okay it's great to see you again today we got a bunch of awesome big Jurassic
world fallen Kingdom surprise eggs these eggs are full of surprise miniature
dinosaurs which we're gonna set up and our awesome dinosaur Play Set let's get
New 4 Giant Jurassic World Dinosaur Eggs Fallen Kingdom Mattel Dinosaur Toys TRex Vs Indoraptor
up and set up our dinosaurs in this also of dinosaurs ooh Wow awesome huge tiny
step we're gonna go ahead and open up the drastic world fallen Kingdom
dinosaur eggs full miniature that is zoar toys and set them up here and we're
gonna have some awesome battles Wow dinosaurs ooh okay let's go ahead and
check I wonder what we have inside Wow full of miniature dinosaurs huh
cool who do we have we've got the t-rex Apatosaurus indominus rex Pteranodon
Pinkley Essaouira
Triceratops another ankylosaurus
Velociraptor blue nice shiny T red the Stegosaurus another Stegosaurus
wow that was 11 Jurassic world full of Kingdom miniatures let's open the other
eggs and then we'll get everything set up in our dinosaur zoo okay in the
second egg we had I love these eggs they feel so nice and smooth look at it they
are so cool yeah you've got the Jurassic world logo and everything so let's go
ahead open these up and they crack open so cool I mean it's it's like cracking
open a real egg okay so what do we have joining our other dinosaurs ooh we have
a para cephalus horas we have another Triceratops
we've got a t-rex velociraptor another velociraptor and another velociraptor a
Stegosaurus Triceratops actually happy a t-rex and Apatosaurus and a sticky
mohawk and one tear okay so that was 22 awesome dinosaur
toys let's see we've got one more egg to open up here okay just slide off some of
them so once again Reuben cool awesome huge eggs crack this
thing open ooh we got some new ones here cool
what do we got we've got of Baryonyx okay another Paris of the Souris
Triceratops another Baryonyx cool a velociraptor
we've got us Stegosaurus an Apatosaurus
Triceratops Dilophosaurus whoo-hoo cool another Tran
Adhan and another sticky malach so let's go ahead set these miniatures up in this
awesome dinosaur zoo okay guys I think we're gonna start right here you could
battle dinosaurs here I am going to put in Triceratops and a t-rex we're gonna
have a classic battle here and they got this little lever here spin it back and
forth faster and faster until one of them wins
oh the Triceratops won the battle but he got tossed out of the ring let's see
what happens ah there we go now it's team lock versa philosoraptor ah stick
him a lock one in for his prize he gets thrown out of the ring it's Baryonyx
first para cephalus or ass around and around
oh the Baryonyx is out oh no he got beaten by an herbivore Wow
that is shameful let's see I like launching these dinosaurs from
here to go back and forth BAM oh wow it launched him across the
whole set let's try that again okay so back and forth and Oh wrong way let's
try it this way
oops wrong way again oh he's not cooperating with us ah well
anyways here is another really cool option this thing will like hold your
dinosaur on here you go ahead clip your dinosaur right in there you gotta make
sure it's clip let's see if it's clip is secure I don't want the dinosaur ah not
secure enough you don't want the dinosaur flying right off when it
clipped in there enough this is all it could attack another dinosaur okay so we
got the triceratops clipped in you go ahead pull him back there and this
periodic is just walking by minding his own business he's just gonna ladi Dadi
down all of a sudden ah the Triceratops takes him up or you could use the
Baryonyx with the Baryonyx in here and this Apatosaurus is just having a grand
old day when all of a sudden ah Donny go or a velociraptor here we got lost after
he's going in there this Diggy malakas not bothering anybody he's just having a
great day today with all of a sudden he goes flying and then you could also have
dinosaurs here you've got the triceratops coming up and what do you
have up here you have an exploding volcano with a huge rock you
go ahead and turn it ah the Triceratops tries to run ah done again the stinky
Moloch is escaping no he's not what about the ferocious t-rex
ah not anymore for this awesome invisible indominus rex can he escape
the volcano oh this volcanos awesome because when
the rock comes down it goes down down the bridge and crushes anything in its
path or if their roles the other way it goes down the other bridge and takes
down anything that is in its way including this poor Apatosaurus he's
just admiring the view all of a sudden
BAM now he's not admiring it anymore okay so let's go ahead and set up our
zoo guy here you can see you've got like a pin with the tricera look let me move
this you got a pen over there with a triceratops in it so in there I am going
to set up and indominus rex and t-rex and on top of that
I'm gonna set up another shiny t-rex so they're gonna have an awesome three-way
battle whoa up here on the bridge we are going to
set up and Apatosaurus Triceratops and chasing them will be Baryonyx cool and
then going up this hill we need some herbivores we have a Stegosaurus over
there and it Apatosaurus they are going to race up the hill to see who could get
there faster over here we've got a Stegosaurus Triceratops ankylosaurus
another Stegosaurus and then we will have a stinky malach on the bridge para
cephalus horas and a trace Tyrannosaurus Rex chasing all of them oh okay now we
need some dinosaurs climbing the steps here so we're gonna have Triceratops and
a tinkly asaurus they are going up to attack the t-rex and then back here
we've got it looks like we have a stinky malach here so I think we need an
herbivore over there well I actually know a Styracosaurus I apologize we'll
put a stigma lock over there over here we have a Mosasaurus actually for the
Mosasaurus we need an indomitable asaurus has the indominus rex in
Charles is this the end of the indominus rex it was in Jurassic world 1 oh poor
it dominus ok over here you have an Apatosaurus so joining the Apatosaurus
will be another Apatosaurus and then here we've got a saber-tooth tiger so
we're gonna put a Velociraptor in there to battle with him over here we've got a
Stegosaurus so we're gonna put Velociraptor blue in to battle the
Stegosaurus and here is a pool of water I think this Velociraptor is gonna go
for a swim whoo over here we've got a cage with
velociraptors fighting so we're gonna have Dilophosaurus first Perry cephalus
or actually actually pachycephalosaurus okay over there you have cousin of the
Stiggy Milad so we're gonna go ahead and put the Tyrannosaurus Rex there to
battle him over there we have a triceratops with eggs and although the
Baryonyx is coming in to try to steal the triceratops --is eggs what could
possibly happen over here we have a rampaging Spinosaurus so we're gonna
have aa Velociraptor pack attack him see if they
could take him down and who do we get laughs it looks like we have up we got a
Stegosaurus here he's gonna go over here swimming with
turtle all the way over there and then what we have left is some turn it on so
I think these palm trees will be perfect or the Trinidad so one trina-- don is
gonna go on the palm tree here another trainer Don will go on the palm tree
here and we've got one more where could this one possibly go I think this one is
gonna go on top of the rock on the volcano can we balance him I believe you
could these things have folding arms so you could have him like hug the rock
perfect wow that is awesome okay and the only thing missing from
this so we can go ahead set up Matchbox cars here on the track so these are
actually Matchbox cars from Jurassic world - or Jurassic world gonna go ahead
and set these up and then we will go ahead and check out our awesome dinosaur
zoo Wow we're running out of room here okay then
we have our submarine over there huh might not have room for all the vehicles
and maybe we got some room ill the way in the back here looks like this sign
over there says exit so they are exiting the park and we have a gyrosphere and
one more it's a fuel vehicle he will be going
okay okay so now it's time to check out our dinosaur zoo all the way in the back
there we've got the steamy lock and the vehicles trying to escape the Mosasaurus
is taking down the indominus rex oh that Apatosaurus is chasing these
vehicles here oh no that Jeep is open and it's
surrounded by milazzo raptors at least that one is enclosed and that
Velociraptor is going for a swim I think you forgot his swimsuit ooh
these guys are in terrible danger they're headed right for a Tyrannosaurus
Rex and the baryon eggs while these two battle all in the match of the ages the
gyrosphere is just sitting there while the sub is launching into the river and
here we've got the tights Tyrannosaurus is fighting the Triceratops I would not
want to be in his shoe wild on fuel vehicle is running for his life look at
all these dinosaurs climbing the bridge little do they know that giant mighty
rock above them is going to crush them like peanuts oh wow
and then we have all these other dinosaurs that don't know they're gonna
get hit by the other rock Wow Wow guys this is such an awesome set so if you
guys enjoyed this video please go ahead and click like drop the comments also
guys if you've got over a thousand videos the majority are Jurassic world
Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformer Power
Rangers ninja turtle in the lot more keep watching guys you guys are all
and I will see you tomorrow in today's secret word is the word go ahead and put
that in the comment section click the subscribe button below for a lot more
fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new
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For more infomation >> New 4 Giant Jurassic World Dinosaur Eggs Fallen Kingdom Mattel Dinosaur Toys TRex Vs Indoraptor - Duration: 18:30.-------------------------------------------
Ep 18 Progressive Muscle Relaxation by CDR Lauby (Military Meditation Coach Podcast) - Duration: 21:45.
[music] [Dr. Julie Kinn] Welcome back to the "Military
Meditation Coach", your source for meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises.
Made for the military, but good for everyone.
I'm Dr. Julie Kinn with the Defense Health Agency.
And today, we have a progressive muscle relaxation, led by Cmdr.
Melissa Lauby.
Take a minute before you start the exercise to look around your environment.
What can you do to make your setting a little bit more relaxing?
Get into a comfortable position, shut down devices you don't need, maybe turn off the
screens to your monitor.
And now focus on your intention, the reason you're meditating today.
Melissa Lauby] Progressive muscle relaxation is an exercise that helps you to relax your
mind and body.
Over the next 20 minutes, this guided relaxation will take you through the process of tensing
and relaxing the major muscle groups in your body.
As we go through the relaxation, you will tense each muscle group without straining,
and hold the tension for about five seconds.
When prompted, you will release the hold and begin to notice the muscle warming and relaxing.
If at any time you notice any pain or discomfort in any of the targeted muscle groups, feel
free to omit that group, take some deep breaths, and rejoin when you are able.
Now, let's begin.
Find a comfortable position, either lying down or seated comfortably in a chair with
your feet flat on the floor.
Let your eyes close softly if that is comfortable for you.
Begin to find your breath and breathe deeply.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Begin to notice how your body feels in this moment.
Begin scanning your body, starting with your head, moving through your neck, through your
shoulders, down your arms, through your body's core, down through your legs, down through
your feet.
Don't be judgmental, just know where you are at in this moment.
Allow your attention to focus on your body and your breath.
Don't forget to breathe.
[Lauby] There may be times when your mind will wander.
Try to bring it back and focus on the muscle group that you are working on or your breath.
As you breathe in, notice the air coming into your body, into your lungs, filling your chest,
diaphragm, and stomach.
And as you release your breath, follow the same pattern, moving the breath from your
abdomen, your chest, and lungs, and then out of your body.
Visualize the stress and tension exiting your body with each exhale.
Let's take a few more deep breaths and begin to settle in.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Now, focus your attention on your head and face.
Notice the sensations.
Tighten the muscles in your forehead by raising your eyebrows as high as you can.
Hold the tension.
And release.
Let's repeat that.
Raise your eyebrows one more time.
And release.
Now squeeze your eyes shut as tightly as you can.
Hold the tension.
And release.
Repeat that one more time.
Squeeze your eyes shut.
And release.
Next, smile as widely as you can.
Hold the tension.
One more time.
Smile as widely as you can.
And release.
You should now begin to notice the warmth and relaxation beginning to settle into your
Take a moment to enjoy the relaxed feeling coming through your head and your face.
[Lauby] Now, let's move your attention to your neck.
Gently pull your head back as if to look at the ceiling.
Hold it there.
And release, returning your head to its upright position.
Now, gently allow your head to move forward as if looking at the ground.
Hold the tension.
And release, bringing your head back to the center.
Notice the weight of your relaxed head and neck begin to sink into your body.
Take a moment to breathe.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice the waves of relaxation begin to flow through your body.
Now, notice your hands.
Tense your hands by making a fist.
Hold it tightly and release.
One more time.
Make a fist and hold the tension and release.
Now, notice your forearms.
Tense your forearms by bending your hands back towards your forearms.
Notice the tension and hold…and release.
One more time.
Tense your forearms…and release.
Now, notice your biceps.
Curl your arms towards your shoulders, tensing your biceps and hold.
One more time.
Tense your biceps, hold…and release.
Now, let's focus on your triceps.
Notice the feelings in your triceps.
Tighten your triceps by extending your arms out and locking your
Feel the build-up of tension, hold…and release.
Let's do that one more time.
Tense your triceps…and release.
Enjoy the limp, warm feeling now settling in your arms.
Notice that they may begin to feel heavy and relaxed.
[Lauby] Now, focus on your shoulders.
Shrug your shoulders up towards your head and neck, hold…and release.
One more time.
Shrug your shoulders, tensing the muscles in your shoulders, hold…and release.
Letting all the stress and tension fall from your body with your sagging shoulders.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice the waves of relaxation starting in your head, moving through your face, your
neck, your shoulders, and down your arms.
Notice the warm, relaxed sensations filling these muscle groups.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Now, notice your upper back.
Tense the muscles in your upper back by squeezing your shoulder blades together, almost as if
they could touch.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Tighten your upper back muscles.
Hold…and release.
Now, notice your chest muscles.
Tighten your chest muscles by taking a deep breath in.
And release and exhale, blowing out all of the tension.
One more time, tighten your chest muscles.
Take a deep breath in and hold.
And release.
Now, move down to your abdominal muscles.
Notice the sensation in your body's core.
Tense your stomach muscles by sucking your muscles in.
Hold…and release.
Let's do that one more time.
Hold…and release.
Now, notice the sensations in your lower back.
Tense your lower back muscles by arching your back and pushing your stomach forward.
Hold the tension…and release.
One more time, tense your lower back muscles…and release.
You should now be feeling the warm relaxation sensation moving from your head, down your
neck, and your shoulders, through the core of your body, and your arms and fingers.
Imagine pushing any tension or stress you may be feeling down and out through your body.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Now, moving towards your lower body.
Focus your attention on your buttocks.
Tense your gluts.
Hold…and release.
One more time, tense your gluts.
Hold…and release.
[Lauby] Now, notice your thigh muscles.
Tighten your thighs by pressing your knees together, almost as if you are trying to hold
something between your legs.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Hold…and release.
Now move down to your calves.
Notice your calves.
To tighten your calf muscles, pull your feet back towards you.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Pull your feet back to tighten your calf muscles.
Hold…and release.
Now notice your feet and your toes.
Curl your toes in, and squeeze them to tighten the muscles.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Squeeze your toes together.
Hold…and release.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice the warm heaviness settling into your body.
Take a moment to scan your body.
Begin at your head, down to your shoulders, through your arms, through the core of your
body, through your legs and feet.
Notice the waves of relaxation flowing through your entire body, starting at the top of your
head moving down through your feet.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice your relaxed body, warm, heavy.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Feel free to take as much time in the space as you would like.
But if you are ready to transition back, begin to wiggle your fingers and toes.
Begin to find movement in your arms and legs.
And if closed, when you are ready, open your eyes.
[music] [Kinn] Thank you so much for joining us.
The "Military Meditation Coach" podcast is produced by the Naval Center for Combat
and Operational Stress Control and by the Defense Health Agency.
Please get in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter @MilitaryHealth.
We'd love to know what kinds of meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises you're
interested in.
Thank you for subscribing and rating us on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts.
The views expressed here are those of the presenters and do not reflect the official
policy of the Department of Defense or the United States government.
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Awesome Backgrounds for Your Doula Website: Doula Training Videos - Duration: 7:00.
Hello birth care professionals, this is David with your indie biz today. In today's doula training videos I'm gonna show you how to make some cool
Backgrounds for your doula website. Alright, so this is just an example I have up here
it says best doula in Brooklyn and you'll notice there's nothing in the background and if we go on the
Actual web because this is the editor that we're looking at here if we go on the web, you know
this is what the page look like and
This used to be really cool to have these white backgrounds
But now everyone is moving towards stuff that offers some depth and you know, it's really more intriguing to the eye
So how you gonna do that yourself? How you gonna make that?
How you gonna make your website pop I guess is the question. We're going to be talking about here
So I'm gonna take a few minutes
All right
Now just as a caveat if you want me to do this for you
I can do it for free check out your indie biz in the
Description and you can learn about you know, how we'll build your website for free, which is pretty sweet
and you can also check out your
Inbox doula, which is also in the description
They're building a really cool registry right now
And we're helping them with that and they'll even pay you a buck to recommend people to the registry
So it's pretty cool. All right, so back to the task at hand how we gonna pop this page?
okay, so you want to make a background and
Let's try this way of doing it, okay, so I'm gonna go to Google
What I've done is I've gone to images I wrote just as an example
Pacifier you can change that word. All you want to all sorts of different things PNG transparent
What it's gonna do is it's gonna give you these images and you'll see these little squares in the background
That means that that's invisible
So the only thing that you get when you use the image is the actual image itself of no background
And that's what you're looking for. I also went to settings and I you know, I labeled it for reuse with modification
So I looked for images that people are cool with me
Sort of however, I want
Okay. So this is just an example you can do this with anything and what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go through
you these free images and I'm just gonna pick a couple and
save them
All right, and I'm gonna pop back in in another program and we're going to see how we use them in a really fun way
Okay, so you can go into PicMonkey PicMonkey again. I got a link in the description just
The easiest editing site to use for graphics super super easy
Okay, so you want to open up something new and you want to go to?
Templates and what I'm using for my website, I'll show you. I always go to YouTube blank canvas
alright, and this is
There we go, right there
Because this is you know the same sort of size that you need when you're building a website
Or a section for a website at least so we're gonna go to overlays which is the little butterfly here. Click on that
I'm gonna add my own
from my computer
alright, you'll see I got all the ones I downloaded here and
I'm just going to
Click on them
Bring them in
Okay, I'm gonna go back and I will join you in a minute when I put three of each of these into my canvas
Okay, so we had this giant pile of you know, a few copies each and all the images
I pulled there and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring up this little tab here
which is the layers that I have going on here, you'll see I got lots and lots of pictures and
I'm going to you know start with this one and you'll see there's a box around it. I'm gonna shrink it way down
Like that
I'm gonna give it a little rotation
And I'm going to go up here. Now. This thing will make it more transparent
Okay, cuz I want it to be pretty transparent because it's just a background
okay, and I'm gonna check it off over here in the corner and then I'm gonna go down to the next one and I'm gonna
repeat and
I will see you when I have done
all of this
so I shrunk and spun around a little bit all of these pictures and
all I'm going to do is sort of disperse them around in a way that makes them look like
You know, maybe
wrapping paper or
Some other fun thing just make sure that you know, there's syrup
Spread out and you know like isn't look like they're not in you know lines together
So I'll meet you back when I've done that and so we have a little bit of you know dispersion of those
So now I'm just going to export this from PicMonkey. I'm gonna download it
you know, I got an untitled document there my downloads now, I'm gonna bounce back into Weebly, so I always use
Weebly for website creation anyone can use it. It's super easy. I'll check a
link in the description
Alright, so this is what our page looks like. So I'm gonna go back into Weebly here. This is the editor
I'm gonna go back. I'm just gonna click on this white space here
Edit background. I'm gonna put an image in there
We're gonna go
Upload a photo for my computer and I'm gonna go downloads here and we'll see. It's right here my first one and
It'll load it in
There we go, and we just say, yep, that's cool
All right, and make a little bigger so you can see some that action
pretty neat
Yeah, I'm gonna go back here
This is what it looked like before and if we just refresh it, we can see the Josh we've created
Best doula in
Brooklyn and obviously you can move everything around but you know the background just gives it
Something to look at lots of different stuff the angles
You know provided with some depth and the text overtop of the pictures that we've lightened again
You know creates the perception of depth on page
would you really need and
That's it for this one again. Check out your indie biz in the description and I'll see you in the next video
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Grande Barbo em 10Cm de água - Big Barbel in 10Cm of water - Duration: 8:18.
there are two there
go go
go go go
so what I am doing here?
I start with Savage Gear Nails
and this stream only have 50Cm deep
maybe a bit more in some parts but is rare having more than that
so now I am fishing with Savage Gear Mayfly
Love this lure, I started with Savage Gear Nails but they don´t want that lure for now
so I am casting to the middle of the current
2 meters above the place where the Barbel are
the Barbel are really really close the bank
so I cast to the middle and the line will do a balloon
the lure will come to the bank and that lure go exactly where the fish is
so he don´t need to search, if you cast near the fish
he will run away from that place
at least for now, later when we are in fruit season and when they find the food falling into the water
we will change tactics
but in this moment all you have to do is present the most natural way possible
and the most natural way is the water drag the lure to the bank
you need to do this way
why are the fight taking so much time? I am fishing with 0.11 multi
I need to fish so light because of this rod
and the terminal is 0.20
I don´t know if you can see the line
last Barbel ruined my line so I need to change
is difficult to fish for Barbel
so you need to work with your drag
if you close too much he will open your hook or break the line
if you close less he will run to a tree and break
so our goal is to catch the fish, so you need to know how to work your drag
there are two there
go go
go go go
there he goes
he is in the other side
can you see him?
I will try to pull him
maybe that way
if I can reach that curve
maybe that way I can catch him, here I got many herbs
but he does not want to collaborate, but he can´t go much more further
my problem is that herbs there
I got the idea of bringing a big net
here I got space, there is a fish here
I will scare him but...
I got one in my hook so...
can´t ask much more
come here
I can´t pull the fish much more
because I am fishing in LRF, this rods are to fish small fish
and not to fight Barbel
but is way more fun and I need to cast small lures, I am fishing with 1.5grams
can´t see him
there he is
let´s see if the net reach the water
now let´s see if I can put the fish here
that will be a big problem
if I go gentle on him
and don´t close my drag
I think I can if I go brute
I will lose
and now he is on herbs
can you see on herbs?
he is on herbs again, is the place where he is more comfortable
and where he can break my line
I will try to put him that way and then pull him to me
the Barbels on stream are harder to catch because...
they are used to swim in current
so they got alot of muscle
than a Barbel who swim in rivers
don´t go there
come here
I think I can catch him now
where is he?
he is here
he need to be tired
need to be tired
where is he?
and done
there he is, beautiful Barbel
I will turn on the camera again later, now I will try not to break my net
so guys here we are
in LRF
0.20 terminal
will try not to put the fish in the sand and don´t mess with him
this is our Barbel
a beautiful.. beautiful Barbel
Mayfly, green color
last weekend I only got sucess in black color but today
I try with the black and maybe because the water is darker
they are not eating the lure
so they don´t eat the black but they eat the green
so let´s release him to where he belongs
don´t want to hurt him
he is so fat
here he goes
with this current he will recover fast
he is starting to go down
Anticipazioni Grande Fratello 2018 stasera: doppia eliminazione e un ritorno - Duration: 2:27.
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✅ Saiba como ter as sobrancelhas grossas e incríveis de Marina Moschen - Duration: 2:37.
Marina Moschen, a Selena de Deus Salve o Rei, é muito talentosa, além de ser um ícone de beleza, principalmente sua sobrancelha, que é linda, curvada e cheia de pelos
Para conquistar um design igual ao da atriz, o ideal é cuidar bem delas, seguindo um passo a passo para deixá-las sempre harmônicas
Segundo Fatima Bahia, da FR Microcenter (SP e RJ), uma sobrancelha bem feita, como a de Marina, ajuda a rejuvenescer 5 anos
Ela explica quais são as 5 principais dicas para conquista-las 1) Jamais afine: "O segredo está em jamais afinar as sobrancelhas
Elas irão envelhecer a mulher. Quando estão preenchidas e cheias, rejuvenescem, como é o caso de Marina, que é linda e tem o olhar marcante, parecendo mais jovem"
2) Não as deixe muito separadas: "Quanto mais separadas estiverem, mais apatia transmitirá
O ideal é que o início seja alinhado ao ossinho do nariz". 3) Não copie outros formatos: "O formato da sobrancelha é particular, depende da estrutura óssea e musculatura do rosto, além do desenho natural que cada uma já tem"
4) Busque referências sobre as profissionais de sobrancelhas: "Antes de eleger quem irá cuidar de seu olhar, pesquise resultados e referências do profissional
Muitas vezes o barato sai caro! Ao encontrar alguém que goste do resultado, não alterne com outros profissionais, pois isto ajuda a causar falhas"
5) Abandone a pinça de casa:" Muitas mulheres acabam mexendo no design em casa, quando os pelos começam a nascer
Este é um dos maiores causadores de falhas, pois sem querer a pessoa retira pelos importantes, que mudam o design e afinam"
_____________________________________________________________________________ Gleici Damasceno, vencedora do BBB, participa do novo clipe de Gaby Amarantos
✅ Dua Lipa e Asensio del Real Madrid stanno insieme? Scoppia il gossip - Duration: 2:01.
Dua Lipa e Asensio notte insieme dopo la vittoria del Real Madrid in Champions League Dua Lipa e Asensio stanno insieme? Secondo la CNN turca sì! O meglio, pare che la cantante e il calciatore abbiano passato una notte bollente insieme
E non una notte qualsiasi, bensì la finale di Champions League, che si è tenuta a Kyiv in Ucraina
L'artista inglese di origini albanese ha cantato prima del match tra il Real Madrid e il Liverpool e subito dopo la vittoria della formazione spagnola si sarebbe incontrata in gran segreto con il centrocampista di Palma di Maiorca
Al momento non si hanno ulteriori dettagli e i diretti interessati non hanno ancora confermato ma neppure smentito
Che i due siano i nuovi Shakira e Pique? Gli amori di Dua Lipa prima di Asensio Dua Lipa – 23 anni – ha avuto fino ad oggi un solo grande amore, quello per il modello e chef Isaac Carew
I giornali di gossip inglesi hanno parlato in passato di flirt – mai confermati – con Calvin Harris e Chris Martin
Vita privata di Asensio del Real Madrid Marco Asensio è single dallo scorso dicembre, da quando è finita la lunga relazione con la modella e studentessa di Educazione Marina Muntaner
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SsangYong Tivoli - Duration: 0:54.
New 4 Giant Jurassic World Dinosaur Eggs Fallen Kingdom Mattel Dinosaur Toys TRex Vs Indoraptor - Duration: 18:30.
okay it's great to see you again today we got a bunch of awesome big Jurassic
world fallen Kingdom surprise eggs these eggs are full of surprise miniature
dinosaurs which we're gonna set up and our awesome dinosaur Play Set let's get
New 4 Giant Jurassic World Dinosaur Eggs Fallen Kingdom Mattel Dinosaur Toys TRex Vs Indoraptor
up and set up our dinosaurs in this also of dinosaurs ooh Wow awesome huge tiny
step we're gonna go ahead and open up the drastic world fallen Kingdom
dinosaur eggs full miniature that is zoar toys and set them up here and we're
gonna have some awesome battles Wow dinosaurs ooh okay let's go ahead and
check I wonder what we have inside Wow full of miniature dinosaurs huh
cool who do we have we've got the t-rex Apatosaurus indominus rex Pteranodon
Pinkley Essaouira
Triceratops another ankylosaurus
Velociraptor blue nice shiny T red the Stegosaurus another Stegosaurus
wow that was 11 Jurassic world full of Kingdom miniatures let's open the other
eggs and then we'll get everything set up in our dinosaur zoo okay in the
second egg we had I love these eggs they feel so nice and smooth look at it they
are so cool yeah you've got the Jurassic world logo and everything so let's go
ahead open these up and they crack open so cool I mean it's it's like cracking
open a real egg okay so what do we have joining our other dinosaurs ooh we have
a para cephalus horas we have another Triceratops
we've got a t-rex velociraptor another velociraptor and another velociraptor a
Stegosaurus Triceratops actually happy a t-rex and Apatosaurus and a sticky
mohawk and one tear okay so that was 22 awesome dinosaur
toys let's see we've got one more egg to open up here okay just slide off some of
them so once again Reuben cool awesome huge eggs crack this
thing open ooh we got some new ones here cool
what do we got we've got of Baryonyx okay another Paris of the Souris
Triceratops another Baryonyx cool a velociraptor
we've got us Stegosaurus an Apatosaurus
Triceratops Dilophosaurus whoo-hoo cool another Tran
Adhan and another sticky malach so let's go ahead set these miniatures up in this
awesome dinosaur zoo okay guys I think we're gonna start right here you could
battle dinosaurs here I am going to put in Triceratops and a t-rex we're gonna
have a classic battle here and they got this little lever here spin it back and
forth faster and faster until one of them wins
oh the Triceratops won the battle but he got tossed out of the ring let's see
what happens ah there we go now it's team lock versa philosoraptor ah stick
him a lock one in for his prize he gets thrown out of the ring it's Baryonyx
first para cephalus or ass around and around
oh the Baryonyx is out oh no he got beaten by an herbivore Wow
that is shameful let's see I like launching these dinosaurs from
here to go back and forth BAM oh wow it launched him across the
whole set let's try that again okay so back and forth and Oh wrong way let's
try it this way
oops wrong way again oh he's not cooperating with us ah well
anyways here is another really cool option this thing will like hold your
dinosaur on here you go ahead clip your dinosaur right in there you gotta make
sure it's clip let's see if it's clip is secure I don't want the dinosaur ah not
secure enough you don't want the dinosaur flying right off when it
clipped in there enough this is all it could attack another dinosaur okay so we
got the triceratops clipped in you go ahead pull him back there and this
periodic is just walking by minding his own business he's just gonna ladi Dadi
down all of a sudden ah the Triceratops takes him up or you could use the
Baryonyx with the Baryonyx in here and this Apatosaurus is just having a grand
old day when all of a sudden ah Donny go or a velociraptor here we got lost after
he's going in there this Diggy malakas not bothering anybody he's just having a
great day today with all of a sudden he goes flying and then you could also have
dinosaurs here you've got the triceratops coming up and what do you
have up here you have an exploding volcano with a huge rock you
go ahead and turn it ah the Triceratops tries to run ah done again the stinky
Moloch is escaping no he's not what about the ferocious t-rex
ah not anymore for this awesome invisible indominus rex can he escape
the volcano oh this volcanos awesome because when
the rock comes down it goes down down the bridge and crushes anything in its
path or if their roles the other way it goes down the other bridge and takes
down anything that is in its way including this poor Apatosaurus he's
just admiring the view all of a sudden
BAM now he's not admiring it anymore okay so let's go ahead and set up our
zoo guy here you can see you've got like a pin with the tricera look let me move
this you got a pen over there with a triceratops in it so in there I am going
to set up and indominus rex and t-rex and on top of that
I'm gonna set up another shiny t-rex so they're gonna have an awesome three-way
battle whoa up here on the bridge we are going to
set up and Apatosaurus Triceratops and chasing them will be Baryonyx cool and
then going up this hill we need some herbivores we have a Stegosaurus over
there and it Apatosaurus they are going to race up the hill to see who could get
there faster over here we've got a Stegosaurus Triceratops ankylosaurus
another Stegosaurus and then we will have a stinky malach on the bridge para
cephalus horas and a trace Tyrannosaurus Rex chasing all of them oh okay now we
need some dinosaurs climbing the steps here so we're gonna have Triceratops and
a tinkly asaurus they are going up to attack the t-rex and then back here
we've got it looks like we have a stinky malach here so I think we need an
herbivore over there well I actually know a Styracosaurus I apologize we'll
put a stigma lock over there over here we have a Mosasaurus actually for the
Mosasaurus we need an indomitable asaurus has the indominus rex in
Charles is this the end of the indominus rex it was in Jurassic world 1 oh poor
it dominus ok over here you have an Apatosaurus so joining the Apatosaurus
will be another Apatosaurus and then here we've got a saber-tooth tiger so
we're gonna put a Velociraptor in there to battle with him over here we've got a
Stegosaurus so we're gonna put Velociraptor blue in to battle the
Stegosaurus and here is a pool of water I think this Velociraptor is gonna go
for a swim whoo over here we've got a cage with
velociraptors fighting so we're gonna have Dilophosaurus first Perry cephalus
or actually actually pachycephalosaurus okay over there you have cousin of the
Stiggy Milad so we're gonna go ahead and put the Tyrannosaurus Rex there to
battle him over there we have a triceratops with eggs and although the
Baryonyx is coming in to try to steal the triceratops --is eggs what could
possibly happen over here we have a rampaging Spinosaurus so we're gonna
have aa Velociraptor pack attack him see if they
could take him down and who do we get laughs it looks like we have up we got a
Stegosaurus here he's gonna go over here swimming with
turtle all the way over there and then what we have left is some turn it on so
I think these palm trees will be perfect or the Trinidad so one trina-- don is
gonna go on the palm tree here another trainer Don will go on the palm tree
here and we've got one more where could this one possibly go I think this one is
gonna go on top of the rock on the volcano can we balance him I believe you
could these things have folding arms so you could have him like hug the rock
perfect wow that is awesome okay and the only thing missing from
this so we can go ahead set up Matchbox cars here on the track so these are
actually Matchbox cars from Jurassic world - or Jurassic world gonna go ahead
and set these up and then we will go ahead and check out our awesome dinosaur
zoo Wow we're running out of room here okay then
we have our submarine over there huh might not have room for all the vehicles
and maybe we got some room ill the way in the back here looks like this sign
over there says exit so they are exiting the park and we have a gyrosphere and
one more it's a fuel vehicle he will be going
okay okay so now it's time to check out our dinosaur zoo all the way in the back
there we've got the steamy lock and the vehicles trying to escape the Mosasaurus
is taking down the indominus rex oh that Apatosaurus is chasing these
vehicles here oh no that Jeep is open and it's
surrounded by milazzo raptors at least that one is enclosed and that
Velociraptor is going for a swim I think you forgot his swimsuit ooh
these guys are in terrible danger they're headed right for a Tyrannosaurus
Rex and the baryon eggs while these two battle all in the match of the ages the
gyrosphere is just sitting there while the sub is launching into the river and
here we've got the tights Tyrannosaurus is fighting the Triceratops I would not
want to be in his shoe wild on fuel vehicle is running for his life look at
all these dinosaurs climbing the bridge little do they know that giant mighty
rock above them is going to crush them like peanuts oh wow
and then we have all these other dinosaurs that don't know they're gonna
get hit by the other rock Wow Wow guys this is such an awesome set so if you
guys enjoyed this video please go ahead and click like drop the comments also
guys if you've got over a thousand videos the majority are Jurassic world
Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformer Power
Rangers ninja turtle in the lot more keep watching guys you guys are all
and I will see you tomorrow in today's secret word is the word go ahead and put
that in the comment section click the subscribe button below for a lot more
fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new
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Ep 18 Progressive Muscle Relaxation by CDR Lauby (Military Meditation Coach Podcast) - Duration: 21:45.
[music] [Dr. Julie Kinn] Welcome back to the "Military
Meditation Coach", your source for meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises.
Made for the military, but good for everyone.
I'm Dr. Julie Kinn with the Defense Health Agency.
And today, we have a progressive muscle relaxation, led by Cmdr.
Melissa Lauby.
Take a minute before you start the exercise to look around your environment.
What can you do to make your setting a little bit more relaxing?
Get into a comfortable position, shut down devices you don't need, maybe turn off the
screens to your monitor.
And now focus on your intention, the reason you're meditating today.
Melissa Lauby] Progressive muscle relaxation is an exercise that helps you to relax your
mind and body.
Over the next 20 minutes, this guided relaxation will take you through the process of tensing
and relaxing the major muscle groups in your body.
As we go through the relaxation, you will tense each muscle group without straining,
and hold the tension for about five seconds.
When prompted, you will release the hold and begin to notice the muscle warming and relaxing.
If at any time you notice any pain or discomfort in any of the targeted muscle groups, feel
free to omit that group, take some deep breaths, and rejoin when you are able.
Now, let's begin.
Find a comfortable position, either lying down or seated comfortably in a chair with
your feet flat on the floor.
Let your eyes close softly if that is comfortable for you.
Begin to find your breath and breathe deeply.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Begin to notice how your body feels in this moment.
Begin scanning your body, starting with your head, moving through your neck, through your
shoulders, down your arms, through your body's core, down through your legs, down through
your feet.
Don't be judgmental, just know where you are at in this moment.
Allow your attention to focus on your body and your breath.
Don't forget to breathe.
[Lauby] There may be times when your mind will wander.
Try to bring it back and focus on the muscle group that you are working on or your breath.
As you breathe in, notice the air coming into your body, into your lungs, filling your chest,
diaphragm, and stomach.
And as you release your breath, follow the same pattern, moving the breath from your
abdomen, your chest, and lungs, and then out of your body.
Visualize the stress and tension exiting your body with each exhale.
Let's take a few more deep breaths and begin to settle in.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Now, focus your attention on your head and face.
Notice the sensations.
Tighten the muscles in your forehead by raising your eyebrows as high as you can.
Hold the tension.
And release.
Let's repeat that.
Raise your eyebrows one more time.
And release.
Now squeeze your eyes shut as tightly as you can.
Hold the tension.
And release.
Repeat that one more time.
Squeeze your eyes shut.
And release.
Next, smile as widely as you can.
Hold the tension.
One more time.
Smile as widely as you can.
And release.
You should now begin to notice the warmth and relaxation beginning to settle into your
Take a moment to enjoy the relaxed feeling coming through your head and your face.
[Lauby] Now, let's move your attention to your neck.
Gently pull your head back as if to look at the ceiling.
Hold it there.
And release, returning your head to its upright position.
Now, gently allow your head to move forward as if looking at the ground.
Hold the tension.
And release, bringing your head back to the center.
Notice the weight of your relaxed head and neck begin to sink into your body.
Take a moment to breathe.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice the waves of relaxation begin to flow through your body.
Now, notice your hands.
Tense your hands by making a fist.
Hold it tightly and release.
One more time.
Make a fist and hold the tension and release.
Now, notice your forearms.
Tense your forearms by bending your hands back towards your forearms.
Notice the tension and hold…and release.
One more time.
Tense your forearms…and release.
Now, notice your biceps.
Curl your arms towards your shoulders, tensing your biceps and hold.
One more time.
Tense your biceps, hold…and release.
Now, let's focus on your triceps.
Notice the feelings in your triceps.
Tighten your triceps by extending your arms out and locking your
Feel the build-up of tension, hold…and release.
Let's do that one more time.
Tense your triceps…and release.
Enjoy the limp, warm feeling now settling in your arms.
Notice that they may begin to feel heavy and relaxed.
[Lauby] Now, focus on your shoulders.
Shrug your shoulders up towards your head and neck, hold…and release.
One more time.
Shrug your shoulders, tensing the muscles in your shoulders, hold…and release.
Letting all the stress and tension fall from your body with your sagging shoulders.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice the waves of relaxation starting in your head, moving through your face, your
neck, your shoulders, and down your arms.
Notice the warm, relaxed sensations filling these muscle groups.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Now, notice your upper back.
Tense the muscles in your upper back by squeezing your shoulder blades together, almost as if
they could touch.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Tighten your upper back muscles.
Hold…and release.
Now, notice your chest muscles.
Tighten your chest muscles by taking a deep breath in.
And release and exhale, blowing out all of the tension.
One more time, tighten your chest muscles.
Take a deep breath in and hold.
And release.
Now, move down to your abdominal muscles.
Notice the sensation in your body's core.
Tense your stomach muscles by sucking your muscles in.
Hold…and release.
Let's do that one more time.
Hold…and release.
Now, notice the sensations in your lower back.
Tense your lower back muscles by arching your back and pushing your stomach forward.
Hold the tension…and release.
One more time, tense your lower back muscles…and release.
You should now be feeling the warm relaxation sensation moving from your head, down your
neck, and your shoulders, through the core of your body, and your arms and fingers.
Imagine pushing any tension or stress you may be feeling down and out through your body.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Now, moving towards your lower body.
Focus your attention on your buttocks.
Tense your gluts.
Hold…and release.
One more time, tense your gluts.
Hold…and release.
[Lauby] Now, notice your thigh muscles.
Tighten your thighs by pressing your knees together, almost as if you are trying to hold
something between your legs.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Hold…and release.
Now move down to your calves.
Notice your calves.
To tighten your calf muscles, pull your feet back towards you.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Pull your feet back to tighten your calf muscles.
Hold…and release.
Now notice your feet and your toes.
Curl your toes in, and squeeze them to tighten the muscles.
Hold…and release.
One more time.
Squeeze your toes together.
Hold…and release.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice the warm heaviness settling into your body.
Take a moment to scan your body.
Begin at your head, down to your shoulders, through your arms, through the core of your
body, through your legs and feet.
Notice the waves of relaxation flowing through your entire body, starting at the top of your
head moving down through your feet.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Notice your relaxed body, warm, heavy.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Feel free to take as much time in the space as you would like.
But if you are ready to transition back, begin to wiggle your fingers and toes.
Begin to find movement in your arms and legs.
And if closed, when you are ready, open your eyes.
[music] [Kinn] Thank you so much for joining us.
The "Military Meditation Coach" podcast is produced by the Naval Center for Combat
and Operational Stress Control and by the Defense Health Agency.
Please get in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter @MilitaryHealth.
We'd love to know what kinds of meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises you're
interested in.
Thank you for subscribing and rating us on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts.
The views expressed here are those of the presenters and do not reflect the official
policy of the Department of Defense or the United States government.
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Awesome Backgrounds for Your Doula Website: Doula Training Videos - Duration: 7:00.
Hello birth care professionals, this is David with your indie biz today. In today's doula training videos I'm gonna show you how to make some cool
Backgrounds for your doula website. Alright, so this is just an example I have up here
it says best doula in Brooklyn and you'll notice there's nothing in the background and if we go on the
Actual web because this is the editor that we're looking at here if we go on the web, you know
this is what the page look like and
This used to be really cool to have these white backgrounds
But now everyone is moving towards stuff that offers some depth and you know, it's really more intriguing to the eye
So how you gonna do that yourself? How you gonna make that?
How you gonna make your website pop I guess is the question. We're going to be talking about here
So I'm gonna take a few minutes
All right
Now just as a caveat if you want me to do this for you
I can do it for free check out your indie biz in the
Description and you can learn about you know, how we'll build your website for free, which is pretty sweet
and you can also check out your
Inbox doula, which is also in the description
They're building a really cool registry right now
And we're helping them with that and they'll even pay you a buck to recommend people to the registry
So it's pretty cool. All right, so back to the task at hand how we gonna pop this page?
okay, so you want to make a background and
Let's try this way of doing it, okay, so I'm gonna go to Google
What I've done is I've gone to images I wrote just as an example
Pacifier you can change that word. All you want to all sorts of different things PNG transparent
What it's gonna do is it's gonna give you these images and you'll see these little squares in the background
That means that that's invisible
So the only thing that you get when you use the image is the actual image itself of no background
And that's what you're looking for. I also went to settings and I you know, I labeled it for reuse with modification
So I looked for images that people are cool with me
Sort of however, I want
Okay. So this is just an example you can do this with anything and what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go through
you these free images and I'm just gonna pick a couple and
save them
All right, and I'm gonna pop back in in another program and we're going to see how we use them in a really fun way
Okay, so you can go into PicMonkey PicMonkey again. I got a link in the description just
The easiest editing site to use for graphics super super easy
Okay, so you want to open up something new and you want to go to?
Templates and what I'm using for my website, I'll show you. I always go to YouTube blank canvas
alright, and this is
There we go, right there
Because this is you know the same sort of size that you need when you're building a website
Or a section for a website at least so we're gonna go to overlays which is the little butterfly here. Click on that
I'm gonna add my own
from my computer
alright, you'll see I got all the ones I downloaded here and
I'm just going to
Click on them
Bring them in
Okay, I'm gonna go back and I will join you in a minute when I put three of each of these into my canvas
Okay, so we had this giant pile of you know, a few copies each and all the images
I pulled there and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring up this little tab here
which is the layers that I have going on here, you'll see I got lots and lots of pictures and
I'm going to you know start with this one and you'll see there's a box around it. I'm gonna shrink it way down
Like that
I'm gonna give it a little rotation
And I'm going to go up here. Now. This thing will make it more transparent
Okay, cuz I want it to be pretty transparent because it's just a background
okay, and I'm gonna check it off over here in the corner and then I'm gonna go down to the next one and I'm gonna
repeat and
I will see you when I have done
all of this
so I shrunk and spun around a little bit all of these pictures and
all I'm going to do is sort of disperse them around in a way that makes them look like
You know, maybe
wrapping paper or
Some other fun thing just make sure that you know, there's syrup
Spread out and you know like isn't look like they're not in you know lines together
So I'll meet you back when I've done that and so we have a little bit of you know dispersion of those
So now I'm just going to export this from PicMonkey. I'm gonna download it
you know, I got an untitled document there my downloads now, I'm gonna bounce back into Weebly, so I always use
Weebly for website creation anyone can use it. It's super easy. I'll check a
link in the description
Alright, so this is what our page looks like. So I'm gonna go back into Weebly here. This is the editor
I'm gonna go back. I'm just gonna click on this white space here
Edit background. I'm gonna put an image in there
We're gonna go
Upload a photo for my computer and I'm gonna go downloads here and we'll see. It's right here my first one and
It'll load it in
There we go, and we just say, yep, that's cool
All right, and make a little bigger so you can see some that action
pretty neat
Yeah, I'm gonna go back here
This is what it looked like before and if we just refresh it, we can see the Josh we've created
Best doula in
Brooklyn and obviously you can move everything around but you know the background just gives it
Something to look at lots of different stuff the angles
You know provided with some depth and the text overtop of the pictures that we've lightened again
You know creates the perception of depth on page
would you really need and
That's it for this one again. Check out your indie biz in the description and I'll see you in the next video
[ROS PC-LAP] hack ros 30//5/2018 5.0 CitBasic + Memory V1.8 Wall,Aimbot,speed,..vv Rules of survival - Duration: 12:12.
DC Superhero Girls™
Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.0 BASE 60dkm NAP Org NL Trekhaak APK t/m 25-05-2019! Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:03.
This Is What Everyone Gets Wrong About Cats - Duration: 4:59.
Cats are adorable, furry little ninjas that share our homes with us and have an overwhelming
urge to push things off other things.
We opened our homes and our hearts to them a long time ago, but despite what we think
we know about our hairball-hacking friends, there's still a ton of misinformation floating
around out there that just refuses to go away.
"I bet it flattened itself out and went right through a seam in your wall."
"I don't think there's anything in the laws of nature that would support that."
"Cats do not abide by the laws of nature, alright?"
Cats love milk
You'll see this one everywhere.
If there's a cat, they're given a saucer of milk.
That's what cats like, right?
Well, no.
Cats drink milk as kittens, of course - all mammals do when they're young.
But once they're weaned off their mother's milk, they stop producing all the enzymes
they need to digest the stuff.
Yes, like the nerdiest of nerds, they're lactose intolerant.
There's another problem with milk, too, and that's the fat and calorie content.
Give a cat a saucer of milk as big as their head, and that's like you sitting down and
eating a gallon of full-fat ice cream with some extra fat for good measure.
They still might like the actual taste of milk though, which is why they make lactose-free,
low-fat cat milk.
For cats, not from cats.
"I had no idea you could milk a cat."
"Oh yeah, you can milk anything with nipples."
Keeping the balance
Popular belief says that whiskers are tied to a cat's sense of balance, which isn't exactly
the case.
Instead, those delicate little feelers are used for navigation and sensory perception.
A cat's whiskers are made of the same material that makes up other animals' horns: keratin.
They're connected to the cat's face through a whole bunch of nerves, and they can feel
the changes in the air that happen as they get closer to walls and other obstacles, which
helps them get around just a little more deftly than humans.
Feet first
Your feline friend might land on their feet most of the time, but not always.
Cats can twist their spines in a way that would kill a human.
When a cat jumps, their sense of balance aligns the front half of their body, while their
twisty spine snaps into action and reflexively aligns the back half for a safe landing.
Even though it's a reflex, it still takes time.
If a cat falls from a low height, they might not have time to flip completely, and they'll
land on their side.
Loners and rebels
It's unsurprising that cats absolutely can survive on their own and almost always hunt
But when they do gather in groups, they form close-knit relationships that often revolve
around a core group of females.
Not only do feral cats gather in colonies, but they share responsibilities, team up in
raising each others' kittens, and they even have best friends.
Cats in feral colonies usually pair off and hang out together, spend a huge amount of
time grooming and greeting each other.
It's thought that all that grooming isn't just about getting clean, either, but that
it's a way to mingle everyone's scents into a colony odor that identifies each individual
as a part of the group.
Fur vs. personality
If you want a little love bug, get an orange cat.
If you want someone to cast spells with, get a black cat.
It's a common belief that certain colors are associated with certain personality traits.
Researchers at UC Berkeley took a look at whether a cat's fur color has any affect on
their personality and found nothing to support this popular myth.
What they did find, though, was that the belief is so firmly entrenched in the collective
consciousness that light-colored cats are considered friendlier, so they get adopted
more often.
Cats are picked on appearance rather than personality, and when that belief doesn't
prove true, they're often returned.
So whatever you do, don't judge a cat by its color.
Keeping the claws
People think declawing is a painless process, sort of like getting your nails cut permanently.
Not quite.
Contrary to popular belief, declawing is much worse than it sounds.
The procedure removes part of the cat's paws, and the human equivalent of the same procedure
would be cutting off each and every one of your fingers at the first joint.
A whole bunch of medical problems are associated with declawing as well, like permanent nerve
damage and bone spurs that make it painful for the cat to even walk.
There's plenty of short-term horribleness, too, like bleeding paws and a high rate of
People who think it's a good idea to get a cat declawed often say they do it to put an
end to things like scratching the furniture or scratching humans.
While they might not be scratching anymore, they still have teeth, and they will use them.
Cats are standoffish
People study cat behavior for a living, and yes, they work at real universities.
They've found cats are every bit as affectionate and loving as dogs—they just don't express
it the same way.
Researchers point to a few key findings when it comes to cat affection.
Purring has traditionally been interpreted as happiness, but it's closer to a cat asking
you to keep doing whatever you're doing.
When they rub against you, it's the cat equivalent of giving you a big hug, and how adorable
is that?
There's also the slow blink, which means they're totally comfortable with you being around.
They also found out that every cat and owner has their own super-secret language, which
was discovered during a study that found an owner could tell exactly what a cat was saying,
but only if it was their own cat.
So, there you have it - not only are cats affectionate, but they like you so much they
develop a secret language just to talk to you.
If that's not love, we don't know what is.
Thanks for watching!
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Michelle Wolf Hits Huckabee Sanders Again As The Mario Batali Of Personalities - Duration: 3:09.
On Sunday evening Michelle Wolfe launched a new show on Netflix called The Break with
Michelle Wolfe.
Most people obviously know Michelle Wolfe from her recent appearance at the White House
Correspondent Center, where she ragged on Sarah Huckabee Sanders for being a constant
liar, and also took a few jabs at Kellyanne Conway.
There was massive backlash against that, and everybody thought she was insulting Sarah
Huckabee Sanders's looks, when in reality she was just talking about the fact that the
woman can't seem to stop lying.
So all in her inaugural episode of her new Netflix series Sunday night, she decided to
take a few more jabs at Sarah Huckabee Sanders by saying that she is the Mario Batali of
Now, in case you're not familiar, Mario Batali, celebrity chef, was recently hit with multiple
sexual misconduct allegations, is now under a very serious investigation, and Michelle
Wolfe compared Sarah Huckabee-Sanders's personality of that of Batali, who's a very nice and friendly
guy in public and then a horrible human being, apparently, behind the scenes, which is what
we get from Huckabee Sanders.
But, she went even further than that.
This was not just an insult-fest.
She talked about the fact that women don't necessarily have an obligation to just blindly
support other women.
If somebody is a liar, call them a liar.
That's the point that Michelle Wolfe was trying to get at.
That's the point she was trying to get at during the White House Correspondent's dinner.
She was trying to tell people that, "Yes, we need to support women when they deserve
to be supported."
But if you have somebody like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who goes out there and lies to the
public every single day, or somebody like Gina Haspel, taking over the CIA even though
she was a known torturer and helped spearhead the Bush Administration's torture programs,
they don't have to support these people just because they are women.
It's not anybody's job to be a cheerleader for another individual human being.
If somebody is doing great and deserves praise, give it to them.
But if they're a horrible person, regardless of gender, race, sexuality or religion, call
them out on it and hold them accountable.
Now, we have seen since that White House Correspondent's dinner when Michelle Wolfe took a lot of heat
for going after Huckabee Sanders, we've seen a conversational shift in how people deal
with Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
They're now demanding that the media called her a liar, and called Donald Trump a liar.
That wasn't happening before Michelle Wolfe gave that speech at the correspondent's dinner.
She changed the conversation because she wasn't afraid to call people out.
That's what she was telling us to do on her program Sunday night.
Don't be afraid to call somebody a liar just because they're a woman and you're a woman.
If they lie every day, say that they lie every day.
That's the only way this country can get better, and that's the only way that we can have accountability.
Trump Suddenly Left Memorial Day Speech And Slips Off Alone, Everyone Speechless Moments Later - Duration: 4:57.
Suddenly Left Memorial Day Speech And Slips Off Alone, Everyone Speechless Moments Later.
Memorial Day for President Trump is important to him as a Commander-in-Chief who truly respects,
and appreciates heroes who serve our country and those who gave their lives.
For now the second Memorial Day he's had since he's been in office, he's impressed
with his approach to this special day and the honor he's given those who truly deserve
It's a stark contrast to his predecessor who used it as a day off to golf and enjoy
Even though Trump gave and moving Memorial Day speech, he was immediately attacked by
leftists, including a particularly hateful celebrity, for allegedly making the day about
himself which couldn't be further from the truth.
As proof of this, if his incredible remarks weren't enough, it's what he did after
his address when he slipped off alone.
As customary, President Donald Trump gave a heartfelt speech after laying a wreath at
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
In his remarks, he went as far as promising the American People that he would get to the
bottom of and find out who the "Unknown Soldier" actually was.
That's a pretty hefty goal, but let us be honest with ourselves, if anyone can do it,
President Donald Trump can.
Trump didn't just go through the steps of the normal ceremonies, that are required of
an American President on Memorial Day this year as well as last year.
After giving his first Memorial Day address at Arlington Cemetary last year, he abruptly
left and actually took the time to make his way to Section 60.
This area is dedicated to the soldiers lost to the War on Terror after the 2001 World
Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.
Fallen soldiers from both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are buried in Section 60.
Because President Trump is actually on our side in the War on Terror, he even took the
time to speak with the Gold Star families while he was there.
This was an incredible gesture and show of respect that all of his detractors this year
who are critical of him need to be reminded of, especially in contrast to what Barack
Obama did.
When he arrived at Section 60 he met with Gold Star families and consoled them.
One of the Mothers told him that during one of the last conversations with her son he
told her, that he didn't want people to forget that he lived.
He replied by giving her a hug and telling her that her son was up in heaven looking
at her and smiling.
After that Vice President Mike Pence said a few words to her and also gave her a hug.
What a distinct contrast with what we had before in former President Barack Hussein
Obama as our president for 8 long and dark years.
Obama spent Memorial Day a little different than President Trump:
President Obama decides to play golf on Memorial Day 70th time during his presidency!
What can one possibly say, he's incredibly insensitive or he just doesn't give a damn
about anyone but himself?
The short answer is yes to both questions.
We are in the middle of war on three fronts, the Congress just passed the unconstitutional
"Patriot Act" (talk about an oxymoron), the Midwest, Joplin in particular, is in chaos
and President Obama goes golfing on Memorial Day.
BTW, this jerk went golfing during Memorial Day 2009 as well where "White House aides
told reporters that the president paused at 3 p.m. to observe a moment of silent prayer."
Yup, a moment of prayer in the middle of his four-hour game!
I'm sure military families and service men and women across the globe were mighty impressed
with Obama's humility and devotion to this country!
Anyone besides me who wants to give him a smack on the side of the head?
Lest anyone forget, President Bush gave up golf while he was in the White House because
we were at war and out of respect for all military families.
After all the traveling BHO has engaged in during the past month, does anyone think it
was too great a task to spend the entire day remembering the fallen of this country?
What a lack of leadership.
What a lack of class.
The following is from the British news outlet, The Telegraph:
Contrast this with President Obama's decision to play golf yesterday, Memorial Day, for
the 70th time during his 28-month long presidency.
For tens of millions of Americans, Memorial Day is a time for remembrance of the huge
sacrifices made by servicemen and women on the battlefield.
The president did pay his respects in the morning, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the
Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, but later in the day traveled to Fort Belvoir
to play golf.
The story has not been reported so far in a single US newspaper but was made public
by veteran White House correspondent Keith Koffler on his blog.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
Grande Barbo em 10Cm de água - Big Barbel in 10Cm of water - Duration: 8:18.
there are two there
go go
go go go
so what I am doing here?
I start with Savage Gear Nails
and this stream only have 50Cm deep
maybe a bit more in some parts but is rare having more than that
so now I am fishing with Savage Gear Mayfly
Love this lure, I started with Savage Gear Nails but they don´t want that lure for now
so I am casting to the middle of the current
2 meters above the place where the Barbel are
the Barbel are really really close the bank
so I cast to the middle and the line will do a balloon
the lure will come to the bank and that lure go exactly where the fish is
so he don´t need to search, if you cast near the fish
he will run away from that place
at least for now, later when we are in fruit season and when they find the food falling into the water
we will change tactics
but in this moment all you have to do is present the most natural way possible
and the most natural way is the water drag the lure to the bank
you need to do this way
why are the fight taking so much time? I am fishing with 0.11 multi
I need to fish so light because of this rod
and the terminal is 0.20
I don´t know if you can see the line
last Barbel ruined my line so I need to change
is difficult to fish for Barbel
so you need to work with your drag
if you close too much he will open your hook or break the line
if you close less he will run to a tree and break
so our goal is to catch the fish, so you need to know how to work your drag
there are two there
go go
go go go
there he goes
he is in the other side
can you see him?
I will try to pull him
maybe that way
if I can reach that curve
maybe that way I can catch him, here I got many herbs
but he does not want to collaborate, but he can´t go much more further
my problem is that herbs there
I got the idea of bringing a big net
here I got space, there is a fish here
I will scare him but...
I got one in my hook so...
can´t ask much more
come here
I can´t pull the fish much more
because I am fishing in LRF, this rods are to fish small fish
and not to fight Barbel
but is way more fun and I need to cast small lures, I am fishing with 1.5grams
can´t see him
there he is
let´s see if the net reach the water
now let´s see if I can put the fish here
that will be a big problem
if I go gentle on him
and don´t close my drag
I think I can if I go brute
I will lose
and now he is on herbs
can you see on herbs?
he is on herbs again, is the place where he is more comfortable
and where he can break my line
I will try to put him that way and then pull him to me
the Barbels on stream are harder to catch because...
they are used to swim in current
so they got alot of muscle
than a Barbel who swim in rivers
don´t go there
come here
I think I can catch him now
where is he?
he is here
he need to be tired
need to be tired
where is he?
and done
there he is, beautiful Barbel
I will turn on the camera again later, now I will try not to break my net
so guys here we are
in LRF
0.20 terminal
will try not to put the fish in the sand and don´t mess with him
this is our Barbel
a beautiful.. beautiful Barbel
Mayfly, green color
last weekend I only got sucess in black color but today
I try with the black and maybe because the water is darker
they are not eating the lure
so they don´t eat the black but they eat the green
so let´s release him to where he belongs
don´t want to hurt him
he is so fat
here he goes
with this current he will recover fast
he is starting to go down
BABY ARIEL | Draw My Life - Duration: 5:49.
Before start today draw my life we want you know we are more than 50k subscribers.
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Thank you for been with us this first months.
And now, let the new video begin
Baby Ariel is a singer, muser and youtuber from the US.
Her real name is Ariel Rebecca Martín and she was born in Florida on November 22nd 2000.
Daughter of José Martín, from Panama and Sharon Kremen from the US.
Sharon is usually present in her daughter's videos and she also has her own Musical.ly
She has a younger brother, Jacob, 4 years younger than her, who also has lots of followers
on this network.
In 2015, Ariel was just another 15 year old teenager from South Florida.
Until, on a boring night in May, she felt curious about an app called Musical.ly.
She started by uploading a lip-sync of the song "Stupid Hoe" by Nicki Minaj, only
to have fun with her friends.
However, when her video was chosen for the main page of Musical.ly, her life changed
It took less than a year for her to have 7 million followers, and her popularity kept
increasing until she became the greatest role model in this platform, which, as she herself
said, helped her express her creativity.
Not long after, she opened her own Youtube channel, where, apart from events of her daily
life and challenges, she also shares tutorials with all the secrets to do her lip-syncs.
She gives advice on how to have a good lighting, chose the song that best reflects your mood,
and overall, practise a lot hand movements.
She actually explains lots of her hand choreographies to her fans.
But fame has its dark side, and Ariel suffered from bullying inside and outside social networks.
Haters criticized her pictures on the internet, and the other students would tease her at
school as well.
Making the most out of her popularity, and knowing she wasnt alone in this, in 2015 she
initiated a campaign against bullying called #ArielMovement.
With it, she helped her fans overcome this problem.
She also supported the #HackHarrassment initiative, to end trolls and negativity on the internet.
In September 2016, she signed a contract with the Creative Artist Agency.
Not long after, she started releasing her own merchandising, from clothes and lipstick,
till phone cases or an emoji app.
Also pop sockets, which she recommends as a big help to make the best Musical.ly videos.
By the end of 2017, Ariel decided to jump into the music world and release her own songs.
Through a subsídiary of Atlantic Records, in December she released her first single
"Aww", and soon after, "Perf", in January 2018.
In March she had her first collaboration, singing "Say it" with the canadian singer
and youtuber Daniel Skye.
With april came her debut on stage, introducing her songs in the Playlist Live festival in
Ariel was also successful in the Teen Choice Awards, as the winner of the best muser award
in 2016 and 2017, the first two years this award was presented.
She has also been nominated to the Streamy Awards (rewarding online video creators),
she Short Awards (online content) or the People Choice Awards, chosen by the general public.
Right now, Ariel has 26 million followers on Musical.ly, 8'3 millions on Instagram,
1 million on Twitter, 280.000 on Facebook, and 2'9 million subscribers on Youtube.
She has also made the cover of the Billboard magazine, and has made it to the lists of
the top influencers in Forbes, People and USA Today.
As for her personal life, Ariel takes her education very seriously.
However, due to her life on the net, in 2016 she had to give up school, and continue with
her education online from home.
She doesnt have any tattoes and she hates summer camps.
She has a dog, a little maltese she adopted in 2017, called Bleu.
Her followers usually highlight her exceptional charm, her sense of humor and her ease.
She says fame has helped her gain more self confidence.
But she always remembers how weird it felt the first time someone recognised her on the
street, and took a picture of her she later on found on Instagram.
She doesnt really get used to seeing her face on emojis.
We dont know if Ariel will dedicate less time to her musicalys, now that she has launched
her own career in music.
But what we do know is that, as young as she is, we'll have this artist around for a
long time.
She has proved that, thanks to social networks, creativty has new forms of expression.
I Survived The War But We Lost My Sister - Duration: 3:13.
Hi my name is Zara. My Dad is from England and my Mom's from Iraq and I was
born in England. When I was about 7 years old, my Mum was like, "Hey maybe we should
go to Iraq, I've not seen my family in so long. So, maybe we should pay them a visit.
And maybe we could stay there for a while." My Dad was like, " no are you out of your your mind?"
"Like that's where the war is going on." My Mom was like, "Yeah, well that's where I
was born that's where I was raised." So my Dad finally agrees and me, my Mom my Dad
and my sisters and brothers went there. Everything was fine until I was
about nine years old. I remember it was about 4 a.m. and then I was woken up to
the sound of screams and crying. And I was like "what what's going on? This isn't
right." So I decided to look out my window and I
see fire. I see a building on fire. I rushed to my Mom's room and I grabbed
her by the hand I rushed back to my room and I show her the fire. She screamed and
she woke everyone up and she was having a panic attack.
Soon enough we realized that our city has been attacked.
About a few weeks later, we were running low and supplies because we'd been in
the house the whole time trying to avoid the war. And then my Dad was like, "okay we
are low on food we can't live like this we are gonna die in here if we don't get
anymore." My dad and my sister go out and they go and get food. It was about four
days since they'd went out to get some food. And my Mum and I and my brothers
started panicking. Drew was just like "something has happened they are not okay!"
I just lost all my hope and I was like, "well there's nothing to do now let's
just pray to God and see what happens."
But then a miracle happened. My Dad came back from the house and without my
sister. He was just crying and he was really injured...
...without my sister... I've realized why God has taken it up
and I realized that she'll be by my side no matter what.
Soon after that we move back to England and now I'm 13 years old and I live a
happy life. Life is good and just know if you're
going through warring thing it will get better...
Nightcore → Oops! I'm A Menace | Fall Out Boy & Britney (Mashup)「Switching Vocals」 - Duration: 3:07.
Nightcore → Oops! I'm A Menace | Fall Out Boy & Britney (Mashup)「Switching Vocals」
4 Tipos De Personas Difíciles Y Cómo Tratar Con Ellas | 30K Coaching - Duration: 4:56.
Going Cosplaying「Splatoon 2: Fail Fleet Battles 🦑 Ep23」 - Duration: 53:55.
HUMANS Season 3: 'Meet Stanley, Anatole, Agnes & Neil' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 5:24.
We've got a whole host of new characters for this season.
In the rail yard, which is our synth compound,
we've got two new synths -- Anatole and Agnes.
And they represent two very different sides
of the rail yard.
We weren't introduced.
Anatole is kind of a former courtesan,
but his main function is to repair synths,
but, also, he's very much a support to Max.
Anatole is Max's spiritual advisor and confidant.
And Anatole freely and willingly gives him, you know, guidance
and what is effectively kinship and kincraft.
You're doing what you have to do.
He's very zen, almost monastic.
He starts thinking about religion
and all these spiritual concepts,
which synths aren't used to thinking about.
But he is able to get his head 'round those ideas
a lot quicker than other synths.
He's extremely charming, has got great poise,
got great confidence and believability as an actor,
and he takes us on a really interesting journey.
On the other hand, you have Agnes,
who has basically got angrier and angrier and angrier
over the time she has been conscious.
Earl: I play Agnes, and she is a new conscious synth
in this series.
She comes in and she's got a lot of opinion
about a lot of things.
Stirs up a bit of trouble.
Uh, she wants justice and she wants change
for synths everywhere.
110,000 human lives lost.
But how many of ours?
More than 100 million.
Do they pay respect to our dead? Never.
Agnes is a character who embodies
the bottled-up frustration that the synths feel
about their place in society.
They have no rights.
They are denied pretty much everything.
And Agnes -- brilliantly played by Holly Earl --
is the character who embodies that.
We mustn't give in to anger.
In time, the humans will accept us.
Do you really believe that?
She really just wants to be treated like any equal.
She wants to be her own self.
She wants to be individual.
She doesn't want to be anyone's toy or puppet anymore.
Yeah, that's what she's passionate about.
We also have one major new human character
who is Neil, played by Mark Bonnar.
Do you want to see man triumph over machine?
[Lighter clicks]
He's, uh, he's a behavioral scientist.
He's part of the -- the Dryden Commission,
which has been set up to work out what to do
with the synths who are now sentient.
He is a very charismatic, um, unusual, charming person
who is nevertheless sort of slightly adrift
and slightly kind of dangerous in his own way.
But, um, very, very compelling.
And he and Laura have a sort of instant connection, really.
Are you looking for an ally or...
I, uh -- I'm just trying to get up to speed.
It's a fascinating character to -- to play
because he's quite mercurial
and he's not very socially skilled.
It's been quite hard work, but I've enjoyed it immensely.
It's always good when it's hard work, you know?
Keeps the juices flowing.
You genuinely don't care what happens to them.
I found it very hard to care pretty much either way.
Did you lose someone?
Wax: Mark Bonnar was our first choice for the role.
Um, I'd seen his work in "Line of Duty" and "Catastrophe,"
and other things. I just thought he just got
this wonderful quality to him, um, sort of believability.
I just thought we were -- we were really fortunate
to have him in that role.
He totally nails it and makes it his own.
Good night, Neil.
Okay, let's get going.
Parkinson: I've particularly enjoyed this series,
working with Dino who plays Stanley,
whose, uh, the bodyguard synth who's allocated to me
by the Dryden Commission.
[Door opens]
Hello, Mrs. Hawkins. I am Stanley.
Stanley is wonderful. He arrives as an Orange-Eyed synth
at the Hawkins house.
And there's something wonderfully comic
about him in -- in a way.
Park it.
The car has already been parked, Laura.
But if its placement is inadequate --
Your bottom.
He's like the superhero. He's big, he's strong,
and he's -- and he's very, um, authoritative.
You should be ashamed.
How about standing up for your own kind? After what they did?
Please. I'm with my family.
So am I. And we don't want you here.
Or your dolly. We've had enough.
Just piss off!
Hey, Mum!
We've been lucky to get, not just a very talented cast,
but also people who are extremely committed
to making the world of "Humans" feel believable and credible.
It's a great show. I love watching it, and, um,
uh, and, yeah, to kind of, um, inhabit the same world
as all them is, uh, great fun.
Canada is closed for business - Duration: 0:54.
It's about confidence in the sector.
It's about confidence in the sector.
It's knowing that you've got a government that's
being a partner. Bill C-69 shatters
all that confidence.
The Carbon Tax makes these types of projects
less competitive, and looking at the history,
knowing that Northern Gateway and Energy East were
both killed after going
through that regulatory process.
I think that has sent the message
to the global investors that
under Justin Trudeau Canada's
closed for business, it's closed for investment,
and I think Kinder Morgan has
decided to pull its investment.
Like so many other Canadian companies
they are deciding that
they are not going to get out of the energy business.
Kinder Morgan is not getting out of the energy business,
it is getting out of the energy business in Canada.
And $4.5 Billion of Canadian taxpayers' money
is going to shareholders out of this country.
We are sending jobs and investment
to Texas, the United States,
around the world, rather than championing
these projects here at home.
YWAC | Suffer in Silence - Svetlana 2 - Duration: 0:16.
Kailh Box Royals: Too Tactile - Duration: 7:34.
A little while ago, Mike from Novelkeys revealed that he'd be coming out with a new tactile switch
which got a lot of people hyped up, including me.
A lot of us were expecting a replacement to the expensive Zealios, but what was delivered
was a little different
These are the new Box Royals.
And before we get any further, let's have a listen.
These are on a Weaven, which has a carbon fiber plate.
This is another switch that Mike From Novelkeys worked with Kailh to produce.
It released not too long ago, and it comes with this new tape on the box, as well as
a neat little sticker.
The switches themselves come in these special bags with gold print, which is cool.
Just a quick tour of the outside, the housing is pretty similar to other box switches.
The only big difference I see is with the top.
Box switches usually have a smooth slope on where LEDs go usually, but these ones have
a cutout.
Interestingly, there is no hole in the cutout to actually let LED legs through, so I'm
not really sure why it's there.
The stem is this dark purple color.
I think royal purple is technically a lighter shade, but nobody really cares.
Inside, the bottom housing seems mostly the same as other box switches.
The lid to the box portion seems to be a different mold as it has these two little bumps.
Under the lid is actually something different.
I don't know how well it'll show on camera, but the metal leaves on the Box Royals are
actually thicker than the ones in other box switches.
This should in theory translate to a more tactile switch, because this is part of what
determines the intensity of the tactile bump.
I've confirmed this by putting a Box Brown stem into the Royal housing, and the tactility
was significantly more than a regular Box Brown.
Speaking of stems, the Royal stems look very similar to Brown stems.
It seems that the bump profile is largely the same, except that it is raised up further
away from the main housing, which I assume contributes to higher tactility.
I also tried a Royal stem in a Box Brown housing, and it was more tactile than a regular Box
Brown, but not anywhere close to stock Royals.
This leads me to believe that most of the tactility in Box Royals comes from these altered
contact leaves.
This is actually similar to the hyped Holy Pandas.
Panda housings use a stiffer contact leaf, which contributes to intensified tactility
when used with Halo stems.
Along the same vein, people have been making Royal Hakos, which is Hako stems in Box Royal
Housings, but I don't have any Hakos with me, so I can't evaluate those at this time.
Moving onto the keyfeel, the Box Royals don't really feel like any other MX style Switch
that I've tried.
Do note that I haven't tried Holy Pandas, but have tried a ton of others.
In terms of the size of the tactile bump, Zealios and Mod switches don't even come
I'd probably say that the tactile event on the Royals are anywhere between 50 to 100
percent larger than any other tactile switch, which is sort of impressive.
But it doesn't really make sense to make this comparison, since the tactile characteristic
is so different.
In the past, I've likened the bump on traditional tactile switches to driving over a speed bump.
The box Royals don't really take well to the whole driving analogy, but if I had to
make one, it's sort of like going over a big pothole.
Like other Box tactile switches, the bump is pretty high up, but there is just a tiny
bit of pretravel, which isn't seen in Hakos.
But when you encounter the bump, it's like hitting a wall, and to break through, you
need to use quite a bit of force, which then leads to either bottoming out or getting very
close to it.
It's somewhat similar to popping bubble wrap in that until it breaks, there's virtually
no more travel, and when it does pop, you've been applying enough force that you're probably
going to hit the table.
Another similar feeling thing is if you were poking through an index card laying on some
cushion, with a somewhat dull object.
Something like a BIC pen isn't too sharp, and it takes a bit of force to get it through,
and once it does go through, you don't really have enough time to stop yourself before it
hits the bottom.
All of these examples are vague and probably pretty hard to relate to, but I was lucky
enough to have a keyboard that feels pretty similar.
You might not have expected it, but it's the HHKB Type-s with BKE Light domes
These are actually shockingly similar to each other.
But they are vastly different mechanisms, so here are the differences first.
The bke domes are obviously some rubber material, so the bottom out is soft.
Also, the Type-s has dampening, so the upstroke is also soft, but that's pretty much it.
Check out my BKE light review if you haven't seen it, but the sharp tactility, and the
high difficulty of not bottoming out are features shared between these very different switches.
I'd say that the BKE domes are still slightly more tactile, but it's not by much.
This is pretty interesting because Input Club has been pushing for switches that mimic Topre,
but I think this comes much much closer than Halos or Hakos ever will.
Also similar is the sound.
This is of course going to vary based on what keyboard they're installed in, but when
installed in my Weaven, the Box Royals have several characteristics that mimic Silenced
BKE Domes.
The bottom out has sort of a deep sound, and the return noise is best described as a thock.
Of course, just by the nature of the design, there is going to be some plastic-on-plastic
collision noise, but it's drowned out by the primary sounds.
One thing that stands out about the sound is that like other Box switches, there is
quite a bit of ping, particularly on the upstroke.
This is pretty inconsistent across switches, and is worst for me, on the J switch.
Have a listen
This can be made better by lubing, and I think generally, applying some thicker lube to the
sliders will get the sound even closer to Topre.
So all of this brings me to what I think of the switch.
And as was with the BKE Lights, this is too much of a good thing for me.
This amount of tactility is just a huge distraction when I'm trying to type normally, and I
found that it slows down my typing speed over milder tactile or linear switches.
It's my opinion that tactility should be more of a background event, but the Box Royals
put it really right up in the foreground
Typing a word is no longer just typing a word.
Each keystroke must be deliberate and becomes its own ordeal.
This kind of discretization in typing is just not for me, as I really prefer a more fluid
So I guess in that way, the Box Royals deliver on their promise of being a non-clicky version
of the community favorite Box Navies, but I think the result just ends up being a brute
force approach to getting what you want.
Sure it's satisfying to type on, but in a keyboard, each switch feels like its doing
its own thing, and the cohesion in experience is gone.
So if you just want more tactility at any cost, these are going to be for you, but just
know that in a keyboard, these are really going to be stealing the show, and maybe not
in a good way.
If you want a more cohesive experience, I think switches like Zealios or Outemu Ice
V2s are still unmatched in their balance.
I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say about these, and about other super-tactile
switches in general.
Is more always better or do you guys also have a limit?
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for more.
YWCA | Suffer in Silence - Meg 2 - Duration: 0:16.
YWCA | Suffer in Silence - Sam 2 - Duration: 0:16.
YWCA | Suffer in Silence - Emily 2 - Duration: 0:16.
Rudy Giuliani BOOED At Yankees Game On His Birthday - Duration: 2:25.
Speaker 1: On Monday, Rudy Giuliani celebrated his 74th
birthday, and he decided to celebrate his birthday by going back to the Bronx in New
York and attending a New York Yankees game.
Unfortunately, for Giuliani it didn't go exactly as he expected.
Take a look.
Speaker 2: [crosstalk 00:00:16]
Speaker 1: Here's what's remarkable about that crowd
of New Yorkers booing, very loudly, and sustainably, Rudy Giuliani for his birthday at Yankee Stadium.
Giuliani, as we all know, was the mayor of New York City on September 11th, 2001.
He gained a lot of nationwide attention for how he handled that.
He became known as America's mayor.
Everybody loved him.
They were willing to overlook all of the horrible things that this guy had done in his past
as mayor of New York because of how he handled that situation.
He was basically a national hero at that point, and wow, how far he has fallen from grace.
Just because he decided to hitch his wagon to Donal Trump.
This is what happens when you associate yourself with a member of the Trump family.
They bring you down to their level.
Giuliani could have retired after he ended his mayoral term.
He didn't have to run for president but he chose to.
He didn't have to become a part of the Trump campaign, but he chose to, he didn't have
to become Donald Trump's lawyer, but he chose to.
He could have retired with that good will that he had received.
People wouldn't necessarily go digging back through his history to find all the horrible
things that he's done, and that could have been the end of it.
He could have been going to Yankees games all the time where they would give him a standing
ovation when they announced it was his birthday, but instead he chose to ruin his reputation,
force all his demons from the past to resurface and be forever known as the idiot representing
Donald Trump in the Muller investigation.
How to Draw a Celtic Cross! - Duration: 14:58.
hey y'all welcome back this is Cyndee and I'm The Tireless Tangler! this week's
tutorial is going to be on how to draw the Celtic Cross. I'm going to show you
several variations of this, one in the round and it's all basically the same
thing and it's using the triquetra knot that we've been focusing on for the last
several weeks. so hopefully you guys will find it pretty simple. it took me some
practice to get it I won't lie! so let me show you how to do it and see what
you think. okay the basic thing about the Celtic Cross, of course, is that it's set
setup on a cross. so I'm just gonna use this as a straight edge for the demonstration
and draw a simple I don't know how to tell if I've got that divided equally
but we'll just give it a shot. just pencil across like that, and that turned
out pretty evenly didn't it? okay so first thing we want to do is add a
little diamond shape and I try to make this a little darker than I normally
would a little diamond shape at the at the intersection of the two lines and
from here we're going to draw our triangles in which we are going to put
our triquetra knots so let me show you how to do that I found that the nicest
way to do this was was to add a bit of a curve on the two sides and so it ended
up looking a bit like a bell or a birdcage. alright I'm gonna fill in the
bottom here after bit
yeah something like that that was too long okay and then I'm gonna shift this
sideways fix my desk shift this sideways
and repeat that bell shape on both the sides here now sort of finish off the
bottom and this is just a loose guideline for creating your try quit
triquetra form in and you may or may not erase it it's up to you okay now the
first thing I can see that I need to fix here is that I need for the outside or
this side here to be a straight line across with this side here and that's
far too far up so I'm going to skinny these up a little bit so that I have
more space here don't be afraid on this to use your eraser this whole pencil
part is sort of like sculpting a form it's going to take some trial and error
and or at least it does for me so now once you fix this this should be a nice
straight line between these two curves here and then we're gonna repeat that
from this side to this side and see I made these two fat - is this closer
let's see I don't wanna go there let's go like that now normally I
wouldn't care if there were straight pencil lines
that's very zentangle but because of the nature of what we're doing here the
straight lines I feel like can be very confusing so okay so we've got this one
fixed and we're going to want to make that straight down to a nice curve like
that so let's remove this line and clean this up just a hair
probably not the best eraser for this that we're gonna done okay so the next
step then is going to be to do the same thing with the other side of the diamond
you're gonna connect those two sides with a nice straight line that curves
down to the bottom of the belt but we're gonna end up with a kind of a I don't
even cross shake maybe hmmm alright so now we're gonna do the same thing over
here again I got this to fat this is going to be this is going to be this
line right here this line and you'll notice we have this curved straight
curved thing going each direction so that's what we're doing here we're sort
of sculpting that so Simba is very excited to have summer here so that he
has lots of kids to Bark at! say hi Simba! he says woof. we may hear from him again
very soon I hear the neighborhood dogs barking. alright so this is what we want
to end up with to begin with a nice clean diamond shake in the middle our
sort of rounded triangles on each end with the flat edges and these lines are
nice and even well even ish okay the next step the
next step is going to be to start in the same area along this line and we're
going to want to adjust a width out for the ribbon shape for this shape so
here's your diamond and here's where we're at and we're going to sculpt
we're going to draw in a line down here to represent the width of the ribbon so
about like so and you're gonna want to make it you know a decent width so you
have a room to play on it if you want to after you get it drawn then carefully
erase that line this line the top of your triangle on that side and that's
going to be the first fold okay we're gonna repeat this on all four sides so
start at the at the entrance to the next triangle
and make you make your ribbon with like so and here the same thing okay
I forgot to erase this okay and this and then here's your last one and erase that
line and look you have your first folded part of this form now it's a lot easier
because we've been practicing triquetra so we have to come down here draw in our
little rounded side triangle and hook it up so we're gonna follow this ribbon the
inside line to curve down here and this is gonna tell us that we have
our triangle too small okay about like that alright so the first
thing then is to come and connect this side and from the middle down to this
side now when I do these because of this upper knotted part I tend to do this
next and that's your corner there alright now I could turn this and do
this corner in and back that's probably a good idea I'm gonna take a little
artistic license with the bottom of that so I have a nice rounded end there and
then here
I also want nice and rounded okay finish it up and remember we can we can erase
and and fix these lines and probably will several tons so don't get too
wrapped up in perfection here and honestly once you put in your you're in
Arara and maybe tangle on it or do something with the outside or black it
in or whatever you're gonna do trust me the little imperfections will
not show anymore and you won't need to worry about them so there's your first
triquetra all we have to do now is ink it but I
think I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can't sketch in I don't know if I can do
it upside down guys uh-huh we'll give it a shot and see how it goes I'm
definitely gonna go down below there okay
and from here down okay so and again your lines don't have to be perfect as
mine almost never are no but that is the joy of this process all right
there we go here is almost another triquetra oops again and there you have
it oops forgot this to you alright again
we'll fix all of that little stuff when we Inc alright now I am gonna shift this
and turn it on the side so I can do the other two alright since I'm working in
upside-down mode now as well continue that you can tell upside down is not my
best thing alright that's a much better one
alright and in the middle down okay
alright I'm gonna be the best choice okay let's tuck this in just a little
bit ker it in a little bit and I know what to do
now this comes down here that looks better so
hmm I always forget this one I don't know why that is okay one more to go see
how we did
you know I lied I just need this however way it comes that time I really don't
follow the plan all right that one's a little weird
I'm going to work okay so this is your basic form it's it seems
a little complicated and I want to remind you guys that we have done these
triangles now for several weeks these triquetra knots and this is the
exact same thing we've just added this middle portion right here to the mix
where where the knots overlap in this little four-way fold so give this a try
when we Inc let me find I lost my pendulum okay let's think it and see how
it turns out I put my glasses on before we get too far this is the part I want
music for
or a nice book or a good prattle and entertain you guys with my inane
we could talk about how excited I am about getting to go to CZ t32 if i
haven't mentioned it my I'm so excited I received my welcome package from
zentangle this week and I have I have a really nice blog post ready showing
everybody what was in there cuz it was pretty exciting to me and I've decided
to take you guys along with me I'm going to ask them to allow me to at least
photograph some parts so that I can update you with what we did each day not
that you will be interested but I know that when my friends went I was very
interested and wished that I'd had more information about what was going on
updates although I don't want to stress myself with needing to create content
for my blog or for YouTube while I'm trying to learn there cuz I don't want
to I don't want to ruin the experience or cheaping it in any way but I am so
excited to share this journey I'm going to be so excited if this comes to pass
and I have to believe now that it will and it's because of all of you that have
supported me and I can't even explain to you how much it means to me do you have
your validation and your support and love and all of the other things that
you guys do for me you know someone said in a Facebook group about a post that
idea the other day that I put out all of these tutorials I shouldn't be so so
unsure of myself and it made me laugh because the person that draws the art is
this scared little non artist believing person that doesn't think that my
opinion or my abilities are anything special and I suppose I still don't but
maybe I have the ability to teach this in a way that would be helpful or
meaningful to others and it just means so much to me to have the opportunity to
do this so we're almost done here with the
all right let me show you some examples next of
the knots that I've been playing with just some rough mock-ups and things that
you can do to dress this up you know if I can find anything here's one where I
used the the freeform the cross stitch Celtic knot that I taught in the first
tutorial too in a couple of different ways different variations to connect the
sides of this and make it round this was just another play with this and of
course I didn't blend it out or do much shading or anything like that but to
give you some ideas of what you can do then I have some art at the end to show
you oh I didn't want to show you one other and that was this one is a lot of
fun because it allows you to see what you can do if for example if you made
the bottom triangle really big and long and it's the exact same thing but you
have more of a Christian cross rather than the round Celtic cross so those are
some of the things you can do I have some more art for you at the end of this
video I hope you enjoyed it and I am dying to see your crosses out there so
tag me #thetirelesstangler on Instagram or Facebook and I will be keeping an eye
out for them I'm so excited that this series has done so well and I will see
you guys with whatever my wicked mind comes up with for the next tutorial see
you next time on the tireless dangler
Het Weekendje Weg | andthenIfellinlove Daily Diary - Duration: 16:50.
Good afternoon, lovely people. Welcome to the vlog of our weekend getaway.
It is time for a house tour. When you come in, you enter through the door.
Last night, we got here.
Welcome in our house.
Now, it is time to play another game: badminton.
We all changed in different clothes, because we are going to the Klimpark in Apeldoorn.
I'm very excited. We are walking towards the Klimpark.
And I hope I can bring my backpack since we want to climb...
...And I want to take it with me, so I can capture some fun videos for you.
In the meantime, we are eating a sandwich since it's almost lunch time.
And I'm very excited. How fun is this?
We are now wearing our... Well... Our ropes so to speak.
OK, the first ride was a zip-line, and it was for practice.
Let's continue.
The next one is a rope.
They are coming. I am on the zip-line, and here I go.
Oh, I do need to stir.
Fun, isn't it? - Yes, fun.
Really fun. The next route is Sensation. - Sensation.
Eh... Well, Tooz is climbing the twisting ladder.
I just climbed the stairs. We also jumped off of the rope.
This is very fun.
I don't think anyone has fallen yet. Oh, that is fun too.
Oh, cool. OK, are you taking the zip-line? - Yes.
We are quite high, and we're not even on the tallest part.
What do you think of it, Martijn? - Yes, cool. - Cool isn't it?
Not nervous at all. - Well spoken.
How nerve racking. The jump down is the worst part.
And afterwards, it's a lot of fun. Martijn is going now.
What can you tell about it? - It was very scary.
What can you tell me? - Yes, it was a little scary, but fun. Very cool.
What can you tell? - Just do it.
Just do it? - Just do it.
Just do it!
It is now time for the last route: the black route. The most difficult one.
I'm last. Selien, you can do it. Almost there!
And Michael is there. Then there's Rutger, and Tooz is going to start.
Man... This is such a workout...
Yeah, I'm not going to vlog this one myself.
Oh, this is fun. When you like climbing, being active, then this is something for you.
Really cool. You'll feel like a child again.
Although, you'll always stay a child. How fun. OK, I'll also attach myself.
Then I'll go onto the zip-line, and then we're done with climbing for today.
We just walked back to the car. We worked out in the meantime.
Come on, Martijn!
It is now time, since we are sitting in the car, to drink a little bit of Caprisun. And I am happy to read that it's vegan.
That's nice. It isn't zero waste, but hey...
We are getting some food, something to drink, and we're walking there. It is near our house, by the way.
There's a little beach there. How cute. This is really a lovely park.
OK, we have fries. The fries are picked up, and now it's time to bring these fries to the house.
And then we'll eat deliciously, and we'll have a lovely evening.
And... Yes, we'll do that.
You're crazy. - No, you're. - No, you're.
Hey, Martijn, who's the craziest? Him or I? - You. - Dang.
Yum! Fries! - Yes, yum, yum yum.
Delicious fries.
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