Hey what is up you guys it is me, Nicole Birdy and today we are going to
be talking about a giant theory that I have put together and I'm pretty proud of
if I do say so myself which I do or is it if I don't say so myself? It doesn't matter...
If you want to know one thing about me is that I
love audio dramas! They're podcasts that are fictional and they tell a story,
I've grown up on these from like, Adventures in Odyssey, and that's the only one I can
think of but, I grew up watching them! Or listening to them and I found these
about two years ago and I've just fallen in love ever since. So today we are going
to be talking about these shows right here here's a list [no there isn't]
they include ars PARADOXICA, Wolf 359 The Bright Sessions, Station to Station,
Under Pressure, The Lavender Ladies, Project Ozma... I have a list right here
don't by me reading. Steal the Stars Marsfall, Tides, The Strange Case of
Starship Iris, 2298, EOS 10, Inkwyrm, Dining in the Void, We Fix Space Junk,
and Girl in Space. Yes! 17 shows... it is a lot, it is a really big theory. And right
here [nope] are the shows that you want to get caught up on if you don't want spoilers
these have very big spoilers. They include ars PARADOXICA, Wolf 359,
The Bright Session, Steal the Stars, The Strange Case of Starship Iris, 2298,
We Fix Space Junk, and Girl in Space! These are all some key points in the theory
and I recommend getting caught up on those if you don't want spoilers.
And if you don't mind spoilers then continue on ahead!
And if you want to check out any of these shows, I'm going to put links in
the description to their websites or Twitter or whatever and you should
definitely go check them out they all include sci-fi some kind, or some are just
lifestyle; they're all really really good shows that I really recommend them.
And before you begin I do want to note that I am not actually caught up on all these
shows. ars PARADOXICA, Marsfalls, and EOS 10 are shows
currently working on catching up with. But! My theory still stands with the
shows. So, we are going to continue on to the theory and I have divided the theory
up into a three parts!
One the beginning of space travel and Earth's discovery of extraterrestrial life.
Two, a time of peace.
and three, the destruction of the universe. Sounds exciting doesn't it?
Alright so if you don't want spoilers for these shows I have mentioned, turn away now come back
when you're caught up but if you want to continue on this little theory journey
with me then let's continue! Also please forgive me for
mispronouncing a lot of words because it's gonna happen.
We begin with the events of ars PARADOXICA. Sometime in a 21st century, the exact year is unknown
Dr. Sally Grissom is sucked back in time to about 1944. Her story continues over
here it's 1944 in 1955 ish with a few jumps back in twenty twenty first century.
Key organizations at this time our ODAR which were originally, as we
found out in The Bright Sessions crossover, was a scientific group but
then they kind of turned into a secret government organization.
Not entirely sure what goes on, cause again I'm not caught up, but those are
I guess key organizations so basically that's the event, and time travel is
discovered, and all that. As mentioned in Wolf 359, humans made a first contact
with aliens in the year 1978, exciting year! This occurred on the U.S.S. Tiamat
which was stationed around the star Procyon. Aliens otherwise known as
dear listeners took the forms of crew members and multiplied at an alarming rate and
they all had the memories of the people they were taking the place of.
so there were like, two Sally's, two Maria's; I don't know the names right now but it got alarming
and food dwindled down, everyone began the panic and no one knew who the real,
like, original person was and it was kind of scary.
this continued on until commander
Elizabeth Zhang, forgive me for mispronouncing her name, self-destructed
the station. Just killed everyone was just like "we can't, we can't how these
aliens going to earth! It's going to be mass chaos and people are going to die!"
so instead she chose to sacrifice and it's kinda sad actually...
This event would lead Goddard Futuristics, which was in charge of the
mission, to search out extraterrestrial life and they would continue this
journey for decades. Key employees of Goddard Futuristics are Marcus Cutter
and Dr. Miranda Pryce. We should also note that these people are really old!
We know they've undergone a few modifications and by few I mean a lot,
and they're a lot older than the average lifespan it's unknown exactly how old
they are, but they do have the technology apparently to expand- to extend average
life. But it's also unknown to the public so it's kind of a secret but we do have
the technology. On January 16, 2010, Captain Isabel Lovelace and her
crew will reach the Hephaestus. In late March 2013,
Renée Minkowski's mission is launched into space and soon afterwards
they will also reach the Hephaestus, but Captain Isabel Lovelace and her crew are not there.
If you want more details on that, you should check out Wolf 359!
We know for a fact that by 1978 long distance space
travel and staying around a star, a different star than our own, is already
possible! The U.S.S. Tia-Tiamat? [Nicky has trouble speaking whoops]
The U.S.S. Tiamat already proved that people can
travel across stars and it's not known how long and how far they can go but
it's possible. And so by 2010 imagine how like, upgraded
that technology is and this is technology kept from the public!
The public doesn't know about this! And by this time like, they already know there are
alien life-forms out there and so they're sending people to go find these
life-forms and people and it's kinda mess but you know it's pretty cool.
The Events of Wolf 359 will lead the human absolute knowledge that there are indeed
aliens, they have evidence, and this is all because of our wonderful Eiffel who
has come into contact with the Dear Listeners. After the events of the show
can be assumed that news of extraterrestrial life spread from
contractor to private contractor to secret government organizations and you
know a something for that news. It began to spread slowly throughout groups
of people, and just remained away from the public. Shortly after the events of Wolf 359
and the Hephaestus crew returns to Earth, the events of The Bright Session,
Station to Station, Under Pressure, and The Lavender Ladies can occur which is
about 2017, 2018. You know, modern day from when I'm recording this. In the events of
The Bright Sessions, which was a great crossover episode, Sam Barnes comes into
contact with An- Anthony, I'm gonna butcher this name please forgive me
Anthony Partridge who occurs on ars PARADOXICA.
I don't know who he is but we come into contact with him and we find out that
they're in a black room outside of time. Anthony is from October 8th, 1943
While Sam is from 2016. We find out the events of ars PARADOXICA and the knowledge
that time travel exists is not public knowledge by and we can like,
decipher this by Sam being utterly confused about what's going on.
Key organizations of 2016 are The AM, which does research on atypicals, which
are people who have special skills and abilities. Basically they have superpowers
as we see in the events of The Bright Sessions. The director of this
organization is Ellie Wadsworth. Shortly after The Bright Sessions, the events
of Station to Station, Under Pressure and The Lavender Ladies play out. They're just
included in the theory because that's what's going on in the world it's
pretty modern day. Technology's evolving, knowledge is growing; as we see from
Station to Station & Under Pressure, they have higher tech than we do in our own
modern world but might just because they are on research stations or whatever.
And the exact year for these shows are not exactly known but it's modern day and
still throughout all this, the general public remains unaware of alien life.
Around the year 2020, a top-secret organization, so secret that even the
government doesn't really know about it, sends two individuals to the Ozma Station.
The events of Project Ozma play out which is where these two individuals
will come into contact, like real actual contact, with aliens at a conference.
It's the first real step to humanity becoming one with the intergalactic universe.
My prediction for the show is that alien life forms and that if they're aliens will
remain not known to the public that they'll keep this under wraps. All hush hush
you know I mean? And also around this time we will see more
private contractors coming to the knowledge of there's alien life
as we can see in the events of Steal the Stars, which probably occur around 2025
is my guess? Just a few years later. the events of Steal the Stars will play out
and as we see as the show ends, big spoiler, aliens take over! There is this
alien life form called The Moss that takes over humans and pretty much uses
them as a host and we can kinda assume that humans know aliens exist after, that you know?
Alien moss is gonna be taking over people, I think people are gonna know what's going on
My prediction is a large percentage of the human population mostly, in North America,
somewhat in Central America, is taken over by The Moss. Europe and Asia and
Africa and everyone else across the ocean will band together to fight
The Moss but then more people will get lost because this alien race is kind of
indestructible and humans are like "we want to leave please!" and so some kind of
treaty will be made out where The Moss can stay and like North America, Central
America, and everyone else will be left alone. And maybe offering some people as
tribute or whatever we don't really know. But hopefully you survive question mark?
That's my prediction. And also around this time we should be noting that
people are leaving Earth. By 2074, there will be a colony on Mars as seen
in MarsFalls. By the late 21st century or early 22nd century, the events of
Tides will occur. It's a really big step in the human discovery of other life
because we're exploring we're going across stars now and we're exploring
life-forms and planets that we never thought we were going to see. From there
we see humans discovery of life forms that are smarter than themselves. They build
technology, humans are growing, and we're learning about our own universe and you know,
the universe becomes a little bit smaller cause we can see everything.
Then the humans will face a life-form unlike anything they've ever seen before.
A few years before 2191,
A great war will break out between the humans and the Dwarnians. Important
governments note are the IGR and the Dwarnian Federation. This all occurs in
The Strange Case of Starship Iris. So the humans will go to war against these
aliens and will "win," but as we later find out the Dwarnians just got bored.
They could have easily wiped out the humans and kind of scary.
The events of The Strange Case of Starship Iris will play out. At this time
it is important to note that the universe is being colonized by humans.
There are multiple planets and asteroids and they're all being colonized by these
humans, but there's not so much of mixing of races between aliens and humans, we're
not entirely sure why maybe this is just a group of humans or maybe it's all of
human population, but they're not really tolerant of aliens yet, or extraterrestrial life.
excuse me! Over time, gradually they will grow to
accept their extraterrestrial neighbors and life will get a lot better. Hopefully.
By 2098, ha ha ha title of the show, over a
century later, things have changed! The IDR is no longer in power and
instead different private contractors will have more power over the universe; one of
these being Caldwell Enterprises. All other their names are unknown at this time but
there are gonna be other people because Caldwell Enterprises doesn't own everything.
A portion of humanity lives cut off from the rest of the universe in a simulation
is what we're assuming it is with just the internet, that's all they have.
And they live this life, given numbers as names. 24, one of these individuals,
will break free from his group and run away into space on The Cavatica 2099
with an unnamed of women who is a Girl in Space! haha! One day these two will become
the parents of X from Girl in Space, but that's gonna come later they're both
important but not at this time. It's mostly unknown what becomes of them but
we learn by Chen in Girl in Space that they've been gone for 30 years.
Personally though I don't think this fact is 100% correct, I think we're being misled by
the writers a little bit. The reason for this is one, Chen doesn't say which
calendar he's using. We don't know if there's an Earth calendar, or Pluto
calendar, or just a completely different calendar. We don't know what calendar they
used but also the knowledge that Ra, a star, like a star in the sky, that the
Cavatica is going around, is man-made! It's a man-made star! But people don't
know that and people would notice. Astrologist, people who study the stars,
would say something and know something and that should be public knowledge.
Also if you're traveling across space you don't want to- it would have to be put in
the chart or else you're gonna be zooming through the sky and suddenly *boom*
You blow up because you ran into a star. So it has to have been long enough
that people just accept that the star is in the sky, but thirty years is not
enough time. So I think it's actually been a few thousand years.
This is where we enter our time of peace it's not really a very long time, we don't
really have a lot to say on it cause it's mostly it's just, you know, peaceful a
great time to be alive. The events of EOS 10, Inkwyrm, Dining in the Void will all
occur during this time. My prediction is EOS 10 occurs around 3014
Inkwyrm takes place and 3017, as stated in the show, and will continue into
3018 where Dining in the Void will continue out and its show will play out.
Key organizations at this time to note are the Inkwyrm family and a group
just called The Family. They are not very much talked about but they are there I
think some past governments or whatever, organizations, have kind of morphed into
this or at least integrated into it. These are key factors. We should also
note that earth is united under one government as stated in, or kind of
hinted at in Dining in the Void because a character named Mars is part of Earth's
military; not a specific government but Earth as a whole. During this time
life forms are at peace with one another many species will travel across space,
and will go in the same stations, learn about each other, and knowledge will be
spread [Fumbles over words] Knowledge will spread, art will be made, information will
be learned, and new technologies will form, and just it's a great time to be
alive, you know? It's like a golden era if you will, a renaissance for the universe.
And then sadly this leads to the universe is gonna be habitable and die. Two rival corporations
will rise to power and they are called Automnicon and The Trapp Mining Corporation
as seen in We Fix Space Junk. The two will fight for power and
all the events of We Fix Space Junk will occur, which I predict will
happen over a few hundred years. We learned that Earth has died and humans
can't live there anymore. Humans are actually scattered across the universe
living on different planets and interbreeding with other species
and you know it happens. The two corporations will fight each other to a
universal war and everything will be destroyed. Eventually their names will
change, but their power will still be there. My prediction is a Automnicon will
merge with Caldwell Enterprises, because you know, bigger stronger better; and the
Trapp Mining Corporation will form The Empress Conglomerate along with a few
other smaller but still powerful corporations. And we will see these
both arrive in Girl in Space. This war will destroy everything. People can no
longer survive on planets and it's gonna be a big mess. Those who are left will
have to find some other way to survive and band together and search out the
last bits of life which's on X's station, The Cavatica, and the events of Girl in
Space will take place. It's unknown what will happen next, as of this theory Girl
in Space is as far as we've gone into the travel of this theory. That's as
far as we're going. My prediction is it takes place around the year 3836?
something like that? I don't know, it's gonna be a really far in the future but it's still
happening. It's unknown what will happen next
Girl in Space to still an ongoing show and maybe it'll answer our questions of
what happens after the universe is uninhabitable. will X somehow be
able to help? Like, revive planets? Or will they all be living on
space stations forever growing their own food in greenhouses? Maybe Girl in Space
will have the answers to these questions or maybe another show will pop up
showing and telling us the story of after the universe dies. Only time will
really tell. And that's my theory! It's kind of open-ended because these shows
aren't finished yet and, well like I said, time will only tell what's
going to happen. Maybe there are more shows up into the theory about I just
haven't found yet and maybe you know them! If you do you should totally
comment below or tweet at me and we'll just talk about this it'll be cool and fun,
we'll have a discussion about it! Theorize! Let's do this! Maybe more shows
will pop up in the future and will change the theory, that's okay! But this
was something I really enjoyed thinking about, I like these kind of things
they're always fun! Big universe theory! So yeah! let me guys, let me know what you
guys- what guys think! If you like this video give it a big thumbs up, maybe
share it with some friends? Uh, yeah!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! *blows kiss* <3
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