhiker on the road just
drive past them you may be tempted to
stop and ask them if they need help but
don't you never know what people can do
it is best to keep your own safety in
now that we've counted down the top 9
hacks that can potentially save your
life one day here's how to escape a
Riptide if you're ever caught in one
this could potentially save your life if
you ever found yourself caught in a
swimming in a Riptide swimming in the
ocean can generally be dangerous
especially if you're swimming in a
rip tides are channels of water which
are long and narrow they move from the
shore to the sea and can sweep you away
with them they are very dangerous and
can be potentially fatal to escape a
do not swim against it instead swim
parallel to the shore or perpendicular
to the Riptide in either direction if
you don't have the energy or swimming
skills you can float on your back and
let the current take you once the rip
current dissipates you can signal to a
lifeguard that you need help or then
swim parallel to the shore
once the force tapers off what do you
think of these hacks do you know any
potentially life-saving hacks that
weren't in this video let us know about
them in the comment section below
enjoyed this video hit the like button
and subscribe to our channel for more
videos like this and thanks for watching
Every Villain Goku Has Fought | Dragon Ball Code - Duration: 3:41.
From the early days of Dragonball Z Dragonball super Goku has always been fighting.
He has fought many people thugs, fighters and villains.
So today I decided to put a list together of all the villains that Goku has fought since
the beginning of Dragonball to Dragon Ball Super.
Hey how's it going my name is Raf and welcome to Dragon Ball code.
Today we're going to be talking about all of the villains that Goku has fight since
the beginning.
And this is just about villains meaning bad people so some of the people that he has fought
in tournaments are not going to be included because they're just fighting in the tournament
and I'm also doing it from the Mango.
And if your first time here and you like Dragon Ball content consider subscribing because,
this channel is all about Dragon Ball.
So here we go.
The first villain that fights Goku in the manga was that pterodactyl that tried to eat
Then he fought the bear thief when he was taking Turtle to the ocean.
He also fights Yancha, but he wasnt really a villain.
Same thing with Tien they were just people going down the wrong path.
Then he fights two people from the rabbit in mob and the carrot master.
Then he fought the three members of the Pilaf Gang which include Shu, Pilaf and Mai.
When it comes to the Red Ribbon Army, He fights many soldiers from it (basically the whole
army) including the people like Colonel silver, the android Full metal jacket, sergeant major
purple (that one is the ninja), the Jiggler, General white, Colonel blue, Colonel yellow
and commander black.
He also fights two guys that try to Mug him in the city, the pirate robot in the cave
and the octopus that is also in the cave.
Then Tao Pai Pai who gives Goku a little bit of trouble and also Devil man because, even
though he was in the tournament he tried to kill Goku.
After the Tenkaichi Budokai was done he fights Tambourine and king piccolo who leaves him
badly wounded.
Then he fights drum who was beating up Tien and Piccolo jr (who is the piccolo we know
now) in the Tournament.
Then we moved over to Raditz who is Goku's brother.
Then Vegeta and Nappa.
Then we go to Namek and Goku fights Reccome, Burter and Jeice.
Who were fighting Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin.
After that he fights captain Ginyu who takes his body and after he recovers from the wounds
of the Ginyu fight he fights Frieza and defeats him.
Then the androids arrive and he fights android 20 just for a few seconds and then android
This is when he gets sick from the heart virus.
Then after he recovers and trains he fights cell and the cell juniors.
Hey sacrifices himself but Cell still lives.
Later he fights Yakon (who could eat his energy) in Babadi's place.
Then he fights Majin Vegeta, Majin Buu, Super Buu and Kid buu.
And after this Dragon Ball Z ends.
Then we enter to dragonball super and Goku fights Beerus but he is not a villain either.
So technically the first villain he fights in Dragonball super is Frieza… again.
Then he fights Frost in the tournament between universe seven and six.
Then he fights Zamasu and Goku Black.
Then the tournament of power takes place, but he doesn't fight any villains there.
Most of them are just fighters trying to survive.
And then he fights Broly.
So until now, Broly is the last Villain he has fought.
And those are all of the villains that Goku has fought from the beginning of dragon Ball
to dragon ball Super.
Who is your favorite villain.
And If you enjoyed this and would like to support my channel, please check out my Patreon
page in the description below.
And of course if you like Dragon Ball content make sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon
so you can get notifications whenever I post a new video.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you later.
Nightcore - The Truth Untold (English version) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:53.
This video include subtitles
Opinion: £140k per-week Emery target wouldn't beat Ozil, Iwobi or Aubameyang to starting XI role - Duration: 3:10.
According to the Daily Star, Arsenal are weighing up an approach for Manchester United's Juan Mata as the playmaker's contract expires in the summer, meaning he could be available on a free if new terms aren't negotiated
What's the story? Mata's exploits at Valencia during Arsenal boss Unai Emery's tenure with the Spanish side saw the former secure a £24m move to Chelsea where he made 82 Premier League appearances, before a January 2014 switch to Old Trafford
The 30-year-old has seen his minutes reduced as United begin to predominantly line up in a 4-3-3 this season, a formation which does not accommodate an attacking midfielder so easily, although he has still made seven appearances and been directly involved in two goals – showing he still has the quality to play at one of the world's biggest clubs
Arsenal appear ready to part with one of their longest serving players in Aaron Ramsey this summer, as the Welshman's contract expires in June and the club have taken a contract offer off the table
The rumoured interest in Mata suggests that Emery is keen on a reunion with his compatriot to replace the former Cardiff man come the end of the season
A pointless move? Currently a bit part player under Jose Mourinho, the Spaniard is unlikely to be much more at the Emirates Stadium
Alex Iwobi looks transformed this season under new management and seems to have found a new lease of life playing in Emery's dynamic system, while Mesut Ozil won't be benched as the club's highest paid player and new captain
To accommodate both Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Alexandre Lacazette, the former has been shifted out to the left and that currently completes the Gunners' best attack
If Mata is to move to the Emirates he would probably ask for an improvement on the £140,000 a week he is reportedly raking in at United and would therefore be likely to become the club's third highest paid player
Although the number 8 would not command a transfer fee if Arsenal can agree pre-contract terms, it would be strange to grant such high wages to a player who would not likely be a regular starter and is entering the twilight of his career
Emery should resist the temptation of signing the diminutive left-footer in the summer and look elsewhere for better value as he seeks a Ramsey replacement
House Hunters | 840 Sq. Ft. Charming And Warm Mountain Cabin in Big Bear City - Duration: 2:33.
840 Sq. Ft. Charming And Warm Mountain Cabin in Big Bear City
Speaking Swahili At The Drive Thru - Duration: 7:07.
We will tell them what we want in Swahili
We will see what they say
We will ask them "Do you have Chicken? what do you have?"
They will be so confused
Do you have chicken?
Number 2 Chicken
Do you have all natural Chicken?
All natural
Do you guys have coffee?
Do you have coffee?
What about donuts?
We are here at McDonald's
I'm cool
Is there anyone back there that speaks Swahili?
Do you have hamburgers?
Do you guys have chicken?
This is a hamburger? Do you have chicken?
Is it natural?
We have gotten a burger right here!
You all know KFC!
There is KFC in Kenya
here at this KFC, let's see
What did you say?
Do you have chicken?
Do you have chicken?
Do you have... Swahili?
Chicken. Chicken???
How is today going?
Do you have hamburgers?
Big. Big one.
Do you have chicken?
You don't have Ugali?
You don't have Ugali?
I'd like to eat ass, do you have any?
Do you have any asses?
all of them
Do you have... asses?
I just want to eat asses, not burrito. Asses. Just asses.
Big ones.
Nobody here understands asses.
We are here in America and nobody speaks Swahili. I just want asses.
Nobody speaks Swahili here
I will find Ugali in the drive thru
Let me tell you, i'll find natural chicken in the drive thru
and i'll continue to put out videos like this
OK? We will see eachother!
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