El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo1942: Dolores propaga el chisme de que Elsa es la ladrona de la Casa de Comidasas..
Avance del capítulo 1942 de 'El Secreto de Puente Viejo'
Esta semana el avance de El secreto de Puente Viejo capítulo 1942: Marcela muy nerviosa tras comprobar que el dinero no está,
corre a preguntar a Consuelo si ella lo ha movido de sitio, pero la mujer sólo da negativas. Llega a la conclusión que han tenido que robarlo.
Elsa llega con buenas noticias sobre Adela, pero se topa con la mala noticia del robo que por otra parte, no parece cogerle por sorpresa..
Marcela hace una lista de posibles sospechosos y que además pueden acceder a la caja.
Todo indica que podría ser una persona de confianza. Dolores comienza a propagar el rumor de que quien está detrás del robo de la Casa de Comidas es Elsa.
Julieta, quien sigue yendo a Las Lagunas para ganarse la confianza de los jornaleros,
es abordada a la vuelta por Prudencio, quien le asegurara que deben hablar a solas.
Matías, por su parte, le pide a Raimundo explicaciones sobre la espantada de Gonzalo y la extraña desaparición de sus padres.
Termina echándole por miedo a explotar contra él. Carmelo informa que Adela saldrá del hospital, pero su situación sigue siendo complicada.
Hipólito busca noticias de Gracia, que se encuentra aislada en Suiza, pero pierde los nervios y Tiburcio lo logra detener con un mamporro certero.
For more infomation >> El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo1942: Dolores propaga el chisme de que Elsa es la ladrona de la - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
IT'S UP THERE! Steve Harvey is SHOCKED!!! | Family Feud - Duration: 0:57.
Yes, the world is going badly, Mary tells us: "Faith and confidence "... I remember that with Korea
from the North we were, according to the media at the edge of a nuclear war, and in 2 days,
they met and huddled together the hand ... according to media reports with donald
trump there's going to be war everywhere and then finally it's been 2 years and it's going a bit
near … Trust tells us Mary, yes, it's long,
yes it takes time ... marie tells us "You" become Saint, try to become
Holy ... try to become better ... Start with the prayer with the heart then
find joy in prayer ... try the adventure of fasting and sacrifices ... increase
your prayers ... and especially remember the old messages from Medjugorje that you find on
internet and try to apply them in your life …. do not worry about others ...
do not worry about the world ... "you" put good will ... we will
ask not to help poor children in India ... you are just asked to pray with the
heart. Place god in the first place in your life ... put crosses in all
parts of your house ... throw holy water on the walls, make a small chapel ...
Try the walk in the forest praying ... carry a cross, avoid snakes and heads
of death ... dip your cross in the water blessed of a church ... we do not ask you
not to become a monk or a priest ... request to have a normal life and to place
God everywhere in your life ... and to pray as much as possible ...
Miracle in Taxco ...
In Mexico, in the Taxco region, a miracle took place. The statue of Jesus was
cried on Holy Thursday. Since 200 years this is the first time the procession
Taxco's Christs are suspended because of such an event ...
Here you have find this interesting video ... then you can,
In the left part see more videos ... and in the right side the latest videos
I publish a video every day at 18h, if that really interests you ...
... you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...
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Edición Digital Houston 10/29/18 - Duration: 32:10.
Newt y los animales de 'Animales Fantásticos' 2 - Featurette con J.K. Rowling - Duration: 1:01.
How to Backup & Restore iPhone from iCloud! [2018] - Duration: 5:16.
In this video you'll learn how to backup and restore iPhone using iCloud.
So, let's begin!
Hello Friends!
Welcome back to AppleFrendly.
Today first we will see how to properly backup iPhone to iCloud,
then we will reset iPhone to factory settings
and then we will restore it using iCloud.
In case you bought a new iPhone and you want to transfer data from old iPhone to new iPhone,
you would be following the same procedure.
So to backup iPhone to iCloud, Launch SETTINGS.
Tap on your NAME.
Select iCloud.
Scroll down,
select iCloud Backup.
And put this toggle ON.
Hit OK.
And now hit this BACK UP NOW option.
Now this should start backing up your iPhone to iCloud.
There is a dedicated video on my channel regarding iCloud backup.
I'll put the links in the cards above.
That video will show you what does iCloud backup include and why you should backup to iCloud.
So, if you wish, you can check that out.
And now, we have successfully backed up iPhone to iCloud.
So, now I'm gonna go back and reset this iPhone to factory settings.
If you just bought a new iPhone, you don't need to set it to factory settings.
Just turn it on and you'll see the similar setup as we are going to see
after resetting this iPhone to factory settings.
So the setup process would be similar.
So now, to reset this iPhone to factory settings,
select GENERAL.
Scroll all the way down
and select RESET.
And here you have to hit this ERASE ALL CONTENT AND SETTINGS.
Here, select ERASE NOW.
Now input your iPhone passcode.
Again hit ERASE iPHONE.
Now Input Apple ID Password
and hit ERASE.
This will reboot your iPhone.
Then it'll show you that HELLO message.
You need to press the Home Button.
Then select the language.
Then select your Country.
And now let's setup this iPhone manually.
Select KeyBoard Language and hit NEXT.
Now choose the Wi-Fi network.
Input password
and hit JOIN.
Now hit NEXT.
Now setup Touch ID or Face ID depending on your iPhone model.
Now create 6 digit passcode for your iPhone.
Re-enter your passcode.
And here is the screen we were waiting for.
Here you need to choose RESTORE FROM iCLOUD BACKUP.
Enter your Apple ID,
And hit NEXT.
Now input Apple ID Password and hit NEXT again.
Now tap AGREE.
And now this should show you all the backups available in your iCloud account.
So, you need to choose the latest one.
We have only one here.
So we will select this one.
And we will setup SIRI later on in Settings.
Now DON'T SHARE App Analytics.
And then its gonna start restoring your iPhone from iCloud.
Then it'll reboot your iPhone,
Input your passcode,
And you'll see that your iPhone is downloading apps from the App Store.
Well, your App Data is already stored in iCloud.
It only downloading the Applications from the App Store.
So, just wait until it finishes the downloading process.
And keep the iPhone connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Once it is done, you'll see that you've recovered all the data from your iCloud Backup.
You'll not lose any of your data.
All the data will be restored to your new iPhone via this iCloud Backup.
So that's how you guys can easily backup your iPhone to iCloud
and Restore that data whenever it is needed.
And that's all for today!
If you guys liked this video, do share it with your friends and loved ones!
And if this is your first here, consider subscribing to the channel for all the future videos.
And please keep the bell notifications ON.
I'll see you next week with a new tutorial.
Till then, take good care of yourself,
This is your friend VIKAS, signing off,
Thank you so much for watching!
Tuiteros destrozaron a Kathy Salosny por la descarada ayuda en "La Divina Comida" - Duration: 1:10.
DIY: Pintando Calavera Mexicana de Azúcar *Día de Muertos* - Brotes de Creatividad - Duration: 8:11.
The Chainsmokers & Aazar - Siren - Duration: 2:55.
♪ Three weeks down but you're on the mend ♪
♪ You swear that you're free from the passenger seat ♪
♪ As we drive through the night till it starts again ♪
♪ U blame it on me 'cause you're 3 pills deep ♪
♪ I tell myself I love the silence ♪
♪ But maybe I just wanna hear the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ I tell myself I love the silence ♪
♪ But maybe I just wanna hear the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ (Here comes the sound of the sirens) ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
The Baruch clan is the oldest family which are Rothschilds and the Rockefellers serve. - Duration: 11:28.
Newt y los animales de 'Animales Fantásticos' 2 - Featurette con J.K. Rowling - Duration: 1:01.
How to Backup & Restore iPhone from iCloud! [2018] - Duration: 5:16.
In this video you'll learn how to backup and restore iPhone using iCloud.
So, let's begin!
Hello Friends!
Welcome back to AppleFrendly.
Today first we will see how to properly backup iPhone to iCloud,
then we will reset iPhone to factory settings
and then we will restore it using iCloud.
In case you bought a new iPhone and you want to transfer data from old iPhone to new iPhone,
you would be following the same procedure.
So to backup iPhone to iCloud, Launch SETTINGS.
Tap on your NAME.
Select iCloud.
Scroll down,
select iCloud Backup.
And put this toggle ON.
Hit OK.
And now hit this BACK UP NOW option.
Now this should start backing up your iPhone to iCloud.
There is a dedicated video on my channel regarding iCloud backup.
I'll put the links in the cards above.
That video will show you what does iCloud backup include and why you should backup to iCloud.
So, if you wish, you can check that out.
And now, we have successfully backed up iPhone to iCloud.
So, now I'm gonna go back and reset this iPhone to factory settings.
If you just bought a new iPhone, you don't need to set it to factory settings.
Just turn it on and you'll see the similar setup as we are going to see
after resetting this iPhone to factory settings.
So the setup process would be similar.
So now, to reset this iPhone to factory settings,
select GENERAL.
Scroll all the way down
and select RESET.
And here you have to hit this ERASE ALL CONTENT AND SETTINGS.
Here, select ERASE NOW.
Now input your iPhone passcode.
Again hit ERASE iPHONE.
Now Input Apple ID Password
and hit ERASE.
This will reboot your iPhone.
Then it'll show you that HELLO message.
You need to press the Home Button.
Then select the language.
Then select your Country.
And now let's setup this iPhone manually.
Select KeyBoard Language and hit NEXT.
Now choose the Wi-Fi network.
Input password
and hit JOIN.
Now hit NEXT.
Now setup Touch ID or Face ID depending on your iPhone model.
Now create 6 digit passcode for your iPhone.
Re-enter your passcode.
And here is the screen we were waiting for.
Here you need to choose RESTORE FROM iCLOUD BACKUP.
Enter your Apple ID,
And hit NEXT.
Now input Apple ID Password and hit NEXT again.
Now tap AGREE.
And now this should show you all the backups available in your iCloud account.
So, you need to choose the latest one.
We have only one here.
So we will select this one.
And we will setup SIRI later on in Settings.
Now DON'T SHARE App Analytics.
And then its gonna start restoring your iPhone from iCloud.
Then it'll reboot your iPhone,
Input your passcode,
And you'll see that your iPhone is downloading apps from the App Store.
Well, your App Data is already stored in iCloud.
It only downloading the Applications from the App Store.
So, just wait until it finishes the downloading process.
And keep the iPhone connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Once it is done, you'll see that you've recovered all the data from your iCloud Backup.
You'll not lose any of your data.
All the data will be restored to your new iPhone via this iCloud Backup.
So that's how you guys can easily backup your iPhone to iCloud
and Restore that data whenever it is needed.
And that's all for today!
If you guys liked this video, do share it with your friends and loved ones!
And if this is your first here, consider subscribing to the channel for all the future videos.
And please keep the bell notifications ON.
I'll see you next week with a new tutorial.
Till then, take good care of yourself,
This is your friend VIKAS, signing off,
Thank you so much for watching!
Tuiteros destrozaron a Kathy Salosny por la descarada ayuda en "La Divina Comida" - Duration: 1:10.
Shunya Se Anant Latest Hindi Dubbed 2018 Action Movie | New Released Hindi Dubbed Movies - Duration: 2:24:45.
Uomini e Donne, Mara lascia il programma: Ivan Gonzalez tra i candidati alla sostituzione - Duration: 4:29.
בולט ג'ורנל נובמבר 2018 - בואו לתכנן איתי! - Duration: 4:58.
Grande Fratello Vip 3, Francesco-Giulia: scatta il primo bacio durante la notte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.
Great Britain Before World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR Special - Duration: 12:26.
The Following Episode is sponsored by War2Glory.
When the Great War began, Great Britain was the largest empire in history, on which the
sun never truly did set, but what was going on in Britain socially, economically, and
industrially in that prewar period? That's what I'll talk about today.
I'm Indy Neidell; this is a Great War Special Episode about Great Britain before the First
World War.
In January 1901, Queen Victoria died after a reign of nearly 64 years.
She was crowned as Queen of the United Kingdom, but she died as Queen also of Canada and Australia,
and Empress of India. Mainland Britain had then 41 million inhabitants in 314,000 square
kilometers, British colonial possessions have 450 million inhabitants in 32 million square
kilometers- so around a quarter of the world's land and population. This is not even considering
the huge commercial interests Britain had in other parts of the world, like South America.
The British were the first to industrialize, doing so already beginning in the 18th century,
and this brought about an economic and demographic revolution. The economic development relied
on a global dominance of finance and commerce, with the pound as global standard, the generalization
of free trade, and high technical standards developed in Britain and then spread throughout
the world. National income rose from 232M pounds in 1801 to 1.75B in 1901, iron production
from 120K tons to 13.5M, and by 1900 the British merchant fleet accounted for just over 50%
of global tonnage.
The role of the British as citizens was built around three types of liberties: individual,
like freedom of movement, speech, and thought; economic, based on private property and the
freedom of enterprise and contract; and public liberties, the rights to association and representation.
All of this all made Britain the forerunner in trade unionism. Unions were recognized
as early as 1825, legalized in 1871, and by 1900 2 million workers were unionized.
The domestic population also increased rapidly in the 19th century.
The birth rate reached nearly 3% a year and the death rate was below 2%, so a result,
other than just growth, is that the population is young by the new century. 40% are under
20 years of age. Most of the population- some 70%- now lives in densely packed urban areas,
and London, with 7M inhabitants, is the largest city in the world.
The traditional social hierarchy has still remained quite rigid, though. You have 5%
of the population as the nobility and gentry; they own more than half of the land and live
lives of ease, the Middle Class, 15-20% of the population, which also includes the wealthy
from industry and commerce, and the working class- over ¾ of the population. Now, they
are very diverse, from farmers to factory workers and beyond, and they have spatial
disparities. For example, they have relatively decent living conditions in England, but poorer
ones in Scotland and Wales. Still, 1% of the population held 2/3 of the wealth and the
working class in total held less than 10%.
There had been some notable social achievements, though. In 1900, primary school is free and
mandatory for everyone up to age 14, so the literacy rate has climbed from 40% in 1870
to 97% 30 years later. This results in a huge general media and information boom, particularly
the expansion of the newspapers and the press, since everyone can read now, but also in popular
literature, with Oscar Wilde, H.G.Wells, Rudyard Kipling, and more springing to prominence.
There is also a rise in the society of leisure, foremost through sport. Golf, tennis, football,
rugby, cricket, boxing, sailing, gymnastics... cricket in particular was a massive phenomenon.
But this society, at the end of the Victorian Era, was a society that was more and more
demanding change.
The first signs of the protests in the 20th century took root in the colonial empire in
the 19th. For example, the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 spurred distrust
toward the colonial regime. Toward these various emerging threats, Britain reacted by either
speeding up the reform process or using force.
That's what happened in South Africa. We talked about the Boer Wars so I won't go
into that again, but at the outset it was thought the British Army could beat the locals
in weeks. It took over half a year in the active field, and two and a half years of
guerrilla warfare to finally end. And 22,000 dead of the some 450,000 strong British contingent-
that's one of 20. This all triggered deep doubts in the national conscience about the
ability of the empire to even survive.
There were great changes at home in the new century as well.
Even just the new King, Edward VII, brought society away from Victorian mores. He indulged
in things like card games and gambling, which had been very much frowned upon or even illegal.
The financial power of the gentry began decreasing as they started selling off land to avoid
taxation. The Middle Class was raising its social status, but there was also a big movement
toward secularization.
By the beginning of the Great War, only 10% of the Anglican community regularly attended
services. As a result of that, the demands for change could not be channeled through
moral dogmas and the protests more and more took a political form. We did a whole special
about Ireland that covered the Home Rule Crisis and it had a massive impact, but things like
feminism also became major issues. The Suffragette Movement to give women the vote, for example,
had existed in Britain since the 1870s, but it really took center stage in the prewar
period. There was an awareness of the situation of children and things like Boy Scouts and
Girl Guides were created, the situation of the elderly as life expectancy rose to over
50 and the idea of a right to retirement raised new political and medical issues, so the Edwardian
era saw a shift toward secularization, acculturation, and modernity.
Economic growth had kept protests quiet before, but that situation was also rapidly changing.
The UK still dominated global commerce, but national income now trailed the US and Germany,
as did the share of global production. And the revenues from labor were not equally distributed-
the dividends go up; the salaries don't. This led to the great unrest of 1910-1911.
In 1911, over 10 million workdays were lost to strikes, from 1910-1914 trade union membership
rose by 2/3, and in the 7 months of 1914 before the war began, British industry was hit by
937 strikes.
The Conservative Government in power at the turn of the century was unable to keep up
with social dissatisfaction and in 1905 the general elections brought the Liberal Party
to power. They were faced with a really tense situation, and though they had an undisputed
majority until 1910, after that they had to ally themselves with the newly emerging Labor
Party and the Irish Nationalists to form a government.
Their political program rested on Home Rule, on reforms of social democracy, like workman's
compensation, protections for abused children, old age pensions, a base salary for minors,
and a national insurance act, which granted almost everyone the right to health insurance.
Also Parliamentary reform- the Parliament Act of 1911 regulated the relations between
the houses of Parliament. So despite progress, Britav l#in's internal situation was quite
dark, with the real prospect of a civil war in Ireland, and the social unrest and disruption
to production caused by the strikes and the social movements.
Internationally, since 1815, British global leadership had rested on three principles-
preserving international peace, fighting against any hegemony especially in Europe, and defending
Britain's global interests and possessions.
So Britain had developed a dense diplomatic network, and- intending to act as a judge
in international relations- refused any lasting alliance, leading to the policy of "splendid
isolation" that allowed her to change sides whenever needed to protect British interests.
But by 1900, only Britain and France favored maintenance of the status quo abroad, since
their imperial ambitions had been met. The first decade of the 20th century was a different
kettle of fish. True, the British navy was the largest in the world, but much of it was
dated, so growing competition had caused Britain to massively invest in the expansion and modernization
of the Royal Navy in order to maintain the two power standard- Britain's navy should
maintain a fleet of battleships equal to the next two greatest naval powers combined. So
Britain intended to maintain peace while engaging in an arms race. As for the land forces, the
reforms completed in 1912 led to the creation of a BEF of 6 divisions, around 150,000 men.
They did not use conscription so this land force was far smaller than the continental
armies of 2-4 million men, though the British regulars were all professionally trained soldiers.
By now, Britain's main continental rival was Germany, whose naval program definitely
threatened the two power standard. In 1904, Britain, rejecting splendid isolation, formed
an alliance with its oldest rival, France; an Anglo-Russian convention follows three
years later. Those alliances were tested in the Moroccan Crises, which ultimately strengthened
relations between Britain and France. At Germany's expense The Triple Entente also remained strong
in the Bosnian Crisis of 1908 and the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913. In fact, Lord Haldane,
the British Secretary of State for War who had carried out those army reforms I mentioned,
and who was later Chancellor, told Prince Lichnowsky, the German Ambassador to Britain
during the July Crisis, in the ambassador's words, "England, if we attacked France,
would unconditionally spring to France's aid, for England could not allow the balance
of power to be disturbed."
Well, by now, it kinda
has been.
Now, as I said in the beginning, this episode was sponsored by War2Glory, a real-time strategy
MMO browser game. Become the leader of the city, take care of its defense and build your
own army, carefully choose your own tactic and strategy to be successful.
If you want to learn more about War2Glory while also supporting this channel, follow
the link in the video description.
Sue's favourite Anglo-Saxon sword I Curator's Corner season 4 episode 4 - Duration: 9:38.
'I Believe They Both Wanted Money,' Says Woman Who Claims Her Parents 'Sold' Her Older Siblings T… - Duration: 3:37.
just half a point as of now
be careful of that half point
In that last video, as you have seen,
the craziest race of my whole career
now we fight for the championship
at the last race. the weather doesn't seem to be on our side
the ground is wet, we don't know what the sky is gonna do
we have to do set-up, decide the tires,
a disaster. So
the only thing we can try to do is make the right choices
like at the casino.
fingers crossed
let's go, race 2
what tires are we putting on?
let's go with the rain
Vallelunga with this wet asphalt
is like a soap bar
first lap slowly to
check the conditions, and then gas
guys if this the first video you watch
and you like it, don't forget to
by clicking on the button below so you won't
miss a video and a notification
Ok I'm in the position I wanted to be in
where I fell like an idiot,
here there are some extra variables
because during the start some had the
intermediate, some the rain, so race strategy is to get
a good gap from the second behind me and at that point
in the meantime Salvadori
53 452 did the lap fast
he needs to go all in, Saltarelli replies
54 100 2.096 between them
of course whereas possible I ask the direction
to keep us informed
live on the championship situation because
everything is pretty complicated
to follow, exciting of course
but crazy like yesterday's, different but
crazy as well
there it is, 0.5, so the situation
is: D'annunzio needs to
hold on to the 9th place with all his strength
with any means,
because despite all
he needs to hold on and hang in there
forgive me, D'Annunzio is down by half a point. Sorry!
he needs to regain, sorry
he needs to let go of that 9th place
to get at least 8th, otherwise he loses by half a point
yeah.. it's hard
very hard, the importance of the means
so ok in the meantime
let's see if Salvadori can
keep this pace, around 52,
and especially if Lanzi will keep advancing
he was the fastest on the track
and let's see if he can do it, in the meantime D'Annunzio
let's see if he can regain at least a position
because right now he's losing the championship
still 4 laps to go, not too many,
not too many
while Conforti--
everything's going according to plan, I have
5 seconds of advantage from the guy behind,
stable since the start of the race,
so now it's just a matter of
riding and managing, for the championship
I don't know - I don't know what's going on
I'm doing what I have to do
and that's all
D'annunzio has passed!
Federico D'Annunzio has surpassed and is headed towards
the 8th position, which is key to him
Federico D'Annunzio is now 8th
Federico D'Annunzio is now 8th
and this will compromise the great race
that Salvadori is doing, who is still first place
with 5 seconds of advantage,
so right now D'Annunzio
is first in the ranking by 1.5 points
yeah the half point is reversed
the 0.5 is reversed
so now D'Annunzio has to really
keep the 8th position
and overtake Napoli
and maybe gain a few more positions just for safety
just 3 laps to go
before the end of the race
Despite me doing a good lap,
the ones behind gained over half a second on me
perhaps those with the intermediate
are going fast as a train because the track is drying up
I have the rain which are starting to move a lot
and are heating up so these are gonna be 4
laps with a racing pulse
I have to go all in, I can't manage it
anymore, because lap after lap they'll go faster
and they'll get to me
it's crazy. I never get to
win a race without something happening
or everything going smoothly
during the last two laps they covered the gap between us
I only have 2 seconds of advantage from those behind
last turns to do, fast and
without mistakes. Let's go win this race
last turns of the season
last turns of this race, which I'm winning. I have conflicting feelings
I'm too happy, how could I not be?
my in my heart I know that what happened yesterday
will be fatal for this championship
despite this, I've battled 'til the end
I can't blame myself for anything
I gave it all I had, and I hope you had fun
bye guys!
it's over, it's over
Luca Salvadori wins
exciting championship!
we lost by 1.5 points
I tried my best, I won this last race
I'm not gonna blame myself, about what happened yesterday
'cause it'd be pointless
I just wanna say that I found in this team a family. I'm so happy
to race here also next year. I still have to figure out all the plans but
I'll tell you all about them after EICMA. I wanna thanks the
whole team, from the mechanics who supported me
always, by pushing me
to Gabriel who allowed me to
have a bike always ready
Rossano with his support
that was fundamental to have a perfect bike
to Simone, our great and excellent electronics
the brain of the team
you're a nerd
he's our nerd
in a good way
who at every electronic issue he's like a magician
and he fixes it. Thanks to all my sponsors
who supported me this year, I wouldn't have been able to race without them
Pirelli that also this year helped me out
and did a great job in the development of the racing tires
and if I forgot someone, please forgive me, thank you!
I hope you had fun this year with all the videos I showed you
let me know your thoughts in the comments
all feedback is welcome. Good bye!
See you at EICMA
gas, see you next video!
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Melanie Field Channels Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing" | "Heathers" Lip Sync Battle Preview - Duration: 0:44.
I will hold it back again This passion inside
♪ Can't run from myself There's nowhere to hide ♪
♪ Don't make me close one more door ♪
♪ I don't want to hurt anymore ♪
Oh my gosh, it's hard for the first song to get ya.
You are a professional lip syncer-
-Thank you. -...let me tell you, that was...
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Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 721: Ślub Falkowicza i Kasi z tragedią w tle - Duration: 7:01.
Ślub w "Na dobre i na złe", na który czeka wielu widzów stanie pod znakiem zapytania!
Falkowicz (Michał Żebrowski) i Kasia Smuda (Ilona Ostrowska) od dawna szykują się do ślubu
ale kiedy w 721 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" nadejdzie ten wielki dzień nie wszystko pójdzie tak jak powinno.
Przed uroczystością dojdzie do poważnego wypadku.
Nie dość, że Andrzej straci głos, to jeszcze Michał Wilczewski
(Mateusz Janicki) będzie próbował przekonać Kasię, żeby odwołała ślub.
Czy ślub Kasi i Falkowicza w "Na dobre i na złe" dojdzie do skutku?
W dniu uroczystości narzeczonych będzie prześladował pech.
Nie dość, że Michał Wilczewski nie odpuści i spróbuje kolejny raz przekonać byłą kochankę
by nie wychodziła za mąż, to jeszcze w Leśnej Górze rozegrają się mrożące krew w żyłach wydarzenia.
W 721 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" tuż przed ślubem Falkowicz straci głos.
Choroba Andrzeja zaniepokoi wszystkim, tymbardziej, że nie będzie żadnego medycznego wyjaśnienia.
W końcu Stefan Tretter (Piotr Garlicki) oceni, że utrata głosu Falkowicza to efekt nerwicy przedślubnej.
Jakby tego było mało organizatorka ślubu Falkowicza i Kasi
w 721 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" znajdzie się na granicy życia i śmierci.
Aleksa (Michalina Sosna) potknie się tak niefortunnie, że połknie igłę.
Jak podaje "Świat Seriali" to Falkowicz i Trettter pośpieszą jej z pomocą. Ratunek przybędzie w samą porę.
Do ostatnich chwil Kasię nie opuszczą wątpliwości czy powinna zostać żoną Falkowicza.
W 721 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" kolejny raz spotka się z Michałem
który zacznie ją namawiać, by zrezygnowała ze ślubu. Ale Smuda nie zmieni zdania.
Gdy Falkowicz odkryje, że Wilczewski kontaktował się z jego narzeczoną zaplanuje mu cały dzień operacji.
Tak aby Michał nie zjawił się w urzędzie.
Ostatecznie w 721 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" ślub Kasi i Falkowicza odbędzie w szpitalu w Leśnej Górze.
Udzieli im go sam burmistrz, którego przekona do tego Michał.
Zanim Kasia powie "tak", Michał wyzna jej, że wyjedża i na zawsze zniknie z jej życia.
Zmieni jednak plany, by jego matka Barbara (Agnieszka Pilaszewska)
wyjawi wreszcie Michałowi, że Matylda (Amelia Czaja) jest jego córką.
Wilczewski postanowi przerwać ceremonię, ale będzie za późno.
Kasia i Falkowicz zostaną małżeństwem.
Ślub Kasi (Ilona Ostrowska) i Falkowicza (Michał Żebrowski) zbliża się wielkimi krokami.
W 721 odcinku „Na dobre i na złe" Andrzej spanikuje!
Gdy zorientuje się, że od ceremonii dzielą go tylko godziny – nagle straci głos!
Pan młody zjawi się na szpitalnej izbie przyjęć i będzie kazał się zbadać.
Borys (Mariusz Zacharzewski) zajrzy profesorowi do gardła
ale stwierdzi, że nie widzi żadnych niepokojących oznak choroby
– Gardło nie jest nawet zaczerwienione. Żadnych oznak infekcji.
-Może uczulenie? – zapyta przysłuchujący się rozmowie pielęgniarz Szczepan.
Dopiero Tretter domyśli się, że jego przyjaciel z Leśnej Góry ma nerwicę przed ślubem z Kasią!
Andrzej nie będzie chciał się przyznać, że sparaliżował go strach i zażąda dodatkowych badań.
Czy odzyska głos przed ceremonią?
The Chainsmokers & Aazar - Siren - Duration: 2:55.
♪ Three weeks down but you're on the mend ♪
♪ You swear that you're free from the passenger seat ♪
♪ As we drive through the night till it starts again ♪
♪ U blame it on me 'cause you're 3 pills deep ♪
♪ I tell myself I love the silence ♪
♪ But maybe I just wanna hear the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ I tell myself I love the silence ♪
♪ But maybe I just wanna hear the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ (Here comes the sound of the sirens) ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
♪ Here comes the sound of the sirens ♪
Even though vs even if - English In A Minute - Duration: 1:02.
This Meditation Will Shift You to a Parallel Reality of Abundance (WARNING THERE'S NO GOING BACK) - Duration: 23:17.
this meditation will shift you to a parallel reality where you are more
abundant by the time you're done listening to this meditation you are
going to be in a completely different parallel reality living more of who you
really are and notice more of the abundance that is all around you welcome
back to another video my name's Erin and I help people
expand their consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you a
guided meditation that will help you to embody more abundance and also to shift
to the parallel reality where you are more abundant now first off let me say
that the way I've been doing the videos on this channel has shifted a little bit
and it's because of you guys and the kind of feedback that I've been getting
I've been getting real positive feedback on adding meditations at the end of the
video so the way that I'm kind of explaining certain ideas that really and
my idea also helps to wire in the information so that it's not just
intellectual it's something we can really embody and I've been kind of
blown away by your guys's response from it so I'm gonna keep on doing it and one
video that I did recently was on shifting to a parallel reality and I got
amazing feedback from you guys so what I decided to do is to make this video
similar but with the infusion of abundance because I get a lot of people
that come to me saying I want to become more abundant I want to really live a
more passionate lifestyle what do I have to do for that well we can use parallel
realities to infuse ourselves with shifting to the one that we prefer now
as I've said with these videos I'm gonna explain a little bit of the ideas before
we go into the meditation because this allows whatever we learn right now to
really absorb into us in a very powerful voice that we're able to embody it at
the same time so with parallel realities understand that what movement is
movement is the shifting through different parallel realities because
there are an infinite number of parallel realities that exist this is what
science has shown us this is what we're learning were also we also know that the
only moment that does exist is this moment right now because right now we
can have an experience we actually experience the past because
when it was the past it was this moment right now when it will become the future
it will be this moment right now from a different point of view the future never
really comes because there's only the now moment now this is something that
when it really starts to sink in if you read the book the power of now you'll
understand that really there is only the moment right now now this now this can
get easily infused with parallel realities because then we can have the
understanding that the abundant version of you the you that is living in utter
abundance that does what you want for a living that has money coming through in
different ways that feels in abundance and relationships that version of you
exists right now it's simply vibrating at a different frequency because of
three things the thoughts the feelings and the actions there's a version of you
that has just simply use these three things in a different way therefore
embodies that vibration of that reality but the thing is is you can shift to
that version of you by first off embodying the same thoughts feelings and
actions as that version of you now think of it also like this if you've ever read
dr. Joe Dispenza books he talks a lot about how our personality creates our
personal reality our personality is something that we think is set but
really the only reason that it's set is because we have identified with parts of
ourselves forever and we remain consistent to that identification so for
example the our personality is a combination of what we think how we feel
and what we do we do those three things over and over again we do the same
things day in and day out we get up on the same side of bed we go to work in
the same direction in the same route we talk to the same people we trigger the
same emotions we take the same actions therefore we create the same things over
and over again what neuroscience shows is that over 90 percent of what we think
on a day to day basis is recycled from the day before therefore we are
constantly shifting through different parallel realities but we are creating
the illusion that it is the same parallel reality over and over again
when in fact it is different this is when we can start to get more into
metaphysics and understand the totality that we are who we choose to be in
present-moment that only in the story we tell ourselves do we continue to
experience the same past over and over and over again because of the habitual
thinking and the identification with the past so the reason I'm saying this is
because I really want you to understand that you can change your life by
understanding how you can embody the best version of yourself now the truth
of the matter is is we never really have to try to shift two parallel realities
because it happens naturally there are an infinite number of parallel realities
that exist and this is a parallel reality this is a separate one this is a
separate one this is a separate one they all look very similar but just like on a
movie strip if you were to get the film on a movie strip and stretch it out
you'd be like oh this is one big movie but in reality you stretch it out
there's individual frames and what you can do is you can cut up those frames
and put them in a different sequence if you want to but what we're gonna do is
we are going to just create a greater degree of change between where we are
right now in the present moment and where we want to be that's really what
powerful change is it's instead of creating these little micro changes and
that can be powerful because you can over time create a big degree of change
if you just modify something a little bit each day but what we are doing with
this meditation is you may be here right now you may want to have an exist in
this kind of energy state of being with this kind of abundance we're gonna
create a greater degree of change by identifying and feeling the emotion so
strongly of this version of us that we just jump and shift to the version of us
that is abundant with how they think feel and act because that version of you
exists right now it's not something you have to really try for it's just about a
choice of embodying it and choosing to move forward with it with that kind of
energy state everything in physics and what we know about science is showing
that everything is vibration everything is energy vibrating at different
frequencies and the version of you that is doing exactly what you love to be
doing doing and living in a kind of an abundance that you can hardly imagine
exists right now and the more you embody it is the more you focus on it the more
you focus on anything the more that grows the more that grows the more
momentum you create and the more to create a greater degree of change
between where you are and where you want to be so what I'd like to do right now
is we can get into the meditation I'm gonna ask you to do a couple things just
to give it a little bit of a basis one thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put
our hands over our hearts in the beginning what this does is this
increases the electromagnetic energy around our body what science has shown
is that the electromagnetic energy of the heart is thousands of times more
powerful than that of the head the missing key for so many people when it
comes to creating their own reality or the law of attraction is they're using
they're visualizing from the mind rather than from the heart the mind creates
with the left brain right brain it creates good and bad the heart creates
from a singular point of focus and the heart creates from a much more powerful
place anyways so what we're gonna do is we're gonna connect to the center of
ourselves so that we grow this electric electromagnetic energy around our body
and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna focus on the best version of
ourselves of something to us that represents think of a scenario right now
that would represent the best possible case scenario for you living in the
abundance you want so for me for example would be me living and traveling the
world speaking in front of large groups of people staying at amazing hotels
talking to networking with other people in my field it would be me feeling
amazing while doing so and it would be me interacting with people that like
what I'm doing and that I'm able to kind of have an impact on that's how I view
that's one representation of me too that kind of parallel reality so as I start
to do meditations like I'm about to share with you I start to literally
embody the frequency of it by the time I come back from that meditation I am a
completely new person and I start to see reflections of that I've done this
meditation before and literally within an hour of coming out of it got any
messages in my email from people that want me to travel and speak in different
events I've had different networks communicate with me and say hey we want
you to have a show on our platform or have some type of connection so this is
something that's very powerful that's why I want to share it with you because
I think it can change your life in a powerful way so with all of that in mind
let's take a deep breath in a deep breath out I'm gonna cue the music
deep breath in deep breath out and relax so
breathe it out feel your body loosen up more and put your hands over your heart
start to feel into your heart center you can feel the warmth around your hand
feel more inside the heart center you could feel more like the energy is
expanding in your heart center wherever we put our focus
it's where our energy expands right now your heart energy is expanding more
now what I'd like to ask you to do is to take another deep breath in breath out
close your eyes
as you breathe out feel your body relax more and
now with every breath that you take you are going to feel your body and
relax more you're gonna feel the heart energy expand every breath that you take
you are feeling more connected to your heart than ever
all of energy inside of your heart center any color that you like
imagine that this ball of energy is spinning in your heart center
clockwise position that as it's been
you feel more impressive to the moment at the same time for
now imagine this ball of energy spinning faster and faster the faster it spins
the more relaxed you feel the faster it spins the more you feel this energy
inside of your heart center spinning faster and faster and relaxed
now the room energy
your party has
our methods - has shown there are neurons in your heart
your heart has
part the question is there any
a message
I understand at the first
other abundance that version of you right now
all you have to is imagine that version of you
the same action the same thoughts so now what I'm gonna ask
to imagine a scenario where you are doing exactly what you love living the
kind of lifestyle around
imagine one scenario that would represent that this is who
look around in your environment
you're looking at it through your own eyes you can see how people respond to
you can see how you carry yourself notice how your posture
what do you see around
imagine those colors becoming brighter and brighter
what do you hear around you
imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder
do you feel as this version of you how does this feel to be living an abundant
lifestyle to be doing what you're passionate about
to have more and more what you want coming to your life than ever before how
does that feel
now in this environment look around and notice that there's a mirror standing in
the middle don't walk over that
and then look at yourself and notice the glimmer in your eye
notice how attractive you look notice your body language have you carry
yourself now there's a
inner smile that you have you feel so happy
as you look at the mirror and ask yourself
what are my abundant thoughts
what am i grateful for my life
what am i consistently
ask this parallel reality version of you these questions
they'll ask this parallel reality version of you
what kind of feelings you embody on a regular basis
in this lifestyle what kind of feelings do you
and then wait for the answer
and ask yourself is parallel reality version of you what kind of actions
what you love to do now you carry yourself
and wait for the answer
take a second and look in the mirror at this version of you make a choice right
now that this is who you choose to be this is
to do is we are going to merge with this parallel reality version of us and to do
so all we have it's what our hand up to the mirror
to touch the mirror the touch the reflection of this version of us and as
we do so we are urging with this parallel reality and this will become
who we are
now on the count of five I'm going to count down from five to one and by the
time I reach one every number that I count you're going to feel your self
urging more and more with this Pirlo reality version of you you're gonna feel
like this is who you are every number that we count our hand is getting closer
and closer
- this beer
five feel your hand every number I count you feel double the
relaxation and double the sensation that this is who you are for feeling this new
wave of confidence through your body three feeling more abundant than ever
two hand is closer to the mere now one you have now merged this parallel
reality version of yourself now as you touch this mirror you notice
that the mirror falls away what you now do is you walk through the
mirror and on to the other side and as you walk through the mirror you realize
that now you are able to see me person this is who you choose to be and
this is who you are
notice how this feels
you realize that the old version of you was living out of an autopilot type
thinking it just wasn't aware that business whom you could choose to be
you are going to see more of a synchronicity in your life and this is
who you are than ever before whatever you focus on we're going to be quicker
than ever focusing on the abundance that you are
it's gonna bring more of it into your life and you were gonna find before the
end of the day today some type of reflection that this is who you are now
you're gonna see an amazing reflection something coming into your life would be
a person there'd be a level of abundance there'd be something that you notice and
now that your attention has shifted you will experience this new reflection
and you will get evidence on that before the end of the day
is we're gonna merge back with ourselves we are going to awaken
we're going to know that we are this abundant version of us and then we have
shifted to a parallel reality of abundance
I'm gonna count down from five to every number I countdown you've got more
present to the moment more relaxed more certain that you're living in a
completely normal reality what is
if I feel yourself now becoming more alert for feeling more presence 3 feel
the sensation in your body wiggle your toes and start to move around to feeling
more present to the moment and 1
No and you are now in a completely new
Kerala reality things may look similar but everything has changed because you
have changed your vibration you have changed the way you identify yourself
and before the end of the day today you will notice something amazing in your
life hat that reflects to you that says yes you have changed to a totally new
with that being said I hope you guys enjoy this video I'm
going to be doing more videos like this if you like this video piece comment
below let me know what you thought moths are going to be doing more live tuning
on Instagram so if you want to ask me questions or have more life meditations
like this one follow me on instagram below
peace and Noah's day
19 Things You Missed In The Pet Sematary Trailer - Duration: 7:49.
I will be staying away from spoilers in this video, so if you haven't read the book or
seen the 1989 version of the film, you're still safe here.
I will discuss the lore and explain a few minor details of the plot that happen early
If you want to know the meaning of this spiral on the tree, then stick around to the end
of this video.
This video is sponsored by Wondershare Filmora, it's a great option if you're looking
to get into editing videos and you're just a beginner.
You can just drag your videos right into the timeline, and the program comes with music,
transitions and filters and effects.
You can also get more assets from the Filmora Effects Store, like the new Creepy Halloween
I'll be using those effects in this video, so if you're interested, be sure to visit
the link in the description.
It looks like 2019 is going to be an awesome year for Stephen King fans with Pet Sematary
and IT: Chapter 2 on the way; and if you followed my channel in 2017, you'll know IT was one
of the first big Things You Missed episodes to get super popular.
So today we'll be taking a drive down the road from Derry, Maine to Ludlow, Maine to
take a look at all the Things You Missed in the new trailer for Pet Sematary.
Roll it.
"So many trees."
"It's beautiful right?"
"It's definitely not Boston."
That's right, it looks like the Creed family moves to Maine from Boston in this movie,
as opposed to Chicago, where they're from in the book.
Chicago is also where the parents of the wife, Rachel Creed, live.
There's further evidence in the family's Massachusetts license plate, and Louis's
Cape Cop shirt, which also has the year 2016 printed on it, signaling that the 2019 version
will be at, or near present day, just like IT: Chapter 2 which will be set in 2016.
The time period may also hold a clue as to why the family is now from Boston instead
of Chicago.
In the book, which takes place in the 80s, there's a scene where Rachel needs to quickly
get back home while visiting her parents in Chicago.
She ends up booking a series of connecting flights, and there's even a scene in the
1989 movie where she runs through the terminal to board a flight that has already closed
its doors.
In a post-9/11 setting however, none of that is as realistic, so the family may be located
out of Boston so that Maine is just a drive away, rather than a flight away.
Boston's Logan International Airport is the closest airport to Maine that Rachel
is able to get to in the book, and she ends up driving from there to her home, so making
the family from Boston in this movie just simplifies that journey.
Hear that cry in the background?
That's the cry of the Wendigo, a mythological cryptid said to be located in the Northeastern
United States.
The Wendigo is one of the better known Native American legends, said to be a human cannibal
transformed over time into a giant bipedal deerlike creature that eats human flesh.
In Pet Sematary the book, the Wendigo cursed the Micmac tribe burial ground in Ludlow,
granting it the power to bring those who are buried their back to life as undead cannibals.
We don't actually get to see the Wendigo in the 1989 movie, but there may be a clue
in the 2019 trailer that it will make an appearance this time -- I'll get back to that later
on in this video.
So the drums played by the animal mask children represent the tribal music of the Micmac tribe,
and the cry heard in the distance could be the Wendigo.
Speaking of the kids in the animal masks, what's the deal with them?
As far as I can remember, there are no such kids in the book, so who are they?
In the book, there are a couple of old stories told by the Dr. Creed's neighbor, Jud Crandall.
When he first shows them the Pet Sematary, he explains that it was created by kids who
had lost their pets to trucks on the dangerous road the town is situated on.
My guess is that this is just a flashback scene showing the kids burial ritual for their
The trailer is cut to make it look like Rachel and Ellie actually see the kids' funeral
procession, but I don't think the actual movie will be cut like that; just speculating
here, but I think they're just using clips out of context.
We also get to see the family's cat, Church, who doesn't look as creepy as the cat in
the 1989 version, but bears a much stronger resemblance to his appearance on the cover of the book.
There is a pretty creepy moment from the cat though and we'll talk about it later in
this video.
As I mentioned, the road outside of the house is extremely menacing.
This shot of a truck blazing though seems to be an exact replica of a shot used in the
1989 movie.
However, there is one noticeable difference.
The license plate of this truck reads C61 -- the alphanumeric translation of which says
Maybe this is a small hint that this 2019 film will take advantage of computer generated
imagery to do things that the 1989 version wasn't able to, like show a realistic rendering
of the Wendigo, or show a more graphic depiction of "the scene".
(Those of you familiar with the story know the one I'm talking about.)
But, for all I know, maybe this is just a set of random letters and numbers, let me know
what you think in the comments.
The next thing I'd like to point out is the scene here of Louis getting out of bed
and discovering that his feet are covered in dirt.
In the book, this takes place right after he has this dream, where the ghost of one
of his former patients, most likely this guy, brings him to the Pet Sematary and warns him
never to cross this barrier, known as the Deadwood, the divide between the Pet Sematary
and the cursed burial ground.
He wakes up at first relieved that it was just a dream, until his daughter notices the
smell and he discovers his feet are covered in dirt.
Louis's deceased patient, Victor Pascow, makes several appearances to Rachel in the
80s movie adaptation, and that looks to also be the case in 2019.
Remember when I first talked about the first trailer for IT, and pointed out that Pennywise's
eyes were, at the time, missing from the reflection in the water?
"If you look closely at Pennywise's reflection right here, you'll notice that it's eyes don't
seem to reflect in the water.
Which is pretty creepy if you ask me."
Get a load of this.
Hopefully they don't end up replacing the eyes for the final movie, like they did for
IT, unless it ends up being even creepier than the dark void.
One thing that was absent from the 1989 movie adaptation is a character named Norma Crandall,
Jud's old arthritic wife who, in the book, without spoiling anything, is a central part
in setting the main events in motion.
She's replaced by this caretaker character named Missy Dandridge in the 80s movie, but
this quick shot in the trailer could possibly mean that she'll have an appearance in the
upcoming film.
Side note -- the reason that I keep referring to it as "an upcoming movie" is because
I always get these comments on my movie trailer Things You Missed episodes that say, "this
is so stupid, analysing the trailer, why don't you just watch the movie?"
Which I do almost always put out a longer Things You Missed for the movie as soon as
it's out, but for whatever reason, there's always that person who ignores that episode
and comes to complain about the trailer analysis.
So to those people watching after April 2019: why don't you just watch the episode that
I did on the movie?
The last thing I'd like to talk about though from the trailer, is this image of the tree
with the spiral on it.
This is another symbol that I don't remember being in the first movie, but it definitely
is in the book.
Louis draws this shape in the dirt at one of the graves with his finger without even
realizing he is doing so.
Then, upon returning to the Micmac burial ground, he realizes the entire thing is shaped
like a spiral and wonders if anyone had ever seen this land from above.
So the spiral is a symbol of the power that this cursed land has over the town and its
Continuing on with the analogy to IT, just as Derry seems to have an overlooked history
of bad things happening to it that is driven by the malevolence of Pennywise; Ludlow has
a similar force presiding over it driven by the power of the Wendigo.
In other words, the spiral is to Pet Sematary what the red balloon is to IT.
If you're looking forward to seeing Pet Sematary, then leave a like on this video.
Some of you may recall that the 89' film ended with an original song by The Ramones.
"I don't want to be buried.
In a Pet Sematary."
I highly doubt that there would be another song tie-in today, but if there was, what
modern punk band do you think would perform it?
I imagine it would probably be Fall Out Boy or something, although there is a certain
other band rumored to be returning in 2019…
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
I'll be covering a bunch of topics related to the new adaptations of Pet Sematary and
IT, so if you love Stephen King novels then remember to subscribe to CZsWorld for new
horrors every week, ring that deathbell for notifications and I'll see you in the next
Assuming we both survive.
Luxury Tresses by Fab 6 Month Review - Duration: 8:33.
How I Am Became DEAF? - Duration: 4:04.
Fall Haul from PARIS! - Duration: 2:21.
Hi everyone! So I recently received a few items from Sylvain Delacorte and in this
video I want to share them with you I have a few perfumes I also have a candle
so go ahead and give this video a thumbs up and subscribe and let's go ahead and
get into it so I first received a discovery box and I think this is a
really good idea because they send you several different scents that you can
choose from these are mini travel sprays and this is especially awesome in
summertime or anytime that you are traveling quite a bit I love to throw a
few of these in my suitcase or my carry-on bag and I'm honestly a fan of
all of these scents so it was really hard to pick one favorite but my
favorite actually ended up being to Vanna and I love the scent it's just
light and airy and I think it's a good all-around scent for all year long so
once I picked out my favorite perfume they sent me a full-size perfume and
also a candle and I have to show them to you guys I love the packaging on
everything and it's just it's all beautiful diving into the perfume look
at the packaging it's gorgeous it's in this rose color 10 editing this
is a really good box for possibly some accessories in the future but I love the
artwork and the design and I just again I'm floored so here's the full-size
bottle and I couldn't be happier with it this is my new favorite perfume and I
love it and then I was also given their spring candle and here's the packaging
for it this smells amazing it's just so cozy and this is gonna last for a while
this is a really great quality candle I'm excited to especially like this in
the evenings when I like to just kind of unwind for the night and curl up with a
book maybe a mug of tea or especially as in the mornings as well I like to start
my day with reading too so excited to have this for that as well and those are
the products that I got I'm really blown away by the quality of these products
the scents and the packaging everything just works really well together and
again I really love all of her perfume so I had a lot of trouble picking my
ultimate favorite but I'm glad I landed with
one and if you guys are interested in trying out Sylvain Delacroix products
I'll link their website down below and also the items that I got in this video
that I'm sharing but hope you guys are having a good day give this video a
thumbs up and subscribe because I put out new videos every week and I'll see
you guys on the next one alright bye
Governor John Kasich: Synagogue Shooting 'An Attack On All Of Us' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 5:09.
Đi bộ từ CHỢ THỊ NGHÈ khám phá HẺM LẠ GIÁO XỨ THỊ NGHÈ BÀ CON SINH HOẠT RA SAO I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 45:59.
Uomini e Donne, Mara lascia il programma: Ivan Gonzalez tra i candidati alla sostituzione - Duration: 4:29.
6 Great Ways to Make Money Shopping This Holiday Season (or anytime!) - Duration: 12:18.
- Hey Angie Nelson here from theworkathomewife.com.
In today's video,
we are going to talk about some great ways
that you can monetize your holiday shopping.
While many people are thinking about shopping
this time of year,
we here at The Work at Home Wife
are always thinking about how we can make more money
doing the things that we're doing anyway,
and that includes holiday shopping.
So today I am going to give you six steps
that you can take in order to make money
while you're shopping this holiday season.
Make sure you stay until the end of the video
to find out how you can learn more
about the great opportunities
I'm talking about in this video,
in addition to some others.
Now, step one in our series here
is going to be signing up for Ebates.
Now, there's a good chance
that you're already familiar with Ebates;
this is a site that will allow you to earn cash back
when you are doing your online shopping
at some of their partner stores.
To date, Ebates has helped members earn over $1 billion
in cash back.
This is a great opportunity.
And if you're like me,
you're signed up for Ebates already,
but you don't always remember to use it.
That was certainly the case for me for several years
until I installed their Ebates button.
This is a little button that goes on your browser,
it's an extension.
Now, once you've installed the Ebates cash back button,
it'll just kind of live in the background of your browser,
until you start shopping.
If you're on one of their partner merchants,
a little button'll pop up in the top of your screen
that will let you know that,
hey, if you click our Ebates button
you can earn some cash back
while you're shopping on this site.
It'll also let you know, sometimes,
if there's a coupon available,
and, like I said,
it just kind of lives in the background.
You really aren't going to notice it at all
until you start your shopping.
In some cases,
it will even give you a little alert up there in the button
if you're not on a merchant site.
Sometimes it'll let you know
if the product that you're looking at
is available at a lower price somewhere else,
or if a coupon is available,
or if cash back is available.
So there are some benefits
to installing that button as well,
in addition to that cash back.
Now Ebates sends out checks quarterly.
As long as you meet their threshold,
they will go ahead and send you a check through the mail.
That happens once a quarter.
Now, it's really easy to get started with Ebates.
It is a free program,
it isn't going to cost you anything
to shop through those links,
but it is going to allow you to earn some of that cash back,
without really having to do anything extra.
Now step two is to sign up for Shopkick.
Shopkick can be used online,
just as you would Ebates,
by shopping through their links and their partner shops.
But one great thing that I do like about is
is for those of us
that do a lot of in-person shopping as well.
Shopkick will allow you to earn Kicks
at many of their partner stores.
And some of these stores,
all you have to do is just walk into the store
and it earn a Kick.
In some cases they may want you to check a price.
And because of that,
it's just a really simple way to start earning
a little bit of extra money
by doing things that you're going to be doing anyway.
These points, or Kicks as they're called,
can be redeemed for free gift cards
at stores like Amazon, Starbucks, and more.
And to date, Shopkick says that they've helped their users
earn more than $68 million in free gift cards.
I'm sure you could use a little bit of that
when it comes time for you to do your holiday shopping
this year.
Now, step three is going to be signing up for a program
called Paribus.
Paribus has been around for several years now.
A couples years back it was acquired by Capital One,
and since then it is totally free to use.
They don't charge you anything
for helping you with their service,
it's 100% free.
And the way that the Paribus program works
is that you link up your email address.
The email that you receive
most of your shopping receipts for
when you're shopping online.
This is a good one.
They only work with about 30 stores,
so this isn't going to be one
that's going to allow you to learn a lot of cash back,
but it does work with some big retailers
like Amazon or Walmart.
Now as I said,
this service links up to your email address,
and it has a little software program
that watches for incoming email receipts
from their partner stores.
Now once it spots one of those receipts,
what this program is going to do
is watch for price drops on the products that you purchased.
If it spots a price drop on something that you purchased
that's within the guarantee window,
Paribus is going to go ahead and reach out to that merchant
and request that difference in price.
If it's granted,
that will be sent right back to the card that you purchased
the product with.
So it won't be Paribus that's sending you cash back,
it will be the merchant
that's just refunding that difference in price
should there be a price drop.
Now, a lot of people are worried about giving Paribus
access to their email,
but as I said,
one thing to keep in mind is this is a company
that was acquired by Capital One back in 2016,
so it does have a big name behind it that you can trust.
Paribus also ensures that they do not open any email
other than the receipts from their partner stores,
and they also guarantee
that they're not going to share your data.
Now, if price matching is something
that you're really interested in,
but maybe you do a lot of your shopping in the store
as opposed to online,
one app that you are going to want to check in to
is the Walmart Savings Catcher,
if you are a Walmart shopper.
This one's really simple to use,
whenever you shop at Walmart just go ahead
and scan that QR code that's at the bottom of your receipt
with the smartphone app that's on your phone.
And then Walmart will go to work,
and as far as price checking,
they will look through the other sales fliers
from their competitors in your area.
And if any of the items that you purchased that day
are available at a lower price
in one of those sales fliers,
Walmart's going to give you the difference,
there in their Savings Catcher app.
So that's definitely one to check out
if you do in store shopping,
and if you're a Walmart shopper.
It's a free program,
so go ahead and put that one to good use as well.
Now, step four is signing up for Acorns.
If you're already going to be spending money
this shopping season,
what's a few more cents?
Now what Acorns does,
is there are a service that I started using
about a year ago.
What they do is watch you,
when you sign up you're going to link up a credit card
or a debit card of your choosing.
And Acorns is then going to start watching for purchases.
You can set it up so that when you make a purchase,
Acorns will round it up to the next dollar,
and it will take those cents and it will invest them.
So this isn't one
that's going to be necessarily a savings account,
it's going to be an investment account.
And they actually have quite a few different ways
that you can start investing with that service,
in addition to those round-ups,
they do have the opportunity to go ahead
and set up a certain amount to be invested
on a recurring schedule;
maybe that's $20 a month for you,
or a couple dollars a week.
It will go ahead and start investing that money
on a regular basis.
Now, as of May 2018,
over 3.5 million people were using the Acorns service.
And most of those were millennials.
Now, Acorns does cost you $1 per month
for accounts with balances less than $5,000.
It does go to a certain percentage
once you do reach that $5,000 mark.
Now, the lest step we're going to talk about today
is Receipt Hog.
If you're already doing things
like scanning receipts for Ibotta,
or scanning those Walmart receipts for the Savings Catcher,
you can go ahead and start scanning them
with Receipt Hog as well.
This is another app that's going to go on your phone.
Unlike many of the opportunities
we're talking about today,
this one isn't going to be tied to any specific merchant.
Instead what it is going to give you credit
is based on the categories that you're shopping.
Now, this one allows you to earn in three different ways.
You can earn coins, which is going to be money.
You can earn spins, which is a chance to win coins.
Or sweepstakes, which is another chance to win some coins.
Now, the coins are always going to equal cash.
And the other two are just going to be,
kind of entries, and a game of chance,
in order to give you the opportunity to earn cash.
Coins, you can redeem them for PayPal cash,
gift cards, or some of the other rewards
that are offered by Receipt Hog.
Now, at the time of filming this video,
the receipt rewards kind of worked in the following ways.
You could earn coins from retailers
that primarily sell consumer products,
like groceries, pharmacies, convenience stores.
And those coins are based on the receipt's total.
Now, the spin receipts are from all other stores,
like clothing stores, auto parts, home improvement,
office supplies, things like that.
Now, currently,
each of these receipts will earn you one spin,
and that spin will give you the chance to earn coins.
Now, their sweepstake-only receipts
are going to be a lot of things in the other categories;
we're talking about restaurants, bakeries,
maybe you stop and just got gas at the convenience store
as opposed to buying anything inside.
You can go ahead and scan those receipts,
but what they're going to do is give you entries
into their monthly sweepstakes.
You aren't going to earn any spins or coins off the bat.
This'll just give you an entry into a sweepstakes,
that's an opportunity to earn some more coins.
Now, Receipt Hog only accepts receipts
that are less than 14 days old,
and there are going to be some receipts
that aren't going to earn you anything.
Those are going to be things like credit card bills,
ticket stubs, service invoice, handwritten receipts,
things like that.
Now, occasionally there is a wait list for Receipt Hog,
so I'll go ahead and leave you a link
in the description below,
and you can get that app downloaded now,
or get on the wait list.
Now, those are just a few of the great ways
that you can monetize your holiday shopping.
And you don't have to just use these
during the holiday season,
you can use them year 'round as well.
Whenever you can earn some extra cash
by doing things you're doing anyway,
it's a good day in my book.
Now, you aren't going to get rich,
you're probably not going to be able to shop for free,
but every little bit counts.
Now I'm going to leave you some links
in the description below to these opportunities,
along with some others.
Go ahead and check those out.
As always, if you know of any other great opportunities,
go ahead and share them in the comments.
My viewers always love learning about other opportunities
that are available.
And before you leave today,
please make sure that you are subscribed to my channel
so you'll get notification of the next video.
And if you like today's video,
please give it a like and a share as well.
Until next time,
I wish you best of luck
in finding some great money making opportunities.
Flex filament, extruder fix, Tronxy & Anycubic brands - Ita sub En - Duration: 9:57.
Hi guys
today show you
how to fix the filament extruders
for use with flexible filaments
we take a look at tronxy brands like x3s, x5s, c5
and anycubic brands like i3mega, kossel
we begin with tronxy's extruders
then ..
in general the extruder
all these alluminium parts not need nothing to do
the hole ..
the wire input hole
is 2 mm
is good and works well with flex filament
where is the problems ?
the problem are these "tube joints"
look as the holes are bigger
then .. when we use flex filament
from the tube
and ..
this piece
there is, this space by around of 8mm
where the filament flexed and self blocking
so .. to solve it
we need to enlarge this hole
like these two
we need to enlarge at 4mm
in this way
so that the teflon tube can pass
look, originals ..
and modded
then .. to do this
we take 3 drill bits
3mm , 3.5mm , 4mm
take a "tube joint" and insert a piece of teflon tube
use a claw
now with a drill
begin from smaller to bigger
teflon tube block the drill bit
indicatively you must enter 8 , 9 mm at most
I suggest to do in this way and not use a vise
because in this way the tip is self-centering with the hole
do it slowly
and stop ..
now, when you have
the "tube joints"
enlarged, the problem is solved
screw it and insert the tube until it touches the bottom
now ..
with anycubic brands
this hole was by 2.5mm
so ..
I enlarged to 4mm
in the way ..
pass the tube
to come out from back side
now this tube is ruined and it does not pass well
do the same work with the "tube joint"
and after mounted
insert the pipe until it touches the gear
and with this
you solve the flex filament problem
well .. for this video is all ..
ciao, see you next time
Meet Porsche Clark, MPH - Duration: 2:01.
Hi, my name is Porsche Clark and I am a recent graduate from the USC Keck School of Medicine Master of Public Health online program and
I really just want to say thank you to all of the professors advisors
Faculty members that put together this program and allowed
Students like me to be able to work full time and be able to achieve their dreams at the same time
I mean, I'm so thankful for what this program has offered me
Not only have I walked out feeling like I'm actually a master in my field
But I also feel like I am ready to work as a public health advocate and really work for those
That the public health field is committed to serving and really to us make a change in public health in whatever
That I eventually work in I have a passion for intellectual disability and women's health education
and I really didn't know how I could achieve that goal and
Still and kind of I just didn't really know where that would take me
And what was really amazing is that this program allowed me to not know where I was going and end up being where I needed
To be in the end. I
Now know I want to be a health educator and being part of the Community Health Promotion track
Has allowed me the ability to learn how to promote healthy outcomes to identify disparities
And really again advocate for those in need and advocate for the change the changes I seek to
Create and in the end. I just didn't really thankful that I was able to get this opportunity see the webinar with Dr Shubha Kumar
and really be inspired to be a part of USC
be part of the community of fellow Trojans and really just become a part of public health in a major way and
no longer be someone on the sidelines but actually be an active member of
Public health an active member of the change and I thank you USC for that opportunity and this program. Thank you
"Rolnik szuka żony 5": Sensacyjne wieści o Agacie i Łukaszu. Już szykują się do ślubu?! - Duration: 7:06.
O futuro do Museu Paulista - Duration: 6:59.
Channing Tatum: Żona aktora złożyła pozew o rozwód! - Duration: 2:24.
This is the Origin of Halloween - Duration: 4:27.
- How's it going guys, my name is Jimmy Champane
and this is Halloween.
So if you couldn't guess, Halloween is my favorite holiday.
So when Austin came up an asked if I wanted
to guest host this episode,
I was all about it.
We all know Halloween is an excuse to dress up
in a cool costume, eat way too much candy
and stay up late on a school night.
But did you know it actually has some pretty spooky origins?
It was seen as a time when the gap between the world
of the living and the world of the dead
was easier to cross.
So people left out offerings to spirits called Aos Si
to ensure that their livestock would stay healthy
through the winter.
Villagers went door to door in disguises to mimic
or hide from the spirits while reciting verses
in exchange for food.
Beginning in the 19th century,
the people of the Scottish Highlands
would carve grotesque faces into turnips
and other vegetables to create lanterns
to ward off evil spirits.
By the 20th century the practice moved to England
in the form of Punky Night, where on the third Thursday
of October, children would march around in costumes
carrying jack-o-lanterns and singing creepy songs.
You may have heard the holiday be called
All Hallow's Eve before and that's because in Christianity,
November 1st is All Saint's Day or All Hallow's Day.
And then on November 2nd they celebrate All Soul's Day.
Together these days are called All Hallow Tide.
And during these 72 hours, people honored the saints
and also pray for the souls of those who haven't
made it to heaven just yet.
All Hallow's Eve was the last chance spirits had
to roam the earth and enact vengeance
on those who had wronged them.
So naturally people dressed up in costumes
to disguise themselves from the spirits
that were trying to haunt them.
So Matt, if one of your many plots to kill me
actually worked, who would you dress up as
to avoid my spirit from haunting you?
So after that whole Salem Witch Trial thing
where 19 innocent women were hung and one man
was pressed to death, the Protestants were really not
too keen on celebrating Halloween.
Or even Christmas for that matter.
Thankfully for die hard devotees of Halloween like myself,
once a large population of Scottish and Irish immigrants
came over to America, the practice took hold
and Halloween became a national holiday as we know it today.
We already talked about the practice of going door to door
asking for food, but trick or treating as we know it
didn't take hold in America until 1947
thanks to children's magazines, radio programs
and weirdly enough, the Peanuts comic strip.
And Walt Disney couldn't leave a budding American holiday
alone so he created a short film featuring Donald Duck
and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie,
aptly titled Trick or Treat.
Duck Tales.
- [Matt] Woo, woo.
- And if you grew up in an urban area
you probably know it as trunk or treating
instead of trick or treating.
That's when people drive their cars
to a local park or church parking lot
and open up their trunks and pass out candy to kids there.
That sounds way more creepy
than I thought it would written out.
- [Matt] Yeah.
- [Jimmy] I wanna put your kid in my trunk and drive away.
- [Matt] Hey Jimmy, where did jack-o-lanterns come from?
- You haven't heard of Stingy Jack?
- [Matt] No, who's Stingy Jack?
- Alright, so Stingy Jack was this really man blacksmith.
And he knew that when he died
he probably wouldn't get into heaven.
But he didn't wanna go to hell.
So he tricked the devil into climbing up an apple tree
and then put a bunch of crosses around it
so the devil couldn't come down.
And he said, hey, I'll let you down
if you promise not to let me into hell when I die.
The devil agreed, and everything went along fine.
Jack died one day just like everyone else does
and of course he was not let into heaven.
So he went down to hell and asked the devil to let him in
and the devil just laughed in his face
and flicked an ember at him.
Jack happened to die with his favorite vegetable,
which was of course, a turnip,
so he carved it out, put the ember inside,
and now he wanders the earth
holding his little jack-o-lantern.
And that's Stingy Jack.
- [Matt] Wow.
- So if you're over the age of 14
you'll probably get some weird looks
if you go out trick or treating.
Just like Matt does every single year.
But Halloween thankfully is a holiday
you can celebrate all the way
until you enter the land of the dead yourself.
I like to celebrate by going to haunted houses,
hay rides and theme parks, but a lot of towns
have costume parties for adults which are a lot of fun.
And if you're one of the cool kids like me
who celebrates Halloween all October long
you can watch some scary movies like Halloween,
Trick 'r Treat, or my favorite cult classic,
Satan's Little Helper.
Have you ever seen Satan's Little Helper, Matt?
It is one of the worst movies ever made.
Yeah, it's terrible.
No matter how you celebrate Halloween,
I hope you learned something new
about what is objectively the best day of the year.
And if you wanna see more, you can check out my channel
but anyways guys, my name is Jimmy Champagne,
and I'll see you in the next one.
Thanks for watching.
Jair Bolsonaro é eleito o 38º presidente da República - Duration: 4:26.
Karolina Korwin Piotrowska odpowiedziała Kubie Wojewódzkiemu! - Duration: 3:01.
Bruna Marquezine disse à imprensa: "Nós não vamos estar de volta" - Duration: 4:39.
Exclusif! Interview du DIABLE (Teaser) - Duration: 2:39.
How to Backup & Restore iPhone from iCloud! [2018] - Duration: 5:16.
In this video you'll learn how to backup and restore iPhone using iCloud.
So, let's begin!
Hello Friends!
Welcome back to AppleFrendly.
Today first we will see how to properly backup iPhone to iCloud,
then we will reset iPhone to factory settings
and then we will restore it using iCloud.
In case you bought a new iPhone and you want to transfer data from old iPhone to new iPhone,
you would be following the same procedure.
So to backup iPhone to iCloud, Launch SETTINGS.
Tap on your NAME.
Select iCloud.
Scroll down,
select iCloud Backup.
And put this toggle ON.
Hit OK.
And now hit this BACK UP NOW option.
Now this should start backing up your iPhone to iCloud.
There is a dedicated video on my channel regarding iCloud backup.
I'll put the links in the cards above.
That video will show you what does iCloud backup include and why you should backup to iCloud.
So, if you wish, you can check that out.
And now, we have successfully backed up iPhone to iCloud.
So, now I'm gonna go back and reset this iPhone to factory settings.
If you just bought a new iPhone, you don't need to set it to factory settings.
Just turn it on and you'll see the similar setup as we are going to see
after resetting this iPhone to factory settings.
So the setup process would be similar.
So now, to reset this iPhone to factory settings,
select GENERAL.
Scroll all the way down
and select RESET.
And here you have to hit this ERASE ALL CONTENT AND SETTINGS.
Here, select ERASE NOW.
Now input your iPhone passcode.
Again hit ERASE iPHONE.
Now Input Apple ID Password
and hit ERASE.
This will reboot your iPhone.
Then it'll show you that HELLO message.
You need to press the Home Button.
Then select the language.
Then select your Country.
And now let's setup this iPhone manually.
Select KeyBoard Language and hit NEXT.
Now choose the Wi-Fi network.
Input password
and hit JOIN.
Now hit NEXT.
Now setup Touch ID or Face ID depending on your iPhone model.
Now create 6 digit passcode for your iPhone.
Re-enter your passcode.
And here is the screen we were waiting for.
Here you need to choose RESTORE FROM iCLOUD BACKUP.
Enter your Apple ID,
And hit NEXT.
Now input Apple ID Password and hit NEXT again.
Now tap AGREE.
And now this should show you all the backups available in your iCloud account.
So, you need to choose the latest one.
We have only one here.
So we will select this one.
And we will setup SIRI later on in Settings.
Now DON'T SHARE App Analytics.
And then its gonna start restoring your iPhone from iCloud.
Then it'll reboot your iPhone,
Input your passcode,
And you'll see that your iPhone is downloading apps from the App Store.
Well, your App Data is already stored in iCloud.
It only downloading the Applications from the App Store.
So, just wait until it finishes the downloading process.
And keep the iPhone connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Once it is done, you'll see that you've recovered all the data from your iCloud Backup.
You'll not lose any of your data.
All the data will be restored to your new iPhone via this iCloud Backup.
So that's how you guys can easily backup your iPhone to iCloud
and Restore that data whenever it is needed.
And that's all for today!
If you guys liked this video, do share it with your friends and loved ones!
And if this is your first here, consider subscribing to the channel for all the future videos.
And please keep the bell notifications ON.
I'll see you next week with a new tutorial.
Till then, take good care of yourself,
This is your friend VIKAS, signing off,
Thank you so much for watching!
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