think and grow rich in hindi & urdu DOSTO AJ KI HMARE video ka topic ha ak waqat mein
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think and grow rich napoleon hill one of the best top seller book ha jiski billon copies
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napoleon hill kay jitny be experiences hen wo share karo ga.think and grow rich in hindi
urdu me lanay ka maksad ap logo ki zindage me change lana ha.
is say apko andaza ho jaye ga k ak insan kasay apni soch kay sath apni life-changing la sakta
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napoleon hill kay mutabik insan zindage me asane say successfull ho sakta ha agar uskay
khyalat positive hun or apni zindage ko asane say badal sakta ha.
ap agar kise be motivational speaker say kise book ka pochay gay kay best
book kon se ha to wo apko think and grow rich by napoleon hill
he recommend karay ga. dosto napoleon hill think and grow rich ka
musanaf ha jisne is book ko write kia hamary sath rahay ga or is video series ko
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For more infomation >> Do One Thing at a Time by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
肺気胸で離脱の長友佑都 11月の日本代表への不参加が濃厚に - Duration: 1:28.
ガラタサライ の日本代表 DF長友が 、11月の 日本代表不 参加が濃厚 となった。
トルコ紙ミリ エト(電子 版)が26 日、離脱期 間は少なく とも3週間 になると報 じた。
長友は24日 の欧州CL シャルケ戦 で相手クロ スをみぞお ち付近に受 けて後半3 7分に負傷 交代。
25日にクラ ブから、診 断は肺気胸 で、数日間 入院して治 療を受ける と発表され ていた。
同紙によると 離脱期間は 経過次第で 、手術が必 要となる場 合は復帰は 年明けとな る見通しと いう。
JOY E*Lite CrocoEmbossed Hardside Luggage with RFID Hand... - Duration: 29:50.
JOY E*Lite CrocoEmbossed Hardside Luggage with RFID Hand... - Duration: 9:06.
City of Davis considers banning e-scooters - Duration: 1:25.
Com roupa molhada e lingerie sensual, Anitta faz o clima esquentar em novo clipe com Greeicy Rendon - Duration: 1:31.
Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser starebbero per diventare genitori - Duration: 11:24.
Henri Castelli prestigia jogo de basquete de filho e se gaba: ''Claro que foi escolhido'' - Duration: 2:11.
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №136. ТОП-5 сухпайків. Модернізація БТР-60, БТР-70 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 19:25.
Anton Douhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:,
War technologies
We and you lets wide up auditory of program in internet. Post in your social networks «War Technologies» to distract friends from politics
In release we will answer on such questions
Who might modernize BTR-60 and BTR-70?
On what change sits killers of tank from 93 brigade?
How being verified security of army arsenals?
Will sell Germany arms to Saudis Arabia?
And by what place glorified Russian deptuty?
This week more than 50 military parts of Armed Forces of Ukraine go on new nutrition system. Before this, more wide up menu in places of full-time dislocation have 5 brigades of Infantry armies and 10 parts of Navy
But next material will touch dry meals, what Is also actual. Our Olexandr Soloviy prepare TOP-5 best in world
In end of 70-ss namely Americans make revolution in field of dry-meals. Analyzing experience of Vietnam war, they form new demands to individual combatant ratio, what perform apart from basic forces.
This way appeared most known for today dry meal in world – MRE– Meal Ready to Eat – «Food, prepared for devouring». Main his difference from individual field rations of other armies of world came full refuse from metal conserve packages, what replace on plastic
MRE divided onto packages, each among which designed for one time eating: breakfast, launch and dinner. To each obligately enter chemical fireless warmer
On present moment exists few dozen variants of individual ratio of American meal, to each constantly add new dishes. Also, in connection with wide geography of battle actions of Armed forces of USA, Americans guided to develop such-called "politically correct MRE"
So, to variants of menu world known dry-meal added also kosher, halal and vegetarian variants. Food energy value for one food intake of such dry-meal – 1300 kilocalories
On start of aggression from Russia those time Ukrainian dry-meal «Forma 10» actively criticize in ATO. Cause weights he a lot, eat him on practice was almost impossible, and package de-mask in field conditions
New evolution of «Daily field set of food enforced», developed by specialists of MinDefense, - it is something between European and American systems of complexation. He packed to soft retort-packs, as in MRE from USA
Each pack computed for one food intake: breakfast, launch or dinner. But with it exist group package, in which putted in daily ratio of fighter
Ukrainian dry-meal developed considering national cooking traditions and have well taste qualities. In each package are pack for fireless warming
Package also designed to not leave marks of food intake after yourself. All remains take in pack and then or take with yourself, or dig in. Material, from which made pack, fast disintegrate in ground
In modern Ukrainian dry-meals are seven types of menu for each day of week so they won't bored. In ratio are borsch, different soups, more than ten combinations of other dishes, apart, with beef, pork or chicken
Each package complete with spoon, sweets, drinks, wet and dry napkins, and also bubble gums. In between Ukrainian daily dry-meal set, what might be considered one among best in world, secure to military servant 3500-4200 kilocalories per day
A bit moderate from previous – French menu. Dacio di comba individual rosiashaufabielu compute 14 variants. Numbers from first to seven doesn't include pork
On differ from Americans, French use more traditional way of warming – by dry spirit. Means to set RCIR for warming include matches, fuel tablets and folded small stove
Also in set tablets for cleaning of water, waste bag, poly-function paper towels. French dry-meal have not too handy cardboard package with waterproof cover
But thanks to her rigidity might avoid fractioning under time of transporting. Each package RCIR consist two prepared dishes, one snack, one pack of fast soup, cheese spread, sweet crackers, sugar, energetic bar, plate of chocolate, bubble gum and candies
To each dish exist recommendation about warming up. By price one French dry-meal price, as five American and twice more pricy about calories
Btw, spreaded presumption, that French dry-meals consist small bottles with vine. But it is not true and alcohol in it doesn't exist. What you can't tell about next set
In one among types of Italian dry-meal for military servants goes in packet of 40% alcohol drink Kordiale, which earlier considered as stimulated medical treatment. If in common, so their ration called "Special battle ration of eating" or "Special Combat Food Ration"
Each individual meal enough for fighter on one day. Italian rations have 7 different menus, what called "Modules" and signed with litters from A to G. Each among them have own color and divided onto three cardboard launches: breakfast, launch, dinner
Set also consist plastic tableware, paper napkins, paper litter bags, small one-time use stoves on hard spirit and matches. From basic dishes: pasta, kidney bean soup, two conserved turkeys
Here also might be rice salad, packs with sauces and species for basic dishes. On desert – chocolate bar, conserved fruit salad and muesli. Water doesn't came in any dry-meal
Shed given apart, or, at might, get in place with use of cleaning tools, which are in set. Middle nutrition value SCFR – 4500 kiloclories
British dry-meal Operation Ratio Pack computed on day. He, as previous his version, packed in unhandy cardboard package. Him recommended to consume not longer than 15 days
But, by nutrition value, might for whole 30. Then necessary to go on food of fresh cooking. For warming up British army to this time use compact portable stoves type Tommy Cookers, mostly on hard-fuel spirit. He, as American, consist "religious" and vegetarian types of menu
In common exists two dozen types of menus. Each dry meal consist of 2 basic dishes on breakfast and launch, and also light dinner. For basic dishes developers admire also national traditions
In menu met popular in English speaking countries chicken «Tikka Masala» and vegetarian pasta, also pork with beans in tomato sauce. Addition is sauce tabasco, and against break proposing biscuit. In dry meal many packs of traditional for Britain tea, and also coffee
Among all ORP distinct by great amount of candies, marmalade and snacks. Energetic value of dry meal in middle 3800-4200 Kilocalories
65 ships, 250 planes, 10thousand units of on-ground techniqueі 50 thousand militaries. In such formation in this week started biggest from times of Cold war exercises of NATO
Maneuvers Trident Juncture-2018 will be in Norway and near its coasts until 7 of November. By this begin digest of gunsmiths news of world for week, that pass
In frames of optimization of StateConcern structure «UkrOboronProm» 37 enterprises give to StateProperty Fund of Ukraine. They over than 5 years doesn't lead management activity, or fully stop functioning
Btw, in this week turn 2 years, when capture production and prototypes of military technique of Engineers group Arei
Ship of sea security BG-32 «Donbas» return in formation after in-dock repair. Biggest boat of StateBorderService on Azov sea was cleaned, painted and served
Also repaired driving mechanisms, screws, rollers, cooling system, installed protectors in under-water part of corpus
Shepetivka repair factory give to Armed forces on-turn party of 220-mm MLRS "Uragan". Here renew all nodes and aggregates
Btw, authors of MLRS BM-21UM Berest also provide science-experimental works about changing chassis and system of fire control of «Hurricanes». Thou wait for results
93th apart mechanized brigade get ATVs UTV for transporting anti-tank systems «Stugna». Powerful bodies of these Quadro-cycles well go for mounting launching systems of tank killers
We remind, earlier for these tasks use too old transporters of frontier Luaz 967
On making order from President of Ukraine, 18 of October started building of newest infrastructure of out-of-town head-quarters of Ukrainian foreign intelligence like American Leangle
Btw, Ukrainian militaries in Volnovaha rayon build road for 920 meters long. Involve BAT-2 and three by-itself-droppers
24 of October at 9.35 duty-man of storage fuel-oil materials on Vinnitsa oblast at reviewing train revealed strange person with explosion device. Package show up imitative, villain was coworker of SSU, and provocation was exam
Btw, in railroad point Konotop border-guards reveal in train Kyiv-Moscow 5 scopes to arms
Defense ministry of Russia accept on arms two-middle automatic-rifle ADS caliber 5,45х39 mm. Example by scheme bull-pup able to lead fire, as in air, and also under water
Cases drop out on left or on right might switch. Grenade launcher get all modifications of VOG-25. Weight of ADS – 4,6 kg, and lengths 68,5 cm
11 requests given on tender for choosing new off-road for Army of Poland, which may purchase 1712 ones
Company Lincoln demonstrated to police sheriffs their new AV Linco for 297 thousand dollars
And company OTT Technologies present most fresh generation of armored Puma M36 Mk 6-C-2
In Nizhnii Tagil on expo of technique deputy Igor Zotov stuck in hatch of tank and him for 5 hours try to make free rescuers
Slovakia officially announce about goal to purchase 81 AV Patria, what called there Vydra ("Otter")
And Latvia Defense Ministry get all howitzers M-109A5-O-E, purchased in Australia
Company Flir develop system for battle recon machines with placing in it UAV Black Hornet 3 Nano
Launch system VRS weights 23 kg, have moderate sizes and needs nutrition from 10 to 32 vaults. Communication complex of flying «Black Hornet» work on range under 2 km
Cause of engines absence Russia unable to launch serie of small missile ships Karakurt project 22800
Canadian Navy fleet for changing frigates Halifax and destroyers Iroquois chose ships on base of British Type 26
And on USA shipyards release on water strike submarine project Virginia, under names Delaware and Vermont
Airbus Helicopters approve sketch project of rapid two-engines helicopter Racer
Qatar refused form buying three airplanes of revealing and guiding Boeing E-737, agreement about which sign in 2014 on expo Dimdex
And Belgium government accept decision about rearming their AF with American airplanes 5th generation F-35
Counselor of Germany consider impossible sending arms to Saudis Arabia cause of scandal about murder of journalist Jamal Hashkaji. We remind, kingdom is second by sizes buyer of military products from Berlin
Btw, 30 of September power of Germany praise military contracts with Saudis Arabi on summary 416,4 mln euros
23-26 of October in Paris pass 26 international expo and conference EuroNaval-2018. Know about new ones of 400 companies-participants came above 23 thousand specialists
Apart, was shown newest winged missile Tomahawk Block 4, remotely controlled cutter Protector USV and prototype of fighter 6th generation New Generation Fighter
Them modernize in Ukraine, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia and not only. Cause APCs BTR-60 and BTR-70 already for long not responsible to conditions of modern combat
So we ask at users on Donbas, and also fatherland gunsmiths about, what might do with these «grandpas», so they serve more in army
Swimming BTR-60 get combat baptisation on island Damanskiy, where was revealed his lack of protection even against light MGs. In Afghanistan image of brother tomb of infantry, cause of weak armor, proved
Carburetor, as lungs have not enough oxygen. Have nor mine, nor horse powers
Driver wheel roll-covered with bondages, wreck palms and take this fashion. So what came crazy, I have sked you before
To combat advantage of «sixty» might bring, that even after loss of two wheels, she continue move. But sometime with relief of Donbas all 8 wheels unable to get done
If road is okay: asphalt, or even that field road without anything, thou kilometers 60, up to 90 might accelerate. Not, after rain pass, no such mights
In winter on him not permitted to drive out, because on hill he might not tug his mass
Positive of BTR-60 is presence of different calibers, but fighters dream about BTR-3 or BTR-4. Analog wishes speak out mechanic-drivers BTR-70, what became more powerful on 30 horses
His crew decreased to 8 fighters, and side trapdoors in-habit in lower part of corpus. To pluses of machine might be computed armament. And this all…
Minus in that, here two engines from GAZ-53 stands, two boxes. Boxes here wreck, gear do not handle, engines also do not handle
If repair engines, thou needed two bring on stand and there regulate them. In hands regime we strived, we work, we have low productivity in th
In summer they overheat, and in winter warming up takes half an hour. Fighters says, if not draw off, thou might help only KAMAZ engine
And in Central science-research institute of arms and military technique before aggression from Russia us declared about version of modernization BTR-70DI or BTR-7 from Mykolaiv's armor-tank factory
There engine Iveco, that works more correctly and allow to shorten fuel consumption in twice. If not telling about new scopes, system of view «Panorama» and few variants of combat modules
About plans to send such models to marines nearly declared President. And on start of war medics get serie of machines with like these characteristics, which have mark BMM-70 Kovcheg
Accepted on armament of army in 2014, model have enlarged corpus for hack-barrows, medical equipment and wash stand, conditioner and 300-power engine Iveco. And it is not single proposition…
Harkiv's constructor bureau of machine building dedicated to Morozov propose modernization of power-plant to machines BTR-60 and BTR-70. Against carburetor engines GAZ-49B and ZMZ-4905 of Russian made install fatherlands diesel UTD-20
It is will decrease fuel consumption on 20%, increase power, velocity and power reserve. Also will rise fire safeness in use and decreased price of use
Their variants to modernize soviet APCs propose also Ukrainian privates. For example, in end of September in education center «Desna» passed trials of modernized BTR-60MK from company Kort
He get diesel Kamintz, enforced with plated armor-protection, on turn – combat module from Mykolaiv's armor-tank factory
Few years earlier BTR-60T from company Tehimpex, also get engine on diesel and on ¼ lowered fuel consumption, and power reserve enlarged on 150 km
But developer use more essential intrusions in BTR-70, which lays in five basic construction changes
Build-in drop-door for descendants, like in BTR-80. Replaced power-plants carburetor on diesel
Also replaced radio station R-123 on R-173. Adapted holding brakes under this machine. And more on BTR-70 we install conditioner for comfort of crew
But engineers fantasia on this does not stop in 2015 on basis of «seventy» here develop APC «Varan» with new body, what presented in Kyiv
This enlarging of armored volume allow to increase floating of machine. Use power-plant Deutz and transmission Ellison significantly increase trust and resource of using this machine
And using knots of running gear and some details of BTR-70 will influence essentially on price
Almost 3 years about example was no-thing to hear, surprisingly 11-14 of April and exposition Defense India-2018 show animated model of BTR Varan
In autumn to Kyiv drive natural version and on exposition «Arms and Security-2018» her already positionate, as apart development, not like modernization of BTR-70
So will try in nearest time make about her apart topic. In same time known, that capital competitors to Tehimpex move forward a bit further…
Armed forces already send to Practica two units of BTR-60 for such modernization. Here see already medical and in plans might be mortar
Producer, who already successfully sell to State AVs Kozak-2 and Kozak-5, already two years propose own version for modernizations of armored-dinosaurs from USSR
On expo «Arms and Security-2016» in first was shown BTR-60 in cover «Otaman 8х8». 12-tones with engine Iveco in forward get better armor, combat modules and options on choice
Thou we interested, how changed he for this 2 years?
Install more powerful engine, transmission move to hydraulic, what allows to free enough many space in back part. After exposition as first thing go examinations
In formation and on stores of Ukrainian army are many soviet APCs, which pathetically to give out on metal scrap with getting BTR-3 and BTR-4
Thou search of best modernization variant yet keeping and about it way we will tell in next releases
Next you will know about belts for shooting-arms and American RPS ANTPQ. And on today that's all. Watch us on 24th channel and YouTube of Military TV of Ukraine. Care of yourself
President Nelson Continues South America Ministry Tour in Uruguay - Duration: 4:40.
Near the seaside city of Montevideo, vigorous preparations were underway at
the Landia Complex for an event anticipated by thousands. Not far away in
Carrasco, the Risso's gathered in preparation and anticipation of their
own in what would be a special day for them. A culmination, 45 years in the
making. The Risso family is four generations strong as members of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A legacy beginning with first
generation members, 92-year old Bismarck Echeverria.
And 84-year old Anna Leah Risso who were baptized
in the early 1970s and have since served and raised their families in the Church.
They were anticipating a visit from a prophet of God as part of President Russell M.
Nelson's ministry to the people of South America. In a rare opportunity, their
children and their spouses and grandchildren were able to spend
one-on-one time with President Nelson and his wife Wendy. The Nelson's warmly
greeted members of the Risso family from oldest to youngest and answered
questions before the start of the devotional. "Wonderful to be with you."
How powerful it was to walk into a room and see four generations of Latter-day
Saints from this country, and each one of them,
each generation greeting him with such joy. From the three, four, five-year olds
to the matriarch and the patriarch. President and Sister Nelson joined by
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Lesa,
and other Church leaders were greeted by more than 4,000 Latter-day Saints
and their friends at the Landia Complex and nearly 7,000 more watching
via broadcast and the internet. "Hundreds and hundreds of faithful Latter-day
Saints transformed this tent into a chapel." President Nelson delighted the young
children in the congregation and those viewing remotely by asking them to stand
and be recognized. "Here he is, a 94-year old man who has the life experiences
that he has had, and every age down to the children, who especially connect with
him." Earlier in the day, President Nelson met with more than 330 missionaries from
two missions in Uruguay, including one Elder who also goes by grandson. He,
along with his missionary companion, had a dinner appointment with President and Sister Nelson.
A day in Montevideo, Uruguay, made special by a ministering prophet of God
to the world who reaches out to the one.
Cosa e' l'amore? HD (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:44.
What is love?
Reflections and little thoughts
What is love? Very simple!
Love is the palingenetic obliteration of the conscious self
that is infused in the prototype archetype of universal anthropomorphism
Clear, no?
very easy! You got it right? I repeat
Love is the palingenetic obliteration of the conscious self
that is infused in the prototype archetype of universal anthropomorphism
Hei...I'm joking! this sentence does not mean anything at all.
I do not know who wrote it ....
probably some university student prankster, who has modified a text by Shakespeare
... who said something similar ...
Long live the goliardia
The first verse of the university hymn "gaudeamus igitur "...
Which means: enjoy life as long as you are young because when you become old then who knows
.... Oh well but this has nothing to do with love ....
Then, there is anyone who can give a definition to love? ... difficult ....
Plato said "Love has no definition"
The only possible definition is a non definition
love is a mysterious, esoteric, and transcendent feeling
made of joys of torment a delirium inspired by God
a Divine madness.
Well, but then because we must always think of love by attributing it to human beings?
Love is everyone!
But when we think of love we always refer to him as human
let's play for example two lovers who walk barefoot on the sand
even if you want to spend the rest of the night
wiping their feet off the tar
then a lot of other things come to mind
for example, to make love you have to be in two
and it is not the same thing to do it twice on your own
Loving it is suffering and if you don't suffering you don't love.
but then you suffer if not to love
therefore love is to suffer not to love is suffer and suffer is suffer
Bah Then has someone come up with a definition of love?
in the meantime I greet you and I propose you the vision of an evening of my love ....
Be quiet ! that evening I was in love only with my piano ...
It 'love that too! .... do not you think?
let me know
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Solteiríssima! Acaba o namoro de 1 ano de Jojo Todynho com MC Renan Pitbull - Duration: 1:20.
Gleici Damasceno revela o que fez com prêmio que ganhou no BBB e recebe amigos do programa - Duration: 2:12.
Sonia Abrão desabafa sobre câncer: ''Vivo com a sombra dele até hoje'' - Duration: 2:01.
✅ Власть в России уже не та? Что ждать: полномасштабную революцию, или что-то другое? (Суть вещей) - Duration: 6:53.
Barricaded situation near Jones and Gowan ends with an arrest - Duration: 1:35.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCE 90 Dynamic Nav. Clim.contr - Duration: 1:07.
Opel Astra 1.4 Turbo Edition Trekhaak - Duration: 1:12.
Toyota Avensis 2.0 Luna Business Nav. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 1:05.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 150 BlueEFFICIENCY Classic - Duration: 1:05.
Exclusive New Training Video of Bangladesh Army in 2018 || Bangladesh Senabahini - Duration: 3:12.
Join in Bangladesh Army & Be Proud
🔥 ВАКУУМНЫЙ НАСОС из ХОЛОДИЛЬНИКА своими руками. - Duration: 11:24.
Как зарабатывать на FREEBITCOIN в 3 раза БОЛЬШЕ ревард поинтов? Секреты фрибиткоин. Бот фрибиткоин - Duration: 3:57.
Do One Thing at a Time by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Duration: 8:17.
think and grow rich in hindi & urdu DOSTO AJ KI HMARE video ka topic ha ak waqat mein
ak he kam karna chahy.think and grow rich in hindi & urdu by napoleon hill dosto is
videos series main me apko think and grow rich book k tamam topics ko step by
step cover kro ga think and grow rich ak ase book ha jis ny
boht sary logo ki zindge badal de or
think and grow rich in hidi urdu read karny k bad unho nay boht sare dolat kmai
think and grow rich napoleon hill one of the best top seller book ha jiski billon copies
sale hoi think and grow rich in hindi urdu series me complete topics or
napoleon hill kay jitny be experiences hen wo share karo ga.think and grow rich in hindi
urdu me lanay ka maksad ap logo ki zindage me change lana ha.
is say apko andaza ho jaye ga k ak insan kasay apni soch kay sath apni life-changing la sakta
ha or apny apko dolat mand bana sakata ha.think and grow rich videos
series mein har us experience ko share kia jaye ga jo napoleon
hill nay apni zate zindage mein dosry logo say seekhy.
napoleon hill kay mutabik insan zindage me asane say successfull ho sakta ha agar uskay
khyalat positive hun or apni zindage ko asane say badal sakta ha.
ap agar kise be motivational speaker say kise book ka pochay gay kay best
book kon se ha to wo apko think and grow rich by napoleon hill
he recommend karay ga. dosto napoleon hill think and grow rich ka
musanaf ha jisne is book ko write kia hamary sath rahay ga or is video series ko
enjoy karay.
mere ap logo say request ha is channel ko subscribe kray like karay,share karay,comment
karay or apny dosto k sath be share karay ta k un logo
ki zindage be badal jay
肺気胸で離脱の長友佑都 11月の日本代表への不参加が濃厚に - Duration: 1:28.
ガラタサライ の日本代表 DF長友が 、11月の 日本代表不 参加が濃厚 となった。
トルコ紙ミリ エト(電子 版)が26 日、離脱期 間は少なく とも3週間 になると報 じた。
長友は24日 の欧州CL シャルケ戦 で相手クロ スをみぞお ち付近に受 けて後半3 7分に負傷 交代。
25日にクラ ブから、診 断は肺気胸 で、数日間 入院して治 療を受ける と発表され ていた。
同紙によると 離脱期間は 経過次第で 、手術が必 要となる場 合は復帰は 年明けとな る見通しと いう。
Snap Wrapples Clap
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T Pure 18 Inch Velgen - Duration: 0:54.
Road to POWER STRUGGLE ~SUPER Jr. TAG LEAGUE 2018~ (October 26) - Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 5:03.
【Tリーグ】"森薗対決"は名古屋・美咲に軍配 - Duration: 1:24.
Man Utd legend makes Jose Mourinho replacement claim, Sir Alex Ferguson involved - Duration: 3:03.
That's the view of United hero Andy Cole, who thrived under Ferguson at the Premier League club
Mourinho is under immense pressure at Manchester United with the club having had a disappointing start to the new season
That's been combined with rumoured falling outs with Mourinho and a number of star players including Paul Pogba and Alexis Sanchez
Ferguson retired from management in 2013 having led the club to 13 Premier League titles, five FA Cups and two Champions League crowns
The Scot is widely regarded to be one of the greatest and most successful managers of all time
But Cole believes his management style would not suit the modern game. "I don't mind managers who have a go at me if that brings the best out of me," Cole told the Guardian
"Working with Sir Alex was an eye-opening experience. "He was fantastic and the only manager I've ever come across who could manage different generations
"But the way he spoke to us then would definitely not work now. "The power is with the players now
" Zinedine Zidane has reportedly been lined up as Mourinho's replacement should the former Chelsea boss be sacked
And former Manchester United midfielder Paul Ince believes Jose Mourinho should be expecting a knock on his door
"It looks to me like Jose Mourinho is stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea," Ince told PaddyPower
"Realistically, he wants to play defensively and nick a one nil win, but he knows that the fans and players at United won't accept that
And they're right not to. "We're three seasons into Mourinho's reign now. There are no more excuses
"You've spent a lot of money, if I was managing a team and they'd given me three years, and it was clear we weren't up to standard, I'd expect to lose my job
"Are we getting to the stage where United just aren't good enough? Yes. They're slipping too far behind, and can't compete with the best sides anymore
'쓰담쓰담' 사육사 손길 너무 좋아 품에 꼭 안고 '애교'부리는 점박이물범 - Duration: 1:53.
"더 많이 쓰다듬어 주세요" 순둥순둥한 얼굴과 오동통한 몸매로 많은 사람들의 사랑을 한 몸에 받고 있는 점박이물범.
그중에서도 사람의 손길을 유달리 좋아하는 녀석이 있다.
지난 14일(현지 시간) 이미지 공유사이트 이머저에는 자신을 쓰다듬는 사육사의 손을 꼭 붙잡고 놓아줄 줄 모르는 귀염둥이 점박이물범을 영상으로 공개했다.
사진 속 물범은 배를 뒤집고 드러누우며 나른한 시간을 보내고 있었다.
녀석은 사육사가 다가와 쓰다듬어 줄 때 기분이 한층 좋아졌는지 머리를 흔들며 편안한 미소를 짓는다.
사육사의 손길을 만끽하던 녀석은 마치 "계속 옆에서 있어 달라"고 말하는 듯 사육사의 손을 조그만 두 손으로 꼭 붙잡았다.
코까지 벌름거리며 즐거워하는 물범의 모습에 전 세계의 누리꾼들도 마음이 녹아내렸다.
누리꾼들은 댓글을 통해 "쿠키 아이스크림 같은 비주얼이 너무나 귀엽다", "마음이 따듯해 지는 광경이다"는 등의 반응을 보였다.
그러나 아무리 귀여운 물범을 보더라도 무작정 이 사진처럼 따라 해서는 안 된다.
점박이물범이나 하프물범처럼 비교적 온순한 종이 있는 반면, 얼룩무늬물범과 같이 사람을 공격하는 종도 있기 때문.
남극의 '최상위 포식자'라 일컬어지는 얼룩무늬물범은 펭귄, 물개, 심지어 작은 상어까지 잡아먹는다.
12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive | Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Cartoon Song by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:17.
One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I throw him back again.
Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on my right.
One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I throw him back again.
Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on my right.
What's a Computer!? | The Worst Apple iPad Commercial EVER - Duration: 6:44.
commercial review everyone knows Apple the makers of the iPhone the brand loved
by hipsters and also people who hate money clearly I'm not a fan of Apple
though they have had some clever marketing in the past those PC versus
Mac commercials were pretty good hello I'm a Mac hello I'm a PC and i'm living
with vista
but now they have ruined that legacy of great advertisements with an idiotic
commercial that I saw a little while back some of you might have seen this
commercial where this hipster girl is like what's a computer if you don't know
what I'm talking about don't worry let's just jump right into the video so the
video starts with this little hipster looking teenager taking her iPad for a
bike ride now I say hipster because notice the glasses and her hairstyle
also Apple just likes marketing to hipsters so this is definitely a hipster
that they want the viewer to relate to no doubt about it
then after her bike ride this girl goes to what seems to be a garage sale where
she sits down and starts working on her iPad now only a hipster would really do
this because you know they like the aesthetic of it oh my god you know
garage sales are just so cool they have so much stuff and they're just they're
just so cultured it's just super unique like my hipster self also oh my god this
song this song sounds so indie which is the preferred genre of guess who? the
so now we see this girl drawing an octopus that seems to be like some
street art type thing it's actually pretty cool though it is definitely one
of those things that some hipster Street artists would totally make now I just
want to clarify there's nothing wrong with being a hipster I'm just pointing
it out because Apple loves hipsters and is trying to say if you identify as
hipster buy our overpriced stuff because it's cool and it's hipster just like you no
one has ever said that to me before okay so now this gets a bit ridiculous and
stupid why would you ever bother sitting on a bench or even on the ground where
it's safe and comfortable when you can just sit in a tree where you run the
risk of falling to the ground breaking your arm and possibly that expensive
overpriced iPad of yours like that can't even be comfortable okay like branches
are not like pillows oh well to be honest I probably sit in the tree if I
was capable of it but definitely not with a computer I mean an iPad because
what's a computer
okay so now the hipster child is doing something really interesting she's
reading comics on her iPad next to a guy who is reading an actual paper comic
book Wow now you might be wondering if she was a true hipster shouldn't she
prefer to read comics from a paper comic book
no no it's incorrect in this situation Apple is endorsing the modern hipster
and obviously their marketing team chose Wonder Woman just to push the hipster
narrative a little bit further because you know Batman he's too mainstream
though that Wonder Woman movie was like the best thing that DC has put out in a
really long time and also gal gadot is just she's just amazing you know anyway
okay so now we are getting to the scene of the true crime observe this girl is
laying down on the grass working on her iPad I don't know why you would do that
and then this reasonable adult comes up to her and says what you doing on your
computer and then this girl responds what's a computer are you kidding me the
youths of today are just so dumb and also after she says that the hipster
music starts playing it's like Apple's version of the ladies and gentlemen meme
Hey what you doing on that computer what's it computer ladies and gentlemen
we got them
it's like oh my god child you have so much to learn that fancy iPad you have
is a computer made by Apple that was originally named Apple computer company
because you know what they make computers are you sure about that
but it doesn't matter no it doesn't matter logic is thrown out the door
because for the sake of marketing to hipsters Apple has forsaken its roots
because computers are far too mainstream for their hipster audience no no no no
why would any self-respecting hipster want a computer those are for filthy
plebeians like me what's that Joey said I'm just a pig I mean this commercial is
like if Elon Musk asked his marketing team to make this following commercial
hey that's a cool car what's a car this is a tesla god these hipsters make me so
they make me so mad anyway I just really hate these stupid marketing campaigns
they made me feel like people are just so dumb and also I think hipsters just
annoy me a lot so now the truth comes out doesn't it I mean I'm sorry I live
in Seattle and they still make me cringe but anyway let me know your thoughts in
the comments below and if you know of any commercials that you want me to
review tweet them at me otherwise till next time never share your password
and always use your brain it's pretty important
घर पर बनाएँ बेदाग़ निखरी त्वचा का साबुन Homemade multani mitti soap|How to make soap at home - Duration: 3:06.
Today i m sharing a requested video
how to make multani mitti soap at home
so let's start
take 1 cup soap base
i have purchased from amazon i will put the link in the description box
you can also use pears soap to make this
you will also need multani miti or fuller's earth, mulethi or licorice powder and vitamin e capsule
take bowl and add 1 1\2 tsp fuller's earth and 1/2 tsp of mulethi or licorice powder
now mix both the dry ingredients
subscribe to my channel :)
take a bowl and add soap base and start melting using double boiling process
soap is now melted
now add 1 vitamin e capsule gel and dry ingredient (fuller's earth + licorice powder) and turn off flame and mix well
water is still hot so it will prevent soap to set and we can mix everything properly
now finally transfer to a mold here i m using silicon mold because it is easy to de mold but you can use any plastic container but before that apply Vaseline or oil
and keep aside to set completely
now demold it
and look how beautiful it is looking
perfect :)
very simple and easy to make this soap and i have not used any kind of fragrance but if you want you can defiantly add to get good aroma
you can use this soap immediately
so go and try making your own soap and share your experience and also picture of your own soap with me
if you have any suggestion or request then please tell me in the comment section
i will see you in my next video till then byee byee and take care
How to draw Penny Fitzgerald
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Why does Eddie Redmayne talks like that with his elegant RP accent? Lol - Duration: 2:56.
Hello, it's Jinger.
There are a lot of British actors with nice accents.
Among all of them
I love Eddie Redmayne's voice and accent.
He's not super handsome
but intelligent and charming.
And there is a reason why.
Jinger English
World class top schools like
Eaton and Cambridge graduate!
He is an elite.
And Eddie Redmayne has
an RP accent which is an upper class accent.
Now I know why.
He's awesome.
Beetroots are a kind of vegetables.
If you're interested in healthy food
you may have heard about it.
They're red.
So 'go beetroot' means
your face turns red like 'beetroot'.
It's british.
Honestly, Eddie Redmayne
could be totally snobby.
But he's far from it.
Something unexpected like this makes him more charming.
Dictionaries define 'crush'
force inwards by compressing forcefully.
Also a desire to be with someone attractive in a slang term.
'Have a crush on someone' means
you like someone.
She has a crush on you.
She likes you.
It's so cute that he liked an animal instead of a person.
I enjoyed reading comics and novels when I was young.
So I liked characters from books
rather than real people.
You will understand when you see a picture of me.
I looked like a geek.
Maybe I shouldn't have.. feel so shy now.
I'm just going to wrap it up here.
Don't forget to click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.
#1 Simple stroke - Permanent makeup tutorial on latex - Duration: 8:26.
it is kind of an oval in the air. You
touch the latex then exit, make
an oval in the air and then once again back to latex touch
and so on again and again…hello everyone, my name is
Elena Nechaeva and
this is the distance course "The stroke on Latex"
If you want to master the ideal
stroke and do ,without worrying at all,
any shape, with soft borders, without
joints and spots, first you need to learn
hold the device correctly.
If it is a shading (and in our case
of course it is), then we do not hold it
close to the nozzle, otherwise your stroke will be
with a rough start and
ending. We 17th 00: 00: 42,899 -> 00: 00: 49,200 we need to get a stroke consisting of a series
of dots and has no beginning, no end.
a stroke, into which you can pour the following
stroke and from above, and from below, and from the side. From any
side, because it, in fact, does not have
a start
and has no endings. It consists of a series
of dots. Here it is clear that both, in the beginning and
at the end I have smaller dots, more 26th 00: 01: 07,799 -> 00: 01: 13,340 transparent and they take off from the surface 27th 00: 01: 10,799 -> 00: 01: 16,049 That is, I can attach a new stroke and from above,
and from below and no one will understand that I did it.
No one will understand where exactly
began and ended my previous
stroke. By the way, if you do not know how
to set up the machine, there will be
a link to the video, where I tell about it
in detail. The amount of pigment that
will remain in the latex (or in the skin)
depends on how fast
your hand moves, and what speed
is displayed on your device.
We will work on minimum
speed, because
It will be easier to master your movement with
minimum speed. If
I work slowly I draw
a line. This is unacceptable neither
in any technique nor on any zone.
My task is to teach you how to work
such a series of dots. Therefore
depending on what speed
of your machine is ,
you must learn how to move your hand,
so that it remains a series of dots. It is
very important! You,
starting with a very fast movement or
maybe even with slow as
what is easier for you. Gradually increase speed.
So I see that I still have
dots. Blurred, without borders in
general, the line begins to form. It is this
the speed of the hand I must
to fix. So, when you found
position of the hand and speed for your movement, where
there remains a series of dots, you must understand,
that you mustn't move slower
otherwise you will start to get
lines. Now about the very important. Look
at my hand: my little finger stands in
the role of the leg of the compass.
I can move in
any direction and
The hand, thanks to the little finger, holds on to weight.
I do not put
fist - it's uncomfortable and wrong.
It limits the movement of the hand and, at the end,
will be too much concentration of the pigment. Thats is why
little finger is always stays like this, just this way,
or can be hold like a "hook", depends on
what is more comfortable for you. This block of
three fingers is active.
can be either pressed, or
holds this block here. It turns out,
that the machine lies down between the thumb and forefinger.
It kind of
lean on, lies on
middle finger, pushes the forefinger, and
thumb is just slightly
holds the machine. Please, pay attention to
the thumb - a lot of masters
make the following mistake: they put
thumb in this way, and they,
this is very noticeable,
limit the movement by it. As a result, the stroke
is finished with density,
therefore it is important to monitor
The thumb just lay on top and did not limit the progress of the machine.
This block of three fingers
moves freely.
I push the machine towards myself, and while moving
in the opposite direction the thumb does not allow me to fall.
Movement in the opposite direction
similar to the movement of
the pendulum. The machine is vibrating
due to the centripetal
force. As a result, comes out easy
movement of the device, which I make with my fingers.
The machine dangle freely, and I just do not let it fall out of my hand.
If you do as I recommend, your fingers will not be
tense, and here, in his hand, will not appear
a cramp, as many of you describe.
The movement will be light. When I
I hold the device - my hand, in general
relaxed and my movement
like a pendulum,
but only it is not completely loose.
This pendulum-like motion "stops"
by latex at the moment I touch it
(the latex). I do not try
go deep into, I'm making
caress movement, and so
smoothly go out latex. You need
to achieve the movement when
a sweep in the air is longer,
than a touch to latex. Your
hand and needle movements are similar
to take off and landing of the airplane.
Here is "landing", as you are moving towards yourself,
and then immediately to take off.
Soft touch, without a clear line at the end
or the beginning, can be achieved,
when you work with "take-off" movement 131 00: 05: 35,580 -> 00: 05: 41,460 and with movement towards yourself and back.
Also, there is a stroke in one direction only -
towards yourself
when you're drawing kind of
oval shape in the air. You pass on latex,
exit , make an oval in the air and then
do it once again. And so endlessly.
You must master a stroke of at least two
half a centimeter in length in order
to start getting a movement
back and forth, back and forth, to and from
yourself. This will really speed up your work,
because you will not loose
time for nothing.
but it will not work for you if you will
try to do it
with a short stroke. That's why, we work with a stroke of at least two,
two and a half centimeters long.
When you hold the machine correctly and waved it a bit
in the air, put a finger so
it is under control,
start action in the air, not
touching latex ,
with chosen speed,
going down and the moment you
touched latex, you start
with the same effort slowly move
to the right, very slowly, without rearranging
little finger and just doing almost
invisible fist movement. You must
create such a stroke that won't have
beginning, and there will be no ending.
No need to draw
such strokes with a hard beginning.
Make movements that look like take-off and landing of an airplane.
Make movements that look like take-off and landing of an airplane.
Make strokes that remind the take-off - landing of an airplane.
Task: to find the speed of hand movement
that your machine
will draw dots, not stripes. Your
beginning and ending of the stroke has to be airy.
You need to draw at least five full-length stripes of latex,
until you achieve this
perfect beginning and ending
of your stroke and learn to work with dots.
Such strips you need
create a minimum of 5, and in theory, in the end of 5th strip you
should be able to do it already - airy
beginning and end. If it does not work out
from the first time - try again and again until
you master this movement,
similar to a pendulum or aeroplane's takeoff - landing.
Save your homeworks and if you
join the course till end and will send
you homeworks to us
We will give you our certificate of
passage of the distance course
"Stroke on latex"
Thank you all for watching, bye everyone.
Exclusive New Training Video of Bangladesh Army in 2018 || Bangladesh Senabahini - Duration: 3:12.
Join in Bangladesh Army & Be Proud
Scary Pumpkin | Halloween Cartoon Videos | Scary Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 32:16.
There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin
The moon is turning All white
Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull
The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright
Fog still lingers counting on your fingers
Whose behind you right?
The moon disappear its just what you fear
The undead will rise tonight....
Prepare for fright ...
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's the zombies delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...
Hollyoaks MISBAH MAALIK Killed TEGAN LOMAX! IMRAN MAALIK Exposes Abused Mum! LOMAX Family Revenge! - Duration: 2:42.
Shock as Misbah Maalik is exposed as Teagan Lomax's killer.
Storm Belinda might have subsided after her truly vicious attack on the village
but the shock twists are far from over. As
abusive son Imran Maalik used the deadly weather as a cover to delve his long-suffering mother another vicious beating shaken and bruised
Misbah Maalik was forced to take drastic action soon after her attack.
Finding Collegue Tegan Lomax as she layed dying crushed under a tree
she was forced to execute an emergency operation in the street to keep her alive. As
Doctors informed the devastated Lomax family that Tegan died due to a ruptured spleen caused by Misbah's surgery
it wasn't long before they rushed round to confront the healing expert they believed murdered their beloved sister.
With her medical career hanging by a thread Misbah hid her broken hand behind her back as she underwent intense questioning
regarding her motives by bewailing Ste Hay.
Culpable Imran paid the grieving family a visit and nothing could prepare them for the latest bombshell as the teenage victimizer
let slip that his battered mum operated on Tegan with the broken hand
he secretly caused her which has left her in agony and unable to move it.
Swearing blind the family vowed to destroy Misbah's career for causing the death of their sister after performing fatal surgery
she was in no fit state to achieve.
With so many mistakes already having been made due to taking the blame for her
terrorizing son will Misbah be able to cover up causing Tegan's death?
Departed Actress Jessica Ellis said of on screen life after Tegan:
"I think it's really gonna affect the Lomax family. Tegan in some ways was the glue between them.
She sorted out arguments. She was the level head between them all so I think the cracks will begin to appear in the family.
I think there's gonna be real drama within that family because she was the linchpin so Leela won't have that person to turn to.
Ste will go off the rails.
We always know that he does and Tegan was there to mediate between Leela and Ste as they're both
so fiery. Peri too. Tegan always helped Leela with the drama"
Will anyone find out Misbah is on the receiving end of a reign of terror and battery at the hands of her own child?
Will she lose her job and face jail? How will the Lomax family cope without Tegan?
Will you miss Tegan? Leave a comment below!
Thanks for watching SoapBuster YouTube's daily soap news and spoilers show. Subscribe below for the next episode.
杨幂不参加唐嫣的婚礼?工作忙真的不是理由 - Duration: 4:11.
隱瞞了20年,蘇有朋終於說出不娶林心如的原因,網友:想不到咩! - Duration: 3:58.
🔥 ВАКУУМНЫЙ НАСОС из ХОЛОДИЛЬНИКА своими руками. - Duration: 11:24.
Treasure hunting locations part 8: Treasure of the river and fountain - Duration: 3:27.
Hi Guys!
Treasure hunting locations part 8: Treasure of the river and fountain.
If you want more of these videos before you start our video,
you can subscribe to our channel and support us by liking our video.
Especially for those who are buried in the field is one of the most ideal ...
and easy to change the fountain of water fountain or water is one of the points.
In the fountain waters of Çeşme are similar treasures similar to the ornaments.
A careful treasure teller can not reach this conclusion by seeing this sign in a fountain.
6 places where burial fountains can be buried:
1-) It becomes plastered cover stone at the back of the fountain.
2-) The trough is poured and controlled carefully. A careful storage has been made here.
3-) If there are stones in the foot area in front of the fountain, this place is also doubtful.
4-) In a fountain photograph that was delivered to us years ago, ...
there was a very beautiful leaf and a floral motif.
In the old cemetery close to the district, a woman with status was directing her grave.
As a result of the research, it was revealed that there was an old Greek cemetery on the slope at the top of the fountain.
Inside the cemetery contained the flashy flowered grave, ...
the dead chamber under the tomb, the passage into the hidden treasure room in the dead room.
5-) There are those who embed using the triangle system.
For example, 10 steps to the peak of the hill with the fountain.
The fountain, the summit peak and a large piece of rock, ...
which 4 or 5 people can hardly play, make each other a triangle.
There is treasure under this rock that seems to be fixed.
6-) The walls on the side of the fountain should be well controlled ...
and sometimes there may be a case behind a stone that looks different.
Various signs such as fish, snakes and turtles and canes are the general signs of fountains.
Our videos of these landmarks are posted on our channel.
You can improve yourself by watching.
If you need help with defining signs, you can contact us by comment.
If you like our video, don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel.
See you in our next video ...
Never gonna stop making these rhymes as I spit what's in this mind
Which is wired by the truth that shapes up all I witness as a crime
As all I see that's happening in this world full of demented souls
Murder rapes and robbery and crimes that make our planet sore
There's no more choice left but to stop this evil race we're trying to win Race will have no winners as we only win by doing sins
That's the thing we should understand before we call our doom to end us
We're the one's responsible for the end that's gonna wipe and send us
To the gates of hell cuz we're the ones who sin to get a better life
No righteousness is left in us we're too caught up to spread the light
Nobody wants to deal with problems that we're facing in this world
Everyone's just too damn stuck in liking pics of insta girls
Everyone is too damn stuck in watching porn or trying to flirt
Everyone is down to f*ck but nobody's down to put some work in making the world a better
place Like we don't need it f*ck this earth all
we do is smoke n f*ck and lie about how tough is luck
Everyone is too damn stuck in getting their wallets heavy
Buy'em blings buy'em rollies buy'em cars smoking reggie
Drinking liquor f**king h**s is treated like achievement now what the f*ck is going on
with the world it's time we better shut it down
There's so much more to humanity we call our self intelligent
But all we've done is fighting wars killing kids and innocence
Making profits off of wars off of the soldiers that we send to fight to show our dominance
our ignorance is prominent Fighting over monuments shouting having arguments
No one's safe all continents are built on core of fraudulence
Call me what you wanna I'm kronik and I'm proud of it
I spit the truth that I believe is needed to spark the fire in the hearts that are filled
with loathing lust and all evil desires There's so much more to the mankind but
humanity is dying Sorry to use profanity the f*ck we did with
science I'm waiting for the moment when my lord
gives me the sign Yes I'm one of those rappers who still f*ck
with the real rhymes Cuz I've realized that what I see from the
eyes I have is re aligned to fool us all and make us dumb
Cage our thoughts don't let us learn have us caught in the lies they tell
So we don't think of all the wrong that's being done to pollute our minds
And jail us for the rest of life as we think we're living our life the way we want to
live it Forgetting we've been taught to follow orders
from the ones who rule us supposedly we choose our rulers losing freedom as they use us
Do we really think that they're working for our better future how can we be so dumb
that we cant even respect our teachers And all them preachers in the world aint nothing
more than demons lurking in the shadows waiting for the night so they can go on hunting
Infect us with the seeds of evil inject us with the greed they offer
Projecting themselves as the ones' who'll save us from the wicked monsters
The time has come let's open eyes analyze what's going on we've been hiding from
the truth now the truth is hiding from the dawn
Is it ever gonna stop n I ask myself is it ever gonna stop………………
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