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For more infomation >> Reggaeton Mix 2018 - Lo Mas Nuveo Maluma, Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Shakira, Wisin - Duration: 1:28:21.-------------------------------------------
Ese maldito momento - NTVG (cover 2018) - Duration: 3:13.
That damn moment
by Matias Neiff
the semi-empty route
like my life without you
Who would have imagined it?
that the moment would come
that damn moment
to look to one side
and not see you in my mornings
nor smile with your voice
is to feel cornered
and it is for not having
and I have thrown myself
what life gave me
I do not follow anymore
I have no rest
I'm just this
just mud
I have nothing
I do not deserve it
you do not have mercy
Is it just my clumsiness?
Or will it be my way of walking?
I could not follow your steps
I was falling apart
only scraps remained
and I could not put them together
if you're not in my mornings
if I do not laugh with you
If I feel cornered
is for not having appreciated
and I have thrown myself
what life gave me
I do not follow anymore
I have no rest
I'm just this mud just
I have nothing
I do not deserve it
you do not have me
you will not like it (ntvg) That damn moment
'한국산 잠수함 도입' 각국들의 신형 잠수함 전력 공개 - 핫이슈Korea - Duration: 16:23.
202013 - Duration: 3:06.
Watch Zinedine Zidane's resignation from Real Madrid - Duration: 1:10.
Zinedine Zidane on Thursday announced his resignation from Real Madrid, in an unexpected and unexpected surprise.
"I made the decision not to continue with Real Madrid next season," he said.
Zizo justified this decision, saying it was time to make changes in the Meringhi, after more than 3 years spent Zidane at the top of the technical bar of the team.
Zinedine Zidane, in his three years in charge of training the club, has managed to win 10 titles, most recently the European Champions League for the season.
Los looks de sport de Letizia ¿Acierta o falla? - Duration: 8:55.
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
Low Fat Chicken Curry With Omelette - चिकन करी Recipe by Sonali With Bedhadak Cast Ajay Sahane - Duration: 6:26.
Kimmel Used Blackface, Mocked Black Man But Still Has ABC Show - Duration: 2:57.
Kimmel Used Blackface, Mocked Black Man But Still Has ABC Show.
Roseanne Barr is out of a job as well she should be.
What she had to say about Valerie Jarrett was insensitive at best, and beyond disgusting
at worst.
Apologizing was the very least she could do.
However, one thing rang clear after Barr's firing namely, the media's hypocrisy when
it comes to Jimmy Kimmel.
Kimmel is one of the most celebrated men in late night, in part because he's very much
a member of the liberal elite.
He says what they think, and says it from one of the biggest stages in Hollywood.
He says it on his nightly monologues.
He says it during interviews.
Yet, Kimmel has a very different past one that he's never apologized for.
Before he landed his late-night gig, he was one of the hosts and people behind "The
Man Show," a turn-of-the-millennium program that hasn't aged well in the era of MeToo
and political correctness.
We've highlighted some of Kimmel's other cringe-inducing antics before, but on this
occasion, we'd like to point out yet another skit this one done in blackface which he's
never been held to account for.
The skit involved Karl Malone, then a player for the NBA Utah Jazz.
Malone was known to speak his mind on a number of subjects, often without a filter, and that
provided the media with a but of humor.
However, this bizarre sketch involving Malone and what he believes about aliens and namely,
where they probe goes a bit too far in mocking not only Malone but also his manner of speaking
in a way, that could very obviously be considered racist.
Has Kimmel apologized for it, though?
Of course not, even though it's minstrelsy through and through.
Take a look:
Yes, "white people being deducted by alien" and "that's a thing."
And by hilarious, I mean racist.
Kimmel, by the way, gets paid $15 million a year, according to CNBC.
Yet, he hasn't apologized for this kind of thing, or for any of the sexual harassment
he engaged in on the old show.
In fact, it's not like he's stopped this kind of behavior.
Earlier this year he was forced to apologize after using homophobic remarks in a debate
against Sean Hannity on Twitter.
At no time did Kimmel face any official censure for any of this.
ABC didn't suspend him or dock his pay, despite the fact that what he did was pretty
awful and seemingly worthy of an official response.
So while Barr was vilified for her remark perhaps deservedly, so Kimmel got off scot-free.
It just goes to show that in Hollywood, what you do isn't as important as what your politics
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego – Najczęstsze objawy - Duration: 8:14.
MACH DOCH mit ... Julia Köhn - Duration: 1:34.
6 Foods That Naturally Cleanse the Liver - Duration: 11:07.
6 Foods That Naturally Cleanse the Liver
The liver weighing in at about 3 pounds in healthy adults is one of the body's vital organs
It is responsible for many important functions related to digestion
Metabolism immunity and the storage of nutrients that the body needs to survive
Because the liver performs so many vital functions. It is important to keep it healthy an
Unhealthy diet and poor lifestyle can overwork and overload the liver leaving it unable to process toxins and fat efficiently
to treat your liver disease
medications are needed
Medical treatment is a simple safe and effective option
However, certain foods can also help improve liver health and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism
Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure liver disease
1 garlic
Garlic is great for cleansing your liver
It helps activate enzymes in the liver that help clear out toxins
It also contains 2 natural compounds called a licen and selenium which aid in the liver
Cleansing process and protect the liver from toxic damage
moreover garlic reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Which can overload the liver and hamper its functioning to promote liver health use fresh raw garlic instead of processed
minced garlic or powder
Eat 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves Demi and include garlic in your cooking whenever possible
You can also take garlic supplements, but only after consulting your doctor
To brief fruit
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos
being a good source of vitamin C pectin and
Antioxidants grapefruit also eats the natural cleansing process of the liver
It also contains glutathione e a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and detoxifies the liver
Glutathione E. Also helps in the detoxification of heavy metals
moreover the flavonoid mare engine and in grapefruit helps break down fat
Drink a small glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or enjoy the whole fruit with your breakfast daily
Note if you are on medications consult your doctor before taking this food as it may interact with certain drugs
3 be fruits
Beet roots are another powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function high in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene
They help stimulate and improve overall liver function
moreover beet roots are natural blood purifiers
simply add fresh beet roots or juice to your daily diet
make a powerful liver cleansing salad with 1 Cuban peso of chopped or grated beet roots 2 tablespoons of
cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and the juice of 1/2 lemon
Mix all the ingredients together in eat 2 teaspoons of it every 2 hours during the day for a week
4 lemons
Lemons help detoxify the liver mainly due to the antioxidant D limonene present in it
Which helps activate enzymes in the liver that aid detoxification?
Moreover the high amount of vitamin C in lemons helps your liver produce more enzymes to aid digestion
Lemons also boost mineral absorption by the liver make lemon water at home by adding the juice of one lemon to a jar of water
You can even add chopped lemons to it drink this water at regular intervals
If desired add a little honey
5 green tea
By drinking green tea daily. You can help your body flush out toxins and fat deposits while increasing hydration levels a
2002 study published in the International Journal of obesity found that the Kentuckians NT helps stimulate lipid catabolism in the liver
This in turn prevents fat accumulation in the liver
This healthy beverage also protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances like alcohol
Green tea is also beneficial in treating or preventing liver disease
according to a 2009 study published in cancer causes and controls
People who drink green tea have a lower risk of developing liver cancer
drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily if
Desired sweeten your tea with honey
Note avoid drinking green tea in excess as a can have an adverse impact on your liver and other body parts
6 avocados
Avocados contain potent chemicals that may reduce liver damage according to a 2000 study by the American Chemical Society
this fruit is rich in glutathione e a compound required by the liver to cleanse harmful toxins and to function properly the
high amount of monounsaturated fat in avocados helps reduce low-density
lipoproteins or bad cholesterol and increase high density lipoproteins or good cholesterol
the liver easily processes good cholesterol
Avocados contain many minerals vitamins and plant nutrients that support overall liver health and help break down fats
Eat one to two avocados per week for a couple of months to help reverse liver damage
Seven turmeric
Turmeric is another popular and affected liver cleansing food. It also improves the body's ability to digest fats
The compound for cumin in turmeric induces the formation of a primary liver detoxification enzyme called glutathione es transferase
It also helps regenerate damaged liver cells
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of water and boil it drink it twice daily for a couple of weeks also
Include the spice in your daily cooking
Eight apples an
Apple a day is the secret behind a healthy liver
apples are a good source of pectin a
Soluble fiber that helps remove toxins from the digestive tract and cholesterol from the blood in turn preventing the liver from being overworked
moreover apples contain malic acid a naturally
Cleansing new dream that removes carcinogens and other toxins from the blood all types of apples are good for your liver
However for fast liver cleansing choose organic apples eat one organic apple or drink a glass of fresh apple juice daily
Here are the 10 early signs of liver damage
Yellowing of skin one of the early signs of liver damage is jaundice or yellowing of the skin eyes
Tongue and fingernails or fingertips is noticeable
Jaundice is caused by a buildup of
Bilirubin in the blood and body tissue that the liver normally would get rid of along with old red blood cells
Bill Reuben is a yellow pigment that is formed by the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver
when bilirubin accumulates in your bloodstream and then on your skin, it takes on a yellowish hue as
Jaundice may also indicate a serious problem with your gallbladder or pancreas do not take it lightly and follow your doctor's advice
digestive issues
The liver plays an active role in the digestion process through the production of bile
Bile helps process the nutrients absorbed from a small intestine and plays an important role in digesting fat
Thus if the liver begins to malfunction it can result in digestive problems like diarrhea and in digestion
abnormalities in bile production can also lead to gall stones abdominal bloating constipation irritable bowel syndrome and
intolerance to fatty foods and alcohol
When the damage is severe it can cause severe abdominal pain that often sends people to the doctor
3 nausea and vomiting
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos
Many people ignore nausea and vomiting as it is usually not considered to be a serious medical problem
If nausea and vomiting occur separately or together without any known reason such as motion sickness
dizziness a migraine food poisoning early pregnancy
Anxiety and depression it can be due to a kidney or liver problem
People suffering from liver damage often have a persistent feeling of nausea
This arises due to the livers diminished ability to process and eliminate toxins
changes in metabolism and digestion also cause nausea and vomiting
constant feelings of nausea or vomiting can wreak havoc on your health and should be investigated thoroughly by a doctor for
Changes in steel color
changes in stool color may also indicate liver trouble a
Well-functioning liver releases bile into the stool giving it the normal brown color
Inflammation or scarring in the liver affects bile production which causes steel to appear gray pale yellow or clay colored?
Having pale or clay colored stools once in a while is fine if it occurs frequently
Consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of liver damage or any other illness
Changes in the urine color. If you are drinking enough fluid and your urine has a darker color
It may be an indication of a liver problem
dark colored urine can look orange amber or brown
The change in urine color occurs due to an increased level of bilirubin in the blood stream
This happens when the liver is unable to eliminate bilirubin via excretion through the kidneys
Dark urine can also be caused by dehydration taking vitamin D supplements
side effects of antibiotics
enzyme deficiencies a urinary tract infection and kidney problems if your urine is
Persistently dark, you should visit your doctor for a diagnosis
Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing?
professional medical or nutritional advice
Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems
instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice
Homescapes Level 661 - How to complete Level 661 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:18.
"Homescapes how to complete level 661"
We Are The Road Rangers | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:00:55.
We Are The Road Ranger
Masa Depan Manusia vs Android!! Gameplay Review Detroit: Become Human - Duration: 32:34.
Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 16:32.
Oh my poor dolly is sick
Don't you worry let me take a look at her...
Miss Polly had a dolly, who was sick, sick, sick.
So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and his hat,
And knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly and shook his head,
And said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed."
He wrote a paper for a pill, pill, pill.
I'll be back in the morning with the will, will, will.
Oh my poor dolly is sick
Don't you worry she going to be perfectly fine
Miss Polly had a dolly, who was sick, sick, sick.
So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and his hat,
And knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly and shook his head,
And said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed."
He wrote a paper for a pill, pill, pill.
I'll be back in the morning with the will, will, will.
WOW, Everything of Scorpio have been waiting for you in July 2018 - Duration: 3:14.
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!
Man Utd transfer news: Jose Mourinho wants to complete FIVE deals this summer - Duration: 2:09.
The Red Devils will spend big this summer, with the Special One desperate to keep up with arch-rivals Manchester City next season
Manchester United finished 19 points behind Pep Guardiola's men this year as City stormed to the Premier League title, breaking numerous records along the way
And according to The Times, Mourinho is targeting five deals this summer.They say the United boss wants Porto right-back Diogo Dalot, Tottenham's Toby Alderweireld and Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder Fred
The trio would cost around £120m, with Alderweireld and Fred valued in the region of £50m, while Dalot has a £17.5m release clause. Mourinho is also in the hunt for a left-back and another central midfielder
United are set to lose Matteo Darmian and Daley Blind this summer, meaning the Red Devils need defensive reinforcements
Luke Shaw's Old Trafford future is also up in the air, with Mourinho publicly criticising the England international on numerous occasions
The left-back has one year remaining on his current deal at United and Mourinho may choose to cash in on the 22-year-old this summer instead of losing him for free next year
As for Mourinho's midfield transfer plans, United have lost Michael Carrick, with the ex-Tottenham star retiring to join the Red Devils coaching staff
Meanwhile, Marouane Fellaini is also likely to leave Old Trafford when his contract expires on June 30
Škoda Citigo Ambition 5DRS | Airco | Lichtmetalen velgen | Cruise Control | - Duration: 0:53.
Seat Leon St 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK FR - Duration: 1:09.
How To Secure Your Android Phone With Secret Setting 2018 - Duration: 3:44.
Opel Corsa 1.4, 90pk 5deurs Innovation ** Zeer nette en Luxe Corsa ** - Duration: 1:08.
Kia Picanto 1.2 5 drs. Plus Pack in nette staat met 7jr. Garantie!!! - Duration: 1:13.
Dr. Lamm says thank you for 14 years at ECC - Duration: 4:51.
Edgecombe Community College has grown and evolved over its 50-year history.
In this season of change, I am grateful for the people and opportunities that have permitted
me to serve this College, alongside each of you.
When I reflect on my tenure as President, I'm reminded of the people who solidified
the foundation on which this institution has grown and whose assistance propelled us to
that next level, and I'm grateful for their contributions.
First and foremost, I'm grateful for our students.
Our students come from 14 counties, with about 50% of these students residing in Edgecombe
74% of our student population is female, and more than 95% receive financial assistance.
These students, at an average age of 30, are hard-working and goal directed – eager to
start their careers upon graduation or to transfer to a four-year college or university.
I'm thankful for them and the opportunity to touch their lives.
The heart of the College family is its faculty and staff.
I'm grateful for these talented individuals who are committed to student success.
Faculty create a rigorous learning environment, where students develop the required skill
sets to be successful in the workplace.
Staff are readily available to ensure students have the information, the tools, and the resources
they need to be successful.
It's this collaborative spirit, which ensures our students complete a credential and enter
the workplace prepared.
As with any public institution, our local legislative delegations are key in helping
to secure adequate funding from the State of North Carolina.
I'm grateful for those who have worked on behalf of Edgecombe.
In 2009, our delegation sponsored a bill, which provided Advanced Planning dollars for
a construction priority; namely the Biotechnology and Medical Simulation Center.
In 2017, our delegation requested that contingency funds from the NC House and the Senate be
allocated for a loop road on the College's Tarboro campus.
Thanks to their support, road construction begins this summer.
Edgecombe Community College serves its community with the help of local officials.
I'm grateful for the Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners who provide funding for the
College's plant operation and maintenance.
In 2014, the County Commissioners approved using the proceeds from the quarter cent sales
tax to fund the construction of the Biotechnology and Medical Simulation Center.
Together, the College and the County raised the bar on the level of health care training
available in the region.
And finally, I'm grateful for the College's Board of Trustees.
I've had the privilege of working with 25 members of the Board over the nearly 14-year
These trustees have been responsible for the development and governance of the College,
giving their time and talents for the betterment of Edgecombe County citizens.
These trustees entrusted the leadership of this College to me, and for that and much
more, I'm most appreciative.
Thanks to the efforts of so many, Edgecombe Community College has made its mark on the
County, region, and State.
During my tenure at the College, we've served more than 100,000 students in degree, diploma,
certificate, and continuing education programs.
More than 6200 credentials have been awarded to students in curriculum programs.
In some manner, we've influenced the lives of practically every citizen in Edgecombe
As a provider of this county's education, training, and culture, we're proud to call
ourselves, Edgecombe Community College.
It's been my honor and privilege to serve as the leader of this outstanding institution!
I am forever grateful.
OMG...Kamal ke dia funny status - Duration: 0:35.
I Have Regrets! || Mayim Bialik - Duration: 7:06.
- You know those people who say they have no regrets?
I hate those people.
Actually, hate's a strong word,
I dislike those people greatly.
You know what, that's actually not true.
I don't dislike them, I envy them.
I pretended for most of my 20's and 30's
to be the kind of person who had no regrets
and I told people so in numerous interviews
and also in personal conversations.
I said things like, "You can't live life with regrets."
"Life is too short for regrets."
"Those who live with regret will sow bitterness and spades."
Actually no one ever said that but it sounds
like something I would say.
The truth that I have literally come to accept,
now, at the ripe old age of 42 is that
I actually do have regrets.
I have a feeling this is the kind of video
that you're probably gonna wanna get ready to hit share on
and while we're talking about that, make sure
to subscribe to this channel and click the little bell
next to the subscribe button so you can get notifications
when I come out with videos, especially ones
as intimate as this one.
So in terms of regrets,
I regret that I did not leave the therapist
who I knew was not helping me when I was 18.
I regret that I didn't stop seeing the male gynecologist
who, when I was a teenager, made inappropriate comments
about my body.
I really regret that I didn't get medication
that would've helped my mental condition
when I needed it and I regret that I was too proud
to even admit that I needed help when I needed help.
I regret that I was not always kind to my ex-husband,
I regret that I'm not always kind to him now.
I regret that I have spoken harshly to my children
when I was frustrated or I was overwhelmed
or when I was out of steam.
I regret that I did not take more time
to get to know my father the way I now see
I wanted to before he died.
I regret that I did not put enough effort
into learning statistics in graduate school.
I regret that I have spent so many years
of my life letting panic and anxiety
and depression rule my life.
I regret that I have not always been honest
with myself about my motives and that I have hurt people
in the process of sometimes lying my way
through parts of my life.
I could go on and on, I have many regrets.
Let's change gears for a second.
I've been having a lot of health stuff lately,
nothing life threatening, thank god,
but chronic stuff that needs a lot of support
and things and I'm very grateful that I've been able
to get the help that I need but as I've been struggling
with different ways to help my health,
both traditional and alternative,
I keep having this thought.
I'm looking forward to the day
when my health problems will be over
but the fact is, the medical stuff I'm dealing with,
it may take a long time to heal, to repair,
to reinstate my body to a place of not having
those issues anymore.
It occurred to me that these kinds of health issues
may not resolve for years and that even if they resolve
in the next handful of years, I will be almost 50.
And some of the things that I have, I have,
like, for example, mental health challenges,
those are things that are gonna be with me
for the rest of my life.
Where does this leave me?
Where does this leave us?
But sometimes, revelations come and one came the other day.
This is my life.
This is not a dress rehearsal, there may be some things
that take a lifetime to figure out and that's just my life.
So I may never fill in the blank.
I may never stick with an exercise routine.
I may never eat super healthy.
I may never feel that I have resolved my childhood issues.
I may never feel like I'm living up to my full potential.
I may never feel I did it right but I can also shift
my understanding of this whole process
and hopefully cause less pain in this struggle
by coming to terms with the fact that this is my life.
With all of the struggles that I have dealt with,
that you have dealt with, that we all deal with,
death, divorce, medical issues, grief, loss, shame,
these are all of the things we deal with
as we deal with life.
There's no end point to look forward to.
This journey that we're on is what makes up our life.
Some things come, some things go, this too shall pass.
The good and the bad.
And so it goes, on and on and on
until it doesn't.
And one day I really hope that I can look back
at this journey and see it all as building blocks
of something big and complete but until then,
I am working on literally experiencing
everyday one day at a time.
One joy at a time and yes, one struggle at a time.
And this means not looking forward to the day
when I can finally be better.
This means not beating myself up and not comparing myself
to the image of what I thought I should be.
It just means being present and being me.
here goes.
I ate onion rings yesterday.
And then I ate two more.
And then I lied to you about it
because I actually ate five more.
I shoved my older son's hand out of the way
because I wanted to get to the ketchup
for the onion rings first.
That's me, I did that.
But I can't feel too bad about it,
I can't beat myself up over it.
I wanted to workout yesterday but I napped instead.
I got out of bed planning not to be critical of anyone
but hours later at the supermarket, I judged,
in my head, that lady who was buying
her two year old a soda.
I meditated yesterday, I thanked my mom
for helping me cook for Passover.
I recited kaddish for my father on the anniversary
of his death.
I even got my children to come with me
to Synagogue with minimal complaining on their part.
I told my kids how much I love them
and they smiled at me and they squeezed me really tight.
That is my life and I would really like to plan
from here on out on living my life with no regrets.
And to especially not have regret about the regrets
that I likely will end up still having
because, as I said, this is just me.
Thank you for watching.
What do you have regrets about or how have you found ways
not to have regrets?
Please, I would love to hear, share in the comments below
and most importantly, subscribe to our channel,
hit the little bell and like
and share this video if you liked it.
No regrets if you didn't.
LET'S TALK #1_ AM I CRAZY? (MP3 FOR SUBSCRIBERS) - Duration: 6:41.
My name is Rodger Koller
and this video is going to be very different
because today I'm just going to talk to you, you know, like this
I'll try not to edit this video so much
I'll try not to cut many things, I'll just talk to you
directy, looking into your eyes
Actually I'm looking a my camera, my camera is nice
My camera is attractive
I believe that I'm attractive too!
Of course, there will be some cuts because I say many stupid things
all the time, so it's impossible not to cut
some things because it's a family friendly channel
without any further ado, let's get started
Every week, I'm going to try to bring you one video like this one, just talking to you
about things
so it's going to be a more personal video
and of course, I'm going to bring you another video teaching you grammar and vocabulary every week
and tips on how to learn English and how to improve your English
Today I've decided to answer a question that people have been asking me a lot lately
I don't know why but people have been asking me the same question
many times this week
Let me see here
52 people asked me the same thing
So, I've decided to make a video answering this question
The question was
"Rodger, why do you make so many different subtitles in different languages?
You shoul only make subtitles in Portuguese and in English"
That's what people keep telling me that I should only make subtitles in Portuguese and in English
because that would certainly optimize my time
and they're right about that. If i just made subtitles in Portuguese and in English
I would have more time to do other stuff
and then I would have more time to be with my girlfriend and do nice stuff with her
Oh! I would do many nice things with her, oh yeah, I can imagine
Yes! I can imagine!
I'm going to tell you why I make so many different subtitles in different languages
it happens because when I find out that there is one person from a specific country who watches my channel
I don't know...I feel this impulse
I need...I feel the obligation to make subtitles for that one person
I receive around 100 emails a day, so that's why
sometimes when you send me an email
it takes me around ten hours to reply to that email
First, because I have three jobs
and second, because there are many emails to reply, so
be patient, please, when you send me an email
wait for at least ten hours
So, for example, I'm going to tell you a story
I receive many emails every day, so
Once, some months ago, I received an email from a Korean girl
not from a Brazilian person living in Korea, no...From a Korean girl
and she said that she watched my channel
and that she was learning a lot from me, but she was an intermediate student
and the she asked me if I could
start making subtitles in Korean because then she would share my channel with her friends
and I said "Ok! Why not?"
and that's why I started making subtitles in Korean
After some time, I realized that most of my subscribers are Brazilian
but around 3 thousand subscribers are Spanish speakers
So I thought to myself "I have to make subtitles in Spanish, of course!!"
So, I started adding subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Korean
and then I received an email from an Italian man
saying that he loved my channel
and then I felt the obligation to make subtitles in Italian
You can call me crazy but I feel the obligation to do that
because this channel has a method!
I've already made a video about the method
that you should follow when you're watching my videos
Please, after this video is over
check in the description of the video because there's going to be a link
that will take you to the method of the channel
But one of the most important things that you need to use when you're following the method of my channel
...is to use the subtitles as a tool
So, really quickly, you should watch my videos with the subtitles in your language first
so that you can understand the whole gist of the video
then you should watch the video again, now with the subtitles in English
and then you should take notes of new vocabular and expressions
and then you should watch the video again
the same video again for the third time, but now
now without subtitles and then you'll notice that
you'll understand the video 100%
When I find out that there is one person from Russia watching my video
I feel the obligation to add Russian subtitles
That's it, you know...I'm not crazy! ^^
Maybe just a little bit
Another question that people keep asking me is:
"Rodger, why are you so delicious?"
This question is really complicated and it's hard to answer it
because I don't know why or how it happens, but
Yes, I am delicious
But I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing
I don't know how to feel about that because I don't know
whether people watch my channel just because of my looks
becuase I'm delicious
or if they watch my channel because of the content
so I feel good because I know that my body is perfect
and because I'm really attractive
and I feel bad because I'm not sure
if people watch my channel because of my content
and not just because of my body
Stop it! Get some help!
This video was really quick
but don't worry, there is going to be another video on Sunday
Please watch the video on Sunday because it's going to be a very important video
I've already filmed the video that I'm going to post on Sunday
and it's going to be about the best way to learn English
Yes, I'm going to give you my ultimate secret
so, please watch the video on Sunday, subscribe to this channel
Dowload the PDF files
the MP3 files, join our group on Telegram
please share this channel with everybody
and watch my video on Sunday
Thank you very uch for watching my video and I'll see you on Sunday!
「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ New Rules ✗ Shape of You ✗ Him & I ✗ Mama✗ The Monster (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 2:27.
Nightcore - Havana X New Rules X Shape of You X Him & I X Mama X Baby Boy X Ms Jackson (subtitles in video)
Dorfparty in Tange - Ein kleines Dorf im Ausnahmezustand I Y-Kollektiv Dokumentation - Duration: 13:32.
Traffic change on I-83 at Exit 50 - Duration: 0:39.
Al bano e Romina: cosa sta succedendo tra i due? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:42.
Quiet Morning. - Duration: 5:55.
hello friend.
good morning.
I felt like making a very laid back,
chit chat video.
and update what's been going on.
over the weekend was hectic.
moving things took really long because we only had a two door car...
there's no footage for vlogs because I figured that there
will be plenty of moving footage when I finally get the apartment keys,
and we're moving everything there. again.
so, currently I am at Tyler's house. That is the stop, because
there's a gap between when I HAD to move out for school,
and when I get the apartment keys,
so in between, there's a few days time where
I have technically no place to stay, so
all of my things are at Tyler's, and
he also shares the place with 2 other guys,
which is why I've been pretty quiet, and just lounging on the down low..
I've been sketching some things I've converted into prints!
and that process is pretty slow, but
I've finally started designing the squarespace thing, as I mentioned.
and this is sponsored by squarespace as I've already done some art videos,
in this project.
and as I mentioned,
got an email-
squarespace is the online platform in which you can create your own website,
I'm using it for a store, and perhaps a blog that I can merge with my sister's content.
there's so many award winning templates that you can just make any kind of website that you choose
it's really fast, and I've used their template before I do any other kind of fancy
customization, for now,
it already looks really nice, and I didn't have to do so much yet.
I don't like making any major decisions without my sister,
she's in asia for the summer!
and, that's why there's been a delay because she has permission of the domain,
that we wanna use,
so since there's a time difference as well, I've been waiting on her response
to get back to me and now there's a waiting period.
but I can show you really quickly,
what it looks like!
quite excited.
and also if you're interested in making your own site, visit the link below,
for 10% off your first purchase.
I'll definitely put on our social media and
mention in a vlog when it's finally up, because
I'm also ordering some prints I designed,
and, once I get it physically, and see what it looks like,
then I can figure out shipping and everything.
sorry about all the street noise,
it was also garbage day this morning, so there were tons of dumpster trucks
just coming by, and beeping
but, it's kind of nice to hear the outside world.
it's quite quaint cus I can also hear the birds singing
as of my summer, it's going quite smoothly,
by the time you see this I'll be in cape cod,
I've planned a trip for Tyler and I down there,
this week would've been our 1 year anniversary, so
that is the little trip that we're taking for that.
next week I'm going to be in new york,
uh- still not completely set what I'm gonna do, except for a hair appointment,
because..My roots have been really growing,
and that is why I've been wearing this headband, everyday..
it looks really bad when I don't have it on because my bangs are half black..
it looks more presentable when it's pulled back
and those are all my updates for you,
thank you so much for hanging out with me while I chit chat,
I hope that you've been making a great month for yourself,
as we come to the end of may!
shoot me a comment and let me know how you're doing,
I hope that you've been taking care of yourself,
and I will see you very soon. Love you!
6 rimedi casalinghi per eliminare i brufoli - Duration: 6:15.
「Nightcore」→ Love You Like A Love Song ✗ I Want You To Know ✗ Slow Down (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:00.
「Nightcore」→ Love You Like A Love Song ✗ I Want You To Know ✗ Slow Down (Switching Vocal)
what healthy food i eat in day while traveling indoors and outdoor | part 1 - Duration: 6:33.
What is going on guys?!
Thanks for coming back to my channel. I'm coming to you from New York City! My apartment New York City actually, but
I'm gonna be spending here a few days. Don't mind me. I look like a hot mess. I woke up very early today and
I had to travel with my son by myself, and it was really hard. The cool thing is I actually got to meet this youtuber.
Which was unexpected I by the way, I've got to meet this youtuber that I've been following for a little while
It's name's Kevin and he's a fitness
Coach as well amazing stuff. You guys have to go check him out. Put his youtube
I mean, I'm not
Doing it because yakked me or anything cuz he's you know, he has a lot of subscribers
But I think you guys should check him out
I think he has some great stuff but besides that I would be spending here for a few days
Maybe about five to six days.
Back in my hometown back in my old apartment
So you can see in the background
It's probably really dark and the lighting here is horrible because I'm trying to get some sunlight inside and I'm sweating..
So much because I literally just walked in and my into my apartment it is so hot right now
I'm humid and I'm like oh, but what I'm gonna do is for the next couple days
I'm going to be showing you guys exactly what I've been eating.
so, I went to PRET for those who live in New York City probably know it is PRET.
I don't know if they have it anywhere else, but they usually so salads and bread
like sandwiches
more on the healthier. They do some things like little brownies and cookies for like desserts and stuff
So I usually go for the chicken avocado
But this time I decided to go with the turkey one because I saw it was lower in calories and I had no
Cranberries in it even though I love cranberries
But I'm trying to watch what II because I know it does tend to have a lot of sugar in it
It's a lot of carbs basically, so it's trying to go for a lower kind of carbs. I know veggies have carbs too.
But you know and for the dressing I might even use like less than this like half or even a little less than half
But this is the turkey one. It's about two hundred and thirty or forty 240 calories
I believe I think it does having some egg in there to score some extra protein for me some avocados some
Cherry tomatoes so this is gonna be my breakfast.
So it's like 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon and I'm starving
I got to drink or eat something so I'm gonna have my Shakeology, which is my super my superfood shake
So I'm just gonna put this in a blender with some water and I'll be good to go
Okay. So now we got this good and Chocolaty goodness
I did use my nutri bullet to just blend it up real quick and stuff and I'm about to drink this up
Now im in Target shopping, Not sure what im going to get. We will see.. Probably some banana and stuff
Got some sweet potatoes
2 zucchinis, cole slaw, bread i like real like this brand
some Raspberries bottom a little bit of tuna for some protein
Eggs for protein gotta have a nice and sort of nut butter with me
And then for my son he really likes this one
Egg whites that's just in case my mom one
String cheese some bananas. I actually wanted to try it this one too (cheese)
and then some pesto , some oatmeal ,some avocado
Some turkey, Parmesan; I'm gonna make some pasta thing and I just wanted to try this
This half and half-plant base coffee creamer and some snacks for my son.
-cut scene-
All right here you got some coleslaw
Pre-cut coleslaw and I put a little bit of egg white inside
so this is the egg whites that I use just
and be sure it's 100% egg whites because some of them actually come with like yeast
make sure it's 100% egg white
Liquid and then the one I use for coleslaw
i just bought some prepackaged one because as I'm only being here for a few days
I'm only gonna be buying you know Express and
Like pre-cut mainly vegetables, so it just be a lot easier for me to cook and just be done with it
I'm just heating it up a little bit so the egg can cook. The only reason i added the egg white was for extra protein.
But I'm gonna add a little bit of tuna on to this too might be a little too much protein
But i really much didnt eat much today
So I feel like I needed the extra protein in my body and the extra veggies
So we plated the coleslaw with egg now, we're gonna add this
chunk like tuna because you know, it was kinda like a grab and go, I almost forgot to say that I'm gonna add 1/4
Maybe 1/4 about avocado in it. So my tuna mash it all up and then put it in here. So
Now I'm gonna cut it
Thank you guys!
Don't forget to like the video. ^^
Our Gothic Wedding Story + Trying On My Dress 7 Years Later! | Avelina De Moray - Duration: 24:23.
yeah thank you say that but don't put your hands in appropriate
places, Or i wont be able to speak, you can't see what's
going on down here. hey everyone its Avelina here with my husband Von, he's a
newbie to my channel, actually I think this is my cameo
yeah the swimming video yes you've been highly requested so here is today we are
going to talk about our lovely gothic wedding I've made a little slideshow of
all of the photos that were taken and we're just going to talk through it I
haven't looked at them in a while what we're going to do before we start that
is I've got my wedding dress down here I'm going to try it on and see seven
years later if I can still fit into it so I'm not wearing too much clothing
right now let's see if you can get it on me I've been saying I wanted to do this
for so long I think I threw out the herps thing you know that is a co-worker
I don't know what the official title is the thing that goes on to the dress to
keep it like really poufy and keep its shape yeah try that out
remind me to talk to you all about how much my dress was they can't actually
see what's happening alright I will show you the bottom of the dress I'm in
that's good I wish my hair was this long actually ah how is that possible after 2
children that's because they steal all my food oh I can't eat can you show the
we'll start with the zip we kind of light it up like a quarter yeah that's
gonna hurt two hours oh my god we don't have to that no we tired you have to
dress me hold it up it's not it's IQ it's like totally urban this is why men
don't have up corset can you get it tied up yeah keep going keep going keep going
keep going there's no more that's it two bits of corn well I'm in it it actually
st. Lucia yeah I wish mine was I know we're 87 all right so yeah it seems I've
lost some weight this was a lot tighter I mean it's not done up completely it's
got all these lovely beadwork here the Saturn is so thick it's lovely and it
looks it looks way better with that little hippie thing underneath it it's
got beadwork here I just felt like a princess look at the trail I got a
trailer or trying tail tail I don't know
yeah it was alright so let's go through the photos now and see what we can
remember about that woody Oh remind me never to do this again
not the wedding thing they're wearing the dress in a really like closed area
with live drum clumsy you guys I don't know if you know this about me but I'm
really clumsy you know especially when I'm pregnant I how much more clumsy did
I get you know this isn't that complicated yeah you kind of like safe
filming so I'm in this like long dress and the trail of the train whatever it
is is that keeps long and I'm tripping over it things are flying a break
alright so now we're going to go through the photos and I will somehow impress
editing put the same photo up so you know what interest aneurysm really I
couldn't get what was I think I wore ring over the black satin
gloves that I had on I remember kicking my mom out of the room because I was
doing my eyeliner and it's so funny that same thing just happened now that's why
my eyeliner is so beat today it kept getting bigger and bigger and
bigger because I walked in and you know when it's wet and it hasn't dried yet
and then she came in and I looked up and then I like I nearly died because I
bought waterproof everything because you know I was gonna cry and I did cry it's
quite a few times I had waterproof eyeliner everything and I'm like how am
I gonna fix this so then I had to get like makeup remover and redo it and yeah
she didn't come but I was not a bride Nazi political movement they have to be
applied to join the parade country you don't say I'm sure it's like a Hungarian
punk band or something it's when women go off the rails and they forget the
point I didn't do any of that I didn't really have bridesmaids or anything like
that I just cuz I don't quit they all ran away screaming
I asked my sister she was my ones bridesmaid but no dresses and their
fittings nothing like this just wear what you want is something that's black
that's what we said just wait and I think I had my mom as the maid of honor
but they didn't have to do anything you know it was really easy okay where any
on the third phone that's people oh I don't kiss you with your massage that
was heavy that was so hold it was big pretty cool
I think they sprayed it like a little bit so it was darker as well oh that's
so that's how big the dress looks when you put that could be thing under it
that's pretty cool what a poser there'll be a lot of posing here you kind of look
like you're ready to like look out on the stage they haven't done that in a
while back to it you know the last time you did it was eight years ago okay for
another my makeup looks flawless tattoos beating up my dress
let me see doing that move and you don't know that either you've changed your
facial hair a lot I made sure to like even close though
yeah I like when you have bowls on your face oh here we go again jump into the
honeymoon honeymoon activities and then your mother moved in with this that was
the honey way no no no he used to have when he first got the snakebites he had
balls and I was
that's just good uh I can't come up next I think you're always holding my hand
because I was just gonna like trip by about full up and say like that way
laughing because you like I just tripped over and you caught me he like yeah we
did a lot of posing focusing but no kissing cuz it like it looks better
probably Terminator yeah I really like that photo this is the suit looks really
good to really see the back of the dress do I look different there six seven
years ago this thing my makeup looks good doesn't it
I did it myself that's another thing I wasn't gonna have lights um probably
bought myself so that's my clutch the it sold out the first bag of gifts that I
designed I actually designed that full the wedding because I wanted something
really special and I couldn't find anything hosing by the Quran pew I did
get a makeup buzz to do my my contour i think uh so though back then i do that
doesn't my pop up and then my mom kind of sporting the same history I just
squeeze my mom's neck that's why she looks kind of funny because she doesn't
know how to casually smile a so I said oh I'm actually pinching her neck she
pulled it together for the day I'm like where's the food I'm hungry bitch god I
ran away at this time I think we were having a bit of a meltdown yeah yeah
because the celibate was supposed to come pick me up
and she didn't turn up and she was an excellent fund she would figure out how
to get me there jump in the car and grab you sir also which is not what I wanted
to do because you know that's stress and I just finally got through to her and
I'm like where the fuck are you like I fully spoke to her like that I'm like
you're supposed to pick up a bomb like half an hour ago the wedding starts in
15 minutes and my groom is Julia and she's a cop sorry we're just having so
much fun decorating and this candelabras everywhere and I just so perfect I'm
like that's great come and get my fucking husband she never did because
you're already there and she couldn't say my name right we'll get to that
even the photographer he said she's where did you find that one she was fine
until the day I know she was lost ships she lost her shit the wedding was just
to like special I think and like I don't know but she seemed really nervous
she had one Joe I know I read the papers
okay that's mean looking pretty I think you would left by now you know logia so
I'm getting ready to get in the hole send Carrie
who's staying at a really nice hotel today so I made all the photos really
nice made my dad again just about to get oh wait that's a really beautiful one
that shows off my dress I'm so glad we have these because the
whole day went so quickly things with the cops now yeah we didn't even get
date oh I I just think it's cake which is still upset about no we
got the cake and the limousine actually wouldn't get that little dessert thing
which apparently was really good inside the carriage now it was really
hard to get into heels a crazy dress like that has helped a woman from like
the 16th century so yeah the place we got married that is
horizontal holders it's like a castle used to be a house yeah obviously rich
family so it looks like Cinderella is so beautiful look at that that carriage
ride went really quickly with my dad like what only ten minutes away
I'm sorry um but yeah it was it was a nice little moment for me and my dad to
perform so he gave me away to the devil I think we were late too because the
photographer was just having so much about taking photos what are you
standing there for a while no no mm-hmm you probably just go down yeah I think I
only just got that a few minutes before you do a lot of photos before hitting in
on me with the horse they were lovely
reminds me of London now animal noises you say any animal copy you it's the
cutest thing ever alright we've just had changed over to
my pics because this video is gonna be like four hours long longer than the
damn wedding if I'm if I show you every single third this one is my dad lifting
back my veil which was kind of heavy I had a headache at the end of that day
such the perfect location for us last night
moody suicide yeah read the lighting is perfect so it was in a what used to be a
wine cellar so it was really like kind of a dungeon which they had recently
renovated for small events and things like that so I waiting
we have 30 guests so considered as practically hit rose petals sprinkled on
the red carpet I got my dress willow everywhere big ceeze that was
basically how big the room was and each guest had a candle mom or the rings
remember when the celebrate started reading from the wrong page punch it the
stuffing pass sorry I'm on the wrong page so that's pretty much who you see
that one doesn't even look like they actually get that printed on canvas
you'd see the long dress and the red carpet of smoke candles
it involves bloodletting and leeches and
you look really evil they're like ha ha ha she didn't notice the things I snuck
into the vows I read that fine print I didn't I should really do that my mom
dad also signing is that just as a witness Angelina javelina and she felt
alone with a certificate yeah I think you can say that it actually and I think
that's a different name on the candles yeah Evelyn the de Moura
opinion my gosh I really like that better - I like that one that's I don't
know how that reminds me of like Bram Stoker's Dracula for some reason maybe
that scene with a dancing with the candles and stuff very similar but she's
gonna red dress on Easter that's my sister on the road
oh I love that take me I thought that's pretty much all I remember doing those
photos photos photos I remember my mom said are you guys coming in uh you know
I did like spend some time with the guess what yeah this is a photo on the
canvas yes and don't never leave leave class
none of this is photoshopped these Claire for the papers always used to
it's like just slightly crooked unlike did make it straight just rotate
it no it's ten degrees like so I made him
do that before they printed in the book that's all the guests have been little
miles he was the only baby in the family at that time obviously we didn't that
children yeah okay I think we might have another one say I know it kind of looks
like I've got wings that really shows up the bouquet that my dress oh look my I
love that one too Oh take me by the neck that's a really
nice one of you to the wind just catching you jack these are very odd see
through the tweaks the branches I love them what happened to those vampire
glasses done cinnamon use and after this we got a black limo to the shangri-la in
Sydney which is a really nice hotel
that's gorgeous very gothic is a night with their we're like all that stained
glass window in the bedroom I've still got that we're not good I leave must
have been getting quite many at this point oh I look like a baby there but
now do i oh the food is making me hungry
it was really okay Wow I wish I'd got more photos of that
actually there's a few more coming up but yeah that was a pretty epic cake and
it was so good as well
speeches hmm my sister thinks something funny to do that that's a great photo
though I love that way mm-hmm I think we danced just up to this
okay well that's all everything that was what I danced to it my dad we danced
with insulation the 6/8 falafel in that followed for sale as the one that
featured in Vampire Diaries which was not at all why we selected it it was
just so it was 16 it was a good kind of like well sing neither of us really knew
how to dance we just winged it he's not gonna get lessons yeah it's with my dad
the next one I think we're crying so we dance - uh I don't close my eyes
Aerosmith what's mom doing
that's a beautiful photo so literally my dad was singing like he can't sing he
sings as what was using me he does yes let's be honest um yeah and like that
just sings in this yeah I was just so beautiful and then we just we both
teared up and stead of crying it does same time it was beautiful Motley Crue
thank you yeah he's your family I love them behind their young me on you
my mom and my sister oh my god the photos never end we have a bunch of
people coming out from the other rooms that autumn to look at a black wedding
dress and they wouldn't get out of the damn shot and there's a whole bunch of
people at the top of those stairs as well and they all want to walk down the
steps when we have to sort of stand there yeah because it was a really big
like reception area they had maybe three or four other weddings I had like three
or four hundred guests and then Alice which was like the smallest of them all
obviously see a dress is so original singing and we got that same thing like
yeah before gorgeous the home venue is just set up full photography is
beautiful and really like we bought in the weddi running for like 15 grand I
think the venue was like 9,000 9,000 10,000 and that was like the room higher
and the buffet and all of that maybe because we had so few guests I think we
spent three and a half on the flowers and stuff like that they were pretty
elaborate photography to another three miles then I can't count it yeah but my
dress like everyone is like Oh much mystery dress and it looks like it would
have been like six grand or something like that but I could enough some
comment with some Bridal website at China 300 u.s. dollars so I just took a
chance and thought what's the worst that can happen if it's really shit I'll just
buy one locally but I was trying on a few bustling they didn't have any black
and they were like really full five six thousand dollars I'm like for a dress
you're gonna wear once I'd rather buy myself a camera I love that photo in the
black memory edited in more lights then that one is well I remember we were
looking at the scene from Bram Stoker's right yeah yeah
time so this is awesome a limo now
summed up in 100 photos it was going to be 500 variants a cut that shit down
would you do it again yeah again it's about we should do it invisible hello
maybe at 10 years in Vegas I don't want to like any gonna be office know that we
can get dead Elvis to do it okay thank you well ten thousand of you better be
there you better send out the invitations sorry for taking someone for
making this video it is a bit of a chore to get him and me together in the same
room when I'm filming these days isn't it with all the work we've been doing on
the back yard that's kind of slowed down and finished so we yeah we have more
free time and I'm heading off to LA next weekend yeah gonna be with me for a week
and then he's coming back with the kids a little bit earlier so yeah I just
thought let's do it well while we can and whilst I still fit in this dress
because if I am hopefully pregnant soon
I'd like to see that
all right on that note who say oh um let's not end it on balls or mm-hmm
Nazis or anything like that right Nazis thank you for watching I hope you
enjoyed this video let me know if you'd like to see more videos with you need
your in general I'd subscribe I'll go and check do you yeah both it would be
on YouTube you don't even know are you talking okay on that now please leave a
comment let me know if you would wear black at your wedding
did you enjoy did you enjoy what I did for my wedding see you guys next time
Thai Market - Local Food Sakhon Nakhon l Street food in Thailand - Duration: 16:35.
Hello, My name's Phumjai from Amazing Food Channel.
Krachai Flower, local food
Ant .
Fresh local vegetables in Thailand.
bamboo shoot, Prepare to cook in the steamed bamboo with curry paste menu.
Mushrooms for sale 50 baht
Dried meat for sale 50 baht.
Fresh Chicken Shop
The market here is a very clean market.
Sakon Nakhon market is open from 15.00-19.00 pm.
A local food and wild food from From Phu Phan mountain in market.
cicada Egg. for sell 50 baht.
Fish shop
Tamarind, local fruits
Baked duck
Seafood shop
mackerel for sell 10-30 baht.
Trichogaster pectoralis with egg (yummy food )
Snake Fish Shop
Catfish shop
Fresh shrimp
Pineapple Price 15 baht / 1 kg.
Fresh bamboo shoot
Ants Egg for sell 100 baht.
Fresh Mulberry from the garden
Local vegetables, bitter taste
Insect for sell 50 baht.
Thanks for watching the clip. please subscribe so that you won't miss the next video.
Aash Mehta - Going Numb (feat. Bri Tolani) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:57.
📝 Aash Mehta - Going Numb (feat. Bri Tolani) Lyrics
I swear to God I'm not this cold Baby I don't want you to think that
Push them back before they pull Emotions are just hurting way too bad
And I know that if I can't keep up with the pain
Up with the pain, I'm going down
Mask my soul, I always hide it Deep in my veins, deep in my veins
If I can't feel you, I don't want to feel a damn thing
I'd rather hide the truth Then open up and show you everything, so
I'm going numb it hurts too much to handle 'Cause I can't take you flowing through my blood
It was me and you But I had to let you go
So I'm going numb
So I'm going numb
So I'm going numb
I watched us bloom, we died of thirst Maybe we were always in drought
But once we knew, once it started to hurt The demons in my head just got to loud
And I know that if I can't keep up with the pain
Up with the pain, I'm going down
Mask my soul, I always hide it Deep in my veins, deep in my veins
If I can't feel you, I don't want to feel a damn thing
I'd rather hide the truth Then open up and show you everything, so
I'm going numb it hurts too much to handle 'Cause I can't take you flowing through my blood
It was me and you But I had to let you go
So I'm going numb
So I'm going numb
If I can't feel you, I don't want to feel a damn thing
I'd rather hide the truth Then open up and show you everything, so
I'm going numb it hurts too much to handle 'Cause I can't take you flowing through my blood
It was me and you But I had to let you go
So I'm going numb
So I'm going numb
So I'm going numb
See Hoda, Ellie Kemper and Jane Krakowski play 'Never Have I Ever' TODAY com - Duration: 1:39.
hey there guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I will be doing
an all-day clean with me now I've got a house full of messes today so I have a
lot of cleaning to do I am going to be starting in my master
bedroom today so if you guys enjoy watching these types of videos and they
really get you motivated to help you clean your house just click the
subscribe button down below and give this video a big thumbs up and
that way you will be sure to not miss any upcoming videos so I always like to
start by making my bed I've got some fresh sheets here and I've just put them
on the bed and I'm just going to be putting on our throw pillows and this is
a really good start for cleaning the bedroom because I like to use the bed to
lay my laundry out on
I've also gone and opened the windows in the bedroom
I just want to get some nice fresh air flowing through here it is really great
to have clean sheets on the bed and fresh air is just flowing through the
bedroom it smells really really great
now this is all clean laundry right here I'm just going to be sorting it into
piles and bringing them into the proper bedrooms and putting the laundry away I
have got a ton of laundry to do today and I'm going to be getting started with
my load of towels now this load of towels has that musty mildewy smell to
it sometimes laundry can get that smell if you forget it in the washing machine
overnight so I'm gonna be using this odor cleanse laundry additive it is a
really really great product to get that smell out and it is non-toxic made of
Earth minerals no harmful chemicals and there are no added scents and no masking
agents so I'm really really comfortable using this in my washing machine with my
laundry this is also a really great product to get body odor out of clothing
so if you've got workout gear that you just can't get the smell out this stuff
is what you want to use it is super great so you're just gonna want to add
the product directly into the detergent dispenser for your washing machine now
if you guys are interested in getting some odor cleanse laundry out of it for
yourselves there is a link down below in the description box you can go ahead and
head over to their website and there's also a coupon code amana de 15 for 15%
off now I'm just going to go back to my bedroom and finish off there I am going
to vacuum the floors wipe off the night tables and the dresser and wash the
now for washing the floors I'm just using hot water with about a half a cup
of vinegar and I used five drops of Young Living lemon essential oil now
here is a quick peek of my bedroom now that it is nice and clean now I will be
moving on to my master bathroom this bathroom is actually not too bad so I'm
just going to be using the vacuum to clean up any dirt that is on the floor I
will be also mopping as well as wiping the counters just washing out the
bathtub and the toilet
I actually just like to use toilet paper to wipe down my toilet with I don't
really like to use the wipes or a rag because I'm rag you have to throw in
your washing machine and if you're kind of wiping toilet dirt I just don't
really like the idea of throwing it into my washing machine and as for wipes I
find that the dry toilet paper does a much better job than wet wipes to wipe
it down so I just give it a good spray down with whatever cleaner I want to use
and then I just wipe away any of the dirt and grime with a lot of toilet
paper and then I just throw it into the toilet and flush it down
before we move on to the next room I just thought I'd give you guys a after
shot of the master bathroom here it is all nice and clean and now that this
area is clean I can move on to the next room so one thing about having dark
hardwood floors and for little boys is that it gets pretty dusty really quick
so I usually have to use my vacuum or even my I have this little dusting broom
that I can just run over really quickly and it just gathers up all the dust so I
usually like to do that at least once a day our stairs are a really high traffic
area so they get pretty dusty and dirty very quickly so today I'm going to be
using the pointy nozzle and I'm gonna get into all the corners of the stairs
and then I'll use the bigger vacuum head just to get the base of the stairs and I
will give that a really good brushing and vacuum up all the dirt and crumbs
so I'm not gonna be going into the boys rooms today because their rooms are
actually pretty clean I'm doing most of the main living areas so I'm gonna start
on the main floor here and I will be vacuuming up the main floor and all the
dust and dirt and then I will be doing a floor washing as well
all right so the floors are cleaned in the front entrance area and now I will
be just folding the blankets that are left in the couch fluffing the cushions
vacuuming the cushions because we've got a lot of crumbs here today somebody must
have been snacking on the couch and just getting under the rug a little bit
folding that pile of laundry no just general cleanup in the
living-room area here I'm just gonna fold that pile of towels that are done
that I did earlier in the video they smell fantastic thank you to that odor
cleanse product the laundry additive it worked awesome and now I'm just gonna
finish up with the couch cushions I've got some pillows that need to be put
back in their cases because I wash them every so often I'll give them a wash
because we've got sticky little fingers in this house so they tend to get a
little bit dirty pretty quick so now I'm just gonna vacuum all of the cushions
and the couches as well as just some of the surfaces in the living room the
piano can get a little bit dusty sometimes too so I'll give that a little
vacuum just to get into all the crevices as well
I'm just gonna be using my lilac mrs. mayor's multi-surface
everyday cleaner to clean the kitchen table the lilac scent smells fabulous it
is so springy and fresh okay guys so I have quite the job in the kitchen today
there is a lot of clutter just laying around there's dishes there's toys and
all sorts of just stuff everywhere so the kitchen is going to take me a little
bit of time today to get cleaned I will video most of it so you can just
see the process of how I am doing the whole kitchen cleanup here I am just
going to be using my method antibac bamboo cleaner to spray down the island
and wipe it down
unloading the dishwasher okay if anybody invents in the auto unload dishwasher
they're gonna be seriously rich because I cannot stand to load and unload the
dishwasher so I would pay some serious coin for one of those
this dish cloth that I'm using is from the target dollar spot it has like
little roses all over it it is honestly the prettiest dish cloth I have ever
seen it actually sat on my kitchen counter for like a week because I didn't
want to use it because it was so pretty but yeah the target dollar spot awesome
place to find cute little things just like that
here I'm using my method antibac spray in the sink I want to give it a really
good scrub down and sanitize it so I'm gonna use my little scrubber and get
into the corners and then give it a good rinse here I'm just gonna vacuum the
floors now one of these days I'm going to get myself a cordless vacuum I really
love this dyson vacuum but it would be nice to have a cordless one on hand just
for those quick cleanups when you don't feel like hauling out the bigger vacuum
in the court I really love my method glass and surface cleaner the mint scent
is just really really nice it's such a mild scent and it does a great job so
I'm gonna be using that for the glass surfaces here and even just quick little
jobs on stainless steel like the edges of this fridge
our back door always has fingerprints on it like I mean always like tomorrow
morning this door will have fingerprints on it
guaranteed so yeah having a little little guys running in and out of the
house using the back door it gets dirty pretty quick just gonna use my women's
stainless steel cleaner here it's my favorite cleaner
it leaves hardly any streaks at all on the stainless steel so I use that for my
dishwasher and my fridge all the bigger stainless steel surfaces for sure
okay so this brings us to the end of the all-day clean with me if you guys want
to grab some order cleanse for yourselves for your laundry the link is
down below the description box and do not forget to use the coupon code amount
of 15 for your 15% off thanks so much for joining me again for another video
please do not forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down below if you
want to see more videos just like this and give it a big thumbs up thanks so
much we'll see you guys next time
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:06.
Woda z karczocha i jej właściwości - Duration: 9:56.
💘 love, your best enemy. | batjokes✧˖° - Duration: 3:21.
Sådan bekæmpes væskeophobning i benene - Duration: 4:37.
The Meg Official Trailer
Saker lança o jato pessoal S-1 - Duration: 2:17.
O que ocorre com o cérebro quando dormimos? - Duration: 4:58.
Los looks de sport de Letizia ¿Acierta o falla? - Duration: 8:55.
Tkanka chrzęstna — jak o nią zadbać? - Duration: 13:36.
Censored Speech – Debunked - Duration: 12:59.
One month ago I gave you my thoughts on Spiked Magazine's debate titled "Is the left eating
itself?", and in this video I'm going to return to the scene to address one of the
secondary (but very much salient) contentions within it – that being the feud between
Angus Johnston and Brandon O'Neil regarding free speech for Nazis… this is "Censored
Speech – Debunked".
"I'm an ACLU guy, I'm a First Amendment absolutist guy, and as I was growing up, right,
thinking about the concept of free speech, the place you would always go was Skokie,
That was the example that you would always give – that if you really were for free
speech you had to be for free speech of the Nazis in Skokie… and, and the way that that
was formulated was to be for free speech means to be most of all for the free speech of the
people that you hate the most (and the people you hate the most are the Nazis, and so that's
where you go)…
I think that's wrong."
So there's the claim - Angus believes that being for free speech does not mean being
for the free speech of those you hate the most ("If you really were for free speech
you had to be for free speech of the Nazis in Skokie [...] I think that's wrong"),
and here's the first reason he gives for his position.
"I think that to be for free speech means that you have to be for the free speech the
most of the people whose free speech is most under attack, right?
If the people you hate the most are relatively privileged (in terms of having the ability
to, er, to avail themselves of their First Amendment rights), then they're not the
people you need to be supporting the most – the people you need to be supporting the
most are the people who're most under attack!"
Now Angus goes on to give several other reasons (including one in which he defends ANTIFA),
but here lies the first point I want to make.
Angus is conflating two questions - one being "Is all speech protected by free speech?",
and the other being "Whose speech should we prioritise defending?", and he's acting
as if we must choose to either protect the speech of those we hate, or the speech of
those most under attack, when this simply isn't the case.
If we say "All speech is protected" (which is not the same as saying that all speech
carries no consequence, or that all speech can be exerted anywhere and anytime), then
we get to defend our own speech, our adversaries', and those who're most under attack (and
let's face it, the latter two are often the same).
Or in other words, if we say "Free speech means free speech for all people and all ideas"
then priority simply isn't a concern.
Now as a slight side-note, I want to emphasize that the reason I'm using Angus' defence
of this position (which is held by a hell of a lot more people than you might think)
is because it's a sophisticated rendition (a steelman, if you will), but before we move
on, I think it's necessary to give an example of what this position looks like in practise,
because it ain't pretty: "I believe in open discussion."
"You believe in a platform for hate!"
"And oppression."
"A platform for hate!"
"May I respond?"
I'm not interested."
"I believe in open dis--" "I don't care what you believe!"
"We don't want you here!"
"You're not welcome here!"
"I will stand--" "You're not welcome here."
"Just go away!"
"Go away!"
"Excuse me."
"Go away!"
"Go away!"
"Go away!"
"Go away!"
"Go away!"
"Go, go, go!"
"Nazi scum, off our streets!"
"Nazi scum, off our streets!"
"Nazi scum, off our streets!"
"Nazi scum, off our streets!"
So here we have someone very politely defending free speech by holding a sign that reads "The
right to openly discuss ideas must be defended", and yet (because the protesters are against
the speech of those they hate) he's been silenced, physically manoeuvred, and called
a Nazi… again, for saying that everyone has the right to express their thoughts…
now needless to say, I don't like Nazis, but for me the problem here is outrageously
Anyhow, to get back on track, here's the second reason that Angus gave: "When we're
talking about free speech and protecting free speech we need to be very, very clear on what
we mean.
Because, Milo Yiannopoulos does not have a right to speak at the UC Berkeley campus,
and I say that as a First Amendment absolutist.
Richard Spencer does not have a First Amendment right to speak on any campus, and again, I
say that as a First Amendment absolutist.
The American campus is a place where it's a community, and it's an institution – it
is not a place where anyone has an equal right to speak."
So first off: "So does Richard Spencer have a right to speak at college campuses?
Turns out legally he does [...] Let's say that your college has a policy whereby…
a public college has a policy whereby you can rent space, um, then Richard Spencer has
as much right to rent that space at a public college as anyone else does, and you can't
bar him.
And secondly (and more importantly), despite Angus saying that when we talk about free
speech we have to be "Very, very clear on what we mean" he ironically didn't refer
to free speech… he referred to the First Amendment, and they're actually not the
same thing: "At the New York Law school, a couple of weeks ago I was debating Angus
Johnston [...] and he describes himself as a First Amendment absolutist... however, he
supports the new forms of censorship on campus, like trigger warnings, or shutting down meetings
that are too extreme, and so on, and as he said this I thought 'You know what?
There actually isn't necessarily a contradiction between those two things', because you can
support the restriction on any government intervention of censorship but also giving
a green light towards the more informal censorship."
And so hence, this isn't a First Amendment issue, it's a free speech issue…
Anyhow, to prevent myself from getting to far ahead of myself, here's how Brandon responded
to Angus during the debate: "Erh, yeah, I want to defend free speech for Nazis.
Ehm, because, the idea that you can have free speech but not for Nazis is such a profound
contradiction in terms – that's not free speech that's licensed speech.
That's speech that you're licensed… that, er, that is speech you are licensed
to enjoy so long as you are not a Nazi.
That's not freedom of speech, that's the end…
that's the end of freedom of speech."
Now I appreciate that it's hard to hear someone defend the free speech of reprehensible
people and ideas, and that on the surface it seems like a moral and logical imperative
to silence them, but there's several seriously sincere reasons why we shouldn't, and over
the years Brendan has conveyed them with eloquent vigour!
For example, in 2015, at Oxford Union, he gave one of the best defenses of free speech
I've ever seen (which I've linked in the description and cannot recommend enough),
but in a nutshell he explained that 700 years ago John Wycliffe was denounced and no-platformed
for saying that "Everyone should be able to read the bible" because his speech was
deemed "An offense against the ecclesiastical order"; that 200 years ago Percy Shelley
was ridiculed and no-platformed for saying "I don't believe in god" because he
caused "maximum offense"; and that 100 years ago The Chameleon Magazine was terminated
after just 1 issue for saying "A man should be allowed to have sex with another man"
because it was "An insult to the animal creation"; and Brendan concluded by saying:
"Giving offense is good – in fact it's essential.
Humans have long had the urge to offend against the natural order, the religious order, the
moral order, and in the process they have pushed humanity forward.
In fact, pretty much every leap forward in history, pretty much every freedom we enjoy,
is a product of individuals having given offense."
Now in reply to this one might say "Sure, let's have the freedom to offend, but not
the freedom to incite violence; the Neo-Nazis are not just offending people – they're
being hateful…"
But the problem here is that what's conceived as violent speech (or as it's more frequently
called "hate speech") is subjective; what one person sees as hate speech, another doesn't.
I, for example, see the act of advocating Islamic sharia law as an incitement of violence
(because, to say the least, its establishment would result in homosexuals being thrown in
prison or killed).
To me, sharia law isn't just offensive, it's violent, and yet notice that I'm
not trying to ban sharia preachers… in fact, I want them to preach their hateful ideology
in public so that people like me can address, ridicule and destroy it.
Now again, one might reply by saying that they wouldn't personally call the advocating
of sharia law an incitement of violence, but that's actually the point… what is conceived
as offense and violence is subjective.
Now, trust me when I say that I don't like quoting a Fox News anchor, but within the
following clip Tucker Carlson simply nails it: "And I agree with everything you said
- that is hateful and it's awful (I'm offended by it)."
"It is."
"But really, what you're saying is that you're offended... and that's the problem with hate
speech (this fake category that we've made up all of a sudden) because it's entirely
What's offensive to you (or hateful to you) may not be as offensive to me.
We're both American citizens, we both live under the same Bill of Rights."
"I agree."
"You see the problem?
So attempts by the Left to ban speech are as bad as attempts from the Right to ban speech,
so why don't we just call it truce and stop trying to prevent people we disagree with
from speaking?"
So there's the first reason we should give free speech to those we hate – offense and
hate speech are subjective (it's a very slippery slope).
The second reason is that it simply doesn't work…
"Stamping out the speech of those who have abhorrent things to say isn't going to work.
The reason that those messages are resonate now has to do with the place we are in history
[…] The reason these people are now making progress is that people are now listening
for those messages, and anyone who deploys them is going to get a hearing, and so the
way to approach this is to look at the deeper questions that have put us at a moment of
austerity that caused those messages to be resonant, rather than the narrow free speech
And the third reason to give free speech to those we hate is because not doing so has
devastating consequences!
"If you want to see the danger of censorship just look at people like Milo Yiannopoulos
and Richard Spender.
Their fame, their power (to the extent that they have it), their influence, the fact that
you all know who they are (even though they don't have any good ideas) is entirely down
to censorship!
I honestly think Brendan's so on the money here – many of the Right's current most
prominent figures owe their status (and in some cases entirely) due to censorship.
Not due to good ideas or intelligible discourse, but due to them being no-platformed because
they were deemed "offensive" and / or "hateful".
History has taught us again and again and again that censorship often has a very heavy
price - it empowers the censored, and deprives ordinary people (like myself) from defeating
bad ideas in the only way we truly can - in public, with reason, rationality, logic, evidence
and consistency.
If you think someone has a bad, offensive, or even violent idea, then let them express
it, because without it being public it has no opposition.
The way we rid the world of bad ideas is not by silencing them, it's by discussing them.
Anyhow, I'm going to leave you with another epic speech from Brendan, but before I do,
I'm pleased to announce that this month's Patron of the Month is Daniel Martinez, and
you've won a copy of Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene (congratulations, and thank you
so much for your support).
And as always, thank you all kindly for the view, and an extra special thank you to my
wonderful patrons and those of you who've donated via PayPal.
"Freedom of speech is the foundational freedom – it's the freedom that makes everything
else possible; it's the freedom, you know, the right to vote, the right to association,
the right to political organisation, none of those make any sense or are either workable
without freedom of speech – without the right to say what you want, to publish what
you want, to distribute what you want.
So the fact that there's a new left, or students, or, you know, society in general,
that's increasingly uncomfortable with free speech should concern us enormously.
Speed Challenge #3 - Coxinhas's Day (Bonus: Bungee Jump) - Duration: 7:09.
LET'S TALK #1_ AM I CRAZY? (MP3 FOR SUBSCRIBERS) - Duration: 6:41.
My name is Rodger Koller
and this video is going to be very different
because today I'm just going to talk to you, you know, like this
I'll try not to edit this video so much
I'll try not to cut many things, I'll just talk to you
directy, looking into your eyes
Actually I'm looking a my camera, my camera is nice
My camera is attractive
I believe that I'm attractive too!
Of course, there will be some cuts because I say many stupid things
all the time, so it's impossible not to cut
some things because it's a family friendly channel
without any further ado, let's get started
Every week, I'm going to try to bring you one video like this one, just talking to you
about things
so it's going to be a more personal video
and of course, I'm going to bring you another video teaching you grammar and vocabulary every week
and tips on how to learn English and how to improve your English
Today I've decided to answer a question that people have been asking me a lot lately
I don't know why but people have been asking me the same question
many times this week
Let me see here
52 people asked me the same thing
So, I've decided to make a video answering this question
The question was
"Rodger, why do you make so many different subtitles in different languages?
You shoul only make subtitles in Portuguese and in English"
That's what people keep telling me that I should only make subtitles in Portuguese and in English
because that would certainly optimize my time
and they're right about that. If i just made subtitles in Portuguese and in English
I would have more time to do other stuff
and then I would have more time to be with my girlfriend and do nice stuff with her
Oh! I would do many nice things with her, oh yeah, I can imagine
Yes! I can imagine!
I'm going to tell you why I make so many different subtitles in different languages
it happens because when I find out that there is one person from a specific country who watches my channel
I don't know...I feel this impulse
I need...I feel the obligation to make subtitles for that one person
I receive around 100 emails a day, so that's why
sometimes when you send me an email
it takes me around ten hours to reply to that email
First, because I have three jobs
and second, because there are many emails to reply, so
be patient, please, when you send me an email
wait for at least ten hours
So, for example, I'm going to tell you a story
I receive many emails every day, so
Once, some months ago, I received an email from a Korean girl
not from a Brazilian person living in Korea, no...From a Korean girl
and she said that she watched my channel
and that she was learning a lot from me, but she was an intermediate student
and the she asked me if I could
start making subtitles in Korean because then she would share my channel with her friends
and I said "Ok! Why not?"
and that's why I started making subtitles in Korean
After some time, I realized that most of my subscribers are Brazilian
but around 3 thousand subscribers are Spanish speakers
So I thought to myself "I have to make subtitles in Spanish, of course!!"
So, I started adding subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Korean
and then I received an email from an Italian man
saying that he loved my channel
and then I felt the obligation to make subtitles in Italian
You can call me crazy but I feel the obligation to do that
because this channel has a method!
I've already made a video about the method
that you should follow when you're watching my videos
Please, after this video is over
check in the description of the video because there's going to be a link
that will take you to the method of the channel
But one of the most important things that you need to use when you're following the method of my channel
...is to use the subtitles as a tool
So, really quickly, you should watch my videos with the subtitles in your language first
so that you can understand the whole gist of the video
then you should watch the video again, now with the subtitles in English
and then you should take notes of new vocabular and expressions
and then you should watch the video again
the same video again for the third time, but now
now without subtitles and then you'll notice that
you'll understand the video 100%
When I find out that there is one person from Russia watching my video
I feel the obligation to add Russian subtitles
That's it, you know...I'm not crazy! ^^
Maybe just a little bit
Another question that people keep asking me is:
"Rodger, why are you so delicious?"
This question is really complicated and it's hard to answer it
because I don't know why or how it happens, but
Yes, I am delicious
But I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing
I don't know how to feel about that because I don't know
whether people watch my channel just because of my looks
becuase I'm delicious
or if they watch my channel because of the content
so I feel good because I know that my body is perfect
and because I'm really attractive
and I feel bad because I'm not sure
if people watch my channel because of my content
and not just because of my body
Stop it! Get some help!
This video was really quick
but don't worry, there is going to be another video on Sunday
Please watch the video on Sunday because it's going to be a very important video
I've already filmed the video that I'm going to post on Sunday
and it's going to be about the best way to learn English
Yes, I'm going to give you my ultimate secret
so, please watch the video on Sunday, subscribe to this channel
Dowload the PDF files
the MP3 files, join our group on Telegram
please share this channel with everybody
and watch my video on Sunday
Thank you very uch for watching my video and I'll see you on Sunday!
Últimas notícia de hoje : PLANALTO DEMITE SEIS ASSESSORES DE LULA - Duration: 1:16.
Estas quejas de los fans de Meghan Markle hacen que la casa real edite el perfil de la duquesa - Duration: 6:42.
Mãe de Cristiano Ronaldo revela preferência por retorno do filho ao United|n123snow - Duration: 3:44.
Best Rock Ballads 80s - Rock Ballads Collection - Duration: 1:10:23.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
Why so Many People Want to Be Writers - Duration: 4:53.
hey there guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I will be doing
an all-day clean with me now I've got a house full of messes today so I have a
lot of cleaning to do I am going to be starting in my master
bedroom today so if you guys enjoy watching these types of videos and they
really get you motivated to help you clean your house just click the
subscribe button down below and give this video a big thumbs up and
that way you will be sure to not miss any upcoming videos so I always like to
start by making my bed I've got some fresh sheets here and I've just put them
on the bed and I'm just going to be putting on our throw pillows and this is
a really good start for cleaning the bedroom because I like to use the bed to
lay my laundry out on
I've also gone and opened the windows in the bedroom
I just want to get some nice fresh air flowing through here it is really great
to have clean sheets on the bed and fresh air is just flowing through the
bedroom it smells really really great
now this is all clean laundry right here I'm just going to be sorting it into
piles and bringing them into the proper bedrooms and putting the laundry away I
have got a ton of laundry to do today and I'm going to be getting started with
my load of towels now this load of towels has that musty mildewy smell to
it sometimes laundry can get that smell if you forget it in the washing machine
overnight so I'm gonna be using this odor cleanse laundry additive it is a
really really great product to get that smell out and it is non-toxic made of
Earth minerals no harmful chemicals and there are no added scents and no masking
agents so I'm really really comfortable using this in my washing machine with my
laundry this is also a really great product to get body odor out of clothing
so if you've got workout gear that you just can't get the smell out this stuff
is what you want to use it is super great so you're just gonna want to add
the product directly into the detergent dispenser for your washing machine now
if you guys are interested in getting some odor cleanse laundry out of it for
yourselves there is a link down below in the description box you can go ahead and
head over to their website and there's also a coupon code amana de 15 for 15%
off now I'm just going to go back to my bedroom and finish off there I am going
to vacuum the floors wipe off the night tables and the dresser and wash the
now for washing the floors I'm just using hot water with about a half a cup
of vinegar and I used five drops of Young Living lemon essential oil now
here is a quick peek of my bedroom now that it is nice and clean now I will be
moving on to my master bathroom this bathroom is actually not too bad so I'm
just going to be using the vacuum to clean up any dirt that is on the floor I
will be also mopping as well as wiping the counters just washing out the
bathtub and the toilet
I actually just like to use toilet paper to wipe down my toilet with I don't
really like to use the wipes or a rag because I'm rag you have to throw in
your washing machine and if you're kind of wiping toilet dirt I just don't
really like the idea of throwing it into my washing machine and as for wipes I
find that the dry toilet paper does a much better job than wet wipes to wipe
it down so I just give it a good spray down with whatever cleaner I want to use
and then I just wipe away any of the dirt and grime with a lot of toilet
paper and then I just throw it into the toilet and flush it down
before we move on to the next room I just thought I'd give you guys a after
shot of the master bathroom here it is all nice and clean and now that this
area is clean I can move on to the next room so one thing about having dark
hardwood floors and for little boys is that it gets pretty dusty really quick
so I usually have to use my vacuum or even my I have this little dusting broom
that I can just run over really quickly and it just gathers up all the dust so I
usually like to do that at least once a day our stairs are a really high traffic
area so they get pretty dusty and dirty very quickly so today I'm going to be
using the pointy nozzle and I'm gonna get into all the corners of the stairs
and then I'll use the bigger vacuum head just to get the base of the stairs and I
will give that a really good brushing and vacuum up all the dirt and crumbs
so I'm not gonna be going into the boys rooms today because their rooms are
actually pretty clean I'm doing most of the main living areas so I'm gonna start
on the main floor here and I will be vacuuming up the main floor and all the
dust and dirt and then I will be doing a floor washing as well
all right so the floors are cleaned in the front entrance area and now I will
be just folding the blankets that are left in the couch fluffing the cushions
vacuuming the cushions because we've got a lot of crumbs here today somebody must
have been snacking on the couch and just getting under the rug a little bit
folding that pile of laundry no just general cleanup in the
living-room area here I'm just gonna fold that pile of towels that are done
that I did earlier in the video they smell fantastic thank you to that odor
cleanse product the laundry additive it worked awesome and now I'm just gonna
finish up with the couch cushions I've got some pillows that need to be put
back in their cases because I wash them every so often I'll give them a wash
because we've got sticky little fingers in this house so they tend to get a
little bit dirty pretty quick so now I'm just gonna vacuum all of the cushions
and the couches as well as just some of the surfaces in the living room the
piano can get a little bit dusty sometimes too so I'll give that a little
vacuum just to get into all the crevices as well
I'm just gonna be using my lilac mrs. mayor's multi-surface
everyday cleaner to clean the kitchen table the lilac scent smells fabulous it
is so springy and fresh okay guys so I have quite the job in the kitchen today
there is a lot of clutter just laying around there's dishes there's toys and
all sorts of just stuff everywhere so the kitchen is going to take me a little
bit of time today to get cleaned I will video most of it so you can just
see the process of how I am doing the whole kitchen cleanup here I am just
going to be using my method antibac bamboo cleaner to spray down the island
and wipe it down
unloading the dishwasher okay if anybody invents in the auto unload dishwasher
they're gonna be seriously rich because I cannot stand to load and unload the
dishwasher so I would pay some serious coin for one of those
this dish cloth that I'm using is from the target dollar spot it has like
little roses all over it it is honestly the prettiest dish cloth I have ever
seen it actually sat on my kitchen counter for like a week because I didn't
want to use it because it was so pretty but yeah the target dollar spot awesome
place to find cute little things just like that
here I'm using my method antibac spray in the sink I want to give it a really
good scrub down and sanitize it so I'm gonna use my little scrubber and get
into the corners and then give it a good rinse here I'm just gonna vacuum the
floors now one of these days I'm going to get myself a cordless vacuum I really
love this dyson vacuum but it would be nice to have a cordless one on hand just
for those quick cleanups when you don't feel like hauling out the bigger vacuum
in the court I really love my method glass and surface cleaner the mint scent
is just really really nice it's such a mild scent and it does a great job so
I'm gonna be using that for the glass surfaces here and even just quick little
jobs on stainless steel like the edges of this fridge
our back door always has fingerprints on it like I mean always like tomorrow
morning this door will have fingerprints on it
guaranteed so yeah having a little little guys running in and out of the
house using the back door it gets dirty pretty quick just gonna use my women's
stainless steel cleaner here it's my favorite cleaner
it leaves hardly any streaks at all on the stainless steel so I use that for my
dishwasher and my fridge all the bigger stainless steel surfaces for sure
okay so this brings us to the end of the all-day clean with me if you guys want
to grab some order cleanse for yourselves for your laundry the link is
down below the description box and do not forget to use the coupon code amount
of 15 for your 15% off thanks so much for joining me again for another video
please do not forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down below if you
want to see more videos just like this and give it a big thumbs up thanks so
much we'll see you guys next time
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