Prometía ser un programa diferente y así ha sido. En esta nueva entrega de "Mi casa es la vuestra", Bertín Osborne ha seguido ejerciendo de gran anfitrión, pero la organización ha recaído en Paz Padilla
Nada más empezar, la presentadora y actriz se encontró con Pocholo Martínez Bordiu, con quien ha demostrado tener una gran química
El que fuera ícono televisivo de principio de la década pasada fue el encargado de ir recogiendo algunos de los invitados sorpresa
Mientras tanto, en la casa, Paz charlaba animadamente con el presentador. Ambos recordaron a modo de homenaje al humorista Chiquito de la Calzada
Gran amigo de los dos, se mostraron muy emocionados al constatar que al final consiguieron su propósito: que le concedieran la medalla de Andalucía 2018 a titulo póstumo
Pero esa era solo la primera emoción de la noche. Fue una velada cargada de sorpresas
Al cantante y a la presentadora se le juntaron varios amigos: la vecina de Paz, Luci Vera, Rufino Nuñez, Pablo Carbonell, los cocineros del Masterchef Junior, Paula y Jefferson, y el Mago Tomás
Un grupo amplio de gente, con historias y vidas distintas pero con un denominador común: la diferencia como suerte y no como un lastre
De hecho, esa podría ser una de las moralejas a retirar del programa de este viernes
.@Carbonellsg: "Mi hija me ha transformado a mí, ha transformado a su madre y yo espero que transforme el mundo" ¡Qué bonito! ❤️ https://t
co/pfuKsjDdX2 #MiCasaEsLaVuestra4 — Mi casa es la vuestra (@micasaeslatuya) October 26, 2018 Pablo Carbonell llegó con un mensaje cargado de esperanza
Su hija, de tan solo 9 años, padece artrogriposis múltiple congénita, y ha debutado en el cine, anda y baila a pesar de las nefastas expectativas que le dieron los médicos
Toda una historia de superación de la que el actor y cantante no duda en hablar con máximo orgullo pero también con máximo respeto: "mi hija puede cambiar el mundo"
Un padre orgulloso que no duda en dar gracias a la vida por la fortaleza que demuestra su pequeña
.@BertinOsborne a @pazpadilla: "Esta es la mejor sorpresa que me has podido dar" https://t
co/pfuKsjDdX2 #MiCasaEsLaVuestra4 — Mi casa es la vuestra (@micasaeslatuya) October 26, 2018 La última parte del programa fue la guinda sobre el pastel
De repente llegó él: Adrián Martín. El joven cantante, que a principios de año fue operado tres veces en una semana, volvía a la televisión
Más recuperado, el artista, que padece hidrocefalia y malformación congénita en los brazos, reaparecía en casa de Bertín con su enorme sonrisa
Nada más llegar, con un ramo de flores para Fabiola Martínez, Adrían le dijo emocionado al presentador: "Bertín, te quiero"
Tras fundirse en un largo abrazo, Osborne no pudo contener las lágrimas de la emoción: "cuanto me alegro de verte así de bien, campeón"
Fue, sin duda, uno de los momentos más especiales de este inicio de temporada. Bertín estaba tan emocionado, que tras charlar con el pequeño, se tuvo que levantar del sofá para no seguir llorando ante las cámaras
Al final le dijo: "solo con verte me has alegrado el verano". Un final de programa de lo más emotivo, donde se pudo apreciar el lado más sensible de Bertín Osborne
For more infomation >> Bertín Osborne y Adrián Martín: emotivo reencuentro en "Mi casa es la vuestra" - Duration: 6:06.
Rafa Mora y su nueva pelea con Lydia Lozano tras imitarle: "Yo te gusto, ¿verdad?" - Duration: 4:00.
Why Iran's pride and prowess in wrestling is unsurpassed | Land Of Legends - Duration: 10:41.
(9 GOLD)
I am the double leg master of Iran.
In the 2024 Olympics, I'll be the champion.
Wrestling is the way of Iranian warriors.
And Zoorkhaneh has been like a gym
for our champions
where they would prepare themselves to show
the Iranian battle skills.
Our wrestling is very close and direct
with Zoorkhaneh, as it should.
I started my career here. You can see the pictures
of my coaches on the walls. They helped me a lot.
I owe a debt here, to my old neighbourhood, my old gym.
That's why I came back here.
I don't train the young kids only.
The little champions, children,
teenagers, young adults and adults.
I teach all the ranges, you have filmed some of them.
But the range I love working with the most
is the little champions and children.
They are pure.
They form very fast.
You can easily see which ones are meant to be champions.
In 2024, I will be the world champion in 74kg.
He can be part of the Olympic team three Olympics from now.
I'd like to be the champion in the 2024 Olympic Games.
I want everybody in the world to know
that Iranians are great wrestlers.
If you're in the USA, when two kids want
to prove themselves, they'd box.
In Brazil, the sport you can see in the streets
or schools is football.
In Iran, whenever there was a reason to show off
their strength or in Shahnameh, the book of ancient and epic
tales and poems of Old Persia,
the greatest achievements were made by wrestling.
One minute.
It is true that the modern
sports are very popular in Iran,
but how proud people feel when a wrestler becomes
a champion, it is different.
The Farsi word for wrestling comes from killing.
You have to sweat for a win.
In Juybar, you will see most of the men have broken ears.
They know a thing or two about wrestling.
They are very serious about it.
The people of Juybar love wrestling.
Maybe it is because of its geographical position.
In Juybar's gyms,
you can find many children and teenagers.
There are five or six gyms, and more than 600 people are wrestlers.
Most of the kids in Juybar would do anything
to go to the Olympics and become champions.
Maybe one day, we can be that good.
The wrestling community worldwide,
when the dispute over the elimination of wrestling
from the Olympics started,
they put aside their differences and united.
IOC was then faced with a huge number of people who wanted
to save the oldest sport in the world.
Finally, with a high percent of the votes,
IOC was forced to keep wrestling.
It is not fair for the sport of our ancestors
to be eliminated from Olympics.
If wrestling is eliminated from the Olympics
Iranians will lose their spirit.
It would be so unfortunate to
eliminate wrestling from the Olympics.
5 PASOS PARA TU EVOLUCIÓN ESPIRITUAL. Con Mercedes Udaeta. - Duration: 51:48.
Kylie Jenner y Travis Scott llevan a Stormi al parque de calabazas para celebrar su primer Halloween - Duration: 3:13.
Alba Carrillo se desnuda y deja su parte más íntima y dulce al descubierto - Duration: 3:30.
Kate Middleton déjà enceinte, son poids mouche inquiète son mari - Duration: 1:27.
Smoked Turkey - How To Brine and Smoke A Whole Turkey - Cooking Turkey Pellet Grill/Smoker - Duration: 11:10.
what is up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ whatever you doing in this
video is we are going to be doing the best smoked turkey the thing that's going to
be a little bit different about this smoked turkey then the majority of my
turkeys is that instead of doing my own turkey brine I went to the store and they had
this turkey brine on sale for 50% off $8.99 so about four dollars and fifty cents and
it comes with the brining bag so we're going to go ahead and roll with this I
did look at the ingredients and it looks like it has all the stuff that you would
want and a brine so we're going to roll with this if you're looking to make your
own brine what I will do is in the description below I'll leave a guide to
what one of my typical brines would look like if you want to come up with your
own turkey brine it could be as simple as just salt and water and you can kind of get
creative from there well another thing we're going to do this different is
we're going to be brining the turkey in buttermilk
now this suggestion came from a guy that owns a company called miners mix and
they sell a bunch of different excellent seasonings over there I'm gonna leave a
link to where you could buy any miners mix products in the description below
but you know what I've never brined a turkey in buttermilk so we're gonna go
ahead and try that today first thing that we need to do is just go ahead and
get our brine mixture into our pot I have about a half a gallon of water in
this pot we're gonna go ahead and get this in and I'm gonna give it on the
stove bring it to a simmer and let it go for about 15 minutes and we'll pick it
up after that turkey brine solution I had on the stove is cooled down now
now what we're gonna do is we're going to go ahead and get our turkey into our
brining bag which I have in a bucket all right and I'm gonna close this bag up
and put some ice over when we're done let's go ahead and add our
lucien let me get at the time I don't want this bag to fall down in there
all right now we're going to add a gallon so we have a half gallon of that
brine solution now we're going to add a full gallon of this buttermilk and I'm
very interested to see how this comes out this is the first time that I've
ever brined a full turkey with anything like buttermilk
okay I'm gonna lift this turkey up just a few times just to kind of get that
solution mixed around in here and I'm gonna go ahead and close this bag and
I'm gonna put ice on top of this to keep it cool it's gonna have a chance to sit
in the garage for 24 hours before we get it out on our smoker like I mentioned
earlier the smoker we're going to be using is going to be my Camp Chef
woodwind pellet grill if you're looking to see any other smoker smoked turkey recipes I'll
put them in the iCard above and description below I have a turkey on the
weber smokey mountain have a turkey on the pit barrel cooker have a turkey on
the weber kettle grill so i have a few different turkey recipes we are
going to be cooking this turkey over 400 degrees if you've seen any of my videos
that do believe in high temperature turkeys anyway enough talking we'll pick
this up tomorrow so after letting that turkey sit in that
buttermilk brine solution for around 24 hours we rinsed it off rinsed everything
off Pat it dry and then what I did was I cut off some of the loose skin that was
on it and if you're trimming up turkey skin before you cook it leave a little
bit of extra on there because it's going to tighten up as it cooks now we're
going to go ahead and stuff the turkey what I do is stuff it with anything that
you have around the house that happens to be random any vegetables you know
like celery apples oranges lemons limes what I have is I have some apples that I
have quarter some oranges
and then I have a mixture of rosemary sage and oregano we're gonna throw this
in and by stuffing the turkey like this it expands the cavity out allows your
turkey to cook a little bit more evenly and it's going to pick up a little bit
of that essence as well as the turkey cooks
okay I'm gonna go ahead and wash my hands then we're gonna go ahead and get
this season done is the seasoning what I like to use on the turkeys of that cook
is an herb based seasoning what I happened to be using is my go to
it's called herb or herb de Provence you could use Italian seasoning or anything
along those lines I really try to stick away from anything that has salt in it
especially if I brined it because you might be over salting the turkey so
first thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna rub it down I'm using a peanut oil since
we are going to be smoking this at a high temperature butter or something
like that may not be good you want to go up the high temperature type oil to keep
it from burning we're just gonna put a nice little coat on it and now let me
have it oiled down what we're gonna do is just
go ahead and apply our seasoning to it now this oil is going to do a couple of
different things it's going to help it get brown and that's gonna help our
seasoning to stick to it as far as this turkey goes I don't really see a need to
season the bottom of it if you'd like go ahead season the bottom up and this herb
is really mainly for appearance more than it is for actual flavor
all right that is a done deal so we have the turkey seasoned up I'm gonna go
outside and get my camp chef started I'm going to be cooking it directly on this
pan since this is a pellet cooker and the heat comes directly up from the
bottom I want there be some kind of protection on it we're going to be
cooking this anywhere between 400 to 450 degrees just depending on how my smoker
performs it is a little bit cold outside so that may have a little bit to do with
the temperature they were going to be cooking it anyway I'll meet you outside
we are coming up to temp on this word about 330 degrees right now but I'm
going to go ahead and throw it on we're probably going to try to stay in that
425 to 435 area during this cook what I will do during this cook is I will
monitor it probably about every 45 minutes to make sure it's not getting
too Brown since we are cooking at this temperature the legs and the wings tend
to start getting a little bit dark so when that happens I'm going to go ahead
and foil those up cooking at this temperature this turkey should be done
in about 2 and 1/2 hours let's get it in
we'll go ahead and check this in 45 minutes see it in
we are about 45 minutes in on it I'm looking at these turkey wings and they're
starting to get a little bit dark so we're just going to go ahead and wrap
these up so I'm going to get both of the wings and then we're going to get these
legs as well
and what I forgot to do earlier with my temperature probe in so we're gonna go
ahead and get that in and if I didn't mention it earlier we're going to be
cooking this until we get to about a hundred and seventy degrees typically
you take a turkey off around 165 ish somewhere in there but since we're
cooking so hot and fast I find that the turkeys always stay moist so that's why
I've taken that extra 5 degrees so we're about an hour in on this and it's
starting to get a little bit darker so what I'm going to do is I'm just going
to go ahead and tint this it will start picking up some color even though it's
tinted but we don't want this to be overly brown
now we're just gonna tint it very loosely
so we just hit a 170 degrees and we're only two hours in on this so go ahead
and take off this and that does have the color we're looking for I'm gonna go
ahead and turn off the smoker bring it inside let it rest for about 10-15
minutes then we'll cut into
so that's it that's a done deal took just a little bit over two hours to get
this right in 270 degrees go ahead cut into it see what it tastes
like as always the breast is my favorite part
I'm just gonna kind of come down the side of the breast and then just do a
couple slices and that skin is definitely crispy and just gonna come in
the side right here here's we're looking like you can see all this steam coming
off of it whoo that's hot anyway it looks good let's just jump in
taste it all right looks good to me let's get in see what's up just to touch
a smoke just write them out I give you speak on this or pecan have you gone for
How To smoke a whole turkey
telling you I could get into this as a matter fact I think my wife has some
what are you making she's gonna be making some some kind of a smoked turkey taco
out of this I think the smoked flavors gonna go great with that anyway I like
thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ. Smoked Thanksgiving Turkey. Best smoked Turkey recipe
comment subscribe now I'm Alan
Patrick Fiori et Jenifer, ils ne se cachent plus - Duration: 1:01.
Brad Pitt et Charlize Theron en couple, leur liaison révélée - Duration: 1:27.
Laura Smet, son mariage secret avec Raphaël - Duration: 1:40.
How to make slime with Unicorn | Slime Challenge - Duration: 11:38.
Now we're making fluffy slime
No, that's not it's supposed to sit glow-in-the-dark
Hi everyone!It's me Katrin and this is my brother Nazar!
Today we're doing three colors of slime challenge. We have a wheel over here and
Right now you you might be wondering what those x2 blooming well it means you get two blues
Yeah, and no glue. You skipped your chance. Yeah, so let's get started Rock Paper Scissors
Monster Trucks Play Bowling | Street Vehicles 3D Cars Toys Kids Cartoon - Duration: 11:10.
Toñi Moreno prepara un programa musical con la ayuda de Rosana tras su salida de 'Viva la vida' - Duration: 3:21.
Camilla Parker-Bowles se croit reine, son diadème exhibé - Duration: 1:19.
Ibrahim Koudié : "Rien n'a changé depuis la mort de Zyed et Bouna" - Duration: 3:37.
El evento donde podría tener lugar el reencuentro más incómodo de la Reina Letizia con Marie Chantal - Duration: 2:49.
#ConsultaNAICM: Dejar la desconfianza atrás - Duration: 7:10.
Mesa de consulta ubicada en calle Tercera y Constitución, en la zona Centro de Tijuana, Baja California En la consulta se puede votar más de una vez, si existe la intencionalidad de hacerlo
Entonces ¿quién lo haría? Entiendo el pasado electoral y participativo del país: Un partido ganando siempre la elección a dedazo
Sucesiones presidenciales a modo, precedidas de una carnicería entre integrantes del partido único: el Revolucionario Institucional
A pesar de las movilizaciones obreras, campesinas y estudiantiles -acompañadas de campañas de criminalización, persecución, desarticulación y crímenes contra sus participantes-, registradas en el gobierno de Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, el candidato Luis Echeverría obtuvo 11 millones 904 mil 368 votos en 1970, el 82
93 por ciento del padrón electoral de entonces. Muy por encima del panista Efraín González Morín, quien estuvo cerca de los 2 millones de votos
Hasta Ernesto Zedillo, pasando por el fraude de 1988, cada elección estuvo marcada por la decepción y la desilusión de la participación ciudadana
¿Para qué votar si ya todo está escrito? Luego llegó la llamada transición democrática
Las botas de Vicente Fox hicieron tal ruido que despertaron a muchos del letargo y la apatía
Casi 16 millones votaron por la Alianza por el Cambio, pero el ToallaGate -los costosos caprichos de la pareja presidencial-, devolvió la decepción
Otro fraude, el de 2006. Luego el regreso del PRI a los Pinos, en 2012. Obtuvo cada candidato 15 y 19 millones de votantes, respectivamente
Andrés Manuel López Obrador no llegó entonces, pero aprendizaje hubo mientras que la población transitaba de solo votar a actuar, exigir, proponer y conocer los rincones del Poder Legislativo
A la par, una autoridad electoral en formación, del Instituto Federal Electoral al Instituto Nacional Electoral
El camino de la consulta popular iniciado en 2011 es el ejemplo de esta transición a la ciudadanía
Del no me importa al me involucro. La tercera presentación de López Obrador en la planilla fue la vencedora: Más de 30 millones de votos lo hicieron presidente electo
Una confianza en el proceso electoral nunca antes vista en la incipiente democracia mexicana, y una esperanza depositada no en una persona, sino en la idea de que la reconstrucción de un país depende de muchos más; desde plataformas o trincheras, por el reconocimiento de derechos, el cuidado de la naturaleza, contra la explotación de otros
El capital humano actuando como motor de cambio. Pero la campaña electoral 2018 ha sido la más costosa
Casi 7 mil millones de pesos. Recuerdo al consejero Lorenzo Córdova contando en una conversación informal con varios periodistas su experiencia al conocer otros sistemas electorales
Boletas sin membrete, fotocopias pasadas por boletas, acceso a la casilla de votación sin identificación
Cada acción activando los focos rojos, el eco de todas las formas fraudulentas que esta democracia ha tenido que padecer, que a la vez han generado medidas para evitar la repetición y encontrándose con que las posibilidades de alterar una elección son infinitas
El sistema electoral es complejo y costoso debido a la desconfianza, fue su conclusión
En el marco del inicio de la consulta que definirá el futuro del Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (NAICM) se ha comprobado que se puede votar más de una vez, si existe la intencionalidad de hacerlo
Esto es clave para plantearnos lo siguiente: Quienes votaron este proyecto de gobierno (30 millones) y acudirán a una de las mesas instaladas en 537 municipios de todo el país ¿confían o desconfían de que se les pregunte por una obra de infraestructura? A López Obrador le acompaña una calificación de confianza muy alta
De acuerdo con AMLOVEmetrics un 57.4 por ciento considera que es más popular que el pasado 1 de julio
Incluso, de acuerdo con México Elige, un 69 por ciento respaldaría la continuidad del gobierno en la revocación de mandato a la que prometió someterse en 2021
Si esos son los niveles de confianza en el presidente electo y en sus acciones antes de la investidura, entonces ¿quien podría tener la intencionalidad de votar más de una vez? La consulta que a partir de hoy y hasta las 18 horas del domingo 28 de octubre se llevará a cabo hace historia y sienta un precedente en la reconstrucción de la confianza
Además, por primera vez se contempla a la población en general para que vote un proyecto de infraestructura federal -sí o no al desembolso de dinero público, en este caso millonario-, haciendo hincapié en que todos podemos volar, contemos o no con las posibilidades económicas para hacerlo
science 101 majklson-morli i erijev promasaj, sta, kako i zasto - Duration: 13:39.
Porady rodzicielskie Marioli Kurczyńskiej - Duration: 6:07.
Мультики новые серии. Робот-уничтожитель! Мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 6:06.
Man Utd news: Fans take aim at Jose Mourinho and board over David De Gea contract woes - Duration: 2:53.
De Gea's current deal at Old Trafford expires next summer but the club do have an option to extend until 2020
Back in August, the club were positive over the chance their star shot-stopper would renew his contract
However, boss Mourinho has now admitted he is "not confident" De Gea will sign a new contract – although he's not "worried" about the situation
"I am not confident," he told Sky Sports. "I cannot find the word in English, but let's see what happens
"Only the club, David and his people can answer that. "My comment is only that everyone knows how good he is, how important he is for Manchester United and, if the club want to be better than it is and not worse, obviously it would be very important to keep David
" De Gea is one of 10 United players whose deals expire next summer. The likes of Anthony Martial, Antonio Valencia, Juan Mata, Phil Jones and Chris Smalling are all nearing the end of their current contracts
Luke Shaw has recently put pen-to-paper on a new deal but Ashley Young, Andreas Pereira, Matteo Darmian and Ander Herrera are all also yet to agree on fresh terms
And the worrying development over De Gea's contract situation has resulted in many Old Trafford supporters taking aim at both their manager and the club's board
One fan wrote on Twitter: "We have 11 players out of contract in the Summer. 1 of which Martial has already rejected and Mourinho not confident De Gea will sign
Our board are well and truly running this club down into the ground." "What a shambles this club is becoming," another said
A third supporter wrote: "It's looking bad for us de gea stalling on a new contract
Is jose the reason? #mufc." "What a shambles letting de gea contract to run down
Should have offered him contract before. Just shows the state the club is in," a fourth fan said
Bill Gates Success by Napoleon Hill in HINDI & Urdu - Duration: 3:47.
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dosto napoleon hill think and grow rich ka musanaf ha jisne is book ko write kia
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「最高で~す!」 湘南杉岡ルヴァン杯決勝弾でMVP! - Duration: 2:39.
<YBCルヴァン杯:湘南1-0横浜> 湘南がMF杉岡大暉弾で横浜を下しルヴァン杯初V - Duration: 13:13.
Про машинки! Ловушки на дороге. Мультики с игрушками - Duration: 4:11.
Mercado saturado I China Gate Importação - Duration: 9:29.
Alexandre Lacazette explains to Ian Wright difference between Emery and Wenger - Duration: 3:07.
Alexandre Lacazette has opened up on the differences between Arsene Wenger and Unai Emery to Arsenal legend Ian Wright
The Frenchman was brought in last summer by the former Gunners boss but struggled during his debut season at the club
Lack of form and injury led to the Gunners recruiting Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in January, further hampering the striker's game time
But the 27-year-old has enjoyed a positive start to this season, scoring five goals and producing three assists in 12 appearances
Speaking to Wright on Premier League Today , Lacazette outlined the differences between Wenger and Emery
"On the pitch, yeah, we feel differently," said the France striker. "[Working harder?] Yes because there is more tactics now
"The coach as well is demanding higher with every player. Yeah I like it. It's the best way to improve
"The coach – it doesn't matter which player it is – will always ask them to be on the top
I think he's one of the reasons things are going well." Lacazette also revealed that he was left frustrated by finding himself regularly substituted by Wenger last season
"Yes I was [disappointed] last season I knew I had to score in one hour," he added
"When I talked with the coach, he has to make some choices which I have to respect
"When you're a striker you want to play all the games and most chances come at the end because defenders are tired
"That's why I was frustrated but it was my first season and all my family said "don't be like this, enjoy the club"
Now I feel I can [stay on for the full 90 minutes]." The Frenchman also pinpointed a tactical tweak Emery has made in terms of his positioning up top
"With Arsene, yes [wanted me to stay in 18 yard box]," Lacazette offered. "With Unai it's different
He wants me to play my game so do more runs behind and come more in the contribution of the game
DIY Personal Bank Saving Coin from Cardboard - Duration: 3:51.
DIY Personal Bank Saving Coin from Cardboard
Thank you for watching my video
Hope you enjoy it!!!
science 101 majklson-morli i erijev promasaj, sta, kako i zasto - Duration: 13:39.
Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 TS+ i-ACTIV SENSE - Duration: 1:04.
越是遇到困難,越堅強的三個星座,永不言敗 - Duration: 4:30.
Honda CR-V 1.6i D-TEC EXECUTIVE - 160 PK - 4 WD - STANDKACHEL - Duration: 1:11.
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Porady rodzicielskie Marioli Kurczyńskiej - Duration: 6:07.
장윤정, 연매출 '100억' 초대박? - Duration: 1:42.
24歲時被成龍力捧一炮而紅,曾一舞傾城,現竟淪落到四線! - Duration: 4:20.
hey guys back with another video today I am talking about exercising and how
exercising is not where you want to be if you're trying to lose weight and I
know you hear the opposite usually when someone especially a guru exercise and
nutrition guru tells you that exercise is important not because they're trying
to sell you something because I was discussing this with a few friends and
it made a lot of sense to them after they listened to what I had to say if
you do not and I say this in a lot of videos but you guys have to remember
some of you that watch my videos on a daily basis and you kind of know what
kind of videos what kind of content that I'm putting out here I know you're
probably saying you've said this in a lot of videos but my channel was
relatively small so how many viewers are really watching my videos at this point
and I'm a small channel for them to know that this was already put out this kind
of content letting my viewers and my subscribers and my potential subscribers
know that the main way you're going to lose weight is if you get control over
what you put in your mouth 80% of weight loss that's in the kitchen if you don't
have control over your food intake if you sit still binge eating or if you're
not you know making a conscious decision to say well at dinnertime I eat two
cheeseburgers I'm going to have to have one and instead of that second serving
of fries we're gonna have to have a salad the fries in one cheeseburger food
is the silent killer food is your enemy I'm not telling you to stop eating food
I love food I'm not gonna lie to you but when you're trying to lose weight I
don't care about what anyone tells you if you're not eating less calories
then what you're supposed to consume from your weight you're not gonna lose
weight you're actually going to keep gaining weight and another thing you
guys need to know the more that you snack all through the day you could be
snacking up to seven to eight thousand calories without even realizing it and
you don't realize it because they're real small portions the stuff you're
snacking on and you're on this myth that well my metabolism keeps burning so it's
burning stored fat and also that snack that I'm eating because it's so small of
a snack and it's adding up putting you in a deficit that means you're owing
you're not that the calories is not owing you you're on the calories because
you know you might only for your size only should be eating 2,200 calories and
you're snacking all through the day and that adds up to 7,000 8,000 calories and
you don't even realize it in these small little processed snacks that they put on
the shelves that we buy in the grocery store it's no telling how many calories
are in the snacks and then you're eating meals in between these snacks the only
way you're going to lose weight and I'm going to continue to say it until I at
least get a hundred thousand per video so then I know that I'm reaching a
broader audience and I'll still say it then is if you want to lose weight it
starts in the kitchen you have to take control over what you put in your mouth
the 20% is exercising that's a bonus that's the tight and lift and tone while
you're losing weight the weight so that you can look healthy and have that glow
and you know usually when people don't work out and they're losing weight they
look sickly so that's that 20% that you want to have in your weight loss journey
is the 20 percent working off but you got to
get the eating part of you're losing weight regiment down or your weight loss
journey is not going to work and that's just the bottom line it stops in the
kitchen is what you put in your mouth so with all that being said please
subscribe to the channel like this she had this video and make it a favorite
and I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now
A day at Phantasialand | 4K - Duration: 7:57.
Goodmorning everyone!
Welcome to my new vlog.
Today I'll be showing you Phantasialand in Germany.
Are you joining?
These are the maps of the park.
So here we are not going today.
The attractions here are very cool.
But it is difficult to film.
40岁徐子珊近照状态超好,素颜比叶璇还漂亮,看起来最多二十几! - Duration: 6:22.
The Avengers Theme - EASY Piano Tutorial - Sheet Music (Synthesia) - Duration: 2:27.
Real Madrid news: Antonio Conte ready to FLY to Spain and take Julen Lopetegui job - Duration: 2:47.
Antonio Conte is out of work after leaving Chelsea in the summer. He is still under contract at Chelsea and Real would have to negotiate his release in order to appoint the Italian
But Italian outlet Sport Mediaset claim Conte is ready to do whatever it takes to land the Real position
According to the report, he is willing to cut short a vacation and fly straight to Spain when Real summon him
He is currently away in Egypt on holiday. Sport Mediaset claim Conte's lawyers are working with Chelsea to get the manager's contract situation resolved
Chelsea are still paying the boss even though he is not working for them anymore, with eight months remaining on his deal
Real are tipped to sack Lopetegui if they lose to Barcelona in Sunday's Clasico. Jose mourinho has also been linked with the Real job and Bernabeu goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois is reportedly amazed his former manager are being linked
El Pais quote Courtois as saying: "I can not believe it!COURTOIS NOT IMPRESSED BY CONTE LINK "Here I am the only one who has worked with Conte and with Mourinho
"I left London to not have to go through something like that again and now it turns out that Conte comes, and if not, Mourinho
" Arsene Wenger has also been linked with the Real Madrid position as he is currently out of work having left Arsenal in the summer
However, the Frenchman is eyeing a return to management in January - and Lopetegui may be axed way before then
"I believe that (I will) start again on January 1," he said. "I don't know where yet
I feel rested and am ready to work again. "From my 22 years at Arsenal, I have big experience on different levels
There are enquiries from all over the world. There are associations, national teams, it could be also in Japan
박해수 신인상 수상 "정해인 있는데..기적 같다" - Duration: 1:43.
Invictus Games competitors reflect as the event draws to a close - Blog news - Duration: 6:01.
As the Invictus Games come to a close tonight in Sydney, the competitors say the best memories will not be their wins — with some even giving their medals away — but how others made them feel
The 500 competitors from 18 nations have entered the Sydney Super Dome to roaring cheers and a standing ovation from the crowd and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have also been spotted on the big screen, drawing gasps from the audience
All competitors received medallions as they entered the ceremony, given by Olympic champions Ian Thorpe and Anna Meares and the Governors-General of Australia and NSW
For those competitors unable to hold their medallions while on crutches, officials placed the medallions in their pockets
The audience went wild for Colin Hay from Men at Work, who performed the unofficial Australian anthem, Down Under, and used their phones as lanterns while Australian band Birds of Tokyo performed
The Invictus Above and Beyond award was given to Edwin Vermetten of the Netherlands for the unforgettable moment early this week when he comforted his competitor, Paul Guest from the UK, during a tennis event
Guest's PTSD was triggered by an overhead chopper and Vermetten raced to his side to offer support in the way of singing Let it Go from the movie Frozen
After accepting the award, Vermetten and Guest had an emotional embrace while the audience sang the same song that brought him comfort a few days ago
George Nepata from New Zealand is the first tetraplegic to compete at Invictus and was acknowledged with the Exceptional Performance award
During a wheelchair rugby match between New Zealand and Australia, Nepata was handed the ball by the green and gold side and pushed over the goal line as a gesture of respect for his efforts
He played every minute of every game for his team due to a competitor drop-out.The Kiwi team rose to their feet and performed the Haka to congratulate Nepata
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said Sydney was incredibly proud to be the third Invictus host and said "we hope to host you all again"
"May you travel back safely to your homes knowing you have inspired millions around the world
" It has been obvious all week that big wins were not what the competitors were here for — they were just a bonus — it was the famous "Invictus spirit" that everyone was talking about
For retired staff sergeant Sebastiana Lopez from the US Air Force, the act of giving her medal away to two Australian children meant more than receiving it
"I met these two little girls at the restaurant before I did discus," she said."They were so excited, so happy, said 'oh my god we saw you on the tele … we're your biggest fans'
" The girls waited five hours for Lopez to throw and for their support, they were rewarded in a huge way
"Giving them my gold medal was a standout moment for me." Former Australian commando Garry Robinson could not go past the unbelievable moment when UK triple amputee Mark Ormrod learnt breast stroke in less than an hour so Robinson had an entrant to compete against
Ormrod said he "figured out" the stroke in the warm-up pool so the crowd had a race
"He inspires me," Robinson said."Since that moment we have become even better friends
" Pa Modou Njie, who served in the UK army, said his favourite part of being here was witnessing how much another team had improved in volleyball
"For me it was the Jordanian team and seeing how far they had come along," he said
"They've really gelled as a team … they were a lot better this year and played a really good game
"That was special to me." And for Sonya Newman, who is still serving in the Australian Army, it was a thoughtful gesture from Olympian Ian Thorpe that made her games
"My favourite moment was when Ian Thorpe grabbed my kids from the crowd and brought them down to the medal presentation so they were there for me accepting gold in the 50-metre backstroke
" "Honestly, you can't get a better moment than that.I will remember it forever."
The Best Free Paint Splatter Art Intro - Awesome Intro Templates - Duration: 1:30.
The Best Free Paint Splatter Art Intro - Awesome Intro Templates
PAANO MAG-CELEBRATE ANG MGA SINGLE (Birthday Vlog 2018) | Relisa Abaca - Duration: 23:53.
Porady rodzicielskie Marioli Kurczyńskiej - Duration: 6:07.
Mercado saturado I China Gate Importação - Duration: 9:29.
Patricia Abravanel fala sobre batizar o filho com o verdadeiro nome de Silvio Santos - Duration: 1:17.
Jan Englert chce spełnić marzenie córki - Duration: 6:58.
Why Iran's pride and prowess in wrestling is unsurpassed | Land Of Legends - Duration: 10:41.
(9 GOLD)
I am the double leg master of Iran.
In the 2024 Olympics, I'll be the champion.
Wrestling is the way of Iranian warriors.
And Zoorkhaneh has been like a gym
for our champions
where they would prepare themselves to show
the Iranian battle skills.
Our wrestling is very close and direct
with Zoorkhaneh, as it should.
I started my career here. You can see the pictures
of my coaches on the walls. They helped me a lot.
I owe a debt here, to my old neighbourhood, my old gym.
That's why I came back here.
I don't train the young kids only.
The little champions, children,
teenagers, young adults and adults.
I teach all the ranges, you have filmed some of them.
But the range I love working with the most
is the little champions and children.
They are pure.
They form very fast.
You can easily see which ones are meant to be champions.
In 2024, I will be the world champion in 74kg.
He can be part of the Olympic team three Olympics from now.
I'd like to be the champion in the 2024 Olympic Games.
I want everybody in the world to know
that Iranians are great wrestlers.
If you're in the USA, when two kids want
to prove themselves, they'd box.
In Brazil, the sport you can see in the streets
or schools is football.
In Iran, whenever there was a reason to show off
their strength or in Shahnameh, the book of ancient and epic
tales and poems of Old Persia,
the greatest achievements were made by wrestling.
One minute.
It is true that the modern
sports are very popular in Iran,
but how proud people feel when a wrestler becomes
a champion, it is different.
The Farsi word for wrestling comes from killing.
You have to sweat for a win.
In Juybar, you will see most of the men have broken ears.
They know a thing or two about wrestling.
They are very serious about it.
The people of Juybar love wrestling.
Maybe it is because of its geographical position.
In Juybar's gyms,
you can find many children and teenagers.
There are five or six gyms, and more than 600 people are wrestlers.
Most of the kids in Juybar would do anything
to go to the Olympics and become champions.
Maybe one day, we can be that good.
The wrestling community worldwide,
when the dispute over the elimination of wrestling
from the Olympics started,
they put aside their differences and united.
IOC was then faced with a huge number of people who wanted
to save the oldest sport in the world.
Finally, with a high percent of the votes,
IOC was forced to keep wrestling.
It is not fair for the sport of our ancestors
to be eliminated from Olympics.
If wrestling is eliminated from the Olympics
Iranians will lose their spirit.
It would be so unfortunate to
eliminate wrestling from the Olympics.
Мультики новые серии. Робот-уничтожитель! Мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 6:06.
FUTEBOL 2018/1 | Abertura à BENFICA ?! 🦅 Saquetas de CROMOS - Duration: 9:59.
'As Patricinhas de Bevery Hills' volta às telonas em remake - Duration: 1:58.
Thiago Gagliasso faz revelações polêmicas sobre Bruno e Giovanna: 'Ela está se fazendo de vítima' - Duration: 2:53.
Bizim Hikaye 45. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:01.
Michał Czernecki: To nie koniec rozłąki z żoną! - Duration: 5:07.
VÍDEOS: Embraer e FAB comemoram 50 anos do primeiro voo do Bandeirante - Duration: 5:53.
Tati Minerato e Marcelo Rocha se separam após 3 meses de casamento - Duration: 1:48.
Meet Alice! - An Introduction - Sword Art Online Wikia - Duration: 1:50.
Meet Alice Zuberg, the golden haired girl from the northern village of Rulid in Underworld.
The daughter of the village elder Gasfut Zuberg, Alice is one of the main characters of Sword
Art Online Alicization and is the childhood friend of Kirito and Eugeo.
Ever since she was little, the girl with sparkling blue eyes was very talented at Sacred Arts,
a form of magic known to the citizens of the Human Empire.
Instead of receiving her Calling at the age of 10 like everyone else, she was tasked with
practicing Sacred Arts in the village church.
Despite her busy schedule, she would still find time to bring Kirito and Eugeo something
to eat for lunch, while they were busy with their Calling of felling the Gigas Cedar.
She also had an adventurous side that caused the trio trouble from time to time, but this
nature of hers would soon bring an end to their peaceful days.
During one of their adventures where the trio traveled to the End Mountains to gather ice,
they stumbled upon the bones of a dragon and its treasures, but soon became lost.
Finding themselves on the wrong side of the mountain, they witnesses a battle between
two dragon-mounted knights.
Witnessing the defeat of the Dark Knight as he reached out for help, the caring Alice
attempted to help—and crossed a line that would change the trio's lives.
She had breached the Taboo Index, the absolute law of the Human Realm that no one could break.
She had to be brought before the Axiom Church for her sentencing...
6 years later, Kirito and Eugeo heard a nostalgic voice, when they were on the brink of death.
Was it just their imagination, or was it something more...
Something real...
For more information about Alice or Sword Art Online Alicization, visit Sword Art Online
Wikia or follow us on twitter @SAO_Wikia for the most recent news on the series!
Meghan Markle chce mieć mamę blisko siebie! Pomoże jej przy dziecku? - Duration: 6:40.
A oração de um mendigo cego (Homilia Dominical.424: 30.º Domingo do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 25:03.
Zezé Di Camargo surge com Graciele Lacerda em vídeo assustador e dispara: ''Você é muito horrorosa'' - Duration: 2:01.
Cheia de lama, Flávia Alessandra relembra vilã icônica de 'Alma Gêmea': ''Cristina fez o inferno'' - Duration: 2:22.
Smoked Turkey - How To Brine and Smoke A Whole Turkey - Cooking Turkey Pellet Grill/Smoker - Duration: 11:10.
what is up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ whatever you doing in this
video is we are going to be doing the best smoked turkey the thing that's going to
be a little bit different about this smoked turkey then the majority of my
turkeys is that instead of doing my own turkey brine I went to the store and they had
this turkey brine on sale for 50% off $8.99 so about four dollars and fifty cents and
it comes with the brining bag so we're going to go ahead and roll with this I
did look at the ingredients and it looks like it has all the stuff that you would
want and a brine so we're going to roll with this if you're looking to make your
own brine what I will do is in the description below I'll leave a guide to
what one of my typical brines would look like if you want to come up with your
own turkey brine it could be as simple as just salt and water and you can kind of get
creative from there well another thing we're going to do this different is
we're going to be brining the turkey in buttermilk
now this suggestion came from a guy that owns a company called miners mix and
they sell a bunch of different excellent seasonings over there I'm gonna leave a
link to where you could buy any miners mix products in the description below
but you know what I've never brined a turkey in buttermilk so we're gonna go
ahead and try that today first thing that we need to do is just go ahead and
get our brine mixture into our pot I have about a half a gallon of water in
this pot we're gonna go ahead and get this in and I'm gonna give it on the
stove bring it to a simmer and let it go for about 15 minutes and we'll pick it
up after that turkey brine solution I had on the stove is cooled down now
now what we're gonna do is we're going to go ahead and get our turkey into our
brining bag which I have in a bucket all right and I'm gonna close this bag up
and put some ice over when we're done let's go ahead and add our
lucien let me get at the time I don't want this bag to fall down in there
all right now we're going to add a gallon so we have a half gallon of that
brine solution now we're going to add a full gallon of this buttermilk and I'm
very interested to see how this comes out this is the first time that I've
ever brined a full turkey with anything like buttermilk
okay I'm gonna lift this turkey up just a few times just to kind of get that
solution mixed around in here and I'm gonna go ahead and close this bag and
I'm gonna put ice on top of this to keep it cool it's gonna have a chance to sit
in the garage for 24 hours before we get it out on our smoker like I mentioned
earlier the smoker we're going to be using is going to be my Camp Chef
woodwind pellet grill if you're looking to see any other smoker smoked turkey recipes I'll
put them in the iCard above and description below I have a turkey on the
weber smokey mountain have a turkey on the pit barrel cooker have a turkey on
the weber kettle grill so i have a few different turkey recipes we are
going to be cooking this turkey over 400 degrees if you've seen any of my videos
that do believe in high temperature turkeys anyway enough talking we'll pick
this up tomorrow so after letting that turkey sit in that
buttermilk brine solution for around 24 hours we rinsed it off rinsed everything
off Pat it dry and then what I did was I cut off some of the loose skin that was
on it and if you're trimming up turkey skin before you cook it leave a little
bit of extra on there because it's going to tighten up as it cooks now we're
going to go ahead and stuff the turkey what I do is stuff it with anything that
you have around the house that happens to be random any vegetables you know
like celery apples oranges lemons limes what I have is I have some apples that I
have quarter some oranges
and then I have a mixture of rosemary sage and oregano we're gonna throw this
in and by stuffing the turkey like this it expands the cavity out allows your
turkey to cook a little bit more evenly and it's going to pick up a little bit
of that essence as well as the turkey cooks
okay I'm gonna go ahead and wash my hands then we're gonna go ahead and get
this season done is the seasoning what I like to use on the turkeys of that cook
is an herb based seasoning what I happened to be using is my go to
it's called herb or herb de Provence you could use Italian seasoning or anything
along those lines I really try to stick away from anything that has salt in it
especially if I brined it because you might be over salting the turkey so
first thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna rub it down I'm using a peanut oil since
we are going to be smoking this at a high temperature butter or something
like that may not be good you want to go up the high temperature type oil to keep
it from burning we're just gonna put a nice little coat on it and now let me
have it oiled down what we're gonna do is just
go ahead and apply our seasoning to it now this oil is going to do a couple of
different things it's going to help it get brown and that's gonna help our
seasoning to stick to it as far as this turkey goes I don't really see a need to
season the bottom of it if you'd like go ahead season the bottom up and this herb
is really mainly for appearance more than it is for actual flavor
all right that is a done deal so we have the turkey seasoned up I'm gonna go
outside and get my camp chef started I'm going to be cooking it directly on this
pan since this is a pellet cooker and the heat comes directly up from the
bottom I want there be some kind of protection on it we're going to be
cooking this anywhere between 400 to 450 degrees just depending on how my smoker
performs it is a little bit cold outside so that may have a little bit to do with
the temperature they were going to be cooking it anyway I'll meet you outside
we are coming up to temp on this word about 330 degrees right now but I'm
going to go ahead and throw it on we're probably going to try to stay in that
425 to 435 area during this cook what I will do during this cook is I will
monitor it probably about every 45 minutes to make sure it's not getting
too Brown since we are cooking at this temperature the legs and the wings tend
to start getting a little bit dark so when that happens I'm going to go ahead
and foil those up cooking at this temperature this turkey should be done
in about 2 and 1/2 hours let's get it in
we'll go ahead and check this in 45 minutes see it in
we are about 45 minutes in on it I'm looking at these turkey wings and they're
starting to get a little bit dark so we're just going to go ahead and wrap
these up so I'm going to get both of the wings and then we're going to get these
legs as well
and what I forgot to do earlier with my temperature probe in so we're gonna go
ahead and get that in and if I didn't mention it earlier we're going to be
cooking this until we get to about a hundred and seventy degrees typically
you take a turkey off around 165 ish somewhere in there but since we're
cooking so hot and fast I find that the turkeys always stay moist so that's why
I've taken that extra 5 degrees so we're about an hour in on this and it's
starting to get a little bit darker so what I'm going to do is I'm just going
to go ahead and tint this it will start picking up some color even though it's
tinted but we don't want this to be overly brown
now we're just gonna tint it very loosely
so we just hit a 170 degrees and we're only two hours in on this so go ahead
and take off this and that does have the color we're looking for I'm gonna go
ahead and turn off the smoker bring it inside let it rest for about 10-15
minutes then we'll cut into
so that's it that's a done deal took just a little bit over two hours to get
this right in 270 degrees go ahead cut into it see what it tastes
like as always the breast is my favorite part
I'm just gonna kind of come down the side of the breast and then just do a
couple slices and that skin is definitely crispy and just gonna come in
the side right here here's we're looking like you can see all this steam coming
off of it whoo that's hot anyway it looks good let's just jump in
taste it all right looks good to me let's get in see what's up just to touch
a smoke just write them out I give you speak on this or pecan have you gone for
How To smoke a whole turkey
telling you I could get into this as a matter fact I think my wife has some
what are you making she's gonna be making some some kind of a smoked turkey taco
out of this I think the smoked flavors gonna go great with that anyway I like
thank you guys for stopping my no hippie BBQ. Smoked Thanksgiving Turkey. Best smoked Turkey recipe
comment subscribe now I'm Alan
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