I, Siva
Shall I tell u a story?
Oru Mayirum thevailla
For more infomation >> Tamizh Padam 2 Official Teaser | Shiva | Iswarya Menon | CS Amudhan | #TP2Teaser | Y Not Studios - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Noticias Telemundo, 31 de mayo de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 19:22.
LIBRA 2019 HORÓSCOPO | PREDICCIONES 2019 | ASTROLOGÍA 2019 - Duration: 16:09.
Nuevo asalto: florece la guerra entre las reinas Letizia y Sofía - Duration: 11:43.
Pamela Díaz sigue con el conflicto y le responde a Rafa Araneda - Duration: 1:41.
Moonbyul 'Selfish' feat Seulgi (Red Velvet) Review with English Subtitles - Duration: 3:35.
Today we are going to talk about the collaboration of Moonbyul of Mamamoo
with Seulgi from Red Velvet with her song Selfish
The first thing we can see in the MV is that it's about two girls who are friends
and that they have a life that they would like out ostentatious
but it's really the opposite
The MV is pretty comical we can see Moonbyul
in a square pretending it's a beach
we can see the girls in toy cars pretending they are luxury cars
and discussing with small children to play in arcade machines
in the MV the girls talk about wanting to be another person
of wanting to have a different life than the one they have
where they have no worries about working or worry about precisely the money
Here it is
show me the money! "Do not do this in your house"
It's a bit complicated to talk about but all of us at some point had the feeling
of wanting to have more but much much much more
however there is nothing better than to settle with what we have and be happy
without continuing to want things
We have no money
Since in reality if we continue to want things we will forget to be happy
So it's better to take this from your side of comedy
and not from his serious side because if we do that, it would be a bit sad
If the Creepy Cookie logo appears here we invite you to visit our channel
Now let's move on to the usual topics skipping the choreography
since this MV does not have choreography
We're going to be talking about clothes
The clothes are quite colorful and a little exaggerated
but it is very consistent with the style that represents the MV
I did not like it personally
but it is within the concept
Now let's talk about the song COW: Give me Seulgi in pigtails and I'll buy it
The song is really very good with a different style COW: Give me Seulgi in pigtails and I'll buy it
with a rhythm reminiscent of Bossa Nova
And something very different that is not seen very often in K-Pop
is very well sung since the two girls are very good at what they do
and it really is very original and highly recommended
The MV is very funny It has many details that are very funny to notice
and the girls are so charismatic that they add a lot of fun
It is a very good MV and highly recommended
And as a final conclusion of all this we are going to say that
Selfish is a song that is recommended because it is really very good
with a very good MV that accompanies it
and with great collaboration to have fun and recommend to our friends
I wanna be free
makes me feel so good
I'm Lola and this is Señora Vaca
and do not forget to subscribe and click hand up to this video if you liked it
and activate the little bell
Do not forget to share the video with all your friends
See you next time ... chau!
If you love money, leave your comment
Alimentos recomendados para reducir los triglicéridos en el cuerpo de manera natural - Duration: 2:26.
La afición del FC Barcelona, encantada con el adiós de Zidane - Duration: 3:40.
Cospedal anuncia que Mariano Rajoy no va a dimitir: "No beneficiaría al interés general de - Duration: 2:53.
Samsung Galaxy S10 'Confirmed' To Have In Display Fingerprint Reader ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:34.
Looks like Samsung's successor to this year's Galaxy S9 will indeed come with a new biometric
South Korean media are claiming that the tech giant's upcoming Galaxy S10 is more or less
"confirmed" to arrive with an in-display fingerprint reader.
On Wednesday, Korean-language news outlet Etnews reported that Samsung Electronics will
indeed outfit the Galaxy S10 with an in-display fingerprint sensor.
The site also noted that the inclusion of such a technology will allow Samsung to come
up with a full screen or bezel-less smartphone.
Industry sources allegedly told local media that Samsung has already confirmed the adoption
of the in-display fingerprint reader on the Galaxy S10, which is scheduled to launch early
next year.
Samsung has reportedly started preparations with Samsung Display and its partner, Qualcomm.
To make the fingerprint sensor work, Samsung Display will collaborate with Qualcomm to
combine OLED display panels with ultrasonic sensors.
The sensors will be attached onto the back of the display panel, and the setup will be
responsible for reading the fingerprint of the user whenever a fingertip is placed on
the front surface of the panel.
According to Sammobile, Samsung may have opted to use the ultrasonic sensor over the optical
in-display fingerprint sensor that Chinese manufacturers are using because the former
is more accurate than the latter.
The ultrasonic sensor transmits an ultrasonic pulse against the finger to map the ridges
and pores unique to each fingerprint.
This results to a more accurate 3D reproduction of the fingerprint.
The Galaxy S10 — the 10th anniversary installment in the S series —is believed to be unveiled
at the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2019.
Samsung is then expected to introduce its highly anticipated foldable phone at the Mobile
World Congress the following month.
Matt LeBlanc gaat weg bij Top Gear - Duration: 1:25.
sub PKMN gold demo - Duration: 4:45.
Mars Society Argentina Launching - Part 1 - Duration: 10:22.
Mars Society Argentina Launching - Part 3 - Duration: 10:04.
Mars Society Argentina Launching - Part 2 - Duration: 10:03.
10 superalimentos para combatir las alergias - Duration: 8:16.
Expulsión de Nico Castillo dejó furiosos a hinchas de la Roja - Duration: 3:17.
La expulsión de Nicolás Castillo en el amistoso ante Rumania no gustó para nada a los hinchas de la Roja
Claro, porque el ex UC dejó al equipo de Reinaldo Rueda con uno menos, cuando apenas iba media hora de partido
Pese a que inicialmente Chile supo sobreponerse al hecho de jugar con uno menos, al final se notó la falta de un hombre
Tal cual, porque a pesar de contar con ocasiones para marcar la igualdad, el equipo de todo terminó cayendo por 3 a 2, en la primera derrota en este nuevo ciclo a cargo del técnico colombiano
Pero la caída no se explica solamente por la expulsión del goleador chileno. Efectivamente, pues en el duelo ante los europeos quedó claro que queda mucho trabajo en la última línea de la Roja
De hecho, los dos últimos goles de Rumania surgieron por errores en ese sector del equipo de todos
En el 2 a 2 fue el debutante arquero Gonzalo Collao quien se equivocó, y en el tercer gol de los europeos fueron las dudas de la zaga chilena lo que aprovechó Constantin Budescu para anotar
Luego de la apertura de la cuenta para Rumania por parte de Nicolae Stanciu, la Roja pasó adelante con los tantos de Guillermo Maripán y Lorenzo Reyes
Más tarde vendrían los otros dos goles de los europeos. Castillo fue Trending Topic Pero sin duda que durante el partido fue Nicolás Castillo el que recibió más críticas por hacerse expulsar
Y, de hecho, se transformó en trending topic en Twitter. Por supuesto, porque las redes sociales sirvieron para que los fanáticos chilenos expresaran su sentir sobre el goleador
Y el resumen no deja muy bien parado al nuevo jugador del Benfica. Esto dijeron sobre Castillo Mira a continuación los tuits de los hunchas chilenos por la expulsión de Nicolás Castillo
Bloop - Kissing Sky - Duration: 2:46.
✅ 5 signes astrologiques qui sont presque impossibles à comprendre, peu importe à quel point vous le - Duration: 6:24.
Certaines personnes sont difficiles à comprendre parce qu'elles ne veulent pas être comprises et pensent que si elles sont plus complexes, elles sembleront plus intelligentes ou supérieures à tout le monde
Mais le fait que quelqu'un soit plus difficilement compréhensible ne signifie pas qu'on ne devrait pas essayer de percer son mystère
Il y a des situations où plus une personne est complexe, plus elle est intéressante, à tel point que vous pourriez passer votre vie à la découvrir sans jamais vous ennuyer
Cancer (21 Juin – 22 Juin) Les Cancer sont connus pour avoir beaucoup de sautes d'humeurs, mais il est parfois difficile de savoir exactement à quoi leur bouleversement est dû
Ces gens ont beaucoup de mal à laisser passer, mais ce n'est pas toujours évident
La famille signifie bien souvent tout pour un Cancer et peut être dans bien des cas être la cause sous-jacente de beaucoup de leurs crises émotionnelles
De plus, après s'être remis d'un événement passé comme une rupture ou une erreur qui aurait causé du tort à quelqu'un, ils ont tendance à ressasser ces incidents jusqu'à ce que cela les mette en colère
La clé pour comprendre un Cancer est que tout ce qu'il fait ou pense a quelque chose à voir avec le cœur
Scorpion (23 Octobre – 21 Novembre) La principale raison pour laquelle vous ne pouvez pas comprendre un Scorpion est le simple fait qu'ils ne le veut pas
C'est un signe très complexe qui a tendance à être secret, à la limite de la manipulation
Il est extrêmement intense et passionné par tous les aspects de la vie. Les gens nés sous ce signe admettront qu'ils peuvent être obsessionnels et vengeurs, mais personne ne se battra pour vous plus qu'un Scorpion
Il peut être difficile de comprendre que quelqu'un puisse profiter d'un conflit, mais les Scorpions le font
Se battre pour une chose à laquelle il croit, ou un mal subi, c'est de cette manière que ce signe se sent plus vivant
Verseau (20 Janvier – 18 Février) Les Verseaux peuvent souvent être un mystère et une énigme
Ils sont extrêmement difficiles à comprendre, peut-être parce qu'ils n'expriment pas beaucoup leurs émotions ou peut-être parce qu'ils sont si intelligents et novateurs qu'ils ne sont pas sur la même longueur d'onde que tout le monde
Ils sont indépendants et ne se sentent pas obligés de s'expliquer, et si les autres ne le comprennent pas, tant pis pour eux
Les gens nés sous ce signe veulent que les autres montent à leur niveau. Ils peuvent être frustrés s'ils ont l'impression de devoir ralentir pour se faire comprendre plus facilement
Parfois, le Verseau aime faire quelque chose de complètement inattendu juste pour faire bouger les choses
Poissons (19 Février – 20 Mars) Il est facile de se méprendre sur les Poissons ou de les voir comme un mystère tellement ils sont pensifs et ont souvent de nouvelles idées
Au lieu d'exprimer leurs sentiments avec des mots, les Poissons sont plus à l'aise avec l'idée de le faire sous forme artistique
Ils sont inspirés, mais ils ne peuvent pas toujours traduire leur inspiration avec des paroles
Ils peuvent sembler maussades ou grincheux, mais cela n'a peut-être rien à voir avec vous, ils pourraient juste être en colère contre eux-mêmes
Les Poissons peuvent être facilement blessés, mais au lieu de l'exprimer et d'en parler avec quelqu'un, ils intériorisent à tel point que cela impacte leur comportement
Ils sont gentils avec tout le monde sauf eux-mêmes, donc il peut être difficile de savoir exactement à quoi s'attendre avec eux
Gémeaux (21 Mai – 20 Juin) Comme il peut être difficile de comprendre les Gémeaux et ce qui les motive, beaucoup de gens reprochent ceci à leur double personnalité, mais c'est une théorie erronée
En fait, les Gémeaux peuvent faire preuve d'une assez grande agilité lorsqu'il s'agit de sauter entre les humeurs et les pensées, il peut être du coup difficile de les suivre
Les Gémeaux sont très intelligents et se passionnent pour les relations avec les gens grâce à la communication
Mais ils détestent s'ennuyer et cela peut avoir un effet négatif sur leurs actions
Ils semblent parfois manquer de direction et de cohérence. Il est par conséquent difficile de prévoir leurs actions
Cependant, si vous arrivez à vous détendre tout simplement et faire tout ce qu'ils veulent pour ne pas s'ennuyer et les amuser, tout se passerait bien
A vrai dire, vous n'avez pas à comprendre complètement un Gémeaux pour profiter de sa compagnie
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
Opel Combo SPORT GB 1.3 CDTi 95pk L1H1 - RADIO/CD - Duration: 1:10.
បទចេញថ្មី បទអារម្មណ៍ពេលបែក - ខេមរៈ សិរិមន្ត [OFFICIAL MV] Khmer new song 2018 - Duration: 7:03.
Quách Dũng tập hợp Bạn Tù Tìm Cách thịt Sơn Mặt Quỷ về SG |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 30:01.
섹스할때 해서는 안될 체위.JPG | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 1:31.
Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:13.
Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Black Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:10.
Peugeot 207 XS 1.6 VTI 16V 5DRS | CRUISECONTROL | AIRCO | - Duration: 1:05.
原口元気が初W杯「出るだけじゃ意味ない」勝つための選手目指す - Duration: 3:35.
Ramzan Mubarak Status | Ramzan Dua Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:35.
Islamic Whatsapp Status
Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Black Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:06.
Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-i 99 pk Aspiration | DAB radio | Airco | 16" Velgen | - Duration: 1:09.
RIDOT fixing I-195 dip that snarled traffic - Duration: 1:50.
9-Year-Old Killed in I-20 Crash - Duration: 0:44.
Searching for heroes: Mom wants to thank men who saved her family after wreck - Duration: 2:25.
Q&A with Alan - Duration: 3:36.
Alan, stop moving it
"It's fine, I got it"
It was fine when it started, it has to be straight!
"You suck at filming anyway."
Just come over here, I just wanna-
Hi guys! It's Daisy Brow-
*mocking* "It's Daisy Brown here!"
(Is the doctor dead?)
So a lot of you guys are curious, rightfully so, about uh,
what's going on with me and Alan, and so I thought we could
lot of you guys questions. Um, so first we need to talk about Strawberry, and what-
People who want to know what happened to Strawberry
"Stupid cat probably got hit by a car."
"I know you love those."
Stop, you killed her!
*chuckling* "Yeah."
People want to know why you did this.
"When you weren't around, that cat was a bitch"
Stop! You can't say that! Don't-
"Why not?"
Just- just stop Alan.
"Am I hurting the dead cat's feelings?" *Daisy gasps*
Um, so a lot of people are wondering about what our living
situation is like now, um. We're still living together, I just...
I've chosen to forgive Alan for what he's done, um. What you did was wrong.
But I just, I don't wanna...
I don't wanna fight, with you.
"Cause you'd lose."
Stop, I'm, I'm trying to be nice right now, why can't you see that I'm trying?
*sarcastic* "I can't see anything. I'm blind."
Why are you like this? Why can't you just be nice for once?
"I AM being nice. I'm answering your questions."
So, uh- that's the situation between Alan and I, um.
I'm hurt and I'm upset
because I loved Strawberry, um, but I don't want to keep anger with me
um, and Dad wouldn't have wanted that.
"Ohh. Where IS Dad, Daisy?"
*sharply* No. Stop it.
Um, so Alan, someone on Twitter wanted to know what's your favorite day of the week.
("Don't talk like that.")
Alan, uh, what's your favorite color?
(Why isn't he coming back?)
"What's color?"
("If the doctor is gone, then he must have someone to replace him.")
So, where are you living now, at what part of the house?
"In Dad's room. It's what he would have wanted."
No, it's not what he would have wanted, Alan.
"It's nice and dark, the door locks, it's perfect."
"Your room is too bright."
Okay, well, I like my room.
"That makes one of us."
You don't have to be rude!
Your Dad and I are very similar.
*scoffing* No, you weren't, you-
"We got along very well. I remember with you and him there was a lot of yelling."
No, there- I never-
"Probably because he saw things he couldn't fix."
"Which explains me."
"I didn't have to kill someone to come into existence."
(I hope they come soon.)
"This is fun! Come on! Isn't this fun!"
...Why are you...?
"Where's Dad Daisy?"
This was a stupid idea.
"Where's Dad Daisy?"
Video's over. Video's OVER. "Where's Dad Daisy?"
Why the f- Why are you like this?
*chanting* "Where's Dad Daisy?"
*yelling* "Where's Dad Daisy?" Shut up.
Shut UP.
*chant continues* "Where's Dad Daisy?"
Shut up Alan!
*screaming* Dad's gone and he's never coming back you stupid fucking mon-
Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-i 99 pk Aspiration | DAB radio | Airco | 16" Velgen | - Duration: 1:09.
Syrop na kaszel na bazie tymianku i lukrecji - Duration: 3:12.
Jak tymianek może pomóc Ci w przypadku kaszlu?Tymianek to roślina o znanych od wielu lat właściwościach leczniczych. Właściwie to warto wspomnieć o tym, że używana była w medycynie ludowej już od tysięcy lat.
Zawiera ona sporą ilość witamin, minerałów i olejków eterycznych, jest także naturalnym sposobem walki z chorobami układu oddechowego.
Ma działanie wykrztuśne, które pomaga Twojemu organizmowi pozbyć się nadmiaru flegmy zalegającej w drogach oddechowych. Samo to przynosi pewną ulgę w przypadku ich niedrożności.
Składniki odżywcze zawarte w tymianku wspomagają także Twój układ odpornościowy, poprawiając skuteczność jego reakcji na szkodliwe czynniki zewnętrzne.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc tymianek ma łagodzący wpływ na Twoje gardło. Dodatkowo, ponieważ usprawnia także krążenie krwi, może również zminimalizować bóle głowy towarzyszące kaszlowi i przeziębieniu.
Jak lukrecja może pomóc Ci w przypadku kaszlu?Korzeń lukrecji ma właściwości lecznicze, które są znane i popularne na całym świecie. Wyróżniająca się pod względem zawartości przeciwutleniaczy roślina, jest naturalnym lekarstwem na grypę i towarzyszące jej objawy.
Nie powinno więc nikogo dziwić to, że opisywany przez nas syrop na kaszel korzysta z jej możliwości.
Jej działanie przeciwzapalne i obkurczające błony śluzowe wpływa także na rozluźnienie dróg oddechowych. To z kolei przekłada się na redukowanie uciążliwego kaszlu i podrażnienia gardła.
Dodatkowo lukrecja zawiera liczne związki, które zabijają bakterie i zapobiegają ich rozprzestrzenianiu się i powodowaniu dodatkowych infekcji.Może być stosowana także w astmie oraz rzecz jasna przy przeziębieniach i bólach gardła.
Jak zrobić ten domowej roboty syrop na kaszel z tymianku i lukrecji?Jeśli przygotujesz sobie ten syrop na kaszel, będzie to oznaczało, że dysponujesz gotowym w użyciu alternatywnym lekarstwem zarówno na łagodny, jak i przewlekły kaszel.
Wystarczy pamiętać tylko, żeby mieć go gdzieś w pogotowiu.Chociaż nie sprawi on, że Twój kaszel zniknie natychmiast, to jednak syrop ten pomoże Ci utrzymać dokuczliwe objawy pod kontrolą.
Składniki, których będziesz potrzebować:2 szklanki wody (500 ml).2 łyżki stołowe suszonego tymianku (20 g).1 łyżka stołowa startego korzenia lukrecji (10 g).1/2 szklanki miodu (167 g).
Niezbędne przybory i akcesoria:Naczynie, najlepiej ceramiczne lub szklane.Drewniana łyżka.Szklany słoik z nakrętką.Procedura przygotowania opisywanego syropu:
Wlej wodę do naczynia i postaw na płycie grzewczej doprowadzając ją do wrzenia.Kiedy wrzątek będzie już gotowy, dodaj do niego zioła i zmniejsz moc grzania.
Gotuj całość na wolnym ogniu przez 5 minut, następnie zdejmij naczynie z ognia i pozostaw do ostygnięcia do temperatury pokojowej.Po ostygnięciu naparu przecedź go i wlej do szklanego słoika.
Dodaj teraz miód i mieszaj całość drewnianą łyżką aż do całkowitego jego rozpuszczenia.Przechowuj tak uzyskany syrop na kaszel w chłodnym, ciemnym miejscu, w szczelnie zamkniętym słoiku.Jak stosować ten naturalny syrop na kaszel?
Zażywaj do 3 łyżeczek do herbaty tego syropu na kaszel na dobę.Jeśli męczący Cię kaszel jest intensywny, możesz zwiększyć dawkę do 5 łyżeczek do herbaty dziennie.Powtarzaj tę procedurę, aż kaszel zacznie słabnąć.
Czy doskwiera Ci uciążliwy kaszel? Potraktuj ten syrop na kaszel jako w pełni bezpieczny i skuteczny sposób na tę dolegliwość, dzięki temu w będziesz w stanie złagodzić wszelkie wynikające z niego problemy.
Jeśli objawy nie ustępują przez dłuższy czas, skontaktuj się jednak z lekarzem, aby upewnić się, że nie występują u Ciebie żadne poważniejsze komplikacje.
When Girls Take Selfies | Chotu | Rickshawali - Duration: 1:04.
Nobody can see this in the world
Now nobody will see...
New Paramedics Welcomed To Chicago Fire Department - Duration: 1:52.
Storyshift - Mirror Mirror (Chara Battle Theme) (Original) - Duration: 2:27.
enjoy the video lad
ASMR Relaxing Hair Styling 🎧 GigiASMR - Duration: 12:36.
ASMR Relaxing Hair Styling
沒 錢 了,最 先 看 不 起 你 的 是 親 戚 (非 常 現 實 的 話) - Duration: 5:48.
자기관리 끝판왕이라는 42세 김경화 전 아나운서.jpg - Duration: 2:16.
이승기, 강심장 공동MC는 과유불급이다 - Duration: 10:53.
Creepy Hillary Showed Up At Memorial Day Parade Dressed For Blizzard - Duration: 14:40.
Hillary Showed Up At Memorial Day Parade Dressed For Blizzard
For a couple of weeks I have been seeing Hillary Clinton in coats and scarves, which is very
weird considering it's hot out most places.
One wonders exactly what is under that coat she is wearing.
There are rumors of a back brace, but it is hard to tell.
Something isn't right… but then it never is with Hillary Clinton.
The Clintons are corrupt grifters and are always up to something.
That's just who they are.
Hillary and Bill Clinton and Gov. Andrew Cuomo marched in Monday's town Memorial Day parade.
It's a local parade for the Clintons, which makes this even stranger.
At one point, Bill Clinton looks confused and has to be steered back on course after
the parade.
Hillary gets winded and can't keep up.
Neither of these people has the health and vigor of President Trump and it shows big
When you show up for a Memorial Day parade dressed for a blizzard, people automatically
wonder what is wrong and it shows all over their faces.
I'm sure that the Clintons regretted the outing afterward.
It was embarrassing on numerous fronts.
Hillary and Bill walked in the New Castle/Chappaqua parade again this year.
They do this every year, but this year was just weird.
It's a tradition that has kept her in the media spotlight for several years, even after
her failed run for president.
This time, it didn't go as planned and showed how weak both of them are.
Just sad.
Wonder how she'll dress this summer.
Hillary gave an interview after the parade and it was evident she was out of breath.
She had obviously prepared and scripted what she would say.
Her rhetoric involved Benjamin Franklin and was, well… just odd.
"Every year, we should remember," she said, mispronouncing the word, "that we've
got work to do to keep that republic," talking about America.
That doesn't even really make sense.
Hillary walked off and left Bill as he talked with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
That was when Bill wandered off confused about where he was supposed to go.
He had that signature mouth-open and dazed look he usually sports in public.
It's like he's not all there anymore.
Alzheimer's comes to mind, or Parkinson's.
The same afflictions you could attribute to Hillary, if you were so inclined.
Cuomo just left, leaving Bill to wander aimlessly, while shaking hands and looking confused.
So much for taking care of your own.
But it is Hillary and her mysterious heavy coat and scarf that is causing tongues to
According to Heavy.com, people are wondering if Hillary Clinton has a back injury or a
back brace.
That's what some people are theorizing after Clinton was repeatedly photographed with a
mysterious rectangular-shaped bulge protruding under her jacket.
It hasn't been proven though and the strange bulge that periodically appears has been attributed
to everything from a wireless microphone to the bulkiness of her jackets.
She had that same bulge in Boston and at a forum recently as well.
Photos taken on Memorial Day 2018 didn't put to rest the speculation.
The strange bulge appears to possibly be visible again under Clinton's coat and she appeared
a little too bundled up for a day in late May.
Make that a lot bundled up.
Clinton posted a photo of herself on Memorial Day in a light blue jacket that raised questions
again about her back and a bulge on it.
"Just returned from marching in the annual Chappaqua Memorial Day Parade with everyone
from Governors to Girls Scouts.
Today we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country to keep us safe
here at home," the tweet says.
However, photos from other angles showed the back bulge in a more pronounced fashion.
There are other photos from behind that also show that mysterious bulge.
I've also noticed, especially at the forum where Clinton was sitting down or when she
speaks at a podium, she looks oddly stiff.
Hillary did not use to make use of a scarf the way she does now either.
It's intriguing.
Clinton has been photographed recently wearing large scarves.
Although she has always had a penchant for the scarf-over-coat look, she has been wearing
particularly large scarves that seem strategically positioned over her shoulders and upper back.
At first, I thought it was to hide her neck.
As people get older, their necks get looser.
But that does not explain the bulky coat with a bulge in the back.
This is a very recent development.
Hillary's health has always been a valid topic.
I personally don't think she is physically capable of being Commander-in-Chief the way
President Trump is.
Then there's the whole relief that this corrupt, vile woman will never be president.
We dodged a bullet on that one.
It may not have been a challenging set of stairs, but walking in the New Castle, New
York Memorial Day parade was no easy
Hillary Clinton, either.
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203207 - Duration: 2:21.
Mientras unos construyen catedrales otros destruyen cultura - Duration: 5:01.
Nuevo asalto: florece la guerra entre las reinas Letizia y Sofía - Duration: 11:43.
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Esfoliare mani e braccia in pochi e semplici passi - Duration: 5:38.
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