many blessings and health to all
our followers and welcome to a
new video from our channel today
we will talk about juice with orange to
relieve arthritis arthritis is a
chronic disease that is caused by the
inflammation and deterioration of
cartilages that cover the
joints its main symptom is
the pain although in the long term it causes
deformations and serious difficulties in
the movement the adoption of habits
healthy and low exercises
intensity are two of the keys
main to mitigate the pains
caused by this condition between this
We can support the diet with consumption
of some natural juices with
anti-inflammatory properties and
analgesics on this occasion recommend
one garlic parsley and orange that
contains vitamin C sulfur compounds
and essential minerals that contribute
to pain relief is very easy to
elaborate and does not suppose a source
significant calorie enjoy it
2 raw garlic ingredients a handful of
fresh parsley
6 oranges a quarter teaspoon
cayenne pepper preparation peels the
garlic and peel the lava the handful of
fresh parsley squeezes the juice of the 6
oranges pours the juice of the oranges
to the blender add the rest of the
ingredients to the blender beats by
a few moments until you get a
homogenous drink how to consume it
consume it on an empty stomach as a preventive
pain if you found this useful
information share it with your family and
your friends
do not forget to subscribe to my channel to
many natural remedies
For more infomation >> Juice With Orange To Relieve Arthritis - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
This is the most important video you´ll ever see, and also the most important one of mine. Why? Watch...
¿Qué pasa si llamas a un 0800 por producto fallado? - Duration: 6:43.
Los Huracanes del Norte aceptaron el reto de preparar sushi en #Delicioso - Duration: 9:33.
Is Everywhere: 7 Shocking Exposure To Fluoride Hazards - Duration: 4:53.
More and more people are looking to on the ingredients contained in the products
that they consume, as well as their potential risks the health.
One of these ingredients is fluoride, present in the majority of oral hygiene products that
we found to buy.
It is not new that fluoride is good for the prevention of cavities.
However, levels considered safe for Ingestion of fluoride has been cause for concern,
due to the abundant exposure we have to this mineral.
Fluoride, when consumed in low doses for a long period of time, may have
significant collaterals such as colic and abdominal pain, weakness, nausea, loss of
weight among others.
Your excess consumption can speed up processes aging, cause changes in the
immune system and genetic damage, reduce thyroid function and cause problems
bones, teeth and brain.
One study also associated fluoride with a higher incidence of cancer.
For these reasons, many experts reduce excessive exposure to fluoride,
thus avoiding further problems in the future.
In addition to changing the toothpaste, there are many other products you must provide
In today's video we'll show you some these products and what to do to reduce
its exposure to fluorine: Tea and Kombucha Many people look for tea in an alternative
for coffee.
Unfortunately, many of the teas sold in supermarkets contains high levels of
fluorine in its composition.
This applies to the teas of the camellia family sinensis: chamomile, black tea, white and green.
Even Kombucha made with these teas does not escape this statistic.
But this should not be a reason to stop drink tea.
Teas also bring many benefits for health, therefore, moderation is the
key when it comes to consuming your favorite tea.
Cookware teflon Cookware with non-stick surface
are very practical in day-to-day life, a fact.
But what many do not know is that the cookware are made of polymers with fluorine.
When heated, these cookware can release up to 3 times more fluoride in food.
A healthier alternative to these pans would be made of beaten iron,
stainless steel, glass and clay.
Fruits and vegetables Everyone who thinks about following a diet
the healthier you know the importance of vegetables and fruits in our diet.
When it comes to fluoride, they can be a great source of this mineral.
The problem is that foods are grown and treated with pesticides
the fluoride base and end up absorbing large part of it.
Even drinks like wine can have concentration of fluorine, depending on the
of how they were grown.
The solution?
Choose organic fruits and vegetables.
Processed meats If you eat meat, you should also
Many animals are raised on based on grains that were treated with pesticides
based on fluorine.
This mineral can be found in its largest part in your bones.
For this reason, stews and bone soup may contain significant amounts of fluoride.
Processed chicken meat, such as nuggets, in the process of boning may also end
with higher concentration of fluoride of bones.
To reduce exposure to fluoride the ideal is to avoid these foods.
It is important to remember that during cooking, many people end up using tap water,
which in many countries contains fluorine.
There are many other foods that can contain fluoride, but following the tips in this video,
you can significantly reduce consumption.
The Garciass - Cuanto Tardara? - Duration: 5:02.
✖ L U R K ✖ Harry & Louis | SMUT | - Duration: 1:02.
Deadfire hides this secret....! Fortnite - Duration: 10:35.
Deadfire hides this secret....! Fortnite
Así son los coaches de 'La Voz': Paulina Rubio, Pablo López, Antonio Orozco y Luis Fonsi - Duration: 2:35.
(Sous - Titre Français) GMS AncianoDeDias -Notre sauvage est plus prêt que vous pensez- - Duration: 22:36.
VESTIDO DE ABANICOS DE FANTASÍA A CROCHET. |Tejiendo con angélika| - Duration: 26:16.
Tercer camino de paz Huelva. Comunicado de Lee Plenty Wolf - Duration: 0:57.
Đưa người đàn ông nhiều sữa nhất thế giới đến với người nghèo - Duration: 20:21.
Life sentence: cheating Jerry Springer Show (10/26/2018) - Duration: 6:11.
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) life sentence: cheating - Duration: 5:44.
Toyota RAV4 1.8-16V VVT-i Luna |Standkachel|schuifkanteldak| - Duration: 0:52.
UPGRADING OUR AUDIO FOR ONLY $70!| I'm Thinking Pizza - Duration: 6:04.
Hey cheesy squad or home slices, you know, I really don't know because it the the poll is 50/50
So that's still in debate
So today you read the title. We're upgrading our audio setup for only $70.
Oh yeah, so um, this is obviously gonna be my video but
Thank Sydney, why'd I just snap thank Sydney for being the camera person
Yep, there's her. All right, so
To upgrade our audio, we were going from
iPhone 5s audio
to now
Somewhat professional audio
So what we have here is the Behringer Ultravoice XM8500
Okay, so we have that this thing is 20 bucks. It has great reviews on YouTube and
this thing to connect it just to our computer or my computer we have the Behringer Uphoria UM2
Audio interface. It's this thing this thing. Yes, it's it's plastic
It's not it's not studio-grade
But it's cheap. I think that's what they were going for. So this is a budget audio interface. It only cost 30 bucks
most microphones
excluding USB microphones and connects via
XLR so this helps connect your XLR microphone your computer. So what do we have here well
This is the shure popper stopper windscreen for the sm58 a now the sm58 a is a well-known
industry leading
Dynamic mic
which cost about 100 bucks but I don't have 100 bucks to spend on a mic we have this so this
This makes it this gives you a more clear listening experience when
when someone's talking through a mic
This is technically made for the sm58, but this has a similar build
So it should fit. All right, let's get it
Okay, so
We have
instruction manual dedicate your life to music
No, thanks. Okay
Now for the main event, except it's not an event cause it is an object
Styrofoam I've heard this does not have great build quality and it's all plastic. But hey it's 30 bucks
Least it's something this is small. This is really small
Like that I might have I might have a big hand
We have that all set and over here
That's the interface that's that's small. There's only thing you want the five inches. Oh
Yeah, almost like you know
Next we have the microphone the main thing
This is actually super easy to unbox
Oh my gosh this thing it's got some weight so it's like a pound or two reach out we can't see
The beautiful barcode
For the very important but much less exciting thing to popper stopper
so, uh, I might have to skip some of this just
Yes, let's throw that over here
So that fits on to hopefully that actually
quite snug ish
So I can talk into it like this without it being all like muffled and stuff
Sort of yeah, all right, so
okay, so
This isn't everything. I actually also ordered like a
Adjustable stand so I don't have to hold the microphone but that's on backorder
So I haven't got it yet, but I will be getting it soon. So
stay cheesy
with good audio and I just said that
So stay cheesy
Okay PS I just forgot I mean I just remember something okay
So all this this is for better audio in our videos, but we have an upcoming project
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna tell you what you upcoming project is but it's something that I'm looking forward to
Whenever I release is how do we should be
releasing that special project
Either a few hours later or a day or two after this video
So this is this might be a week before you see that video. All right, stay cheesy
HUGE BOOBS HENTAI 😱💦💦 Funny Fat Black Dude Dancing Meme by Freakzoid12 - Duration: 0:18.
Funny Fat Black Dude Dancing Meme
by Freakzoid12
"朱军性骚扰案"当事人:曾经的朋友成朱军的证人 - Duration: 6:44.
Choices: Stories You Play - Big Sky Country (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used} - Duration: 29:51.
Choices: Stories You Play - Big Sky Country (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used}
Choices: Stories You Play - Big Sky Country (Chapter 7) {Diamonds}
Mocny powrót Agnieszki Chylińskiej z nową fryzurą! Ona już jest gotowa na Halloween! - Duration: 3:39.
Peep show on Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 4:39.
Did Jon Richardson find his guitar teacher too attractive? - Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 3:34.
Aston Merrygold's security scare -Would I Lie to You? [HD][CC] - Duration: 1:57.
I Made Gummy Bears After Losing Control Of My Life - Duration: 5:08.
Would I Lie to You S12 E3. Olivia Colman, Jon Richardson, Aston Merrygold, Michaela Strachan. - Duration: 28:24.
Wrong-way driver on I-75 causes major crash - Duration: 1:14.
Did Lee Mack refuse to help a tangled hand glider because he was rude to him? - Would I Lie to You? - Duration: 4:45.
The Power of making a list to fight depression and anxiety / Grocery Haul / Cleaning the house - Duration: 23:41.
yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another video
Gomi my best video ever yo what the fuck is this little swag coming back huh I'm
feeling like a little song now yeah that's the power of doing a list fuck
yeah man all I gotta do now is edit this video and put it up and we're going to
do my step five things on my list today go to the gym go to the supermarket pay
rent go to the post office pay rent clean I just clean for an hour and then
make YouTube video so I had a list today I have 5 things to do workout was one of
them go shopping was another one to clean my house up make a youtube video
and pay my rent pay my check her my rent check went to the gym went to the gym
this morning I guess the chest workout what I do I
say I take dumbbells and I take the seat there's a shower 8 settings on the seat
so I do 10 reps like so it's shoulders and then I do the night and then I click
it and make this dangle go down a little bit and I do 10 reps so I do I guess
like a hundred and fifty reps I do eight eight eight sets and then seven sets up
shoulder and chest workout then I hit that then I hit some flies and then I
went to the supermarket so this is kind of I just wanna I got I got to start
eating better I got to start getting a routine I gotta say I I hit up I hit a
major depression recently and I'm just trying to work on it
you know I sit around I sit around and I just vacillate on what about what I'm
gonna do for that day what I'm gonna do and I and I'm not doing anything it's
even been really bad where I came in sleep at night like I wake up at 3 in
the morning I'm like what am I gonna do today thanks to my buddy 180
he was like write down a list write down a list and he even called me last night
to make sure I had a list he's probably gonna call me today and make sure I've
done some of the so this is that this is the third thing
on the like the list what do you guys think so yeah when I went to the gym
then I went to the grocery store let's just see what I got at the grocery store
II spent fifty fifty five fifty five dollars in the grocery store these were
on sale these potatoes I'm playing on having a like a lot of potatoes I know
they were good two to five pound bags of potatoes they were on sale then I got
two things a chicken here I got with with rib meat because there's only 2.2
dollars a pound so I think this was this is what oh I'm sorry three 350 pound I
read it wrong when I bought it so that's kind of this kind of expensive 350 a
pound but whatever so I got two pounds here I got about I got four pounds of
chicken so it's good protein I don't know bread I'm not like I'm trying
these are BOGO breads so I got BOGO bread probably shouldn't got a salami
this was like five bucks or four or five bucks this is like my treat but one of
my treats of course eggs someone have a lot of eggs and potatoes for breakfast
but for lunch I'm gonna have lunch and dinner or whatever I'm going to have
some chicken we got I got a big thing I don't know why I got this huge thing of
beans here of course some milk some reduced fat milk BOGO on the cereals
some life some life cereal and a bananas on my stamp bananas are my go-to in the
mornings these were these were buy one get one so I got those little granola
bars I've been doing way too much rumination like ruminating like really
nothing's really nothing's wrong I just can't I just can't seem to get going
unless I'm really really push it and I had to do a list where I'm at right now
I was really scary it's you know four for five years from like 2013 to like
two months ago I would get up at 5:00 every morning like like seven days a
week I was you know get up early I just go go go all day with different stuff
and I just had a real a real low and I'm trying I'm trying to fight back from
this real from this low so everything everything I see says you got to have a
lot of structure routine which I totally agree
exercise eating right so I haven't been eating right I've been it's weird I've
been I think under eating I just haven't been watching what I'm eating I haven't
been losing weight I'm 260 right now I'd love to get down to I'd love to get down
to 250 240 even but who knows I just got started eating right I made a list and
there was five things so like I said I've done I'm working on my third I went
to the gym went to the supermarket I'm making a YouTube video I got to pay my
rent and clean my house you know think think goodness I mean I made that list
and I'm working through it I'm gonna start getting up every morning going to
the gym I'm gonna start eating right just gonna start making YouTube videos I
know I know this one's not gonna be perfect or the best but and I think I
did thirty that 30-day put that 30-day push ups was nice huh I I wish I would
have took more before pictures and after pictures the 30 days but I didn't guess
this was that this was a grocery haul and my first grocery haul but just I
guess just like a mental health check in something for me something to just make
a video because I like you know my video I'm like oh I'm not gonna make a video
it's not gonna be perfect it's not gonna get you know big huge numbers and
I know I should make accounting videos but I just haven't felt like making them
I just lost my zest for a lot I haven't been doing a lot the past two months
I've quit after I quit my job I really just been going in so many different
directions you know it's just high it's just time to stop that I gotta get it
together I'm really trying I'm really trying to
get it together now I got a start I want to say I'm gonna
start counting calories and stuff you know I'm really that's that's that's the
secret cuz I really I'm so far off I don't know I don't know what my calories
are I don't I don't know anything but I want to try to start losing a pound a
week we'll see about that you know I just can't sit around and do nothing all
day at least if I can make myself work out and watch I eat at least I can be
juicy right at least I can be juicy I figured hey no time like the present
haven't eat anything today so we're gonna get we're gonna get started on
something else here I have not been drinking enough water I was I was
thinking I was supposed to get a gallon of water a gallon water jug at the
supermarket today so I could monitor my water intake just drink out of a gallon
but this'll do for now I'm gonna have a big big thing of water I had a couple I
guess a couple yes to it two of these waters of the gym today so what are
these one pint oh no what do I need like 16 of these per gallon I don't know I
just gotta get a gallon anyways I'm going to drink this thing of water right
guys start drinking more water I'm trying to improve my mental health guard
start trying my mental health has been just trashed really not whole life has
been trashed I'm just trying to really work on it so water tracking what I'm
eating seeing the calories I'm putting in my
body be the carbs fats proteins apportionment well that kind of filled
me up this is the first thing I'm gonna have today old banana action hey you
know I love bananas bananas and potatoes
so I didn't get too much processed food so I got some my growth my $55 grocery
haul please rock yeah he's rolling I'm making
YouTube videos again I got in such a funk couldn't even make a video like
past I believe I finished my 38 push-up challenge which I jumbly didn't take any
before pictures so
we're gonna have two bananas but no so haven't used my haven't used my lose
adapt in in forever so that says I got 26 182 calories on my budget did what I
work at I exercise today so I'm gonna see it's Friday the 26th up I exert eyes
I'm just going to say I have weightlifting I'm going to say I burn
421 calories forty minutes that says I got thirty thirty one hundred calories I
didn't even put in I didn't even put in I don't even know what I'm I'm so like
out of practice with this I'm just gonna say for breakfast Gooden had a banana
we got one banana 121 calories 31 grams of carbs 1.5 grams of protein you know I
don't think my metabolism is as high as it used to be I'm gonna have to really
but it's a start I'm so far gone I haven't really tracked
and so long so it's a start you know I don't even know where to
start oh so I was so passionate about this life my life last year just a year
ago you couldn't tell me nothing I was up so early doing YouTube that's all all
I wanted to do is just make youtube videos in the next video and I couldn't
sleep thinking about video and I don't know I want to get bad I need to get
back into that I hit a major depression just I guess I'm just trying to document
that I'm not finding really enjoying anything there's nothing really wrong
with my life at all you know I still I still have an accounting business it's
like a part-time kind of business for income wise and that's fine
I still have an accounting business I'm still licensed CPA one of the half
million in the US you know I got a college degree I got a car got a place
to live I got you know really for my accounting videos I have some youtube
income I do some side work so I mean really there's nothing wrong I got a
girlfriend I got friends didn't think my life would be really good but I've just
been really going through it so trying to push myself get this list on so look
this is number three on the list for today which one was my list work out or
go go to the gym go to the supermarket make a youtube video pay my pay my rent
clean my house up so I'm working I did too working on the third one and I got
two more so bring you will bring you along for us today and we'll just keep
it going man we'll just keep it going I'm just gonna just gonna have to keep
it going today's our what it what time is it it's
uh you know I didn't even have start tracking my calories and stuff so I
started started started tracking my calories and I'm gonna but I wasn't even
on my list it's funny that's what 180 said about making the list yesterday was
that you know you'll start to have you'll start to add more and more like
you'll start to do different things as you're going on with your list so but
what time is it it's 8 o'clock I pretty much went to bed around 10 o'clock last
night and slept over the girlfriends house
woke up at about 4 o'clock couldn't really get back to sleep because I was
just thinking about you know this list how stupid this list was house how
stupid I am for having to even make a list so I
don't just sit here and do nothing all day 8:20 in the morning right now and
I'm feeling decent like I I pushed myself to turn on the camera which I I
just couldn't do for so long and look now I'm filming and I'm making content
is it good content I don't know it's just this is kind of a diary you know I
look back in old videos of myself from three years ago and oh my god you know
like okay you know it's a good note but it is content this is like heartfelt
content it's it's where I'm at right now and trying trying to work through things
yeah just left the post office so cross another thing off my list and we're good
we're getting going to me my 3rd 4th thing off the list and
knocking knocking this stuff off as miniscule as it seems we're just getting
we're getting things done and I got some got some other things too some work to
do yeah we just dropped it's not my rent
off at the post office yeah I could have I could have just dropped in my mailbox
but I felt like if I go to the post office it's there and I don't know let's
get me out of the house it's what I was gonna do so yeah we're just going we're
going through the day here we're getting it it's about 9:30 in the morning and I
gotta stay busy and do my thing so yeah you getting hungry getting hungry now so
I gotta cook something up I'm gonna do some more work get hungry I gotta clean
the house up a little bit
and yeah anyone up Chris
what's going on bro are rollin rollin is about noon a look at that a it was that
vacuum cleaner we're cleaning up we're cleaning up the house now we feel them
better and yes I'm as simple as making a list and just sticking to it grinding it
out got some music on got some haste Ezell on here I heard a
lot of people no one worse than myself always about so yeah man we just grind
in here we're getting through the day
I'm going to do a deep deep deep cleaning in the the bathroom I just did
like a mic my shit is am at my house the fucking mess right now but I'm feeling
better and we're good we're getting there man
we're getting there so after then I'm gonna stick I'm a play out for a little
bit more let's good try to do like an hour a day gives me something to do to
clean everything thoroughly is too much for me right now I don't know so yeah
there was talks about Lorna boo but yeah we're finishing up the list so the last
thing on this list after this cleaning is upload a YouTube video so I've been
taking a bunch of footage this morning and yeah we're just gonna get it going
I've been tracking what I eat - I didn't show you I had another another banana I
actually weighed out my rice and I had some ground turkey Auggie I'm at like
700 calorie so a little bit of everything and it's noon I feel better
than I felt at noon in really really really long time I know it sounds real I
know it sounds stupid and nicest picture is I know it sounds really stupid to
just like make a list and keep yourself accountable but just try it out you know
I had five things on my list today and they're stupid like I thought they're
stupid I thought it was bad that I that I had to make a list to do them but I
was just sitting in my house not doing anything all day for like past couple
weeks been really bad for me and so I made a list
jim-jim go to grocery store make a youtube video pay rent and clean and
doing all of them you went bout that you ain't bout that
you ain't bout that you ain't bout Oh what do you do the haircut haircut on
flea right all right we feeling good and so I knew I got arrested a a I could
play but I could maybe do something I like to do I don't even know what I like
to do anymore anyways maybe in a County video right yeah
alright deuces for now y'all so yeah I hate to show you what it was looking
like before but clean toilet look clean toilet clean sink yeah that's not gonna
work right there into one of these but clean
clean what is this a little bit of fucking swag coming back could it be a
little swagger goddamn I just gotta say you know if you've been watching my
videos I have not felt this good in a
year ever since I stopped doing videos in January and then I've come back I've
lost my swag quitting that job fucked me up
but this list I got a little swag bag I got a little swagger back
you know what no look at this what year what does that say 2018
well year we in 2018 my fucking coach the Little League team this year I did
my third season attack preparation I got my own place to live then we grind in
I'm gonna find something I'm gonna do something
Thank You 180 for telling me do this list man we zout man come on
deuces you think you now know how long my flavors gonna be but I invite you to
come with being mine with me and I'm gonna do my best
see that we live happily please keep us left but something happens me I'm
looking for someone to marry me take care of me and bury me these is a rarity
but I forget teaching hip-hop broadcast live from deep within me God will send
me someone only divinity can ever take the credit for and I can take him from
the hood to the Gucci store God give up Oh chief Oh daddy bad bra for a momma
from tank tops and thongs do the part of pajamas and imma be away for and I'm
posed to be asleep cuz all my money and I know what I will read one hour so I'm
a beast it should be heavily medicated block shoulder bed huh Mayibuye the
night's empty mouse nightmares - coma home to an empty house I know what it is
to see some fatal Titanic that's your class my daughter she
survived the tragedies aftermath and apparently you will never know like you
would never ever pack your bags and leave I'm not compared to your her and
so reaction to me people take up they can take and I just thrown them away
even I can't believe some of the stuff that I've saved the halls and walls you
can even pay everybody was enough to know me you'll be paired with love and
make it only begin to make everything even the thinking them I'm hard to love
Sam hard to like
Justin - David Mitchell's ping pong pal? Olivia Colman's neighbour? Aston's shocked shopper? [CC] - Duration: 10:49.
If Trump Goes Down, Does Mike Pence Go With Him? - Duration: 3:03.
Welcome back to Ring of Fire.
I'm Farron Cousins.
We're going to take some questions from Twitter now, so if you have a question that you want
us to answer on this show, send it using the hashtag #askROF.
Our first question comes from @CJNissin, who asks, "If Trump is impeached specifically
because of interference in the 2016 election, what happens?
Is Pence automatically removed from the office of the VP because the win is invalid?
Would a new emergency election need to take place in such circumstances?"
Here's the thing.
Regardless, I think, of whatever comes out of these investigations, there's virtually
no way to nullify the 2016 presidential election.
There's not necessarily a remedy for that in the US Constitution or in any US law, but
specifically ... Talk about Pence.
Does Pence go down with him?
Because that's a question a lot of people have had.
We've seen it a lot on our YouTube channel.
No, Pence does not automatically go down with him.
It's going to come down to what Mike Pence knew.
Was Mike Pence even involved, or was he just a dopey guy, standing up there eon stage,
who had no idea what was happening behind the scenes?
Honestly, my theory is that it's the latter.
I don't know that Mike Pence was involved in any of this.
I don't personally think that he was.
I could be 100% wrong.
Honest to God, I hope I'm 100% wrong, but Mike Pence thus far has not really been involved
in any parts of these investigations.
We're not getting people rolling over on Pence.
We're not getting any of Pence's allies that are having to testify before Robert Mueller.
I don't think Mueller's even gone down that particular avenue to look at Mike Pence.
Now, should this investigation come back and the results come out, and we find out that,
yeah, Trump was trying to get aid from foreign countries to win the election.
If he gets impeached, removed from office, Pence becomes President.
I think, for sure, there's obviously going to be investigations into whether or not Mike
Pence was then involved in any of this, but I think with what's happening right now, I
do not believe that we're going to get any kind of information on Mike Pence.
It doesn't appear that he is a target.
Again, could be 100% wrong on this, but just based on what we've seen so far, the people
who we know have talked to Robert Mueller, doesn't look like Mike Pence is in any way
scared, or in any way in trouble at this point.
If something happens to Trump, Mike Pence takes over.
There will be additional investigations to find out whether or not Pence was involved,
or what he knew.
But as of right now, I think Pence is just sitting back, hoping quietly that the President
gets removed from office.
Why American Sunscreens Suck - Duration: 3:40.
Narrator: In 2017, researchers tested
20 best-selling US sunscreens.
The good news is that 19 of them met FDA standards.
The bad news?
Nine of them didn't meet European standards.
Turns out, different countries have different rules
for what makes a safe sunscreen
and US sunscreens may not be protecting Americans
as well as it could.
When we lay in the sun,
our skin absorbs two types of UV light.
UVA and UVB rays.
UVB light is higher energy and can cause sunburns
while UVA penetrates deeper under the skin
and can damage skin cells along the bottom layer
of your epidermis.
Desai: We know that UVB rays
are the rays that cause sunburns.
But UVA rays are the rays that can actually cause
skin cancer so you actually wanna cover the spectrum
on both of those.
I think a lot of people get into a misconception
that I didn't get sunburned so I'm not at prone
to getting skin cancer
which really isn't true.
Narrator: The biggest concern with US sunscreen
is how much protection you're getting
from cancer-causing UVA rays.
For decades, FDA regulations required that sunscreens
protect against UVB, but not necessarily against UVA.
Meanwhile, rates for melanoma,
a dangerous form of skin cancer, kept climbing in the US.
Then, in 2012, the FDA updated its regulations
on labeling and testing so that manufacturers must now
let customers know if its sunscreen protects against both
UVB and UVA.
That's what the broad spectrum label
on your sunscreen means, for example.
And while this is a good first step,
there's still no regulation on how much protection
you're getting from UVA.
So, there's no way to tell.
Desai: Here in the United States,
I think we need to be cognizant of the fact
that when a sunscreen says it's broad spectrum,
UVA- and UVB-protecting, that does mean
you're going to get protection against those rays.
However, what it does not mean
is that it's going to block out all of the rays.
Narrator: And that's where US sunscreens fall short.
Desai: And I will say that I do think we are behind
other countries globally,
particularly some of our European counterparts,
in getting new sunscreen ingredients approved.
Overall, there has not been much change
in US sunscreen composition and what our sunscreens
are made up of in the past several years.
Narrator: The FDA has approved 16 active ingredients
that protect against UV radiation.
But only some protect against
both UVB and UVA rays.
For comparison, Europe requires that all
of its more than 20 active ingredients protect against both.
Desai: Right now, the American Academy of Dermatology
and other organizations are really advocating with the FDA
that they need to really speed up the approval process
for new sunscreen ingredients.
Because it's with these ingredients that we can probably
get even better coverage and better protection and maybe
even get something that's easier to apply,
that's easier on the skin,
that doesn't have any harmful side effects for patients.
Narrator: You can purchase sunscreens
from other countries online.
But if you plan on sticking with American sunscreens,
look for the broad spectrum label
and don't buy anything below SPF 30.
Desai: The higher the SPF, definitely the better.
But we definitely don't want anyone going below a 30.
And think about if you're someone who has a history
of a melanoma, if you use an SPF 30, you're blocking out
let's say 98% of the harmful rays.
However, what about the remaining 2%?
That 2% may be something that could be potential
of putting you at a risk down the road.
Have I Got News for You S56 E4. 26 Oct 18. Steph McGovern, Richard Osman, Joan Bakewell - Duration: 29:19.
THIS IS NOT A DOG | Lost in Vivo - Duration: 24:26.
Hello mates, my name is risk and welcome back to another episode of "Lost in Vivo"
Last time we made it to this area after the game trying to pretend as if it
erased my save
But come on guys. You already know me.
I have a lot of experience with horror games
Every trick in the book. I know it already. So don't even try
Except the creepy trick of the book.
What the hell is that? Excuse me, but what is that? That is just..
Again with your stupid radio as well. Alright
Sure game, we'll play your game
So wait, where should I go? It's like..
this door leads to creepiness
but this door leads to..
Something good
Probably bacon
I never ate bacon.
I just know* a game that whenever you went somewhere good. It just said bacon
And also, I'm Jewish, I'm not allowed to eat bacon
Sit down
Now was this the right turn?
I'm not entirely sure about that
Because I always feel like the game is fooling me
I don't really feel comfortable wasting my Ruger ammo, I think I'm gonna be using my knife
At least for these little guys
at least for these guys
so where are we now?
I guess I took a wrong turn.
All right, we'll go through here then.
I didn't know this is some sort of a..
of a hallway kind of a puzzle.
There you go. It's green meaning green
Is okay to go
or we did good
one of the two
Alrighty then
If I'm gonna be led back to the same
There you go. Now she looks a bit worse
and this guy looks a bit better.
So perhaps we'll go over here?
I don't know if she looks like somebody beat her up
or if she just haunted by a lot of eyes
Huh probably it is.
Alright, let's go through here now.
I mean, it looks bad right?
Oh no, it's red again.
Okay, okay guys
How about you all just chill for a second?
Just chill for a second
and die.
Well, I took a wrong turn I learned absolutely nothing.
I learned my lesson
Don't go towards the woman.
I learned my lesson
All right. So what's over here?
A bunch of dead guys
somebody's been here before and kicked their asses
I got a little bit more Ruger ammo, I feel comfortable using my Ruger now.
So sure I'll be using it at the moment
are we gonna be presented with a similar..
either a dead woman
or a rose.
I don't know.
I have not learned my lesson at all.
I've absolutely learned nothing guys
I told you I learned nothing
Man, I'm starting to get confused.
Am I am I taking(the right) or taking the wrong turn?
What's wrong with this vending machine?
Why is there a green
it's safe to shit? Doesn't look like to me.
I learned nothing guys.
Why did the..
I guess you can try and pretend as if it's locked but
it's not gonna work on me I told you all the books in the..
any book
that had a trick in it, I know it.
I'll look at that two Ruger ammo
This one is still moving I thought maybe I might try to overkill it but
Seems fine. I honestly don't know what to expect anymore.
I already ate an apple. I'm actually good, I'm actually full
I don't think I need to eat another Apple.
I'm quite full. Well, it's red now
prepare for battle
There you go. That's one. Is there another one in there?
Yep, puke?
Okay, is that all I had to do?
Eew, a puke command
I feel disgusted.
Oh God, what is that?
Three shots, that's what it is.
I don't know but I feel like this is a different variation of the room
So maybe I made progress
Guys, if you want to see more of the game let's shoot for somewhere around 200 likes as well
I would really like to play more of this for you
And for myself, this game is fun
Yeah, thank you so much for leaving a like on the video. I appreciate that
Do I puke it again or what do I..
I don't know what to do anymore
I'll have to shoot something at the end of the tunnel. That's for sure
What is it gonna be?
Nothing camping
Let's chill. What does it say? Eat.
Okay, I'm gonna eat and I'm gonna go
That's exactly what I'm gonna do
That's the right call
this all seems good to me
In fact, we found some shotgun ammo as well.
Okay, let's see. Am I supposed to puke it now?
Well, it doesn't say anything this time
Maybe I don't need to touch it at all.
I really hope I don't need to touch it at all
And nope
What is that? Oh
Is this thing not gonna die?
Just making sure that thing not gonna die after I..
spray it with more than a full mag of shotgun
That's a little sad
Let's try this one more time without dying.
Reading that letter makes a bit more sense
Don't go where the woman is because she's "ugly".
Okay, last time I didn't eat the apple
so I'm gonna eat it this time and I'm gonna go through.
I really hope I'm not gonna encounter the big dude again.
Yes, okay, so the answer is always eat the apple.
What's gonna be next?
Some sort of a baby.
Is this the parasite inside of you?
I'm gonna take the baby with me
This is no parasite! This is a baby.
I mean..
the woman refer to it as the parasite
"All because of the parasite inside me"
Okay, I'm back to the train track.
Oh there was somebody in front of it blocking it, okay.
Thank you Mr. Mysterious Man!
Mr. Mysterious Man sounds like he's some sort of a pro wrestler
But if I'm gonna be saved by a pro wrestler I wouldn't mind it honestly
Can't go up.. I can't even jump, I have to jump down here.
Oh no, we're going to a place with a lot of worms. That's what we're..
we're going for.
I don't like it.
I don't like it, I hate..
I hate that they're gonna crawl...
And they're gonna crawl
and I think that's enough reasons for me
to not go towards the worm area.
What is it this place?
There's a note here.
so whatever it was it used to get hurt by the light, but now it doesn't hurt.
So either she's becoming human again
I should probably turn off my flashlight when I run in here
because she's gonna know who I am.
You hear that?
Okay, I had an option to go left but the music just started picking up again
So, of course my first reaction was to go to the door
We'll need two squares and..
and a thingy..
Alright, let's go find the missing shapes.
Okay, there is three ways to go
so we'll start over here
Let's go
I have a lot of ammo by the way
Danger, do not go down there. Well, I'm down there.
Don't go over there.
Oh because it's
Is that my dog?
Or is that somebody playing tricks on me?
That does not look like my dog! What's wrong with it?
It's still alive?!
Man that screwed up.
That is insane! Go up ahead.
right after I check the corners to see there is nothing here hiding
Okay, what is that?
I found a beetle emblem
and I found a mine access key
that's good.
That's really good but I cannot continue further up ahead
and I have a feeling like once I start going back I'm gonna get challenged.
Gotta get ready.
I need to hide
I really like my Ruger
that's for sure
The ruger feels so reliable
when I shoot like people with the shotgun
I feel like
they take too much damage before they die
It's just easier to pick up the Ruger and start shooting.
All right, let's start climbing the ladder.
I don't want to see anything on top of the ladder as well
Get off the ladder please.
That's it. We did it. We got the beetle emblem
Now let's go get the other emblems as well, so we can start..
progressing with the game a bit further.
Oh man, this game is really really cool.
It's been a while since I played a game that I'm
that I'm just this psyched about
What's that?
It's a map of the mine
hey there is a save right here
Oh the key was for this area.
What's right here?
oh, okay back to back to the area, okay, I got it
What's that sound?
I don't know but we'll have to turn right here
If we want to get the emblem
Oh no, no, there is like bags
Again, I don't know what's going on, like I can't
Like the first shot you guys heard it
It makes like a click sound when the click sound goes
is me trying to shoot, but it doesn't shoot.
I don't know if this is some sort of a jammed gun mechanic but
I don't like it, whatever it is, I like my guns shooting
okay, it's this one this one has an emblem.
Oh, it's broken. Well, is there a way through?
We'll have to check this out.
Oh no
bomb emblem picked up?
Okay, never mind. My bad. I was reading the map wrong.
Okay, so just before we go
Where am I heading?
Oh man, I don't know.
I don't know if my mouse is broken or something, but again like a double aim
I really hate it It's..
it's just destroying my game
Like I could just three times headshot that thing and that's the end of it
But no my guy had to do a double aim
Stop doing that. Alright, let's get out of here real quick
Get me out of here! I'm not dealing with that thing again
Thank you for the double Ruger ammo.
I really appreciate that, just out of nowhere
That's really cool of the game to just give me back my Ruger ammo
Feel's like it's a bit..
overkill to give me back all my ammo but, I'm not gonna question it.
I'm just gonna say thank you for the ammo.
We're going deeper again
Fine, I'm gonna go deep.
Oh I can hear that monster again
It's not too hard to deal with it's just startling a little bit when she comes up
Okay, let me take a look at that
So we go..
Front and then the first time we get an option to go right we go right
and then again the first time we go right we go right and we find the emblem
Sounds easy enough.
It sounds as if it's coming behind me or something
I can't aim, do you see that?
I tried like three times aiming at this guy
This pisses me off so much like every time like now it's normal
But when the guy shows up, I can't aim for shiz.
This is so irritating. I'm like forced to headshot the guy just
using like..
Okay, there's the emblem, but I'm curious about the other..
Okay, it's locked
Oh no, can I get through? No.
Okay, we'll have to find a different way around then.
It seems like there is a way around just around the corner actually.
We'll go there.
It depends how much health I have I have 97 health, I'm actually pretty good
Just make sure to check your corners
because this guy is camping a little bit.
There you go!
Go through here.
Get the last emblem, which is the Moon emblem.
I don't know you don't have to
to threaten me. How do I put down the.. thank you
"Why does nobody listens to me?" *Shoot gun*
I think it's in my best interest to just go out and deal with the monster but..
I think I'm gonna go through here.
I might get attacked from both sides, which is
Why do..
what's wrong with this gun?
Do you hear that?
Okay, I have to run I'm not dealing with this thing
Like my gun is completely broken
I tried shooting five times and it just makes a clink sound.
Oh this was a bad idea to start climbing.
Oh boy
Why don't you come up huh?
Oh now my gun works
I forgot it says broken or damaged Ruger gun.
I just realized that.
I mean, it's cool that it's a Ruger but it's damaged
as I was saying, I assume we're gonna get a key to go forward
Like the way forward is like locked with a gate or something so..
there you go place all three emblems
We're in the..
"Nezumi Testing"
I told you there was some sort of human testing down here.
I told you it just seems like the right thing
after going through the sewer and it seems like literal cells
literal cells I tell ya!
Okay, what's down here huh?
Okay, I picked a map of the area and there is also a note here
I have to be frank with you guys I don't like the gun mechanic at all
the gun randomly not shooting is not..
Makes me a bit more tense. It actually just pisses me off
It just feels annoying
and also the gun like I think that's just my mouse broken when..
the double aim happens but..
This is so irritating like trying to shoot something in the head
but not shooting it in the head because the gun doesn't want to shoot.
So you have to just spray down, like..
it feels like it lowers the skill cap of the game
It feels like it's less up to you of what's going on.
And that's something that is not good for any game almost.
How about you open the door?
huh, gonna shoot you with my damaged Ruger!
Sounds like somebody's mixing religion and..
Science together
but that's just my opinion. That's just a game theory
A game theory!
Okay, who was.. somebody was playing with the doorknob
when I was about to read
oh there's dr. Bikinis
Piccinini not bikini
Alright let's read another personal archive
There's the rats, are you trying to make a mega rat?
I guess this guy is trying to make some sort of a mega rat.
"Oh the rats don't understand"
Who gave you a doctor licence?
Something about sound and eyes
he can hear you when you make sound perhaps?
I'm not sure about that
The door is broken
We need some lock picks to go into dr. Brundle
Let's go get some lock picks
What's this one?
A lab.
Oh boy
I entered somewhere
Again with a random not shooting. It's so annoying.
I hate it so much. I've never..
It's the same mechanic as if in smash
that you fall on the ground, so the game wouldn't go competitive
It's the same thing!
Dr. Brundle personal archive #87
Today I questioned the higher staff just on how far they think we can go with these experiments.
Dr. Piccinini told me he..
took hold of me and brought me into one of the off-limits rooms and showed me something
I don't fully understand
Maybe he was playing an elaborate and inappropriate prank
Piccinini told me that it is..
Other pet project
and assured me that the work we're doing is one of great impotence.
Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good
That doesn't sound good at all "Great impotence"
Dude I can't aim, I can't shoot like this is so irritating
might as well just take the gun away from me
That doesn't sound good. So what we saw now was not Sotiris. It was just..
You know other experiments.
All right
Dude I can't aim for shit
Like I cannot aim
can I please shoot whatever is about to hit me
There you go three headshots, sit down boy!
I think I'm just gonna play hipfire guys
I don't think there is any point in aiming
or me trying to aim if my mouse is broken
Sit down! Three headshots. I like this. I am enjoying the game
So Sotiris..
Okay, I used it, but I need an item to use it on
We'll have to go around looking for an item
Beside is there a save? Yeah, there is a save point, let's go there!
On the top right corner of the screen there is a card info to take you to the next part
Thank you guys so much for watching the video
200 likes if you'd like to see another episode of "Lost in Vivo"
and I'll see you guys in the next time.
Introducing the 1 Mile Project Rifle! Savage 12FV in 6.5 Creedmoor - Duration: 21:09.
Howdy, guys and gals! I'm Kyle Broderick. Welcome to The Social
Regressive. We are kicking off a new project rifle today, and this is one
that's been highly anticipated not just by you guys but by me. One of the most
constant questions that I got when we were building the Savage Axis project
rifle of the past year and a half or so was when we would do a project rifle
that ticked the budget up a good bit. People wanted to spend maybe more around
a thousand dollars rather than trying to make kind of a bargain-basement
long-range rifle for around 500 to 750: what we ended up with last time. So your
wish is my command. We are looking at a Savage 12 FV build right here and you
can see that I already have the rifle built out - kind-of. I had to take this
rifle out and do a shoot with it. It's a super-secret project that hopefully I'll
be able to tell you about here in the near future, and yeah, this rifle is a
shooter. It is amazing. Our new target this time, instead of 1,000 yards like we
were trying to get with the Axis rifle, we're going straight for a mile. I want
to be able to take this rifle out and be able to pretty repeatedly tag a big
steel target that we have out at 1 mile. We have the range now, we have the
ammunition I believe, and I think this rifle is going to get the job done. We're
actually going to strip this down take it back down to its individual
components, build it back up together, and I hope that you guys will join me. We're
gonna take a close look at the parts today, and before we do that I just
wanted to address the YouTube Commie apparatchiki out in the audience. No,
we're not manufacturing a rifle; You can put the ban hammer away. We are just
taking a rifle that's already squared away really well and we're just gonna
swap the stock and we're going to put a scope on it. It's no big deal.
One quick announcement before we jump into the specs and parts on this rifle: I
plan to add a new dimension to this build by including live streams every so
often. I want to talk with you guys. I want to field your questions, and I want
to have individual topics of discussion. If you guys have any ideas for topics of
discussion, go ahead and kick them out there. I am on Facebook, on Patreon, and of
course through YouTube. You can get in contact with me; I want to talk with you,
want to see what you guys are building, what you think, and just kind of take
whatever questions you guys might have about your individual builds. So now
let's take a look at the rifle that we're working with. This is a Savage 12
FV. This is a rifle that I've talked about in the past. This is a hidden gem
in the market. A lot of people that like to build rifles know about this because
it is a great platform to start from and when I say that it's a hidden gem I
really mean that it's hidden. This is not in the Savage catalog at all. This is
an Exclusive, built for Cabela's. This used to be in their normal catalog, but
now only Cabela's sells this, and it's - yeah - it's the only place you can find it.
And one of the really cool things about this is that it takes your basic, you
know, your standard Model 10 action with its barrel nut and all of its good
parts it adds an upgraded varmint bolt knob which is quite large, and the Accutrigger
down here, of course, so that's a major upgrade over the Axis that we were
building a year and a half ago or however long that was. Yeah, this is a
major upgrade. This has all kinds of neat performance parts and, of course, one of
the biggest ones is this barrel. This is a 26 inch heavy barrel and this comes in
a variety of chamberings. You can get everything from 204 Ruger, 223 Remington,
22-250 Remington, 6.5 Creedmoor, and 308. And as many of you will probably have
already seen, yes this is chambered for 6.5 Creedmoor. We're going to discuss why
I chose that. We're actually gonna compare 308 versus 6.5 Creedmoor. If you
want to go ahead with any of those other chamberings you're gonna end up with a
really great rifle and actually, if you want to go for a different rifle overall,
a lot of the techniques that we're going to be doing in this series are going to
apply to any of the Savages in the catalog: everything from the model 11 up
through some of the new models. Yeah, a lot of these accurizing techniques are
going to work just the same. Some of the parts are going to
interchange, and then heck, if you're doing a whole totally different type of
rifle a lot of these will also apply as well. So if you're doing a Tikka or
something you might want to follow along with this project anyway because there
are going to be a lot of similarities. While we're talking about the 12FV I
have to point you toward Vaughn Precision's channel. Go check him out. He
has done some amazing builds with the 12 FV as his base. He does things a little
bit differently - we have a lot of overlap, and we're probably gonna be talking
between each other on this channel about maybe some things that we do differently,
how we approach things, but yeah he has built some just brilliant machines out
there and you really need to go see what he's done. I plan to take a kitchen
gunsmithing approach to this whole build I want you to be able to build this in
your garage. Basically if you have a drill press and a dremel tool you're
going to be able to build this rifle out into a real long range monster. The 12FV
has everything going for it. It has that oversized bolt, it has the Accutrigger,
good action, good solid action, that barrel nut, and the big heavy barrel. But
the one thing that you're probably going to want to swap if you swap anything out
at all is going to be the stock. And it's not so much that there's really a
problem with the stock itself as far as accuracy goes - this is a plastic stock,
but it's actually a really good one. This might actually be reinforced because
this is very rigid. I wouldn't expect this stock to mess
with your group sizes even if you're running off a bipod. There are a lot of
cases where a plastic stock is gonna mess you up. It's gonna throw your shots
off and just because of the twist and the bend that you're gonna get out of
that forearm. This is not the case. This is going to get the job done. There are
two reasons to swap this stock out and the most important is right here. This
has a hunter style pistol grip which is going to be great if you are out hunting,
if you're shooting offhand, and you want to be able to track along with game, that
sort of thing, this is the right shape for you. However, if you are shooting
prone or from a bench this is a torture device. It's going to really kink your
wrist up, especially as you're there for longer and longer sessions. Out
prairie dog hunting, yeah, my wrist would just really hurt after a full day of
shooting. So what we want to do is end up with something that has a more vertical
grip and that's why we're looking at the Boyd's At-One stock right here. This has
some wonderful parts to it. Now first off overall this is a hardwood laminate. This
is going to be very rigid. You don't have to ever worry about any kind of bend or
flex if you're running off a bipod or if you're shooting off a sling or whatever.
This is going to be very rigid, very tough; it's going to be reliable all the
way around it's not going to mess up your accuracy. But this particular model -
and I've done a full review on this (I'll put a link around here somewhere) -
this has adjustable parts so you can get this stock to fit you individually, and
when the next shooter goes to put some rounds through your rifle they can
adjust it to fit them. Adjustable cheek riser, adjustable butt pad - which is
actually pretty nice and squishy - this is a very comfortable rifle to shoot and
you're going to be able to get this matched up to your dimensions and you're
going to be able to get that vertical grip. The stock costs about a hundred
ninety bucks not exactly as you see it right here; this does have one upgrade:
these vertical panels cost an extra, I believe twelve dollars off their catalog.
If you buy an At-One, get these panels. You're going to want them. Another good
reason to swap this stock is the magazine right here.
I believe this holds four rounds of 308 or 6.5 Creedmoor and it's not that
there's a problem with the magazine at all, it's just that it's a bit slow in
certain situations. Out prairie dog hunting I would run into situations
where I'd take my final shot and I need to kind of scrounge around real
fast for another round to put in to take another shot. It's a lot better if you
can get a a larger magazine like this ten-rounder right here or a magazine
that you can swap out. Or how about both? So this is one where you could carry a
couple of different magazines in your pockets or in a vest or whatever and be
able to get back on target really quickly. The
bottom metal that you see right here - this is an option if you want to stick with a
blind mag with your at one stock or whatever Boyds stock you fancy. Yeah you
can keep a blind mag in here but you can also ask to have it inletted for bottom
metal like this. This is the Accurate Mag aluminum bottom metal. It has a massive
trigger guard that comes with it so if you are shooting out in some cold
environments you can get your fat digits with your big ol gloves inside here, and
then it has a really nice lever right here. Drop-free magazine - this is steel -
and then this will also support other Accuracy International-pattern magazines
like the Magpul, and we're gonna see if we can run that in this gun. I'd like to
show how you can get a good rifle for multiple price points within this build.
We're going to keep this stock basically as-is except for this vertical panel but
at some point we're going to swap out this butt pad extension right here. With
this one this is an optional extra that you can get from Boyd's
and this allows you to raise and lower the butt pad so you can get a more
direct contact with your shoulder based on whatever shooting position that
you're in if you are a target shooter you can drop this down a whole bunch to
make good contact with kind of the meat of your of your your pec and then you
can raise this up if you are shooting prone there's also a part that we can
swap in here that will allow us to actually can't this butt pad so that it
gets a bit more solid contact with our shoulder since we are not built along
very linear lines it's nice to be able to take a butt pad and be able to kind
of kick it off at an angle like this it just fits a little neater into the
shoulder another way that we're going to be able to show off a different price
point and a different stock option altogether is this right here this is
the GRS Bifrost this is a brand new stock I did a review a while back on the
Berzerk, which is an extremely comfortable prone stock and actually
it's really good offhand to that one was a little bit heavier this
one is lighter and this has changed up some things quite a bit you still get
this offset grip you can see that it doesn't actually align with the rest of
the stock it's actually set off to the side and it's at an angle it's a really
funky thing but it works it is very very comfortable especially in the prone and
we're gonna do a full review on this stock and this one is going to take the
price point up quite a bit this is a very different beast but for those of
you that are a bit more well-heeled or you just want to be able to put more
into a rifle this is gonna be a really neat option even if you stick with the
original plastic stock there are some parts that we're all going to need we're
going to need a scope of some kind this is the SWFA SS 12x42 FFP scope all
milliradian all the way around they have an MOA one as well and yeah this thing
is great people have been asking me to check out SWFA for a good long while
and I can see why this is a very well-built scope great tracking and I'm
looking forward to doing some full testing with this I have shot this rifle
with this scope on it and yeah it just plain works we're also going to be
testing out one of the more popular models which is going to be one of the
fixed power I have a 12X that we're gonna check out and for our kind of
cheapest build overall or less expensive one we're gonna start with that I'm
actually going to take this scope off well swap over to 12 X for a little bit
and then we'll upgrade to this one a little later you can see that this is
actually mounted a little bit on the high side
so the parts that I'm showing right here I had to slap this together for that
shoot but we're gonna head in a different direction for the real build
what we're gonna use for a base is this 20 MOA mount from Weaver this is a
pretty long one we might have to trim it a little bit short but yeah this is
going to work out really well for us it's going to get us that extra
compensation that we need for a shooting at a mile because we're gonna have to
really put a lot of dope into the scope and
we're gonna have we're gonna need as much elevation adjustment as we can get
so we're gonna pop this on there I have links to all the parts that we're going
to be using on this rifle I'm gonna put them down in the description box make
sure you check all those out if you want to go ahead and just build this rifle
the same way that I am all those parts are gonna be waiting for you down there
and one of the issues that you can see okay the scope is sitting really high I
want to get this lower to the bore so what we're gonna do is we're gonna swap
in these right here both of these are weaver rings these are
for whole tactical rings Picatinny bases right here and then these are the low
ones these are mediums we're gonna kick this down to low we want to get as close
down to here as we possibly can if you do buy one of the SWF a scopes go ahead
and grab one of these sunshades right here you're really gonna need this if
you're shooting into a sunset or a sunrise these are really handy one of
the biggest questions people have about building a long-range rifle is which
scope to pick I'm going to give you a few different options we're gonna have a
whole video where we break down which scopes I might prefer for this rifle
we're gonna show off some Falcons like this one this is the one I had on the
last project rifle this is the M 18 plus we're gonna take a look at some
Bushnell's and a really slick one from Nikon we're going to show a number of
price points now for stability we're going to need a reliable rest if we're
going to hit things at a mile what you see right here is the Caldwell
lightweight bipod I think that's what they call it I'll put a link down in the
description like I mentioned earlier this is a very good bipod for field use
it's not all that rigid this does can't back-and-forth it still gets the job
done and this is one that we might use for some of our more practical
challenges like maybe out hunting this is a relatively tall bipod and that is
the kind of thing that I want to be able to get over grass if we're out in a
real-world situation if we're in a more range situation I think we're going to
be using a kind of lower Blackhawk this back here is the protector leather rear
bag this is another one that I'll put a link to this is an excellent rear bag
that has a kind of notch that cradles the the butt back here and you can slide
this back and forth to change your elevation all of these parts should add
up well but we do need to go through a few techniques we're going to bed the
base to the action we're going to bed the action to the stock and we're gonna
do and you know pillars at the front and at the rear and we're gonna do a full
epoxy bed as well we're also going to check out the front up here so make sure
that you don't miss any of these videos so that you can properly a cure eyes
your rifle as well some of these might be familiar to you some of these might
be a little bit weird once we have all this in place though and we've
eliminated variables we've turned the rifle into a constant now it's time to
address the next big variable which is ammunition we're gonna take a look at a
couple of factory ammos right here we have American Eagle 140 grain these are
excellent open tip match in all the rifles that I've tested this so far
this has worked out very well this one has been a little bit more finicky the
CMM G loved this but some of the other rifles like the savage stealth evolution
and the model 10 gr s did not really like it
we're talking about like inch and 1/2 groups somewhere up in there but this
one with its longer barrel might be better set up for that but what we're
really gonna do to get maximum accuracy out of this if you guys have a hand
loading set up we're gonna go through all that naturally we won't be able to
show it on youtube because they're really cranky about well basically
anything they hate our guts but one of the things that they really throw a fit
about is hand loading so we're gonna have to post this somewhere else we're
going to put these videos out on some other kind of platform and then show
them on the reloaders network we can get all kinds of great reloading information
I'll link to all that when it eventually comes around but some of the bullets
that we're going to get into we have all of these except for one or 140 grain we
have a one and eight twist in this barrel so we can handle some kind of
heavier bullets but we have the new spear gold dot these are turning out
very very well I'm a huge fan and these will be great for practical shooting if
we're out hunting hogs or whatever deer these are
gonna be great 140 grains spear hot core these are
another good hunting round not as slick as these these have a flat base so
they're gonna be four more kind of closer range shooting and then we have
140 grain BT HP match from Hornady these have worked very well in all the rifles
that we've tested so far definitely well sub mo way down below half em away even
without doing some really crazy hand loading these come out really well these
are the heavier bullets we're gonna try out these are 147 grain eld em bullets
and we're gonna see how these doing this rifle we have that little bit of extra
barrel length we're gonna get a little extra velocity these might work out
great and the powder we're gonna use for everything is going to be real odor 16
this has worked out very well in my hand loads so far this is what I've been
counting on to get very reliable performance in any kind of temperatures
or other weather situations one last note about the savage 12 FV keep your
eyes on the Cabela's Flyers these rifles go on sale for that hundred
bucks off every six months or so I'm not exactly sure how often they do it but it
might actually coincide with a savage rebate as well I actually picked this
rifle up for the same price as that savage axis a couple years ago 220 bucks
thanks a heap to patrons of the destructive arts you guys purchase the
rifle itself and some of the parts that we'll be attaching to it
thank you Peter our 300 Win Mag patron and to our newest patrons sportsmen
guide who's coming in at the 338 Lapua Magnum level you guys are keeping the
lights on around here keeping the project rifles coming and actually if
anybody else wants to chip in a buck or two a month I'll put a link to patreon
in the description box or somewhere around here
because we have some other projects coming up in the future the next rifle
coming on the heels of this one is going to head in a totally different direction
but I think a lot of you guys are going to find it interesting and practical
anyway I also want to thank some of the manufacturers that have provided some of
the gear that we're going to be testing on this rifle we have SWF
providing scopes for this Boyd's bring it in this stock accurate mag with the
bottom metal and magazine that you see right here
GRS with this stock and then I think we're gonna be playing with some scopes
from Bushnell so yeah thank thank you very much to the various corporate
sponsors that have kind of added some of the gear that we can play with here make
sure that you subscribe hit that notification bell so that you know when
new videos come out this is going to be a multi-part series and you don't want
to skip any one of the parts in here they're all gonna add up to a rifle that
in the end I think is going to be very capable even out at a mile thanks for
watching if you like this video be sure to like share and most importantly
subscribe even if you didn't like this particular content go ahead and
subscribe there's probably something coming that's more up your alley check
out this playlist right here this is going to have videos in a similar vein
to what you just watched these two videos we cherry picked for you and
finally the social regressive is on patreon so you can become a patron of
the destructive arts and earn some goodies while helping us to provide high
quality videos just by kicking us a few bucks a month thanks a bunch for your
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) life sentence: cheating - Duration: 5:44.
Life sentence: cheating Jerry Springer Show (10/26/2018) - Duration: 6:11.
BTS answer Google's most searched questions - Duration: 4:42.
JK: Yes, and I wish I lived in France so I wouldn't have to share the same air as these 6 idiots
NJ: I don't call Jin daddy, I swear he is lying
NJ: I cry myself to sleep every night because of these idiots
NJ: Jungkook is adopted but we haven't told him yet
NJ: J-Hope has his nipples pierced, I saw it with my own eyes
NJ: Jimin has nudes of Jungkook stored under his bed
JK: Oh my God
[FREE] Niska x Ninho x 13 Block Type Beat 2018 - "Ville" | (Prod. Chrisville) - Duration: 2:56.
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How to Make Pumpkin Soup - A fall classic made the easy way. - Duration: 8:03.
I'm Chef Moses and welcome to my kitchen today because fall is in the air
and today it's in the air real heavily I thought we'd make a pumpkin
soup I've got all the details coming up
if you like this video please don't forget to give me a thumbs up and if you
would like to see more please subscribe I post new videos right here every
weekend just for you pumpkin soup everywhere you look there
are pumpkins out for Halloween should be treating and when you're done making
your jack-o'-lanterns it's time for pumpkin soup but not a lot of people
know that to take a pumpkin roast it down and get the right flavor you need a
sweet pumpkin not a normal pumpkin and it's a lot of work and robbery throwing
up the seasons and stuff so let's make it easy let's do it the non-traditional
way for this pumpkin soup we're going to need three cups of pumpkin puree one
onion chopped 2 cloves of garlic teaspoon of sea salt half a teaspoon of
ground cinnamon half a teaspoon of fresh nutmeg 1/8 of a teaspoon of cloves 4
cups of vegetable broth half a cup of heavy cream 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
and a quarter cup of toasted pumpkin seeds so let's get our veggies ready
we'll we'll start with the garlic and we just want to basically chop up the
garlic we're going to saute this in the soup pot itself our immersion blender
will take most of it and for our onion again we just want to chop it up half it
and then slice it up
there's our aromatics ready to go we don't want a lot of a lot of additional
flavors in here we're looking for that pumpkin pie flavor so I've got my heavy
cream my pumpkin seeds my pureed pumpkin maple syrup I've got my cinnamon oh and
I've got my cloves and of course I don't have nutmeg I don't have spices and
nutmeg I actually ground my own and for a dollar and a half you know nutmeg
grinder and the way you go first thing we have to do is get our aromatics going
and to do that we'll turn up our pot to a media
hi and because it's a pumpkin I don't want to add olive oil to this I just
want to use a yeah I just want to use a generic oil so I'll put in about a
tablespoon and a quarter of rapeseed oil let that come up to temperature as well
and we need to open up the pumpkin puree as well and this is not pumpkin filling
it's just a pumpkin puree all right my pot is coming up the temperature the oil
is starting to starting to move around a little better but I don't see it I don't
see it talking to me I don't see a shimmering yet get a frying pan heat
that up to a medium-high as well because I want to toast the pumpkin seeds if you
see a tail going by that's just dashed and doing his thing
no I've got smoke just starting to happen we're gonna add our aromatics so
our onions in there garlic to the pot give it a quick stir so everything gets
coated in the oil not the heat down a little bit and season you always want to
season with pepper and salt you don't want to do a lot baby steps in the end
when you have to taste it it won't be over solving and we just want this to
saute down so that the onions and the garlic are cooked we don't want them
caramelize or anything like that we just want them nicely nicely cooked for this
pumpkin soup and that should only take a couple of seconds while that's happening
I'm going to take my unroasted unsalted pumpkin seeds put them right in the pan
flatten them out so that they start to absorb some of the heat so this is
important don't add your pumpkin puree right away because it will burn so we're
gonna make sure we add our vegetable sup we're gonna add about four cups which is
about a liter Canadian wise four cups for our friends in the US
and this helps cool it down so that when you add your you're ready or not you're
not burning it there we go so a nice little sodium vegetable broth that you
can buy in the store don't forget to keep your seeds moving and flipping
around all right now I want to add my places they'll actually spread a lot
better in the liquid with a pumpkin to a bunch up on so I've added my cinnamon my
clove I'm going to add my maple syrup and I'm not going to use my kosher salt
I'm actually going to use real sea salt I've got to add some nutmeg this is the
fun part just grinding the nutmeg so I never smelled the fresh nutmeg nutmeg
seed and then we'll start to add our pumpkin puree wait said three cups about
750 milliliters right into the can and already it smells like Thanksgiving I'll
start to mix it up and you'll see it'll break down and get
thicker and what I wanted to do now is bring this up to temperature
I don't want it a hard boil but I do want it to I do want a hard simmer so to
speak and I won't add the cream until near the end all right this is 5 or 6
minutes our pumpkin seeds are nicely toasted you can tell they turn brown
still a little bit of green on them and every now and then they'll snap like a
snap crackle pop take the pumpkin seeds out of the pan and set them aside for
garnish perfectly roasted pumpkin seeds so now with the immersion blender you
want to blend up all your pumpkin soup and you don't want to start your blender
now put it in because you'll be in a mess put your blender in turn around
you're gonna want to do this probably for about a minute or so until you don't
see any big pieces of garlic or big pieces of onion so after you have your
soup pureed you want to add your cream and that just lightens it up and makes
it more smell more pumpkin II but it also adds some fat to the soup which
makes it very very hard all right let's plate up some pumpkin
soup grab a ladle full as you can see nice and smooth mmm it smells great
let's dollop of cream right in the middle I'm actually gonna take the
skewer and just move to clean the boat a little bit it looks pretty and then
we'll garnish it with some of the pumpkin seeds put these on very gently
very lightly and hopefully they'll sit on the top and there is pumpkin soup or
pumpkin pie in a bowl which ever way you would like it a just for you I hope you
enjoyed if you like this video please don't forget to give me a thumbs up and
I post videos like this every week so please subscribe also if you'd like more
information head over to my blog the personal chef dot blog where I post this
recipe that you can print off thank you very much for watching I look forward to
helping you cook better eat healthier and shop smarter
Caroline Forbes&Lizzie Saltzman | Bad at Love - Duration: 1:00.
Some girls just like the bad boys.
Guys like you make me nervous
Guys like me?
You know.
I sort of made a point in my life
of,uh,keeping clear of girls like you.
You and me, that's not gonna happen.
Letras russas | Aprenda a ler em russo | Aula 1 - Duration: 18:58.
Com otimismo, Bolsa fecha em alta | Minuto Eleven 26/10 - Duration: 2:00.
[LEGENDADO] Steve Aoki fala sobre "Waste It On Me" e responde perguntas sobre o BTS - Duration: 3:16.
Is Everywhere: 7 Shocking Exposure To Fluoride Hazards - Duration: 4:53.
More and more people are looking to on the ingredients contained in the products
that they consume, as well as their potential risks the health.
One of these ingredients is fluoride, present in the majority of oral hygiene products that
we found to buy.
It is not new that fluoride is good for the prevention of cavities.
However, levels considered safe for Ingestion of fluoride has been cause for concern,
due to the abundant exposure we have to this mineral.
Fluoride, when consumed in low doses for a long period of time, may have
significant collaterals such as colic and abdominal pain, weakness, nausea, loss of
weight among others.
Your excess consumption can speed up processes aging, cause changes in the
immune system and genetic damage, reduce thyroid function and cause problems
bones, teeth and brain.
One study also associated fluoride with a higher incidence of cancer.
For these reasons, many experts reduce excessive exposure to fluoride,
thus avoiding further problems in the future.
In addition to changing the toothpaste, there are many other products you must provide
In today's video we'll show you some these products and what to do to reduce
its exposure to fluorine: Tea and Kombucha Many people look for tea in an alternative
for coffee.
Unfortunately, many of the teas sold in supermarkets contains high levels of
fluorine in its composition.
This applies to the teas of the camellia family sinensis: chamomile, black tea, white and green.
Even Kombucha made with these teas does not escape this statistic.
But this should not be a reason to stop drink tea.
Teas also bring many benefits for health, therefore, moderation is the
key when it comes to consuming your favorite tea.
Cookware teflon Cookware with non-stick surface
are very practical in day-to-day life, a fact.
But what many do not know is that the cookware are made of polymers with fluorine.
When heated, these cookware can release up to 3 times more fluoride in food.
A healthier alternative to these pans would be made of beaten iron,
stainless steel, glass and clay.
Fruits and vegetables Everyone who thinks about following a diet
the healthier you know the importance of vegetables and fruits in our diet.
When it comes to fluoride, they can be a great source of this mineral.
The problem is that foods are grown and treated with pesticides
the fluoride base and end up absorbing large part of it.
Even drinks like wine can have concentration of fluorine, depending on the
of how they were grown.
The solution?
Choose organic fruits and vegetables.
Processed meats If you eat meat, you should also
Many animals are raised on based on grains that were treated with pesticides
based on fluorine.
This mineral can be found in its largest part in your bones.
For this reason, stews and bone soup may contain significant amounts of fluoride.
Processed chicken meat, such as nuggets, in the process of boning may also end
with higher concentration of fluoride of bones.
To reduce exposure to fluoride the ideal is to avoid these foods.
It is important to remember that during cooking, many people end up using tap water,
which in many countries contains fluorine.
There are many other foods that can contain fluoride, but following the tips in this video,
you can significantly reduce consumption.
However, thyme tea has been shown to be quite effective in combating and treating these diseases. - Duration: 3:14.
Powerful excellent tea to treat lupus arthritis fibromyalgia and sclerosis
multiple some diseases to date challenge the
traditional medicine because they arise without cause and are never cured
specialists who diagnose and treat such diseases can not
find the root of the problem the maximum able to keep patients at
rest of life on the management of drugs that just challenged a little breakthrough
of evil among these diseases are lupus
multiple sclerosis rheumatoid arthritis and profit for example one fibromyalgia
great challenge it is an autoimmune disease that can
appear at any time in our life
lupus is characterized by a change in of the immune system that can attack
tele ends joints lungs vessels blood cells system
between other organs and tissues like any autoimmune disease your
cause is still unclear. Multiple sclerosis is another
difficult treatment it affects the nervous system
specifically the brain and spinal cord spinal
in the case of multiple sclerosis, the system of the body confuses cells
healthy with inclusions and attacks causing brain damage
if you suffer from any of these diseases besides the traditional search
natural alternatives the medicine of nature can also
help in these cases there are many treatment
in this post we will teach one of these options This is the thyme tea that
wonderful medicinal plant 20 stores of natural products or seasonings and
spices has several properties therapies
it is a source of potassium iron and calcium is a plant and power hour ie aid
to control high blood pressure furthermore stimulates the production of
red blood cells and boxing generation blood in natural medicine thyme is
widely used to improve digestion to fight anemia as an antibiotic
against rheumatism as relaxing and improving the
brain function to prepare the thyme tea you go
need a spoonful of ingredients dry or fresh maize soup
tablespoon grated ginger two cups of water
prepare the water to boil over high heat
When starting to bubble, turn on the ginger cook for three minutes in
low fire near to turn off the fire add the thyme to cover the pan and
remove from the stove let cool for 10 minutes or so and drink
consume two cups per day to treat any of the above diseases
one glass before lunch and another glass before bedtime
if you liked the short video and if subscribe to the channel and do not
share with your friends until Next video bye bye
Meet Asuna! - An Introduction - Sword Art Online Wikia - Duration: 2:14.
Meet Yuuki Asuna, the girl with the chestnut colored hair who had a comfortable life with
her wealthy family in Setagaya, an upper-class ward of Tokyo.
However, on November 6, 2022, her life was abruptly going to change…
Asuna's brother was not one of the people who waited in lines to get one of the 10000
copies of Sword Art Online and got his copy through personal connections, but had to abruptly
leave before the launch due to a business trip and it was Asuna who grabbed the NerveGear
to try it out.
An act that would trap her inside a Death Game…
Shocked by the situation she found herself in after Kayaba Akihiko's introduction,
it took Asuna 2 weeks to snap out of the shock and leave the room she rented in the Town
of Beginnings.
Refusing the idea of a death game defeating her mentally, Asuna fearlessly started hunting
monsters, not caring about being cautious, risking her life in the process.
She wasn't scared of dying, as she considered it to be inevitable, but a boy named Kirito
would offer her a new perspective early on in the game.
She didn't get what he was hinting at at the time.
The world around them was only data and Asuna used to think that every day she spent in
Aincrad, was a day she lost in real life.
She had cried and fought without a break.
But one day, she saw the boy in black, taking a nap in the shade of a tree.
She scolded the boy for slacking off, but his reply was calm.
It was Aincrad's best season, with the best weather parameters possible, so according
to him, it would be a waste to spend this day in a dungeon.
Asuna realized that even in a world like Aincrad, he was doing his best to live.
Thanks to the boy, Asuna saw that the days she was spending in Aincrad, did not have
to be days lost in real life…
They could have been days that she gained in Aincrad instead…
Soon after, she stopped having nightmares and started to look forward to seeing him
For the first time since she stepped on the floating castle of Aincrad, she was feeling
For more information on Asuna and the various situations she finds herself in as well as
more on Sword Art Online, visit Sword Art Online Wikia and follow us on twitter @SAO_Wikia
for the most recent news on the series!
Đưa người đàn ông nhiều sữa nhất thế giới đến với người nghèo - Duration: 20:21.
Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho in fresh security issue after Old Trafford walk - Duration: 3:11.
After traffic delays in the Old Trafford area, Mourinho opted to walk from the Hilton Garden Inn hotel to the stadium
Mourinho was flanked by security as he made the 0.75-mile walk while his Manchester United players remained on the team bus, which eventually arrived at the stadium
But the Daily Mail say Mourinho wanted the players to join him in walking to the ground
The report says security intervened and said the players had to remain on board because there was not enough people to escort the manager and the squad
Speaking to BT Sport, Mourinho fumed at the traffic issues which meant United arrived at Old Trafford around 7
09pm, with kick off at 8pm. "We change hotel, it's just around the corner," he said
"The players are in the bus for 45 minutes. "I walked, with a hoodie, in the middle of the fans, nobody recognised me
I took two minutes! What I do in two minutes walking, the players cannot do in 45 minutes on the bus
But Juventus is having the same kind of problem "I have informed the Uefa delegate about the situation because we don't want to be punished again
" United went on to lose 1-0 to Juventus courtesy of a Pablo Dybala goal. Last week, United were fined £13,200 by UEFA after they were late arriving for their 0-0 draw against Valencia earlier this month and kick-off was delayed by five minutes
On that occasion, Mourinho blamed the Greater Manchester Police for not providing an escort for United
"We left the hotel at six o'clock, hoping that 30 minutes would be enough," he said
"Which normally is but this time the police refused to do an escort so we come by ourselves
"And we took from the Lowry Hotel, 75 minutes. "And Uefa were nice, the referee was nice to allow us to start the game five minutes later because we at least need half an hour to be prepared but was not a problem with the club organisation
"We anticipate everything that it could be dangerous, in the sense of arriving late but we were informed the police refused an escort
Doomguy's Warzone Platinum Edition [Doom mod] - Duration: 13:10.
As it seems, there are other Doomguy's Warzone editions out there, besides the original. If if worths, I can
show these here as well, although I doubt that'll be able to make videos without inappropriate content.
By the way, I loaded every single add-on that came in the mod's package. There are about five of them.
It made me want to watch Beavis and Butthead now.
Don't expect a consistent enemies style. This looks like an Æons of Death trying to be edgy.
Like almost every randomizer mod, you have to be lucky to not encounter some tough monster right away.
Some sprites are old acquaintances of ours, others, I prefer not knowing where they came from.
I also want to watch the old Simpsons, in particular, the episode that has The Adventures
of Ned Flanders: "everyone who counts love Ned Flanders!" ♫♪
As you can see, some pick-ups are stacked in inventory.
Look the mess that may appear instead of the Wolfenstein SS.
I'll let this mini-Baron of Hell go.
Some enemies like this broad here could be used in a serious mod, just need to switch sound effects.
Now, I went to this map to test more guns and this giant Commander Keen spawned and took too long to
Die. The good thing is that you could see more enemies. Some are even kinda macabre, like the It's head.
It's better not to show some guns to avoid being demonetized.
This brown ball there reminded me of the Langoliers.
This item there that looks like the Star Trek's communicator spawns these allied green skulls.
As I said, you can play it Freedoom without major issues. Maybe, some weird sprites can show up,
on the maps, but what's not weird about this mod?
I think that It didn't show up instead of the Lost Souls in this match, only Krusty's head.
I think I'll miss to show some weapons here, but it's enough to give you this PWAD's general idea.
Despite all the ridicule and absurd themes, it can be challenging to play it with this unbalanced
difficulty. Also, the sheer quantity of new things can stimulate exploration here.
You can get more information and the mod's download in the video's description as usual. Cheers!
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