If you're feeling insecure about your cosplay skills, having troubles trying to find a supportive
Cosplay Community, or even if you are overwhelmed just trying to find all the techniques you
want to learn so you can take your foam builds to the next level and cosplay like a boss,
I can help.
In this video you'll see how The Build Guild can get you there easier and faster.
Hi, I'm Skyler Ostler, founder of The Build Guild and during our time together today,
I'm going to outline how you can become the Cosplayer you want to be.
But more importantly, I'm going to show you how to get there with a lot more ease.
And it's all because of the process I've developed behind The Build Guild.
However, before we get to the details, let's take a step back.
In order to become the Cosplayer you want to be, we've got to understand where you're
working from.
So what is it about your cosplay skills that has you wanting more?
And most importantly, why haven't you made the progress you know you're capable of?
Here's a quote I know to be true…
"Fear [of failure] kills more dreams than failure ever will."
Fear keeps you stuck… and it happens on a subconscious level.
Let's face it, dealing with trying to learn everything can be tough.
But worse are the negative thoughts and doubts that creep in.
And if you've ever asked yourself "what if no one recognizes my character or makes
fun of my cosplay?", it's ok.
That's totally normal.
To be honest, a lot of successful Cosplayers have had these very thoughts.
In fact, so did I. I remember wondering if my build would even look good once it was
all said and done.
Then I realized something.
I could let this become my truth and have it stop me from getting what I want.
Or I could tap into all that energy and time I spend on worrying - and channel it so it
gets me closer to my goals.
Because worrying takes a lot of energy, right?
You know how worn out it makes you feel!
So the great news is, if you feel this way it's actually a GOOD thing.
You've got all the strength you need, you just need to harness it and use it in a better
And nothing will make you feel better than taking action towards making your goal a reality.
But what actions to take?
I'll share that in just a few moments.
Before I get into it, let's look at the facts.
Every year, there are people just like you who are successfully learning to cosplay with
In fact, there are more people today who do this than ever before!
With all the information, tools and resources out there, it's never been easier.
Now, I didn't say it was easy.
Remember, old habits aren't easy to change!
But with what's available to us, right now is the absolute best time to make this happen.
Especially if you're committed to knowing how to become the cosplayer you want to be.
Because more importantly, that will help you gain the confidence you want in your builds.
How will that feel?
And think about having a community of other Cosplayers who are on the same journey as
you, all committed to creating, growing, improving, and making magic in their life.
This is the opportunity we have today, and it's why I'm so passionate about Cosplay.
This is the reason why I created The Build Guild.
So if you're new to cosplay, and you aren't sure how to get started, or you're an experienced
cosplayer and want to take your foam builds to the next level, The Build Guild can help.
So let's take a minute and talk about what's included in The Build Guild, and how it will
help you become the cosplayer you want to be easier and faster.
The Build Guild was specifically designed for Cosplayers.
And it's structured to break this down, step by step, and to show you what to focus
on to make big strides quickly.
It's broken down into monthly modules, and you get 4 deliverables per month.
In each module, I'll walk you through the process so you know exactly how to cosplay
with foam, without getting sidetracked by all the usual frustrations.
Here's a quick overview of what you'll learn in The Build Guild:
You will learn everything from foam basics and pattern making to lighting, electronics,
and working with other materials so that you can constantly improve and grow and become
the cosplayer you want to be!
As soon as you register for The Build Guild, you'll gain entry to the private Guild Hall
members area where you'll immediately gain access to all of my patterns and you'll
be able to get started with the first deliverable right away.
Every month you will get 4 deliverables with one being released at the beginning of each
Week 1 of each month will be a batch of 4-5 technique videos that will help you learn
and give you action items to practice each of the techniques.
Week 2 of each month you will implement the techniques you just learned by creating an
actual piece of armor.
I have designed a Fantasy armor set and a Sci-Fi armor that you can pick from so that
as you progress you will accumulate a full set of armor just from implementing what you
have learned.
Week 3 of each month is a week of Live Q&A's where I will be available to help answer any
and all questions you have after going through the lessons.
Week 4 of each month is an implementation week to catch up practice, rewatch, and cement
what you have learned and we also publish our community newsletter, "The Town Crier"
where we will celebrate big wins in the Community and Callout upcoming events and Conventions!
I know what it is like to be juggling a lot of things in life and having a limited amount
of time so the content is set up in quick easy to digest videos usually less than 5
mins long.
For the best results, we see members dedicating an easy to manage 30 minutes or less per week
to go through the material.
Of course, the time it takes to implement varies depending on your ability and experience.
But the good news is that you'll have access to the material for as long as you are a member
so you'll be able to reference it whenever you need, and as many times as you'd like!
And, you'll be fully supported with the Live Q&A's, the awesome Build Guild Members
Only Community on facebook, and more!
Know this…
The people who get the biggest benefit from The Build Guild are those that implement,
ask questions when they feel stuck, and are serious about getting into cosplay and are
willing to invest in themselves to make it happen.
People like James who asked for advice and adopted the FORGE process and in the span
of only 4 months went from never having touched EVA foam before to creating a phenomenal Black
Panther Helmet.…
Or someone like Myron who is a creative genius and has built incredible themed spaces but
had never worked with foam or made costumes.
After joining The Build Guild, After only a few lessons on the Foam-damentals he was
already creating full pieces of armor like a pro!
If you see yourself in any of the stories I just shared, and you once and for all want
to cosplay like a boss, The Build Guild is for you.
But before we go any further, let's also take an objective look at The Build Guild.
Who won't do well with this material?
It's not for anyone who just wants to "kind of" check things out.
You can't "kind of" cosplay like a boss.
Getting these types of results takes a commitment to succeed.
Would you want to fly with a pilot who "kind of" knew how to fly?
Or would you rather have a pilot who was committed to mastering the necessary skills.
It sounds like a silly example, but it's a perfect analogy.
The Build Guild is for people who have a positive attitude and are committed to doing what it
takes to cosplay like a boss.
If the intention and right attitude isn't there, this isn't the program for you and
it's best not to join.
How else are you supported through this process?
I've just added some brand-new extras which are designed to make it even easier for you
to get results.
I'm all about helping you become the cosplayer you want to be and I'm determined to make
this as simple as possible.
I've seen where people get stuck, and I've developed these bonuses to specifically answer
these challenges so you can bust through those roadblocks.
The first one is called The Complete Works.
If you're struggling with getting started on something or you are wanting some direction
on a specific character, this bonus will give you access to all of the Templates & Patterns
that I have created.
I normally charge $15 a piece for my patterns but You'll get access to all of them for
Free as a member of the Build Guild as soon as you complete your registration.
Next, you're getting the Who Should I Cosplay App.
Have you ever wondered who should I Cosplay next?
With early access to this new app we are creating, it will walk you through a simple process
that will help you figure out Who you should Cosplay next!
After this, you'll immediately Know the best character for you Cosplay.
This program is in its final stages of being Coded and will be made available to Build
Guild Members Immediately after it is finished.
Finally, you're also going to get Pipesmithing: A guide to Props with PVC.
Are you struggling with making swords and structurally sound props that are Con friendly?
In this advanced training you'll learn how to use pvc pipe in ways you have never imagined
so that you can create awesome realistic props that are sturdy and con friendly.
This will be available in the Members area a couple months into the membership.
These 3 bonuses were designed with you in mind, so you have extra help above and beyond
what's already in The Build Guild to help you overcome the biggest challenges us Cosplayers
Build Guild Membership grants you access to all of these Bonuses inside the Guild Hall
members area.
Each of these bonuses have been intentionally created to help you become the cosplayer you
want to be easier and faster.
Speaking of being intentional, I've intentionally included a 100% money back guarantee.
The techniques and methods we cover in the program have worked for thousands of people
and I know it will work for you too.
While I have spent over 3 years teaching these principles and techniques, this will be the
first time they are all combined together into one place in a chronological structure
with a heavy emphasis on implementation.
So the best part about joining now is that you will be getting in on the ground floor,
that means that you will have the opportunity to help shape this membership site and community
into exactly what you want it to be so that we can best serve you and your needs!
That's why I've included this guarantee.
Try The Build Guild.
If it's not everything you were hoping for let us know and we can all work together to
make this best suit your needs.
Or if you don't feel like I've delivered, ask for a refund.
By now, you've seen that The Build Guild gets results.
And it saves you time.
But you do have alternatives - so let's look at them.
What would it cost if you were to try and learn this yourself?
There are other options out there that have organized content in an effort to make it
easier to learn.
Most of them are done as courses where it dives deep super quickly on one subject and
dumps everything on you all at once.
They are usually a high price tag right up front, ranging from $80 - $150's for one
months worth of content.
The membership site options I have seen available, can cost anywhere from $60 - $80 a month or
$360 a year!
Alternatively, the internet is an amazing place and you can likely find a majority of
these techniques online for free in one corner of the web or the other, but speaking from
experience it takes a ton of time to find them, they are from a bunch of different instructors,
and it gets very overwhelming to practice or even know if you are progressing at all.
Lastly, what would it cost you if you did nothing at all?
If you stayed stuck feeling insecure about your cosplay skills without a clear path to
There's another way.
And when you add up all the hours you'd spend trying to do it alone, not to mention the
frustration of not getting where you want to be quickly - well, you deserve to take
the easiest, fastest route so you can finally cosplay like a boss.
And the way to get there is The Build Guild.
The investment is only $9.97 a month.
Or if you like to plan ahead and save even more money you can do it for only $100 a year.
To make the progress you want in your life, you've got to break your old habits.
The way you're going to do that is by investing in this program.
I'll walk you through the entire process, step-by-step, so you too can cosplay like
a boss.
If you follow what I'll show you, you will make progress - and that's why I guarantee
The registration period will be closing October 4th.
We do this so we can cater to all the new members coming through.
It's similar to a college class.
Once the registration period is complete, everyone begins class together and I make
myself available to support you.
If it was open all the time, it would get confusing and complicated trying to support
people who were going through different parts of the program.
So, the doors are open right now and the deadline to register is Thursday, October 4 at 11:59
pm Pacific Standard Time.
We won't open the doors again for another 6 months and we will likely be raising the
price at that point so the best time to join is now and as long as you are a member in
good standing you will be locked in at this founding members rate of only $9.97 a month!
I'll be live on Facebook Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings at 6 pm Pacific Standard
Time to answer all your questions about foam, cosplay and of course The Build Guild and
as you look to make a decision, just know this…
If you're feeling overwhelmed with feeling insecure about your cosplay skills…
or you're struggling to take your foam builds to the next level.
… this is totally normal.
For most of us, the biggest challenge is trying to manage all this on top of all the other
responsibilities we have.
Life is an ongoing competition for your time and attention - and it's a competition you
rarely win.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
By making your goals a priority, and having what you need to make them a reality, you
can interrupt the pattern and get where you want to go.
Ask yourself this…
What's important in your life right now?
What do you want to achieve in the months ahead?
Knowing how to cosplay with foam will give you exactly what you're after - great looking
costumes that give you the confidence you need to break out of your shell, talk to others,
and develop friendships with others that love the same fandoms you do!!
How long have you wanted to accomplish this for?
And how many times has this goal been pushed to the backburner?
You have an opportunity to do something about that right now.
Join me and register for The Build Guild.
Click the button you see on this page to get started.
I can't wait to help you cosplay like a boss!
Cosplay On My Friend and I will see you on the other side! :)
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