Hello everybody!
I'm Mari, I hope you're having a good week, mine has been pretty heavy. In fact,
I was about to abort the mission and don't do a video this week but it was like: 'yes, yes, yes, I have to do it, because
if I stop now, then I'll stop again'. Well, it doesn't matter.
The thing is that as feminism is really contingent right now (finally), I'd like to
talk about super important that is not so well-known in south America (not that I
know of at least), and that is privileges.
Clearly this is going to be just an introduction because it's such a long subject that
has too many brunches and edges, but let's start from somewhere.
Privileges are unearned benefits
given to certain people that are inside a specific
social group, as being a man, for example, being heterosexual, being cisgender, being white,
we'll get into it.
So, by definition, you can't get rid of your privileges, they just
are there from the context you were born in, how you developed, but it's innate, it's not
that you're doing something to acquire that privilege.
And nobody's doing something wrong to not having the privilege, is something
that just is.
Privilege people usually have positions of more power than the oppressed, for example,
they are able to be more involved in politics, they have more space in the media, more jobs,
So, to give an example, if you're a man, you have more privileges socially, because
if you postulate for a job, having the same capacities, experience, etcetera,
abilities, than a woman who's postulating for the same thing, probably you'll get it.
Because probably you'll get more paid for the same job.
Because if you talk about science or mathematics, or something like that,
you'll be more listened.
Because of all that, if you're a man, you have that privilege.
There is people who say: 'I'm a man and I don't have privileges because of that,' or 'I am
middle class but I'm not privileged because of that'.
So we have to understand privilege in a context of a power system, because
we use to think in privilege as something individual but not systematically.
Privilege is the opposite form oppression, but they are not exclusive.
Probably most of us have privileges in somethings and we're oppressed
in others.
For example, something quite coarse, there's a person who's white and poor, being poor isn't
a privilege but being white is, which doesn't make the other thing invisible, but that person has a privilege
which is being white, and there's another poor man that's black, and he has no privileges in that way.
The black person has more possibilities, for example, of being abused by some cop,
or whatever.
So there's also another term that connects with all of this which is
'intersectionality', the interaction between different aspects of our lives is called
Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term 'intersectionality' to describe the situation
of black women, who experience racism, and on the other hand, sexism, but all gets together.
That's similar to the example we mentioned before, all women experience sexism,
but a black women experiences racism too, and who knows what more.
Of course the intention of this video and of knowing the privileges you've got doesn't
have the purpose of making us feel guilty, at all, because that would even stuck
the movement more than helping us to cooperate.
Feeling guilty would lead us to feel ashamed and in the end we would talk less about this.
So, what can we do with this info?
First of all, I think is very important to be conscious, for example, I'm a bisexual women
but I have a lot of privileges which don't make my oppression invisible, but I have to recognize that too.
For example I'm south American, but I have lighter colors, which lamentably
makes people look at you better than to someone who's more tanned, sometimes.
Also I'm middle-class, and I've always had a roof, I've never been
without food, and I'm so thankful for that, I'm also cisgender, I don't have many
health problems, but I have mental health issues, all of those things are different types
of privilege.
So I think is very important to recognize the privileges each of us has and
also don't own labels or problems that other people have. That
wasn't very clear.
To give an example, the majority of lesbian pop songs there are are
super sexual and they are about touch and go's, they are never romantic or something
more, in the end is something purely commercial and because it's 'cool'.
But they own those labels when they know they shouldn't and in the end
they are not suffering any of the problems that gay people actually face.
In the end, all they do is blurrying real struggles that a certain group
has, as some men, they see a women saying they're afraid
of being raped, and all of that, and they go: 'Oh, we are raped too, we are looked at in the
streets too', and they end up appropriating that problems when
they are different, and theirs doesn't invalidate ours.
So, of course, nobody should rape anyone, ever, that's terrible.
But the thing is, that in our special moments to express our troubles they
start saying theirs and annulling us someway.
I'm sorry, I'm diverting too much.
Another example for when this happens is when, for example, you're in the beach
and a women who's the stereotype of the perfect body personified, ultra fit, says she's fat,
when she clearly isn't and she knows it.
So there, in the end, she's labeling herself in that group
of people when she (or he, I say 'she' because
of the example I gave), doesn't have to face any of the issue that overweight
people face.
So that's it, recognize our privileges so we don't invalidate
the rest but support them too.
Another thing that's important is listening to these people who are oppressed in different ways
than us, oppressed in general really, there are a lot of cases where a person,
for example, with a mental disease, starts telling their story and somebody
goes: 'Is all in your head', or 'that's not the way things are', in such a condescend way.
Don't do that, we have to learn from the rest.
Also, with the feminist movement, which I love, I've seen a lot of posts
mocking of the problems that women say they have, and that, obviously,
is the opposite of supporting.
We'd listen to these people, let's embrace their experiences, and like that,
become more conscious of what's happening.
And also, as I say, this is an introduction to a enormous world, so it's always good
to be informing ourselves constantly and at the same time, teaching.
Sometimes we don't realize all the privileges we've got until someone tells us this, I knew
I was privileged for having a house, etcetera, but there were some
others I hadn't realized.
So you can tell other people about what is privilege, what are possibly
their privileges, what they can do with them, and we'll start seeing
how we oppress some groups, and we'll take action to have a more equal society,
but the first thing is clearly to realize all of this, and the more informed you are,
you start realizing more details.
And that's it, I don't know if you've heard about this before, it's something that since
I read about it I've really liked it, and I hope we can look more into this and the privileges we've got
that we haven't realized, and what words, for example, or what actions
that we do everyday, are harmful.
That's it, have a nice week and be good.
For more infomation >> WHAT DO I DO WITH MY PRIVILEGES - Duration: 7:40.-------------------------------------------
Perro mayor que pasó 8 años encerrado en una jaula tiene ahora cientos de juguetes - Duration: 5:02.
Paulina Rubio Sus Mejores éxitos Grandes éxitos 2018 - Duration: 1:08:13.
Secret treatment of hot summer liver - Duration: 6:13.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Secret treatment of hot summer liver
Hot weather, excessive use of alcohol, unhealthy diets, can produce many toxins in the body, causing the liver to overwork, and lead to many illnesses.
So, how to help the liver to poison, here are some tips to help heat, heal hot summer.
The liver is one of the body's most important organs, playing a key role in eliminating toxins.
It is worth mentioning, 90% of cases of hepatitis B and C, without clinical symptoms, until liver cells are damaged, progresses to cirrhosis, liver cancer.
So, how can heal the liver, especially in the hot season, the use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, can produce many toxins in the body, causing the liver to overwork, and leading to many diseases.
1. What happens when the liver overwork?
According to Pham Thi Thu Thuy, Ho Chi Minh City's Ho Chi Minh City Liver Society, the liver is considered as the "poisonous plant" of the body, helping to purify toxins, metabolize food, and store fuel. in various forms, some protein synthesis, bile production, fatty acids, and so on.
When the liver deteriorates, it can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and major damage to organs.
This is also one of the causes, causing skin rash, skin rash, pigmentation, in women.
In particular, men's habit of drinking alcohol often can cause serious liver damage.
At present, the number of people with liver diseases, such as fatty liver, hepatitis, liver cancer, is increasing alarmingly.
The cause of this condition is many, including the most significant, the unhealthy eating habits, the frequent use of alcohol and beer, causing the liver to work at full capacity, causing liver function impairment, even lead to poisoning.
Deprivation of the liver function, reducing the ability to purify the toxins in the blood, causing accumulation of toxins, resulting in skin manifestations, such as:Jaundice, itching, allergies, urticaria, acne, etc.
Deprivation of the liver function, reducing the ability to metabolize, and reduce the secretion of bile, causing gastrointestinal disturbances with manifestations, such as:Anorexia, fatigue, indigestion, constipation, et cetera.
Depression of liver function and hepatocellular injury, often leading to elevated liver enzymes in the blood.
2. Hepatic hepatotoxicity
To reduce the burden on the liver, Dr. Thuy advised, to detoxify the liver, should build healthy eating habits, limit the fats, protein, fortified vegetables, fiber, eat well, do not use more alcohol, cigarettes, should exercise regularly.
According to Tran Van Thuan, the Oriental Medicine Association of Quang Ninh said that our country is in the tropics, there are many herbs, fruits, and including herbs, support the treatment of liver disease. , help protect liver enzymes, detoxification very well such as:
Corn tortillas, cotton candy, bitter melon, dog bones, cicada, etc., are also easy to process.
In the summer, there are many kinds of fruits to cool off, such as:grapefruit, orange, mandarin, pineapple, papaya, etc.
In particular, according to Shanian medicine, should eat papaya regularly, have a tonic effect, treatment of insomnia, help restore the liver, increase the body's resistance.
According to traditional medicine, papaya is not only food, but also good medicine. In Oriental medicine, papaya has the name of wood, welding, sweet, heat, add.
Papaya is good for health in every season.
In the spring, summer, eating papaya has the effect of barbarians, heat, detoxification.
According to many studies, for every 100g of papaya fruit, there are 74 to 80mg of vitamin C, and 500 to 1250 IU of carotene.
Papaya also contains vitamins B1, B2, yeast, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.
Eat papaya regularly, have a tonic effect, help recover the liver in people with malaria.
In particular, papaya is rich in vitamin C and carotene, so papaya has antioxidant effect, increase the resistance to the body.
Because of its high content of paprika, papaya is very useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer, inhibition of the harmful effects of the skin, Increasing the resistance of the body, and is one of the most effective weapon against gallbladder disease in women.
Papaya is often eaten as a vegetable, as a dumplings and stew, and eaten as a fruit.
Ripe ripe is very soft, tastes sweet, does not contain toxins, is benign, suitable for the elderly, children and those who are in the stage of disease.
In addition, using fresh bitter melon, a hypoglycemic effect, ideal for diabetics.
Use of bitter melon is effective heat bar, suitable for people with hepatitis.
Le Mai.
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Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
रमजान मुबारक स्टेटस | Ramazan Karim Dua Special - Duration: 0:31.
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Alessandra Amoroso Greatest Hits - Migliori Canzoni Di Alessandra Amoroso - Duration: 2:31:22.
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Cómo eliminar las toxinas y desechos del colon con linaza - Duration: 7:11.
Empathy, one of the biggest lies? - Duration: 2:18.
The ideal we have about empathy makes us isolate ourselves.
It tells us: You and me we can mutually understand what we feel.
But I think: Empathy is one of the biggest lies that we force ourselves to believe as humans.
Why? We do it by fear, we are afraid to accept: No one can understand us
Nobodye can understand what you feel and we don't want to accept that fact.
Since no one can truly understand what another human feels
we can't put ourselves in the shoes of others or someone put itself in our place.
No matter how hard you try, even if both have the exact same situation happening
you are not the other person, you do not feel or perceive the world in the same way.
Due to that exaggerated idea that we have, it makes you feel misunderstood.
Because they can not understand you "As they should".
The collective expectation we have is, you will have one or two people who will understand you
but in reality you may never find that person with whom you reach an understanding
I don't even say mutual, full understanding of either side.
But don't get me wrong
I'm not saying you're completely alone.
What I affirm is: Nobody can understand you or that you can understand someone "As it should be"
It's okay not to understand someone, it's the most normal thing.
So, don't isolate yourself that much.
Don't hurt yourself saying nobody understands you
Because... You can really understand someone else?
Only in the case that both people
share similar experiences and dedicate themselves to explaining as clearly as possible what happens to them
what they feel and what they think
And at the same time that they take the time to listen, understand and percive.
Just when these actions come together, is when can be an understanding
and even then i'm not sure that it will happen
Because it is not so simple
Have the perspective of the other person is only a part of the whole path that goes to the understanding
and sometimes even not matter how much it's tried, it can't be achieved.
But that does't mean you shouldn't pay attention when someone tries to understand you
when they make the effort or take some time to dedicate it to you
sometimes even the simple intention is what makes us feel that we are not so alone or misunderstood.
And you, have you been able to understand someone?
I am Guarho and see you later.
Laura Iglesias PRESENTE - Duration: 3:50.
Pestiños Receta - Duration: 2:39.
¡Pestiños Receta!
Primero, necesitas un bol para mezclar ingredientes.
Segundo se mezclan una taza de vino blanco, sal, piel de limón, piel de naranja, aceite de oliva, semilla de anís, harina y un poco de canela.
No añadas demasiado sal.
Después de que los ingredientes hayan sido mezclados, amasarlos en masa.
Luego envuelve la masa y córtala 2 x 2 pulgada cuadros.
Tú Dobla dos esquinas opuesta de la masa.
Después de esto, tú fríe la masa preparada en aceite caliente. Fríe durante dos minutos. No frías por más tiempo
Cuando la pastelería es dorada en ambos lados quite del aceite caliente. Dejen que los Pestiños se refresquen.
Mézclenlos Pestiños en azúcar y canela.
¡Entonces el delicioso postre está listo para comer!
Ozuna Mejores Éxitos 2018 - Mejores canciones de Ozuna - Duration: 56:08.
張韶涵家醜再外揚 陳沂:父母為錢爛事都幹得出來 - Duration: 2:44.
Download new trap rap beat
President Trump Scores A Powerful New Ally, Turns The Tide In His Border Wall Battle - Duration: 3:07.
President Trump Scores A Powerful New Ally, Turns The Tide In His Border Wall Battle.
Bleeding heart Democrats love to support illegal immigrants.
Under President Obama, the liberal media, and liberals themselves, were all but laying
out the red carpet for illegal immigrants.
Their "open borders" rhetoric emboldened thousands of minors to try to make the crossing.
In fiscal year 2011, the Office of Refugee Resettlement had 53 shelters that housed 6,560
kids, and in 2012, those numbers increased to 68 and 13,625; in 2013, there were 80 shelters
and 24,668 unaccompanied children.
A photo of children that were caught and sent to a holding facility recently went viral,
but the media conveniently failed to mention that the photo was taken in 2014, when Obama
was in the White House.
The truth is that the border has become a mess due to Obama's policies, and Trump
has been doing his best to clean it up.
Now our president has an important ally in his fight to maintain border security:
Ryan Zinke, the Secretary of the Interior, is on Trump's side for the border wall,
which is an important step in making the wall a reality.
From Breitbart:
"I absolutely agree with the President Donald Trump a nation without borders can't exist,"
Zinke told Breitbart Editor-in-chief Alex Marlow.
"We need to secure our borders."
"It's a national security issue, a national defense issue, it's a humanitarian crisis,
and oh, by the way, it's an environmental crisis," Zinke said.
Zinke said not only is uncontrolled crossing allowing human and drug trafficking to take
place, but it is also devastating to the environment."
Zinke makes a great point about the environment, by the way.
Advocates for U.S. population stabilization, including some environmental organizations
and leaders, fear that the ongoing influx of new arrivals is forcing the nation to exceed
its "carrying capacity," stressing an already overburdened physical infrastructure.
In a welfare state, free immigration is not sustainable and will drive the country downwards.
Ultimately, the best way to stop the flow of migrants is for Central America and Mexico
to work on their problems.
The United States cannot fix the countries that these people are fleeing from.
We cannot solve their many problems for them, and we cannot take each and every one of them
in, especially when they don't care about our values.
If these countries are to have any hope of surviving, their citizens need to rise up
and make their homes a better place for them to live, instead of flooding our country and
turning it into the hell hole they just came from.
If America falls, there will be nowhere left for anyone to run.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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Your staff is speaking Spanish to customers when they should be speaking English.
He spoke it, he spoke it, she's speaking it.
It's America.
My guess is they're not documented.
So my next call is to ICE to have each one of them kicked out of my country.
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.
They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists.
(Spanish) I'm not a statistic. I'm not a label.
(Spanish) I am not an immigrant.
I am not a dead beat dad or a cholo.
We are not weak!
I am not an anchor baby.
I am not an immigrant. I am not involved in drug trade.
I do not represent crime. I am not dangerous.
I'm not uneducated.
I am not lazy.
I am not a minority.
I am the future!
I'm a visionary!
I am an honor student!
I am a strong independent Latinx woman.
I am allowed to live here.
I am very successful and I have a quality education.
I am hope and I am the future.
We are powerful.
I am a #1 dad, an awesome husband
and a great son-in-law.
I am an American.
(Spanish) I am a successful person,
(Spanish) I am a human, just like you.
I see Americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that
we are stronger together.
Black, White, Latino, Asian, Native American, young, old,
gay, straight, men, women, folks with disabilities all pledging allegiance
under the same proud flag to this big bold country that we love.
That's what I see.
That's the America I know!
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PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #818 | Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School - Kaua'i | Team Unify - Duration: 2:56.
You've got all these kids that have all different backgrounds, and different strengths and different
weaknesses, and you have to try and get them together.
Team Unify is an organization that was created to strengthen the bonds between all students,
including those with special needs.
Kids with anywhere from intellectual disabilities to physical disabilities, as well as our kids
with non- disabilities coming together and making one
team to build bonds amongst each other.
It's about a diverse group of individuals understanding their strengths and their similarities.
And we're part of the Special Olympics program called
Unified Champion Schools that works on inclusion and
acceptance of all abilities.
In 2014, Ms. Amanda Fretto and Mrs. Gayle Thompson started Team Unify at Chiefess Kamakahelei
Middle School to bring together both students with and without special needs by doing activities
in and out of school.
Before, it was kind of, I don't know you, so I'm not gonna work with you.
But now, they've got to know each other, and the growth of their relationships
has really gotten stronger.
The main goal for Team Unify is that we spread the word
of accepting others and having tolerance for others.
All of us are friends, and all of us get together, and all of us have fun together.
Team Unify consists of over thirty students who participate in bowling tournaments in
fall, and track and field in spring,
along with team-bonding activities during school.
It really has been a great experience seeing my son get so excited to be with not just
kids in his class, but kids in his grade.
Through Team Unify, students learn to embrace their differences, and not be afraid of them.
Our first activity, it was an immediate bond.
Students with special needs and students without special
needs were working together, and they were recognizing each other's strengths rather
than their needs and differences.
Everybody is the same, and everybody is different,
but all of us together can be so strong as one.
We all have strengths in our own areas, so it depends on what it is.
I think that's how we help each other grow.
Our hope is that all students will be accepting of everyone, regardless of our differences.
I enjoy that I get to see all of the people with special disabilities having fun and doing
things that they should be able to do.
Having fun and forming lasting friendships is what makes Team Unify so strong.
This is Napua Canales from Chiefess Kamakahelei
Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.
PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode | Ewa Makai Middle School - O'ahu | Tough Vice-Principal - Duration: 3:42.
I had a student in here who told me, You know, Mrs. Martin, last year I hated you.
I said, Really?
You hated me?
Still hate me now?
He goes, No.
I'm like, So, what's the difference?
How come you don't hate me anymore?
And he said, 'Cause I got to know you.
Mrs. Geri Martin, a vice principal at Ewa Makai Middle School in 'Ewa Beach, has the
reputation for being the toughest administrator at the school.
However, she has grown accustomed to the thought of
students calling her mean, and being frightened by her.
I think there are students that think I am mean.
Rumors that people said about Miss Martin was that she's mean, and like, the way she
used to look at them was like ... like they didn't like it.
I thought she was kinda strict, and harsh.
Despite what students may say, Mrs. Martin's mission goes much deeper.
Growing up, I didn't like the way my life was, and I was a very, very angry person.
And being an angry person, if anybody looked at me the wrong
way, or said the wrong thing, I'd lose it.
I had a really bad temper, and took my anger out on people, and
they didn't deserve that.
And I had to take responsibility and now, realizing that I had hurt so many
people, promised that I would do everything I can to instead of
hurt people, help.
To make up for past mistakes, Mrs. Martin began serving her community by coaching sports
in hopes of helping others.
When I was involved with community sports, there were a lot of students who didn't have
family that would come to their games.
They'd be embarrassed on potluck days, because they wouldn't be able to
bring anything.
And so, it was those individuals that I took in, that would come home with us and stay.
And sad thing is, some of their families wouldn't even call to check on them.
But I think being able to not just take care of my sons, but to be able
to take care of the greater family, which is the community.
Although some students may think that Mrs. Martin is harder on them, she only wants to
steer students towards the right path.
She helped me with problem situations.
Like I would fight with other students at school, and I always get
pulled into her office.
She always tells me stories about the same thing that I'm in, and that I'm not the
only one who's in the situation.
Even though you think that she's mean, she's not.
She's a very caring person.
For me, every individual matters.
Every individual has the potential and the right to be happy and
Even though Mrs. Martin may be tough on the outside, her caring nature shows students
that we can all grow from our mistakes.
Thank you.
This is Kristina Overly from Ewa Makai Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.
4 Great Home Buyer Questions & Home Buying Tips 🎥 - Duration: 9:26.
Hi everyone.This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr in this video I want
to go over a little Q&A I have a lot of buyers ask me questions so I decided
what to do instead of just answering one question for video I wanted to go over
four questions there's some really good questions here if the diviners have been
asking and I want to make sure that everybody gets their questions answered
so I'm going to go over these four questions and answers in this video
okay so let me go over these questions on the first one I got is can you always
amortize a 30-year mortgage over 15 years now this could apply to buyers
that are looking to buy a home or people who currently own a home so this is a
great question and I personally do this pretty much in all my house so example I
have had 30-year mortgages and I've amortized him over 20 years I've had
30-year mortgages I've hammer tiesm over 15 years my Santa amortized that just
means I've earned them off so I have I currently have a couple rental
properties right now that are on 15 year mortgages and I'll be paying them up in
ten years so I just do an amortization schedule so pretty much any mortgage
company's going to allow this you could always put additional money into your
principle for paying it off early now if you're on a hard money alone if you
don't know what a hard money loan is don't worry about it if you're on a hard
money loan you're going to know what it is they may have something in there that
you can't pay your mortgage off early but if you're on your regular mortgage
your FHA VA conventional Fannie Mae Freddie Mac with mortgages like that no
problem you can pay them off early so you could go to the bank that the
mortgage is at and you could talk to them about just realities in it and they
can tell you they should tell you what you could do and how to do it I would
always advise before you send additional money in to make sure it's set up with
them and the money's going to your principal or you just give your lender a
call and talk to them and they could sort of tell you what to do again always
call your bank so the second question is what is your opinion on rent Heath
versus mine and I know a lot of you probably think hey Lance you're a real
estate agent you're going to be real bias on this but you know what
I was bias back when I was in engineering I was bias back when I was
in mortgage banking if you know anything about buying versus renting the one
important fact is in this country eighty percent of all wealth all wealth is in
real estate not in the stock market it's not in all these other things it's in
real estate look at look at the big play especially even in
Tampa that Bill Gates is making right now in real estate look at what Warren
Buffett did with real estate but hundreds of thousands of homes in then
by prudential and they're now called berkshire hathaway that should tell you
everything you need to know yes because at the end of the day if you rent a home
look at it for a long-term play unless you're going to live with your parents
or someone for free the rent is just going to go up and up and up and up and
the home prices are going to go up and up and up and up but there's so many
advantages to buying a home over renting a home you get tax write-offs you get
depreciation if you're on a fixed-rate mortgage it's pretty much gonna stay the
same maybe property taxes might go up slightly or house or insurance might
trickle up as well but you're fixed in so it's the amount of money over a 10 20
30 40 whatever years that you would be losing on renting is absolutely just
mind-boggling so definitely own at home when I bought
my first home it wasn't anything I wanted I was actually right next to a
highway in a condominium in Southern California but you know what I was 23
years old I got my foot in the door and I learned a lot of valuable lessons and
I'm a minor so definitely worth it by nova renting what is the best time to
buy a home and what signs what signs do you look out for in the economy now this
is a great question right here i actually did a video on wednesday best
time to buy a home as far as the different months i sort of do a
breakdown so not really sure if that's what you're asking in this question
right here but i'm gonna put a video above on that so let me tell you what
signs do i look out for the number one side that i virtually put almost all my
weight in is the consumer confidence when the consumer confidence is good
real estates good when the consumer confidence is okay real estate okay when
the consumer confidence is bad real estates bad it's just always been that
way I do tend to look at other signs like
you know what's the economy doing as far as is it does is it really going good
but again the economy is going to go good with consumer confidence is good I
look at what's the what's the unemployment rate but and I think that
could be fudged a lot I tend to look at what the are people making more money
right now what are they not making more money but
I don't really put a lot away than that I pretty much put everything in the
consumer confidence I always have and it's it's always been 100 percent spot
on I've been doing market reports and statistics for years now and back in
2011 I was doing and I was saying the markets going up and up and up and up in
the consumers confidence starting to go up and up and up and people were saying
I didn't know what I was talking about more on this I'm yeah I'm just like you
look at it and that's exactly what happened you know the consumer
confidence follow the curve it's pretty much the same thing so that's my take on
it what are the things you look for before buying a house mm-hmm so that's a
sort of a tough question because I don't know where you're going with it with the
question with us but let me tell you when you're buying a home there's three
main things you need to look for you need to look at number one is get a good
knowledgeable honest real estate agent number two is get a good honest
knowledgeable loan officer number three is get an honest extremely
detailed home inspector those are the most important things now
when I look at homes with buyers I'm not looking at everything they're looking at
I'm not looking at all the fluff in the house I'm not seeing everybody's doing
this by any means but I've worked but thousands of homebuyers and a lot of
times people go in and they're just looking at different things and I'm
looking at I'm looking at you know what's the floorplan like what's the
resale ability like what's the subdivision like who built the home is
this more of a quality built home is it more of a quantity built out what are
the what's deikun efficiency like in the home compared is
it good is it bad you know lot of these different things I'm looking on the
ground of course if it's a pre-owned I want to see if there's any settlement
cracks in the tie or anything like that I tend to look I tend to look at the
ceilings is there a roof leak how old's the roof hubble's the HVAC how old's the
water heater I'm looking at things in a completely different light as the buyer
because what they're looking at when it comes to the cabinetry and then them
backsplash and countertops and all that stuff the flooring that's personal
opinion now I will tell them if we walk into a home you know hey these are like
apartment style cabinets you know they need to be asking in the low into the
range because they've done no updating or you know different things like that
if I'm working with a with the buyer and they're buying a brand new home and it
comes with thirty and six inch cabinets I'm like I don't care what the cost is
you get 42 inch cabinets at least in Tampa you do it's the kiss of death if
you want to get 30 or 36 inch cabinets in Tampa
I'll tell them if they're gonna spend the money anywhere spend it in the
kitchen so I'll just look at it things a little bit different I hope that answers
your question on that subject but I I got a you know on a lot of these I need
to know a little bit more on what you're thinking so anyhow I hope these four
answers to these questions were helpful if you have any questions at all don't
hesitate to leave them in the comments shoot me an email let me know I'm you
know I get a lot of questions coming in so a lot of times it's just easier for
me to knock out a few of them if you like these videos subscribe to my
channel hit the bell you'll get notified if you like this video give me a thumbs
up if you have any again how many questions reply shoot in email I wish
you the best of luck if you're working in the Tampa area looking to buy a home
and the damn Bay Area let me know I would love to help you have a great day
What I Love About - Alison Harrop on letting go, vulnerability, EQ & receptivity - Duration: 3:22.
What I love about Alison's leadership style is her candour, her authenticity,
and real, open mindset, and everything that that entails.
We start with one simple question and that is, what does successful leadership look like,
and how do you get there?
When I started to really get some success in my career was when
I kind of learnt to let go a little of some of the stuff.
So, and that goes for, you know, don't sweat the small stuff,
don't get hung up on things, don't micromanage don't... you know...
Emily: Give away some other control. See what happens...
Alison: Right, exactly. Give away some of that control, lay yourself... you know...
expose yourself in a way.
Because, then people start to see you for who you really are.
And most of us are actually really good people deep down, and somebody
will find something that they like in you and will then start to listen to you and follow you...
But I think there's this tendency - that you have to behave a certain way,
you have to look a certain way, you have to say the right things, you have to...
That sweating the small stuff can get you really kind of just too constricted.
But allowing yourself to trust your instinct rather than
'I need fifty pages of a document and I need this spreadsheet and I need this and I need that...'
You gotta let some of that go.
What I love about Alison's perspective on 'Letting Go',
it has as much to do about personal authenticity as it does trust in your teams.
I love what she goes on here to say about EQ and the role that self-awareness has to play in leadership
Emily: Do you think that people can learn to develop their EQ?
Alison: I think it depends on the individuals
as to how much they want to move into that space.
So, I think you can teach it if someone's willing to learn.
I think a lot of people are very resistant to it.
Emily: And... it's hard to break down that resistance isn't it?
But, if they're open to it, it's coachable.
Alison: Well it comes right back to this thing about being authentic
because if you're not comfortable in your own skin
then you're not going to be comfortable saying,
'You know what, I'm really not great at EQ,
I'm great at the IQ stuff but I'm really not great at EQ.'
So many execs I meet, will get the feedback and then go,
'That's lovely. I'll take that report and I'll put it right down here in the bottom drawer
and I'm never going to look at it again. Because that's way too confronting
and you're telling me that I need to be open and honest, I need to tell people about my
flaws and my mistakes...' And people won't do that.
I've, again learnt... that I've shared my
..you know, we've done LSI we're done 360s...
I've given all of my direct reports my reports and said,
'Here, read this. This is who I am.
This is why I behave the way I behave.
I'm working on it and I'm learning...'
But, again not everyone will want to do that because they'll be worried that suddenly
I'm gonna get judged, and people are gonna think differently of me. Emily: Or they've got too much ego
An open-minded confidence based on authenticity, but no ego,
is what defines Allison Harrop's leadership style.
I believe if you can't do it yourself - you can't expect it of others.
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Hyundai Tucson 2.0i DYNAMIC 2WD - Duration: 1:05.
Cytryna – 14 zastosowań dla zdrowia i urody - Duration: 8:54.
Object Invasion Episode 7 | Sneak Peak #1 - Duration: 0:25.
- All right Water, looks like your first. Pick a slip and keep moving -
- What'd you get? -
- I got 12 -
- I got 4 -
- Um iPad, there's.. no more slips -
- That's right Coffee, so you come with me -
Citroën C1 1.0i-12V Selection 5-Drs Airco ABS Airbags Radio-CD CPV 54.031km! - Duration: 1:10.
Hannity SP: "Trump touts ACCOMPLISHMENTS" - Duration: 11:10.
director did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating
to classified information before or after Hillary Clinton was interviewed by
the FBI on July the second after but if if colleagues of ours believe I am lying
about when I made this decision please urge them to contact me privately so we
can have a conversation about this all I can do is tell you again the decision
was made after that because I didn't know what was gonna happen in that
interview she maybe lied during the interview in a way we could prove but
just in case we wrote the exoneration months earlier and then Oh interview by
Peter struck oh that's right the Trump hating guy despite all of this the
mainstream media their friends in the Democratic Party they're currently
treating Comey like the the anti Trump golden goose I
guess they forgot how much they actually hated him during the investigation of
Hillary Clinton here's commis best friends today watch this breaking is the
extent to which the FBI director of the United States is allowing himself to be
interjected into this political campaign unprecedented James Comey is getting
horrible advice he is interfering in this election I don't understand what
the guy is doing he's got a big burden of proof so to speak on him for why he
did what seems to be such an appalling act that goes against the tradition of
prosecutors at every level of government it was when I heard about it I found it
hard to believe that call me who I thought had some degree of integrity
would do this it is conceivable that this was just a coincidence but coming
on top of the director Comey's you know very unusual and controversial release
last week it just makes the FBI look like a like a wing of the Republican
Party I think he made a mistake on this and he clearly has a double standard
well they're not commis intervention has affected the president of race it's
clear that his disclosure and the spate of now competing wall might even saving
waring FBI leaks that have followed have raised serious questions about the FBI's
integrity and impartiality I just tell you the integrity
call me as well as the FBI is in question it makes you wonder we're all
disturbed first of all by the letter which really broke precedent was over
the advice of the leaders in the Justice Department you know I'm not challenging
mister commis motivation but I do think it was unwarranted it was a mistake I am
so disappointed in calming he has led the country down for partisan purposes
and that's why I call him an uchi Edgar Hoover because I believe that do you
believe that Jim Comey should resign Senator Reid of course yes he hated him
now the media is back in love with James call me and the montage that you just
saw it's just another piece of evidence proving facts do not matter to these
people on the Left only ideology and coming up on this special edition of
Hannity the long list of accomplishments the anti-trump media will never tell you
about please stay with us
headquarters I'm Elysia Cunha a massive cleanup and search operation continues
at this hour in Ellicott City Maryland the historic town near Baltimore was the
scene of a devastating flood yesterday that turned walkways into raging
waterways on Main Street muddy water carried cars away and poured into homes
and businesses emergency crews made dozens of rescues
right now one man remains missing this comes as the town was rebuilding from a
previous flood just two years ago former President George HW Bush is spending his
Memorial Day in a main hospital where he's being treated for low blood
pressure and fatigue the 94 year old Bush will likely remain there for a few
days but he is described as awake alert and not in any discomfort
I'm Alicia Cunha now back to Sean Hannity for all your headlines log on to
Fox news.com welcome back to this special edition of Hannity it's no
secret that the liberal press has viciously attacked president Trump while
completely ignoring his very long list of accomplishments
now I've highlighted many of the president's major successes my opening
monologues let's take a look
President Trump is on a complete tear by continuing to keep his promises and
enact the agenda that you the American people voted for in November 2016 the
DHS secretary Kirsten Nielsen she made a major
announcement earlier today about President Trump's plan to secure the
southern border here's what she said the president has directed the National
Guard personnel be deployed to the southern border
the Department of Defense as you know has long supported the efforts of DHS to
protect our nation's borders this includes ongoing counter-narcotics
missions infrastructure construction persistent surveillance operations
training and aerial support throughout the western hemisphere the Department of
Defense is a longtime partner of the Department of Homeland Security and I
thank them for their support while plans are being finalized it's our
expectation that the National Guard will deploy personnel in support of CBP's
border security mission and tonight we have learned that President Trump has
signed the proclamation to send the National Guard to the southern border
now the president he deserves a lot of credit because if Congress if they're
not gonna lift a finger to solve the problem then he is going to take the
steps as commander-in-chief and do it on his own which he now has now before the
liberal media all you left us out there start losing your collective minds over
the National Guard being deployed at the southern border with all due respect we
will educate you there is already precedence for all of this
both George W Bush and Barack Obama they actually did the exact same thing and
president Trump's tough rhetoric calling for Mexico to disband this Caravan as
you see of asylum seekers heading for the US border that's also working now
according to reports more than a thousand person Caravan has now fallen
apart leaders of the group are now saying they
will no longer head for America's southern border now this is the start of
good news for the president look at this a brand new Rasmussen poll
his approval rating is now 51 percent which is higher than Barack Obama's
during the exact same time in his presidency
used only a 46 percent and he got reelected but the liberal media probably
won't be telling you that tonight they're too busy orchestrating an
onslaught of any negative story that they possibly can find obsessing over Oh
stormy Daniels and Trump Russia collusion Russia Russia Russia that
doesn't exist now there's also a fake news CNN poll this is pretty amazing
we chose president Trump making major gains with four key groups he's gained
eight points with men since February 5 points with younger voters nine points
with middle-aged voters and he's up by 10 points with college graduates now
here's what's so interesting about these polls just imagine if the president
wasn't constantly under attack from a media that wants to destroy him imagine
if Robert Muller and his team of Democratic donors weren't carrying out
their never-ending witch-hunt only think the president's poll numbers would be a
lot higher if a majority of the country wasn't being fed an endless stream of
outright lies propaganda distortion and misinformation now despite all that
President Trump he's just rolling along doing his job
the job that you elected him to do we do have some good news to bring you about
the president guarantee you nobody else in the media will talk about it and
earlier today the president actually in his speech in the Rose Garden was
highlighting something the media will never talk about it's not Russia and
it's not stormy his accomplishments that are improving the lives of the American
people the Forgotten men and women that voted in November of 2016 we've created
three million new jobs since the election unemployment claims are at
their lowest level in nearly 50 years think of that something I'm very proud
about unemployment rates for Hispanics and African Americans have reached the
lowest levels ever recorded ever recorded think of that for women the
lowest levels in 19 years so we have really good numbers and something a lot
of people didn't think was going to happen wages are rising at the fastest
pace in over a decade we're cutting record numbers of regulations we've cut
more regulations in a year and a quarter than any administration whether it's
four years eight years or in one case sixteen years
we're also unleashing American energy and American energy independence we're
now an exporter of energy we're doing 10 think of this 10 million barrels a day
nobody thought they'd see this we're cracking down on unfair trade deals
we're taking strong action to secure our border stop illegal immigration and
restore the rule of law and we've passed the biggest tax cut and reform in
American history make no mistake in just over a year the
amount of accomplishments from this administration this is historic I've
never seen the media talk about this finally tonight we're going to end on
some good news you'll never hear from anybody in the media despite what I
described as the five forces that have been working
to defeat this president want to prevent him from getting elected then to D
legitimize him and get him thrown out of office you have the media you have the
never Trump purse you have weak establishment Republicans you have
Democrats and of course the deep state you know the Trump agenda keep seeing
massive major progress both right here and abroad now this includes big
progress on the economy look at this 14 states 14 have now hit record low
unemployment numbers including Alabama Arkansas Texas Hawaii even California
Wisconsin now meanwhile the u.s. is also seeing record low unemployment for
African Americans and Hispanic Americans
Roseanne Canceled After Roseanne Barr Tweets Racist Comment About Valerie Jarrett | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:39.
俄中聯合反導將是西方最怕見噩夢:能打下天上所有能飛的 - Duration: 5:26.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Doria cai, mas segue líder na corrida para o Governo de SP - Duration: 4:25.
PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode | Ewa Makai Middle School - O'ahu | Tough Vice-Principal - Duration: 3:42.
I had a student in here who told me, You know, Mrs. Martin, last year I hated you.
I said, Really?
You hated me?
Still hate me now?
He goes, No.
I'm like, So, what's the difference?
How come you don't hate me anymore?
And he said, 'Cause I got to know you.
Mrs. Geri Martin, a vice principal at Ewa Makai Middle School in 'Ewa Beach, has the
reputation for being the toughest administrator at the school.
However, she has grown accustomed to the thought of
students calling her mean, and being frightened by her.
I think there are students that think I am mean.
Rumors that people said about Miss Martin was that she's mean, and like, the way she
used to look at them was like ... like they didn't like it.
I thought she was kinda strict, and harsh.
Despite what students may say, Mrs. Martin's mission goes much deeper.
Growing up, I didn't like the way my life was, and I was a very, very angry person.
And being an angry person, if anybody looked at me the wrong
way, or said the wrong thing, I'd lose it.
I had a really bad temper, and took my anger out on people, and
they didn't deserve that.
And I had to take responsibility and now, realizing that I had hurt so many
people, promised that I would do everything I can to instead of
hurt people, help.
To make up for past mistakes, Mrs. Martin began serving her community by coaching sports
in hopes of helping others.
When I was involved with community sports, there were a lot of students who didn't have
family that would come to their games.
They'd be embarrassed on potluck days, because they wouldn't be able to
bring anything.
And so, it was those individuals that I took in, that would come home with us and stay.
And sad thing is, some of their families wouldn't even call to check on them.
But I think being able to not just take care of my sons, but to be able
to take care of the greater family, which is the community.
Although some students may think that Mrs. Martin is harder on them, she only wants to
steer students towards the right path.
She helped me with problem situations.
Like I would fight with other students at school, and I always get
pulled into her office.
She always tells me stories about the same thing that I'm in, and that I'm not the
only one who's in the situation.
Even though you think that she's mean, she's not.
She's a very caring person.
For me, every individual matters.
Every individual has the potential and the right to be happy and
Even though Mrs. Martin may be tough on the outside, her caring nature shows students
that we can all grow from our mistakes.
Thank you.
This is Kristina Overly from Ewa Makai Middle School, for HIKI NŌ.
Jesse Lee Peterson - qual o nome se dá a um homem que dorme com várias? - Duration: 0:19.
Hi there. My name is Camila Consci.
We realize and are sure that the state of being
has to do with the state of food
If you eat suffering it's
because the state of being is in the sadness
t is in the disassociated world, separated world
that is
we have difficulty seeing the "we are all the same"
and if we have difficulty seeing "we are all the same"
we are going to get sick
The pharmaceutical industries
and other industries will love that you get sick
because the system here is made
for us to get sick and not to stay conscious
and healthy
If we become conscious and healthy
we are joyful, we live in fullness
in health we won't need medicine.
So I think it's interesting to realize that it's important
to take off everything that's suffering from food
By the way I will tell you a secret:
this food is cheaper, much cheaper
but we don't have information about it
So if you look for recipes on the internet
they will see that there are many possibilities
besides many restaurants, many places
And I will tell you another secret:
it is much easier
to make and the plate is much more colorful
Have a good time Namaste.
Llegada al Barça de Lenglet... ¿Y traspaso de Samuel Umtiti? - Duration: 3:37.
Life Update - Sold My Home, Drugs, and 10 Years of Blogging - Duration: 8:30.
Naymar and her Father prayer before departure - Duration: 0:53.
Plantando e Acompanhando Roseiras - Duration: 10:52.
मेरा पीर बादशाह है | Ramzan Special Qawwali | Mera Peer Badshah Hai - Duration: 8:23.
12生肖:誰最旺你?老人說的錯不了了... - Duration: 13:05.
Resultados Sorteo Loteria Nacional Panama Miercoles 30 Mayo 2018 Numeros Ganadores Que Jugo Hoy lito - Duration: 1:13.
Atriz Lili Reinhart publica texto de autoaceitação. Leia mais no OFuxico! - Duration: 1:57.
Nesta semana, a atriz Lili Reinhart publicou um Instagram Stories um texto que fala de como devemos amar nossos próprios corpos da forma que eles são, após surgirem boatos de que ela estaria grávida após aparecer em uma foto com a barriga mais saliente
Na publicação, Lili desabafou: "É triste que uma foto desfavorável da minha barriga esteja circulando a internet e levando centenas de pessoas a pensar que estou grávida
Não. Nada de gravidez", escreveu a atriz. "Este é apenas o meu corpo. Às vezes estou inchada
Às vezes tiram fotos desfavoráveis de mim. Às vezes eu passo por momentos em que ganho peso
Meu corpo é algo pelo qual eu NUNCA vou pedir desculpas. Ele vai passar por mudanças constantemente
Assim como o seu. E isso é ok. Então vamos parar de gastar tanto tempo e esforço nos preocupando com a silhueta de um estranho
O 'repórter gato' do SBT, Daniel Adjuto, vem fazendo sucesso entre os telespectadores da emissora de - Duration: 3:01.
O considerado 'repórter gato' do SBT, Daniel Adjuto, que está na emissora de Silvio Santos, desde 2013, quando ele iniciou como estagiário, aos poucos, ganhou espaço no canal, e logo, se tornou um dos princiapis repórteres do mesmo
No mês de janeiro, ele passou a ocupar a bancada do principal telejornal da emissora, o "SBT Brasil", substituindo o titular Carlos Nascimento, em suas folgas
Após isso, não teve mais para ninguém, o rapaz se tornou o campeão de mensagens de fãs, desbancando grandes estrelas do canal
De acordo com informações do jornalista Ricardo Feltrin, já são milhares de mensagens enviadas à emissora, sem falar das redes sociais
As mensagens vão de carinho e congratulações, para até mesmo pedidos de casamento
Segundo o próprio repórter, isso faz parte do mundo da televisão. Sem falar que apesar de todo esse sucesso entre os telespectadores do SBT, Daniel também é o 'queridinho' de Silvio Santos
O nome dele inclusive, já foi cotado para ser um dos co-apresentadores de uma revista eletrônica nos moldes do "Good Morning America", que a emissora anda pensando em produzir
A atração acima citada, por enquanto ainda é apenas um projeto, e só entrará no ar, caso a emissora não renove o contrato com a Disney
Isso deverá ser definido em breve. Apresentadoras como Chris Flores e Nadja Haddad também já estão na lista para esse novo projeto
Sucesso na internet Em janeiro, quando estreou na bancada do "SBT Brasil", ao lado de Karyn Bravo, nas redes sociais não faltaram elogios para o jornalista
"Foi demais! Obrigado a todo mundo que tirou um tempinho pra nos acompanhar! Pense num cabra feliz! Deus é fiel", agradeceu ele, em sua rede social, publicando uma foto ao lado de Karyn, durante a apresentação do jornal…Leia mais! Confira também:
Vídeo mostra motorista de cegonha sendo agredido por caminhoneiros ao tentar passar por bloqueio - Duration: 2:45.
Vídeo mostra momento em que motorista de caminhão cegonha é agredido Um vídeo mostra o momento da agressão registrada contra um motorista de caminhão cegonha na BR-153, em Miranorte, região central do Tocantins
O homem teria sido agredido após furar um dos bloqueios na rodovia. Outros caminhoneiros aguardaram a chegada dele no bloqueio seguinte com um caminhão menor atravessado na pista
(Veja o vídeo) Nas imagens é possível ver que o homem teve a roupa rasgada e recebeu socos enquanto era retirado da cabine a força
O veículo que ele dirigia e mais dois que estavam sendo transportados pela cegonha foram danificados
O caso foi na tarde desta terça-feira (29). O caso ainda está sendo investigado
A Polícia Militar informou que suspeitos foram levados para a delegacia, mas não deu mais detalhes sobre quantos eram ou os nomes
Uma mangueira do caminhão cegonha também foi cortada. O motorista agredido alegou que recebeu autorização para passar do primeiro bloqueio e que não esperava ser agredido no segundo
O G1 tentou contato com a Polícia Civil de Miranorte, mas as ligações não foram atendidas
Nas imagens é possível ver que motorista levou socos (Foto: Reprodução) Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Tocantins
Luciana Gimenez relata sofrimento após separação: 'Houve uma ruptura' - Duration: 5:41.
Luciana Gimenez falou pela primeira vez sobre o fim do casamento com Marcelo de Carvalho
Discreta sobre sua vida pessoal, a apresentadora "SuperPop" e do "Luciana by Night", da emissora RedeTV!, passou por um momento difícil durante a separação
"O término de uma relação, como qualquer adversidade na vida, é algo difícil. Não posso dizer que não sofri, afinal, houve uma ruptura, mas a gente tem de extrair o melhor de tudo
Chorar o que for preciso e seguir em frente", disse à revista "Caras". A empresária, no entanto, se orgulha da história que ajudou a construir: "Eu tive um casamento de sucesso
Foram 12 anos juntos e isso é bastante tempo". Apresentadora define fase solteira Após ter alterado o status de relacionamento, Luciana falou de como tem sido essa nova experiência
"É uma fase de autoconhecimento, na qual aprendo com o silêncio. Estou casada comigo mesma
Acabei de sair de um casamento e é muito cedo para pensar nisso, quero curtir um pouco este momento
Já tive o meu conto de fadas nesta vida e não sei dizer se faria tudo de novo, mas continuo acreditando no amor
Procuro separar a vida pública da privada, afinal, não dá para dividir tudo com todos, principalmente quando são coisas íntimas
Não gosto de sair por aí fazendo barulho", explicou ela, pronta para recomeçar: "Tenho dificuldade com as mudanças
Elas são um desafio para mim, ao mesmo tempo em que me ajudam a crescer e me tiram da minha zona de conforto
Sempre fui muito independente, desde os 16 anos ganho meu próprio dinheiro e nunca quis ser bancada por ninguém
Eu tenho viajado mais. Sozinha ou com amigos. Quando você está em um relacionamento, os programas acabam sendo de casal e você se afasta um pouco dos círculos de amizade"
Luciana intensifica papel de mãe Mãe de Lucas Jagger, de 19 anos, fruto da relação com Mick Jagger, e de Lorenzo, de 7, da união com Marcelo, Luciana tem se dedicado aos herdeiros
"Estou mais focada nos filhos. Eles são amados e isso me dá a certeza de que ficam bem em qualquer situação"
Segundo Luciana, o primogênito, de quem revelou o namoro, está de mudança para Nova York, onde fará faculdade
"Este baque será grande. Somos parceiros e nunca fiquei longe do Lucas. Nem sei como vou encarar isso
Por outro lado, vou me aproximar mais do Lorenzo", avaliou a apresentadora que, além das viagens, tem se empenhado nos estudos: "Estou envolvida com um projeto de energia solar que já existe no Rio e que deve ser implementado também em São Paulo
Tem um leque de coisas se abrindo diante de mim e, agora, com mais liberdade, vou colocar tudo em prática
Tenho vontade, por exemplo, de fazer cinema e teatro. Sou jovem, estou cheia de energia e tenho a vida toda pela frente
É cabeça erguida!". (Por Patrícia Dias)
Το έριξε έξω ο Κώστας Μαρτάκης. - Duration: 1:09.
Ο Μαρτάκης διασκέδασε στον Βέρτη Το έριξε έξω ο Κώστας Μαρτάκης. Ο τραγουδιστής πήγε μαζί με την παρέα του να διασκεδάσει στο Yton όπου και εμφανίζεται ο Νίκος Βέρτης
Απόλαυσε το πρόγραμμα μέχρι τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες, ενώ μάλιστα κάποια στιγμή, πήγε και στα καμαρίνια για να συναντήσει τον Νίκο Βέρτη και να έχει μια σύντομη κουβέντα μαζί του
Οι δυο τους πόζαραν χαμογελαστοί στον φωτογραφικό φακό. Δείτε τους λίγο πιο κάτω στις φωτογραφίες που ακολουθούν
Πηγή φωτογραφιών: NDP
TRIPLE CRIPPLES: 3 Things about Kym - Duration: 8:05.
Kym: 3 Things.
I like my vagina bald.
I like waxing my vagina.
Like its
Jay: It's like, what about when its cold though?
Like... You need all the hair you can get…
Kym: Baby Girl…
D'you know what?
Its like a 'super baldness'.
You know men have to wear like caps?
You don't need that, 'cause I've got so much thigh, like, its just like its insulated
I don't know if you've ever had your vagina waxed…?
Jay: God no!
Kym: Listeeeen!
It will change your life
Jay: I think I'll black out!- Kym: Noooooooo!!
Jay: That's how- it'll change my life!
Kym: No !! Listen, listen!
Jay: Just 'tchhh' aaaaand then she died.
Kym: D'you know?!
Well, it- it kind of is like dying, 'cause you go to heaven.
Here's what happened:
My friend a few years before had said she had gone to get a vagina wax and it had been the
most painful, horrible thing she'd ever gone through
Jay: And you thought "Lemme get some o' that."
Kym: I was like- And then someone else I know was like "Oh yeah I got my vagina waxed,
it hurts but..".
Anyway, so the first day I went to go and get it done
This is turning into a long story, but don't worry- Jay: Oh no, go ahead, go Ahead
Kym: this is all the things you need to know about me Jay: I love it, I love it
Kym: I went in and I was like "Oh, can I get a wax?".
I didn't know that there were different types of waxes
Jay: Oh yeah
Kym: This is some-
Jay: Sugar wax, Barazilian, everythaang
Kym: Hollywood…
I didn't know.
Jay: Yeah
Kym: Also this is someone who didn't even shave – so you've got to understand…
what was going on.
Jay: I didn't envision when I asked you about 3 things-
-that we would start with the Pumpum, but I'm glad that we're here.
Kym: It's not- Its not my fault.
I like talking about vaginas.
So- Well that's number 2 - I like talking about vaginas.
So, I went into the place and they booked the appointment, so I went in to go and sit
and you know-
Jay: So wait did you go in to just book it, or did you book it and then wait to have it?
Kym: Booked it and waited to have it.
'Cause I was like now- I need it now.
I'm one of those people, like if I want to do something.
I'm gonna do it Jay: Your gonna do it now
Kym: Yes Jay: Gotcha
Kym: So you get in, and you have to get naked!
You have to get naked down below obviously-
Jay: Oh right!
Kym: I- Jay: I thought you meant completely
Kym: No I-
Jay: I figured you'd have to drop trou'
Kym: I didn't know what to do!
No – be- Listen.
I said to you – I didn't even shave my vagina.
I don't even know if I'd looked at it before… and I went to go and do this thing.
So when they said "Oh yeah, you have to undress-" I was like-
Jay: What did you think they were gon' do?
Kym: I don't know!
Jay: Its like "..just turn off the lights.."
Kym: I know!
I didn't know- D'you know what?
I didn't even really think about the process of getting waxed.
I didn't even think about it.
I just- I didn't think about what that process… would be-
Jay: Would entail?
Kym : Yeah
Jay: Okay
Kym: So when they said get undressed, I was like "Oh my god!
Oh my god!
'Cause I'd not- I didn't- You don't undress in front of people and its
like are they getting undressed too?
Like, why am I the only person getting naked?
Jay: I need to be naked to shave you.
I'd be like-
Kym: Yeah, 'cause- I don't- Yeah because it was just- it was so- I didn't like the kind of
inequity or inequality going on.
Like why do I have to be na- Jay: Well she's not getting waxed, you are!
Kym: That's not the point!
The point is I'm having to get naked in front of a stranger.
Like, they're gonna have to- And then I realised
Jay: What do you think it would in-
Kym: I don't know!!!!!
Jay: Okayyy?
Kym: Thank you!
And they were like "When you finish.
get on the bed.
Have you finished undressing?"
So I had to take off- So I was like "Do I need to take my pants off too?"
And they were like
Jay: You need to expose everything…
Kym: Exactly… and then I was like…
"Oh my god-" Jay: Access.
Kym: And that's when I suddenly realised that someone was going to be looking
in my vagina.
Like, I was gonna have to spread my legs akimbo and have someone looking at my vagina.
Looking at it!
Like, with their face in my vagina
So obviously I decided from that moment that I would do a cogni- like a disassociation
thing and not be in the moment.
Beause I was like "I cannot be present-
Jay: SO did you just, like float out of your body..?
Kym: I floated out of my body, because I was like "I don't wanna be here".
"Why did I do this?"
Jay: Mhmm.
Kym: Ummm "I don't even look at my own vagina."
Whoever it is comes in, and they put the wax on…
Jay: Oh question.
So did you get the 'Hollywood', seeing as you said you like it 'bald'?
Kym: I didn't- Jay: Cos that's the bald one…
Kym: I didn't know the things ok?
Jay: At this point.
Kym: At this point, I didn't- This is my first experience ever, I didn't know the
So I was like "Brazilian?
Yeah sure.
'Cause Brazilians are hairless right?
They take their hair off.
So yeah…"
Jay: Their hairless?!
Oh okay!
Its just a nation with no hair.
Like, they've got people from the whitest white to the blackest black and they're
Both: Hairless!
Kym: 'Cause I was like- Jay: You just get the citizenship and your hair falls
off… Kym: Thank you- 'Cause I was like, "..that's what they do -
they take off hair, they bleach the hair...
they do all sorts of things.
They're very beauty oriented.
So the be- the Brazilian must be the extreme one right?"
I don't even think I really thought about what waxing meant.
Jay: I don't think you did either
Kym: I didn't
Jay: No
Kym: I didn't.
So as she pulled off the first strip
– obviously its super painful, I've never
had anything like this in my life
But I'm like, ":Hold it down.
Because at this point- Jay: You got this!
Kym- you can't scream, because then that would mean that you ARE here
And we've already decided that you've floated up into the stratosphere…"
Jay: Mhmmm!
Kym: So I was like, no!
Jay: Cruisin'.
Kym: Thank you!
As she did it, she was like "How are your brothers?"
Jay: WHAT???
Kym: I was like "Huh?"
Here's the thing that made it interesting…
So I was like "Mmm- just a generic question"
I was like "They're gooood thanks.."
And she was like uh
"I haven't seen your Dad lately." Jay: Oh my god! She knows!
Kym: And then I looked up.
And it was this girl, that I used to- that lives on the same road as me
Who I fell out with, years and years before when we were children
And I just didn't talk to
Jay: Ohhh…
Kym: No no no.
That's not the point.
The point is I- I literally said to this girl- She came
to apologise to me for the rubbish she'd done, ' cause they'd tried to bully me
and my brother
And I said to her "No, I don't want to
be your friend.
We'll never be friends again."
Jay: So you didn't accept her apology?
Kym: I didn't
Jay: Now she's got your coochie
in her hands Kym: Now she has my vagina!
And you should have seen- when I looked up and realised it was her
She had this smirk on her face as she RIPPED off the next bit!
Jay: Ahhhhh!
Kym: But imagine that, like
of all the things Jay: Nah, I would have just had like a line out and been like
"Thank you I 'll pay
you for the hair that has been removed.
You have a blessed evening!"
Kym: Can you imagine?!
Jay: And walk out.
Kym: The level of embarrassment-
Jay: That's really embarrassing…
Kym: Like, its different you go for someone who- when you go and someone strange is-
a stranger's doing it.
'Cause then you can kind of Jay: Yeah, cos its like "Whatever."
Kym: "Whatever.
Look at my vagina, you're never gonna see it again, you don't know me." Jay: Yeah.
This is your job.
Like, you're used to it. Kym: Mmm Exactly
Kym: But imagine?!
So that was my first experience..
However- Jay: Did she at least do a good job for your first wax?
Kym: Umm…
I imagine so er..
I wasn't-
Jay: Or did you not look down? Kym: I didn't check. I didn't look down!
What am I gonna do?
How am I gonna do that?
Jay: (inaudible) Kym: I was just like "Ok its finished."
What? Listen, I'm big I can't- Jay: Or you can get a mirror…
and just angle it
Kym: It wa- D'you know w-
Jay: So I've heard… Kym: I've already-
Kym: I'd already experienced enough embarrassment.
I must then be like "Co - can you bring me a mirrah' lemme inspect-
Jay: No, not with her.
When you go to you- back to your place
Kym: Okay.
So here's the- here's the most important part of the story..
The minute I got up, I felt like I wasn't- I felt like I was walking on air…
Jay: Oh!
Kym: I felt like I couldn't- Jay: Smooth...
Kym: Yeh- No.
I felt light!
Jay: Ahhh...
Kym: Like, and then, you can feel your vagina touching itself!
It was the most amazing- I felt like I'd come into some level of Womanhood that I previously
hadn't accessed.
Jay: Wow. You upgraded...
That's nice.
Yeah, but I don't know if I want sparsity, though!
Just looking a little sad with a few scraggly hairs…
Kym: No, but after a while it won't grow back at all is what they say.. like it just-
Jay: Yeah but then that's just- Kym: - doesn't and so its bald..
Jay: -weird though.
'Cause I haven't been bald since I was prepubescent
Kym: Yeah, but its- its clean, and its
it feels nice Jay: So what? You're tryn' ta say I'm dirty?
Kym: Nooo but- Jay: Okay then,
Kym: it just- you can- its- when- cleaning is easier, there's- when-
I'm big right, so I've got a stomach that sits on my thighs, and I've got thighs that
cover my vagina..
that's a lot of heat- Jay: But I like that.
Tha- That's, you know- they're working together to support you
(Laughs) Kym: It's a lot of heat my friend, like,
Jay: It's a lot of- (Laughter)
Kym: It's a lot of heat.
Jay: So we've got
1 - that... Kym: You've got 2 things…
Jay: 2 you like talking about vaginas, as we learnt from 1.
Now what's the third thing?
Kym: Ummm Jay: 'Cause you have monopolised this conversation!
Kym: I'm sorry.
That's the end then- Jay: With your pussy lip
talk Kym: Well, y- you already heard the last thing…
that I- that my first wax was by umm my sworn
Jay: Sworn enemy?
You're being very dramatic…
Kym: I know
Jay: Okayyyy…
Alright cool!
I like that.
Kym: Ok.
So there's two things: First of all if you're Black or you've got coily hair, you should
get a hot wax, not a strip wax.
Strip waxes are very irritating to our skin 'Cause also our hair doesn't grow in a
straight line.
So hot wax.
Jay: You hearin' that?
Both: Hot Wax.
Kym: I did'nt get a hot wax the first time,
Jay: No Kym: I got a strip wax, and that's why…
TVN się sypie? Kolejny znany dziennikarz odchodzi ze stacji. A gdzie trafi Rymanowski? Są pierwsze p - Duration: 2:45.
Kolejny znany dziennikarz TVN odchodzi ze stacji. Chodzi o Marcina Żebrowskiego. Dziennikarz sam potwierdził, że złożył wypowiedzenie i z TVN24 będzie związany tylko do końca lipca
Z kolei Bogdan Rymanowski ma przejść do konkurencyjnej telewizji. Marcina Żebrowski jak podają media nie chce mówić o powodach swojej decyzji i planach zawodowych
Dziennikarz pracuje w TVN24 od 2007 roku. Kolejno był reporterem i gospodarzem serwisów informacyjnych
Od 2009 prowadzi program reporterski „ i świat", a od 2011 roku – weekendowe wydania porannego pasma „Wstajesz i wiesz"
Czytaj też: Marcin Żebrowski to nie jedyny popularny dziennikarz, ktory w ostatnich dniach opuścił telewizję TVN
Po 16 latach pracy ze stacji odszedł Bogdan Rymanowski. Jak podają Wirtualne Media Rymanowski przechodzi do Telewizji Polsat
Sam zainteresowany nie potwierdza na razie tej informacji, brak też komentarza ze strony Doroty Gawryluk, nowej szefowej pionu informacji i publicystyki Telewizji Polsat
Wirtualne Media ustaliły, że Bogdan Rymanowski będzie jednym z gospodarzy głównego wydania „Wydarzeń"
Od kwietnia program prowadzony jest przez Dorotę Gawryluk, Agnieszkę Mosór i Joannę Wrześniewską-Sieger
Czytaj też: Nczas.com/ Fakt.pl/ wirtualnemedia.pl
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