Annyeonghaseyo, yeoreobun, SoYoung-ieyo. Hello, everyone, I'm SoYoung.
Hamkke hangeureul gongbuhaebwayo. Let's practice Korean alphabet, Hangeul together.
Let's practice Korean alphabet, Hangeul together.
Out of 19 consonants in Hangeul, we are going to look at the consonant ㄹ this time.
The name of the consonant is rieul.
This is how you write ㄹ.
Draw a ㄱ and add ㄷ below it.
ㄹ is pronounced like this: Softly touch the roof of your mouth behind
your teeth with the tip of your tongue.
Let's look at the examples including ㄹ.
라 ra
나라 nara country
러 reo
러시아 reosia Russia
로 ro
로비 robi lobby
루 ru
마루 maru floor
리 ri
거리 geori distance/ street
래 rae
노래 norae song
뢰 roe
신뢰 silloe trust
락 rak
도시락 dosirak lunchbox
랑 rang
사랑 sarang love
련 ryeon
훈련 hullyeon training
룸 rum
룸메이트 rummeiteu roommate
린 rin
기린 girin giraffe
Let's review: Look at the letter and guess how it sounds.
One more review: Listen to the sound first and guess how it spells.
That's all I have for today.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
And don't forget to subscribe for more Korean lessons.
Bwajusyeoseo Gamsahamnida. Thank you for watching.
Thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> Consonant ㄹ (rieul, r/l) - Korean Alphabet Hangeul Pronunciation, Reading, Writing Lesson 한글 리을 - Duration: 6:17.-------------------------------------------
ŸoU h@<{ Mã£ê A grAvē MïStãKē
WâRñÊd ŸØu
Now hE iS No lOnGeR The HEGEHOG_You rEmembEr
Hïs LiFë bĖlonG$ t0 hÏm n# L0N&3r
ReLe@se my S0uL
W3 wiLl not ne3d tHem anyMore
Is that the s@me S0nic YoU're F@miLiar w!th
Øh N#
WhÀt Ar3 YoU D@1ng
hÎz P#w3R h@S GroWn
well well
That thing is Your problem now
I Am EXE And I will Never Die
10月29日30日ビットコイン暴落要因とリップルの仕込み時とは?その高騰タイミングとは?暴落中仮想通貨チャート分析!年末にかけて爆上げか?下落気味XRP・ETH最新ニュース!暗号通貨最前線仮想通貨情報 - Duration: 7:03.
TALKING TOM 2 RUN CANDY #24 Game cartoon children RADOVANOV - Talking Tom ! - Duration: 20:10.
Above Majestic - Movie - Duration: 2:13:35.
张翰的话无意间道出阚清子分手的心酸,网友:真的是意会错了吗? - Duration: 6:09.
I SEGRETI DEL CIBO: 1. Come si fa del cibo (poco) salutare? - Duration: 3:18.
Useful Words to Say Things Are Cheap and Expensive - Duration: 10:13.
- Today we're learning some very useful vocabulary,
keep on watching to learn some different ways
to say cheap and expensive.
Now these two words, cheap and expensive, are among
the most common adjectives out there. And I thought
it would be time to teach you how to say them differently.
We don't always want to say this is cheap, this was
so cheap, this is so so cheap, (gibberish).
Boring. And it's not just boring, sometimes it doesn't
adequately describe something. So today
I'm going to give you different words that kinda more
accurately describes these two very important adjectives
because we work with them all the time.
So stick with me and learn
some new great words.
So let's start with cheap, the first synonym, and this
is a direct synonym, meaning you can use it interchangeably
is inexpensive. So if something is inexpensive it means
it's cheap, it just doesn't cost a great deal.
- This one you can use for most things, so instead
of saying cheap, just say inexpensive.
Okay, now another direct synonym for cheap is
I forgot the word. Another direct synonym for cheap is
low-price. Again, this is interchangeably, so you can
use cheap, you can use inexpensive
or you can use low-priced.
The next synonym for cheap is affordable. Now, yes,
of course this is a synonym, we can talk about something
cheap being affordable, but I think I hear this a lot
with big ticket items, so if something that is kind
of usually expensive or usually is worth a lot of money.
So talking about things like a car or a house or
something that is usually very expensive. It doesn't
cost too much, it's cheaper than we expected to be.
Maybe we can say that it's affordable.
The next one is cost-effective. And this one
is one of those synonyms that has a very specific meaning.
So, not only is it cheap, but it produces some
good effect without costing a lot of money.
So, it's kinda like good for the price. Cost-effective.
It does the job and it doesn't have to cost you a lot.
Our next adjective is budget, and don't confuse this
one with the noun budget, because they mean slightly
different things. When used as an adjective just
stands for inexpensive. You know it's just
a synonym for cheap.
Our next synonym is reasonable, and this another one
that is not quite a direct synonym for cheap.
So if something is reasonable, it just kind of means
that the price is not necessarily too cheap, but
more like fair or moderate. Not too expensive.
- It's not more or less, it's just fair. But of course
you can use it as a synonym for cheap in the context
that you're talking about fair prices.
The next word is steal, and for this one I don't
the verb to steal, it's a noun. So when you
refer to something as a steal, that's kinda how we use it.
It just means that's so cheap, almost like you stole it.
- It shouldn't be that cheap, it should be illegal that
it's that cheap, but it is. So this one is probably one
of my favorites, because if I find something that's
a steal, I'm having a great day, don't have
to pay a lot of money, so life is great.
Our next synonym is bargain, and this one just kind of means
the same as steal, except steal is more informal.
But really, they mean the same thing, it just mean
something really really cheap. And usually bargain
has the implication that whatever item you bought,
you bought it on a sale for a price that's usually
much lower than expected and maybe you just got a really
good sale or deal.
Okay, so now that you know some wonderful
synonyms for cheap, how about we talk about expensive.
I just realized these are not gonna be as fun
as cheap, because nobody likes to talk about
expensive things. So we are going to start with the most
kinda direct synonym for expensive and this one is costly.
Now pay attention how you pronounce this word, because
you do not hear the t, it's a very subtle, almost
silent t. It just means costing a lot. If something's
costly, costs a lot of money. So, it's expensive.
It's costly.
Our next synonym is overpriced, and this one has a slightly
different meaning and it just kind a means if something
is overpriced, it cost more than it should. Yes, it's
expensive, but it shouldn't be this expensive. It just
it's way too much, it's overpriced.
The next one is pricey, and this is kinda like
costly, is kind of a direct synonym for expensive, and
it just means costing a lot of money. It's expensive.
The next one is valuable, and this one kinda
has two meanings, one of them is, obviously the directly
related to money. If something is valuable it means
it's worth a lot of money.
- But it can also mean that it has another kind of
value as well. It doesn't necessarily have to be
about money. So something valuable to you could be
maybe something one of a kind.
- I'll say this many times when we're talking about
valuable, we are talking about, um, I hear to jewelry a lot.
So, you know, like her ring or earing or something
would be valuable.
Our next word is extravagant, and I would say that this one
also has a slightly different meaning, usually when
something is extravagant, it cost a little
bit more than you can afford or more than you should
pay for it. Extravagant, is kind of connected to
like a life of luxury. So extravagant can also be more
than something reasonable, it's just too much.
Our next word is lavish, and I put extravagant and
lavish together because they are kind of related.
So when we're talking about lavish is kinda
still that idea of that life style. If it's something
that is elaborate, that's expensive, that a lot of
money was spent on it and maybe just something that
it's a little bit abundant. Lavish, it's really
kind of luxurious.
So maybe you've notice that this words have kind of gone
from just, you know, expensive to like, crazy expensive.
Well, our next word is even crazier on the expensive scale.
And it is exorbitant. Something is exorbitant it means that
it is at an unreasonably high price, the price is so high
that it just, no. Why would you pay so much for this?
It is exorbitant. So whenever you use this word you
wouldn't just describe expensive, but you would describe
something so expensive that it is almost insane.
- Completely unreasonable, it doesn't make any sense,
yet it cost this much. Exorbitant.
And our next synonym is kind of an idiom.
Well, it's not kind of, it's an idiom. Therefore it's
a little bit less formal, and it is an arm and a leg.
It means very expensive not as expensive as exorbitant,
but it just means very very expensive.
Okay, so now I want you to practice this words
that we've just learn, so what I want you to do is
in the comments, use one of the words we learned and
tell us about something you think it's cheap or expensive.
Remember, the more you use the vocabulary the better
it will stick in your mind, so you know if you want to
tell us about ten things, twenty things,
whatever, the better you'll remember them.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson
and learned some new vocabulary words, if you did,
please give us some love, thumbs up, share, whatever you
want to do. I also hope that your purchases in the
future are not exorbitant or extravagant. But instead
they are reasonable and affordable.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye.
La Sultana | Capítulo 01 | Telemundo - Duration: 19:42.
<i> My name is Ahmed,</i>
<i> son of Sultan Mehmed</i> <i> and Handan Sultan.</i>
<i> I was born 24 years</i> <i> after the death</i>
<i> of the great Sultan</i> <i> Suleiman the Magnificent.</i>
<i> I spent the first five years</i> <i> of my life in Manisa,</i>
<i> surrounded by loving people.</i>
<i> Then, I was brought</i> <i> to Istanbul,</i>
<i> the capital of the world.</i>
<i> My father had ascended</i> <i> to the throne,</i>
<i> becoming the ruler of the</i> <i> biggest empire in the world.</i>
<i> I thought,</i> <i> "What a glorious day!"</i>
Mahmud! Brother!
<i> But our happiness</i> <i> was not to last.</i>
<i> Our father sent us</i> <i> to the Justice Tower.</i>
<i> The happiness of princes is</i> <i> a thing of fairy tales, a lie.</i>
<i> We either ascend</i> <i> to the throne or die.</i>
<i> That day, I discovered that</i> <i> once a prince became sultan,</i>
<i> he would kill his siblings in</i> <i> order to avoid disturbances.</i>
<i> It was Ottoman law.</i>
<i> But what I learned afterwards</i> <i> was even more important.</i>
<i> Even the oldest of laws </i>
<i> aren't stronger than</i> <i> the bond between brothers.</i>
I'll never be like Father.
If I ever ascend to the throne,
I swear I won't kill my siblings.
I swear I'll never kill you, Ahmed.
<i> I wanted to run,</i>
<i> but our father</i> <i> wanted us to watch</i>
<i> so we would learn</i> <i> to take care of ourselves.</i>
<i> Nineteen coffins moved slowl,</i>
<i> like boats adrift</i> <i> in a sea of death.</i>
<i> I never forgot them.</i>
<i> One night, my nightmare</i> <i> became a cruel reality.</i>
<i> I felt Death's breath</i> <i> in the darkness...</i>
<i> and saw its servants</i> <i> dressed as executioners.</i>
<i> My father,</i> <i> Sultan Mehmed Khan...</i>
<i> ...murdered my older brother.</i>
<i> The world could have burned,</i> <i>and I couldn't have cared less.</i>
<i> But that day,</i> <i> I understood</i>
<i>that there's no worse pain than</i> <i>that of the death of a brother.</i>
<i> I spent three months in hell.</i>
<i> The refreshing rain</i> <i> was no more.</i>
<i> The soft warmth of spring</i>
<i> and the aroma of flowers</i> <i> were gone.</i>
<i> It was all darkness.</i>
<i>I thought I'd never smile again.</i>
<i> Never.</i>
<i> Our mother, Safiye Sultan,</i> <i> was very sad for me.</i>
<i> She wanted her dear grandson</i> <i> to smile.</i>
<i> Suddenly, a ray of light</i> <i> shone through the darkness.</i>
What's this?
The corsairs found it on a Venetian ship.
It's the work of a prominent artist.
Who is she?
Her name is Anastasia.
<i> She was beautiful, sure,</i>
<i> but that was not</i> <i> what captivated me.</i>
Cephalonia, 1603
<i> I saw more than beauty</i> <i> in that picture.</i>
<i> I saw three things</i> <i>that I would need until I died.</i>
<i> Peace, which I would have</i> <i> every time I looked at her.</i>
<i> Joy, which would make me</i> <i> forget my pain.</i>
<i> And innocence,</i> <i> which nothing and no one</i>
<i> would ever take away</i> <i> from me again.</i>
<i> Reality was different.</i>
<i> Allah wanted me</i> <i> to see something else.</i>
My prince.
It's me, my prince.
Reyhan Aga.
I was ordered to take you to the Sultan's chambers.
Why does His Majesty wish to see me at this time of night?
It's a trap.
My father wants to kill me, doesn't he?
Safiye Sultan.
Beloved grandson.
his majesty...
our beloved son...
your father, Sultan Mehmed Khan...
has passed away and gone to the eternal kingdom.
Your new dawn begins today.
Today is your day.
From now on,
Osman's blessed throne belongs to you, Sultan Ahmed.
<i> I, Sultan Ahmed, </i>
<i> ascended to the throne </i>
<i> when I least expected it.</i>
Cephalonia, 1603
Anastasia, I won't stay there forever.
I'll only spend a few weeks in Venice.
Why can't I go with you, Dad?
We've been over this before.
Your mother and sister need you.
Who would look after the business, Nasia?
Did I ever tell you the story of this olive tree?
Hundreds of times.
Very well, Nasia. It's time to go.
Look after your sister and your mother.
And the business, too.
I have full faith in you, sweetheart.
Nasia, wait for me!
Why are the bells ringing?
I don't know.
Holy Mother, please protect us.
Holy Mother...
Are you the merchant known as Enzo?
That's right.
Who are you? What do you want from us?
Fear not. We're here for a good cause.
Where is your daughter?
Anastasia? Where is she?
She's not here. I sent her to Venice last week.
For the love of God, she's just a girl!
-Dad! -Let her go!
-Dad! -Leave my daughter alone!
-Let me go! -Leave my daughter alone!
-Dad! -Let her go!
Don't take my daughter!
-Dad! -Anastasia!
-Dad! -Let my daughter go!
Where are you taking my daughter?
To the center of the world.
Let her go!
Fahriye, our beautiful daughter.
Fahriye Sultan.
Join us.
Join us on your nephew's big day.
He's ascended to the throne at such a young age.
May Allah always guide him.
<i> Attention!</i>
<i> His royal highness</i> <i> Sultan Ahmed Khan!</i>
May Allah welcome him into his kingdom!
Sultan Mehmed was still young.
The sultan was told of a prophecy
after the murder of Prince Mahmud.
"You won't survive the accident you'll suffer in 56 days.
Don't be careless, your highness."
Sultan Mehmed died 56 days later.
Show some manners, Musa Pasha!
Don't cause a ruckus during the ceremony with your nonsense.
Isn't now the time when ruckus tends to happen, Sheikh?
Don't you see?
A very young sultan has ascended to the throne.
He hasn't been circumcised yet.
May Allah protect us!
We bore witness to the reign
of the powerful Suleiman the Magnificent,
his son Sultan Selim Khan,
and his son Sultan Murad Khan.
We also mourned their loss.
They now rest in peace.
Our beloved son Mehmed Khan,
who is now in heaven, ruled over us and we obeyed him.
May their souls rest along side Allah.
My prince.
I was playing with my brother.
He's no longer your brother, Mustafa.
You will address him as "Your Majesty" from now on.
My lion.
You know what to do once you ascend to the throne.
Ottoman law dictates that whoever becomes sultan
has the right to kill his brothers.
10/29/18 11:39 PM (12928 E Indiana Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99216, USA) - Duration: 4:59.
Carlo, la pompa di calore e la resistenza elettrica - Duration: 3:02.
10/29/18 11:44 PM (5112 E 4th Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99212, USA) - Duration: 4:57.
10/29/18 11:23 PM (15205 E Trent Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99216, USA) - Duration: 4:57.
10/29/18 10:58 PM (4206 E Day Mt Spokane Rd, Mead, WA 99021, USA) - Duration: 4:56.
10/29/18 11:08 PM (4581 E Bigelow Gulch Rd, Spokane, WA 99217, USA) - Duration: 4:57.
ミニバンの進化は止まらない、セレナe-POWER、収納スペースを総チェック!! 容量は?使い心地は? - Duration: 6:43.
Coronation Street Spoilers | 5th - 9th Nov 2018 - Duration: 1:43.
The Bonfyre - Automatic - Duration: 2:39.
The Bonfyre - Automatic | JulyNice Music 2018
GAME RECAP: Kings 123, Heat 113 - Full Game Highlights | Oct 29, 2018 | NBA 2018-19 - Duration: 1:36.
KILLER LIPS Makeup Tutorial (ENG SUB) 💄 Simona Petrucci - Duration: 4:45.
3266/5000 Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel.
Today on Weronika I made a fast but effective makeup
that could be also good for Halloween in case you did not want to dress up too much.
With a strong color on the lips you can not go wrong
...and so every kiss will be fatal!
I hope you will like it.
I started applying the Face and Body foundation from MAC in the shade "C1"
all over the face using a flat brush from Nude by Nature, and I spread it even on the neck, paying attention to blend it well.
With the MAC corrector palette, medium tone, I corrected the part under the eye that is a little darker than the rest
... and the eyelid is fixed to make the color uniform.
With L'Oreal's True Match Concealer in the color "Ivory" I perfected
the correction even more by giving light to some key points of the face.
After applying it, I buffed everything with a beauty blender.
Then with my trusty powder from Kat Von D
I have opacified and fixed the same points to avoid giving a wet effect.
I used a powder from Inglot, in the color "514", to give three-dimensionality to the face, and give that extra touch of shadow to his features.
I love these pencils for Zoeva's eyebrows and with the color "Arsenic",
I have filled and redesigned the shape to make them more symmetrical and defined.
For the eyes I entrusted the Naked3 from Urban Decay.
With the color "Trick" I filled the mobile eyelid, to give this luminous effect to her look.
Then with the color "Noone" I intensified the recess to give more depth to the eye and I also blended it on the underside.
Finally with a flat brush I applied the color "Darkheart".
Drawing a small wing to the eye I have lengthened its shape, giving also a more present and sure intention.
Then with a smaller pen brush I darkened the lower lashes too.
Then I applied L'Oreal's Million Lashes to enhance eyelashes in both length and volume.
It's probably my favorite drugstore mascara.
With Clinique's "07 Plummy" pencil I outlined the lip contour to get a clear guideline for
the lipstick I applied later.
The centerpiece of this makeup is the lipstick. It is part of the Oh Sweetie
collection from MAC and the color is "Death by Chocolate".
Which by the way is also one of my favorite songs by Sia.
It has a chromatic color and a fabulous intensity and a chocolate scent that makes it even more pleasant to wear.
This is when Weronika first saw herself ...and she said WOW
As a bronzer I used this one from the JLO collection for Inglot, to emphasize the colorfulness of the face.
Then I made her cheeks more rosy with the blushes from the Unfiltered II from Nars.
As highlighter I chose this one from Nude By Nature because it has a rosy color but inside has very beautiful golden reflections
and it's a product I like because sometimes I can simply use it as a blush to get a bright and fresh nude look.
I fixed the make up with MAC's Fix+
...and Weronika is ready.
Let me know if you liked this video by leaving a comment
and putting a thumbs up. And please subscribe to my channel, I'm going to publish many other new makeups.
See you at the next makeup!
Cartoon - Being a Parents is Incredibly Difficult | AmoMama - Duration: 1:47.
Emily and I were getting ready to became parents and didn't even imagine
All the tough challenges we were about to face!
We had to...
- HMM... How does it get together?
...Make things with own hands
- Are you sure it works like this?
...limit our sleep
... Go for walks rain or shine
...Forget about our usual rest
- Well, let's watch the cartoons...
...Share our space
Honey, could you wait outside?
No! I'll be lonely outside!
... And Give all we had
Mummy, are you sure you don't want to try?
Truly, being a parent is incredibly difficult
But we'll never tell our children that!
Being parents is true happiness! Share this video if you agree!
Niloya Mete Tospikle birlikte Bi Dolu Oyuncak 2 Sarı Dev Sürpriz Yumurta Joker Johny Johny yes Papa - Duration: 10:07.
Day 2 and 3: this seems to start working... - Duration: 4:58.
Day 2:
I just woke up
and here I am, the failure face again
it was such a good sleeping..
so good..
it is 10:30 now..
late again, I wanted to wake up at 9 anyway
well, still better than yesterday
yesterday I woke up at 11, today it was at 10:30 at least
to be honest, I wake up at 9, but I can't get up cause I'm not lucid
what a fail..
updates: what did I do after I woke up?
I procrastinated, naturally
I should've gone to the gym
but I realized that I'm having trouble with execute the plan
even with the plan I'm having trouble
so now it is 03:10 p.m. and I'm going to take a nap
I should go to work earlier today
I'll sleep for 25 minutes
well, I wish so
so, what happened:
I realized that I could sleep for only 20 minutes
well, actually I did that
but I couldn't get up so I slept again
but then I slept for more than 30 minutes
woke up late
that's why I didn't record before
as always, I'm having a really hard time getting up
so, end of the second day
I'll give some thoughts
first one is that I can't remember anything that I did today
so I don't have much to say
the other one is that I'll have to wake up at 8 tomorrow
in this case I'm not sure what to do
if I go to bed an hour earlier or if I just have 1 hour less sleep duration
as I haven't planned that, I'll have one hour less sleep duration
let's see how it goes
I should really try to sleep at the right time
(at least now I'm holding my phone horizontally)
well, I just woke up
I had to wake up at 8 today
what happened is that I woke up at 07:55
but couldn't sleep more, I was not tired
but I think that's because I woke up a little bit worried
I was afraid of not waking up
well, I'm fine at least
but we'll see, I'm afraid of getting sleepy all day long
well, some updates
I spent all the morning doing stuff
I have to confess that I liked it, it was productive
I did a lot of stuff, work stuff too
idk, I was just doing lot of stuff
it feels like a whole day have passed
but in compensation I'm tired!! now it is 01:20 p.m.
and I wanna sleeppppp
I'm not sure if I should take a nap right now
or keep it up at 03:30
let's see, it was good, but I'm tired
damn, I'm tired
it is 2 and something
and I'm dead
why am I doing thissss
I think I'm gonna take a nap right here
but it can't last longer than half an hour (it isn't, Minnie?)
I went to my 30 minute nap
I went to my 30 minute nap, but what did I do?
slept for almost an hour
it is wrooong, Caick
I set the alarm clock, but I found myself an excuse to sleep more
well, now I'm awake, time to work
I'm going to take a nice bath, but someone does this to the window
opens it a lottt but I can't reach the window handle!
today's summary
it was a nice day
I woke up early and did a lot of stuff that I can't remember
I'm going to bed at the correct time
now it is 03:05, much better
I'm not feeling tired
though usually I do not feel tired in the night
and the good thing is that tomorrow I have to wake up at 9 no matter what
cause I have to work lol
let's go
I don't think I followed the routine in the way I'd like in any of the past days
but I should persist, right
this weeking is going to be a bit more complicated, but we can do it
10/29/18 11:18 PM (9307 E Trent Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, USA) - Duration: 4:57.
TALKING TOM 2 RUN CANDY #24 Game cartoon children RADOVANOV - Talking Tom ! - Duration: 20:10.
Temptation, De Giorgio spara a zero su Lara: 'Ha preso in giro tutti' - Duration: 11:55.
Consonant ㄹ (rieul, r/l) - Korean Alphabet Hangeul Pronunciation, Reading, Writing Lesson 한글 리을 - Duration: 6:17.
Annyeonghaseyo, yeoreobun, SoYoung-ieyo. Hello, everyone, I'm SoYoung.
Hamkke hangeureul gongbuhaebwayo. Let's practice Korean alphabet, Hangeul together.
Let's practice Korean alphabet, Hangeul together.
Out of 19 consonants in Hangeul, we are going to look at the consonant ㄹ this time.
The name of the consonant is rieul.
This is how you write ㄹ.
Draw a ㄱ and add ㄷ below it.
ㄹ is pronounced like this: Softly touch the roof of your mouth behind
your teeth with the tip of your tongue.
Let's look at the examples including ㄹ.
라 ra
나라 nara country
러 reo
러시아 reosia Russia
로 ro
로비 robi lobby
루 ru
마루 maru floor
리 ri
거리 geori distance/ street
래 rae
노래 norae song
뢰 roe
신뢰 silloe trust
락 rak
도시락 dosirak lunchbox
랑 rang
사랑 sarang love
련 ryeon
훈련 hullyeon training
룸 rum
룸메이트 rummeiteu roommate
린 rin
기린 girin giraffe
Let's review: Look at the letter and guess how it sounds.
One more review: Listen to the sound first and guess how it spells.
That's all I have for today.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
And don't forget to subscribe for more Korean lessons.
Bwajusyeoseo Gamsahamnida. Thank you for watching.
Thank you for watching.
ŸoU h@<{ Mã£ê A grAvē MïStãKē
WâRñÊd ŸØu
Now hE iS No lOnGeR The HEGEHOG_You rEmembEr
Hïs LiFë bĖlonG$ t0 hÏm n# L0N&3r
ReLe@se my S0uL
W3 wiLl not ne3d tHem anyMore
Is that the s@me S0nic YoU're F@miLiar w!th
Øh N#
WhÀt Ar3 YoU D@1ng
hÎz P#w3R h@S GroWn
well well
That thing is Your problem now
I Am EXE And I will Never Die
10月29日30日ビットコイン暴落要因とリップルの仕込み時とは?その高騰タイミングとは?暴落中仮想通貨チャート分析!年末にかけて爆上げか?下落気味XRP・ETH最新ニュース!暗号通貨最前線仮想通貨情報 - Duration: 7:03.
TALKING TOM 2 RUN CANDY #24 Game cartoon children RADOVANOV - Talking Tom ! - Duration: 20:10.
Above Majestic - Movie - Duration: 2:13:35.
张翰的话无意间道出阚清子分手的心酸,网友:真的是意会错了吗? - Duration: 6:09.
Bishop Gunn - Alabama
Embraer AMX-T - Duration: 8:37.
Why don't Americans say McDonald's properly? - Duration: 2:49.
Hello, it's Jinger.
A lot of people seem to be interested in
how to pronounce brand names.
So I've been making videos about it.
Today I'll tell you about nicknames that Americans use.
Jinger English
When I first moved to America
this is what happened.
My hubby and I couldn't find a house right away.
So we stayed with his mom for several months.
One day, my mother-in-law said
I just got to America at that point
I didn't know what DD was.
So I asked her.
Americans say Dunkin' Donuts DD in short.
Am I the only one who thought about a bra size from DD?
In America, I started to find out
DD wasn't the only one.
There were a lot more.
A popular brand like McDonald's
is called Mickey D's.
I mentioned this in my previous video
Chevrolet, the American car brand.
Chevrolet is a full name.
People often call it Chevy.
And BMW.
People call it Bimmer.
There are 3 ways to spell it.
Since I mentioned my mother-in-law
let's talk about my father-in-law too.
He needed to buy some stuff.
That's what he said.
Where the heck is Tar-zhay?
I found out that Target is also called Tar-zhay.
So I asked why.
Target ends with et.
It kind of looks like a French word.
When we think about the image of France
it's elegant and luxurious.
Americans think the same.
So, instead of Target
they call it Tar-zhay like a French word.
People seem to think it sounds more upper class.
I can see what trolls are going to say.
Why do I have to know these?
You don't have to.
But there is a problem.
You can say the full names you know.
But the other person could say
something like that.
Then you can't understand.
So it's better to know these names.
Communication involves 2 ways.
It's important to say
but listening is as important.
So you need to know expressions native speakers use.
I don't force you anything.
Choices are yours.
My name is Jinger.
If this video is helpful
I'll be back with different videos.
ŸoU h@<{ Mã£ê A grAvē MïStãKē
WâRñÊd ŸØu
Now hE iS No lOnGeR The HEGEHOG_You rEmembEr
Hïs LiFë bĖlonG$ t0 hÏm n# L0N&3r
ReLe@se my S0uL
W3 wiLl not ne3d tHem anyMore
Is that the s@me S0nic YoU're F@miLiar w!th
Øh N#
WhÀt Ar3 YoU D@1ng
hÎz P#w3R h@S GroWn
well well
That thing is Your problem now
I Am EXE And I will Never Die
GoPress And Foil Technique 30 Using Leftovers From Cut Foil and Emboss Dies - Duration: 2:28.
罗晋"亲吻"妻子,谁注意他们看对方眼神?立马暴露浓情蜜意感情 - Duration: 2:20.
Wireless Free Energy Signals Electricity With DC motor Generator - New Technology projects at Home - Duration: 7:42.
Wireless Free Energy Signals Electricity With DC motor Generator - New Technology projects at Home
WATCH FULL Cardi B Rant About Nicki Minaj's Podcast | - Duration: 3:19.
WATCH FULL Cardi B Rant About Nicki Minaj's Podcast |
Cardi B went on an epic rant about Nicki Minaj's "Queen Radio" show, in which Minaj said it was her friend, Rah Ali, who beat up Cardi.
You can watch the full rant, which Cardi uploaded to her Instagram page in segments on October 29, above.
Cardi threatens to beat up Minaj and also threatened legal action.
Cardi tells her followers, that Nicki lies "so much [she] can't keep up with [her] f***in' lies.
First you say you've got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you're talking!".
This came shortly after Minaj went on her podcast to divulge information about the pair's apparent brawl during New York Fashion Week.
Minaj said it was her friend, Rah Ali, who beat up Cardi.
Minaj said, "Rah, really beat Cardi's ass bad.
Rah beat you so bad that I was mad at Rah.
You went home and told people security hit you, and we let that ride for legal reasons.".
Cardi's response to that was to call Minaj a "snitch." Minaj added that she would hand over $100,000 to anyone who came forward with the surveillance footage of the pair's alleged fight.
It had been alleged that Cardi threw a shoe and Minaj, causing injury.
Cardi told her followers, that Nicki lies "so much [she] can't keep up with [her] f***in' lies.
First you say you've got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you're talking!".
Minaj also denied the allegation that she had leaked Cardi B's number.
Minaj said, "I've never leaked a number in my life and y'all continue to lie on me to make me look like a bad person.".
READ NEXT: Michigan School Teachers Admit to Being Porn Stars on the Side.
Lets Play Deciet #SubGames First time playing - Duration: 1:33:03.
Useful Words to Say Things Are Cheap and Expensive - Duration: 10:13.
- Today we're learning some very useful vocabulary,
keep on watching to learn some different ways
to say cheap and expensive.
Now these two words, cheap and expensive, are among
the most common adjectives out there. And I thought
it would be time to teach you how to say them differently.
We don't always want to say this is cheap, this was
so cheap, this is so so cheap, (gibberish).
Boring. And it's not just boring, sometimes it doesn't
adequately describe something. So today
I'm going to give you different words that kinda more
accurately describes these two very important adjectives
because we work with them all the time.
So stick with me and learn
some new great words.
So let's start with cheap, the first synonym, and this
is a direct synonym, meaning you can use it interchangeably
is inexpensive. So if something is inexpensive it means
it's cheap, it just doesn't cost a great deal.
- This one you can use for most things, so instead
of saying cheap, just say inexpensive.
Okay, now another direct synonym for cheap is
I forgot the word. Another direct synonym for cheap is
low-price. Again, this is interchangeably, so you can
use cheap, you can use inexpensive
or you can use low-priced.
The next synonym for cheap is affordable. Now, yes,
of course this is a synonym, we can talk about something
cheap being affordable, but I think I hear this a lot
with big ticket items, so if something that is kind
of usually expensive or usually is worth a lot of money.
So talking about things like a car or a house or
something that is usually very expensive. It doesn't
cost too much, it's cheaper than we expected to be.
Maybe we can say that it's affordable.
The next one is cost-effective. And this one
is one of those synonyms that has a very specific meaning.
So, not only is it cheap, but it produces some
good effect without costing a lot of money.
So, it's kinda like good for the price. Cost-effective.
It does the job and it doesn't have to cost you a lot.
Our next adjective is budget, and don't confuse this
one with the noun budget, because they mean slightly
different things. When used as an adjective just
stands for inexpensive. You know it's just
a synonym for cheap.
Our next synonym is reasonable, and this another one
that is not quite a direct synonym for cheap.
So if something is reasonable, it just kind of means
that the price is not necessarily too cheap, but
more like fair or moderate. Not too expensive.
- It's not more or less, it's just fair. But of course
you can use it as a synonym for cheap in the context
that you're talking about fair prices.
The next word is steal, and for this one I don't
the verb to steal, it's a noun. So when you
refer to something as a steal, that's kinda how we use it.
It just means that's so cheap, almost like you stole it.
- It shouldn't be that cheap, it should be illegal that
it's that cheap, but it is. So this one is probably one
of my favorites, because if I find something that's
a steal, I'm having a great day, don't have
to pay a lot of money, so life is great.
Our next synonym is bargain, and this one just kind of means
the same as steal, except steal is more informal.
But really, they mean the same thing, it just mean
something really really cheap. And usually bargain
has the implication that whatever item you bought,
you bought it on a sale for a price that's usually
much lower than expected and maybe you just got a really
good sale or deal.
Okay, so now that you know some wonderful
synonyms for cheap, how about we talk about expensive.
I just realized these are not gonna be as fun
as cheap, because nobody likes to talk about
expensive things. So we are going to start with the most
kinda direct synonym for expensive and this one is costly.
Now pay attention how you pronounce this word, because
you do not hear the t, it's a very subtle, almost
silent t. It just means costing a lot. If something's
costly, costs a lot of money. So, it's expensive.
It's costly.
Our next synonym is overpriced, and this one has a slightly
different meaning and it just kind a means if something
is overpriced, it cost more than it should. Yes, it's
expensive, but it shouldn't be this expensive. It just
it's way too much, it's overpriced.
The next one is pricey, and this is kinda like
costly, is kind of a direct synonym for expensive, and
it just means costing a lot of money. It's expensive.
The next one is valuable, and this one kinda
has two meanings, one of them is, obviously the directly
related to money. If something is valuable it means
it's worth a lot of money.
- But it can also mean that it has another kind of
value as well. It doesn't necessarily have to be
about money. So something valuable to you could be
maybe something one of a kind.
- I'll say this many times when we're talking about
valuable, we are talking about, um, I hear to jewelry a lot.
So, you know, like her ring or earing or something
would be valuable.
Our next word is extravagant, and I would say that this one
also has a slightly different meaning, usually when
something is extravagant, it cost a little
bit more than you can afford or more than you should
pay for it. Extravagant, is kind of connected to
like a life of luxury. So extravagant can also be more
than something reasonable, it's just too much.
Our next word is lavish, and I put extravagant and
lavish together because they are kind of related.
So when we're talking about lavish is kinda
still that idea of that life style. If it's something
that is elaborate, that's expensive, that a lot of
money was spent on it and maybe just something that
it's a little bit abundant. Lavish, it's really
kind of luxurious.
So maybe you've notice that this words have kind of gone
from just, you know, expensive to like, crazy expensive.
Well, our next word is even crazier on the expensive scale.
And it is exorbitant. Something is exorbitant it means that
it is at an unreasonably high price, the price is so high
that it just, no. Why would you pay so much for this?
It is exorbitant. So whenever you use this word you
wouldn't just describe expensive, but you would describe
something so expensive that it is almost insane.
- Completely unreasonable, it doesn't make any sense,
yet it cost this much. Exorbitant.
And our next synonym is kind of an idiom.
Well, it's not kind of, it's an idiom. Therefore it's
a little bit less formal, and it is an arm and a leg.
It means very expensive not as expensive as exorbitant,
but it just means very very expensive.
Okay, so now I want you to practice this words
that we've just learn, so what I want you to do is
in the comments, use one of the words we learned and
tell us about something you think it's cheap or expensive.
Remember, the more you use the vocabulary the better
it will stick in your mind, so you know if you want to
tell us about ten things, twenty things,
whatever, the better you'll remember them.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson
and learned some new vocabulary words, if you did,
please give us some love, thumbs up, share, whatever you
want to do. I also hope that your purchases in the
future are not exorbitant or extravagant. But instead
they are reasonable and affordable.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye.
李亚鹏被曝时隔七月未归还四千万债务,被列为失信人员恐殃及爱女 - Duration: 2:44.
How to Watch A Very Wicked Halloween Online | - Duration: 7:33.
How to Watch A Very Wicked Halloween Online |
The special A Very Wicked Halloween: Celebrating 15 Years on Broadway airs tonight, at 10:01 p.m.
ET/PT and 9:01 p.m.
CT, on the NBC network.
For those who do not have cable subscription, you may be looking for other ways to watch the special online.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of NBC on your computer, phone or streaming device via one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
NBC (available live in select markets, which you can find here) is one of 85 channels included in the main Fubo bundle.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including NBC (available live in select markets, which you can find here).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" comes with both its extensive on-demand library (which has most shows available after they air) and 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
NBC (available live in select markets, which you can find here) is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
The Broadway musical "Wicked" has been going on for 15 years and two of the original stars, Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel, are participating in the big event.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Chenoweth said that she and Menzel aren't just performing.
They are also the hosts of the event.
Chenoweth explained that, "Even if we were just appearing [and not hosting], it would still feel that way because we were there from the beginning.
We were the original ones, and we had experiences nobody can know because we did it.
We were both looking at each other going, 'This is so cool.'".
Other performers include Pentatonix, Ariana Grande, Adam Lambert and Ledisi.
Chenoweth previously revealed that when she was a part of "Wicked," it was a bit darker because the novel it is based on is also darker.
She explained to Entertainment Weekly, "We did have a darker script.
How much can the audience stand? Especially in musical theater, when we're built to have a song come in because we can't speak anymore.
We did have a darker version, but ultimately it changed and changed, and we found the right tone.
It's interesting with these two women — who's good and who's evil? Both are, and that's what I love about it.".
Performer Ariana Grande had split from ex-fiance Pete Davidson just before the taping of A Very Wicked Halloween.
So, for her performance, she put a nude band-aid over her "Pete" tattoo that she has on her finger.
Perhaps she didn't want attention drawn to the tattoo while she was clutching her microphone.
When the novel "Wicked" came out in 1995, producer Marc Platt told Forbes that many wanted it to be made into a movie.
Platt revealed, "Whoopi Goldberg called, and so did Laurie Metcalf, and apparently Claire Danes was interested at one point.
Demi Moore already had a production company, so I went with her company, [which] had a working relationship with Universal … The story that I was interested in telling wasn't successfully appearing on the page.
The screenplays didn't feel like they had magic." And so, a movie was never made.
Learn 5 Tips for Great English Conversations | English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:03.
Hi Bob the Canadian here.
Let's learn English at the…actually I'm just at home today.
I thought I would make a video today to help you plan for, to help you to get ready for
an English conversation.
I'll go over 5 tips, 5 things that you can prepare so the next time you need to talk
to someone in English you'll be ready.
Hey if this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below,
and give me a thumbs up at some point during this video if it's helping you learn English.
And, there's something new today.
If you go down to the description you'll actually find some extra examples and you'll
find some things that you can work on to improve the English that you're learning in this
That's all down there in the description, you might have to scroll a little bit to see
So a while ago I made a video on how to prepare, how to plan to have a good English conversation.
I really believe that it's a good idea to be ready to talk about certain things before
you end up having an English conversation with someone.
I'll put a link to that video up here, but in this video I'll give you 5 more things
that you can plan on, that you can work on to help you plan for a good English conversation.
So the first thing that you're going to want to be able to talk about are the things
that you like.
So you want to be able to use sentences like, "I like reading."
"I like going to the library."
"I like reading a book."
Maybe no one will ask you this question, but you do want to be able to talk about the things
that you like doing.
Tip number 2, you want to be able to talk about the things that you love.
And hopefully you know the difference in English between "like" and "love".
So for instance I like eating, but I love pizza.
Like is when you enjoy something this much and love is when you enjoy something this
So you want to be able to talk about the things that you love.
So for instance if I was going to a party or if I knew I was going to have an English
conversation I would want to be ready to say, "I love pizza."
"I love eating pizza."
"I love taking a nap in the afternoon."
So think of two things that you really, really, really love doing and be ready to talk about
So that was, "like" and that was, "love".
The third thing that you're going to want to be prepared to talk about are the things
that you want to do, or the things that you want.
So you're going to want to be able to make sentences and say sentences like, "I want
to learn to speak English fluently."
"I want to graduate from University."
You're going to just want to prepare for and be able to say to people the things that
you want because it's pretty common when people have a conversation for you to hear
questions like, "What do you want to do in the future?" and to hear answers like,
"I want to graduate from University."
I'm pretty sure you want to become fluent in English which would be awesome.
So that was, "like" "love" "want".
The fourth thing that we're going to talk about is the things that you are able to do,
the things that you can do.
So it's nice when you're preparing to have an English conversation to also be prepared
to talk about the things that you are able to do.
For instance you might say, "I can drive a car."
"I can drive a motorcycle."
"I am able to understand English."
These are your competencies.
These are the things that you are good at.
These are the things that maybe in the past you wanted to do, and you worked really hard
at it, and now you are able to do them.
I am able to make videos to help people learn English and put them on Youtube.
So that was, "like".
That was, "love".
That was, "want", and that was "to be able to" or the things you're able to
The fifth thing that you are going to want to be ready to talk about are the things that
you have to do, the things that you must do.
There are many things in life where we have no choice and we must do them.
I must go to work every day.
I have to go to work every day.
I have to eat every day.
So you're going to want to be able to talk about some of the things in your life that
you have to do every day.
Well that was five things but don't leave yet because down there in the description
I have put some practice material because all of the five things we talked about can
also be put into the negative.
So you're going to want to practice how to talk about things you like, but also the
things that you don't like.
The things that you love, but the things you don't love.
The things that you want, but the things that you don't want.
The thing that you are able to do, and the things that you aren't able to do.
And the things that you have to do, and the things that you don't have to do.
So scroll down to the description and have a look there.
Bob the Canadian here.
Learn English with Bob the Canadian.
If you haven't subscribed yet please click the subscribe button below and give me a thumbs
up and share this video with all of the people that you know that are learning English.
Have a great day!
Are Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten Dating on Dancing With the Stars? | - Duration: 4:59.
Are Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten Dating on Dancing With the Stars? |
Last week on Dancing With the Stars, contestant Alexis Ren was asked how she felt about her pro partner Alan Bersten.
Ren shyly giggled and said she wasn't expecting to be put on the spot.
On tonight's show, she admitted to having developed feelings for Bersten.
So, are the two dating?.
According to Entertainment Tonight, Ren said on DWTS, "Alan, he's awesome.
He's super outgoing.
He's definitely been a really good reflection for me, to not take myself too seriously … we're cute dorks.".
And on tonight's show, she also says, "It's so much fun to dance with someone who you have a connection with.
It's almost like time slows down.
We communicate not just through our steps or our movements but with our hearts too.
I am developing feelings for Alan, and I didn't see this one coming.
It happened really quickly though, so I think I'm still trying to process it.".
So, what's the deal with this duo's relationship? According to Daily Mail, when Ren was asked directly if she was dating Bersten, she said, "I'm not answering that … I can barely get through [these] Mondays! … I mean, we're just, we're just so happy to be here and like I love him so much and I love his energy so much and we've been so focused on the competition.
As for what Bersten had to say, he stated, "We're taking it one day at a time here … I feel like the experience is once in a lifetime and we're just making the most of it and really just going out there and having fun.
Fans often hope for romantic connections between some of the pairs on DWTS and sometimes their wishes come to fruition.
In the past former pro Derek Hough formed a relationship with contestant Shannon Elizabeth.
Currently, he's actually dating DWTS troupe dancer Hayley Erbert.
Several of the pros have dated each other and some have even gotten married.
Peta Murgatroyd and Maksim Chmerkovskiy married last summer, while Val Chmerkovskiy and Jenna Johnson got engaged prior to this season.
Tonight on DWTS, it is Halloween night.
Bersten and Ren continue to show great chemistry.
And, in a clip before their dance, Ren awkwardly tells Bersten that she has chemistry with him and she shows her feelings for him.
Bersten confesses the cameras that he wants to be 100% certain of his own feelings for her before he lets her know where his head is at.
Bersten does tell her that he agrees they have chemistry.
He also tells the cameras that Ren lights up a room and he compliments her smile.
After their performance, DWTS host Erin Andrews asks Bersten about his relationship with Ren and he said, "Time will tell.
" Ren then embarrassingly hid behind Andrews.
Upbeat Adventures [Episode 1 : SpookyWookie] - Duration: 0:34.
Truccus: What a nice Halloween. :D
Tommshrumm: Yeah, everythings gr8 m8, we all have costumes. That is except for 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 new guys. (yeah screw allanker and duckawawa )
Allanker: 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘐 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘐 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥.
Truccus: Wait, who's that?
Crockedin: Can I be on your island permanently? (oh wow mantis you didn't even bother to animate a turn around)
Truccus: Well, I don't know about permanentl- (mantis ok seriously, why did you change the art style midway through the video)
Crockedin: Well I guess I'll have to kidnap you! (Ok what the HECK is up with that weird sans genocide eye!)
Truccus: Noooooooo (tommshrumm my only friend to the very end why are you getting eaten by that bum)
Grakka: waahahhahahahha (Ok zech, what the actual heck, your supposed to animate this scene.)
(Wait who the frick are these guys)
李咏去世前两天,女儿法图麦微博曝光照片!配文的4个字让人心疼? - Duration: 3:58.
Silencing Noisy Healthcare - Duration: 2:28.
You never want to be told that you have any kind of chronic condition. Diabetes
really scared me. I was struck like a deer in the headlights. I started seeking
information by reaching out to my primary doctor. They told me to do a
whole bunch of things and then sent me out the door.
You know half of it goes in one ear and out the other. I had a lot of unanswered
questions in my mind. You've got to figure out what's going on
with your body but I didn't know how. All these co-pays kept piling up and it got
to a point where I had to stop I didn't have the money for that, and that sucks.
I just thought that there could be, should be, and maybe was, a better means of management.
Using my new meter it was really nice knowing that I didn't have to chase
paper and remember to write down this result. Yhe results immediately go up
where they can be retrieved by the coach and you can send that to yourself or
send it to your doctor. I actually start getting advice tailored to me they give
you great advice on diet exercise and lifestyle changes to keep you as healthy
as you possibly can be and with this information I was actually in more
control of how I handle my daily eating habits. It's not just the meter and the
supplies it's the coaching that comes along with it.
It's the weekly emails. It's the synthesized data. It's a package.
Livongo coaches help me with what I need to eat, what I need to drink, what kind of
exercise, how much to exercise. I might be a month and a half away from actually
seeing my doctor but I'm only minutes away from hearing from Livongo.
Before Livongo, I was broke. Forking out my debit card every time I want to talk to somebody.
well Livongo has made my life so much easier.
I feel fantastic now I have so much more energy than I ever have had.
Livongo really helps me be my best self. I can do more of what I love, better.
I absolutely love it!
Actress Kajal Aggarwal Family Photos / Kajal with her Parents, Sister Nisha Aggarwal - Duration: 2:36.
Actress Kajal Aggarwal Family Photos / Kajal with her Parents, Sister Nisha Aggarwal
Cartoon - Being a Parents is Incredibly Difficult | AmoMama - Duration: 1:47.
Emily and I were getting ready to became parents and didn't even imagine
All the tough challenges we were about to face!
We had to...
- HMM... How does it get together?
...Make things with own hands
- Are you sure it works like this?
...limit our sleep
... Go for walks rain or shine
...Forget about our usual rest
- Well, let's watch the cartoons...
...Share our space
Honey, could you wait outside?
No! I'll be lonely outside!
... And Give all we had
Mummy, are you sure you don't want to try?
Truly, being a parent is incredibly difficult
But we'll never tell our children that!
Being parents is true happiness! Share this video if you agree!
FIFA 19 FAILS - Funny Moments, Fails & Fucking Moments #3 (Random Glitches & Bugs Compilation) - Duration: 5:06.
Ladies and gentlemen
In the middle
Nope, nope
No, man, I
Applied at the Centennial spear, so
Generally that is best
Julen Lopetegui: Man City boss Pep Guardiola makes admission after Real Madrid sacking - Duration: 3:05.
That's the view of Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola, who has said he will give Lopetegui a call after his dismissal
The former Spain manager was sacked as boss of Real Madrid yesterday after a dismal start to the season
Los Blancos sit ninth in La Liga and were thumped 5-1 by arch-rivals Barcelona on Sunday
That proved to be Lopetegui's last game with Real Madrid chiefs dismissing the manager with Santi Solari stepping in as caretaker
Guardiola is a former manager of Barcelona, having led the Catalan giants to three La Liga titles during his time in charge at the Nou Camp
And the current City boss knows how ruthless football can be as he admitted he feels for Lopetegui
"Football I know what it is, we are still here because we win games, if we don't win we will be sacked," Guardiola said
"I'm sorry for Julen because he's a friend of mine. He's an exceptional person. "I want to call him in the next few days "It is what it is
It's football, nobody escapes that. "When you have bad results you will not continue in big, big places like Barcelona or Madrid
I wish him all the best." A Real Madrid statement confirmed Lopetegui's axe, saying: "The Board of Directors of Real Madrid CF, meeting today October 29, 2018, has agreed to terminate the contract that linked coach Julen Lopetegui with the club
"This decision, adopted from the highest level of responsibility, aims to change the dynamics of the first team, when all the objectives of this season are still achievable
"The Board of Directors understands that there is a great disproportion between the quality of the staff of Real Madrid, which has 8 players nominated for the next Golden Ball, something unprecedented in the history of the club, and the results obtained to date
"The club thanks Julen Lopetegui and all his technical team for their effort and work and wishes them the best in their professional career
"It will be provisionally replaced by Santiago Solari, who will lead the first team starting tomorrow, Tuesday
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