Hi guys. I am Karin, your Spanish teacher from idiomaPRO.com,
the fastest and most fun way to learn Spanish
Today we are here in the Nouns and Genders Hospital
to learn about, well, nouns and genders. Let's go!
Well, guys, in this imaginary hospital, We are going to learn two things:
thing number one: What is a noun?
and thing number two: What is the gender of a noun?
Well, starting with the number one thing from the list, what is a noun?
Remember that nouns are simply things or people.
they can be physical or tangible things that you can see and touch,
such as a car or a beer.
But nouns also include more abstract things,
like heat and freedom.
So that's already part number one.
You already know what a noun is
But what is the gender of a noun?
Well, an important concept what you must understand in Spanish
is that every noun has a gender: masculine or feminine.
But how is it that an object or a non-living thing has a gender?
Well, it is important to highlight that the gender of a noun
normally has nothing to do with the object itself.
It is simply a way to classify nouns:
between masculine and feminine.
For example, the noun "auto" is masculine
and that's just the way it is, for no particular reason.
To understand this concept of gender better,
here we are in the Spanish Hospital of Nouns and Genders.
We go to Maternity to see how they organize
the nouns by gender in Spanish.
Now, come with me.
Normally we can see the noun's gender
based on the ending of the word.
The nouns that end in -o are masculine
and those that end in -a are usually feminine.
For example:
Say if each of the following words is masculine or feminine.
But what do we do with nouns that don't end in -o or -a?
Nouns ending in -aje (such as "trip")
or -or (like "terror") are masculine
and nouns that end in -ion or -dad are feminine.
Now let's do a test
to see if you're understanding up to this point.
You have to help our nurse, Laura,
organize the nouns by their gender.
Say if each of the following words
is masculine or feminine.
S, the letter S
Thursday (the day of the week)
But be careful with these rules that we just saw.
Here we have examples of nouns that do not follow the normal rules.
Some nouns, such as map, planet, system, program, day and sofa,
end in -a but they are masculine.
"Hand" is feminine even though it ends in -o.
"Moto" and "photo" are also feminine but only because they are shortened words.
You can see the full version "motorcycle" and "photography" does end in -a.
How do we know for sure what the gender of a noun is?
The best way is to look up the word in a good dictionary
and memorize the gender every time that you learn a new noun.
Start the habit now.
Your homework is to look up the following words in a dictionary
and write in the comments if they are masculine or feminine.
Well guys, that was todays lesson.
If you liked it, subscribe to our channel,
Give us a like, and leave your comment.
For more infomation >> Learn Spanish - Sustantivos y Género (Gender of Spanish Nouns) - with Quiz - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
Los Rial siguen la guerra | Morena: "Me quise matar y Luis Ventura me salvó" - Duration: 8:30.
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¡La familia de Meghan ya está incomodando a la realeza! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:10.
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Donald Trump volvió a suavizar la regulación financiera | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:44.
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Recetas de cocina: Quesadillas de Nopales y Pimientos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:50.
¡Descubre los secretos de Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:19.
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¡Andrés García contará quiénes fueron sus amantes! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:28.
Test driving the quieter, lighter Scania P 280 with 7-litre engine - Duration: 2:23.
When I drive into the city, I pay attention.
Children, cars, you always have to expect others to act in a silly way.
Elderly people might step out in front of you.
You always have to be careful with such a large vehicle.
We deliver to many areas in the country,
where space is limited
and where loading the truck is tricky.
We use the new vehicle especially on routes where there are restrictions
because it is quieter.
The driver can work in peace,
without disturbing people, it is as simple as that.
I can handle the vehicle much better now
because the A-pillars are narrower and the windows larger.
The mirrors have improved considerably.
And driveability has become much smoother.
The drivers approach us, or me, to be more precise,
and they are very satisfied.
Another advantage of the new vehicle is
that it is very fuel-efficient.
Meyer Logistik attaches much importance to a clean environment.
That is why, I think, we invest a lot into hybrid vehicles.
Or into engine technology that makes engines smaller.
Future generations want to live too.
And in the future life will only be possible
if we produce fewer emissions.
The environment is important, definitely very important for us.
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like :)
Sarah Sanders Has Fun With Surprise Guest At White House, Delivers An Epic Bl*w - Duration: 5:06.
Sarah Sanders Has Fun With Surprise Guest At White House, Delivers An Epic Blow.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has done an exemplary job as the Press Secretary for the Trump administration.
Unlike many of her predecessors, she does the job with great ease and tenacity and never
backs down from a fight that is a brewing yet always taking the high road.
While also maintaining a little bit of fun on the job.
Which is why the latest picture she posted on social media will have you laughing.
Sanders recently spent time with Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone, who is most known
for his notorious Rocky films.
Pictured wearing an oversized red boxing glove and pretending to hit Stallone, Stallone can
be seen laughing along in the picture as someone else takes it.
Something that is seemingly surprising given the fact that most Hollywood entertainers
are liberals, and would not be caught dead in the White House under the current administration.
The Hollywood actor was at the White House because he was participating in a ceremony,
where a pardon to the first African American heavyweight boxing champion was granted.
Decades ago, the convicted boxer had been found guilty under the Mann Act of 1913 for
transporting a Caucasian woman across state lines.
A conviction that was purely race-based and systemically racist in nature.
Stallone for years had worked to get his friend a pardon and he raised the issue under the
Trump administration, after the Obama administration ignored his requests.
After the decision was made he told the news outlet Variety, that he really loved the President
and compared him to a Dickensian character.
The Daily Caller reported,
"Trump said, "I am taking this very righteous step, I believe, to correct a wrong that occurred
in our history, and to honor a truly legendary boxing champion, legendary athlete and a person
that, when people got to know him, they really liked him and they really thought he was treated
In the remarks, Trump turned to Stallone to compliment him on pushing for the pardon over
many years.
"Now, you know, everybody knows Sly and what a job he's done," the president said.
"But Sly is a special guy, and he's more shy than you would think.
So I won't even tell him, but if you want to say a word, you can, Sly."
"I want to thank you, Mr. President.
It's incredible that you've done this because it's one thing, I've been so blessed
with the Rocky situation and playing that character.
And actually, when I was writing it, I'm thinking about inspirations for this Apollo
Creed, and that was Jack Johnson this bigger than life, incredible character, and who is,
you know, treated so unfairly his prime was taken away but somehow he still managed to
persevere and kept a smile on his face, and he's truly an inspirational character.
So this has been a long time coming.
So it's an honor to take a fictional character like Rocky, and do something in the world
of reality."
He acknowledged one of Jack Johnson's last blood relatives, who was also in attendance
for her efforts working for the pardon as well.
Then he said, "Keep punching, Jack" while looking to the sky.
A lot of folks enjoyed Sanders photo with Stallone including her father.
Stallone earned the praise of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who pulls double duty
as Sanders' father.
"Rocky Sylvester Stallone was always one of my faves, but he moved to the top of the
list by how gracious and nice he was to sarah sander, and she plans to use that glove next
week in the press briefings!" he tweeted."
For those who are unaware, the Mann Act which also goes by the name of the White-Slave Traffic
Act was passed on June 25th, 1910 and it was signed into law by President William Howard
The law made it so that it was a felony to participate in foreign commerce transport
of women for the purposes of prostitution.
It was meant during the progressive era to combat what lawmakers felt to be morally wrong.
However, because it did not specify the law was often used in ways it was not meant to,
and it had repercussion regarding consensual sexual activity.
Ultimately, the law was misused to punish and prosecute those who were unmarried couples,
who participated in extramarital and premarital activities when crossing state lines.
In some cases, it was used as a form of blackmail by wives who were thinking they had cheating
And in this boxers case, it was used to try and stop African American and Caucasian American
people from spending time together and having sex.
By the President following through on this pardon, it is symbolic of the fact that he
is not racist and does not put up with racism of any kind.
When he saw a loophole in the law that put someone behind bars for something that should
not have been put in place, to begin with, he rectified the situation.
This is the type of President the American people have and we are better off because
of it.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
SO SAD THAT IT CRIES BLOOD ... 29/05/2018 - Duration: 2:59.
I have always been shocked by these people who love animals in an excessive way
because they consider that animals are kind and innocent while men are
liar and destroyer ... they even go to love more animals than
men …
Society pushes men not to control for more consumption and more
sales ... and suppressing religion the morality and the respect of the
others ... it took 50 years for see the effects ... and despite that there is always
people who do not want to see the reality, ... love disappears, .... the respect disappears,
... the morality disappears, ... the first to suffer the consequences is the most
low, women and children, by non respect women who sometimes do not respect each other
not itself and by the trauma that suffer children, that's why
children lose their innocence and become very quickly mature ...
Religion teaches us control, by sacrifices, by fasting, by refusal
to commit sins, trying to be Nice, obliging to go to Mass
... it's by controlling yourself on small things we manage to control his fat
default ...
If everyone makes an effort, life on earth will be a lot nicer ... well
on it is necessary to forgive but one must also protect ... it's about forgiving
criminals, ... But it's also about preventing criminals to start over by putting them
in prison …
So sad that she's crying blood ...
The statue of the Blessed Virgin has been found with blood on both eyes in the chapel
from Ghaziabad to India.
The statue cried 4 times for 3 days and it started on July 14, 2012.
Approved by the authorities of the Church, the statue is placed in the church
of the Assumption St. Mary in Ghaziabad.
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It doesn't get easier, you just get better: Existentialism 101 | The Art of Intellectual War - Duration: 4:01.
So much of life can be summed up in two ideas.
The first is Nietzsche's eternal recurrence, and the second is the common
expression of "it doesn't get easier you just get better." Those are kind of the
same idea.
welcome to the art of intellectual war where we arm ourselves
with ideas because the pen is mightier than the sword. Now we all know this
second phrase - "it doesn't get easier you just get better." Today this Maxim is used
more and more as gym motivation or fitspiration but its roots go down to the
first and most basic existential question: how do I live? Because we all
ask the same question that the father of existentialism: Soren Kierkegaard
posed. I know what I know but what am I to do. Because despite the scientific
validity of quantum theory or determinism, we all experience a
terrifyingly constant possibility - and that's the burden of choice. In this
sense, fitspiration offers us a very clear picture that's easy to understand
The 50 pound dumbbell never changes in weight but our ability to carry it does
Enter Nietzsche, and his often misunderstood idea of eternal recurrence
Now the idea of eternal recurrence has been around since the Greeks, the Bible,
and the Mayans. But Nietzsche took it seriously, very seriously. Eternal
recurrence to Nietzsche was both a statement and a question: your life as
you have lived it, will be lived in the same way, over and over again. Do you
accept this life? The issue here is not whether it is true (it is) but whether you
accept it. That is the choice. Become what you are and accept that burden and
responsibility. But we already know this because it's the same question posed to
Simba in the Lion King. I say this is misunderstood because it is often taken
as a negative or pessimistic outlook on life.
Nietzsche himself declared eternal recurrence as the heaviest burden. Of
course in a world that defines burden and responsibility as bad this would be
a negative philosophy. But without friction there is no movement; without
cause there is no progress; and without a burden there is no meaning. Paradoxically
the worship of convenience, ease, and safety, as the highest values, have
stripped our sense of worth to society, and meaning to ourselves. While it
remains fashionable to make the most boring and unoriginal statement of "life
sucks and then you die." It takes a true revolutionary to say, life is full of
pain, but you get to live it, and who knows, you might make something beautiful
along the way. And while I mean no disrespect to the CrossFit enthusiasts,
there are more noble burdens to bear than kettlebells.
Although kettlebells, they're a pretty good start. So in the final analysis, it
doesn't get easier but you get better, is true, but with a small reformulation.
Because better requires something to measure against. So if this is just about
gym motivation, then proudly say, the weights don't get lighter or heavier, you
just get stronger or weaker. But if this is for life, then say life doesn't get
easier or harder, you just get better at facing it or avoiding it.
Hey thanks for checking out this video, obviously I love all the gym folks and all of the fitness
motivation that's out there, well, it's got its roots in existentialism, so
let's combine the traits and let's bring that motivation into other aspects of
life, or at least that's my goal here. Make sure you subscribe by hitting over
here I believe. You can check out down below I'll be
showing a video of a podcast episode I did on eternal recurrence. I hope you
check out that whole thing. Comment below as well if you have any thoughts. If you
agree, disagree, either way, let me know, I'd love to hear
from you. Thanks again.
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If you haven't already, don't forget to hit subscribe down below so you can watch
all of our videos.
I've been watching the Kardashians since it first started.
I like Kourtney because I always think of her as kind of like the more funny one.
She doesn't take herself so seriously.
I think she's the most down to earth out of all of them, so I really like that about her.
I definitely noticed a change in Kourtney over the years.
Her style has become more elevated.
She's become a lot more confident and mature.
Oh my god!
I'm a little nervous, but excited, so let's get started.
This look is very classic, early Kardashian.
I feel like every Kardashian girl had this look at one point.
With the big va va voom hair.
She has a ton of heavy makeup on, a lot of bronzer, you know, that really dramatic cat eye.
Big full lashes, that nude glossy lip.
Oh my god.
I feel like a different person.
I feel very glamorous.
This second look is definitely a little bit more sophisticated, more toned down, more
stylish and elevated.
She has you know, the middle part, long sleek black hair which I love.
She's still got bold eyeliner and fake long lashes here, but it's definitely more toned
down than the first look.
Her skin looks great and glowy.
It doesn't look like she has as much bronzer here and she's still rockin' that nude lip.
Oh my god.
I love it, it makes me want to grow my hair long and dark.
I feel really sophisticated, I like this look.
This last looks seems more model off duty, in the airport "I don't care" kind of vibe.
She looks really comfy, but at the same time put together.
It's interesting comparing this look to the very first one because you can see how
much her style has changed.
Oh my god.
I'd say this look out of all of the three definitely feels like the least like my style.
But it's really fun.
I think it's fun to see me in something like this.
Doing these three looks today was such a blast.
It really took me out of my comfort zone, which was really cool and it was also fun getting
to see how things like a red lip or short black hair looked on me cause it was stuff
that I would probably never try just on my own.
Thank you so much for watching.
If you want to see more videos, click here.
And to subscribe, click here.
TELUS | I used to be a bully - Duration: 1:55.
- When I was in seventh grade, me and my sister
were friends with this girl.
We weren't like, best friends.
I kinda thought she was a little bit annoying and stuff.
One day she just kinda, got on our nerves
and we started like, texting her, calling her names,
saying, like, yeah, this is why she doesn't have friends,
saying that she was annoying and stuff like that.
And eventually her older sister, I think,
she came to find us and she was like, no, stop.
You can't say stuff like this to her.
At first, I just kinda got like, angry and annoyed.
Like, no, you can't tell me what to do
but afterwards, like, when she left,
me and my sister just kinda sat down
and we were like, wow, this is really,
this is really affecting her.
I wouldn't have seen her reacting
and like, the look on her face when she read this stuff.
Honestly, this is the part that I feel the worst about
but we didn't do anything, we just stopped.
We didn't go apologize.
We didn't go talk to her afterwards.
Some days I'll still see her on the street
and I'll just turn the other way,
hope she doesn't see me, but, yeah.
At the time, I was getting bullied
and I was going through some tough times with my family too.
I went into a depression.
I've got, I started self harming and stuff too.
It just wasn't good.
And so when her sister had come to talk to us
and said this is really hurting her,
I kinda understood what that feeling was,
so I was like, no, I don't want,
I don't want anyone to feel the way I do.
If I could go back and un-send the messages,
then I would in a heartbeat.
(modern music)
Steven Austin Logo Nail Design - Bright Acrylic Sculpted Nail - Duration: 13:42.
The Maiden Experiment: Upgrade | Short Action Horror Film | Sponsored | Crypt TV - Duration: 2:20.
(intense music)
- [Surgeon] Preparing to sedate.
See you on the other side, soldier.
You're in for quite a treat.
(flesh ripping)
(flesh ripping)
(intense music)
- [Surgical Assistant] BP 138.
(saw whirring)
(blood squirting)
(intense music)
- [Surgeon] Full clip.
- [Surgical Assistant] Atropine standing by.
- [Surgeon] And, go.
(heart monitor beeping)
- That's so heavy.
(heart beating)
- Associating test was successful.
Motor skills intact.
Now, for removal.
- No!
- That's over 3 million dollars
of tech in there, young lady.
- Yeah, and it's in my arm.
- [Surgeon] No, she'll tear a suture!
Get in here!
(intense music)
(kick thuds)
(gun cocks)
(gun fires)
- Calm down, Tessa.
Just calm down.
(Tessa grunts)
(surgical assistant groans)
(intense music)
- Stop.
- Nice gun.
Think I'll keep it.
(gun cocks)
(gun fires)
(guns cock)
(guns fire)
Mel B Talks About 'America's Got Talent' And Spice Girls Reunion | TODAY - Duration: 6:48.
My First Time Travelling Post-Surgery with a Stoma Bag! | Hannah Witton - Duration: 22:29.
vlog 3 Peru - flying over the rainbow mountains - Duration: 7:46.
it was so beautiful
it's amazing
thank you so much
it's great to be able to share this moment
the parc of love
no thanks
no thanks
no thanks
no thanks
no thanks
no thanks
wow, it's beautiful
it's so nice
my name is jean-Baptiste
yes, and you?
departure to the rainbow mountains
500 metres of elevation to hike
but we are at 4500m above the sea level.
until 5000m
we just felt the first drop of water
f**ck, we hike 10 meters, and we hear the storm
I think we are not on the storm way, it should be soft
just few drop of water
i wanna go for a pee, then i was "ouille* aye* f**ck"
I look like a lama
we tried to keep going but the rain came back
so we found a new cover
we wanna go up there, but the weather is too bad...
oh, the rain stopped
my bag hurt my back
4838m it's write
tomorrow we could take a horse
everything is ok Yves?
we are almost on the top and it start to snow
is it hard for you?
no, it is this water...
and the big bags...
here we are!
but with a bad weather...
it's a pleasure
tomorow, we come back
and we do something more beautiful
you are right
you know what is important...
it's the adventure more then the goal sometimes
it is
let's go?
let's go!
be careful!
be careful!
ok, let's go
3, 2,1, you can film Laure
thanks thanks thanks
thanks Laure
10... 9 ...8...
yes, thanks!
(G)I-DLE Takes 3rd Win For "LATATA" On "The Show"(News) - Duration: 1:25.
(G)I-DLE Takes 3rd Win For "LATATA" On "The Show"
(G)I-DLE has taken home their third trophy ever!. On the May 29 episode of SBS MTVs The Show, (G)I-DLEs LATATA, DreamCatchers You and I, and UNI.Ts No More were up for first place.
(G)I-DLE took the win with a total score of 8,455 to DreamCatchers 3,564 and UNI.Ts 2,740. (G)I-DLE were unable to attend the ending of the show to receive the trophy themselves. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
Performances on this weeks episode were also by 24K, Cross Gene, DreamCatcher, The East Light, FAVORITE, G-reyish, Kanto, KHAN, N. Flying, NTB, PRISTIN V, Rui, TST (TopSecret), UNI.
Hyundai ix35 2.0i Style (1ste eig.!!/Climate/Sidebars/Trekhaak) - Duration: 0:50.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Automaat.Panodak.Cruise. 28.000 km! - Duration: 0:51.
Morning future: intervista ai Corporate Rebels - le migliori imprese - Duration: 4:36.
CORPORATE REBELS www.corporate-rebels-com
1 Who are the Corporate Rebels?
Pim de Morree e Joost Minnaar Everything we do is focused on making work more fun
and creating better organisations where people actually love to come to work.
And we do a number of things.
We have a blog, in which we share stories about the world's most progressive workplaces
we support organisations to transform into a better and more engaging workplace;
and we give a lot of presentations and workshops around the world
to grow the movement of people who are fighting for better work.
2 How did your research group come into being?
JOOST MINNAAR We are actually engineers,
so we have nothing with the field of HR.
I started to work in big corporations and then get frustrated,
so that's the beginning of 2016 we quit our job.
Yes, we started out with the idea that there are organisations around the world doing things differently,
and we wanted to learn from them.
So we set up a list of people we thought we wanted to meet, and learn from,
to understand how they organized their business in a better way.
We've visited about 60 of the 100 organisations on the list.
3 You have identified eight characteristics that the best companies share. Which are the first four?
So the first one is from a focus of profit to a focus on purpose and values,
so what you want to achieve in the world as an organization,
and how, on what kind of values you want to do that.
The second is about the structure that is moving away from the traditional pyramid to more of a platform or network of teams,
so working in small teams but all being connected in an "internet-way" of things.
From directive leadership to more supportive leadership,
so from bosses who tell people what to do
to coaches or managers who support their employees in the best way they can.
Then the next one is about not any longer predict the future
but experiment, and adapt with the results you get, so way faster loops, way more into the way of working.
4 And then there are another four …
One of my personal favourite ones is from rules and control to freedom and trust.
Move away from a centralised authority to de-centralised authority
so people on the frontline have to make the most important decision,
or at least be able to make the most important decisions.
So from having information only in a few parts of the organisation available
making everything open and transparent, so salary levels, company financials, performance evaluation…
The last one it's about what to actually do,
so we don't often encounter companies anymore that have job descriptions,
but they focus on talents and mastery, in order to find not necessarily what they have studied
but more what do you enjoy.
Like, what are you good in, and then you find your talent and you develop that
and you keep developing it until you have mastery over that certain pocket or certain expertise.
5 On the basis of your findings, what advice would you give to a young person looking for a job?
When I started my previous job,
I probably had to research a little bit more of the culture of that company I started to work for.
So I would advise people to do that.
You can easily do that by going on the internet and try to speak with people who work there
and try to understand what they like about this company and what they don't like,
and then see if that fits your values of how you would like to be.
Do you want a lot of freedom, or do you prefer an environment with more rules,
and where people maybe tell you a bit more what you have to do?
Are you working form money, and is that your main driver, or you want to contribute to something?
So it's important to look at what the organization wants and what do you want
and see if there is an overlap there to find the best possible employer for you.
If not, just do as we did:
start your own company, then you can fully arrange the way you want to be arranged.
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Subaru Outback 2.5 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:14.
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Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY PACK | Airco | Bluetooth | Elek.ramen - Duration: 0:53.
3 Controversial Digital Marketing Campaigns That Made Me MILLIONS - Duration: 7:03.
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Afrobeat Instrumental 2018 ''Wakanda'' [Afro Pop Type Beat] - Duration: 3:26.
Hyundai Tucson 2.0I DYNAMIC Airco-Trekhaak-16inch-Cv Hoge Zit - Duration: 1:05.
Test driving the quieter, lighter Scania P 280 with 7-litre engine - Duration: 2:23.
When I drive into the city, I pay attention.
Children, cars, you always have to expect others to act in a silly way.
Elderly people might step out in front of you.
You always have to be careful with such a large vehicle.
We deliver to many areas in the country,
where space is limited
and where loading the truck is tricky.
We use the new vehicle especially on routes where there are restrictions
because it is quieter.
The driver can work in peace,
without disturbing people, it is as simple as that.
I can handle the vehicle much better now
because the A-pillars are narrower and the windows larger.
The mirrors have improved considerably.
And driveability has become much smoother.
The drivers approach us, or me, to be more precise,
and they are very satisfied.
Another advantage of the new vehicle is
that it is very fuel-efficient.
Meyer Logistik attaches much importance to a clean environment.
That is why, I think, we invest a lot into hybrid vehicles.
Or into engine technology that makes engines smaller.
Future generations want to live too.
And in the future life will only be possible
if we produce fewer emissions.
The environment is important, definitely very important for us.
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🔴B.O. M. B. A! Delação de Palocci aniquilou Lula, Dilma, Gleise Hoffman e o PT - Duration: 11:24.
Ansiedade: o que você precisa saber para estudar para a OAB sempre pressão - Duration: 5:17.
Existe apenas um feminismo? - Duration: 1:02.
DIRETTA - Grande Fratello uscirà tra Alberto, Danilo, Filippo, Lucia o Veronica? - Duration: 1:56.
Learn Spanish - Sustantivos y Género (Gender of Spanish Nouns) - with Quiz - Duration: 7:19.
Hi guys. I am Karin, your Spanish teacher from idiomaPRO.com,
the fastest and most fun way to learn Spanish
Today we are here in the Nouns and Genders Hospital
to learn about, well, nouns and genders. Let's go!
Well, guys, in this imaginary hospital, We are going to learn two things:
thing number one: What is a noun?
and thing number two: What is the gender of a noun?
Well, starting with the number one thing from the list, what is a noun?
Remember that nouns are simply things or people.
they can be physical or tangible things that you can see and touch,
such as a car or a beer.
But nouns also include more abstract things,
like heat and freedom.
So that's already part number one.
You already know what a noun is
But what is the gender of a noun?
Well, an important concept what you must understand in Spanish
is that every noun has a gender: masculine or feminine.
But how is it that an object or a non-living thing has a gender?
Well, it is important to highlight that the gender of a noun
normally has nothing to do with the object itself.
It is simply a way to classify nouns:
between masculine and feminine.
For example, the noun "auto" is masculine
and that's just the way it is, for no particular reason.
To understand this concept of gender better,
here we are in the Spanish Hospital of Nouns and Genders.
We go to Maternity to see how they organize
the nouns by gender in Spanish.
Now, come with me.
Normally we can see the noun's gender
based on the ending of the word.
The nouns that end in -o are masculine
and those that end in -a are usually feminine.
For example:
Say if each of the following words is masculine or feminine.
But what do we do with nouns that don't end in -o or -a?
Nouns ending in -aje (such as "trip")
or -or (like "terror") are masculine
and nouns that end in -ion or -dad are feminine.
Now let's do a test
to see if you're understanding up to this point.
You have to help our nurse, Laura,
organize the nouns by their gender.
Say if each of the following words
is masculine or feminine.
S, the letter S
Thursday (the day of the week)
But be careful with these rules that we just saw.
Here we have examples of nouns that do not follow the normal rules.
Some nouns, such as map, planet, system, program, day and sofa,
end in -a but they are masculine.
"Hand" is feminine even though it ends in -o.
"Moto" and "photo" are also feminine but only because they are shortened words.
You can see the full version "motorcycle" and "photography" does end in -a.
How do we know for sure what the gender of a noun is?
The best way is to look up the word in a good dictionary
and memorize the gender every time that you learn a new noun.
Start the habit now.
Your homework is to look up the following words in a dictionary
and write in the comments if they are masculine or feminine.
Well guys, that was todays lesson.
If you liked it, subscribe to our channel,
Give us a like, and leave your comment.
Homilia | Pe. Alberto Pasquoto - Missa de Aparecida - Basílica Velha - 29 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 12:38.
Test driving the quieter, lighter Scania P 280 with 7-litre engine - Duration: 2:23.
When I drive into the city, I pay attention.
Children, cars, you always have to expect others to act in a silly way.
Elderly people might step out in front of you.
You always have to be careful with such a large vehicle.
We deliver to many areas in the country,
where space is limited
and where loading the truck is tricky.
We use the new vehicle especially on routes where there are restrictions
because it is quieter.
The driver can work in peace,
without disturbing people, it is as simple as that.
I can handle the vehicle much better now
because the A-pillars are narrower and the windows larger.
The mirrors have improved considerably.
And driveability has become much smoother.
The drivers approach us, or me, to be more precise,
and they are very satisfied.
Another advantage of the new vehicle is
that it is very fuel-efficient.
Meyer Logistik attaches much importance to a clean environment.
That is why, I think, we invest a lot into hybrid vehicles.
Or into engine technology that makes engines smaller.
Future generations want to live too.
And in the future life will only be possible
if we produce fewer emissions.
The environment is important, definitely very important for us.
Cheap price বিশ্বকাপের jersey in BD | Buy Brazil, Argentina, Jersey shop in Dhaka 2018 world cup - Duration: 6:24.
xlly - "MONSTRO" ft. Dragon Boy$ (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:31.
3 Controversial Digital Marketing Campaigns That Made Me MILLIONS - Duration: 7:03.
SO SAD THAT IT CRIES BLOOD ... 29/05/2018 - Duration: 2:59.
I have always been shocked by these people who love animals in an excessive way
because they consider that animals are kind and innocent while men are
liar and destroyer ... they even go to love more animals than
men …
Society pushes men not to control for more consumption and more
sales ... and suppressing religion the morality and the respect of the
others ... it took 50 years for see the effects ... and despite that there is always
people who do not want to see the reality, ... love disappears, .... the respect disappears,
... the morality disappears, ... the first to suffer the consequences is the most
low, women and children, by non respect women who sometimes do not respect each other
not itself and by the trauma that suffer children, that's why
children lose their innocence and become very quickly mature ...
Religion teaches us control, by sacrifices, by fasting, by refusal
to commit sins, trying to be Nice, obliging to go to Mass
... it's by controlling yourself on small things we manage to control his fat
default ...
If everyone makes an effort, life on earth will be a lot nicer ... well
on it is necessary to forgive but one must also protect ... it's about forgiving
criminals, ... But it's also about preventing criminals to start over by putting them
in prison …
So sad that she's crying blood ...
The statue of the Blessed Virgin has been found with blood on both eyes in the chapel
from Ghaziabad to India.
The statue cried 4 times for 3 days and it started on July 14, 2012.
Approved by the authorities of the Church, the statue is placed in the church
of the Assumption St. Mary in Ghaziabad.
You have 2 links ... on the left side ... you can see more videos ...
On the right side, see the last video out ...
If you liked it you can subscribe, to be aware of the next video release
... by following ... the blue arrow ...
How To: Fix a Flat - Duration: 4:27.
Take 73!
On unavoidable downside to cycling…
No stop, take 74!
Never trust the video team!
How To: Fix a Flat
One unavoidable downside to cycling is the dreaded flat tire.
Fortunately, a few quick steps will have you up and on your way in no time.
To fix a flat, you'll need a spare tube, tire levers,
either a floor pump or a CO2 inflator, and a seat bag to store your tools.
You can find all the tools you need at your local Trek retailer or on trekbikes.com.
We're going to fix a flat rear tire, but the process is basically the same for both the front and rear tires.
Start by removing the wheel.
First, shift the chain the hardest gear, which is the smallest cog.
Then, release the brakes.
How you release the brakes depends on what type of brakes you have.
Most road bikes have a brake release lever that will release brake tension.
For disc brakes, there's nothing extra you need to do.
Disc pads are fixed and the disc will move in and out between the pads.
Next, open the quick release.
Gently pull the rear derailleur towards you to slide the wheel out of the dropouts.
If your bike has thru axles, you will need to unthread the axle until you can easily pull the entire axle out of the frame.
Then the wheel can be easily removed.
Set the bike down on the non-drive side.
Once the wheel is off the bike, start near a spoke.
Use the scooped end of your tire lever to grab the edge of the tire and work it over the edge of the rim.
Attach the hooked end of the tire lever to the nearest spoke.
Use the scooped side of your second tire lever to work more of the tire over the edge of the rim.
Once you have a few inches over the rim, work your way around the rest of the wheel.
Completely remove one side of the tire from the rim.
Remove the valve nut.
Push the tire near the valve stem away from the rim, and pull the valve stem out of the wheel.
Then remove the rest of the tube.
There's no sense in adding a new tube if the cause of the flat is still in your tire.
So first check to make sure the tire is clear of debris.
Visually inspect the outside of the tire.
Carefully run your fingers through the inside of the tire, feeling for anything sharp.
Remove anything that could cause another flat.
Sometimes glass or other small, sharp objects can cause a flat.
So, please be careful when inspecting the inside of the tire.
If you don't find anything, you may have a pinch flat.
Pinch flats happen when an underinflated tire hits a square-edged bump.
The tire can become pinched between the rim and the bump, causing a flat.
Now that we've checked our tire and removed any flat-causing culprits, we can replace the tube.
When you remove the tube from your seat pack, it will be flat.
It can be hard to place a flat tube in a wheel, so inflate it with just enough air to give it some shape.
Start back at the valve stem hole, and insert the valve stem.
Work your way around the tire, tucking the tube under tire all the way around.
Now that the tube is in place, let's get the tire seated back in the rim.
The tightest part of the tire is next to the valve stem.
Starting there, use both thumbs to push the edge of the tire back onto the rim.
Continue using your thumbs to tuck the tire back on to the rim, working your way around the wheel.
The tire will get tighter as you work your way around.
Your thumbs are the best tool for this job.
But, if they're just not cutting it,
carefully use the scooped end of the tire lever to press the rest of the tire back inside the rim.
Be careful not to damage the tube with the lever.
We'll want to give one last check to make sure that the tube isn't pinched between the tire and the rim.
Do this by gently pushing the tire to the side as you work your way around the rim and look for any obvious pinches.
Reinstall the valve stem nut.
Using your pump, re-inflate the tire.
The flat is now fixed, and it's time to get the wheel back onto the bike.
Put the rear wheel back in the frame and set the chain on the smallest cog.
Pull the rear derailleur back out of the way and let the wheel slip into the dropouts.
If you have disc brakes, make sure the disc is inserted between the fixed pads.
Insert the axle through the frame and hub.
Then, thread it in and close the lever.
If you have a quick release, close the lever, making sure you have proper tension.
If you're using a type of brake other than disc, be sure to close your brakes too.
Lift the rear wheel and give the bike a quick pedal to ensure everything is running smoothly.
Congratulations, you are now flat-free!
Enjoy the rest of your ride.
How To: Get Your Vehicle Ready to Sell - Duration: 3:29.
Hey everybody. Jeremy here from O'Reilly Auto Parts to talk to you about how to
get your vehicle ready to sell. There are a few simple steps you can take in order
to get the most for it. First you want to make sure the vehicle is mechanically
sound so that a potential buyer is confident they're driving away in
something trustworthy. If the vehicle has any glaring issues like worn-out tires,
squeaky brakes, dashboard warning lights, cloudy headlights or burned-out bulbs, go
ahead and take care of them. You might also consider checking less obvious
items like the air filter, lift supports and wiper blades. Provide as many
receipts as possible and not just for ways you've prepared the vehicle to sell.
Any records or invoices for repair and maintenance history will be valuable to
a potential buyer. Next, take some time to make sure it looks good. Clean the
interior thoroughly. You might even use compressed air to blow out the
hard-to-reach areas: cupholders and crevices, before you vacuum. Use carpet
and upholstery cleaners to remove any stains from the floors and seats. Floor
mats and seat covers are available for stains that won't come out. Don't forget
things like the door panels and handles, dashboard, gear shifter, buttons and knobs.
Cleaning wipes work great for these. You might also consider freshening the smell
with a deodorizer and a new cabin air filter. Under the hood you might check
for corrosion around the battery terminals and use a little battery
terminal cleaner if needed. Wipe any dead leaves or excessive dirt out of the
engine compartment and don't forget to remove any personal items from the trunk
glovebox and console. Check under the seats one last time and if you've used
your CD player at all, make sure you take the disc out of the stereo. Of course
you'll want to give the outside of the vehicle a good wash and before you wax
you can use a clay bar and spray detailer to remove any caked on
contaminants. Wash your windows inside and out with an automotive glass cleaner
so any tint will remain unharmed. Finally make sure your wheels are clean and use
a stiff bristled brush to clean your tires.
Once those things are done get your ownership documents in order. You'll need
the title, registration card, inspection certificate if applicable, and bill of
sale. The documents you need will vary slightly from state to state. Also
consider supplying a vehicle history report. This will provide answers to the
potential buyers questions like whether the vehicle has had any accidents, flood,
or fire damage or a salvage title. By having these documents gathered you're
ready to sell your vehicle immediately when a suitable buyer comes along. And
now that you've prepared your vehicle and all the documents you'll want to
take some great pictures to put out there. Not a bad idea to remove your
plates before doing this and take several shots both outside and inside so
potential buyers feel like they've seen what the vehicle has to offer. You might
even consider a short video tour of the vehicle to make sure it stands out from
all the other photographs. And that's it. You'll find everything you need for this
and other jobs at your local O'Reilly Auto Parts Store or OReillyAuto.com.
Our DIY video are designed to help answer questions the we get in our stores every day.
If you found this one helpful subscribe to our channel to get all the latest.
We'll see you again soon.
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