Once there was a perfect Little baby Monster.
He had horrible Little eyes
and a horrible Little nose
and as son as he was born,
he scowled.
His family loved him.
Baby Monster yellew
and howled
and made a terrible racket.
He threw his rattle
and broke his bowl
and made a terrible mess.
Is not he a perfect Little Monster?
Oh, how beautiful is this little monster
Oh, it's a horrible monster, how nice
Bragged his parents.
His sister taught him how to sneer and snarl.
His brother showed him how to bash things
and trash things.
Baby Monster learns so quickly!
His parents said.
For his first birthday party,
Baby Monster's proud parents
They invited the whole family,
invited all the Monster aunts
and all the Monster uncles
and all the many horrible Monster cousins.
Everyone gathered around Baby Monster.
Give us a great big scowl!
Said his mother and father.
Baby Monster twitched his horrible Little nose.
He scrunched up his horrible Little eyes.
He opened his horrible Little mouth
and stretched his horrible Little lips.
No, no, no!
Howled Mother and Father Monster.
Ugh! Cried Sister Monster
Yuck! Cried Brother Monster.
Shrieked all the Monster aunts and uncles
and all the many horrible Monster cousins.
And they left the house running and scared.
That perfect Little baby Monster…
Was smiling!
The Perfect Little Monster,
by Judy Hindley, ilustrated by Jonathan Lycett-Smith,
Editorial Walker Books.
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For more infomation >> EL BEBÉ MONSTRUO PERFECTO – Cuentos infantiles – CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
La caravana migrante empieza a perder fuerza | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:13.
El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo1940: Elsa confiesa a Consuelo que pasó la noche con Isaac - Duration: 2:26.
El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo1940: Elsa confiesa a Consuelo que pasó la noche con Isaac
Avance del capítulo 1940 de 'El Secreto de Puente Viejo'
Esta semana el avance de El secreto de Puente Viejo capítulo 1940: Isaac llega a la choza donde se refugia Elsa, ya que sabía que podía estar en peligro.
Pasan la noche juntos, pero mañana deberán separarse. Isaac regresa a su casa y, por primera vez,
le miente a su esposa, callándose su encuentro con Elsa. Esta también miente cuando regresa al hotel.
Antolina se enfada cuando ve a su esposo tan contento y no le dice el motivo. La joven tiene una gira discusión con Isaac.
Ante la insistencia de Consuelo: Elsa acaba confesado que pasó la noche con Isaac, asegurando que algún día volverán a estar juntos.
Gonzalo acepta la propuesta de Fernando, se marchará esa misma noche asegurando que encontrará una mujer mejor que María.
El Mesía lo obliga a marcharse sin despedirse de nadie. Fernando es quien informa a todos de la marcha de Gonzalo.
Por otra parte, a Severo le parece extraña la actitud de Irene con Anacleto: no logra entender porque no le importa que otro firme su trabajo.
Severo pregunta a Adela sobre una supuesta relación entre su esposa y Anacleto, cuando la mujer se desmaya de forma inesperada y repentina.
Adela le resta importancia a su desmayo pero Carmelo la lleva al hospital.
Julieta logra reunir a todos los laguneros, lo único que les pide la joven es que la escuchen.
Cantante de Rojo olvidó la letra y pasó directo a capilla: Carolina Soto terminó llorando - Duration: 3:23.
Josefa está embarazada y televidentes de "Pacto de Sangre" avecinan el "fin" de Marco - Duration: 4:46.
Quedan pocas horas para los Latin American Music Awards - Duration: 1:39.
Arrestan a grupo de cameruneses en Guatemala - Duration: 2:06.
Edición Digital Houston 10/25/18 - Duration: 32:32.
'OT 2018' Duro debate en torno al incidente entre Sabela y Alba - Duration: 2:21.
Dioses y mortales: la nueva prueba semanal ya ha tenido los primeros sacrificios en 'GH VIP 2018' - Duration: 3:11.
'Mujeres y hombres y viceversa (MYHYV)': Moha y Maira traicionados por sus pretendientes - Duration: 2:58.
[News] Telecinco prepara una versión de 'GH VIP' con parejas - Duration: 3:46.
Video Tuổi Thơ Của Tuấn Khoa Năm 2018 - Duration: 8:55.
Dominika Figurska została radną PiS-u - Duration: 5:52.
Две Однушки друг над дружкой! КАЧЕСТВЕННАЯ отделка квартиры Спб [НоваКвартира] - Duration: 15:37.
Debt Collection 101: Episode 62 - Debt Collection Lawsuit: Overly Aggressive Tactics - Duration: 2:29.
Alex: Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Debt Collection 101
here on Arbeit U. Spencer: Yes, we have a great episode today, right? A very obvious
episode. Great to remind people of things not to do. Alex: Yes, exactly.
Normally we like to talk about great, uplifting, positive news in the industry
but we should you know always touch based on some of the bad things once in
a while to make sure everybody's on their toes and yeah. Staying up with
compliance and sometimes maybe it seems a little obvious but yeah. So
what we have here is GC services who was a private Texas company collecting on
behalf of three separate states and what were they doing? They were pretending to
be those states. Spencer: Yeah, so when a consumer got a call, there was Alex: A letter.
Spencer: Yeah, a letter in this case. When they got a letter it said this is the state
of New York or whatever. Alex: Yeah, it had the Michigan State seal. It had a Michigan
State email address and the physical address in Lansing, Michigan so consumers
were basically assuming that this was the state that was calling to contact them
not the collection agency and everyone watching this probably knows
that's a big no-no. So yeah. So they're actually being sued by the states
themselves and not by the consumers as far as I know. The states are suing them
but yeah it goes on you know on and on. You can check it out below but basically there's
letters being sent out to debtors. They're not even giving you a
chance to dispute it. There's threatening levees against their
property and wage garnishments and on top of that then there. Spencer: Yeah, I was about to say it's
one thing to be pretending that you're from the state.
It's another thing on top of that to then be super aggressive about it, right?
So it's not a good combo. Alex: This is a huge contract that they have
so It'd be interesting to see how this plays out. I don't think that the states are
going to be using them anymore. Spencer: In the past five years, they contracted out
about 1 billion dollars collected and 100 million in commission. 100 million bucks.
I'll do it. Alex: All the small agencies watching and go contact these states.
Spencer: Yeah, right? 100 million dollars in Commission. Alex: Yeah but that's pretty much
it. Spencer: Yeah, so now you know what not to do. Alex: Yep, link to the article below read up
on it. Let us know what your thoughts are on the situation. Spencer: and keep watching DC
101 so you know what to do and what not to do. Alex: Yes, thank you. Spencer: See you next week.
Alex: See you next week.
Zostaliśmy eksponatem w muzem sztuki - Duration: 9:37.
The strangest jail in the world / San Pedro, Bolivia / - Duration: 5:28.
I greet you with your next video, this time I have prepared for you the strangest jail in the world.
In a non-traditional prison in Bolivia, prisoners created a functioning company that reminds rather of a miniature state, not a jail.
Nowadays, when we think of jail, the first thing that comes to mind is a huge building with a small courtyard that is forever guarded and full of monotonous targets, bars and cameras.
Prisoners in this unusual prison in Bolivia live a life that does not even allow such establishment, and the fact that they have no right to step outside the prison area is probably the only thing that distinguishes their lives from freedom.
They have managed to create social strata, their own government or the economy within their prisons, and they often live with their families as well.
San Pedro Prison is located in La Paz, in the west of Bolivia, at an altitude of approximately 3,505 meters.
It is the largest prison in Bolivia, where up to 2,400 prisoners live, but this is one of the boring facts about this prison.
San Pedro is comparable to an autonomous society rather than a prison.
This prison is protected only by the bell, and the guards have a single role to prevent someone getting out. But all inside is a prisoner.
The penitentiary system itself resembles a real estate market.
Prisoners buy the cells from the "mayor of the prison" or one of the "custodian real estate brokers" at the time of the punishment.
On the basis of what cell they can afford, they will be assigned to a particular prison section that reflects social strata as well as freedom.
These layers are part of a functioning company of this prison, which also includes a government system with eight elected representatives,
each for one of the prison sections. In addition, each section also has its own advice.
Many prisoners live inside this prison with their wives and children. There are approximately 200 children of these criminals.
Depending on the location, it is understandable that the prisoners will also find violent and pedophiles who are constantly threatening the lives of these children.
Such people, however, have no chance inside this prison.
The rules are so pretended that on the basis of any attempt at such an act, the offender will be unconditionally punished, often by drowning in a small swimming pool in the San Pedro area.
As for the economic differences between the sections, in the poorest section there are often also 3-4 prisoners in one cell.
On the other hand, the luxury section of La Posta is the home of politicians and drug barons.
The rooms in this section have their own toilets, a kitchen or a TV.
The La Post price for the Cel is around € 800 to € 1,300, which is a luxury that few can afford.
San Pedre also operates in its own economic market.
They have their shoemakers, food vendors, barbers, masters, or priests.
They even produce their own cocaine, which is then distributed only within the prison, and it is said to be one of the highest quality all over the place.
In addition, alcohol can be earned at San Pedro, and gambling is indeed widespread, especially in the form of football matches.
Since the early 1990s it has been possible for tourists to pay for the entrance to San Pedro.
This act is indeed illegal, but the guards are easily bribery, and the report that it is possible to get a look at this prison has quickly spread.
Since 2009, the measures taken against prisoners entering the prison have been strengthened, but they are still being asked to make an exception for a very decent amount.
So it's a chance for you to look at it, not only in this video but also in reality.
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5 Chromatic Licks This Is The Way You Use Them In Your Playing - Duration: 12:08.
- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.
A big part of what we consider the jazz sound
is the use of chromatic passing notes
and chromatic enclosures
and this is of course something you wanna have
in your playing and you're also gonna hear it everywhere,
if you start checking out guitar players
like Pat Martino, Tal Farlow or Pat Metheny.
In this video, I'm going to show you some examples
of how you can use chromatic phrases,
I'm of course gonna show you the chromatic ideas themselves,
but I'm also going to discuss how you're using them,
because you can use passing note and enclosures
just to add some colors in a line,
but you can also use them to point toward
an important target note in the next chord
or delay in a chord tone,
in the chord that you're playing on now
and you can also use it,
if you listen to people like Pat Metheny
as a way of creating some outside phrases,
that resolve quite nicely back into the chord.
In working with these examples,
I'm going to use some modal examples
and also just some two-five-ones,
where the chords are moving,
so you can hear how they work in a tonal progression.
If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,
improve the way that you solo,
check out some interesting arpeggios or chord voicings,
then subscribe to my channel.
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As you can hear, I have a cold today,
so if I'm a little bit more difficult to understand
than usual and I sound a little bit like,
(coughing and spluttering)
then that's why.
In this example, I'm using the chromatic passing notes
and the chromatic enclosures
just to add some color to the melody
and I think the way you should think about this
is that if we have, so in this case, I'm using A Dorian
and if we have sort of an A minor sound like this,
then a melody that does not have
any chromatic B notes will be,
and that all fits and you can hear,
that I could pretty much stop anywhere
and it will still work okay,
but if I start using notes,
that are not found within the scale,
then I have some notes that wanna resolve,
so instead of having,
if I start adding a note like on top of this chord,
you can hear that it wants to resolve
and that's the kind of small tension, that you can use,
it just makes the melody a little bit more interesting
to listen to and it creates a little bit of tension,
that you then have to resolve.
The first part of the example
is just the arpeggio from a 3rd of the chord,
so we're on A minor and a 3rd of the chord is C
and the arpeggio we have there is a C major seven,
so I start on the B and then I go up the arpeggio
and then I'm adding a chromatic passing note
between the B and the A,
so instead of just playing B to A,
I just add the B flat in between
and then down the scale to G
and then the next thing that happens
is that I add a complete chromatic enclosure,
so the chromatic enclosure that I'm using here,
this is actually one that's quite common,
well, I use it all the time,
but it's also quite common with Pat Martino,
because I think that's where I stole it
and that is because I'm targeting the C,
so I wanna play an approach to the 3rd of the chord,
the C again,
just because that's a very sort of strong note to emphasize
and the way I'm doing that is I'm starting with a B
and then I'm skipping up to the scale note,
that's above the C, that's a D,
then going down towards it with a D flat
and then back to B and then resolving to the C
and then on the C, I'm starting another arpeggio
and because I wanna have sort of the,
the Dorian sound in there,
I'm playing a C major seven flat five arpeggio,
so I'm playing a C, skipping up to the F sharp
and then down to E and then ending on the 9th of the chord.
This example is using the chromatic phrase
to give the line a little bit more forward motion
and really use the chromaticism
to pull towards the resolution,
so it's a two-five-one in the key of G major,
so that means it's A minor, D7 to G major seven
and the first part of the A minor
is just really an A minor nine arpeggio,
so there's nothing happening there
and a scale fragment
and then on the D7
down to the 3rd here, so really clearly D7,
spelling out that we're now changing to D7
and then down the scale, adding a chromatic passing note
between the 9th and the root,
which is actually similar to what I did with the A minor
and then going to the C
and here I wanna resolve to the 3rd of the G,
so the G major and the way I'm doing that
and the way I'm pulling towards it
and creating a little bit of tension,
so that resolution works a little bit better
is by adding
this melody to it,
so I'm playing the D,
I'm coming from the E to the D
and then down to the C, going down below the B,
just skipping down to the A and then back up,
chromatic and so A and then A sharp to B
and the number resolving the line there.
You can also use the chromatic phrases
to keep the resolution really vague
or maybe even delay it a little bit,
so that you don't really hear what's happening.
When you expect the line to resolve,
then you get some other notes
that you don't really know what are there
and that way you are sort of creating something
that sounds interesting and surprising
to whoever's listening to the solo.
That's what I'm doing in this example,
it's on a two-five-one in G major again,
so A minor D7 to G and the first part of the A minor line
is an open voiced Triad from C, so the 3rd of the chord,
the first comes down on the E, then up to the C
and then up to the G
and from here, I'm playing an A minor Triad
and then back up to the C
and then I'm playing a D7 altered,
so in this case, I'm really using D7 altered,
because that really pulls a little bit stronger to G major,
so when you play D7 altered, you wanna hear it resolve
and that's what I can use,
because if I then delay that resolution,
then the effect is a little bit stronger.
But the first part is
an A flat major Triad,
which is just a Diatonic Triad in D7 altered
and then we get this sort of E flat minor,
so the stock E flat minor phrase,
it's kind of coming out of an E flat minor Triad
and then now,
you'd expect it to go down to the D
and then just end there, so you have the,
and then that's where you would expect a G to end,
but instead of going to the D,
I first go to a chromatic enclosure of the D, so
and then once I'm on the D, on B3,
I go immediately into another enclosure of the 3rd,
so I don't really resolve until one bar later,
so in that way, I'm sort of really
creating some tension on the D7
and then instead of really resolving it,
I keep it going until I'm in the second bar of G major.
If you wanna check out an example of a guitar player
who uses this really a lot,
then you should check out Pat Metheny
on the trio album, Question and Answer.
If you listen to the solo on the song, Solar,
which I think is the first song on the album,
then you can hear this happen quite a lot,
but he'll really delay the resolution
by using some chromatic phrases.
But of course, you can also use chromaticism
to really start to sound outside
and that's what the last two examples are on.
The reason that I can keep on publishing videos every week
is that I have a community of people over on Patreon,
that are supporting the channel, I'm very grateful for that
and I don't think it would be possible for me to continue
making all these jazz guitar videos without them.
If you wanna help me keep making videos,
then check out my Patreon page,
If you join us over there,
then I can also give you something
in return for your support.
In this example, I'm of course using
a lot more chromatic enclosures and passing notes,
but I'm also starting to shift small phrases out of the key
and in that way, have some bigger chunks,
that are not in the key, you're not in the scale,
that I then need to resolve
and I can use that to create some outside sounds.
So the first part of the line
is really just targeting the root of the chord, so the A,
I'm doing that with an enclosure that's starting below,
moving up towards the A,
but instead of moving directly to the A,
it skips up and then starts above
and then moves from there as well,
so G, G sharp, B, B flat down to, and then I'm on the A,
then on A minor seven arpeggio
in the first inversion descending
and then from here, another chromatic enclosure,
now of the 5th, so,
D sharp, F to E
and then here, I'm starting sort of a shifting 3rd side here
and this is something,
something you will hear in Pat Metheny's playing,
I'm pretty sure you probably know it from him,
he probably got it from Miles
and another guitar player, that I also made a video on,
that uses this quite often is John McLaughlin,
so the exact same idea of shifting a 3rd interval
in half steps like this,
and then using a passing note,
I resolve it to the 3rd of the chord to C.
And of course, if you can do this with intervals,
you can also do it with other structures,
so in this example, I'm doing it with Triads,
but you can also experiment with using
something like Pentatonic scales or complete 7th chords
and then work with just shifting them
and finding ways to resolve those lines.
Now this is easier to check out in a modal situation,
because there you have a steady definition
of what is the inside chord tones that you wanna hit
and you have a lot of time
to just move away and move back in,
so that's why this example is also on an A minor chord.
The first part of it is again, just a chromatic enclosure,
so I'm starting, the target was the A, the root,
and then I'm starting below with a G
and then going up to the diatonic note above, the B
and then moving from there
down to the B flat and then the G sharp,
then from here, I'm getting into the A minor seven arpeggio
and actually it's an A minor nine arpeggio,
in that way, when I'm moving up to the B
and then from here,
I'm sort of taking the top part of the chord
or the arpeggio, and turning that into an E minor Triad,
or thinking of it as an E minor Triad
and I'm then moving that, shifting that down in half steps,
down to the D and from here,
I go back up to the F
and then I'm playing a chromatic enclosure,
that ends on the F sharp.
So in this case, it's because it's A Dorian
and I really wanna have that A minor 13 sound
and that's why I'm targeting that note,
which isn't really of course
like a strong chord tone in A minor,
but it's a very good sound to have
if you wanna have the Dorian sound across,
to have that 13 on top of an A minor seven.
If you wanna check out some more videos
on different ways to use chromatic passing note
or chromatic enclosures, then check out this playlist,
where there are a few videos,
that are concerned with this in a bebop style,
but also in a more modern or modal jazz style.
If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar
and this is the first time you've seen one of my videos,
then subscribe to my channel.
If you wanna help me keep making videos,
then check out my Patreon page.
That's about it for this time,
thank you for watching and until next time.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI 135PK First Edition Navi, Cruise, Garantie - Duration: 1:04.
Grande Fratello Vip, Corona da Costanzo anticipa su Silvia: 'Magari la bacio' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:02.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Dynamicline Nap Navi Clima Cruise - Duration: 1:08.
Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI GT-Line, Nap Navi Clima Lmv Cruise - Duration: 1:13.
Kia Niro 1.6 Dynamicline Nap Navi Cruise Clima - Duration: 0:51.
Kia cee'd Ceed 1.4 TGDI Executiveline 140Pk - Duration: 1:09.
Uomini e Donne, il 'ritorno' di Giorgio Manetti: 'Gemma è 10 anni che è lì ma…' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:51.
Grande Fratello Vip, Fabio Basile è superdotato | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.
Kia Niro Travel Edition, Nieuw rijklaar voor €27.995.00,- - Duration: 1:04.
Kia Niro 1.6 GDI Hybrid Travel Edition, Nieuw Rijklaar €27.995 - Duration: 1:06.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI Dynamicline Nu Rijklaar voor €22950,- - Duration: 1:12.
Volkswagen T-Roc T-ROC (1) Style 1.0 85 kW / 115 - Duration: 0:40.
Kia cee'd 1.4 Plus Pack Nap Airco Cruise Lmv Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:54.
Kia Niro 1.6 GDi Hybrid 141pk DCT6 First Edition - Duration: 1:07.
How I Feel About The Words "Disabled" And "Differently Abled" - Duration: 11:43.
So, let's talk about the word 'disabled' and how I personally feel about it.
And this is coming from me as a deaf person
and a person with a lot of chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, etc, etc.
And these are two things
that fall under the medical definition of disability.
But, as you may have seen in a lot of deaf media,
more recently, 'Deaf Out Loud', which was part of the 'Born This Way' series,
you hear a lot of "I'm not disabled", "Deafness isn't a disability",
"I can do anything but hear", which, honestly, is a phrase that I don't like at all.
I've had quite the journey with this type of thing
and it all started when I was first trying to really discover myself
and take that seriously - discover myself as a deaf person seriously.
And that was about...
eight years ago - seven, eight years ago.
So, you know, when I was first doing my research on deaf people, deaf history, culture,
trying to dip my toes into that type of thing,
and find people who were like me,
I was also finding what people like to refer to themself as,
what they didn't like hearing people calling themselves,
or calling them,
and what they didn't like abled people calling them, etc, etc.
Disability was one of those things, or disabled was one of those things,
and, because I wanted people to like me so badly,
because I wanted to be like them so badly,
I felt like, in order to fit in, I had to really hate the word 'disabled'.
So, I'm realising that, back then,
my opinion about disabled wasn't really my own opinion
because I wasn't really sitting down and thinking,
"OK, do I really hate the word 'disabled'
or do I just hate being called disabled because they also hate being called disabled,
and I feel like I have to have the same exact thoughts as them?"
So, whenever I would see something on Twitter
or on my YouTube videos a long time ago,
saying the word 'disabled', calling me disabled or whatever,
I would get a little bit antsy and I would be like,
"No, we're not disabled. I can do anything but hear, etc, etc,"
and, yeah, I just... Hmm.
And then, as years went by, I started becoming friends with more disabled people,
I started getting more into the disabled community on Twitter and on YouTube.
You know, I have friends like Annie Elainey, Andrea Lausell, Molly Burke,
you know, those kinds of people,
and I started opening my mind up a little bit better,
reading their stories and whatnot.
And it kind of opened my eyes as to how they felt
when they would be hearing things from other deaf people that were like,
"Yeah, we're not disabled, we're just not like you."
Like, "We can do anything but hear."
And I want to say not all deaf people have the same thought.
Again, I've said this before, we all have different experiences.
We grew up differently.
We all have different thoughts and opinions,
whether we were mainstreamed entirely and strictly remain mainstreamed,
or there are people that grew up in the culture and whatnot.
It's just these things can be completely separate or they can be combined
and even if they are completely separate, thoughts still vary.
We're different.
So, I do have deaf friends that refer to...
So, I do have deaf friends that will consider deafness a disability
but they don't really still refer to themselves as disabled.
First, they will still use deaf, which is fine.
I am Team Call Yourself Whatever You Want, but, at the same time, I've always...
I've started to become very uneasy, I've started feeling uneasy,
whenever I hear that type of thing being said, and I've always felt like,
"Isn't that kind of like treating other disabled people, like, less than?"
You know, when I hear, "I can do anything but hear,"
I think of, like, my friend Annie, who can do anything she wants,
except, sometimes, because of her EDS, she can't walk for a long period of time,
so she needs her cane, or her wheelchair, and that helps her out tremendously.
I can't really do all kinds of walking all that often.
I don't have a wheelchair and I don't have a cane,
although I've been looking into it for very long walking periods,
and, you know, I just have other friends that can do anything
but insert whatever it is that they have difficulty doing every once in a while, right?
So, I don't know, it just started leaving a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
And, you know, I have chronic pain, I have brain fog that comes with it, memory loss.
This chronic pain that I get, when there's a flare-up for a very long time
and it keeps me from doing the things that I want to do,
and, yeah, I'm disabled in that sense.
For me, now I really don't have a problem with using the term 'disability' and 'disabled'
and, when I use the word 'disabled',
I refer to everyone, including deaf people, you know, myself.
And I know some people don't really like it and that's fine.
I remember, at VidCon, I think this was in 2016,
when I was on the disability panel with Tommy and Molly Burke and Annie,
and some of the comments that I got was, "Why are you on a disability panel?"
"Deafness is not a disability."
And I was just like, "But, medically, yes, it is."
Maybe, culturally, and if you think that way, that's fine.
But, medically, yes, it is, and we have... we fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
We pull up that ADA and we go, "I need you to listen to this thing,
because it's the Americans with Disabilities Act and I'm a part of this," but I don't know.
I feel like it's all very confusing
and I guess I don't even get the thought process sometimes.
So, yeah, again, that's just my personal experience with the word 'disabled'.
So, again, that's just my personal experience
with the word 'disabled' over the past few years.
Again, I'm Team Refer to Yourself However You Want.
I'm not going to tell you how you need to refer to yourself.
I might also be thinking about my fellow disabled friends
when some certain things get said but do what you want, really.
Do what works best for you.
And now I want to talk about the word 'differently abled'.
This is being said by a lot of hearing people, a lot of abled people,
and I'm also seeing this from some disabled people,
including deaf people.
And, again, I'm Team Say Whatever You Want,
refer to yourself as whatever, but differently abled?
It's like, why do we have to treat 'disabled' and 'disability'
as such an awful word?
Why is there such a stigma on that word?
OK, I know why, years of oppression against disabled people, but I don't like it.
I... Hmm.
So, when people tell me, "You are not disabled, you are differently abled,"
I'm like, "Yes, I'm disabled, I can't do certain things.
I can't hear very well.
I can't walk for long periods of time all the time.
I can't always get up. I can't always work.
I can't always do what I need to do."
I don't like 'differently abled' for myself.
That sounds like some sort of, like, X-Men, Marvel type of thing,
which would be really cool
and I would prefer to be Sailor Mars or Sailor Jupiter, but... hmm.
Or Sailor Saturn because she has the ability to destroy the entire universe
and that sounds like my kind of thing.
I realise how morbid that sounds, I'm sorry.
And I get why people have an issue with the word 'disabled' because they think,
"Well, you can't do something and, you know, that's like a bad thing.
It leaves a bad taste in your mouth."
And, you know, the word 'dis-', the prefix...
Prefix, suffix?
How am I for...?
How am I mixing things?
The prefix 'dis-' is inherently bad or whatever,
but you use that same word, or that same prefix,
for a lot of other words but people don't really go against those words, either.
They don't have a problem with using those words and it's just so strange to me.
I thought, OK, maybe they're not as educated on the topic
and haven't listened to a lot of disabled peoples' voices
because they haven't really come across that.
Maybe they heard it from another abled friend or relative of theirs.
OK, cool.
And then, when other disabled people start talking and go,
"Well, we don't really like that word..."
Obviously, not all disabled people feel this way
but a large, like, collective tend to feel the same way, from what I've seen,
and, you know,
the abled person, even if this... a group of disabled people are telling them, yeah,
that's not kind of really how that goes but they'll just be like,
"But that's just not true. I don't think that's true.
I think that you shouldn't be calling yourselves this and that."
And I'm like, OK, it's one thing when, if two disabled people are going at it,
and trying to be, like,
"No, I want to be called this and I want to be called this," and that's just different.
That's two marginalised people from the same marginalised group
trying to have a conversation about how they want to refer to themselves as.
But, when somebody, an able person,
comes into the conversation and really has never experienced that,
and I don't mean because their cousin Susan has that disability - that is not the same thing.
So, when Bobby comes in and starts talking and tries to say,
"Well, even though I have no experience,
although I kinda know it because Susie has this," it's just...
I think, honestly, that's even worse.
That's ten times worse because...
Like, yeah, I'm not gonna tell Cheryl what to call herself as a deaf person.
I'm not going to tell Derek what to call himself as another disabled person.
But, also, Bobby over here shouldn't be telling Cheryl or Derek - I forgot what I called him -
what they should be calling themselves, especially because you don't know their life.
And, as far as the term 'people with disabilities' rather than 'disabled people' thing,
which is also another controversial thing, my feelings are the same.
My feelings are the same.
I don't think I need to repeat myself all over again.
It's just the same thing.
But, yeah, hopefully, that makes a little bit of sense.
Overall, I am happy to say that I am proud, as a deaf and disabled person,
as a disabled person, as a deaf person,
and I will use both interchangeably, unless something is just about deafness,
then I will likely just say 'deaf' because getting into the specifics.
So, I'd like to know your thoughts down below.
If you are a disabled person, a deaf person, what do you refer to yourself as?
How do you feel about...
when certain marginalised groups that fall under the medical term of disability,
how do you feel when they don't really like using the word 'disabled'?
Does that make you feel like, sort of, less than, I guess?
You know, just leave your experiences down below.
And now, before you go, if you haven't, consider being a pledge on Patreon.
It's a great way to support your favorite creators' content.
From me, you get perks like, music playlists, written pieces you won't see anywhere else
and pen pal letters, if you pledge high enough.
And I will see you later. Bye.
Poważne kroki w związku Wojciechowskiej i Kossakowskiego - Duration: 4:41.
협상 - Negotiation [I lose it all] - Duration: 0:27.
I would really like to have a drink with you.
I did not introduce myself.
I'm Min Tae-gu.
Ha Chae-yun.
Are you going to protect me?
I do not even know how to express my gratitude.
I'll have to drink sometime with you.
The best timing advice I ever got (thanks to Benny Greb) - Duration: 3:38.
- The best groove advice I ever got
comes from super drummer Benny Greb,
someone I admire a lot and I was watching him
doing some sort of live lesson on YouTube
and what he basically said was this.
He told me, or at least he told the audience
that was watching the video, including me,
he told us to clap this rhythm (clapping).
And then he told us to count one, two, three, four
over it while clapping this.
And what happened to me is something
that happens to basically everyone
who hasn't practiced doing this.
It starts off fine, but in the second bar
you mess it up around count three.
One, two, three, four, one, two, three.
One, two, three, four, one, two, three.
One, two, three.
Try it if you haven't already.
You'll probably notice I'm right.
That's pretty stupid, isn't it?
And I obviously immediately started practicing this,
and I noticed that the three in the second bar
is the only count that's not combined with a clap
and that's what's throwing you off.
You have to count that three in an open, empty space.
One, two, three, four, one, two three, four.
One, two, three, four, one, two three, four.
What I've heard Benny say multiple times afterwards
is that whenever he is working on a beat
and he feels like it's not quite there yet,
or he's not yet 100% in control of the groove,
in those moments he will always use this trick.
The thing we just did, one, two, three, four
but then with the beat he's working on at that moment.
And I'm going to be honest with you,
I was a bit surprised to hear
that this super, ultra, mega drummer's
ultimate secret weapon was that he counts
one, two, three, four while practicing grooves
but I've found over time that he's completely right.
Being able to keep counting out loud
while playing your grooves and fills
might be the closest thing there is to a secret trick
to becoming a great drummer.
It's a brutally effective way to force you
to connect everything you play to your inner clock,
giving your hits a very tangible place in time
instead of letting one finger just react to another finger.
Now, I want to wrap up this video
by giving you an assignment,
but not before I made sure that you know
that this advice is but one of the many things
that I talk about in my awesome course
about timing and groove over on
It's called Time & Time Again
and it's filled with tips and tricks
and exercises and assignments,
each and every one of them designed
to help you improve your timing and groove.
You'll find all the relevant links below.
And now, let's move on to the assignment.
It's actually more of a mindset if you will.
A mindset that I know is gonna transform
your drumming and your groove.
From now on, whenever you're working on a beat or a fill,
try counting the basic time signature over it
and if you cannot do it, and you get confused
and you start messing up your groove,
you have to stop doing what you're doing,
analyze the groove, analyze how every hit
relates to you counting out loud,
you slow it down and you start practicing
playing while counting
until that's become completely effortless.
And this mindset might cost you
one or two extra practice sessions at first
for everything new that you're playing,
and it might seem frustrating
or like a waste of precious groove, time or something
but trust me, soon you will be much better
and much faster at this until at some point,
this extra connection to your inner clock
will be second nature.
At which point you will be one step closer
to becoming a true groove master.
Alright, see you in the next lesson!
Seeing Mala Rodriguez at Cervantino! Epic Girls' Night Out in Guanajuato, Mexico - Duration: 16:04.
hey guys it is crazy here oh my gosh there's so many people I have never seen it this
crazy I've never seen it this crowded oh my gosh
oh look at all these people
it feels like a giant party in Centro right now and it is not even six o'clock
I can't even imagine what this is gonna look like later it is girls night
Laurie and I are meeting for dinner and a concert we are gonna see Mala
Rodriguez she's a Spanish rapper I am super excited I have no idea how Laurie
and I are gonna find each other in this crowd and in this sea of people oh man I'm
so excited you guys have to come to Guanajuato in October and you probably
should book a hotel room like now
so for those of you don't know Cervantino is a festival that happens every
October in Guanajuato it is just like a month of
art and music and dancing and theater and happiness and joy and excitement and
where are you get over here now!
come over here now!
people always ask what does Guanajuato have to do with Cervantes
because he's not from here Don Quixote is not you know written
about here the reason is that back way back when they used to perform some of
Cervantes' shorter plays in the plazas of Guanajuato and then from there it
just grew and grew and grew and they added more events and they added more of
this and more of that and now it's this massive festival of arts and culture and it
is just blowing my mind
It's Laurie! I think this is the first time like I've ever just had you like full-on
camera there you go look at this sexy woman! Sexy woman!
I got a hot date!
okay so we're going to dinner right? La Metate. Moms know how to do girls night
some margaritas? and then after yes rap Mala Rodriguez oh my gosh there are some times when I'm
just like how is this my life I'm just so happy pretty good it's pretty good oh
I'm wondering how many words we're gonna understand nothing nothing maybe I don't know you never
know you never know like because maybe there will be this song where she
repeats one word and that will be the one word we really know it's like yes oh
my gosh so this is gonna be so much fun I've been looking forward to this since
whenever you told me. I'm glad you're feeling better. yes thank you my voice is still kind of like ... raspy, but
I was worried that I wasn't going to have my mom date
that would just be sad
I would be at home crying right now
guys look at the view!
ohhh man
I cannot tell you how thankful I am
to be here at this moment
oh my gosh
all right, let's go listen to some rap music
thank you for a lovely night. it was lovely
time for sleeping yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh this is later than I'm usually up
all right so signing off bye bye, buenas noches, buenas noches
Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly (Lyrics) Eastern Odyssey Remix - Duration: 3:08.
I can feel you fade away This night is cold in the kingdom
From the kitchen to the bathroom sink and
Your steps keep me awake
Don't cut me down, throw me out
leave me here to waste
I once was a man with dignity and grace
Now I'm slipping through the cracks
of your cold embrace
So please, please
Could you find a way to let me down slowly
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely
If you're leaving baby let me down slowly
Let me down, down, Let me down, down
Let me down, let me down
Down, let me down, down, Let me down
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely
If you're leaving baby let me down slowly
Baby let me down slowly, let me down
Baby let me down slowly, let me down
Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile
As I'm walking down the corridor
And I know we haven't talked in a while
So I'm looking for an open door
Don't cut me down, throw me out
leave me here to waste
I once was a man with dignity and grace
Now I'm slipping through the cracks
of your cold embrace
So please, please
Could you find a way to let me down slowly
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely
If you're leaving baby let me down slowly
Let me down, down, Let me down, down
Let me down, let me down
Down, let me down, down, Let me down
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely
If you're leaving baby let me down slowly
Baby let me down slowly, let me down
Baby let me down slowly, let me down
How I learnt my next 500 words in Russian & Belarusian | Glossika Review - Duration: 9:31.
What's up everybody? Всем привет! Welcome back to another episode of the Tsar
Experience today I'm going to be reviewing Glossika. Cue the intro let's
get into today's video!
So what is Glossika you're probably wondering as I mentioned before it's a
little bit similar to Vocabooster in terms of its styles basically you have a
series of sentences that are chosen to help you in terms of vocabulary and if
they see you need and you listen to a native speaker pronounce those sentences
then you repeat this and through a process of osmosis you get to learn vocabulary
that's it's gonna be space repetition because the same vocabulary it's
gonna come up at critical points for you as you learn it now they have a
subscription system now that you can access is an amazing array of languages I
don't know how many languages they have because they keep just keep adding to
them but they're it's like so many there's like over 100 there and I only
actually tested out fully in Russian they did give me access the Catalan and
Swedish but in the end I didn't end up learning those languages to any great
extent I already really tested it for Russian which of course is really
important for where I actually am because I obviously you can see behind me there's
the Statue of Richelieu in the center of Odessa I'm actually sitting on the
Potemkin steps so let me get into the pros and cons for you about Glossika
and how I found when I was learning Russian so what are the pros and cons of
using Glossika now as I said it's also works in the same principle as
another software program that I'm using for me more for the beginners which was
how I learned my first 500 words in Ukrainian earlier this year which is
Vocabooster they have bilingual sentences the
text that have carefully chosen words that are going to come up in different
intervals depending on how difficult or how useful they should be for you that's
the principle behind it and it allows you to absorb the vocabulary and a lot of
the syntax and grammar based on just reading and inputs you actually don't
have to do that much when you work this is one thing I like about it is that
it's intuitive now another thing to think about is that it has actually got
good intonation and natural pace so even if the audio at times is a
little bit fast the fact that you have the text in front of you allows you to
follow along of course you can always repeat it a second time so I really find
that's useful to hear that natural pace and intonation because in a lot of
courses it's a little bit unnatural to say things too slow but in this it's
really like you're gonna hear in real life like here in Odessa which was one
of the reasons I learnt Russianto be able to speak it in this city
another advantage of course is time utilization because this is something
you can just click on for a few minutes when you have some dead time that's
always great to be able to use your time that you have another huge advantage of
this one is just simply the number of languages like there's so many like it's
crazy how many languages thing out there it's just like anything I think like
you're never gonna run out if you're a big language enthusiast then this is
an amazing resource to use so onto the weaknesses the platform doesn't have
voice recognition so you can't actually compare your pronunciation to that of a
native speaker and that's a little bit of a disadvantage there are other
platforms that compensate for that that will do that for you I'll link it in the
description below my review of say Speechling because that actually does
this also Glossika doesn't ... I know what they're doing is substituting like the
words so for example maybe you see a sentence and it's like then five minutes
later yes sooner what it just changed me with a verb or maybe change the
noun you're substituting in and out that is why intuitively you're able to
understand and learn new vocabulary but at the end of the day there's no real explanation
about what's going on so you know you're gonna have to do a little bit of
googling you know you're gonna notice a trend and that's what I always do I go
to Google say hey there's something fishy there there's something that's
going on so that's something to bear in mind you're gonna have to do extra
work outside like it's not integrated into the platform unfortunately and like
a lot of these language platforms too it's not culturally specific it's kind
of kind of a copy the same structures more or less across all the languages and
in some languages you just need to learn stuff about the country like if here I
am in Ukraine and if you're learning Ukrainian it would be nice to have the stuff
relevant to this country because this is why I'm learning it it's of course to be
here and in particular vocabulary I need here is going to be different to say if
I went to China or France or Italy so that's something to bear in mind with all
of these I haven't seen really too many programs that deal with every day culture
specific stuff unfortunately because that means that they have to go and do a new
course it's just a lot quicker for them to do it if they copy it and keep it
standard across all the languages and they have so many on this platform I guess
that's the reason but it's still a great resource in spite of these negative
points just bear them in mind that's what I say so as I was saying I
originally reviewed Glossika for Russian at the time I had actually spoken it a
little bit I wasn't a beginner I was like intermediate I found Glossika perfect
for that level now I've gone back and looked at it a second time and actually
used it for Belarusian and I started a Belarusian project in Minsk in June this
year and I found it really good actually for beginners as well bear in mind that
I do understand a lot of Belarusian from also having learned Ukrainian and
Russian of course so that helps me a bit so I'm not really sure it's for a
complete beginner but definitely like if you've had a little bit of experience
with language then I can definitely say it also now works so you can actually
subscribe. There's a subscription model and you get access to all these languages and
like where else you're gonna be able to learn Belarusian online it's really
really rare so they have this amazing array of languages for you to choose
from there so I found it really really surprising and great that it's actually
also good for say a high beginner as well as those that intermediate now and
then once you've paid for your subscription you can choose language
after language or really really great the changes they've made about
Belarusian gonna be going back to mints to finish up on this Belarusian project
unfortunate weather was really bad when I went for the 10 days to learn
Belarusian I had three hours of class per day but I'm gonna be going back
there very soon see the weather is amazing I'm sitting here in my balcony
in Odessa just off the main street which is over there Deribasovskaya and it's
October ready and this is the weather we are absolutely stunning hopefully this
time I'll be looking in Minsk and I get to actually film outside
we hang for the complete entire 10 days that I was there that's coming up pretty
soon planning to spend most of November mints
gonna be shooting the travel vlog from there also lots of language related and
travel pertinent advice for you guys looking really for it and giving you a
little bit of a taste for this like to go to Minsk the capital of Belarus so
big question the answer do I actually recommend that you buy Glossika I
think it really depends on whether you are a beginner or if you're an
intermediate or if you're advanced because this is not really a platform
for very beginners like if you don't speak a related language like I tried it
out in Swedish I said for a little bit before I did this review in Russian and
what I found with Swedish is I didn't speak really any similar languages I
know German is a little bit similar but I really found it hard to understand
everything because of that whilst with Catalan I did speak ... I do speak
Spanish and French that was actually a lot easier and I think that's really the
key you need to have at least the basis in the language or speak a related
language like for Russian if you spoke and other Slavic language like they
Serbian, Croatian or Ukrainian of course to probably be fine with using Glossika
straight off but if you are learning a completely new language and you don't
speak a related one it's gonna be tricky so anyways I have it alinked below
in the description go check it out they do obviously have a membership has since
you get access all these languages I just think it's you're pretty good I
found a really useful for my Russian because my Russian was already out of
beginners level like a high beginners so I really got a lot of value out of it
Today is Wednesday [Russian]
Today is Wednesday [Belarusian]
I feel good [Russian] I feel good [Belarusian]
So that is the end of my review of Glossika if you've used it then drop us a message below in
the comment section always great to get your comments it's not just about my
opinion always if you have your own experience then please let everybody
know we're creating a great community of people down in the comment section if
you've enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up and strike the like button and
of course as usual if you're not a subscriber then I guess you're gonna
miss out but yes there is that red subscribe button so give it a squeeze
and become a subscriber and of course you need to whack that notification bell
so just hit it because otherwise you don't get notified of new uploads here on
YouTube of course so much great stuff coming in the next few weeks
especially from here in Odessa in Ukraine some of the other videos have
kind of gone viral in the last few weeks like five reasons never to date a
ukrainian and also its sequel 5 reasons never buy more reasons never adjudicator
Ukrainian and of course my Odessa girls what do they think of foreign guys
Summer 2018 version we have two or three more videos already that we're gonna
film they're gonna really really be interesting for you as in addition to
these review videos and stuff to help you with language if you come here to
Ukraine so with that said it is до свидания до побачення! See you in
the next one ciao ciao!
Cheat Codes & DVBBS - I Love It (Lyrics) Neutral. Remix - Duration: 3:03.
Yeah, I'm always doing that
Do I back away before I get a touch?
Do I feel the need to leave you like it's nothing?
Do I call you when I need some type of loving?
Oh, easy does it, oh yeah, oh yeah
And I'm spending all the money in the budget
And I'm wearing Off-White because I love it
I've been drinking every night because I love it
Oh, easy does it, oh yeah, oh yeah
And I'm spending all the money in the budget
And I'm wearing Off-White because I love it
Well, I've been drinking every night because I love it
Yeah, I'm always doing that, ooh
Do I back away before I get a touch?
Do I feel the need to leave you like it's nothing?
Do I call you when I need some type of loving?
Oh, easy does it, oh yeah, oh yeah
And I'm spending all the money in the budget
And I'm wearing Off-White because I love it
I've been drinking every night because I love it
Oh, easy does it, oh yeah, oh yeah
And I'm spending all the money in the budget
And I'm wearing Off-White because I love it
Well, I've been drinking every night because I love it
Yeah, I'm always doing that
Do I back away before I get a touch?
Do I smoke so much my lungs just might collapse?
Do I push myself until I can't relax?
Cowboys' Amari Cooper: I Was 'Ready for a Change' From Raiders | - Duration: 2:28.
Cowboys' Amari Cooper: I Was 'Ready for a Change' From Raiders |
The newest offensive weapon for the Dallas Cowboys has addressed the media for the first time.
After the Oakland Raiders opted to trade Amari Cooper to the Dallas Cowboys for a first-round pick, Wednesday marked his first practice with the team.
It also marked his first comments on the trade as well.
A key comment was the "fresh start" aspect from what Cooper had to say.
It's obvious that the outlook for the wide receiver with the Raiders wasn't great longterm.
There's no question he's excited to be with the Cowboys, and you can bet Dallas is excited to have him.
Amari Cooper's Outlook With Cowboys.
The key here is the Cowboys' need at wide receiver.
It'll be interesting to see how the situation plays out with Cooper having quite a bit of attention on him.
One positive for the team is that the attention the 24-year-old will draw is going to make everyone else's life a whole lot easier on offense.
Through the first seven games, Cole Beasley has led the team's offense with 350 receiving yards, but no other receiver has more than 200 yards.
Michael Gallup is the next-closest wideout on the roster with 190 yards, followed by Allen Hurns with 158 yards.
READ NEXT: Amari Cooper Fantasy: Value of WR After Trade to Cowboys.
United Methodist Beliefs: Sin - Duration: 1:44.
Occasionally somebody will ask me about what we think about sin
in the United Methodist Church. And I think we have an approach
that's different in the Wesleyan tradition...
what I call the Wesleyan tradition. I prefer to think of
sin as a state in which we are separated from God,
in terms of particularly things that we do or don't do.
When we get up in the morning and we're in relationship
with God, we say, 'God, I gave myself to you this day.'
Then when we're in perfect relationship with God,
then we tend to make decisions that are based out of love━
our love for God and our love for other human beings.
When we're not in good relationship with God, typically
when we're not in a good relationship with ourselves,
and we make decisions that are based more on selfishness
or self-centered concerns. And that's when we live more
in a state of sin. In the Wesleyan tradition, of course,
we always rely upon God's grace as the great antidote
to sin or to separation from God.
Want to learn more about United Methodist beliefs?
Visit find a pastor to talk with
and a church to visit, try Find-A-Church.
3 Reality Transurfing Ideas that Changed My Life (How to Apply Reality Transurfing) - Duration: 17:53.
In this video, I'm going to be sharing with you three reality Transurfing ideas that totally
transformed my life.
Welcome back to another video.
My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.
Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you my personal stories of things that
have changed my life when it comes to reality transfer, a theme, and I think that if you
will apply these three central ideas that you're going to start to see similar results
if you apply them, and let me first off just say and give this video context and say that
if you haven't heard of reality transitioning before, it's a manifestation process or really
Moreso a philosophy for ways that we can see the world and it's something that was written
in Russia by a Russian quantum physicist named the Deem Zealand and it has to do with understanding
and that brings into this understanding of parallel realities.
That there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist.
That it is what it's called, the alternative space.
And there's different variations of that.
Depending upon our intention, our state of being, our beliefs and our focus, and it helps
us really understand more of a perspective when it comes to law of attraction, of how
to let go of the outcome, and how as we are setting intentions, we literally are shifting
ourselves to the parallel realities or to the quote unquote life tracks of what we want
to experience.
Now, first off, the first step to this is just simply setting intentions.
If you set intentions, those will drastically change your life and when you start to do
that, it's like you start to get focused for what direction you're going in, where I was
Sometimes we might feel like we're in a boat that's just kind of stagnating.
When we put up intention, we put up a sale.
When we start to then move powerfully in the direction that we want.
Now there's this other part of reality, trout surfing that has to do with desire.
Normally we think of in the traditional teachings or law of attraction teachings, it's, Oh,
if you have a desire, that's a really good thing because desires, fuel manifestation
That's only true if desire is translated into what is called intention, which is that will
the desire, the expectation to going a certain direction or it's translated into action,
and if it's an action helps dissipate that desire.
So the idea is if I'm here right now, I'm like, oh, I desire to put up my hand and I
just desire it, doesn't do anything, but if I desire it and set an intention to do so,
then guess what?
My hand goes up.
So that's the most easy.
It's when they've used in the book and it's the most easy way to understand it.
Now there's another part of understanding what are called pendulums.
Pendulums are these thoughts, structures that are created that when multiple people are
thinking similar things, these structures create and it creates a momentum of its own.
So the idea is all of our thoughts, I have an electromagnetic type reality and that when
we become aware of this, we can see that a lot of times we think we're having our own
thoughts when in reality we're thinking thoughts of what are called the pendulums.
So this is when we're thinking of and feeding into the news and we're like, oh, this is
good, this is bad, or I'm Republican, I'm a Democrat, or any of those sports teams or
I'll say anything, any of these are really, really bad, but I am saying that many times
we think we're having their own thoughts and we're actually feeding and feeling the energy
of a pendulum.
That's why you may enjoy going to a baseball game moreso than just watch it on tv because
when you're there you absorb into the pendulum itself from an energetic standpoint and you
feel that rush of energy.
However, it's about being aware of the pendulums because then when you become aware of them,
you start to let go of the pool of it.
You start to create your own reality versus kind of unconsciously being a part of everyone
So it's like you almost become the hero of your own movie versus being the cameo and
everyone else's movie because we're just kind of like going through with the pendulums.
So those I would say are the important parts of surfing.
There's another part that has to do with understanding the power of doing what you love and how that
puts you in the highest life track.
It's almost like as you increase your state of being, you start to go more and more favorable
light tracks or you start to create more and more favorable parallel realities that you
want, you want to experience that state of being is so important.
So that's just kind of a general overview.
I know I say that in a lot of videos and kind of explain it, but I think it's really helping
to wire it in, but also in case you haven't seen it now, you know, and it makes this video
make a little bit more sense.
So the first idea that has totally transformed my life and I'll explain to you how is understanding
decreasing the level of importance.
So I have such a go getter attitude.
I'm kind of like a, um, kind of like the Gary Vaynerchuk type mentality.
I'm very much like, I'm gonna do this, I'm going to do this.
You know, I get up every day.
I just got up, I'm creating three videos.
I'm going to edit those videos, I'm going to do all this to do lists and the energy
that I used to do those with was in a way, not a desperation, but it was definitely to
get somewhere else, you know, it was like, oh, you know, now we're at 200,000 subs or
more, but it's like, oh, well now I want to get to more than that.
I want us to grow to 500,000 or a million and it's almost like the energy underneath
what I was doing was making it so important that I was starting to resist it and even
though I was taking a lot of action, it was almost like that action had resistance woven
into it.
So things would happen that would just kind of bump up and I would get reminders every
now and it's like, dude, just chill out.
You know, I would like some things.
You're not getting real frustrated online because I do a lot of stuff on a, on computers
and I get frustrated when my website was it working perfectly.
You know, I've been really just over the last like five months really learning as much as
I can about how to use website and marketing and all of this stuff with emails and it's
like, you know, there's so much to it and I get frustrated if it's taken me so long
to figure something out, you know, and I would always get these reminders like, dude, chill
You know, in the longest time I haven't even seen a movie.
I haven't gotten to a movie theater and watched a movie in like a year until like a couple
of weeks ago.
I watched Black Panther, you know, or the level of importance.
So about how can, I think it's, there's always these balancing factors that come into play.
So if we really, really, really wants something many times, um, potential and that excess
potential, that excess energy has to be back in feeling it.
That's just a part of who you are.
That's what I've done is I see more leveraged actions, leveraged actions I take to work
24 hour shifts.
And so when it comes to the courts and stuff, the mom has so much more power than that even
though the mom is like the way she is, you know, like just the kind of energy she has
and the things that she's done has been completely wrong in the past.
It's like my dad really has to approve that because my dad is like such a nice guy.
So my sister and my dad, I helped them out every now and then and like I'll help drive
her places and stuff like that.
And um, there's like, there's sometimes there's drama that comes along with it and this drama
is stuff that I can almost sometimes get myself caught in too because I feel bad for her because
I went through that.
I went through what she went through and I was like seven to 15 years old, but after
15 I'd never had to deal with it again because she's not my blood.
And my dad divorced her.
So it's like she kind has to deal with because that's her biological mom and it's Kinda,
it's hard for me to see because I want to help her.
Like I want to get involved and try to facilitate it so that it happens easier for her, you
know, because there's all this court stuff that they're dealing with, you know, because
she's not letting her stay at my dad's as much as she wants and stuff.
So it's this complicated thing.
But the reason I'm sharing that with you is because sometimes even me, I find myself getting,
knowing all this information, I can get myself kind of sucked into it.
But now I realize that anytime that happens it's a pendulum.
It's not necessarily my own thoughts.
It's this thought structure that's trying to pull me in to say this is what you have
It's like consuming my attention.
So now I'm Moreso just allow and I just let it be and I know it will work itself out,
but me getting tied up emotionally with it doesn't actually even help the situation.
So the best thing I can do is just remain in my own energy, remained in my own confidence
and be there almost as a way of just like sharing that confidence with them but not
getting sucked into the drama at all.
So because I'm like more not attached now the guest, what it's like.
That energy is very contagious and that helps the situation even though once again and doing
less, I'm not like I have to do this, this, this and this, and it makes it so much easier
because it's like I don't have to get involved, I can more so observe and that's where the
power is.
So I'm aware of those pendulums anytime it starts to trigger me because situations will
happen too where I just feel bad because she has to deal with all of this things.
But at the same time the best thing I can do is just be myself to just offer more of
like the energy of confidence and just like being grounded.
Not letting those things affect me by not letting it affect me.
And guess what?
It doesn't affect them as much either.
They kind of see that as an example, so that's one example.
That's something that I've definitely realized when it comes to these pendulums is that there's
pendulums around any thoughts, structure that's been there and it's kind of like pulling the
energy one way or the other, but what you can do just allow it to be and as you allow
it to be in, you're aware of it.
It no longer sucks you in.
Now, the third one I want to share has to do with money and this has definitely changed
the way I see the whole entire process.
Some of it
kind of honestly, I kind of honestly already knew
a little bit, but it's made me Kinda just see it from a more expanded point of view.
So money in general when it comes to reality surfing, the focus is on that.
Money is not the actual goal.
Like money can't be the goal because money is something that heart doesn't connect to.
The heart doesn't understand that money equals freedom.
Money equals security.
You see the brain does.
The brain goes, oh yeah, the money means I can go do this.
Travel here and do that, but the brain or the heart is more so connected to a feeling
and the most powerful thing you can do is to start to tack money onto your passion.
What are you passionate about?
So instead what I focus on is what I love to do, which is create videos, create content,
help people understand things you know, help people expand their awareness.
And what I do is I focus on what I can do in those aspects.
And guess what?
Because my focus is more on that.
The money comes anyway, so it comes much easier.
Now this is another part of reality transfer surfing.
That's powerful when it comes to money.
If you align your inner intention or not, the okay?
So there's inner intention.
Our intention, our intention is what we traditionally know, like the law of attraction is like taking
What can you do in order to change your life?
Our intention is Moreso how can you let the universe do things with you?
How can you trust in the process?
How can you allow Moreso than try to always control, and that's more so has to do with
It has to do with a couple of other factors as well, but what you can do is in order to
create abundance in your life and more money.
What I've learned, and I'll explain this in a how I found this before I even found out
and transforming, is that if you align with other people's inner intention, you create
abundance for yourself.
Now this is what they're talking about.
The book.
Now, let me give you an example.
I used to work at Barney's New York, which is a sales commission job, so like women's
shoes that were like $1,200 pair of shoes.
I worked there for years while I was going to college and then up until about a year
and a half ago when I quit so I can do youtube full time.
So yeah, August of [inaudible].
Yeah, last year.
So what happened is I would pay attention to my mindset as I would go into work every
day and I can see a direct reflection as to my mindset, my feeling and what I got for
the day or what I experienced for the day as far as financially because I only got paid
There wasn't really an hourly, it was mainly I got paid a certain percentage of everything
I sold.
So if I sold like four or $5,000 worth, which is really the only like five or six pairs
of shoes, that would be like a certain amount of money that probably be like two, 300 bucks
worth of, uh, with the commission and I would focus on that are more so like my goal was
at least making two to 300 a day.
And I would go into work.
And I realized that anytime I went into work, I was focused just on me.
Like how much money can I make?
I wouldn't do as well as if I went into work.
And then started to apply towards people in intention.
Now I didn't notice at the time was called inner intention or any
of that, but I would
links up with possibly your desire to expand your level of awareness or to solve your problems
or to have a more of an expanded point of view that's Moreso linked to your inner intention
because you're most likely not thinking, how can I just give this guy money?
How can I help him improve his life?
Most likely you're thinking of how can you expand your own awareness and because of that
I can align with your intention, help you do that, and the natural side effect of that
is more money coming, so it's about understanding that and that's something that's changed my
So maybe you can ask yourself, what are ways that I can transfer of how I can decrease
importance to license?
If you liked it, subscribe if you haven't already.
Also hit that little notification here next to the subscribe button so
that you could see
the daily videos I do.
Other than that, as always, please much love and not mistaken.
Hey guys!
It's Jana!
And I got a new recipe for you guys
I am making chicken Tetrazzini tonight for dinner
I'm really excited I have made it maybe like a week or two ago
and I did not get to film it but it was so good guys so
I will link the new recipe down below so you can have it too
and you're really gonna love it it has now become one of my hubby's
favorites so super good give it a try
so thank you so much for watching
go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below
let's make this new recipe
alright guys we have dinner ready served mmm smells amazing
you guys are gonna love this recipe
I put the link down below so be sure to print off that recipe
so good
so I hope you guys have a wonderful day
go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below
and I will see you next time
Zostaliśmy eksponatem w muzem sztuki - Duration: 9:37.
Wait what ? That's my line - Duration: 0:35.
I said
are you alright?
man ?
Are you fine?
You don't look so good
should I call someone
Stupid homeless people
8 Reasons to Cruise In A Balcony Cabin. Are They Worth It? - Duration: 8:55.
Hi I'm Gary Bembridge and this is another of my Tips For Travellers. In this video I'm
going to talk about the 8 reasons to choose to cruise in a balcony or veranda
cabin. Please subscribe to my channel and every single week you'll be alerted when
there's a brand new video packed full of travel or cruising tips and advice. I did
a video about inside cabins which caused a huge amount of interest and a lot of
debate. There are people who absolutely love inside cabins and a lot of people, like
me, who actually prefer having a balcony. So I'm going to explore 8 reasons why you
should consider cruising with a balcony. The first reason of course is price, an
inside cabin is the cheapest way to cruise but you'll often find that you
can get a balcony cabin at a great price. Now normally you'll pay up to a 50
percent premium for a balcony cabin over an inside cabin, but there are often
great deals. So one thing to look out for is offers, and you'll find
particularly when cruises first go on sale many cruise lines will offer paying
the price of a lower grade and get an automatic upgrade. This is increasingly
common with the big mega ships where the bulk of cabins are actually ones with
balconies. So what the cruise lines will do is when they launch new itineraries
they'll often offer an upgrade, so you pay the price of a lower cabin grade but
you get a balcony - because the inside cabins are always the easiest cabins for
them to clear because they are the cheapest. So look out for great deals, so
instead of having to pay that 50% or plus premium if you are a person who
likes to plan way in advance and will book your cruise a year or even longer
in advance, take a look for those special offers. So a great reason for cruising in
a balcony cabin is if you can get it for a great price. For me one of the key
reasons for choosing a balcony cabin is the itinerary. So if you're going on a
cruise somewhere that's especially scenic where you're going to have
scenery all the time. So if you're cruising for example to Alaska,
Norwegian fjords or perhaps you going to the Arctic or the Antarctic or
you're going to be transiting the Panama Canal,
these are all itineraries which have phenomenal scenery and you're going to have
scenery all the time, so actually having a balcony is a real plus and will add
an enormous amount to the cruise, because you have scenery
all the time and you're able to step out very quickly on a balcony if you're
passing some beautiful scenery because you know it's there. So I really
recommend if you're going on one of those itineraries to take a look and try
and budget to go in a balcony cabin. It really will make a huge difference to
your cruise if you can find a way of pushing yourself up that little bit
extra and investing in a balcony. If you go on a route which perhaps are very
port intensive and you actually when you're out at sea you are literally out
at sea, you might decide that actually it's not worth investing - but if you're
going to places like Alaska, Norwegian fjords, Arctic, Antarctica, transiting the
Panama Canal you'll absolutely love being in a balcony. Now another great
reason for considering a balcony is if you're going to want to escape from
your kids, your family or your travel companion! What do I mean by this? The
advantage of having a balcony is perhaps if you're traveling with kids and
sharing a cabin, or perhaps you're traveling with a friend or companion who
perhaps likes to sleep in late or likes to get up early, the advantage of having
a balcony is you could perhaps put the kids to bed at night and then you and
your partner can go out on the balcony and just enjoy the sea air while your
kids go to sleep. Or perhaps if you wake up early and you want to have some space
and time, you can just get up quietly go on the balcony and just enjoy being on
the balcony while your companion or partner keeps sleeping. It
gives you a little bit of extra space and quiet if you do need to be in a
cabin with your kids or family or companion or partner but you actually
need some time and space away from them. Another great reason for considering a
balcony is if you feel that you're likely to be claustrophobic or you know
that you're claustrophobic and you don't like the idea of being in a space where
there's no light. Obviously you could look at an ocean view cabin because
you're going to have some natural light but the great advantage of a balcony
cabin is if you are worried that you're going to feel really closed or boxed in
either an inside cabin or even an ocean view cabin, then consider a balcony
because obviously you can step out into the open space and get fresh air. So
it's going to give you a sense of not feeling as trapped. Some people like
balcony cabins, and I'm probably one of those people, because you're more likely to
have natural light. So obviously you have good blackout curtains but
you're more likely to get into a natural rhythm of going to sleep and waking up
with natural light than you are in an inside cabin. If you're worried about
getting seasick it s also a great option because
obviously you can step out to the balcony and get fresh air which
is very good and if feel motion sickness it also enables you to look at
the horizon which is one of the key ways to deal with motion sickness is to get out and
look at the horizon. One of the advantages of a balcony cabin is you can just step out
right there and get the fresh air, you can look at the horizon and it may make
you feel less stressed about getting seasick. So a lot of people who choose
a balcony cabin they choose it for that reason - they feel it's just
something that's going to reassure them if they worry about getting seasick. Now one
of the key things to note is that a balcony cabin often has the same
amount of space as an ocean view cabin, so the actual area inside is the same
size as an ocean view cabin. So the more space is actually the balcony - but you
are going to have a sense of much more space, and I always do find that a
balcony cabin does feel much more spacious to me anyway than an ocean view
cabin. So it does give you a feeling of having more space but bear in mind if you
are looking for more space the balcony is your extra space it's not going to
give you more space normally than an ocean view cabin. If you're really
looking for much more space in your cabin you're going to have to look at the
next level up which are Suites, but you're going to have overall more space but
bear on mind it is the balcony that's the extra space. Now one of the reasons that I give
for choosing a balcony cabin is it gives me the opportunity of having a quiet
space or a bolt-hole if I want it. If you're traveling on a very large ship
with as many thousands of people, finding a quiet space it's not always possible.
The advantage if you have a balcony is it's a place you can retreat to - of
course it does mean that you have to hope that your fellow passengers on
either side of your above you are not noisy balcony people! But the great
advantage of having a balcony is if you just want to find somewhere quiet to sit
in the morning even in the afternoon whenever it is to read a book or
a doze you're going to be able to do that. Your options are often
finding places in the library or one of the public spaces or the pool
which all tend to be a little bit more busy. So the great advantage of a balcony
it can become your own little private space and I've done many cruises
where it's been great just to go to the balcony with a book or read the
newspaper or do the crossword or whatever and it's just your little
quiet bolt-hole space. This is probably more applicable if you're on a
longer cruise or a cruise which has lots of sea days.
If you're on a very port intensive trip you're not likely to need that as much,
but if you're on a longer cruise particular one with lots of sea days you
might find having a balcony becomes a real plus because it's something that
you are more likely to use. If you're traveling in warm climates a balcony
can be a great plus as you have the advantage then of just stepping out to
the balcony, perhaps having breakfast on the balcony as you sail into port or
even in the evenings before you go to bed you can sit out on the balcony
together, have a glass of wine or something to drink and just enjoy the
warm air. It's a really nice space to just escape to in a warm climate but if
you're traveling in colder climates or you're on a transatlantic and it's going
be very stormy and windy you are not likely to really use
a balcony. My next reason is a real out there one, a little bit wacky and a little
bit unusual. But if you've found all of the other reasons have not been strong
enough to justify going in a balcony to your partner or whoever you're traveling
with, try this one. If your ship contracts norovirus, which is always a possibility
of course norovirus doesn't happen as much on cruise ships as people think it does,
but if your ship contracts norovirus and you get the norovirus you're then
required to stay in your cabin. You're isolated in your cabin until the virus
has passed and you're completely free of the virus. Now obviously if you're in a
balcony cabin being required to stay in your cabin is going to give you a little
bit more space and more options, because you're going to be able to go out on the
balcony and enjoy the fresh air and be able to see much more what's going on.
So for example I once got the norovirus and was in an ocean view
cabin with a restricted view and was stuck in that cabin with nothing to
look at - and we were passing through the beautiful Norwegian fjords. If I had been
in a balcony cabin I'd have been able to go out on the balcony and at least get a bit more of
the scenery. Now is that a great reason for choosing a balcony: preparing in case you
get the norovirus and are stuck in your cabin - probably not! But it's certainly a
little bit of an out there reason. That's eight reasons why a balcony cabin could be a
great option for cruising. I love cruising in a balcony cabin and that
will always be my first choice. I really love cruising in a balcony cabin. If you
found that helpful I'd love it if you watch many more of my Tips For Travellers
videos and you'll get much more inspiration, tips and advice.
Robin van Persie set to retire at end of Dutch season - Duration: 3:50.
Veteran Dutch forward Robin van Persie expects to retire at the end of the season
The 35-year-old is currently back at Feyenoord, the club with whom he came through the youth ranks before moving to Arsenal in 2004
Van Persie went on to win the FA Cup with the Gunners before leaving to join Manchester United
He then helped fire Sir Alex Ferguson's team to the 2012–13 Premier League title
With 50 goals across 102 appearances for Holland, Van Persie was part of the Oranje side who reached the 2010 World Cup final, losing to Spain, and he also captained the squad which finished third four years later
Van Persie moved from Old Trafford to Fenerbahce in Turkey in July 2015 before returning to his homeland in January and helping Feyenoord win the KNVB Cup
In an interview with Dutch media outlet AD, Van Persie confirmed his intention to make the current campaign his last as a player
"When do I have to stop? That is normally at the end of this season," Van Persie said
"I will be (turning) 36 years old, have been a professional for 18 years and from the age of five, I've only been involved in football
" Van Persie felt he had "lost the fun" while in Turkey, but hopes to enjoy his swansong back at De Kuip
"I also do not see that my return to Feyenoord is only successful if we take the national (Eredivisie) title," the forward said
"When it is successful? That is actually it. "If you look at the whole picture
I had lost the fun (when at Fenerbahce). That is not how I wanted to end (my career), without pleasure
" Van Persie continued: "That pleasure has returned (now I am) at Feyenoord. I want to win as a football player
"The cup win was nice, but not the measurement of being successful or not. I wanted to give something back, to share my experiences
"I try to help my fellow players. I see it broader than just lifting a trophy or not
That is the goal, and that is what the club management also says. "But whether or not we take another prize is not decisive for me in terms of whether my return is successful or not
" Do YOU want to write for GiveMeSport? Get started today by signing-up and submitting an article HERE: https://www
How to lighten Your Private Areas in just 4 Days - Duration: 4:15.
if having an even skin tone is right now your main concern this video may be of
your interest when it comes to our pubic area
well it's private and personal and can be embarrassing to talk about but let's
be honest we all have one down there so we might as well share our knowledge and
help each other out while you can easily ignore it during the winter when you are
all covered up in layers of clothes but the summer is a completely different
story especially for women I mean we all know the importance of the bikini zone
don't we now before I share with you the home remedies to lighten up the dark
skin around your private parts it's important to exfoliate the area number
one use papaya soap papaya soap is natural and using it regularly will help
to lighten the skin use it at least twice a day once in the morning and once
at night until you see results keep your skin moisturized because it can dry out
your skin you can also mash up a chunk of ripe papaya and apply a big dollop on
the areas leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash it off in a couple of weeks
time you should see significant lightening number two use a lemon juice
and yogurt mix mix juice from 1/4 lemon into a tablespoon of yogurt and apply to
the area it acts as a mild bleaching solution that will safely lighten it
apply aloe vera gel afterwards to keep your skin moist and hydrated don't do
this treatment immediately after shaving however as it could irritate it number 3
apply almond paste Sok several almonds for 24 hours then
slide the skins off and add a couple drops of milk to make a paste put on the
bikini areas and leave on for an hour then wash off with warm water if used
regularly it works as a mild Lightner and also exfoliates and softens the skin
number four use buttermilk using a cotton ball apply buttermilk over the
area you want to treat wait 15 minutes and then rinse it buttermilk lightens
the skin because it contains lactic acid the effect it has on the skin is similar
to lemon juice and it exfoliates the skin this removes the affected areas
making the skin lighter number five orange juice and turmeric for years
Indian women have benefited from the incredible power of turmeric powder
because it effectively lightens skin oranges like lemons contain natural
bleaching agents turmeric stains fabric so be careful it doesn't fall on your
favorite clothing combine two tablespoons of orange juice and a pinch
of turmeric apply two pubic area daily and leave on for 20 minutes then wash it
off thank you for watching we are eager to see your reviews and comments section
if you find the video is helpful give it a thumbs up and share it with your
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Raiders' Jon Gruden: I'll 'Never Say Never' About a Trade Again | - Duration: 4:34.
Raiders' Jon Gruden: I'll 'Never Say Never' About a Trade Again |
Jon Gruden is feeling the heat after trading two players expected to be key members of the Oakland Raiders' future.
But the issue isn't so much about the decision to trade Khalil Mack and Amari Cooper, it's more about how the situations were handled.
In both instances, Gruden had spent time prior to the deals making it known he wasn't trading either player.
In fact, the Raiders coach had vowed that both Mack and Cooper were big parts of the plan in both the short and long-term at various points.
These comments, followed by decisions to move them, have led the fanbase and most of the media failing to believe that Gruden is truly done dealing.
But as Michael Gehlken of the Las Vegas Review-Journal revealed, he's aware that people aren't big on how he handled the Cooper trade.
In turn, he stated he'll "never say 'never' again.".
"I didn't see us making a trade the other day," Gruden said.
"I really didn't.
Sometimes, your plans change, whether you like it or not.
You don't know who is calling or what they're going to say.
You really don't.
That goes in all phases of life.
… I don't see us making any more trades, but I'll never say 'never' again to anybody.
If I said 'never' to you, I'm sorry.
I don't think I did.".
Derek Carr's Outlook.
It's safe to assume part of Gruden's post-Cooper trade comments have to do with Derek Carr.
There has been swirling speculation that the 27-year-old will be moved either this year or in the 2019 offseason.
He's had a hit-or-miss start to the season, but it's tough to envision the Raiders being a far better team with a rookie next season over Carr.
Gruden commented on Carr (sort of) in the same story to Gehlken.
"I don't see us making any more trades.
Certainly, I don't see us trading our quarterback.".
The decision to state the unlikeliness Gruden trades "our quarterback" doesn't make anyone feel better.
At least he didn't say it wasn't happening at all.
If that were the case and a trade wound up happening, a lot of people may be quick to turn on the Raiders coach during his first year of a 10-year deal.
READ NEXT: Raiders' Jon Gruden Addresses Possible Trade of Derek Carr.
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Phận đời cụ bà 85 tuổi bán tăm bông mưu sinh bên vỉa hè Sài Gòn - Duration: 18:07.
Sabrina Sato mostra preparativos para receber Zoe e avisa: ''Ela pode chegar a qualquer momento'' - Duration: 1:29.
Henri Castelli revela achar Anitta linda e manda recado: ''Estou solteiro!'' - Duration: 1:35.
5 Mejores y 5 Peores Reemplazos De Henry Cavill Como Superman - Duration: 5:48.
Are Disney Princesses AFRAID OF CLOWNS? Ask The Disneyland Princesses - Duration: 16:15.
I'm falling okay
I love it I love it
yo know headless horseman you scared of clowns I guess the thought of it is it
scare you get chased by trees and most people aren't exactly communicate to the
clowns yeah talk to them and ask if they are friendly you don't speak any fifth
anniversary of Nightmare Before Christmas is everywhere it's everywhere
this is $60 60 bucks look at this t-shirt 25 years of rights 25 years can
you believe it remember seeing it for the first time
little snow will snow cap full what you doing Sally who who what to do
it I can't think of anybody else other than Jack the pumpkin king himself about
asking about clowns now I know clowns are not gonna scare him because he's the
pumpkin king but I've been practicing on my clown laughs so I'm gonna ask him
look at you listen last time I met you everybody out there loved our
interaction we've people we have good chemistry well look at it was beyond
anything you can possibly ever imagine beyond the grave even the a/c you know
curiosity killed a cat you know oh my goodness and that cat is it Halloween
exactly so I'm masculine I'm going on as for the
businesses queens and fairies about clowns people who were scared of clowns
and I like clowns I'm assuming well there's lots of them in Halloweentown
yeah yeah yeah yeah yes I'm prepared for Halloween you wanna give me a like if
you like it or not all right a little oh goody seven practice that's
a good it was actually very good I scared that the king the pumpkin King
well you gave me a bit of a jump okay was really working on it though if
you will be terrified by Halloween I have no debt no everybody else there if
you love I love fantasy into the fairy tales
Queensberry what if you will of anything fantasy listen if you want to be a part
of this family please check out the vlogs if you like what you see press the
subscribe button down below present please present we watch your
party PCs family today thank you so much now on with the vlog
I'm not afraid of anything except charging rhino
oh yes bill mama cub a mama cub well yes D because like they they will they'll
take you down and maybe protect EP you won't want to take a picture of the
charges gonna be hot so I make climb trees and you can get up a tree if you
say to my shoulders I can boost you off you know I'm gonna do stood on this soft
looking show no family how are you how are you doing today I'm at Disneyland
dc-8 dc-8 Disneyland if I wasn't at Disneyland where would I be
like the one before it goes up Baker with the brain today is my final day
here at Disneyland before Halloween time disappears until next year and I have a
question because I have always been scared of clown for Aurora I have to go
through her castle have to go through castle you probably can't see me right
now it's very dark it's very gloomy no joke
this is so beautiful if you come to Disneyland
and don't go through Sleeping Beauty's castle
it's just full of beautiful moments that we all
whatever you wear it was this morning I'm glad you like well don't let my
fairy see you you lights to make everything paint that's true my dress
better when it's pink or blue I like pink you do like paint right well I'm
not just saying that because you're here right now
matches my castle for the most are there to just inky I'm the blue news that's
what I know yeah so Halloween's coming on you know the little spooky stuff
happening I'm asking participants in fairies about clowns a clear cause class
I'm afraid of clowns you know clowns I do funny though I
gotta tell you I've seen like five six princesses the Osseo they're all funny
oh really I have a problem you know these jokes in
that gave me the dome so spider-man do you think clowns are scary he's not here
I'm just pretending I'm just pretending okay
he's not here yet so I mean the Green Goblin he's he's like a clown music
music a clown the lizard he's kind of all he's not a clown he's a
lizard but you know there's a lot of clubs Joker have a joke oh wait Joker Oh
such an inside joke ER that's not your universe that is not your universe are
you scared of clowns everybody out there's a scared of cause I'm gonna you
know Polly don't clown so I'm not quite sure you know they like a court jester
exactly the dress up a mask or no mask makeup and crazy hair they scare you at
all you say yes well sure maybe sometimes sometimes okay good good just
think of you otherwise it would have been a bust today because all the
pictures like know we love clowns like well I think they're mostly whimsical
they're whimsical very whimsical you know they give candy out beautiful I
mean don't squeeze the noses oh I think about how
this time - nor
this is where Oswald stood for many many years he's retired
Biron say that you like parties I know you like are you afraid of clowns clowns
thing you know you cut off my makeup and scary like me but honestly do we knew
and I came around that corner there about the clown you you would know
obviously we're trying to scare me I went scurrying but I think that's not
the colors were probably Franklin wonderful memories we had here at
Halloween time Disneyland 2018 I'm gonna miss it I'm gonna miss it I didn't get
any really I didn't put any Prince's Queens fairies that had a a fear of
clowns maybe it's just me I want to know I mean do you you guys have a fear of
clowns let me know down below in the comment section
me if clowns scare you I want to know maybe it just is an international thing
this is usually where I would end the video but I want to have a heart to
heart so if you want to listen stay tuned if you want to take off that's
good too it's been a while since I sat down and actually had a heart-to-heart
with all of you out there that are watching my videos I want to be honest
with you some thing I want to be very transparent transparency is very
important to me while making these videos because that's what it's all
about if I was being fake if I wasn't telling you everything how I was feeling
during the process of making these videos I feel like it would be fake I
feel like you guys would see through it so I want to be open I want to be
transparent I'm not gonna edit this thing this is gonna be straightforward
okay straightforward let me be honest the past couple of months the views on
my channel here on the Eric peter karlsson the epc family disney channel
they have been down really down I mean extremely down now subscribers have gone
up that that's that's that's good news you know subscribers it's always great
to have new subscribers new epc family members but the views on the videos have
gone down drastically now a lot has to do with YouTube YouTube is constantly
changing but I gotta be honest with you I've been discouraged in the past month
past two months on how little the views on the videos are getting because it
just bothers me it feels like people aren't enjoying what I'm putting up
regardless of you know how much effort I put into it you know the effort that I
put into the videos really doesn't matter much to all of you I mean what
you guys want is just entertainment what you guys want is just content you don't
want to know the behind-the-scenes of like oh wow you know the views aren't
good and so forth you don't want to know how hard it is to make these videos
that's not the point you know you don't watch television you don't want your
favorite television show and you don't see the actors of the
directors of the writers complaining about
oh people aren't watching my television show but I gotta be honestly deep down
inside I really feel sad that the views have been down and I can't hide it any
longer I mean if you follow me on Twitter and Instagram maybe you picked
up on my my discouragement maybe you've seen couple of my posts I don't know
what it's about I don't know why many aren't watching the videos like they
used to it's it's really strange even though
that the subscribers go up but then I had a couple weeks to think about it I
had a couple weeks to think about it you know let it you know stew in my head and
to be honest with you I've come to the conclusion that I'm just going to make
the videos I'm gonna make the videos that I want to make that are fun for me
I want to take you along with me I want to show you everything that I'm going
through here at Disney or other theme parks or in my life listen I'm taking
you on the journey of me making my movie that's always been the point of this
channel and I can't let views numbers discourage me
as much as it's hard it's very hard to not pay attention to it but all I want
to do is share my experiences with you that's it that's so important and that's
why I started this before before I even had a hundred subscribed before I had
fifty subscribers that's why I started this channel is hopefully I was hoping
that maybe one two five ten 15 20 people out there in the world would enjoy the
content that I am making and you know I think I gotta go back to that mindset I
gotta go back to that mindset regardless of the algorithm of YouTube
for whatever reason why maybe YouTube's not pushing my videos out as they as
much they used to I don't know why but I want to get back back on track I want to
get my mind focused on making content that I want to make and hopefully
hopefully you enjoy watching because if I try to make content that pleases
everybody so I can get more views I probably won't be happy you probably
won't be happy and you'll see through it so I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm
doing I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing I'm
gonna share what I feel is entertaining is fun I want to take you along like
friends and try not to worry so much but I just wanted to open up and tell you
that it has hit me pretty hard in the past couple months curious why the
numbers have been down but I'm gonna try not to pay attention to it and just take
you along on these magical journeys showing you all the Wonder and and
whimsy that's happening here at the parks introducing you to some of my
favorite favorite characters like like Rapunzel and and an Ariel and asking
them questions that we all love I'm gonna stay focused on that I'm really
gonna stay focused on that because it's it's there's no other way you can't make
a youtube channel trying to please everybody and trying to you know figure
out why people aren't watching you're just you just got to make the content
that you wanted to make when you first started so I want to thank you all all
of you out there right now watching this particular video thank you so much for
watching I appreciate it I hope you enjoy the other content and thanks for
coming along with me on these journeys there's gonna be so much more ahead okay
Hi-Res Audio - How To Listen to High Resolution Audio – HyperX Gaming - Duration: 2:14.
At HyperX we're constantly pushing the envelope
to bring you the latest and greatest technological advances.
Hi-Res Audio is a standard of lossless audio capable of reproducing a fuller range of sound
from recordings that have been mastered at a level beyond CD-quality sources.
In simpler terms, High Resolution Audio is closer to the original studio recording and
takes advantage of a wider portion of the audio spectrum.
HyperX is excited to deliver this technology to gamers.
CD-quality audio is encoded at a bit depth of 16-bits and a sample rate of 44.1kHz.
The most popular digital formats, such as MP3 and AAC, compress files down even further.
While these audio formats sound pretty good, high-res audio goes a step further,
encoding audio at 24-bits and 96kHz to add a level of clarity and detail that was previously missing
Let's take a look at this waveform.
Visually, this is how a sound would appear if we heard it raw, uncompressed and unedited.
Here's a representation of how that waveform would be reproduced for CDs at a bit depth
of 16-bits and a sample rate of 44.1kHz.
You can see some of the detail in the curves gets lost in the samples.
This is a pretty good attempt, but let's see what that waveform looks like,
When we take it up to Hi-Res.
As you can see, Hi-Res audio's greater 24-bit depth and higher 96kHz sample rate
allow for a wider dynamic range and better frequency response,
which more faithfully recreate the original waveform.
Nuances like the timbre and textures of sounds that would normally get lost are captured
in Hi-Res audio, providing greater clarity and a more satisfying listening experience.
In order to experience High-Resolution audio, you'll need to make sure that you have all
the required Hi-Res components; content, a playback device, and an output device.
Typically, these audio formats are Hi-Res versions of FLAC, WAV, AIFF, DSD, or ALAC files.
You'll also need a playback device that can process the content.
Finally, you'll need an output device that can handle Hi-Res formats, such as headphones
or speakers that have been certified to output sound at frequencies up to 40kHz.
Be on the lookout for HyperX products that sport the Hi-Res Audio logo to get cutting-edge
audio technology combined with that signature HyperX quality you've come to know and love.
A Fazenda: Evandro Santo é "venenoso" ao debochar de Luane Dias ao compará-la com Catia Paganote - Duration: 4:33.
Carla Perez faz tocante homenagem para pais camelôs: ''Muita dignidade'' - Duration: 1:44.
Zostaliśmy eksponatem w muzem sztuki - Duration: 9:37.
Stronghold Halloween Update: Sir William's Revenge (2018) - Duration: 3:49.
Come Downstairs
What the freak
That's not supposed to be on
Am I in Stronghold Crusader 2?
Is that chopping wood and stone
Are those peasants? No wait, those are skeletons!
Geezy Louise, this place really needs a clean-up
Wait a minute, are those cobwebs?
This place is really going into the Halloween spirit
Oh boy, I better get out of here
Things are getting hairy
Hello! Hello! Somebody get me out of here!
Hello? Is anyone there? Somebody get me out of here!
Nick? Aaron, over here, I'm stuck in the game, help me,
I'm stuck in Stronghold Crusader 2
You got to try something, hit Space bar, control, delete, do something!
How the hell did you end up in there?
I'm gonna die, there is burning oil and people on fire, help me!
Control, delete, do something! You got to get me out of here, I'm gonna die!
Help, what are you doing?
Stronghold Crusader 2 Halloween Update
Featuring Green Fire
Creepy Cobwebs
& Spooky Skeletons
Halloween Update Now Live Also on Stronghold 2: Steam Edition and Stronghold: Legends
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