Stunning contemporary quality crafted professionally designed Tiny House on Wheels
For more infomation >> Stunning contemporary quality crafted professionally designed Tiny House on Wheels - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
4 Remédios Caseiro para combater a Impotência Masculina - Duration: 5:38.
HIKI NŌ Episode #1002 – Sustainable Boost and other stories - Duration: 27:03.
Broadcast of HIKI NŌ are made possible by the support of viewers like you!
And by, Bank of Hawaii Foundation, Investing in Hawai'i's future by promoting
collaboration, critical thinking, and other 21st-Century skills though HIKI NŌ
Kamehameha Schools, Empowering Hawaiian Keiki to explore, discover, and inspire!
ABC STORES, A Local Company Helping to transform education and develop Hawaiʻi's
Workforce Through Bold Learning Initiatives like HIKI NŌ
Next, on HIKI NŌ, stories from across our island chain.
On my grandmother's farm, she was the first to teach us the nutritional value of insects.
She would point at them and say, That's food.
Find out how a Kaua'i farmer is raising a six-legged food source for humans: crickets.
Meet a young woman who bravely faces an everyday battle with depression.
Find out what to do with mangoes that are picked too soon.
Meet a virtuoso 'ukulele player who has learned to make so much more with less.
Learn how a Kaua'i business that serves coffee also serves the community.
See how a community pool has become much more than just a place to the people who swim there.
And find out what a group of volunteers is doing to eradicate an invasive plant species
from Kaua'i waters.
Stay tuned for these stories, and find out why students who created them felt compelled
to explore these particular topics.
All on this episode of HIKI NŌ...
Can do!
We're here on the campus of Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School on the island of Kaua'i.
We decided to tell the following story of a company that
turned to crickets as a sustainable food source.
I mean, who thought of crickets as food?
We saw them at a farmers' market a few years ago, and wanted to learn more
about their unique livestock and their cricket farm.
Here's our story.
So, I'm gonna just turn around.
You're gonna see the crickets.
I spent all my time while I was there on my grandmother's farm.
She was the first to teach us the nutritional value of insects.
She would point at them and say, That's food.
And we thought, Yeah, maybe if there was famine.
But we understood the concept behind it.
Crickets may not look particularly appetizing, but Lourdes Torres, co-owner of Sustainable
Boost, hopes to change your mind.
There is a big ick factor surrounding insects, especially in the United States and North
I have to deal with that ick factor, right?
And crickets just seemed like something that people can look at, and
Sustainable Boost is a Kaua'i-based company that grows and makes nutritional powders that
you can add to your foods.
The cricket and taro blend is one of Torres' most unique and popular products.
In making the decision to farm, I realized that I had to educate people about my product,
especially something as nontraditional as crickets, right?
So, nontraditional source of protein.
So, once I started farming them, I wanted to be able to bring
them to people, and teach them how to use it, and how easy it
is to incorporate in your daily foods.
Torres is a regular at local farmers' markets and community events, where she encourages
the curious with the taste of cricket cuisine.
She says crickets aren't just good for the body, they're also good for the
They are a sustainable form of protein in terms of the amount of natural resources they
use, and they're nutritionally dense.
So, you get a high yield, with a low-impact crop.
And we wanted something that was super-sustainable.
And that's our mission, to farm crops that have a low impact on the planet.
Torres uses a donated shipping container to create a controlled environment, and feeds
them a rich plant- based diet.
So, we start early, and we have to feed our livestock and take care of our livestock.
Except ours is a miniature livestock.
So, it's similar to the average farmer's life in that it's a ton of work.
But I'm so passionate about what we do that I'm super
I cannot imagine being anywhere else right now.
They may be small in size, but Torres hopes her crickets can make a big difference in
the way people think about food.
This is Keith Villanueva from Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.
HIKI NŌ is on Instagram.
For show updates and a peek behind the scenes, follow us on Instagram at
We're here today on the campus of Maui High School, home of the Sabers, on the island
of Maui.
We decided to tell the following story of Kawena
Kekuewa, a teen with a new outlook on life after years of
bullying and depression.
We felt that her vulnerability, strength and story were reflective of us not only
as teenagers, but as people.
Here's our story, An Everyday Battle.
I actually used to self-harm myself.
I got it right there on my left arm, so that every time I have the
feeling of hurting myself, I can look at it, and it'll remind myself to stay strong.
For eighteen-year-old Kahului resident Kawena Kekuewa, her floral tattoo serves as a reminder
of her self-inflicted cuts and the person she once
There were so many things that went wrong during 2018, and I honestly thought I couldn't
take it anymore.
I did a lot of things that I wasn't proud about.
When I finally hit my lowest point, it was eye-
opening to me.
[SINGS] 'Cause none of 'em was ever worth the risk.
I finally admitted to myself that I have a mental health problem, and I finally wanted
to get better.
Getting better took many creative forms for Kawena.
The first step to getting over your ex is get rid of everything that reminds you of
YouTube has definitely given me that voice that I thought I would never have.
It's given me an outlet where I could actually speak my mind.
I've spent almost all of my life caring about what other people
thought, and I have gotten to the point in my life where I don't care what other people
say anymore.
I just keep doing the things I love to do.
That's all that matters.
A healthy network of friends has also served as a catalyst for change.
This was a letter from one of my best friends on my eighteenth birthday.
I really wish for you to be happy, Kawena, whatever it takes, I will help
you through it.
Now, I know that I'm never truly alone.
I know there's someone I can always turn to,
and that gives me satisfaction and just hope.
Now, Kawena's hope thrives.
In the videos she creates ...
I really love having my short hair.
Her friends, and the life that she lives today.
This is Joshua Lee from Maui High School, for HIKI NŌ.
If you or someone you know is dealing with urges of self-harm, you can find help at
Up next, a delectable solution to the problem of picking mangoes too soon.
From Waimea Elementary School on Hawai'i Island, in their HIKI NŌ
Ooh, mangoes!
They look so delicious.
Although it is not native, fresh mangoes are a popular fruit in
Hawai'i. Mangoes are juicy and sweet when they are ripe.
But sometimes, we cannot wait, so we pick them before they are ripe.
These green mangoes will not taste very good.
To make it yummy, we have to pickle it.
There are many different ways to make pickled mango.
First, peel about eight green mangoes and cut
them into thin slices.
Have an adult help you with this.
Place the sliced mangoes in four pint-sized glass
Now, make your pickling liquid.
Start with one cup of vinegar, add one tablespoon of sugar, one tablespoon of rock salt, and
two and three-fourth cups of water.
Have an adult mix together these ingredients in the pot and boil it.
Then, remove from heat and cool for twenty minutes.
Pour the sauce over the mangoes.
Seal the bottle.
Refrigerate for at least twenty-four hours.
This makes the bitter mango delicious.
This is Kaylie Hirayama from Waimea Elementary School, for HIKI NŌ.
Hi, my name's Julia Forrest, and we're on the west coast of O'ahu, at Wai'anae High
On July 15th, we covered the 40th Annual 'Ukulele
Festival, where we met an inspiring young ukulele player
named Nick Acosta.
We decided to tell Nick's story to display the determination and perseverance of the
people here on O'ahu.
We also decided to tell the story as a way to inspire the next generation of people
here in Hawai'i, and across the world.
Here is our story.
For Nick Acosta, the 'ukulele is his top pick.
I really do enjoy the 'ukulele.
I think I was eleven when I first started.
So, about ten, fifteen years already, I've been playing.
Once I start playing, then it's like I'm in a different place, I guess.
Hard to explain it.
However, something was missing.
I was just born this way.
The doctors don't know for sure what happened.
With this, there have been some challenges when playing.
So, I guess people just rest their right arm to secure the 'ukulele in place.
That's why I would sit when I play.
So, I just rest it on my leg so it doesn't go anywhere.
But I had trouble on the faster songs, to play faster or ... yeah.
'Cause every time I would play faster, I would try pick notes and chords, the 'ukulele
would slip here and there.
But eventually, I got the hang of it.
Without a fret, he strummed past his obstacles with the help of 'ukulele teacher, Roy Sakuma.
And he was just strumming.
And so, with that, I told him that I could teach him to play the melodies.
But he had to trust me.
Roy just took me under his wing.
He didn't treat me any different, treated me like any other person.
Which I liked, you know.
I don't want to be treated different.
Taking him under his wing, Roy has enabled Nick to strum on the heartstrings of people
all across Hawai'i.
We were performing at the Kaua'i 'Ukulele Festival.
And after his performance, an elderly lady came up
to Nick and said, You just touched my heart, you were amazing.
I overheard Nick look up at the lady, point to his elbow, which he has a little
nub that helps him to pick.
He said, I thank God for giving me this nub.
To me, that said it all about him.
I look at it as never give up.
As long as you put your mind to it, you can do anything in this world.
So, anything is possible.
This is Julia Forrest from Wai'anae High School, for HIKI NŌ.
And now, from the HIKI NŌ archives, a story about Nick Acosta when he was in high school,
from his alma mater, Damien Memorial School on O'ahu.
Here in Hawai'i, many of us play the 'ukulele, starting as keiki and improving as we grow
Here at Damien Memorial School, we have one special
'ukulele player, Nick Acosta.
What makes Nick special?
Nick was born with half an arm.
When he was in his mother's womb, the umbilical cord had wrapped
around his arm, preventing it from developing.
My parents' reaction to this was shock that I was born this way.
But they took me under their wing, and just guided me through my whole life.
For me, the challenge was dealing with it.
You know, other people criticizing or teasing, and for me not
knowing what to do about it.
Nick has turned his struggle into motivation, telling himself to keep going and never give
Throughout Nick's life, his family and friends have always
been there for him.
Anyone would be, you know, if you put your mind to something.
Like for Nick, once he puts his mind to something, he'll pursue it.
Nick possesses an amazing talent of playing the 'ukulele.
He has a strong work ethic that he follows to
improve his skills every day.
With a single arm, Nick Acosta has won many awards playing the 'ukulele.
Playing the 'ukulele makes me happy because it just pushes everything aside, makes me
forget about the hate and pain.
Other than playing the 'ukulele, Nick has participated in various sports while growing
up, such as football, paddling and soccer.
He's competitive, respectful and hard working.
Nick trains and plays hard, showing that he doesn't need to be treated
Not only is Nick a phenomenal 'ukulele player and athlete, he is also a well-maintained
student with a GPA of 3.2.
Most of all, he is a wonderful friend to his fellow Damien classmates.
We're really close.
We have this like, joking around kind relationship.
We mess with each other, have fun.
And we're always there for each other whenever we need it.
With the support of his family and friends, he has managed to pursue his goals and let
nothing stop him.
He constantly finds solutions to the many obstacles that he faces.
What Nick Acosta's story teaches us is that no matter how hard life could be, you
can reach your goals as long as you set your mind to it.
This is Kacie Kimoto from Damien Memorial School,
for HIKI NŌ.
We're here on the campus of Kaua'i High School in Līhu'e, Kaua'i.
We decided to tell the following story of Hā Coffee Bar, a local coffee shop
located in the heart of Līhu'e, whose purpose is to not only
serve coffee, but to serve the community and its members.
Telling the story will show how small acts of
kindness can make the world a better place, one sip at a time.
I have two eight-ounce Cortados.
So, you probably know that the essence of the word hā in Hawaiian is breath of life.
And that idea is not just based in the exchange of breath, but
actually in giving back, and people exchanging life and working
For us, we had a strong heart to want to serve the community, but we didn't want to spend
all our time raising money.
So, wherever my family, wherever we go, our desire is to invest, our desire is to
plant roots and to serve the community.
Aside from serving coffee, Hā Coffee Bar provides their space to different organizations
to host their various events and activities.
So, primarily, we do this to generate funds to support this.
So, to pay for the building, pay our employees, that sort of thing.
And then, we serve local community partners about two to three dozen,
probably more than that now, we don't really keep count.
Different nonprofits, everybody from the Hawai'i Community Foundation to Boys and Girls
Club, to even things like Pop Warner.
This is a great opportunity for us to facilitate other people's
work, and to also serve them while being in the community
and providing.
It's more important to serve than to be served.
It's more important to give and to invest in
people than to worry about ourself.
Throughout his life, Jeff Adams has created his own set of moral values to build up his
So, we live in a world that tells us that we get a lot of our value based on what we
When we talk to people, we're all constantly being told, What
do you do, what do you do, what do you do, what do you
What are you doing right now?
Instead of who we are.
And the problem is, is that in a world that dominates that sort of view, people that are
only valued for what they do end up in a position where
eventually, they're seen as a tool.
Doing something 'cause it's right and worthy, good and right and
worthy, if at any point it becomes about you serving and about how you get your ego stoked,
you lose your good and you lose the worthy.
And you could still do things that are right [INDISTINCT], but
you've lost, you start to lose your grip on those two kinda things.
But when I look at what I do here, I want to do things the right way, I want to
do things that are good, and worthy of being done so that in the
end, you know, for me personally, I can look back and say: We honored our commitments,
we did what we said we were gonna do, we followed through.
Hā Coffee Bar is more than just a coffee shop.
It is a symbol of community and service to the people.
This is Tiffany Sagucio from Kaua'i High School, for HIKI NŌ.
Next, find out why the Pearl City District Pool is so much more than just a concrete
pit filled with water, in this story from 'Ilima Intermediate School
on O'ahu.
A special place for me would be the swimming pool.
It helps me relieve my stress when I'm worried about schoolwork.
It just helps me not think about it, and focus more on what I'm doing and be in the
Grace Hill, an eighth-grader at 'Ilima Intermediate School, has been swimming her whole life.
Before she swam competitive, she swam for fun.
The pool is where she goes to relieve stress and relax.
Being at the pool and at practice definitely changes me a lot.
It pushes me mentally to not give up on myself, both outside and inside of the pool.
But it also pushes me physically to make myself physically
stronger, and just wanting to better myself.
It gives me motivation, and just kind of the drive to always do
better, always be better, always work harder than everybody else.
Grace and her younger sister, Audrey, swim for Pearl City Aquatics under the supervision
of Coach Al.
I got into coaching with this swim team because I was one of the original swimmers on the
swim team.
My dad is the head coach of the swim team.
The pool is a special place for many families in Hawai'i because the warm climate allows
them to swim year-round.
I have a younger sister, her name is Audrey.
She also swims, we're on the same team.
Usually, we get along pretty well, but if we're fighting,
we'll go to practice.
So, we just kinda laugh about what [INDISTINCT] is.
We get along better at practice, and then we get along better after practice because
we're just more agreeable to each other, we understand each other a little bit better
and know what the other one's talking about.
We have something in common to talk.
My greatest moment in swimming is probably being the 2017 State Champ or high-point earner.
But I also have had the chance to compete in a regional
meet, and a national meet.
Our swim team is literally a huge family.
Everybody knows everybody.
Everybody always brings food for potlucks.
Everybody always helps each other.
Everybody welcomes the new kids.
Everybody just like ... it really is a big family, and it's
nice to have.
My advice for anyone who wants to swim, or anyone who's thinking about quitting is, just
stick with the sport.
Even if you're not gonna go on and be an Olympic swimmer, it's okay.
It's fun, swimming is just fun.
And even though it may seem hard at times, and you may want to quit, it's worth
it to stick with the sport and just keep swimming.
To swimmers, the pool is a very important place that brings them together and teaches
them new things every day.
This is Kecia Costa from 'Ilima Intermediate School, for HIKI NŌ.
We are here on the campus of Island School, home of the Voyagers, on the island of Kaua'i.
We wanted to share the following story on Mālama Hulē'ia,
a voluntary nonprofit organization dedicated to
improving parts of the Nāwiliwili Bay.
We wanted to show the viewers how dangerous highly invasive
species can be, and honor this group's hard work and commitment.
Here is our story, Mālama Hulē'ia.
I remember when we were young, we could fit, like, five canoes wide down towards the end
of the river.
And now, you'll be lucky if you get two canoes wide.
Local paddlers aren't the only ones concerned about the growing invasion of mangroves on
Kaua'i's south shore.
Mangrove, a type of tree that grows in brackish water, was introduced to Kaua'i by the sugar
plantations in order to stabilize the soil and protect the coastlines.
It did its job, but then once those mama plants started giving out seedlings, then it did
more than what is was intended to do.
One of its victims is Alekoko Fishpond, a rare example of ancient Hawaiian aquaculture.
Legend has it this freshwater habitat was built by menehune.
Now, mangrove is dismantling their work.
It's really doing bad for our shorelines and the ponds, the taro patches, anything touching
freshwater that it can float seedlings to.
The mangrove's thick exposed roots smother native life below.
Caretakers are working to stop this invasion before it gets worse.
Oh, it makes big changes in the ecosystem.
If the mangrove is not reduced, if we don't even try, it will
totally cover that river, and it will cover Alekoko Fishpond, and it will cover a considerable
amount of the land area there.
It will cut off the flow of water that comes down from the mountains and the saltwater
that comes in from the sea.
So, it will make big changes.
It is already making big changes in the river system and in that ecosystem of Hulē'ia.
Every island in Hawai'i is battling with mangrove.
There's been some large removal projects on O'ahu
and on Moloka'i.
But everywhere else in the world is working on restoring mangrove.
And the main reason we're trying to remove it is because
no native species have adapted to it, to live in it, or breathe in
So, it's wiping out native fish stock and native birds have a hard time breeding in
Volunteers have already pulled out several acres of mangrove, but the work is extensive
and tedious.
The group Mālama Hulē'ia received nearly a million
dollars in federal funding for special equipment that can
remove the trees without damaging the ecosystem.
Together, the project works pretty seamlessly with specialty machine equipment being in
the areas that are not sensitive to hand-cutting, hand-removing
in the areas that are sensitive.
The group is also exploring new ways to protect native species.
Basically, we got a little island, we got four of the native plants growing, and we
have a ditch or an 'auwai around that carries water, which will
help the grass from growing over into the island and taking
Mālama Hulē'ia says it's determined to preserve this native habitat, along with the traditional
Hawaiian values it represents.
Like having an entrance chant and pule, just prayer to ask for protection and knowledge
to come down physically, mentally, spiritually.
They want this oasis of ancient Hawai'i to flow for generations to come.
This is Amber Asuncion from Island School, for HIKI NŌ.
Well, we've come to the end of this episode of HIKI NŌ.
Remember, all of these stories were written, shot, and edited by students just like us.
We hope you've enjoyed watching them, as much as we've enjoyed sharing them with you.
Be sure to tune in next week for more proof that Hawai'i's students HIKI NŌ.
Can do!
Hiki No 1002 Page 2 of 10
Em Trong Kỷ Niệm - Lục Lâm [ MV LYRIC ] - Duration: 5:22.
東京スカイツリー(R)で大切な人と特別な夜を…!ナイトビューチケット発売決定 - Duration: 4:46.
Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.0 BASE 60dkm NAP Org NL Trekhaak APK t/m 25-05-2019! Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:51.
如若巴黎不快乐:钟老遗嘱将钟氏交给他代管,戴靖杰不服 - Duration: 4:59.
凉生:结局很虐心,天佑复明和姜生结婚生女,凉生一个人病死他乡 - Duration: 4:44.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
T-Cross: VW se antecipa ao Salão de SP e apresenta o SUV - Duration: 1:00.
Stunning contemporary quality crafted professionally designed Tiny House on Wheels - Duration: 1:50.
Stunning contemporary quality crafted professionally designed Tiny House on Wheels
Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.6 T-GDI GT-Line DCT7 Automaat, Panorama-/Schuif-/kanteldak, Super sportief* - Duration: 0:56.
Eyes on Worlds: G2 Wadid's Homecoming (2018 League of Legends World Championship Quarterfinals) - Duration: 15:41.
When the World Championship opened last year
I remember Uzi being impressive with the champion called Vayne.
So in Korean, I made a rhyme.
What I texted my son was
"Uzi's Vayne is in China
but where is our Bae-in?"
I sent him a text like that.
I sent that text and I asked, "Could we ever see our Bae-in at the World Championship?"
At that time, he decided to join G2
and he said, "I might have a chance to go."
He said that he would work hard to make it to the World Championship.
Today he gets to play the match against Uzi
so I personally think there is significance there.
So I am proud of our Wadid for making it here.
I want to cheer him on with a "Fighting!"
I hope for an amazing match to unfold between him and Uzi.
Hello, I am G2's support player Wadid, Kim Bae-in.
Bae-in, congratulations!
Oh, you worked hard. You worked hard.
Thank you, thank you.
You are the best!
I feel like I played poorly today...
You're too much.
Thank you. Thank you for your support.
This is it? Let me hug you one more time.
Congratulations. Congratulations. You worked hard.
It's so disappointing. I played so poorly.
No, you played well. You played very, very well, son.
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 4WD GT-Line PlusLine DCT7 Automaat, Leder, Stoel verwarming+ventilatie, Navig - Duration: 1:07.
Melania Fires Back at "Ellen" Producer After He Attacks Her For Being a Legal Immigrant - Duration: 3:35.
Renault Grand Espace 2.0 T Privilège 6 zitter-Dvd-Speler Airco-Navigatie - Duration: 1:14.
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Distinctive LPG - G/3 - Duration: 1:01.
Benson Helps Sophie Remember - Law & Order: SVU (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 4:06.
Poor Timo! Dolly warn baby playing far from mom | Timo sad play & eat good alone | Monkey Daily 1978 - Duration: 10:22.
"The Conners" Second Episode Experiences Huge Drop in Viewership - Duration: 3:13.
"You Can't Hide" ( [Minecraft Music Video] / [Official SFM] ) Comparison {by CK9C} Comparison - Duration: 4:49.
Blazers vs Magic Live Stream: How to Watch Without Cable | - Duration: 10:59.
Blazers vs Magic Live Stream: How to Watch Without Cable |
The Orlando Magic, who are 2-2 despite already playing three of last year's top six East teams, get another test on Thursday night when they host a 2-1 Portland Trail Blazers squad that has been scoring the ball at will.
The game is scheduled to start at 7 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on NBC Sports Northwest (in Blazers markets) and Fox Sports Florida (in Magic markets).
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can still watch a live stream of the game (or DVR it) on your computer, phone, tablet or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
How to Watch Blazers vs Magic Online if You're in Market.
NBC Sports Northwest (local markets) and Fox Sports Florida (local markets) are included in the main Fubo bundle, which has 85 total channels and is tailored towards sports.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch games up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including NBC Sports Northwest (local markets) and Fox Sports Florida (local markets).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" comes with 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
Fox Sports Florida (local markets) is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package, but NBC Sports Northwest is not available on Sling.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
How to Watch Blazers vs Magic Online if You're Out of Market.
If you live outside of the Blazers or Magic area, all out-of-market, non-nationally televised games can be watched through NBA League Pass.
You can sign up and watch through a number of different platforms:.
NBA. com.
You can sign up for either NBA League Pass, which lets you watch all out-of-market games, or NBA Team Pass, which lets you watch all of one team's games if they're out of market.
Once signed up, you'll be able to watch games on your computer via the website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the NBA app.
If you have FuboTV or sign up for a new subscription, you can add NBA League Pass to your channel bundle.
After signing up, you'll be able to watch games on your computer via the Fubo website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Fubo app.
Sling TV.
If you have Sling TV or sign up for a new subscription, you can add NBA League Pass or NBA Team Pass to your channel bundle.
Once signed up, you'll be able to watch games on your computer via the Sling website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling app.
Coming into the season, one of the major question marks for the Magic was how their smattering of frontcourt options would co-exist with each other.
Well, so far, so good.
Nikola Vucevic is filling up the box score to the tune of 18.8 points, 10.3 rebounds, 5.3 assists, 1.5 steals and 10 blocks per night.
Aaron Gordon is also averaging a double-double with 160 and 10.3 per game.
Rookie Mo Bamba, while still raw offensively, has provided terrific rim protection off the bench with 20 blocks per contest.
And then there's Jonathan Isaac, who got off to a slow start to the season but exploded for 18 and 12 in the Magic's huge win at Boston on Monday night.
"He's a talented guy, he has a high IQ and he's working hard," head coach Steve Clifford said about Isaac.
"You can see the progress from him, and you saw it in Summer League when he was very good, and he's continued to get better.".
As far as young frontcourts go, this is one of the most compelling in the league–and it has helped the Magic to wins over the Heat and Celtics, and nearly a third against the 76ers.
This team is quickly establishing itself as a playoff threat in the East.
The Blazers, meanwhile, stand at 2-1 with wins over the Lakers and Spurs, but they're coming off a heart-breaking one-point overtime loss to the Wizards on Monday.
It's overall, though, been a positive start for Portland.
Damian Lillard (43.9 field-goal percentage; 30.4 three-point percentage) and CJ McCollum (35.1 field-goal percentage; 36.4 three-point percentage) are both off to cold starts by their lofty standards, but the Blazers are still third in the NBA in scoring (124.3 points per game) and ninth in offensive rating (113.4 points per 100 possessions).
With big contributions from guys like Nik Stauskas, Evan Turner and Zach Collins, the Blazers are third in the league in bench scoring after finishing 27th, 27th, 18th, 27th, 30th and 30th the last six years.
If they can keep getting that kid of production outside of Lillard, McCollum and Jusuf Nurkic, that will be huge for the Blazers taking another step forward after last year's disappointment in the playoffs.
All in all, the Magic and Blazers are two really intriguing teams right now, so Thursday's matchup should serve as a good litmus test for both.
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Inside Marty - Becoming A Birthday Boy (Season 3, Episode 3) - Duration: 9:34.
- Oh, fuck.
- Aw, yeah, it's completely--
- Pretty good, yeah.
- Fuck, I hate Matt.
(earrape music)
That's not earrape.
- Wait.
- [Ben] You're meant to do the ear rape thing!
- So my dad had pancreatic cancer.
- That's pretty sad, actually, I didn't realise.
- Yeah it's super sad.
- It's not good.
- Really?
(earrape music)
- Do you guys know what today is?
- No.
- What do you think it is?
- The test run one was the best one so far.
- [Ben] I know, lucky I kept the footage.
- Alright, start again.
- Action.
- I just don't really get...why we have a Queen still.
- Yeah, fuck the monarchy.
(earrape music)
- You guys know what today is?
- Is it the Queen's birthday?
- No, that was last week.
- Um, Kurt Cobain's birthday?
- No, that was August 22nd. Three weeks ago.
- Black History Month.
- No, that's a whole month. Are you fucking dumb?
- No one knows what today is?
- No.
- Marty's birthday.
- Oh yeah.
- You guys didn't know, did you?
You didn't check my Famous Birthdays page?
- No.
- No, they took that down, they didn't
consider you a celebrity.
- Really? - Your payment got declined.
- Okay, well, it's my birthday.
We're gonna have a big party.
Invite all your friends. You know Project X?
It's gonna be like a parody of that movie
except not as good. Invite all your friends,
your moms...
Sound good?
- Give me his work shirt would you?
- What?
- We didn't do anything.
- You're not a crew trainer.
You're not a crew trainer!
Your name's not Matt!
- That's the issue he has.
(anime music)
- Yeah, everybody's having fun.
Yeah, everybody's having some fun.
And your line is...
- "Marty, this is boring as hell.
Look, I've got some alcohol in the back."
- "Oh, no, no, no, none of tonight, see?
I'm straight edge."
It will actually be funny when I say it.
- Oh I'm straight edge.
- [Jack] Hang on, don't draw them yet.
- Why?
- Well, if you draw them at the end, then you can-
You'll see right at the end where
you draw it on. Then you can hard cut
to you doing "this", and then hard cut
back when you don't have anything on your hand.
- [Ben] Fuck you're a dumb cunt.
- Fortnite dance!
You guys having fun?
- Marty, this is boring as hell.
Look just have some alcohol-
- No, no
Insert scene here.
- [Kieren] I'm scared.
- [Jack] He's doing Fortnite dances.
- That's not...
- That really fucking hurt.
- (chanting) Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty!
Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty! Marty!
Marty! Marty! Ma-
- [Kieren] It's only water, mate.
- It's only water, mate!
- Marty! Marty! Marty!
- Yay!
What are you doing?
(gargling noises)
(burping noise)
- Go. Go. Go. Go. Oh, not quite!
- Let's go, go, go, go, go, go.
- You ready?
- Hold it for me.
- You touched it!
- Fucking didn't!
- You touched it.
- I fucking win!
- So how do I do it again? - You just press the button.
- This is an easy one.
I had one where you had to shake it.
You had to pull a thing, and twist a lever.
They're not real, do you believe that?
That was a fucking Bop-It.
(spitting noises)
- [Jack] Man that was shit.
- [Ben] Yeah suck hard, bro.
- [Liam] Take it into your lungs.
You've got to inhale.
- Tastes like Nicorette.
- [Ben] It's menthol.
- Vape nation.
- [Ben] I mean, if you really, really want to.
- [Marty] Are you pissing?
- [CBen] Yes, I said that.
Oh, I think I pissed on the strap.
- Yes! I said that--aw I think I pissed on the strap!
- Yeah!
- Xanny!
This is Xanny right?
Okay, cool.
High quality drugs.
(maniacal laughing and drug gargling)
- Are we getting arrested for this?
If somebody comes--if a cop comes up-
- If a cop comes we're fucked.
'cause he's underage and got alcohol in his system.
- [Camera Man] Okay.
- It fucking stinks. Are you ready?
Greg, look, we need to get you dressed for the Marty party.
Two shirts here for ya, so...
One, Ennui shirt.
Two-see, look, Ennui.
That looks pretty nice.
- Mmm, that one looks good.
- That one looks good, and of course, Shrek.
Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
- Sure is.
- What are you thinking?
- Shrek?
- Um, Shrek.
- Shrek.
And the hat, Kony 2012, bitches.
There we go, that's good.
- ♪ Today is gonna be the day ♪
♪ That they're gonna through it back to you ♪
♪ By now, you should have somehow realised ♪
♪ what we're going through ♪
♪ I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do ♪
♪ about you now ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ I said maybe-♪
- Get his blood on this fuckin' piece of shit shirt.
- I will.
- For you. - For us.
- Embrace, embrace.
- How's that? - Yeah, pretty good.
- Could you spin your head a little bit?
- Fuck. God damn it.
- Dear Owen, you were really good in Cars and
What's the one? Wedding Crashers? With Vince Vaughn?
That was pretty good.
Um, I really hope you can help me win
this fight against Homeless Greg. Amen.
- Alright, we should do it again.
- Dear Owen Wilson...
I've got a lot of things
going on in life, but now I've gotta fight
a homeless man. And, hopefully you Lightning, and you Owen,
you can help me through this tough time.
Praise Jesus and I'm not really religious.
And Owen,
you're lucky this is going to be in the montage,
because this is really fucking shit acting, you know?
- What the fuck it doesn't-
- [Ben] Aw, I forgot that you were very tall.
Oh goodness sake, you in?
Don't close it all the way,
'cause we'll have trouble opening it.
Alright ready?
- [Ben] I got it, you ready?
- [Mart] Two, and action.
- We shouldn't have done this.
We shouldn't have done this.
- Someone grab his legs.
- Legs first.
- Should we just leave him?
- No, put him back where we found him.
- Let's go, lets go.
- I wanted to check his wallet.
- Oh fuck.
- But - But?
I still have the-
- [All] Drugs!
- Okay, I'm gonna safely do a U-turn here
- [Liam] Hold up, my seat belt's not on.
- Is everybody else's seat belt on besides Liam?
- [Ben] Yeah. - [Liam] Mine's on.
- Good.
Untranslatable Words from A - Z (A Must Know list) - Duration: 4:24.
Untranslatable Words from A - Z (A Must Know list)
The English language doesn't always cover every feeling or a concept we need to describe.
In this episode, we will talk about some words from A to Z that are untranslatable. In this
video, we will move as a list starting from letter A.
Pronounced "abi-yoko."
It is an Italian term used to describe the drowsiness felt after eating a large meal.
In English, it is known as a "food coma."
Pronounced "bow-steve."
It is a Danish term used for when waking up in the morning still drink from the night
event before.
Pronounced "cool-la-chino."
It is an Italian term used for the mark left on a table by a cold glass.
Pronounced, "Dygn"
It is a Swedish term used for 24 hours. It includes morning, afternoon, evening and nighttime.
Pronounced "eckli-on-snort."
It is a German to be used in a situation where you suddenly have to explain your self to
Pronounced "fern-vi."
It is a German word used to describe feeling homesick for a place you have never been to
Pronounced "gurf-fa."
It is an Arabic word used to describe a handful of water.
Pronounced "harse-shar-kine."
It is a Hungarian word for a nagging, irritatable spouse. It actually translates to an indoor
Pronounced "i-loon-gah."
It is a Tshiluba word used to describe a person who is ready to forgive any abuse during the
first time, tolerate it again the second time but will never forgive or tolerate for the
third time.
Pronounced "jie-yoos."
It is an Indonesian word used for a joke that is so unfunny yet one cannot help but to laugh.
Pronounced "kumm-ma-spheck."
It is a German word that is used to describe the excess weight gained during an emotionally
triggered over-eating period. It literally translates to "grief bacon."
Pronounced "lee-tost."
Is a word from Czech, It is a state of torment created by the immediate sighting of one's
own misery.
Pronounced as "mutta-zeelan-align."
It is another word from Germany that is used to describe a feeling of severe loneliness,
and like being abandoned by everyone you love. It translates to "without mother's soul."
Pronounced "nak-ke-le."
It is a Tulu word used to describe a man who licks the surface that is used for the food
to be served on.
Pronounced "on-din-nonk."
It is an Iroquoian word used to describe the soul's innermost kind, angelic desires, and
Pronounced "pour-ron-kosha-ma."
It is a Finnish word, and it is used for the distance a reindeer can comfortably travel
before needing to urinate. It is known to be around 10 Kilometers.
Pronounced "kee-sting."
It is a Dutch word that allows a lover with access one's bed for chitchat. Mmm, chitchats
Pronounced "ret-to-vai-loo."
It is a French term that defines happiness of being reunited with someone after a long
time being apart.
Pronounced "sha-den-froi-den."
It is a German word that describes the feeling of pleasure gained from seeing another person's
Pronounced "ooh-to-pills."
It is a Norwegian word that is used to describe a moment to enjoy a beer outside.
Pronounced "vorr-pet."
It is a Dutch word that describes the feeling of joy before an event has happened. Unlike
anticipation, this is pleasurable. The word translates to "Pre-fun."
Pronounced "Vait-eim-stein-kite."
It is again a word from Germany that is used to describe a feeling, a feeling of being
all alone in the woods.
Pronounced as "Shin-ku."
It is a Mandarin word that is used when someone goes through hardships while putting considerable
effort into achieving some success.
Pronounced "you-ah-bur-nee."
It is an Arabic word that declares a person hopes to die before another, as it would be
very difficult to live in a world without that person.
Pronounced "za-poi."
It is a Russian word that describes a drinking binge that lasts for several days and more.
For those who speak English, this list of words can help you to fill some gaps in the
language. Hope you enjoyed this video, see you again with another one soon. Take care.
Cars see crocodiles in the cave, excavators, trucks, tanks, fire trucks - Toys for kids - Duration: 7:43.
Cars for Kids
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