It's Teca Martinez. The Tijuana capo is alive.
If we fail, I'll use your gun to shoot myself.
Stay here.
Hurry, hurry!
Hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?
There's no way I'm staying in the car
like a dog without an owner.
This is my job and I'm gonna direct it.
Your only job is to tell us what Hector Ruiz told you
and to not be seen.
This is a heavily guarded bank.
If you're caught, it's back to the States with you.
Wouldn't be my first visit.
I'm starting to grow fond of Mickey Mouse.
You're even starting to look like him.
At least put this on.
Come on.
I can't believe Sofia is nowhere to be found.
Calm down. You can't stress.
I don't care! Sofia has a lot to answer for.
What is it?
I searched everywhere and I couldn't find...
-Did you find Sofia? -No, she's disappeared.
I don't care, then.
Wait, you...
Azuceno, please stop.
Well, Bebote? Did she answer?
No, she's not answering.
-------- it! -That's not good.
She's the one who handles the horses.
-This is your fault! -You think I don't know that?
I hired her! This is my business.
Calm down!
And it's going to ----!
What happened at the plaza was terrible.
The horses were so scared I had to inject them with magnesium.
What the ---- is going on with the horses?
Hey, hey!
Bucephalus! Calm down!
Calm him down.
Elizabeth, come here.
Get back, Elizabeth.
Easy, girl.
What's wrong with her? Check her blood pressure.
What the ---- is going on?
What's wrong with her?
She's sick. She laid herself down.
Dad, help!
Thank you for allowing us to stay here.
It means a lot.
-What? -I'm stuck!
-He was kidding. -That joke never gets old.
It's Almeida.
Almeida? He can't know I'm here.
He can't see my son or me.
If he realizes you're housing a fugitive, he'll fire you.
If he finds out we're friends...
I can't go to prison and leave my son on his own.
Hide. I'll get rid of Almeida.
-Go to the bathroom. -Come on, honey.
It's an emergency. Let's play a game.
Come here!
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.comhÑ
You won't allow me to tell you the truth about Tony?
You don't have to do this.
Yes, I do!
After ten years, after everything that happened,
after leaving me like this because he didn't trust me...
Wait, Almeida!
Calm down!
Almeida! Damn it!
What's wrong?
Lookn't find her.
We searched around your place, in malls, nearby streets.
Let's hope she take cares of herself.
Like she has all this time.
I'll look for her as soon as I can.
I made her brother a promise and I'm going to keep it.
Alright, enough. This is my fault.
I swear I didn't mean to kick her out or hurt her.
Buy you know I'm not fond of kids... or women.
I get jealous, amd I'm very careful with my stuff.
I'm sorry. I was stupid.
It's fine.
Brother, don't you want to get some rest?
Go grab a bite. I'll stay here.
It's fine.
Almeida's like a father to me. I can't leave him.
Thanks, though.
Doc. So?
It's not looking good.
Mr. Almeida needs a heart transplant.
A heart transplant?
Mommy, are you hungry? I already ate.
Your turn.
No, honey. Save it for later.
Where are we going to sleep tonight?
We can get some rest here.
Come here.
Hey, lady.
Honey, wake up.
Where do you think you're going?
Let us go, please.
What's wrong, Mom?
Nothing, honey.
You must be the chick from that picture.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You see, Brutus?
No messes. No commotion, no injuries.
Are you Teca Martinez?
They recognized him!
The FBI and the cops are going to swarm the place.
Drop your weapon.
The one and only.
Let's go.
Kill him.
Look, I'm not the woman from that picture.
You're confused. I have nothing to do with her.
If that ain't you, then you're her twin.
You must've done something real bad if the FBI's after you.
My mom didn't do anything wrong.
The kids got -----.
The gringos will pay very good money for you.
Look, I have money.
Let me call my family. They'll...
We don't want anything for later.
We want it now!
"I'm spending a few days at the beach with friends."
I wanted to see him and spend time with him.
-Regina! -What's wrong?
Come here! Hurry!
Why are you yelling?
Hurry! Are you okay?
Where are you?
Can you stand?
Calm down.
Take the bag off her head.
They took him, sir! They took Rogelio and a car!
It's okay. Sit down.
Bernardo? Rogelio?
-Are you okay? -They took him!
-Calm down! -Rogelio!
Answer that.
It's not my phone.
Did they leave it?
<i> We have your son Rogelio.</i>
<i> If you call the police, we'll</i> <i> return him to you in pieces.</i>
<i> Wait for our call.</i>
Samantha isn't answering.
I bet she's in trouble with her mom again.
Stop it, bro. You're not a vacuum.
I'm in celebration mode.
You outdid yourself.
You looked panicked when we put you in the trunk.
It had to look real.
What are you gonna do with your share of the money?
I don't know.
Buy back my mother's jewelry, fix my truck,
pay for my girl's surgery.
I don't get it. Why does she need the surgery?
Her boobs look pretty great to me.
What's with you, -------?
We're gonna go to Mexico City, aren't we?
We'll go far away from this place and our father.
Hold on.
Growing up wealthy couldn't have been that bad.
Don't you regret making your parents think
someone kidnapped Rogelio?
Regret? Nope.
We might seem like the perfect family, but we're not.
My father used to beat me.
Every so often.
Let it go, man.
You left. It's over.
Let it go.
What about your mother? Did she do anything?
She cared more about money than she did us.
Who am I meeting with, Chepina?.
Good afternoon to you too, miss.
Are you ready for your interview?
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com
<i> If you want</i> <i> Vicenta Acero and her boy,</i>
Hand over Vicenta and the kid and I'll give you the gold.
First the gold, then the merch.
You know, you're in no position to make any demands.
Brutus showed me something about you.
What'd you tell Teca, traitor?
Leave Brutus out of this. He's setting up my TV.
I'm guessing you're curious, and who can blame you?
I could always put the pictures online
so everyone can see them.
No, don't upload anything. Just send them to me.
Don't take your eyes off them.
Yes, sir.
Trust us. Nothing's gonna happen to him.
<i> Don't you dare tell anyone</i>
<i>that Old Major kidnapped Vicenta</i>
<i> or I'll kill my own grandson.</i>
Girls, what would you do if you had a friend...
and that friend had a son, a boy,
and someone wanted to kill him and you wanted to help her,
but in doing so you'd put your son in danger?
What would you do?
What's going on? You're scaring me.
Whose son is getting killed?
Not this one!
Damn you, Brutus!
<i> Don't be silly.</i>
<i> Those are nice pictures.</i>
I didn't know you had such delicate tastes, Major.
Or should I call you Miss Piggy?
I wonder if your partners know about this.
I'm pretty sure your time will come to an end,
when they find out.
<i> What if that happens today?</i>
Hey, you almost screwed up with your parents.
They must think Rogelio's dead.
Hey, we agreed we needed to make it look real.
Bro, my poor mom's super scared.
Hey, let's be clear about something.
This isn't a real kidnapping.
Hey! You asked for more than we'd discussed.
Our son's not dead, Regina.
It's a trick.
I refuse to give those criminals any money.
If anything happens to Rogelio, I swear I'll never forgive you.
Not even on your deathbed.
You'll be his executioner.
I'm done here.
I didn't come here to see you two fooling around.
I think it's too late to walk away.
For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Recap (10/26/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:01.-------------------------------------------
How To Stop Hair Loss And Make Hair Grow Faster - Duration: 3:38.
While hair loss is perfectly normal when it comes to aging,
can still catch us off guard.
Depending on how much hair you have You're losing, it could be more than simply
get older.
Excessive hair loss has been attributed poor diet, stress and other factors
environmental impacts.
When you start to see more than just some wires in the sink, or when wicks appear
of hair on your brush, you may think in changing some of their routines.
This does not mean going to the store and buying products expensive.
It is these same products that may be aggravating a normal situation.
Instead, start with something you can create from natural ingredients, which
will not affect your budget.
This treatment will also give shine and strength the wires.
After using it for a short period of time, time, you should notice the growth in these
Next time you're at the grocery store, get these three simple ingredients: eggs,
honey and castor oil.
Here's what each one does:
First, the egg yolk will make your egg hair get stronger with its high content
of protein and fat.
Can also prevent dryness and double tips due to Vitamin A and the lecithin it contains.
Second, one of the most powerful, honey works for
make your scalp healthier and with stronger roots.
The natural sugars in honey will add oil needed for the follicles.
Finally, castor oil completes the recipe, balancing the acidity levels of your hair.
He can also get rid of that annoying dandruff. which you may have seen lately.
Here's how you can do and use this tonic. hair that will make your scalp
appear energized and rejuvenated.
Take the yolk of an egg, a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of
caster and mix in a bowl.
After stirring well, apply the mixture in its roots first.
So spread it all over your hair.
If you have long hair or do not think have enough of the treatment, you can
double the revenue.
Finally, cover the head with a cap and let the three ingredients rest
for some hours.
Shampoo your hair as you normally would.
You can use this treatment up to two Times a week.
Falsa Identidad | Recap (10/26/2018) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:10.
You're letting them go?
Free to do whatever they want?
They're free to stay, go or take a better job I'm offering.
Okay. I'll let security know.
It's now or never, Ramona.
Give me your phone.
-Why? -Unlock it.
This is Piochas' number.
If you need anything, call him.
Piochas? He's the one that beat me!
Forget about that!
I've known those two since they were kids.
Believe me, he's loyal to Gavino.
If you have a problem, he'll side with you and help you.
Joselito is going to destroy Babel.
And Gavino won't want to lose this place.
Go! Leave!
This is a goldmine for them. They won't let go of it easily.
Jim, I ------ up.
It was a mistake to call Joselito in.
-Thank you. -Go.
This is the guy ShDiego is pretending to be.a.
I have great news.
What did the Colombians say? They're happy, aren't they?
They're not just happy.
They're giving us all the guns we need, free of charge.
They do have one condition.
Which is?
We have to move half a ton.
500 kilos of coke is too much.
We moved less than 50 kilos our first job.
We have to do it, Augusto.
And not just because of the weapons.
We have to show them we can get whatever they ask done.
The Gaona Cartel could do it. They had me as a contact.
I was the mayor's right-hand man.
I knew people in the administration
and it was still difficult for me.
Joselito treated me like ----!
I want to play golf with his -----, you understand?
I mean...
-Did you do what I asked? -Of course.
They're happy.
Here are your girls, ready and willing to follow your orders.
He's gonna freak when he realizes I took the girls.
You're still here? Hurry!
Jose must know the waitresses got away and he'll take it out
on whoever he comes across first.
In other words, you.
Come with us. Don't stay.
I have to get this place back.
What will I do if I leave? I'm nothing without Babel.
I'm staying and I'm going to get this place back.
I'll find a way.
What's with you?
What the ---- is going on here?
The girls came to rehearse.
They're going to leave and come back tonight.
Back it up, ladies.
No one's leaving this place.
This must be the place.
-You sure. -This is it.
What did I ask?
This is Babel.
Heads up.
How may I help you? We're closed.
I saw your ad and I'm here to work as a bar-back.
Jose, we agreed I'd be in charge of the dancers.
You may be in charge of the dancers,
but yours truly owns them.
What do you want? To ruin our business?
-Shut up! -Put that down!
If you want to ruin our business,
I'll kill you.
Go ahead. Do it.
You're brave.
Do it! Shoot!
Shoot! Come on!
One more thing.
If I go, the jig is up.
Babel will die without me.
You won't be able to launder your money.
Is that what you want, Jose?
If that's what you want,
if you want the feds closing the place down,
then it's simple.
Pull the trigger.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com
It's starting.
It's Jim!
It's starting.
Brandon, shh!
Answer it and put him on speaker.
Ramona, Joselito knows I helped you and the girls leave.
He's holding everyone here hostage and is gonna kill us.
What do you want me to do?
He fired me. I can't go back.
Give me that.
Listen up, you ------- leech.
I should've fired you a long time ago.
You're with Circe, aren't you?
<i> Is Circe there, ------- it?</i>
What do you want, ass-kisser?
You really don't get it.
You and I aren't a thing anymore.
Tell that bitch to return what's mine!
Those whores are mine, ------- it!
I've lined up the dancers, the cleaning lady,
and the ------- barman.
I'll kill them if you don't tell me where my girls are.
Got it?
<i> Or are you gonna carry their</i> <i> deaths on your conscience?</i>
First of all, we didn't take anyone from you, you fool.
Secondly, the girls left
'cause they didn't want to be your slaves anymore.
I'm giving them a chance to have a better future.
Are you crazy?
Marlene is there! She's one of the dancers!
That ------- could...
That ------- doesn't have the ----- to do it.
His bark is worse than his bite. Relax.
You sure?
Let's continue.
What are you going to do?
As you can see, they don't care.
Put him together with the others.
Come on.
You'd better pray that Ramona helps you.
If she doesn't, I'll make you watch while I kill your people.
Look, we brought the drugs to be sold here.
-Where were you? -I called Piochas.
Why? He wants us dead!
-You called him? -You told me not to,
but I didn't know what else to do.
You're so stubborn!
That dude's gonna show up guns blazing and kill us all!
Is that what you want?
No, but I didn't know what to do!
-Jim gave me his number... -Here's what you do!
Think of your children, of us!
I am thinking of my children, you, and everyone else.
But I'm also thinking of everyone held upstairs.
-I was thinking about them! -Where's Marlene?
-There's no one in there! -What?
-Where did you look? -Downstairs!
Find the stage and go to the beaded door behind it.
Follow the hallway till you find some doors
that are tucked away. Everyone's being held there.
-I'll go get her. -No, no!
What do you mean?
They'll recognize you and kill you.
Listen for once and stay here and don't call anyone!
-Hurry! -Get inside.
-Bring Marlene back! -We have to talk.
Oh, we will!
Don't you get that you don't call the shots here, -------?
------- it!
Please stop.
Hey, move it.
What's up, Jose?
Didn't I tell you to leave my woman alone?
How do I make you understand?
Do I shoot you in the ------- head or something?
Diego, please lower your gun.
What are you doing here?
If Jose finds Diego, he'll kill him.
I used a fake ID.
The ones you gave me to be happy here.
Why are you here?
I came to see you.
I wanted to know how you were doing.
You're still my dad, after all.
That's how this would've gone
if you'd behaved differently with me,
if you hadn't disregarded me and condemned me,
if you'd trusted.
I'll never trust a traitor.
You thought that as a Gaona I'd let you humiliate me?
Know what your mistake was?
Underestimating your own blood.
Look at you.
You've been defeated.
It'll be a long time before that's true.
-You think so? -Yeah.
In case you didn't know, the person you're talking to,
the woman you humiliated...
was the one who put you in here.
Not only that, she's destroying what you care about the most.
So that by the time you leave this place...
That's if you're not killed first.
The Gaona cartel is but a mere memory.
And you know why?
Because instead of leaving me everything,
you left it to Joselito, King of Fools.
I'm taking all his clients and suppliers, one by one.
Little by little, I'll gain power
until the name Gavino Gaona is forgotten.
What do you think of my plan?
I think you're counting your chickens
before they've hatched.
They hatched a long time ago and they're in my pen.
Like it or not,
I'm the new queen of the Mexico City cartel.
Calm down!
Who is it?
It's me! Well, us.
What's wrong?
Diego, we're in big trouble.
The streets of Alamos are covered with posters
bearing the face of the real Emiliano Guevara.
The police are looking for him.
Damn it. What are we going to do?
I don't think his aunt will stop until she talks to him.
We're screwed. The guy's dead.
I can't talk to her and pretend to be him.
It'd be insane.
I don't think so.
-What? -What?
Look at it this way.
It might be our only way out of this.
You don't do that to that poor woman again.
We don't have a choice, Isabel.
He either tries and gets caught
or he doesn't and gets caught anyway.
Your choice.
Know why?
Because I never thought it'd be my own family betraying me.
You betrayed your family first.
I'm just returning the favor.
Keep becoming more powerful, child.
Organize your army.
Do what you want.
But I will get out of here, and we will meet again.
It's either you or me.
There isn't enough room for both of us.
Just don't bitch when I squash you.
Some guy who worked for the mayor came here a while ago.hM
You thought that as a Gaona I'd let you humiliate me?
Know what your mistake was? Underestimating your own blood.
Look at you. You've been defeated.
Relax, Gaona.
Are you here to finish the job?
They only sent a message today.
The Ibarras will spare you. You should thank your daughter.
My daughter?
"See you outside"
Chucho isn't stupid. He just looks like he is.
He did pretty well for this to have been his first time.
The containers are almost full.
----, it's the police! Come out!
Feds! Let's go!
Come on!
[Suena la sirena]
Damn it!
The Colombians gave me 24 hours to move the merch.as,
and the secret posts that dot the desert.
That's why he's never been caught.
So quit talking nonsense. Got it?
Got it.
You're right. Sorry.
We'll have to light many candles to Santa Muerte
to ease her anger 'cause no one here knows where to find Diego.
I know where you can find him.
What are you doing here?
Chill. Relax and lower your weapons.
I come in peace.
I know where that pain and his new girl live.
Maybe you'll finally realize
he'll never give you the time of day.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com
El novio de Natalia la defendió y criticó la burla de las redes sociales - Duration: 2:33.
FORTNITE JUGANDO CON SUBS - Duration: 2:14:09.
Dibujo y coloración de aves | Aprende colores para niños | Gato aprende colores ☆ - Duration: 2:55.
Who Want To Know - Mizzle - Duration: 3:29.
LIKE A BOSS 😎 BEST COMPILATION 2018 #11 - Duration: 10:10.
Link below
Click the link below to get this backpack!
La senadora Barreiro vuelve al PP sin que Cs se haya disculpado por destrozarla - Duration: 2:46.
Vlog de la boquita sucia | Carlos Andrés Valencia ft Melisa Sánchez - Duration: 7:03.
Benelli TRK 502 #226 Recognizing the road - Duration: 4:09.
#226 Recognizing the road
Let's go for a walk on this road ...
Sorry for the sound, but the wind again ...
And here's the walk on this road.
The next video will be CURVES and very good ...
I wait for you if you want, in the next chapter !! Vsss
Comisiones Furry - Duration: 7:24.
Hey what's up I'm inuHein
In case your were curious and if not well
I don't really care. I studied animation and I graduated about 3 years ago
Ask me how much I've animated
since I finished college. NOTHING.
After finishing college I decided to dedicate myself to full time freelance
More specifically, furry commissions
Earning money doing stuff I like and
not have a boss, or schedule, and pick my own vacation days?
Sig me the fuck up
BUT! It is pretty hard work tbh
Because being your own boss means
more than you can imagine. Like it's not just
"Oh I make my own schedule, I give my own free days
I can do whatever the hell I want whenever the hell I want
Aw, honey. It means a LOT of
Precisely because you're the one responsible for your job
and your productivity. You also have more to do
You have to work hard because
you're not only the boss. You're the employee, the secretary
the HR manager, community manager, the accountant
the cleaning lady
the one who makes the coffee in the morning for the whole office
Do office people do that? They make coffee for the office?
I'm not an office person, I never have. Can someone tell me if they do that?
If they make coffee for the whole---nevermind
If you're thinking about fully getting into the furry commission world
You need to have all of this in mind
Be very sure that this is what you want
And also, be aware that it's most likely that you won't
have that much time left to draw things
that you enjoy or work on projects
that you were planning, like, personal projects, y'know? Buuuuut
Like I said in the beginning, of course it has
its awesome things, of course it has its advantages
You don't have to ask permission to anyone to go on vacation
or to take a day or two
for mental health stuff or something
you can be working on your pj's
you can get up at whatever time you want, although I don't recommend it
and most importantly, you are making a living
doing something that you like
And if you can make it it's really dope tbh
There's also another work area
on this furry fandom deal
or any fandom really, like for example going to conventions
and sell your own merch, or even selling it online
there's many ways to do it
Being recognized by your work little by little is also
a mega advantage, and it honestly feels
really really dope. In my experience I've been having a great time so far
Like I said I've been doing this for about 3 years
full time. I don't regret it but
it is pretty hard. You don't have a set salary
you don't have health benefits,
there can be really good months, and months where
everything you'll be eating is instant noodles
Another thing and this is something personal
I'm...not the best at being organized
I still need to fully learn how to...adult
But anyway, if you're all grown up
and you gots your life all in order
then that's dope. But probably not tbh
admit it, you're a millennial, we're all having
a hard time in many ways. Okay, now, tools.
I'm not just talking about illustration tools
Not talking about Photoshop or Sai or whatever
More like organization
'cause like I mentioned, you're not just your own boss
but you also have MANY other tasks. Okay, firstly, Trello
is your best friend. It's an app
where you can organize yourself. It's like an online work agenda
You can create like
boards, lists
You can make checklists
there's labels. You need to check it out tbh
Go to their website and check it
Alright I have one personal Trello
where I write down personal info
about the people that commission me
save their reference pics, and on the second one, the public one
All I have is their names
and the type of commission they asked for. That's it.
Just so people can see their place
and how many people are before them
They can get an estimate of about how long
their commission will take. Secondly, Google Forms.
Seriously, it'll save your life
It's honestly tiring taking commissions
through several social media. Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, 'cause you have to
dig up private messages, notes, DMs
Btw, this goes related to Trello
ALWAYS write down all your clients'
info in your Trello page
or wherever. If you don't wanna use Trello, you'd rather use a notebook
Just don't, seriously, don't lose it
'cause that's really unprofessional
I know it happens, it's happened to me. We're humans and things happen
and mistakes as well. But seriously, it looks AWFUL
and it FEELS awful, it's really bad
that your commission gets forgotten, and you already accepted their money
and you forget about their commission?
Or lost it? So, kids
Always. ALWAYS write down the person's information
And not just their name and type of commission
Write down their contact methods
Not just their email address
because it can go straight to spam mail
or they just won't reply,
they change emails, idk. So then if you have
only ONE method of contact?
I mean, you're screwed, 'cause like how else are you
gonna contact them? how else will you make sure that they did get their commission?
But going back to Google Forms
it lets you write down questions, options
paragraphs, info
I'll leave you an example of mine here as well
I personally for example
what I ask is, name
be it your real name or your character's
Just so I have you written down
and be able to tell who the hell you are. Their references, e-mail
PayPal address for the invoice
details that they wouldn't want me to forget about
Like "don't forget my character
has ear plugs" or "don't forget my character's
glasses are red" or "don't forget that....
idk, dicks, idk"
At the very end you just click on a box
to check that you read and agree with the Terms and Conditions
Which brings me to the next point
Have a Terms and Conditions
I know it sounds tedious,
writing it all from scratch
but believe me that it's very necessary
and you'll save yourself a lot of grief and trouble
'cause there's no way to claim against something that you already
agreed to from the beginning
It's very important because if something goes wrong, that's your backup
Sorry, camera moved
I have it on a table and it moved, sorry
Tbh there's a lot more
to talk about and a lot more tools that'll make your life as a freelancer
a little easier and I might do a second part actually
But for now my buddy Heru, @Herutastic on Twitter
Made a guide that I consider VERY well made
very complete, and very concise
about what you need to know when you're getting into this whole thing
Give it a read, check it out
check out their work too, because honestly it's just
Well that's it from me for now
Thank you for watching the video all the way through if you did
And I'll see you next week, I guess, cool?
Bye ;)
Por qué vs Para qué | ¿Cuál es la Diferencia entre Por qué y Para qué? - Duration: 8:32.
Francés móvil, la app de banca móvil de BBVA - Duration: 1:01.
3 Pasos de La Ley de Atracción - Duration: 5:41.
▷ Cómo se resuelven las inecuaciones o desigualdades racionales - Duration: 4:49.
Transformation into wa-lolita Part 2- Everything else - Duration: 7:07.
Hi I'm Citlali and I bring you the second part of this transformation
this is where i reach my final form
My hair is bleached and is colored blue
but soon i would like to change the color
to a turquoise or
something like that
I'm putting on some styling cream over damp hair
and separating it on strands
making a simple 3 strand braid.
Now I'm gonna twist my hair around
into a little bun.
We do this for both sides.
We wait for them to dry like this
and get some nice waves.
We continue braiding
Somewhere around here you'll be seeing the results of part one.
By the way the cream I'm using is herbal essences dangerous waves and it smells of what dreams are made of
Meet my petit coat
The dress I'm gonna wear is from bodyline but I got it thanks to the angels at sweet monster <3 link below
It includes two bows a small blue one and a big one for the obi that's the sash and a flower
See you in a bit
Let's un-bun the hair and make it into a ponytail
mushing it a bit to help it curl
Now to place the flower you can wear it anywhere either on the dress or your hair
I was missing something to keep the hair off my eyes
so i got this hair clip from the store kamikaze accesorios
you can find them at the sweet monster store too either way link below
hmmmmmmmm Woops no
Stupid and sexy safety things for the earrings
that i can't take off
I love this earrings
they are tiny hanging skeletons
If ya see me moving my lips it's cause
I'm singing something mysterious
Here you can see both of ma bows
and the complete transformation
yay I got to my final form
That's it
the next video that I'll put up will not be about makeup
makeup it'll be something I don't know how to describe but I'll find a way of doing it by the time the video is out
Bye bye
Hvala na brizi, ortački kapitalizam živ je i zdrav - Reakcija - Duration: 7:58.
LIKE A BOSS 😎 BEST COMPILATION 2018 #11 - Duration: 10:10.
Link below
Click the link below to get this backpack!
Najlakši način za uzgoj batata | The easiest way to grow sweet potatoes - Duration: 8:22.
What is the simplest way to grow sweet potatoes?
I've started with growing plants from root the usual way:
the root is put in a shallow pot with some soil or water and wait for shoots to start growing.
When the shoots (called "slips") are about 15 cm long they are transplanted individually to small pots
where they grow for 2-3 weeks to get established
and then they are planted outside, usually on plastic mulch.
I don't like using plastic so I don't use plastic mulch.
At the beginning I was mulching the plants with hay
but as new slips grew so vigorously I ran out of organic mater for mulch
so I youst planted them in the soil and weeded 2-3 times.
Later the plants cover the whole surface so weeds can't grow.
I've started planting them somewhere around mid april,
I think it was 20.4.
At first I planted established plants from the pots
but as I ran out of pots and new slips were still growing
I started planting them directly in the soil outside
and watered them for about a week so they grew good roots.
When vines cover the surface, it keeps the soil moist so no watering is needed.
I planted two cultivars: a purple one, and a japanese cultivar
which is also purple on the outside but has white, maybe slightly yellowish flesh.
I got the roots from local biodinamic farm
which grows the tastiest sweet potatoes.
It's best to buy few roots, try them cooked or baked
and if you like the taste, grow your plants from that cultivar.
Now I'll show you how I harvest the roots.
It's easiest to do it with hay fork
theese thin ones are the best but you can also use a fork with wider spike.
But it's definitely easier with the thin fork.
I've cut the plants about 2-3 weeks ago
so the soil got dry and hard.
I recommend cutting the plants just before harvesting
2-3 days before at most so the soil remains moist.
Let's harvest purple sweet potatoes!
This is probably all from this plant
and you can see there are several smaller roots
but that's a lot of sweet potatoes for one plant.
It's a nice size, I actually prefer theese medium sized over the big ones
because it's easier to prepare them and I think they are tastier.
So this cultivar is purple both outside and inside
as you can see.
When cooked or baked they get fully purple
and a bit darker.
The purple coloring is "anthocyanin", a healthy antioxidant
that gives this sweet potato special taste which may be too strong for some.
I think it's a bit too strong and I prefer the other cultivar.
Alright, let's go see the japanese cultivar.
Theese plants were planted last so they produced less yield.
This cultivar tends to grow shorter and thicker roots compared to the purple one
Which usualy grows longer roots, up to 40 cm long and 5-6 cm thick.
Theese sweet potatoes have white flesh, and light purple skin.
This isn't the cultivar usually available at supermarkets.
I've tried growing those last year and I really didn't like the taste.
This one, on the other hand tastes great, something between ordinary potato and chestnut.
Flesh is pretty dry and very tasty
with consistency quite similar to ordinary potato
so you can try it with someone who doesn't usually like sweet potatoes.
They just might love this one.
Another thing I really like about sweet potatoes is that they cover the soil very dense.
Plants grow vines over 5 m long and cover large surface
and that's why i planted them here, in a young orchared
which is planted so that every next tree is of different species.
For instance an apple followed by mulbery, then service tree (S. domestica), then apple, sour cherry and pear and so on.
Between fruit trees there are fruiting shrubs
like gooseberry, josta, siberian blueberry and so on.
The goal is to create a forest garden,
where food will be grown in semi-wild arrangement.
Plants will grow in seven layers like in the forest:
1. Big trees, 2. Small trees, 3. Shrubs, 4. herbacious layer, 5. Groundcovers,
6. "Underground" layer -
plants of which we harvest tubers, roots, bulbs etc.
Sweet potatoes are a groundcover plant which grows edible tuber under ground
so it grows in "underground" and groundcover layer.
and then there is the 7. layer - vines which grow vertically.
This is a purple sweet potato which can grow pretty large
Some plants grow small tubers,
some grow small tubers, but a lot of them
some have just few large tubers,
and the other ones grow up to 5-6 large tubers.
This is probably becouse this year was pretty dry
and our soil is quite sandy so it gets affected by draught.
Theese tubers are very tasty
and I'm not sure it wouldn't be watery and not as tasty if we'd been watering them.
Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Innovation Edition S tronic | Virtual Cockpit | - Duration: 1:07.
Pierwszy mąż Marty Kaczyńskiej nagle zniknął. Jak dziś wygląda jego życie? - Duration: 5:32.
Why Choose UChicago Medicine (Extended Version) - Duration: 7:20.
Why Choose UChicago Medicine? - Duration: 3:52.
Kanye West Breaks Up With Trump: "I've Been Used"! - Duration: 3:59.
Well, keeping with the theme of absolutely stupid news stories that seem to be popping
up every couple of days, I felt it necessary to talk about the fact that Kanye West is
apparently breaking up with Donald Trump and the Republican party.
Yesterday, Kanye West tweeted out the following, in a series of two tweets here.
It says, "I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn't want their
name on it, so she used mine.
I never wanted any association with Blexit.
I have nothing to do with it.
My eyes are now wide open and now realize I've been used to spread messages I don't
believe in.
I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative."
Now, the issue here is that Candace Owens, right wing commentator and the communications
director for Turning Point USA, they created these shirts for Blexit.
In case you haven't heard of Blexit ... Oh God, what a horrible name to even say, just
hits the ear wrong.
But Blexit is supposed to be blacks exiting the Democratic Party.
It's a take on Brexit from the United Kingdom there.
Candace Owens, African American herself, has been this person who kind of spearheaded this.
Kanye West met her not long ago, introduced her to this person to make the shirts, but
like he pointed out, none of them wanted to put their names on it, so he slapped his name
on it to promote this message that, hey, African Americans leave the Democratic Party because
you're a slave to them.
Come over to the Republican Party and help us fight to preserve these Civil War monuments
and the Confederate flag, because that's totally not racist at all.
It's one of the dumbest movements ever run by one of the dumbest political operatives
ever, but that's what we've seen from Turning Point.
They just keep turning out stupid people, and Kanye West has absolutely been a tool
for both Turning Point and for Donald Trump, and now it appears he's woken up to that,
or maybe he's starting to lose a little bit of money over his undying support for Donald
In the last couple weeks, ever since he sat down with Donald Trump and did his little
hosting gig on Saturday Night Live, he's been losing people, specifically other celebrities
that want nothing to do with him, because he's blindly throwing his support behind such
a horrible human being.
Also, part of the fact, he wanted the Amendment, the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery,
he actually called for abolishing that Amendment, which was pretty weird.
I mean, very weird actually, but it's something he said, probably not knowing exactly what
he was even talking about, but Kanye is tired of it.
He is tired of being used by these people, and so he's backing away from politics.
Personally, I don't care.
If he wants to talk about politics all day, every single day, go for it.
You have a right to do it.
Be who you want to be, but right now I think Kanye has realized that the popularity he
got from that is starting to wear off and actually starting to go in reverse.
He has nothing left to gain from aligning himself with these Republican organizations,
and that's why he's backing off.
He hasn't had a change of heart.
I don't even know that he had a change of heart when he decided to start backing Republicans.
I mean, this is a guy, let's not forget, after Hurricane Katrina went on TV and said, "George
Bush doesn't care about black people, a statement that's still true today for the Republican
Kanye was seeking publicity and he got it.
That is all that he wanted to do, and now that he realizes he's tapped that well dry,
he's going to move onto the next thing that he thinks will give them an additional 15
minutes of fame.
Woman who lost husband, daughter in I-83 crash sues truck driver, others - Duration: 1:19.
Metal Detecting Action Between Two Hills - With Some Great Results - Duration: 52:19.
I have to delete the previous GPS data first.
First target.
A dog...
Somewhere in the forest I'm about to enter...
A piece of lead, maybe former musket ball.
Another, smaller one.
A pin fire cartridge.
Hmm, just a white, square stone.
A small piece of foil.
What's this?
Some call it a "billhook".
Someone dug it out and threw it away (I can't take it with me today).
A pull tab.
This dog is starting making me nervous...
I'm going in his direction.
It's a button.
The "concave" model.
It's a musket ball.
I hear something...
I think, I saw someone...
Could be the owner of this dog.
Next musket ball.
A musket ball.
This could be WWII related.
Probably part of "something" that was dropped from an airplane...
It is a button.
GPS ("POI") #2.
I'm being attacked by mosquitoes.
I have no other choice but to use "the onion".
On the face...
...and my hat.
They are still flying, even when it got colder...
The dog is almost in my sight.
If he attacks me, I will throw the onion at him!
It looks like a nail, but it's just a weird shaped bullet.
Another musket ball.
Have you heard this?
The Deus (v5.2) tried to disconnect again (there was a short break).
It seems, XP "bypassed" the reboot process, while the cause is still there...
I apologize for this (out of frame) perspective.
I think it's foil.
What is this?
It looks very old.
Could it be Roman?
A bent bronze "key", or something else?
Sounds like iron next to it.
An old nail.
A chunk of iron.
The tip of a bullet.
This one sounds good.
A piece of lead.
Roots and stones...
It's a coin.
"1 Reichspfennig" (1928).
WWII shrapnel.
It's relatively steep, but I believe this slope is worth a try...
Looks like a clip of some sort.
I will show you pictures at the end.
I will go a little bit further, but I have to make one step to the side first...
Aluminum button.
A bent nail, or something similar.
I'm checking if that's a spider web, or another annoying fly.
A deformed piece of lead - a former musket ball?
That's probably a button.
It could be a WWII related item.
I decided to come down and check the other side.
Deus first...
Maybe I will have better chances here...
I don't know what it once was.
Some of my local flies don't even bother to move, when you touch them...
That's why I have to check twice...
Another piece of lead.
I'm not a fan of lead.
Sure, it is an indicator for activities, but it has been fired from a different place.
A bullet.
Remains of the previous detectorist.
I feel like a donkey with a carrot on a stick...
I think it was a pin fire cartridge - sorry about the picture being out of frame.
Like a needle...
Not the "busiest" spot.
Maybe this iron can give me a clue.
It's longer.
Looks like the handle of a sickle.
This is a much better indicator...
...I think, I should look around.
The bird came out of nowhere and showed me the way.
It's a nice bronze buckle.
This is another sickle.
And the guarding ant.
The two last targets were just a few meters above the first sickle.
A button.
A modern "10 (Euro) Cent" coin.
There is more!
This is all I got so far.
Let's see if there is more.
I will "try" to record this with my macro camera.
It will be blurry and shaky, but it wont take long.
1 (Euro) Cent.
"10 Cent".
"1 Cent".
"1 Cent".
And a bug.
Next "1 Cent" coin.
"1 Cent" again.
Part of a button.
"5 (Euro) Cent".
A similar object to the one before.
I'm back at the bottom of the valley with "this".
And this lying right next to it.
The second concave button.
Probably a button too.
A lovely buckle on the left side of the slope.
No, this is correct.
"10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).
Out of this hole...
...came this!
It's an awesome looking (iron) key.
It's time to go home...
The coin spill.
The other side.
A rusty "10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).
Probably a button.
Part of another one.
The "aluminum button".
The unknown object.
And its round friend.
Musket balls.
More lead...
The sickles.
This one is looking at you!
"1 Reichspfennig" coin.
The concave buttons...
The "clip" (the thread is still intact).
The smaller buckle.
It has a sort of (silver plated?) pattern.
The "bigger" bronze buckle.
I cleaned this part.
I wonder how old both buckles could be...
The mysterious "very old looking" item.
Could it be Roman? A bent/broken "key"?
Now that's a key for sure.
I cleaned it a little bit...
It could be "very old" too.
Distilled water...
And treasure. Detecting time: Unknown
"After Dark" Official Fanmade Trailer (2018) | Holland Roden, Nina Dobrev Movie HD - Duration: 2:44.
Every time we talk about your symptoms...
It always comes back to one thing.
The house.
How can a house, just a collection of bricks, wood and glass...
...have that much power over people?
I don't like this place.
I don't think that people who owned this place like this place.
-Yes! -Skull and bones!
Got it.
It's just for a night.
A lot can happen in one night.
There is something seriously wrong with this place.
So, can we get the hell out of here now?
It's not like this place is haunted, right?
Maybe it is.
This house...
It's a strange house.
What happened?
It's very different in the night.
It's different in the dark.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
For all those years trying to understand what happened in that house, you know what I never found?
No, but what if they get in?
What if who gets in?
A reason.
So, don't expect one.
Stiles, why are you whispering?
Because I think there's someone in here with me.
Talk about what happened last night.
In particular, I'd like to talk about what you said about the house.
I'm straight up losing my mind.
Every inch of this house...
It's filled with memories of the people that I love that have died.
When we die, we turn into stories.
And every time someone tells one of those stories it's like we're still here.
We're all...
...stories, in the end.
Open the door!
It's over now, right?
Leave me alone.
It's o-
Top 5 Reasons Why Civil Engineers Rock - Duration: 6:08.
Hey, what's up everybody? Isaac Oakeson here with Civil Engineering Academy.
Today we're going to talk about the top 5 reasons why civil engineers Rock, so
stick with me. Alright, so let's talk about why are civil engineers rockin.
This is my own opinion but I'm gonna share with you the top 5 reasons why
they do rock. The first one is obvious, right? Civil engineers build stuff. So
they build some of the coolest structures in the world. I mean if you
check out the Burj Khalifa this thing is over 2,700 feet tall. You can see the sun
set twice by going to this building. You check it out on a lower level and as the
Sun is setting, you cruise up to the top, and you can catch it again. That's how
tall this thing is. It takes a team of engineers to design products or services
and our buildings or structures like this and they built some pretty sweet
things. Have you've seen a bridge or anything out there that you have liked?
I'd love to know a structure or something that you have noticed that you
really like to to check out and I guarantee you a civil engineer has
designed it. The second reason is that a a civil engineering
salary is really not too shabby. Once you graduate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
says that the average salary for a civil engineer is right around $85,000. So, you
know, put your butt through school and get this thing done. Take the exams that
you need to take and you'll find a job that pays you a pretty decent a pretty
decent wage. If you're in the 75th percentile, you're definitely making
over a $100,000 so you can make a comfortable living for
yourself by getting a civil engineering degree. Pretty sweet if you ask me.
Alright, reason number 3 is that civil engineers are needed. It is
predicted that, well obviously population is going up,
right, and when population goes up civil engineer civil engineers are needed
to build the infrastructure, the buildings, deal with traffic, waterways,
everything to deal with population growth. So because population is growing
civil engineers are in heavy demand. It's predicted that the job growth rate
is going to be 11% so there will be plenty of opportunities for civil
engineers to find a job that they like. Alright, let's talk about the fourth thing. The fourth
thing that I think and the reason why civil engineers Rock is because you have
the opportunity to branch out and grow into other areas that you want to grow
in. Just because you went to school and you know in civil engineering, it doesn't
mean that's the field or the area that you're just gonna do is sitting in a
cubicle crunching numbers all day. Civil engineers have the opportunity to branch
out and go into all kinds of other disciplines. So maybe you do start out as
a civil engineer but you learn that you like project management. You could find
yourself being a project manager or a construction manager or a lot of
engineers even want to start their own business, so they become an entrepreneur,
start at their own firm, and start doing their own work for themselves. It's a
pretty sweet gig. So the beauty of being a civil engineer
is that you're not really stuck in that one particular area, you get to branch out
into all kinds of different areas that your career will take you. So, and then
this is also why your salary will grow as well because you do get to branch out
and experience a lot of different things. So that is reason number 4 of why
civil engineers rock. Reason number 5 is that it kind of goes along with
number four is that you have an opportunity to choose whether you want
to get down and dirty or if you want to stay clean and classy. And what I mean by
that is do you want to stay in an office and have an office job or do you want to
get out in the field and get your hands dirty and work with crews
and seeing how structures are made, putting your designs, getting out there
and seeing how it's made or even managing the crew that's out there doing
this stuff or just managing a project itself? So you have that opportunity to
choose where you want to go so if you want to get down and dirty you can do
that. If you want to stay clean and classy, you can do that, too. You can find
an office job and work your way up through the office, you know, through the
chain of command and you can stay clean classy as much as you want. So lots of
choices, lots of different opportunities for you out there in the civil
engineering field. I think they're all great, so that is the top 5 reasons
why civil engineers Rock and I think you'll like it if you choose this field
for your own personal study. If you have any questions about it, please let me
know. You can reach me at isaac@civilengineeringacademy.com at or go check out our
website at CivilEngineeringAcademy.com. We have tons of tips and tricks to
help you on your PE, your FE, and just general career advice as well. And also
make sure you go join our free Facebook group found at CEAcommunity.com and you
can jump on and join our awesome community where we can help each other
in the civil engineering world to learn and to grow. So anyway, thanks for
being here with me. Let me know your opinion of other reasons why you think
civil engineers Rock or if you don't think they rock that's cool, too, let me
know that. Anyway appreciate you being here and we'll see you next time. Bye.
[ThePruld] Halloween special 2018 - Duration: 4:47.
Siegmeyer: Welcome everyone to "horror stories with Siegmeyer"!!
Siegmeyer: I am siegmeyer and this is the book with which I will pretend to read a story
Siegmeyer: Let's start!
Siegmeyer: The first horror story is called...
Siegmeyer: THE MONSTER
Siegmeyer: Once upon a time there was a scientist who lives alone in his laboratory
Siegmeyer: after watching all the episodes of "Angry videogame Nerd"
Siegmeyer: he had to find meaning in his useless, but intelligent, life
Siegmeyer: he decided that he would go beyond the limits that the Christian religion expects of men
Siegmeyer: FUCK DEATH
Siegmeyer: and give life to something just for the simple pleasure of finding out if you can do it
ScientistRat: It's alive!!
ScientistRat: IT CAN BE DONE!!
ScientistRat: IT CAN BE DONE!!!
ScientistRat: YEEEEHHH
Siegmeyer: So the mad scientist discovered that it was possible to give life to death
Siegmeyer: ...i mean, give life to the dead!
Siegmeyer: nothing remained but to present himself to his new creature
ScientistRat: Hello :D
ScientistRat: Im your papa...
Siegmeyer: and you're my little creature...
ScientistRat: you'll see, I will make you the most beautiful and happy creature of all this lousy world ....
ScientistRat: because I had emotional shortcomings as a child
ScientistRat: EXACTLY!!
Siegmeyer: Thus the scientist was able to discover the beauty of having a child
Siegmeyer: They went to the park...
Siegmeyer: ...the cinema...
Siegmeyer: ...playing videogames....
Siegmeyer: and they discovered the beauties of the world of the web
Siegmeyer: then, one day....
Monster: PAPA
ScientistRat: Yes son?!
ScientistRat: What is happening?
Monster: Porn.....PORN.....
ScientistRat: I see you've discovered the principle on which the internet is supported
ScientistRat: ...so?
ScientistRat: I understood! You want a partner, a girl! No problem!
ScientistRat: I already played to be god once, what the fuck do I care to do it again !?
ScientistRat: Here...dear son...
ScientistRat: Now...say hello, be gentle!
MONSTER: You woman!
ScientistRat: it seems like she wants to do it hard
ScientistRat: do not be sorry, son, women must be conquered!
Siegmeyer: and so the monster began a long search for the woman ...
Siegmeyer: i mean...the non-woman...
Siegmeyer: The undead woman of his undead life....
Siegmeyer: until one day he managed to find her ...
Siegmeyer: buuuut....
Monster: PORN?
Misteryous undead: Listen to me, my friend, if you want the heart of this undead woman
Misteryous undead: you'll have to do a CHALLENGE!
Monster: PORN!
Mysterious undead: we'll meet at "sen's fortress" and there will be a humanity that will bring this undead woman back to life!
Mysterious undead: since this is her wish
Mysterious undead: Only those who bring her back to life will give up her delicate and rotten flower
Siegmeyer: the mysterious undead had challenged the monster to a race at Sen's fortress!
Siegmeyer: and the prize would have been the love of that ... that thing...what the fuck is her do not know
Mysterious undead: If you manage to arrive at the end...
Mysterious undead: You'll have the humanity that will bring back the undead woman to life!
Monster: PORN!
Iron golem: No, no, i'll do it by my self, thanks...
GOD: SO....
GOD: You're actualy undead....
GOD: ...and you wish to get back to human?
Siegmeyer: and this is how God killed them all...
Siegmeyer: wait, this is the horror book or the bible?
#EwangeliarzOP | 1 listopada 2018 | (Mt 5, 1-12a) - Duration: 1:32.
Have you ever seen?Hamster to smile complacently【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:33.
The owner is clumsy and puzzled by the setting
Wait a moment, Cheese Jr.
Why do not you eat from the side?
Hey It is over there.
Yum Yum
Yum Yum
Yum Yum
Go for it, me !
Yum Yum
Thank❤See you tommorow❤
LINE stickers and calendars are on sale
How To Draw Girls - Duration: 10:05.
So after taking a break and looking at this again i decided to redraw it cuz its trash
and it came out alright except fot the fact that i still cant draw asian people
Yooooo 808 nation itsssss yoyo808 and cough cough cough emm yoo sorry this channel was
a lil dusty yes i took a break from recording because quite frankly i was disgusted with
the quality of my videos so i took time to redo alot of stuff and also we are gonna ignore
that i got murked in my intro ...there is a meaning behind that its gonna be explained
in the future tho i still have equiptment comming in the mail cough cough better mic
cough dslr camera so i dont nee to freaking SCREEN RECORD MY VIDEOS BECAUSE ADOBE NO LONGER
ACCEPTS MOV FILES now today i will be making a tutorial on drawing females which is kinda
funny cuz i barely EVER DRAW FEMALES and the one time i had a good moment to do so i umm
you know didnt so to those who want to learn from me…..good luck so in this video we
will be tackling all kinds of different females i tried to be very inclusive in this video
so first we will be drawing a girl with a large body types so first with larger body
types the faces are usually more soft than skinnier girls so draw a circlt then add the
dramatic cheek bone you see here and for straight hair i just did this ponytail which is a preety
easy thing to do now when you start to draw the actual body go for like an egg kinda shape
...wow i sound mad insensitive rn tho jeez #body positivity nah fr who ever you are you
are beautiful and dont let societies bogus standards of beauty decide what you should
look like im so selfless like im giving quality advice while asking for nothing in return
i would never do this for money aha as you guys see we got ads now which is insane to
me yoo thanks for the support fr watching them really helps me and i really appreciate
it but dont feel pressured to any way go for like an egg shape because yes you are drawing
a larger person but if you look at their legs and arms no matter how big the person is they
still have pretty normal appendages like the whole body isnt big ok we are adults we will
discuss this because it needs to be discussed when people draw females they like to freaking
draw yoga balls on these girls yo like girls like that dont exist woah i just realized
i need to worry about monetization ..yiikes you never saw that when drawing the i usually
kinda out line the one on the outside but then just draw two angled horizontal lines
to show them on the shirt dont like outline two boobs thats not how shirts work…..unfortunately
so thats about it for sketching the body type
So next we will be drawing a thicc girl and since we are being culturally inclusive
i will be making her black …..yikes you know if this girl im draw was real she would
have like 20k insta followers so first i started with the face im drawing a naturally thicc
girl so this means she works out alot and does like squats and stuff so her face is
gonna be alot more chizzled than the first girls and with the tourso im doing more of
an hourglass shape now dont go freakin over board and draw like an hour glass that was
put in photoshop and stretched horizontally once again girls dont look like that so you
need to keep it whithin reason and this is where alot of people screw up on the bottom
part dont just make the hips go horizontally out of the body ill be on instagram and see
people drawing girls that are built like freakin upside down hammers heh...id still hit ……
Sighhhhh ill make a funny video one day bruh just wait but when drawing the hips angle
them downwards and then make them go out that makes it look like more of a gradual shaping
Now honestly im realizing i was not ready to draw a chinese person bruh i i just wasnt
and instead of blaming myself im just gonna blame the animes that i watch now i can give
some pointers but other than that i cant really teach you how to draw a chinese person no
cap now one thing peopl usually do and im saying people because im obviously not one
of them when they draw the eyes they just make them mad skinny pst lemme tell you something
asian eyes arent actually skinny they just dont have the folds and stuff yo yo i know
thats crazy but thats the reality so dont draw a skinny eyes just draw and eye ball
then leave it now when it comes to the rest of the body cough umm good luck cheif cuz
i definitely cant help you there
Ayeeeee we back on this end card well what do you think im kinda liking the new endcard
all in all im glad i took this quality break and by break i mean like six days and on those
days i still had to go to my real job im glad i took that time to look at my content see
what i have to improve and make those improvements im proud of the result and i cant wait until
my equipment gets here so i can make even better stuff
#Ask Sallie: How can I make an impact with my money? - Duration: 0:56.
- How can I make an impact with my money?
You are. You're making an impact with your money
with every choice you make.
If you're buying from this corner coffee shop,
you're having an impact on that business.
If you're investing your money an Ellevest Impact Portfolio,
you're having an impact with your money.
If you're leaving you money in the bank,
you're having an impact with your money.
And so the way you can have a positive impact
is to invest mindfully, thoughtfully, intentionally,
in impact portfolios— impact investing portfolios.
At Ellevest, we have those available.
For us, it's about driving thriving communities,
about improving the environment
and about driving more money to women,
which can then have a natural positive ripple effect
through society and economies as well.
So you're having an impact.
Do me a favor, and just make sure
it's the impact you want to have.
Halloween. I was born at this night - Duration: 0:27.
I wish you all a happy Halloween.
I was born at this night in 1986. 32 years ago.
I will continue to make new videos
and someday I will get more than a million subs,
even if it will take thousands of years.
As one person said: "Entertain or die", and I'm not going to die any soon.
I'll see you guys next time. Goodbye.
Arsenal news: £36m-rated Barcelona star could be targeted in January - Duration: 3:22.
The duo were both keen to sign the talented winger in the summer. However, Barca snared his signature and handed over £36m to Bordeaux
Malcom has been a peripheral figure at the Nou Camp this season though. He's managed a meagre 25 minutes of football since swapping France for Catalonia
Mundo Deportivo say Malcom is keen to pack his bags if things don't improve. It's suggested the 21-year-old held crunch talks about his lack of competitive action with manager Ernesto Valverde
But the former Athletic Bilbao only had limited sympathy and told him to work harder
The Mirror reckon Arsenal and Spurs could reignite their interest if Valverde green lights his departure
Despite the speculation, Malcom has dismissed claims he is seeking a move. He's hit back and insisted he will 'continue fighting' to succeed in La Liga
"About news that came out here in Spain, I want to clarify this: I came to Barcelona with many objectives, and those who know me know that I am a very determined person," the 21-year-old wrote on his Instagram
"I am very happy with the evolution in my career and I know and every day that passes my dreams and objectives are becoming a reality
"My family is also adapted to the city. "Anyway, I'm going to continue to fighting for everything I want in my career
" Arsenal could have a lighter wage bill in the second half of the season if Aaron Ramsey is offloaded
The Wales international is definitely leaving north London in the summer but could move earlier if Arsenal receive a satisfactory offer
One player being tracked to replace him is Cagliari starlet Nicolo Barella. The 21-year-old made his Italy debut earlier this month and is highly rated
Italian heavyweights Roma and AC Milan are also sniffing around and Barella has been coy about moving on
"I'm not the one who sorts out the transfers," he told Sky Italy. "It's the agents, presidents and clubs who do that
"I only think about Cagliari and to stay up in the league "We'll see about the rest
"The interest from big clubs is pleasing, and makes me proud. "It means I'm doing the right things
Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium De prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:10.
Small Town Titans - "You're My Best Friend" - Queen Cover - Duration: 2:56.
ooh you make me live
whatever this world can give to me it's you you're all I see
ooh you make me live now honey ooh you make me live
you're the best friend that I ever had I've been with you such a long time
you're my sunshine and I want you to know that my feelings are true I really love you
ooh you're my best friend
ooh you make me live ooh I've been wandering round but I still come back to you
in rain or shine you've stood by me girl I'm happy at home
you're my best friend
ooh you make me live
whenever this world is cruel to me I got you to help me forgive
ooh you make me live now honey ooh you make me live
you're the first one when things turn out bad
you know I'll never be lonely
you're my only one and I love the things I really love the things that you do
ooh you're my best friend
ooh you make me live
ooh you're my best friend
ooh you're my best friend
ooh you make me live
ooh you make me live
Subaru XV 1.6 i AWD CVT-Automaat Luxury Nagano De prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:11.
Subaru XV 1.6 i AWD CVT-Automaat Comfort met Eye-Sight De prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:55.
Liverpool news: Loris Karius Anfield return? Agent reveals all - Duration: 3:09.
The German ace was sent packing to Besiktas on a two-year loan after his horror show in the Champions League final
However, rumours have been rife that he could be sent back as the Turkish side aren't happy with him
Karius' representative, Florian Goll, has rubbished the claims though. He said: "Complete nonsense
"I wonder where things come from. This news is completely untrue. "Loris is on loan to Besiktas for two years - that's the situation
"The club has no intention of ending this loan contract prematurely." Express Sport understands the agreement between the Liverpool and Besiktas does not have a clause to allow an early termination
In the aftermath of the Champions League final, Karius admitted he struggled to come to terms with his mistakes in Kiev
"Haven't really slept until now," he wrote on Twitter in the aftermath of the Kiev nightmare
"The scenes are still running through my head again and again. "I'm infinitely sorry to my teammates, for you fans, and for all the staff
"I know that I messed it up with the two mistakes and let you all down. "As I said I'd just like to turn back the time but that's not possible
"It's even worse as we all felt that we could have beaten Real Madrid and we were in the game for a long time
" Some Liverpool fans are desperate for Karius to remain in Turkey. "No thanks, you can keep him free of charge," one fan tweeted
Another said: "Thanks but NO thanks!" "He can only be a ball boy," a third fan wrote
A fourth supporter simply said: "Noooooooooooooooo." "Should have read the contract carefully it said: 'You assume the responsibility for your purchase, and no refunds will be issued,'" another fan joked
Alisson's arrival from Roma consigned Karius to the sidelines before he agreed to move to Istanbul
But Besiktas have struggled this term, winning just half of their Super Lig games and sitting fourth in the table
Karius has conceded 11 goals in his last four games, including four against Genk in the Europa League
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:08.
Toyota RAV4 2.0-16V VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:50.
Hvala na brizi, ortački kapitalizam živ je i zdrav - Reakcija - Duration: 7:58.
How To Stop Hair Loss And Make Hair Grow Faster - Duration: 3:38.
While hair loss is perfectly normal when it comes to aging,
can still catch us off guard.
Depending on how much hair you have You're losing, it could be more than simply
get older.
Excessive hair loss has been attributed poor diet, stress and other factors
environmental impacts.
When you start to see more than just some wires in the sink, or when wicks appear
of hair on your brush, you may think in changing some of their routines.
This does not mean going to the store and buying products expensive.
It is these same products that may be aggravating a normal situation.
Instead, start with something you can create from natural ingredients, which
will not affect your budget.
This treatment will also give shine and strength the wires.
After using it for a short period of time, time, you should notice the growth in these
Next time you're at the grocery store, get these three simple ingredients: eggs,
honey and castor oil.
Here's what each one does:
First, the egg yolk will make your egg hair get stronger with its high content
of protein and fat.
Can also prevent dryness and double tips due to Vitamin A and the lecithin it contains.
Second, one of the most powerful, honey works for
make your scalp healthier and with stronger roots.
The natural sugars in honey will add oil needed for the follicles.
Finally, castor oil completes the recipe, balancing the acidity levels of your hair.
He can also get rid of that annoying dandruff. which you may have seen lately.
Here's how you can do and use this tonic. hair that will make your scalp
appear energized and rejuvenated.
Take the yolk of an egg, a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of
caster and mix in a bowl.
After stirring well, apply the mixture in its roots first.
So spread it all over your hair.
If you have long hair or do not think have enough of the treatment, you can
double the revenue.
Finally, cover the head with a cap and let the three ingredients rest
for some hours.
Shampoo your hair as you normally would.
You can use this treatment up to two Times a week.
Maquiagem Simples Para O Halloween | Sofia Vallin - Duration: 12:33.
O AVENTAL ROSA - Trailer - Duration: 2:50.
Good morning, girls.
Look who's here.
Good morning, Alice.
It's wonderful to see you.
You're the best among the volunteers, Alice.
Ah, and always a smile on this beautiful face.
My son is going to like you.
You have a sparkle in your eyes, it's fun
you have a good spirit.
Why pretend, my girl?
Everyone knows that you look after the dying
and we all here are simply awaiting our turn.
Don't you ever think about your future?
A young woman
Closing late today, right, Mr. Américo?
full of life
dealing with death.
Is Mr. Américo married?
He's a widower, too.
Have you already
He owns the grocery store where I eat, that's all.
Can it be that my sister's frozen heart is thawing?
Or is it lower down?
Stop it, Catarina!
I've never seen you with a boyfriend
since that no-good husband of yours died.
I've already told you that Mr. Américo is not my boyfriend
he is nothing to me
You are a single woman
doing this strange work, aking care of the dying.
It's visiting time, ladies.
I care for your mother.
You could be the daughter I never had.
Please, leave
I don't deal with death, Mr. Américo.
I care for people.
Who wants to hear a story?
Dona Coisinha was tending her flowers in the garden.
I was afraid of dying.
Call the doctor, quickly, call the doctor!
Alice, did Eugenia tell you about our son's situation?
This won't go unpayed, Alice.
Happy for ever, what do you think?
Just like a fairytale.
In fact, you look like a prince charming.
a love life story
a movie by
Those without a heart could never know
what it's like doing charity
without wanting anything in exchange.
ALEX BONES (Creepypasta) - Duration: 11:24.
Private Eye: Through the Looking Meat
It was like a war. I saw a massacre in front of my eyes. Bodies at a mass. Bloody and dead.
Every and all. An empty stare. A dead glare. Of nothing more in life. I gasped a bit. I've seen wars. Seen pain and what followed.
I've seen people gunned down in front of my eyes. Men, women. Children. It mattered not who you were. Death was all-taking. All grasping. All-greedy.
And from after what I've seen, I thought I would never again see so a sight which could take my breath away.
Needless to say, I was wrong. This… this really caught me off guard. The way they looked. Their eyes. Their mouths.
As if, they hadn't been just lost of life. But as.. as if their souls; their essence, had been ripped out. Forced, to a degree of distate. To separate from self of man.
Their skin was pale. Their eyes were white. Their gaping mouths bore fresh red blood. And worse of all, most of their flesh was gone. Huge chunks, ripped out of bodies.
But not all. In heapful chunks. In straining glares that lambasted nothing of hold. Like a greedy kid nawwing at a rib. He gets most of the meat. But when the bulk is devoured, attention next wains to the next piece of meat.
When they were done with, the victims could not be called human. There was no indication that they ever had been. They were ruined. They were ruined…. And I….
I shivered. A dark-skinned rigid-faced man in a teal-toned trenchcoat stumbled behind me. My boss.
"Hey Shudo, you done lookin at corpses? Get ovah here, NOWWWW!" That's right, I was here on an important assignment. My name is Jimmy Shudo, Post-Learning College Graduate Detective. And I was sent here to investigate a crime scene of a scientist-guy geno*ide.
"Come on alreadddy! We gotta mystery to solve!" He spoke with cheer and gleaming reverie. That was my boss. A fun guy. With gleaming eyes, and a voice of an angel, he guided me to this crazy bloody joint.
Some kind of lab. The security seemed lax though. Heck, one of the doors had a huge hole in it! What a funny place.
I followed Boss towards a group of lab coats, who were huddled together, with faces of disdain. Disgust hung from their glares towards the room, but it didn't feel like this disgust arose from the brutalness of these deaths.
There was one man I noticed as we walked to them. A sir certainly disturbed. He paced back and forth, his boots loudly clickiting against the mass of blood on the floor. He kept mumbling a word, "Meat." loudly, and openly, over and over again.
"Dr. Manbrow please" Another scientist tried to near him, but the old crazy fella shooed him away.
GET! GET OUT!! GET OUTTA MY HEAD! GETT!!" he violently screamed, and some guards came into the room, rushing, grabbing him, and dragging him out. "ART! IT WANTS ART!" HAHEHHUHHUUHUUHHUH!!!!!"
Boss and I retracted our notice, and kept our attention to our front. We reached these scientist guys pretty quick, passing by some other lab coat fellas who couldn't stop bawling or crying with fear.
But they whom we reached weren't crying, however. Just very stern-looking. Disappointed…. with the carnage...yeah...
Boss was the first to talk when we reached these guys though. With a smug grin, and a chipper coy stare he eyed upon this group with grace. "So uhh, we solvin for some kinda mystery or something?"
Each raised their eyebrows. One cleared his throat. Then the rest backed a bit away, as he spoke. "I'm sorry, there's been a mistake." Another coughed, and stepped forward, whilst the one who spoke before stepped back."We already know the who's and how's of the case."
A third coughed, and the second to speak stepped back. This one stepped forward. "See, we got security monitors and everything." Dangit! Security monitors! The bane of every detective. What's the point in trying to solve if you can just look it up with some fancy machinery!
But I shoulda know this joint would have some. "This is a highly secretive base. We only brought you in because you're the best of the best."
Another of these scientists spoke. He was a paler man than the rest. He also wore a lab coat, one which was covered in fresh blood.
He must be the culprit, and that blood is from all the victims he kil- "If you're wondering, I was almost killed by that thing. Luckily, I hid among some bodies, and held my breath. I managed to escape alive!"
… Well I was close.
From out his pocket, one of the weirdo scientists grabbed a tablet device. He tapped it some, and gave it to my boss.
I couldn't see what was on the device, but I watched as my Boss' eyes lit up with rage. He was the type to get angry quick. And, for no reason.
"WHAT THE F**** IS THAT?!?! WHAT THE *****!! WHAT F**********************?!?!?!?!?"
My boss grabbed the scientist who gave him the tablet by the collar. "IS THIS SOME KINDA JOKE!?!? WE AIN'T ******* X-FILES HERE YOU CLOWNS!!!"
I shook Ned off the guy. Oh yeah, his name is Ned. My boss' name is Ned. I forgot to mention that, and there's probably no reason I'm telling you now.
But anyways, I shook Ned off, and got him to walk a bit away to calm himself down. Ned gets like this often. Walking always helps him blow off his steam.
While my boss, Ned, was preoccupied relaxing his temper tantrum, I took a look at the footage he'd seen.
And sure enough, this case suddenly seemed like a huge waste of time.
"What… what is thi..?" I mumbled. I lost my words while viewing the footage.
It was a violent stream of images. A well-edited compilation of epic moments of a blob-sized ball-shaped or other times man-shaped mass of meat running through the halls, lunging towards victims, like a snake.
Plunging into their necks. Their stomachs. Their skin. It mostly would strike by ripping out those spots of skin with an indeterminable almighty force of pull.
And letting the blood from such a contorted wound spill out freely to all over hits person. It also struck, by swerving itself into the spots of flesh it pierced.
And then, diving meat into the body, and… I don't know… devouring people's body parts from the inside? I.. I don't know. Where was it's mouth.
Where… where did it come from? "What the heck…." I could not help but speak aloud as words sloppered out my mouth via fear. "What the- what the HECCKKKKKKKK!!!"
The hunks of footage got bloodier and bloodier. Eviler. More detestable. It was all absolutely disgusting! Absolutely disgusting!
At some point, I couldn't watch anymore. I almost vomited. This was too much. Far, far, far too much.
The last of the footage I could only tract, was the meatman nearing somewhere towards the outside.
Before eyeing the camera, and then disappearing, and then it going to static… and then… footage is back…. and the….. uh.. some kind of..shuffling sou- AHAHHHHH! JUMP SCARE! JUMP SCARE!!!
I slammed that stupid tablet on the ground! Frick this stuff! Frick this fricken stuff!
The tablet's glass crashed at it hit the bloody ground. It landed front side up. It's sound still played, and the visuals were mostly still coherent. I stared at the ground. The bloody ground with the tablet.
I couldn't stand it. But.. I have to say... It was really well-done CGI. I mean, it had to be CGI. It had to be, It looked super hyper-realistic, including the blood and the deaths. But… but… but this couldn't be real.
A man of meat? A Mr. Meat Man? No way! Needless to say, this was all quite too impossible to believe.
"Make no mistake. This Isreal." A long tall legged man wearing a monocle and and a very tall hat stood at a doorway. Hey, I knew him! It was my boss' boss! At this exact moment, my boss came back, having heard the word, "Isreal", and umm, being… you know.
"Sorry, I meant, is real." His face was angsty, and bitter, whilst my boss' face morphed into something relenting of his previous anger upon seeing his own boss' face, before further twisting into an expression both terrified, overjoyed, and confused. "Boss!" he said.
Oh yeah, I wanted to fit in. So I also spoke: "Boss' boss!" "You two knuckleheads here. Ehh, maybe I shoulda handed this case to Kawalzsky."
Ahh geez, not Kawalzsky. That guy, ugh. I hate him. And it isn't even because he's black. "Ey, who's the kid?" He said, pointing to me.
Oh yeah, we never met before. I mean, we've met, but we never spoke. Well actually we did speak once. I.. I guess he doesn't remember me. Or maybe he has amnesia like any good detective story!
"He's Jimmy Shudo. Age 25." My boss spoke. Why did he add my age to that?
Jimmy Shudo, ey. I heard about chu. You handled the Mizinski Brothers Double Homicide Case.
Yeah, heh, that takes me back. The Mizinski Brothers Double Homicide Case. Two brothers had managed to k*ll each other at the exact same time. You'd never believe it, but-
"I HATED THAT CASE!" Boss' Boss yelled. I….. okay… I don't think I like the Boss' Boss very much. "Ay Boss! What ah we doin here?" My boss then said to his boss.
"Like I said, we already have the who…." We looked at him puzzlingly. "Then why are we here." My boss asked. My Boss' Boss paused, giving us both a peculiar stare. He nodded his head slightly up and down, before lunging it out like some sort of odd duck.
"Well, we want that special talent on something." He spoke, as he pointed… to me. And with him, too did the other scientists, they casting sharp looks over the shoulders of both the other two bigger and scarier detective mens, and onto the skinny and measly one. Me Definitely... Me, they were talking about..
I wonder wh-, oh yeah, I have PSY powers or something? They're not really a big deal. I can sense the energy in the waves is all. I got em from human experimentation from a company that blew all its budget on me and had to foreclose. What a financial mistake that was!
They'd probably be helpful. But I'd never actually use em in a case. Even if I could save a life, that's cheating! And against the rules of any detective case.
Remember! According to Knox's Ten Commandments of Detective Work. Commandment 2: All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course. So when it comes to solvin a crime, no psychic powahs!
Upon hearing their desires, I shook my head, and spat out a big, 'NOPE!' "Aye, listen up. I'm a detective! And that's that! I solve the case with my brain and subtle clues. Nothin more, nothing less! I don't use my special psychic powers for nothin and nobody! Ya got that!?"
A silence rang out. A fit of nothingness for word and phrase. I stood there, smug, a gleeful look sprawled across my face. The other individuals around me seemed to be pissed. Bitter. Unenthusiastic! Ha! Fools, the lot! You think you can just cheat at a mystery?! Only facts and logic can spra-
"Listen Rookie." I was suddenly intimately grabbed by my Boss' Boss. "Use ya psychic powahs, and find the meat! We'll handle the rest. I rested my hand upon my chin for a moment, in a very elegant way. Then I gracefully spoke: Mmm, don't wanna!" before sticking my tongue.
The Boss' Boss suddenly grabbed me… on my… ya know. PP. And he even squeezed! Looking into my eyes and speaking as he did! "Kid, do this favor, and I'll put you on a case bigger than any of this!" "Bigger than an alien space meat escaping with a massacre behind it?" I was skeptical, like I usually am. A skeptic.
"Bigger than that!" he spoke, and as he spoke, I gasped. And as I gasped, he whispered. "Psycho Joe." I went silent. I was in disbelief. Moreso for this than even that stupid meat video thing. "Psy...Psycho Joe!?
Psycho Joe… he's been my biggest adversary since I started cracking the books! My last patnah died because John broke into his home and ripped his entrails out. In fact, John's k*lled every single one of my partners in someway and somehow. He always leaves me alive. For some reasons.
And on the few times I've managed to confront him, he always seems to be blushing. And no, he wasn't red from the blood on his face, ha ha ha! But he'd definitely blush! Probably from thinkin up his murdered victims! That fricken piece of work! Catchin him would be the dream!
I.. I-I-! I couldn't refuse. "I'll do it!" I said, "On one condition!" "…"
I walked ahead forward, and right up to my boss, who was now just coming back from his temper tantrum break, and had just broke out with sweat at sight of his boss, My Boss' Boss. I dug my hand deep into his pockets, and pulled out… a purple pen.
"Ha ha! This is mine now!" Confusion across the room did spring. They didn't know the context of what I was doing, so they just simply couldn't comprehend. But my Boss…. he started to shiver. Began to shake.
For this pen.. this pen was his favorite pen of all time. Given to him by his dying wife; as she died no less, he kept this as a momento to all the times he missed her. This pen, was sacrilege to him.
But I'd only do the psychic powers stuff for the case, if he'd give it up. He looked at me. Then at his boss. He began.. .to shake His body thrusting violently, Into an oozing sense of despair.
And utter utter rage. For what I sought. For the fact that I sought 'How dare he,' he probably thought. "HOW DARE YOU!!" he definitely screamed aloud.
Once more, silence crept. But it was my price. My price. My only wager, to woe my heart. The prize of my boss. The shame of him rampant, and the pride of myself. It felt great, oh so great, to do this.
"No way, I-!" he finally stammered after long. "Dan!" My boss' boss shouted at once at my Boss, a stern voice of contriving direction. A very powerful voice. One direct. One said with might. A voice that was demanding and intimidate, but at the same time, quite respectful.
……… "Fine." He drew a heavy sigh, then glared at me with this 'I'm going to murder you" look. It made me smile. "If it's to catch the perrp…." He sighed, again. "Have my *****ing pen!"
He lunged it at me. I almost died, but it missed. Lol. Again, he stormed off, taking yet another temper tantrum break for his anger issues. Heh, that's our boss!
I took the purple pen, and slipped it in to my front right pocket. With our deal complete, I walked back to the group, and told them to give me some space. They stepped back and watched, and I calmly breathed, and closed my eyes, preparing myself for what was to come.
With my eyes closed, I began to concentrate my mind. I seldom used my psychic powers - except sometimes when I can't find my keys or phone. But regardless of my minimum experience, it all felt very natural to me. Something familiar-feeling. An old sense that takes me back. Back. Back….
I… "Private Eye." I saw, in the darkness of my shut eyes. A green sort of glow. God, this reminds me of the Great Gatsby. Why do high school teachers suck that book off so har-! CONCENTRATE!
I starred upon this glow, mentally bringing it closer to me. Yes, I felt it. I felt it. Where was the one who had made this mark. Where had his life energy followed him fro.
Does meat even have life energy- Concentrate! I… I saw…. Yes… A hallway.. Of a building...
A….. An apartment. A luxurious apartment. This meat is smaller than I thought. A monster. It looked like puddy. But puddy that was slowly slithering through the hallway. Nice and slithery-like, in a thin snake-like shape.
When it reached the door, it oozed up up. To the doorbell. Of a door 505. It bashed it's head into the bell. Then gently moved it away.
*Ding* … …. … An answer.
An old lady opened up. She looked senile and confused. She looked at the meat, with a surprisingly rather plain face. But her face quickly morphed into horror, when she heard these words.
"HEY DUDE!" The meat lunged, and dived into her throat. From the outside, the woman began to choke. Then her whole face became undone. Her skin eating from the inside.
Her head morphed into a frenzy of skinless meat. And her scream ended quick, with blood as a heap of mess and drool oozing downwards out her lips in mass. The head hunched, as the body continued to quake.
She continuing to be eaten from the inside, lower and lower now. And I myself, began to scream. When I use my life force ability, I can sense how they feel. Their thoughts - even, to a degree.
She continuing to be eaten from the inside, lower and lower now. And I myself, began to scream. When I use my life force ability, I can sense how they feel. Their thoughts - even, to a degree.
And the thoughts and feelings of those around them. And I was… compelled. By a sense of, horror from the woman, and mutual innocent delight, by the meat. And also, honor, by the meat. And also, pride, by the meat.
Innocence. Learning. Horror, fear. By the meat, by the meat, by the meat! I couldn't hold on, I-! I-!
Oh god. I came back to reality, on the ground, with people around me. The Boss. The Boss" Boss. And the Scientists. I…. I explained what I saw. And took a deep breathe in follow.
"An apartment. Luxurious. Door 505." Boss' Boss repeated, as he jotted it into a notebook. "There's a lot of those, and who knows if that meat'll stay there." He heaved a tired breathe of worry. Of unlax. Of distraught and distress. I lowered my head.
"Still…. it says a lot. You did good kid." ... …. I didn't feel good.
Boss' Boss walked out the super secret base, and into the employee lobby. He headed towards his car, when a dark figure approached him. "Psycho Joe." he said.
"Good timing. This case has progressed." Boss' Boss unflinchingly handed Psycho Joe his notes on the case.. "This info…." Psycho Joe grumbled as he looked over it. "You got it from the Kid, didn't cha?"
The detective's boss' boss lowered his hat, and averted his eyes, setting for the ground. "I could feel it. When he used his life force ability, I could feel it in my veins." he vented on. Then, Psycho Joe went silent, as he cast a hard stare to the boss' boss.
"..Did you tell him…" "Tell him what, the truth?" "…" "Are you crazy!? Of.. of course not….!"
Silence cut between them. A brief cut that sliced through the tone of the conversation. Angsty frowns turned into sly grins. And it seemed, out of nowhere through this conversation, shift of tension. Till the Boss' Boss then spoke! "So, Joe. You think you could go on The Hunt, just one last time."
"Heh, one last time, then I'm retired." Boss' Boss nodded his head. "Good enough for me." "But-, but…" Psycho Joe's tone of voice turned into menace, and in crept a pitch of word harkening pure intimidation. "Nobody better get in my way." Boss' Boss paused. "Well.. I know the police are onto something." He continued, "And it seems the scientists have some plans of their own."
"Won't be my fault if there's collateral." Joe spoke. "You know how I am. How 'explosive' I can be." Yeah. I'll never forget. That bit of you took an arm off me. Heh heh." Boss' Boss tried to laugh it off. But the feeling of menace that Joe perpetuated remained in sullen grace. "But.. you've changed Joe. Reformed."
A moment of silence filled the air. Boss' Boss continued, "You might have tried to kill me before. But you're also the same man who's saved my life, and more than once, might I add." Again a streak of silence. But Psycho Joe's face was beginning to morph. Swelling down from a blistering bleak look of angst, and into something more vapid with emotion.
"Joe.." The Detective Boss' Boss whispered. And something of passion coaxed within his voice. "I love you." Boss' Boss leaned his head in, towards upon Joe's face. Psycho Joe didn't flinch, as the cold lips of the cold stern man coincided upon his own mouth.
Passionately, they kissed. Some tongue. Some biting. But stern and rigid kissing, which slowly evolved, melting into a stream of passionate sensation, aching on a warm and fruity movement. Love. It was love.
But before long, the Detective brought himself back. And as he drifted his head away from Joe's, he cast out a whisper. A loving drill of voice. "Just stop killing innocent people and my employees, alright?" "Heh, we can never change who we are." Joe responded. The detective sighed, but nodded. "Ain't that the truth?"
And before a second longer, both men walked away. And in that alley, there was silence. (END)
Empatia e Produtividade: Como desenvolver | Roman Krznaric - Duration: 2:23.
Start2React │Survivor - Dragon Hunt (Os Dragões Gemeos) - Coloca o colete e vem com a gente! - Duration: 12:57.
'South Park Susan' wanted on new charges - Duration: 2:26.
Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs | Amie and Kora - Duration: 1:01.
I have got a new best friend She's quite clumsy so yeah luckily we
don't have anything that's too fragile lying around
Yeah literally her her requirements are just cuddles and love
I'm hoping that having Kora on 'For the Love of Dogs' will encourage people to consider rescues
And I would hope that seeing how easy she has been people could look at that and think
OK actually it's not as difficult as maybe we'd assume
I'd like to think that people could see how happy a rescue dog can be as well
but also how happy they make us because she really
she really has changed our lives
hrScene Ghost Hunting in the 757 - Duration: 1:38.
LIKE A BOSS 😎 BEST COMPILATION 2018 #11 - Duration: 10:10.
Link below
Click the link below to get this backpack!
No Halloween, João Zoli se assusta com clima: "Parecia filme de terror" - Duration: 3:28.
Where do favorite Halloween traditions come from? - Duration: 1:43.
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği - Duration: 5:56.
Vocabulary - Jewelry - Duration: 2:46.
Hello, everybody! Hello! On today's video are going to teach you some vocabulary related to jewelry.
Jewelry can be made from a wide range of materials. For example
precious metals such as gold
Also, it can be made from crystal
Or pearls
Now let's teach you the pieces themselves
This is a ring, a diamond ring,
this is a rhinestone brooch, okay
This is a pearl necklace
This is a bracelet
These are silver earrings
These are some types of earrings for example, this is a drop and
These are hoops, and this is a stud
This is a bracelet with
charms, heart charms
this is a chain and
This is a pendant
There is some jewelry for men for example
These are
wear them here with their shirt and
This is a tie clip
This is a choker and
This is an anklet. You wear it around your ankle
If you want to know more about jewelry
Please leave a comment and if you want to see another video like this click on the card, so if you like this video
Please share it with your friends. Hit the like button and subscribe to our channel. Bye. Bye
Sam Oosteroff Celebrates the end of cap-and-trade Halloween-style - Duration: 1:35.
Retorno do casal BruMar: Após término com Marquezine, Neymar está ficando com outra Bruna - Duration: 7:05.
Por qué vs Para qué | ¿Cuál es la Diferencia entre Por qué y Para qué? - Duration: 8:32.
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SEXO MATINAL - 5 Motivos para ter Vontade de TRANSAR Toda Manha - Duration: 3:26.
Cuphead is at the bottom of the pit - Duration: 2:19.
On September 29, 2017
Cuphead was released, also known by many as Cupsouls
by now, everyone must already what's Cuphead
because of the amount of streamers youtubers that made playthroughs and speedruns
of Cuphead, reaching the point of breaking controllers and keyboards
was BIG
But what you need to know is that this game is being torn apart by its community
nowadays, Cuphead is at rock bottom
Don't get me wrong, Cuphead is amazing, but not it's Fanbase
fanarts, fanfics, memes are taking Cuphead to be buried next to
Undertale, FNAF and Club penguin
But my problem is not what the fanbase does to these 3 games of chaos
like I said in the last video, there ARE good fanarts, and i also can include Fanfics
But this needs to STOP
my actual problem is with those that sexualize mugs
Let me make it better, sezualize ANYTHING
If a fanart of pregnant Cuphead already bothers me
Cupcest gets me sad
if it's gonna gonna be used to draw two cups into each other
Stay away from that pencil
I don't understand the reason for the existence of this
no one does
But because it is "CANON", who are we to judge?
The same thing applies to BendStraw
this thing that shouldn't really have ever existed
different from cupcest that I can understand because they are in the same game
and it's CANON
there are NO reasons for Bendstraws to exist
Perhaps because they share the same art style
for being based on the decades of 20's and 30's
But this way i can ship Jonny Test with chowder
simply because they are both cartoons
or shipping Jimmy Neutron with Shaggy Rogers bacause of this GIF
♬"pretty transition"♬
now, about Ms Chalice
i have nothing to say, this community surprised me to the brim, in less then a week they were able to
spoil the newly announced character
How do they do it
majority of them communities starts to fade with time
but communities like Cuphead are able to
speed this up
this surprises me
but Poker, they are happy drawing, let them liv... ._.
if being happy is equal to sexualize a chalice or a mug
then stop being happy
Cuphead has no going back, just like Undertale was already buried
by its own community
and things like this should have been forbiden long ago
fast question: why is this pony sucking Cuphead's straw
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