Behind me Allianz Stadium is the main stadium of Sydney.
Here play the Australian national team and also the local team FC Sydney.
The stadium was built in 1988, as the headquarters of the Sydney Premier Football and Rugby.
Here was played the qualifying match for the 94 World Cup between Australia and Argentina that finished 1-1.
In 2012, Allianz obtained the rights of the stadium and it was improved, now its facade can change colors
to be according to the local team and its capacity is around 45 000 thousand spectators.
Outside the stadium we can see the monument to Johnny Warren, a legend of Australian football,
former captain of the Socceroos. The best Australian football player of all times.
For more infomation >> A solas con el fútbol. Allianz Stadium, Sydney - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Queda en familia: Fran Tinelli va a trabajar con Marcelo en su nueva productora - Duration: 2:45.
Mort de Pierre Bellemare : Son fils Pierre Dhostel dévoile la date de ses obsèques - Duration: 1:49.
Swim class at Detroit YMCA helps children with bleeding disorders - Duration: 4:04.
AP SPANISH - Duration: 2:55.
Tutorial de Maquillaje - Duration: 2:01.
Un actor de 'Des(encanto)', sobre la serie: 'Es como si 'Los Simpson' fornicaran con 'Juego de trono - Duration: 2:13.
Hace unos días se daba a conocer que Matt Groening preparaba 'Des(encanto)'para Netflix, que llega el próximo 17 de agosto, y se caracteriza por su peculiar humor reflejado en una trama protagonizada por una princesa alcohólica, un duende y un demonio
Juntos se encontrarán con diversos monstruos en sus aventuras. Este será el contexto utilizado por el creador de 'Los Simpson' para hablar con un tono cómico sobre la existencia, el amor y la muerte
Para amenizar la espera, John DiMaggio, la voz de Bender en 'Futurama' y quien doblará al rey en la nueva ficción, ha contado algunos detalles de la misma en la MCM Comic Con de Londres, según ha recogido Digital Spy: "Matt es brillante y la gente que escribe la serie también
Pueden hacer algo verdaderamente sucio y obsceno sin serlo. Y es la mejor manera de contar una broma"
También ha hecho una comparación que ha sido especialmente llamativa para los seguidores: "Es como si 'Los Simpson' fornicaran con 'Juego de Tronos'
Es genial. Es verdaderamente divertida", bromeaba entre risas. Y finalmente concluía con que "ha llegado en el momento perfecto"
Humor adultoAún faltan varias semanas para el estreno de la esperada serie del popular director Matt Groening, pero mientras tanto, hay algunas series similares en la plataforma de streaming, listas para ser devoradas: 'Big Mouth', que se centra en los cambios de la pubertad, y otras como 'BoJack Horseman', 'Gravity Falls' o 'Archer'
Dark Melodic X West Coast T...
Doctor, patient reunited years after surgery - Duration: 2:10.
Đại ca Bảo Xa Lộ sẽ chiều nhanh các dân chơi Giang Hồ cả nước |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 13:44.
Ramzan Mubarak Status | Ramzan Kareem Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:34.
Islamic Whatsapp Status
Teacher Travels: The Traveling VIPKID Teacher - A Travel Adventure Series - Duration: 9:15.
"You already have within you everything you need to make your dream into a reality." -Wallace D. Wattles
please straighten up your seats
make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened
window shades up and your tray table stowed
please be advised
My name is Kayla
and I'm a teacher, traveler, and adventurer!
Just one year ago I was stuck behind the desk of my first real-world job
I had just graduated college and I had a serious case of
I'm just now beginning my trip to South East Asia for six months
I just couldn't imagine myself during these young years of my life staring at a computer screen stuck to a desk
and still left wondering, "What does the world have to offer?"
That's when I got TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certified
and I began traveling the world as an English teacher
I did enjoy teaching in the classroom
but there was another adventure calling my name
That's when I decided to plan a six-month backpacking trip
around South East Asia
as an online English teacher
"What Whatttt!!"
Yup... yup...
This is how we do it!
Uh uh uh uh
Walking through the streets like a fool.
Naww a lot of people look like this
Actually it's pretty normal out here believe it or not
I felt that I wanted to see more of the world
A lot of us have this desire inside of us
But it isn't always so easy to go and take that step and go see what is out in the world
and for a while I didn't think I could do it
I didn't believe that I would be able to get out there and make that step that I needed to
I thought that's for some people
Some people can do that but I'm not good enough for that
Well lo and behold... it happened
hello everybody I am leaving koh lanta and i am off to crabby island i've been
here for like one week maybe two and I think in my bedroom teaching for like a
couple of days I haven't even left so I'm going to leave the house and go on
an adventure
I chose Southeast Asia because there's a very low constant living and making the
salary of VIP kid then it balances out nicely so I can save some money and also
see all of Southeast Asia let me be clear about the fact that I got hired
just before I left for this adventure so you will watch me through the trials and
tribulations of getting hired trying to get new students and the whole process
of my first few months with VIP kid while also traveling Southeast Asia
I'm wearing this red lipstick and I have this orange shirt on because I am
preparing for my VIP kid interview today well we'll see how it goes
I'm thinking okay I gotta apply with a different company because I'm never
gonna get these glasses I sent in a bit of a request to the VIP kid people
freshdesk I said look it's been 25 days I've
opened up all my availability what's the deal here please I need some classes I
was excited for this and now I'm disappointed they replied saying please
be patient blah blah blah I replied back and I said no I've done everything I was
supposed to that you've told us to do and I haven't gotten a single thing so I
complained and I got a class that same day oh my god I'm on top of the world
this class was amazing Emily was my student and I still have her little
rewards here and she was adorable she was really smart she could tell me all
of her ABCs and tell her tell me about mommy and daddy and
Grandma and Grandpa and she could even read some small words it was so fun she
was so cute
in the next six months I plan on traveling about one country per month
and seeing various cities within that country the countries I'm going to visit
include Thailand Vietnam Malaysia the Philippines Indonesia and towards the
end of my adventure I hope to go on a backpacking trip with no more teaching
in Myanmar Cambodia and Laos
oh yeah and if you really want to follow this adventure click the subscribe
button down below and me and my amazing videographer we'll
be putting out one new video each week following the adventure
my body is something like this
so buckle up and prepare for journey
문가비, 역대급 女神 포스...'19禁이네' - Duration: 1:14.
Druhé zásnuby! Koptík opět poklekne před Gregorovou… Tohle už asi nikdonezastaví! - Duration: 1:17.
이규혁 장시호 최측근 거짓말로 감출 수 없었던 진실 - Duration: 5:38.
English Pronunciation| short sound oo and long oo| Bangla - Duration: 6:07.
사주타로&명리타로 오리엔탈 오라클 타로카드 연구소 원장 남궁현선 "소유의 I MISS YOU ~♡" - Duration: 2:51.
Police Pursuit Ends With A Crash On I-95, Man Arrested - Duration: 1:55.
Loved ones: "I'm still in shock" - Duration: 4:26.
#13Investigates: I-16 troubles drivers in Twiggs County - Duration: 2:38.
What I love about.. Alison Harrop on future leaders, legacy & mindset - Duration: 4:15.
What I love about Alison's leadership style is her total selflessness.
So, I was really keen to ask Alison's opinions on what is an overarching environment that gets the most out of most people?
Emily: How do you manage, you know, the new workforce wanting autonomy,
to be coached from behind, left to flourish versus discipline, structure, expectations...
I think to a degree, it's somewhat overplayed.
So I, I think deep down a lot of the newer generation - the Millennials,
they're kind of looking for the same things that we are, really.
They want to they want to do well in their work, they want to get ahead...
They tend to probably be less accepting of some of the more, you know, things that aren't working.
Things that are inefficient, things that they go,
'Actually, I've looked at that it doesn't work, why don't we do it differently?'
My approach to that is to nurture some of that curiosity, some of that questioning...
They still need to be accountable for things,
they still need to go through some of the processes that other people have been through...
But if you can kind of nurture the curiosity, yeah, the innovation,
the wanting to look at things differently,
that's actually the part that you want to try and nurture. Emily: yeah to do both.
I couldn't agree more with Alison on this.
I love the fact that she didn't buy into Millennial 'laziness'.
And this leads perfectly into the next part that she goes in to talk about, which is about legacy.
I think it would probably be around the people that work for me, and for them to recognise... that maybe they didn't think...
they've managed to do some things that they didn't think was possible, in the beginning.
For me the satisfaction is seeing them develop and grow and go,
'Oh my god, actually this is possible, and I can be this person, I can do this and I can achieve these results.'
It's kind of achieving through them, if you like.
That is leadership in a nutshell, right there, which is wanting others to achieve ahead of you.
You'll love this next bit which is about having an open mindset.
And I love how naturally funny she is in her own response.
Emily: How do you think we test mindset?
More often than not, if you've got someone coaching you down the mountain if you're skiing,
or you know, coaching you up to the mountain if you're hiking, which you love. Alison: Yes, yes..
How do you test out that mindset?
The technical the IQ that's a given - we can check that out...
Alison: To me, I'm never, I'm never looking at the technical...
When I'm recruiting people it's never that. It's, its attitude it's...
Emily: How can you really sus the mindset piece out?
Alison: I don't know, that's a really great question,
because I don't know that I've ever thought about how I do that, but I do do it.
I think for me it's about people who are willing to listen and to take on feedback
and to learn.
Where I've kind of butted-heads with people is because they won't - they're not open to - listening to feedback,
and to having a dialogue with me...
Emily: Because you are yourself...
Alison: Absolutely, I'll take feedback any day the week.
And I ask people, and people generally are pretty reluctant to be honest.
You know, I'll ask the CEO and he won't say anything...
Alison: 'Yeah, yeah it's all fine it's all fine!'
Emily: No, be happy with that!
Alison: Give me something to work with!
So, it's people who have an open mind, who are willing to go, 'Okay you know what,
she said something there, I'm not quite sure about that,
but I'm gonna think about it, I'm gonna come back.'
So the people that do that are the people that I'm loyal to the, to the end
and I will support them to the end.
So that's the other thing my people get.
If they have that open mindset and are willing to work with me,
I will support them to the ends of the earth.
They know that they have me.. I've got their back forever.
But people who have this closed... I can't work with that. Emily: Yeah, move on... move on or move out, now.
Alison: Because you can't go anywhere with that.
What I love about Allison Harrop is her clear loyalty to her team,
that you can't expect it of others if you don't expect it of yourself.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC 7P. PDC V+A.CRUISE.CLIMATE. - Duration: 1:13.
Three people shot on northwest side - Duration: 1:21.
BTS - JIN (Line Evolution) • MAY/2018 - Duration: 6:59.
*Jungkook sings this part on live stages*
*Jungkook sings this part on live stages*
*Jimin sings this part on live stages*
*Jimin sings this part on live stages*
*Jimin sings this part on live stages*
*Jimin sings this part on live stages*
*Jimin sings this part on live stages*
With Jimin
*Jungkook sings this part on live stages*
With Jungkook
With V
With Jimin
With J-Hope
With Jungkook
ASMR Eating Sound - Nasi Telor Kecap (Rice & Fried Egg & Sweet Spice Soy Souce) - Duration: 13:18.
fried egg
white rice
with soy sauce
so i will use this BANGO sweet spicy soy sauce
simple food
so i cooked this fried egg, mix with onion & red chili
let's eat :)
i eat this rice first
this soy sauce is spicy enough
i love rice ^_^
usually people eat this when the money runs out at the end of the month or if you wanna diet, you can eat this :p
or you have low budget, you can eat this too
Breaking News - Serena Williams stars as Catwoman on big-time return at French Open - Duration: 7:18.
Serena Williams strode out for her Grand Slam return dressed like a speedskater, but that was no indication of how she was to move on the historic arena of Court Philippe Chatrier
Understandably, in what was her first singles match back on clay in two years, she did not exactly glide around in her catsuit when tackling Krystyna Pliskova
While it is clear that the movement will take some time to reboot the champion's mentality remains intact
Whatever the technical shortcomings she had the resolve to battle through, winning 7-6 6-4
Afterwards there was a lot to catch up on, such as her attendance at the royal wedding
It is hard to recall her fielding questions with such enthusiasm, or her beaming with such self-confidence
Above all, the hottest topic was her black, figure-hugging outfit with a pink band around the waist
She was heavily involved in its design, with the intention for it to be practical and symbolic at the same time
Inspired by the recent movie Black Panther, there was also the practical dimension for someone who has dealt with numerous blood clots and went through a difficult birth process before her daughter Alexis Olympia finally arrived on September 1
'We designed it way before the movie, but still it kind of reminds me of that,' she said
'I feel like a warrior in it, from Wakanda (the fictional setting for the film) maybe
I'm always living in a fantasy world. I always wanted to be a super hero, and it's my way of being a super hero
'It was comfortable. I hadn't tried it on in a long time, over a month. So I was just winging it
'I've had a lot of problems with my blood clots, I don't know how many I have had in the past 12 months
So it is definitely a little functionality to it. I have been wearing pants in general a lot when I play so I can keep the blood circulation going
'It's a fun suit, but it's also functional so I can play without any problems.' Williams's previous high profile public appearance was at the wedding of Harry and Meghan, where she wore an elegant pink dress
While jokingly playing down suggestions that she had been involved in a game of beer pong at the reception, she was clear about the most profound pleasure she had taken from the event
'It was really exciting to see so much African-American culture impacted in the wedding, and I was really happy that Meghan wanted to incorporate that into it
'I think it was just a whole cultural shift and change. It was seeing how far African-Americans have come, I thought it was an incredibly inspiring and beautiful and really motivating thing
I was so proud of her and so happy for her.' It almost seemed mundane when she addressed the playing return of a 23-time Grand Slam winner, following an absence of nearly eighteen months from the biggest tournaments
On this admittedly early evidence she is unlikely to be lifting the trophy a week on Saturday, and clay was always going to be the toughest surface for her to come back on
She got aced fifteen times by the world number 70, the less celebrated of the Pliskova twins, and her movement was often cumbersome
Most telling, however, was her ability to dig in when needed, coming back from 0-3 down in the tiebreak with a run of six points that saw her take it 7-4
She wobbled when trying to serve out the match, but was able to save break points when it mattered
'I can improve on everything, that's the great thing, exciting. My speed on my serve isn't as fast as I normally hit it, but also I didn't really try to hit it that much
I was going more for placement.' Williams was notably quicker to perform her post-match duties than used to be the case, and she was happy to explain that one as well
'I'm semi on time today, two minutes late, because I want to get home and see Olympia, because I have been here all day
I actually breast fed for a really, really long time, and so I just had this real connection with my daughter
'So that is the biggest difference. I'm concerned how that's going to work out for me, because normally in Grand Slams, I do spend a lot of time at the site
'She's so young, I don't really bring her. So this is definitely going to be interesting
Julia's Vlog : Membuat Simple Surprise Birthday Party Untuk Pacar - Duration: 8:21.
English Pronunciation| short sound oo and long oo| Bangla - Duration: 6:07.
Cookie wants a Cookie - Duration: 1:18.
I don't really need to look
very much further
I don't wanna have to go
where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me
I have nothing
if I don't have you
"함께 있어, 빙글뱅글"…AOA, 7년차의 행복 (종합) ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 11:14.
5月30.31,6大生肖迎賺錢大好時機,一定要把握 - Duration: 5:43.
五大生肖女,六月出門就踩「狗屎運」有大財 - Duration: 7:19.
김연아 금메달 박탈을 주장하는 일본 속셈 - Duration: 7:47.
'지붕킥' 황정음, '민폐정음'이 된 이유 - Duration: 8:45.
情况危急!以战机被击落,普京调派新武器驰援叙伊,大战一触即发 - Duration: 5:52.
[May 2018 Update 版] PowerApps を使ったSharePoint リストフォームのカスタマイズ(列の絞り込み) - Duration: 19:38.
5月30號後,最容易一夜暴富的生肖排行,有你嗎 - Duration: 12:06.
Torra rectifica y quita a los consejeros presos o huidos de su Govern - Duration: 5:09.
[산카레아]좁은 공간에 엉덩이가 끼인 란코 (자막 O) - Duration: 0:57.
Santos está de olho no jogador Favio Ávarez, do Atlético Tucumán|n123snow - Duration: 5:06.
Fernanda Concon entrevista Tom Hadcroft da DLD College London - Duration: 1:58.
Well, guys now I am here with
who is the vice-president of the Pastoral division
of the DLD College.
So, do you remember when I told you about that person
who monitors the students throughout the whole process,
Who cares about them? Anyways...
He is the coordinator of this division,
And now he is going to explain to us
a little bit about how this works.
Ok, so the College is, it's got about 440 students at the moment.
We've got about 220 boarders upstairs.
and we have so many different nationalities,
and you can see from all the flags around the college.
52 different nationalities.
So, every single one of them, the boarder specifically,
have lots of parents all over the world.
And we need to make sure there's a good connection between us and the parents.
So it is really important that, when they send their son or daughter here,
that they feel that there is a lot of confidence in us,
so we got some amazing pastorals there, we spend a lot of time with the students,
we really get to know them individually,
and we know what their favorite color is
what are the names of their sisters or their brothers, you know?
Everything, we really need to know that person inside-out.
So, that's why we really pride ourselves on,
and I think that's really the area that I am in charge of.
And it is to make sure that we got a gold standard pastoral care across the college.
Then I was going to say, if you have any parents out there in Brazil,
and you wanna come here, and visit this amazing college...
Please come here, ok? We will be delighted to see the parents coming,
and really experience what it is like to be a DLD student and a DLD parent.
Because there is this massive connection.
Seriously, guys, we need more Brazilian representatives here,
everybody wants that, Brazilian people bring joy, so just come!
Thank you for all, Tom, and very nice to meet you.
Very lovely to meet you too and "obrigado" to you and to everybody!
Thank you!
01. Jota 3 - TEMPO DE REVOLUÇÃO (legendado) - Duration: 3:59.
José Antonio Sánchez no tiene 'abuela': "Dejo RTVE con la cota más alta de prestigio" - Duration: 6:37.
Rimedi naturali per la pelle secca - Duration: 4:37.
ONDE NASCEM OS FORTES HOJE TERÇA 29/05 CAPÍTULO 22 | Resumo Completo |O que vai acontecer - Duration: 1:10.
Druhé zásnuby! Koptík opět poklekne před Gregorovou… Tohle už asi nikdonezastaví! - Duration: 1:17.
Atriz Lili Reinhart publica texto de autoaceitação. Leia mais no OFuxico! - Duration: 1:57.
Nesta semana, a atriz Lili Reinhart publicou um Instagram Stories um texto que fala de como devemos amar nossos próprios corpos da forma que eles são, após surgirem boatos de que ela estaria grávida após aparecer em uma foto com a barriga mais saliente
Na publicação, Lili desabafou: "É triste que uma foto desfavorável da minha barriga esteja circulando a internet e levando centenas de pessoas a pensar que estou grávida
Não. Nada de gravidez", escreveu a atriz. "Este é apenas o meu corpo. Às vezes estou inchada
Às vezes tiram fotos desfavoráveis de mim. Às vezes eu passo por momentos em que ganho peso
Meu corpo é algo pelo qual eu NUNCA vou pedir desculpas. Ele vai passar por mudanças constantemente
Assim como o seu. E isso é ok. Então vamos parar de gastar tanto tempo e esforço nos preocupando com a silhueta de um estranho
Sophie Charlotte elege couro como protagonista de look: 'Manguinha diferente' - Duration: 3:49.
Sophie Charlotte prestigiou o lançamento da campanha de Dia dos Namorados da Amaro nesta terça-feira (29)
Para o evento, realizado no Guide Shop da marca na Oscar Freire, a atriz - que adotou o cabelo pixie no começo de maio - escolheu um produção cheia de personalidade e com o couro como destaque: ela combinou uma saia mini com zíper frontal preta e jaqueta no mesmo tom
Para completar o look, uma blusa de malha com mangas à mostra nos punhos e bota de cadarço com meia com listras
"Escolhi uma jaqueta de couro com blusa branca de manguinha diferente. Saia de couro e essa bota que eu amei com uma meiazinha de lurex", listou a mãe de Otto, de 2 anos, cujo crescimento tem surpreendido a ela
'Me apaixonar sobre uma nova possibilidade de mim', avalia atriz Com o slogan "Amaro Melhor de Você", a campanha traz como proposta para a data comemorativa valorizar a autoestima feminina, destacada pela atriz no Instagram Stories
"Fala sobre se amar, sentir bem com seu corpo e perguntaram o que isso significa para mim
Eu tenho que pensar no meu momento de agora: fiz 29 (anos) e estou no meio do retorno de Saturno, então tem a ver com me reconectar e mudar de pele, quase
Poder me reinventar e talvez me apaixonar por uma nova possibilidade de mim. Acho que estou vibrando nessas palavras
E o mais legal é saber que cada vez mais a gente tem uma rede de afetos entre as mulheres que também passam pelos mesmos questionamentos com a maternidade, com o amadurecimento", ponderou a artista, que volta às telinhas como a Leona em "Ilha de Ferro", personagem para a qual havia platinado os fios
O evento contou ainda com show da Leticia Letrux, e realização de mapa astral e tarô express com a mystical influencer Ana Leo
Visual castanho é para recuperar fios: 'Mais cuidado' Em entrevista anterior, a global - elogiada pelo parceiro de trabalho Cauã Reymond - falou sobre o novo tom dos fios
"Eu já nem sei qual cabelo é meu e qual é de algum personagem. Esse visual agora, eu escureci para um trabalho que vai acontecer mais para frente e também porque o cabelo descolorido exige muito mais cuidado
Queria começar a recuperar os fios e me despedir um pouco do personagem", explicou Sophie, casada com Daniel de Oliveira
(Por Marilise Gomes)
Un actor de 'Des(encanto)', sobre la serie: 'Es como si 'Los Simpson' fornicaran con 'Juego de trono - Duration: 2:13.
Hace unos días se daba a conocer que Matt Groening preparaba 'Des(encanto)'para Netflix, que llega el próximo 17 de agosto, y se caracteriza por su peculiar humor reflejado en una trama protagonizada por una princesa alcohólica, un duende y un demonio
Juntos se encontrarán con diversos monstruos en sus aventuras. Este será el contexto utilizado por el creador de 'Los Simpson' para hablar con un tono cómico sobre la existencia, el amor y la muerte
Para amenizar la espera, John DiMaggio, la voz de Bender en 'Futurama' y quien doblará al rey en la nueva ficción, ha contado algunos detalles de la misma en la MCM Comic Con de Londres, según ha recogido Digital Spy: "Matt es brillante y la gente que escribe la serie también
Pueden hacer algo verdaderamente sucio y obsceno sin serlo. Y es la mejor manera de contar una broma"
También ha hecho una comparación que ha sido especialmente llamativa para los seguidores: "Es como si 'Los Simpson' fornicaran con 'Juego de Tronos'
Es genial. Es verdaderamente divertida", bromeaba entre risas. Y finalmente concluía con que "ha llegado en el momento perfecto"
Humor adultoAún faltan varias semanas para el estreno de la esperada serie del popular director Matt Groening, pero mientras tanto, hay algunas series similares en la plataforma de streaming, listas para ser devoradas: 'Big Mouth', que se centra en los cambios de la pubertad, y otras como 'BoJack Horseman', 'Gravity Falls' o 'Archer'
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