we've learned so much about the black pill ideology
telling young men then they'll never get the things they want in life and that
they have no hope because of how they look
fortunately we here on board this starship have had the opportunity to
help a lot of young men who are strapping that mindset to free
themselves from that mindset so go out and get the things they want in life to
get girlfriends to get good jobs to get success to get everything they want I
love it that's why you do this that's why we all
do this that's why we work together I love you all we have an awesome
community here but today we're learning about something a little different than
the black pill today we're learning about the pink pill our slashed roof em
cells the subreddit for fem cells which are female in cells the pink pill is
also very very sad to think about but we're gonna do today is we're gonna
shoot out some positive vibes some positive energy and hopefully we can
help some of these young ladies who are so troubled by this pink pill way of
thinking give me that intro welcome back starship lockjaw baby we go live every
night 8 p.m. central where the cat memes every day today's memes feature a ugly
Duchess in kiddin let's check it out baby shout out so Israelite Barbie for
making this meme there's someone for everyone just be yourself
you'll find a nice guy to settle down with that's the blue pill way of
thinking and now you'll see that all of these you can flip them around and say
the blue pill guy way of thinking would be there's someone for everyone
just be yourself you'll find a nice guy to settle down with a lot of the in
cells get upset about that because they say if I am myself no one's gonna love
me no one's going to accept me and I beg to differ I mean there will be someone
but there's a good chance you'll never even find them because there's a lot of
people out there that's why I always suggest improving yourself but we'll
talk about that later let's keep going let's keep going here red pill be skinny
be submissive wear makeup and do your nails have a feminine personality pick
up feminine hobbies the right guy will see you as wife material
huh Wow red pill red pill way of thinking for the ladies interesting huh
yeah I mean look this is fascinating how it just it's the exact like match for
the because if this was the male red pill it would say be aesthetic be
dominant be alpha right we're have good hairstyles things like that we're nice
clothes do your whatever have a masculine personality do masculine
things the right girl will see you as husband material
see this is fascinating and then pink pill is it's over now that's what we
don't want baby that's what we don't want it's not over I went on a website
earlier and it was the 4chan but it was for as the girls version of 4chan the
ladies version of 4chan and uh they're not really mean and twisted on they're
like man it just made me it touches my heart dude it touches my heart
come on let's work some magic together let's work some magic what we're gonna
do next is we're going to go in Cell wiki and we're gonna learn about femme
sells what they say femme sells are a femme sell is an in celibate and
voluntarily celibate or voluntarily celibate a female the antonym a femme
sell is a Manziel man sell yeah man sell let's pull that up a man sell is a male
who is on the in seldom spectrum and seldom spectrum this this rabbit hole
goes deep you guys it goes deep the term is used in order to distinguish man
sales from femme sells trans sells and enter cells into her cells baby I didn't
know we had enter cells we're kind of to split this up into different videos and
inter-cell is an intersex person who is experiencing the state of insult them
yeah we're gonna have to work in a dive into all of this we're gonna dive into
all of it but let's go back here by the way let me let me let me show for a
second here some of you are saying that you would be interested in the not and
in sell shirts I think that's kind of over the edge but some of you all really
want them if you do let me know in the comments or if instead you would rather
have the certified Stacy shirts some of you ladies want those we can do that you
let me know which ones you want in the comments and and we'll make it happen it
is generally accepted that involuntarily celibate women don't exist with the
exception of women that have medical issues terminal illness or if she lives
in a relationship where the man's the one who doesn't want to get in their
guts or is in the country with arranged marriages however with insell bein women
it's a different story since some of these insell bein women tend to live in
conservative deep red states who can't find any
other lesbians anywhere within their vicinity and if they do the others are
in the closet so they're out of reach I've never even thought about that yeah
that would be difficult for him if she was looking for another lady and she
couldn't find one because she lived in a state like that same thing for guys who
are be looking for another guy right if they're and they're in an area that's
why a lot of times like the berry you live in can have a big effect on whether
or not you find someone that matches who you are and what you want yeah I do I
feel so much sympathy for the UH who live in areas where where there aren't a
lot of them around yeah this is freaking sad today dude the number of female
celibates is roughly similar to the number of male involuntary celibates but
the female involuntary celibate is voluntarily celibate because she is an
alpha widow alpha Widow she has celibate because she wants to got to a a booty
call from Jeremy Meeks you guys know who Jeremy Meeks is he's this guy that
ex-con that the ladies just loved they loved how he looked baby
so now apparently she rejects all lesser males in hopes that one day she will get
a second call from Jeremy Meeks the male involuntary celibate is well his kid all
got his v card and if he ever did get in the guts he got the dread the dregs
while the female involuntarily celibates got the cream dude who wrote this pound
it for cream you guys like cream let me know in the comments and thumbs up the
video if you like cream thumbs up the video if you're into cream I don't like
that pronounce the R hard I don't like to go cream I like to say cream like you
see Ellen cream that's pretty Keaney some synonyms for
the femme sell a F chick crazy cat lady dried fish woman alright yeah this is a
wish we should have known better than to come to the Insel wiki to read about the
femme self now femme cells are pretty cool man they're pretty cool there are
okay in seldom spectrum that's right they have their own spectrum this is
fascinating stuff the in seldom spectrum is a subscale for those who measure a 1
to 3 on the decile scale it is a scale wherein one can measure how deeply one
is submerged with the condition of in seldom the person who is most deeply
submerged is the true self someone who has never even touched
someone of the opposite gender never mind
dated okay let's check out the dis i'll scale here this is the dis i'll scale
now we'll see we'll save that Fritz on the
video yeah well I'll do a whole video on the dis I'll scale it'll be good the
least submerged is the near cell who carries many characteristics of in
seldom yet has some degree of normalcy might have dated a few times but seems
to regularly go through lengthy dry spells the median in between these two
extremes is the in cell yeah what will do this another time at the 1 to the 10
something else about the 1 to 10 that I actually talked with one of you today
about was that it's subjective it's always subjective because some guys who
would be considered a 10 there will always be certain certain girls who
would say I don't like that guy he's not he's not my type because everyone has
their type that they like now in the eyes of society as a whole he can say oh
yeah he's a 10 she's a 10 whatever but anyways we'll talk about that crap later
oh hey they got st. blackops2 and I'll see you guys tonight on the livestream
every night 8 p.m. Central Oh
For more infomation >> Femcels: What is Pink Pill? | Black Pilled Ideology - r/femcels - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
$185 Million for Our Oceans: A New Partnership between OceanX and Bloomberg Philanthropies - Duration: 3:03.
It's important to explore the ocean because it's more than twice the size of the world that we know.
It's so essential to our weather, to our health.
Three billion people depend on the oceans for their food and livelihoods.
That's why we're on a shared mission to explore the ocean and bring it back to the world.
Over the next several years, Bloomberg Philanthropies and OceanX
will be working together on new initiatives around the world.
Mike and I saw a great opportunity to explore the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts,
which together make up the first US marine national monument in the Atlantic.
And we saw that as a way of kicking off our partnership.
Off the coast of the northeastern United States, carved out of the continental shelf,
these massive underwater canyons contain large, diverse ecosystems...
each one brimming with scientific discoveries,
including species previously unknown to science.
The OceanX-Bloomberg mission documented new patterns of species diversity.
They'll play an important role in our strategies to educate and inspire people
to protect these spectacular and critical ecosystems.
This kind of work to document, preserve, and safeguard marine environments
has never been more crucial.
Our oceans are being damaged by pollution, oil and gas exploration,
destructive fishing practices, and increasingly, climate change.
All of which are killing these habitats before we've even had the time to appreciate what's at stake.
Our oceans hold the answers to so many of our most pressing questions,
yet less than five percent of them have been explored.
They're a finite resource.
So we need to do whatever we can to stop the impacts of climate change
and defend against urgent ocean threats to ensure they don't vanish forever.
By starting in our own backyard, we hope to inspire Americans and others around the world
as they conserve their own national waters.
I'm thrilled to be on this shared mission to explore the ocean
and then to bring it back so that everbody can see it.
That's why Ray and I are glad to be committing over 185 million dollars over the next four years
to explore critical marine areas, share their stories with the world,
and work with partners to protect ocean resources around the globe.
Everybody should see this and get excited about the ocean.
And then I think if we do, we're going to love it a lot more and take better care of it.
Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.
Salmos | SALMO 46 - "Deus, Refúgio e Fortaleza" - Duration: 1:43.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 1:08.
Aos 38 anos, Geovanna Tominaga anuncia primeira gravidez e comemora ao lado do marido - Duration: 1:56.
A Fazenda 10: Leo Stronda surpreende e diz que aceita ir para roça por causa de Luane Dias - Duration: 4:34.
The diabolical car of hot wheels that you possibly have in your collection | Special Halloween 2018 - Duration: 10:16.
Anúncio da vitória de Jair Bolsonaro presidente do Brasil na Globo (28/10/2018) - Duration: 21:36.
Fábio & Nuno 71 The Terrible Email (EN.ES) - Duration: 14:51.
I already have that tariff! Thanks for asking!
- Oh, it looks like "Tom Cruise" is awake! - He just woke up!...
- Look, dinner's ready... Papoila & Jorge are having sort of a fighting, so they'll be easy on us...
- Oh, thank you for warning me... I ended up falling asleep here... - Who woke you up, then?
- I got a text... - Oh, I see... Nuno! - No...
No, it wasn't from Nuno, unfortunately... It was from the mobile company asking if I wanna change my tariff... I woke of for nothing!
- Yeah, it happens...
- What's wrong?
- Oh, Mariana... I don't know... I don't get any news from Nuno for a while now...
- For how long?
- Since this morning...
- Wow! What a scandal!... Well, come on: Let's go to the living room. Leo & Paula are there.
- But, will Leo have dinner here, too? - Yes.
- André & Rute are not home, are they? - They're not. They're enjoying each other!
- You're kidding! Seriously? We're really good, you know? Actually, we're genius!
Oh, if you could only know how much I envy their relationship... - Stop being lame... You're just hungry! That's it! Let's go!
- I'm really enjoying the rehearsals for the play! - Me too! - We'll have another one tomorrow! I just hope we can get all the sponsors we need.
- That play is about what? - You'll see then...
- Yes?... Oh, the dinner? Yes, it's good! Very good! - Oh, sure... Very good...
- Isn't André coming to have dinner? - Perhaps not... - Why?
- Because today, me & Fábio made magic in his life!...
- Where's the damn perfume? - Fábio, it's where you left it! - Do you know where it is, André?
- Fábio, I can hardly think... I'm more dead than alive... Don't be so noisy! - I'm not being noisy. - You're not being careful, neither...
- Look: am I the one to blame due to the fact that yesterday you got home really late? - Actually, yes! And thank you, for what you & Mariana have done!
But I'm really sleepy now... - Then, sleep! - That's what I'd be doing, if you let me!
- Oh, André! Alright, then: I'm sorry! But, what can I do? I'm like this today! I'm in a bad mood!
- Seriously? I wouldn't tell! So, what's going on with you?
- Oh, pal... It's Nuno! Last night he didn't call me, as he use to do... - So?...
- "So" nothing, André! He always calls me! It's not normal! He didn't text me nor replied to my calls! - Did you try to call him! - Sure, André!
- He's so far away... Perhaps it was some networking problem...
- Do you think so? Yeah, maybe that's true... But, what do I do, now? Will I stay like this? Without talking to him?
- Look, first of all, stop being so dramatic! It doesn't suits you... Have you tried to send him an email?
- Good idea! Good idea! André, you've never been so useful in your whole life!
Look where the perfume was?
He sent me an email!
- What's wrong? - Nuno...
- Is he alright? - I don't know... - Fábio, just speak!
- Nuno sent me an email saying that he won't be with his mobile phone... And he won't have another number to give me, for me to call him...
- So?...
- And... He's gonna be without internet for a while... And he can't tell me the reason why.
- Seriously? - Do you think I'd make a joke about this?... André, me and Nuno won't be able to talk for days...
- Yeah, that's upsetting...
- "Upsetting"? "Upsetting"?... André, you're not understanding!!! - It looks like I'm not. But, by looking at your face, it seems like he was hit by a truck!
- He's... He's dumping me, André! - Oh, no he's not...
- André, I guess... I guess...
I guess that he's breaking up with me.
- You're overreacting, Fábio! - No, I'm not. I know exactly what I'm saying, André! By his tone, it can only be that! - It's an email! How can you be sure about his tone?
- Yeah... If it wasn't that, I wouldn't be feeling this big tightness in my throat! I've never felt like this! Damn it!
- Good morning, boys... - Hello... Did you hear anything of what we've said? - No... Was I supposed to?... Where you guys talking about me?
- Forget it, Papoila... - Oh, you guys have been acting so weird... - No! It's just your impression...
- Sure! It's just my impression! Who am I to contradict you? I'm be back soon...
- And you should give him some days, before making all those "movies" on your mind! He warned you, right? - Sure: He warned me before he hit me with the fatal blow!
Are you alright, Paulinha? - No! If João Pedro doesn't contact me until the end of the day, we'll be officially separated!
- Let's grab the breakfast? - Yes...
- We'll have a rehearsal this afternoon.
- That's right... - That's the last thing I need...
I'll have to look at him, anyway! Even if I don't want to... - Oh, Paulinha! I totally forgot about this: João Pedro was here yesterday, looking for you!
- Really? - Yes.
- I can tell that you guys made peace. - Yes... We had a talk and João Pedro admitted that he was a fool...
- He was an asshole!
- So... Will you behave, now? - I don't have any choice!
- Are we all here? - Yes, tell us! - Alex is still missing. He must be late... - Ok, I'm gonna start telling you guys the news:
Well, today I found out what's going to be the next GTC show.
- Seriously? - Yeah... From what I understood, they're preparing a robbery on the beach...
- A robbery? - Calm down, Simara! Listen... - More or less. I guess they wanna give back the things they'll take.
But, basically, the message which they wanna make people conscious of, is for the robbery risk at the beach. - Excuse me, but robbery is robbery! - Sure!
- Yes, but if you guys think a little bit, you'll see that we'll do exactly the same. - Rui, I'm not gonna steal anybody!
- It's not that. Didn't we agree to make a show similar to theirs? To catch them? So, we'll be "stealing" their idea!
- But, how will we do that? - Yeah, that's what we need to decide now, gang!...
A Few Days Later
- Come on, Fábio: Stop your tantrum! You've been like that for days!
- I'd like to see if you were on my shoes! - That talk again? Can't you just surpass that? - Oh, André!...
It's easy to say! Damn it! My life is a chaos, after I received that stupid email! That's the truth!
- You're making mountains out of molehills! - That's not the point: I know nothing from Nuno for a long time now!
- How boring! How many times did I tell you to forget that? - A million times, André! And I'm gonna answer to you a million times until you get it: I can't forget!
- Well... Nuno "hit" you really hard...
I just want you to get over this, so you can live your life... Now, you spend all day here in the room! - I know, André! But, I don't know what to do. I just feel like doing nothing!
It'd be so much easier if he could come to me and speak, looking in my eyes: "Fábio, I don't wanna be with you anymore!"... I'd understand! I swear I would!
- Ok: you're repeating it all from the beginning again... Look, I'm going to the living room and I hope you'll be there in two minutes... And get yourself together!
- Yes! I got it! - I'm talking seriously! Otherwise I'll make a giant graffiti on the building saying: "Fábio Loves Nuno!"
- André, you're kidding, right?
- Are you ready to go? - Physically, yes! But, psychologically, some of us aren't ready...
It's Fábio... He's crying over his pillow with his usual dramas... - But, is he coming or not?
- If he's able to stop looking at his own belly button for a few seconds... Perhaps!... What about Paula?
- She's on the phone with João Pedro... - But, we're gonna meet him in less than half an hour! What's the matter?
- Yes, I know... But, they're with all that "honey", now! They can't get enough of each other! Not even on the cell phone!
- André, didn't you hear what I asked you? - What? - I wanna know if you were joking or not, when you said that...
- What did you say? - It worked! That's what matters! - Tell me, then! Maybe It can work with Paula, as well! She has to understand that a cell phone doesn't have wires!
Therefore, she can walk and talk at the same time!
- I'm sure that nobody ever broke up with Tom Cruise on an email! Actually: Nobody broke up with him, ever! I'm sure!
- Are you gonna stay there? We're leaving! - Yes, I'm gonna stay here! Actually, I'm used to be left alone! You may leave!
- Look, I'm still in time to grab the graffiti paints!
- You wouldn't have the courage, André! - At this moment, I've got more courage than patience! Believe me!
- Nobody is going to leave you behind, Fábio... - Thank you! - Come on!
Stop being lame! - Alright! You're annoying, pal! You're lucky that this is not one of my best days! Got it?
- I want a free ticket for Tribo's concert! - I don't need, because I'm a drummer's guest! - And I'm a manager's guest!
- And me & Fábio are friends of the band! - I don't need my ticket...
- Fábio, don't do that! - Come on! You can't stay home!
- Fábio, tell me something: Why have you been so down and so annoyed?
- It doesn't matter... It's... Personal things...
Shrimp omelet?
- For some of us. - Let's go? - Yes!
- What's the hurry? - I'd love to stay, but we have to rehearse for the show...
- Ok. Go, then. - Look, how is everything? Is it all set for the concert? - Yeah, don't worry!
- I hope so, because it was really hard to rent that room! - Is it big?
- "Big"?... It's enormous! - Oh, it must have costed a lot of money, Jorge!
- Relax, Leo... Leave that on me, ok?
- Oh, damn it! - God bless you!
- Hey... Look, Papoila: What is this smell? Is it from those little candles? - No, it's incense.
- Oh!... - It smells good, doesn't it? - No, not really. Actually, I think I'm allergic to it. What have you guys done here?
- We were meditating! - Meditating?... Ok. What about this one? Will he stay here hibernating?
- No, poor of him... He fell asleep. He got so relaxed that he turned himself off... - Let him be like that! He's really well, like that!
- No, no, no! Not, the glasses!
- Oh, dear lord! Calm down! - I was having a nightmare! - With glasses?
- Yes, I was dreaming they had come to steal my glasses for scientific experiments... - How frightening! It must have been so dangerous! "The glasses will eat me!"
- Stop joking!... Look... I've been sleeping for how long? - You had a really good nap!
- Oh, it's not possible! I've got so many things to do! I've got emails to send and the concert is about to take place! I'm nervous!
Justin Bieber viveu ilegal nos Estados Unidos no início da carreira - Duration: 1:44.
Meghan Markle fala sobre a importância do voto das mulheres: -Feminismo é justiça - Duration: 2:17.
Has Absolutely Everything Wonderful 24ft Tiny House - Duration: 1:56.
Has Absolutely Everything Wonderful 24ft Tiny House
Gott wünscht sich, dass du glücklich bist (1) – Joyce Meyer – Persönlichkeit stärken - Duration: 26:42.
Potente Extra Forte Depoimentos | Potente Extra Forte para que Serve? Onde Comprar - Duration: 5:51.
The Sims 4: Create A Sim - Opposite Twins (Vampire Edition) - Duration: 7:07.
Femcels: What is Pink Pill? | Black Pilled Ideology - r/femcels - Duration: 7:25.
we've learned so much about the black pill ideology
telling young men then they'll never get the things they want in life and that
they have no hope because of how they look
fortunately we here on board this starship have had the opportunity to
help a lot of young men who are strapping that mindset to free
themselves from that mindset so go out and get the things they want in life to
get girlfriends to get good jobs to get success to get everything they want I
love it that's why you do this that's why we all
do this that's why we work together I love you all we have an awesome
community here but today we're learning about something a little different than
the black pill today we're learning about the pink pill our slashed roof em
cells the subreddit for fem cells which are female in cells the pink pill is
also very very sad to think about but we're gonna do today is we're gonna
shoot out some positive vibes some positive energy and hopefully we can
help some of these young ladies who are so troubled by this pink pill way of
thinking give me that intro welcome back starship lockjaw baby we go live every
night 8 p.m. central where the cat memes every day today's memes feature a ugly
Duchess in kiddin let's check it out baby shout out so Israelite Barbie for
making this meme there's someone for everyone just be yourself
you'll find a nice guy to settle down with that's the blue pill way of
thinking and now you'll see that all of these you can flip them around and say
the blue pill guy way of thinking would be there's someone for everyone
just be yourself you'll find a nice guy to settle down with a lot of the in
cells get upset about that because they say if I am myself no one's gonna love
me no one's going to accept me and I beg to differ I mean there will be someone
but there's a good chance you'll never even find them because there's a lot of
people out there that's why I always suggest improving yourself but we'll
talk about that later let's keep going let's keep going here red pill be skinny
be submissive wear makeup and do your nails have a feminine personality pick
up feminine hobbies the right guy will see you as wife material
huh Wow red pill red pill way of thinking for the ladies interesting huh
yeah I mean look this is fascinating how it just it's the exact like match for
the because if this was the male red pill it would say be aesthetic be
dominant be alpha right we're have good hairstyles things like that we're nice
clothes do your whatever have a masculine personality do masculine
things the right girl will see you as husband material
see this is fascinating and then pink pill is it's over now that's what we
don't want baby that's what we don't want it's not over I went on a website
earlier and it was the 4chan but it was for as the girls version of 4chan the
ladies version of 4chan and uh they're not really mean and twisted on they're
like man it just made me it touches my heart dude it touches my heart
come on let's work some magic together let's work some magic what we're gonna
do next is we're going to go in Cell wiki and we're gonna learn about femme
sells what they say femme sells are a femme sell is an in celibate and
voluntarily celibate or voluntarily celibate a female the antonym a femme
sell is a Manziel man sell yeah man sell let's pull that up a man sell is a male
who is on the in seldom spectrum and seldom spectrum this this rabbit hole
goes deep you guys it goes deep the term is used in order to distinguish man
sales from femme sells trans sells and enter cells into her cells baby I didn't
know we had enter cells we're kind of to split this up into different videos and
inter-cell is an intersex person who is experiencing the state of insult them
yeah we're gonna have to work in a dive into all of this we're gonna dive into
all of it but let's go back here by the way let me let me let me show for a
second here some of you are saying that you would be interested in the not and
in sell shirts I think that's kind of over the edge but some of you all really
want them if you do let me know in the comments or if instead you would rather
have the certified Stacy shirts some of you ladies want those we can do that you
let me know which ones you want in the comments and and we'll make it happen it
is generally accepted that involuntarily celibate women don't exist with the
exception of women that have medical issues terminal illness or if she lives
in a relationship where the man's the one who doesn't want to get in their
guts or is in the country with arranged marriages however with insell bein women
it's a different story since some of these insell bein women tend to live in
conservative deep red states who can't find any
other lesbians anywhere within their vicinity and if they do the others are
in the closet so they're out of reach I've never even thought about that yeah
that would be difficult for him if she was looking for another lady and she
couldn't find one because she lived in a state like that same thing for guys who
are be looking for another guy right if they're and they're in an area that's
why a lot of times like the berry you live in can have a big effect on whether
or not you find someone that matches who you are and what you want yeah I do I
feel so much sympathy for the UH who live in areas where where there aren't a
lot of them around yeah this is freaking sad today dude the number of female
celibates is roughly similar to the number of male involuntary celibates but
the female involuntary celibate is voluntarily celibate because she is an
alpha widow alpha Widow she has celibate because she wants to got to a a booty
call from Jeremy Meeks you guys know who Jeremy Meeks is he's this guy that
ex-con that the ladies just loved they loved how he looked baby
so now apparently she rejects all lesser males in hopes that one day she will get
a second call from Jeremy Meeks the male involuntary celibate is well his kid all
got his v card and if he ever did get in the guts he got the dread the dregs
while the female involuntarily celibates got the cream dude who wrote this pound
it for cream you guys like cream let me know in the comments and thumbs up the
video if you like cream thumbs up the video if you're into cream I don't like
that pronounce the R hard I don't like to go cream I like to say cream like you
see Ellen cream that's pretty Keaney some synonyms for
the femme sell a F chick crazy cat lady dried fish woman alright yeah this is a
wish we should have known better than to come to the Insel wiki to read about the
femme self now femme cells are pretty cool man they're pretty cool there are
okay in seldom spectrum that's right they have their own spectrum this is
fascinating stuff the in seldom spectrum is a subscale for those who measure a 1
to 3 on the decile scale it is a scale wherein one can measure how deeply one
is submerged with the condition of in seldom the person who is most deeply
submerged is the true self someone who has never even touched
someone of the opposite gender never mind
dated okay let's check out the dis i'll scale here this is the dis i'll scale
now we'll see we'll save that Fritz on the
video yeah well I'll do a whole video on the dis I'll scale it'll be good the
least submerged is the near cell who carries many characteristics of in
seldom yet has some degree of normalcy might have dated a few times but seems
to regularly go through lengthy dry spells the median in between these two
extremes is the in cell yeah what will do this another time at the 1 to the 10
something else about the 1 to 10 that I actually talked with one of you today
about was that it's subjective it's always subjective because some guys who
would be considered a 10 there will always be certain certain girls who
would say I don't like that guy he's not he's not my type because everyone has
their type that they like now in the eyes of society as a whole he can say oh
yeah he's a 10 she's a 10 whatever but anyways we'll talk about that crap later
oh hey they got st. blackops2 and I'll see you guys tonight on the livestream
every night 8 p.m. Central Oh
$185 Million for Our Oceans: A New Partnership between OceanX and Bloomberg Philanthropies - Duration: 3:03.
It's important to explore the ocean because it's more than twice the size of the world that we know.
It's so essential to our weather, to our health.
Three billion people depend on the oceans for their food and livelihoods.
That's why we're on a shared mission to explore the ocean and bring it back to the world.
Over the next several years, Bloomberg Philanthropies and OceanX
will be working together on new initiatives around the world.
Mike and I saw a great opportunity to explore the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts,
which together make up the first US marine national monument in the Atlantic.
And we saw that as a way of kicking off our partnership.
Off the coast of the northeastern United States, carved out of the continental shelf,
these massive underwater canyons contain large, diverse ecosystems...
each one brimming with scientific discoveries,
including species previously unknown to science.
The OceanX-Bloomberg mission documented new patterns of species diversity.
They'll play an important role in our strategies to educate and inspire people
to protect these spectacular and critical ecosystems.
This kind of work to document, preserve, and safeguard marine environments
has never been more crucial.
Our oceans are being damaged by pollution, oil and gas exploration,
destructive fishing practices, and increasingly, climate change.
All of which are killing these habitats before we've even had the time to appreciate what's at stake.
Our oceans hold the answers to so many of our most pressing questions,
yet less than five percent of them have been explored.
They're a finite resource.
So we need to do whatever we can to stop the impacts of climate change
and defend against urgent ocean threats to ensure they don't vanish forever.
By starting in our own backyard, we hope to inspire Americans and others around the world
as they conserve their own national waters.
I'm thrilled to be on this shared mission to explore the ocean
and then to bring it back so that everbody can see it.
That's why Ray and I are glad to be committing over 185 million dollars over the next four years
to explore critical marine areas, share their stories with the world,
and work with partners to protect ocean resources around the globe.
Everybody should see this and get excited about the ocean.
And then I think if we do, we're going to love it a lot more and take better care of it.
Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Rocky Horrible Research Advice - Duration: 4:15.
How do you do I... am on the set of Rocky Horror, here at the
Springfield Contemporary Theater with a very important message: if you want you want
your research project to become a "wild and untamed thing", simply follow this horrible advice
It's astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes its toll, but listen closely...
don't bother consulting a statistician until your data are already collected!
Why talk to an expert before you begin? Jumping in without
knowing what you're doing can thrill you, chill you, fulfill you... okay, maybe not fulfill you,
but do you really want expert advice when you could just go it alone...
like a creature of the night?
Don't even think about collecting data until you know exactly what you're going
to do with it. Brad: "Dammit Janet" (slut)
I mean... go ahead get busy collecting data. You can figure out the rest later.
"You better wise up, Janet Weiss." It's never too early
to begin collecting data. Who cares if you don't have a research design?
Or even research questions? Your statistician can figure out all of that for you later?
In just seven days I can make you a man and you should always remember to make your own survey.
Validated surveys may look professional and scientific.
But don't get strung out by the way they look. Make your own!
You've never made a survey before? How hard could it be?
If the numbers don't tell you what you want to hear, torture them till they do.
"I've done my best, God knows I've tried to find the truth, I've even lied".
Is your test still not significant?
Just keep collecting data until it is.
Do the findings say that your program doesn't work?
Throw them out and substitute those that say that it does.
Or collect piles of data and only report the significant findings.
Why settle for Science, when you can have
science fiction...double feature.
Sometimes data goes missing. What a pity. Don't bother looking for them.
Don't get hot and flustered... all studies have limitations... just mention
them at the end as if there was nothing you could have done.
OR... if you don't want your project to be so rocky, then ignore this horrible advice.
Instead, talk to your statistician before you begin and know what you're going to do
from beginning to end, before you collect data. If you do that, then you won't be dealing
"cards for sorrow, cards for pain".
And if you dream of being a good researcher...
...don't dream it...
Be it.
Camera voice: "And, cut"
All right, good, you got it? "YEAH" Great...
"I'm going home."
S. Korean tourists stranded in Saipan due to typhoon returning home - Duration: 2:05.
top story this morning South Korean stranded on the Pacific island of Saipan
due to a typhoon there last week have been and are continuing to return home
the government here in Seoul expects the vast majority of them to be off the
island by the end of today at the latest our Oh jung-hee started off South Korean
tourists were stranded on the Pacific island of Saipan after it was hit by
typhoon last week our returning home on Sunday and Monday arriving at the
nation's main gateway Incheon International Airport they described
their ordeal and expressed relief at being home the windows at our hotel
shook really hard and the first floor was flooded the elevators didn't work
either so he had to walk up the stairs I'm not really sure how strong it was
when my body should laughter right even though I didn't move at all on
Saturday the South Korean government dispatched a military plane to Saipan
it's gone back and forth between Saipan and Guam moving more than 70 people to
Guam from Saipan then South Korean Turner planes bring them from Guam to
Incheon the rescue process has been gaining speed since IPAN reopened its
airport on Sunday so now charter flights are being sent
directly to the island the authorities expects roughly 600 people to return to
South Korea on Sunday and another 1,000 on Monday this is an emergency situation
caused by a natural disaster we are giving priority to the elderly pregnant
women and those with illnesses we will do our best to provide the necessary
supplies Soler's Transport Ministry says there will be four South Korean planes
flying from Saipan to Incheon on Monday that will hopefully have brought back
most of the South Korean tourists but the situation could change depending on
weather conditions in Saipan and circumstances at the airport
well jhonny arirang news
Man Utd news: Paul Pogba given Jose Mourinho order ahead of Everton clash - Duration: 2:50.
Pogba is a regular critic of Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho, stating he is unhappy with his role in the team
The pair are believed to have previously fallen out though Mourinho regularly picks Pogba in his team
MANCHESTER UNITED vs EVERTON | FOLLOW LIVE COVERAGE! The Frenchman started the season as United skipper though Mourinho stripped him of his captaincy roles
And now the Mirror report Pogba has been ordered not to talk about his relationship with the midfielder saying he wants to explain
"I can't talk, I am not allowed to talk," Pogba said. "I want to, but they won't let me
"They have told me not to talk." There have been plenty of rumours that Pogba will leave Manchester United either in January or the summer
And former Premier League goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer believes the midfielder, as well as United team-mate Alexis Sanchez, would fit in well at Chelsea
"Chelsea are trained well and they know how they want to play," Schwarzer told Sky Sports
"[Chelsea manager Maurizio] Sarri is very much about the triangles, the small short passes and allowing players to express themselves in the last third
"At Manchester United, it's based on the fact Mourinho wants every player to do their defensive duties
At times, it's difficult for the likes of Sanchez and Pogba and so on. "They would feel it probably takes a little bit out of them going forward
"With Chelsea, the squad of players they had, they are so suited to the way Sarri wants to play
That's why the transition has been so smooth. "Willian, Hazard, Pedro, Fabregas and Jorginho, they are all suited to it
" Pogba will be hoping to shine for Manchester United when they host Everton today (4pm)
Absolutely Stunning Tiny Tree Cottage in St. Augustine - Duration: 1:38.
Absolutely Stunning Tiny Tree Cottage in St. Augustine
Leicester owner dead: Tributes pour in as Foxes confirm Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha killed - Duration: 7:21.
The world of football was sent into deep shock on Saturday when news broke that Leicester owner Srivaddhanaprabha's helicopter had crashed outside the King Power Stadium
The Thai businessman had been watching Leicester's 1-1 draw with West Ham in the Premier League
The aircraft lost control before plummeting into the staff car park where it was engulfed into flames
Emergency services rushed to scene but there were sadly no survivors. Srivaddhanaprabha will be remembered as a club legend who helped pull off a sporting miracle
He took over the Foxes in 2010 and under his ownership they gained promotion to the Premier League in 2014
Under Claudio Ranieri, the club defied 5000/1 odds to win the Premier League title in 2016
Tributes from across the planet are pouring in. Piers Morgan said on Twitter: "RIP Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha
The miracle man who brought the Premier League to @LCFC & was beloved by the club's fans
How shockingly sad that he should die in such horrendous circumstances outside the stadium where he made an impossible dream come true
" Leicester forward Jamie Vardy took to Instagram to pay tribute: "Struggling to find the right words
but to me you are legend, an incredible man who had the biggest heart, the soul of Leicester City Football Club
Thank you for everything you did for me, my family and our club. I will truly miss you
may you rest in peace.#theboss." Andy King won the title with the Foxes, he added: "RIP Boss
You were a great person who cared so much about our club, city and everything which came with it
Thank you for enabling us to make our dreams a reality and I hope you were as proud of your club as we were of you
We will miss you." Harry Maguire said on Twitter: "Words can't describe how I feel
A truly great, kind, loving man who will be missed so much by everyone. "I will never forget the Chairman's support, not only during my time @LCFC but also during the World Cup RIP #TheBoss
" Wes Morgan, who lifted the Premier League trophy said on Twitter: "Absolutely heartbroken and devastated regarding the news of our chairman
"A man that was loved and adored by everyone here at LCFC and someone who I personally had the upmost respect for
"My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and families of the other victims of this tragedy
" Wilfred Ndidi scored the equaliser in the draw with West Ham. Like everybody else, he has found the news hard to take
He said: "You were far too kind and supportive. Thank you for all you did for the club, for always encouraging the team and coming all the way to watch me play at the world cup
Rest on sir #theboss." Danny Simpson said: "Thank you for everything you have done for me, the players, the fans, the club and the whole city of Leicester
You made mine and everyone else's dream come true. I am devastated and can't quite process what has happened but we will do our best to help this club grow
RIP #TheBoss." Former Leicester striker Stan Collymore said: "Want to pass on my sincerest condolences to everyone at @LCFC on the loss of the owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha and several others in the horrific helicopter crash yesterday
Brighter days will come again." James Maddison tweeted: "Devastated and heartbroken at the news that no one survived the helicopter crash yesterday
Life isn't fair sometimes. A wonderful thoughtful man who lived and breathed Leicester City Football Club
Rest in Peace Boss #ThanksBoss" Leicester City statement: It is with the deepest regret and a collective broken heart that we confirm our Chairman, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, was among those to have tragically lost their lives on Saturday evening when a helicopter carrying him and four other people crashed outside King Power Stadium
None of the five people on-board survived. The primary thoughts of everyone at the Club are with the Srivaddhanaprabha family and the families of all those on-board at this time of unspeakable loss
In Khun Vichai, the world has lost a great man. A man of kindness, of generosity and a man whose life was defined by the love he devoted to his family and those he so successfully led
Leicester City was a family under his leadership. It is as a family that we will grieve his passing and maintain the pursuit of a vision for the Club that is now his legacy
A book of condolence, which will be shared with the Srivaddhanaprabha family, will be opened at King Power Stadium from 8am on Tuesday 30 October for supporters wishing to pay their respects
Supporters unable to visit King Power Stadium that wish to leave a message can do so through an online book of condolence, which will be made available via lcfc
com in due course. Both Tuesday's First Team fixture against Southampton in the EFL Cup and the Development Squad fixture against Feyenoord in the Premier League International Cup have been postponed
Everyone at the Club has been truly touched by the remarkable response of the football family, whose thoughtful messages of support and solidarity have been deeply appreciated at this difficult time
Real Madrid news: Julen Lopetegui angrily responds to question ahead of Barcelona clash - Duration: 2:39.
Real Madrid take on Barcelona later today (3.15pm UK time) and Lopetegui is in desperate need of a result after his side had gone on a five-match winless streak
Although Los Blancos beat Viktoria Plzen 2-1 in midweek in the Champions League, it has done little to quell the dark mood at the Bernabeu
Recent reports had suggested that Lopetegui is on the verge of getting the sack even though his side lie just four points behind Barca
And when asked about his future ahead of the showdown, Lopetegui was particularly spiky
"We have a game that is sufficiently attractive without having to think about these types of stories," he said
"They don't help me to prepare for the game." Instead, Lopetegui preferred to focus on the historical importance of the fixture
He added: "There are many key areas to a game of this pedigree, not just one. "First and foremost it's about what you do on the field and attacking and defending well
"Then you've got the emotional and mental side of things, which are also important factors in such games
In short, I prefer to focus on the on-field affairs. "The emotional aspect is important in terms of having the right attitide to approach these kinds of games
"In a match like this, there are small details and you must not make any mistakes, ensure we have confidence in our strengths and hurt the opposition
"Both the emotional elements and the purely football-related aspects are important
"I'm putting 100 per cent of my energy into helping my team to produce a good performance
That's my job as the coach." Barca meanwhile, will be without Lionel Messi, who is sidelined with a fractured arm
Барселона - Реал Мадрид 5-1 Обзор матча • Эль Класико • Ла Лига 2018/19 - Duration: 6:02.
Grandpa's Nose Solo - GEICO - Duration: 0:39.
I can't believe it.
That grandpa's nose is performing Flight of the Bumblebee?
No you goof! I can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car
insurance with GEICO.
Nice. I know right?
Believe it! GEICO could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
Pentagon begins sending military equipment to border to block caravan - Daily News - Duration: 9:36.
American military equipment has already begun arriving at the southern border ahead of an imminent troop deployment to block the migrant caravan, while in Mexico tensions have broken out with migrants attacking a local man who was distributing food
Defense Secretary James Mattis said on Sunday military has already begun delivering jersey barriers to the southern border in conjunction with plans to deploy active duty troops
Mattis told reporters traveling with him in Prague that details of the deployment are still being worked out but should be available by Sunday night
They will include exactly how many forces are needed.The additional troops will provide logistical and other support to the Border Patrol, and will bolster the efforts of the approximately 2,000 National Guard forces already there
The new forces are expected to provide logistical assistance such as air support and equipment, including vehicles and tents
Share this article Share The Pentagon has taken the step of ordering active duty troops to the border, unusual in modern times, after President Donald Trump called for a military response to the migrant caravan
The caravan, which has had as many as 7,200 migrants but has dwindled to roughly 4,000, took a day of rest in Tapanatepec on Sunday but vowed to press on to the U
S. border, now at least 900 miles away.Their arrival at the tiny municipality came as they crossed from into Oaxaca from Chiapas state, now about 190 miles from the bridge where the caravan crossed into Mexico from Guatemala
Some rested in the shade of tarps strung across the town plaza, or picked up trash
Others went to soak themselves in the nearby Novillero river.The tensions of a long trek through searing heat with tenuous supplies of food and other goods spilled over Saturday night when a dispute over a food line evolved into the beating of a man falsely accused of child stealing
The violence occurred while the town was distributing sandwiches and water to migrants camped in the central square Saturday night, said Raul Medina Melendez, security chief for Tapanatepec
When a man with a megaphone asked people to wait their turn, some men hurled insults at him
'Finally people got really angry and those below began to attack the guy,' Medina said
As the man ran, a false rumor spread that he had grabbed a child for protection and he was caught and beaten
Police rescued him and took him to a hospital for treatment, though his condition wasn't immediately clear
On Sunday, several in the caravan took to microphones to denounce the attack.'Is that the way we're going to always behave?' a woman from Honduras asked
'Anytime there's a rumor everyone is going to run to beat up someone?'Others complained of a few smoking marijuana or complained that images of litter and uneaten food made them appear disrespectful
On Saturday, more than a hundred federal police dressed in riot gear blocked a rural highway in southern Mexico shortly before dawn to encourage the migrants to apply for refugee status in Mexico rather than continuing the long, arduous journey north
Police let the caravan proceed after representatives from Mexico's National Human Rights Commission convinced them that a rural stretch of highway without shade, toilets or water was no place for migrants to entertain an offer of asylum
Many members of the caravan have been travelling for more than two weeks, since a group first formed in San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Not long after the caravan resumed the trek north Saturday, government officials were seen for the first time directly helping the migrants by giving rides in trucks and providing water along the scorching highway
Grupo Beta, Mexico's migrant protection agency, gave rides to stragglers and passed out water
'There are people fainting, there are wounded,' said Martin Rojas, an agent of Grupo Beta
Rojas dropped off a group of women and children in Tapanatepec after spotting them on a highway trudging through temperatures approaching 104 degrees Fahrenheit
Other agencies, however, have periodically tried to impede or erode the mass migration, whose progress has led Trump to threaten action against Mexico
The caravan still must travel about 900 miles to reach the nearest U.S. border crossing at McAllen, Texas
The trip could be twice as long if the 4,000 or so migrants head for the Tijuana-San Diego frontier, as another caravan did earlier this year
Only about 200 in that group made it to the border.Most of the migrants in the caravan appeared determined to reach the U
S., despite an offer of refuge in Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto launched a program on Friday dubbed 'You are home,' which promises shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs to Central Americans who agree to stay in the southern Mexico states of Chiapas or Oaxaca, far from the U
S. border.Mexico's Interior Ministry said that temporary identity numbers have been issued to 111 migrants, which would allow the migrants to stay and work in Mexico
The majority rejected the offer, however. 'We're going to the United States. Because that's our dream,' said 28-year-old Honduran Daniel Leonel Esteves at the head of a 50-person wide column of migrants snaking down a highway into the hills
Honduras said 4,500 of its citizens attempting to emigrate have returned to the country in recent days
Meanwhile, additional caravans are moving north through Central America.A second caravan arrived on Sunday at the Guatemalan side of the border with Mexico, where they faced off with a phalanx of Guatemalan police in a standoff at the border crossing
Photos of the group showed hundreds, if not thousands, of migrants. In San Salvador, a third group of more than 300 Salvadorans left on Sunday came together after thousands of Hondurans in mid-October left their country in a large group, becoming an international news story and a key issue in the U
S. congressional elections.A second group of Hondurans was moving through Guatemala last week, and at one point numbered more than 1,000 people before beginning to fragment
Trump and his fellow Republicans have sought to make immigration a major issue before the Nov
6 elections, in which the party is battling to keep control of Congress.The Salvadoran migrants organized using social networks like Facebook and WhatsApp over the last couple of weeks, inspired by the group of mostly Hondurans currently crossing Mexico
Salvadoran police traveled with the group on Sunday as they left San Salvador, the migrants carrying backpacks and water bottles and protecting themselves from the hot sun with hats
Some mothers pushed their children in strollers.Several migrants, gathered by the capital's 'Savior of the World' statue before leaving, said they were headed to the United States
"We're asking the all-powerful to look after us, to guide us, to free us from all that is bad," shouted Hernan Quinteros, 49, a driver who urged his fellow travelers to tie up their shoes ahead of the long trip
El Salvador's left-wing government said it had solidarity with the migrants and respected their right to mobilize, but urged them not to risk their lives on the way
Stunning Modern The Ocracoke A Beautiful Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 7:10.
How To Stop Dog Vomiting In Car? 5 Techniques To Prevent Dog Car Sickness - Duration: 2:33.
Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.
Today I will tell you how to stop dog vomiting in car ie. how to prevent dog car sickness.
So let's dive in.
When a dog is driving in the car note that he or she feels fear, excitement and many
other feelings that are sometimes overwhelming.
It is not a rare situation that dog vomit in the car.
This problem is called a dog car sickness.
The good news is that there are easy techniques for dog car sickness prevention.
Ok, now let's see 5 techniques to prevent dog car sickness:
First, transform pet perception.
Take your pet to the dog park where he feels good.
Also, when you come home, play with your dog.
Repeat this procedure more times in order for your dog to transform the perception of
the car traveling.
Second, distraction.
The distraction is a very nice technique to prevent dog car sickness.
It is always good to have someone who will play with the dog and distract him or her
while you are driving.
Third, open the car windows.
Fresh air in the car is very good for your pet.
This technique can lover the risk of dog vomiting in a car.
Fourth, don't feed the canine before the ride.
Make sure your pet has an empty stomach.
In many cases, this will stop dog vomiting in the car.
Fifth, dog car sickness pills.
The ultimate way to prevent a dog from vomiting in the car is using a dog car sickness pills.
Ask your vet to prescribe medication for dog car sickness.
Usually, you will get Dramamine.
To find out more, I created a great guide about dog vomiting where I show you 8 techniques
for dog car sickness prevention.
Also, in it you will find how to stop dog vomiting, top 16 reasons why my dog is vomiting,
how can I stop my dog from vomiting in the car, what to do when a dog is vomiting, how
can I induce vomiting in a dog, and a lot more.
A link is down below in the description.
If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.
And remember let's keep our pets healthy!
Leicester helicopter crash: Police thank public for patience as they deliver update - Duration: 2:59.
Leicester City owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha's helicopter crashed down in the car park outside of the King Power Stadium after the club's 1-1 draw with West Ham on Saturday night
Srivaddhanaprabha did board the helicopter before it took off from the pitch at around 8
30pm and reports from Reuters say he was on board when it came down. Four people, including two pilots, were also on board with the Foxes owner but their exact identities are not yet known
Sources claim one of the other passengers was a daughter of the Thai billionaire
Police say they are working to provide the public with a definitive update and thanked them for their patience
From their official Twitter account, Leicestershire police said: "We understand that many people are waiting for an update about the helicopter crash at King Power Stadium last night
"We are working with a number of other agencies to get an update out to the public and press
Thank you for your patience and all your messages of support." Eyewitnesses say they saw the chopper spiral out of control before hitting the ground and bursting into flames
Speaking on Sky Sports News, distraught Foxes fan John Butcher explained how the incident unfolded, while paying tribute to Srivaddhanaprabha, who led Leicester to the Premier League title in 2015-16
He said: "We saw the ambulances and fire engines come round - we were just facing the ground in the bar across the road
"As we came out, we saw my nephew who saw the helicopter lose control, start spinning and hit the ground within a second and just exploded
We've all seen the flames, the smoke. "Our hearts are out to whoever was in it. "The owners mean everything to this football club, they've put everything into it
"They've made us champions. You can't ask for more from your owners. They won the league for us, you couldn't ask for more here
"Whoever is on that helicopter, we just hope, and our hearts are out for them, but it doesn't look good
California Pheasant Hunt with Beagle - Duration: 9:02.
Hymer Tramp 654 sl - Duration: 1:14.
FOX Nation First Look 10/28/18 8PM | October 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 44:37.
How to make an effective Lead Magnet! - Duration: 4:30.
- Having an effective lead magnet
will help generate more leads for your business
as you go through this path of marketing your business
to generate more leads.
G'day, I'm Ben Fewtrell,
co-founder of MaxMyProfit
and the Business Exceleration Blueprint,
and in this video,
I'm gonna take you through four things you need to ensure
to make sure that your lead magnets are effective.
Now, if you're wondering what a lead magnet is,
it's something that you can put on your website,
on social media,
that you can share out with,
on somebody else's database,
that will encourage your prospects to download it
and opt in,
and by opting in,
they'll give you your, their details,
whether it's their email address,
their name, their phone number,
we'll talk about it shortly,
but they'll give you some details.
But what you know by them downloading this lead magnet
is they're probably interested in what it is you offer.
So for example, it could be a checklist,
it could be a white paper,
it could be a guide on how to do something,
it could be a how-to video.
Whatever it might be,
this lead magnet has to help somebody solve a problem.
They download that
and all of a sudden now
you've got a person in your database
that is a prospective customer.
And one of the challenges with lead magnets
is understanding the best way to create one
that is effective.
Now, my current studies and information I've received
is telling me that anything
that is taking too long to consume is becoming ineffective,
i.e., something like an E-book.
And back in the day,
you probably saw that people would offer E-books
as a lead magnet.
Well, they're not working as well as they used to.
What's working now is things that are going to be
easy to implement and get a quick result from.
Something like a checklist
or something like a how-to video
that gives them a tool or resource
to be able to get something done quickly.
But I'm gonna give you the four steps
to making sure your lead magnets are effective.
First of all, it's gotta be easy to create.
It's no good having a lead magnet
that's gonna be awkward for you to create.
If your lead magnet is a six-month course on how to do XYZ,
well, that's not easy for you to create.
A lead magnet should be something
that can be created in an afternoon maximum, right?
You don't wanna be spending a lot of time
creating that lead magnet.
It's something that you can create easily
and that's simple for you
and efficient and cheap for you to create
so you can put it straight to work,
and if it doesn't work,
you can quickly go and create something else.
Because here's the thing,
I'll give you the news flash is
not all lead magnets are gonna work like gangbusters,
but you will come across some
that'll work really, really well,
and so you want them to be easy to create.
The second thing is they have to be easy to download.
I've seen some lead magnets where
once I try and download them,
people ask for way too much information,
or it becomes complex.
I have to do a test of some sort
before I can download something.
You wanna make it super easy for people to download,
and you'll see that your download rates will go up
if you make it easier.
Now, and a note,
you will find that you'll get more downloads
if you don't ask for a phone number,
and I've tried asking for a phone number
and not asking for a phone number,
but when I don't ask for a phone number,
I don't get as many sales,
and remember that's the end goal
of generating these leads,
because I can't contact the person
that downloaded the lead magnet.
So I ask for the phone number.
The three fields I ask for is name, phone number,
and email address,
and that's to deliver the lead magnet.
I always get those three,
but it means that I can contact that person.
So make it easy to download.
Don't ask for any more information for that.
On that note,
most people are using mobile devices these days,
so test your landing page for your lead magnet opt-in
on a mobile device, as well,
because what can be simple on a computer screen
to be able to download a lead magnet
can be really complicated on a mobile device.
So you wanna make sure that it works so it's super simple
on a mobile device at all, as well.
And the third tip I'm gonna give you
is you need to make sure that your lead magnet
is easy to use.
And that means that, you know,
once they download it,
they can use it simply.
It's not gonna be complex for them to use.
They don't have to go through hours and hours of training
to be able to use it.
It has to be really simple and straightforward
so they can download it
and get to work on it straightaway.
Remember this lead magnet is building up your credibility
and your authority in your industry
and building trust and credibility with your prospects,
so if they download your lead magnet,
it's just super simple and easy to use
and they can get going with it straight away,
you're gonna get a better result.
And this leads to my fourth tip,
which is making sure that it is easy to understand.
If you've been in your industry for a long time
and you might use a lotta jargon
or things that are hard to understand.
The quicker they can get this implemented,
the quicker they can get the result,
the quicker they'll come back to you
wanting more help from you
from whatever it is that you do.
So making sure your lead magnet is simple to understand
and easy to use, easy to download,
and it's easy for you to create
means that you'll get great success with your lead magnets.
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