No cabe duda que la intensidad del futbol sudamericano es incomparable. Boca Juniors apenas pudo vencer a Palmeiras en los últimos minutos con un doblete de Darío Benedetto
Tras un partido de un ritmo lento, el 'Pipa' salió de la banca para darle el triunfo a los 'xeneizes'
El argentino ganó en un tiro de esquina a los 84 minutos, cruzó su remate y Weverton no pudo hacer nada para evitar el gol
Apenas unos minutos antes el arquero del Palmeiras se había vestido de héroe. Olaza cobró un tiro libre de fuera del área con la pierna zurda
Y con reacción pura, el arquero evitó que el esférico terminara en el fondo de las redes
Y a los 88 minutos, el 'Pipa' firmó su doblete con tremendo golazo. El argentino pisó el balón, se dio la vuelta y cruzó desde los linderos del área para poner su remate en la esquina inferior derecha de la portería
Los dos equipos salieron a buscar implementar su juego. Pero la sorpresa en Boca Juniors es que ni Carlos Tévez, ni Darío Benedetto y tampoco Fernando Gago estuvieron en la alineación titular
Sólo el 'Pipa' tuvo minutos. al entrar de cambio al 75 y vaya que le resultó al entrenador
Palmeiras no lleva gol de visitante. Por lo que cuando juegue la vuelta en casa deberá cuidar primero de no recibir gol
Si Boca Juniors hace un gol en territorio carioca, obligaría al equipo de Luis Felipe Scolari a hacer cuatro
El partido de vuelta será el próximo miércoles 31 de octubre. Desde el Allianz Parque a las 18:45 horas, Boca Juniors y Palmeiras definirán al segundo finalista de la presente edición de la Copa Libertadores
For more infomation >> ¡'Pipa' y 10 más! Boca Juniors toma ventaja sobre Palmeiras con doblete de Benedetto - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Avance Reto 4 Elementos: una etapa más difícil comenzará - Duration: 0:40.
!Aldrete le da el empate a la Máquina! - Duration: 1:19.
Inspiring flower sculptures for "Bouquets for the Heart" - Duration: 3:34.
Suspicious Package Investigations - Duration: 1:49.
【UTAU Release】フロイデ/Fruede【Kokoromi Aiya/心 美 愛ヤ 『CALM』】 - Duration: 3:20.
Thực phẩm hạ mỡ máu không cần dùng thuốc tốt cho người mỡ máu cao - Duration: 5:30.
Meghan Markle rocks red in Tonga - Duration: 1:02.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been welcomed at Fua'amotu Airport in Tonga by Princess Angelika Latufuipeka
The royal couple were met by airport staff carrying a sign saying 'Welcome Harry and Meghan' and waving Union Jacks as a group sung traditional songs and danced
Meghan looked stunning in a red Self-Portrait gown. Harry and Meghan will have a private audience with His Majesty King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau'u before the reception and dinner
Kensington Palace on Twitter Kensington Palace on Twitter
Is your ASITIS Whey Protein FAKE ? | Asitis protein supplement FAKE or GENUINE - Duration: 6:09.
Hey ! What's up Warriors , it's Amit. Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist and welcome to Amit Physique
ASITIS Whey Protein is currently one of best selling protein powder in India
At the same time, Fake sellers have again targeted a protein powder due to it's high demand.
In this video I am going to tell you whether your Asitis Whey
is genuine or fake
First things first, genuine ASITIS whey has a hologram
in which it's written " ASITIS from the source"
If you watch the hologram in light,
then it will emit rainbow like colors
You should keep in mind when you purchase the product
That both sides should have a safety mark
If your product
is cut beyond the safety mark
or doesn't have any safety mark then your product is fake.
Please check the color of packaging
which should be orange color. If your packaging color is red, yellow or pink or something like that
then your product is fake
Your product should contain a scratch code having a hologram over it
If this scratch code is visible before you have ever scratched
I mean the 5 digit pin if it's visible
then your product is fake
If your product doesn't contain any QR-Code or QR-Code cannot be scanned.
then your product is fake
Because in sometime I am going to tell
how you can verify your product online too by the help of Letsverifyapp
whether your product is genuine or not
Please check the weight of the product. Asitis whey protein concentrate
and whey protein isolate is available in only 3 weights.
250 gms
500 gms,
and 1000 gms
If your product's weight doesn't match which I have just stated. Then your product is fake.
Your product should have a 12-digit bar code
Because by the help of this bar code
the shopkeepers scans the product during checkout
There should always be tagline "From the source"
wherever there is both Asitis and the logo is present
Please look the product carefully, there shouldn't be any spelling mistake
and there shouldn't be any grammatical errors either
Please check the address of the product, which should be
Sundar Industrial Estate, N.T.Y. Layout, Mysore Road, Bangalore
Every original ASITIS whey protein
contains a white color scoop
under the bottom of which is written "ASITIS"
along with the logo
If your product contains some cheap looking scoop
then your product is fake
If you are opening ASITIS pouch for the first time. Then it shouldn't contain any clumps
Because this protein powder was just launched few months back in India
If your product contains clumps
then your product is fake
To verify your product online, first you have to download Letsverify app on your mobile
If you are on iOS device
Then you can find it on App Store
If you are on Android Device then you can find it on Play Store
After you open Letsverifyapp. Tap click to Scan QR
Next, scan the QR code printed at the neck of the protein powder
After you scan , a youtube video should start playing
tap close
then tap
click here to verify
Then you have to enter 5 digit scratch code
then tap OK
You will get the results immediately
Let's check Asitis whey protein's mixability. I have 1 scoop of Asitis whey protein concentrate
On the other hand, around 300 ml of water
Here goes protein in water
I won't cut the camera
So that you get to know
how much time it takes to mix in water
let's see in plain water how much time it takes
Because I know most of us prefer drinking it with plain water
as your post workout shake. Even I also have it.
Obviously, if you use shaker or blender it will be a faster process.
I think it's almost mixed
Little bit is sticking to sides of glass
and that's it !
Please check the mixability
It's almost clear. Slightly it has stuck with the glass
but still it's ok
There is a foam like substance at the top of the shake
Let's taste it. I know it's unflavored
Even I know it won't taste
In spite of the fact I will check it because I know
Most of us will have it as post workout drink as most of us prefer flavors
So let's decide whether we can have it without flavors or not
I am going to describe the taste.
If you have ever drank powdered milk in hot water
it tastes almost like that
So it's not that bad
If still you want to prefer flavors
Then you can add little flavored BCAA
Then add protein powder. Then you will get some taste atleast
Please LIKE the video, if the video helped you
Thank you so much for Subscribing
Very soon the Supplement Review Video of ASITIS whey protein is going to be published
Peace ! This is Amit , signing off.
James to Rochelle: "I'll Never Doubt You Again" | Greenleaf | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 3:00.
ROCHELLE: Something wrong?
I'm not sure.
Does it have to do with the investments?
Oh, no, no, no.
It's not that.
Because you know those take time.
You have to have patience.
What are you doing in my life?
- What do you think I'm doing? - I don't know.
I mean, I thought I knew.
But now, I'm just--
I'm-- I'm not sure.
You say you love me.
Is that true?
Why would I say it if I didn't mean it?
I don't know.
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm looking at you.
I'm an old man.
My hands shake.
My body is not what it used to be, and it never will be again.
Now in a city full of young studs to choose from,
what do you want with me?
Do you think I'm using you or something?
I don't know.
ROCHELLE: To what?
Help out with my lack of heartache
or my lack of headache?
Take out your phone.
Open up that app I showed you, the one that
shows you all your accounts.
Oh my god in heaven.
Now who's using who, hmm?
Have I made that much already?
I said who's using who, James?
You're making money already.
But what I got?
No man, no ring, nothing.
Are you using me? - No.
Because that's what it seems like.
No, no.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I asked the question.
Your entire family, all of y'all are snakes.
All y'all see is snakes.
And I'm over it.
I'm serious, James.
You know, you just go ahead on and take care of your IRS bill.
All right?
I'm glad I could be of some assistance.
Listen, please don't go.
I'll never doubt you again.
Verify fast facts: Am I the only one not planning for retirement? - Duration: 2:19.
Why I Created the Yin & Yang Living E-Store - Duration: 2:18.
So I created the Yin and Yang Living blog and website in honor of my late sister Sun
"SUN," yes that's her real Korean name, because I always say that Sun died of stress and unhappiness
and cancer was just her symptom.
So when Sun passed away and became my spiritual guardian angel, I always felt that she was
giving me the message to promote healthy, happy and spiritual living, so I created Yin
and Yang Living to provide you with spiritual and holistic living tips for your mind, body
and soul, so this is really my way of serving you, my fellow humans.
So, as you can see, my logo, which is the crescent moon and the round sun, represents
me and my late sister Sun, and this is how divine the Universe really is because I didn't
know at the time when I created Yin and Yang Living, but I found out later, that in Chinese
the yin represents the moon and the yang represents the sun, so I always say my sister Sun
and I are the yin and yang.
So my e-store, which will allow me to operate Yin and Yang Living, is a natural evolution
in my Yin and Yang Living journey, so any products that you find in my e-store, whether
it's my prayer beads with the Yin and Yang Living logo on it or whether it's my t-shirts
promoting these higher messages with also the Yin and Yang Living logo or whether it's
my mantra or meditation video or any product that I add in the future to my e-store is
an extension of promoting spiritual and holistic living, and, you know, spirituality and holistic
living have really transformed my life in unimaginable ways because it's really about
the connection between the mind, body and soul.
So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for shopping on the Yin and Yang Living store,
and if you have any suggestions or comments, please send your feedback to me because they
will help me make my future products better for you.
The Yin and Yang Living store: come home to your soul with spiritual and holistic living.
Why I Created the Yin & Yang Living Prayer Beads - Duration: 3:03.
So during one of my meditations, I had the vision for the Yin and Yang Living line
of prayer beads based on my logo, you know the crescent moon and the round sun
representing me and my late sister Sun so this idea came as an inspiration from
the divine and the universe is truly magical when we tap into it because I
didn't know it at the time when I first created Yin and Yang Living, but I found
out later, that in Chinese the yin represents the moon and the yang
represents the sun so I always say my sister Sun and I are the yin and yang. So as
you can see, these prayer beads, whether it's the prayer necklace or the bracelet,
are designed with the crescent moon and the round sun on the chain and the
crescent moon and the round sun on the pendant and these prayer beads are very
special and unique because they have the powerful spiritual energies of the Sun
and Moon, the yin and yang, behind them and I like to wear these prayer beads to
tap into the infinite wisdom of this universe within me and around me and
also to protect and shield me from any negative energies. So prayer beads have
been used for thousands of years by many spiritual traditions as one of the most
powerful physical objects to bridge the spiritual and physical realms which is
why many Buddhist monks or Catholic priests or Catholic nuns hold prayer
beads during meditation, mantras, chantings or prayers
so prayer bead is one the most powerful physical representations of our
connection to our soul, our higher consciousness, the truth of who we really
are, and so because I got so excited and inspired by these prayer beads, I wanted
to make them practical for you so you could wear them as a necklace or as a
bracelet and the bracelet comes in the 8 millimeter beads with the 13
millimeter pendant. However, the necklace comes in two sizes: the larger 10
millimeter beads with the 15 millimeter pendant or the smaller size which is the
8 millimeter beads with also the 15 mm pendant, and because I know each and
every one of you is very special and unique, I designed these prayer beads
with many different paired color combinations. So like I said, I like to
wear these prayer beads to help me connect to the divine energies of this
universe because these prayer beads are not only beautiful but they have the
powerful spiritual energies of the Moon and Sun behind them. So I hope you will
get a prayer bead for yourself, a family member or a friend and I look forward to
seeing you in a Yin and Yang Living prayer bead. Thank you, Namaste
How can I get rid of the redness on my face? - Duration: 15:04.
We're live now okay Hi there guys you're watching us here at
BC laser and skincare and today we're gonna talk about the color red. Red is a
great color but on the face sometimes it can be bothersome so people can have red
blood vessels generalized redness rosacea and it can be quite bothersome
and somebody like Halina here, who has kindly volunteered, has beautiful skin
but she does have a little bit of red on the chin and around the nose and a
little bit on the cheeks and she wants to get rid of it because she wants to be
able to have the choice not to wear makeup. At the moment she wears makeup
all the time and she loves wearing it but there are times when she wants to be
makeup free so we're going to do redness treatment with the Excel V laser. The ExcelV
laser is excellent for redness. It gets rid of red vessels, it
gets rid of generalized diffuse redness.
It works quite well for that
what I would like to do is,
is do a treatment with the ExcelV today and you can see there is some redness around
the nose around the cheeks around the chin and this laser does treatments with
a couple of other
wavelengths as well but we're just going to use the 532 nanometer wavelength, but
this laser has multiple other treatments it can do as well. How many
treatments will she need Dr. Shah do you figure for somebody with this?
She'll need anywhere from three to five treatments and usually with the change
in seasons she may need a touch-up on a regular basis because you can't
completely get rid of the redness and so this has to be treated on a yearly basis
as a touch-up so it will need regular treatments.
So here we are starting now this device. Does have cooling in it right Dr.
Shah also has more comfortable? It has lots of cooling in it and we're actually
just cooling her a little bit before we fire the laser and now we're gonna fire
the laser .
So what's the downtime for a treatment like this Dr Shah. There is actually
no downtime, she may experience a little bit of swelling for about three to four
days and usually its worst I find on the first day of the day after the treatment and
that seems to be the problem. Is there anything she can take? Yes you can take
an antihistamine or medication but I sort of tend to assess it on a
person-by-person basis and I tend to make that assessment depending on the
person's lifestyle. How are we doing Halina? Great. How is the pain level? Its not much at all really..... And you can see the area that
I've treated already. And how often would you do these treatments Dr Shah? For the generalized redness I tend to do them every four
weeks but for more specific vessels we can do them as quick as every two weeks.
We tend to get aggressive on the first couple of treatments and then
Dr Shah someone would like to know what other benefits this laser has. Yes you can treat active acne, you can treat
brown spots, you can treat some birthmarks, red birthmarks which we use
this for port wine stains, we use this, for quite a few people come in for that.
Skin tightening , yes we do laser Genesis with this or skin tightening especially a
more non-invasive way of skin tightening. Even though this laser can do quite
a few different treatments we're lucky here in BC laser because we have a
choice of many different lasers that we can use 12 different modalities so
therefore we can pick and choose and customize and tailor the treatment to
the individual. So if somebody were to come in with the brown mark I would
find out exactly what the skin type is and and figure out what the mark is,
before I would just use any treatment. Some clinics are able to use one
laser so they have to try and make do with that but we are lucky in that we
have quite a few choices.
So is this good for all skin types. yes it's for all it's for all skin types
for redness and it's just a matter of figuring out exactly the setting and
tailoring it to the person.
Does this work for dark spots on the face ? Yes it does work for dark spots on
the face it really depends on the person and as I said before we are able to pick
and choose the laser that we could use so therefore I may use this one or I may
use a couple of other different modalities . Why would you use this
versus IPL. IPL is a machine which I personally don't like using I don't use
in this office I find that some people especially with
slightly darker skin tend to get there's a higher risk of hyperpigmentation and
so therefore I have chosen not to offer it. Perfect
We have a big thumbs up from Halina there
Now Halina here uses really good home care and skincare so this is a would
this be like the seasonal treatment for her? Yeah for Halina she has got an
amazing homecare routine so she's very good. You have to combine a treat like this
with a home care routine you can't just do the treatment and expect
it to work. We combine this treatment with multiple other modalities we use
chemical peels, we use resurfacing lasers, we use home care so we are our experts
of doing combination treatments here and so that's how we get the excellent
results. Dr Shah we have yoga girl thats saying
that she had red veins off her face with a machine called it the Yag.
Yes. She wants to know if this the same? No there is a YAG modality available on
this machine but the machine the wavelength that I'm using is a called the KTP 532
which I find is much better for redness.
So how soon will the redness on Halina's face disappear ? She'll need
multiple treatments but she'll notice a result even after the first
treatment. She'll notice a little bit of swelling for the next 3-4 days and then
she will settle down but you'll be able to put makeup on straight after this
treatment and she will be able to get back to her activities very quickly. And
for those watching we will post photos post makeup right on Instagram, right
after so you can see what she looks like when she goes out of here, and don't
forget we'll be posting this video on YouTube
and Instagram stories as well yes and There's going to be a fun video posted
showing a close-up how quickly red veins go away.
yogagirl wants to know is this capable for shrinking your pores. Yes it is it's
capable for shrinking the pores and what I tend to do is I combine if there's
some redness I combined that 532 KTP with the 1064 on this for shrinking the
pores and it works quite well but I also individualize the treatment so I try and
see what the underlying problem is and so I might use different lasers as well
and that's the beauty of we need to have such a large choice in this.
she says thank you!
Now is this also good for rosacea? Yes this is great for rosacea in fact a lot
of people come in for rosacea they have also underlying
red vessels that are pretty prominent and so this takes care of it
I don't know if you can see but there are a couple of red vessels here
on the nose here and I'm going to treat those.
Yoga girls asking what the price is for treatment but we
suggest coming in for a consultation! Yes everyone's,
everyone's requirements are different.
Breathe through your mouth....
A little jump there from the shock of the nostril
Now Halina had really prepped her skin with home care. How important is home
care? It is very important because we want to get rid of some of that
inflammation, we want to protect the skin against the Sun and we dont want any
side effects of using the laser on somebodies skin , we dont want any hyperpigmentation..
In fact if you can see closely she's responding so well to the red vessels
on the nostril and you can actually see those disappearing .
So she pre-prepped and post prep with skincare. Absolutely she did. Now what we do now
is Halina, we finish the treatment of Halina but that's not the end of the
story after this what we do is we have Finishing Touch protocol to calm the
skin right down.
Kaitlin will take care of that and after that she can actually, she can go
right back to work. Absolutely she goes right back to work
Finishing touch protocol will calm skin right now so she
you can see it's a little bit red at the moment that will come right down.
Any other questions coming up. No more questions coming up but how can they get
in touch with us? If they want to yes you can get in touch with us at 604 580 2464
info at BC laser dot CA, or our website
BC laser dot CA, Instagram account. Send in your questions and anyone that has
further questions and if you have other topics that you'd like to see us cover
let us know and thanks for everyone joining us today
Teddy Adhitya - Why Would I Be (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 4:18.
I think i lost my mind I think i lost my shit
On the thing that i believe On the thing that i believe
I believe i let you go Pretty sure you're no longer inside my veins
Turns out i still can feel the jealousy When i see you with another man
Why would i be Strained by the rain of those memories of you
Why would i be Trapped in a place without no name
Hoping that you would tell me
I think i lost my faith Not because i don't believe in love
But as long as i remember
Love always brought me down Love always brought me down
I'm sink in my own thoughts Drained in my own world
Still carrying the melodies of you I can still feel the jealousy
When i hear another name inside your pray
Why would i be Strained by the rain of those memories of you
Why would i be Trapped in a place without no name
Hoping that you would tell me
Why would i be
Trapped in a place without no name
Hoping that you would tell me
FAMU Wave Check Day - Duration: 6:14.
three for my cousin died that row in my cousin really cheap you know how to step
in yeah you know that move aside let's run up in your house
I take the plea to not be walled for a couple do I move on put it to play
you better talk to before I do because I'm feeling
and kind of being on my ass let us call them boy if you don't get fuckin news my
organ donors got me dancing with the devil I catch on
I tell you
神準占卜|最近你的人生轉機在什麼時候? - Duration: 6:16.
Latest Poll Indicates Dramatic Turn for the Worse for Keith Ellison - Duration: 4:36.
Frisco Park expansion plans unveiled - Duration: 0:47.
Arrest Warrant: Man In Car Struck, Threw Officer 94 Feet - Duration: 0:43.
神準占卜:默念一個人的名字,測你該如何向TA表白? - Duration: 7:06.
Trump just found a shamefully hypocritical way to blame Democrats for the bombing attempts - Duration: 3:48.
Snake Diet Weight Loss Exercise [Sauna] Pt 2/3 - Duration: 1:30.
so I'm in the sauna now Oh 12 minutes I'm about to go out of the sauna
I am super sweaty you see that sweat do you see sweat here I wonder how long my
phone could be in the sauna let's see what time is there was like four people
in here when I came not everyone just finally left Oh 644 11 man what time did
I say they were gonna be done 11 minutes they'll be done in that room I'm gonna
go do another set of bicep curls in another set of tricep extensions watch -
I watched - oh my gosh that's so high can you see the slit I watched to first
of all Mike and the man told me how to do better form on my deadlifts but I did
just watch another tutorial on that and hip thrust so I'm gonna try to do that -
so hot in here so don't go anywhere press like if you like weight loss
motivation snake diet workout water fasting exercise
Skyeng. English marathon. Task 2 - How to make a good first impression - Duration: 5:37.
Hello everyone and welcome at my video channel
This time I will speak English only English
If you have some difficulties if it's too difficult for you to understand my speech
You can use these subtitles
How would you turn on the subtitles?
If you use the computer
breath the icon in the low part of the video and if you use a mobile device
Press three
Down dots in the right corner of the video
You can turn on the Ukrainian subtitles or maybe English subtitles
You can choose I will try to speak not to
using very difficult
phrases and
Collocations I think you'll understand everything
Today we have we'll proceed to speak about the English marathon
at the previous lesson we talked about the
elevator speech
And today we will talk about five tips that help to make a good first impression
What is the first impression
it's when 2 people meet and
see each other for the first time for the first time they don't know each other and
They can
Say about the person just looking at him or her
Maybe at his or her outfit or clothes
Maybe on his or her hairstyle
you can just speak with a person and
Understand what is he or she like?
It's a first impression and there is a question. Can there be the second chance to make the first impression?
you may think so but
Will not it be the second chance?
So this day I had a task to say about my five tips
how to make a good first impression
First impression is very important. Remember you will never have a second chance to make it
Firstly you should think about a person who you are going to communicate to
Is it your employer, workmate or maybe a person who works on you?
You also should have a right self-rating what depends on who you are going to talk to
it's important to release the goal of
Ask yourself. What do I want to give and to receive from this person?
Outfit also plays a great role in communication
Everyone remember a well-known saying
Good clothes open all doors
so your outfit should be clean tidy and ironed
Don't wear for example a tracksuit for an inter you it'll be funny
He also should be confident
open-minded positive and sociable but
Don't try to copy someone
maybe in behavior or in outfit
Don't lose your personality
On this occasion. I'd like to refer to the lyrics of one song be yourself. No matter what they say
And tomorrow I am having another task
What is it? I will read to you
english-speaking environment, I
Should switch all my devices and applications
into English
imagine telephone tablet only English no Russian Ukrainian and
I should post a screenshot or photo of each device that I've switched into English
And I should write a little report and answer some questions
If it is interesting to you. You can join me in such
Switch your device's mobile phone tablet computer
Laptop, whatever you use
into English and
You can write in the comments about your experience in this using
So good bye dear friends, and I hope we'll see in a new video on my channel
If you use the computer press of the icon under the
Under the video
Press the icon and the low part of the video
Tibia Bosses | Glooth Fairy + Feedbag (Oramond Boss) - Duration: 2:52.
Yo guys!
How's everything?
On this video I'm gonna show you an useful tip to kill the Glooth Fairy
an oramond boss with high damage output
Once we get here we say Hi, Fight and Yes, it requires one Oramond voting point per fight,
we pull the lever and after a while we get teleported into the boss room
It's not difficult at all, just use a fire wall in the middle and energy walls
at the end of the cross and repeat when they disappear
You can use summons here and it's quite helpful specially on lower levels
Even when it is made with a paladin, sorcerers and druids can kill it this way too
From time to time he will ignore fire and walk over it, if that happens just hold it
by your side two seconds and get back behind the fire wall
Usually it heals around 7000 points three times when it's close to die
then it can be finally killed
If you are lucky enough, you can get a Feedbag, which is a good looking and expensive backpack
I hope you have enjoyed it!
If you wanna support the channel to reach more people
you can contribute by sharing the video with your friends!
Thanks for watching guys! If you enjoyed the video, Drop a Like, Subscribe if you're not and see you soon
當年為了「遼寧號」航母,豪捐1.5億傾家蕩產的老兵,現在怎麼樣了? - Duration: 4:21.
Perry claws way back to Elite 8 - Duration: 1:17.
Whoopi & The View Blame Trump For Explosives Sent To Democrats, Now Regret It - Duration: 5:03.
強硬報復開始了!多艘俄艦滿載飛彈進入英海峽,大批英艦緊急出動 - Duration: 3:59.
Ingraham: The flameout of the Democrats' latest stars - Duration: 6:33.
Após mais de dois anos, chega ao fim o namoro de Aline Riscado e Felipe Roque - Duration: 1:54.
Como hidratar y cuidar del cabello seco, dañado y maltratado con remedios caseros muy efectivos - Duration: 4:40.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews to interview Beto O'Rourke at UH - Duration: 0:31.
Mega Millions winner is the talk of Simpsonville - Duration: 1:18.
메자마시 니시노 나나세 마지막 솔로곡 「つづく」 MV 메이킹 자막(O) - Duration: 1:39.
SR褒められた! (^o^) - Duration: 1:21.
Kayky Brito exibe abdômen saradíssimo e fãs brincam: ''Bernadete, nunca te critiquei'' - Duration: 2:19.
Trocando de emissora? Maisa se destaca na Globo e desaparece do SBT - Duration: 1:48.
Solteiríssima, Bruna Marquezine sensualiza em cadeira e quase mostra demais - Duration: 1:46.
Social Assistance (Residency Qualification) Legislation Bill - Second Reading - Video 4 - Duration: 10:14.
Teddy Adhitya - Why Would I Be (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 4:18.
I think i lost my mind I think i lost my shit
On the thing that i believe On the thing that i believe
I believe i let you go Pretty sure you're no longer inside my veins
Turns out i still can feel the jealousy When i see you with another man
Why would i be Strained by the rain of those memories of you
Why would i be Trapped in a place without no name
Hoping that you would tell me
I think i lost my faith Not because i don't believe in love
But as long as i remember
Love always brought me down Love always brought me down
I'm sink in my own thoughts Drained in my own world
Still carrying the melodies of you I can still feel the jealousy
When i hear another name inside your pray
Why would i be Strained by the rain of those memories of you
Why would i be Trapped in a place without no name
Hoping that you would tell me
Why would i be
Trapped in a place without no name
Hoping that you would tell me
【東方紺珠伝】 CROWN PIECE「ONSEN PROJECT」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 3:26.
CROWN PIECE English translation by Releska
Everything's a comedy, after all.
It's a stage upon which nothing goes according to plan.
It ends up in tragedy.
What a funny monkey show!
I'm used to monotone lies
And people pretending they're shocked.
I usually know what they're going to say before they say it.
The bit-part players
Silently cannibalise each other in the dark…
My existence is being denied.
I want you to find my broken self.
Even if I haphazardly link together
The scattered fragments of my heart, it's a no no!
Even though I smile, there's no way my tears will vanish.
This Pierrot dances pitifully
To beats of true despair.
Smile! Smile! I want to die a noble death, like a clown.
Once I've fixed my untidy makeup, it's show time!
I'm a co-star again tomorrow, anyway.
I don't even remember the start of this drama.
We go through the same scenes again and again
So my curtain call never begins.
I keep waiting for my turn
Though it never arrives.
I want you to see right through me
When I throw my personality away and perform.
Even if I paint over my parched lips
So they sparkle, it's a no no!
Though I keep decorating myself, there's no way I can hide my ugliness.
Upon a stage distorted in every direction,
The wounded Pierrot tumbles about.
I'll dress up! I'll dress up! I want to be like a clown.
Once I've fixed my untidy makeup, it's 'on time'!
There's an announcement that says:
"You can't leave partway through." Then, the curtain rises…
Even if I haphazardly link together
The scattered fragments of my heart, it's a no no!
Even though I smile, there's no way my tears will vanish.
This Pierrot dances pitifully
To beats of true despair.
Smile! Smile! I want to die a noble death, like a clown.
Once I've fixed my untidy makeup, it's show time!
You're not allowed to leave partway through. Show time!
Track- by - Track Erinyes - Duration: 5:13.
Hello everyone here is Paulo Melo, guitarist of the band Megaira.
I am Paulo Schmidt vocalist of the band Megaira.
Now we're going to talk about the last song from our first album "Power, Lies and Death".
This song is actually the last one on the album, but it was actually the first one we composed
with the Greek Mythology theme.
When Paulo had the idea of this theme suggested that Erinyes was the name of the band,
but I did not like the phonetics to be a name for the band, so he explained to me
what was the story of 3 entities, one of them is Megaira, she screams
the person's sins when she arrives in the underworld and I found this idea interesting to scream
the sins and the name Megaira has a very interesting phonetics, a strong phonetics,
so we can say that this song works as a hymn for us.
There are bands that have a song with their own name as Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden,
so we have Erinyes, which is not the name of the band, but that speaks the name of the band in the lyric
at the moment where Paulo makes a guttural, a "scream" speaking -Megaira!
Talking a little about the instrumental composition, at the time I was at a stage
where I was hearing a lot of Melodic Death Metal, Nordic Metal and that influenced very much the composition of the riffs,
so much so that it has a blast beat , quite a double pedal, it's basically what permeated
was more in the rhythmic aspect to the construction of this song.
It is a special song for us because, as Paulo himself quoted, it was the band's watershed
to start making songs about Greek Mythology.
When the band started, even before I joined the line-up, it had common lyrics,
it was nothing about something conceptual and it was when I got the idea to get this song
to make the concept and present to him about the idea to put the mythical story-telling,
the band's name might be Erinyes, but as he said at the beginning he did not agree and ended up getting Megaira.
In addition to being promoted to the band name, it was the beginning of the concept for us in Greek Mythology,
it is very heavy and coincidentally it is one of the songs that most people
like and likes on the show, so it is very special for the band.
So now listen to some of the Erinyes song and if you want to listen to all the songs
on the album go to our MEGAIRAOFFICIAL.COM website.
Thanks! Enjoy!
Saraswati Vandana | Bhakti Songs | Shivani Sharma | Pilkhuwa - Duration: 5:42.
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