Like the tornado that plucked Dorothy Gale from her farmhouse in this state and dropped her in Oz once upon a fictional time, Americans are currently staring down an electoral storm threatening to flip conventional political assumptions on their heads
Democrats from coast to coast are expected to flip House seats in this year's midterm elections, but perhaps nowhere as unique as Kansas, where two competitive districts sit adjacent to one another here in the eastern third of the state, but where the races -- while occupying the same political atmosphere -- are sharply different in complexion, like the indigos and oranges lying parallel across a Sunflower State sunset
The uninterrupted block of red than ran down the middle of the 2016 presidential election map -- and made President Donald Trump so proud that the map was hung in the White House -- doesn't accurately reflect the numbers by which Trump faced opposition in "Republican" states, particularly in Kansas, a state with an independent streak that manifests in wave cycles
2018 appears no different. "We now have a lot of people looking at Kansas and maybe they weren't sure which red rectangle we were," said Sharice Davids, the Democratic candidate for Kansas' 3rd congressional district
Davids' campaign has been extensively covered by the national media as the personification of a number of 2018's multicolored waves rolled into one
She is a Native American lesbian woman who graduated from Cornell Law School, competed professionally as a mixed martial artist and earned a White House Fellowship
But even if the six-candidate August Democratic primary she won by 2,000 votes elevated a less intriguing candidate, the suburban Kansas City district still appeared to be on the cusp of change
"I think people who haven't been here or aren't familiar with the state perceive us as Wizard of Oz land… but we have everything -- from that really small town, stereotypical Great Plains communities, to suburban, wealthy, highly-educated, trending-Democratic communities, with hundreds of thousands of people who live in them," said Patrick Miller, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas
"There's a real breadth of diversity in the state." Wyandotte, Kansas's fourth-most populous county, is a blue speck on Trump's red map, but it and Johnson County, the state's most populated, comprise the bulk of the 3rd district
Johnson County preferred the president to Hillary Clinton by less than 8,000 votes and the district as a whole went to Clinton by 1 percentage point, even as it returned Rep
Kevin Yoder, R-Kan., to Washington for his fourth term by a 10-point margin. As one of 25 districts nationwide won by Clinton but represented by a Republican, and with a growing population of young and diverse voters, the 3rd immediately has become a prime Democratic target in 2018
"That is the stereotypical suburbia that we're seeing right now that is not particularly fond of Donald Trump," Miller said
The transformation of eastern Kansas' electorate was illustrated this past Tuesday in the parking lot of a Sonic Drive-In, where Davids met with supporters ready to cast their ballots on Wyandotte's first day of early voting
After addressing the voters, an array of men and women, young and old, black and white -- one of whom carried a rainbow flag -- others who appeared to be college students wearing Kansas Jayhawk apparel, the first-time candidate reflected on a journey that began less than a year ago, and was colored by her own varied experiences
"I think that we're resetting expectations this year about who runs for office, about who we support as candidates," Davids said
"We're resetting expectations about what we expect from our Congress. We want a Congress that's more reflective of the experiences that we have as a community or as a country
" But while the Trump backlash in a demographically changing Clinton district may be enough to carry Democrats to victories in a number of House races (Davids herself is given a 7 in 9 chance of victory by ABC News partner FiveThirtyEight), the calculus is more complex as one travels west down the Kansas Turnpike
As the suburbs give way to wheat fields, the red deepens, but not so much that Democrats are totally uncompetitive
In the state's 2nd District, a much larger swath that envelops the semicircular 3rd District from the Nebraska-Missouri border to the north, all the way to Oklahoma to the south, the party capitalized on the George W
Bush backlash of 2006 -- a year when Democrats netted 31 House seats -- to elect Rep
Nancy Boyda, whose single, two-year term interrupted what would have otherwise been 24 years of GOP dominance
Less affluent and more socially conservative than the 3rd District, it's less likely that an unabashedly liberal campaign such as Davids' could be as successful in the 2nd, where Trump won by 17 points and Rep
Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., cruised to her fifth term by 28 percent in 2016. But Jenkins, one of the top GOP women in the House after four years as the vice chair of the House Republican Conference, announced her retirement in January, opening the door for a more competitive open seat election
Enter Paul Davis, a 12-year member of the Kansas House of Representatives and former minority leader, and the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee in 2014, where he fell less than four points shy of unseating then-Gov
Sam Brownback. Davis' experience makes him something of an outlier among the first-time congressional candidates in his party, many of whom, like Davids, have never held any elected office
But Davis' resume is also a tangible asset in the 2nd District, where he built a base of support four years ago
"It's really easy for someone to stand up and say, 'I'm an outsider and I'm going to do all of these things
' But they've never done them before. I've actually done them," said Davis in an interview, adding that his bipartisan work ethic is part of the reason he won him the 2nd district by 7 points during his gubernatorial race, and why he's attracted 36 endorsements from elected Republican officials this time around
Davis' pragmatism, a quality that might turn off the most liberal Democrats in the nation's far-left enclaves, may be exactly the reason his campaign has been so competitive as it approaches the cycle's final week
FiveThirtyEight rates the race a "toss-up." To the former state representative, who said he's proactively reached out to Trump voters and found common ground -- "They want to 'drain the swamp,' I want to 'drain the swamp'" -- it's about changing the tenor in D
C., but also delivering tangible results for Kansas. "They want Washington to work, but they want it to work for them," Davis said of 2nd District residents
"The only balance I look for is what's in my pocketbook," said Tim Hersh, 57, of Topeka, a lifelong GOP voter and volunteer for Davis' opponent, Republican Steve Watkins
At a Republican party office in the state capital where his fellow volunteers were calling voters, Hersh said it was Davis' track-record -- one of raising taxes, he claimed -- that sealed his embrace of the widely unknown Watkins
On experience alone, the 2nd District is 180 degrees from the multitude of races around the country where a fresh-faced Democrat is challenging an entrenched Republican
The newcomer Watkins, who had never run for public office prior to this year and claims to have been apolitical during his service as an Army ranger, launched a bid so out of left field that he took a meeting last year with local Democrats who claim he was feeling out a run as a socially-liberal moderate
Watkins denies that was the aim of the encounter. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence each lent their endorsement to Watkins' candidacy after a hard-fought seven-candidate primary, but, as Davis' bipartisan support shows, there are many others in the party who are skeptical of the 42-year-old Army veteran
Much of the hesitancy is due to a cavalcade of controversies courted by the Republican
The Kansas City Star reported in September that Watkins padded his resume with claims he "started" and "owned" an engineering and security company, statements that were untrue
The CEO of the parent company of the organization Watkins referenced went so far as to say that the candidate was "nobody that I've heard of
" Watkins campaign has pushed back on the story by explaining that Watkins never claimed ownership, despite a since-deleted Tweet stating the contrary -- "sent erroneously by a junior staffer," the campaign said -- and pointed to a coworker's statement that asserted Watkins and a small team started and grew the firm's international operations
Watkins himself told ABC News that the Star article "did not accurately reflect the reality of the situation
" "It's fake news," Watkins said. A slew of additional reports have detailed the more than $1 million that Watkins father injected into a Super PAC to support his son, his disputed claims of heroism during a deadly earthquake on Mt
Everest and performance in the Iditarod sled dog race, and the open letter signed by 40 local Republicans denouncing his candidacy during the primary
Watkins chalked up the negative attention to campaign tactics. "These allegations of being a liar are simply not true," he said
"They're unsubstantiated and they're attempts by a desperate opponent to try to win an election
" Whether it's because of the question marks surrounding Watkins or Davis' efforts to court Republican voters, the 2nd district could be one of the closest races in the country next week
Coupled with a gubernatorial election featuring polarizing state Secretary of State Kris Kobach and a formerly Democratic independent candidate, Greg Orman, who could play spoiler by pulling voters from Democrat Laura Kelly, and Kansans may be in for a late election night
One Democratic official predicted that the outcomes of the 2nd district and governor's races would be in sync as crossover voters consider individual candidates, rather than voting down their usual party line
Even before winners are declared, the concept of its competitive races playing a role in a national political transformation was becoming a point of pride in this pocket of the Sunflower State
"I think that because of the way this election cycle is playing out, so many people are taking it into their own hands and saying, we need change, and there's something really uplifting and empowering about that, and I think what's happening in our district and in Kansas is not any different than that," Davids said
So enthused were some Kansans that they leaned on their car horns as they drove past the Sonic and Davids' early voting rally, with each bust eliciting a cheer from the Democrat's supporters
"They're honking for democracy," Davids joked.
For more infomation >> Kansas Democrats seek to shed state's 'red rectangle' reputation - Duration: 13:50.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 107 1.0 12V SUBLIME 5DRS AC/CV+AB/RADIO.CD/ORG.NL! - Duration: 1:01.
A Fazenda: Evandro Santo faz revelação sobre Felipe Sertanejo e deixa Nadja chocada - Duration: 4:22.
A Fazenda: Evandro revela a verdadeira profissão de Sertanejo e deixa todos em choque - Duration: 3:39.
Carthago Chic E-line - Duration: 0:58.
Discurso de Haddad depois da derrota isto e viver Em Democracia. - Duration: 14:05.
<Shift> + <Seta para direita>
Peugeot 308 SW 1.2 E-THP BLUE LEASE - Duration: 0:44.
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI e-tron quattro Sport S-line Excl. BTW - Duration: 0:55.
Luiza Possi surpreende e mostra sutiã no palco - Duration: 1:27.
Kevinho ostenta carro de luxo de R$ 2 milhões em viagem a Miami e até Romero Britto elogia - Duration: 1:50.
Após rumores de reconciliação, Léo Santana faz linda declaração para ex-namorada, Lorena Improta - Duration: 4:49.
João Cortês causa emoção ao se apresentar ao lado da família no 'PopStar' - Duration: 2:43.
#Filter Shot | Gulzaar Chhaniwala | Latest Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2018 | New - Duration: 4:09.
ELEIÇÕES 2018: Famosos comentam o resultado das eleições presidenciais - Duration: 3:52.
Fact about dreams in odia | Rahashiya sopna ra | #odia_general_knowledge - Duration: 1:37.
Tap, alta tensione nel M5S: la base pugliese è in rivolta - Duration: 3:10.
L'annuncio del premier Giuseppe Conte, che ha dato il via libera alla realizzazione del gasdotto Tap [VIDEO] in Puglia, ha scatenato la confusione all'interno del Movimento 5 Stelle
L'offensiva dei comitati No Tap è partita sui social già ieri, con la diffusione di alcuni video in cui militanti strappano le tessere elettorali, un modo chiaro per manifestare al M5S la propria intenzione di non dare più il proprio voto a chi non mantiene le promesse elettorali (da ricordare che Alessandro Di Battista, ex deputato M5S, aveva in passato affermato che col Movimento al governo sarebbero bastate due settimane per bloccare la realizzazione del Tap)
Dal Movimento No Tap arrivano anche richieste di dimissioni per il vicepremier Di Maio, la ministra Barbara Lezzi e i parlamentari pentastellati eletti in Salento
Tap: 3 parlamentari del M5S contro Di Maio Vistosi messo all'angolo, il vicepremier Di Maio ha cercato di giustificare la decisione del governo con l'esistenza di penali da 20 miliardi di euro, in caso di mancato avvio dei lavori, penali delle quali prima di diventare ministro (cioè in campagna elettorale [VIDEO]) non avrebbe conosciuto l'esistenza
A smentirlo, tuttavia, non è soltanto l'ex ministro dello Sviluppo Economico Calenda, ma anche tre parlamentari del M5S
Secondo i senatori Lello Ciampolillo e Saverio De Bonis e la deputata Sara Cunial non è possibile che esistano penali, in quanto non c'è alcun contratto in essere tra Stato e Tap
Inoltre, sempre secondo i tre parlamentari pentastellati, non vi sarebbero neppure costi per lo Stato, in quanto le prescrizioni a Tap non sarebbero ad oggi state rispettate
Tap: Salvini e Tria favorevoli senza riserve Sulla realizzazione del gasdotto continuano ad essere molto distanti anche le posizioni all'interno del governo
Se quella di Luigi Di Maio non può che essere una resa a denti stretti, l'altro vicepremier e leader leghista Salvini si mostra invece favorevole senza riserve all'opera, dichiarando che essa deve andare avanti perché servirà a far pagare agli italiani, famiglie ed imprese, costi inferiori per l'energia
Anche Giovanni Tria, ministro dell'Economia, dalla festa del Foglio, dove era ospite, si è mostrato in sintonia con Salvini ed è anzi andato oltre, affermando la necessità di sbloccare tutte le opere pubbliche (il pensiero non può che correre, immediatamente e primariamente, alle questioni ancora aperte di Tav e tunnel del Brennero)
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E-Shark電動滑板開箱 - Duration: 8:11.
Jaguar XF 3.0 R-Sport AWD , 1e eigenaar, volledig dealer onderhouden, uniek in NL! - Duration: 1:10.
Renault Captur DYNAMIQUE-PACK+/R-LINK/NAVI+CAMERA/17"LM/LED/INR&GAR.MOG. - Duration: 1:13.
Kevinho ostenta carro de luxo de R$ 2 milhões em viagem a Miami e até Romero Britto elogia - Duration: 1:50.
《凉生》一个为了程天佑,一个为了凉生,宁家姐妹谁也没资格说谁 - Duration: 6:35.
天恩得脑癌去世,留下的日记本让金凌泣不成声,心疼小恶魔 - Duration: 7:38.
Kansas Democrats seek to shed state's 'red rectangle' reputation - Duration: 13:50.
Like the tornado that plucked Dorothy Gale from her farmhouse in this state and dropped her in Oz once upon a fictional time, Americans are currently staring down an electoral storm threatening to flip conventional political assumptions on their heads
Democrats from coast to coast are expected to flip House seats in this year's midterm elections, but perhaps nowhere as unique as Kansas, where two competitive districts sit adjacent to one another here in the eastern third of the state, but where the races -- while occupying the same political atmosphere -- are sharply different in complexion, like the indigos and oranges lying parallel across a Sunflower State sunset
The uninterrupted block of red than ran down the middle of the 2016 presidential election map -- and made President Donald Trump so proud that the map was hung in the White House -- doesn't accurately reflect the numbers by which Trump faced opposition in "Republican" states, particularly in Kansas, a state with an independent streak that manifests in wave cycles
2018 appears no different. "We now have a lot of people looking at Kansas and maybe they weren't sure which red rectangle we were," said Sharice Davids, the Democratic candidate for Kansas' 3rd congressional district
Davids' campaign has been extensively covered by the national media as the personification of a number of 2018's multicolored waves rolled into one
She is a Native American lesbian woman who graduated from Cornell Law School, competed professionally as a mixed martial artist and earned a White House Fellowship
But even if the six-candidate August Democratic primary she won by 2,000 votes elevated a less intriguing candidate, the suburban Kansas City district still appeared to be on the cusp of change
"I think people who haven't been here or aren't familiar with the state perceive us as Wizard of Oz land… but we have everything -- from that really small town, stereotypical Great Plains communities, to suburban, wealthy, highly-educated, trending-Democratic communities, with hundreds of thousands of people who live in them," said Patrick Miller, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas
"There's a real breadth of diversity in the state." Wyandotte, Kansas's fourth-most populous county, is a blue speck on Trump's red map, but it and Johnson County, the state's most populated, comprise the bulk of the 3rd district
Johnson County preferred the president to Hillary Clinton by less than 8,000 votes and the district as a whole went to Clinton by 1 percentage point, even as it returned Rep
Kevin Yoder, R-Kan., to Washington for his fourth term by a 10-point margin. As one of 25 districts nationwide won by Clinton but represented by a Republican, and with a growing population of young and diverse voters, the 3rd immediately has become a prime Democratic target in 2018
"That is the stereotypical suburbia that we're seeing right now that is not particularly fond of Donald Trump," Miller said
The transformation of eastern Kansas' electorate was illustrated this past Tuesday in the parking lot of a Sonic Drive-In, where Davids met with supporters ready to cast their ballots on Wyandotte's first day of early voting
After addressing the voters, an array of men and women, young and old, black and white -- one of whom carried a rainbow flag -- others who appeared to be college students wearing Kansas Jayhawk apparel, the first-time candidate reflected on a journey that began less than a year ago, and was colored by her own varied experiences
"I think that we're resetting expectations this year about who runs for office, about who we support as candidates," Davids said
"We're resetting expectations about what we expect from our Congress. We want a Congress that's more reflective of the experiences that we have as a community or as a country
" But while the Trump backlash in a demographically changing Clinton district may be enough to carry Democrats to victories in a number of House races (Davids herself is given a 7 in 9 chance of victory by ABC News partner FiveThirtyEight), the calculus is more complex as one travels west down the Kansas Turnpike
As the suburbs give way to wheat fields, the red deepens, but not so much that Democrats are totally uncompetitive
In the state's 2nd District, a much larger swath that envelops the semicircular 3rd District from the Nebraska-Missouri border to the north, all the way to Oklahoma to the south, the party capitalized on the George W
Bush backlash of 2006 -- a year when Democrats netted 31 House seats -- to elect Rep
Nancy Boyda, whose single, two-year term interrupted what would have otherwise been 24 years of GOP dominance
Less affluent and more socially conservative than the 3rd District, it's less likely that an unabashedly liberal campaign such as Davids' could be as successful in the 2nd, where Trump won by 17 points and Rep
Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., cruised to her fifth term by 28 percent in 2016. But Jenkins, one of the top GOP women in the House after four years as the vice chair of the House Republican Conference, announced her retirement in January, opening the door for a more competitive open seat election
Enter Paul Davis, a 12-year member of the Kansas House of Representatives and former minority leader, and the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee in 2014, where he fell less than four points shy of unseating then-Gov
Sam Brownback. Davis' experience makes him something of an outlier among the first-time congressional candidates in his party, many of whom, like Davids, have never held any elected office
But Davis' resume is also a tangible asset in the 2nd District, where he built a base of support four years ago
"It's really easy for someone to stand up and say, 'I'm an outsider and I'm going to do all of these things
' But they've never done them before. I've actually done them," said Davis in an interview, adding that his bipartisan work ethic is part of the reason he won him the 2nd district by 7 points during his gubernatorial race, and why he's attracted 36 endorsements from elected Republican officials this time around
Davis' pragmatism, a quality that might turn off the most liberal Democrats in the nation's far-left enclaves, may be exactly the reason his campaign has been so competitive as it approaches the cycle's final week
FiveThirtyEight rates the race a "toss-up." To the former state representative, who said he's proactively reached out to Trump voters and found common ground -- "They want to 'drain the swamp,' I want to 'drain the swamp'" -- it's about changing the tenor in D
C., but also delivering tangible results for Kansas. "They want Washington to work, but they want it to work for them," Davis said of 2nd District residents
"The only balance I look for is what's in my pocketbook," said Tim Hersh, 57, of Topeka, a lifelong GOP voter and volunteer for Davis' opponent, Republican Steve Watkins
At a Republican party office in the state capital where his fellow volunteers were calling voters, Hersh said it was Davis' track-record -- one of raising taxes, he claimed -- that sealed his embrace of the widely unknown Watkins
On experience alone, the 2nd District is 180 degrees from the multitude of races around the country where a fresh-faced Democrat is challenging an entrenched Republican
The newcomer Watkins, who had never run for public office prior to this year and claims to have been apolitical during his service as an Army ranger, launched a bid so out of left field that he took a meeting last year with local Democrats who claim he was feeling out a run as a socially-liberal moderate
Watkins denies that was the aim of the encounter. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence each lent their endorsement to Watkins' candidacy after a hard-fought seven-candidate primary, but, as Davis' bipartisan support shows, there are many others in the party who are skeptical of the 42-year-old Army veteran
Much of the hesitancy is due to a cavalcade of controversies courted by the Republican
The Kansas City Star reported in September that Watkins padded his resume with claims he "started" and "owned" an engineering and security company, statements that were untrue
The CEO of the parent company of the organization Watkins referenced went so far as to say that the candidate was "nobody that I've heard of
" Watkins campaign has pushed back on the story by explaining that Watkins never claimed ownership, despite a since-deleted Tweet stating the contrary -- "sent erroneously by a junior staffer," the campaign said -- and pointed to a coworker's statement that asserted Watkins and a small team started and grew the firm's international operations
Watkins himself told ABC News that the Star article "did not accurately reflect the reality of the situation
" "It's fake news," Watkins said. A slew of additional reports have detailed the more than $1 million that Watkins father injected into a Super PAC to support his son, his disputed claims of heroism during a deadly earthquake on Mt
Everest and performance in the Iditarod sled dog race, and the open letter signed by 40 local Republicans denouncing his candidacy during the primary
Watkins chalked up the negative attention to campaign tactics. "These allegations of being a liar are simply not true," he said
"They're unsubstantiated and they're attempts by a desperate opponent to try to win an election
" Whether it's because of the question marks surrounding Watkins or Davis' efforts to court Republican voters, the 2nd district could be one of the closest races in the country next week
Coupled with a gubernatorial election featuring polarizing state Secretary of State Kris Kobach and a formerly Democratic independent candidate, Greg Orman, who could play spoiler by pulling voters from Democrat Laura Kelly, and Kansans may be in for a late election night
One Democratic official predicted that the outcomes of the 2nd district and governor's races would be in sync as crossover voters consider individual candidates, rather than voting down their usual party line
Even before winners are declared, the concept of its competitive races playing a role in a national political transformation was becoming a point of pride in this pocket of the Sunflower State
"I think that because of the way this election cycle is playing out, so many people are taking it into their own hands and saying, we need change, and there's something really uplifting and empowering about that, and I think what's happening in our district and in Kansas is not any different than that," Davids said
So enthused were some Kansans that they leaned on their car horns as they drove past the Sonic and Davids' early voting rally, with each bust eliciting a cheer from the Democrat's supporters
"They're honking for democracy," Davids joked.
Peugeot 107 1.0 12V SUBLIME 5DRS AC/CV+AB/RADIO.CD/ORG.NL! - Duration: 1:01.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
The HATE CRIME You Didn't Hear About. - Duration: 4:00.
Funny Tema and MOM ride on Sportbike Cross bike Family fun playtime and Pretend Play with toys - Duration: 2:41.
Funny Tema and MOM ride on Sportbike Cross bike Family fun playtime and Pretend Play with toys
THE CAT OPENING THE DOOR... (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:47.
You're such a pretty kitty~
TT: Meow~
Q Q Q~
(lol) Q Q Q~
Q Q Q~
Everyone seems to like it. Q Q Q~
Come here, boy.
You like it?
Here is a cute yellow flamingo!
Come here~
Lulu: Hello?
Lulu: We...
Get out of there! (lol)
Lulu: Huh?!
Lulu: Huh?? HELP!
Come here! (lol)
Jump! (lol)
And land on DD's head~
Land on DD's head~
You don't like this?
OK. I'll bring something else.
I got you something amazing!
Come here!
I'll make your eyes heart shaped. Look!
Its furs are quite similar to yours...
Oh, what's that?
How did you get in here? Come out!
You always try to sniff through my drawer!
My dressing table,
and the sink!
Oh gosh... (lol)
You always try to go up there!
You can't get in cuz I shut the cover.
DD, you shouldn't get in the toilet~
I think that's too much. Come here!
Come out. I gotta close the door.
What was that move?
Do you really keep doing that even though I'm right here?
That is too much, kitty!
Enough. Let's go!
DD: Meow~
DD: Meow~
DD: Meow~
(Door lock opening)
What did you do?
Sticking on the door... Come here~
Hey! Stop it, DD.
Mommy knows everything.
I got eyes on my back as well.
Hey, what is that attitude?!
I said I'm watching you.
What are you doing?
Stop it, kitty! (lol)
DD: Meow~
DD: Meow~
You! (lol)
You made a hole...!
Geez, I gotta put it in a zipper bag... (lol)
Hey you... Let it go!
Come here, kitty! Come here!
Spit it out!
Lulu: No!
Spit it out~!
I'll give you one if you spit it out.
Spit it out!
Alright. I'll give you one. Hold on (lol)
Here it is~
I said I'll give you one.
What are you doing there? (lol)
That's amazing...
Who did you learn that from? Was it DD?
What are you doing?
Whoa.. Did you push that? Oh my...
Come here! Come here, kitty.
You got it on?
You should've waited until I give you the supplement. What is this?
You want it? You wanna eat this one?
If you keep trying to open it,
I'll lock this up.
Lulu is crying saying 'Give me some!'.
Just like you. Geez...
Lulu: Hello!
Momo: Kitty's here too!
You guys are... (lol)
You two... Hey!
No can do. I'll give you some right now.
Hold on.
Don't open it. Other kitties are...
learning from you. (lol)
Momo: Give me that.
Momo: You should respect elders...
What are you talking about? Go away. (lol)
'You Think Glenn Would Want This?' Sneak Peek Ep. 905 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 1:11.
You were there, Michonne.
You saw what Negan did.
You think Glenn would want this?
For you to go through me to get to him?
I dunno what he'd want.
I dunno, because I never got to say goodbye.
He wouldn't want it, Maggie.
Your father wouldn't want this.
You know this.
The only thing I had, the one thing I had
was knowing I was gonna see Glenn's murderer die,
and you took it from me.
So takin' it back,
what the hell is that gonna do?
It's gonna start things over. No.
It's gonna start something else.
If he'd butchered Rick in front of you instead of Glenn --
Mm, Maggie.
If you had a child to raise alone because of him,
he would've been dead a long time ago,
and you know it.
Pants Fire! (Sneak Peek) | DREAM CORP LLC | adult swim - Duration: 0:47.
You see? You can do it. You're the superior species.
Whoo! Aah!
-Oh! -Oh, my God.
[ Siren wails ]
Oh! [ Yells ] Pants fire!
Pants fire!
88, get in here! -Pants fire! Pants fire!
[ Shouting indistinctly ]
Why do you keep it down here?
I don't know.
Oh, God! Pants fire!
[ Gasps ]
Good job, squirt.
Is everything o--
Is every--
Is e--
Is everything o--
I-I'm a little dizzy,
and I'm uncomfortable in this --
There must be a short somewhere.
Well, let's see how far we got
with our arachnophobia, shall we?
Pity newborn Amy mom carry baby like this | Amy angry coz need mom warn & hug | Monkey Daily 1994 - Duration: 10:25.
Stunning The Beautiful Sonoma Guest Cottage by Rohleder Borges Architecture - Duration: 1:15.
Stunning The Beautiful Sonoma Guest Cottage by Rohleder Borges Architecture
Anime movie english sub (Genocidal Organ 2017) - Duration: 1:54:34.
<i> Please select your language. </ i>
<i> Please select your language. </ i>
<i> You have selected Japanese </ i>
<i> Sarajevo's rose Yugoslavia ... </ i>
<b> </ b> 2015 <b> </ b>
<b> </ b> In 2015,
<i> Visit the US Embassy I can not reach you ... </ i>
2022 Washington D.C.
Captain Clavis Shepard
Special Search Group i detachment and On that mission
And everyone here The answer to the question
You have it.
Answer me.
Who is John Paul?
2020 Georgia
I do not have anything.
What do you do, Klavis?
I follow the usual method.
Is it a propaganda of the military regime?
Yes, the same broadcast a half year ago. I remember them.
In Operation Osetiya Did you participate, Alex?
Yes, I do. The person I know is precious.
By far the most important person Even after
The next shoot grows up.
It means something to us You want to be there.
It is a check in front of 500 meters. Do not be stressed.
I was on patrol. Gasoline and food are down. <b> </ b> <b> </ b>
Yes? <b> </ b>
awhile <b> </ b>
To use information You have no idea.
The Secretary of the House You have arrived
Who gave the information?
If you'd let me know sooner I want to, Mr. President.
I'm sorry, George.
Anyhow today May be liberated from this nightmare.
Will we fall to hell?
I am an atheist.
You do not have to believe in God There's hell.
Well, it's already a hell of a place.
That's not it.
Hell is here.
In my head In the brain
The scenery in front of you It's not like hell.
We go back to America We can go back to normal life.
But in hell I can not escape.
In the first place It's in my head.
Is heaven there?
Do not say that, Leland.
In the belly What about the camouflage?
Installable ID reader Maybe
It's an adverse effect with a tag
Pull out
"Without a moon, the finger of the dead burned <b> </ b> On a night like hell that shines under the clouds ? " <b> </ b> <b> </ b> "Beethoven Moonlight" <b> </ b>
<b> </ b> <b> </ b> <b> </ b> <b> </ b> "Beethoven Moonlight"
<b> </ b> "It's a beautiful piece of music that says nothing but nonsense" <b> </ b> <b> </ b> "Beethoven Moonlight" <b> </ b>
Take it seriously, LITERATURE
There are no Americans.
What should i do
It's Americans looking for.
You are here today A man to meet
I do not think he was American.
He is our cultural information vice.
No, I suppose it was.
Did you kill him?
But he He said he was up here.
A person who is so eloquent
In official letter Only one word left
He left?
In other words, he appears. You do not, President.
<font color = "# aaaaaa"> "I did everything I could here" </ font> <b> </ b>
<b> </ b> A public letter? <b> </ b> <font color = "# aaaaaa"> "I did everything I could here" </ font> <b> </ b>
<b> </ b> There is no government here <b> </ b> <font color = "# aaaaaa"> "I did everything I could here" </ font> <b> </ b>
There are only a few militants. <font color = "# aaaaaa"> "I did everything I could here" </ font> <b> </ b>
You are in the midst of it. It's the worst piece of slaughter.
The wind for our peace Are you blaspheming like that?
This is about our government and our people. It's a fight against mean terrorism.
Killing the people You are yourself.
The government you speak
Which UN member country I did not get approval.
Our culture Trampling with dirty feet
I sniff at the right to self-determination Imperialists like garbage
For a long time, Our country that has been living peacefully
So ... why are we Did you do this?
Tolerance and multiculturalism The virtue of this country ...
Yeah, it's a terrorist.
It's because of the terrorists!
No ... that's the army. Even if you do not go to the capital ...
Why? Why is this happening?
I will repent.
What are you talking about?
If any religion has a hell You will surely fall there.
Yes. I'm going to hell.
You're mistaken.
This is not a confession.
I do not know.
This land was beautiful two years ago. Why it's so devastated
You started Was not it a war?
Do I start?
Why did you kill him?
It is ideal for the adjustment of emotions ...
Teach me...!
Shut up
Please teach me ...
Why have I ever killed you?
I have crossed the control level
Self-inhibiting Rise to level
What happened?
Captain Shepard Respond
- Colonel. - Shepard
Why did he kill you?
Captain Sheppard!
Please shut up.
This is not Captain Sheppard.
Why are you doing this ...
Shepard, listen.
Alex's so-called Vital response disappear
Captain Shepard Report the situation
Target A death confirmation
Alex's so-called Killed in the judgment of the scene
According to the procedure in an urgent situation I'll handle the body.
The body of the US Army Will you destroy and go back?
That kind of thing Do you accept
No, it's a cold judgment.
Presidential Decree 12333 Now in existence
This thing is disclosed Must be avoided.
I'll let you, Williams. Join and return somehow
The story is next.
Williams, right?
Yeah, right under the window.
What's the situation?
Clear. Like a moonlight
Unaffected The ultimate soldiers.
But the situation ...
I'm not. What is the status of the rest of them?
There is not
It's very straight.
<i> Known to have died three weeks ago About Georgia's Provisional Government Secretary </ i>
<i> In the White House, Officially Denied </ i>
<i> Provisional government forces say this ... </ i>
The day I lost two towers in New York
In us Something changed.
In the fear of terrorism To confront
The width of freedom is small
Sorrow lost to many compatriots To the trauma that fear created
The will of the oppressed people
There was a small recoil There was no turning direction.
Five years ago, homemade nuclear bombs After extinguishing Sarajevo
The wave accelerated.
Thanks to us Freed from the terror of terrorism.
Ultimately unprecedented I got the state of security.
That reaction
Toward advanced countries The threat of terrorism
Civil war, massacre storm It's blowing here and there.
As the world glows Resolved
Richmond Stadium It is full today.
Just a second down pass
Outside It was QuickPass.
It ends with incomplete This is a thuddown, score
And today I feel pass Very good.
Here is what route Shall I choose?
Shotgun formation See left side
I have a pass. Pass Ghana
I drop this.
The chime sounded.
The path is incomplete The receiver is painful.
Cornerback, I was returning.
The flag is up.
The appearance of the foul
Wait, this is ...
Catch wide receiver It's Smith.
- I'm worried. - Iknow, right
The head is ...
As a defense against defense Automatic touchdown
Unprotected player Do not put it in a helmet.
It's a stupid rule.
Yeah, it's overprotective.
I will not die I do not feel anything.
Kill him. I did not feel anything.
Have a dream these days
Is it a nightmare?
Actually, I am.
I think sometimes
We are overprotected Something you can not feel
In the brain Would not it be left?
Alex did it, did not he?
Yeah, hell.
We will someday Maybe that's it.
Before that I was foul out.
Are you sure?
It's work anyway
Yes, we are together.
Right now?
Since the call
Smith stood up.
Are you okay?
What's going on It's a big shout.
Where is next?
Counter-Terror Information Aggregation Conference, are you?
Was it the liberalization committee of Libya?
Captain Clavis Sheppard?
You are the United States I got it out of the crisis.
Thank you.
It did Come in.
That girl, Eugene & Krups Erica Sails
Private military company?
A competent saleswoman.
There are two people
One thing To come in
Yes, many experts It is the conclusion that synthesizes opinions.
Operation of the so-called Alex We found a flaw in the emotional adjustment.
Missing point?
Specific figures are I can not explain it here.
In setting A mistake was found.
To prevent PTSD Emotional adjustment
Did you cause PTSD?
I feel anxious for you too. I'm sorry to have you.
The recurrence prevention measures I already have it.
Your judgment in that situation I'm 100% positive.
But yeah ...
You're Captain Clavis. Do you wish to dispose of
No, it's ...
You have a new mission.
That American thing, right?
John Paul
You too. A familiar name
And Intermedia Group
National and large enterprise image strategy As a coordinating company
Three years ago in Somalia Gather international investment
I put the economy on track. I named it a little.
At that time,
From here to the client As an agent of the agenda
Many countries I did it at the same time.
Before long, Recognized for its performance
Some national cultural propaganda I became an assistant to the cabinet minister.
And the massacre began?
Yes, Shepard County. You already know, do not you?
Yes, in other words, now
All over the world He is at the center of chaos.
Only half a year
John is here A peaceful country
Only in half a year Slaughter among the people
Soon the massacre begins.
But you He probably knew the answer.
John Paul. Prior to the first operation!
That's right
Special Operations Command Until I commissioned an assassination operation.
We want to redeem John Paul I've tried several times
Where are we again?
It's CIA.
It's our front yard outside.
In other words, Doing the back-up
Our lives Are you consuming it?
Be careful
Excuse me.
But if they did not shovel, Alex did not die.
That's right.
Just to make an excuse
At that stage, some On the Atrocities
In some form Seem relevant
That's enough It was just
In between
The chaos of the world Exponentially larger
We got the information Afterwards
John Paul, I'm convinced that it's the cause.
Just a human
Wandering around the world You're leading a mass murder?
Does that make sense?
Why have I ever killed you?
Please teach me ...
Why have I ever killed you?
So what's the point?
John Paul is currently in the Czech Republic Seem to be lurking
We're looking at a spy imitation Is it rebellion?
As you know, The mission of the special search army detachment
Mainly sin against human race,
That is, Assassinate the tops of the armed forces.
It's preventing the massacre.
But John is now somewhere If you are raising massive slaughter buds
His steps Need to chase
Lucia Shkropova
Prague City to Czech I have a private tutor.
Three days ago, John Paul She appeared in front of this woman.
I've been monitoring it for two years. This is the first time.
John Paul's girl.
Already outside Czech Is it possible that you have escaped?
I do not know, It's a company that does not take airport IDs.
As a bait for a woman, he will come back. Can you walk to the possibility?
As your information chief, At the same time as appointed
Temporarily, Become a member of the Information Department
To prevent new massacres There are only you.
Even now,
John Paul is a member of this
To put it in hell Maybe he's doing it.
John Paul's profile
Filled to completion It's a crossword puzzle.
From the beginning I want to show you
Our opinion
John Paul is in Sarajevo I lost my wife.
Purely for sightseeing In the city you visited
John Paul's wife My 6-year-old daughter
Instantly crater It melted on the floor.
According to ID tracking At that time,
Student of Lucia Sucrofovas I was in an apartment.
It was an affair.
A month later, John Paul As a relative of the victim
Sarajevo Crater I visited the neighborhood.
Not long after John Paul I quit MIT.
He joined Inter Media Group It's half a year there.
Client country To signal the need for poverty
Famous bureaucrats Welcome invitation
US News Show of Ministers Directing
He is in the company I got a high rating.
In his career Here's where you want to hide.
He was approved by the US government. It was an export product.
In other words,
The person who knew John There was a lot.
From all the items I was responsible for Cause of the genocide.
He forced I quit my company.
And John Paul's certification
This shopping mall in Prague I ended up last.
In the European information industry
The disappearance of human beings in Prague Traceability is zero.
Is it the same? It's some kind of information.
However, It's gone from the city.
That was three years ago. A week ago, twice
Waiting for John Paul.
It's like Kafka,
I'm telling you. 'Waiting for altitude'
That's Beckett.
And the story is Altitude does not show up to the end
The person waiting for him It's a story without a word.
Do not be silly.
The absurd thing Everything Kafka
Czech language acquisition is another language Maybe it's harder than that.
Czech is basically Russian Like Croatian
It belongs to the Slavic language.
A feature of that Slavic
Depending on where each word is placed The variation of the morpheme change is extreme.
More than 200 That's a word change?
That's the worst.
But the difficulty of the Czech language
Free word order or difficult to pronounce He's on the side of the accent.
In your foreign country The people who came
Everyone likewise pronounces Do you think you are suffering?
Lucia Schroopova
I teach Czech to foreigners I'm making a living.
In this slightly spacious living room
The students are Learn Czech
Teacher speaks English Are you doing very well?
English is the world It's the supremacy language.
Where did you learn English?
United States I learned linguistics.
Then you should be a pro linguist.
Where in America?
Wow, that's an elite.
'Wow, it's an elite!'
I can only learn from there There was something.
So I went.
That's all.
What did you do at MIT?
Um ... I mean to say
Language is human behavior How it affects
Such a research paper
Language is human Form reality ...?
Eskimo has 20 eyes That's a noun?
Old-fashioned Safier - Warp?
No, it's not that.
Generate innate sentences Tell me about the feature?
Once slave labor It was a time of legality.
Abducted from all over Africa People of various tribes
Without mutual understanding I was being overwhelmed.
Soon they will Listen to the owner's language
I talked to you piece by piece.
It's a grammatical mess.
Literary finesse I would not have.
The language of the first generation is It's called Pidgin.
Their children's generation When I grew up as a mower
Not in rigid pidgin
Vivid and natural Grammar was born.
Children did not exist I got a complicated grammar.
It's a brain
Generate original sentences from inside It means you have a device.
Inbuilt sentence generation ...
Engraved in a gene Brain function.
Horses Organs - what do I say?
If you say "institution"
Embedded or arms An eye-like organ?
A fairly cultural conversation It looks like you're enjoying it.
From the Faculty of Letters
That's what happened in the mood.
Yes? In such an atmosphere It looked like it was made.
Is it a marvelous gaze of a married man?
Eshit, since then ?do It's quite popular.
That teacher even if I go I'll be in a room.
You have a cultural conversation Do you think?
Talk about Eskimo.
Or talk to Kafka
The gap is important.
Stabbing Let's leave a cute face.
Than a gut Craters, that's it.
Pendragon's Ode to Alet ...
Perfume for men
Since John Paul There would not have been a man out.
Reverberation of John Paul
In front of her Do you decorate that child, too?
There is no semen smell.
After a long time meeting I do not think I have any.
Be careful, Clavis.
I think That woman's palm fatale.
It makes a man unhappy.
Well, that kind of pheromone. She will not be
Okay, so for the contract. Would you like to be certified?
<font color = "# aaaaaa"> A little more than Williams I'll show you a lot of space </ font>
One day in Czech, Kafka I wish I could read it.
Oh, Kafka is a novel. I wrote it in German.
This country was once Austria-Hungary You know it was part of the Empire, right?
for now
Kafka was also a Jew.
In the Jewish community, I did not melt.
Even German is borrowed It looks like a language.
Wherever you are Not a human being
Like 'Sex' or 'America' Was it projected on the work?
Wherever you are You are not a member.
Your language is A series of borrowed notes
Kafka does that Maybe he thought.
Hanging around the castle Like a surveyor?
Someone who looks like you I think
He liked books.
What kind of boyfriend was he?
Are you digging pretty deep?
It's you who brought it up.
It is not.
He is like me He was a scholar who studied languages.
That's right, As a much greater scholar
On the DoD language project I think I got involved.
Does the Pentagon invest in linguistics?
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency I said I got the money.
He's a great person.
At MIT, I've been dating for a while
It did not go on.
Since then, I came back to my hometown, Czech Republic.
I started this.
<i> To the Czech Ministry of Tourism Welcome </ i>
<i> Your language Please select </ i>
Thank you, Williams
It's a surprise
What you want to ask You are who you are.
I should say
What you want to ask You are who you are.
I'm not nobody.
Who the hell are you? <b> </ b>
I'm not nobody.
Trust me.
It's not really anyone!
You are a hard man.
I'm a hard man.
I lost my finger with an accident. You have transplanted other people
If it did, it would be in the record.
Of the database What is the contradiction?
'I'm not nobody' ...
Can not you think of this?
In the database A deformable
There is a world network
So this guy It is more likely to be a government agent
So the Pentagon Are you rushing to kill John Paul?
It could be.
To guide the tomb of Kafka Lucia's invitation to want to
It was a great opportunity.
If Lucia has a follow-up, Not just me
To Lucia It means that you are interested.
Who is being monitored? Or Lucia herself
Kafka's brother?
Everyone died at the same time.
like that
Yeah, Auschwitz.
Everybody died in the Holocaust.
Married to a German Third brother Otto
I divorced my husband. He went into the ghetto himself.
Aryan's wife Even though I was exempted from Jewish judgment
I know it.
I've heard it often from John.
John ... who was dating you?
John often I talked to the Holocaust.
About the history of massacre I looked interested.
Stalin talk
Cambodia, Rwanda in Sudan ...
The history of the massacre ...
Specific to the massacre There's a smell.
On the Holocaust, in the forest of Katin It's all about it.
So, the zone What kind of research did you end up ...
Yes, to anyone. Did not she tell you?
Research is on the person It seems to be alone.
I do not think she knew.
His wife ...
So you ...
I knew I had a kid.
Is that a bad girl?
I'm sorry to ...
If I'm more sorry Can you come one more?
What about Budva?
It's Budweiser. Always drink in America
You do not know what.
It's not that bad, I need to drink real.
Well, the world Payment is for authentication.
- Then the back world currency? - You're welcome
Government and EU It's a recognized local currency.
Local call attempts I thought it was devastating.
Yes, earlier Community restoration
On leftist ideology It was overly dependent.
But this is more than a community It's a more punk workout.
Punk exercise?
Somewhere, About information society
Take balance I want to do it.
Hey, Lucia.
Chao, Lucas
Lucas is the owner.
Very good hair. It's speculative.
This is Charles Bishop.
By the governor in the US I have a transfer.
Bishop. It's a good store.
Thank you.
Have you been a little lately these days, Lucia?
Everyone was upset.
Tylon is offline I miss you.
Oh, really?
What's the relationship with Lucia?
She's a student. I'm learning Czech.
Lucia is a student It's the first time I've brought you here.
You were surprised?
At the no check entrance In local currency
You can not imagine it in America. I was frankly surprised.
Once upon a time, It's called freedom.
Now some countries in Europe Do you think it's free?
Definitely losing Sarajevo These places remain
The European ambassador Impressive
The choice of freedom.
Labor is an individual It takes away freedom.
As a salary arising from compensation You can buy a variety of goods.
To give up any freedom I get some freedom
The United States has freedom of privacy To give up some
Fear of terrorism Got freedom from oppression?
You could say that.
That balance Your country and this Europe
It's a little different.
You want to keep your freedom. Do you have this store?
It's not such a big deal.
However, It is a transaction of choice
It's hard for them to realize.
Young people
Absolute and pure freedom I believe that it exists.
They have such a false freedom I need to do it.
The freedom to choose oneself as an adult It's a higher degree of freedom.
I feel real.
You're an educated person.
It's called the Enlightenment. I want to.
What are you talking about?
Freedom is called currency
In addition?
Those who become such conversations I do not have it.
It was really fun today.
When the time comes Please deal with me, Bishop.
Yes, all right.
These days in the world Is not it hard to keep going?
Yes, but
Authentication is as loud as it is now. Those who knew the days when they were not
Now for the young people I need this place.
This kind of space must I'm born somewhere.
You have such freedom. Do you want it?
In my case, I just need a place to breathe.
What you drank Who danced with
To anyone like that Without looking
Where you can stay Sometimes I just need it.
Let's get out of here
When I was sleeping with him
Sarajevo is gone.
John's wife and daughter
My sister in Sarajevo I went to see you.
Without two Boston Street
I was very happy and happy.
<i> Breaking news </ i>
<i> Nuclear-visible The explosion of the explosion </ i>
<i> As you said, Sarajevo Seen near the Old City </ i>
<i> Embassy of the United States of America I have lost contact </ i>
He flew to Sarajevo.
Pathetic I loved him.
But he is from Sarajevo I came back without sound.
I left my university. I went somewhere.
I am the I did not find it.
Above all, his presence It was the sins I made.
My sin I can not wash it anymore.
The dead Because no one can forgive
You know him?
In five years, I came to see you.
And you showed up.
What did he do?
What the hell are you chasing?
Lucia ...
I do not know what your identity is.
But as he says I can not think with the wicked.
You do not ...
Is he with John?
It's not that simple.
The relationship with ...
A colleague
No, I do not know.
Colleague ...
Wait, it's fast.
Fingerprint authentication?
Is it also intelligence agency
What happened?
I would be like this ...
Run away ...!
I just go to the store I heard you were bringing me ...
Run away ...
You do not have to run, Lucia.
US government What about the assassination squad?
John Paul
King of the Massacre
Why did you think it was a soldier?
Unique to soldiers There's a gait.
Hiding in miscellaneous elements It was my research to find patterns.
You got the Pentagon's money. I studied language.
Only the language-related discipline Why should it be designated as a defense?
Did not you hear?
You do not have that much dependence. I think you allow it to yourself.
At first, It was an academic study.
Nazi German official document, Radio broadcasting,
Under the fascist regime Get all kinds of textual data
I turned down the grammar analysis.
Research results I published it in paper
From the Pentagon I told him to support me.
Thanks to the CIA Confidential The NSA's record of overseas traffic
I can see it all.
There you are What did you find?
There's a grammar in the massacre.
Just before the massacre took place The pattern begins to sprinkle.
Irrelevant to language differences Because of the inbuilt in-depth grammar
Enjoy the language You can not see yourself.
Congenital grammar ...?
By analyzing traffic
The occurrence of atrocities Be predictable
Did the Pentagon think so?
For me, I can see signs of violence.
By this grammar, Long periods of human brain
What changes do you make
Brain function related to any value judgment The activity of the site is suppressed.
That's what the so-called conscience Twist directionality
With a certain tendency
Horse To induce unconsciousness
Sapphire - Warp It would have been a faint voice.
Thinking Not specified!
What's funny?
No, just
Fairly language-rich I want to be a spy.
I heard it from Lucia.
Do not you think about this?
There is no meaning in words.
Goethe expressed this
Army music is like a fist I spread my spine like a spreader.
Music does not rape the heart
Meaning is that it boasts on it It's like a useless aristocrat.
Sound makes sense I can bypass it.
We are aware of consciousness Unfit
Does a curse exist?
Prove one.
On the way to talking to you I put some grammar in secret.
Do not worry.
Genocidal That's different.
What did you do to me?
By the necessity of evolution What remains in the brain
I was just irritating.
There are no eyelids in the ear.
Someone said something.
What goes against me
Nobody is possible.
That's enough.
Irritating to the nerves It's a nano machine.
I'm sorry, I mixed it in Budgezer.
Where's Lucia?
He's with John.
You are the one who appears and Lucia I can not stay here anymore.
I do not think he was a colleague of John Paul.
John is our client.
It's our cooperation. Bibliography to protect
We are not measured.
Who is not being measured?
A very low dimensional There's a way.
There are as many sensors as sand
The function is Mostly one by one
Only the retina, Only veins, only fingerprints
Here, Here, surveillance cameras
So one sensor When mapping
Relatively easy I can see the road.
There are nano-layer fingerprints If you have a printed retina
Following the footsteps It's almost impossible.
We do it Biometric ID
Freedom is a matter of trade. One was you!
But in reality, It's an unbalanced state.
We are Privacy and
Safety given as compensation There is no balance at all.
The world after 9.11
By personal information management I've been stepping up security.
However, The more you strengthen, the greater the terror.
As an official statistics graph It's a fact you can check.
The government is lying. The media is following.
Not reported in the world The miserable things spread out in the middle of nowhere.
For example
Artificial muscle
That's genetically engineered Whale or dolphin muscle.
they It was cultivated in Lake Victoria.
Disassembled and only muscle fibers Not shipped for industrial use.
Working at a damn low wage Boys and girls hands
If you are only interested In a trackable society
Their lives Supporting things
How miserable I do not even know if it's produced.
You know that.
From all over the world Unobtrusive
How miserable the civil war is
What humans are interested in It's only a fraction of it.
Humans only want to see I'm going to be seen.
Trace dog?
OK? Clabies
What happened to Lucia? Who is he?
do not know Where did it go?
Natural discharge type The antibody nanomachines
Payne device smoothly We are removing it.
The blood nanomachines are It will be completely removed in three days.
The problem is that this device Mental stress
<b> </ b> At the time of battle, What is the psychological state
<b> </ b> - Sin ... <b> </ b> At the time of battle, What is the psychological state
<b> </ b> At the time of battle, What is the psychological state
Aerospace reconnaissance satellites
On the old India-Pakistan border It was a video taken four days ago.
Received a complaint from the The U.S. Department of the <u> Hague </ u> <font color = "# aaaaaa"> (? International Court of Justice) </ font>
Active in the outskirts of india
Leader of Indus Principle Alliance Eight people gave out sieve packages.
The charges are sin against humanity, The sin that mobilized the child in battle,
And the genocide.
General holding down the nuclear button
Get out of court It's a gift when you run away.
John Paul with these guys There is a possibility of being accompanied by
At present, the military action of the With the approval of the United Nations
Partly to Eugene & Krupp It's commissioned.
When they secure John Paul Is it dangerous?
We are local Japanese government
As a military representative I'm going on an operation.
In other words, It is classified as mercenary category
Is it Roman regulation?
That's it.
So the point of the mission is John Paul's assassination?
No, I'm under arrest.
However, You can not get in your hands.
Members of the local forces
Minors under the age of 18 60%
Suddenly, from tomorrow Get tactical counseling.
Operation is a week later.
This flesh Is it my own flesh?
Of course, that's your will.
'Without a doubt'?
When you catch a cold It's like going to a hospital.
Willingness to heal First of all, that's it.
Frontal Lobe Local Masking Counseling is a tool.
Above all, before you come here, I already chose to fight.
Human behavior or thinking
The vast majority of modules in the brain Created as a union.
The word crowd .. Let's think about it.
Ten thousand people It's a crowd.
So what about 100 people? 10 people?
From what degree Is it a crowd?
How many modules I must be alive
How many modules Is it a consciousness to be united
Counselor asks
This question is a battle adaptation emotion In a process called coordination
What it does I do not know
The counselor who answered What do you judge by that?
So far this counselor The chain of words from the mouth
On emotion or reason What effect did it have
I do not know
How are you, now? Could you kill the kids?
Promoting friendship. Clabies
How much I am now I want to let you know if you are loved.
Family man.
Now, Altner
Indication is abnormal
It's always a thought.
This test pattern With a slight hallucination
It's like a panda. Wipe the cream off
The panda has a white face Snow around the eyes
It's a throbbing spot.
Prepare for a high drop
The mechanic Wear oxygen mask
Injection gate opened after 20 seconds
Car around CCB as scheduled I'll land right after I hit you.
The drag suit development timing is I'll take it to Ford.
CCB release Enter the countdown
Injection Gate Opened
There is a God blessing.
Yage 1 Touchdown
I do not know. These guys did drugs.
So much more
I must take my life for sure.
We are the same.
Put a nanomachine in your brain. I'm masking the pain.
Have you ever thought?
For example, If you do
Certainly dead. Until confirmed
Keep shooting.
That's hell.
What do you want? The progress is blocked.
Crawl down the window?
Blue Boy, are you there?
Yes, yes.
But how many Snipers are there? I do not feel like gambling.
Spray smoke?
When attacked from inside, I can not look good.
Then we'll have to pray to God.
Seaweed, blow one away.
Goals are not directed.
Yes, yes.
I got it.
Thank you, Seaweed
Do not move.
International Criminal Court
Armed To you
Greeting like this Is there another human being?
A mercenary
Those who live by war
Yes? You guys are partners.
We are great Polluting the public in India
A temple to fight pagans
With your hegemen Do not treat it the same way.
It's like a comedy broadcast.
John Paul
Not a spy friend
He was a special unit.
This is my job.
Where's Lucia?
I do not have it.
Your aim is
What are the orders of the state? You must be somewhere else.
Arrest you
Yes, this is what I do.
Seaweed, things got secured.
Settle down
Come on, everyone!
The power was recovered.
Yes, which floor of this hotel was it?
4th floor 8 feet on one floor
Here, Get your office.
End of Operation
Package is fully equipped
We got valuables.
I will return from now on.
Contact from protesters He got Target A
- What is the damage to the unit? - There is not
Flying pigs Beyond the final boundary line
On Eugene & Krups' offer It looks like it came in.
By scheduled route Mumbai base arrival
Washington time Expected at 26:53
Yes, predicted Beyond the final boundary line.
None to pursue
Did you hear that? Of my spleen Spanish Inquisition anecdotes
Did you say that?
This is the best joke of the century.
In the first place,
- Ignore this human rights ... - It's too bad for you guys.
First class.
- Leland - Yes
I'll take care of him.
Do not bother too much
Artificial muscles.
It's a bitch.
But if it crashes I'll keep my life.
The Ultimate First I'd say class
Where's Lucia?
With your mission. Unrelated questions.
All I want is Lucia.
For that, Do you kill the kids too?
It's painful but I can not help it.
It's work
lie I know everything.
You guys do not feel anything.
I can not help it because it is work?
From the 19th century head
That does not kill the bug. From ordinary humans
How cruel Have you succeeded in leading
Because it is work, He sent the Jews to the gas chambers.
So the East German border guard Killed the fleeing westward.
Everything is human conscience. It exists to paralyze.
In your diligence, It's not usually a bet.
Wandering around the world
With a blatant look Cause a massacre.
We are really like you.
- Do not be ridiculous! - No, it's the same.
I do not confess.
Yes, I am cursed I only recite it.
There is no texture left.
On the other hand, what about you?
Feelings for battle Your coordinated brain
Muzzle Shoot the kids and kill them.
With the right relief Do you feel guilty
I do not.
It's straight.
You can control your emotions and specialize At the moment of killing someone
Fully reflective It would have been cool.
You, and probably Your chiefs
Even though I participated in a real battle
Always empty I'm feeling it.
In your heart Cover
Rather than cover it with your heart Allow me to cover
Others, it's also children's I feel insecure about my life.
Do not allow yourself
In a sense,
Killing a child It's much more cruel than itself.
I'll tell you something good.
The grammar of the massacre The effect on the brain
Adjust your feelings It's very similar to the process.
Decrease conscience and value judgment It leads in a certain direction.
Through technology, Implement it
I am from ancient times Do not implement it through the power of words.
For example, in our masked brain
Grammatical When it works
Obviously that's even more It will be effective.
I'll try it.
Yage 1
- What's going on? - Something caught up.
Is the purser of Indus
I do not know who the helicopter is.
Seaweed, from the rear
I did not die.
Blue Boy
Blue Boy, come in.
Is it an example?
About 200 yards there Be at a loss
What's the situation?
The helicopter must have been shot down.
Air class units arrive shortly after
We are in the overturned second cargo We are engaged now.
What about captives?
I do not know
However, The remaining kids status
He's marking death.
I'm going out. His left arm flew under his shoulder.
Yes, it hurts.
You do not have to feel I'm aware of it.
Still no problem.
The painful texture I can not feel it.
Shit, Clabies.
Nelson was hit right now.
Damn it...!
They're nervous. I'm masking!
Yes, I know.
To be a pecker I have to deal with gunpowder.
driving me crazy!
What about outside?
Once you put up with this
What about outside?
I do not know
<i> Defense too ... </ i>
It's a stupid rule.
Yeah, it's overprotective.
Alex did it, did not he?
Yeah, it's hell.
We will someday Maybe that's it.
Can you continue?
We have to continue.
It's work
Besides me and Williams The surviving member
It was only Sean and Bob.
We are among the US military special operations It was a defeated unit in a long time.
The enemy's body Many were rags.
Puzzle a week What I found out
In a different sense He was dead.
They are all on the battlefield. Missing
Reported to be killed in battle They were military company soldiers.
The suspect is almost certainly Eugene & Krups
As an added bonus One of the executives
Senate General Secretary I just found out.
Indus we caught The Principal Allied Officers
Eventually, the Hague
We can not get into the camp. Went straight to the grave
From falling their lives The rescued pods
They became their coffins.
The purpose of ghost soldiers is John Paul Recap
He was the only one.
Here is mouse 02
I win a gold medal,
Please, mouse
Radar aim at the ground I'm getting hit.
That's ridiculous. Are you looking?
Get it off Right Now
Sounds like a horse. I was caught by the enemy.
Just press release button.
Enemy missile launch
Hey, Clavis.
First, the command was executed
Released in 5 seconds
5 seconds to launch
Those who are not measured
Ahead of death in Prague Lucy's show to me
Using a camouflage ID Their way
That was the truth.
John did too.
Hidden in miscellaneous elements It's a pattern.
The ID of a normally used I remove each traffic.
Finally There is an inconsistent ID left
By selecting them Tag
Their traffic was revealed.
They said the truth
The Truth
Arrive at the scheduled spot
Ford in 30 seconds Transition to disposal mode
The crew is ready to dive Please enter
I can not believe the outside life Let's see the people who do
Still painful
Never mind Madam Paul
I'm glad you told me that.
Good night, Mugabe.
Good night, Madame.
Editor of the Massacre
I'm on time this time. A murderer
Here, I just started.
Browning is old
Without ID verification
Anyone can use it. A gun that anyone can kill
Actually tonight I held it in my first hand.
I've actively avoided it.
You have your hands Without getting dirty
To slaughter a large number of human beings Because I have strength.
I just found it.
From the beginning of the human brain The cruelty is planted.
These slaughter languages Without bringing in
The human brain is killed. The ability to steal and commit
I'm in there.
That's right.
I actually am now
As if to kill you
From the need for survival If it happened
Thinking about others. I love others
Yourself for others Sacrificing also
From the necessity of evolution She was born.
Yes, within us, There are some modules of emotion.
And now, It's not very necessary.
Still stubborn There's a function.
I had a drought.
If mankind is like agriculture I'm still running before.
Humans form a group I'm helping each other and living together.
Stable than betraying and taking out I learned to live.
Adaptation for survival ...
But so swollen Drought comes to the village
The food that can keep people alive. You can not procure it.
What should I do?
With that ego spirit A full set
Is it inevitable to perish?
The grammar of the massacre is Was it adaptation?
Yes The grammar of the massacre
Mankind is still It's a sign of a time when you could not control it.
The massacre took place. Fewer objects
Food security is stable
Slaughter for it Create a permissive mood
Masking conscience
Rather, It's not a plus.
It is so poor In the country where people live
Why are you sprinkling on fire?
Human beings are essentially cruel I'll keep prove it.
Is that your wind?
Because of me?
When Sarajevo disappeared
You yourself I could not forgive him.
So betrayal or violence
It's a human nature that's hard to escape. Did you want to think?
Human beings I endlessly prove it.
To escape from sin ...
That's wrong, Lucia.
I have to prove something I do not keep doing this.
So what?
I am human I found an old feature.
But at the same time, I love neighbors too
As much as human savagery
No, more than biologically I know it's a groundbreaking feature.
I found a massacre.
That's human nature. I did not despair.
Not to be desperate to kill. What other reason is there?
Love people To protect
When I lost my wife and child I made up my mind.
Now this sorrow That's enough.
Causing grief It's you!
So many If you kill people
It's all sorrow.
But it's in people's eyes It's sorrow that does not shine.
People only see what they want to see ...
What a misery of the world I'm not even sure if it's covered.
But that's where It's a world I grew up in.
Go to Starbucks. Shop on Amazon
I just want to see To watch
I am such a fallen I love the world.
People living there I treasure you
Civilization is ...
Conscience is Jericho It's easy to break.
Civilization is resentful
Than others I'm heading in the direction
It's not enough yet.
In real despair The resulting terrorism
Tracability risk A suicidal act out of sight.
What happened in the desperation of society
Like personal authentication security Reducing it to a system is impossible.
I thought.
They will give us Before I try to kill
Let them kill each other.
So that they Our world is not separate
Killing each other A hateful world
Into a peaceful world
They are among themselves. You kill me.
Our world Do not touch the hair.
In-depth grammar The structure itself is clear.
Tailored to each region If you translate into a language
The range of effects is Not limited to the surroundings.
I only want to deliver in English If not, it's easy to scale.
Please, John. Drop the gun.
Now I can definitely shoot.
Yes, Lucia.
You are responsible for your sins. That's what you're going to do.
What is your real name?
Clavis Shepard
Information army captain
Clabis, arrest this man.
I will take him to America. On the stand
Everyone needs to know.
Responsible for al
Freedom of choice It is necessary to carry
When you finish killing this guy,
Everyone who died in the massacre We used it as a sacrifice.
It's never that I can not forgive.
All right.
Take John.
Lucia did not have to die!
Nobody had to die!
Why did he kill you?
For Monita and the baby!
How much this world rotted What he does know!
This world is on hell A floating state
Without knowing the baby Where are you when you grow up?
I will keep my world!
No I ordered a halapyon pizza.
Get certified I will keep the world!
I left Big Mac and left in the trash can. Do not defend the world!
Lucia did not have to die!
You have to die here!
Clavis, calm down.
Cooperate to guard We have to break!
Kill you. I'll work with that body!
Listen up. The assassination order was out.
You did not know!
I can not stop now!
Because the people want it,
Nara, I want a company Started!
To do that,
Are you gonna blow it all away?
That's all it is!
What is it?
The economy that has already started running It's true!
I left Lucia.
Lucia's body ...
You're free.
The body of a precious person Do not look like things
From Sarajevo When I lost my wife
To me who has lost my temper Lucia said.
To define human beings in language If you have the strength,
Suddenly not lose someone I want to change to the world.
I do not regret it.
I was weighing my life.
The human life of our world
Poor, hostile shadow Human life in the country
How much life I do not like my back.
Being aware of that, I selected it.
What you can do Once you realize
I can not get out of there.
What are you going to do now?
Lucia did what I did. He said he had to explain it to the world.
Lucia wants to do the job. I'm trying.
That's about Lucia My own atonement.
But our world You will not allow it.
Like your fellow horses
I see in my country You might be very close.
then... Lucia's wind is ...
I have one solution.
If you are
Only you can do it.
He was in trouble. Captain Shepard.
End of the operation, right?
What about Williams?
He's dead.
Waterproofed by the NSA team Wireless information.
- Let's go. - Yes
By spectacle I always need war.
Somewhere in the war The fact that it is happening
In particular, In an unrelated place
A wretched war The fact that it is happening
In other words, By conscious and witnessing
Then, I can specify.
Captain Clavis Shepard
A secret service member performing an assassination Clavis Shepard
I was accused
I will keep my promise to John.
In my remarks
Washington is the largest It will be subject to scandal.
But now the government Those who blame
Again this country When you become a terrorist target
Would it be the same attitude?
That's your foot When you shake
People in mind It starts covering the cover.
I feel numb about others. Begin to allow yourself
Now I think
John Paul also has Kafka's It was only a resident of the castle.
With wings to fly A resident of a castle
When you step away, The unanswered world has changed.
I decided to bear my guilt.
I decided to punish myself.
Before your heart is covered
Before becoming numb
Sorry to John.
That's the promise to Lucia. I realized that it was a way of keeping
Love people You will lose
It's definitely a new world It will be the beginning
This is my story.
<i> <font color = "# ff3322"> Erue a framea animam meam </ font> </ i>
<i> <font color = "# ff3322"> et de manu canis unicam meam. </ font> </ i>
<i> <font color = "# ff3322"> Salva me </ font> </ i>
<font color = "# ff3322"> Entering the Eternal Period </ font> Accept the time of eternity
<font color = "# ff3322"> Inferiority is grasped in the hand </ font> He's holding his hand in his hand.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Standing over the wall </ font> Jumping over the barrier wall
<font color = "# ff3322"> Reflect on this shot </ font> Pay off with this blow
<font color = "# ff3322"> For unsaved promises </ font> On a promise we could not keep
<font color = "# ff3322"> The fruit of the fear of sin </ font> The neglect of sin
<font color = "# ff3322"> When you get to know your love </ font> A moment to taste and realize love
<font color = "# ff3322"> I found your wish </ font> I realized the wind.
<font color = "# ff3322"> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? </ font> The footsteps are approaching
<font color = "# ff3322"> Shocked Iron </ font> Let's kill the ball.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Everyone </ font> Anyone
<font color = "# ff3322"> too too late </ font> Already too late
<font color = "# ff3322"> Called by redirect </ font> Now, call the reloaded.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Salvation </ font> Be saved
<font color = "# ff3322"> For those who can not return </ font> For those who are irreversible
<font color = "# ff3322"> Say goodbye </ font> Now, shout your voice up high.
<font color = "# ff3322"> You </ font> A spokeswoman
<font color = "# ff3322"> Shoufoko no Shoufoniya </ font> I devote my soul to the heart of the city.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Change your fate </ font> Change your fate
<font color = "# ff3322"> How can I not hear </ font> Why do not you hear me?
<font color = "# ff3322"> subsiding </ font> To settle the contradiction
<font color = "# ff3322"> Who hurt you? </ font> Who was hurt?
<font color = "# ff3322"> Reverse lookup </ font> Show off
<font color = "# ff3322"> His justice </ font> His definition
<font color = "# ff3322"> Called by redirect </ font> Now, call the reloaded.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Salvation </ font> Be saved
<font color = "# ff3322"> For those whose tears have been depleted </ font> For even the tears
<font color = "# ff3322"> Say goodbye </ font> Now, shout your voice up high.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Resistance </ font> Resist
<font color = "# ff3322"> The transcendence of the transcendence is </ font> Transcendental Philosophy, it
<font color = "# ff3322"> Change your fate </ font> Change fate
<font color = "# ff3322"> Entering the Eternal Period </ font> Accept the time of eternity
<font color = "# ff3322"> Burning fire of subordinate </ font> The fire of the open fire burns.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Keep an eye on silence </ font> In keeping with the anger of static
<font color = "# ff3322"> Reflect on this shot </ font> Pay off with this blow
<font color = "# ff3322"> Called by redirect </ font> Now, call the reloaded.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Salvation </ font> Be saved
<font color = "# ff3322"> Destroy if touched </ font> I think it would break if I touch it.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Get a light shade </ font> I beg for the light and bear the shadow.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Give your signature to </ font> I devote my soul to the heart of the city.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Change your fate </ font> Change your fate
<font color = "# ff3322"> Called by redirect </ font> Now, call the reloaded.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Salvation </ font> Be saved
<font color = "# ff3322"> For those whose tears have been depleted </ font> For even the tears
<font color = "# ff3322"> Say goodbye </ font> Now, shout your voice up high.
<font color = "# ff3322"> Resistance </ font> Resist
<font color = "# ff3322"> The transcendence of the transcendence is </ font> Transcendental Philosophy, it
<font color = "# ff3322"> Change your fate </ font> Change fate
<font color="#3344ff">?? (@harne_ /</font>
NBC Reporter Addresses Avenatti Controversy, Sort Of - Duration: 5:07.
An NBC News reporter accused of withholding a story that undercut allegations that Justice
Brett Kavanaugh drugged girls at parties in high school is defending her reporting, though
questions remain about why the network sat on the story for more than three weeks.
"Important context to my and @annaschecter's story regarding a second woman Michael Avenatti
put forward to corroborate Julie Swetnick's claims about Brett Kavanaugh," Kate Snow,
the reporter, wrote Saturday in a Twitter thread.
Snow was referring to an article published Thursday, which revealed that a purported
witness who Avenatti told NBC would back Swetnick's allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh
actually contradicted Swetnick.
Snow went on to defend an Oct. 1 interview she did with Swetnick regarding her allegations
in a sworn declaration that she saw Kavanaugh spike girls' drinks at parties where gang
rapes occurred.
For a story on Swetnick, Avenatti put Snow in contact with a woman on Sept. 30 who the
anti-Trump lawyer claimed would back Swetnick's story that Kavanaugh mistreated girls in high
Instead, the woman said she never saw Kavanaugh misbehave or drug girls' drinks.
"I didn't ever think it was Brett," the unidentified woman told NBC when asked
if Kavanaugh spiked drinks at parties.
The woman, who said she knew Kavanaugh in high school, also said she never witnessed
him behaving inappropriately with girls.
During their interview the next day, Snow challenged Swetnick over inconsistencies in
her story.
But the reporter did not reveal the interaction with the purported witness provided by Avenatti.
Avenatti released a declaration from the woman on Oct. 2.
"During the years 1981-82, I witnessed firsthand Brett Kavanaugh, together with others, 'spike'
the 'punch' at house parties I attended with Quaaludes and/or grain alcohol.
I understood this was being done for the purpose of making girls more likely to engage in sexual
acts and less likely to say 'No,'" reads the declaration, which Avenatti released on
Twitter and submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Snow said on Twitter that she realized that the declaration contradicted what the woman
had told her on the phone days before.
She reported Thursday that Avenatti initially confirmed that the declaration was from the
same woman who spoke to NBC.
But when asked about discrepancies in her statement, Avenatti said it was a different
Snow reported Thursday that NBC was able to contact the woman just after Avenatti released
the declaration.
They interacted from Oct. 2 through Oct. 5, the day before Kavanaugh's confirmation
"It is incorrect that I saw Brett spike the punch.
I didn't see anyone spike the punch … I was very clear with Michael Avenatti from
day one," she told NBC on Oct. 4.
The woman told NBC News on Oct. 5 that she would no longer be communicating with Avenatti.
"I will definitely talk to you again and no longer Avenatti.
I do not like that he twisted my words," she said.
But Snow said Saturday that NBC was only able to contact the woman after Kavanaugh's confirmation.
"By the time we were able to find the woman independently from Mr. Avenatti, who declined
to give us her full legal name and phone number, and fully report and vet her story, the Kavanaugh
confirmation process was over and the news value was limited," she tweeted.
Snow did not explain the discrepancy in the timeline when asked about it on social media.
Snow claimed that NBC ran Thursday's story because it "became newsworthy again" after
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley referred both Avenatti and Swetnick
to the Department of Justice for investigation into whether they made false statements to
Grassley issued a second referral against Avenatti on Friday in response to NBC's
NBC's interactions with Avenatti would also seem to be newsworthy given the attorney's
plans to run for president in 2020.
Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible
news publisher that can provide a large audience.
For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact
A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.
We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism.
Read our editorial standards.
直击唐嫣罗晋梦幻婚礼!宾客乘坐马车进场,胡歌压轴现身 - Duration: 7:21.
Giraffes Can't Dance Read Aloud 4393 - Duration: 3:35.
Giraffes can't dance. Bye Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees
Based off this title page, what do you think the book is going to be about?
Let's find out
Gerald was a tall giraffe whose neck was long and slim. But his knees were all a crooked and his legs were rather thin.
He was very good at standing still and munching shoots off trees. But when he tried to run around, he buckled at the knees
Now every year in Africa they hold the Jungle Dance, where every single animal turns up to skip and prance.
And this year when the day arrived poor Gerald felt so sad because when it came to dancing, he was really very bad.
The warthogs started waltzing and the Rhinos rock 'n' rolled. The Lions danced a tango that was elegant and bold.
The chimp all did a cha-cha with a very Latin feel, and eight baboons then teamed up for a splendid Scottish reel.
Gerald swallowed bravely as he walked towards the floor, but the lions saw him coming and they soon began to roar
"Hey, look at clumsy Gerald" the animals all sneered. "Giraffes can't dance you silly fool!" "Oh, Gerald, you're so weird."
Clumsy is a vocabulary word. What does clumsy mean?
Gerald simply froze up. He was rooted to the spot. They're right, He thought I'm useless. Oh, I feel like such a clot
So he crept off from the dance floor and started walking home. He never felt so sad before- so sad and so alone
Then he found a little clearing and he looked up at the sky. "The moon can be so beautiful," he whispered with a sigh
"Excuse me!" coughed a cricket who'd seen Gerald earlier on. "But sometimes when you're different, you just need a different song"
"Listen to the swaying grass and listen to the trees. To me the sweetest music is those branches in the breeze.
"So imagine that the lovely moon is playing just for you- everything makes music if you really want it"
With that the cricket smiled and picked up his violin. Then Gerald felt his body do the most amazing thing
His hooves started shuffling making circles on the ground. His neck was gently swinging and its tail was swishing around
Gently is a vocabulary word, what does gently mean?
What do you think Gerald is going to do next?
He threw his legs up sideways and he swung them everywhere. Then he did a backward somersault and leapt up in the air
Gerald felt so wonderful his mouth was open wide. I am dancing. Yes. I'm dancing. I am dancing Gerald cried
Then one by one each animal who'd been there at the dance arrived while Gerald boogied on and watched him quite entranced
They shouted it's a miracle
We must be in a dream Gerald's the best dancer that we've ever ever seen
How do you learn to dance like that? Please Gerald tell us how. But Gerald simply twirled around and finished with a bow
Then he raised his head and looked up at the moon and stars above. We can all dance
He said, "when we find the music that we love."
How would you feel if you were told you couldn't do something?
What is something specially you can do?
What is the message Gerald sends?
Spreading love and humanity: Free hugs for all - Duration: 1:11.
Courageous Conversations: Pros and Cons of Letting Technology Take Over Your Home - Duration: 3:11.
劉丹萌 - I Wanna Cry【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「心念的愛別回來...」Liu Dan Meng - I Wanna Cry (我想哭) - Duration: 4:08.
Korean job seekers sit down with AI interviewers - Duration: 2:52.
we are well into the so-called job season here in South Korea where
companies recruit hundreds of new employees in one large batch with
thousands of applications coming in this year many companies are now conducting
interviews using artificial intelligence software but the new technology has
received rather mixed reactions ASEAN with more University student who yuan is
applying for a programming job at one of Korea's largest IT companies he was
recently surprised to discover his interviewer would not be a company
official but an artificial intelligence program there's suddenly a lot more to
prepare for because the computer will notice my expressions words and even
pauses so I need to practice controlling that this year about 500 companies from
retailers to engineering firms have adopted the AI recruitment system with
about 50,000 applicants sitting down for an automated interview in the past if
10,000 people apply for a job only about 300 could take an interview but an AI
based interview gives all applicants the opportunity to take the test at a place
of their choosing it also evaluates candidates in a way that is free from
the prejudices or bias a human interviewer may have with 60 minutes on
the clock the AI interviewer shoots out roughly 70 personal questions logic
games random scenarios and intensive questions with limited time for
preparation convinced among yourself NDC go and there goes Inga cut nail every
word counts as us every flinch inside wants as the program detects your
expression tone and reaction down to the millisecond
developers say capturing candid reflexive responses helps determine
which candidates are the best fit for the job in terms of both ability and
personality however there are various ethical issues to consider before
pushing ahead with the use of AI interviews it is difficult evaluate
someone's characters what this should be done with caution in a multi-faceted
approach not just relying solely on AI interviews on the issue of impartiality
many tend to think computers are but the program may pick up negative
bias or cultural elements embedded in a company such as male centric values
meanwhile job seekers have mixed feelings about the latest interview
technology a recent survey shows out of three thousand respondents fifty-one
percent said they favored the system largely due to its fairness 49 percent
disagreed most of them believing interview
shouldn't be standardized or conducted by machines Tong says more introspection
is needed on a corporate and societal level to decide to what extent AI
programs should be used to assess a person's character and potential and
what kind of traits to look for also young Arirang news
[Indo Sub] BTS Bon Voyage Season 3 Ep. 0 - Duration: 7:43.
Seat Leon 1.8-20V Sport - Duration: 1:12.
Life, Liberty & Levin 10/28/18 10PM | October 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:15.
Help poor people rasty main ghareeb bacho ki madad kara - Duration: 3:51.
Kansas Democrats seek to shed state's 'red rectangle' reputation - Duration: 13:50.
Like the tornado that plucked Dorothy Gale from her farmhouse in this state and dropped her in Oz once upon a fictional time, Americans are currently staring down an electoral storm threatening to flip conventional political assumptions on their heads
Democrats from coast to coast are expected to flip House seats in this year's midterm elections, but perhaps nowhere as unique as Kansas, where two competitive districts sit adjacent to one another here in the eastern third of the state, but where the races -- while occupying the same political atmosphere -- are sharply different in complexion, like the indigos and oranges lying parallel across a Sunflower State sunset
The uninterrupted block of red than ran down the middle of the 2016 presidential election map -- and made President Donald Trump so proud that the map was hung in the White House -- doesn't accurately reflect the numbers by which Trump faced opposition in "Republican" states, particularly in Kansas, a state with an independent streak that manifests in wave cycles
2018 appears no different. "We now have a lot of people looking at Kansas and maybe they weren't sure which red rectangle we were," said Sharice Davids, the Democratic candidate for Kansas' 3rd congressional district
Davids' campaign has been extensively covered by the national media as the personification of a number of 2018's multicolored waves rolled into one
She is a Native American lesbian woman who graduated from Cornell Law School, competed professionally as a mixed martial artist and earned a White House Fellowship
But even if the six-candidate August Democratic primary she won by 2,000 votes elevated a less intriguing candidate, the suburban Kansas City district still appeared to be on the cusp of change
"I think people who haven't been here or aren't familiar with the state perceive us as Wizard of Oz land… but we have everything -- from that really small town, stereotypical Great Plains communities, to suburban, wealthy, highly-educated, trending-Democratic communities, with hundreds of thousands of people who live in them," said Patrick Miller, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas
"There's a real breadth of diversity in the state." Wyandotte, Kansas's fourth-most populous county, is a blue speck on Trump's red map, but it and Johnson County, the state's most populated, comprise the bulk of the 3rd district
Johnson County preferred the president to Hillary Clinton by less than 8,000 votes and the district as a whole went to Clinton by 1 percentage point, even as it returned Rep
Kevin Yoder, R-Kan., to Washington for his fourth term by a 10-point margin. As one of 25 districts nationwide won by Clinton but represented by a Republican, and with a growing population of young and diverse voters, the 3rd immediately has become a prime Democratic target in 2018
"That is the stereotypical suburbia that we're seeing right now that is not particularly fond of Donald Trump," Miller said
The transformation of eastern Kansas' electorate was illustrated this past Tuesday in the parking lot of a Sonic Drive-In, where Davids met with supporters ready to cast their ballots on Wyandotte's first day of early voting
After addressing the voters, an array of men and women, young and old, black and white -- one of whom carried a rainbow flag -- others who appeared to be college students wearing Kansas Jayhawk apparel, the first-time candidate reflected on a journey that began less than a year ago, and was colored by her own varied experiences
"I think that we're resetting expectations this year about who runs for office, about who we support as candidates," Davids said
"We're resetting expectations about what we expect from our Congress. We want a Congress that's more reflective of the experiences that we have as a community or as a country
" But while the Trump backlash in a demographically changing Clinton district may be enough to carry Democrats to victories in a number of House races (Davids herself is given a 7 in 9 chance of victory by ABC News partner FiveThirtyEight), the calculus is more complex as one travels west down the Kansas Turnpike
As the suburbs give way to wheat fields, the red deepens, but not so much that Democrats are totally uncompetitive
In the state's 2nd District, a much larger swath that envelops the semicircular 3rd District from the Nebraska-Missouri border to the north, all the way to Oklahoma to the south, the party capitalized on the George W
Bush backlash of 2006 -- a year when Democrats netted 31 House seats -- to elect Rep
Nancy Boyda, whose single, two-year term interrupted what would have otherwise been 24 years of GOP dominance
Less affluent and more socially conservative than the 3rd District, it's less likely that an unabashedly liberal campaign such as Davids' could be as successful in the 2nd, where Trump won by 17 points and Rep
Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., cruised to her fifth term by 28 percent in 2016. But Jenkins, one of the top GOP women in the House after four years as the vice chair of the House Republican Conference, announced her retirement in January, opening the door for a more competitive open seat election
Enter Paul Davis, a 12-year member of the Kansas House of Representatives and former minority leader, and the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee in 2014, where he fell less than four points shy of unseating then-Gov
Sam Brownback. Davis' experience makes him something of an outlier among the first-time congressional candidates in his party, many of whom, like Davids, have never held any elected office
But Davis' resume is also a tangible asset in the 2nd District, where he built a base of support four years ago
"It's really easy for someone to stand up and say, 'I'm an outsider and I'm going to do all of these things
' But they've never done them before. I've actually done them," said Davis in an interview, adding that his bipartisan work ethic is part of the reason he won him the 2nd district by 7 points during his gubernatorial race, and why he's attracted 36 endorsements from elected Republican officials this time around
Davis' pragmatism, a quality that might turn off the most liberal Democrats in the nation's far-left enclaves, may be exactly the reason his campaign has been so competitive as it approaches the cycle's final week
FiveThirtyEight rates the race a "toss-up." To the former state representative, who said he's proactively reached out to Trump voters and found common ground -- "They want to 'drain the swamp,' I want to 'drain the swamp'" -- it's about changing the tenor in D
C., but also delivering tangible results for Kansas. "They want Washington to work, but they want it to work for them," Davis said of 2nd District residents
"The only balance I look for is what's in my pocketbook," said Tim Hersh, 57, of Topeka, a lifelong GOP voter and volunteer for Davis' opponent, Republican Steve Watkins
At a Republican party office in the state capital where his fellow volunteers were calling voters, Hersh said it was Davis' track-record -- one of raising taxes, he claimed -- that sealed his embrace of the widely unknown Watkins
On experience alone, the 2nd District is 180 degrees from the multitude of races around the country where a fresh-faced Democrat is challenging an entrenched Republican
The newcomer Watkins, who had never run for public office prior to this year and claims to have been apolitical during his service as an Army ranger, launched a bid so out of left field that he took a meeting last year with local Democrats who claim he was feeling out a run as a socially-liberal moderate
Watkins denies that was the aim of the encounter. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence each lent their endorsement to Watkins' candidacy after a hard-fought seven-candidate primary, but, as Davis' bipartisan support shows, there are many others in the party who are skeptical of the 42-year-old Army veteran
Much of the hesitancy is due to a cavalcade of controversies courted by the Republican
The Kansas City Star reported in September that Watkins padded his resume with claims he "started" and "owned" an engineering and security company, statements that were untrue
The CEO of the parent company of the organization Watkins referenced went so far as to say that the candidate was "nobody that I've heard of
" Watkins campaign has pushed back on the story by explaining that Watkins never claimed ownership, despite a since-deleted Tweet stating the contrary -- "sent erroneously by a junior staffer," the campaign said -- and pointed to a coworker's statement that asserted Watkins and a small team started and grew the firm's international operations
Watkins himself told ABC News that the Star article "did not accurately reflect the reality of the situation
" "It's fake news," Watkins said. A slew of additional reports have detailed the more than $1 million that Watkins father injected into a Super PAC to support his son, his disputed claims of heroism during a deadly earthquake on Mt
Everest and performance in the Iditarod sled dog race, and the open letter signed by 40 local Republicans denouncing his candidacy during the primary
Watkins chalked up the negative attention to campaign tactics. "These allegations of being a liar are simply not true," he said
"They're unsubstantiated and they're attempts by a desperate opponent to try to win an election
" Whether it's because of the question marks surrounding Watkins or Davis' efforts to court Republican voters, the 2nd district could be one of the closest races in the country next week
Coupled with a gubernatorial election featuring polarizing state Secretary of State Kris Kobach and a formerly Democratic independent candidate, Greg Orman, who could play spoiler by pulling voters from Democrat Laura Kelly, and Kansans may be in for a late election night
One Democratic official predicted that the outcomes of the 2nd district and governor's races would be in sync as crossover voters consider individual candidates, rather than voting down their usual party line
Even before winners are declared, the concept of its competitive races playing a role in a national political transformation was becoming a point of pride in this pocket of the Sunflower State
"I think that because of the way this election cycle is playing out, so many people are taking it into their own hands and saying, we need change, and there's something really uplifting and empowering about that, and I think what's happening in our district and in Kansas is not any different than that," Davids said
So enthused were some Kansans that they leaned on their car horns as they drove past the Sonic and Davids' early voting rally, with each bust eliciting a cheer from the Democrat's supporters
"They're honking for democracy," Davids joked.
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